Ellis and Wackett Microbial Informatics and Experimentation 2012, 2:1 http://www.microbialinformaticsj.com/content/2/1/1

REVIEW Open Access Use of the University of Minnesota Biocatalysis/ Biodegradation Database for study of microbial degradation Lynda BM Ellis1* and Lawrence P Wackett2,3

Abstract Microorganisms are ubiquitous on earth and have diverse metabolic transformative capabilities important for environmental biodegradation of chemicals that helps maintain ecosystem and human health. Microbial biodegradative metabolism is the main focus of the University of Minnesota Biocatalysis/Biodegradation Database (UM-BBD). UM-BBD data has also been used to develop a computational metabolic pathway prediction system that can be applied to chemicals for which biodegradation data is currently lacking. The UM-Pathway Prediction System (UM-PPS) relies on metabolic rules that are based on organic functional groups and predicts plausible biodegradative metabolism. The predictions are useful to environmental chemists that look for metabolic intermediates, for regulators looking for potential toxic products, for microbiologists seeking to understand microbial biodegradation, and others with a wide-range of interests. Keywords: Biodegradation database, pathway prediction, microbial degradation

Introduction somewhere on the earth. How does nature handle such Microbial degradation here refers to the microbial con- a vast range of compounds? version of organic compounds, often those of that nega- Life has likely existed on Earth for at least 3.6 billion tively impact human health, to less toxic or more useful years, during which time living things have acquired the forms, in the environment or the laboratory. Knowledge ability to catabolize almost every available carbon of the genes, , and pathways involved in this source. It has been estimated that there are 5 × 1030 process help us understand environmental processes, prokaryotes on Earth [3] and every free-living prokar- obtain useful products, engineer remediation of polluted yote typically contain 1,000 -10,000 genes [4], making environments, and predict the fate of chemicals in the for an diversity of approximately 1034. While environment. This minireview focuses on the past ten many of those 1032 enzymes are isofunctional, there is years of research in this field; for earlier work, see [1]. still enormous untapped metabolic diversity in the Hundreds of thousands of natural products are microbial world. For example, there are a class of anti- known; millions of compounds have been synthesized biotics produced by Streptomyces species that contain an by organic chemists. There is no end in sight to chemi- azoxy functional group. Until recently [5], there was no cal synthesis. The number of stable organic compounds information about the enzymes that biosynthesize the that are less than 500 molecular weight are estimated to azoxy group, and information is still lacking on the cata- range from 1020 to 10200 [2]. Of the chemicals currently bolism of azoxy groups. There are many examples in the sythesized, almost 100,000 are used commercially. Most literature of chemical groups identified in natural pro- naturally-occurring molecules, and many of the syn- ducts for which metabolic information is lacking [1]. thetic ones, are transformed by at least some microbe, Since the structures have been rigorously identified, and the compounds derive from biological sources, novel biosynthetic enzymes must exist. Moreover, since these * Correspondence: [email protected] 1Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Minnesota, natural product compounds are not observed to Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2012 Ellis and Wackett; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Ellis and Wackett Microbial Informatics and Experimentation 2012, 2:1 Page 2 of 10 http://www.microbialinformaticsj.com/content/2/1/1

