Greeter Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida

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Greeter Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida University of Central Florida STARS The Greeter Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 11-4-1933 Greeter: A guide: where to go, what to see, Orlando's Civic Weekly, Vol. 4, No. 14, week ending November 4 Hotel Greeters of Florida Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Greeter by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Hotel Greeters of Florida, "Greeter: A guide: where to go, what to see, Orlando's Civic Weekly, Vol. 4, No. 14, week ending November 4" (1933). The Greeter. 40. OFFICIAL CIVIC WEBKLY A GUIDE-WHAT'S WHA Week Ending ovemher 4, '3 Vol. 4, o. 14 ONLY RESULTS COUNT But the thrill of any ports e ent is being on the ring, 51de or sidelines pulling for your favorite to win. Keep up with the ports in Orlando - consult the Greeter each and every week mak e your plans to be on hand from the starting gun or the referee's whistle. You will find there is something doing every day and night Pick your winner then help him win. GOOD FIGHT CARD MONDAY Advertising H eadquarter : A. P. Phillips Co., 223 Church &? Main Bldg. • Drink - ~ - Beer Always Ice Cold - Draft or Bottle CENTRAL CIGAR AND TOBACCO CO. DISTRIBUTOR Phone 522.3 630 West Central Avenue THE GltEETER this that and the other- A GUIDE ••• WHERE TO GO ••• WHAT TO SEE WHATS WHAT-DAY BY DAY Check up on your trade men who di plat th CIVIC WEEKLY . R. A. Blue Eagle in their window and jf You Ol"P'ICIAL PUBLICATION find one chisseling, cut him right off your CENTRAL FLORIDA CHAPTER CHARTER 19 It' the only way we can "do our part"-TeU HOT&L GREETERS OP' AMERICA me better times are getting ready to teafhrd ORLANDO APARTMl!:NT HOUSE OWNERS me times are not here with WALTER RO E $0CIETY and CARL DA preparing literature and ge. A . P . PHILLIPS, JR., EDITOR ANO PUIIILl9HIER DON EMERY, DAYTONA BEACH, ADVERTISING ting ready to sell thei.r own re pective inter prises ome body is bound to buy-thu the LILLIAN SHAPPY. SECRETARY ball tart rolling- WALTER HAYS of the Amen­ JOSE ARl!!'.NTZ, ART DIRECTOR can Underwriter back in harne after a jaunt HARRY P'ITZGl!:RALD, FISHING EDITOR with his family north- MERLE McELROY and JACK BRANHAM . L. O . MOTE, C . L. VARNER. JOH DO HER TY homage areshrdlrdlcmfwy CONTRIBUTORS JOH HAND and all of the fellow that went PUBLISHED EACH SATURDAY to Miami last spring to pay HE RY DOH ER, OISTftlBUTKD BY TY homage are all agog over the coming trip u . s . MAIL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, back to the Magic City- DeWITT MILLER THl!:ATRES, HOTELS, APARTMENTS, making the arrangements- MOSE OVER, RESTAURANTS ANO WHEREVER ~EOPLE CONGREGATE bTREET and DOC KEE E in a huddle wap­ ADVERTISING RAT~S ON APPLICATION ping yarns- bet they were corker - GRIST PUBLICATION OFFICE McMURRA Y an ardent boxing enthu ia t­ SUITE 223 CHURCH ANO MAIN BLOG. MARTIN A DERSO must have hi flow• PHONE 4040 ers when it comes to copy the first line of hi description of Orlando reads as follow "a gen• teel and romantic among its lake and mo radio at a glance draped oaks as Shake peare's hero-Which one? - ANDY SLAUGHTER with CLAUDE (Big Bad WOLFE made his maiden voyage al la air• N. B. C. CHAIN plane to St. Pete and return last Thur day with Station • City Kilocycle~ ED EILSO at the controls-DIXIE KUHR it is reported is till going home to lunch­ ALICE HAYDEN of the Orlando Steam Laun• dry i back to work after many weeks vacation• ing and recuperation--GUS LAWTO is re• ported to be weakening and JOH Y WIG• litAWSUN-St.:~rii~~t::i Petersburg•· ·••.......>•.·.·.·.·.•<........•···...iii.....•.•·. 6.~gi~i FALL is betting (imagine) 2 to 1 that Gu will tumble. "They all do sooner or later" Johnny ~F~Nts c,,t~~ae1~s :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: !40 adds- The season is on rrcK BELITZ h COLUMBIA CHAIN opened his fruit emporium-COTTO MATH• WABC-New York ....... .......... ............ 860 ER now an Orlando property owner-Uncle WHAS-Louisville ...................................... 820 TOHN raised the rent to quick-TED REED WET-Charlotte ............ ........................... ... 1080 was not a decendant of one of the original 49'er WDBO-Orlando .................. ............... 