Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Tipo Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Publicación Publicación Evaluating reconstruction effects on urban resilience: a comparison between two Chilean tsunami-prone cities Marie Herrmann Natural Hazards 3 85 Artículo 2017 Boletin De La Asociacion De CONSTRUCTION AND ORGANIZATION OF A LAKESIDE SPACE, THE BASIN AND THE LAKE LLANQUIHUE IN SOUTHERN CHILE Mario del Castillo 73 Artículo 2017 Geografos Espanoles ARCHITECTURE DISAPPEARS: SPECULATIONS ON SPATIAL REGISTRATION IN CONTEMPORARY CHILEAN FILMS Fernanda Martín; Javiera Robledo Revista 180 39 Artículo 2017 Community resilience to tsunamis along the Southeastern Pacific: a multivariate approach incorporating physical, Marie Herrmann Natural Hazards 2 88 Artículo 2017 Arquitectura, Arte y environmental, and social indicators Diseño THE ARCHITECTURE OF DENSITY Rodrigo Mora Revista 180 39 Artículo 2017 Towards a sustainable city: Applying urban renewal incentives according to the social and urban characteristics of Rodrigo Mora; Cristhian Figueroa Habitat International 68 Artículo 2017 the area VOY & VUELVO. THE POET AND HIS CROSS Carlos Pérez Revista 180 39 Artículo 2017 Material EDITORIAL Marie Herrmann Revista 180 39 2017 Editorial


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación A POSSIBLE BODY: APPROXIMATIONS TO THE TRANSPARENT IMAGE Macarena Valenzuela Revista 180 37 36-41 Artículo 2016 CREATIVE ECONOMY: FROM RAW MATERIALS TO DESIGN WITH CULTURAL VALUES Florencia Adriasola Revista 180 37 26-31 Artículo 2016 Revista De Geografia Norte Resilience thinking and urban planning in a coastal environment at risks of tsunamis: the case study of Mehuin, Chile Marie Herrmann Lunecke 64 63-82 Artículo 2016 Grande THE STATE AS AGENT OF URBAN LAND EXPANSION María Montealegre Beach Arq 93 52-61 Artículo 2016 Decrease in the participation of the population in social organizations during the last thirteen in Chile and Eure-Revista Latinoamericana De Marie Herrmann Lunecke 42 125 175-203 Artículo 2016 implications for the construction of a policy of urban planning more participatory Estudios Urbano Regionales Untitled Marcelo Vizcaino Revista 180 37 3-3 Material Editorial 2016 Outdoor fitness equipment in parks, in Santiago, Chile Rodrigo Mora Revista Medica De Chile 144 1 134-135 Letter 2016 SANTIAGO, A COMMON LOCATION: THE CITY IN POST-DICTATORSHIP CHILEAN CINEMA Marcelo Vizcaino Pages Arq 91 94-101 Artículo 2015 ABOUT THE COMMONS AND THE PUBLIC Alberto Sato Arq 91 50-53 Artículo 2015 POLITICS OF THE PLAYGROUND: THE SPACES OF PLAY OF ROBERT MOSES AND ALDO VAN EYCK Nicolas Stutzin Arq 91 32-39 Artículo 2015 THE PICTURE AS A DICE ROLL: THE HISTORICAL EVENT AND ITS COMMEMORATION Claudio Correa Vasallo REVISTA 180 34 Artículo 2015 THE PLACE OF DOMINANT HERIATGE Valentina Rozas Krauze Arq 88 56-65 Artículo 2015 Urban planning and tsunami impact mitigation in Chile after February 27, 2010 Marie Herrmann Lunecke NATURAL HAZARDS 79 3 1591-1620 Artículo 2015 A SOMEWHAT UNCLEAR AREA Marcelo Vizcaino Pages Revista 180 36 3-3 Material Editorial 2015 FROM THE HOUSE TO THE SUBURB Rodrigo Mora Arq 86 78-87 Artículo 2014 Graphic as a cultural Artifact. A semiotic approach to social poster in Chile Camila Undurraga Puelma; Enrique Vergara Leyton Arte, individuo y sociedad 26 2 367-381 Artículo 2014 INFORMATION VISUALIZATION AS A TOOL FOR ACCESS DATA COLLECTIONS. THE CASE OF MIRA SANTIAGO Manuela Garretón Izquierdo Revista 180 33 24-29 Artículo 2014 INVENTORIES AND RECORDS AN ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXCURSION THROUGH ALDO VAN EYCK'S PLAYGROUNDS IN AMSTERDAM Nicolás Stutzin Revista 180 33 16-23 Artículo 2014 Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño Looking ahead: a vision-based software for predicting pedestrian movement Rodrigo Mora Ingenieria E Investigacion 1 34 79-82 Artículo 2014 A survey about client orientation and wayfinding in Chilean hospitals Rodrigo Mora, Amalia Oats Revista Medica De Chile 10 142 1291-1296 Artículo 2014 Development of 3D VGA tools: an application in a case of weak heritage in Valparaiso, Chile Rodrigo Mora INGENIERIA E INVESTIGACION 34 3 31-36 Artículo 2014 MAKING CITIES: PROBLEMS AND CHALLENGES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN TERRITORIAL PLANNING IN SANTIAGO Marie Herrmann Lunecke REVISTA 180 34 36-41 Artículo 2014 Vergara's mansion: elite and architecture in Santiago in the late 19th century Enrique Vergara Leyton; Marcelo Vizcaino ARQUITETURA REVISTA 10 2 70-77 Artículo 2014 A SEQUENCE OF TRANSFERS Marcelo Vizcaino Revista 180 34 3-3, Material Editorial 2014 ACCUMULATION OF CREATIONS Marcelo Vizcaino Revista 180 33 3-3. Material Editorial 2014 LAUNCHING Alberto Sato Revista 180 32 4-9 Artículo 2013 AN INDIVISIBLE MICROCOSM Marcelo Vizcaíno Revista 180 31 3-3 Artículo 2013 HOW TO DENSIFY? PROBLEMS AND CHALLENGES OF DENSIFICATION TYPES IN SANTIAGO CITY Marie Herrmann Lunecke Revista 180 31 38-43 Artículo 2013 LANDSCAPES OF BICYCLE IN SANTIAGO CITY: THE CASE OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF PROVIDENCIA Francisco Bosch, Rodrigo Mora Revista 180 31 32-37 Artículo 2013 LANDSCAPING OF GEORGICO María Moítealegre Beach Arq 83 30-35 Artículo 2013 UNAMUNO HOUSE, LAS CONDES, CHILE, CECILIA PUGA 2012 Nicolás Norero Arq 84 28-33 Artículo 2013 MOULDING THE FUTURE Marcelo Vizcaino Revista 180 32 3-3 Material Editorial 2013 CITIZEN'S PARK: NATIONAL STADIUM Valentina Rozas Krause Revista 180 30 40-45 Artículo 2012 INFORMATION AND EXPERIENCE Marcelo Vizcaíno Revista 180 30 3-3 Artículo 2012 INTERVIEW TO GERARDO MOSQUERA: THE REAL DEMOCRACY IS BASED ON DISSENT AND CONFRONTATION Camilo Yañez Revista 180 30 30-35 Artículo 2012 LANDSCAPE, TERRITORY, LIFE: AN APPROACH TO ART IN CHILE IN THREE SHORT SCENES Federico Galende Revista 180 30 16-19 Artículo 2012 LANDSCAPES OF ABSTRACTION Branko Susa Revista 180 30 46-49 Artículo 2012 SCAFFOLD: TEMPORARY HORIZON Ricardo Huanqui Abeo, Karen Takano Revista 180 30 8-9 Artículo 2012


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Tipo Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Publicación Publicación Do closed survey questions overestimate public perceptions of food risks? Mónica Gerber Journal of Risk Research 8 20 Artículo 2017 Justifying violence: legitimacy, ideology and public support for police use of force Mónica Gerber Psychology Crime & Law 11 23 Artículo 2017 Legislative Discipline in the Chilean Chamber of Deputies, 2010-2014 Patricio Navia; Hernán Campos Politica Y Gobierno 1 24 Artículo 2017 Convergencia-Revista De Ciencias Legitimation and critique of inequality: a pragmatic approach María Méndez 73 Artículo 2017 Sociales Struggles against Territorial Disqualification Mobilization for Dignified Housing and Defense of Heritage in Santiago María Méndez Latin American Perspectives 3 44 Artículo 2017

The Price of Institutional Design: Biased Territorial Representation and Argentina's Great Depression, 1998-2002 Jorge Gordín Journal of Policy History 1 29 Artículo 2017 Truth-Justice-Reparations Interaction Effects in Transitional Justice Practice: The Case of the 'Valech Commission' in Cath Collins Journal of Latin American Studies 1 49 Artículo 2017 Chile "Make the Economy Scream'? Economic, Ideological and Social Determinants of Support for Salvador Allende in Chile, Patricio Navia; Rodrigo Osorio 49 4 Artículo 2017 1970-3" Completing the revolution: The political-constitutional debate in Chile, 1829-1833 Gabriel Cid Revista de Estudios Políticos 176 Artículo 2017 Ciencias Ecuador: A decade of correismo Carlos Meléndez Revista de Ciencia Política 37 2 Artículo 2017 Sociales e Exploring Cultural Disengagement: The Example of Chile Modesto Gayo Cultural Sociology 11 4 Artículo 2017 Historia Patricio Navia; Cristián Figueras; Legislative cohesion between the Concertacion and the Communist Party in Chile, 2010-2013 Perfiles Latinoamericanos 50 25 Artículo 2017 Ariel Maderas; Alexis Marambio Neighbourhood effects' on children's educational achievement in Chile: The effects of inequality and polarization Gabriel Otero Environment and Planning 49 11 Artículo 2017

On the reflexivity of crises: Lessons from critical theory and systems theory Rodrigo Cordero European Journal of Social Theory 20 4 Artículo 2017

Partial recognition: rights of indigenous peoples in Chile".[Perfiles Latinoamericanos Maite de Cea; Claudio Fuentes Perfiles Latinomaericanos 49 25 Artículo 2017 Santiago Chile: city of cities? Social inequalities in local labour market zones Cristóbal Moya Cepal Review 121 Artículo 2017 The Ideational Approach to Populism Cristóbal Rovira Latin American Research Review 52 4 Artículo 2017 Carlos Cantillana; Gonzalo The Malaise with Democratic Representation in Latin America Política y Gobierno 24 2 Artículo 2017 Contreras Types of Activists in Party Organizations Fernando Rosenblatt Política y Gobierno 24 2 Artículo 2017 Bulletin of Latin American Equal in Poverty, Unequal in Wealth: Ethnic Stratification in Chile, the Mapuche Case Macarena Valenzuela 36 4 Artículo 2017 Research


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE SELLING SOLUTIONS Traditional and professionalized campaigns in Chile Maite de Cea; Claudio Fuentes Saavedra 74 3 Artículo 2016 SOCIOLOGIA Modesto Gayo; María Méndez Layera; Berta The tertiarisation in Chile. Cultural Inequality and occupational structure Cepal Review 119 187-207 Artículo 2016 Teitelboim Grinblatt Between Guilt and Responsibility: Chile's Post-Dictatorial Response to Human Rights Violations from an Arendtian Daniela Sepulveda Revista De Ciencia Politica 2 36 523-540 Artículo 2016 Perspective Changing Patterns of Kinship: Cohabitation, Patriarchy and Social Policy in Chile Alejandra Ramm Santelices Journal of Latin American Studies 4 48 769-796 Artículo 2016 Chile 2015: Political Failure, Distrust and Reform Carolina Segovia Arancibia Revista De Ciencia Politica 1 31 123-144 Artículo 2016 Latin American Politics and Chile's 2015 Electoral Reform: Changing the Rules of the Game Mauricio Morales Quiroga 4 58 126-144 Artículo 2016 Society Chile's right-wing parties in the post-Pinochet years: the rise and fall of the 'Lavinismo' style, 2000-2004 Verónica Valdivia Ortiz-de Zarate Estudos Ibero-Americanos 2 42 694-723 Artículo 2016 Dealing with populists in government: the SYRIZA-ANEL coalition in Greece Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser Democratization 6 23 1077-1091 Artículo 2016 Memory Speaks from Today': analyzing oral histories of female members of the MIR in Chile through the work of Luisa Hillary Hiner Womens History Review 3 25 382-407 Artículo 2016 Passerini Popular representations of urban life: Mexico City, 1890-1930 José Cornejo Cancino Historia Mexicana 4 65 1601+ Artículo 2016 REPORTING ON ART IN THE CITY: NEWSPAPER COVERAGE OF PUBLIC ART IN PHILADELPHIA, NEW ORLEANS, SAN FRANCISCO, Cristian Doña Reveco Journal of Urban Affairs 4 38 518-529 Artículo 2016 AND CHICAGO, 2001-2010 The stranger the better: support and solidarity in the 2011 students' protests in Chile Ismael Puga Social Movement Studies 3 15 263-276 Artículo 2016 Authority and Punishment: On the Ideological Basis of Punitive Attitudes towards Criminals Monica Gerber Psychiatry Psychology and Law 23 1 113-134 Artículo 2016 Ciencias Beyond the "deficit discourse": Mapping ethical consumption discourses in Chile and Brazil Tomás Ariztía Larraín Environment and Planning A 48 5 891-909 Artículo 2016 Sociales e Dealing with populists in government: a framework for analysis Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser Democratization 23 2 201-220 Artículo 2016 Historia Dealing with populists in government: some comparative conclusions Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser Democratization 23 2 345-365 Artículo 2016 Effect of the parental involvement style perceived by elementary school students at home on Language and Mathematics Gabriel Otero Cabrol Educational Studies 42 2 121-136 Artículo 2016 performance in chilean schools The return of censitary suffrage? The effects of automatic voter registration and voluntary voting in Chile Alfredo Joignant Rondon Democratization 23 3 520-544 Artículo 2016 Human Rights Defense in and through the Courts in (Post) Pinochet Chile Cath Collins Radical History Review 124 129-140 Material Editorial 2016 Development and validation of a scale of support for violence in the context of intergroup conflict (SVIC): The case of International Journal of Monica Gerber 51 61-68 Review 2016 violence perpetrated by Mapuche people and the police in Chile Intercultural Relations Canadian Journal of Political It's the Christian Democrats' Fault: Declining Political Identification in Chile, 1957-2012 Patricio Navia Lucero; Rodrigo Osorio Science-Revue Canadienne De 4 48 815-838 Artículo 2015 Science Politique Evolution in Political and Public Policy Preferences between the Popular Sector and the rest of Chilean Society between Felipe Barrueto; Patricio Navia Lucero PERFILES LATINOAMERICANOS 23 46 61-89 Artículo 2015 1990 and 2012 Irreconcilable Differences Political Culture and Gender Violence during the Chilean Transition to Democracy Hillary Hiner; María Azocar LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES 42 3 52-72 Artículo 2015 Carlos Cantillana Peña; Gonzalo Contreras Primary Elections and Personalization of Politics: The Case of Local Elections in Chile 2012 Revista De Ciencia Politica 35 2 273-298 Artículo 2015 Aguirre; Mauricio Morales Quiroga The student movement in Madrid, 1975-1976: rise and decline of a key player in the struggle against Franco Javiera Errázuriz AYER 99 199-224 Artículo 2015 María Herrera Oesterheld; Berta Teitelboim Typologies and arguments about the use of assisted reproductive technologies among people living in Santiago, Chile Revista Medica De Chile 143 12 1527-1532 Artículo 2015 Grinblatt Latin American Politics and A Natural Experiment in Political Decentralization: Local Institutions and Citizens' Political Engagement in Uruguay Fernando Rosenblatt Bogacz 57 2 91-110 Artículo 2015 Society


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación Building a park, immunising life: Environmental management and radical asymmetry Ignacio Farias GEOFORUM 66 167-175 Artículo 2015 Collaborative governance and the challenges of participatory climate change adaptation planning in Santiago de Chile Jordan Jarris CLIMATE AND DEVELOPMENT 2 7 175-184 Artículo 2015 LATIN AMERICAN POLITICS AND Deciding on the Electoral System: Chile's Adoption of Proportional Representation in 1925 Mauricio Morales Quiroga 57 2 41-66 Artículo 2015 SOCIETY BULLETIN OF LATIN AMERICAN El Mercurio Lies, and La Tercera Lies More. Political Bias in Newspaper Headlines in Chile, 1994-2010 Patricio Navia Lucero 34 4 467-485 Artículo 2015 RESEARCH Gendered Expertise María Azocar Gender & Society 29 6 841-862 Artículo 2015 Hello, goodbye. The Chilean right in the presidential elections of 2013 Mauricio Morales Quiroga Revista de Estudios Políticos 168 261-290 Artículo 2015 Caravelle-Cahiers Du Monde Heroic making and construction of the Chilean historical memory (1844-1875) Gabriel Cid Rodriguez 104 47-70 Artículo 2015 Hispanique Et Luso-Bresilien INCUMBENCY ADVANTAGE AND TENURE LENGTH IN THE CHILEAN CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES, 1989-2009 Patricio Navia Lucero REVISTA DE CIENCIA POLITICA 35 2 251-271 Artículo 2015 BULLETIN OF LATIN AMERICAN Inequality, Distributive Justice and Political Participation: An Analysis of the Case of Chile Alfredo Joignant Rondon 34 4 486-502 Artículo 2015 RESEARCH Mis-coordination and political misalignments in ticket-splitting: the case of Chile, 2005-2009 Patricio Navia Lucero Contemporary Politics 21 4 485-503 Artículo 2015 POLITICAL ECOLOGY OF DISASTERS: VULNERABILITY, SOCIO-TERRITORIAL EXCLUSION AND VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS IN CHILEAN Hugo Romero Toledo Magallania 43 3 7-26 Artículo 2015 PATAGONIA Political Elites and Political Trajectories of Elite Party Members. The Political Space of the Chilean Left Hernán Cuevas Valenzuela Revista de ciencia política 35 2 299-325 Artículo 2015 PUBLIC OPINION SURVEYS IN CHILE BEFORE 1973 Patricio Navia Lucero Latin American Research Review 50 1 117-+ Artículo 2015 Ciencias LATIN AMERICAN POLITICS AND Sociales e Shifting the Status Quo: Constitutional Reforms in Chile Claudio Fuentes Saavedra 57 1 99-122 Artículo 2015 SOCIETY Historia SOUTH EUROPEAN SOCIETY AND Spain: No Country for the Populist Radical Right? Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser 20 1 21-45 Artículo 2015 POLITICS The Architecture of Cooperation: A Theoretical Proposal about Institutional Resilience Fernando Rosenblatt Bogacz Política y Gobierno 22 2 255-281 Artículo 2015 Unpacking insight: How consumers are qualified by advertising agencies Tomás Ariztía Larraín JOURNAL OF CONSUMER CULTURE 15 2 143-162 Artículo 2015 Vox populi or vox masculini? Populism and gender in Northern Europe and South America Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser Patterns of Prejudice 49 1-2, 16-36 Artículo 2015 HAHR-HISPANIC AMERICAN The unfinished revolution: The Chilean left and the government of the Popular Unity Verónica Valdivia Ortiz-de Zarate 95 2 373-374 book review 2015 HISTORICAL REVIEW History, Women and Gender in Chile: the Emergence of Female Authors in Academic Journals.The cases of Historia and Javiera Errázuriz HISTORIA-SANTIAGO 48 1 279-299 Review 2015 Cuadernos de Historia Ethical consumption in Brazil and Chile: institutional contexts and development trajectories Tomás Ariztía, Njurk Agloni Journal of Cleaner Production 63 63 84-92 Artículo 2014 Latin American Politics and Explaining the Rise of Ethnic Politics in Contemporary Latin America Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser 1 56 166-174 Artículo 2014 Society Housing markets performing class: middle-class cultures and market professionals in Chile Tomás Ariztía Larraín Sociological Review 2 62 400-420 Artículo 2014 Misrecognizing tsunamis: ontological politics and cosmopolitical challenges in early warning systems Ignacio Farías Sociological Review 62 61-87 Artículo 2014 Revista De Geografia Norte Political ecology and dams: elements for the analysis of the Project HidroAysen in the Chilean Patagonia(1) Hugo Romero Toledo 57 161-175 Artículo 2014 Grande Programmatic congruence between parties and voters in Chile Mauricio Morales Quiroga Perfiles Latinoamericanos 44 22 59-90 Artículo 2014 Sowing consumers in the garden of retailing in Chile José Ossandón Valdés Consumption Markets & Culture 2 17 429-447 Artículo 2014


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación The labor of knowledge in the making of the social sciences Elisabeth Simbuerger International Sociology 2 29 89-97 Artículo 2014 "THE SIGNS OF THE LAST TIMES". LAICITY AND ESCHATOLOGY IN HISPANIC AMERICAN CATHOLIC THOUGHT IN THE 19TH Gabriel Cid Rodríguez Hispania Sacra 133 66 179-207 Artículo 2014 CENTURY A PHILOSOPHICAL REFLECTION ON THE BINDING ACTION AND THE LANGUAGE Eva Hamame REVISTA CHILENA DE LITERATURA 87 257-269 Artículo 2014 Chile: Elections, Conflicts, and Uncertainty Rossana Castiglioni Revista De Ciencia Politica 1 34 79-104 Artículo 2014 Convergencia-Revista De Ciencias Culture: performing sociomaterial worlds Ignacio Farías 64 21 65-91 Artículo 2014 Sociales Un debate en torno a Making Constitutions. Presidents, Parties, and Institutional Choice in Latin America de Gabriel Patricio Navia Lucero Politica Y Gobierno 2 21 479-505 Artículo 2014 Negretto. Virtual attractors, actual assemblages: How Luhmann's theory of communication complements actor-network theory Ignacio Farías European Journal of Social Theory 1 17 24-41 Artículo 2014

FILMING AGAINST THE GRAIN: THE CINEMA, OF HELVIO SOTO DURING THE POPULAR UNITY GOVERNMENT José Tomás Cornejo Atenea 508 13-29 Artículo 2013 Generational Differences in Electoral Participation in Chile, 1988-2010 Gonzalo Contreras Aguirre; Patricio Navia Revista De Ciencia Politica 33 2 419-441 Artículo 2013 Governing the Deaf: The Educational Apparatus Hernán Cuevas Valenzuela Revista De Ciencia Politica 3 33 693-713 Artículo 2013 Nationalizing peripheral memories: Commemorations and Chilean nationalism in Antofagasta and Tarapaca, 1879-1910 Gabriel Cid Rodríguez . Historia Unisinos 3 17 216-227 Artículo 2013 Osterreichische Zeitschrift Fur The sick as biological citizens ? How patient-user organizations reconfigure the field of health and illness Hernán Cuevas Valenzuela 3 42 311-327 Artículo 2013 Politikwissenschaft Ciencias "Men Always Adopt": Infertility and Reproduction From a Male Perspective María Herrera Oesterheld Journal of Family Issues 34 8 1059-1080 Artículo 2013 Sociales e Democracy and Money: Private Vices, Public Fails, Institutional Evolution of Political Finance Regulatory Systems In 18 Alfredo Joignant Rondon Politica Y Gobierno 20 1 159-196 Artículo 2013 Historia Countries International Journal of Mapping Perpetrator Prosecutions in Latin America Cath Collins 7 1 8-28 Artículo 2013 Transitional Justice Moving through the city: visual discourses of upward social mobility in higher education advertisements on public Elisabeth Sinbuerger Visual Studies 28 1 67-77 Artículo 2013 transport in Santiago de Chile María Herrera Oesterheld, Berta Teitelboim Opinion survey on the use of assisted reproductive technologies applied to inhabitants of Santiago, Chile Grinblatt, Moises Russo Namias, Sofía Salas Revista Medica De Chile 141 7 853-860 Artículo 2013 Ibarra, Fernando Zegers Hochschild PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICES AND DISCOURSES IN TOCONAO. CULTURE, HERITAGE AND MULTICULTURALISM Ramiro Catalán Pesce Estudios Atacamenos 45 19-40 Artículo 2013 Ravient's Santiago. Depoliticization and Consolidation of the Dictatorial Project in Chile During the 90s Verónica Valdivia Historia-Santiago 46 1 177-219 Artículo 2013 Religious parties in Chile: the Christian Democratic Party and the Independent Democratic Union Fernando Rosenblatt Democratization 20 5 917-938 Artículo 2013

Representative Democracy Typologies in Latin America Felipe Barrueto Ávalos, Patricio Navia Lucero Politica Y Gobierno 20 2 265-307 Artículo 2013

Revisiting middle-class politics: a multidimensional approach - evidence from Spain. Modesto Gayo Sociological Review 61 4 814-837 Artículo 2013 Hahr-Hispanic American Were Women and Young People the Heart of the Pinochet Regime? Rise and Decline of the Secretariats. Verónica Valdivia 93 4 547-583 Artículo 2013 Historical Review Magic and empire. Nomos and rhetoric in the magical realism Raúl Rodríguez Freire Acta Literaria 45 81-100 Artículo 2012 Mimesis in Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan (1651). Laura Reagan Stephan History of the Human Sciences 25 4 25-42 Artículo 2012


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Tipo Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Publicación Publicación Revista Espanola De Attributes of Interpersonal Political Discussion as Antecedents of Cognitive Elaboration Homero Gil 157 Artículo 2017 Investigaciones Sociologicas Journalism & Mass Cognitive Benefits for Senders: Antecedents and Effects of Political Expression on Social Media Homero Gil 1 94 Artículo 2017 Communication Quarterly Communicative Antecedents of Political Persuasion: Political Discussion, Citizen News Creation, and the Moderating Homero Gil Mass Communication and Society 2 20 Artículo 2017 Role of Strength of Partisanship International Journal of Influences on Job Expectations Among Chilean Journalism Students Andrés Scherman 11 Artículo 2017 Communication Clcweb-Comparative Literature Networks of Collaboration and Creation in Latin American Digital Literature Carolina Gainza 1 19 Artículo 2017 and Culture Journal of Broadcasting & Second Screening and Political Persuasion on Social Media Homero Gil 2 61 Artículo 2017 Electronic Media Second Screening Politics in the Social Media Sphere: Advancing Research on Dual Screen Use in Political Journal of Broadcasting & Homero Gil 2 61 Artículo 2017 Communication with Evidence from 20 Countries Electronic Media Comunicación y Social Media Social Capital, Offline Social Capital, and Citizenship: Exploring Asymmetrical Social Capital Effects Homero Gil Political Communication 1 34 Artículo 2017 Letras Journalism & Mass Effects of Editorial Media Bias Perception and Media Trust on the Use of Traditional, Citizen, and Social Media News Homero Gil 94 3 Artículo 2017 Communication Quarterly Journal of Broadcasting & Internal, External, and Government Political Efficacy: Effects on News Use, Discussion, and Political Participation Homero Gil 3 61 Artículo 2017 Electronic Media Meanings of (dis)connection: Exploring non-users in isolated rural communities with internet access infrastructure Maria Correa; Javier Contreras Poetics 63 Artículo 2017 International Journal of Public Online Influence? Social Media Use, Opinion Leadership, and Political Persuasion Homero Gil 2 29 Artículo 2017 Opinion Research Personality Traits and Social Media Use in 20 Countries: How Personality Relates to Frequency of Social Media Use, Cyberpsychology Behavior and Homero Gil 20 9 Artículo 2017 Social Media News Use, and Social Media Use for Social Interaction Social Networking Renvoi (A Note on the Enigma of Derrida's Differance) Mauro Senatore Cr-the New Centennial Review 17 1 Artículo 2017 Nonprofit Management & The Nonprofit Capacities Instrument Macarena Peña y Lillo 28 2 Artículo 2017 Leadership Material Citizenship, Social Media, and Big Data: Current and Future Research in the Social Sciences Homero Gil Social Science Computer Review 1 35 2017 Editorial


