
North Carolina State University's Student Newspaper Since 1920

Volume LXl. Number 62 Monday, February 23, 1981 Raleigh, North Carolina Phone: 737-2411, 2412 \

DH. Hill Library reaches

goal of 1 million volumes

by Fred Brown Littleton said the library's drive to Beta Kappa chapter." he said. “There acquire 1 million books had nothing to are some schools that have Phi Beta Assistant News Editor do with the proposed 1981.82 budget. Kappa chapters that have smaller D.H. Hill Library’s drive to reach which requests an increase of approx‘ libraries than we do." the goal of 1 million books will be imately $400,000 over last year's Philosophy and Religion Depart- realized when the February statistics budget. or last year's budget pro ment Head Robert S. Bryan. who are compiled at the end of the month. blems. headed the committee that compiled The drive officially began Jan. l. The library had to adopt such State's Phi Beta Kappa application. 191:), when the library had approx- measures as a book moratorium and agreed with Littleton's assessment. imately 850.0w :olumes. the cancellation of over 300 periodical “The number of volumes in the “We are adding enough so that we subscriptions in order to keep from library was not a factor in the applica- have reached the million-volume level running out of money. tion being turned down." he said. already." Library Director Isaac T. “The reason for the increase (in the Littleton said Friday. “At the end of 1981-82 budget) is purely to give us Planning expansion January we only lacked 3.000 enough money to meet inflation." he volumes." said. Littleton confirmed reports that the ' The library will celebrate the Littleton said the moratorium. library is planning expansion but said cataloging of its one-millionth volume which was applied to book purchases any future expansion of the library at a Friends of the Library dinner as a result of the effects of inflation on will depend on the N.C. Legislature April 21. Littleton said. the 1980-81 fiscal year budget. and the UNC board of governors. “We also expect to announce the ac- prevented the library from reaching ”We have made a capital~ quisition of a major (book) collection at the million«volume level sooner. improvement proposal and we hope to that dinner." he said. “The moratorium definitely slowed expand the library by the mid-1980s." Reaching the 1 million-volume level us down." he said. he said. is one of the requirements for The additional volumes have caused Littleton said that even though the membership in the Association of students to lose some study space in library now has 1 million volumes it is Research Libraries. Littleton said. the bookstacks. Littleton said. still far behind the libraries at Duke “We had to remove some seating to University and [INC-Chapel Hill. ARL requirements allow for shelving space in the "We just got a late start." he said. bookstacks." he said. “They were “They had much higher budgets for so He said membership in the ARL is originally designed for shelving but long. We didn't start growing much also based on the size of the book- the shelves were not put up earlier until the 1960‘s. They have had higher periodical-binding budget and the size because we didn't have enough books. budgets for decades." of the library's staff. among other re- We have added seating in other Littleton said he expects private quirements. places. however. squeezing in extra donations to the library. in the form of “We will be applying (for member- seats wherever we could. either money or book collections. will shipl." he said. “but you have to main- “We are still short of seating space be equal to or greater than that tain a certain level for four years in a but we probably won‘t get more until received this year. row. we get more space for the library." "We've gotten some very good col~ “We will probably be able to meet There have been allegations that lections." he said. ”and we have a their requirements within the next the rejection of State's application for group of private citizens. the Friends two years." a Phi Beta Kappa chapter last spring of the Library. who donate money and Littleton said the library purchased was due in part because the library book collections." 70.282 books in fiscal year 1978-79 and did not have 1 million volumes. Littleton said that in acquiring the 1 “2.0.x.assist-‘13s . ' .. , .11. 77.625 in 1979-80. ' Littleton said such allegations are million volumes the library was able Staff photo by Simon Griffiths “That figure may, go down this year unfounded. to improve many areas in the fields of because of the effects of inflation." he “fr? "‘ll‘he'library had nothing to do with am; am Library has rescind the 1 mllllonwolmarlr and on: number will be mime:- theFebruary statistics are the University's not getting a Phi * ‘ ‘ISee “Goal, page 2) compiled at the end ofthe month. said.

Center prohibits company from using campus room WCPE is a noncommercial station for recruiting purposes established by five former State by Patsy Poole tatives on campus. according to Jones. students because of what they felt Writer "I had no reason. legal or otherwise. was the lack of good radio stations in to deny Southwestern Book Company the Raleigh area. ' Representatives of Southwestern a room for recruiting." he said. Book Co. will no longer be allowed a Staff photo by Clayton Brinkley room on campus for recruiting ses- No room sions because the ethics of their recruiting tactics have recently been Jones said he could not prohibit the Walter company's representatives from questioned. according to recruiting door-todoor salesmen on Jones. director of the Career Planning campus. but the room that was and Placement Center. previously used for recruiting is no A letter of complaint from one stu- longer at their disposal. dent. David Knecht. and verbal com- “I will remove my request with plaints from several other students Registration and Records to hold the prompted Jones's concern. room open." Jones said. The Planning and Placement Center Knecht said he recently attended a gets requests from'about 1.100 cor- Southwestern Book Co. meeting and porations per year to allow represen- was displeased by the recruiting methods he encountered. ansaae Knecht said he saw a poster in Bagwell Dormitory asking for “10 —-No tables left empty when hardworking. male college students" New Rhythm and Quarter to work this summer “with an ex- Students establish WCPE despite disCouragement comes to Raleigh. Page 3. cellent pay of $300 per week." “Tom Boyd. the man who spoke at by Roy Lucas Road in Raleigh in a white. single the area but when he first started to Sempsrott has been awake since -—Pack's pride prevails. Page 4. the meeting. had a good sales pitch story house. The firm is barely build his own radio station. some 3:30 am. He had to work at his part- and was very charismatic." Knecht Staff Writer noticeable nestled between two people had other thoughts about the time job at a Raleigh resturant this Ali/omen cagers didn't said. “but when I started asking ques They work 65 hours a week large office buildings. Only upon a se- 29-year-old East Northport. N.Y.. morning » his only source of in- "volunteer" a win against Ten— tions he got pretty defensive." without pay at a non—commerical cond glance does one notice the native. come; part of which goes to the sta~ nessee. Page 5. Knecht said he completed a contract radio station. Ask them why and blacked-out windows and the array “i had people tell us we were crazy tion. His clean-shaven face is drawn with the company except for signing they'll say. “Because we want to." of wires and antennas atop the struc- and say it was impossible. I sent and his large frame is bent slightly. —American policy, the PLO and it. He wanted more information before Jim Sempsrott and Greg Procopio. ture. those people a copy of the FCC ap seeming to carry some invisible Israel. Page 6. doing so. he said. Media revolutionaries? FM fanatics? Inside. the visitor finds a homey proval when we got it." he said. weight. However. his voice is still Southwestern Book Co. appeals to Hardly. Working. 12 hours a day atmosphere unique to radio stations. The station operation began July filled with enthusiasm when he talks weather college students because its summer leaves little time for political action. No sterile atmosphere. No special 18. 1978. after years of research. con- about the station. jobs offer travel and a lot of money. ac- In March 1973. while attending designed logos at every turn. The struction and fund raising. it started Today — clouds and showers —- cording to Knecht. State. Procopio and Sempsrott and green carpet is worn and the neat out broadcasting only four hours a Satisfying job possibly thundershowers - He said he was bothered by what three other State students had an bundles of wires are visible along the day. Because of the many volunteers return to the area. Look for a the representative did not say about idea to start their own radio station. ceiling. Extra or old equipment is working for the station. WCPE is “This is a challenge to me. As long daytime high near 60 with the job. ‘ Today WCPE is on the air for 18 stacked in almost every corner of the currently planning for 24- hour broad— as I continue to learn I'll be here. It's tonight's low near 40. Tuesday “For example. the company hours a day with a broadcasting storage rooms. casting with 33.000 watts of powrer. a very satisfying job. You're your — rain ending followed by $125 for Some of the equipment used to own boss and you get to set your own estimates a recruit spending power of 12.500 watts. 65 volunteers goals." Sempsrott said. gradual clearing and slightly a training week prior to selling books. ”I was in Sullivan dorm and Greg broadcast WCPE's classical format being cooler temperatures. High There is no mention of that on the con- was in the same suite. He had parts was built by Procopio who graduated Procopio also spoke about temperature in the mid-50$ while tract." he said. with a bachelor's degree in electrical ”1 don't want you to limit this to a able to do something he always the nightime low will dip to near of a transmitter all over his room. twoperson thing. We have 65 wanted to do when asked why he We started to talk about radio and engineering. He spent one-and-ahalf WCPE. freezing. (Forecast provided by Accommodations available the lack of good stations in the area." years designing and building the sta- volunteers. Everyone here has a part continued to run student meteorologist Kirk tion's transmitter. Other equipment to do and if they don't we have a pro “First. 1 learned a lot and made a Stopenhagen.) Knecht said he was told by the com- Sempsrott said. blem." Sempsrott said. lot of good friends. But now it‘s doing pany representative who spoke at the Endless hours was purchased from government something you wanted to do and tak‘ meeting he (attended that surplus warehouses or donated by The front door opens. Visitors. ing pride in something you do for Correction Southwestern Book Co. has accom- Months later. after endless hours such supporters as the lBM com- One of the volunteers has told her yourself." be said. modations available where recruits of research that almost caused pany. parents about the station and According to Sempsrott. the The .Teclinician incorrectly can stay without paying any rent for Sempsrott and the others to flunk they've come by to look around. reported Friday that Associate school. the five students form Glamo aelf-deatructa , WCPE learning experience is not Professor of Chemistry Chester [-3. the first week. out of No secretary stalls them with limited to a select few. He urges any Knecht said he "just thought that ed an association and applied to the is not busy State student interested in radio Gleit had empl0yed an attorney and a couple of other things weren't FCC for a twowatt facility. They Procopio has just come in from "Let me see if someone who was working in conjunction were turned down. working on the antenna that he built. who can show you around." instead. broadcasting to call or come by the with Haggard. Sullivan. Hensley very realistic.“ It seems that a certain expensive giz Sempsrott is on his feet introducing studio to talk to him. Don't worry if "I asked a lot of questions because 1 In December 1973. the same group the guest to everyone in the dimly lit you're not a classical music buff — and Pearson law firm of Raleigh. have no experience with legal con- formed the Educational information mo has just self~destructed. He and Attorney Ernest C. Pearson is a of what I Corp. and reapplied to the FCC. in breezes through the office and quick- room. Earlier. another voluleer had‘ii because neither are Procopio member‘of this law firm but he is tracts. I wanted to be sure the mail that's on his desk. brought by her son and a friend. Sempsrott. was committing myself to before I September 1974 the FCC approved ly opens tour and a handling Gleit's case through E.C. signed the contract." he said. the request. Procopio has been called one of the They also received a full (See "Students. page 2) Pearson and Associates of Raleigh. WCPE is located on Wake Forest best electrical-engineering minds in warm welcome. We regret the error. (See “Company. " page 2) \\\;\.-\ / \_

