Central Florida Future, Vol. 24 No. 35, January 21, 1992

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Central Florida Future, Vol. 24 No. 35, January 21, 1992 University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 1-21-1992 Central Florida Future, Vol. 24 No. 35, January 21, 1992 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 24 No. 35, January 21, 1992" (1992). Central Florida Future. 1111. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1111 OPINION • 7 COLLAGE • 9 SPORTS • 16 Students stay enrolled, Experience 'Tuesday UCF loses .to leader of many fear job market Night Live' at Wiid Pizza· Sun Belt Conference tralFlori Future© Serving The .University of Central Florida Since 1968 )' Studet1ts must dig deeper to park on campus by Rebecca Falcon may have to pay more for park­ will cost $40 a year. increase is needed to be able to accommodate all the needs. NEWS EDITOR ing decals. Although the committee pave worn parking. lots, con­ Committee member Richard During a meeting Friday, the adopted the proposal, it will have struct new parking areas and Turkiewicz suggested a 25 per­ ) With the budget cuts hitting parking and traffic committee to be approved by John Bolte, save money to build a parking cent increase. UCF, stud,ents are facing closed voted 3-2 to raise the price of vice president ofadministration facility. Yet,' the committee Turkiewicz said that a 25 classes and parking dilemmas, parking decals by 10 percent. and finance. members all agreed that with percent increase will allot for all yet paying higher prices for tu­ The decals cost $36 to park for a Committee member Ina Car­ - only a lOpercentincrease, there ition and health fees. Now they year. With the increase, they penter explained that a price would not be enough money to DECAL continued page 3 ' ) Accident ends Fletch's dreams Jennifer M. Burgess by Sandra Pedicinl STAFF REPORTER STAFF REPORTER UCF student, Richard Fletcher, was Legislators, aides and other state gov­ "liked by everybody," Tommy Stewart, ernment employees digested informa­ a co-worker, said days after Fletcher's death. tion about UCF along with their break­ Contrary to what was reported in fast last week. the previous issue ofthe Central Florida Nineteen Student Govel"!lment rep­ Future, Richard Fletcher was hit by a resentatives traveled to Tallahassee to . car turning onto S.R. 46. Officials are attend their annual legislative break­ not certain ifthe driver, Wendy Young, fast last Tuesday. 25, came to a complete stop before she ''We've had an uribelievable experi­ turned on to Orange Avenue. ence," said Tom Leek, director ofLegisla­ Theimpactofthecollision threw Fletcher tive Affairs, during a Senate meeting from his motorcycle. Steven Berry, 43, Thursday. changed lanes to avoid the motorcycle and More than 175 guests stopped in and hitFletcher. Berrytoldpolicehedidnotsee many of them talked with SG represen­ Fletcher. He stopped only when he felt his tatives and got a chance to see displays of > - vehicle strike something. the school's new buildings and its master Police reports said Fletcher, 23, was plan. dead on arrival to Central Florida Re­ SPEED CONTROL "Some just wanted a doughnut but gional Hospital. UCF officer, Hugh Carpenter, uses his radar detector to make students some were really interested," Leek said. Fletcher worked on campus for more aware of the speed limit on Gemini Boulevard.(Michae1 oeHoog FUTURE> than 2 years as a part-time recreational LEGISLATURE continued page 4 supervisor. He also refereed intramu­ ) ral sports. Stewart, worked with Fletcher in rec. services. Stewart met Fletcher in August Student Government pro tem resigns and played flag football with him. "He (Fletcher) was very outgoing ·oon Langley decides to concentrate on studying for medical school . and he hated to lose," Stewart said. Langley, a 21-year-old senior major­ Stewart added that Fletcher always by Sandra Pedicini STAFF REPORTER ing in computer engineering, said he tried to keep a p(}sitive attitude and hopes to enter the University of help other players on the field. Citing his need to devote more Tennessee's medical program in 1993 .. "If they [athletes] did something time to schoolwork, Senate pro tern He was voted t6 the Senate as a write­ wrong, he'd be the first to correct them Don Langley announced his resigna­ in candidate in September 1991. in a positive way." tion at Thursday's Stu- "At first it was a social Fletcher's sister Ninette, said "Fletch" dent Government Sen­ thing," Langley said. "But lli,is nickname] loved to be with people ate meeting. "/ still plan on once I got in, I fell in love and was outgoing and athletic. "You know how much being active but to with it." "His goal was to be on the