State of Conservation Report – 44 COM (Page Created by WHC to Facilitate Reading)
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UNESCO World Heritage Centre State of Conservation Report – 44 COM (Page created by WHC to facilitate reading) STATE OF CONSERVATION REPORT Islands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California (2005, Ref. 1182ter) Mexico 44 COM UNESCO World Heritage Centre State of Conservation Report – 44 COM (Page created by WHC to facilitate reading) Index State of Conservation Report Islands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California - MEXICO A. State of Conservation Report (English) B. State of Conservation Report (Spanish) C. Annexes 1. Informe de Acciones para la Protección y Conservación de la Vaquita Marina y la Totoaba. CITES 2. Informe de la Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente Sobre las Recomendaciones Cites del Documento de Trabajo 89 CoP18. PROFEPA 3. Informe Sobre las Acciones de Vigilancia en el Alto Golfo de California. 29 de octubre 2019. PROFEPA 4. Informe Sobre las Acciones de Vigilancia en el Alto Golfo de California. 30 de octubre 2019. PROFEPA 5. Informe Sobre las Acciones de Vigilancia en el Alto Golfo de California. 16 de diciembre 2019. PROFEPA 6. Iniciativa de Reforma. PROFEPA 7. Convenio de Concertación. Museo de la Ballena 8. Proyectos de Subsidios y Acciones Realizadas en el Bien Patrimonio Mundial. CONANP 9. Convenio de Concertación. Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales y la Organización Sea Shepherd Conservation Society STATE OF CONSERVATION REPORT “ISLANDS AND PROTECTED AREAS OF THE GULF OF CALIFORNIA” (MÉXICO-N 1182 TER) ____________________________________ _ JANUARY 2020 For evaluation by the World Heritage Committee-UNESCO 1 / 31 CONTENTS I. Executive Summary ............................................. 3 II. introduction ................................................. 4 III. Development of Sustainable Fishing Gears .................... 7 Responsible, sustainable fishing and productive diversification 7 IV. Strengthening of Surveillance, Inspection and Law Enforcement 11 On-site inspection and surveillance actions ................... 11 V. Halt of Illegal International Trade of totoaba Parts ......... 16 International cooperation ..................................... 16 VI. Conservation and Monitoring ................................. 18 VII. Final Remarks .............................................. 29 VIII. Annexes ................................................... 31 2 / 31 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Since 2015, in response to the Decisions adopted by the World Heritage Committee, the Government of Mexico has been preparing State of Conservation Reports of the World Heritage Site "Islands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California." On this occasion, after accepting that the Site be included in the List of World Heritage in Danger, this Report seeks to communicate in a timely manner the actions that the Government of Mexico carries out in accordance with paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 of the Decision 43COM 7B.26. It also contains information on the efforts of the Government of Mexico regarding Conservation and Monitoring in the World Heritage Site. The Government of Mexico considers that to understand the reality of the environment vaquita, it shall be recognized that the illegal trade in the swim bladder of totoaba in Asian markets is the main factor affecting the survival of the species, so it seeks to count on the collaboration of other countries in the fight against illegal trafficking in totoaba. On this particular issue, our country continues to work within the framework of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). In the Concluding Observations the Government of Mexico is allowed to formulate some details about the problem it faces in the World Heritage Site. 3 / 31 II. INTRODUCTION The present report has been prepared in response to Decision WHC- UNESCO-43COM7B.26-10, which requests the submission of an updated report on the State of Conservation of the property and the implementation of the identified recommendations, adopted by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee at its 43rd Session in Baku, Azerbaijan (July, 2019). In presenting this report for the evaluation of the World Heritage Committee, the new Administration of the Government of Mexico, which began on December 1st, 2018, reaffirms its strong commitment to the full implementation of the Operational Guidelines and Principles of the Convention on the Protection of Cultural and Natural World Heritage with actions to protect and preserve the Outstanding Universal Value of the property inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2005 and on the List of World Heritage in Danger in 2019. On March 21st, 2019 the Initiative for Sustainability in the Northern Gulf of California was presented, with the participation of various Agencies of the Mexican Federal Government and other key stakeholders involved in the conservation, protection and sustainable use and management of the area. The objective is to direct efforts towards environmentally sustainable coastal communities; working in the recovery of the social tissue and the reactivation of the fishing activities that contribute to the benefit of the communities of the region, without affecting the habitat and the populations of endemic wildlife species such as the vaquita (Phocoena sinus) and the totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi), which are part of the Outstanding Universal Value of the site. The aforementioned Initiative is an instrument of public policy focused on promoting the involvement of local communities through specific actions under the following axes: 1. Integral development for community welfare 2. Governance and Law Enforcement 3. Sustainable and responsible fishing 4. Conservation and monitoring of ecosystems and species 5. Sustainable Productive Diversification Besides the inclusion of the Site "Islands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California" to the List of World Heritage in Danger, Decision 43COM7B.26 of the World Heritage Committee focuses on three main issues raised for Mexico’s urgent attention: Development of sustainable fishing gear (Decision WHC-UNESCO 43COM7B.26-5) Strengthening Law Enforcement & Order (Decision WHC-UNESCO 43COM7B.26-6) 4 / 31 Stop totoaba poaching (Decision WHC-UNESCO 43COM7B.26-7) This report describes the actions undertaken around those issues by the Government of Mexico, with the understanding that considering Decision 43COM 7B.26-09, a "Desired State of Conservation" Report will be presented, which will include a Plan of corrective measures and an operative schedule for the withdrawal of the List of the World Heritage in Danger. The Government of Mexico recognizes the List of World Heritage in Danger as a mechanism of the Convention to strengthen international cooperation actions for the conservation of the site to preserve its attributes of Outstanding Universal Value. In that sense, the illicit trade of totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi) swim bladders to Asian markets shall be highlighted as the main driver of illegal activities and therefore it affects the survival of the vaquita (Phocoena sinus). So Mexico urges the collaboration of other countries in combatting illegal traffic of totoaba in the Gulf of California. On this particular issue, the present administration continues to work within the framework of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). On May 2019, a High Level Mission was received from the CITES General Secretariat, which confirmed the Government of Mexico commitment to confront this enormous challenge. Also, in response to Decision 18.293 adopted at the 18th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CITES (COP18), last November 2019, the Government of Mexico presented a report of actions for the protection and conservation of vaquita and totoaba. It is important to mention that the World Heritage Site Islands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California is not only the habitat of the vaquita population, but it encompasses many other biological and physical elements that were recognized as part of its Outstanding Universal Value and highlighted by the reactive monitoring missions during 2017 and 2018. The Government of Mexico recognizes and appreciates the valuable advice of the World Heritage Center and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), in the process of assessing the state of conservation, as well as all specialists, civil organizations, academic and research institutions, local communities and the fisheries sector interest in preserving our natural heritage. At the same time, the Mexican government reiterates its obligations through the actions undertaken by the present administration to preserve the Outstanding Universal Value of the extraordinary World Heritage Site Islands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California. 5 / 31 6 / 31 III. DEVELOPMENT OF SUSTAINABLE FISHING GEARS 43COM7B.26-5 [The World Heritage Committee] takes note of the reported progress made with the development of alternative fishing gear and urges the State Party to ensure the necessary resources and institutional support be available to start without further delay the transition to fishing gear that does not endanger the vaquita and other not- target marine mammals, turtles and sharks and with the full engagement of local communities. Responsible, sustainable fishing and productive diversification On April 10th, 2015, the Mexican government published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) the “Agreement suspending temporarily commercial fishing through the use of gillnets, “cimbras” (multiple