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación Maria Correa Reymond; Andrés Scherman Audiences and Disasters: Analyses of Media Diaries Before and After an Earthquake and a Massive Fire Journal of Communication 4 66 519-541 Artículo 2016 Teitelboim Journal of Computer-Mediated Digital Inclusion in Rural Areas: A Qualitative Exploration of Challenges Faced by People From Isolated Communities Maria Correa Reymond 3 21 247-263 Artículo 2016 Communication Political persuasion on social media: Tracing direct and indirect effects of news use and social interaction Homero Gil de Zuñiga New Media & Society 9 18 1875-1895 Artículo 2016 Social media in Latin America: deepening or bridging gaps in protest participation? Andrés Scherman Teitelboim Online Information Review 5 40 695-711 Artículo 2016 Journal of Broadcasting & Acquiring a New Technology at Home: A Parent-Child Study About Youths' Influence on Digital Media Adoption in a Family María Correa Raimond 60 1 123-139 Artículo 2016 Electronic Media Digital skills and social media use: how Internet skills are related to different types of Facebook use among 'digital Information Communication & María Correa Raimond 19 8 1095-1107 Artículo 2016 natives' Society Quantitative patterns in Chilean novels of XIX-XXI centuries Ricardo Martinez Gamboa Onomazein 32 239-253 Artículo 2015 Social Media as a Public Space for Politics: Cross-National Comparison of News Consumption and Participatory International Journal of Homero Gil de Zuñiga 9 3304-3326 Artículo 2015 Behaviors in the United States and the United Kingdom Communication International Journal of Toward a European Public Sphere? The Promise and Perils of Modern Democracy in the Age of Digital and Social Media Homero Gil de Zuñiga 9 3152-3160 Artículo 2015 Communication International Journal of Media Consumption and Immigration: Factors Related to the Perception of Stigmatization Among Immigrants Maria Correa Reymond; Nicolle Etchegaray 9 3601-3620 Artículo 2015 Communication SANTIAGO, A COMMON LOCATION: THE CITY IN POST-DICTATORSHIP CHILEAN CINEMA Claudio Garrido Peña Arq 91 94-101 Artículo 2015 Brokering new technologies: The role of children in their parents' usage of the internet Teresa Correa Raimond NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY 17 4 483-500 Artículo 2015 EL CORREO DE BAGDAD, BY JOSE MIGUEL VARAS: A NOVEL OF DISILLUSIONMENT Mauricio Electorat Müller ANALES DE LITERATURA CHILENA 16 23 95-108 Artículo 2015 Journal of Computer-Mediated Gaming Social Capital: Exploring Civic Value in Multiplayer Video Games Homero Gil de Zúñiga 20 4 381-399 Artículo 2015 Communication Scandinavian Journal of Humor styles and personality: A meta-analysis of the relation between humor styles and the Big Five personality traits Andrés Mendiburo Seguel 56 3 335-340 Artículo 2015 Psychology Review-Literature and Arts of the Comunicación Pop, Tradition, and The Future Alvaro Bisama Mayne 48 1 15-21 Artículo 2015 y Letras Americas INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF Reciprocity and the News: The Role of Personal and Social Media Reciprocity in News Creation and Consumption Homero Gil de Zuñiga 9 2526-2547 Artículo 2015 COMMUNICATION Andrés Scherman Teitelboim; Arturo Student and Environmental Protests in Chile: The Role of Social Media Politics 35 2 151-171 Artículo 2015 Arriagada Ilabaca The Power of Youth: How the Bottom-Up Technology Transmission From Children to Parents Is Related to Digital INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF Teresa Correa Raimond 9 1163-1186 Artículo 2015 (In)equality COMMUNICATION What Is Second Screening? Exploring Motivations of Second Screen Use and Its Effect on Online Political Participation Homero Gil de Zuñiga JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION 65 5 793-815 Artículo 2015 History, Women and Gender in Chile: the Emergence of Female Authors in Academic Journals.The cases of Historia and Javiera Errázuriz HISTORIA-SANTIAGO 48 1 279-299 Review 2015 Cuadernos de Historia Facebook, Twitter, and Youth Engagement: A Quasi-experimental Study of Social Media Use and Protest Behavior Using Andrés Scherman Teitelboim; Arturo International Journal of 8 2046-2070 Artículo 2014 Propensity Score Matching Arriagada Ilabaca Communication Journal of Computer-Mediated Gendered Space: The Digital Divide between Male and Female Users in Internet Public Access Sites María Teresa Correa Reymond 4 19 991-1009 Artículo 2014 Communication Graphic as a cultural Artifact. A semiotic approach to social poster in Chile Claudio Garrido Peña Arte, individuo y sociedad 26 2 367-381 Artículo 2014

HE COMES BACK ! Alejandro Zambra Europe-Revue Litteraire Mensuelle 1020 47-48 Artículo 2014

Social Media, Political Expression, and Political Participation: Panel Analysis of Lagged and Concurrent Relationships Homero Gil de Zúñiga Journal of Communication 4 64 612-634 Artículo 2014 The Journal of Cultural Criticism and the work of Nelly Richard. Transdisciplinary aesthetics and stages of writing* Macarena Silva Contreras Taller De Letras 54 167-180 Artículo 2014 Bottom-Up Technology Transmission Within Families: Exploring How Youths Influence Their Parents' Digital Media Use María Teresa Correa Reymond Journal of Communication 1 64 103-124 Artículo 2014 With Dyadic Data I write to get away. Conversing with Santiago Gamboa Mauricio Electorat Müller Taller de Letras 55 205-214 Material Editorial 2014 Juan Emar on - written cinematic tape Betina Keizman Taller De Letras 53 67-81 Artículo 2013 Academic writing and publication in journals: the ESE:O methodology María Soledad Fallabella Estudios Filologicos 49 59-75 Artículo 2012 LITERARY MODERNITY AND WOMEN'S ENTRY TO THE PUBLIC SPHERE IN THE DISCOURSES OF BELLO, HOSTOS AND MISTRAL María Soledad Fallabella Revista Chilena De Literatura 82 119-141 Artículo 2012 8

Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Tipo Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Publicación Publicación Pregnancies and Fetal Anomalies Incompatible with Life in Chile: Arguments and Experiences in Advocating for Lidia Casas Health and Human Rights 19 1 Artículo 2017 Legal Reform Derecho Alpha-Revista De Artes Letras Y Is the Relectio of Indis only a discourse of political analysis? Claudio Agüero 44 Artículo 2017 Filosofia


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IN THE JURISPRUDENCE OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT Rodolfo Figueroa Revista Chilena De Derecho 2 43 401-431 Artículo 2016 Iñigo de la Maza Gazmuri; SALES BY THE NON-OWNER: THE PROTECTION OF THE BUYER Revista Chilena De Derecho 42 3 785-818 Artículo 2015 Ricardo Torres Urzúa A BAD CASE FOR FLEXIBILIZE THE TYPOLOGY OF ADMINISTRATIVE SANCTIONS. COMMENTARY TO CASE "EMPRESA DE SERVICIOS Pablo Soto Delgado REVISTA CHILENA DE DERECHO 42 2 701-714 Artículo 2015 SANITARIOS ESSBIO SA V. SEREMI DE SALUD DEL BIOBIO" OF THE SUPREME COURT ROL NO. 7397-2012 ARE GENDER QUOTAS FOR CONGRESS CONSTITUTIONAL? Rodolfo Figueroa REVISTA CHILENA DE DERECHO 42 1 189-214 Artículo 2015 Revista Espanola De Derecho Constitutional Courts against "Civil and Political Rights". A Look from Analytic Theory of Law. María Arriagada Cáceres 105 35 105-136 Artículo 2015 Constitucional Dike, ius or the unrealized freedom. On the abstraction of law by Hegel Max Maureira Pacheco ANUARIO FILOSOFICO 48 2 299-314 Artículo 2015 Leiden Journal of International Human Rights between Jurisprudence and Social Science Alexandra Huneeus 28 2 255-266 Artículo 2015 Law PARTIES TO THE CRIME AND ORGANISATION. ON THE NEED AND THE COMPLEXITY OF A FUNCTIONAL COMPARISON BETWEEN Jaime Couso REVISTA CHILENA DE DERECHO 42 1 267-295 Artículo 2015 CHILEAN, INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW PROCEDURAL AND DISCIPLINARY SANCTIONS FOR THE INFRINGEMENT OF RULES OF TRIAL DISTRIBUTION AMONG CIVIL COURTS Ignacio Ried Undurraga Revista Chilena De Derecho 42 3 1125-1138 Artículo 2015 THE DILEMMAS OF THE FAMILY JUDGE Claudio Fuentes Maureira Revista Chilena De Derecho 42 3 935-965 Artículo 2015 THE IMPOSSIBILITY OF EQUATING SOCIAL AND LIBERAL RIGHTS María Arriagada Cáceres Revista Chilena De Derecho 42 3 819-842 Artículo 2015 A proposal for the definitive reform of the private health insurance system in Chile Alejandra Zúñiga Fajuri Revista Medica De Chile 4 142 501-505 Artículo 2014 Abortion in Chile: the practice under a restrictive regime Lidia Casas Becerra REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH MATTERS 22 44 70-81 Artículo 2014 Derecho Are criminal sentences a discursive genre? Claudio Agüero San Juan Estudios Filologicos 53 7-26 Artículo 2014 BREACH OF CONTRACT, LACK OF CONFORMITY AND DAMAGES. COMENT ON A SUPREME COURT DECISION OF OCTOBER 31, 2012 Iñigo De la Maza Gazmuri REVISTA CHILENA DE DERECHO 41 3 1155-1178 Artículo 2014 Ethno-Cultural Minorities and Women's Rights Luis Villavicencio Miranda Revista De Ciencia Politica 34 3 605-621 Artículo 2014 Convergencia-Revista De Ciencias The distribution of healthcare scarce resources based on the Theory of needs; an old idea? Alejandra Zúñiga Fajuri 64 21 169-187 Artículo 2014 Sociales THE MEDICAL CONTRACT. CLASSIFICATION, CONTENT AND RESPONSIBILITY Carlos Pizarro Wilson Revista de Derecho 41 3 825-843 Artículo 2014 International Journal of Health WHEN CONSTITUTIONAL JUSTICE HAS THE LAST WORD ON HEALTH CARE: THE CASE OF CHILE Alejandra Zúñiga Fajuri 2 44 167-173 Artículo 2014 Services Health Inequality, Libertarianism and Egalitarianism Alejandra Zuñiga Politica Y Gobierno 20 2 335-358 Artículo 2013 Justice and Genetics: Offsetting the Difference Alejandra Zuñiga Ideas Y Valores 151 115-125 Artículo 2013 Politics justice as Fairness? Luis Villavicencio Miranda Ideas Y Valores 152 225-247 Artículo 2013 Private health insurance systems, constitution and the right to receive an equitable health care Alejandra Zuñiga Revista Medica De Chile 151 4 514-518 Artículo 2013 The new law on patient rights: changing the relationship between patient and physician. Alejandra Zuñiga Revista Medica De Chile 141 1 123-124 Artículo 2013 THE RIGHT TO PRIVACY UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE ACTION FOR PROTECTION Rodolfo Figueroa Revista Chilena De Derecho 3 40 859-889 Artículo 2013 Maternity protection vs. maternity rights for working women in Chile: a historical review Lidia Casas Becerra Reproductive Health Matters 20 40 139-147 Artículo 2012 A model for health care resources adjudication for Chile Alejandra Zuñiga Acta Bioethica 18 2 221-230 Artículo 2012 DEFECTIVE PERFORMANCE IN THE SALE OF GOODS Iñigo De la Maza Revista Chilena De Derecho 39 3 629-663 Artículo 2012 Informed consent in the patients' rights law Rodolfo Figueroa Revista Medica De Chile 140 10 1347-1351 Artículo 2012


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Tipo Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Publicación Publicación Innovation-Management Policy & A model of innovation network formation Harold Paredes 2 19 Artículo 2017 Practice An international comparison of educational systems: a temporal analysis in presence of bad outputs Claudio Thieme Journal of Productivity Analysis 1 47 Artículo 2017 Technological and Economic CAN RESIDENTIAL INTEGRATION BE A STABLE EQUILIBRIUM? Miguel Vargas 5 23 Artículo 2017 Development of Economy International Entrepreneurship Characteristics of high-growth entrepreneurs in Latin America Roberto Chavez 1 13 Artículo 2017 and Management Journal Evolution and patterns of global health financing 1995-2014: development assistance for health, and government, Rubén Castro Lancet 10083 389 Artículo 2017 prepaid private, and out-of-pocket health spending in 184 countries Green supply management and performance: a resource-based view Roberto Chávez Production Planning & Control 6-8 28 Artículo 2017

Low Cognitive Impulsivity Is Associated with Better Gain and Loss Learning in a Probabilistic Decision-Making Task René San Martin; Pablo Cáceres Frontiers in Psychology, 8 Artículo 2017 International Journal of Manufacturing capability and organizational performance: The role of entrepreneurial orientation Roberto Chavez 184 Artículo 2017 Production Economics Rural pension reform in China: A critical analysis Esteban Calvo Journal of Aging Studies 41 Artículo 2017 Social Policy Responses of the Chilean State to the Earthquake and Tsunami of 2010 Kirsten Sehnbruch Latin American Perspectives 4 44 Artículo 2017 International Journal of The impacts of IT capability and marketing capability on supply chain integration: a resource-based perspective Roberto Chávez 14 55 Artículo 2017 Production Research Blending Communities and Team-Based Learning in a Programming Course Jorge Villalón Ieee Transactions on Education 60 4 Artículo 2017 Economía y Future and potential spending on health 2015-40: development assistance for health, and government, prepaid Rubén Castro Lancet 10083 389 Artículo 2017 Empresa private, and out-of-pocket health spending in 184 countries Global, regional, and national under-5 mortality, adult mortality, age-specific mortality, and life expectancy, 1970- Rubén Castro Lancet 390 10100 Artículo 2017 2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 Industrial Management & Data Guanxi and operational performance: the mediating role of supply chain integration Roberto Chávez 117 8 Artículo 2017 Systems Income inequality and adolescent fertility in low-income countries Rubén Castro Cadernos De Saude Publica 33 9 Artículo 2017 Measuring progress and projecting attainment on the basis of past trends of the health-related Sustainable Rubén Castro Lancet 390 10100 Artículo 2017 Development Goals in 188 countries: an analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 Computational and Mathematical Modeling the governance of cooperative firms Pablo Nachar; Harold Paredes 1 23 Artículo 2017 Organization Theory

Sectoral decomposition of total productivity factors in Chile, 1996-2010 Nicolás Garrido Cepal Review 122 Artículo 2017 The Chilean Electronic Market for Annuities (SCOMP): Reducing Information Asymmetries and Improving Geneva Papers on Risk and Marco Morales 3 42 Artículo 2017 Competition Insurance-Issues and Practice Trust in cohesive communities Felipe Balmaceda Journal of Economic Theory 170 Artículo 2017 Material Longevity Risk and Capital Markets: The 2014-15 Update Marco Morales Journal of Risk and Insurance 84 2017 Editorial Material The Impact of the Chilean Earthquake of 2010: Challenging the Capabilities of the Neoliberal State Introduction Kirsten Sehnbruch Latin American Perspectives 4 44 2017 Editorial Data-driven supply chains, manufacturing capability and customer satisfaction Roberto Chávez Production Planning & Control 11-12 28 Review 2017


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación School socioeconomic Segregation in Chile: choice of school by the parents and a counterfactual theoretical analysis Gregory Elacqua; Humberto Santos Morales Cepal Review 119 133-148 Artículo 2016 Gregory Elacqua; Matias Martinez Vonderfecht; School Effectiveness and School Short-run effects of accountability pressures on teacher policies and practices in the voucher system in Santiago, Chile 3 27 385-405 Artículo 2016 Humberto Santos Morales Improvement European Journal of Operational Value added, educational accountability approaches and their effects on schools' rankings: Evidence from Chile Rene Gempp; Claudio Thieme Jara 2 253 456-471 Artículo 2016 Research Debt trajectories and mental health Alvaro Miranda Social Science & Medicine 167 54-62 Artículo 2016 Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and Rubén Castro Landman Lancet 10053 388 1659-1724 Artículo 2016 metabolic risks or clusters of risks, 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 Technological Forecasting and Modeling the effect of responsible research and innovation in quadruple helix innovation systems Harold Paredes Frigolett 110 126-133 Artículo 2016 Social Change Optimal task assignments Felipe Balmaceda Games and Economic Behavior 98 1-18 Artículo 2016 Tacit collusion in housing markets: the case of Santiago, Chile Miguel Vargas Román Applied Economics 54 48 5257-5275 Artículo 2016 The impact of self on materialism among teenagers Luciana De Araujo Gil Journal of Consumer Behaviour 3 15 281-288 Artículo 2016 A novel method for rule extraction in a knowledge-based innovation tutoring system Harold Paredes Frigolett Knowledge-Based Systems 92 183-199 Artículo 2016 Bounds on the welfare loss from moral hazard with limited liability Felipe Balmaceda Games and Economic Behavior 95 137-155 Artículo 2016 Cortical Brain Activity Reflecting Attentional Biasing Toward Reward-Predicting Cues Covaries with Economic Decision- René San Martín Ulloa Cerebral Cortex 26 1 1-11 Artículo 2016 Making Performance Gendered work-family life courses and financial well-being in retirement Ignacio Madero Cabib Advances in Life Course Research 27 43-60 Artículo 2016 Business Strategy and the The Effect of Customer-Centric Green Supply Chain Management on Operational Performance and Customer Satisfaction Roberto Chávez Clavijo 25 3 205-220 Artículo 2016 Environment International Journal of The effect of internal communication and employee satisfaction on supply chain integration Roberto Chávez Clavijo 171 60-70 Artículo 2016 Production Economics A Global View on the Effects of Work on Health in Later Life Esteban Calvo Bralic Gerontologist 56 S281-S292 Review 2016 Economía y Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and Empresa metabolic risks or clusters of risks in 188 countries, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Rubén Castro Landman Lancet 10010 386 2287-2323 Artículo 2015 Study 2013 EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND External Conditions, the Evolution of Financial Risks, and the Informational Content of Stock Prices: The Case of Chile Fernando Diaz Hurtado; Fernando Lefort 51 S42-S57 Artículo 2015 TRADE Alvaro Miranda; Gregory Elacqua; Matias Income Inequality or Performance Gap? A Multilevel Study of School Violence in 52 Countries JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENT HEALTH 57 5 545-552 Artículo 2015 Martinez Vonderfecht Humberto Santos Morales; Matias Martinez Individual, social and environmental determinants of overweight and obesity among Chilean adolescents REVISTA MEDICA DE CHILE 143 5 598-605 Artículo 2015 Vonderfecht Perception of HIV risk and theJournal of Population Economics quantity and quality of children: the case of rural Malawi Rubén Castro 1 28 113-132 Artículo 2015

JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT Segregation and conflict: An empirical analysis Alejandro Corvalan; Miguel Vargas Román 116 Artículo 2015 ECONOMICS Gregory Elacqua; Humberto Santos Morales; International Journal of Winners and losers of school choice: Evidence from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Santiago, Chile 41 25-34 Artículo 2015 Matias Martinez Vonderfecht Educational Development INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF Analyzing the Performance of the South Tyrolean Hospitality Sector: A Dynamic Approach Nicolás Garrido 17 2 196-208 Artículo 2015 TOURISM RESEARCH Customer integration and operational performance: The mediating role of information quality Roberto Chávez Clavijo Decision Support Systems 80 83-95 Artículo 2015 International Journal of Industrial Disruption costs, learning by doing, and technology adoption Carlos Pérez González 41 64-75 Artículo 2015 Organization Female entrepreneurship and participation rates in 19th century Chile Bernardita Escobar Andrade Estudios De Economia 42 2 67-91 Artículo 2015 Global, regional, and national age-sex specific all-cause and cause-specific mortality for 240 causes of death, 1990- Rubén Castro Landman Lancet 385 9963 117-171 Artículo 2015 2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 Heterogeneity in the effect of public health insurance on catastrophic out-of-pocket health expenditures: the case of Ana León HEALTH POLICY AND PLANNING 30 5 593-599 Artículo 2015 Mexico EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND Heterogeneous Price Dynamics, Synchronization, and Retail Chains: Evidence from Scanner Data Andrés Elberg 50 6 Artículo 2015 TRADE 12

Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación Individual Troubles, Shared Troubles: The Multiplicative Effect of Individual and Country-Level Unemployment on Life Esteban Calvo Bralic SOCIAL FORCES 93 4 1625-1653 Artículo 2015 Satisfaction in 95 Nations (1981-2009) EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND Innovation and Productivity in Services: Evidence from Chile Andrés Zahler Torres 51 3 593-611 Artículo 2015 TRADE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF Internal lean practices and performance: The role of technological turbulence Roberto Chávez Clavijo 460 157-171 Artículo 2015 PRODUCTION ECONOMICS Is financial literacy an economic good? Rubén Castro Landman Cepal Review 116 143-158 Artículo 2015 Job Satisfaction and Reference Wages: Evidence for a Developing Country Rodrigo Montero Lancet 16 6 1493-1507 Artículo 2015 Knowledge inflows effects on middle managers' ambidexterity and performance Camilo Drago Management Decision 53 10 2303-2320 Artículo 2015 LATE-ENTRY-INTO-MOTHERHOOD WOMEN ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR FERTILITY RECUPERATION Ruben Castro JOURNAL OF BIOSOCIAL SCIENCE 47 2 275-279 Artículo 2015 Mental health financing in Chile: a pending debt Esteban Calvo Bralic Revista Médica de Chile 143 9 1179-1186 Artículo 2015 More but not better jobs in Chile? The fundamental importance of open-ended contracts Kirsten Sehnbruch International Labour Review 154 2 227-252 Artículo 2015 Journal of Development New exports from emerging markets: Do followers benefit from pioneers? Andrés Zahler 114 203-223 Artículo 2015 Economics Part-time Work, Job Satisfaction and Well-being: Evidence from a Developing OECD Country Rodrigo Montero Journal of Development Studies 51 4 370-385 Artículo 2015 Revista Internacional de SECULARIZATION AND ACCELERATION. Theological foundations of the sociological concept "social acceleration" Felipe Torres Navarro 73 2 Artículo 2015 Sociología Academia-Revista Economía y Self-employment as a moderator between work and life satisfaction Claudio Thieme Jara Latinoamericana De 28 2 213-226 Artículo 2015 Empresa Administracion Signs of demographic equality in Chile: the case of infant mortality Rubén Castro Landman Papeles de Población 21 83 189-201 Artículo 2015 BULLETIN OF THE WORLD HEALTH Teenage smoking behaviour following a high-school smoking ban in Chile: interrupted time-series analysis Esteban Calvo Bralic 93 7 468-475 Artículo 2015 ORGANIZATION The evolution of the socioeconomic gap in fertility among adolescents in Chile, 1990-2011 Ruben Castro CADERNOS DE SAUDE PUBLICA 31 8 1789-1793 Artículo 2015 PSYCHOLOGY AND The relationship between patient object relations and the therapeutic alliance in a naturalistic psychotherapy sample Esteban Calvo Bralic PSYCHOTHERAPY-THEORY 88 3 254-269 Artículo 2015 RESEARCH AND PRACTICE OBESITY RESEARCH & CLINICAL The role of answering behaviours on weight misreporting Ruben Castro 9 5 458-465 Artículo 2015 PRACTICE Using decision trees to characterize verbal communication during change and stuck episodes in the therapeutic process Victor Masias Frontiers in Psychology 6 Artículo 2015

Introduction: Quality of employment in Latin America Kirsten Sehnbruch International Labour Review 154 2 165-170 Material Editorial 2015 Financial liberalization, market structure and credit penetrationFinancial liberalization, market structure and credit Journal of Financial Felipe Balmaceda 1 23 47-75 Artículo 2014 penetration Intermediation Supply Chain Management-an Integrated green supply chain management and operational performance Roberto Chávez 5-6 19 683-696 Artículo 2014 International Journal IS THE TECHNICAL ANALYSIS IN PERIODS OF FINANCIAL CRISIS USEFUL? Evidence for the latin amerian stock markets Christian Espinosa Mendez Trimestre Economico 323 81 595-618 Artículo 2014 Life Domain Satisfactions as Predictors of Overall Life Satisfaction Among Workers: Evidence from Chile Claudio Thieme Jara Social Indicators Research 1 118 71-86 Artículo 2014 NON LINEAR BEHAVIOUR IN PRIMARY PRODUCTS SERIES*. Christian Espinosa Mendez Trimestre Economico 317 80 143-168 Artículo 2014


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación Olympic Games: No legacy for sports Alejandro Corvalán Economics Letters 2 122 268-271 Artículo 2014 Frontiers in Behavioral Pupil dilation signals uncertainty and surprise in a learning gambling task René San Martin Ulloa, Claudio Lavin Tapia 7 Artículo 2014 Neuroscience Trade and Innovation in Services: Evidence from a Developing Economy Andrés Zahler Torres World Economy 7 37 953-979 Artículo 2014 Livingston K-2 Coefficient and the Reliability of a Dichotomous Decision in a Psychological Test René Gempp Universitas Psychologica 1 13 217-226 Artículo 2014 Statistical Methods and Cointegration testing under structural change: reducing size distortions and improving power of residual based tests. Marco Morales 2 23 265-282 Artículo 2014 Applications DOES SAYING 'YES' TO CAPITAL INFLOWS NECESSARILY MEAN GOOD BUSINESS? THE EFFECT OF ANTIMONEY LAUNDERING María Ferías Gordón Economics & Politics 1 26 96-127 Artículo 2014 REGULATIONS IN THE LATIN AMERICAN AND THE CARIBBEAN ECONOMIES Emerging Markets Finance and Foreign Shocks on Chilean Financial Markets: Spillovers and Comovements Between Bond and Equity Markets Marco Morales 50 35-50 Artículo 2014 Trade Nonlinear behaviour in EMBI series from Eastern Europe: evidence of 'window size effect'. Christian Espinosa Mendez Applied Economics Letters 21 2 107-112 Artículo 2014 THE IMPACT OF A MARGINAL SUBSIDY ON GINI INDICES Alejandro Corvalán Review of Income and Wealth 3 60 596-603 Artículo 2014 A multilevel decomposition of school performance using robust nonparametric frontier techniques Claudio Thieme Jara Economics of Education Review 32 104-121 Artículo 2013 An empirical investigation of corporate bond clawbacks (IPOCs): Debt renegotiation versus exercising the clawback Fernando Diaz Journal of Corporate Finance 20 14-21 Artículo 2013 option Latin American Politics and Class-Biased Electoral Participation: The Youth Vote in Chile Alejandro Corvalan 55 3 47-68 Artículo 2013 Society Determining the concentration of property in the Chilean market Marco Morales Cepal Review 110 183-197 Artículo 2013 Economía y Journal of Comparative Do superpower interventions have short and long term consequences for democracy? Alejandro Corvalan 41 1 22-34 Artículo 2013 Empresa Economics René Gempp Fuentealba, Virna Gutiérrez Gianella, David Huepe Artiaga, Agustín Ibarra Personality and Individual Empathy, sex and fluid intelligence as predictors of theory of mind 54 5 616-621 Artículo 2013 Barassi, Alvaro Rivera Rei, María Isabel Toledo Differences Jofré Income and democracy: Evidence from nonlinear estimations Alejandro Corvalan Economics Letters 118 3 489-492 Artículo 2013 Inconsistent Respondents and Sensitive Questions Rubén Castro Landman Field Methods 25 3 283-298 Artículo 2013


Periodic solutions of an abstract third-order differential equation. Juan Pozo Vera Studia Mathematica 215 3 195-219 Artículo 2013 Rapid Brain Responses Independently Predict Gain Maximization and Loss Minimization during Economic Decision René San Martín Ulloa Journal of Neuroscience 33 16 7011-7019 Artículo 2013 Making Revealed Preferences of Private School Owners in Chile: The Case of Adjusted Voucher Law Gregory Elacqua, Humberto Santos Morales Gestion Y Politica Publica 22 1 85-129 Artículo 2013 School Choice and Market Imperfections: Evidence From Chile Claudio Thieme Jara, Juan Ernesto Treviño Education and Urban Society 45 6 635-657 Artículo 2013 Targeting Adenosine Signaling to Treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy Rene San Martín Current Drug Targets 14 4 490-496 Artículo 2013 Ieee Technology and Society Transparency-Driven Business Process Management in Healthcare Settings Victor Masias Hinojosa 4 32 14-16 Material Editorial 2013 Magazine Gregory Elacqua, Matías Martínez Vonderfecht, School closures in Chile: Access to quality alternatives in a school choice system Estudios De Economia 39 2 179-202 Artículo 2012 Humberto Santos Morales, Daniela Urbina


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Tipo Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Publicación Publicación Cognitive Variability during Middle-Age: Possible Association with Neurodegeneration and Cognitive Frontiers in Aging Rut Correia 9 Artículo 2017 Reserve Neuroscience Teaching and Teacher First job and the unequal distribution of primary school teachers: Evidence for the case of Chile Rosario Rivero; Magdalena Zahri 64 Artículo 2017 Education Cognitive impairment in agricultural workers and nearby residents exposed to pesticides in theCoqui Neurotoxicology and Natalia Solos 62 Artículo 2017 Educación mbo Region of Chile Teratology Contributions of print exposure to first and second grade oral language and reading in Chile María del Río Journal of Research in Reading 40 Artículo 2017

Paulo Freire's ideas as an alternative to higher education neo-liberal reforms in Latin America Óscar Espinoza Journal of Moral Education 46 4 Artículo 2017 Social Cognition and Executiwe Functions As Key Factors for Effective Pedagogy in Higher Education Rut Correia Frontiers in Psychology 8 Artículo 2017