accumulate in the biosphere, it is likely that enzymes studies indicating that 1 g of a non-contaminated soil participate in their biodegradation. contained nearly one million prokaryotic species. A The range of microbial biodegradative metabolism is heavy metal contaminated soil contained less but still on broad and, based on the discussion above, expandable the order of thousands of species per g soil [14]. Given almost infinitely. To more systematically organize and this enormous diversity, it cannot be definitively asserted display this information reported in the scientific litera- which bacterial genera and species are most significant ture, the University of Minnesota Biocatalysis/Biodegra- in biodegradation. dation Database (UM-BBD) [6,7] began in February, Soil microbes that have been isolated for UM-BBD 1995. biodegradation pathways are compiled in the University of Minnesota Biocatalysis/Biodegradation Database Structure of the Biocatalysis/Biodegradation microorganism list [15]; the most frequently listed gen- Database era are Pseudomonas, Rhodococcus and Arthrobacter,in The UM-BBD was developed to compile information on that order. Environmental fungi can also transform a experimentally-determined metabolic pathways that are variety of organic compounds; genera in the UM-BBD used by microbes to degrade chemical substances, prin- include Aspergillus, Fusarium, and Phanerochaete. cipally those considered to be environmental pollutants. In general, bacteria are more likely to completely Metabolic pathways are depicted in text and graphic for- degrade, or mineralize, the starting compound whereas mats. Pathway representation consists of starting com- fungi may catalyze hydroxylation and functionalization pounds and intermediates and the reactions they reactions leading to an accumulation of one or more undergo. The reactions are typically catalyzed by metabolites. For example, fungi metabolize 1-anthrol, a enzymes although, in some cases, unstable intermediates hydroxylated metabolite of anthracene, by functionaliz- are generated that undergo spontaneous chemical reac- ing its hydroxyl group with xylose, glucuronate or sul- tions to produce new intermediates. The enzymes are fate [16]. These functionalization reactions serve to encoded by genes that are contained within specific increase the solubility of the metabolite and facilitate its microorganisms. The aerobic UM-BBD pathway for the excretion into the aqueous environment surrounding compound toluene [8], highlights these features. In the organism. In some cases, bacteria may also metabo- some cases, intermediates, enzymes and genes for some lize compounds by functionalization rather than minera- of the pathway may be unknown, as shown for the UM- lization. For example, bacteria can displace the chloride BBD pathway for isoniazid [9]. The UM-BBD thus group in the pesticide alachlor by a thiol-containing represents the current state of knowledge that can spur molecule, such as glutathione or cysteine [17]. Further further studies on pathways it depicts. enzymatic oxidation of these conjugates produce ala- The UM-BBD database structure is shown in Figure 1. chlor-ESA (ethyl sulfonic acid) [18]. Metabolites of ala- This highlights that metabolic pathways are the primary chlor-ESA found in soil and groundwater include focus and consist of metabolic reactions contained on alachlor-OA (oxanilic acid) [19] and N-(2,6-diethylphe- the UM-BBD server or provided to users via links to nyl)-ESA [20]. sitessuchastheIntermediary Metabolism database of KEGG [10]. Additional information on enzymes can also Reaction Classes Represented by the UM-BBD be obtained via links from UM-BBD reactions pages to The reactions depicted by the UM-BBD capture the the ExPASy [11], Kyoto [10], or BRENDA [12] data- wealth of organic functional groups that are transformed bases. Gene sequence data can be obtained by links to by microorganisms. For example, hydrocarbons are oxi- the NCBI Genbank [13] database. Most pathways also dized by oxygenase enzymes to produce alcohols, thus list microorganisms that have been identified carry out transforming a hydrocarbon functionality into an alco- the depicted metabolic pathways, either in full or in hol. The Nomenclature Commission of the International part. Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NC- The bacteria studied for biodegradative metabolism IUBMB) classifies enzyme reactions into 6 major groups, have most frequently been isolated from soil. Soil bac- each of which contains many UM-BBD enzymes (Table teria generally have greater transformation capabilites 1). UM-BBD enzymes are not uniformly represented in than other bacteria. In soils, food sources are likely to the 6 groups, either in NC-IUBMB classification or in be more limited, diverse, and constantly changing. Bac- the UM-BBD. For example, are overre- teria that acquire capabilites to metabolize and grow on presented, comprising 27% of IUBMB and 62% of UM- a broad range of compounds have a greater advantage. BBD enzymes, indicating their importance in all, and It is believed that more than 99% of bacteria commonly even more so in biotransformative, reactions. Each found in soil have never been cultivated in pure culture. major NC-IUBMB group can be subdivided into three This assertion is supported by DNA hybridization further levels, indicated by sub-codes. Ellis and Wackett Microbial Informatics and Experimentation 2012, 2:1 Page 3 of 10 http://www.microbialinformaticsj.com/content/2/1/1


Figure 1 Structure of the UM-BBD. A solid box is UM-BBD information; a dotted box is information from one or more links to an external database.

