COALITION FOR AN ETHICAL PSYCHOLOGY human rights * ethics * social justice

The PENS Report Annulment Petition and List of Signers

Over the decade since the horrendous attacks of 9/11, the world has been shocked by the specter of abusive interrogations and the torture of national security prisoners by agents of the government. Although psychologists in the U.S. have made significant contributions to societal welfare on many fronts during this period, the profession tragically has also witnessed psychologists acting as planners, consultants, researchers, and overseers to these abusive interrogations. Moreover, in the guise of keeping interrogations “safe, legal, ethical and effective," psychologists were used to provide legal protection for otherwise illegal treatment of prisoners.

The American Psychological Association’s (APA) 2005 Report of the Presidential Task Force on Psychological Ethics and National Security (the PENS Report) is the defining document endorsing psychologists’ engagement in detainee interrogations. Despite evidence that psychologists were involved in abusive interrogations, the PENS Task Force concluded that psychologists play a critical role in keeping interrogations “safe, legal, ethical and effective.” With this stance, the APA, the largest association of psychologists worldwide, became the sole major professional healthcare organization to support practices contrary to the international human rights standards that ought to be the benchmark against which professional codes of ethics are judged.

The PENS Report remains highly influential today. Negating efforts by APA members to limit the damages – including passage of an unprecedented member-initiated referendum in 2008 – the Department of Defense continues to disseminate the PENS Report in its instructions to psychologists involved in intelligence operations. The Report also has been adopted, at least informally, as the foundational ethics document for “operational psychology” as an area of specialization involving psychologists in counterintelligence and counterterrorism operations. And the PENS Report is repeatedly cited as a resource for ethical decision-making in the APA Ethics Committee’s new National Security Commentary, a “casebook” for which the APA is currently soliciting feedback.

Equally troubling, the PENS Report was the result of institutional processes that were illegitimate, inconsistent with APA’s own standards, and far outside the norms of transparency, independence, diversity, and deliberation for similar task forces established by professional associations. Deeply problematic aspects include the inherent bias in the Task Force membership (e.g., six of the nine voting members were on the payroll of the U.S. military and/or intelligence agencies, with five having served in chains of command accused of prisoner abuses); significant conflicts of interest (e.g., unacknowledged participants included the spouse of a Guantánamo intelligence psychologist and several high-level lobbyists for Department of Defense and CIA funding for psychologists); irregularities in the report approval process (e.g., the Board’s use of emergency powers that preempted standard review mechanisms); and unwarranted secrecy associated with the Report (e.g., unusual prohibitions on Task Force members’ freedom to discuss the Report). These realities point to the impossibility and inadequacy of merely updating or correcting deficiencies in the PENS Report.

We the undersigned organizations and individuals – health professionals, social scientists, social justice and human rights scholars and activists, and concerned military and intelligence professionals – therefore declare that the PENS Report is illegitimate. We call upon the American Psychological Association to take immediate steps to annul the PENS Report. At the same time, in our own efforts, we aim to make the illegitimacy of the PENS Report more broadly known within our communities. Organizational and Individual Signers (Updated as of 7-18-12)

34 Organizational Signers Divisions of the American Psychological Association Behavioral Neuroscience & Comparative Psychology (Division 6 of the American Psychological Association) Executive Committee of the Society for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology (Division 24 of the American Psychological Association) Society for Community Research and Action (Division 27 of the American Psychological Association) Society for Humanistic Psychology (Division 32 of the American Psychological Association) Executive Committee of the Society for Environmental, Population and Conservation Psychology (Division 34 of the American Psychological Association) (Division 39 of the American Psychological Association) Psychoanalysis for Social Responsibility (Section IX of Division 39 of the American Psychological Association) Executive Committee of the Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology Division (Division 48 of the American Psychological Association) Executive Committee of the Society for Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy (Division 49 of the American Psychological Association) Other Organizations Coalition for an Ethical Psychology Advocates for Survivors of Torture and Trauma American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Bill of Rights Defense Committee Center for Constitutional Rights Center for Justice and Accountability Defence for Children International -- Palestine Section Human Rights USA International Human Rights Clinic at Harvard Law School International Society for Ethical Psychology & Psychiatry Massachusetts Campaign Against Torture MindFreedom International National Lawyers Guild National Religious Campaign Against Torture Network of Spiritual Progressives

2 New York Campaign Against Torture Peace Committee, 15th Street Monthly Meeting Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Physicians for Human Rights Program for Torture Victims Psychoactive -- Mental Health Professionals for Human Rights, Israel Psychologists for Social Responsibility Public Committee Against Torture in Israel Science for Peace Veterans for Peace Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity

2,101 INDIVIDUAL SIGNERS (Listed affiliations are for identification purposes only) Philip Zimbardo, President, American Psychological Association (2002); Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, Stanford University Robert Jay Lifton, Lecturer in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School/Cambridge Health Alliance; Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Psychology, The City University of New York Michael Wessells, PhD, APA PENS Task Force Member, Professor of Clinical Population and Family Health, Columbia University Jean Maria Arrigo, PhD, APA PENS Task Force Member, Project on Ethics and Art in Testimony Stephen N. Xenakis, MD, Brigadier General (Ret), U.S. Army Morton Deutsch, Past President, APA Divisions 8 (Society for Personality and Social Psychology), 9 (Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues), and 48 (Peace Psychology); Professor Emeritus, Psychology and Education, Teachers College, Columbia University Nora Sveaass, UN Committee Against Torture; Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, Norway Daniel Ellsberg, PhD, Economics (Harvard 1962), Senior Fellow, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Director Truth-Telling Project, Kensington CA Marybeth Shinn, PhD, Professor, Vanderbilt University; Past President, APA Divisions 9 (Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues) and 27 (Society for Community Research and Action); Nashville TN George Hunsinger, Professor of Systematic Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary Herbert C. Kelman, PhD, Cabot Professor of Social Ethics, Emeritus, Harvard University; Past President, APA Divisions 8 (Society for Personality and Social Psychology) and 9 (Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues); past member, APA Board of Directors, Board of Social and Ethical Responsibility, and Ethics Committee; Cambridge, Massachusetts

3 Anthony Marsella, Past President, Psychologists for Social Responsibility; Emeritus Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Hawaii Kristine Huskey, Director, Anti-Torture Program, Physicians for Human Rights; Guantanamo detainee habeas counsel (2002-2011) Nathaniel A. Raymond, Former Director of the Campaign Against Torture at Physicians for Human Rights Leonard Rubenstein, Senior Scholar, Center for Public Health and Human Rights, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health Noam Chomsky, Institute Professor (ret.), Massachusetts Institute of Technology Manfred Nowak, Professor for International Law and Human Rights, University of Vienna; Director, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights Rebecca Rooney, PhD, Psychologist, Lieutenant Colonel, Retired, US Army, APA, NYSPA, HVPA, Middletown, NY Coleen Rowley, retired FBI agent and former Minneapolis FBI Legal Counsel Michelle Fine, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Psychology, The Graduate Center, City University of New York Karen Hollis, PhD, President, APA Division 3 (Experimental Psychology); Past President, APA Division 6 (Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology), Granby MA Maureen O'Connor, PhD Psychology; JD, Professor, City University of New York, Brooklyn NY Leila Dane, PhD, Past President of APA Division 48 (Peace Psychology), Executive Director, Institute for Victims of Trauma, McLean, VA Richard Lewontin, PhD, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA Evelyne Shuster, PhD, Research Ethics and Compliance, Veterans Affairs Medical Center; former APA member, Wallingford PA Lewis Lipsitt, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Medical Science, and Human Development, Dept. of Cognitive, Linguistic and Psychological Sciences, Brown University, Providence Rhode Island Donald Bersoff, PhD, JD, Earle Mack School of Law, Drexel University; President-Elect, American Psychological Association, Radnor PA Saths Cooper, PhD, President-Elect, Psychological Society of South Africa, Johannesburg South Africa Abigail B Sivan, Ph.D., Northwestern University, Glenview IL Ellin L. Bloch, PhD, Past Chair, APA Board for Psychology in the Public Interest (1995), Alliant International University, Pasadena CA David Gespass, JD, President, National Lawyers Guild, New York, NY David Elkins, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Pepperdine University, Irvine California Michele Wittig, PhD, Professor Emerita, California State University, Northridge; Past President, APA Divisions 9 (SPSSI) & 35 (Women); Santa Monica CA