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación Alejandra Cortazar Valdes; Constanza Maternal sensitivity and mental health: does an early childhood intervention programme have an impact? Family Practice 3 33 226-232 Artículo 2016 Vielma International large-scale assessment studies and educational policy-making in Chile: contexts and dimensions of influence Cristian Cox Research Papers in Education 5 31 502-515 Artículo 2016 REFLECTIONS ON POLITICAL ECONOMY AND GOVERNANCE OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS AND INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN LATIN AMERICA José Brunner Ried Interciencia 8 41 573-579 Artículo 2016 Compare-a Journal of What if privatising higher education becomes an issue? The case of Chile and Mexico Oscar Espinoza Díaz Comparative and International 46 1 136-158 Artículo 2016 Education EFFECT OF EARLY PROTEIN-CALORIE MALNUTRITION ON NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND ATTRIBUTES OF THE METABOLIC SYNDROME IN YOUNG ADULTS Natalia Salas Guzmán NUTRICION HOSPITALARIA 32 3 1116-1121 Artículo 2015 Convergencia-Revista De Ciencias Chilean school system: characteristics and consequences of a market-oriented model 22 69 63-84 Artículo 2015 Sociales Cognitive decline before the age of 50 can be detected with sensitive cognitive measures Rut Correia Delgado PSICOTHEMA 27 3 216-222 Artículo 2015 Effectiveness of Vocational High Schools in Students' Access to and Persistence in Postsecondary Vocational Education María Sevilla Buitron RESEARCH IN HIGHER EDUCATION 56 7 693-718 Artículo 2015 ARCHIVES OF CLINICAL Fund of Information is More Strongly Associated with Neuropsychological Functioning Than Education in Older Spanish Adults Rut Correia Delgado 30 4 310-321 Artículo 2015 NEUROPSYCHOLOGY EARLY CHILDHOOD RESEARCH Long-term effects of public early childhood education on academic achievement in Chile Alejandra Cortazar Valdes 32 13-22 Artículo 2015 QUARTERLY School administrators and university practicum supervisors as boundary brokers for initial teacher education in Chile Horacio Walker Larraín Teaching and Teacher Education 49 1-10, Artículo 2015 School administrators' understandings and management of barriers for the school's involvement in the practicum component of initial teacher International Journal of Horacio Walker Larraín 43 100-108 Artículo 2015 Educación education in Chile Educational Development Teacher-Child Interactions in Chile and Their Associations With Prekindergarten Outcomes Juan Treviño Villareal Child Development 86 3 781-799 Artículo 2015 The Latin American School and The Challenge of Developing Fraternity José Weinstein Cayuela European Journal of Education 50 2 131-133 Artículo 2015 Journal of Mixed Methods Beyond the Test Score: A Mixed Methods Analysis of a College Access Intervention in Chile Juan Ernesto Treviño, Judith Scheele 3 8 255-265 Artículo 2014 Research THE LATIN-AMERICAN IDEA OF THE PUBLIC UNIVERSITY: NARRATIVES IN DIVERGENT SCENARIOS José Brunner Ried EDUCACION XX1 17 2 17-34 Artículo 2014 THE TEACHING IDENTITY OF COMPETENT UNIVERSITY TEACHERS Carolina Dominguez Mansilla Educacion Xx1 17 2 83-104 Artículo 2014 Validity evidence of the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) in Chile Natalia Salas Adicciones 26 4 291-302 Material Editorial 2014 Enactive Approach and Dual-Tasks for the Treatment of Severe Behavioral and Cognitive Impairment in a Person with Acquired Brain Injury: A Rut Correia Delgado Frontiers in Psychology 7 Artículo 2016 Case Study Journal of Research on Experimental Impacts of a Preschool Intervention in Chile on Children's Language Outcomes: Moderation by Student Absenteeism Juan Treviño Villareal 9 117-149 Artículo 2016 Educational Effectiveness The Case of the Generation of the State in Spinoza (Contractualism and Naturalism in Early Modern Political Philosophy) Juan Cortes Cuadra Isegoria 54 171-191 Artículo 2016 The Role of Comprehension Monitoring, Theory of Mind, and Vocabulary Depth in Predicting Story Comprehension and Recall of Kindergarten Francisca del Río Hernández Reading Research Quarterly 2 49 169-187 Artículo 2014 Children Gonzalo Muñoz Stuardo, José School Effectiveness and School When duties are not enough: principal leadership and public or private school management in Chile 4 25 651-670 Artículo 2014 Weinstein Improvement Fluid intelligence, social cognition, and perspective changing abilities as pointers of psychosocial adaptation. Natalia Salas, David Huepe Artiaga Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7 Artículo 2013 Preschool Children's Beliefs about Gender Differences in Academic Skills Maria del Río Hernández Sex Roles 68 3-4 231-238 Artículo 2013 Vocabulary depth and breadth: Their role in preschoolers' story comprehension. Maria del Río Hernández Estudios De Psicologia 34 2 221-225 Artículo 2013


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Tipo Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Publicación Publicación Solar polygeneration for electricity production and desalination: Case studies in Venezuela and Jose Cardemil Renewable Energy 101 Artículo 2017 northern Chile Analyzing the effects of binarization techniques when solving the set covering problem through swarm Expert Systems with Fernando Paredes Cajas 70 Artículo 2017 optimization Applications Ieee Antennas and Wireless Modeling the Effect of Pedestrian Traffic in 60-GHz Wireless Links Luciano Ahumada 16 Artículo 2017 Propagation Letters (Sub)millimetre interferometric imaging of a sample of COSMOS/AzTEC submillimetre Manuel Aravena [Astronomy & Astrophysics 597 Artículo 2017 (Sub) millimetre interferometric imaging of a sample of COSMOS/AzTEC submillimetre galaxies IV. Manuel Aravena Astronomy & Astrophysics 597 Artículo 2017 Physical properties derived from spectral energy distributions A Controlled Study of Cold Dust Content in Galaxies from z=0-2 Tanio Díaz Astrophysical Journal 1 843 Artículo 2017 A gas density drop in the inner 6 AU of the transition disk around the Herbig Ae HD 139614 Lucas Cieza Astronomy & Astrophysics 598 Artículo 2017 Further evidence for a giant planet inside the disk? A Herschel Space Observatory Spectral Line Survey of Local Luminous Galaxies from 194 to Astrophysical Journal Tanio Diaz 1 230 Artículo 2017 671 Microns Supplement Series A MIP formulation and a heuristic solution approach for the bottling scheduling problem in the wine Computers & Industrial Franco Basso; Mauricio Varas 105 Artículo 2017 industry Engineering A test field for Gaia catalogue of in the South Ecliptic Pole Paula Jofré Astronomy & Astrophysics 597 Artículo 2017 Accurate Clock Discipline For Long-Term Synchronization Intervals Diego Dujovne Ieee Sensors Journal 7 17 Artículo 2017 ALMA N II 205 mu m Imaging Spectroscopy of the Interacting System BRI 1202-0725 at Redshift Tanio Díaz Astrophysical Journal Letters 2 842 Artículo 2017 4.7 Monthly Notices of the Royal ALMA observations of atomic carbon in z similar to 4 dusty star-forming galaxies Manuel Aravena 3 466 Artículo 2017 Astronomical Society Application of the sequential parametric convex approximation method to the design of robust trusses Julio López Journal of Global Optimization 1 68 Artículo 2017

Ingeniería y Ciencias Cavity and other radial substructures in the disk around HD 97048 Lucas Cieza Astronomy & Astrophysics 597 Artículo 2017 CO-Dark and Black Hole Activity in 3C 368 at z=1.131: Coeval Growth of Stellar and Drew Brisbin Astrophysical Journal 1 836 Artículo 2017 Supermassive Black Hole Constraining the mass of the planet(s) sculpting a disk cavity The intriguing case of 2MASS J16042165- Alice Zurlo Astronomy & Astrophysics 598 Artículo 2017 2130284 Cosmic phylogeny: reconstructing the chemical history of the solar neighbourhood with an Monthly Notices of the Royal Paula Jofré 1 467 Artículo 2017 evolutionary tree Astronomical Society Direct probe of the inner accretion flow around the supermassive black hole in NGC 2617 José Prieto Astronomy & Astrophysics 597 Artículo 2017 Effect of the annealing on the power factor of un-doped cold-pressed SnSe Morales Applied Thermal Engineering 111 Artículo 2017 Embedded heterogeneous feature selection for conjoint analysis: A SVM approach using L1 penalty Julio López Applied Intelligence 4 46 Artículo 2017 Transportation Research Part Equity and social acceptability in multiple hazardous materials routing through urban areas Rodrigo Garrido 102 Artículo 2017 a-Policy and Practice Estimating the impact of incidents on urban controlled-access highways: an empirical analysis Felipe González; Louis De Grange Applied Economics 18 49 Artículo 2017 Evolution of Interstellar Medium, Star Formation, and Accretion at High Redshift Tanio Diaz Astrophysical Journal 2 837 Artículo 2017 Exploring Dust around HD 142527 down to 0.025 (4au) Using SPHERE/ZIMPOL Alice Zurlo Astronomical Journal 1 154 Artículo 2017 Extending the Calibration of CIV-based Single- Black Hole Mass Estimators for Active Galactic Roberto Assef Astrophysical Journal 2 839 Artículo 2017 Nuclei Transportation Research Part Fare evasion in public transport: A time series approach Louis De Grange 100 Artículo 2017 a-Policy and Practice First Results from the Lyman Alpha Galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization (LAGER) Survey: Cosmological Chunyan Astrophysical Journal Letters 2 842 Artículo 2017 Reionization at z similar to 7 Fostering Systems Thinking Within Engineers Without Borders Student Teams Using Group Model International Journal of Jeffrey Walters 1 33 Artículo 2017 Building Engineering Education Group-penalized feature selection and robust twin SVM classification via second-order cone Julio López Neurocomputing 235 Artículo 2017 programming


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Tipo Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Publicación Publicación Massive Formation and Destruction in Luminous Infrared Galaxies in GOALS Tanio Diaz Astrophysical Journal 2 843 Artículo 2017 Mechanical properties of iron filled carbon nanotubes: Numerical simulations Vicente Munizaga Journal of Applied Physics 23 121 Artículo 2017 Musical preferences and technologies: Contemporary material and symbolic distinctions criticized Sara Arancibia Journal of Consumer Culture 2 17 Artículo 2017 NuSTAR OBSERVATIONS OF WISE J1036+0449, A GALAXY AT z similar to 1 OBSCURED BY HOT DUST Roberto Assef Astrophysical Journal 1 835 Artículo 2017 Online control of enumeration strategies via bat algorithm and black hole optimization Fernando Paredes Natural Computing 2 16 Artículo 2017 General Relativity and Quasinormal modes of non-Abelian hyperscaling violating Lifshitz black holes Pablo González 2 49 Artículo 2017 Gravitation Regular Self-Proximal Distances are Bregman Matthieu Marechal Journal of Convex Analysis 1 24 Artículo 2017 Robust kernel-based multiclass support vector machines via second-order cone programming Julio López Applied Intelligence 4 46 Artículo 2017 Journal of Systems and Self-adaptive processing graph with operator fission for elastic stream processing Nicolas Hidalgo 127 Artículo 2017 Software Shadows and spirals in the protoplanetary disk HD100453 Alice Zurlo Astronomy & Astrophysics 597 Artículo 2017 Solving the non-unicost set covering problem by using cuckoo search and black hole optimization Fernando Paredes Natural Computing 2 16 Artículo 2017 Something borrowed, something blue: The nature of blue metal-poor stars inferred from their colours Paula Jofré Astronomy & Astrophysics 598 Artículo 2017 and chemical abundances Monthly Notices of the Royal progenitors, their variability and the Type IIP Supernova ASASSN-16fq in M66 José Prieto 3 467 Artículo 2017 Astronomical Society Superradiant instability of near extremal and extremal four-dimensional charged hairy black holes in Pablo Gonzalez Physical Review D 6 95 Artículo 2017 anti-de Sitter spacetime Beatriz Marín; Carlos Gallardo; Testing of model-driven development applications Software Quality Journal 2 25 Artículo 2017 Diego Quiroga José Prieto; Lucas Cieza; Koraljka Monthly Notices of the Royal The ALMA early science view of FUor/EXor objects - I. Through the looking-glass of V2775 Ori 1 465 Artículo 2017 Ingeniería y Ciencias Muzic; David Principe; Alice Zurlo Astronomical Society Lucas Cieza; Koraljka Muzic; David Monthly Notices of the Royal The ALMA early science view of FUor/EXor objects -II. The very wide outflow driven by HBC 494 3 466 Artículo 2017 Príncipe; Alice Zurlo Astronomical Society The ALMA Frontier Fields Survey I. 1.1mm continuum detections in Abell 2744, MACSJ0416.1-2403 and Manuel Aravena Astronomy & Astrophysics 597 Artículo 2017 MACSJ1149.5+2223 Monthly Notices of the Royal The ASAS-SN bright supernova catalogue - I. 2013-2014 José Prieto , 464 Artículo 2017 Astronomical Society Monthly Notices of the Royal The ASAS-SN bright supernova catalogue - II. 2015 José Prieto 1 467 Artículo 2017 Astronomical Society Monthly Notices of the Royal The dusty tori of nearby QSOs as constrained by high-resolution mid-IR observations Tanio Diaz 1 468 Artículo 2017 Astronomical Society The Gaia-ESO Survey: Calibration strategy Paula Jofré Astronomy & Astrophysics 598 Artículo 2017 The Gaia-ESO Survey: lithium depletion in the Gamma Velorum cluster and inflated radii in low-mass Monthly Notices of the Royal Paula Jofré 2 464 Artículo 2017 pre-main-sequence stars Astronomical Society The golden ratio in Schwarzschild-Kottler black holes Marco Olivares European Physical Journal C 2 77 Artículo 2017 Astrophysical Journal The Great Observatories All-Sky LIRG Survey: Herschel Image Atlas and Aperture Photometry Tanio Diaz 2 229 Artículo 2017 Supplement Series THE LOCAL C II 158 mu m EMISSION LINE FUNCTION Tanio Diaz Astrophysical Journal 1 834 Artículo 2017 The multiple young stellar objects of HBC 515: An X-ray and millimeter-wave imaging study in (pre- David Principe Astronomy & Astrophysics 598 Artículo 2017 ) diversity The Mysterious Dimmings of the V1334 Tau José Prieto Astrophysical Journal 2 836 Artículo 2017 THE RADIAL VELOCITY EXPERIMENT (RAVE): FIFTH DATA RELEASE Paula Jofré; Gerard Gilmore Astronomical Journal 2 153 Artículo 2017 Monthly Notices of the Royal The unexpected, long-lasting, UV rebrightening of the superluminous supernova ASASSN-15lh Todd Thompson 2 466 Artículo 2017 Astronomical Society


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Tipo Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Publicación Publicación The X-Ray and Mid-infrared in Luminous Type 1 Quasars Roberto Assef Astrophysical Journal 2 837 Artículo 2017 Theoretical study of antiparasite products dispersion in closed systems baths used by salmon Latin American Journal of Hugo Robotham; Alejandro León 1 45 Artículo 2017 industry in Chile Aquatic Research International Journal of Thermo-magnetic nonlocal NJL model in the real and imaginary time formalisms R. Zamora 4 32 Artículo 2017 Modern Physics A Three Radial Gaps in the Disk of TW Hydrae Imaged with SPHERE Alice Zurlo Astrophysical Journal 2 837 Artículo 2017 Monthly Notices of the Royal Unveiling the AGN in IC 883: discovery of a -scale radio jet Cristina Romero 2 467 Artículo 2017 Astronomical Society Verifying goal-oriented specifications used in model-driven development processes Beatriz Marín Information Systems 64 Artículo 2017 Document retrieval on repetitive string collections Travis Gagie Information Retrieval Journal 3 20 Artículo 2017 Article; Construction of proximal distances over symmetric cones Julio López Optimization 8 66 Proceedings 2017 Paper Monthly Notices of the Royal 3D radiative transfer of intrinsically polarized dust emission based on aligned aspherical grains Gesa Bertrang 3 469 Artículo 2017 Astronomical Society A 33GHz Survey of Local Major Mergers: Estimating the Sizes of the Energetically Dominant Regions Tanio Díaz Astrophysical Journal 2 843 Artículo 2017 from High-resolution Measurements of the Radio Continuum A Herschel/PACS Far-infrared Line Emission Survey of Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies Tanio Díaz Astrophysical Journal 846 1 Artículo 2017 A New Improved and Extended Version of the Multicell Bacterial Simulator gro Martín Gutiérrez Acs Synthetic Biology 6 8 Artículo 2017 A nova outburst powered by shocks José Prieto Nature Astronomy 1 10 Artículo 2017 Journal of Advanced A Road Pricing Model for Congested Highways Based on Link Densities Louis De Grange; Felipe González Artículo 2017 Transportation A robust formulation for twin multiclass support vector machine Julio López Applied Intelligence 47 4 Artículo 2017 Ingeniería y Ciencias A Second Case of Variable Na I D Lines in a Highly-reddened Type Ia Supernova (vol 693, pg 207, 2009) José Prieto Astrophysical Journal 1 844 Artículo 2017

Astronomy and Astrophysics Active galactic nuclei: what's in a name? Roberto Assef 25 Artículo 2017 Review ALMA Maps of Dust and Warm Dense Gas Emission in the Starburst Galaxy IC 5179 Tanio Díaz Astrophysical Journal 1 845 Artículo 2017 ALMA Observations of Elias 2-24: A Protoplanetary Disk with Multiple Gaps in the Ophiuchus Lucas Cieza; Alice Zurlo Astrophysical Journal Letters 851 2 Artículo 2017 ALMA Resolves the Molecular Gas in a Young Low- Starburst Galaxy at z.=1.7 Manuel Aravena Astrophysical Journal Letters 846 2 Artículo 2017 An 80 au cavity in the disk around HD 34282 Lucas Cieza Astronomy & Astrophysics 607 Artículo 2017 An ALMA survey of submillimeter galaxies in the COSMOS field: Multiwavelength counterparts and Manuel Aravena; Drew Brisbin Astronomy & Astrophysics 608 Artículo 2017 redshift distribution".[ An ALMA survey of submillimetre galaxies in the COSMOS field: Physical properties derived from Manuel Aravena; Drew Brisbin Astronomy & Astrophysics 606 Artículo 2017 energy balance spectral energy distribution modelling An ALMA survey of submillimetre galaxies in the COSMOS field: The extent of the radio-emitting region Manuel Aravena; Drew Brisbin Astronomy & Astrophysics 602 Artículo 2017 revealed by 3 GHz imaging with the Very Large Array Bounded orbits for photons as a consequence of extra dimensions Pablo González; Marco Olivares Modern Physics Letters A 32 32 Artículo 2017 Monthly Notices of the Royal Climbing the cosmic ladder with stellar twins in RAVE with Gaia Paula Jofré 472 3 Artículo 2017 Astronomical Society International Journal of Critical end point in a thermomagnetic nonlocal NJL model Renato Zamora 32 26 Artículo 2017 Modern Physics A Discovery of a warm, dusty giant planet around HIP 65426 Alice Zurlo Astronomy & Astrophysics 605 Artículo 2017 Eccentricity in planetary systems and the role of binarity Sample definition, initial results, and the Alice Zurlo Astronomy & Astrophysics 602 Artículo 2017 system of HD211847 Energy and exergy assessment in a perimeter cooled data center: The value of second law efficiency Andrés Díaz Applied Thermal Engineering 124 Artículo 2017


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Tipo Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Publicación Publicación Fermionic field perturbations of a three-dimensional Lifshitz black hole in conformal gravity Pablo González European Physical Journal C 77 9 Artículo 2017 Gaia-ESO Survey: Global properties of clusters Trumpler 14 and 16 in the Carina Paula Jofré Astronomy & Astrophysics 603 Artículo 2017 In-depth study of moderately young but extremely red, very dusty substellar companion HD206893B Alice Zurlo Astronomy & Astrophysics 608 Artículo 2017 Macroscopic nonclassical-state preparation via postselection Vitalie Eremeev Physical Review A 96 5 Artículo 2017 Multiwavelength follow-up of a rare IceCube neutrino multiplet José Prieto Astronomy & Astrophysics 607 Artículo 2017 New constraints on the disk characteristics and companion candidates around T Chamaeleontis with Alice Zurlo Astronomy & Astrophysics 605 Artículo 2017 VLT/SPHERE".[ Louis De Grange; Cristóbal Burgos; Journal of Advanced Numerical Bounds on the Price of Anarchy Artículo 2017 Felipe González; Carlos Melo Transportation

On the Kennicutt-Schmidt scaling law of submillimetre galaxies Manuel Aravena; Drew Brisbin Astronomy & Astrophysics 602 Artículo 2017 Monthly Notices of the Royal Overdensities of SMGs around WISE-selected, ultraluminous, high-redshift AGNs Roberto Assef 4 469 Artículo 2017 Astronomical Society Path Flow and Trip Matrix Estimation Using Link Flow Density Louis De Grange; Felipe González Networks & Spatial Economics 1 17 Artículo 2017 Monthly Notices of the Royal Periodic eclipses of the young star PDS 110 discovered with WASP and KELT photometry José Prieto 471 1 Artículo 2017 Astronomical Society PLATO as it is: A legacy mission for Galactic archaeology Paula Jofré Astronomische Nachrichten 338 6 Artículo 2017 Pupil Size Tracks Attentional Performance In Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Daniel Rojas Scientific Reports 7 Artículo 2017 Journal of Water Sanitation Revealing causal pathways to sustainable water service delivery using fsQCA Jeffrey Walters 7 4 Artículo 2017 and Hygiene for Development Shutting down or powering up a (U)LIRG? Merger components in distinctly different evolutionary Monthly Notices of the Royal Cristina Romero 471 2 Artículo 2017 states in IRAS 19115-2124 (the Bird) Astronomical Society Simultaneous preference estimation and heterogeneity control for choice-based conjoint via support Journal of the Operational Ingeniería y Ciencias Julio López 68 11 Artículo 2017 vector machines Research Society Spectral and atmospheric characterization of 51 Eridani b using VLT/SPHERE Alice Zurlo Astronomy & Astrophysics 603 Artículo 2017 Stacked Average Far-infrared Spectrum of Dusty Star-forming Galaxies from the Herschel/SPIRE Fourier Tanio Díaz Astrophysical Journal 848 1 Artículo 2017 Transform Spectrometer String cadences Travis Gagie Theoretical Computer Science 698 Artículo 2017 Succinct colored de Bruijn graphs".[ Travis Gagie Bioinformatics 33 20 Artículo 2017 Survey of period variations of superhumps in SU UMa-type dwarf novae. IX. The ninth (2016- Publications of the José Prieto 69 5 Artículo 2017 2017) Astronomical Society of Japan Synchronized feature selection for Support Vector Machines with twin hyperplanes Julio López Knowledge-Based Systems 132 Artículo 2017 The 2014-2017 outburst of the young star ASASSN-13db A time-resolved picture of a very-low-mass José Prieto Astronomy & Astrophysics 607 Artículo 2017 star between EXors and Fuors Publications of the The All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN) Light Curve Server v1.0 José Prieto Astronomical Society of the 129 980 Artículo 2017 Pacific The ALMA early science view of FUor/EXor objects - IV. Misaligned outflows in the complex star- Lucas Cieza; David Príncipe; Alice Monthly Notices of the Royal 473 1 Artículo 2017 forming environment of V1647 Ori and McNeil's Nebula Zurlo Astronomical Society The ALMA Frontier Fields Survey II. Multiwavelength Photometric analysis of 1.1 mm continuum Manuel Aravena; Cristina Romero Astronomy & Astrophysics 604 Artículo 2017 sources in Abell 2744, MACSJ0416.1-2403 and MACSJ1149.5+2223 Monthly Notices of the Royal The ASAS-SN bright supernova catalogue - III. 2016 José Prieto 471 4 Artículo 2017 Astronomical Society The Circumstellar Disk HD 169142: Gas, Dust, and Planets Acting in Concert? Alice Zurlo Astrophysical Journal 850 1 Artículo 2017 The evolution of spiral galaxies Paula Jofré Astronomy & Geophysics 58 5 Artículo 2017 The final data release of ALLSMOG: a survey of CO in typical local low-M-* star-forming galaxies Manuel Aravena Astronomy & Astrophysics 604 Artículo 2017 20

Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Tipo Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Publicación Publicación The Gaia-ESO Survey Mg-Al anti-correlation in iDR4 globular clusters Paula Jofré Astronomy & Astrophysics 601 Artículo 2017 The Gaia-ESO Survey: dynamics of ionized and neutral gas in the Lagoon nebula (M 8) Paula Jofré Astronomy & Astrophysics 604 Artículo 2017 The Gaia-ESO Survey: Exploring the complex nature and origins of the Galactic bulge populations Paula Jofré Astronomy & Astrophysics 601 Artículo 2017 The Gaia-ESO Survey: Galactic evolution of sulphur and zinc Paula Jofré Astronomy & Astrophysics 604 Artículo 2017 The Gaia-ESO Survey: Low-alpha element stars in the Galactic bulge Paula Jofré Astronomy & Astrophysics 602 Artículo 2017 The Gaia-ESO Survey: radial distribution of abundances in the Galactic disc from open clusters and Paula Jofré Astronomy & Astrophysics 603 Artículo 2017 young-field stars The Gaia-ESO Survey: Structural and dynamical properties of the young cluster Chamaeleon I Paula Jofré Astronomy & Astrophysics 601 Artículo 2017 The Gaia-ESO survey: the inner disk intermediate-age NGC 6802 Paula Jofré Astronomy & Astrophysics 601 Artículo 2017 The Gaia-ESO Survey: the inner disk, intermediate-age open cluster Trumpler 23 Paula Jofré Astronomy & Astrophysics 598 Artículo 2017 The Gaia-ESO Survey: the present- radial metallicity distribution of the Galactic disc probed by pre- Paula Jofré Astronomy & Astrophysics 601 Artículo 2017 main-sequence clusters Monthly Notices of the Royal The low-mass content of the massive young star cluster RCW 38 Lucas Cieza 471 3 Artículo 2017 Astronomical Society The NuSTAR Serendipitous Survey: Hunting for the Most Extreme Obscured AGN at > 10keV Roberto Assef Astrophysical Journal 846 1 Artículo 2017 The power of a control qubit in weak measurements Vitalie Eremeev Scientific Reports 7 Artículo 2017 The Role of the Most Luminous Obscured AGNs in Galaxy Assembly at z similar to 2 Roberto Assef Astrophysical Journal 2 844 Artículo 2017 Monthly Notices of the Royal The ultraviolet spectroscopic evolution of the low-luminosity tidal disruption event iPTF16fnl José Prieto 473 1 Artículo 2017 Astronomical Society The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: AGN and host-galaxy properties out to z less than or similar to 6 Manuel Aravena Astronomy & Astrophysics 602 Artículo 2017

The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: The infrared-radio correlation of star- forming galaxies and AGN Manuel Aravena Astronomy & Astrophysics 602 Artículo 2017 Ingeniería y Ciencias to z less than or similar to 6 The VLT/NaCo large program to probe the occurrence of and brown dwarfs at wide orbits Alice Zurlo Astronomy & Astrophysics 603 Artículo 2017 The X-Ray and Mid-infrared Luminosities in Luminous Type 1 Quasars (vol 837, pg 145, 2017) Roberto Assef Astrophysical Journal 847 2 Artículo 2017 The Young Substellar Companion ROXs 12 B: Near-infrared Spectrum, System Architecture, and Spin- Lucas Cieza Astronomical Journal 164 4 Artículo 2017 Orbit Misalignment Thermomagnetic correlation lengths of strongly interacting matter in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model Renato Zamora Physical Review D 3 96 Artículo 2017

Type II Supernova Spectral Diversity. I. Observations, Sample Characterization, and Spectral Line José Prieto Astrophysical Journal 850 1 Artículo 2017 Evolution Monthly Notices of the Royal Upper limits for mass and radius of objects around Proxima Cen from SPHERE/VLT Alice Zurlo 446 1 Artículo 2017 Astronomical Society VALES - III. The calibration between the dust continuum and interstellar gas content of star-forming Monthly Notices of the Royal Manuel Aravena 468 1 Artículo 2017 galaxies Astronomical Society Monthly Notices of the Royal VALES I: the molecular gas content in star-forming dusty H-ATLAS galaxies up to z=0.35 Manuel Aravena 470 4 Artículo 2017 Astronomical Society VALES II. The physical conditions of interstellar gas in normal star-forming galaxies up to z=0.2 Manuel Aravena Astronomy & Astrophysics 602 Artículo 2017 revealed by ALMA Wheeler graphs: A framework for BWT-based data structures Travis Gagie Theoretical Computer Science 698 Artículo 2017 Working with complexity: a participatory systems-based process for planning and evaluating rural Journal of Water Sanitation Jeffrey Walters 7 3 Artículo 2017 water, sanitation and hygiene services and Hygiene for Development Energy distribution of the neutron flux measurements at the Chilean Reactor RECH-1 using multi-foil Applied Radiation and M Zambra 129 Artículo 2017 neutron activation and the Expectation Maximization unfolding algorithm Isotopes EXCITATION MECHANISMS FOR HCN (1-0) AND HCO+ (1-0) IN GALAXIES FROM THE GREAT Tanio Diaz Astrophysical Journal 1 835 Correction 2017 OBSERVATORIES ALL-SKY LIRG SURVEY (vol 814, 39, 2015) Putting Continuous Metaheuristics to Work in Binary Search Spaces Fernando Paredes Complexity Review 2017 21

Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación Analyzing the effects of binarization techniques when solving the set covering problem through swarm optimization Fernando Paredes Cajas Expert Systems with Applications 70 67-82 Artículo 2017 Solar polygeneration for electricity production and desalination: Case studies in Venezuela and northern Chile Jose Cardemil Renewable Energy 101 987-398 Artículo 2017 José Prieto Katunaric; Cristina Romero THE TDE ASASSN-14li AND ITS HOST RESOLVED AT PARSEC SCALES WITH THE EVN Astrophysical Journal Letters 1 832 Artículo 2016 Canizalez Jose Cardemil; Felipe Cortes; Andrés Energy Conversion and Thermodynamic evaluation of solar-geothermal hybrid power plants in northern Chile 123 348-361 Artículo 2016 Diaz Management Louis De Grange Concha; Felipe A combined destination and route choice model for a bicycle sharing system Transportation 3 43 407-423 Artículo 2016 González; Carlos Melo Riquelme A multivariable optimization of a Brayton power cycle operating with CO2 as working fluid Jose Cardemil Energy 112 908-916 Artículo 2016 A NEW POPULATION OF COMPTON-THICK AGNs IDENTIFIED USING THE SPECTRAL CURVATURE ABOVE 10 keV Roberto Assef Astrophysical Journal 2 825 Artículo 2016 A second-order cone programming formulation for twin support vector machines Julio López Luis Applied Intelligence 2 45 265-276 Artículo 2016 ALMA IMAGING AND GRAVITATIONAL LENS MODELS OF SOUTH POLE TELESCOPE-SELECTED DUSTY, STAR-FORMING GALAXIES AT HIGH REDSHIFTS Manuel Aravena Aguirre Astrophysical Journal 2 826 Artículo 2016 Monthly Notices of the Royal Almost gone: SN 2008S and NGC 300 2008OT-1 are fainter than their progenitors José Prieto Katunaric 2 460 1645-1657 Artículo 2016 Astronomical Society ASASSN-16ae: A POWERFUL WHITE-LIGHT FLARE ON AN EARLY-L DWARF José Prieto Katunaric Astrophysical Journal Letters 2 828 Artículo 2016 Assessing the performance of hybrid CSP plus PV plants in northern Chile Jose Cardemil Solar Energy 138 88-97 Artículo 2016 Cannibals in the thick disk: the young alpha-rich stars as evolved blue stragglers Paula Jofré Astronomy & Astrophysics 595 Artículo 2016 Characterizing HR 3549 B using SPHERE Alice Zurlo Astronomy & Astrophysics 593 Artículo 2016 Discovery and Observations of the Unusually Luminous Type-Defying II-P/II-L Supernova ASASSN-13co José Prieto Katunaric Acta Astronomica 2 66 219-238 Artículo 2016 Ingenieria y DM ORI: A YOUNG STAR OCCULTED BY A DISTURBANCE IN ITS PROTOPLANETARY DISK José Prieto Katunaric Astrophysical Journal 1 831 Artículo 2016 Ciencias Error bounds, metric subregularity and stability in Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems with nonsmooth payoff functions M. Marechal Optimization 10 65 1829-1854 Artículo 2016 Transportation Research Part B- Estimation of urban bus marginal cost without cost data Marco Batarce Moreno 90 241-262 Artículo 2016 Methodological Monthly Notices of the Royal Evidence for variable, correlated X-ray and optical/IR towards the nearby, pre-main-sequence binary TWA 30 David Príncipe 2 459 2097-2105 Artículo 2016 Astronomical Society Exploring agricultural production systems and their fundamental components with system dynamics modelling Jeffrey Walters Ecological Modelling 333 51-65 Artículo 2016 Journal of Fluids Engineering- Gas-Assisted Droplet Impact on a Solid Surface Andrés Diaz 8 138 Artículo 2016 Transactions of the Asme Generation and protection of a maximally entangled state between many modes in an optical network with dissipation Vitalie Eremeev Physical Review A 6 93 Artículo 2016 Monthly Notices of the Royal Hello darkness my old friend: the fading of the nearby TDE ASASSN-14ae José Prieto Katunaric 4 462 3993-4000 Artículo 2016 Astronomical Society Imaging the water snow-line during a protostellar outburst Lucas Cieza Gonzalez Nature 7611 535 258-+ Artículo 2016 Interior proximal bundle algorithm with variable metric for nonsmooth convex symmetric cone programming Julio López Luis Optimization 9 65 1757-1779 Artículo 2016 Inverse magnetic catalysis from the properties of the QCD coupling in a magnetic field R. Zamora Physics Letters B 759 99-103 Artículo 2016 Monthly Notices of the Royal Investigating the dusty torus of Seyfert galaxies using SOFIA/FORCAST photometry Tanio Diaz Santos 3 462 2618-2630 Artículo 2016 Astronomical Society Ly alpha EMITTER GALAXIES AT z similar to 2.8 IN THE EXTENDED CHANDRA DEEP FIELD SOUTH.I. TRACING THE LARGE-SCALE STRUCTURE VIA Ly Astrophysical Journal Supplement Chun-Yan Jiang 2 226 Artículo 2016 alpha IMAGING Series M STARS IN THE TW HYA ASSOCIATION: STELLAR X-RAYS AND DISK DISSIPATION David Príncipe Astronomical Journal 1 152 Artículo 2016 Ieee Transactions on Wireless Measurement-Based Evaluation of Spectral Efficiencies in Outdoor-Indoor Multiuser MISO Systems in Femto-Cells Luciano Ahumada Fierro 9 15 5889-5903 Artículo 2016 Communications


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación Monthly Notices of the Royal Mid-infrared imaging- and spectro-polarimetric subarcsecond observations of NGC 1068 Tanio Diaz Santos 4 458 3851-3866 Artículo 2016 Astronomical Society Morphological classification of local luminous infrared galaxies Tanio Diaz Santos Astronomy & Astrophysics 591 Artículo 2016 Multiple rings in the transition disk and companion candidates around RX J1615.3-3255 High contrast imaging with VLT/SPHERE Alice Zurlo Astronomy & Astrophysics 595 Artículo 2016 MUSE REVEALS A RECENT MERGER IN THE POST-STARBURST HOST GALAXY OF THE TDE ASASSN-14li José Prieto Katunaric Astrophysical Journal Letters 2 830 Artículo 2016 Near-infrared photometry of WISE J085510.74-071442.5 Koraljka Muzic Astronomy & Astrophysics 592 Artículo 2016 NuSTAR RESOLVES THE FIRST DUAL AGN ABOVE 10 keV IN SWIFT J2028.5+2543 Roberto Assef Astrophysical Journal Letters 1 824 Artículo 2016 Quasinormal modes and greybody factors of a four-dimensional Lifshitz black hole with z=0 Pablo Gonzalez Mondaca Astrophysics and Space Science 6 361 Artículo 2016 RESOLVING THE PLANET-HOSTING INNER REGIONS OF THE LkCa 15 DISK Alice Zurlo Astrophysical Journal Letters 2 828 Artículo 2016 Scalar perturbations of nonlinear charged Lifshitz black branes with hyperscaling violation Pablo Gonzalez Mondaca Astrophysics and Space Science 7 361 Artículo 2016 Monthly Notices of the Royal Spatially resolved dust emission of extremely metal-poor galaxies Tanio Diaz Santos 1 458 772-780 Artículo 2016 Astronomical Society SPT0346-52: NEGLIGIBLE AGN ACTIVITY IN A COMPACT, HYPER-STARBURST GALAXY AT z=5.7 Manuel Aravena Aguirre Astrophysical Journal 2 832 Artículo 2016 Stellar twins determine the distance of the Pleiades Paula Jofré Astronomy & Astrophysics 595 Artículo 2016 Studying the evolution of galaxies in compact groups over the past 3 Gyr - II. The importance of environment in the suppression of star Monthly Notices of the Royal Tanio Diaz Santos 1 459 957-970 Artículo 2016 formation. Astronomical Society Publications of the Astronomical Survey of period variations of superhumps in SU UMa-type dwarf novae.VIII. The eighth year (2015-2016). José Prieto Katunaric 4 68 Artículo 2016 Society of Japan Monthly Notices of the Royal The detection of dust around NN Ser Lucas Cieza Gonzalez 4 459 4518-4526 Artículo 2016 Astronomical Society THE ERUPTION OF THE CANDIDATE YOUNG STAR ASASSN-15QI José Prieto Katunaric Astrophysical Journal 2 831 Artículo 2016 Monthly Notices of the Royal The nuclear and integrated far-infrared emission of nearby Seyfert galaxies Tanio Diaz Santos 4 458 4512-4529 Artículo 2016 Ingenieria y Astronomical Society Ciencias THE REDSHIFT DISTRIBUTION OF DUSTY STAR-FORMING GALAXIES FROM THE SPT SURVEY Manuel Aravena Aguirre Astrophysical Journal 2 822 Artículo 2016 THE YOUNG AND BRIGHT TYPE IA SUPERNOVA ASASSN-141p: DISCOVERY, EARLY-TIME OBSERVATIONS, FIRST-LIGHT TIME, DISTANCE TO NGC 4666, José Prieto Katunaric Astrophysical Journal 2 826 Artículo 2016 AND PROGENITOR CONSTRAINTS Thermal phase transition in artificial spin ice systems induces the formation and 'migration of 'monopole-like magnetic excitations Alejandro León Zapata Physica B-Condensed Matter 500 59-65 Artículo 2016 Type II supernovae as probes of environment metallicity: observations of host He II regions José Prieto Katunaric Astronomy & Astrophysics 589 Artículo 2016 Universal indexes for highly repetitive document collections Francisco Claude Information Systems 61 1-23 Artículo 2016 Swarm and Evolutionary Using autonomous search for solving constraint satisfaction problems via new modern approaches Fernando Paredes Cajas 30 64-77 Artículo 2016 Computation Transportation Research Part a- Valuing crowding in public transport: Implications for cost benefit analysis Marco Batarce Moreno 91 358-378 Artículo 2016 Policy and Practice Monthly Notices of the Royal X-ray and radio emission from the luminous supernova 2005kd Cristina Romero Cañizales 1 462 1101-1110 Artículo 2016 Astronomical Society A Matheuristic Approach Combining Local Search and Mathematical Programming Fernando Paredes Cajas Scientific Programming Artículo 2016 QUASAR VARIABILITY IN THE MID-INFRARED Roberto Assef Trebilcock Astrophysical Journal 817 2 Artículo 2016 Alejandro Figueroa Amenabar; Ignacio Search clicks analysis for discovering temporally anchored questions in community Question Answering Expert Systems with Applications 50 89-99 Artículo 2016 Herrera Monthly Notices of the Royal A mid-infrared spectroscopic atlas of local active galactic nuclei on sub-arcsecond resolution using GTC/CanariCam Tanio Díaz Santos 455 1 563-583 Artículo 2016 Astronomical Society A novel multi-class SVM model using second-order cone constraints Julio López Luis Applied Intelligence 2 457-469 Artículo 2016 Monthly Notices of the Royal A ring-like concentration of mm-sized particles in Sz 91 Lucas Cieza Gonzalez 458 1 L29-L33 Artículo 2016 Astronomical Society A second-order cone programming formulation for nonparallel hyperplane support vector machine Julio López Luis Expert Systems with Applications 54 95-104 Artículo 2016 Monthly Notices of the Royal A survey of the cold molecular gas in gravitationally lensed star-forming galaxies at z > 2 Manuel Aravena Aguirre 457 4 4406-4420 Artículo 2016 Astronomical Society 23

Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación ALMA IMAGING OF THE CO (6-5) LINE EMISSION IN NGC 7130 Tanio Díaz Santos Astrophysical Journal 820 2 Artículo 2016 An ALMA view of the interstellar medium of the z=4.77 lensed starburst SPT-S J213242-5802.9 Manuel Aravena Aguirre Astronomy & Astrophysics 586 Artículo 2016 ASASSN-15lh: A highly super-luminous supernova José Prieto Katunaric Science 351 6270 257-260 Artículo 2016 DETECTION OF SHARP SYMMETRIC FEATURES IN THE CIRCUMBINARY DISK AROUND AK Sco Alice Zurlo Astrophysical Journal Letters 816 1 Artículo 2016 Monthly Notices of the Royal Effect of an isotropic outflow from the Galactic Centre on the bow-shock evolution along the orbit Koralkja Muzic 455 2 1257-1274 Artículo 2016 Astronomical Society Efficient Parallel Sorting for Migrating Birds Optimization When Solving Machine-Part Cell Formation Problems Fernando Paredes Cajas Scientific Programming Artículo 2016 Ensembling Classifiers for Detecting User Intentions behind Web Queries Alejandro Figueroa Amenabar Ieee Internet Computing 20 2 8-16 Artículo 2016 First light of the VLT planet finder SPHERE I. Detection and characterization of the substellar companion GJ 758 B. Alice Zurlo Astronomy & Astrophysics 587 Artículo 2016 First light of the VLT planet finder SPHERE II. The physical properties and the architecture of the young systems PZ Telescopii and HD 1160 Alice Zurlo Astronomy & Astrophysics 587 Artículo 2016 revisited. First light of the VLT planet finder SPHERE III. New spectrophotometry and of the HR 8799 exoplanetary system. Alice Zurlo Astronomy & Astrophysics 587 Artículo 2016 First light of the VLT planet finder SPHERE IV. Physical and chemical properties of the planets around HR8799. Alice Zurlo Astronomy & Astrophysics 587 Artículo 2016 GLOBULAR CLUSTER POPULATIONS: RESULTS INCLUDING S(4)G LATE-TYPE GALAXIES Manuel Aravena Aguirre Astrophysical Journal 818 1 Artículo 2016 HOT DUST OBSCURED GALAXIES WITH EXCESS BLUE LIGHT: DUAL AGN OR SINGLE AGN UNDER EXTREME CONDITIONS? Roberto Assef Trebilcock Astrophysical Journal 819 2 Artículo 2016 Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering-Revue Improving Tabu Search Performance by Means of Automatic Parameter Tuning Fernando Paredes Cajas 39 1 51-58 Artículo 2016 Canadienne De Genie Electrique Et Informatique Multi-class second-order cone programming support vector machines Julio López Luis Information Sciences 330 328-341 Artículo 2016 On-the-Fly Bandwidth Reservation for 6TiSCH Wireless Industrial Networks Diego Dujovne Ieee Sensors Journal 16 2 550-560 Artículo 2016 Ingenieria y Monthly Notices of the Royal Ciencias Optical observations of the luminous Type IIn Supernova 2010jl for over 900 d José Prieto Katunaric 456 3 2622-2635 Artículo 2016 Astronomical Society Orbits in the T Tauri triple system observed with SPHERE Ghesa Bertrang Astronomy & Astrophysics 587 Artículo 2016 Planning rural water services in Nicaragua: A systems-based analysis of impact factors using graphical modeling Jeffrey Walters Environmental Science & Policy 57 93-100 Artículo 2016 Practical compressed string dictionaries Francisco Claude Information Systems 56 73-108 Artículo 2016 Probing star formation in the dense environments of z similar to 1 lensing haloes aligned with dusty star-forming galaxies detected with the Monthly Notices of the Royal Manuel Aravena Aguirre 455 2 1629-1646 Artículo 2016 South Pole Telescope Astronomical Society Quasinormal modes of four-dimensional topological nonlinear charged Lifshitz black holes Pablo González Mondaca European Physical Journal C 76 2 Artículo 2016 Monthly Notices of the Royal Six months of multiwavelength follow-up of the tidal disruption candidate ASASSN-14li and implied TDE rates from ASAS-SN José Prieto Katunaric 455 3 2918-2935 Artículo 2016 Astronomical Society THE N II 205 mu m EMISSION IN LOCAL LUMINOUS INFRARED GALAXIES Tanio Díaz Santos Astrophysical Journal 819 1 Artículo 2016 The SPHERE view of the planet-forming disk around HD 100546 Alice Zurlo Astronomy & Astrophysics 588 Artículo 2016 THE STRIKINGLY UNIFORM, HIGHLY TURBULENT INTERSTELLAR MEDIUM OF THE MOST LUMINOUS GALAXY IN THE UNIVERSE Tanio Díaz Santos Astrophysical Journal Letters 816 1 Artículo 2016 The VLT/NaCo large program to probe the occurrence of exoplanets and brown dwarfs at wide orbits III. The frequency of brown dwarfs and Alice Zurlo Astronomy & Astrophysics 586 Artículo 2016 giant planets as companions to solar-type stars. Using Causal Loop Diagramming to Explore the Drivers of the Sustained Functionality of Rural Water Services in Timor-Leste Jeffrey Walters Sustainability 8 1 Artículo 2016 Warm intermediate inflationary Universe model in the presence of a generalized Chaplygin gas Marco Olivares European Physical Journal C 76 1 Artículo 2016 Wisps in the : Near-infrared triggered observations of the radio source Sgr A(star) at 43 GHz Koralkja Muzic Astronomy & Astrophysics 587 Artículo 2016 Type II supernovae as probes of environment metallicity: observations of host H II regions (vol 589, A110, 2016) José Prieto Katunaric Astronomy & Astrophysics 590 Correction 2016 Felipe Gonzalez Rojas; Louis de Estimates of price elasticity of demand for urban freeway use with high-frequency control variables: the case of Santiago, Chile APPLIED ECONOMICS 47 22 2326-2337 Artículo 2015 Grange Measuring the relation between computer use and reading literacy in the presence of endogeneity Paula Fariña Computers & Education 80 176-186 Artículo 2015


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación Marco Olivares; Pablo Gonzalez Motion of particles on a four-dimensional asymptotically AdS black hole with scalar hair EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C 75 10 Artículo 2015 Mondaca PcapWT: An efficient packet extraction tool for large volume network traces Diego Dujovne; Roberto Konow Krause Computer Networks 79 91-102 Artículo 2015

Virna Gutiérrez Gianella; María The Teaching of "Controversial Issues" Throughout History, from the Perspective of Chilean Students Revista De Estudios Sociales 52 119-133 Artículo 2015 Toledo Jofré The wavelet matrix: An efficient wavelet tree for large alphabets Francisco Claude Information Systems 47 15-32 Artículo 2015 (Sub)millimetre interferometric imaging of a sample of COSMOS/AzTEC submillimetre galaxies Manuel Aravena Aguirre Astronomy & Astrophysics 577 Artículo 2015 (Sub)millimetre interferometric imaging of a sample of COSMOS/AzTEC submillimetre galaxies II. The spatial extent of the radio-emitting Manuel Aravena Aguirre Astronomy & Astrophysics 584 Artículo 2015 regions. MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN A Binary Cat Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the Non-Unicost Set Covering Problem Fernando Paredes Cajas Artículo 2015 ENGINEERING A COMPACT CONCENTRATION OF LARGE GRAINS IN THE HD 142527 PROTOPLANETARY DUST TRAP Lucas Cieza Gonzalez ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 812 2 Artículo 2015 A CONNECTION BETWEEN OBSCURATION AND STAR FORMATION IN LUMINOUS QUASARS Roberto Assef Trebilcock ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 802 1 Artículo 2015 Monthly Notices of the Royal A deep look at the nuclear region of UGC 5101 through high angular resolution mid-IR data with GTC/CanariCam Tanio Díaz Santos 454 4 3577-3589 Artículo 2015 Astronomical Society A GLOBAL MODEL OF THE LIGHT CURVES AND EXPANSION VELOCITIES OF TYPE II-PLATEAU SUPERNOVAE José Prieto Katunaric Astrophysical Journal 799 2 Artículo 2015 Computational Intelligence and A Hybrid alldifferent-Tabu Search Algorithm for Solving Sudoku Puzzles Fernando Paredes Cajas Artículo 2015 Neuroscience A Logit Model With Endogenous Explanatory Variables and Network Externalities Felipe Gonzalez Rojas NETWORKS & SPATIAL ECONOMICS 15 1 89-116 Artículo 2015

A multi-class SVM approach based on the l(1)-norm minimization of the distances between the reduced convex hulls Julio López Luis PATTERN RECOGNITION 48 5 1598-1607 Artículo 2015 Ingenieria y A SCUBA-2 850 MICRON SURVEY OF CIRCUMSTELLAR DISKS IN THE lambda ORIONIS CLUSTER Lucas Cieza Gonzalez Astrophysical Journal 802 2 Artículo 2015 Monthly Notices of the Royal Ciencias A SCUBA-2 850-mu m survey of protoplanetary discs in the IC 348 cluster Lucas Cieza González 454 2 1909-1920 Artículo 2015 Astronomical Society TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A stochastic programming approach for floods emergency logistics Rodrigo Garrido Hidalgo E-LOGISTICS AND 75 18-31 Artículo 2015 TRANSPORTATION REVIEW ACCRETION KINEMATICS THROUGH THE WARPED TRANSITION DISK IN HD 142527 FROM RESOLVED CO(6-5) OBSERVATIONS Lucas Cieza González Astrophysical Journal 811 2 Artículo 2015 Accurate fundamental parameters and distance to a massive early-type eclipsing binary in the Danks 2 cluster José Prieto Katunaric ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 582 Artículo 2015 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS Achievable Gains of Directional Antennas in Outdoor-Indoor Propagation Environments Luciano Ahumada Fierro 14 3 1447-1456 Artículo 2015 COMMUNICATIONS An ALMA survey for disks orbiting low-mass stars in the TW Hya Association David Príncipe ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 582 Artículo 2015 AN EFFICIENT DECISION MAKING PROCESS FOR VEHICLES OPERATIONS IN UNDERGROUND MINING Igancio Vargas Rairo-Operations Research 49 1 1-14, Artículo 2015 An embedded feature selection approach for support vector classification via second-order cone programming Julio López Luis Intelligent Data Analysis 19 6 1259-1273 Artículo 2015 Boosting autonomous search for CSPs via skylines Fernando Paredes Cajas Information Sciences 308 38-48 Artículo 2015 BROADBAND OBSERVATIONS OF THE COMPTON-THICK NUCLEUS OF NGC 3393 Roberto Assef Trebilcock Astrophysical Journal 2 807 Artículo 2015 CO GAS INSIDE THE PROTOPLANETARY DISK CAVITY IN HD142527: DISK STRUCTURE FROM ALMA Lucas Cieza González Astrophysical Journal 798 2 Artículo 2015 CO excitation of normal star-forming galaxies out to z=1.5 as regulated by the properties of their interstellar medium Manuel Aravena Aguirre ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 577 Artículo 2015 COLDz: KARL G JANSKY VERY LARGE ARRAY DISCOVERY OF A GAS-RICH GALAXY IN COSMOS Manuel Aravena Aguirre ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 800 1 Artículo 2015 LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF Comparision of two slaugthering procedures in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Hugo Robotham Vargas 43 2 287-294 Artículo 2015 AQUATIC RESEARCH TRANSPORTMETRICA A-TRANSPORT Dealing with collinearity in travel time valuation Louis de Grange 11 4 317-332 Artículo 2015 SCIENCE Monthly Notices of the Royal Early Science with the Large Millimeter Telescope: CO and C II Emission in the z=4.3 AzTEC J095942.9+022938 (COSMOS AzTEC-1) Tanio Díaz Santos 454 4 3485-3499 Artículo 2015 Astronomical Society


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación Electronic properties of beta-graphyne bilayers Alejandro León Zapata Chemical Physics Letters 620 67-72 Artículo 2015 Estimating the potential for solar energy utilization in Chile by satellite-derived data and ground station measurements José Cardemil SOLAR ENERGY 121 139-151 Artículo 2015 Revista Del Clad Reforma Y Evaluation of Social Programmes: a Multicriteria Approach Sara Arancibia Carvajal 63 99-126 Artículo 2015 Democracia EXCITATION MECHANISMS FOR HCN(1-0) AND HCO+ (1-0) IN GALAXIES FROM THE GREAT OBSERVATORIES ALL-SKY LIRG SURVEY Tanio Díaz Santos Astrophysical Journal 814 1 Artículo 2015 Exploring effective features for recognizing the user intent behind web queries Alejandro Figueroa Amenabar COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY 68 162-169 Artículo 2015 Factors Influencing Compensation Demanded for Environmental Impacts Generated by Different Economic Activities Virna Gutierrez Gianella SUSTAINABILITY 7 7 9608-9627 Artículo 2015 SOFTWARE-PRACTICE & Fast in-memory XPath search using compressed indexes Francisco Claude 45 3 399-434 Artículo 2015 EXPERIENCE GAMMA-RAYS FROM THE QUASAR PKS 1441+25: STORY OF AN ESCAPE José Prieto Katunaric Astrophysical Journal Letters 815 2 Artículo 2015 GAS INSIDE THE 97 AU CAVITY AROUND THE TRANSITION DISK Sz 91 Lucas Cieza Gonzalez ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 802 1 Artículo 2015 GLOBULAR CLUSTER POPULATIONS: FIRST RESULTS FROM S(4)G EARLY-TYPE GALAXIES Manuel Aravena Aguirre Astrophysical Journal 799 2 Artículo 2015 Gravitational Rutherford scattering and Keplerian orbits for electrically charged bodies in heterotic string theory Marco Olivares European Physical Journal C 75 11 Artículo 2015 Greybody factors of massive charged fermionic fields in a charged two-dimensional dilatonic black hole Pablo Gonzalez Mondaca EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C 75 2 Artículo 2015 HALF OF THE MOST LUMINOUS QUASARS MAY BE OBSCURED: INVESTIGATING THE NATURE OF WISE-SELECTED HOT DUST-OBSCURED GALAXIES Roberto Assef Trebilcock ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 804 1 Artículo 2015 Improving opinion retrieval in social media by combining features-based coreferencing and memory-based learning Alejandro Figueroa Amenabar INFORMATION SCIENCES 299 20-31 Artículo 2015 Improving signal-to-noise in the direct imaging of exoplanets and circumstellar disks with MLOCI Lucas Cieza González Astronomy & Astrophysics 581 Artículo 2015 Astrophysical Journal Supplement INFRARED AND RADIO OBSERVATIONS OF A SMALL GROUP OF PROTOSTELLAR OBJECTS IN THE MOLECULAR CORE, L1251-C Lucas Cieza González 218 1 Artículo 2015 Ingenieria y Series Ciencias Local Directional Texture Pattern image descriptor Gerberth Ramírez Rivera Pattern Recognition Letters 51 94-100 Artículo 2015 International Journal of Management of rural water services in Nicaragua: a systemic network approach to evaluating stakeholder alignment Jeffrey Walters Sustainable Development and 22 4 358-367 Artículo 2015 World Ecology MAPPING THE SHORES OF THE DESERT. IV. OPHIUCHUS Lucas Cieza González ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 813 2 Artículo 2015 Monthly Notices of the Royal Massive stars exploding in a He-rich circumstellar medium - V. Observations of the slow-evolving SN Ibn OGLE-2012-SN-006 José Prieto Katunaric 449 2 1941-1953 Artículo 2015 Astronomical Society Massive stars exploding in a He-rich circumstellar medium - VII. The metamorphosis of ASASSN-15ed from a narrow line Type Ibn to a normal Monthly Notices of the Royal José Prieto Katunaric 453 4 3649-3661 Artículo 2015 Type Ib Supernova Astronomical Society MEASURING STAR FORMATION RATES AND FAR-INFRARED COLORS OF HIGH-REDSHIFT GALAXIES USING THE CO(7-6) AND N II 205 mu m LINES Tanio Díaz Santos Astrophysical Journal Letters 802 1 Artículo 2015 Normalized performance optimization of supercritical, CO2-based power cycles Jose Cardemil ENERGY 82 108-118 Artículo 2015 NuSTAR REVEALS EXTREME ABSORPTION IN z < 0 5 TYPE 2 QUASARS Roberto Assef Trebilcock ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 809 2 Artículo 2015 Object-oriented software extensions in practice David Rothlisberger Empirical Software Engineering 20 3 745-782 Artículo 2015 ON CENTRAL BANK INDEPENDENCE AND POLITICAL CYCLES María Haga Journal of Applied Economics 18 2 267-295 Artículo 2015 ON THE INTRINSIC DIVERSITY OF TYPE II-PLATEAU SUPERNOVAE José Prieto Katunaric Astrophysical Journal 806 2 Artículo 2015 ON THE NATURE OF THE TERTIARY COMPANION TO FW TAU: ALMA CO OBSERVATIONS AND SED MODELING Lucas Cieza Gonzalez ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS 806 2 Artículo 2015 On the Use of Type Predicates in Object-Oriented Software: The Case of Smalltalk David Roethlisberger ACM SIGPLAN NOTICES 50 2 135-146 Artículo 2015 Computers and Electronics in Optimizing canopy photosynthetic rate through PAR modeling in cotton (Gossypium spp.) crops. Vladimir Alarcon Calderon 119 142-152 Artículo 2015 Agriculture Physical properties of z > 4 submillimeter galaxies in the COSMOS field Manuel Aravena Aguirre Astronomy & Astrophysics 576 Artículo 2015


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación Probing the final stages of protoplanetary disk evolution with ALMA Lucas Cieza González ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 583 Artículo 2015 Radio continuum properties of luminous infrared galaxies Identifying the presence of an AGN in the radio Tanio Díaz Santos Astronomy & Astrophysics 574 Artículo 2015 RADIO JET FEEDBACK AND STAR FORMATION IN HEAVILY OBSCURED, HYPERLUMINOUS QUASARS AT REDSHIFTS similar to 0.5-3. I. ALMA Roberto Assef Trebilcock ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 813 1 Artículo 2015 OBSERVATIONS RESOLVING THE ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEUS AND HOST EMISSION IN THE MID-INFRARED USING A MODEL-INDEPENDENT SPECTRAL DECOMPOSITION Tanio Diaz Santos ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 803 2 Artículo 2015

Robust feature selection for multiclass Support Vector Machines using second-order cone programming Julio López Luis Intelligent Data Analysis 19 S117-S133 Artículo 2015 ROTATION PERIODS OF YOUNG BROWN DWARFS: K2 SURVEY IN UPPER Koraljka Muzic Astrophysical Journal Letters 809 2 Artículo 2015 Seismic microzoning of Arica and Iquique, Chile Roberto Monetta NATURAL HAZARDS 79 1 567-586 Artículo 2015 Self-trapping triggered by losses in cavity QED Vitalie Eremeev PHYSICAL REVIEW A 91 4 Artículo 2015

EURE-REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA Shortcomings in urban road pricing Louis de Grange 41 122 167-184 Artículo 2015 DE ESTUDIOS URBANO REGIONALES

TEHNICKI VJESNIK-TECHNICAL SOFTWARE PROJECT SCHEDULING USING THE HYPER-CUBE ANT COLONY OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM Fernando Paredes Cajas 22 5 1171-1178 Artículo 2015 GAZETTE Solving a Distribution Network Design Problem by Combining Ant Colony Systems and Lagrangian Relaxation Fernando Paredes Cajas Studies in Informatics and Control 24 3 251-260 Artículo 2015

Ieee Transactions on Pattern Spatiotemporal Directional Number Transitional Graph for Dynamic Texture Recognition Gerberth Ramírez Rivera 37 10 2146-2152 Artículo 2015 Analysis and Machine Intelligence