for recrmting summer salesmen (Continued from page II minutes to explain to the According to Strange. he was between the two of representative tnat he was earned as much as 36.000 in them." Carlton said. When he continued to ask simply trying to act in a one summer while he was in- No reason questions. Knecht said. the responsible manner. Knecht volved with the company. representative told him that said the man tore up the un- Knecht said that at the Carlton also said there his problem was not with signed contract and left. meeting he attended the was no reason why Knecht the contract. representative recommend- could not discuss the con- “He was trying to tell me. Problem inainuated ed that recruits work six tract with a legal adviser. that I had a problem that "He insinuated that I days a week. seeing 30 peo “I think Southwestern would not be solved until I would never be able to solve ple each day. Book Co. is misunderstood signed his contract." Knecht my problem. whatever he ”I can understand why by a lot of people. Tom Boyd said. thought my problem was." some people feel pressured. was simply trying to provide Pressure Knecht said. A few of the recruiters do this student (Knechtl an op Another State student, come across as being too portunity." Carlton said. “I felt he put a lot of Todd Strange. said he work- pushy." Strange said. 500 campuses pressure on me." ed for Southwestern Book Southwestern Book Co. After trying for several Co. for four summers and Believed in company recruits at 500 college cam- that the experience was “When I worked for them puses, according to Carlton. very rewarding. I really believed in the com- Five thousand students sold Goal “Working for them was pany but I didn't intentional- the company's books last probably the best thing I ly pressure recruits." summer. Carlton said. r('ontinuer1 from page I) ever did. It helped me Strange said he thinks the “The students who work humanities and social develop as a mature per- company representatives for us in the summer sell sciences that had been con- son." Strange said. should be allowed on campus two volumes that cost a sidered weak. Staff photo by Simon Griffiths Experience impressive as long as they do not violate total of $54.90. From that "We have particularly campus policies. amount. the students make What’s up there? been able to strengthen our Strange said job inter~ “A job with Southwestern $23.60." he said. holdings in foreign-language viewers have been very im- Book Co. is certainly not for This State student may be the only person able to answer that question but whatever was in the tree, the material." he said. “We have pressed by his experience everybody. especially not Credit hours offered weekend provided excellent weather in which to watch it. obtained several literature with Southwestern Book Co. for a person who can't han- According to Carlton. collections written in their “To an interviewer. a job dle rejection." he said. both Appalachian State original languages. We have with that type company University and Western acquired some excellent col- shows professionalism. hard Representative helps Carolina University offer Briefly lections in English literature work and determination." he Frank Carlton. an area three credit hours to and history as well." said. representative for the com- business majors who sell Friday. March 20 is the last day to withdraw from or drop a Applications are available in the office of international. pany. said Boyd came to books for Southwestern course without a grade at the 500 level and above. student development and must be submitted by March 18 Raleigh from to help Book Co. for participation in the program'next semester. Students establish a State student. Tom Conference on social roles McKernan, recruit on cam- ‘ “I worked that out with Career planning (Continued from page I) music listeners. according to those schools myself. I have A day-long conference on “Law. Justice and Social Sempsrott. pus. not really discussed such a Change: Women's and Men's Roles in Society" will take “I‘m just learning to enjoy Carlton said Boyd normal- A workshop titled “The Ins and Outs of Planning Your ly has nothing to do with program with anyone at place March 21 at the McKimmon Center. Career" will be held from 7-9 p.m. on Tuesdays, March classical music. Right now I Procopio anticipates State becauseI haven't been The conference's morning session will focus on historical. 17— April just find it relaxing. When many other changes for the recruiting at State and was working at this job for very ethical and legal aspects of changing social roles. The after- 21. we first started out we were station in the future. here only as a favor to Tom Participants in the workshop. sponsored by the Division McKernan. long," Carlton said. noon will be devoted to workshops. of Continuing Education. will identify career goals. evaluate half popular music and half “I hope we'll have a much The conference is funded by the NC. Humanities Com- skills and abilities and develop a written career-planning classical." Sempsrott said. bigger building and have Conversation not heard mittee. For more information contact the NC. Center for guide. Classes will also focus on appropriate The reason for WCPE's around 37,000 watts and be Laws Affecting Women at 919-722-0098. interview for- on 24 hours a day." he said. "I did not hear the conver- WRITERS techniques and the development of a resume and cover let- switch to an all-classical Student exchange ter. mat during the weekdays is “I also hope a couple of us sation that went on between WANTED Fee for the course is 3105'and participants will receive 1.4 because the majority of the will be getting paid by David Knecht and Tom 737-2411 Any student who will be a junior next fall is eligible to ap- continuing-education units. For more information contact supporters are classical- then." Boyd. Whatever happened ply for the International Student Exchange Program. Rosemary Jones at 737-2261. Participating students remain enrolled at State throughout their stay abroad. The cost of studying abroad classifieds for two semesters is no more than the cost of two semester a. OVERSEAS JOBS firintnieinoat round SINGING MESSENGERS WANTED| Mosr FEMALE RDOMMATE to share ‘71 ol rent and of study at State. LAW OFFICES OF Classifieds cost 10¢ per word with a Europe, South America, Australia, Asra All have loud Singing vote it desue Iu entertain uttIittes Call 787 5628 between I and 6 pin minimum charge of $150 per insertion Marl fields $500$12011 monthly Sightseeing Free To audition come to the Unrversny Student EADS 8: HOLLIDAY check and ad to Technician info Write IJC. Box 52 NCS, Cttrona Del Mar. Cenler, Room 2107 on Thursday February Building. Suite 408 Classifieds, Box 5598, Raleigh, CA 82625 25m between 1200 it 500 p in These audt CASH LOANS NEVER REPAY Tree The Lawyers Ni. 276530 Deadmie IS 5 pin on day of trons ltave been arranged through the Career Details. Hullman and Associates 5001 A Ft {Esquire STYLE SHOP 320 8. Salisbury St. publication for the prevtous issue Liability for TAKE A SPRING BREAK at Sand Pebble Motel Planning Center Cal1828 7784 for more irtloi Sumter Road, Raleigh, N C 27806 Raleigh. NC. 27601 mistakes in ad limited to relund or reprinting in N Myrtle Beach, South Ca Rooms $15” matron ' and must be reported to our oilices wrthrn Call 803 7494717 lot tosv two days after first publication of ad WATCH SPRING BREAK' Refresh your spirtls Welcome Students Er NO CHARGE FOR INITIAL CONSULTATION 19/0 HO 4 door, radio, power sterrtng and NEEDED IMMEDIATELY' Statistician to do by hiking, skiing, exploring, and quiet llieSlde Staff FOR SALE BMWRTSIS 1973i), Krausers, brakes, crurse control, AC, good condition, loud costing liit N C S U Food SeIVices Must hours Less expensrve than Florida beaches' Uncontested Divorce ...... 3125.” * costs Windjammer, new Michelrns, Tanks bag, etc $700 or highest bidder Call 7871770 be available to work a 2 hour block at least 4 Your own cozy cottage In the Smokies $311 Separation Agreement (uncontested wliimitsd assets) . $150.00 Cali 4615843 days per week For more info and an applica lot 2 people, $35 for 4 nightly, MOuntain Traffic coon‘ngorggéniaiiori. OUI. first offense . . I 3:50:00 TYPIST EXPERIENCED In term papers, theses. 'ttIIt contact Valerie WoIney, Ist Floor Kitchen Brook Cottages, US MI So, Sylva NC IIO4I Popular Cuts 8 Styles FEMALE RDUMMATE WANTED to share room dissertations resumes Fast Accurate Student Center between 8 a to noon Ml 5864329 for Guys 8 Girls ‘ Fees for other legal services available on request trt 2 bedroom apt 2 blocks from rampus Reasonable Call Barbara at It]? 7714 K080 $7brlnllillll plus 1‘ utilities Call 8340848 trying PART lIMF HELP WANTED. Picture framing Practicing in the following fields of law: experience preferred Contact Richard Gard ADDRESS AND STUFF envelopes at home / Please Call 821-4259 ROOMMATE WANTED '1 bedroom town DAN BIAISDEII the MARATHITN BAND net, The Picture Place North Ridge Shopping Earnings unlimited Offer, send $1“, relun for Appointment All Criminal and Traffic Offenses house, $125 per month plus VI of utilities For MUSIC for every occasrnn lrrtm keg parties to Center, 8750841 dable, Iu Triple "3', 18743 YRS, Cajun, Family Law and Divorce more inloimatton call 834 0852 after 4 p m pig picktn's' Call 266 9207 anytime Hespeita, CA 92345 Reasonable rates COUNSELORS Over 19 who hire to have ® 2402 Hillsborough St. Personal Iniury and Property Damage Cases HAPPY B'RTHDAY SUE' love you' fun and make fun at unique overnight boys' WANTFD' Non smoking males as subjects in @REDKE Near Blimpies Taxation Steve ROOMS FDR RLNT 1:? block lrom campus summer camp in Penna Able to insourt paid EPA breathing experiments on the UNC immigration and Naturalization Cases Furnished, kitchen pnvrleges Male students either on itl Iollowrnq Watersaiety, Waterskr CH campus. Total time commitment is 1015 HARDWARE AND GROCERY STORE pail Call 834 5180 tttq, Boating, Soccer, Basketball, Arts and hours, Including a Tree phy5ical examination r-—_---—----—------fi General Practice nine appioi 22 hrs week 8475225 Crafts, Ruckcltmbtng, Rtllery, Ham Radio, Pay is $5 0” per hour and travel expenses are I COUPON I PARKING FOR RENT Several locations next Rocketry, Satence, ARchery, Track, Tennis, reimbursed We need healthy males, age l $11!) Off Style for Guys " I 033-3703 EXPERT TYPING of term papers, theses, to your building Guaranteed spot save on Grill, Photography, Pioneering, or General 18 40 With no allergies, and no haylever Call dissertations on IBM Selecttit Reasonable gas, tickets and timing Call R32 528? or Athletics Write Camp Director, 138 Red Chapel Hill collect for more information, I $2.00 Off Style for Girls | rates Call Evelyn, 833 3579 834 5180 I24 hour answerittgl Rambler Drive, Lafayette Hill, Pa. 19444, 986 1253 E . L

