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April 20th 1988

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chooses to use them. ^Mexican Presidential Candidate Salinas Navarro who chaired the "encuentro" (meeting) with Salinas de Gortari, asked him to observe how Israel takes advan­ de Gortari Meets With Chicano Leaders tage of the cultural, economic, and po­ Submitted by the litical relationship with the Jewish INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL JUSTICE American community. MEXICANO - NORTEAMERICAN^ 2.) Mexican consulates should Under the auspices of the Institute for 8AJA CALIFOiNIA. MEXICO staunchly defend undocumented mi­ Social Justice (ISJ) — IMPACTO -88, grants' human and civil rights in the some three-hundred Latino influentials , and encourage educa­ and leaders met with Mexico's PRI tional programs to battle adult illiteracy (Revolutionary Institutional Party) and help migrant children graduate. presidential candidate Carlos Salinas de 3.) Mexieo should consider the Gortari last Friday, April 8, at the Fiesta 45,000 businesses owned by Mexican Americana Hotel, in Tijuana, B.C., Americans as bridges to the U.S. econ­ Mexico. omy and consider requiring Ameriean "The meeting was historically un­ companies operating in Mexieo to give a Prom left to right: Mexican Govt. Rep. Geroniino Martinez, Cong. Esteban Torres, Candidate deGortari, precedented considering the number, percentage of their business to Chicano quality, and diversity of representation Congr. Albert Bustamante and Dr. Armando Navarro both countries. and Latino companies. of Latinos from throughout the nation" "As candidate of Mexico's majority 4.) Meanwhile, Salinas de Gortari stated Dr. Armando Navarro, IM- party, 1 am not campaigning for (the "As Mexicans we observe discounted the idea of a common market PACTO-88 National Director. votes of) citizens of another country, but with pride your community dy­ between Mexico and the Chicano com­ Adding to the historical significance, as a Mexican, 1 propose a greater col­ munity to strengthen business ties, namism and vitality within the was the participation of 800 Mexican laboration on problems, contacts be­ "given the enormous differences be­ ^Jeadeaders and dignitaries representing the United States, your demo­ tween people, exchange programs, and tween our economic systems". graphic growth, economic po­ ••RI'«ua44he>i^xi£;aB.Gjovemm.ent. . actions in areas, of common interest". ^ ^ XV.. - .5.) Salinasjdgv.Gortari's major, Even more impressive, was the tential, social organization, po­ Among other things. Latino leaders commitment came in the form of agree­ commitment made by Salinas de Gortari litical mobilization and your told Salinas de Gortari that: ing to the formation of a Joint Mixed to lMPACTO-88 recommendations. present cultural flowering". 1.) Mexico should tap Chicanos Commission, if elected thiscoming July. The candidate agreed that closer collabo­ strong desire to help. Political mecha­ The cornmission would be comprised of ration with the United States second he told the over one thousand person au­ nisms and organizations under ISJ — largest minority could reap dividends for dience. lMPACTO-88 are in place, if Mexico Please see ENCUENTRO, Back Page Jugando Limpio Con Los Inmigrantes Personal For Dick Meister trabajo, bas5ndose en que la nueva ley de patrones estdn demasiado ansiosos de Profile Hispanic Link inmigracidn lo exige. obtener mano de obra barata como para Las leyes que detaUan los derechos de desdeiiarlos, y las dependencias del Es ilegal, desde luego, el que los pa- los trabajadores no haeen distincidn entre gobiemo estdn demasiado carentes de trones diseriminen contra cualquiera por los trabaj adores nativos y los inmigran­ personal como para que puedan haeen motivo de sexo, raza o cualquier ortra tes. Pero, poco despuds de la mucho respecto. razdn. Tambidn todas las personas promulgacidn de la ley de inmigracidn en Dados esos hechos de la vida, el tienen derecho, por lo menos, a la tarifa la primavera ultima, un tribunal de dis- negarse a garantizarles las proteeciones minima de pago fijada por el gobiemo trito de Alabama dictamind que la misma que se garantizan a otros trabajadores federal, asf como a las demds garantfas quedana sin ningun efecto si se contin- significa estar de acuerdo con la de la Ley de Normas Esquitativas de uaba otorgando iguales derechos a los explotacidn flagrante de los indocumen­ Trabajo. trabajadores indocumentados y asf, en tados. Bueno, "casi" todo el mundo tiene efecto, animdndoles a continuar entrando En el caso de Califomia, por ejemplo, ferecho a un trato justo — quizds si eon en el pafs. el patrdn alega que, debido a que una la exeepcidn de los millones de tra- Pueda que sf. Pero los trabaj adores mujer a quien dl se negd a contratar bajadores indocumentados de este pals. Samuel Duran indocumentados continuardn migrando, nuevamente despuds de que ella tomb Una demanda judicial que estS siendo no obstante, en gran cantidad. Estdn licencia por matemidad, era una tra- "Let's clean San Bernardino up." juzgada en Fresno, California, podrfa demasiado desesperados por obtener bajadora indocumentada, ella no tenfa Please see Duran, Page 6 quitarles a ellos todos los derechos del empleos como para quedarse lejos; los Pagina 4, INMIGRANTES Westside Business Nuestra Cultura Juventud

Community Calendar Arias Employment Samuel Duran "Charlie" Is Going Home Voices in the Crowd Unlimited Agency Mexican Pageant Tickets 6 Go On Sale.

nr-' Editorial Inland Empire Hispanic News Wednesday, April 20,1988 ppBru.% * -•.* They were the model couple, known for being inseparable, always attend­ ing church and participating in func­ tions throughout the Inland Empire and state. She was involved in numerous community organizations. One of the organizations, the Sociedad Protec- tora Femenil, was the beneficiary of her talents for many years. Both husband and wife were ac­ tive members of the American G.I. Forum, an organization she had been Margaret Martinez, long-time community activist and friend passed away April 9. a member for 28 years. She held various positions at the local and state CAVIMUNITY SUFFERS level. coupled with her humanistic ap­ was an outstanding leader in our ' A GREAT LOSS Margaret's main interest was with proach, were her assets. community. It is impossible to meas­ the youth of our community. Many The ability to get along with ure the positive impact this friend had By Graciano Gomez years of her life were devoted to the people, being employed at Norton Air on each of us. On Saturday, April 9,1988, Mar­ Annual G.I. Forum Queen's contest, Force Base for thirty-four years, and Our community needs more mod­ garet Martinez suffered a massive coaching the young ladies and coordi­ being related and/or acquainted with els like Margaret Martinez. She will stroke and passed away. She was nating their activities. Her involve­ the majority of the families in the be missed by all whose lives she buried on Wednesday, April 13, ment in fundraising functions for Westside of San Bernardino, ex­ touched. 1988. scholarships were well-known. panded her knowledge and needs of In lieu of flowers, family members Margaret was a lifetime resident Her "no-nonsense" and "let's get the community. have requested donations be made in of San Bernardino, She and her hus­ things done" attitude were her great­ Her lifetime goal was the better­ her name to: American G.I. Forum band Henry would have been married est talent for getting numerous proj­ ment of our community, especially Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box408, San forty years in September of this year. ects completed. These attitudes. the Westside of our city. Margaret Bernardino, CA 92402. Hispanic Link Hispanics Investigate The F.B.I. The Inland Empire Hispanic By Herman Sillas cover agents, and when we ask for pro­ out fear. After being advised of the suit News will publish any correc­ Latino and Latina FBI agents are in motions, they tell us they can't spare us and listening to the pitch of Attor­ tions regarding factual errors or and about the Hispanic community because we are so valuable. Meanwhile, ney Joe Silva, one prospective donor misleading information. these days, but their presence is not to we continue to train others on their way responded, " Can 1 give it to you in break tip any criminal conspiracy or bust up the ladder." cash?" Everyone laughed. They could any major dope ring. Nor is it to recruit The lawsuit alleges further that be­ identify with the man's concem. bright, bilingual and bicultural candi­ cause of the bilingual abiUties of many of One of the agents present said that the dates to join in the force. the Hispanic agents, they receive a heav­ had joined the bureau because it was the

