California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Inland Empire Hispanic News Special Collections & University Archives 4-20-1988 April 20th 1988 Hispanic News Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/hispanicnews Recommended Citation Hispanic News, "April 20th 1988" (1988). Inland Empire Hispanic News. 12. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/hispanicnews/12 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections & University Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Inland Empire Hispanic News by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID SAN BERNARDINO, CA PERMIT No. 118 INLAND EMPIRE T A Publication of the Wednesday Hispanic Communication April 20,1988 and Development Corp. HISPANIC NEWS Volume 1, Number 15 chooses to use them. ^Mexican Presidential Candidate Salinas Navarro who chaired the "encuentro" (meeting) with Salinas de Gortari, asked him to observe how Israel takes advan­ de Gortari Meets With Chicano Leaders tage of the cultural, economic, and po­ Submitted by the litical relationship with the Jewish INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL JUSTICE American community. MEXICANO - NORTEAMERICAN^ 2.) Mexican consulates should Under the auspices of the Institute for 8AJA CALIFOiNIA. MEXICO staunchly defend undocumented mi­ Social Justice (ISJ) — IMPACTO -88, grants' human and civil rights in the some three-hundred Latino influentials United States, and encourage educa­ and leaders met with Mexico's PRI tional programs to battle adult illiteracy (Revolutionary Institutional Party) and help migrant children graduate. presidential candidate Carlos Salinas de 3.) Mexieo should consider the Gortari last Friday, April 8, at the Fiesta 45,000 businesses owned by Mexican Americana Hotel, in Tijuana, B.C., Americans as bridges to the U.S. econ­ Mexico. omy and consider requiring Ameriean "The meeting was historically un­ companies operating in Mexieo to give a Prom left to right: Mexican Govt. Rep. Geroniino Martinez, Cong. Esteban Torres, Candidate deGortari, precedented considering the number, percentage of their business to Chicano quality, and diversity of representation Congr. Albert Bustamante and Dr. Armando Navarro both countries. and Latino companies. of Latinos from throughout the nation" "As candidate of Mexico's majority 4.) Meanwhile, Salinas de Gortari stated Dr. Armando Navarro, IM- party, 1 am not campaigning for (the "As Mexicans we observe discounted the idea of a common market PACTO-88 National Director. votes of) citizens of another country, but with pride your community dy­ between Mexico and the Chicano com­ Adding to the historical significance, as a Mexican, 1 propose a greater col­ munity to strengthen business ties, namism and vitality within the was the participation of 800 Mexican laboration on problems, contacts be­ "given the enormous differences be­ ^Jeadeaders and dignitaries representing the United States, your demo­ tween people, exchange programs, and tween our economic systems". graphic growth, economic po­ ••RI'«ua44he>i^xi£;aB.Gjovemm.ent. actions in areas, of common interest". ^ ^ XV.. - .5.) Salinasjdgv.Gortari's major, Even more impressive, was the tential, social organization, po­ Among other things. Latino leaders commitment came in the form of agree­ commitment made by Salinas de Gortari litical mobilization and your told Salinas de Gortari that: ing to the formation of a Joint Mixed to lMPACTO-88 recommendations. present cultural flowering". 1.) Mexico should tap Chicanos Commission, if elected thiscoming July. The candidate agreed that closer collabo­ strong desire to help. Political mecha­ The cornmission would be comprised of ration with the United States second he told the over one thousand person au­ nisms and organizations under ISJ — largest minority could reap dividends for dience. lMPACTO-88 are in place, if Mexico Please see ENCUENTRO, Back Page Jugando Limpio Con Los Inmigrantes Personal For Dick Meister trabajo, bas5ndose en que la nueva ley de patrones estdn demasiado ansiosos de Profile Hispanic Link inmigracidn lo exige. obtener mano de obra barata como para Las leyes que detaUan los derechos de desdeiiarlos, y las dependencias del Es ilegal, desde luego, el que los pa- los trabajadores no haeen distincidn entre gobiemo estdn demasiado carentes de trones diseriminen contra cualquiera por los trabaj adores nativos y los inmigran­ personal como para que puedan haeen motivo de sexo, raza o cualquier ortra tes. Pero, poco despuds de la mucho respecto. razdn. Tambidn todas las personas promulgacidn de la ley de inmigracidn en Dados esos hechos de la vida, el tienen derecho, por lo menos, a la tarifa la primavera ultima, un tribunal de dis- negarse a garantizarles las proteeciones minima de pago fijada por el gobiemo trito de Alabama dictamind que la misma que se garantizan a otros trabajadores federal, asf como a las demds garantfas quedana sin ningun efecto si se contin- significa estar de acuerdo con la de