ALL WESTERN-ALL NIGHTER Saturday, February 28th 6pm-23m Student Center NCSU 1D. or Registration Card required

History ofBlack with Waltya mam.

T-Shirt Logo Contest Submit entries in Room 3114 Student Center Program Office by the March 27th deadline.

Rosa Parks Lecture on the See Ya There! Civil Rights Monday Feb. 23. 1 pom. Free Movement Stewart Theatre N.C. State University 5; .i was Wednesday, Feb. 25 Coming to 8pm in Stewart Theatre Stewart Theatre Honoring Black History Month PRESENTED BY Black Students Board

Feb. 24 at 7:1}93‘50 I____.. Students $4 Non-Students $5

v i. Entertainment February 23, 1%1 Technician / Three

NRBQ spells ’ Standing Room Only’ by Karl Samson WKNC Albuh Features 2. Entertainment Writer For the week of February 23-27 1‘ A year and a half ago when I first saw NRBQ (New 11 a.m. Album Features Quartet) at The Pier I was able to walk into the club at 9 p.m. and find a table near the Mon Head East as a stage. However. if you arrive after 9 p.m. when Tue The Jam Effects NRBQ plays at The Pier these days. chances are good Wed Bad Company that you won‘t find an empty table anywhere. Members of the Whole Thu Elvin Bishop Jake Don’t let the lack of seats dissuade you from Wheat Horns. Fri Small Talk Small Talk crow 'ng in to see this band the next time they're in town though. Once the music begins chairs become 2 p.m. Mini-Sets supe luous — mere obstacles to dancing bodies. When RBQ starts to play their unique brand of Monday Bachman Turner Overdrive music everybody in the club gets “all hopped up." Tuesday TheDoors When you “get rhythm." accbrding to the band. the Wednesday UFO only cure is to “shake. rattle and roll." I Thursday Blue Oyster Cult NRBQ has been together for over 12 years with no Friday Traffic less than nine album releases. The band consists of be called new rhythm ah blues. The is a keyboard instrument that sounds Terry Adams on acoustic piano and clavinet, AI With its roots in the me and roll of the late 1950’s. like a cross between an electric guitar and a calliope. 9 p.m. Album Features Anderson on guitar. on bass and NRBQ produces an undeniably danceable brand of NRBQ is one of the few groups to make extensive use Tom Ardolino on drums. rhythm and blues. They always produce a high- of this unique instrument in both recordings and live Mon Edgar Winter Standing on Rock energy show from start to finish. The prime moving shows. . Tue The Inmates Shot in the Dark Brass backed force behind this band is the manic, and sometimes The amazing. sometimes startling. sounds that are Wed Bob Seger Beautiful Loser maniacal, keyboard virtuoso Terry Adams. produced by this instrument are due mostly to Thu Faces Ooh La La The band is backed by a brass section known as the Adams has often been called the clown prince of Adams‘ unique style of playing keyboards. He uses Fri Mark Shaffan and the Keepers Whole Wheat Horns which includes Adams‘ brother keyboards. His outrageous escapades on stage are not only his fingers but also his wrists. elbows. fists Marh Shaffan and the Keepers Donn on trombone and Keith Spring on sax. matched only by his unquestionable proficiency on and feet to produce the many sounds he coaxes out of Together they produce a kind of music that can only both the piano and the clavinet. both the clavinet and the piano. His screaming rolls up the ivories occasionally land him on the stage or in the audience. Male ego conflicts with enticing femininity in film In contrast to these high-energy high jinks, the rest of the band seem to be members of a temperance movement. Spampinato's bass playing is unpreten- by Betsy Walters era. Perhaps the 808 will br- “They used to call her Joni. If Oliansky wanted this to tious but provides a constant unerring rhythm. Asst. Entertainment Editor ing about a "You-or- Forget her. Anything that be a unique love story, he My-Career" era with the Movie evi W eats into the concentration failed because the piano got Anderson towers over his guitar. stage and audience. If The Competition was greater possibility of the is bad for you. Forget her." in the way. It is obvious the dispelling any thoughts that this band doesn't take supposed to be Richard "You" winning out. The unretractable attrac— actors went through a lot of its music seriously. Ardolino on drums and the Whole Dreyfuss' next big film — it petition does not make clear know how talented a pianist tion starts with Heidi mak» work to make dubbed piano Wheat Horns provide the beat and brass so missed. This movie had all Basic conflict which one wins. though. she. is and neither does the ing great efforts and Paul music look as though it was necessary to make rhythm and blues come alive. the possibilities of becoming Dreyfuss is Paul Detrfch, audience until the competi- playing hard to get. know. actually performed. Constantly on the road. NRBQ plays The Pier another hit for Dreyfuss as This is the basic conflict in the gifted pianist who feels tion. and understand. In the com- about every three months. With each appearance the was The Goodbye Girlbut it The Competition. Can Paul guilty/for the time and At the competition, which petition both Heidi and Paul crowd grows larger as the word spreads. If you want fell short of such heights. Detrich followhis heart, fall money his middle-class is based in San Francisco. make it through elimina- Only excel The Competition is the in love with Heidi and forget parents have spent He is Heidi recognizes Paul from a tions along with four others. ' to get “all hopped up" don't miss the New Rhythm story of two competing that she might be a bigger about to give up competing past competition. "We all including one young female This is perhaps the only and Blues Quartet the next time they're in town. pianists who fall in love. talent than himself? due to the fact that his thought you were so gifted." pianist from Russia. area in which Irving excels. Heidi is the emotional father is weakening from Thus. the competition is character ready to forget she starts out but finishes At other times she seems AIOI'I'ION UP so an really between the piano herself for the man she the financial strain. Yet with, “You had an itch'for Talents needed not to want to move. She WEEK 0" PREGNANCY and the love. Which will win loves. She wants to share Paul just has to compete one me didn‘t you?" Paul im- slurs out her lines as if she "70." out? everything love, talent last time to reassure himself mediately turns into your Joel Oliansky adapted his prefers sleep. A“ ll- 18 to 1. weeks M and. of whether he really has any basic creep and gives her own story. coauthored the Dreyfuss is an excellent at sud-st east New era if she wins, prize talent. the cold shoulder. screenplay and directed The actor. He was probably first Pregnancy test. birth control and money. Maybe the 805 will Amy Irving protrays However. after the Competiton. It is unfor- choice for this part although blern ncy eounseli . For furt’b'; This might be the start of be the rebirth of the roman- informs on. call (toll free tics. Heidi. the insecure. meeting he rushes into the tunate that he did not seek it is not a first-choice part. C E number (800)221-2608) between a new era in films. The 70s sheltered rich girl whose men's room to give'himself out other talents for at least Ia.m.~5p.rn. weekdays. GYN clinic were considered the “Me" Paul is perhaps the em- piano instructor. Greta. has the third degree in front of one of these tasks. The Editor's note: The Competi— ' ‘15.”