champion­ of a dilemma I've had Langley was elected ship team for every intramural sport," about this, but I think a lesser deg~." pro tern in October 1991. his sister said. this is best," Langley His duties included serv­ Fletcher was a history major but was . told the senators. ing as a liaison between uncertain about what he wanted to do Because he wants to ·Don Langley thedifferentSGbranches SG INTERIM PRO TEM with his degree. get into medical school, and administration. Ninette saidhe originally planned to use Langley said he needs Langley explained that his degree toward a career in the military. more time to devote to the pro tern also serves on However, she said that after the Per­ his studies. many SG committees. sian Gu1f War, Fletcher thought about ''We've done a lot this semester, "I think Don. has done an excellent other areas where he could use his degree, and we've come a long way," Langley job," Student Body President ·Jason such as teaching. told senators. "I promised to do my DiBona said. "He's shown a definite Fletcher was also a member ofthe 22nd best to represent you, and I think I've ability to bring the opinions of the sen­ Special Forces Unit He was called to active done that." ate before the student body or be·*-'~~--+~­ duty last spring but was not deployed to the "I just can~t do the job as pro tern," Don Langley plans to devote his Persian Gulf. he said. "It just wouldn't be fair." RESIGNATION continued page 4 time tO SChOOI. (Charles Morrow FUTURE) CLASSIFIEDS page 8 2 The Central Florida Future • January 21, 1992 HIEEE-YAH!!! • $450°0 $620°0 TAE • • KWON • • DO .. EXHIBITION • Presented by the • UCF Moo Duk Kwan Tae Kwon Do Club • · Thursday, Jan 23 at High Noon on the SC Green • . Dates : January 22nd· 24th Time : 10:00A.M. - 3:00 P.M. ,.~~™~~CAB:::: • Place : The University Bookstore Deposit Required _ _ UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA CAMPUS ACTIVITIES eorulo - . PaymentPlansAvailablJilml!Eld J m BECOME. A DEPUTY • SG is looking for students to become Deputized to register voters • ~ . for the ~rang: Cou~~ Superviso: of El~tions~ . - ~ . t fl . lm••l•l•lltr• IJJJJ~ltll• ~ • STUDENT EMPOWERMENT: · This year, Student Government has registered 700 UCF students as Orange County Voters. 1500 more students have been registered by various organizations with Student Government • support. EMPOWERED TO MAKE ADIFFERENCE: Student Government worked with Orange County Election • supervisor to secure UCF a'Voting Qrecinct. THE UCF ARENA WIL·L SERVE AS ''EMPOWERMENT ALLEY, ,,.A VOTING PRECINCT. • GET EMPOWERED TODAY: STUDENT GOVERNMENT is apermanent voter registration site. Come between the hours of • ·1O am &3 pm to gain what you need to make a differen.ce ... avoter registration card. • RALLY IN TALLAHASSEE FEB. 4 with SG.· We will take you there and bring you back here. The students of Florida must, and will, unite for education dollars. Feb. 4th. • . STUDENT GOVERNMENT • cSl1~1t t~e Stacie!(~ ·. T/e.e of • ·Jason DiBana .• President• Mark Dogoli •Vice President Student Governnient is funded through Activity & Service Fees. • I I 'i I , I ' ) January 21, 1992 • The Ce~tral Florida Future 3 'C' the key as contemponny writel'S visit area by Biii Cushing Put," a work that she wrote in both attended the reading. ing from the first chapter of Crews' novel CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE Florida and her current residence, New Calling the reading "a great experi­ "Scar Lover." - York City. ence," Thaxton added, "She had an in­ ''In the South; when we speak of our Last week, the Central Florida area In discussing palmetto trees, she credible vocabulary. She also seems to connections-that ain't dope talk, folks J was host to two ofthe big"Cs" in contempo­ equated them to students, street gangs have a need to write all the poems inside - we're talking about our kinfolks," he razy Americanletters-AmyClampittand and royalty. Florida, New York and Sa­ her. I saw that as she read." explained before beginning his narra­ Harry Crews. vannah - which she calls "the most After two days, listeners had the tive. His writing is graphic, gruesome } On Tuesday, the UCF Board ofRegents romantic city in America" - all figure ~hance to go from the spirituality of and very human. Room was standing room only as elder into her work. Clampitt to the earthy reality of Harry "The hardest thing to do in the world is stateswomanofpoetryClampittvisited the "I feel I've been a nomad since the age Crews, thenovelistandshortstorywriter to forgive yourself," he said as he began campus as an artist-in-residence to the of nine," she said while sharing much of who teaches at the University ofFlorida.
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