Star-formation histories of local luminous infrared galaxies Tanio Díaz Santos Astronomy & Astrophysics 577 Artículo 2015 STELLAR MASSES AND STAR FORMATION RATES OF LENSED, DUSTY, STAR-FORMING GALAXIES FROM THE SPT SURVEY Manuel Aravena Aguirre ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 812 1 Artículo 2015 Monthly Notices of the Royal Ingenieria y Sub-arcsec mid-IR observations of NGC 1614: Nuclear star formation or an intrinsically X-ray weak AGN? Tanio Díaz Santos 454 4 3679-3687 Artículo 2015 Astronomical Society Ciencias SUB-KILOPARSEC IMAGING OF COOL MOLECULAR GAS IN TWO STRONGLY LENSED DUSTY, STAR-FORMING GALAXIES Manuel Aravena Aguirre Astrophysical Journal 811 2 Artículo 2015 Monthly Notices of the Royal Submillimetre observations of WISE/radio-selected AGN and their environments Roberto Assef Trebilcock 448 4 3325-3338 Artículo 2015 Astronomical Society SUBSTELLAR OBJECTS IN NEARBY YOUNG CLUSTERS (SONYC) IX: THE PLANETARY-MASS DOMAIN OF CHAMAELEON-I AND UPDATED MASS FUNCTION IN Koraljka Muzic Astrophysical Journal 810 2 Artículo 2015 LUPUS-3 Publications of the Astronomical Survey of period variations of superhumps in SU UMa-type dwarf novae. VII. The seventh year (2014-2015). José Prieto Katunaric 67 6 Artículo 2015 Society of Japan Synthesis and structural analysis of Co-doped BaTiO3 Roberto Lavin Serrano Journal of Molecular Structure 1099 502-509 Artículo 2015 Teleparallel equivalent of Lovelock gravity Pablo González Mondaca Physical Review D 92 12 Artículo 2015 THE DIFFERENCES IN THE TORUS GEOMETRY BETWEEN HIDDEN AND NON-HIDDEN BROAD LINE ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEI Tanio Diaz Santos ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 803 2 Artículo 2015 THE EARLY ALMA VIEW OF THE FU Ori OUTBURST SYSTEM Lucas Cieza González Astrophysical Journal 812 2 Artículo 2015 THE FIRST SCIENCE RESULTS FROM SPHERE: DISPROVING THE PREDICTED BROWN DWARF AROUND V471 TAU Lucas Cieza Gonzalez ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS 800 2 Artículo 2015 The infrared massive stellar content of M83 José Prieto Katunaric Astronomy & Astrophysics 578 Artículo 2015 The inner environment of Z Canis Majoris: High-contrast imaging polarimetry with NaCo Lucas Cieza Gonzalez ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 578 Artículo 2015 Monthly Notices of the Royal The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: evidence for radiative heating in Serpens MWC 297 and its influence on local star formation Lucas Cieza González 448 2 1551-1573 Artículo 2015 Astronomical Society ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL THE LICK AGN MONITORING PROJECT 2011: SPECTROSCOPIC CAMPAIGN AND EMISSION-LINE LIGHT CURVES Roberto Assef Trebilcock 217 2 Artículo 2015 SUPPLEMENT SERIES THE MOST LUMINOUS GALAXIES DISCOVERED BY WISE Roberto Assef Trebilcock Astrophysical Journal 805 2 Artículo 2015 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL The nature of the C II emission in dusty star-forming galaxies from the SPT survey Manuel Aravena Aguirre 449 3 2883-2900 Artículo 2015 ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL The nuclear and extended infrared emission of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 2992 and the interacting system Arp 245 Tanio Diaz Santos 449 2 1309-1326 Artículo 2015 ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación THE NuSTAR EXTRAGALACTIC SURVEY: FIRST DIRECT MEASUREMENTS OF THE greater than or similar to 10 keV X-RAY LUMINOSITY FUNCTION FOR Roberto Assef Trebilcock Astrophysical Journal 815 1 Artículo 2015 ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEI AT z > 0.1. THE NuSTAR EXTRAGALACTIC SURVEYS: INITIAL RESULTS AND CATALOG FROM THE EXTENDED CHANDRA DEEP FIELD SOUTH Roberto Assef Trebilcock Astrophysical Journal 808 2 Artículo 2015 THE ROLE OF STAR FORMATION AND AN AGN IN DUST HEATING OF z=0.3-2.8 GALAXIES. I. EVOLUTION WITH REDSHIFT AND LUMINOSITY. Tanio Díaz Santos Astrophysical Journal 814 1 Artículo 2015

Three-dimensional hairy black holes in teleparallel gravity Pablo Gonzalez Mondaca ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE 357 2 Artículo 2015

Mathematical Problems in Top-k Based Adaptive Enumeration in Constraint Programming Fernando Paredes Cajas Artículo 2015 Engineering MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL Total eclipse of the heart: the AM CVn Gaia14aae/ASSASN-14cn José Prieto Katunaric 452 1 1060-1067 Artículo 2015 ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY Use of Mixed Stated and Revealed Preference Data for Crowding Valuation on Public Transport in Santiago, Chile Marco Batarce Moreno Transportation Research Record 2535 73-78 Artículo 2015

Warm intermediate inflation in the Randall-Sundrum II model in the light of Planck 2015 and BICEP2 results: a general dissipative coefficient Marco Olivares EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C 75 5 Artículo 2015

ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL YOUNG STELLAR OBJECTS IN THE GOULD BELT Lucas Cieza Gonzalez 220 1 Artículo 2015 SUPPLEMENT SERIES THE SPITZER SURVEY OF INTERSTELLAR CLOUDS IN THE GOULD BELT. VI. THE AURIGA-CALIFORNIA MOLECULAR CLOUD OBSERVED WITH IRAC AND Lucas Cieza Gonzalez ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 798 1 correction 2015 MIPS (vol 786, pg 37, 2014) Computational Science and Its Assimilation of TRMM Precipitation into a Hydrological Model of a Southern Andes Watershed. Gervasi O, Murgante B, Misra S, Gavrilova ML, Vladimir Alarcon Calderon Applications - Iccsa 2015, Pt Iii. 468-476 Proceeding Paper 2015 Rocha A, Torre C, et al Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Computational Science and Its Autonomous Tuning for Constraint Programming via Artificial Bee Colony Optimization. Gervasi O, Murgante B, Misra S, Gavrilova ML, Rocha A, Fernando Paredes Cajas Applications - Iccsa 2015, Pt I. 159-171 Proceeding Paper 2015 Torre C, et al Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Computational Science and Its Comparing Cuckoo Search, Bee Colony, Firefly Optimization, and Electromagnetism-Like Algorithms for Solving the Set Covering Problem. Fernando Paredes Cajas Applications - Iccsa 2015, Pt I. 187-202 Proceeding Paper 2015 Gervasi O, Murgante B, Misra S, Gavrilova ML, Rocha A, Torre C, et al Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Computational Science and Its Sensitivity of Nutrient Estimations to Sediment Wash-off Using a Hydrological Model of Cherry Creek Watershed, Kansas, USA. Gervasi O, Vladimir Alarcon Calderon Applications - Iccsa 2015, Pt Iii. 457-467 Proceeding Paper 2015 Murgante B, Misra S, Gavrilova ML, Rocha A, Torre C, et al Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Ingenieria y Supporting Collaborative Decision Making in Geo-Collaboration Scenarios. Baloian N, Zorian Y, Taslakian P, Shoukouryan S, Collaboration and Jonathan Frez Cham: Springer Int Publishing 63-71 Proceeding Paper 2015 Ciencias Technology Computational Science and Its A Binary Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm to Solve the Set Covering Problem. Gervasi O, Murgante B, Misra S, Gavrilova ML, Rocha A, Torre C, et Fernando Paredes Cajas Applications - Iccsa 2015, Pt Iv. 411-420 Proceeding Paper 2015 al Ed. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Computational Science and Its A Comparison of Three Recent Nature-Inspired Metaheuristics for the Set Covering Problem. Gervasi O, Murgante B, Misra S, Gavrilova ML, Fernando Paredes Cajas Applications - Iccsa 2015, Pt Iv. 431-443 Proceeding Paper 2015 Rocha A, Torre C, et al Ed. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Computational Science and Its A Scheduling Problem for Software Project Solved with ABC Metaheuristic.Gervasi O, Murgante B, Misra S, Gavrilova ML, Rocha A, Torre C, et al Fernando Paredes Cajas Applications - Iccsa 2015, Pt Iv. 628-639 Proceeding Paper 2015 Ed. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Computational Science and Its A Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization Algorithm for Solving Set Covering Problems.Gervasi O, Murgante B, Misra S, Gavrilova ML, Rocha A, Fernando Paredes Cajas Applications - Iccsa 2015, Pt Iv. 421-430 Proceeding Paper 2015 Torre C, et al Ed. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Quantum correlations in cavity QED networks Vitalie Eremeev Journal of Modern Optics 62 8 593-607 Review 2015 Analysis of inventory strategies for blood components in a regional blood center using process simulation Alfonso Bastias Transfusion 2 54 323-330 Artículo 2014 Extremal hairy black holes Pablo González Mondaca Journal of High Energy Physics 11 Artículo 2014 Fermionic greybody factors of two and five-dimensional dilatonic black holes. Pablo González Mondaca European Physical Journal C 8 74 Artículo 2014 Iet Microwaves Antennas & Generic empiric propagation model for low power wireless networks operating at the 868 MHz band in smart cities Albert Angles Vazquez 14 8 1143-1153 Artículo 2014 Propagation GNURadio and 802.11: Performance Evaluation and Limitations Diego Dujovne Ieee Network 5 28 27-31 Artículo 2014 How to support the management of intangibles Sara Arancibia Carvajal Service Industries Journal 3 34 196-211 Artículo 2014 Imbalanced data classification using second-order cone programming support vector machines Julio López Luis Pattern Recognition 5 47 2070-2079 Artículo 2014 INTERFEROMETRIC FOLLOW-UP OF WISE HYPER-LUMINOUS HOT, DUST-OBSCURED GALAXIES Roberto Assef Astrophysical Journal 1 793 Artículo 2014 KARL G. JANSKY VERY LARGE ARRAY OBSERVATIONS OF COLD DUST AND MOLECULAR GAS IN STARBURSTING QUASAR HOST GALAXIES AT z similar to Manuel Aravena Aguirre Astrophysical Journal 2 783 Artículo 2014 4.5 Linear sigma model and the formation of a charged pion condensate in the presence of an external magnetic field Cristián Villavicencio Reyes Physical Review D 1 89 Artículo 2014 Magnetization analysis of oriented chains of hexagonal cobalt nanoplates Roberto Lavín Serrano Journal of Applied Physics 17 115 Artículo 2014 Nested Hydrodynamic Modeling of a Coastal River Applying Dynamic-Coupling Vladimir Alarcón Calderón Water Resources Management 10 28 3227-3240 Artículo 2014 28

Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación NuSTAR AND XMM-NEWTON OBSERVATIONS OF LUMINOUS, HEAVILY OBSCURED, WISE-SELECTED QUASARS AT Z similar to 2 Roberto Assef Astrophysical Journal 2 794 Artículo 2014 NuSTAR J163433-4738.7: A FAST X-RAY TRANSIENT IN THE Roberto Assef Astrophysical Journal 1 785 Artículo 2014 NuSTAR OBSERVATIONS OF HEAVILY OBSCURED QUASARS AT z similar to 0.5 Roberto Assef Astrophysical Journal 1 785 Artículo 2014 Information Processing & On the compression of search trees Francisco Claude 2 50 272-283 Artículo 2014 Management Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Propagation of a Binary Signal Along a Chain of Triangular Graphane Nanoclusters Alejandro León Zapata 7 6 555-560 Artículo 2014 Letters Sand strength for back-analysis of pull-out tests at large displacement Pascale Rouse Geotechnique 4 64 320-324 Artículo 2014 International Journal of Scheduling production for a sawmill: A robust optimization approach Ignacio Vargas 150 37-51 Artículo 2014 Production Economics Journal of Porphyrins and Small molecules organic photovoltaic devices based on the planar heterojunction porphyrin derivates/fullerene. Jorge Vélez Cifuentes 5 18 347-353 Artículo 2014 Phthalocyanines Solar energy resource assessment in Chile: Satellite estimation and ground station measurements José Miguel Cardemil Renewable Energy 71 324-332 Artículo 2014 Monthly Notices of the Royal Submillimetre observations of WISE-selected high-redshift, luminous, dusty galaxies. Roberto Assef 1 443 146-157 Artículo 2014 Astronomical Society THE ANGULAR CLUSTERING OF WISE-SELECTED ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEI: DIFFERENT HALOS FOR OBSCURED AND UNOBSCURED ACTIVE GALACTIC Roberto Assef Astrophysical Journal 1 789 Artículo 2014 NUCLEI Thermal effects on sudden changes and freezing of correlations between remote atoms in a cavity quantum electrodynamics network Vitalie Eremeev Optics Letters 9 39 2668-2671 Artículo 2014 THREE WIDE PLANETARY-MASS COMPANIONS TO FW TAU, ROXs 12, AND ROXs 42B Lucas Cieza González Astrophysical Journal 1 781 Artículo 2014 IEEE COMMUNICATIONS 6TISCH: DETERMINISTIC IP-ENABLED INDUSTRIAL INTERNET (OF THINGS) Diego Dujovne 52 36-41 Artículo 2014 MAGAZINE Fernando Paredes Cajas, Javier A Bicriteria Approach Identifying Nondominated Portfolios Journal of Applied Mathematics Artículo 2014 Pereira Ingenieria y ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF Ciencias A Binary Coded Firefly Algorithm that Solves the Set Covering Problem Fernando Paredes Cajas INFORMATION SCIENCE AND 17 3 252-264 Artículo 2014 TECHNOLOGY A Maximum Entropy Fixed-Point Route Choice Model for Route Correlation Louis de Grange Entropy 7 16 3635-3654 Artículo 2014 A Max-Min Ant System algorithm to solve the Software Project Scheduling Problem Fernando Paredes Cajas Expert Systems with Applications 15 41 6634-6645 Artículo 2014 Transportation Planning and A microeconomic interpretation for the system optimal traffic assignment problem with nonadditive path cost Louis de Grange 8 37 663-677 Artículo 2014 Technology Monthly Notices of the Royal A mid-infrared view of the inner of the Seyfert galaxy Mrk 1066 using CanariCam/GTC Tanio Diaz Santos 445 2 1130-1143 Artículo 2014 Astronomical Society A MOLECULAR LINE SCAN IN THE HUBBLE DEEP FIELD NORTH Manuel Aravena Aguirre Astrophysical Journal 2 782 Artículo 2014 A MOLECULAR LINE SCAN IN THE HUBBLE DEEP FIELD NORTH: CONSTRAINTS ON THE CO LUMINOSITY FUNCTION AND THE COSMIC H-2 DENSITY Manuel Aravena Aguirre Astrophysical Journal 2 782 Artículo 2014 Journal of Optimization Theory A Note on the Paper "Linear Complementarity Problems Over Symmetric Cones: Characterization of Qb-Transformations and Existence Results" Julio López Luis 1 163 351-354 Artículo 2014 and Applications A Prefiltered Cuckoo Search Algorithm with Geometric Operators for Solving Sudoku Problems Fernando Paredes Cajas Scientific World Journal Artículo 2014 A UV TO MID-IR STUDY OF AGN SELECTION Roberto Assef Astrophysical Journal 1 790 Artículo 2014 ALLSMOG: an APEX Low-redshift Legacy Survey for MOlecular Gas - I. Molecular gas scaling relations, and the effect of the CO/H-2 conversion MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL Manuel Aravena Aguirre 445 3 2599-2620 Artículo 2014 factor ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY Alternative second-order cone programming formulations for support vector classification Julio López Luis Information Sciences 268 328-341 Artículo 2014 Felipe Gonzalez Rojas; Louis de An Improved Stirling Approximation for Trip Distribution Models NETWORKS & SPATIAL ECONOMICS 14 3-4 531-548 Artículo 2014 Grange Application of the Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Solving the Set Covering Problem Fernando Paredes Cajas Scientific World Journal Artículo 2014 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASASSN-14ae: a tidal disruption event at 200 Mpc José Prieto Katunaric 445 3 3263-3277 Artículo 2014 ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY Assessing salesforce marginal productivity Louis de Grange Applied Economics 13 46 1465-1475 Artículo 2014 29

Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación Category-specific models for ranking effective paraphrases in community Question Answering Alejandro Figueroa Amenábar Expert Systems with Applications 10 41 4730-4742 Artículo 2014 Chiral transition with magnetic fields Cristián Villavicencio Reyes Physical Review D 11 89 Artículo 2014 Monthly Notices of the Royal CO(1-0) line imaging of massive star-forming disc galaxies at z=1.5-2.2 Manuel Aravena Aguirre 1 442 558-564 Artículo 2014 Astronomical Society Combining Tabu Search and Genetic Algorithms to Solve the Capacitated Multicommodity Network Flow Problem Fernando Paredes Cajas Studies in Informatics and Control 3 23 265-276 Artículo 2014

Compact extra dimensions in cosmologies with f (T) structure Pablo González Mondaca Physical Review D 2 89 Artículo 2014 Comparing Evolutionary Strategies on a Biobjective Cultural Algorithm Fernando Paredes Cajas Scientific World Journal Artículo 2014 Comparison of Methods for the Measurement of the Angle of Repose of Granular Materials Pascale Rouse 1 37 Artículo 2014 Monthly Notices of the Royal Constraining the nature of two Ly alpha emitters detected by ALMA at z=4.7. Manuel Aravena Aguirre 2 439 2096-2101 Artículo 2014 Astronomical Society Dirac quasinormal modes for a -dimensional Lifshitz black hole Pablo González Mondaca European Physical Journal C 3 74 Artículo 2014 Dirac quasinormal modes of Chern-Simons and BTZ black holes with torsion Pablo González Mondaca Physical Review D 2 89 Artículo 2014 Dirac quasinormal modes of new type black holes in new massive gravity Pablo González Mondaca European Physical Journal C 7 74 Artículo 2014 Dirac quasinormal modes of two-dimensional charged dilatonic black holes. Pablo González Mondaca European Physical Journal C 6 74 Artículo 2014 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON Magnetic Properties of Co/Cu/Py Antidot Films With Different Pore Diameters Roberto Lavín Serrano 50 11 Artículo 2014 MAGNETICS Romanian Journal of Information Sequentially Dependent Meta-Constraint Satisfaction Problem: An Application to Video Games Fernando Paredes Cajas 17 2 204-216 Artículo 2014 Science and Technology PUBLICATIONS OF THE Survey of period variations of superhumps in SU UMa-type dwarf novae. VI. The sixth year (2013-2014) José Prieto Katunaric 66 5 Artículo 2014 ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN

Journal of Physics D-Applied Tailoring the magnetic properties of cobalt antidot arrays by varying the pore size and degree of disorder Roberto Lavín Serrano 33 47 Artículo 2014 Physics THE REST-FRAME SUBMILLIMETER SPECTRUM OF HIGH-REDSHIFT, DUSTY, STAR-FORMING GALAXIES Manuel Aravena Aguirre Astrophysical Journal 2 785 Artículo 2014 Research in Transportation Ingenieria y Transantiago, five years after its launch Marco Batarce Moreno 48 184-193 Artículo 2014 Ciencias Economics Future Generation Computer Using the cloud to develop applications supporting geo-collaborative Situated Learning Jonathan Frez Systems-the International Journal 34 124-137 Artículo 2014 of Grid Computing and Escience

Warped DGP model in warm intermediate inflation with a general dissipative coefficient in light of BICEP2 and Planck results Marco Olivares Physical Review D 10 90 Artículo 2014 WISE DETECTIONS OF KNOWN QSOs AT REDSHIFTS GREATER THAN SIX (vol 778, pg 113, 2013) Roberto Assef Astrophysical Journal 1 782 Correction 2014 Journal of Geotechnical and Discussion of "Shear-Wave Velocity-Based Probabilistic and Deterministic Assessment of Seismic Soil Liquefaction Potential" Felipe Leyton Flores 4 140 Material Editorial 2014 Geoenvironmental Engineering Computational Science and Its Design and Deployment of a Dynamic-Coupling Tool for EFDC. Vladimir Alarcon Calderon Applications - Iccsa 2014, Pt Iii. 615-624 Proceeding Paper 2014 Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Computational Science and Its The Role of Boundary Conditions in Water Quality Modeling Vladimir Alarcon Calderon Applications - Iccsa 2014, Pt Iii, 721-733 Proceeding Paper 2014 Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin 2014 11th Ieee International Conference on Advanced Video Unattended Object Detection based on Edge-Segment Distributions Gerberth Ramírez Rivera 283-288 Proceeding Paper 2014 and Signal Based Surveillance (Avss) : EXTRAGALACTIC MILLIMETER-WAVE POINT-SOURCE CATALOG, NUMBER COUNTS AND STATISTICS FROM 771 deg(2) OF THE SPT-SZ SURVEY. Manuel Aravena Aguirre; Manuel Astrophysical Journal 1 779 Artículo 2013 Astrophysical Journal Aravena Aguirre Fermion masses through condensation in spacetimes with torsion Cristián Villavicencio Reyes Physical Review D 12 88 Artículo 2013 Javier Perez-Kallens, Hugo Robotham, Environmental Engineering and FORECASTING THE INFLUX OF VISITORS TO STATE PROTECTED WILDERNESS AREAS IN CHILE 10 12 1947-1952 Artículo 2013 Matías Robotham Management Journal Four-dimensional asymptotically AdS black holes with scalar hair. Pablo González Mondaca Journal of High Energy Physics 12 Artículo 2013 HerMES: THE CONTRIBUTION TO THE COSMIC INFRARED BACKGROUND FROM GALAXIES SELECTED BY MASS AND REDSHIFT Roberto Assef Astrophysical Journal 1 779 Artículo 2013 MULTI-WAVELENGTH SEDs OF HERSCHEL-SELECTED GALAXIES IN THE COSMOS FIELD Manuel Aravena Aguirre Astrophysical Journal 2 778 Artículo 2013 30

Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación Romanian Journal of Information Nurse and Paramedic Rostering with Constraint Programming: A Case Study Fernando Paredes Cajas 1 16 52-64 Artículo 2013 Science and Technology Fernando Paredes Cajas, Javier Technological and Economic ROBUSTNESS ANALYSIS IN A TODIM-BASED MULTICRITERIA EVALUATION MODEL OF RENTAL PROPERTIES 19 s176-s190 Artículo 2013 Pereira Development of Economy Mathematical Problems in Solving the Balanced Academic Curriculum Problem Using the ACO Metaheuristic Fernando Paredes Cajas Artículo 2013 Engineering WISE J233237.05-505643.5: A DOUBLE-PEAKED, BROAD-LINED ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEUS WITH A SPIRAL-SHAPED RADIO MORPHOLOGY Roberto Assef Astrophysical Journal 1 779 Artículo 2013 A hybrid AC3-tabu search algorithm for solving Sudoku puzzles Fernando Paredes Expert Systems with Applications 40 15 5817-5821 Artículo 2013 Mathematical Problems in A Hybrid Soft Computing Approach for Subset Problems Fernando Paredes Artículo 2013 Engineering Louis de Grange, Felipe Gonzalez Transportation Research Part a- A polarized logit model 53 1-9 Artículo 2013 Rojas, Ignacio Vargas Olguín Policy and Practice Journal of Experimental & A reactive and hybrid constraint solver Fernando Paredes Cajas 1 25 1-22 Artículo 2013 Theoretical Artificial Intelligence Monthly Notices of the Royal A SCUBA-2 850-mu m survey of protoplanetary discs in the cluster Lucas Cieza Gonzalez 435 2 1671-1679 Artículo 2013 Astronomical Society Louis de Grange, Felipe Gonzalez Aggregate estimation of the price elasticity of demand for public transport in integrated fare systems: The case of Transantiago Transport Policy 29 178-185 Artículo 2013 Rojas CHOICE FUNCTIONS FOR AUTONOMOUS SEARCH IN CONSTRAINT PROGRAMMING: GA VS. PSO. Fernando Paredes Tehnicki Vjesnik-Technical Gazette 20 4 621-627 Artículo 2013

Compact binary relation representations with rich functionality Francisco Claude Information and Computation 232 232 19-37 Artículo 2013 Sara Arancibia, Paulina Esninosa Determining Factors in the Perception of Image and Quality of Service and its Effect on Client Satisfaction. A Case Applied to Chilean Banking. Revista De Ciencias Sociales 19 2 255-267 Artículo 2013 Zamorano Ieee Transactions on Wireless Empirical Evaluation of the Received Power Gain when Remote Radio Heads are Used to Enhance the Coverage Area in Urban Environments Luciano Ahumada 12 6 2830-2839 Artículo 2013 Communications Exact charged black-hole solutions in D-dimensional f(T) gravity: torsion vs curvature analysis Pablo Gonzalez Mondaca Journal of High Energy Physics 2 Artículo 2013 Heavy and light monopoles in magnetic reversion in artificial spin ice Alejandro Leon Current Applied Physics 13 9 2014-2018 Artículo 2013 Ingenieria y Ciencias Hyperspectral Visualization of Mass Spectrometry Imaging Data Luis Pizarro Analytical Chemistry 85 3 1415-1423 Artículo 2013 Louis de Grange, Felipe Gonzalez Integration of Spatial Correlation into a Combined Travel Model with Hierarchical Levels. Spatial Economic Analysis 8 1 71-91 Artículo 2013 Rojas International Journal of Heat and Investigation of a gas-propelled liquid droplet impinging onto a heated surface Andrés Diaz 67 1181-1190 Artículo 2013 Mass Transfer Microtremors' HVSR and its correlation with surface geology and damage observed after the 2010 Maule earthquake (Mw 8.8) at Talca and Felipe Leyton Flores Engineering Geology 161 26-33 Artículo 2013 Curico, Central Chile Nonlocal Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with a fractional Lorentzian regulator in the real time formalism Cristian Villavicencio Reyes Physical Review D 88 5 Artículo 2013 Earthquake Engineering & Optimal control of linear and nonlinear asymmetric structures by means of passive energy dampers Cristóbal Paul Quiroz 42 3 377-395 Artículo 2013 Structural Dynamics Parameter tuning of a choice-function based hyperheuristic using Particle Swarm Optimization Fernando Paredes Expert Systems with Applications 40 5 1690-1695 Artículo 2013 Phase diagram for charged scalars in a magnetic field at finite temperature Cristián Villavicencio Reyes Physical Review D 88 3 Artículo 2013 International Journal of Modern QUASINORMAL MODES AND STABILITY ANALYSIS FOR Z=4 TOPOLOGICAL BLACK HOLE IN 4+1-DIMENSIONAL HORAVA-LIFSHITZ GRAVITY. Pablo González Mondaca 22 2 Artículo 2013 Physics Mathematical Problems in Solving a Novel Inventory Location Model with Stochastic Constraints and (R, s, S) Inventory Control Policy Fernando Paredes Artículo 2013 Engineering SPT 0538-50: PHYSICAL CONDITIONS IN THE INTERSTELLAR MEDIUM OF A STRONGLY LENSED DUSTY STAR-FORMING GALAXY AT z=2.8 Manuel Aravena Aguirre Astrophysical Journal 779 779 1 Artículo 2013 Paul Bosch, Julio López Luis, Hugo Support vector machine under uncertainty: An application for hydroacoustic classification of fish-schools in Chile Expert Systems with Applications 40 10 4029-4034 Artículo 2013 Robotham Vargas Temporal sparse free-form deformations Luis Pizarro Medical Image Analysis 17 7 779-789 Artículo 2013 Acm Transactions on Software Using a Functional Size Measurement Procedure to Evaluate the Quality of Models in MDD Environments Beatriz Marín 22 3 Artículo 2013 Engineering and Methodology A Hybrid Approach Using an Artificial Bee Algorithm with Mixed Integer Programming Applied to a Large-Scale Capacitated Facility Location Mathematical Problems in Fernando Paredes Artículo 2012 Problem Engineering Exploiting eye-hand coordination to detect grasping movements. Miguel Carrasco Zambrano Image and Vision Computing 30 11 860-874 Artículo 2012 Magnetic properties of nanowire arrays Roberto Lavín Serrano Revista Mexicana De Fisica 58 2 8-11 Artículo 2012 Quasinormal modes, stability analysis and absorption cross section for 4-dimensional topological Lifshitz black hole Pablo Gonzalez Mondaca European Physical Journal 72 12 Artículo 2012 31

Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Tipo Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Publicación Publicación Instituto de "I ONLY SEE HEIDEGGER AND LACAN" COMMENTARY ON THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN PHILOSOPHY AND Rodrigo Farías Ideas y Valores 66 164 Artículo 2017 Humanidades SPIRITUALITY IN MICHEL FOUCAULT'S HERMENEUTICS OF THE SUBJECT Instituto de ARENDT'S NOTION OF NATALITY AN ATTEMPT AT CLARIFICATION Wolfhart Totschnig Ideas y Valores 66 165 Artículo 2017 Humanidades Instituto de Salinger or the definitive adolescence Miguel Saralegui Revista De Occidente 428 Artículo 2017 Humanidades


