Study of Circulation Spaces in the Schools of Dhaka in Terms of Safety
STUDY OF CIRCULATION SPACES IN THE SCHOOLS OF DHAKA IN TERMS OF SAFETY SADIA BINTE AMIN A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE March, 2019 Department of Architecture BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Dhaka, Bangladesh. ii CANDIDATE’S DECLARATION It is declared that this thesis or any part of it has not been submitted elsewhere for the award of degree or diploma. Signature: ------------------------------------------ Name iii TO MY PARENTS iv ACpKNOWLEDGEMENT Foremost, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Almighty Allah for being able to complete my task successfully. I am also very grateful to my supervisor Mohammed Tarek Haider, Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, BUET, for his valuable guidance, untiring support and continuous supervision throughout my research work. My sincere gratitude is also extended Professor Dr. Nasreen Hossain, Head of the Department of Architecture, BUET, Professor Dr. Md. Ashikur Rahman Joarder, Department of Architecture, BUET , Dr. Nayma Khan, Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, BUET and Professor Dr. Nizamuddin Ahmed for their valuable suggestions and kind advice. I am extremely thankful to Moushumi Ahmed, Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Bangladesh University (BU) for her guidance and encouragement to my work. I would like to thank all the Principals of relevant School of Dhaka City for allowing me to carry out survey in their schools and rendering their valuable support. I feel extremely honoured to receive the accurate requisite data and information from concerned students & staff of the above institutions mentioned on time as and when sought. I would also like to mention the support of Emdad Hossain Riyad and Sakib Abdullah Khan, student of the Department of Architecture, AUST and Architect Rafi for helping me in conducting survey and gathering information.
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