. era which. after An Human bodiment of the “Me" era an ancestral teaching the mirror. Making his directing is marginal with a tion is now showing at the w “"5 sied Woman. led to the running into the conflict of history that reaches back to “itch" for Heidi obvious he few hazy scenes and no uni- Imperial Cinema IV “I-Am-My-Own-Wo‘man” the "Us" concept. The Com- Beethoven. Heidi does not tells his reflected image. que ideas. Theatres in Cary. crier ---/—------So that all Crisis maybe run, all items must MATH‘SCIENCE CLUB MEETING Wed, Eeb ANTHROPOLOGY SD’IIETY POTIUCK DINNER THE NCSU CHAPTER Di NAACP Will tutti” DLJALIEYING DATES TOR STUDENT, lAClll THE ASSOCIATION FOR THE CONCERNS DE be less than 30 words and must be typed or 25 at 3:30 pm, tn 320 Poe Hall All math and on Thu, Tel) 26 at 630 um All men-hers Toe, March 3 at T'JOpin III the NCSU Stu TY, STATE SPRINT} DOLE TOURNAMENT dll' BLACK GRADUATE STUDENTS will present a legibty printed. No lost items wil be run. Only scrence education mayors are imiiied to at Welcome please bring a meal Drinks [ITII dent Center Ballroom All members are on February 73 March 70 first round begun, symposium for Black History Month on Thu, Two for the one item from a single organization will be lend. vrded convened to attend and bring a friend Nirn March 23 IflIflelIilIllllt suitors available III III ERI) 28 at 130 p m in the Green Room of the run in an issue. All items will run at least once members are also are also encouraged to .ir rtarritirol [Illice Student Center Everyone is Welcome before their meeting date but no item will up All SEE AND TBE STUDENTS AND lAtitll IY lonrl pear more than three times. The deadline for GIRLS SOCCER CLUB practices will now be please attend the meeting Feb 24 .i' Wlfdv‘i" lle MOVIE "lovers, Takers, and Other price of One! all Criers is .‘i p.m. the day of publimiion lot held on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Labs l~ rods; III lovers" will be shown 'omqh' at TOO the prevrous issue. They may be submitted tn Thursdays at 4:00 p.m. on the upper In o [It Bowen Lounge Trio lllgh' BOO [lTIl Sir framers Suite SIZD, Student Center. Crier: are run tramural Field Come meet our new coach All IEDE’ULD WIIDLIIE CIUB Will more" Illt‘ Bl'll‘y l‘iiuriqit Sponsored by College lifts on a space ayeilable basis. new members welcome evening at TOO pm at 3533 IIHITITTIEI Holt Everybody IS welcome and relreslinionu. WIII Blush Jam's THE CAREER WORKSHOP PROGRAM uttered ASSOCIATION OE LATIN AMERICAN he served SAVE A PAPER AND BRINL. II to THE W3 through the Career Plecentem Office STUDENTS PARTY 7 and pm Ilpm Eli MARYLAND [TAMI Wort night Ill "Read" dot THIS WEEK 3 organizes workshops on various subiects for day, February 27 Everyone is welcome THE SOCIETY OF AFRD AMERICAN Clll tllHl 'l'IlJ introductions AllttTTIHl addition to Itii: all classes dealing with decrstonmalting sills, WIII have a General Body meeting Too, too NCSU "Silent ltHaIt‘IIRnI" til ytsoiiig teams Buy any :31 interests and values and job-hunting CO REC TABLE TENNIS. CO REC BADMITDN 24, at 730 p m in the Student Comet ‘\‘ strategies. For more information call AND MIXED DOUBLES TENNIS Entries WIII Ballroom Members are urged to attend Sandwich 3. 737-2244. be taken in the Intramural Office from Mon JAM WITH THE SPHINX CUIB UE AIE’HA PHI and get a g"’ day, Febroaw IBMarch 15. THE WESLEY FOUNDATION will meet Illl‘ d' ALPHA ERATERNITY Eriday, February 2/ from CARDUSEL RESTORATION WORKSHOP Sat. 530 pm ftii dinner and a program The El Illl ll in I DO 3 m Admissmn IS SO trims deli salad n.2 uy one pizza and get one of March 28, from IO ant-T2 noon at Pollen GRADUATING IN MAY2 HAVE YOU THOUGHT meeting erI be held at the Emrtriitrtr for .30 cents 3' Park Volunteers needed to complete this ABOUT THE PEACE CORPS? It's the tougheSi Methodist Church Everyone is WBICIITTII‘ SAILING CLUB NEEDS PEOPLE TO HELP AND (DU?qual fascinating project. For details all NCSU rub you'll ever love, For more information, (IR RACE WITH TEAM Meeting Wed, Feb UnderD.H.HillLibrary value or smaller FREE! Volunteer Services 7373193. contact Peter Burke, 209 Daniels Hall, ECKANKAR presents a lrue lilni Toe, I’L‘Il 74 25 at RllU p nt in room TOO of Harrelsori Hall 7373070. at 730 p m in the Brown Room til the Sim Topics Spring intercollegia'e schrddole, Still ALCOHOL AWARENESS SEMINAR with a dent Center day Imprint series, Triangle Club party, Kim University This coupon is good breathelyzer demonstration will be given HOW TO TAKE TESTS Thirty minute Itrlw trip Food anytime, all week at Monday, Feb. 23 at pm in the Bragaw 2nd videotape that gives tips on being emotionally LET YOUR GREEK PRIDE SHlNEl Wino .IH tee our Mission Valley location. Call 833-2825 lloor north study lounge. Come find out a few physically. and intellectually prepared for and letters . Tue, Feb 24 sponsored by Rio. All INTERESTED IN A BIKE TOUR TO NEW Services. for faster service. Our customers know the surprises. taking rests. Available at the Learning Lambda, Greek Honor Society in recognition JERSEY tllftO milesl during Spring Break, call Anistanca Center, 420 Poe Hall, 737-3l63. of our first anniversary on the NCSU campus ErariCis Tully after 5 p m 832 9620 difference. ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE nieettng 5 '--_‘------4 pm. Monday, Feb. 23 in Us Program Offrcs ESSENTIAL G RAB! Coming March 25th CHASS FINANACE COMMITTEE will meet at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 24 in the fourth floor {1 2 Chilidogs No balcony lounge of the Student Center. HIGH SPIRITS . . . DREATHALYER DEMONSTRATION and short the Alcohol rant on the legal problems associatedwith be {1 Lg. Fries (3" Fair trig caught DUI. Tuesday, Feb 24, pm in North Halts TITSI floor lounge Our 36 clubs, residence halls, Greeks, and Drink VANDALISM OETERRANT PROGRAM: Stu UnivefSITV ‘IX, Med. Future other organizations already signed up to dent Body Treasurer Sieve Res will talk on Food Is how to get money for reporting vandalism ' participate Wednesday, Feb. 25 at p.m. in North Halts Services OFFER ENDS MARCH 1 YOU! 50th floor lounge. Refreshments wl he serv $100 Cash Prize for Best Booth ed. 2nd $50 - 3rd $25 ICIip This Coupon I STUDY ABROAD for no more than it costs to LAST CHANCE TO SIGN-UPI study at NCSUI The International Student Err EorlyWeelennerservedeveryMon. .R change Program utters study sites around the world Applications avaibble at International Call Health Educators at 737-2563 Student Development Programs Office, till Alexander 3? PILOT CLUB of Raleigh needs you! Join us at 530 o m. Feb 26. Student Center board tooth in urgamIe a compass club for post ATTENTION: Graduating Soon? secondary students on wows Compass pro DINNER $3.29 Want to Explore the World? woes opportunity for personal development, O Start A Career? Help People leadership, friendships and servrce 'u includes salad bar and ice tea Worm-Coupon mankind in Developing Countries? Buy a sandwich and have ASME LUNCHEON' Wednesday, Feb 25 at At the Sizzler, the price of living it up comes down noon in attughtm 2211 Speaker Mary Whit early in the week. So get away from the same old a Super Soda on us. tort with terms Graohcs grind. And enjoy our pure ground beef. broiled to Ou’ t- or: s gust order. Plus a salad, a baked potato or french fries, gi‘ en, t, {cm for lessasBgoodqht nowas ourwheniceyoumoreorderAndanyhere'sof ouryowGel-crouschanceund~to A SPECIN INFORMATION MEETING for Sizzler toast and Ice Tea. wort-s you i get a Super Soda on us That a our idea of a good old students who want To be freshman orient; ThisCouporClip fashioned treat Elllll crunseltits this summer will be held SIZZLER‘ Lustrous atPinesatire-eerie.stores Mot, March 7 at ITO om in the Men“ - Everyone In Your Party May Use This Coupon! EAM‘LVS'EJIHCu5ES ., ‘Jtillv Timmy: aminesdosou IHI MtNllRlIr AllAlRS ADHIIE is holding a “"5“ this (Oufion Good For One SUPER SODA “<5“ wiirltslooi "Rcahties lfl the World of Wort as SIZZLER FAMILY STEAK HOUSES Contact Peter Burke I with T e Purchase Of Any Sandwicn l' NIEEIM" m Minorities" featuring Mr Wilum Peace Street Rriuils, General Miiriirs, Deli-iii, ”ICIMMII out West 209 Daniels I orrnMUoooo mum»S. l”! T's! wortslltiri erI be field in Int: 7‘" lr.,i-, M-W-F 10-2 l WVPJTSOD s of Releiqh, Inc h til it In r 'iltp in ii. the Student Leltlr-r I Offer Good Thrti Thursday. February 2h "can C‘HTT HILLSBOROUGH STREET I'dil' -.i.\r .‘i'iirlenls it. all iiir'igiihnn. All! .r- 737-3070 .------‘--- yi'rfl ' Ur"'NJpaIC - Into this coupons - Four / Technician February 23, 1981