4 William V. Burlingame, PhD, member of the American Psychological Association and Licensed Psychologist, North Carolina Alfred McCoy, PhD, History, J.R.W. Smail Professor of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison Wisconsin Steven James, Ph.D., Past President APA Divisions 44 & 45, Chair, Psychology & CMHC, Goddard College, Sandwich Massachusetts Terry Karney, 35M/97E, Interrogator/Interrogation Instructor, Staff Sergeant, US Army, Jersey City NJ Karen Dickman, MAIPCR, International Peace and Conflict Resolution, Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy, Dale City VA Marjorie Cohn, Professor of Law, Thomas Jefferson School of Law, San Diego California Kent Spriggs, Lawyer for Guantanamo detainees, Tallahassee FL Gregory DeClue, Ph.D., independent practice in forensic psychology, Sarasota Florida David Remes, Appeal for Justice; Guantánamo habeas attorney since 2004 Gerald Gray, LCSW, Co-Director, Institute for Redress & Recovery, Santa Clara University School of Law Steven H. Miles, MD, Professor of Medicine and Bioethics, University of Minnesota Vincent Iacopino, MD, PhD, Senior Medical Advisor, Physicians for Human Rights; Adjunct Professor of Medicine, University of Minnesota Medical School; Senior Research Fellow, Human Rights Center, University of California, Berkeley David DeBatto, former US Army Counterintelligence Special Agent and Iraq war veteran Jonathan Hafetz, JD, Seton Hall University School of Law, Brooklyn NY Juan C. Gallardo, PhD, Physicist, Past Chair of the Committee on International Freedom of Scientists, Tucson, AZ Buz Eisenberg, Chair, International Justice Network; Attorney for Guantánamo detainees since 2005 Michael Ratner, President Emeritus, Center for Constitutional Rights Vince Warren, Executive Director, Center for Constitutional Rights Gilbert Reyes, PhD, President, APA Division 48 (Peace Psychology), Fielding Institute, Santa Barbara, CA Susan Opotow, Past President, APA Division 9 (Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues); Professor, City University of New York Richard Wagner, Past President, APA Division 48 (Peace Psychology); Professor Emeritus, Bates College Marc Pilisuk, Past President, APA Division 48 (Peace Psychology); Professor Emeritus, University of California; Professor, Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center Ethel Tobach, PhD, Past President, APA Division 48 (Peace Psychology); American Museum of Natural History, New York

5 Joseph de Rivera, Past President, APA Division 48 (Peace Psychology); Research Professor, Clark University Joseph Margulies, Attorney, MacArthur Justice Center, Clinical Professor, Northwestern Law School Martha Davis, PhD, Visiting Scholar (ret.), John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York James Coyne, PhD, Director, Behavioral Oncology Program, Abramson Cancer Center and Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Luisa Saffiotti, PhD, President, Psychologists for Social Responsibility Jancis Long, PhD, Past President, Psychologists for Social Responsibility Ruth Fallenbaum, WithholdAPADues Steering Committee Dan Aalbers, WithholdAPADues Steering Committee Ghislaine Boulanger, PhD, WithholdAPADues Steering Committee Scott Horton, Columbia University School of Law William P. Quigley, Professor of Law, Loyola University New Orleans Rabbi Michael Lerner, Editor, Tikkun Magazine; Executive Director, The Institute for Labor and Mental Health Jeffrey S. Kaye, PhD, Clinician, Survivors International, San Francisco Sibel Edmonds, Founder & Director, National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC) David Sloan-Rossiter, Boston Institute for Psychotherapy; Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis Mikhail Lyubansky, Ph.D., Secretary, Psychologists for Social Responsibility; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana Illinois Stephen R. Shalom, Department of Political Science, William Paterson University Andrea Cousins, PhD, PsyD, Massachusetts Campaign Against Torture (MACAT), Northampton, MA Lynne Layton, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School Deborah Popowski, Clinical Instructor, International Human Rights Clinic; Lecturer on Law, Harvard Law School Shara Sand, PsyD, Assistant Professor, LaGuardia Community College; Past Chair, Divisions for Social Justice, American Psychological Association; Past President, Division of Social Justice, New York State Psychological Association Lisa Hajjar, Associate Professor of Sociology, UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara CA Uwe Jacobs, PhD, CA Tom Hayden, Peace and Justice Resource Center, Culver City, CA

6 Frank Summers, PhD, President-Elect, APA Division 39 (Psychoanalysis); Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University Alice Shaw, PhD, President, Section IX, APA Division 39 (Psychoanalysis for Social Responsibility) Jules Lobel, President, Center for Constitutional Rights; Bessie McKee Walthour Endowed Chair Professor of Law, University of Pittsburgh Law School Bernice Lott, Professor Emerita of Psychology and Women’s Studies, University of Rhode Island Jean L. Hill, PhD, President-Elect, APA Division 27 (Society for Community Research and Action); Professor of Psychology, New Mexico Highlands University Scott Allen, MD, Clinical Associate Professor, School of Medicine, University of California, Riverside M. Brinton Lykes, PhD, Professor of Community-Cultural Psychology, Boston College; Co- Founder, Ignacio Martin-Baro Fund for Mental Health and Human Rights David Luban, University Professor in Law and Philosophy, Georgetown University Jose Quiroga, MD, Co-founder and Medical Director, Program for Torture Victims Ana Deutsch, MFT, Co-founder and Clinical Director, Program for Torture Victims Dan Christie, PhD, Past President, Div 48 (peace psychology); Past President, Psychologists for Social Responsibility; Prof Emeritus, Ohio State University, USA, Delaware, Ohio Paul Kimmel, PhD, Past President of APA Division 48 (Peace Psychology) and Psychologists for Social Responsibility, Saybrook University, Panama City Panama Julie Meranze Levitt, PhD, Past President, APA Division 48 (Peace Psychology), Bala Cynwyd, PA Staughton Lynd, Independent Scholar, Youngstown Ohio Kathleen Dockett, Ed.D., Division 48 Council of Representatives; Professor of Psychology, University of the District of Columbia, Washington, DC Eduardo Diaz, PhD, Past President of APA Division 48 (Peace Psychology), Miami-Dade County Florida Dan Mayton, PhD, Past President of APA Division 48 (Peace Psychology), Professor of Psychology, Lewis-Clark State College, Lewiston Idaho Kwang-Kuo Hwang, PhD, Psychology, National Chair Professor, National Taiwan University; President, International Association of Indigenous and Cultural, Taipei Taiwan Corann Okorodudu, Professor of Psychology & Africana Studies, West Deptford NJ Hector Betancourt, PhD, Past President of APA Division 48 (Peace Psychology), Professor of Psychology, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda California Eileen Borris, Ed.D., APA - Division 48 Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict and Violence, Phoenix Arizona James Lamiell, PhD, Professor of Psychology, Dept. of Psychology, Georgetown University, Oakton Virginia Carolyn Swift, PhD, Clinical Psychology, Univ. of Kansas; Past President Division Community Psychology of APA; Former Director, Stone Center, Wellesley College, Lawrence KS