la Ley de Normas Esquitativas de uaba otorgando iguales derechos a los explotacidn flagrante de los indocumen­ Trabajo. trabajadores indocumentados y asf, en tados. Bueno, "casi" todo el mundo tiene efecto, animdndoles a continuar entrando En el caso de Califomia, por ejemplo, ferecho a un trato justo — quizds si eon en el pafs. el patrdn alega que, debido a que una la exeepcidn de los millones de tra- Pueda que sf. Pero los trabaj adores mujer a quien dl se negd a contratar bajadores indocumentados de este pals. Samuel Duran indocumentados continuardn migrando, nuevamente despuds de que ella tomb Una demanda judicial que estS siendo no obstante, en gran cantidad. Estdn licencia por matemidad, era una tra- "Let's clean San Bernardino up." juzgada en Fresno, California, podrfa demasiado desesperados por obtener bajadora indocumentada, ella no tenfa Please see Duran, Page 6 quitarles a ellos todos los derechos del empleos como para quedarse lejos; los Pagina 4, INMIGRANTES Westside Business Nuestra Cultura Juventud Community Calendar Arias Employment Samuel Duran "Charlie" Is Going Home Voices in the Crowd Unlimited Agency Mexican Pageant Tickets 6 Go On Sale. nr-' Editorial Inland Empire Hispanic News Wednesday, April 20,1988 ppBru.% * -•.* They were the model couple, known for being inseparable, always attend­ ing church and participating in func­ tions throughout the Inland Empire and state. She was involved in numerous community organizations. One of the organizations, the Sociedad Protec- tora Femenil, was the beneficiary of her talents for many years. Both husband and wife were ac­ tive members of the American G.I. Forum, an organization she had been Margaret Martinez, long-time community activist and friend passed away April 9. a member for 28 years. She held various positions at the local and state CAVIMUNITY SUFFERS level. coupled with her humanistic ap­ was an outstanding leader in our ' A GREAT LOSS Margaret's main interest was with proach, were her assets. community. It is impossible to meas­ the youth of our community. Many The ability to get along with ure the positive impact this friend had By Graciano Gomez years of her life were devoted to the people, being employed at Norton Air on each of us. On Saturday, April 9,1988, Mar­ Annual G.I. Forum Queen's contest, Force Base for thirty-four years, and Our community needs more mod­ garet Martinez suffered a massive coaching the young ladies and coordi­ being related and/or acquainted with els like Margaret Martinez. She will stroke and passed away. She was nating their activities. Her involve­ the majority of the families in the be missed by all whose lives she buried on Wednesday, April 13, ment in fundraising functions for Westside of San Bernardino, ex­ touched. 1988. scholarships were well-known. panded her knowledge and needs of In lieu of flowers, family members Margaret was a lifetime resident Her "no-nonsense" and "let's get the community. have requested donations be made in of San Bernardino, She and her hus­ things done" attitude were her great­ Her lifetime goal was the better­ her name to: American G.I. Forum band Henry would have been married est talent for getting numerous proj­ ment of our community, especially Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box408, San forty years in September of this year. ects completed. These attitudes. the Westside of our city. Margaret Bernardino, CA 92402. Hispanic Link Hispanics Investigate The F.B.I. The Inland Empire Hispanic By Herman Sillas cover agents, and when we ask for pro­ out fear. After being advised of the suit News will publish any correc­ Latino and Latina FBI agents are in motions, they tell us they can't spare us and listening to the pitch of Texas Attor­ tions regarding factual errors or and about the Hispanic community because we are so valuable. Meanwhile, ney Joe Silva, one prospective donor misleading information. these days, but their presence is not to we continue to train others on their way responded, " Can 1 give it to you in break tip any criminal conspiracy or bust up the ladder." cash?" Everyone laughed. They could any major dope ring. Nor is it to recruit The lawsuit alleges further that be­ identify with the man's concem. bright, bilingual and bicultural candi­ cause of the bilingual abiUties of many of One of the agents present said that the dates to join in the force. the Hispanic agents, they receive a heav­ had joined the bureau because it was the These agents are there to gain sup­ ier workload but no additional compen­ best law enforcement agency in the w w INLAND EMPIRE port for their cause: They have a class sation. This additional work is not meas­ world. He was sad to add that because of HISPANIC NEWS action lawsuit against the Federal Bu­ ured in their evaluations; instead, they his experiences, he had advised his own reau of Investigation, charging discrimi­ are chided for not accomplishing other, son not to follow in his footsteps.
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