Gazetteer of Scotland; Arranged Under the Various Descriptions of Counties

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Gazetteer of Scotland; Arranged Under the Various Descriptions of Counties XM Zs 7 National Library of Scotland !< III I II II II II III I III I II *B000071022* &M&BTTEEU SCOTLAND ARRANGED Under the Various descriptions of COUNTIES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, PARISHES, CIVIL GOVERNMENT, ISLANDS, CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS, CITIES, AND CHURCHES, TOWNS, MANUFACTURE & COMMERCE; VILLAGES, NAVIGATION AND CANALS, LAKES, MINERAL SPRINGS. RIVERS, SINGULAR CUSTOMS, MOUNTAINS, LITERARY CHARACTERS, VALUES, AMUSEMENTS, AND ,LOCAL SITUATION, POPULATION. AND WHATEVER IS WORTHY THE ATTENTION OF THE TRAVELLER, WHETHER REFERRING TO The Scenery of the Country, or the particular Places which have been distinguished by the Valour or the Genius of Scotsmen. % $efo (fftrttton, CAREFULLY REVISED AND CORRECTED. THOMAS TURNBULL AND SONS, EDINBURGH, THE GAZETTEER OF SCOTLAND ABE A BBAY, or ABBEY of St BATHANS ; ABBEY-GREEN, a village in Lanark- Berwickshire, situated a parish in in shire, in the parish of Lesmahagoe ; so ite- the midst of the Lammermuir hills, about med from being built along the remains of 6 miles in length, and three in breadth. a monastery, dependent on that of Kelso t The soil is light and dry, and, on the banks founded by King David I. in 1140, and de- of the Whittader, fertile and well culti- dicated to St Macule. All that remains of vated; but the hilly district is barren, the monastery is a square tower, with bat- and covered with heath. Here are the tlements, now converted into a steeple to remains of an ancient abbey of Bernar- the church of Lesmahagoe. The village dines, founded in 1170, for which Ada, lies 12 miles S. of Hamilton, and 4 from Countess of March swore fealty to Edward Lanark. It contains about 430 inhabitants. I. of England, in 1296. The .Earl of ABSEY-HILL, a small village in the Weymss has lately built an elegant villa,, parish of South Leith, suburbs of E- called the Retreat, about a" mile from the diriburgh, on the E. of the city, through Kirktown of Abbey. Population in 1811, which the new entrance by the Regent's 154. Bridge passes. Population, 550. ABBEY, a small village in the parish of ABBEY PARISH of PAISLEY. See Logie, about one mile N. E. of Stirling, on PAISLEY. the banks of the Forth, adjoining the ruins ABBOTRULE, once a parish in Roy- of Cambuskenneth Abbey. It is chiefly burghshire, now suppressed, and divided inhabited by weavers and salmon fishers. between theparishes of Bedrule and South* ABBEY-CRAIG, a rock of considerable dean^ height in the parish of Logie, and county ABBOTS-HALL t a village and parish the of Stirling ; on the top is to be seen in the S. coast of the county of Fife. The form of a battery, said to have been erect- parish is small and irregular, being In its ed by Oliver Cromwell, when he laid siege utmost extent not more than 2 miles each to the Castle of Stirling without effect. way. Its general appearance is very plea^ A ABE ABE Bitot, rising gradually from the coast north- for pavement, and grain ; the imports, hemp, ward, into pretty high grounds. The soil flax, linseed, tallow, and ashes. The Ab- is thin but exceedingly fertile, particu- bey, founded in 1178. by William I. is a larly in warm showery summers. Mr Fer- venerable ruin, well worth the attention of guson of Raith, one of the chief proprie- the traveller. Aherbrothock is a very an- tors of the parish, has lately made out some cient royalty, it being the general opinion extensive plantations around his seat, and that it was erected into a royal burgh by erected a fine observatory on the highest William the Lion, in 1180, and confirmed" ground in the parish, which has a very com- hi its privileges by a writ of novodamusfrom manding prospect. The district abounds James VI. in 15S9. It is governed by a with coal and lime-stone. In a quarry' of the provost, 2 bailies, a treasurer, and 15 coun- latter, at Innertiel, are found some beauti. cillors ; and has 7 incorporated trades. The ful specimens of petrified patell*-, erttro- revenue is upwards of L.900 Sterling. It chi, cornua ammonis, and other marine unites with Aberdeen, Montrose, Inver- productions. The village of Abbots-hall bervie, and Brechin, in sending a repre- has long been noted for the manufacture sentative to parliament. The PARISH of checks. Population 3,000. is of small extent, being an erection, ABB'S (St) HEAD; a promontory well about two centuries ago, of the town irnown to seamen, lying in the parish of and royalty into a separate parish from St. Coldingham, and county of Berwick, about Vigean's, in which it was formerly includ- 1G miles