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación GOD KNOWS EVERYTHING A PRIORI, GOD HAS A PURE AND INTUITIVE INTELLECT KANTIAN DETERMINATION OF THE PSYCHOLOGICAL PREDICATES OF Laura Pelegrin Ideas Y Valores 161 65 43-59 Artículo 2016 GOD THROUGH SPECULATION Salomon Maimon's Theory of Differentials, the quid juris Question and the Possibility of Metaphysics as a Science Hernan Pringe Anales Del Seminario De Historia De La Filosofia 1 33 81-102 Artículo 2016 The Antinomy of Practical Reason as absurdum practicum Laura Pelegrin Filosofia Unisinos 1 17 31-39 Artículo 2016 Theses on Weak Ecology Michael Marder Philosophy Today 3 60 651-662 Artículo 2016 A secular acceleration: Theological foundations of the sociological concept "social acceleration" Felipe Torres Time & Society 3 25 429-449 Review 2016 An empirical method for a complex history. The essence of the history of philosophy according to Menendez Pelayo in La cienca espanola Miguel Saralegui ANUARIO FILOSOFICO 48 2 315-339 Artículo 2015 As If, As Such On Derrida, Husserl, and Literature David Johnson RESEARCH IN PHENOMENOLOGY 45 3 386-411 Artículo 2015 BRUNO BAUCH AND THE COMPREHENSIBILITY OF NATURE Hernán Pringe Kriterion-Revista De Filosofia 56 132 355-370 Artículo 2015 Carvallo de Villas Boas's political idealism Miguel Saralegui Revista De Estudios Politicos 168 51-76 Artículo 2015 EMPIRICAL LEGALITY AND EFFECTIVE REALITY Hernán Pringe Ideas Y Valores 64 158 21-39 Artículo 2015 From erudite romanticism to scientific judgment: bibliographical balance of the scholarship on Fernando de Cordoba Miguel Saralegui Anales Del Seminario De Historia De La Filosofia 32 1 93-125 Artículo 2015 From Neo-Kantianism to Phenomenology. Emil Lask's Revision of Transcendental Philosophy: Objectivism, Reduction, Motivation. Bernardo Ainbinder Studia Phaenomenologica 15 433-456 Artículo 2015 Image and violence in the post poetry shot by Jorge Teillier Andrés Florit HISPAMERICA-REVISTA DE LITERATURA 44 130 15-24 Artículo 2015 JERONIMO GRACIAN AND THE TEN LAMENTATIONS AN EPISODE OF THE SOLIDIFICATION OF THE SPANISH ANTI MACHIAVELLISM Miguel Saralegui Bruniana & Campanelliana 21 1 155-168 Artículo 2015 NIETZSCHE AND BIOPOLITICS: FOUR READINGS OF NIETZSCHE AS A BIOPOLITICAL THINKER Vanessa Lemm Ideas Y Valores 64 158 223-248 Artículo 2015 Of Seminal Differance Dissemination and Philosophy of Nature Mauro Senatore Cr-the New Centennial Review 15 1 67-91 Artículo 2015 Restless Negativity Blanchot's Hegelianism Luis Alarcon Pino CR-THE NEW CENTENNIAL REVIEW 15 1 141-157 Artículo 2015 The mytical foundation of the (in) equality in Plato's Politeia Jorge Espinoza Cáceres Trans-Form-Acao 38 3 155-170 Artículo 2015 The Question of the Other in the Dialectics of Time The Problem of Intersubjectivity in Derrida's Reading of Husserl María Londoño Becerra Cr-the New Centennial Review 2015;15(1):159-178 1 15 159-178 Artículo 2015 Humor and Fear: Metaphor and ellipsis in the representation of the dictator Yosa Vidal Collados HISPAMERICA-REVISTA DE LITERATURA 44 130 107-114 Material Editorial 2015 THE BODY AND THE TRANSCENDENCE OF THE SELF BRIEF NOTES ON THE ISSUE OF SUBJECTIVITY AND RESPONSIBILITY IN LEVINAS Fernando Escobar Díaz IDEAS Y VALORES 63 155 107-121 Artículo 2014 THE IMMORTALITY OF THE SOUL: HISTORY OF A POLITICAL ARGUMENT Miguel Saralegui Ideas Y Valores 63 155 85-106 Artículo 2014 Instituto de "Before the Law" or Before the Other Rethinking the "Paradox of Sovereignty" in Light of Levinas's Torah of Life Aicha Messina Cr-the New Centennial Review 14 2 79-98 Artículo 2014 Humanidades ARISTOTELES AND CARL SCHMITT ON THE NATURAL LAW Hugo Herrera Kriterion-Revista De Filosofia 129 55 205-222 Artículo 2014 Theoria-Revista De Teoria Historia Y Fundamentos Cassirer and Bohr on Intuitive and Symbolic Knowledge in Quantum Physics Hernán Pringe 3 29 417-429 Artículo 2014 De La Ciencia HENRI BERGSON AND GEORGE BERNARD SHAW: HABIT, LIFE, DEATH Álvaro Cortina Urdampilleta Pensamiento 70 264 613-626 Artículo 2014 JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH SOCIETY FOR History as a Phenomenological Issue Carla Cordua 45 1 12-20 Artículo 2014 PHENOMENOLOGY Pio Baroja on Henri Bergson: the creaking carriage in the footsteps of Kant Álvaro Cortina Urdampilleta Bulletin Hispanique 116 2 869-874 Artículo 2014 Technical Rationality and exception. Giorgio Agamben's critique of Carl Schmitt's doctrine of the state of exception and its scope Hugo Herrera Anales Del Seminario De Historia De La Filosofia 1 31 177-192 Artículo 2014 The Mandrake in the Labyrinth: a baroja note on the reception of the theatre of Machiavelli in Spain Miguel Saralegui Bulletin Hispanique 116 1 401-414 Artículo 2014 BIBLIOGRAPHIC COMMENTS ON THE NEW EDITION OF THE TWO SOURCES OF MORALITY AND RELIGION BY HENRI BERGSON IN UNIVERSITY PRESSES Álvaro Cortina Urdampilleta Pensamiento 263 70 431-435 Material Editorial 2014 OF FRANCE (2012) Philosophy in Latin America: Some Introductory Remarks Eduardo Sabrovsky Jauneau Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 11 45 1-11, Material Editorial 2014 Bodies and Their Effects: The Stoics on Causation and Incorporeals Wofhart Leo Totschnig Archiv Fur Geschichte Der Philosophie 95 2 119-147 Artículo 2013 Identification of ecologically relevant species for Ecological Risk Assessment: A proposal from theoretical ecology Pablo Razeto Revista Chilena De Historia Natural 86 1 21-31 Artículo 2013 In Memory of Peace Freud and Levinas on War and Peace Aicha Messina Cr-the New Centennial Review 13 1 19-44 Artículo 2013 Nietzsche, Einverleibung and the Politics of Immunity Vanessa Lemm International Journal of Philosophical Studies 21 1 3-19 Artículo 2013 Politico-Theological Foundations of Universal Human Rights: The Case of Maritain. Miguel Vatter Rubio Social Research 80 1 233-260 Artículo 2013 The beehive as a political metaphor: Hobbes' critique of Aristotelian naturalism Miguel Saalegui Benito Revista De Estudios Politicos 160 199-228 Artículo 2013 You shall make no covenant with them : religious intercultural contacts in the Ancient Near East and the religion of Israel Allan Bornapé Muñoz Teologia Y Vida 3 54 385-409 Artículo 2013 Autopoiesis 40 years Later. A Review and a Reformulation. Pablo Razeto Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres 42 6 543-567 Artículo 2012 Inaccessible Life Juan Garrido Wainer Cr-the New Centennial Review 12 2 283-292 Artículo 2012 Is Life an Opportunity? Aicha Messina Cr-the New Centennial Review 12 2 259-270 Artículo 2012 On the Body Torture and Writing Luis Alarcon Pino Cr-the New Centennial Review 12 2 247-257 Artículo 2012 Peace as First language Peace and Politics with E. Levinas Aicha Messina Ideas Y Valores 150 145-167 Artículo 2012 The Hunger for a Life without Differance On Juan Manuel Garrido David Johnson Cr-the New Centennial Review 12 2 271-282 Artículo 2012 33

Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Tipo Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Publicación Publicación A comparison of 3 on-line nomograms with the detection of primary circulating prostate cells to Eduardo Reyes Actas Urologicas Espanolas 4 41 Artículo 2017 predict prostate cancer at initial biopsy Abnormal Time Experiences in Major Depression: An Empirical Qualitative Study Giovanni Stanghellini Psychopathology 2 50 Artículo 2017 Adult prostatic sarcoma: A contemporary multicenter Rare Cancer Network study Claudio Sole Prostate 10 77 Artículo 2017 Basic Self-Disturbances beyond Schizophrenia: Discrepancies and Affinities in Panic Disorder - An Giovanni Stanghellini Psychopathology 2 50 Artículo 2017 Empirical Clinical Study Effects of breathing type on electromyographic activity of respiratory muscles at different body Cranio-the Journal of Rosa Cordova 2 35 Artículo 2017 positions Craniomandibular Practice Emotional, physical, and social needs among 0-5-year-old children displaced by the 2010 Chilean Miguel Cordero Disasters 2 41 Artículo 2017 earthquake: associated characteristics and exposures Employment Status of Depressed Individuals in an 11-Year Follow-up: Results From the Finnish Health Journal of Occupational and Niina Markkula 7 59 Artículo 2017 2011 Survey Environmental Medicine Acm Transactions on Inverted Treaps Rosa Cordova 3 35 Artículo 2017 Information Systems Socioeconomic inequalities in alcohol consumption in Chile and Finland Niina Markkula Drug and Alcohol Dependence 173 Artículo 2017 Juan Hermosilla; Matías Staple Line Reinforcement in Laparoscopic SleeveGastrectomy: Experience in 1023 Consecutive Cases Obesity Surgery 6 27 Artículo 2017 Sepúlveda [Reproductive Biology and The impact of endometriosis on the outcome of Assisted Reproductive Technology Fernando Zegers 15 Artículo 2017 Endocrinology The International Glossary on Infertility and Fertility Care, 2017 Fernando Zegers Fertility and Sterility 108 3 Artículo 2017 The International Glossary on Infertility and Fertility Care, 2017 Fernando Zegers Human Reproduction 32 9 Artículo 2017 A Longitudinal Analysis of Quality of Life and Associated Factors in Older Adults with Schizophrenia American Journal of Geriatric Elena García 7 27 Artículo 2017 Spectrum Disorder Psychiatry Analysis of in vitro follicle development during the onset of premature ovarian insufficiency in a Reproduction Fertility and Heidy Kaune 8 29 Artículo 2017 mouse model Development Antifungal activity of the essential oil obtained from Cryptocarya alba against infection in honey bees Journal of Invertebrate Jessica Bravo 149 Artículo 2017 by Nosema ceranae Pathology Reproductive Biomedicine Assisted reproduction techniques in Latin America: the Latin American Registry, 2014 Fernando Zegers 3 35 Artículo 2017 Medicina Online Otto Dörr; Virginie Pellette; Leonor Disturbances of Embodiment as Core Phenomena of Depression in Clinical Practice Psychopathology 50 4 Artículo 2017 Irarrázaval; Adrián Mundt EAWE: Examination of Anomalous World Experience Giovanni Stanghellini Psychopathology 1 50 Artículo 2017 Embodiment Mediates the Relationship between Avoidant Attachment and Eating Disorder European Eating Disorders Giovanni Stanghellini 25 6 Artículo 2017 Psychopathology Review Ethical challenges posed by clinical trials in preterm labor: a case study Sofía Salas Reproductive Health 14 Artículo 2017 Fat mass and obesity-associated gene (FTO) is associated to eating disorders susceptibility and Giovanni Stanghellini Plos-One 3 12 Artículo 2017 moderates the expression of psycho-pathological traits In Vitro Cellular & Formation of multiple-oocyte follicles in culture Heidy Kaune 53 9 Artículo 2017 Developmental Biology-Animal Implementing a Community Model of Mental Health Care in Chile: Impact on Psychiatric Emergency Niina Markkula Psychiatric Services 68 8 Artículo 2017 Visits Cristián Astorga; Raúl Lynch; Jorge Surgery for Obesity and Long-term weight loss in laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy 13 10 Artículo 2017 Saba; Matías Sepúlveda Related Diseases Journal of Family Planning and Measuring the distribution of adolescent births among 15-19-year-olds in Chile: an ecological study Fernando Zegers; Marissa Velarde 43 4 Artículo 2017 Reproductive Health Care International Journal of Priority setting for mental health research in Chile Alfredo Pemjean; Pedro Zitko 11 61 Artículo 2017 Mental Health Systems The disarticulation of the habitual. Fenomenological considerations on space according to the Alpha-Revista De Artes Letras Y María Cordero 74 Artículo 2017 arquitectonic intervention Haus u r of Gregor Schnider Filosofia Reply to Letter to the Editor "Staple Line Reinforcement in Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy: Experience Juan Hermosilla; Matías Obesity Surgery 27 10 Carta 2017 in 1023 Consecutive Cases" Obesity Surgery June 2017 Issue 6: 1474-80 by SepAlveda et al. Sepúlveda

Material Rejoinder to Commentary: "Panic, Self-Disorder, and EASE Research: Methodological Considerations Giovanni Stanghellini Psychopathology 3 50 2017 Editorial Differentiated review of biomedical research projects by ethics committees Sofia Salas Revista Medica De Chile 3 145 Review 2017 Other Persons: On the Phenomenology of Interpersonal Experience in Schizophrenia. Ancillary Article Giovanni Stanghellini Psychopathology 1 50 Review 2017 to EAWE Domain 3 34

Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación Sebastián Lavanderos; Juan Ethical dilemmas about disclosure of errors in medicine Pedraza; Moises Russo Revista Medica De Chile 9 144 1191-1198 Artículo 2016 Namias; Sofía Salas Ibarra Adjuvant radiation therapy in resected high-grade localized skeletal osteosarcomas treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy: Long-term Sebastián Sole Radiotherapy and Oncology 1 119 30-34 Artículo 2016 outcomes Assessment of the Chilean rural practitioner program by its participating physicians Jorge Ramírez Revista Medica De Chile 4 144 426-433 Artículo 2016 Assisted reproductive techniques in Latin America: the Latin American Registry, 2013 Fernando Zegers Hochschild Reproductive Biomedicine Online 6 32 614-625 Artículo 2016 María Catoni; Emilio Roessler; Conflicts of interest in nephrology Sofía Salas Ibarra; Andrés Revista Medica De Chile 8 144 1053-1058 Artículo 2016 Valdivieso; Antonio Vukusich Ethical and health issues posed by the recent Ebola epidemic: What should we learn? Sofía Salas Ibarra Revista Medica De Chile 3 144 371-376 Artículo 2016 Exposure to physical and sexual violence prior to imprisonment predicts mental health and substance use treatments in prison populations Adrián Mundt Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 42 56-62 Artículo 2016 How to Link Brain and Experience? Spatiotemporal Psychopathology of the Lived Body Giovanni Stanghellini Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 172 10 Artículo 2016 Insulin Induces Relaxation and Decreases Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Vasoconstriction in Human Placental Vascular Bed in a Mechanism Marta Cabrera Jorquera Frontiers in Physiology 7 Artículo 2016 Mediated by Calcium-Activated Potassium Channels and L-Arginine/Nitric Oxide Pathways International Committee for Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technologies world report: Assisted Reproductive Technology 2008, 2009 and Fernando Zegers Hochschild Human Reproduction 7 31 1588-1609 Artículo 2016 2010 International Journal of Occupational Mercury and neuromotor function among children in a rural town in Chile Daniel Moraga 1 22 27-35 Artículo 2016 and Environmental Health Position paper from the Department of Ethics of the Chilean College of Physicians about conscientious objection Sofía Salas Ibarra Revista Medica De Chile 3 144 382-387 Artículo 2016 Predicting Outcome of Childhood Bacterial Meningitis With a Single Measurement of C-Reactive Protein Irmeli Roine Sandelin Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 6 35 617-621 Artículo 2016 Prediction model for early biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy based on the Cancer of the Prostate Risk Assessment score and Eduardo Reyes Sanchez Bju International 4 118 556-562 Artículo 2016 Medicina the presence of secondary circulating prostate cells Proximity to mining industry and respiratory diseases in children in a community in Northern Chile: A cross-sectional study Daniel Moraga Environmental Health 15 Artículo 2016 Psychometric properties of the symptom check-list-90-R in prison inmates Adrián Mundt Psychiatry Research 239 226-231 Artículo 2016 Socio-demographic profile and factors associated with emergency contraception consultations Andrea Morales Revista Medica De Chile 9 144 1134-1143 Artículo 2016 Swiftly Decreasing Cerebrospinal Fluid Cathelicidin Concentration Predicts Improved Outcome in Childhood Bacterial Meningitis Irmeli Roine Sandelin Journal of Clinical Microbiology 6 54 1648-1649 Artículo 2016

An initial investigation of abnormal bodily phenomena in subjects at ultra high risk for psychosis: Their prevalence and clinical implications Giovanni Stanghellini Comprehensive Psychiatry 66 39-45 Artículo 2016

Education in Psychopathology in Europe: Results from a Survey in 32 Countries Giovanni Stanghellini Academic Psychiatry 2 242-248 Artículo 2016 Ethical issues perceived by health care professionals working in chronic hemodialysis centers Sofía Salas Ibarra Revista Medica De Chile 144 1 14-21 Artículo 2016 Flux theory for Poisson distributed pores with Gaussian permeability Dino Salinas Aviles Channels 10 2 111-118 Artículo 2016 From Sauropsids to Mammals and Back: New Approaches to Comparative Cortical Development Juan Montiel Eulefi Journal of Comparative Neurology 524 3 630-645 Artículo 2016 Minimum legal drinking age in the Chilean context Jorge Ramírez Revista Medica De Chile 144 1 108-115 Artículo 2016 Psychopathology of Lived Time: Abnormal Time Experience in Persons With Schizophrenia Giovanni Stanghellini Schizophrenia Bulletin 1 45-55 Artículo 2016 Menopause-the Journal of the North Sedentary lifestyle in middle-aged women is associated with severe menopausal symptoms and obesity Daniel Flores Cifuentes 23 5 488-493 Artículo 2016 American Menopause Society The course of major depression during imprisonment - A one year cohort study Adrián Mundt JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS 189 207-213 Artículo 2016 Deinstitutionalisation, imprisonment and homelessness Adrián Mundt British Journal of Psychiatry 4 209 351-351 Letter 2016

Cardiovascular Action of Insulin in Health and Disease: Endothelial L-Arginine Transport and Cardiac Voltage-Dependent Potassium Channels Marta Cabrera Jorquera Frontiers in Physiology 7 Review 2016

Dissecting the role of redox signaling in neuronal development Daniel Borquez Journal of Neurochemistry 4 137 506-517 Review 2016 Encephale-Revue De Psychiatrie Clinique Typus melancholicus and melancholia: Theoretical synthesis using a clinical case Giovanni Stanghellini 42 1 105-111 Review 2016 Biologique Et Therapeutique


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación EFFECT OF EARLY PROTEIN-CALORIE MALNUTRITION ON NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND ATTRIBUTES OF THE METABOLIC SYNDROME IN YOUNG ADULTS Santiago Muzzo NUTRICION HOSPITALARIA 32 3 1116-1121 Artículo 2015 CRANIO-THE JOURNAL OF Effect of upper costal and costo-diaphragmatic breathing types on electromyographic activity of respiratory muscles Rosa Cordova Mella 33 2 100-106 Artículo 2015 CRANIOMANDIBULAR PRACTICE Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Learning About Solubility Dino Salinas Avilés 43 1 3-5, Artículo 2015 Education INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF Lingual-facial Trunk Arising from the External Carotid Artery: A Case Report Cesar Coronado 32 3 1108-1110 Artículo 2015 MORPHOLOGY Oral administration of recombinant Neisseria meningitidis PorA genetically fused to H pylori HpaA antigen increases antibody levels in mouse Héctor Venegas Esparza Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics 11 3 776-788 Artículo 2015 serum, suggesting that PorA behaves as a putative adjuvant Giovanni Stanghellini; Otto Phenomenology of corporeality. A paradigmatic case study in schizophrenia ACTAS ESPANOLAS DE PSIQUIATRIA 43 1 1-7 Artículo 2015 Dorr Zegers Prenatal Stress Down-Regulates Reelin Expression by Methylation of Its Promoter and Induces Adult Behavioral Impairments in Rats Juan Montiel Eulefi Plos One 10 2 Artículo 2015 Typologies and arguments about the use of assisted reproductive technologies among people living in Santiago, Chile Fernando Zegers Hochschild Revista Medica De Chile 143 12 1527-1532 Artículo 2015 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis mortality rates in Chile: A population based study (1994-2010) Pedro Zitko Melo 16 5-6, 372-377 Artículo 2015 Frontotemporal Degeneration An exploratory study of functional literacy on health care behaviors in Chile Moises Russo Namias Revista Medica De Chile 143 7 856-863 Artículo 2015 Assisted reproductive technologies in Latin America: the Latin American Registry, 2012 Luis Zegers Hochschild Reproductive Biomedicine Online 30 1 43-51 Artículo 2015 Ataxia and Its Association with Hearing Impairment in Childhood Bacterial Meningitis Irmeli Roine Sandelin Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 34 8 809-813 Artículo 2015 Bone mineral metabolism in patients with chronic kidney disease on dialysis in Southern Metropolitan Santiago Moises Russo REVISTA MEDICA DE CHILE 143 2 168-174 Artículo 2015 Changes in MMP-9 and TIMP-1 Concentrations in Cerebrospinal Fluid after 1 Week of Treatment of Childhood Bacterial Meningitis Irmeli Roine Sandelin Journal of Clinical Microbiology 53 7 2340-2342 Artículo 2015 Medicina Transactions of the Royal Society of C-reactive protein in children with malaria in Luanda, Angola: a prospective study Irmeli Roine Sandelin 109 8 535-537 Artículo 2015 Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Depersonalization: Physiological or pathological in adolescents? Giovanni Stanghellini COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY 59 68-72 Artículo 2015 Effect of embryo freezing on perinatal outcome after assisted reproduction techniques: lessons from the Latin American Registry of Assisted Luis Zegers Hochschild Reproductive Biomedicine Online 39 1 39-43 Artículo 2015 Reproduction Expression of P504S and matrix metalloproteinase-2 in circulating prostate cells disseminated as a result of transrectal ultrasound guided Eduardo Reyes Sánchez Archivos Españoles De Urologia 68 5 474-481 Artículo 2015 biopsy as determined by immunocytochemistry: Clinical implications Focal dystonia in musicians: Phenomenology and musical triggering factors R. Aranguiz NEUROLOGIA 30 5 270-275 Artículo 2015 International Journal of Pediatric Hearing impairment after childhood bacterial meningitis dependent on etiology in Luanda, Angola Irmeli Roine Sandelin 79 11 1820-1826 Artículo 2015 Otorhinolaryngology Human hydatidosis in children: manifestation of failure in the control and prevention measures. Chile, 2001-2011 Paulina Martínez Gallego REVISTA CHILENA DE INFECTOLOGIA 32 2 158-166 Artículo 2015 Influence of birth cohort on age of onset cluster analysis in bipolar I disorder Danilo Quiroz EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY 30 1 Artículo 2015 Insulin Reverses D-Glucose-Increased Nitric Oxide and Reactive Oxygen Species Generation in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells Marta Cabrera Jorquera PLOS ONE 10 4 Artículo 2015 International Committee for Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technologies: World Report on Assisted Reproductive Technologies, 2007 Fernando Zegers Hochschild FERTILITY AND STERILITY 103 2 402-413 Artículo 2015 Interpretation, emotional reactions and daily life implications of hallucination-like experiences in clinical and nonclinical populations Giovanni Stanghellini Psicothema 27 1 19-25 Artículo 2015 Is Feeling Extraneous from One's Own Body a Core Vulnerability Feature in Eating Disorders? Giovanni Stanghellini Psychopathology 48 1 18-24 Artículo 2015 Mania and melancholia as crises of narrative identity and intentionality Giovanni Stanghellini EVOLUTION PSYCHIATRIQUE 8 4 689-700 Artículo 2015 Novel splice-affecting variants in CYP27A1 gene in two Chilean patients with Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis Yudith Preiss Contreras Genetics and Molecular Biology 38 1 30-36 Artículo 2015 Olfaction, navigation, and the origin of isocortex Juan Montiel Eulefi Frontiers in Neuroscience 9 Artículo 2015 Pallial patterning and the origin of the isocortex Juan Montiel Eulefi Frontiers in Neuroscience 9 Artículo 2015 Safety and efficacy of Vildagliptin in real life Chilean diabetic patients Mario Montecino REVISTA MEDICA DE CHILE 143 1 63-68 Artículo 2015


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación ANNALI DELL ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI The perception of the fetus in mothers with liver transplantation. Brief communication Giovanni Stanghellini 51 1 79-82 Artículo 2015 SANITA Validation of the Chilean version of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ-CL) in Community Health Settings Miguel Cordero EARLY HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 91 12 Artículo 2015

Abnormal Bodily Experiences Mediate the Relationship between Impulsivity and Binge Eating in Overweight Subjects Seeking Bariatric Surgery Francesca Trisolini PSYCHOTHERAPY AND PSYCHOSOMATICS 84 2 124-126 Letter 2015

Five reasons for teaching psychopathology Giovanni Stanghellini World Psychiatry 14 1 107-108 Letter 2015 NEW ALCOHOL POLICIES APPEAR TO HAVE REDUCED TRAFFIC CASUALTIES IN CHILE Alfredo Pemjean Addiction 110 2 369-370 Letter 2015

The sparganosis Patricia Muñoz Casas del Valle Revista Chilena De Infectologia 32 4 457-457 Material Editorial 2015

Differential typology of delusions in major depression and schizophrenia. A critique to the unitary concept of 'psychosis' Giovanni Stanghellini Journal of Affective Disorders 171 171-178 Review 2015 Disordered selves or persons with schizophrenia? Giovanni Stanghellini Current Opinion in Psychiatry 28 3 256-263 Review 2015 Influence of light exposure during early life on the age of onset of bipolar disorder Danilo Quiroz JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH 64 42217 Review 2015 Metacognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia Presence and Associations With Psychosocial Outcomes Leonor Irarrázabal Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 203 7 530-536 Review 2015 Oocyte-derived Smad4 is not required for development of the oocyte or the preimplantation embryo Heidy Kaune Theriogenology 83 5 897-903 2015 Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Effectiveness of Integrative Psychotherapeutic Counseling for Students Rainer Holm-Hadulla 6 64 224-231 Artículo 2014 Medizinische Psychologie Factors Affecting Time to Death From Start of Treatment Among Children Succumbing to Bacterial Meningitis Irmeli Roine Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 8 33 789-792 Artículo 2014 Fenofibrate - A lipid-lowering drug - Reduces voluntary alcohol drinking in rats Katia Fernandez Moreno Alcohol 7 48 665-670 Artículo 2014 Fluctuation in Hearing Thresholds During Recovery From Childhood Bacterial Meningitis Irmeli Roine Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 3 33 253-257 Artículo 2014 Fluxes theory in experiments with random distributed channels on vesicles Dino Salinas Avilés Channels 3 8 Artículo 2014 Global, regional, and national levels and causes of maternal mortality during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Medicina Rubén Castro Lancet 9947 384 980-1004 Artículo 2014 Disease Study 2013 Global, regional, and national levels of neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden Rubén Castro Lancet 9947 384 957-979 Artículo 2014 of Disease Study 2013 Jessica Bravo Garrido; R. Identification of Nosema ceranae in the Valparaiso District, Chile ARCHIVOS DE MEDICINA VETERINARIA 46 3 487-491 Artículo 2014 Martin-Hernández International Committee for Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technologies world report: Assisted Reproductive Technology 2006(aEuro). Fernando Zegers Human Reproduction 7 29 1536-1551 Artículo 2014 International Committee for Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technology: world report on assisted reproductive technology, 2005 Fernando Zegers Fertility and Sterility 2 101 366-+ Artículo 2014 Intersubjectiyity in schizophrenia: life story analysis of three cases. Leonor Irarrázabal Frontiers in Psychology 5 Artículo 2014 Meningococcal carriage prevalence in university students, 1824 years of age in Santiago, Chile Moisés Russo Vaccine 43 32 5677-5680 Artículo 2014 Microsomal oxidative stress induced by NADPH is inhibited by nitrofurantoin redox biotranformation Alfredo Molina Free Radical Research 2 48 129-136 Artículo 2014 N-3 long-chain PUFA supplementation prevents high fat diet induced mouse liver steatosis and inflammation in relation to PPAR-alpha Pamela Romanque Ulloa Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 6 58 1333-1341 Artículo 2014 upregulation and NF-kappa B DNA binding abrogation Occupational injuries among children and adolescents in Cusco Province: a cross-sectional study Daniel Moraga Bmc Public Health 14 Artículo 2014 Pheno-phenotypes: a holistic approach to the psychopathology of schizophrenia Giovanni Stanghellini Current Opinion in Psychiatry 3 27 236-241 Artículo 2014 Predictive Value of Cerebrospinal Fluid Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 and Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-1 Concentrations in Childhood Irmeli Roine Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 7 33 675-679 Artículo 2014 Bacterial Meningitis Mauricio Gallardo Ruiz, Probable relationship between partitions of the set of codons and the origin of the genetic code Manuel Osorio Soto, Dino Biosystems 117 77-81 Artículo 2014 Salinas Avilés Prostate cancer screening is associated with educational level and knowledge about the disease Carolina Anguita Revista Medica De Chile 9 142 1136-1141 Artículo 2014 Recommendations of the Ethics Committee of the Chilean Society of Nephrology for the management of ethical problems in adult end stage renal Sofía Salas Ibarra Revista Medica De Chile 3 142 368-374 Artículo 2014 disease patients


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación Relationship between sunlight and the age of onset of bipolar disorder: An international multisite study Danilo Quiroz Journal of Affective Disorders 167 104-111 Artículo 2014 The bodily self: A qualitative study of abnormal bodily phenomena in persons with schizophrenia. Giovanni Stanghellini Comprehensive Psychiatry 7 55 1703-1711 Artículo 2014 THE ELIMINATION OF PROSTATE CIRCULATING PRIMARY CELLS IN BLOOD FOLLOWING RADICAL PROSTATECTOMY REDUCES THE RISK OF Eduardo Reyes Sánchez Archivos Espanoles De Urologia 8 67 684-691 Artículo 2014 BIOCHEMICAL RECURRENCE A Comparative Performance Analysis of Total PSA, Percentage Free PSA, PSA Velocity, and PSA Density versus the Detection of Primary Eduardo Reyes Sánchez Biomed Research International Artículo 2014 Circulating Prostate Cells in Predicting Initial Prostate Biopsy Findings in Chilean Men Adjuvant chemoradiotherapy in advanced gastric cancer. Experience in 168 patients Moisés Russo Revista Medica De Chile 2 142 199-203 Artículo 2014 Gino Corsini Acuña, Macarena Association between obesity and ovarian cancer Revista Medica De Chile 5 142 593-598 Artículo 2014 Valladares Alberto Maiz, Yudith Preiss, Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis: physiopathology, clinical manifestations and genetics Revista Medica De Chile 5 142 616-622 Artículo 2014 José Santos, Susan Smalley Chemoresistance in High-Grade Gliomas: Relevance of Adenosine Signalling in Stem-Like Cells of Glioblastoma Multiforme Katia Fernandez Moreno Current Drug Targets 10 15 931-942 Artículo 2014 CONCEPTIONS OF SPACE AND CITY: APPROACHES TO ARTHUR LESCHER'S WORK Pia Cordero REVISTA 180 34 42-45 Artículo 2014 Creativity, Alcohol and Drug Abuse: The Pop Icon Jim Morrison Rainer Holm-Hadulla Psychopathology 3 47 167-173 Artículo 2014 De-stigmatising manipulation: An exercise in second-order empathic understanding Giovanni Stanghellini South African Journal of Psychiatry 1 20 11-14 Artículo 2014 Extended use of P504S Positive Primary Circulating Prostate Cell Detection to Determine the Need for Initial Prostate Biopsy in a Prostate Cancer Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Eduardo Reyes Sánchez 15 21 9335-9339 Artículo 2014 Screening Program in Chile Prevention The impact of consumer affordability on access to assisted reproductive technologies and embryo transfer practices: an international analysis Fernando Zegers Fertility and Sterility 1 101 191+- Artículo 2014