These agents are there to gain sup­ ier workload but no additional compen­ best law enforcement agency in the w w INLAND EMPIRE port for their cause: They have a class sation. This additional work is not meas­ world. He was sad to add that because of HISPANIC NEWS action lawsuit against the Federal Bu­ ured in their evaluations; instead, they his experiences, he had advised his own reau of Investigation, charging discrimi­ are chided for not accomplishing other, son not to follow in his footsteps. nation based on race, national origin and more routine work. Consequently, they Most of the major Hispanic organiza­ Wednesday, April 20,1988 Vol. l-No.15 religion. are not promoted. tions contacted have committed to join in Matt Perez, who rose to become the The FBI now finds itself in a difficult support of the Hispanic agents' efforts. Ttie INLAND EMPIRE fflSPANIC NEWS is highest-ranking Hispanic in the bureau situation. Besides the Latino class ac­ They are in the process of raising the owned and operated by the Hispanic Communica­ tion,. there is a recent charge filed by the $300,000 they feel they need to prepare tion and Develcq>ment Corporation. Send subscrip­ during his 26 years of service—con­ tions requests,letters, articles and inquires to 719 N. cluded he would have done better if he Equal Employment Opportunity and present their case. "D" St.,San Bemardino, CA 92401. had not been Hispanic. His conclusion Commission. It found that a black agent, Matt Perez views his involvement this way: "My career is over. There is Publisher Graciano Gomez is based upon his experiences and as­ Donald Rochon, was subjected to "con­ Editor Sonia D.T. Rodriguez signments in the FBI and his observation tinual harassment and humiliation by his nothing they can do to me that they Reporter Bill Rodriguez of the career tracks of his non-Hispanic co-workers." The acts were committed haven't done already. This action is for Photography/Layout Michael Ponce those young persons who will foUow me, Executive Secretary Irene Santiago peers. by the same people who have the duty to Account Executive Lorraine Enriquez Most of the 363 Hispanic agents investigate civil rights violations by so they can move up and some day be­ Paste-up Domingo Rodriguez others. come director." among the 9,200 sworn personnel in the Circulation FBI have agreed with him and joined the At recent congressional budget hear­ That would be nice. But in the mean­ class action. ings, the FBI's new director, former time, Director Sessions has some image- The INLAND EMPIRE HISPANIC NEWS U dis­ federal judge William Sessions, was fixing to do. He must clear out the tributed free of charge to designated "free zones" Perez filed his suit in January, 1987, within the city limits of San Bemardino, roughly in Texas. His case will come to trial in taken soundly to task for the bureau's remnant of the bureau's Old Boy net­ coinciding with the geographic boundaries of the June of this year. He alleges that His­ affirmative action failures. work and change an institutional mental­ West Side. Its total circulation is 7,000 to include ity that dates back to the days of J. Edgar carrier and mail delivered pieces. Residents outside panic agents are assigned to the most There and elsewhere. Sessions has the free delivery zone may subscribe by calling or dangerous outposts and are confined to declared that the bureau is committed to Hoover. writing; (714) 381-6259, 719 N. "D" St, San Ber­ areas recruiting minorities and women. There He must create opportunities for His­ nardino, CA 92401. Rates are $15 per year, $9 for where Hispanics reside. He six months, $5 for three months. charges that Hispanic agents are forced is the rub. More than recruitment is panics that permit them to come out from to transfer more often than their peers needed. Hispanics do not wantjust to be undercover and make them proud Classified Advertisement scouts for the general any more. They enough so thqy want their sons adn and are not promoted into positions of To placeclassified advertisement, visit offices from responsibility. want a chance to BE the general. daughters to become FBI agents — 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday or "It is vicious circle," one of the Hispanic agents have been meeting maybe directore — someday. maQ classifled form with chedc or money order to 719 N. "D" St, San Bemardino, CA 92401. Ap­ agents who joined his suit complains.; with other Hispanics throughout the pointments for display advertising by calling "They assign us to Spanish-speaking nation to elicit support for the cause. The (Herman Sillas is a California attor­ Lorraine Enriquez at (714) 381-6259. areas so that we can be used as under-. response has been positive, but not with­ ney and former United States Attorney) Westside Inland Empire Hispanic News Wednesday, April 20,1988 Voices in the Crowd

What do you think of the movies "Milagro Beanfield War" and "Stand and Deliver"?

Hilda Quiroz, (originally from Yuma, COMMUNITY Arizona) Riverside "Milagro Beanfield War" gets into the CALENDAR character of the people. As a Mexican sitting there in the middle of the theater, Baca Receives Law I am conscious of the culture. "Milagro" Enforcement En­ April 22,1988, Friday gives you a sense of tritimph. When one sees "Stand and Deliver" you can't help dorsement but think 'Where has this story been all "Toinas Rivera: a Multi-Dimen­ , Democratic candidate for the this time*. Right now the time is right for sional Humanist" 66th Assembly District, has received the these type of films. The money, the The Tomas Rivera Conference endorsement of the San Bernardino/Riv­ 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. director and the audience is right. erside Chapters of the Latino Peace Offi­ University Club cers Association. The University of California, Andrea Ramirez, Redlands According to Joe Mujica, President," Riverside ....Baca has the credentials and has I liked the symbolism in "Milagro". proven that he has a true grip on the Being a teacher, I enjoyed watching The Rivera Archives of more than problems of our communities, as it per­ 80,000 documents include the author's "Stand and Deliver". In that movie I tains to the concems of this organization. liked the fact that the teacher believed in original manuscripts of novels, poetry, His position of; Preventive programs for essays and literary criticism as well as the kids, instilling in them that they youth, stronger enforcement of Anti- public educational policy statements, could do it — in a world that tells them Continued on Page 9 correspondence and personal papers. they can't. We need more movies that The archives will be inaugurated in present role models. We need to see ceremonies at noon. Banquet, 6:30 - more Hispanic actors. 9:30 p.m. Cost for Banquet is $10. Supporters of Fair Housing To Be April 24,1988 Sunday Recognized Our Lady of Guadalupe Jose M. Ramirez, Redlands As we celebrate the 2()th Anniver­ Church sary of the Federal Fair Housing Church Patio It's nice seeing Mexicans in a positive Law and April is Fair Housing 1430 W. 5th Street light in "Milagro". You usually see Month, San Bemardino County's San Bernardino Mexicans killing each other. annual Fair Housing Awards Din­ ner wiU be held on Thursday, April Delicious food and refreshments from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 21, 1988 at Shandin HiUs Golf Fantastic music and entertainment Course Restaurant. from 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.. Those honored for their support For further information call Our Lady of Fair Housing activities as dem­ of Guadalupe School at 885-5800. onstrated by substantive efforts in combating discrimination and ex­ APRIL 30 Saturday panding housing choices through Association of Hispanic Faculty affirmative programs and outreach Angel Delgado, Colton and Staff efforts are; California State University, San George Lightner of Lightner I enjoyed "Stand and Deliver". I thought Bernardino Development, Art Townsend, Pub­ it was very realistic and inspiring. His- Third Annual Scholarship lisher of the Precinct Reporter, Jean panics need something to inspire them Banquet Mosley, Norton AFB Housing Of­ to have goals and later reach them. Inland Empire Hilton Hotel fice, Tom Laurin, S.B. County 285 E. Hospitality Lane Housing & Economic Develop­ San Bernardino ment Division, and Walt Tuppence, Equal Opportunity Chairman of Keynote Speaker Dr. Esteban Diaz- San Bemardino Valley Board of Associate Professor, Realtors. School oif Education California State Also honored wiU be 25 students University, San Bernardino, whose entries were judged as win­ "EducaCidn es Revolucion'-Hispanic ners in the Fair Housing Poster Education"-Making a New Contest. World and Creating the Future" Continued on Page 9 Music Provided by NITE LIFE. Casa de ricres No Host Cocktail-6:00-7:00 p.m. Dinner and Program—7:00-9:00 p.m. Flowers for ALL occasions Dance—9:00-1:00 a.m. Cost $30.00 per person Custom made dresses Advance Reservations Requiredr Reservation Deadline: April 22,1988 Bridal accessories and For more information please contact: Tuxedo rentals Days: Marionela—887-7673 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Evenings: Irene—25-3856 South Mt. Vernon, San Bernardino Sheila—886-8068/Carolyn—822- 8597 -7051 Jess and Inez Lucero-Owners 4 '1%'r ^ Business Inland Empire Hispanic News Wednesday, April 20,1988

