Auckland Waterfront Apartments, Wynyard Quarter Visual Amenity Effects Assessment Prepared for Auckland Waterfront Apartments Limited
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Auckland Waterfront Apartments, Wynyard Quarter Visual Amenity Effects Assessment Prepared for Auckland Waterfront Apartments Limited 19 December 2018 Document Quality Assurance Bibliographic reference for citation: Boffa Miskell Limited 2018. Auckland Waterfront Apartments, Wynyard Quarter: Visual Amenity Effects Assessment. Report prepared by Boffa Miskell Limited for Auckland Waterfront Apartments Limited. Prepared by: Tom Lines Associate Principal / Landscape Architect Boffa Miskell Limited Reviewed by: Stuart Houghton Associate Partner / Landscape Architect Boffa Miskell Limited Status: FINAL Version: 1 Issue date: 19 December 2018 Use and Reliance This report has been prepared by Boffa Miskell Limited on the specific instructions of our Client. It is solely for our Client’s use for the purpose for which it is intended in accordance with the agreed scope of work. Boffa Miskell does not accept any liability or responsibility in relation to the use of this report contrary to the above, or to any person other than the Client. Any use or reliance by a third party is at that party's own risk. Where information has been supplied by the Client or obtained from other external sources, it has been assumed that it is accurate, without independent verification, unless otherwise indicated. No liability or responsibility is accepted by Boffa Miskell Limited for any errors or omissions to the extent that they arise from inaccurate information provided by the Client or any external source. Template revision: 20180621 0000 File ref: A176314_Visual_Effects_Assessment.docx Cover photograph: The Proposal, © Resource Consent Report by RTA Studio, Bossley Architects & Jasmax (formatted for report cover) U:\2016\A16314_MHa_AWA_Wynyard_QA2\Issued\20181219_Draft_Report_Updates\A176314_Visual_Effe cts_Assessment.docx CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction and Background 1 2.0 Proposed Development 2 3.0 Statutory Context 3 3.1 Built Form 3 3.2 Special Character Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.3 Reverse Sensitivity and Amenity Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.4 Integrated Development 5 4.0 Visual Catchment and Viewing Audiences 6 4.1 Assessment Viewpoints 7 5.0 Visual Amenity Assessment 8 5.1 Views from the Wider Context 8 5.2 Views from Immediate Vicinity 10 6.0 Statutory Provisions Assessment 11 6.1 Conclusion 11 Appendices Appendix 1: Scale of Effects Rating Appendix 2: Graphic Supplement U:\2016\A16314_MHa_AWA_Wynyard_QA2\Issued\20181219_Draft_Report_Updates\A176314_Visual_Effe cts_Assessment.docx 1.0 Introduction and Background This report provides an assessment of visual effects in relation to a resource consent application for a comprehensive 6 building residential apartment development, known as the Auckland Waterfront Apartments (“AWA”) on the Wynyard Quarter block identified as Wynyard Quarter – Quarter Area 2 West. The subject site is located in Sub-Precinct B of the wider Wynyard precinct, and the whole of the site is bound by Daldy Street to the east, Beaumont Street to the west, Pakenham Street to the north and Gaunt Street to the south. Auckland Waterfront Apartments, part of Fu Wah New Zealand, purchased the site in 2016 from previous owners Goodman Property Trust, who had obtained an updated IDP resource consent providing for residential as well as commercial uses on the block. Fu Wah intend to develop the whole of the block for a multi-building residential apartment development, laid out on a perimeter block model that invites the public in through laneways, to a significant publicly accessible courtyard in the centre of the block. A range of retail and hospitality spaces are provided on ground floor to activate the surrounding streets and enliven the internally focused courtyard and laneway spaces. Boffa Miskell was engaged by Fu Wah in May 2017 to provide urban design, landscape design, and visual amenity assessment services to the project. The masterplanning of the scheme has been led by RTA Studio, with individual buildings being designed by a multi-architect collaborative involving RTA Studio, Pete Bossley Architects and Jasmax. An application was subsequently lodged however, after legal advice Council concluded that the IDP resource consents do not form part of the existing environment. This issue of the visual amenity effects assessment has therefore been amended to provide an assessment of the proposal excluding the existing IDP as part of the existing environment, and instead using the heights anticipated in the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part) (‘AUP(OIP)’), and the building massing used in the Auckland Waterfront Plan 2012. This report sets out an assessment of visual amenity effects of the proposed