HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, March 20, 1989 the House Met at 12 Noon
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4976 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE March 20, 1989 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, March 20, 1989 The House met at 12 noon. The message also announced that Done at Washington, DC, this seven The Chaplain, Rev. James David the Senate agrees to the amendment teenth day of March, in the year of our Ford, D.D., offered the following of the House to the bill (S. 553) enti Lord, nineteen hundred and eighty-nine, at prayer: tled "An act to provide for more bal 1:01 p.m. As we behold the majesty of Your ance in the stocks of dairy products created world, 0 God, teach us to see purchased by the Commodity Credit A PLEA FOR A BIPARTISAN Your handiwork in every place of that Corporation." APPROACH ON EL SALVADOR world. While we delight in Your pres The message also announced that ence in holy places, may we see Your pursuant to sections 276d-276g, title <Mr. RICHARDSON asked and was redeeming power in every human emo 22 of the United States Code, as given permission to address the House tion-in all fear or anxiety, in every amended, the Chair on behalf of the for 1 minute and to revise and extend joy and happiness. 0 gracious God, Vice President, appoints Mr. STEVENS his remarks.) open our minds to Your direction, our as vice chairman of the Senate delega Mr. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, in thoughts to Your wisdom, and our tion to the Canada-United States In the El Salvador presidential elections, hearts to Your abundant love. Amen. terparliamentary Group during the it looks like the lesser of two evils won, lOlst Congress. simply because the elections hap pened. The Marxist rebels used vio THE JOURNAL lence and showed their usual terrorist The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex RESIGNATION AS A MEMBER OF tactics to frustrate the electoral proc amined the Journal of the last day's THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA ess. Once again, they have shown their proceedings and announces to the TIVES true colors. House his approval thereof. The SPEAKER laid before the So now we are all stuck with Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the House the following resignation as a ARENA, the apparent victors in the Journal stands approved. Member of the House of Representa presidential elections. Will they be a tives: new ARENA, preaching negotiations, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, human rights reforms, and democrati PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Washington, DC. zation, or will they be the ARENA of The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman The SPEAKER, old, the ARENA of D'Aubisson, of from Florida [Mr. BENNETT] kindly The House of Representatives, death squads and terror? That is the lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance? The Capitol, Washington, DC. question. Mr. BENNETT led the Pledge of Al DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Since January 3, 1979, I have had the honor and privilege of repre If we are to continue bankrolling the legiance, as follows: senting the people of Wyoming in the El Salvador government, there must I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States House of Representatives. be strict conditions on human rights, United States of America, and to the Repub On March 10, 1989, President Bush asked peace negotiations, land reform, and lic for which it stands, one nation, under me to become his nominee for Secretary of democratization to ensure that the God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for Defense. The Senate has now confirmed my ARENA of old is history. If ARENA all. nomination, and I will assume this office thinks they have a blank check be later today. cause we are stuck with them, they are I must therefore resign my office as the If MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE At-large Representative from the State of sadly mistaken. the Bush adminis A message from the Senate by Mr. Wyoming effective immediately. tration thinks they are going to be Lundregan, one of its clerks, an Sincerely, given a free hand, they are sadly mis nounced that the Senate had passed DICK CHENEY. taken also. We have spent over $3 bil without amendment bills of the House Done at Washington, DC, this seven lion in El Salvador, and what do we of the following titles: teenth day of March, in the year of our have to show besides a fragile elec Lord, nineteen hundred and eighty-nine, at tion? Just death, corruption, and H.R. 829. An act to make permanent the 1:01 p.m. authority provided under the Temporary human misery. Emergency Wildfire Suppression Act; and The SPEAKER. A similar letter Mr. Speaker, now that the elections H.R. 1373. An act to authorize the Agency drafted and addressed to the Governor are over, the Bush administration for International Development to pay the of the State of Wyoming will be insert should talk to the Congress about pro expenses of an election observer mission for ed in the RECORD at this point. ceeding on a bipartisan basis. Let us the 1989 presidential elections in Panama. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, avoid another Contra war between the The message also announced that Washington, DC. White House and the Congress. Let us the Senate had passed bills, joint reso Hon. MIKE SULLIVAN' impose these conditions together. lution, and concurrent resolution of Governor of Wyoming, State Capitol Build the following titles, in which the con ing, Cheyenne, WY. DEAR GOVERNOR SULLIVAN: Since January NATIONAL AGRICULTURE DAY currence of the House is requested: 3, 1979, I have had the honor and privilege S. 270. An act to modify the application of of representing the people of Wyoming in <Mrs. SMITH of Nebraska asked and the antitrust laws to encourage the licens the United States House of Representatives. was given permission to address the ing and other use of certain intellectual On March 10, 1989, President Bush asked House for 1 minute and to revise and property; me to become his nominee for Secretary of extend her remarks.) S. 607. An act to prevent the desecration Defense. The Senate has now confirmed my Mrs. SMITH of Nebraska. Mr. of the U.S. flag; nomination, and I will assume this office Speaker, today we celebrate the first S.J. Res. 68. Joint resolution to designate later today. the month of May 1989, as "Trauma Aware I must therefore resign my office as the day of spring and "National Agricul ness Month"; and At-large Representative from the State of ture Day." S. Con. Res. 22. Concurrent resolution to Wyoming effective immediately. On this ninth celebration of Agricul recognize the contributions of C-SPAN on Best regards, ture Day, I salute the thousands of the occasion of its 10th anniversary. DICK CHENEY. people actively involved in Nebraska's D This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., D 1407 is 2:07 p .m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. March 20, 1989 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4977 agriculture. Of the 2.2 million U.S. tion. These are kids whose response to COMMUNICATION FROM THE farms in 1987, more than 57,000 are stress is violence, kids who cannot CLERK OF THE HOUSE found in my home State of Nebraska. relate to other people, kids who hear The SPEAKER laid before the Agriculture is still the Nation's big voices. House the fallowing communication gest business-a trillion dollar indus Only one in four of these emotional from the Clerk of the House of Repre try. More than 21 million Americans ly disturbed children gets any help. sentatives: work in some phase of agriculture Fewer than 1 in 20 receives actual Washington, DC, Mar. 17, 1989. from growing food and fiber to selling mental health treatment. There are Hon. JrM WRIGHT, it at the supermarket. That is about 39,000 severely emotionally disturbed The Speaker, House of Representatives, one out of every five jobs in private children in my State who are not re Washington, DC. enterprise and accounts for more than ceiving any kind of service. DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per 17 percent of the gross national prod These children are not going to mission granted in Clause 5 of Rule III of uct. the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa Americans pay less for food than the become functioning, self-supporting tives, the Clerk received at 9:15 a.m. on citizen of any other industrialized adults. Our society will pay the price Friday, March 17, 1989 the following mes nation-an average of 11 percent of in State hospitals, in prisons, in wel sage from the Secretary of the Senate: That their disposable incomes on food con fare costs-when it is too late. We'll the Senate passed without amendment, H.J. pay the price later because we are Res. 117 and H.J. Res. 167. sumption. The average Russian pays With great respect, I am, nearly 26 percent. The average Chi shortchanging them now. Federal Sincerely yours, nese pays nearly 53 percent. mental health block grant funding has DONNALD K. ANDERSON, Today, as always, our producers face been cut in half. The Child and Ado Clerk, House of Representatives. deep uncertainties-continuing lescent Service System Program, en acted in 1984, reaches only 40 States. drought, growing complexity in world The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. markets, unfair trade practices abroad, The pioneering primary intervention project, which brings mental health FROST). Under a previous order of the and the redrafting of our Nation's ag House, the gentleman from Illinois riculture price, and production poli services to children in the early grades, operates in only 11 of my [Mr.