Association of Personnel Consultants, she has noticed that there are only a BUSINESS OF THE WEEK handful of Hispanics in the business. "I believe Hispanics should be every­ daughter) I would be leaving my present Rita Arias owner of Arias Employ­ where, that is also one of the reasons I ment Unlimited Agency located at 444 job and would not be at home that much and I would need their support." Her went into this business." N. Arrowhead Avenue, had two role Arias Employment Unlimited husband models when she was growing up in Agency is the only Hispanic owned Jesse has always been very supportive of San Bernardino. employment agency in the county. Arias her. "He always respects my wishes," "I was inspired as young child by offers permanent and temporary place­ she said. Irene Hinojosa who owned a used car ment in management, administrative, Arias used her retirement money and lot on 7th Street. She was from Mexico technical, clerical, medical and indus­ with very little education, could not opened up her employment service four years ago. Today she also has an office trial fields. speak English, yet she was successful "As of April 1st all the fees will be nical applicants such as engineers. In in Ontario at the Ontario Airport Center. because she worked hard. In fact, she Ontario, where Arias normally works "That area really appealed to me so paid by the employer," noted Arias. later opened up a tortilla factory on 7 th Her office in San Bemardino is com­ out of, there is a telemarketing repre­ after a year and a half of being in busi­ and Mount Vernon Avenue called prised of a receptionist, two consultants, sentative and a counselor. ness, I decided to open up an Ontario Irene's TortiUeria," said Arias. a general consultant and a technical The agency is a California licensed Charrita was another woman she office." agency. Having a general license, she Being a member of the California consultant. The latter helping place tech­ admired from Charrita's Mexican Res­ is able to do all types of placements taurant. "Charrita started catering way from modeling to domestic help. back then and made huge profits." "This is a very lucrative business. I According to Arias, Charrita always believe this is the third fastest growing found time to participate in the Lady of industry but it is very competitive. Guadalupe Pilgrimage to Our Lady of You can't be too shy or too aggressive. Guadalupe Church on Fifth street. "You have to have a strong will to "These ladies weren't afraid to do this business—it's tough, but there work hard and they were able to reap are tough Chicanos out there." the benefits from their work," said One of her most rewarding mo­ Arias. ments was when two Chicana girls Because she could not stand the came into her San Bemardino office thought of retirement. Arias decided to and recognized her from a picture in fulfill a lifelong dream — at a point in the newspaper. "They were so happy her life when some of her former class­ that a Qiicana owned a placement mates were retiring. agency and I was equally happy to be "I wanted to go into something I was able to help them." familiar and confortable with." Arias had previously worked for ten years at the San Bernardino County Commu­ nity Services Department and before cmPLOvmcfie that for the San Bernardino Human uniimicED Relations Department. AGcRCV "I called a family meeting and told Golden Girl my husband and kids (two sons and a Tempororles

galmente. que pueden tambidn ser elegibles para contratar a trabajadores indocumenta- Inmigrantes, La Comisidn para la Igualdad en las dar ese primer paso necesario hacia la dos, pero en el mejor de los casos el continuacion de Primera Pagina Oportunidades de Empleo del gobiemo situacidn de residentes permanentes, gobiemo tendrd solamente a 1,600 agen- ^ federal presentd la demanda contra el pero todavfa no ban presentado sus so­ tes buscando a los infractores en toda la nacidn. derecho a entablarle pleito a dl por patrdn de la Sra. Castrejdn, pidiendo que licitudes. Evidentemente, la ley de la que se * discriminacidn, ni a adoptar ninguna otra se le restablezca con pago de sueldos A menos que los inmigrantes tengan suponfa que arreglara algimos de los medida legal para tratar de recobrar su atrasados. derecho a litigar contra la discriminacidn problemas scan aun mds graves. Em- empleo en la fdbrica de tortillas de dl en La Comisidn estd ansiosa espe- por parte de los patrones en el entretanto, pero, hay una salida de ese enredo. el VaUede San Joaqufn,de California. El cialmente acerca del millidn o cosa as!de estos ultimos estarSn en libertad de ex- Todo lo que necesitamos hacer es alega que ni siquiera importaba que la trabajadores inmigrantes que, como la plotarles como lo deseen. Pueden recorder que los derechos fundamentales mujer, Alicia Castrejdn, de 22 afios de Sra. Castrejdn, aguardan la accidn del continuar trabajando en este pals, pero de una persona no se derivan de consid- edad, hubiera solicitado la amnistia al gobiemo en sus solicitudes para conver- segun interpretan la ley de inmigracidn eraciones tan secundarias como si^ amparo de la ley de inmigracidn y que de tirse en residentes legales temporales. el patrdn de la Sra. Castrejdn y el tribunal situacidn de residente legal o ilegal de un ese modo pudiera ser elegible para tener Hay tambidn im gran interns acerca de de Alabama, no tendrdn personalidad pafs. personalidad como trabajadora le- los dos 0 tres millones de otras personas legal a menos que—y hasta que—el gobiemo los declare residentes legales. Nuestros derechos mds importantes Muchos de los trabajadores ni siq­ proceden, mas bien, de nuestra situacidn uiera solicitardn la situacidn legal, espe- como personas que merecen trato justo SEPULVEDA ENTERPRISES cialmente los cientos de miles que ban en todos los campos de la vida, por parte entrado al pals despuds de que la ley de los gobiemos y de los tribunales de 649 N. "K" Street San Bernardino entrd en vigor, los cientos de miles que justicia, de los patrones y de todo el entratrdn iligalmente en el futuro. mundo. BOOKKEEPING- Los patrones, en verdad, no van a INCOME TAX-IMMIGRATION desalentar la entrada de dichos tra­ (Dick Meister, escritor de San Francisco, bajadores—especialmente no mientras ha informado sobre asuntos laborales se les niegue ayn las protecciones firmes durante los 30 afios ultimos, en calidad de reportero y editor de periddicos y de Contabilidad contra la discriminacidn patronal que JESSE SEPULVEDA procura para ellos la Comisidn para la transmisidn electrdnica.) Inmigracion Igualdad en las Oportunidades de Em­ MANAGER-OWNER Income Tax pleo. Los patrones se enfrentan al riesgo (714) 885-8266 Todo el Ano tcdrico de multas y hasta cdrcel por Safety Inland Empire Hispanic News Wednesday, April 20,1988