7 Stephen Eric Bronner, Distinguished Professor (P11) of Political Science, Director of Civic Diplomacy and Human Rights, Institute for Global Challenges, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ Irma Serrano-García, APA, San Juan Puerto Rico Wendy Williams, Associate Professor of Psychology and Women's Studies, Berea College, Berea KY Susan Clayton, PhD, The College of Wooster, Oberlin Ohio Joan Chrisler, PhD, Connecticut College, Milford CT Judie Alpert, PhD, Division 39, NYU and NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, New York, NY James L. Pate, Ph.D., Georgia State University (emeritus), Atlanta GA Meg Bond, Ph.D, Professor of Psychology & Director of the Center for Women & Work, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Cambridge, MA Ed Tejirian, PhD, , NY Jaine Darwin, PsyD, ABPP, Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis, Cambridge MA Gary Payne, Ph.D., Idaho Representative to APA Council of Representatives, Boise Idaho Rachel MacNair, PhD, Institute for Integrated Social Analysis, Kansas City MO William MacGillivray, Clinical Psychologist, Private Practice, Oak Ridge Tennessee Laurel Wagner, Ph.D., Past President, Division of Psychoanalysis (39), American Psychological Association, Dallas TX Charles Silverstein, PhD, Private practice, New York City NY Andrew Winston, PhD, Prof. Emeritus, Dept. of Psychology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada Maria Kovacs, Psychologist and Teacher, University of São Paulo, São Paulo Brazil Demissie Abebe, Director, TASSC International, Washington, DC Allison Lefrak, Litigation Director, Human Rights USA, Bethesda Maryland Christian Munthe, Professor of Practical Philosophy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg Sweden William Gorman, PhD in clinical psychology, retired, Chicago IL Brigitt Keller, Executive Director, National Police Accountability Project, Boston MA Reginald Olson, IT Engineer, Top Secret Clearance, Los Alamos & Sandia Nat'l Labs, Corrales NM Donald Morris, Retired DOD intel official, engineer, veteran1 Lt, USA, Ashland Oregon Allan Bostelmann, MSW, Clinical Social Worker (retired), former Corporal-US Army Infantry, National Association of Social Workers, ACSW; LICSW Emeritus, Minneapolis MN Nathaniel S. Lehrman, M.D., L.F.A.P.A.; former Capt., MC, AUS, Clinical Director (ret.) Kingsboro Psych. Ctr, Brooklyn NY, Port Washington NY John Jost, Professor of Psychology, New York University, New York NY 8 Marie Dennis, co-President, Pax Christi International and Director, Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns, Washington DC Stephen E. Handwerker, Ph.D., D.div., International Association for the Advancement of Human Welfare, Boca Raton FL Louis Kampf, Prof. of Humanities Emeritus, MIT, Modern Language Association of America, Cambridge MA Jean Jackson, PhD Anthropology (Stanford), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA Janice Haaken, Ph.D., Clinical psychology, Professor emeritus of psychology, Portland State University, Portland Oregon Hector Aristizabal, Theater Director/ M.A MFT, Pasadena California Randolph Potts, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Memphis TN David Byrom, Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, Family Therapy Institute of Suffolk, Bayport New York Lynne Rustad, PhD in Clinical Psychology, Co-chair, (Ret.) Bioethics Committee, Cleveland VA Medical Center, Retired, Chagrin Falls Ohio Joachim Krueger, Professor of Psychology, Brown University, East Greenwich Rhode Island Ronnie Janoff-Bulman, Ph.D. - Professor of Psychology, UMass-Amherst, Amherst MA Stephan Lewandowsky, PhD, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia Australia Allegra de Laurentiis, Professor of Philosophy, State University of New York, Port Jefferson, NY Ashraf Kagee, PhD, Stellenbosch University, Cape Town South Africa Judy Eidelson, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, Bala Cynwyd, PA Kathleen Malley-Morrison, EdD, Boston University, Westwood MA Ray Jackendoff, Ph.D., Depts. of Psychology and Philosophy, Tufts University, Belmont MA Frank Kashner, LICSW, Social Work, Marblehead MA Virginia Braun, PhD, The University of Auckland, New Zealand, Auckland New Zealand Susan Phipps-Yonas, Ph.D., clinical psychology, Minneapolis Minnesota Barrie Thorne, Ph.D. in Sociology, Professor of Sociology and Gender and Women's Studies, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley CA Jeanne Marecek, PhD, Professor.Emerita, Swarthmore College, Santa Cruz California Tarris Rosell, PhD, DMin, MA, MDiv, BA, American Baptist Churches clergy; bioethicist, Center for Practical Bioethics; professor, Central Baptist Seminary, Lenexa Kansas Deborah Nitasaka, Glen Ellen California Maria Rotella, Doctoral Intern (clinical psychology), Los Osos California Gordon Fellman, PhD, sociologist, Brandeis University, Cambridge MA Joan Cole, Ph.D., PsySR, NASW, Oakland CA. Donna Olsen, Student Clergy, Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches, New Brighton MN 9 Ingrid Bell, Bainbridge Island Washington Deborah Dupré, B.Sci., MA.Sci, DipContEd, QMHP, Human Rights Journalist, Examiner, Little Rock Arkansas Sonja Bontrager, MA, educator, Wichita KS Robert Parker, PhD, Private Practice, Seattle WA Susan Hemer, Anthropologist, University of Adelaide, Adelaide Australia Morris Kaufman, M.A., Financial Design Partners, Media PA Ariel Shidlo, PhD, Psychologist, Norfolk CT Mary Wollitz-Dooley, Ph.D., Psychologist, HSPP (Indiana, retired), Plainfield IN Philip Hull, Ph.D, Clinical Psychologist, Oakland CA Jessica Shaw, Doctoral Student in Psychology, Michigan State University, Lansing MI Richard Fielding, PhD, FFPH, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR Donna Skillman, Doctor of Psychology, Private practice, Chapel Hill North Carolina Arthur Eccleston, Doctor of Psychology, Psychologists for Social Responsibility, Chapel Hill North Carolina Peta Cox, Mental health researcher, UNSW, Sydney Australia Mary Watkins, PhD licensed psychologist, Core Faculty and Associate Chair, Pacifica Graduate Institute, Santa Barbara CA Anna Tonks, MSc (Health Psychology), Student, Wellington New Zealand Marcia Black, Ph.D., APA, Amherst MA Peter Williams, JD, PhD, Professor of Preventive Medicine and of Philosophy, SUNY @ Stony Brook, East Setauket NY Kristi Schermerhorn, Clinical Psychologist, Psychologists for Social Responsibility, Kirkland WA Elizabeth Westrupp, PhD, Melbourne Australia Barry Hughes, PhD, University of Auckland, Auckland New Zealand David Trimble, Ph.D., Boston Center for Culturally Affirming Practices, Brookline Massachusetts Chloe Parton, Sydney Australia Ellen Levine, Ph.D., M.P.H., San Francisco State U/Walden U, Hayward CA Henderikus Stam, Ph.D., University of Calgary, Calgary Canada Danny Osborne, Ph.D. in social psychology, The University of Auckland, Auckland New Zealand Manuel Vallee, Ph.D., Sociology, Auckland New Zealand Judith Powell, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, APA (DIV 35 & 44), NCPA, Raleigh, North Carolina Nancy Arvold, PhD, Transpersonal Psychology, Psychologists for Social Responsibility, CAMFT, AAMFT, Redwood City CA David Kannerstein, Ph.D., psychologist, private practice, Lafayette HIll Pennsylvania