Thrombosis of the torcular herophili in the fetus: a series of eight cases Edgardo Corral Sereño PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS 34 12 1176-1181 Artículo 2014 Medicina Vaccine-Induced Waning of Haemophilus influenzae Empyema and Irmeli Roine Emerging Infectious Diseases 11 20 1887-1890 Artículo 2014 Psychopathology as the basic science of psychiatry. Giovanni Stanghellini British Journal of Psychiatry 3 205 169-170 Material Editorial 2014 Moisés Russo, Sofía Salas Analysis of the main ethical conflicts in the 2008 declaration of Helsinki and the proposed changes in the new version Revista Medica De Chile 4 142 475-480 Review 2014 Ibarra Medical and ethical basis for embryo cryopreservation Sofía Salas, Fernando Zegers Revista Medica De Chile 7 142 896-902 2014 Hormonal pretreatment preserves liver regenerative capacity and minimizes inflammation after partial hepatectomy Pamela Romanque Ulloa Annals of Hepatology 6 12 881-891 Artículo 2013 Risk Factors for Mercury Exposure of Children in a Rural Mining Town in Northern Chile Daniel Moraga Plos One 11 8 Artículo 2013 THYROID HORMONE ACTIVATES RAT LIVER ADENOSINE 5-MONOPHOSPHATE-ACTIVATED PROTEIN KINASE: RELATION TO CaMKK beta, TAK1, AND Journal of Biological Regulators and Pamela Cornejo Zamorano 4 27 989-999 Artículo 2013 LKB1 EXPRESSION AND ENERGY STATUS Homeostatic Agents 5 '-ectonucleotidase mediates multiple-drug resistance in glioblastoma multiforme cells Katia Fernández Moreno Journal of Cellular Physiology 228 3 602-308 Artículo 2013 A performance analysis of the presence of malignant circulating prostate cells as a predictive factor for the detection of prostate cancer in the Eduardo Reyes Archivos Espanoles De Urologia 66 4 335-341 Artículo 2013 first, second and third prostatic biopsy. Proceedings of the National Academy of 13150- Adult pallium transcriptomes surprise in not reflecting predicted homologies across diverse chicken and mouse pallial sectors. Juan Montiel 110 32 Artículo 2013 Sciences of the United States of America 13155 Benznidazole prevents endothelial damage in an experimental model of Chagas disease Alfredo Molina Acta Tropica 127 1 6-13 Artículo 2013 Bereavement without farewell Sofía Salas Ibarra Revista Medica De Chile 141 4 545-546 Artículo 2013 Borderline Depression A Desperate Vitality Giovanni Stanghellini Journal of Consciousness Studies 20 7-8 153-177 Artículo 2013 Chemoradiation for resected pancreatic adenocarcinoma with or without intraoperative radiation therapy boost: Long-term outcomes Claudio Sole Pancreatology 6 13 576-582 Artículo 2013 Computational nanochemistry study of the molecular structure and properties of ethambutol Samuel Ruiz Nieto Journal of Molecular Modeling 19 9 3507-3515 Artículo 2013 Cost-benefit of incorporating detection of circulating prostate cells in a screening program for prostate cancer Eduardo Reyes Archivos Espanoles De Urologia 66 3 277-286 Artículo 2013 Did Karl Jaspers miss psychiatry or is psychiatry missing Jaspers' legacy? Reply Giovanni Stanghellini Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 6 128 491-492 Artículo 2013


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación Docking Studies of Binding of Ethambutol to the C-Terminal Domain of the Arabinosyltransferase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Samuel Ruiz Nieto Journal of Chemistry Artículo 2013 Empathy as a Sense of Autonomy Giovanni Stanghellini Psychopathology 46 5 337-344 Artículo 2013 Eduardo Karahanian Gene specific modifications unravel ethanol and acetaldehyde actions Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 7 Artículo 2013 Vartevanian Goethe's Anxieties, Depressive Episodes and (Self-)Therapeutic Strategies: A Contribution to Method Integration in Psychotherapy Rainer Holm-Hadulla Psychopathology 46 4 266-274 Artículo 2013 HEARING IMPAIRMENT AND ITS PREDICTORS IN CHILDHOOD BACTERIAL MENINGITIS IN ANGOLA Irmeli Roine Sandelin Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 32 5 563-565 Artículo 2013 Herpesviruses in cerebrospinal fluid of children with meningitis in Luanda, Angola Irmeli Roine Sandelin Acta Paediatrica 102 6 E281-E283 Artículo 2013 International Journal of Gynecology & Human rights to in vitro fertilization Fernando Zegers 123 1 86-89 Artículo 2013 Obstetrics Hypofractionated helical tomotherapy using 2.5-2.6 Gy daily fractions for localized prostate cancer Moises Russo Namias Clinical & Translational Oncology 15 4 271-277 Artículo 2013 International Committee for Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ICMART) world report: assisted reproductive technology 2004 Fernando Zegers Human Reproduction 28 5 1375-1390 Artículo 2013 Is it normal to be a principal mindreader? Revising theories of social cognition on the basis of schizophrenia and high functioning autism- Giovanni Stanghellini Research in Developmental Disabilities 34 5 1376-1387 Artículo 2013 spectrum disorders Keeping the balance - an overview of mind-body therapies in pediatric oncology María Moneta Camus Complementary Therapies in Medicine 21 s20-s25 Artículo 2013 Latin American consensus on guidelines for chronic migraine treatment. Nelson Barrientos Arquivos De Neuro-Psiquiatria 71 7 478-486 Artículo 2013 Maternal-fetal unit interactions and eutherian neocortical development and evolution Juan Montiel Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 7 Artículo 2013 Nrf2-regulated phase-II detoxification enzymes and phase-III transporters are induced by thyroid hormone in rat liver Pamela Cornejo Zamorano Biofactors 39 5 514-521 Artículo 2013 Protection of vascular endothelium by aspirin in a murine model of chronic Chagas' disease. Alfredo Molina Parasitology Research 112 7 2731-2739 Artículo 2013 Protective Role of Acetylsalicylic Acid in Experimental Trypanosoma cruzi Infection: Evidence of a 15-epi-Lipoxin A(4)-Mediated Effect Alfredo Molina Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases 7 4 Artículo 2013 Psychopathology: re-humanizing psychiatry Giovanni Stanghellini Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 127 6 436-437 Artículo 2013 Secondary Circulating Prostate Cells Predict Biochemical Failure in Prostate Cancer Patients after Radical Prostatectomy and without Evidence Eduardo Reyes Scientific World Journal Artículo 2013 Medicina of Disease Sibling embryo blastocyst development as a prognostic factor for the outcome of day-3 embryo transfer Fernando Zegers Hochschild Reproductive Biomedicine Online 26 5 486-490 Artículo 2013 Somatotype Profile of Professional Male Soccer Chilean Players Rodrigo Cañas International Journal of Morphology 31 1 225-230 Artículo 2013 Standard joint for the prevention of vertical transmission of HIV and syphilis infection Ester Santander Revista Chilena De Infectologia 30 3 259-302 Artículo 2013 American Journal of Physiology-Lung Store-operated channels in the pulmonary circulation of high- and low-altitude neonatal lambs Daniela Parrau 304 8 l540-l548 Artículo 2013 Cellular and Molecular Physiology Temporomandibular Joint Magnetic Resonance Imaging Analysis in Adults with Steinert's Myotonic Dystrophy Ivan Suazo Galdames International Journal of Morphology 31 1 301-306 Artículo 2013 Eduardo Karahanian Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental The Alcohol Deprivation Effect: Marked Inhibition by Anticatalase Gene Administration into the Ventral Tegmental Area in Rats 37 8 1278-1285 Artículo 2013 Vartevanian Research The Dialectic of Creativity: A Synthesis of Neurobiological, Psychological, Cultural and Practical Aspects of the Creative Process Rainer Holm-Hadulla Creativity Research Journal 25 3 293-299 Artículo 2013 The Impact of Gene Expression Analysis on Evolving Views of Avian Brain Organization Juan Montiel Journal of Comparative Neurology 521 16 3604-3613 Artículo 2013 The portrait of the psychiatrist as a globally minded citizen. Giovanni Stanghellini Current Opinion in Psychiatry 26 5 498-501 Artículo 2013 Things Change: How Comparative Transcriptomics Suggest the Pallium Has Evolved at Multiple Levels of Organization Juan Montiel Brain Behavior and Evolution 82 3 150-152 Artículo 2013 Maternity protection vs. maternity rights for working women in Chile: a historical review Tania Herrera Martínez Reproductive Health Matters 20 40 139-147 Artículo 2012 Determination of the Species from Skeletal Remains Through Histomorphometric Evaluation and Discriminant Analysis Iván Suazo Gadames International Journal of Morphology 30 3 1035-1041 Artículo 2012 Paulina Maltínez Gallegos, Evolution of leptospirosis according to the National Epidemiological Surveillance System, Chile 2003-2009 Soraya Ortega Cáceres, Karen Revista Chilena De Infectologia 29 6 648-654 Artículo 2012 Salinas Gutierrez Lower Third Molar Region Ivan Suazo Galdames International Journal of Morphology 30 3 970-978 Artículo 2012 Origin and migration of stem cells Juan Montiel International Journal of Morphology 30 4 1332-1337 Artículo 2012 Phylogenetic and mixed Yule-coalescent analyses reveal cryptic lineages within two South American marine snails of the genus Crepipatella Elías Barriga Invertebrate Biology 131 4 301-311 Artículo 2012 (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae).


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Tipo Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Publicación Publicación Acute Mental Discomfort Associated with Suicide Behavior in a Clinical Sample of Patients with Alemka Tomicic Frontiers in Psychiatry 8 Artículo 2017 Affective Disorders: Ascertaining Critical Variables Using Artificial Intelligence Tools Astrocytic Calcium Waves Signal Brain Injury to Neural Stem and Progenitor Cells Eduardo Rosales Stem Cell Reports 3 8 Artículo 2017 International Journal of Drug Attitudes towards drug policies in Latin America: Results from a Latin-American Survey Andres Mendiburo 41 Artículo 2017 Policy Journal for Research in Being a Girl Mathematician: Diversity of Positive Mathematical Identities in a Secondary Classroom Christian Salas 4 48 Artículo 2017 Mathematics Education Frontiers in Human Exteroceptive and Interoceptive Body-Self Awareness in Fibromyalgia Patients Camila Valenzuela 11 Artículo 2017 Neuroscience International Journal of Pharmaceutical entanglements: an analysis of the multiple determinants of ADHD medication effects Sebastian Rojas Qualitative Studies on Health 12 Artículo 2017 in a Chilean school and Well-Being Poststroke agitation and aggression and social quality of life: a case control study Sergio Paradiso Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 2 24 Artículo 2017 Vocalization-Silence Dynamic Patterns: A system for measuring coordination in psychotherapeutic Revista Latinoamericana De Claudio Martínez; Alemka Tomicic 1 49 Artículo 2017 dyadic conversations Psicologia Historia Ciencias Saude- "Freud for all:" psychoanalysis and mass culture in Chile, 1920-1950 Mariano Ruperthuz 24 Artículo 2017 Manguinhos A Neuropsychoanalytic Approach to Case Studies Christian Salas Clinical Social Work Journal 3 45 Artículo 2017 Psicología Biological stress reactivity as an index of the two polarities of the experience model Claudio Martínez Psychoneuroendocrinology 84 Artículo 2017 Revista Latinoamericana de Dependent and self-critical personality styles: Cognitive performance and depressive symptomatology Claudio Martínez; Alemka Tomicic 2 49 Artículo 2017 Psicología Disentangling the change-alliance relationship: Observational assessment of the therapeutic alliance Claudio Martínez Psychotherapy Research 5 27 Artículo 2017 during change and stuck episodes Jose Vicente Asuar: the virtuoso composer Federico Schumacher Revista Musical Chilena 227 71 Artículo 2017 Observations on Working Psychoanalytically with a Profoundly Amnesic Patient Christian Salas Frontiers in Psychology 8 Artículo 2017 Claudio Fuentes; Federico Space-Emotion in Acousmatic Music Organised Sound 22 3 Artículo 2017 Schumacher Successful and Unsuccessful Response Inhibitions Differentially Affect the Effective Connectivity Roberto Limongi Behavioral Neuroscience 1 131 Artículo 2017 Between Insular, Presupplementary-Motor, and Striatal Areas Claudio Fuentes; Federico The Experience of Acusmatic Listening: a Proposal of an Integrative Analysis Revista Musical Chilena 71 227 Artículo 2017 Schumacher Material Building a Science of Experience Neurophenomenology and Related Disciplines Camila Valenzuela Constructivist Foundations 2 12 2017 Editorial A commentary on Liang et al.'s paper with regard to emerging views of memory assessment in Material Mario Parra Cortex 88 2017 Alzheimer's disease Editorial Commentary: Brain-to-Brain Synchrony Tracks Real-World Dynamic Group Interactions in the Frontiers in Human Material Francisco Parada; Alejandra Rossi 11 2017 Classroom and Cognitive Neuroscience: Synchronizing Brains in the Classroom Neuroscience Editorial Confabulation: Developing the 'emotion dysregulation' hypothesis Christian Salas Cortex 87 Review 2017


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación Integration of Intention and Outcome for Moral Judgment in Frontotemporal Dementia: Brain Structural Signatures Sandra Baez; Agustín Ibáñez Barassi; Facundo Manes Neurodegenerative Diseases 34 16 206-2017 Artículo 2016 Neural markers of social and monetary rewards in children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Claudio Lavin Tapia; Álvaro Rivera Rei Scientific Reports 6 Artículo 2016 Spectrum Disorder Adolfo García; Agustín Ibáñez Barassi; David Huepe Journal of Psycholinguistic The Overt Pronoun Constraint Across Three Dialects of Spanish 4 45 979-1000 Artículo 2016 Artiaga; Facundo Manes; Margherita Melloni Research Salvador Angulo; Claudio Martínez Guzmán; Carola Verbal and nonverbal expressions of mutual regulation in relevant episodes of psychotherapy Estudios De Psicologia 2-3 37 548-579 Artículo 2016 Perez; Diego San Martín; Alemka Tomicic Social Cognitive and Affective Altruistic traits are predicted by neural responses to monetary outcomes for self vs charity Rene San Martín 6 11 863-876 Artículo 2016 Neuroscience Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Assessing sensory versus optogenetic network activation by combining (o)fMRI with optical Ca2+ recordings Eduardo Rosales Jubal 11 36 1885-1900 Artículo 2016 Metabolism Social Cognitive and Affective Just can't hide it': a behavioral and lesion study on emotional response modulation after right prefrontal damage Christian Salas 10 11 1528-1540 Artículo 2016 Neuroscience Longitudinal assessment of clinical risk factors for depression in schizophrenia spectrum disorders Sergio Paradiso Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 3 28 167-174 Artículo 2016

Psychosocial risks, quality of employment, and workplace stress in Chilean wage-earning workers: a gender perspective María Ansoleaga Cadernos De Saude Publica 7 32 Artículo 2016

Journal of Clinical and Suicidal thoughts and emotion competence Sergio Paradiso 8 38 887-899 Artículo 2016 Experimental Neuropsychology Temporal Uncertainty and Temporal Estimation Errors Affect Insular Activity and the Frontostriatal Indirect Pathway Francisco Perez Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10 Artículo 2016 during Action Update: A Predictive Coding Study The International Mood Network (IMN) Nosology Project: differentiating borderline personality from bipolar illness Katherine Alvear Parra Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 6 134 504-510 Artículo 2016 Fabricio Baglivo; Eugenia Hesse; David Huepe Artiaga; Early detection of intentional harm in the human amygdala Agustín Ibáñez Barassi; Facundo Manes; Ezequiel Brain 139 54-61 Artículo 2016 Mikulan Orbitofrontal and limbic signatures of empathic concern and intentional harm in the behavioral variant frontotemporal Sandra Baez; Agustín Ibáñez Barassi; Facundo Manes; Cortex 75 20-32 Artículo 2016 dementia Juan Morales; Teresa Torralva Quarterly Journal of Experimental Ageing and feature binding in visual working memory: The role of presentation time Mario Parra 69 4 654-668 Artículo 2016 Psychology Psicología ARGUMENTATION AND JOURNALISTIC IMAGE IN THE AXIOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF THE PERFORMANCE OF PUBLIC Circulo De Linguistica Aplicada a La Cristian Santibáñez Yáñez 65 291-316 Artículo 2016 FUNCTION Comunicación Sandra Baez; Blas Couto; David Huepe Artiaga; Esteban Hurtado; Agustín Ibáñez Barassi; Rodrido Journal of the International Brain Network Organization and Social Executive Performance in Frontotemporal Dementia 22 2 250-262 Artículo 2016 Kuljis; Facundo Manes; Magherita Melloni; Juan Neuropsychological Society Morales Sepúlveda; Lucas Sedeño; Teresa Torralva Gist-based illusions within and across stimulus modalities in autism spectrum disorder Mario Parra Memory 24 3 295-305 Artículo 2016 Hands typing what hands do: Action-semantic integration dynamics throughout written verb production Adolfo García Cognition 149 56-66 Artículo 2016 The huge burden of dementia in Latin America Facundo Manes Lancet Neurology 15 1 29-29 Letter 2016 The Impact of Bilingualism on Working Memory: A Null Effect on the Whole May Not Be So on the Parts Adolfo García Frontiers in Psychology 7 Material Editorial 2016 Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery The relationship between Executive Functions and Theory of Mind: a Long and Winding Road María Roca 87 3 229-229 Material Editorial 2016 and Psychiatry Constanza Gálvez; Claudio Martínez Guzmán; Suicide in lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans populations: systematic review of a decade of research (2004-2014) Constanza Quiroz; Catalina Rosenbaum; Alemka Revista Medica De Chile 6 144 723-733 Review 2016 Tomicic Bilingualism and Cognitive Reserve: A Critical Overview and a Plea for Methodological Innovations Adolfo García; Agustín Ibáñez Barassi Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 7 Review 2016 Revista Iberoamericana De Adaptation of the Mate Value Components Questionnaire to the Chilean Context Michele Dufey Domínguez Diagnostico Y Evaluacion-E 40 2 94-102 Artículo 2015 Avaliacao Psicologica Agustín Ibáñez Barassi; Federico Adolfi; Blas Couto; Autonomic Neuroscience-Basic & Heart evoked potential triggers brain responses to natural affective scenes: A preliminary study 193 132-137 Artículo 2015 David Martinez-Pernia Clinical Agustín Ibáñez Barassi; Facundo Manes; Lucila Impairments in negative emotion recognition and empathy for pain in Huntington's disease families NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA 68 158-167 Artículo 2015 Kargieman; Sandra Baez María González Gadea; Agustín Ibáñez Barassi; Predictive coding in autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Journal of Neurophysiology 114 5 2625-2636 Artículo 2015 Facundo Manes Alemka Tomicic Sureñe; Claudia Lucero; Claudio Return to work enablers for workers with work-related mental illness Martinez; Constanza Domínguez Valverde; María Revista Medica De Chile 143 1 85-95 Artículo 2015 Ansoleaga; Soledad Castillo Vergara 41

Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación Role of brain infarcts in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia Clinicopathological characterization in the Facundo Manes; Teresa Torralva; María Roca Neurobiology of Aging 36 10 2861-2868 Artículo 2015 National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center database Stop Saying That It Is Wrong! Psychophysiological, Cognitive, and Metacognitive Markers of Children's Sensitivity to Agustín Ibáñez Barassi; David Huepe Artiaga; Facundo PLOS ONE 10 7 Artículo 2015 Punishment Manes; Maria Gonzalez Gadea; Sandra Baez Stroke and Neurodegeneration Induce Different Connectivity Aberrations in the Insula Agustín Ibáñez Barassi; Facundo Manes; Lucas Sedeno STROKE 46 9 2673-2677 Artículo 2015

Agustín Ibañez Barassi; Blas Couto; Facundo Manes; The roles of interoceptive sensitivity and metacognitive interoception in panic Behavioral and Brain Functions 11 Artículo 2015 Lucas Sedeño; Margherita Melloni Agustín Ibáñez Barassi; David Huepe Artiaga; Facundo Theory of mind and its relationship with executive functions and emotion recognition in borderline personality disorder JOURNAL OF NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 9 2 203-218 Artículo 2015 Manes; Maria Gonzalez Gadea; Sandra Baez Agustín Ibañez Barassi; María Roca; Sandra Baez; Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Verbal Fluency as a Rapid Screening Test for Cognitive Impairment in Early Parkinson's Disease 27 3 244-247 Artículo 2015 Teresa Torralva Clinical Neurosciences EUROPEAN 5-HT2A receptors are involved in cognitive but not antidepressant effects of fluoxetine Lucila Kargieman 25 8 1353-1361 Artículo 2015 NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY A brief assessment of object semantics in primary progressive aphasia Facundo Manes APHASIOLOGY 29 4 488-505 Artículo 2015 A connectionist approach to functional-cognitive linguistics: Spanish pronominal clitics and verb endings in relational- Adolfo García Signos 48 88 197-222 Artículo 2015 network terms A Two-Stage Epidemiological Study of Eating Disorders and Muscle Dysmorphia in Male University Students in Buenos International Journal of Eating Fernando Torrente 48 8 1092-1101 Artículo 2015 Aires Disorders JOURNAL OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE Adaptation and Validation of the Instrument Treatment Outcomes Profile to the Chilean Population David Huepe Artigas 56 39-47 Artículo 2015 TREATMENT Adaptation of Collins' Revised Adult Attachment Dimensional Scale to the Chilean Context Michele Dufey Domínguez PSICOLOGIA-REFLEXAO E CRITICA 28 2 242-252 Artículo 2015 Architectural design and the brain: Effects of ceiling height and perceived enclosure on beauty judgments and approach- Journal of Environmental Gorka Navarrete 41 10-18, Artículo 2015 avoidance decisions Psychology Auditory Feedback Differentially Modulates Behavioral and Neural Markers of Objective and Subjective Performance Andrés Canales Johnson; David Huepe Artiaga; Agustín Cerebral Cortex 25 11 4490-4503 Artículo 2015 Psicología When Tapping to Your Heartbeat Ibáñez Barassi; Álvaro Rivera Rei; Carolina Silva

Mahaira Reinel; Alemka Tomicic; Marcia Olhaberry; Barriers restricting postpartum depression treatment in Chile Revista Medica De Chile 143 4 424-432 Artículo 2015 María Santelices; Mariane Krause Cognitive and neuropsychological underpinnings of relational and conjunctive working memory binding across age Mario Parra Memory 23 8 1112-1122 Artículo 2015 Colonial representations in Lastarria's writing. Chile, 19th century Lorena Ubilla Espinoza ESTUDIOS FILOLOGICOS 55 143-155 Artículo 2015 Adolfo García; Agustín Ibañez; Ezequiel Mikulan; Cortical dynamics and subcortical signatures of motor-language coupling in Parkinson's disease Scientific Reports 5 Artículo 2015 Facundo Manes; Lucas Sedeño; Margherita Melloni Depressive symptoms related to low fractional anisotropy of white matter underlying the right ventral anterior cingulate FRONTIERS IN HUMAN Sergio Paradiso 9 Artículo 2015 in older adults with atherosclerotic vascular disease NEUROSCIENCE Agustín Ibáñez Barassi; Facundo Manes; Maria Different levels of implicit emotional recognition in posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) NEUROCASE 21 4 457-467 Artículo 2015 Gonzalez Gadea; María Roca; Pablo Richly Differential Cognitive and Affective Theory of Mind Abilities at Mild and Moderate Stages of Behavioral Variant Facundo Manes; Teresa Torralva Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology 28 2 63-70 Artículo 2015 Frontotemporal Dementia Alemka Tomicic; Adam Gerstmann; Claudio Martínez Discourse-voice regulatory strategies in the psychotherapeutic interaction: a state-space dynamics analysis Frontiers in Psychology 6 Artículo 2015 Guzmán; Isabelle Barroux; Salvador Angulo Agustín Ibáñez Barassi; Blas Couto; Facundo Manes; Disentangling interoception: insights from focal strokes affecting the perception of external and internal milieus FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 6 Artículo 2015 Lucas Sedeno Journal of Alzheimers Disease Dual Memory Task Impairment in E280A Presenilin-1 Mutation Carriers Mario Parra 44 2 481-492 Artículo 2015 2015;44(2):481-492 Emotional processing in Colombian ex-combatants and its relationship with empathy and executive functions Agustín Ibañez Barassi Social Neuroscience 10 2 153-165 Artículo 2015 Enhancing Sensorimotor Activity by Controlling Virtual Objects with Gaze Gorka Navarrete Plos One 10 3 Artículo 2015 Feature Binding Deficits in Subjective Cognitive Decline and in Mild Cognitive Impairment Mario Parra Journal of Alzheimers Disease 48 161-170 Artículo 2015 Intrusions of a drowsy mind: neural markers of phenomenological unpredictability Andrés Canales Johnson Frontiers in Psychology 6 Artículo 2015 PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH- Larger hippocampus size in women with anorexia nervosa who exercise excessively than healthy women Sergio Paradiso 232 2 193-199 Artículo 2015 NEUROIMAGING 42

Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación Learning during the early clinical years takes more than good study habits. Perceptions of students and teachers. Alemka Tomicic Suner Revista Medica De Chile 143 11 1395-1404 Artículo 2015 Memory binding and white matter integrity in familial Alzheimer's disease Mario Parra Brain 138 1355-1369 Artículo 2015 Mindreading, representation, inference and argumentation Cristian Santibáñez Yáñez Co-Herencia 12 23 171-204 Artículo 2015 ORIENTATIONS TOWARD INTERPERSONAL ARGUING IN CHILE Cristian Santibáñez Yáñez Pragmatics 25 3 453-476 Artículo 2015 Prediction of general hospital admission in people with dementia: cohort study Mario Parra British Journal of Psychiatry 206 2 153-159 Artículo 2015 Psychological Knowledge in Neoliberalism: The Case of Political and Social Interventions with Childhood in Chile Patricia Castillo Gallardo Universitas Psychologica 14 4 1325-1337 Artículo 2015 Psychosocial stress among health care workers María Ansoleaga Revista Medica De Chile 143 1 47-55 Artículo 2015 Public policy discourses on childhood during Chilean post-authoritarian democracy: A case of discursive colonization CHILDHOOD-A GLOBAL JOURNAL OF Ana Vergara del Solar 22 4 432-446 Artículo 2015 by the language of the free market CHILD RESEARCH Racial bias in neural response to others' pain is reduced with other-race contact Luis Contreras Huerta CORTEX 70 68-78 Artículo 2015 Steps Towards an Evolutionary Account of Argumentative Competence Cristián Santibañez Yañez Informal Logic 35 2 167-182 Artículo 2015 Syntax, action verbs, action semantics, and object semantics in Parkinson's disease: Dissociability, progression, and Adolfo García; Agustín Ibáñez Barassi CORTEX 69 237-254 Artículo 2015 executive influences Temporal prediction errors modulate task-switching performance Roberto Limongi Frontiers in Psychology 6 Artículo 2015 The Cultural Politics of Childhood: Public Policies in Post-authoritarian Chile Ana Vergara del Solar CHILDREN & SOCIETY 29 4 288-298 Artículo 2015

The relationship between alexithymia, empathy and moral judgment in patients with multiple sclerosis Ezequiel Gleichgerrcht EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY 22 9 1295-1303 Artículo 2015