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ally slaps her for wandering at night. include — unusual activity in bank ac­ you might imagine. For all too many Joan, an 80 year-old widow, dying of counts, changes in a will or property elders, violence by a female member is a cancer, is living with her son. Joan is against his/her wiU. cruel and constant part of their daily life. being denied proper medical care be­ •Neglect-failing to provide necessary It is a silent cry because, while child and cause her son does not want to waste his food, clothing, medical care and shelter. spousal abuse has dramatically drawn income on hospital bills. Instead, the •Mental-threats, harassement, in­ attention and judical concern, elder money goes to pay for the son's drug timidation and fear. abuse is virtually unacknowledged. habit. Although few child abuse and spousal What do these scenarios have in WHO ARE THE VICTIMS? cases are said to be reported, even fewer common? They are all examples of •Frequently female, more often cases of elder abuse comes to the atten­ ELDER ABUSE. women than men. tion of the authorities. •Often 75 or over in age. WHAT IS ELDER ABUSE? •Dependent relies on the abuser for IT'S EVERYONE'S RESPONSIBILITY Sgt. Dan Hernandez It is the mistreatment or neglect of an basic needs. TO STOP ELDER ABUSE. San Bernardino Police Dept. elderly person, usually by a relative or •Possibly suffering from medical or other caregiver. physical impairment. Elder Abuse may include: ' Elder abuse happens more often than An 86 year-old woman who has poor •Physical violence-bruises-old and vision and hearing, lives with her 60 new, hair missing, cuts and unexplained year-old daughter. The daughter locks injuries. her mother in the bedroom and occasion­ •Financial-possible indicators may MAJOR EARTHQUAKE IN CALIFORNIA INEVITABLE 1440 County Supervisor Barbara Riordan loss of life and damage to property in a has called for the involvement of San major earthquake could be substantial. Bernardino County residents in prepar­ Additionally, modem multistory build­ ing this area for a major earthquake. ings built as recently as the early 1970's "Governments at the State, County, and may be subject to failure because they ^xity levels are working together to pre- were not adequately designed or erected ^Pare Southern California for damaging to meet current seismic standards. earthquakes. To be totally prepared, Michael Guerin of the State Office of however, each of our residents needs to Emergency Service noted that even be aware of potential hazards and to take moderate earthquakes can cause great basic earthquake preparedness meas­ damage and destruction to a region. * ures," said Riordan, a member of the "The 5.9 magnitude Whittier Narrows State Seismic Safety Commission. earthquake caused an estimated $358 5A ©nniBIENClIA Experts unanimously agree that a million in damage . Damaging earth­ major earthquake is inevitable in Cali­ quakes occur on the average of every fornia. During the last 1,200 years, it is two years in California, so it is smart to estimated that at least eight major earth­ take earthquake preparedness measures quakes have occurred along the southern now and to know what to do before, San Andreas fault, spacing in time of during, and after a quake," said Guerin. approximately 140 years. The last such earthquake occured in 1857 and statistics ACTUALIZATE! indicate that the probability of another ADVERTISE major, devastating earthquake striking inthecincodemayo this region is more than 50 percent in the INLAND EMPIRE HIS­ next 25 years. Due to the failure of man-made struc­ PANIC NEWS' SPECIAL Llego, para quedarse contigo! tures, especially older, mutistory unrein- EDITION! Llama queremos complacerte! forced brick masonry buildings con­ CALL LORRAINE AT structed before earthquake-resistant 824-KDIF, 784-1740 y 784-1440 ^Jiuilding codes were put into effect, the 381-6259

T SERVING THE INLAND EMPIRE SINCE 1955 I I MEAL DEAL I ARTISTIC CLEANERS ANY SMALL All for only I I •^DRY CLEANING I 'ONE DAY CLEANING GRINDER (except Macho & Steak) $1.99 I CHIPS & SMALL DRINK Limit of 4 with this coupon I 'EXPERT ALTERATIONS I NOW OPEN I MOM'S MUNCHIES I 113 South Riverside Ave. Rialto, CA 92376 1211 N. Mt. Vemon, Colton 824-6690 MON.- FRL I Next to Mt. Vemon Plaza 3 lights north of 10 fwy 10am- 7pm I FAMILY OWNED: Emma, Zina PHONE: (714) 875-3737 ALSO: CATERING- PARTY TRAYS- < FOOT GRINDERS SAT. 11-5 I J Nuestra Gultura ][nlandf Empire Hispanic lUiliiHtfiitti Personal Profile: Samuel Duran Chopping cotton in the hot New Mexi­ ment of young people, and the conserva­ area because I knew the area and knew He admires community leaders like can sun, Samuel Duran decided to join tion and enhancement of the state's natu­ there were a lot of young people here." Sam Catalano who try and clean up the the United States Air Force, a decision ral resources. To carry out this mission, Duran is active in the San Bemardino area. that would eventually bring him to the the C.C.C. has established 17 residential community through his involvement The C.C.C. is modeled after the Ci­ Inland Empire. centers throughout the state, as well as 30 with local chapters of the Kiwanis Club, vilian Conservation Corps of the 1930s, Samuel (Sam) Duran, a native of Ar- nonresidential satellite locations and a Toastmasters Intemational, American and grew out of the Ecology Corps es­ tesia. New Mexico, was approached by a training academy. G1 Form and the Holy Rosary Parish tablished in 1971. In July 1976, legisla­ friend to join the Air Force with him. Duran's career with the C.C.C. has Council and the Westside Beautification tion was passed which created the Cali­ "I remember asking him what people fomia Conservation Corps. It was r^^ in the Air Force did. My friend told me newed on a temporary basis until 198^P^ they flew airplanes, so I agreed," said when Govemor George Deukmejian Duran. made tlie C.C.C. a permanent state de­ After basic training in , partment. The Califomia Conservation ** Texas, he was sent to Africa and later to Corps has now surpassed the original Viet Nam. After 24 years in the service, C.C.C. in years Of operation, and is the , Duran retired from Marsh Air Force largest program of its kind in the coun­ Base in Riverside. try. "When I retired, 1 wanted to be a For youths that are interested in serv­ scouting executive, having been in­ ing as corpsmembers there are only four volved with scouting for so long." requirements: However, shortly after retiring, Duran •Between the ages of 18 and 23 was hired as operations coordinator for •Not on parole or probation the Califomia Conservation Corps' •Califomia residents •Training Academy in Murphys, Califor­ •Willing to work hard nia. "We usually place corpsmembers in seen him in many roles from Operations Project. centers outside their area, which forces "People have a misconception of Coordinator of the Training Academy in "Back in San Diego there was a them to fend for themselves. They can't the C.C.C. as being a rehabilitation Murphys to Center Director of the Fran­ community beautification project go home on the weekends with their klin Delano Roosevelt Center in San known as TloveSan Diego',I would like center. 'Why else would black, dirty laundry." Diego before being namedwas later to see a program similar to that here." white and browns be working so Duran is looking for community named center director at the Escondido Duran noted that people from all over people to serve on a board of directors well together' they usually say Center in Escondido. come to San Bemardino because of the for the local center. "We need directors when they see us." He is currently Interim Area Manager bases and it is embarrasing for them to to help give guidance to the center. I am_ for the San Bemardino Center located in see abandoned cars and mattresses on the hoping to attract business leaders, go\ Actually the California Conservation Patton. side of the road. "If people could take emment people and educators." Corps is a woric ethic program with a dual "I was asked to help start the center more pride in their community and help mission: the employment and develop­ here which had been moved from upkeep it, San Bemardino would be a Barstow. I wanted to come back to the better place to live." A Soldadera Died/Murio Una Soldadera Revolution. I did most of the talking. would point at the television set as the crisp. But her eyes intrigued. They By Roberto Rodriguez She answered, but mostly with her eyes. stories took her to a long-gone but still reflected the history that was written on A "soldadera" died the other day. I She relived the Revolution. familiar past that included horses, guns, her face. She was 88, they said, but the wish I could weep but I can't. I barely When she died a few weeks ago, she trains, songs and the virtue of a cause. glint in her eyes still shined much life. knew her. The sorrow that I feel, I feel left a worid of television, freeways and Once she said that I reminded her of The day I first saw her, about half a deep inside. And that sorrow is for the smog. She was moumed by her daugh­ someone from the old country.; I ac­ year ago, they had brought her from family, a family that grieves its beloved ters and sons, grandchildren and great­ cepted that as the highest compliment Tijuana. She was a small woman, the Nana. grandchildren, divided in two countries. she could offer me. color of the earth. I had heard so much She used to sit all day on the couch of The world her memories conjured up A few weeks before she died, her about her from her granddaughter, my a Los Angeles home I visit often. The made more sense to her, I'm certain. granddaughter and I told her about Pana- close friend Elsa. Elsa talked about the television was always on — in Spanish I remember her eyes as we sat to­ manian lawyer/performer Ruben love the family had for their "soldadera" or English—buti don'tknow if she ever gether one night and watched Luis Blades, who had just been in Los Ange- * forebear. It was the middle of the night paid any attention to it. Sometimes she Valdez's "Corridos" on television. They les. when they rushed her in, straight to her used to sleep on the couch. She couldn't lit up at the mention of Pancho Villa and "Ruben Blades?" she asked us. room. I didn't speak to her until the next walk by herself anymore. Her body was the "soldaderas", the women who helped "Who is Ruben Blades?" day. Then, we talked of Emiliano fragile. Her mind was not altogether fight the Mexican Revolution. She With Blades' music playing in the Zapata, Pancho Villa and the Mexican background, we talked to her in the Ian-