10 Joanie V. Connors, Psychologist, Dept. of Negotiation, Conflict Resolution & Peacebuilding, CSUDH, Silver City NM Ronald Pagnucco, Associate Professor of Peace Studies, College of St. Benedict/St. John's University, St. Joseph Minnesota Michael Singer, PhD, Center for Urban Community Service, New York NY Thomas Greening, Ph. D., Saybrook University, Los Angeles California Paul Andrews, Ph.D., APA, Tyler Texas Rebecca Robinson, MS, PhD Candidate Clinical and Community Psychology, University of Alaska, Anchorage AK Diane Perlman, PhD, School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Psychologists for Social Responsibility, Washington D.C. Florian Feucht, Educational Psychology, University of Toledo, Toledo OH Hermine Muskat, Ed.D., Boston MA Peter Collins, Host, Peter B. Collins Show on KGO-AM, San Francisco, CA Stanley Gaines, PhD, Brunel University, Bath, UK Jen Kidwell, M.A., Chicago, IL Michael Fitzpatrick, Psy.D., Psychologist, Oakland, CA Virginia Kelley, PhD -- licensed clinical psychologist, private practice of psychotherapy, New York, NY David Thurn, LCSW, Ph.D., Private Practice, Franklin Park, NJ Barbara Sabbeth, Ph.D., clinical psychologist, New Rochelle, NY Jack Sawyer, M.Div., Ph.D., President, Parker Street Foundation, Berkeley , CA Brian Drwecki, Ph.D. in Social Psychology Assistant Professor, Regis University, Denver, CO Melissa Ritter, PhD, William Alanson White Institute, Craryville NY Herb Gingold, PhD, Psychologist, Noir Institute, Jamaica NY Leigh Ann Vaughn, PhD, Social Psychology, Ithaca College, Ithaca NY Phyllis Olshansky, PhD in clinical psychology, New Rochelle NY Mohja Kahf, Ph.D., University of Arkansas, Fayetteville AR Sukie Magraw, PhD. Chair, Doctoral Psychology Program, JFK University, Oakland Philip Claus, MSW, LCSW-R, psychotherapy/psychoanalysis, Institute, Washington Square Institute, New York Claire Basescu, Ph.D., William Alanson White Institute, New York City Bruce Berman, PhD, Private Practice, New York Alison Ross, PhD Psychology, APA, New York Denice Park, PsyD, New York State Psychological Asociation, New York

11 Jo Oppenheimer, MA Clinical Psychology; licensed in Israel, Founding Mother of the Counseling Center for Women in Israel, Brooklyn Lisa Harrison, Ph.D., California State University, Sacramento, Sacramento Stephen Franzoi, PhD, social psychologist, Marquette University, Mequon Barbel Knauper, Dr. phil., McGill University, Department of Psychology, Montreal Marjorie Fish, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Mass Communications, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN 56301, Mule Creek Gabrielle Stutman, PhD, APA, Dobbs Ferry Paul Conway, M.Sc., Psychology, London Claudia Rutherford, PhD - Licensed Psychologist, Private Practice, UMass adjunct faculty, Conway Mary Baine Campbell, PhD, English and Comparative Literature, Professor of English, Comparative Literature and Women's and Gender Studies, Brandeis University, Cambridge Lorri Ovryn, Ph.D., Yale University, New Rochelle Richard Matthews, PHD, Social Justice and Peace Studies, London Anne Pratt, Ph.D. clinical psychologist, Urgent Care Physicians, P.C., Northampton Jeanne Tschann, Ph.D., professor of psychology at UC San Francisco, San Francisco Carrie Langner, PhD, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Aaron Wichman, Ph.D., Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green Cheryl Carmichael, phd, social psychology, brooklyn college, brooklyn Stefan Zicht, PSY.D., Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis; William Alanson White Institute of Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis and Psychology, New York Curtis Bell, Ph.D., Neuroscience, Oregon Health and Sciences University (Retired), Portland Peter Gilford, Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, Hampshire College, Northampton John Neafsey, Psy.D. (Doctor of Psychology), Staff Psychologist, Heartland Alliance Marjorie Kovler Center, Chicago Joseph Miller, PhD Psychology, Associate Professor of Psychology Emeritus, Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, IN, Portland Julian Rappaport, Ph. D. Clinicl/Community Psychology, Emeritus Professor, Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign Laura Kerr, PhD, IMFT, San Francisco Sofia Martinez, Educator, organizer, Los Jardines Institute, Albuquerque Camilo Perez Bustillo, Professor of Law, UNAM, Founder and lead Legal team for the ‘International Tribunal of Conscience' Pueblos en Movimiento, Mexico DF Katerina Tsantila, PhD student Dorinda Moreno, U.S. Secretariat, TICPM, International Tribunal of Conscience, Pueblos en Movimiento, Santa Maria, CA Natalie Smith, MA English literature - high school teacher retired, Gaylord 12 Barbara Joye, M.A. English, Atlanta Daniel McKitrick, PhD, retired, Gaston Mario Dollschnieder, PhD, Psychologist, Manchester Bethany Spielman, Ph.D, J.D., Southern Illinois Unviersity School of Medicine, Chatham Paul G. Mattiuzzi, PhD,, Sacramento, CA Deanne Bell, PhD, Psychologists for Social Responsibility, New York Sara McClelland, Ph.D., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Amy Schaffer, Ph.D., New York Nancy Henley, Ph.D., Professor Emerita, UCLA (Dept. of Psychology), Cockeysville Frances Ward, PhD, RN, assistant professor, Westfield Mark Brennan-Ing, PhD, AIDS Community Research Initiative of America, New York T. Kerby Neill, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist and Life Member of APA, Volunteer, Central Kentucky Council for Peace and Justice, Lexington Janine Schwab, Peace and Conflict Resolution, American Friends Service Committee, Philadelphia, PA Deborah Tolman, EdD, Hunter College, CUNY, New York Gregory DeClue, psychologist, Sarasota Mary Jane Alumbaugh, PhD, APA, Santa Maria Arlene Gallan, PhD, APA member, Wilmington Jonathan Thomas, MSW, NASW, S. Deerfield Anne Olson, human rights activist, Independent, Decatur Susan Czernicka, EdD, self employed, Westport Maureen Osborne, Psychology PhD, Licensed psychologist in PA, private practice, Berwyn Janis Bohan, PhD, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Louisville Tammy Krause, law, University of Manchseter, Manchester Michael Andregg, Ph.D., University of St. Thomas, St. Paul Michael O'Loughlin, Ph.D., Adelphi University, New Hyde Park Marion Oke, psychologist, Aust. Psychological Society, Glenlyon Anneke Sools, Assistant professor narrative psychology (PhD), Twente University, department of psychologie, health, and technology, utrecht J.L. Angell, Social and Behavioral Research, Retired, Rescue CA Debra Rothschild, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, Private Practice, New York City NEW YORK Lawrence Brown, Ph.D., William Alanson White Institute, Larchmont New York Steven Botticelli, PhD, NYU Postdoctoral Program, New York NY Alan Gross, Ph.D., New York Peace Institute, Mediators Beyond Borders, Pocono Pines PA

