CURRICULUM VITAE – HELEN DUNBAR-KRIGE Date of Curriculum Vitae: 27 May 2019 PERSONAL PARTICULARS Home Address: 12 Mon Elmi Road 3 Allen’s Nek Work Address: Faculty of Education Department of Educational Psychology University of Johannesburg PO Box 524 AUCKLAND PARK 2006 Telephone number 0825726950 (mobile) 011-5595249 (Soweto) Fax: 011-5592262 E-mail:
[email protected] NationalIty: South African Identity number: 5406290033087 LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY Afrikaans (First language) English (Second language) PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION HPCSA registration category: Educational Psychology HPCSA registration number: PS 0031801 Date of registration: May 1991 1. ACADEMIC PROFILE 2007 D Ed Educational Psychology University of Johannesburg Title of Thesis: The facilitation of reflection in initial teacher education 1991 M Ed Educational Psychology (cum laude), Rand Afrikaans University 1989 B Ed (Hons) Educational Psychology, Rand Afrikaans University 1978 HED Rand Afrikaans University 1976 BA Social Science, Rand Afrikaans University Majors: History Biblical Studies Psychology 2. CAREER SUMMARY August 2000 to present: Lecturer / Senior lecturer in educational psychology May 1997 to July 2000: Part time lecturer in educational psychology, guidance and counseling August 1996 to August 2000: Educational psychologist in private practice January 1991 to July 1996: School psychologist: Forest Town School for cerebral palsy and learning difficulties Part time private practice January to December 1990 Intern educational psychologist at the Institute for Child and