N. W. of Berwick, and the same ed. Around the town tfie soil is rich and distances. E. of Dunbar. fertile; but towards the N. W. there is a ABDIE, a parish in the county of Fife, considerable extent of waste ground, the pro- of considerable extent, but greatly inter- perty of the community, which contains a sected by other parishes. It lies on the S. chalybeate springof considerable celebrity. bank of the river Tay, amongst those high Population, including that part of the town lands, which to the westward acquire the situated in the parish of St Vigean's, about appellation of the Ochil hills. The surface ,U000. is remarkably uneven, but the soil is in ge- ABERCORN, a parish and village in j neral fertile. It possesses three quarries of Linlithgowshire. The parish is of a rect- jcranife, of" which considerable quantities angular figure, about <£ miles long, andf3 a re shipped for paving tlie streets of London. broad, lying on the S. bank of the Forth, a- T.wo bills, viz.. Clatchart Craig and Norman's bout 12 milss W. from Edinburgh. The Law, are remarkable for their height and whole is arable ;.- about two-thirds are occu- precipitous fronts. Population 7S2. pied by plantations and the policies around ABERARGIE, a village in Perthshire, a Iiopetoun-house, the princely seat of the mile W. from Abernethy. family of Hopotoun, which never frilsto de- ABERBROTHOCK,or ARBROATH, a light the stranger by its external grandeur, sea-port town in the county of Angus or its tine paintings, its charming walks, and Forfar, situated at the mouth of the river tine prospects. The ruins of tl\e ancient re- Brothock, which flows inte the German sidence of the Earls of Linlithgow, near Ocean. It consists of two parishes^ Aber- Hopetoun-house, are worthy, the traveller's brothock and St. Vigean's, surreunded on notice. The village nud' church of Aber- the VV. N. and E. sides by eminences, in the corn are pleasantly situated. The monas- form of an amphitheatre. It lies 56 miles tery of Abercom was ene of the most an- N. N. E.from Edinburgh. The Town, ex- cient in Scotlaud, and the Castle, now a cepting the new streets, exhibits little re- complete ruin, was one of those stations or gularity. The town-house, which is mo- forts which the Romans occupied between dern, contains several public offices, and a Antoninus' wall and Ciamond, below Black- small Subscription Library. Besides the ness Castle, vide BLACKNESS. Abercom established churches, it contains an Epis- gives the British title of Marquis, and the copal chapel, and othor places of worship Scottish title of Earl, to a branch of the fa- for dissenters. Fifty-six vessels belong to mily of Hamilton. The minerals of the pa- the port, whose united burden is about 4000 rish are limestone, freestone, coal, and iron Ions. Tbeharbouris small, butwell slultir- stone; but (he limestone only i.\ wrought. rd, and is defended by a battery mounting Population S8.0. parish in Perthshire, f> guns. A grent quantity of sail cloth is ABEHDAI.GY, a manufactured here for the use of t be na- conjoined with that of Duplin. The united vy, besides other manufactures in llax nnd parish is 2 nnd n half miles in length, nnd tanning. The principal exports are stones nearly as much in ' breadth. The Eiifc ; A'B E •washes it on the S. side; and the soil is in terhead, Frazerhurgh, Huntly, Keith, and general fertile- —A bout a mile from the river Old Meldrum. It is divided into 85 pa- stands Duplin Castle, the seat of the Earl of rishes, which in 1S11 contained 13S,15l> Kinnoul. Population .513. inhabitants. The chief seats are, Huntly ABERDEENSHIRE.—This extensive Lodge, the seat of the Marquis of Huntly ; county is hounded on the N. and E. by the Stain's Castle, Earl of Enrol; Keith Hall, German Ocean ; on the S. by the counties Earl of Kintore ; Aboyne Castle, Earl of of Kincardine, Forfar, and Perth; and on Aboyne; Marr Lodge, Earl of Fife; Phi- the W. by Banff, Moray, and Inverness- lorth House, Lord Saltoun ; Putachie, shires.— Its extreme length from E. to W. Lord Forbes ; Ellon Castle, Earl of Aber- Is S5 miles, and 40 miles in breadth from deen. Besides these, Monymusk, Fintry north to south. Its circuit is 2S0 miles, and House, Fyvie Castle, Invercauld, Pitfour, its superficial area 19S6 square miles, or a- Logie, Elphinstone, Leith Hall, Free-field, bout 1,270,744 English acres. It compre- Abergeldy, Skene House, and Cluny, are hends the districts of Marr, Garioch, For- elegant residences. Aberdeenshire sends martin, Strathbogie, and greatpart of Buch- one member to Parliament. The valued an. Wild as this region is, it exhibits some rent of the whole county is, in Scottish mo- of the most interesting scenes to be met ney, L.241,931 Ss. lid.
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