13 Marguerite Stewart, Psy.D., Division 39 APA, Denver CO Cathy McGuire, retired, Terre Haute IN James Carnelia, Ph.D, Private Practice, New York City and Briarcliff Manor New York Karen Marisak, Ph.D., New York NY Alexandra Petrou, PhD Student, New York NY James Traub, MSW, New York City NY Cecile Lardon, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychology Alaska Karen Goodman, Ph.D., psychologist, Private practice, Poughkeepsie New York Amy Wenzel, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Havertown PA Cristina Parra, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Social Sciences, AUT University, Auckland New Zealand Ladd Wheeler, PhD, Macquarie University, Sydney, Sydney Australia Yarrow Dunham, EdD, SPSP, Princeton NJ Alix Strunk, JD, lawyer, Chicago Adnan Siddiqui, MRCGP,General Practitioner, Fellow of Royal Society of Medicine, London UK Rita Maran, Ph.D. - International Human Rights Law & Policy, PSR; Amnesty USA; UNITED NATIONS ASSOCIATION;, BERKELEY California Deborah Waxenberg, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, APA member,, New York City NY Allison Allen, Ph.D., ACBS, Washburn WI Lubna Somjee, Psychologist, Private Practice New York Sharon Gadberry, Psychologist, San Francisco California Elisabeth Weber, Professor of German and Comparative Literature, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara California Geoffrey Locke, Clinical Social Worker - PhD, Northampton MA David Nicholl, Consultant Neurologist PhD FRCP, Dept of Neurology, City Hospital, Birmingham United Kingdom Bonnie Aronowitz, Ph.D., William Alanson White Institute, New York Winnifred Louis, PhD (Social psychology), University of Queensland, Brisbane Australia Salvatore Palazzolo, Clinical Psychology Ph.D, Member of (American Psychological Association (APA) and Pennsylvania Psychologists' Association(PPA), Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Margaret Mandel, Ed.D - clinical psychologist/ adult psychotherapy, private practice, new york new york Elsa First, Psychoanalyst, New York NY Elena Skolnick, PhD Clinical Psychology, PPSC, New York City NY A. Raja Hornstein, PsyD, San Rafael CA Michael J. Davies, Ph.D., Psychologist/Psychoanalyst, Westchester Center for the Study of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, Norwalk Connecticut 14 Merle Walker, Ph.D., APA, Athens TX Michael Simonds, Psy.D., Private Practitioner & Academician, Fort Lauderdale FL Sarah Abel, LICSW, private practioner, Northampton MA Karen Greene, Ph.D., state hospital, NYC NYS Avril Thorne, Professor of Psychology, University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz California Leah Klungness, Ph.D., Private Practice, Locust Valley New York Elizabeth Hegeman, clinical psychology, William Alanson White Institute, new york ny Daniel Gensler, PhD, William Alanson White Institute, New Hyde Park NY Ian Hansen, PhD, York College, CUNY, NYC NY Pablo Mora, PhD in Psychology, Assistant professor at U Texas Arlington, Dallas Texas Jennifer Zorland, PhD Community Psychology, Georgia State University, Atlanta Georgia Martin Krippl, scientific employee, University of Magdeburg, Magdeburg Elizabeth Soliday, PhD, Psychology, Psychology professor, WSU Vancouver, Vancouver WA Chris Martin, MA candidate, Experimental Psychology, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg VA Thomas McGoldrick, Ph.D., Department of Veterans Affairs, Brooklyn NY Sarah Kamens, Doctoral Candidate, Clinical Psychology, Fordham University New York Crystal Hoyt, Ph.D. in Psychology, University of Richmond, Richmond VA Bill Belt, PhD, clinical psychologist and family therapist, Wynnewood PA Mary Pelton Cooper, Doctor of Clinical Psychology, Professor of psychology and private practice clinician, Negaunee Michigan Judah Viola, PhD, Policy Committee Chair Society for Community Research and Action, Chicago IL Tracy Caldwell, Ph.D., Dominican University, River Forest IL Sarah Beehler, PhD, Boston MA Ann Philips, Psychologist, Amherst Ma Jordan Braciszewski, PhD, Brown University, Providence RI Beth Lev, Ph.D. Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist (member, APA), Florence Massachusetts Emilia Bagiella, Professor, Mout Sinai School of Medicine, Garden City NY Renee Obstfeld, Psychotherapist, New York City NY Nicolas Warner, Psy.D., Kentwood Michigan Constance Pike, Masters of Social Work, Solo Psychotherapy Practice, Orange MA Ann-Louise Silver, M.D., Founding President,, Columbia MD Gail Fries, LICSW Massachusetts Sana Sheikh, PhD, University of St Andrews, St Andrews United Kingdom David Senesh, Ph.D clinical psychologist, APA international affiliate, Tel Mond Israel 15 Fritz Strack, Professor, University of Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg Germany Kathleen McCullen, Athens USA Chad Hammond, Ph.D Psychology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon Canada Jeffrey Morey, PHD; licensed clinical psychologist, NYSPA; NCPA; JPA, Jericho NY Mark Lowenthal, Psy.D., Maplewood Lisa R. Cane, Ph.D. Psychologist, New York State Psychological Association, Centerport New York David Pennington, RSS MSC Intern, self, Tucson Arizona Misty Hook, Ph.D., Institute for Healthy Relationships, McKinney TX Paul Benveniste, Ph.D., Private practice, Queensbury New York Nancy Burke, PhD, Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis, Northwestern University Medical School, Evanston IL Nili Belkind, Ethnomusicologist, Columbia University, Brooklyn NY Marie Naumann, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, Chicago IL Frances Bahi, PhD, SCO Family of Services Residential Treatment Facility, Glen Cove New York Nissim Avissar, Ph.D., Clinical psychologist, Psychoactive Isarel Pamela Nesbit, Ph.D., private practice, Doylestown Pennsylvania Marie Weinstein, PhD in Psychology, APA NYSPA Div 39, Brooklyn, NY NY Nate Ewigman, PhD, University of Florida, Gainesville FL Luciano L'Abate, Ph.D., ABEPP, Clinical psychology, Divisions 12 and 43 of APA, Atlanta Georgia Justin Cheng, M.A. Applied Social Psychology, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago IL John Van Hagen, PhD, San Francisco Ca Margaret Matlin, PhD, SUNY Geneseo, Linwood New York Blaine Fowers, Ph.D., APA, Pinecrest FL Linda McMullen, PhD, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon Canada Scotney Evans, PhD, University of Miami, Coral Gables United States Caroline Bennett-AbuAyyash John Messerschmit, D.Min., Licensed Psychologist, Ma., American Association for Patoral Counseling Ma. Robert Hamm, PhD, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, OUHSC, Edmond OK Michael Loewy, PhD, Program Director, California School of Professional Psychology @ Alliant International University, San Francisco California Michael Basseches, Ph.D., Suffolk University, Lexington MA Stephan Tobin, PhD, Clinical Psychology, Oregon Psychological Association, Association of Humanistic Psychology, West Linn Oregon Walter Hillabrant, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, DCPA, Washington DC

16 Irene Gendzier, Phd, Prof in Dept of Political Science, Boston University Heidelise Als, PhD, Children's Hospital Boston, Boston MA Dee Shepherd-Look, Ph.D., California State University Northridge, Northridge CA Choichiro Yatani, Ph.D. in Psychology, Alfred State College/SUNY College of Technology at Alfred, Alfred New York Claire Morse, Ph.D, professor of psychology, Guilford College, Greensboro NC Jonathan Lang, PhD, PhD, MPH, Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY, Forest Hills United States Irene Landsman, Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, private practice, Bethesda Maryland Elaine M Heiby, PhD, Professor of Psychology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu Hawaii Karl Knobler, Ph.D, Psychology, Psychologists for Social Responsibilty, Berkeley California Ken Miller, PhD, Clinical and Community Psychologist, Self-Employed, Cambridge MA E Peabody Bradford, Ph.D., San Francisco California Brenda LeFrancois, PhD, Memorial University, St. John's Canada Sarah Eidelson, New Haven Connecticut Lawrence Jacobson, Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, W.A. White Institute, New York NY John Christopher, Ph.D., Professor Montana State University, Bozeman Montana Paul David Wadler, Ph.D., Licensed clinical Psychologist, Chicago Illinois Michael Terman, Ph.D., Dept. of Psychiatry, Columbia University, New York NY Helena Carlson, Ph.D, social psychologist, Fellow of APA, Portland, Oregon Gregory Shrader, Ph.D. - Clinical Psychology, Argosy University, Phoenix AZ Mateusz Olechowski, Student, University of Warsaw, Warsaw Poland Joseph Donald Cohon, Ph.D., Private Consultant, Muir Beach California Sheila Gothjelpsen, Master of Education, currently a Doctoral student, Provisional Psychologist - College of Alberta Psychologists, Leduc, Alberta Canada Masa Goetz, Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, California Psychological Association, San Diego CA Andrew Rivers, Experimental Psychology, MSU Montana Jeffery Klein, Toledo Ohio Melvin Allerhand, PhD, APA, Kfar Hanassi, Israel Manana Jaworska, MA, Psychology, University of Warsaw, Warsaw Poland Fergus Neville, University of St Andrews Salman Türken, PhD research fellow, University of Oslo, Oslo Norway Albert Yonas, Ph.D., Psychology, Professor, Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN Floyd Rudmin, PhD, University of Tromsø, Tromsø Norway