development, focusing on the visual impact of the proposed building height, bulk and massing. This report also addresses how the proposal alters the developing built form profile and visual effects of the Wynyard Quarter as viewed from the wider visual catchment. In particular, visual simulations (illustrating bulk and massing), have been prepared to understand the visual change in relation to the building heights anticipated by the Wynyard Precinct provisions of the Unitary Plan, represented from established viewpoints set at the time of the Wynyard Quarter Plan Changes to the previous Central Area Plan. These representative viewpoints have consistently been used to assess proposed changes to the built form height, bulk and massing since this time, including the 2015 IDP consent granted for the subject block. This visual amenity assessment is therefore focused on the visual effects from viewing audiences, both within and outside of the immediate waterfront context of the Wynyard Quarter. A standalone report prepared by Boffa Miskell urban designer Michael Nettleship sets out a comprehensive urban design assessment (“UDA”) of the proposal. This UDA assesses how the built form relates to the more immediate context of streets and public spaces within Wynyard Quarter. This urban design assessment includes a comprehensive set of contextual 3- dimensional views that assist with understanding the contextual fit of the proposal with existing and planned development across the balance of the Wynyard Quarter. Boffa Miskell Ltd | Auckland Waterfront Apartments, Wynyard Quarter | Visual Amenity Effects Assessment | 19 December 2018 1 2.0 Proposed Development The proposal comprises a number of building blocks arranged in two broad groupings separated either side of the central east-west lane aligned to Westhaven Drive. This arrangement is acknowledged by the designers as a key requirement of the Unitary Plan originally envisaged by the Wynyard Quarter Urban Design Framework that underpinned the earlier plan changes to the legacy Central Area Plan. From the ground up, the proposal includes basement car parking, a ground floor retail precinct and laneways leading to a publicly accessible plaza. There is a total of 6 buildings proposed, and these are of varying heights which together accommodate 344 apartments and 90 serviced apartments, comprising a mix of 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms. Plate 1: Proposed Building Layout, Source Resource Consent Report by RTA Studio, Bossley Architects & Jasmax In terms of this visual amenity assessment, the key details of the proposed development are the height, distribution and separation of building bulk across the block. The building footprints, 3- dimensional massing, elevations and architectural qualities are fully described in the architectural drawing set for Resource Consent. In summary, the building massing and height information of buildings now proposed can be summarised as follows: • Building 1, a long rectangular footprint on the north-western corner of Beaumont and Pakenham Streets. The building has a variable stepped height profile, from 5 storeys on the 2 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Auckland Waterfront Apartments, Wynyard Quarter | Visual Amenity Effects Assessment | 19 December 2018 Pakenham Street corner up to 9 storeys in height at its southern end on Beaumont Street beside the east-west lane entrance (approximate maximum height of 36.4m). • Building 2, a ‘wrap-around’ building occupying the corner of Daldy and Pakenham Streets. The building varies in height, with a stepped 9-10 storey height along Pakenham Street, rising up to 12 storeys along its Daldy Street elevation to a high point beside the east-west lane entrance (approximate maximum height of 43.0m). • Building 3, a low three storey set of vertically stacked apartment units within the centre of the block fronting the east-west lane and central courtyard. This building is visually contained to the block when viewed from middle and far distant viewing locations which are the subject of this visual amenity assessment. • Building 4, a more compact square building footprint on Beaumont Street south of the east- west lane, stepping from 9 up to 12 storeys in height at its southern end (maximum height of 43.0m). • Building 5, a similarly square building footprint on the Daldy Street to the south side of the east-west lane, 12 storeys at the street front with a recessed penthouse floor to be a maximum 13 storeys in height (maximum height of 46.6m). • Building 6, a long “bookend” building volume to the proposed development lining the Gaunt Street end of the block, separated from Buildings 4 and 5 by a 6 metre secondary east-west lane, and stepping up progressively along Gaunt Street from 8 storeys at the Beaumont Street corner, to a maximum 13 storeys (maximum height of 46.1m) back from the corner with Daldy Street. The graphic supplement to this assessment