{State-Ma rylan‘d Pack pits pride ticket distribution Student pickup, for Wednesday’s Stats-Maryland game in Reynolds Coliseum begins today for last match” begiming with, letters A wrought}; mm Tuna-- c» darts-tor?«333nm' banisummits: " 5 Kmghz. t d "5* D" k9: ‘ {i aga‘ g

Monte Kiffin prevails,. 52-51. ,. . ; “ a... « : j‘ f by Stu Hall The 6—7 senior cut the for Sidney. Valvano said. J Sports Editor margin to one when. at the “One of the things that hap left of the lane. he feigned to pens when you slow the tem- DURHAM —— It has been his right and then bolted po down is that the guys said that the one thing that past Thurl Bailey for an easy start to hesitate on their announces you can‘t take away from a layup. shots. We were struggling man is his pride. Following a State for points and when things . -». g; , . _, State. which had won only timeout, Larry Linney stole were bogging down. Lowe _. . . ‘ M . .. 33-“ O o ‘. two conference games in its a Wolfpack pass and in turn took it to the hole." ' ’ first 11 outings and was next tossed it to Banks, who then State finished the game a to last in the standings. rammed it home giving the perfect 12 of12 from the line M grld Signees rightfully kept its pride by Blue Devils its first lead at with Lowe hitting eight and defeaiing Duke 52—51 Thurs- 4140 Whittenburg hitting the . »- HO day night in Durham on the final four. _ foul shooting of sophomore mh?;ecr:l::0fq8u;ifiitthh: For the Wolfpack. the win I “Stag: ftfitlzallhcoach-Morét: Kilifllri Thursday P““‘.’""°°d guards Sidney Lowe and penetrating drive‘ down the was more than avenging its I waif ‘ 3k edesqlave Signeh 10th? fgfiantijm'a'd With the Dereck Whittenburg. lane. only to have Banks hit 56-47 loss to Duke in ‘I’ If“; d‘h. wih enter sc 0° t ‘3 iii aslres‘limen. . Lowe and Whittenburg two more and increase the Reynolds Coliseum. It was I ncu e m . ebgrlglJp 1291 such “no?!“ g-recrurted connected on four free Duke lead to three. also a chance to get back at gridderP ayers 35in runningthe Carolinas;ac 09quarterback-wideC MOS - name receiveri e top PrepPhil throws apiece in the final On the next time down Duke for its verbal potshots Brothers. selected the outstanding athlete in the Virginia 1:08 to subdued a late Blue the court State worked the after that same game. Tidewater area; defensive back Mo Ruffin. regarded by Devil rally. led by none ball toBailey. who hit a six- “We. wanted this one." many observers as the No. 1 athlete in North Carolina; 6-4. other than Gene Banks. to . . Lowe said. “not because of 250-pound tackle Joe Milinichik. who was courted heavily notch State‘s 13th win “(it baseline Jumper. revenge of our earlier loss. by Penn State and other national schools; and 6-7, 265-pound against 11 losses and raise When we we.” down by but of things that took place tackle Bill Cahill. a New Jersey all~stater from Bridgewater its ACC record to 3-9. ”If.“ what we d"? was go to after the game. High in Raritan. N.J. "I think we're entitled to Bailey, who '5 a h‘gh percen "Anybody from a class “We're very pleased with the recruiting year we‘ve had." organization doesn't talk Valvanoone." Statesaid.head“Ifcoachthat Jimone :idetagetoshooter,'take advantagedown lowof hism‘ bad about an opponent. .- Staff DhOtO by Lynn MCNCl" Kiffin said. “We were very selective and'went more for had one the other wa we fight. Valvano said. If h (M . k Sidney Lowe contemplates his next move against Duke's Vince Taylor. quality than numbers. I feel all of our recrmts are excellent . y Thurl w ld h d The” ma“ ' players. we sH]I hope t0 $13"' a. couple more." . flag."would have raised the white theiybwou(1):},«a?aged3” $185;e all andKryzewski)I think theywas deserveda bit cockyto they wouldn't__ be able to con- “Gene is a tough player to game, led the State con— The Wolfpack held an een up ree. get whipped." trol the tempo." Valvano hold down," Jones said. “He tingent with 18 points. Whit- LINEMEN: Kevin Baker.63.238.Chesapeake. Va.;Fruk Bush, anywhere from a one to _ Banks hot hand ”01931 for The Wolfpack jumped out said. “We used almost a knows what shots he wants. tenburg and Jones finished 6-2. 190. AtheHS. 6a.; Bill Cnhill. 6-7. 265. Raritan. N.J.; Lindsay seven-point lead through the Just one 5h“ as he missed to a quick six-point lead to carbon-copy tempo game of I think I know his game bet- with 10 apiece. Dill”. 52- 195' Valle CWCiS€ MN“! “‘8". 63» 190- Kings Moun- first half and most of the se the front end 0‘ a one-and‘ start the game but could on- what they played when they ter than anybody in the “It was a great win after tam; and“ F“I’l’h‘: 6‘1, 210' Graham; I“! Km" 52' 250' Ruff“ cond before Banks and Duke one. It was at that moment ly increase it to seven on one beat us." ACC. I tried to force him to coming up short all those Sdale' Pa" 1‘." Milimchik. 64' 255' Macung‘e' Pa.; Rudy .MM' caught fire in the final 10 that Lowe who “V3.5 fouled occasion. 24-17. before Duke One of the big reasons take shots he didn't want to times," Whittenburg said. $4' 2:5.Jzeigggllg; :dV. g‘ichards. 64' 220' Henderson. Ch”. minutes. 0" States next ”‘P df’Wh closed the gap to within State was able to control the take and keep him from'the “It really makes you believe .l‘llgcnlis- boob-:1:- 6"; 19: Hamilton Ohio- Phil Brothers, 6»! Banks. who at that point ”“ro h“ the (“'5‘ or eight three. The margin remained lead was Art Jones‘ defens» shots he wanted." we can win the close ones. 175' Virgigm Beach. Va; 3",“ B'wwn‘ 6-1. .210. R'avenna.0hio; 3...; had been held to just six straight free throws that the same as State took a ing of Banks in the first half. After this we'll go into those on“, 6-2. 180. Randleman; Rickey Isom, 6-0, 210, Harrisburg, Pa.; points but finished the even- would secure the Wolfpack 5 28-25 lead at the half. Jones held Banks to two Lowe. who was voted Hol- final two games confident — Ken Loney. 510. 173, Portsmouth. Va.; Joe McIntosh. $0. 190. Lex- ing with 18, went to work on V‘C‘m'y- ”We felt we had to get the first half points. while he ly Farms player of the game Sky high. We'll take it right ington: Mike Miller. 6-1, 200. Greensboro; Mo Baffin. 62. 190. State's 4037 lead. “It was just a great game lead on them early so that had 10. on the regionally televised to them." Wilson; DIV” Wink-III. 50. 180- FayetteVille