17 M. Vicky East, Ph.D. in clinical psychology, APA, Seattle WA Leon Seltzer, Ph.D., Psychology (Clinical), APA, Del Mar CA Melissa Farley, Ph.D., Prostitution Research & Education, San Francisco CA Joan Ostrove, PhD, Macalester College, St Paul MN Ramila Usoof-Thowfeek, Ph.D, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya Sri Lanka Arden Mahlberg, PhD, Psychologist, private practice, Madison WI Aisha Dixon, Psy.D., CSU Northridge, LA CA Diane Levin, Ph.D., Professor of Education, Impact of War & Conflict on Children, Wheelock COllege, Cambridge MA Nameera Akhtar, Professor of Psychology, University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz CA Lawrence Wetzler, Ph.D. Psychologist/Psychoanalyst, APA, NYSPA, New York New York John M. Stewart, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Northland College, Washburn Wisconsin Katheleen Reidy, Ph.D., Psychologist in private practice, Trenton New Jersey Regina Langhout, PhD, and veteran of the First Gulf War (HM2/E-5), UC Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz CA Margaret White, PhD. clinical psychology, 39, 48, 56, Montclair NJ Scott Pytluk, Ph.D., clnical psychology, Argosy Universeity, Chicago, Chicago IL Dolores Miranda, Ph.D., Professor, Psychology Department Chair, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Puerto Rico Benjamin Davis, BA JD MBA, University of Toledo College of Law, Toledo Ohio Pamela Linnell, Ph.D., Roswell New mexico Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., Saybrook University San Rafael CA Mara Dubey, student ma, NCSPP, San Francisco CA Rebecca Tinsley, MFT, Oakland, CA Katherine Lammers, Earning an MA to lead to an LMFT, California Institute of Integral Studies, Oakland CA David Moshman, Ph.D., University of Nebraska--Lincoln, Lincoln Nebraska Susan Esquilin, Ph.D., ABPP, Independent Practice, South Orange New Jersey Sean Phipps, Ph.D., Dept of Psychology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN TN David Stodolsky, PhD Psychology, ISI, Copenhagen NV Denmark Juliet Rohde-Brown, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist and Educator, Antioch University Santa Barbara, Carpinteria CA Joe Feinglass, PhD, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Evanston IL Margot Smith, Dr.P.H., APHA, Berkeley CA Ameena Ahmed, MD, MPH, Oakland CA 18 Gail Gordon, DrPH, New Jersey City University, Teaneck New Jersey Allegra Gordon, MPH, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston MA Jon Karl Stefansson, MA, psychology, University of Tromsø, Tromsø Norway Robert C Marshall, PhD; Professor of Anthropology, American Anthropology Association, Bellingham WA Nanette Mongelluzzo, PhD psychology, private practice, Sedona Arizona Ruth Greenberg, Ph.D., University of PA, Philadelphia PA Saera Khan, Ph.D., University of San Francisco, San Francisco CA Adele Cuthbert, Ph.D. in social psychology, none now - retired college faculty, Potomac MD Kristin Davies, PhD, Psychology, CUNY, York College, Brooklyn NY Nancy Roffey, Retired, Peace group, Toledo OH William Ashton, Ph.D. Social Psychology, York College - CUNY, New York City NY Robert Kuisis, Ph.D., New York University, Sag Harbor NY Anna von der Lippe, Ph.D., professor emeritus, Oslo Norway M. Margarita Azmitia, Professor of Psychology, University of California, Santa Cruz California Amy Brook, PhD, Private practice, Northampton MA Paul Helbling, Master in School Administration, Retired, Liberty Center Ohio Irena Smoluchowski, LMHC, MA, Springfield United States Ellen Lacter, Ph.D., Psychologist, I am a California licensed psychologist and a member of the American Psychological Association, San Diego California Najma Adam, Ph.D. Social Work, Social Worker, Glenview IL Joseph Schwartz, PhD, The Bowlby Centre, London UK Denita Benyshek, MA-Psychology, Doctoral Candidate Psychology, Saybrook University and University of Phoenix, North Bend, WA WA Enid Singer, Ph.D., CAMFT, San Diego CA Cecily Resnick, PhD Psychology, Private practice, Encinitas CA Emily Feingold, Oakland California Linda Riebel, Ph.D. psychologist, Saybrook University, Lafayette CA Melinda Montgomery, Bachelor of Science, Psychology, University of the District of Columbia, Washington, DC DC Tia Wang, PsyD, APA, Honolulu Hawaii Ruth Blizard, PhD Psychology, Independent Practice, Binghamton NY Jeremy Mintz, PsyD Candidate, San Francisco California Margaret Snyder, Psy..D, HSPP - Clinical Psychologist, sole proprietorship, South Bend IN Paris Williams, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, Member of American Psychological Association, San Rafael California 19 Alex Pirie, Coordinator, Immigrant Service Providers Group/Health, Tufts Clinical Translational Sciences Institute - ARCH, community engagement component steering committee , Somerville MA Fred de Wit, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, American Psychological Association, Wichita Kansas Margaret Roberts, MA Psychology, Mount Royal University, Calgary Alberta Canada Ruth Richards, M.D., Ph.D., Saybrook University, Berkeley CA Bonnie Burstein, PhD, College Counseling Center Director, LOS ANGELES California Cheryl Anisman, Ph.D., National University, La Jolla CA. Maureen OHara, PhD, Professor of psychology, National University, San Diego, Carlsbad, California Robert Flax, Ph.D., Saybrook University, Cotati California Marcia Segura, M.A., MFT intern, San Francisco CA Jennifer Lee, PhD, Kingston NY Dave Pecock, Raleigh NC Beverly A Curtis Ohio Charles Dupree, Doctoral student in clinical psychology, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco CA Jose Parappully, PhD Clinical Psychology, APA International Affiliate, Past President - Conference of Catholic Psychologists of India, New Delhi India Brian Murphy, Minister, Victum, Stacy Minnesota Kenneth Evan Feiner, Feiner, New York United States Jonathan Goodman, Ojai CA Jarod Drozdowski, Fundraising & Event Planning, Leavenworth WA Rev Kathy Wittig DDi, Ordained Minister, Doctor of Divinity, West Chester PA Richard Lowe, Direct Support Professional, Boulder CO Irwin Natov, Ph.D., APA, New York City New York Jack Rothman, Ph.D. Social Psychology, UCLA, Los Angeles CA Steve Miller, Janitor, Yark Automotive Group, Toledo Ohio Bruce Eggum, Counselor, Retired, Gresham WI Paul Chambers, PhD in Philosophy, University of Medellin, Colombia Jay Einhorn, Ph.D., APA, Evanston Illinois Nancy Slagg, Ph.D., Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago Illinois Ann Sauer, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Midwestern University, Naperville Illinois Dennis Roberts, PsyD, Chicago IL Thomas Greenspon, Ph.D., Greenspon Associates, P.A. (Private Practice), Minneapolis MN 20 Holly Wegman, Community Research and Action, Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN Carolyn Tompsett, Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, Bowling Green State University, Toledo OH Laura Corlew, PhD Candidate, May 2012, University of Hawaii, Manoa, Honolulu HI Zachary Hillyer, JD, Toledo OH Pamela Smithbell, MA LLPC, Suttons Bay MI Dawn Henderson, Doctoral Student, SCRA, SPSSI, AEA, Raleigh NC Rocco Marino, PhD, licensed psychologist in private practice, Sturbridge MA Anthony Garringer, Human Resource Counseling Student, East Central University, Ada Oklahoma Ben Davis, JD, Associate Professor of Law, University of Toledo College of Law OH Linda Marino, PhD Clinical Psychology, Faculty, Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis, APA member, Elmhurst IL Eva Naess, Clinical psychologist, Norway Johan Van de Putte, psychologist, Gent Belgium Joe Persinger, Ph.D., Psychologist, Sebastopol United States Charles Pengra, Ph.D. , Licensed Psychologist, APA; CPA; RPA, Santa Rosa Ca. Richard Gairaud, MASR E3 Social Psychcology & Peace Building, New York NY John Medeiros, BSEE, Major USAF, IEEE, Belmont MA Alex Deutsch, School Psychology Graduate Student (SSP - In Progress), Western Carolina University, Waynesville NC Iris Wheaton, Psychotherapist, Easthampton Massachusetts Michael Fitzpatrick, Psy.D., Kaiser Permanente, Oakland California Katherine Hargitt, PsyD, PsySR CA Dan Edmunds, Ed.D., Center for Humane Psychiatry, Dunmore PA Ailsa Rayner, Bpsych, Caorns Chemely Pomales, Graduate student in Clinical Psychology, IPA, Chicago IL Lisa Fontes, Ph.D. in Psychology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA Amy Rakusin, LCPC, psychotherapist at torture treatment center, Baltimore Maryland Martin Fiebert, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, Cal State University, Long Beach, Seal Beach, CA Richard Zweigenhaft, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Guilford College, Greensboro NC Eric Savaiano, Community Development and Action, M.Ed., Nonprofits, Nashville TN Eric Aronson, Psy.D. Massachusetts Roger Coger, Ph.D., clinical psychologist, A.P.A, Simi Valley California Jill Flores, Ph.D., Austin Texas Thomas MacRoy, PhD, private practice, Glen Ellyn IL

