Sandspur, Vol. 41 (1935-1936) No

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Sandspur, Vol. 41 (1935-1936) No University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 1-29-1936 Sandspur, Vol. 41 (1935-1936) No. 16, January 29, 1936 Rollins College Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 41 (1935-1936) No. 16, January 29, 1936" (1936). The Rollins Sandspur. 449. Florida's Oldest College Newspaper ttollinsi^Sanii0pur (Weekly Student Newspaper) WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1936 (Complete Campus Coverage) NUMBER 16 COMMENT Munitions Inquiry Stirs Conflict Ethiopian Portrayal Will 11— ON THE Be Given At Fair Friday WEEKS NEWS BE HELD HERE By a Special Correspondent WILL PHESENI By Arthur Dear, Jr. Those who have pictured the Italian-Ethiopian war zone as an arid and pitilessly cruel hodge-podge of desert and barren mountain-land The Political Bonus. wiil have to adjust their conception to fit a far more interesting real­ NEXI WEEK-END Italy's Real Enemy. ity. The portrayal next Friday on the RolHns campus should give FEIIIURE ftCIS Mr. Smith's Speech. one a true insight into the scenes behind Mussolini's invasion. Economics, Social Problems Deflationary Margins. Interest in the forthcoming vis-; Munitions Investigations. Mack's Circus, Mulecart Play­ Will Be Topic of Three- it to Winter Park of Capt. Adahwa Addis Ababa, the vast sweep of ers, Fortune Tellers, and Day Discussion Ahrdella, distant cousin of Haile bristling peaks and verdant val- Last Friday President Roosevelt Dancing Main Features Selassie, has become so great that lies is without doubt one of the vetoed the Bonus Bill and within arrangements have been completed most interesting war pictures to MEETINGS START FEB. 2 two hours the House of Represen­ to include Capt. Ahrdella's exhibi­ be seen anywhere. TO BE ON LAKEFRONT tatives overrode the veto by more tion and talk in the Rollins Coun­ In marked contrast with former than a 5 to 1 majority on Satur­ Conferences Under Supervision of try Fair on next Friday. battlefields, with their bleak and Midway Will Extend from Com­ day. Monday the Senate voted 76 Melcher and Biddle The panorama showing the im­ shell-torn desolation, the view that mons to Recreation Hall to 19 to override the veto, thus pressive mountain country near Capt. Ahrdella shows us in this making the legislation law. great sweep of mountainous coun­ ''f A three day conference on social Political comment maint a i n s try is thoroughly inspiring in its Among the feature attractions , j and economic problems will be held that by November the President's beauty. Looking at it, one can un­ of the Country Fair, to be held ' on the Rollins campus beginning veto will be forgotten by the veter­ Student Body to Choose derstand why II Duce wants to an­ on the shores of Lake Virginia ' Sunday, February 2, when the first ans who will have their money and "Miss Rollins^' for Fair nex this paradise to his dream of at Rollins College in Winter Park, '- meeting is called to order in thc that Mr. Roosevelt will have gained an Italian country such as this, so Friday, January 31, are included Annie Russell Theatre. votes in business circles and from "MISS ROLLINS" will be violently up and down, his task of Maybelle Mack's traveling Circus, Among the conference leaders taxpayers by virtue of his veto, as chosen during the next few appropriation will by no means be and the return appearance in this • who have been scheduled to take will probably prove correct. .—. days by members of the student an easy one. community of the well-known '- part in the meetings are the fol- ..Commentators also say that the body and other persons who are Visitors to the Country Fair Mulecart Players. •^ lowing: Dr. Samuel McCune Lind- overriaing by Congress will not interested in voting in the con­ next Friday should not fail to see Mack's show, which has traveled ^ say, professor of Social Legisla­ make a difference in the votes for test. Details of the balloting this exceptional war-scape, with its extensively throughout North tion at Columbia University; Dean the Representatives and Senators. will be explained by Mr. Cook amazing illusion of depth and re­ America, has its winter quarters *f Walter J. Matherly, of the Univer- However, in an intelligent elector­ in Carnegie HalL ality. It will give them a vivid at Orlo Vista, Florida. The circus' '.' sity of Florida, President of the ate, this would make a great diff­ The winner of the vote will picture of the Ethiopian setting entire bill of fare has been en­ ^ American