* 2 Bedfooms, 1 Bath, Powder Room and Walk-In * Wood Burning Fireplaces Closet * Enclosed Patio First Floor with Sliding Glass Doors DUTIES REOUIREMENTS * L.aundromat ' Dining Areas Under Direct Supervision, performs Professional Education Equivalent to the completion of * 3 Bedroom, 2 Baths and Powder Room ' Master Bedroom Suites with Dressing Areas, Level Accounting Work; Assist in the Develop­ * Security Gated for Privacy and Peace of Mind Double Wardrobes and Double Basins college, with a major in accounting or business • Two_Stoiy Ceiling over Living Rooms • Drapes ment of the Budget and the control of expendi­ adm. 3 years responsible accounting exp. * Attached 2-Car Garages with Locking Doors and * Built-in Kitchen Appliances tures; prepares district financial reports and required. Automatic Door Openers prepares financial research. Recreational Areas Apply to: Personnel Moreno Valley School District * Recreational Center ' Heated Pool 13911 Perris Blvd. * Lushly Landscaped, Professionally Maintained Enjoy Luxury At Affordable Rates Grounds Moreno Valley, CA 92388 Townhomes From $500 Monthly Attn: Margie, Personnel Division 1865 Clyde Street, San Bemardino, OA 92411* (714) 887-0032 (714) 247-5115 OPEN SATURDAYS Another Community Built With Pride By Dukes-Dukes & Associates, bic. EEC m/f/h ..J Entertaimnent 1^ Inland Empire Hispanic Mews Wednesday, April 20^ 1988[ "SALSA" Hollywood - In the last three months, Los Angeles caUed, "La Luna," and the streets of Los Angeles turned into a Ken, an American who Rico has known gigantic dance place. Thousands of since they were kids —and how their young people were enjoying the ihythm friendship is put to a test when Ken falls of the happiest music of the world. in love with Jennie, Rico's 16 year old Carmon Films was filming a movie, sister. "Salsa." under the direction of Boaz But "Salsa" is not a tragic story, Davidson, and with the magnificent neither is it a story of prohibited love; choreography of Kenny Ortega. It's about the dance, the rite that cures Very close to the "West Side Story" and cleanses the soul, and an interesting style, (the movie that made a sensation in contest at "La Luna". the late sixties for its dances and the "Salsa" is a romantic fable of dreams accurate message to the people at the and ambitions of the young Latin time.) "Salsa." tells us the story of two people. It shows us what life is in dance good friends — Rieo, a Latin boy who clubs, and the lessons that love can teach lives to dance Salsa at a night club in East us...East Los Angeles style. L.-R. Angela Alvarado, Robby Rosa, Magali Garcia and Rodney Harvey star in "Salsa".

muchas otras que fueron todo un dxito en muchos no, pero que se venden como pan afios pasados. caliente Palito Ortega se ha distinguido Exitazo fud el que logrd Manolo siempre por su don de gentes, su person- Mufioz en su reciente presentacion en alidad y versatilidad en el medio drtis- conocido teatro del Este de Los Angeles, tico, donde ha trabajado como actor, cantante, productore y director, y se Palito Ortega volvid una vez mas a los Latinoamdrica. puede dicir que siempre con dxito. escenarios de New York, y dsta vez como En dste show del recuerdo, Palito Para la musica y canciones de Palito, las anteriores, logrd sdnado dxito en el interretd las viejas pero bonitas can- no hayt fronteras, no hay idiomas, pues Felt Forum del Madison Square Garden ciones que le dieron fama en los afios en cualquier pais, en eualquier idioma, de esta ciudad. En dicho espectdculo se 60's y que aun siguen escuchandose, y sus canciones son bien aceptadas y se reunieron aproximadamente 4, 000 per- tambien obsequid a su kpublicocon baila y se disfruta al compas de su mu­ sonas quienes disfrutaron de un super canciones actuales como: "Soy Lati- sica... ow de una hora ^ estilo de Palito noamericano" y otras, mismas que Maria Conchita Alonso, beUa, inteli- rtegai un artista que por mas de dos combind con otras mas viejitas pero no gente y despierta en cuanto al manejo de ddcadas ja jecjp ;;prar, reir y cantar a sus bemos populares, como aquella de su carrera artistica, ha demostrado ser la asiduos admiradores en toda "Vestida de Novia," "La Felicidad" y cantante Latina mas popular tanto en el medio artistico Latino como en el Anglo, en el cual ha destacado grandemente debido a sus interpretaciones sensuales a en donde absequid a su publico con bellas la musica rock y a su continua canciones del recuerdo como: "Lupita intervencidn en el cine Americano. Banana", "Llamarada" y algunos exitos Maria Conchita Alonso tambien ha mas, que lo dieron a conocer hace ya CALIFORNIA intervenido en el video y ha hecho un algunos afios. buen trabajo, segun lo confirman los Manolo Mufioz, duefio de una magni- CONSERVATION CORPS altos indices dd ventas de todo material fica voz y im talento sin igual, es sin duda en cuestion de videos. Maria Conchita alguna una de las mejores estrellas del Alonsa ha filmado al lado de los mas rock, que ha sabido evolucionar de ac- ARE YOU 18 TO 23 YEARS OF populares actores del cine Americano, uerdo a la epoca, cantando lo mismo tma como: Tom Berenger con quien com- balada, rock, bolero o ranchera y siempre AGE AND LOOKING FOR A JOB? partid creditos en la pelicula "Pancio en con la madures de un gran artista. la Ciudad". Arnold Schwrzenegger, su compafiero en "The Running Man", JOIN THE C.C.C. AND EARN $580 Sean Penn y otros mas que como ellos PER MONTH PLUS BENEFITS mismos afirman fueron afortunados en ^r-2 trabajar con Maria Conchita Alonso, la cantante de rock mas sensual del mom- OBTAIN YOUR G.E.D. OR EARN ento. Maria Conchita Alonso, sigue triun- COLLEGE CREDITS ETERNAL FLAME fando con su mas reciente album, 11a- Recognizing Veterans mado Mlrame, el cual coprodujo y el Fundraiser WOMEN ENCOURAGED TO APPLY cual segun ella puede Uegar a colocarse entre los mejores de la mdsica rock. Sin Friday, April 29 NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY 1532 N. Church Sl embargo hay quien opina Redlands que dicho album contiene en su mayoria letras droticas y que solo tendrd dxito No-host dinner and dance State of California entre los amantes de este genero de 6:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. California Conservation Corps erotismo dentro de la mdsica. Por lo Call (714) 862-3600 pronto, dste album ha despertado las mas DonationSlO acaloradas poldmicas y quizd por eso se Sponsored by American Legion estd vendiendo bien. Pero de una o otra Post #650 P.O. Box 601 forma, lo unico que ha quedado en claro Patton, California 92369 es que Maria Conchita Alonso, acapara For more information contact la atencion con sus discos, peliculas y Graciano Gomez videos droticos que a muchos gustan y a (714)884-1649 t)' » • 'A- If. r y-) • r 8 Juventud/Youth Inland Empire Hispanic News Wednesday, 'April 20,1988 Charlie's Dream of Medical Cure Becomes A Reality By Sonia D.T. Rodriguez Drs.Jacobs and Alvaro Bolivari also - said a worried Torres in Spanish. "But 1 form them of Charlie's operation. Editor, Hispanic News on staff at S.B.C.H., performed the re­ traveled here with the hopes that my son "Hopefully by now they know how well constructive surgery which took about wiU be treated." he is doing," said Torres. Journeying to a foreign land and leav­ five and a half hours on March 28. Torres' children range in age from Charlie and his mom are staying with ing 11 children behind, Soccorro Carlon "The child will probably be around for one to 24. Joe and Mary Jimenez in Redlands. Torres is a mother from Ahome, Sinoloa a couple of weeks and then after a year, "My husband and my 12-year-old Torres had attempted to seek medi­ who is searching for treatment for her we will try a second operation on Char­ daughter are caring for the children right cal assistance for Charlie when he was four-year-old son, Isaia. lie," said Jacobs. now." she said. just an infant, but her efforts were un­ Isaia is suffering from a congenital "I have never left my children's side," She sent a letter to her family to in­ successful. After a sixteen hour bus ride urological deformity .His pelvis was not into Guadalajara, the doctor who w^^ fuUy developed at birth. going to treat Charlie was killed. Torr^^ Torres and her son, "Oiarlie," were was forced to return home with her brought to the Inland Empire through the infant. efforts of Christian Wings, a non-profit Charlie is recovering in Redlands at *' organization which operates a clinic in the Jimenez home in Redlands. He Las Mochis.(Isaia's five sisters and six hopes to visit Disneyland before he , brothers nicknamed him "Charlie.") leaves. He will return in six months for Torres- heard about the clinic though a foUow-up exam. people in her village and took her son in. "I checked him for a sore throat, which he had, and then was told by the interpreter that the mother wanted me to check him down there," said John A. Krueger, a registered nurse and Christian Wings pilot. Krueger immediately called Dr. Edward C. Jacobs from Mexico who told him that he could help the boy. Jacobs is pediatric urologist on staff at San Ber­ Sooft'/ nardino Community Hospital. Two weeks later, mother and son flew Te deseamos salud y fe- with Christian Wings into Redlands Municipal Airport. licidad, Charlie !