The UM-BBD details biotransformation reactions for organoarsenicals, alkylboronic acids, and thioamides. It over sixty organic functional groups [21]. A number of is anticipated that there will be new discoveries of novel the reaction types are quite familiar to all biochemists; metabolic transformations with as yet uninvestigated those dealing with alcohol, aldehyde, carboxylic acid and chemical functional groups. This can be predicted with approximately thirty other commonly-occurring biologi- confidence because the natural product chemistry litera- cal organic functional groups. The UM-BBD also con- ture contains references to more than one hundred tains information on other chemical groups that may be organic functional groups present in molecules bio- less familiar; for example, organomercurials, synthesized by living things [1]. Since these functional groups are produced, and presumably metabolically degraded, there is a strong indication that metabolic Table 1 UM-BBD Enzymes by NC-IUBMB Class transformation of these structural entities does exist. Class Name # in UM-BBD EC 1 Oxidoreductases 552 (62%) Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Biodegradation EC 2 54 (6%) Microbiologists often makealargedivisioninthetype EC 3 144 (16%) of metabolism found in prokaryotes along the lines of EC 4 90 (10%) aerobic versus anaerobic organisms [22]. As discussed EC 5 29 (3%) later, this demarcation is not as distinct as often ima- EC 6 25 (3%) gined. However, some general principles emerge from Ellis and Wackett Microbial Informatics and Experimentation 2012, 2:1 Page 4 of 10 http://www.microbialinformaticsj.com/content/2/1/1

dividing metabolism in this way. Generally, microorgan- metabolism. The page highlights the differences in aerobic isms that live in aerobic environments use oxygen as versus anaerobic benzeonoid ring metabolism [28]. their final electron acceptor and employ oxygenase Many reactions are hydrolytic and cannot be ascribed enzymes that insert oxygen from atmospheric diatomic to aerobic or anaerobic organisms exclusively. For exam- oxygen into substrates. As mentioned above, 62% of ple, the pathway that starts with atrazine UM-BBD enzymes are oxidoreductases (EC class 1, dechlorination proceeds through a series of hydrolytic Table 1); the largest subgroup within this group are reactions to completely mineralize the s-triazine ring. oxygenases. The reactions have been described in aerobic bacteria Strictly anaerobic microorganisms live in the absence but there is no metabolic prohibition for anaerobes car- of oxygen and thus do not typically have the option to rying out a pathway consisting exclusively of hydrolytic use oxygenases in their metabolism (see an exception to reactions. In other cases, reactions are ambiguous and this at the end of this section). This has important con- cannot be relegated into neat classes of occurrence in sequences for the microbes and the types of biodgrada- aerobic or anaerobic bacteria. For example, the enzyme tive reactions they carry out. For example, the acetylene hydratase catalyzes the addition of water to a metabolism of benzenoid aromatic hydrocarbons is carbon-carbon triple bond to produce an aldehyde. The completely different when carried out by aerobic or enzyme was originally found in a strictly anaerobic bac- anaerobic bacteria. Aerobic bacteria typically break the terium, Pelobacter acetylenicus, and it is activated in aromaticity of the benzene ring and set the substrate up vitro by strongly reducing conditions [29]. Hence it was for further oxidation reactions by using dioxygenases to onetimeconsideredtobeanenzymeof“anaerobic add oxygen to the ring and producing a cis-dihydrodiol. metabolism.” Subsequently, the enzyme activity was Fungi growing in aerobic environments couple monoxy- identified in aerobic bacteria and purified under both genase and epoxide enzymes and make trans- aerobic and anaerobic conditions and obtained in active dihydrodiols from benzenoid aromatic ring compounds. form in vitro [30]. Indeed, enzymes that require strictly A search for dihydrodiol compounds on the UM-BBD anaerobic conditions to maintain activity, such as nitro- on February 24, 2011 revealed 27 such compounds that genase, are found and remain active in aerobic bacteria, are produced as intermediates in aerobic biodegradation such as Azotobacter vinelanddi,eveninthepresenceof pathways. There is evidence for many additional dihy- a substantial atmospheric oxygen concentration [31]. drodiols being formed in UM-BBD lists of the known A more intriguing recent finding is with the anaerobic reactions catalyzed by naphthalene dioxygenase [23] and bacterium Methylomirabilis oxyfera [32]. M. oxyfera can toluene dioxygenase [24]. Aromatic rings are subse- oxidize methane and respire nitrate. Other anaerobes quently opened into aliphatic compounds by the action have been shown to oxidize methane anaerobically via a of dioxygenases that both add oxygen and cleave a car- functional reversal of the methane forming reaction cata- bon-to-carbon bond in the ring. The ring-opened pro- lyzed by methyl-S-coenzyme M reductase. Surprisingly, duct is metabolized to intermediates that enter the M. oxyfera used an oxygenase enzyme, which by defini- tricarboxylic acid cycle. An example of such pathways tion uses gaseous dioxygen, for methane metabolism. on the UM-BBD is the bacterial aerobic metabolic path- The organism generates very low levels of dioxygen from ways for toluene [8]. the reduction of nitrate to dinitrogen with the concurrent The anaerobic metabolism of benzenoid aromatic liberation of dioxygen. These low levels of oxygen are compounds proceeds quite differently, as shown in the then cleared via the oxygenase-catalyzed oxidation of anaerobic toluene pathway on the UM-BBD [25]. In the methane, thus protecting the cell against oxygen toxicity. anaerobic pathway, the methyl group of toluene is func- A reciprocal observation has been made with Sterilo- tionalized by benzylsuccinate synthase [26] and further bacterium denitricans, a facultative organism that grows transformed into the metabolite benzoyl-CoA. Benzoyl- aerobically and anaerobically using the steroid ring of CoA is a common intermediate in the anaerobic biode- testosterone as its sole source of carbon. Testosterone is gradation of aromatic ring compounds. In the absence principally composed of carbon and hydrogen and is of oxygen, the aromatic ring aromaticity is disrupted by typically metabolized via a series of oxygenase-catalyzed reduction via benzoyl-CoA reductase [27]. Further meta- reactions. However, S. denitricans grows on testosterone bolism produces acetyl-CoA that can be assimilated to by incorporating oxygen from water into the steroid make cellular materials or further oxidized for energy. structure and this occurs under both aerobic or aerobic Aerobic and anaerobic differences in metabolism extend growth conditions [33]. to the BTEX compounds and other molecules. BTEX Some reactions that are often considered to be strictly stands for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes and anaerobic are not always restricted to anaerobic bacteria they are common contaminants found in gasoline spills. (Table 2). For example, reductive dechlorination is car- The UM-BBD has a metapathway page covering BTEX ried out by anaerobic bacteria [34,35] and aerobic Ellis and Wackett Microbial Informatics and Experimentation 2012, 2:1 Page 5 of 10 http://www.microbialinformaticsj.com/content/2/1/1