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State grapplers ’train’ Tigs, 34-8, Women fall

end dual season with 15-1jmark into slump by Devin Steele Sports Writer State‘s wrestling season resembles the Amtrak against Vols trains that constantly streak I“. past the trees that face Reynolds Coliseum by Terry Kelley “Four times in the first speedy. yet smooth. and Assistant Sports Editor half they picked up the ball stopping only at assigned and put it in. We have the stations before reaching its (all it a slump, a rut. a ball in our hands and can't ultimate destination. slide, the February swoon or pick it up. That's eight The Wolfpack‘s engine just a losing streak. but points at the beginning of has been roaring all season whatever you call it look at the game like that." as the team has wrestled its the scores before drawing The State comeback was dual-meet schedule to a 15-1 conclusions. due to an effective half-court record before making its State's women's basket- press paying off for the Pack next stop at the ACC Tour- ball team lost its third con- and the pressing caused nament Saturday. secutive game Saturday some worry on the Ten- State made its final night in Reynolds Coliseum. nessee bench until the Vols regular-season stop in Clem- falling to No. 7 Tennessee realized the baseline was son,‘ S.C.. Saturday. and 7263. open. smoked the Tigers 34-8 to The latest loss comes on ”I was concerned with the leave its conference mark the heels of losses to way we handled the half- unblemished at 60. Clemson Maryland and East Carolina court press." Tennessee fell to 10-8 overall and 3-2 in and marked the. first time a women‘s basketball head the league. State women‘s basketball coach Pat Head Summitt Steve Koob, who holds a Staff photo by Linda Brafford learn had ever put three said. “When you're in a 14-3 record. felt that the losses back-toback. catch-up situation you can beginning of this week State's Jerry Rodriguez grlmaces as he attempts to leg his way through this match. Both of the first two afford to go for the ball. would be the telling sign for games could have gone “We finally realized the Saturday's ACC Tourna- Rodriguez, who leads the Matt Reiss victimized Gary dragon's 10-4 victory over either way. however. baseline was open and went merit. team in pins along with Tab Nivens by a 209 major deci- Greg Snyder and Thacker‘s Against the Terps. State to the baseline. We expected “We're ready, sure Thacker. pinned Howie sion. 7.2 setback of Duane Baker lost in the finals of the ACC it. it was there but we enough." Koob said. “Coach Linstrom in 1:33 to up his At 142 and 150. Koob and 7-2. Tournament by one point the ball (Bob Guzzol is particulary mark to 13.0. Frank (Iastrignano tallied Clemson's John Warlick while the game with the hesitated to get enthused about it. The The Wolfpack's Chris identical 7-5 wins oversthe squeezed by Ricky Negrete Pirates went into three there." beginning of the week will Wentz, who owns an im- Tiger's Jody Taylor and 8-7 at 126. followed by a win overtimes before East Cindy Noble and Debbie definitely be the hardest pressive 13~O~l record, rack: Glen Muncy respectively. by 134-pound Tom Carr, who Carolina came away with Groover each scored 14 part as far as practice is con- ed up a 17-2 superior deci— Other State wins included shut out the Wolfpack's the victory. points while pulling down a cerned. We're going to prac~ sion over Paul Borrelli while 158-pound Chris Mon- Vince Bynum. 120. “Oh, this is a record." combined total of 17 re- Staff photo by Line Brafford tice about twice a week. State women's basketball bounds. The 5-5 Henry height against Tennessee We'll probably taper off head coach Kay Yow said. definitely made the Pack State'5 Ronda Falkena shows her near the end." "This is the same record think she was another six— as Trudi Lacey watches from below. State scored 21 of its over again. If we could put footer on the court with her rebounds in one of her best. got to play 15-20 minutes a points on four matches Heels stick hockey club one half of one game with ball handling and shooting. games ever. game." Yow said. “We want alone. Craig Cox finished one half of another game and "The first thing she said “I‘m pleased with the way to be sure she can stay with the regular season at 9-9 by North Carolina‘s Ice after the first period on ahead 5-4 late in the game. A have one good game. to me after the game was Ronda played." Yow said. us. It wouldn't be wise for us pinning R.J. Costello in 1:54 Hockey Club scored with goals by Todd Holmes and late goal by North Carolina ”This season we ve done 'Coach, did I take too many “She was more aggressive to play her longer than in the 167-pound class. 1:47 left in the second over Scott Williams. The Tar forced the overtime. this so many times and most shots?‘ " Summitt said of and wanted to get the ball that." Undefeated Jerry time period to‘defeat State Heels came back to tie it up The two clubs were shut of the time it‘s just like this Henry. “I said ‘no ma‘am.‘ more. We would like to get 6-5 Thursday night in 3-3 after the second period. out in the first overtime and in the second half. We She has never played the the ball to her more. We us- A303 Hillsborough. Third period goals by most of the second before seem to get off to a slow point position until this ed her more in the second Charlie Newsome and Phil North Carolina's game- start. Obviously I can't year. She‘s, a sophomore The Homing Center has been here for State held a slim 2-1 lead Wright put the Wolfpack winning goal. figure out why or we would eligibility—wise but a half." you since 1974... providing private, have stopped doing it by freshman at the point posi- Ginger Rouse helped understanding health care to women of now." tion." spark State's comeback ef all ages... at a. reasonable cost State's contest with the Trudi Lacey led the Pack fort with six points in less Volunteers was not as close than three minutes but is with 22 points in her final still being used sparingly to Harder: as the other two losses. as game in Reynolds Coliseum avoid the risk of further in the Vols opened up slim before a noisy partisan jury to her back. leads early:in the first limit: State crowd0120331231500 'I‘heFlemJngCentar".we‘mhsrewhmyounoedus and then‘biiii‘son'redwhite-"f Ronda Falkeria scored 11 “Ginger. having been in- 0.11 781-55803!“ SAVEA BUNCH ON a 16-point margin to the points and pulled down eight jured and coming back. has locker room at 36-20. Tennessee used a very ef- fective inside game to run SAVE THIS PAPER past State. With four Bring a paper to the Maryland game Wednesday WEBB?!" players topping the 6-2 mark night and read it during introductions. Another .iddi the Vols easily had a height (ion to the NCSU "Silent Treatment " of Visiting rAmamcmmomcr1 advantage but ironically it l H‘flmh. SPONSORED BY was point guard Lea Henry NCSU CHEERLEADERS iuumonrcuuncomsrm who kept the Pack jumping. coupon before ordering One coupon per CUS I Henry sparked Tennessee‘s I Please present this attack with eight points in tomer, please. This offer not good in combination With any other each half while handing out Picture yourself I offers Customer must pay any sales tax Offer good only at the I seven assists. Hardee’s at 3810 Western Blvd , Raleigh, NC Coupon good thru We felt we really had to as an Air Force May 8, 1981 hold them on the inside," Yow said. “We felt their ll ,__:::;:::::: strength was on the inside. Physician Meanwhile, a point guard FRI“ was the high scorer. We Consider an excellent income without over- Enter your nomination and tell us why 0 |ABIG REGULAR didn't count on them to hit head cost or red tape. Thirty days of paid va- he 1 she is ”The Biggest Crob I Know.” 0 ° 0 that well from the outside. cation each year. Associates to care for your IANDMEDIUM WNKSLB? Their number two guard You'll both win a moist and meaty Please present this coupon before ordering One coupon per cus- 5 of 7 from the floor." patients while you’re away. Continued profes- Aloskon King Crab sub topped with your was education. An income that continues if l tomer, please This offer not good in combination With any other I State was hampered in sional choice of other fresh fixings all on offers. Customer must pay any sales tax Offer good only at the the first half by not being you’re ill. Medical care for yourself and your 0 fresh baked, foot long roll. Hardee‘s at 3810 Western Blvd , Raleigh, NC Coupon good thru I able to find the range while family. And, if you qualify. a lifetime retirement for? 1981, Tennessee scraped up loose income equivalent to half your base salary after What are you waiting May 8, balls and put them in the only 20 years of active duty. For further information and ballots, L--__——---_——J basket. The Vols opened up Additionally. wellequipped and well-staffed go to your nearest Subway and enter as much as an 18-point lead Crob I Know" contest, in the second half until the hospitals and clinics provide an excellent en- "The Biggest Pack connected for 12 vironment for your profession. And we know with your lunch tomorrow unanswered points to cut that's important to you. the margin to six before of good health care Tennessee slammed the Put yourself in the picture door. in the Air Force Medical service. The uni “The percentage we shot For more information, contact: in the first half killed us." TSGT Bob Payne Yow said. "We. were forcing USAF Health Professions .WIN 9! war ut Room shots. Our shot selection 1100 Navaho Drive Sune G‘l-l wasn't good. They weren't Raleigh, N.C 27609 offer good CLIP AND SAVE COUPON I (919)7554134 (collecll or the followmg locations coming out of their offense. l Cory Village Mall. Cory, This in u good for FREE desert or salad with purchase of I Nobody really knew the ball «5' Hillsborouqh Street, Raleigh. entree on Friday, Feb 27,1981 at lunch. : was going up so there were ”~/ [05! fronklnn Street, Chmel Hill no rebounders there either. __ Air Force. A great way of life. _ L This Week's Menu I ' l , Our Daily Features: I 0...... 0000999909 ’ Rim ’ lic'V‘ A'i JliS _ - . A Salute Lunch in" ,. i) ii’ simmer. Dinner I To Bruce Lee Late Show i’upfinfl/u trier} Chicken I STUDIO] 11PM TONITE Salisbug'dsijnl and Chicken n Pastry I ‘; Creote Fish Monday pagafgi??2;gy g I BRUCE LEE CHALLENGES THE UNDERWORLD 131m- Sui-Am Gotten Bar on Horn of. Swedish’ Meatballs u | lN HlS LAST AND GREATEST “I. T? ,f. Cheese MOTION PlCTURE SUMMER JOB OPENINGS FOR CAMP ‘1‘-— L , MOUS$13itd L)“t BQ?l I2| ‘ V‘ Spaghmh & Wm Np Roast Turkey Dressmq .- I ADVENTURE. COUNSELORS at Camp Sea Gull (boys) and Camp 3 86m" m") M" riiim oi iisii sanawmif w Seafarer (girls). Serving as a camp counselor is a m (00 du Vin (7r icwr Tuesday ' Knock rst 8. I 2 BBQ Pork on a Bur‘ SauerkrautWU V"( BRUCE challenging and rewarding opportunity to work with C Mushroom Quiche r Steak & I young people, ages 7-16. Sea Gull and Seafarer are u Oren Baked ”He" Chonm%?ffy lEE health and character development camps located on the Vealp2o;r2e:enn Wednesday Dlantation Turkey I coast of North Carolina and feature sailing, motor- " Gillled Harri & Cheese I Savory Meatloaf DOV?” 3"""10 I GAME boating, and seamanship, plus many usual camping ac- . (' tivities including a wide variety of major sports. W? flp/Y (fr/aim”Id,” I Thursday ReubenChili (onSandwmnCarrie I Qualifications include a genuine interest in young peo- OF DEATH agin/9,8"2‘:)(1"VIV pOif};r i” SnakeVga|andScallopfinBake Chicken I rflil’n;e'3") ple, ability to instruct in one phase of the camps' pro- Stuffed Greer T’er‘ KAREEM ABDUL-JABBAR grams, and excellent references. For further information Dev/TO"! (Jrl‘JC? / ClOSED | {Hakim and application, please write a brief resume of training Seafood Platter Friday I and experience in area(sl skilled to Don Cheek, Direc- 330 3"” hmflw“ ’ 4th Floor Student Center I WWW” 5' (””7" Hours. tuncn 11:15 am — 1:30 pm I , tor, Camps Sea Gull/Seafarer, PO. Box 10976, ------‘ Dinner 5 pm 7 pm University Food Services I Raleigh, North Carolina 27605. Our Future Is You \ Six / Technician / Februarv 23, 1981