L.V.N. Nancy De La Torre plays with Charlie before his surgery at San Bernardino Community Hospital Ethnic Program Studies at Cal State to be Revitalized

A revitalized Ethnic Studies Program nic Studies Program. Classes begin April ies Program transcend groups and races grams. "Right now I couldn't make a is being launched this spring at Cal State, 4. "to place equal emphasis on all ethnic case for (separate) Afro-American or San Bernardino in and effort to address groups," explained Dr. Brij Khare, po- Hispanic studies. the academic interests of ethnic minority "Over the past couple of years htical science professor and director of Cal State's revitalized Ethnic Stud­ students. some (minority) students have ethnic studies. "In the past the program ies Program is an outgrowth of the infu­ Eight courses, encompassing a vari­ claimed that there are no courses and focused mostly on history . We have sion of cross-cultural subject matter into ety of disciplines from art to sociology, faculty at Cal State to meet their offered courses in Black and Chicano the general education curriculum, with are being offered during the spring quar­ needs," politics which have had to be cancelled the ultimate goal of preparing all stu­ ter, noted Dr. Aubrey Bonnett, dean of (due to lack of interest)." dents for life in a multicultural society, the School of Social and Behavioral Bonnett stated. "It is a continuous prob­ The Ethnic Studies curriculum, de­ stated Bonnett. Sciences. He will be teaching his first lem to which we're very committed (to veloped by a committee of faculty and "As American moves toward a more class at Cal State, "Black Social Stratifi­ addressing). We are expanding the range students, involves disciplines from each independent world and multinational cation," which is included among "Afri­ of courses and developing a cadre of of the university's five schools. corporations, there is an apparent need can Societies," "Mexican Art," "History faculty throughout the university who "The first major test (of interest) will for global understanding," he com-*'^ of Mexico," "Aspects of Chicano Cul­ can administer to the felt needs of minor­ come with these spring offerings," added mented. ture," "Minority Politics" and "Racial ity students." Bonnett, who sees the revitalized pro­ and Cultural Minorities" in the new Eth­ The topics in Cal State's Ethnic Stud­ gram as a foundation for evolving pro­ Heritage Pageant Tickets Go On Sale Congressman George Brown Tickets for the 10th Annual Mexican pinoza, the play "Colores De Mi Pueblo" American Heritage Pageant are now on will be presented at San Bernardino Listens to You! sale at the following locations; Dejavu Valley College on the following dates Beauty Salon, 2151 North Sierra Way, and times: Friday, April 22, at 8:00 p.m.; FIELD OFFICE DAY San Bernardino; El Chicano/Colton Saturday, April 23, 2:00 p.m. matinee Saturday, April 23,1988 Courier, 333 E. Valley, Colton; His­ and 8:00 p.m.; and Sunday, April 24, at 11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. panic Chamber of Commerce, 972 N. 7:00 p.m. The program depicts the rich Mt. Vernon, San Bernardino; Mitla's and colorful culture and historical back­ Boys and Girls Club of San Bernardino Restaurant, 602 N. Mt. Vernon, San Ber­ ground of the Hispanic people and pro­ 1180 West Ninth Street, San Bernardino nardino; Monge's Bridal Plaza, 1258 vides an exciting theatrical production of (between Mt. Vernon Ave. & L Street) West 5th Street, and San Bernardino wholesome entertainment for audiences Valley CoUege, Public Information of all ages. Please come and meet with Congressman George Brown to discuss issues that are im­ Office, 701 S. Mt. Vernon Avenue, San For further information, please call portant to you. Congressman Brown and members of his staff will be there to listen Bernardino. Tickets are $5 for adults (714) 888-6511, extension 172. and assist you with federal matters. If you cannot attend feel free to contact Congress­ and $3 for children. man Brown at 2256 Raybum Building, Washington, D.C. 20515 Produced and directed by James Es- Colton Office: 657 La Cadena Dr., 825-2472. Hours M-F, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 'JifJOV Mujeres Inland Empire Hispanic News Wednesday, April 20,1988 Las Mamografias Salvan La Vida De Muchas Mujeres Se calcula que en el Sur de California estadi'sticas serfan diferentes si las mujeres elegibles tendrdn la oportunidad aproximadamente 35,000 mujeres har^n mujeres siguieramos las recomenda- de que se les tome una mamograffa por una de las decisiones m^s importantes de ciones de la Sociedad del Cdncer, sdlo $50.00. su vida, respondiendo al proyecto de examindndose uno mismo los sefios cada El proyecto de mamograffas a bajo mamograffas de bajo costo partocinado mes y tomdndose una mamograffa. costo serd para mujeres de 35 afios o mds per la Asociacidn Americana del Para probar la efectividad de la de edad, y que nunca hayan tenido Cdnccr. mamograffa, la Sociedad Americana y problemas de cdncer o sfntomas de Una mamograffa (rayos X en los mds de 100 entidades mddicas del Sur de cdncer en sus sefios. Este programa sdlo sefios) es una forma senciUa, segura y California Uevardn a cabo el Programa estard disponible llamando entre el 4 de efectiva para detectar el cdncer en los de Mamograffas de Bajo Costo, durante Abril al 29 de Abril, de Limes a Viemes sefios y si se hace a tiempo, salva la vida el mes de Abril. de 8 a.m. a 6 p.m. y el ndmero para llamar Marielena Garcia de muchas mujeres. El procedimiento de una mamograffa es gratis al 1-800-522-4526. Si es nece- Extension Information Specialist Este aflo, como 42,000 mujeres es senciUo y puede detectar tumores sario pregunte por una persona bilingue. morirdn en dste pafs vfctimas de cincer cdncerosos aunque estdn muy pequefios Una vez mds, recuerde que una San Bernardino County en los sefios. Estas muertes pueden ser y que a tiempo, el 95 de los casos son mamograffa a tiempo pudiera salvarle la Agricultural Cooperative Extension evitadas ya que si el cancer en los sefios curables. Una mamograffa usualmente vida. No espere y llame. es diagnosticado a tiempo, el 95 por cuesta hasta como $250.00 ddlores. ciento de estos casos son curables. Estas Durante dste proyecto de Abril las