Table 2 Representative reductive dehalogenation reactions in the UM-BBD having different degrees of information Substrate Product Enzyme, if known Reference carbon tetrachloride chloroform unknown [34] beta-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexa-chlorocyclohexane delta-1,2,3,4-tetra- chlorocyclohexane unknown [35] tetrachlorohydroquinone trichlorohydroquinone tetrachlorohydroquinone reductase [36] trichlorohydroquinone dichlorohydroquinone trichlorohydroquinone reductase [36] bacteria [36] and even oxygenase enzymes [36,37]. The It cannot be definitively ascertained that a chemical pentachlorophenol catabolic pathway is comprised of compound is not a natural product since it may be pro- oxygen-requiring and reductive dechlorination (third duced by some, as yet, uncharacterized organism. How- and fourth step) enzymatic reactions [36]. The overall ever, it seems likely that pesticides like asulam and pathway thus requires oxygen and the organism grows atrazine are strictly industrial chemicals. Atrazine is now aerobically. In another example, it has been shown that reported to undergo ready biodegradation in many soils an oxygenase, cytochrome P450cam, can catalyze reduc- [41]. For this to occur, onewouldhavetopresume tive dechlorination at a substantial rate, showing a kcat/ either of two occurences. One hypothesis is that a pre- 5 -1 -1 KD of 2.1 × 10 LM s [37]. The reactions proceed existing metabolic pathway for something else was able under reduced oxygen tension. When oxygen is present, to immediately catabolize atrazine when it first appeared both reductive dechlorination and oxygenative dechlori- commercially in 1959. The other hypothesis is that pre- nation reactions can be observed. existing genes that encoded other reactions were co- opted and evolved new enzyme specificities that allowed Evolution of Biodegradation Enzymes them to catabolize atrazine. The latter view is the pre- Microbes are continually evolving new metabolism in vailing paradigm for the evolution catabolic metabolism response to new industrial chemicals introduced into for atrazine and other anthropogenic compounds the environment [38-40]. The UM-BBD contains many [38-40]. pathways for compounds that have only been synthe- The evidence for the recent evolution of atrazine cata- sized within the last one hundred years, a very short bolism is multi-faceted. The major pathway for atrazine time in evolutionary history. The UM-BBD currently is intiated by a dechlorination reaction to produce contains approximately 1300 compounds; representative hydroxyatrazine [42]. In early literature, atrazine was “new” chemicals are shown in Table 3. considered poorly degradable but fifty years after its introduction it is metabolized moderately to rapidly in many soils [41]. The UM-BBD lists six different bacteria Table 3 UM-BBD compound names starting with the that catabolize atrazine and subsequent reactions in the “ ” letter A that were first synthesized in the past 100 main degradative pathway. The six bacteria, isolated years and their UM-BBD compIDs from several different continents, have been shown to Compound Name UM-BBD compID contain isofunctional enzymes that have nearly or com- Acetonitrile c1151 pletely identical sequences [43]. It is highly unlikely that cis-Acetylacrylate c0386 these enzymes evolved millions of years ago and have N-Acetylisoniazid c1170 not undergone any mutational change when all of the Acrylonitrile c0148 other genes in the different genera have diverged exten- Ametryn c0260 sively. The atrazine genes were subsequently shown to Amino(methoxy) sulfanylidenephosphinite c1480 be localized to broad host range plasmids and flanked 4-Amino-2-hydroxylamino-6-nitrotoluene c0442 by IS1071 and IS1081 elements that can facilitate their 6-Amino-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid c0733 movement amongst populations [44]. Moreover, another 2-Aminobenzenesulfonate c0245 study recapitulated the natural evolutionary process in 4-Aminobenzenesulfonate c0551 the laboratory [45]. Atrazine dechlorinase was shown to 2’-Aminobiphenyl-2,3-diol c0445 be related to deaminases but did not show deaminase 6-Aminohexanoate trimer c1000 activity. DNA shuffling was conducted with the atrazine Aminonitrofen c1403 dechlorinase gene and a homologous deaminase gene Aminoparathion c0089 [45]. This produced mutant enzymes with one to five Asulam c1263 amino acid changes. This showed that only two amino Atrazine c0002 acid changes were necessary to “evolve” a deaminase The UM-BBD compound web page for a compound with compID = c1151, for into a dechlorinase. Moreover, some of the mutant example, is available at: http://umbbd.msi.umn.edu/servlets/pageservlet? ptype=c&compID=c1151 enzymes had new activities not shown by any of the Ellis and Wackett Microbial Informatics and Experimentation 2012, 2:1 Page 6 of 10 http://www.microbialinformaticsj.com/content/2/1/1