Association of Collegi- erence and any sensible taxpayer be announced at 10 p. m. at the and one that at this time, with the gaged for the event which will he * ate Schools of Business; Dr. Ed- would hold this action of Congress Country Fair immediately fol­ world interest in this strange con­ held on the campus of Rollins ' Vfin R. A. Seligman, Professor Em- against his representative to the lowing the final presentation of flict, will help them to visualize College. '^' eritus of Political Economy of Co­ peoples capital. the Mule Cart Players on the the country in which the Italians The circus offers as entertain­ lumbia University; William John News reports during the last shore of Lake Virginia. and Ethiopians are now fighting ment a bevy of dancing, mules Milgus, recent director of Belief week have claimed victories for for survival or domination. trained dogs, rare species of in New York and consultant en- both the Italians and the Ethiop­ monkeys, a tight-rope walker, and '^ gineer; and Dr. E. M. Haig, Pro- ians in the Eastern war. At one a host of other special acts. Four i fessor of Political Economy at Co­ moment Italy claims that thou­ performances will be given at the lumbia University. sands have been slain and at the Country Fair, two in the after­ The opening meeting, to be held next news bulletins from Addis "A shocking assault upon tho character of the late Woodrow Wilson" OF GENEFII TO BE noon and two in the evening. '' at 8 o'clock Sunday evening, will Abbaba claim the reverse. —that was the charge of Senator Carter Glass of Virginia, top left, The Mulecart Players made their " include addresses by Dr. Lindsay and Senator Tom Connally of Texas, right, after Senator Gerald P. first appearance in Central Florida Whether or not thousands of Nye. North Dakota, bottom, declared at tbe Seuate munitions inquiry '"s and Dean Matherly. either have been killed, the facts in a trio of burlesques on a Rol­ :* Dean Arthur D. Enyart, pro- that the wartime president "falsified" when he said be knew nothing TO SPEAK SUNOA! HELO FOR V,F. still remain that Ethiopia is fight­ of European •"spoils" treaties until he reached Paris. The outhreakp lins program two years ago. '^ fessor of economics at Rollins, will ing a defensive war with decent­ openly split the committee and a fight was launched to halt furMje' Since that time the actors have act as chairman in the discussion needed aDorooriations tor its investigation. "The Signs of the Times" is Commander Olson Sponsoring been traveling throughout the ralized armies. The Italian plan Subject of Sermon Indoor Mardi Gras •' on "Taxation Problems", scheduled necessitates open lines of commun­ United States I for 10 o'clock Monday morning. ication and the Ethiopians, taking Last summer the troupe gave a !» Dr. Haig will lead the conference all considerations into account, OLDHAM IS SPEAKER EVENT TO LAST A WEEK series of dramatic performances f with an analysis of "The 1935 Tax have probably inflicted worse at­ in New England. Their return to Law." tacks on the Italians than the Bishop George Ashion Oldham Commander Conrad Olson, of Central Florida has been secured due to the popular reception The afternoon session, starting Italians have on the Ethiopians, will deliver the sermon in the the Orange County Post of Veter­ and the rainy season, which is the given them at the time of thei'' at 2 o'clock, will be under the lead- Knowles Memorial Chapel Sunday, ans of Foreign Wars, announced i ership of Dr. Edwin L. Clarke, pro- doom of Italy if it comes too soon, BEST BOOKS OF'3S SPEAKS IM CHAPEL recently that an indoor Mardi Gras initial productions. February 2. His subject will be ' fessor of sociology at Eollins. The is not far off. wiil be held in the Orlando Coli­ A midway of booths will extend discussion will be led by Dr. Lind- The best armies without their Predicts Santayana's New At­ Lecturer Delivers Sermon on "The Signs of The Times." seum for eight days beginning from Rollins' Recreation Hall on ; say. The topic of the conference communication lines are the worst tempt to Be Success *'Divine Fire of Youth' Bishop Oldham was born in Sun­ March 14th and closing the night the edge of Lake Virginia to the College Commons. Booths have I is "Social Security Legislation when faced by barbarian fighting derland, England, and received his of the 21st. Proceeds will be turn­ been rented to local concession­ Dr. Seligman, speaking on technique. And in Ethiopia, com­ FIFTEEN WORKS CHOSEN MANKIND IS HONORED education in America.
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