Opinion A paper that is entirely the product of the student body becomes at once the official organ through which the thoughts. the activity. and in fact the ver) lii‘i- of the campus. is registered.“ is the mouthpiece through which the students themselves talk l‘ullt-ut- “[0 V5 ithout its journal is blank. 7 the Technician. vol. I. no. I. February I. I920

Reagan must attain balance Four weeks into his presidency, Ronald President Reagan should make it clear Reagan has had the luxury accorded any that European efforts must not be new president of taking time to study his separate from or detract from the Camp foreign policy options. With regard to David approach. To do so would be an Middle. Eastern policy, the president has invitation for division within the Western ’ 119/% . the additional cushion of a lull in alliance —— a proposition in which Soviet diplomatic activity in the peace process propagandists would find great delight. because of the status of Israel’s Begin The West must present a unified ap- w, ////WM . '«ZW///////~m,, government. proach to its interests in the region or risk /’//.r/r///,Ir/, , Largely viewed now as a caretaker failure through internal squabbling. government awaiting spring elections, the Finally, there is the question of basing? anticipation from most observers is that US. troops in the region. The American the Labor Party, under the leadership of administration has indicated it would Simon Peres, will achieve a decisive vic- favorably consider an Israeli request to tory. Such a victory would produce a less place such troops in Israel. Peres has also hawkish Israeli posture more disposed to voiced a proposal to create a military the discussion of some sort of Israeli alliance composed of the United States, withdrawal from the occupied territories. Israel. Egypt and Saudi Arabia to combat The Reagan administration has in- Soviet aggressiveness in the area. dicated its desire to work within the It would, in the event of war, make “We're going ‘V Anguish and admonition seep daily from framework of the Camp David accords direct American military involvement to find out what , 4 From the Right the bulges of the nation’s lonely liberal produced by the Carter administration. nearly a given. The pros and cons should the will of the soldiers. The rich, they say, will benefit from made thus far under be studied carefully. American people these tax cuts at the expense of the poor. Ac- Given the progress is and we’re go- Thomas P. DeWitt cordingly, those who have more money than the accords this seems a sensible ap- Peres’ alliance proposal is dubious at ing to find out others must be strung from the highest proach. best. On paper the proposition is a good what the guts of inflation averaged only .2 percent a small brackets because they are guilty of being The hard questions, however, have yet one. In practice it would likely be un- the Congress is. price to pay for the subsequent prosperity of greedy capitalists. We must all share what we to be addressed by the affected Middle workable due to the internal politics of It’s just as simple that decade. have. Eastern parties. Egyptian President An— Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia as that." With The theory is based on a model called the Such thinking presupposes a static war el-Sadat is beginning an approach values our friendship but keeps us at arm's those words Laffer curve. According to Arthur P. Laffer, economy with only so much to go around, that Reagan and the Israelis will no doubt length for fear of being branded an N.C. Sen. Jesse the economist responsible for devising it, the which is the core of socialist-economic theory. reject. The PLO has yet to recognize American stooge. Helms stated the model illustrates that at some point economic It follows that those with more acquire it at the Israel’s right to exist and until it does it has Given American's stake in the Middle essence of the . grth and the taxing of it may be optimized expense of those with less. A free economy, no place in peace negotiati ns. East. Reagan’s diplomatic efforts in the widening battle over Ronald to provide the highest possible return to both however, is not static. It is dynamic. When the ougeelers to the area are destine‘d‘ior'i‘ntén‘se'scrminy: The" ”the“ public"'and"private "sectors. Below“this" . market is-allowed to"operate-"thepie con- Sadat is also sending With the masterful delivery that has become point the tax rates are low or non-existent thus tinuously gets bigger, providing a larger share Western European community to en- president must balance delicate Western a Reagan hallmark the president unleashed a encouraging a robust and fast-expanding for a growing number of people. To quote courage its participation in the problems and Israeli interests with those of the game-plan for a frontal-assault on the Keyn- economy but yielding little or no revenue for John F. Kennedy: “A rising tide lifts all boats." of the Middle East, a participation well- region and facilitate a favorable environ— sian economics of the New Deal. Reagan is government services. . Reagan’s economic proposals are the cor- warranted by their abiding security in- ment for peace and stability while careful- proposing an acceptance of the radically dif- Above this point the private sector is taxed rect approach. But they should be viewed on- terests in the region. ly monitoring Soviet aggressiveness. ferent economics of supply-side theory and in so highly that economic expansionslows, ly as the start of a decade-long effort of free- doing so has solidified his position at the cut- resulting in declining tax revenues as the market revitalization and governmental ting edge of a conservative revolution. economy stagnates and, when recession or retrenchment. If this effort fails, our “day of Supply-side economics provides us with a depression occurs, it shrinks. With no taxes reckoning” will rear its ugly head much sooner WEN A GIRL rare opportunity to get a handle on inflation the economy grows but the government has than most people realize. iNVITES Tbu and a federal budget that threatens to swamp no money to perform its legitimate functions. the nation in stagnation then collapse. Despite With very high tax rates the ecOnomy slows ma HER . media characterizations of the Reagan pro- or grinds to a halt providing no tax revenues (Thomas P. DeWitt, a business management ma- posals as radical the numbers indicate that, for the government and eventually jor with conservative leanings, writes a bi-weekly AMWIMENI when placed in the context of the explosive precipitating the collapse of wealth and column [or the Technician.) IT MIGHT HEN growth in federal taxing and spending of the freedom, leaving government in its most op” past several decades, they are moderate. pressive state. The economy slows, tax ”WIT one miss If the Kemp-Roth tax-cut bill is passed in its revenues decline, government spending ac- entirety, as it should be, the benefits will un- celerates, resulting in huge deficits. The —— on fold for many years to come. Similar tax-cuts government must then print more money or previously enacted have impacted inflation compete in the marketplace for loans thus ex- waswe minimally while they encouraged robust acerbating inflation and interest rates. economic expansion and yielded to the America's tax system is creeping perilously AN ACCOUNWT.. government substantially higher tax revenues up the top side of the Laffer curve. Our than otherwise would have been available. economy shudders under the elephantine This occurred as a result of the expanded weight of absurd rules and unjust tax rates. If economic base. . this is allowed to continue, America the in- For example, the tax cut enacted by the dustrial giant will become America the Kennedy administration in the early 605 in- whimpering wreck. creased personal income tax revenues by 2.3 Additionally, exorbitant tax rates presently percent and corporate tax revenues by 7.9 make it cheaper to work less - a leisure in- percent in the 1964-1967 post tax-cut period centive they increase the search for and because of the higher investment and growth utilization of tax shelters and encourage the brought about by the lower taxes. Its effect on growth of an underground economy.