parental enzymes and were active against chemicals System (UM-PPS [48]) and PathPred [49], both of which have not yet been studied for microbial degrada- which are described below. tion. These data illustrated the facility by which micro- bial enzymes can evolve quickly to handle new chemical University of Minnesota Pathway Prediction System (UM- entities. PPS) The UM-PPS is a rule-based biodegradation prediction Predicting Biodegradation Pathways system that was first offered to users in 2002 [50]. It Only a small fraction of natural and anthropogenic che- predicts plausible microbial biodegradation pathways micals have been tested with respect to biodegradation. that might occur in soil. It predicts both aerobic, anae- It has been estimated that between 1020 and 10100 stable robic, and reactions that would occur under aerobic or organic chemical compounds of less than 500 molecular anaerobic conditions. The UM-PPS is not meant to weight are theoretically possible to synthesize [46]. represent the catabolic pathway(s) of any specific bacter- Thus, the gap between the total set of novel chemical ium. Rather it represents catabolic pathways carried out substances and those tested for microbial catabolism by any bacterium or mixture of bacteria. This latter will continue to increase. This gap will need to be filled focus best reflects environmental biodegradation where by increasing our knowledge of the principles of biode- it is thought that many bacteria often team up to biode- gradation such that we can use the knowledge to predict grade anthropogenic chemicals. the fate of chemicals in the environment. In this context, the UM-PPS brings a constellation of In many fields of science, predictive ability of a larger known microbial catabolic reactions to bear on a com- systemisbuiltupfromknowledgeofitspartsandhow pound entered by the user to transform it into meta- they are assembled. To predict chemical reactions, one bolic intermediates. The transformations are carried out first needs knowledge of the cluster of elements that by biotransformation (bt) rules that are based on the bond together into stable and defined configurations, known biochemical reactions of functional groups. the organic functional groups. For example a primary Based on the discussion in the previous section, it can alcohol is drawn with the chemical formula RCH2OH seen that on the order of 250 biotransformation rules where R can represent virtually any organic fragment. can represent known metabolic reactions. Any general All primary alcohols share certain fundamental proper- rule thus applied can be linked to one or more known ties that underlie their reactivity with enzymes or che- metabolic transformations found in the UM-BBD and/or mical reagents. For example, there are many enzymatic the scientific literature. For example, rule bt0003 was reactions in which a primary alcohol is oxidized to an written for the reaction of an aldehyde to produce a car- aldehyde. In another example, it could be phosphory- boxylate (Figure 2). There are 59 reactions in the UM- lated. These two examples represent different BBD that correspond to this rule; users can examine biotransformations. those reactions to learn more about the basis of the By defining all of the functional groups that undergo rule. A few rules, for example the hydrolysis of acyl biotransformation, and all individual reaction types for chlorides to a carboxylic acid, rule bt0026, occur rapidly each, one can define biotransformations in a generalized and spontaneously in water. This reaction has been way. The UM-BBD curators have tried to capture the shown to occur non-enzymatically in biological systems breadth of known functional group biotransformations. and contribute to the overall biodegradation of certain The UM-BBD currently contains information on chlorinated compounds. approximately 70 chemical functional groups. There is a Each rule is ranked with respect to its likelihood for compilation of the majority of functional groups com- occurring in aerobic biodegradation (Figure 3A). In this piled into a Table and a graphic available on the UM- ranking system, the reactions governed by rules bt003 BBD [47]. The UM-BBD depicts multiple types of bio- and bt0026 are considered to be “likely” or “very likely,” transformations for each functional group; for example, respectively. During a prediction cycle, each compound reduction, oxidation, elimination, or hydrolysis). On submitted to the UM-PPS is examined for the organic avergage, there are 3.5 transformations per functional functional groups that it contains, and these functional group. This makes for 250 different reactions types groups are matched to the appropriate UM-PPS rules. overall. By consecutively focusing on different functional There are presently 250 btrules in the system; this num- groups within a compound, and the reactions they ber and the individual rules are periodically updated. undergo, one can predict a series of biochemical trans- When a matching rule is found, the UM-PPS trans- formations that the compound may plausibly undergo. forms the query molecule containing the given func- This general approach is used by two different publi- tional group into a product. This process can occur for cally-available biodegradative pathway prediction sys- all the different functional groups of a molecule, so tems, the University of Minnesota Pathway Prediction there can be multiple products from a given starting Ellis and Wackett Microbial Informatics and Experimentation 2012, 2:1 Page 7 of 10 http://www.microbialinformaticsj.com/content/2/1/1