Taking Control flowers have four leaves in the pattem of tor against esophagus and stomach can­ For those who enjoy relaxing with across. Members ofthis family of plants cers. Vitamin C also inhibits the devel­ alcoholic drinks, there is a risk of liver are: broccoli, brussels sprouts, all cab­ opment of nitrosamine in the stomach. Of Your Life cancer. The liver detoxifies the harmful bages, horseradish, kale, kohlrabi, mus­ A decade or so ago, there was a reduc­ chemicals we consume in small amounts tard greens, rutabagas, turnips and wa­ tion in the amount of nitrite used in daily. It is the body's chemical clearing­ tercress. These vegetables seem to re­ curing meats such as sausage and bacon. There is no guarantee that eating the house, and excessive alcohol overloads duce the risk of gastro-intestinal and right foods will prevent any specific type In countries where large amounts of the system. respiratory cancer because of their cancer. What the studies do show is smoked and nitrite-cured foods are A diet for maximum health is yet to be chemical makeup. eaten, throat and stomach cancer are some foods appear to either inhibit or defined. There is accumulating evidence Many of these vegetables are a deep promote the growth of cancer cells. more prevalent. that the typical American diet—^high in green, indicating a source of vitamin A. A group of vegetables that appear to Diets high in fat seem to be associated sugar, salt and fat—needs to be modified There appears to be a connection be­ ^^beneficial for us belongs to the mus- with breast, colon and prostate cancer. with more vegetables, fruit and whole— tween vitamin A and jrisk of throat, and family — called craciferous. Their Trimming the fat from lean meat,.fish grained products for a healthier life. lung cancer. and skinned poultry and using low-fat Vitamin C is also present in the mus­ dairy products can help reduce the diet tard family and is thought to be a protec­ fat.

Plastic Wrap Microwave Safe City of San Bernardino Consumers have expressed concern gest leaving a vent for the steam to es­ General Plan Revision Program as to whether covering food with plastic cape when food is plastic wrapped. wrap for heating in a microwave oven is Foods high in fats and sugars tend to harmful to humans. According to Food become very hot when microwaved so ^technologist George York, University arrange the plastic wrap so it doesn't of California, Davis, there is NO evi­ touch the food. dence that plastic wrap heated on food ForMore Information Contact: Mary As part of the General Plan Revision Program a series of meetings are scheduled before ^presents a hazard in home food prepara­ K. Marshall-Home Economist (714) the Mayor and Council to receive public input and approve an Interim Policy Document tion. 387-2171. The following meetings have been scheduled to achieve this. Most microwave manufacturers sug­ Friday 4-22-88 Presentation of Altematives 9 a.m. - Noon BACA Endorsed Fair Housing Monday 4-25-88 •Hospitality Lane Area 9 a.m. - Noon Continued from Page 3 •Inland Center Area Advocates Honored •Central Business District g Laws, a stronger emphasis on Continued from Page 3 Tuesday 4-26-88 •Valley CoUege Area 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. dmnk drivers, and preventive programs Judge Patrick Morris, S.B. County •Rialto Bench Area to eliminate dropouts which hurt bur Juvenile Court is the guest speaker. •Westside Area communities is sound...." A special award will be presented to Baca is a leader that gets things done. Mr. Ralph Lewis for his contribution to Wednesday 5-04-88 •Norton Area 9 a.m. - Noon His public service record is impeccable. the Fair Housing Scholarship Fund, and •North Central San Bemardino Integrity and leadership are his other S.B. Educators, Bemice Stansbury, Cur­ Friday 5-06-88 •Highland Area of the City 9 a.m. - Noon strong attributes, cited Mujica. tis Intermediate School, Pat Nunley, •Del Rosa Area Golden Valley Middle School, and Thursday 5-12-88 Robert Reynolds, Sequoia Junior High •University Area 5p.m. - 9 p.m. School in Fontana. The dinner is open to Wednesday 5-18-88 Final Public Hearing 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. 1 the public. For more information call Final Council Deliberation and Approval of Interim j Monday 5-23-88 884-8056. Policy Document 9 a.m. - Noon i

These meetings will be held in the City Hall, Council Chambers, 300 North "D" St,, San Bemardino,

1 _ CA 92418. Everyone is encouraged to come and participate.

4 10 Deportes/Sports Inland Empire Hispanic News Wednesday, April 20,1988

Puerto Rico en busca de una investigacidn del caso.

El Equipo de futbol Italiano ha traten a un maximo de 3 jugadores ex- minican Julio Gervacio y pifiango, actual quedado a sdlo un paso de su trangeros en el prdximo ano, crdo una campedn quien supuestamente se encon- clasificacidn al mundial de Seul en inmediata reaccidn entre los jugadores traba drogado cuando se efectud dicha Septiembre proximo, al derrotar al fu- miembros del sindicato de futbolistas pclca. erte equipo Olandes el pasado 13 de Italianos, que se oponen a dicha medida. En esta disputa se encuentra la Abril, en un partido que segun los ex- Segtm los futbolistas Italianos, si la comisidn de box de Puerto Rico que pertos lucio bien pero merecid un mejor Federacidn perrhitiera dsto, ellos suspendid a Pifiango, y ha insistido ante resultado para los Olandeses quienes a tendrfan menos oportunidades de ser la AMB para que 6sta vez despoje de su travez del partido se fueron opacando incluidos en los planes de los equipos de titulo a Pifiango, ya que como dijeramos, hasta caer 3 goles a 0 ante los Italianos, Italia, ya que los jugadores extrangeros supuestamente se encontraba drogado, quienes dembstraron buena isincrorli- " ocuparian sus liigafes, desplazandolos y segun examenes realizados despues de la zacion entre sus jugadores y sobre todo dejandolos sin oportunidades. pelea. un empuje eontiiiuo que los Uebd ^ Segun lbs planes de la Federacidn, los La AMB, segun sus propias declara- triunfo' ponienddlos en la puerta a la' eqtiipos de seguhda division, tambiCn se ciones, asegura que no hay razpn para elasifieacidn al mundial. • tendreaii que ajustar a las nuevas despojar del titulo al.campedn Pifiango, Italia practicamente domind el par­ disposicidnes y tendrfaii que ajustar a las ya que los exafnenes no se realizaron tido, y ahora se encuentra entre los nijevas disposicidnes y tendrfan que correctamente de acuerdo a los equipos con mas posibilidades de cla- contratar solo 2 jugadores extrangeros reglamentos de dicho organismo. sificar a los Juegos Olimpieos de 1988 por club. Esto ha hecho que los sindica- Ante la determinacion de la AMB de en Seul, pues lo unieo que tendrla que tos de futbolistas se unan y anemazaron no quitarle el titulo a Pifiango, y no haeer es adjudicarse un triunfo mas ' con ir a la huelga isi la federacidn no aplicar ninguna sancidn a este, la em- contra el debil quipo de Islandia. cambia esta disposicidn. presa que representa al ex-campedn, Segun estiman los expertos, Italia ya El sindicato de futbolistas estimd que Uebo el caso hasta los tiibuiiales de tiene asegurada su clasificacidn al una huelga seria fatal para el futbol Itali­ mundial, en el cual 16 equipos dispu- ano y para los empresarios que promue- taran la supremasia en el futbol mun­ ben este tipo de eventos deportivos, pues dial. se perderfan miUones si una huelga lle- Y ya que hablamos sobre el futbol gara a estaller. Tremenda controversia y Italiano, les diremos que ante la' polemica es la que se ha creado al red- decisidn de la Federacidn Italiana de edor de lapelea de campednato pluma Jr. futbol, de permitir que los clubs depor- que se realizd el pasado 27 de Febrero tivos de futbol de primera division con- entre el ex-campedn pluma Jr. el Do-

