The Edinburgh Gazette, August 17, 1926
1948 THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, AUGUST 17, 1926. Brigadier-General Robert Gordon Gilmour, Cureton, George William, Sorting Clerk and C.B., C.V.O., D.S.O., of Liberton and Telegraphist, Birmingham. Craigmillar, in the County of Midlothian Davenport, Charles, Painter, H.M. Dockyard, -Colonel Henry Ferryman Bowles, of Enfield, Chatham. in the County of Middlesex. Davis, William, Chief Officer, Class II., H.M. Lieutenant - Colonel Godfrey Dalrymple Prison, Plymouth. Dairymple-White, of High Mark, in the Davis, William George, Electrical Fitter, County of Wigtown. Chargeman, H.M. Dockyard, Chatham. James Augustus Grant, of Househill, in the Dine, John Charles, Storehouseman, H.M. County of Nairn, Esquire. Dockyard, Portsmouth. Oolonel John Wakefield Weston, of Kendal, in Eales, Charles, Chargeman of Painters, Royal the County of Westmorland. Naval Armament Depot, Bull Point. Evans, David, Principal Officer, H.M. Prison, Birmingham. Goskar, Thomas Teasdale, Postman, Norwich. Whitehall, August 12, 1926. Hammond, Joseph Arthur, Postman, Rochester The KING has been pleased to approve of and Chatham. the appointment of John William Willis-Bund, Harbour, Charles William George, Attendant, .Esquire, C.B'.E., J.P., D.L, to be Yice- Brqadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum. Lieutenant for the County of Worcester, to act Harvey, George Frederick, Engine Fitter, for His Majesty's Lieutenant during his H.M. Dockyard, Devonport. -absence from the County, sickness or other Harvie, Kate, Counter Clerk and Telegraphist, inability to act, until 31st December 1926. London Postal Service. Hayes, William Henry, Postman, Birming- ham. Hicks, William, Skilled Labourer, Boiler- Whitehall, August 3, 1926. makers Assistant, H.M. Dockyard, Chatham. Hillier, Harry Richmond, Draftsman, Group IMPERIAL SERVICE MEDAL.
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