CONFERENCE 6.—8.9.2017 TU-BERLIN DOI: 10.24904/footbridge2017.09532 RETHINKING CITIES Steen Savery TROJABORG Poul Ove JENSEN Jesper B. HENRIKSEN Architect, CEO Partner Architect, Director bridges Industrial Designer, Partner DISSING+WEITLING DISSING+WEITLING DISSING+WEITLING Copenhagen, Denmark Copenhagen, Denmark Copenhagen, Denmark
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 1. Copenhagen In 2011 the City of Copenhagen published its planning strategy for becoming the world’s best bicycle town in 2015. And this for all sort of good reasons – promoting a healthier life style cycling to work, setting the goal for Copenhagen as a CO2 neutral city by 2025, and simply – Copenhagen as a better place to live – more space, less noise, cleaner air. In 2010 with a 36% market share bicycles were the most used means of transportation to and from work in the city. The city’s strategy aims for 50% by the end of 2015. Copenhagen’s commitment to bicycles has prompted more safe bicycle routes necessitating the construction of bicycle and pedestrian bridges some of which have been designed by DISSING+WEITLING: Bryggebroen (Quay Bridge), Åbuen (The Creek Arch), Cykelslangen (The Bicycle Snake) and finally Folehaven (The Park Bridge) currently in the project stage. The City of Copenhagen has not only opted for safe bicycle routes but also for their contribution to the urban environment. Bryggebroen, Åbuen and Cykelslangen have had a huge success with up to 12 - 16.000 daily users on each bridge. But more than that they have greatly contributed to the urban environment. This so that the Bicycle Snake became one of three urban projects that won the City of Copenhagen the first prize in the European Public Space Award 2016.