Figure 2 Example UM-BBD Biotransformation Rule, see text. compound.Eachproductfromthefirstcompoundcan, without any intervening reactions. Thus, the dehydro- in turn, be used for further rounds of prediction. A set genation rule would have preference over other rules of consecutive predicted transformations thus constitu- and prevent the depiction of other pathways that have tes a predicted metabolic pathway. The prediction ter- never been observed in nature. Currently, 126 btrules minates when the pathway reaches a compound that have relative reasoning. either cannot be degraded using existing rules or is on a Other ways to limit false predictions include super list of termination compounds defined within the UM- rules (Figure 3C), rules that encompass several contigu- PPS. Predictions by default are run for up to six steps ous simple rules that form a small pathway of their (prediction cycles) and are limited to those rules more own; and variable aerobic likelihood (Figure 3D), that commonly found in aerobic environments. Users can changes the aerobic likelihood of a rule if a given struc- changes these and other defaults throughout the predic- tural feature is present. tion process. The efficacy of the UM-PPS for predicting “real If btrules alone were used, the predicted metabolites world” metabolism has been evaluated in several recent for complex molecules could consist of dozens, even publications [51-53]. Helbling et al. [52] studied the hundreds, of compounds. This is because the rules metabolism of six pharmaceuticals and six pesticides could be triggered in a different order to produce paral- individually spiked into batch reactors seeded with acti- lel and interleafing pathways. However, in nature, reac- vated sludge. Two-step, aerobic UM-PPS predictions tions often proceed in a given order and, by capturing assisted in the indentification of transformation products this knowledge, predictions can be improved. In this (TPs) found following HPLC and full-scan mass spectro- context, relative reasoning (Figure 3B) was used to metry. The 12 compounds produced 26 TPs, 21 of prioritize certain rules over others when certain groups which (81%) were correctly predicted by the UM-PPS. were present. For example, during the aerobic catabo- Three more TPs would have been predicted for all lism of benzene ring compounds, dioxygenation of the twelve compounds if three prediction steps and all (not ring and subsequent dehydrogenation occur sequentially only common aerobic) rules were used, increasing the Ellis and Wackett Microbial Informatics and Experimentation 2012, 2:1 Page 8 of 10 http://www.microbialinformaticsj.com/content/2/1/1