Celebracidn Del Mes De Amnistia

Sabado, 30 de Abril de 1988 La Plazita Park V Esquina De 7th y Mt. Vernon ' 11:00 a.m. — 3:00 p.m. San Bernardino Grupos Musicales Ultimo Dia Para Aplicar ~4 de Mayo

Annual Citizen's Award Ceremony Planned For June 1

Each year the City of Colton's Hu­ bers. man Services Department honors Colton residents are invited to those residents whose dedication and nominate a local citizen for their commitment as a Human Services contributions to the community as a volunteer or outstanding achieve­ volunteer or athlete. Nomination ment in athletic endeavors or team forms may be obtained at the Hutton competition has contributed to the Center, 660 Colton Avenue or by betterment of the community. This calling 370-5086. The deadline for years Citizen's Award night is submitting citizen nomination award planned for Wednesday, June 1 at forms is May 6, 1988. 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Cham^

fI .' |...I- V, » -B .» :I < • B B a> It ( IT ft- B K' ^ Classified 11 Inland Empire Hispanic News Wednesday, April 20,1988

REGIONAL BUILDING INSPECTOR Advertising Sales Position Machine Shop Instructor Fast paced atmosphere Part time. Are you an experi­ SUPERVISOR enced, perhaps retired, machin­ Work around your own $2665-$3106/MO. ist looking for a challenging op­ schedule portunity to train men and (Plus $317-$333/mo. benefit plan) ALSO women? Experience counts. No Freelance Writers degree required. Bilingual Eng­ The Department of Land Management's Office of Building to cover local events. lish/Spanish needed. and Safety is recruiting for an individual who will maintain Apply at; for building inspection functions related to Creativity a must! responsibility CET l^ structural, electrical, plumbing, mechanical and zoning in­ spections. The position is located at the Ontario District For more information call 9327 Narnia Drive Office andsuperviseS a staff of Building Inspectors, Land Use 381-6259 Riverside, CA 92503 Technicians, and clerical support positions.

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I ~— 1 SUPER MERCADO Y CARNICERIA INLAND EMPIRE HISPANIC NEWS Subscription Order form 719 N. "D" Street, San Bernardino, CA 92401 LOS COMPADRES 381-6259 PRODUCE # ABARROTES# CARNES I would like to start receiving the INLAND EMPIRE PESCADO HISPANIC NEWS. Please bill me for the following Aceptamos estampillas de comida subscription: cupones WIC y vendemos giros 1 year $15.00 Cambiamos cheques con su compra 6 months 9.00 NUESTRA ESPECIALIDAD 3 months 5.00

Carne preparada para asar, carne cortada a su gusto. Chichar- Please bill me Enclosed is my check for $. rones, requeson,frutas tropicales congeladas y cajetas Name Address 1184 W. 2nd St., San Bernardino, CA 92410 City/State/Zip Abierto 8 a.m.- 8 p.m. (714) 381-3407 Phone Photograph by Joe Lopez Assembleyman Gerald Eaves presents proclamation to members of the f jp Gabe Castorena Family during renaming ceremonies of the Inland Empire Nmicy Payan of San Bernardino was crowned the 28th Queen of the American GI Forum Hispanic Democratic Qub. Also present were: Senator Ruben Ayala, San Bernardino Chapter on April 9. Councilwoman Connie Cisneros and Colton Mayor Frank Gonzales.

Director of Migrant Education; Richard Soldadera Encuentro Yniquez, actor and President of NO- Continued from Front Page SOTROS; Leticia Quezada, School continued from Page 6 board member Los Angeles Unified representatives from both the private and School District; Juan Rodriguez, student guage she understood. She knew noth­ now questions her own faith. She had"' public sectors of Mexico and Chicanos leader, Cal. State Northridge; Dr. Juan ing of New York or Salsa or the Grammy quit school; now she talks of going back. from the United States. Gomez-Quinonez, professor UCLA. Awards. The 22-year-old is the pillar of hec^ Senator Bob Martinez of Colorado, Navarro further commented IM- "Ruben Blades," we told her, "is the family. She works every day, every explained during his presentation on PACTO-88 has and is prepared to con­ Pancho Villa of Panama, without a night. She wears a uniform. In the days bilateral relations, that the commission tinue to accelerate the process of "acer- horse." of Pancho Villa, she would have put on a would collaborate on areas of mutual camiento", to bring about a closer, more I thought she would appreciate the different one. She, too, is a "soldadera" interest, such as promotion of business cooperative, and amicable relationship comparison. In Los Angeles, she was a without a horse. She has her battles to and economic development, education, between the U.S. and Mexico via the "soldadera" without her horse. fight. cultural affairs, and immigration. participation of IMPACTO-88. She was buried in Tijuana, another The great-grandchildren wiU one ~ A total of 14 presentations were made For purposes of avoiding getting in­ small piece of Mexico's history wrapped become "soldaderas", also. They by IMPACTO-88 speakers. volved in the internal politics of Mexico in its earth. High atop the cemetery, with have to fight in revolutions, hopefully, The presenters were: Texas Congress­ (i.e. Presidential Elections) IMPACTO- powerful, cold winds blowing, she was but life will have other struggles for man Albert Bustamante, Chairman His­ 88 will seek to establish an "encuentro" laid to rest. them, requiring the same courage and panic Congressional Caucus; California with the other Mexican Presidential Her daughters wept. Her daughters' strength their Nana drew on. Congressman Esteban Torres; Colorado candidates and their representives, on a daughters wept. And so did their daugh­ Now they are separated from the Bob Martinez; New Mexico for­ Senator mutually agreed weekend, sometime ters. She had nurtured them all. cross on their Nana's grave by a national mer Lt. Governor Roberto Mondragon; before the Mexican Presidential elec­ I watched the 21-year-old and 22- border. But heritage is cultural, not po­ Sergio Banuelos, Chairman Westem tions in July. year-old hold up their trembling mother. litical. A fence presents no obstacle. States U.S. Hispanic Chamber: Ruben "Because of limited resources, time, I looked at the faces of grieving great­ Jaurequi, Chairman Latino Business and its intense commitment to the Cali­ grandchildren. They were crying, even (Roberto Rodriguez is the publisher Association; Dr. Julian Nava, former fornia primary in June, it is humanly though they were far too young to know of "Americas 2001," a national bilin­ U.S, Ambassador to Mexico; Bea Mo­ impossible for IMPACTO-88 to repli­ the meaning of the word "soldadera". gual magazine published in Los Ange­ lina, State/National President of MAPA; cate the intensity and mobilization of the Their Nana had died, giving them reason les.) Tony Bonilla, former National President "encuentro" with Salinas. One must enough. of LULAC; Adriana Simons, Regional remember, there arc a total of six presi­ Back in Los Angeles, the 21-year-old dential candidates seeking the Mexican Presidency" concluded Navarro.