The sound of change: A study of the psychotherapeutic process embodied in vocal expression. Laura Rice's ideas Claudio Martínez Guzmán Psychotherapy Research 25 2 263-276 Artículo 2015 revisited Utility of the INECO frontal screening (IFS) in the detection of executive dysfunction in patients with relapsing-remitting María Roca NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 36 11 2035-2041 Artículo 2015 multiple sclerosis (RRMS) Psicología Adolfo García; Agustín Ibañez; Daniela Huepe Artigas; Commentary: Attentional control and the self: The Self-Attention Network (SAN) David Huepe Artigas; David Martínez; Esteban Frontiers in Psychology 6 Material Editorial 2015 Hurtado; Juan Morales Editorial: Improving Bayesian Reasoning: What Works and Why Gorka Navarrete Frontiers in Psychology 6 Material Editorial 2015 Editorial: What can we make of theories of embodiment and the role of the human mirror neuron system? Frontiers in FRONTIERS IN HUMAN Agustín Ibáñez Barassi 9 Material Editorial 2015 Human Neuroscience 2015;9 NEUROSCIENCE Andrés Canales Johnson; Claudio Fuentes Bravo; Neurophenomenology revisited: second-person methods for the study of human consciousness David Martínez Pernia; Esteban Vargas; Francisco Frontiers in Psychology 6 Review 2015 Olivares A report on older-age bipolar disorder from the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Task Force Facundo Manes Bipolar Disorders 17 7 689-704 Review 2015 Neurocognitive functioning in the premorbid stage and in the first episode of bipolar disorder: A systematic review Agustín Ibañez Psychiatry Research 226 1 23-30 Review 2015 David Huepe Artigas; Gorka Navarrete; Rut Correia Doctor, what does my positive test mean? From Bayesian textbook tasks to personalized risk communication Frontiers in Psychology 6 2015 Delgado Small samples and evolution: did the law of small numbers arise as an adaptation to environmental challenges? Gorka Navarrete Frontiers in Psychology 6 2015 What makes people decide to pay more? Understanding cooperation in the context of an alternative food network Claudio Lavin Tapia Asian Journal of Social Psychology 18 3 236-245 2015 Sandra Baez, María González Gadea, Agustín Ibáñez Emotion recognition and cognitive empathy deficits in adolescent offenders revealed by context-sensitive tasks Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8 Artículo 2014 Barassi, Facundo Manes, Mario Parra Cognitive Affective & Behavioral Empathy and contextual social cognition Agustín Ibáñez Barassi 1 14 407-425 Artículo 2014 Neuroscience From neural signatures of emotional modulation to social cognition: individual differences in healthy volunteers and Social Cognitive and Affective David Huepe Artiaga, Agustín Ibañez Barassi 7 9 393-950 Artículo 2014 psychiatric participants Neuroscience Functional Connectivity and Temporal Variability of Brain Connections in Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Agustín Ibañez Barassi, Agustín Petroni Neuropsychobiology 2 69 65-75 Artículo 2014 Disorder and Bipolar Disorder


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación Sandra Baez, Andrés Canales Johnson, Blas Couto, How Do You Feel when You Can't Feel Your Body? Interoception, Functional Connectivity and Emotional Processing in Agustin Ibañez Barassi, Facundo Manes, Margherita Plos One 6 9 Artículo 2014 Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder Melloni, Lucas Sedeno How embodied is action language? Neurological evidence from motor diseases Agustín Ibañez Barassi, Maeva Michon Cognition 2 131 311-322 Artículo 2014 Bárbara Vicencio; Claudio Martínez Guzmán; Revista Argentina De Clinica I HAVE DECIDED TO LIVE: FACTORS THAT DETER A PERSON FROM COMMITTING SUICIDE 23 3 267-280 Artículo 2014 Constanza Gálvez; Constanza Quiroz Psicologica Sandra Baez, María González Gadea, Agustín Ibáñez Inter-individual cognitive variability in children with Asperger's syndrome. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8 Artículo 2014 Barassi, Facundo Manes, María Roca Looking for a face in the crowd: Fixation-related potentials in an eye-movement visual search task Juan Kamienkowski Neuroimage 89 297-305 Artículo 2014 Sandra Baez, Adolfo García, Agustin Ibañez Barassi, Motor-language coupling in Huntington's disease families Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 6 Artículo 2014 Lucila Kargieman On the irreducible presence of the Hobbesian savage in Sigmund Freud's work Rodrigo de la Fabián Revista De Filosofia Aurora 38 26 15-37 Artículo 2014 Ezequiel Gleichgerrcht, Facundo Manes, Teresa Alzheimer Disease & Associated Personality Changes in Dementia Are They Disease Specific and Universal? 3 28 261-268 Artículo 2014 Torralva, Fernando Torrente Disorders Agustín Ibáñez Barassi; David Huepe Artiaga; Facundo Primary empathy deficits in frontotemporal dementia Manes; Natalia Fiorentino; Sandra Baez; Daniela FRONTIERS IN AGING NEUROSCIENCE 6 Artículo 2014 Huepe Artigas; Teresa Torralva Canadian Journal of Public Health- Psychosocial Risk at Work and Hazardous Alcohol Consumption Among Chile's Working Adults María Elisa Ansoleaga Revue Canadienne De Sante 7 104 E502-E508 Artículo 2014 Publique Psychotherapy as a discursive genre: A dialogic approach Alemka Tomicic Suner; Claudio Martínez Guzmán Culture & Psychology 20 4 501-524 Artículo 2014 Social Adaptive Functioning, Apathy, and Nondysphoric Depression among Nursing Home-Dwelling Very Old Adults Sergio Paradiso Psychopathology 5 47 319-326 Artículo 2014

The utility of IFS (INECO Frontal Screening) for the detection of executive dysfunction in adults with bipolar disorder and Sandra Baez, Ezequiel Gleichgerrcht, Agustín Ibañez Psychiatry Research 2 216 269-276 Artículo 2014 ADHD Barassi, Facundo Manes, María Roca, Teresa Torralva

Lucía Amoruso, David Huepe Artiaga, Agustín Ibañez Time to Tango: Expertise and contextual anticipation during action observation Neuroimage 98 366-385 Artículo 2014 Barassi, Facundo Manez, Lucas Sedeno Psicología TOULMIN: REASONING, COMMON SENSE AND DEFEASIBILITY Claudio Fuentes Bravo; Cristián Santibañez Yañez KRITERION-REVISTA DE FILOSOFIA 55 130 531-548 Artículo 2014 Andrés Canales Johnson; Claudio Fuentes Bravo; Toward an experimental account of argumentation: the case of the slippery slope and the ad honninem arguments Frontiers in Psychology 5 Artículo 2014 Gorka Navarrete; Marco Lillo Unglaube Toward the identification of neurocognitive subtypes in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder Agustín Ibañez Barassi Journal of Affective Disorders 167 118-124 Artículo 2014 Boletin Latinoamericano Y Del Traditional ethnobotanical knowledge and use of medicinal plants in a rural area of the metropolitan region of Chile: Carlos Calvo Caribe De Plantas Medicinales Y 4 13 366-374 Artículo 2014 descriptive study Aromaticas Ventromedial-Frontopolar Prefrontal Cortex Atrophy Correlates with Insight Loss in Frontotemporal Dementia and Ezequiel Gleichgerrcht Human Brain Mapping 2 35 616-626 Artículo 2014 Alzheimer's Disease A Critical-Interpretive Model for the Study of Labor Identities. Contributions to Psychosocial Research on Work and Antonio Stecher Guzmán Universitas Psychologica 4 12 1211-1234 Artículo 2014 Subjectivity in Latin America Argumentative strategies in young children: An study of disputes during play in school contexts Cristián Santibañez Yañez Revista Signos 47 86 435-462 Artículo 2014 Associations Among Attachment, Sexuality, and Marital Satisfaction in Adult Chilean Couples: A Linear Hierarchical David Huepe Artiaga Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 4 40 259-274 Artículo 2014 Models Analysis Behavior problems and attachment in adopted and non-adopted adolescents María Josefina Escobar Children and Youth Services Review 42 59-66 Artículo 2014 BMI, age, Mate Value, and Intrasexual Competition in Chilean Women Michel Dufey Current Psychology 4 33 435-450 Artículo 2014 Sandra Baez, Andrés Canales Johnson, María Josefina Escobar, David Huepe Artiaga, Agustín Ibáñez Barassi, Brain signatures of moral sensitivity in adolescents with early social deprivation Scientific Reports 4 Artículo 2014 Facundo Manes, Marie Messow, Juan Pablo Morales, Álvaro Rivera Rei, Lucas Sedeno Paulina Chávez, Mónica Peña Ochoa, Ana Vergara del Childhood in Children's Eyes: Analysis of a Discourse among Middle-Income Sectors in Santiago, Chile Children & Society 2 28 81-92 Artículo 2014 Solar, Enrique Vergara Leyton Cognitive but Not Affective Theory of Mind Deficits in Mild Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Agustín Ibáñez Barassi, María Roca Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology 1 27 25-30 Artículo 2014

Sandra Baez, Blas Couto, David Huepe Artiaga, Agustín Comparing Moral Judgments of Patients With Frontotemporal Dementia and Frontal Stroke Jama Neurology 9 71 1172-1176 Artículo 2014 Ibañez Barassi, Facundo Manes, Teresa Torralva Depressive symptoms and work-related stress in Chilean workers: differential conditions for males and females María Ansoleaga Cadernos De Saude Publica 1 30 107-118 Artículo 2014 44

Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación Frontiers in Behavioral Detaching from the negative by reappraisal: the role of right superior frontal gyrus (BA9/32) Blas Couto, Agustín Ibañez Barassi 8 1-16 Artículo 2014 Neuroscience Detecting Usability Problems and Offering Lines of Solutions: An Instrument' Proposal for Measuring Usability in Online Claudio Lavin Tapia Ieee Latin America Transactions 1 12 9-16 Artículo 2014 Services DIAGNOSTIC INDICATORS OF DISSOCIATIVE AMNESIA: A CASE REPORT Renzo Lanfranco Psychiatria Danubina 1 26 70-73 Artículo 2014 Frontiers in Behavioral Dynamical predictions of insular hubs for social cognition and their application to stroke Agustín Ibañez; Roberto Limongi 8 Artículo 2014 Neuroscience Journal of Experimental Psychology- Dynamics of Visibility, Confidence, and Choice During Eye Movements Juan Kamienkowski 3 40 475-480 Artículo 2014 Human Perception and Performance Homicide Risk Factors Against Woman in a Couple Relationship Lorena Contreras Taibo Universitas Psychologica 13 2 681-692 Artículo 2014 Intergroup relationships do not reduce racial bias in empathic neural responses to pain Luis Contreras Huerta NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA 64 263-270 Artículo 2014 Play Elaborated, Play Restricted Early Symbolic Productions that Reproduce Inequality Patricia Castillo Gallardo UNIVERSITAS PSYCHOLOGICA 13 4 1461-1472 Artículo 2014 Andrés Canales Johnson, Daniela Cabezas, Francisco Spectral Signatures of Reorganised Brain Networks in Disorders of Consciousness Plos Computational Biology 10 10 Artículo 2014 Olivares FRONTIERS IN COMPUTATIONAL Stochastic model predicts evolving preferences in the Iowa gambling task Claudio Lavin Tapia; Luis Contreras Huerta 8 Artículo 2014 NEUROSCIENCE TEILLIER OR THE COMPLEX POETICAL SIMPLICITY Eduardo Llanos Melussa Revista Chilena De Literatura 86 133-155 Artículo 2014 The impact of neuromyelitis optica on the recognition of emotional facial expressions: A preliminary report Agustín Ibañez Barassi, Facundo Manes Social Neuroscience 6 9 633-638 Artículo 2014 International Journal of The incidence of Freudian self-analysis in the construction of the psychoanalytic theory of anxiety Francisco Pizarro Obaid 1 95 15-41 Artículo 2014 Psychoanalysis Andrés Canales Johnson, Blas Couto, David Huepe Social Cognitive and Affective The man who feels two hearts: the different pathways of interoception 9 9 1253-1260 Artículo 2014 Artiaga, Agustín Ibañez Barassi, Lucas Sedeno Neuroscience Frontiers in Behavioral Psicología The relationship between different facets of empathy, pain perception and compassion fatigue among physicians Ezequiel Gleichgerrcht 8 Artículo 2014 Neuroscience Frontiers in Behavioral The relationship between executive functions and fluid intelligence in schizophrenia Agustín Ibañez Barassi, María Roca 8 Artículo 2014 Neuroscience Circulo De Linguistica Aplicada a La What is the use of argumentation? Discussing theoretically and empirically the value and the function of argumentation Cristian Santibañez Yañez 58 163-205 Artículo 2014 Comunicacion Sumeer Chadha, Adolfo García, David Huepe Artiaga, Word reading and translation in bilinguals: the impact of formal and informal translation expertise Agustín Ibañez Barassi, Maeva Michon, Álvaro Rivera Frontiers in Psychology 5 Artículo 2014 Rei Words in motion: Motor-language coupling in Parkinson's disease Agustín Ibañez Barassi Translational Neuroscience 2 5 152-159 Artículo 2014 Homuncular mirrors: misunderstanding causality in embodied cognition Agustín Ibañez Barassi, Ezquiel Mikulan Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8 Material Editorial 2014 Hypnotic suggestion: A test for the voluntary action problem Agustín Ibañez Barassi, Renzo Lanfranco Cognitive Neuroscience 3-4 5 209-210 Material Editorial 2014 Mapping memory binding onto the connectome's temporal dynamics: toward a combined biomarker for Alzheimer's Agustín Ibañez Barassi Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8 Material Editorial 2014 disease Methodological considerations regarding cognitive interventions in dementia. Agustín Ibañez Barassi, Facundo Manes, María Roca Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 6 Material Editorial 2014 Situated affective and social neuroscience. Agustín Ibañez Barassi Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8 Material Editorial 2014 Agustín Ibáñez Barassi, Rodrigo Kuljis, Facundo Bridging psychiatry and neurology through social neuroscience World Psychiatry 2 13 148-149 Material Editorial 2014 Manes Communicating risk in prenatal screening: the consequences of Bayesian misapprehension Gorka Navarrete Frontiers in Psychology 5 Material Editorial 2014 Frontiers in Behavioral Corrigendum: Detaching from the negative by reappraisal: the role of right superior frontal gyrus (BA9/32). Blas Couto, Agustín Ibañez Barassi 8 Material Editorial 2014 Neuroscience Facial mimicry in borderline personality disorder: on empathy and beyond Andrés Canales Johnson, Renzo Lanfranco Revista Medica De Chile 9 142 1217-1218 Letter 2014 Connectivity of the neural network by default in amnestic mild cognitive impairment and possible effects on the Andrés Canales Johnson, Renzo Lanfranco Revista De Neurologia 7 59 336-336 Letter 2014 semantic verbal fluency


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación Agustín Ibañez Barassi; Álvaro Rivera Rei; Andrés Validity evidence of the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) in Chile Canales Johnson; Claudio Martínez Guzmán; David Adicciones 26 4 291-302 Material Editorial 2014 Huepe Artigas; María Escobar Andrés Canales Johnson, David Huepe Artiaga, Renzo Hypnoanalgesia and the study of pain experience: from Cajal to modern neuroscience Frontiers in Psychology 5 Review 2014 Lanfranco Overlapping features of frontotemporal dementia and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Agustín Ibañez Barassi Revista Medica De Chile 7 142 867-879 Review 2014 The effects of context processing on social cognition impairments in adults with Asperger's syndrome Agustín Ibáñez Barassi; Sandra Baez FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE 8 Review 2014 Crime and violence in residential environments of Santiago de Chile (1) Ximena Tocornal Revista De Geografia Norte Grande 57 83-101 Review 2014 From Metaphors to Scenes: Mariano Rajoy's Presidential Inauguration Speech Cristián Santibañez Yañez Calidoscopio 3 11 270-275 Artículo 2013 Andrés Canales Johnson, Blas Couto, Carlos Preliminary evidence about the effects of meditation on interoceptive sensitivity and social cognition Gelormini, Agustín Ibañez Barassi, Facundo Manes, Behavioral and Brain Functions 9 Artículo 2013 Margherita Melloni, Lucas Sedeno Racial Bias in Neural Empathic Responses to Pain Luis Contreras Huerta Plos One 12 8 Artículo 2013 The overlap of symptomatic dimensions between frontotemporal dementia and several psychiatric disorders that appear Agustín Ibañez Barassi International Review of Psychiatry 25 2 159-167 Artículo 2013 in late adulthood (vol 25, pg 159, 2013) Tracking the cognitive, social, and neuroanatomical profile in early neurodegeneration: type III Cockayne syndrome Sandra Baez, Agustín Ibañez Barassi, Facundo Manes Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 5 5 Artículo 2013 "Working Alliance Inventory" Observational form: Translation, Adaptation and Validation to Spanish Claudio Martínez Terapia Psicologica 3 31 301-311 Artículo 2013 A clinical predictive score for mood disorder risk in low-income primary care settings. Katherine Alvear Journal of Affective Disorders 151 3 1125-1131 Artículo 2013 Psicología Action-verb processing in Parkinson's disease: new pathways for motor-language coupling Agustín Ibañez Barassi Brain Structure & Function 218 6 1355-1373 Artículo 2013 Activation of the human mirror neuron system during the observation of the manipulation of virtual tools in the absence Gorka Navarrete Neuroscience Letters 555 220-224 Artículo 2013 of a visible effector limb Associations between social vulnerability, employment conditions and hazardous alcohol consumption in Chile María Elisa Ansoleaga Drug and Alcohol Review 32 3 254-261 Artículo 2013 Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Atrial Fibrillation Detected after Acute Ischemic Stroke: Evidence Supporting the Neurogenic Hypothesis Luis Sposato 22 8 E486-E491 Artículo 2013 Diseases Andrés Canales Johnson, David Huepe, Agustín Ibañez Attachment Patterns Trigger Differential Neural Signature of Emotional Processing in Adolescents. Plos One 8 8 Artículo 2013 Barassi, Alvaro Rivera Rei Autonomy, Coping Strategies and Psychological Well-Being in Young Professional Tennis Players Alicia Romero Carrasco Journal of Psychology 16 Artículo 2013 Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Cerebellar Stroke Impairs Executive Functions But Not Theory of Mind. Agustín Ibañez Barassi 25 1 E48-E49 Artículo 2013 Clinical Neurosciences Characterizing white matter health and organization in atherosclerotic vascular disease: A diffusion tensor imaging Sergio Paradiso Psychiatry Research-Neuroimaging 214 3 389-394 Artículo 2013 study Research in Developmental Cognitive variability in adults with ADHD and AS: Disentangling the roles of executive functions and social cognition Agustín Ibañez Barassi 34 2 817-830 Artículo 2013 Disabilities Contextual Social Cognition Impairments in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder Agustín Ibañez Barassi Plos One 8 3 Artículo 2013 Detecting Mood Disorder in Resource-Limited Primary Care Settings: Comparison of a self-administered screening tool to Katherine Alvear Journal of Medical Screening 20 3 118-124 Artículo 2013 general practitioner assessment Ecole, communaute et sujet enseignant. Le projet historique de l'Ecole Consolidee Miguel Davila Carson. Chili, 1953- María Toledo Jofré Paedagogica Historica 49 3 1834-1840 Artículo 2013 1977


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación Empathy in Clinical Practice: How Individual Dispositions, Gender, and Experience Moderate Empathic Concern, Burnout, Ezequiel Gleichgerrcht Plos One 8 4 Artículo 2013 and Emotional Distress in Physicians Expectation and Attention in Hierarchical Auditory Prediction Agustín Ibañez Barassi Journal of Neuroscience 33 27 11194-u983 Artículo 2013


Francisco Varela's neurophenomenology of time: temporality of consciousness explained? Andrés Canales Johnson, Claudio Fuentes Bravo Actas Espanolas De Psiquiatria 41 4 253-262 Artículo 2013 Impaired theory of mind but intact decision-making in Asperger syndrome: Implications for the relationship between Agustín Ibañez Barassi, Teresa Torralva Psychiatry Research 205 3 282-284 Artículo 2013 these cognitive domains Insular networks for emotional processing and social cognition: Comparison of two case reports with either cortical or Agustín Ibañez Barassi Cortex 49 5 1420-1434 Artículo 2013 subcortical involvement Intelligence and executive functions in frontotemporal dementia Agustín Ibañez Barassi Neuropsychologia 51 4 725-730 Artículo 2013 Motor-language coupling: Direct evidence from early Parkinson's disease and intracranial cortical recordings Agustín Ibañez Barassi Cortex 49 4 968-984 Artículo 2013 N400 ERPs for actions: building meaning in context Agustín Ibañez Barassi Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Artículo 2013 Neighborhood socioeconomic status and stroke mortality Disentangling individual and area effects Luciano Sposato Neurology 80 6 516-517 Artículo 2013 Newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation linked to wake-up stroke and TIA Hypothetical implications Luciano Sposato Neurology 80 20 1834-1840 Artículo 2013 PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLBEING AND PSYCHOPATHOLOGY A CASE STUDY OF INTERVENTION WITH COACHING STAFF AND Alicia Romero Carrasco Revista De Psicologia Del Deporte 22 2 387-394 Artículo 2013 PLAYERS AT A TENNIS CLUB Recognition of emotion from body language among patients with unipolar depression Sergio Paradiso Psychiatry Research 209 1 40-49 Artículo 2013 Psicología Social Cognitive and Affective Selective impairment of cognitive empathy for moral judgment in adults with high functioning autism Ezequiel Gleichgerrcht 8 7 780-788 Artículo 2013 Neuroscience Sigmund Freud and Wilhelm Stekel: Debates and confrontations on the anguish problem Francisco Pizarro Obaid Evolution Psychiatrique 78 2 301-312 Artículo 2013 Structural neuroimaging of social cognition in progressive non-fluent aphasia and behavioral variant of frontotemporal Agustín Ibañez Barassi Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7 Artículo 2013 dementia. Youth sexuality: behaviors, attitudes and differences by sex and personality variables in Chilean university students Michele Dufey Revista Medica De Chile 141 2 160-166 Artículo 2013 Implicit emotional awareness in frontotemporal dementia Agustín Ibañez Barassi, Facundo Manes Cognitive Neuroscience 3-4 4 204-206 Material Editorial 2013 Revista Argentina De Clinica CONTRIBUTIONS OF GRID TECHNIQUE TO THE UNDERSTANDING OF EATING DISORDERS Claudia Lucero Chenevard 21 2 149-160 Artículo 2012 Psicologica Discursive positioning in the construction of ethnic identity among mapuche adolescents in Temuco and Santiago Ximena Tocornal Montt 45 79 154-175 Artículo 2012 language From Language to Institutions? Discussing with John Searle Cristián Saatibañez Yañez Estudios Filologicos 50 127-146 Artículo 2012 ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF IDENTITY María Isabel Toledo Jofré Atenea 506 43-56 Artículo 2012 The principle of relevance in the light of cooperation and trust Discussing Sperber and Wilson's theory Cristian Santibañez Yañez Pragmatics & Cognition 20 3 483-504 Artículo 2012 Revista Iberoamericana De Validity and reliability of the Positive Affect and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) in Chilean college students Michele Dufey Diagnostico Y Evaluacion-E 1 34 157-173 Artículo 2012 Avaliacao Psicologica When order matters: Last-come first-served effect in sequential arithmetic operations Juan Kamienkowski Journal of Integrative Neuroscience 11 4 385-399 Artículo 2012


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Tipo Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Publicación Publicación SCATTER DOSE VALUES IN LOWER EXTREMITIES FOR STAFF DURING PAEDIATRIC INTERVENTIONAL Radiation Protection Dandaro Dalmazzo 1 174 Artículo 2017 CARDIOLOGY PROCEDURES: AN EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH Dosimetry Salud y Odontología Fenofibrate Administration Reduces Alcohol and Saccharin Intake in Rats: Possible Effects at Frontiers in Behavioral Katia Fernandez 11 Artículo 2017 Peripheral and Central Levels Neuroscience


Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Número Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Tipo Publicación páginas Publicación Effects of plyometric training and creatine supplementation on maximal-intensity exercise and endurance in female Journal of Science and Medicine in Rodrigo Cañas 8 19 682-687 Artículo 2016 soccer players Sport INTERSESSION AND INTRASESSION RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY OF THE MY JUMP APP FOR MEASURING DIFFERENT JUMP Journal of Strength and Conditioning Rodrigo Cañas 7 30 2049-2056 Artículo 2016 ACTIONS IN TRAINED MALE AND FEMALE ATHLETES Research Correlation between scatter radiation dose at height of operator's eye and dose to patient for different angiographic Fernando Leyton Legües Applied Radiation and Isotopes 117 100-105 Artículo 2016 projections Physica Medica-European Journal of Patient and staff doses in paediatric interventional cardiology derived from experimental measurements with phantoms Dandaro Dalmazzo 32 1 176-181 Artículo 2016 Medical Physics Altered Steroid Metabolism and Insulin Signaling in PCOS Endometria: Impact in Tissue Function Carlos Rosas Current Pharmaceutical Design 36 22 5614-5624 Review 2016 CRANIO-THE JOURNAL OF Effect of upper costal and costo-diaphragmatic breathing types on electromyographic activity of respiratory muscles Rosa Cordova Mella 33 2 100-106 Artículo 2015 CRANIOMANDIBULAR PRACTICE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF Lingual-facial Trunk Arising from the External Carotid Artery: A Case Report Cesar Coronado; Constanza Pantoja Gonzalez 32 3 1108-1110 Artículo 2015 MORPHOLOGY Oral administration of recombinant Neisseria meningitidis PorA genetically fused to H pylori HpaA antigen increases Human vaccines & Jorge Touma; Macarena Mosqueira 11 3 776-788 Artículo 2015 antibody levels in mouse serum, suggesting that PorA behaves as a putative adjuvant immunotherapeutics Causal role of oxidative stress in unfolded protein response development in the hyperthyroid state Pamela Cornejo Zamorano Free Radical Biology and Medicine 89 401-408 Artículo 2015 Dosimetry and image quality in digital mammography facilities in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil Fernando Leyton Legües RADIATION PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY 116 292-299 Artículo 2015 LATIN AMERICAN DOSE SURVEY RESULTS IN MAMMOGRAPHY STUDIES UNDER IAEA PROGRAMME: RADIOLOGICAL Fernando Leyton Legües Radiation Protection Dosimetry 163 4 473-479 Artículo 2015 PROTECTION OF PATIENTS IN MEDICAL EXPOSURES (TSA3) Salud y MEAN GLANDULAR DOSE IN SIX DIGITAL MAMMOGRAPHY SERVICES IN SANTIAGO, CHILE: PRELIMINARY REFERENCE LEVELS Fernando Leyton Legües Radiation Protection Dosimetry 165 1-4, 115-120 Artículo 2015 Odontología Journal of Clinical Pediatric Salivary Urease and ADS Enzymatic Activity as Endogenous Protection against Dental Caries in Children Patricia Palma 39 4 358-353 Artículo 2015 Dentistry Working Conditions, Workplace Violence, and Psychological Distress in Andean Miners: A Cross-sectional Study Across Daniel Moraga Annals of Global Health 81 4 465-474 Artículo 2015 Three Countries PPAR alpha Agonists Reduce Alcohol Drinking: Do They Act in the Brain or in the Liver? Katia Fernández Moreno ALCOHOL AND ALCOHOLISM 50 6 717-718 Letter 2015 INTERNATIONAL UROGYNECOLOGY PREVALENCE OF AND FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH URINARY INCONTINENCE AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN OLDER POPULATION Cristhel Fagerstrom 26 S116-S116 meeting abstract 2015 JOURNAL EXPERT REVIEWS IN MOLECULAR Thyroid hormone in the frontier of cell protection, survival and functional recovery Pamela Cornejo Zamorano 17 Review 2015 MEDICINE EFFECTIVE DOSE LEVELS IN INFANTS FOR PELVIS X-RAY EXPOSURES. FIRST DATA FOR CHILE Fernando Leyton Legües Interciencia 7 39 502-505 Artículo 2014 EVOLUTION OF RADIATION DOSE AND IMAGE QUALITY IN A PEDIATRIC INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY SYSTEM Dandaro Dalmazzo Interciencia 7 39 518-523 Artículo 2014

Identification of Nosema ceranae in the Valparaiso District, Chile Jessica Bravo Garrido ARCHIVOS DE MEDICINA VETERINARIA 46 3 487-491 Artículo 2014

Physical Activity and Risk of All-Cause and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in Diabetic Adults From Great Britain: Kabir Sadarangani Diabetes Care 4 37 1016-1023 Artículo 2014 Pooled Analysis of 10 Population-Based Cohorts Scatter radiation dose at the height of the operator's eye in interventional cardiology Fernando Leyton Legües Radiation Measurements 71 349-354 Artículo 2014 17416- T-3-induced liver AMP-activated protein kinase signaling: Redox dependency and upregulation of downstream targets Pamela Cornejo Zamorano World Journal of Gastroenterology 20 46 Artículo 2014 17425 Cranio-the Journal of The effect of a mandibular advancement appliance on cervical lordosis in patients with TMD and cervical pain Rosa Cordova Mella 32 4 275-282 Artículo 2014 Craniomandibular Practice A recolonization record of the invasive Poa annua in Paradise Bay, Antarctic Peninsula: modeling of the potential Pablo Razeto Barry Polar Biology 38 7 1091-1096 Artículo 2015 spreading risk INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE Does Environmental Heterogeneity Promote Cognitive Abilities? Pablo Razeto Barry 55 3 432-443 Artículo 2015 BIOLOGY Analysis of human hydatidosis in minor children. Chile, 2001-2011 Paulina Martínez Gallegos Salud Pública de México 57 6 484-485 Letter 2015 VRA Reaction networks and evolutionary game theory Pablo Razeto Barry Journal of Mathematical Biology 1-2 68 181-206 Artículo 2014 Aggression, body condition, and seasonal changes in sex-steroids in four hummingbird species Pablo Razeto Barry Journal of Ornithology 4 155 1014-1025 Artículo 2014 Cognitive Ecology in Hummingbirds: The Role of Sexual Dimorphism and Its Anatomical Correlates on Memory Pablo Razeto Barry Plos One 3 9 Artículo 2014 Socioeconomic school segregation in a market-oriented educational system. The case of Chile Danae de los Ríos Journal of Education Policy 2 29 217-241 Letter 2014 Human brucellosis: epidemiological situation in Chile, 2001-2010 Paulina Martínez Gallego Revista Chilena De Infectologia 6 30 653-659 Artículo 2013 49

Publicaciones de académicos UDP indexados en Web of Science (ex ISI) 2012-2017

Tipo Año Facultad Título Autor(es) UDP Revista Volumen Número Publicación Publicación The state context property formalism: from concept theory to the semantics of music Pablo Razeto Soft Computing 6 21 Artículo 2017 A MARINE WOLF IN CONTROVERSY. MATERIALITY, TAXONOMY AND SCIENTIFIC DISPUTE (SECOND HALF OF Lorena Valderrama Historia-Santiago 49 2 Artículo 2017 VRA THE XIX CENTURY) Mutational randomness as conditional independence and the experimental vindication of mutational Pablo Razeto Biological Reviews 2 92 Review 2017 Lamarckism