Figure 3 Different features comprising metabolic logic in the UM-PPS: A) Each biotransformation rule has an associated, color-coded aerobic likelihood assigned by content experts; B) Relative reasoning is applied when a biotransformation rule take precedence over another; C) Super rules combine metabolic steps when warranted, based on existing biodegradation knowledge; D) Variable aerobic likelihood is used to distinguish the likelihood of rules based on structural characteristics of the compound. For more information on the UM-PPS, see http://umbbd. msi.umn.edu/predict/aboutPPS.html.

successful predictions to 24 (92%). However, those compounds, then the process is repeated for all products changes would have also increased false positives, and of the reactions. These iterations produce the predicted thus were not considered efficient by the authors. The pathway. compounds, their PubChem [54] CIDs, number of TPs foreach,andnumberofthoseTPscorrectlypredicted Table 4 Compound Names, CIDs, TPs, and correct TP after two steps by UM-PPS and PathPred (see below) predictions by UM-PPS and PathPred (see text) are shown in Table 4. Name CID TPs UM-PPS Path-Pred An alternative to using the UM-PPS, also studied by Atenolol 2249 1 1 1 Helbling et al. [52], is subtraction of a full-scan high- Bezafibrate 39042 5 4 1 resolution MS scan taken at t = 0 from the same scan Carbetamide 27689 1 1 0 at t > 0, and using the peaks shown only at t > 0 as the candidate list. For 11 of the 12 parent compounds (all Clomazone 54778 2 2 2 except propaclor), the subtractive method generated a DEET 4284 2 1 0 higher number of false positives than the UM-PPS. Diazepam 3016 2 2 1 Levetiracetam 5284583 1 1 1 PathPred Napropamide 27189 2 2 0 The PathPred system [55] derives from data in the cur- Oseltamivir 65028 1 1 0 rent Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes Propachlor 4931 5 2 0 (KEGG) [56]. The biodegradation of an entered com- Tebutam 92299 1 1 0 pound is predicted based on the biodegradation of simi- Valsartan 60846 3 3 0 lar compounds in the KEGG database. That is, the first TOTALS:2621 6 reaction of the pathway is based on reactions of similar Ellis and Wackett Microbial Informatics and Experimentation 2012, 2:1 Page 9 of 10 http://www.microbialinformaticsj.com/content/2/1/1

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