580 but he is now fully qualified ar.d de erve a WLAC- ashville .......................... ... ......... 1470 page in history with the boys of la ~ century that braved the wiles of the wes~- EBBIE HA MEXICO SELL gets back at the Greete,r by aying he had XER 730 never heard of it-A suggestion next time there INDEPENDENT are any radio talks lets have them scheduled so WWL-New Orleans ................................ 8.50 ~,, not to interfere with Turner Scotts Coli eum boxing match- We hate to miss either fight­ There is no substitute for quality-Wi h 1t PROMPT and EFFICIE T would get cold and stay cold- adios! RADJO SERVi CE ALL MAKES WHEN 'Tl~ FOLLY TO BE WISE R. D. Waite Radio & Service Young Wife-"Oh, I'm so miserable. My hu~ Phone 7661 111 E. Pine St. bar. cl has been out all the evening, and I haven t Crosley and M:1jcstic Dealer the faintest idea where he is." Experienced Friend- "My dear, you mu tn't worry. You'd probably be twice 2 mi erable if you did know." PETE THE TAILOR, Inc. SAFETY FIRST Gxdusive French Dry Cleaners ::nd D ;ers Dill- "The girl I married ha a twin i ter::.. Office- 36 W. Central- Dial 6101 Mac- "Gee! How do you tell them apart? Plant-117 South Bryant Bill- "! don't; it's up to the other one to look out for herself." on and off winter park news the avenue rollins college notes One look at the extremely attractive model The Rollin var ity football team will play it in the window of the Frances Slater gown hop econd home game of the season .... aturday night an d you're lo t. Ju t saunter in ide and it' po • ovember 4, at Tinker Field in Orlando where itively over! Too much just cannot be aid in the oppo ition will be furni hed by the South prai e of this most exclu ive hop. Stunning Georgia Teacher . The vi itor have a veter, gowns just breathe individuality and when you an team and have been running up large core learn how reasonable the price are, you'll be in all of their game thj eason. Rollin , bat, overwhelmed. Stop in at 20 . Orange and ee tered after their hard game at ewberry Fri, the e di tinctive Slater dre e . day, wil be forced to how a lot of da in or• der to et back the Teachers. The kickoff "AU work and no play make Jack a dull come at 8: 30 p. m. boy", i a good piece of advice to remember. A nd what i better for complete relaxation from Rollin College debater will stage their fir t busines cues than good food, excellent mu ic, public debate of the ea on Monday night, Oc­ and pleasant urrounding ? Drive out to the tober 30, in the Annie Russell Theatre where Flamingo, just one-half mile out on the Cheney a que tion of international interest will be ar­ H ighway, and here you will find everything for gued with a team repre enting Cambridge Uni, a really enjoyable evening. ver ity in England. The Rollins debate i an• nounced a the first for the British tudents on Now, if ever, is the time to take care of all their American tour. your repairing or remodeling. For good reliable work, call Jack Stevens, General Contractor, at Cambridge, which will be repre ented by Al­ 4870 or write him at Route l, Box 97 B. He astair Sharp and Michael Barkway, will uphold will be glad to give you an estimate on any the affi rmative ide of the proposition "That the work that you wi h done. League of Nation i the only secure guarantee of world peace." Bernard R. D ralove and Mau, Now with cooler weather many of us will ne, rice C. D reicer will speak for Rollin . The de• glect drinking as much water as we should. bate is announced for 8:15'. A charge of 50 This is detrimental to good health, so why not cents will be made to the public to hel defray call G. W. Briggs at 5612 and have a supply of the exen e of bringing the Cambridge team good, pure Orange City W ater in both your here. office and home. You cannot help drinking plenty of this wonderfully pure water. Mu ical events of interest to the public next week will ' be the regular weekly class in Music There's a place in every wardrobe now for A ppreciation to be held in the Annie Ru ell a black atin frock and now with this season Theatre at 10:-45' Tue day morning, and the of "sale ", we know you can find many bargains organ ve per pr'lgram to be presented by Pro, in materials, both on and off the avenue. Mrs. fe or Herman -P . Siewert in Knowles Memorial John Todd, modiste at 17% S.
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