El Salvadoran citizens say, ’Keep your hands off, U.S.A.’ ”golf-cloneorr‘ot'fib “Six U.S.sloaned helicopters rest like trade union federations, small business The Salvadoran Human Rights Commis- slouching beasts at the airport of San associations, the Catholic church, peasants sion has recently charged that several leaders _ , 70mm. Salvador. Salvadoran troops are breaking out Guest Opinion and student organization. The very composi- of left-leaning labor unions had been detained their new American M-16 rifles, grenade laun- tion of FDR suggests that not only the leftists and made to disappear by government chers, flak jackets and steel helmets. Up to 20 C3 Nauman Mohammad but all the democratic forces are united against troops. It is not the Right versus the Left but US. advisers are teaching their commanders the military junta. it’s the military versus the people. strategy for hunting down battered leftist guer- to hold impartial elections by cutting all aid to In January, the new archbishop Roach said rillas." -— Washington Post, Jan. 25. these murderers. the US. government has There are a few examples of mass repres- that military aid to El Salvador “enhances the The military aid of $5.7 million in 1980 in- taken the reverse position. The basic argu- sion like El Salvador. According to the possiblity of more violence from the security cluded huge quantities of tear gas grenades. ment to support the tyrants is that the freedom Human Rights Commission. the security forces and associates the United States with field combat radios and special night-vision fighters happen to be Marxists. On Feb. 13 forces have killed over 10,000 people in 1980 acts of oppressions . . . . Here no one can devices. A Pentagon source admitted on Jan. WJ. Dyess from the State Department said. and 2,000 more this year. Archbishop Oscar govern if they ignore the force of of the Left.” 15 that “seven American military advisers ”Leftist guerillas do not represent a native in— Romer, one day before he was killed, told the The roots of the problem lie within the have been sent to El Salvador and it is possi- surgency . . . The question of the deep— armed forces to heed “the law of God that repressive politico-economic structure, which ble the United States soon may become more rooted Marxist ideology goes back to 1932 says. do not kill . . . ." Guess who killed the is surviving due to support of the US. govern- active in getting supplies to the embattled na- when a Marxist~led peasant uprising was outspoken critic of the oligarchy? ment. tion." The State Department announced on crushed. leaving 30.000 dead. Revolutionary On Jan. 29 Gerry Studds, after touring El Jan. 17 it had authorized shipment of $5 Cuba did not exist and Soviets had no con- Salvador, introduced .a bill into Congress call— million worth of “lethal military supplies.” tacts with Latin America. This Marxist tradi- ing for termination of all US. military aid to El The increasing involvement and interven- tion is therefore a native force in El Salvador Salvador. The bill is co-sponsored by 37 other tion of the United States in El Salvador is which must be respected. congressional representatives. They issued a rm. N.C.V “0 following the same pattern as that of Vietnam. But Kissinger. in support of US. interven- telegram to President Reagan stating “. . . mm. m5 .o, '- Support to the puppet regime, gradually in‘ tion in Chile. has declared. uWhy should we murder, rape, torture and burning of crops creasing physical involvement under the sup- permit a country to go communist due to ir— are being inflicted by the very troops now posed danger of communism. protection of responsibility of its own people?" receiving US. military aid." American “big business" and the drama of Let's see who the soscalled ‘centrist' Last December the UN. General Assembly agrarian reforms in which even the actors military-civilian coalition represents. On Oct. urged all the countries not to supply arms to Forum Policy (R.L. Prosterman who executed the land 15. 1979. a group of military officers. acting that regime. Recently, 2,500 students held a The Technician welcomes forum-letters. ‘distribution’ in South Vietnam) are the same. with Washington‘s blessing. ousted General violent demonstration in West Germany They are likely to be printed if: Like its Central American neighbors El Romero whose brutal dictatorship had out- against US. military aid to El Salvador. Otyped or printed legibly and double- Salvador has been dominated by Washington lived its usefulness. It set up a new junta which spaced. for decades -— politically, economically and included civilians but kept real power with the The times now have changed. El Salvador Olimited to 350 words. militarily. For nearly 50 years El Salvador has military. This resulted in massive resignations Encouraged by the victory of Ronald will be harder than Vietnam. The struggle has Osigned with writer's address, phone been ruled by the US. Army, representative on Jan. 3. 1980 by two junta members and Reagan uniformed troops kidnapped and gone to the limit “revolution or death.” If number. classification and cun’iculum. of a tiny Iandowning and business elite. the entire cabinet except the defense minister. murdered five leaders of FDR on Nov. 27. the United States does not take its hands off, Letters are subject to editing for style. known as “the 14 families." They declared that the “politicalmilitary Then in December 1980 four Catholic mis- then the war will spread all over the Carib- brevity and taste. The Technician Electoral frauds against the opposition par- oligarchy" was blocking the promised reforms sionary women from the United States were bean. Rallies of protest are being held by reserves the right to reject any letter ties in 1972 and 1977 finally settled the while “the armed forces continued to stain raped and killed by the Salvadoran security peace-loving Americans around the country deemed inappropriate for printing. Let- debate of peaceful transfer of power to the their hands with the blood of the people." Forces. One of the victims. Jean Donovan, telling the government to end all forms of ters should be mailed to Technician. elected representatives. There remains no The great majority of Salvadoran people had protested the US. military aid. The US. military aid and presence in El Salvador. P 0 Box 5698. Raleigh. N.C.. 27650 other choice for the people of El Salvador but have rallied under the banner of the Revolu- mother of another victim said, “The tragedy is or brought by the office at suite 3120 of to fight the repression of the military. tionary Democratic Front (F.D.R.). which is the bullets that killed my daughter are ' Let the people of El Salvador decide their the University Student Center. Instead of forcing the military bureaucrat; the tuaiitmn of all major opposition parties. American munitions." future.