21 Lisa Wyatt, Ph.D. - Clinical Psychologist - Director of Counseling and Psychological Services, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park CA Joanne Veith, Cincinnati OH Greg Coleridge, Director, Northeast Ohio American Friends Service Committee, Cleveland Heights Ohio Pam Ladds, CQSW, RN, Retired, Newport Vermont Denise Malia NH Elissa Bishop-Becker, M.Ed. in Community Counseling, Key West FL Gregg Macmann, Ph.D., University of Cincinnati, OH Luisa Alvarez-Domínguez, PhD Clinical psychology, APA, APPR, San Juan Puerto Rico Faith Prelli, PsyD candidate, APA, Brooklyn NY Barbel Knauper, Associate Professor, Psychology, McGill University, Department of Psychology, Montreal Canada Victoria Chien, PhD, USC, Columbia South Carolina Thomas Teo, York University, Toronto Ontario, Canada Perri Druen, Ph.D. in Social Psychology, College in Pennsylvania, York PA Nicole Barenbaum, Ph.D., University of the South, Sewanee TN Robert Kugelmann, Ph.D., University of Dallas, Irving TX Ariel Ladum, MA Social Psychology, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta North Cyprus Irene Landsman, Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, Clinical Psychologist in private practice, Garrett Park MD Sarah Beehler, Community psychologist, Boston MA Jack Sawyer, Ph.D., Parker Street Foundation, Berkeley California Lizeth Camacho, Graduate student, MSU Thorayya Said Giovannelli, M.A., Memphis TN Lori Markuson, Doctoral Candidate Community Psychology, National Louis University, Elk Grove Village Illinois Paula Johnson, PhD, Professor of Psychology, CSPP, Alliant International University, Los Angeles, Thousand Oaks CA Chris Eves, MA, Social Work, Oakland CA Christopher Henry, Ph.D., Guilford College (Assistant Professor of Psychology), Greensboro NC Semra Coskuntuna, PHD in Clinical Psychology, Private practice, New York New York Gonzalo Bacigalupe, EdD, University of Massachusetts Boston, Newton MA Bonnie Calcagno, Oceanside California Marylyn Rands, PhD, South Ogden United States

22 Patrick Welch, MA in clinical psychology, currently enrolled in PhD, University of Regina, Regina Canada Jessica Armstrong, Doctoral Candidate in Clinical Psychology, and I have an MA in Forensic Psychology, Clark University, Worcester MA Susan Rowe, Coarsegold California Arnold Bernstein, PhD in clinical psychology, licensed pychoanalyst, Professor emeritus Queens College, CUNY, New York New York Shiloh Groot, Lecturer in Social Psychology, University of Auckland, Auckland New Zealand Lorri Reynard, PhD, psychologist, New Rochelle New York (NY) Eric Larsson, Ph.D. Behavior Analysis, Lovaas Institute Midwest, Minneapolis MN Brenda Byrne, Ph.D., PA Psychological Assoc., Philadelphia PA Margaret Fernald, PhD, clinical psychology, Maine Psychological Association, Orland Maine Stephen Benson, PhD psychologist, private practice, Blue Hill ME Angela Ginorio, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Washington, Seattle WA Marie Pastore Weinstein, Ph.D, NYSPA, Div 39 of APA, Brooklyn NY Timothy Tumlin, Ph.D., Association for Psychological Science, Darien Illinois Kathy Nelson, Fort Lauderdale FL Renee Petkovich, MS Organizational Psychology, APA student member, Monroe Michigan Sharon Swanson, homemaker, homemaker, Hammond New York David Pruitt, MA, Ph.d student Uconn CT Timothy Eastman, PhD, physics, Wyle IS, and NASA Goddard, Silver Spring MD Peter Weiss, J.D. - MI Interrogator in World War II, Member, Advisory Board, EUropean Center for Constitutional and Human RIghts, New York New York Lynne henderson, JD, Mountisn View CS Arthur Emery, Education, Bellevue Washington Paul Brinich, PhD, adjunct clinical professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill United States Alison Miller, Ph.D. Psychologist, private practice, Victoria, BC Canada Laura Halvorsen, BA, Antioch University New England, Carlisle MA Kimberley Hall-Shapiro, PhD psychology, NA, New York City New York Michael Jackson, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology at Earlham College, Richmond Indiana Lauren Howard, B.A. in Psychology; Certified Legal Assistant, CLA, Gainesville FL Rosetta Pervan, Ph D, none, Brooklyn, NY NY Don Knuttel, Margate FL Scott Baum, PhD ABPP, New York NY

23 Nate Koser, MA Counseling; PhD Psychology (expected), Saybrook University; Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg VA David Weigle, PhD, MPH, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Austin TX Elizabeth Stinson, LMFT, BBS-California and ORCA-Oregon, Portland Oregon Heidi Ardern, Clinical Psychology, Denver CO Donald F. Truax, Network Engineer -- ANG E-5, None, Jamaica Plain MA Stephen Gary, JD, Vista CA Alivia Maric, Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, Registered Psychologist, Vancouver BC Canada Lisa Barondes, MSW; clinical social work, NASW, Florence MA Allen Ratcliffe, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist, Semi-retired community psychology practitioner, Tacoma WA Bill Bergman, MBA, MA, La Grange Park, IL Illinois Marilyn Chotem, Ed.D., Registered Psychologist, College of Psychologists of BC (Canada), North Vancouver, BC Canada Canada Lo Auer, BA Psychology, Columbia MO Gene Bonny, MA, North Vancouver Canada Barbara Burnside, Registered Psychologist, College of Psychologists of British Columbia (Canada), North Saanich, British Columbia Canada Melike Schalomon, Ph.D. Behavioral Neurosceince, Grant MacEwan University, Edmonton Canada Melady Preece, Clinical Psychologist, University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC Canada Ken Langford, M.Ed. R. Psych Educational Psychology, BCPA CPBC, Vancouver British Columbia William Pegg, Minister, Masters Student, Transpersonal Psych Assoc., Black Psychologists, Oakland CA Frank Willey, M.Div., M.A., M.A.C., Ph.D., Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, California; Minister, Unitarian Universalist Assoication, La Mesa California Madelyn Hicks, M.D., Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, London UK Jennifer Rountree, Phd Psychology, Portland Oregon Constance Shope, PhD, Psychologist (Nathan Kline Institute), New York City New York Serdar M. Degirmencioglu, Ph.D. in psychology, Cumhuriyet University, Istanbul Turkey Cheryl Beil, Ph.D., George Washington University, Washington DC Robert Rabinowitz, Ph.D., private practice, Philadelphia, PA PA Gloria Rodberg, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, Canadian Psychological Association, Calgary Canada Michael Maccoby, PhD, The Maccoby Group, Washington DC Joseph III Scalia, Northern Rockies Psychoanalytic Institute, Bozeman Montana Faith Gilroy, Ph.D, Loyola University in Maryland (Emerita), Timonium MD

24 Carl Latkin, Ph.D., Professor, Vice Chair, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Clarksville MD Timothy Wilson, Professor of Psychology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville VA Michael Losoff, Clinical Psychologist, Ph.D., Chicago Metro Region Illinois Marilyn Marks, Licensed Clinical Social Worker Dinah Bartley, Licensed Psychologist, Ann Arbor MI James Goodwin, Artist, Hollywood, CA Elizabeth Durbin, MS in Psychology, retired, Otis Oregon Louis Daher, Information Assurance - Master, Ann Arbor MI Diane McCarter Andy Hudak III, M.S., Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, Montana Sex Offender Treatment Association, Association for Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Whitefish MT Joanne Herrmann, teacher, Haiku HI Michael JamesLong, Doctor of Pharmacy, Retired, Eugene Oregon James Thomas, Chapel Hill North Carolina Anthony Bishara, Ph.D., College of Charleston, Charleston SC Gregory Elliott, PhD, Brown University, Providence Rhode Island Jean Danowski, Graduate Level Teaching Credential/Reading Tutor/Nanny, Cotati California Erica McGivern Stephanie Gilley, MS Psychology, APA Graduate Student Affiliate, Stow Ohio Christina Campbell, Greensboro North Carolina Hillary Gorski, Clinical Psychology Trainee, NSU, Fort Lauderdale FL Christopher Webb, BA Social Science, City of San Jose, San Jose California Hedda Haning, M.D., retired, Charleston WV Rael Nidess, M.D., Retired Urologist, Marshall TX Bill Yahner, Ph. D. English, Professor of English (retired), Morgantown WV Marguerite Monet, Social Worker, Brattleboro VT Kathleen O'Neal, Bachelor of Political Science, History, and Religion, Master of Public Administration in progress, Florida State University, American University, Washington DC Roy Shigley, M.A. Maine Stephen Fournier, JD, Connecticut Bar, Hartford Connecticut John Raanes, Student, Oslo Norway Charles Delgado, Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, Columbia University, Ashland Oregon Laurie Riggs, Clinical Counseling, Student in Masters Program, Bellevue Nebraska Daniel Pedroso, Educator, American Federation of Teachers, Chicago Illinois

25 Christine Pearson, PhD Colleen Roman, BS in Psychology, Portland State, Seattle WA Edith Englund, Bachelor of Science, Mankato MN. Kenneth Leslie, Ph.D. Neuroscience, Masset Canada Joyce Follingstad, Ph.D., R.N., sole practitioner, Portland OR Margaret Victoria, M.A. Depth Psychology, Licensed Professional Counselor, Texas, Denver CO Don Swenson, Masters Degree in Psychological Counseling, Currently retired, Mt Vernon Iowa David Bullins, Pres., National Alliance on Mental Illness in North Carolina, Oakboro North Carolina Bob Stewart, Ed.D., Greeley CO David Gustafson, Ohio Licensed School Psychologist #SP362, Ohio School Psychologists Association, The Plains OH Don Fodor, Powell River Canada Beverly Nelson, M.A., Retired, educational psychology, Bellingham WA Edward J Rickert, PhD, experimental psychology,MPH epidemiology, Retired, UAB, South Carolina, Georgia State, Atlanta, GA Barbara Truitt, Redway CA Mark McGregor, MS, Cognitive Psychology-Research Specialist, Amrita University, Santa Fe NM Suzette Shelmire, retired zoo employee, Winona Texas Robert Barden, Psy.D., Licensed Psychologist, Huntington MA Nan Polishuk, Sheffield Lake OH Joanna Courteau, PHD in the Humanities, jProfessor Emerita at Iowa state University, Ames IA Evelyn Bassoff, Ph.D., psychologist, boulder Colorado David L. Edwards, M.D., Pathologist (Retired), Diplomate, American Board of Pathology, Olympia, WA Claude Cornett, MS Environmental Engineer, Cleveland Ohio Kathtryn Stone Theodore Zawistowski, MA, psychology, Retired college instructor, retired therapist, Port Charlotte FL Nelda Street, Cobb CA Mark Nelson, Self Employed Musician, Omaha Musicians Union, Omaha NE Conrad Borovski, Prof Emeritus of Secular Medieval Literature in French & German, San José State U., (West) Menlo Park, CA 94025 Juli Kring, Library assistant, Houston Texas Nancy Brown, M.S. in Counseling, State University of NY, Potsdam New York Shane J Cotter Jr, BA, AQHA / APHA, Rogers Minnesota 26 Beth Kuns Adrianne Casadaban, Ph.D., psychologist, Lafayette CA Barbara Lawson, Champlain NY Steven Walk, MSEE, Old Dominion University, Chesapeake VA Linda Clark, M.Ed., Provo UT Rosemary Galli, Ph.D. Economics, retired consultant and university professor, Charlbury United Kingdom Mark Haydon, M.S. counseling psychology, Louisville Kentucky Michael Steele MA Chris Helps, El Cerrito CA Greta Hassakis, Bachelors in Psychology, Psi Chi Honors, Seattle United States Ian Habeck, PFC, US Army, Fort Lewis WA Leigh Hill, B.A. , Educator, Felton CA James Smith, BA Psychology student, veteran US Army, Argosy University, Pleasant Grove Utah Scott Friedberg, Masters Degree Physics - College Faculty - Ensign USNR, Valley Stream NY Dominic Marino, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist (retired), Adjunct Professor, University of Hartford, West Hartford CT Louis Mariani, M S rehab counseling, PA licensed psychologist, Whitehall Pennsylvania Kathleen Mendiola, MA, psychology, APA Associate Member, Paradise CA Bonnie Burkart Kicab Castaneda-Mendez Marylyn Rands, Ph.D., Psychology, South Ogden Utah Karen Lawson, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, PhD.,inactive, retired, Garberville CA Laurie White, social worker, family therapist, Ann Arbor MI Charles Nadler, JD, National Lawyers Guild, Denver Colorado Elizabeth Vitale, PsyD, Psychotherapy Partners, LLC, Hartford CT Michael Brezinski, Case Manager, Oakland California Jacqueline Voss, Ph.D, University, Laporte Colorado Donald Goldhamer, Chicago IL Stacey A. Ward, JD, Member National Lawyers Guild, National Association for Criminal Defense Lawyers, New Mexico Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, NM ACLU, Los Lunas NM Jane Kaplan, Attorney, Bay Area Military Law Panel, Berkeley California Dick Artley, MS forestry, retired, Grangeville Idaho Kevin Heade, Law Student, Student at Arizona State University Law School, Tempe AZ May Watanabe, B.S. in Nursing, Ann Arbor MI

27 Lonnie Sykos, ex-Merchant Marine Officer, artist, Kapaa Hawaii Bruce Bush, BS in Occupational Education, Hickory NC Michelle Kline, Lawyer, National Lawyers Guild, Washington, DC S. Wolf Britain, Human Rights and Civil Liberties Advocate, Wolf's Enterprises Human and Civil Rights Advocacy, Whitefish MT Dianne Post, BA in Corrections, MS in Psychology, JD in Law, Phoenix Women Take Back the Night, Phoenix AZ Brady Mikusko, Masters of Social Work, NASW (National Association of Social Workers), Ann Arbor Michigan Anne O'Berry, J.D., Attorney and Southern Regional Vice President, National Lawyers Guild, Hobe Sound Florida Lynne Williams, J.D., Ph.D., Bar Harbor ME Barbara Kessler, JD, attorney and mediator, Ann Arbor Michigan Cheryl Lans, Vancouver Canada Laurence Smith, PhD, Associate Professor Emeritus, University of Maine, Orono ME George Moss, Oak Ridge TN Elizabeth Puckett, M.Ed. Special education, Boise Idaho Jerome Leavy, PhD, Interdisciplinary Studies, Retired USF College of Education, Tampa, FL, Apopka Florida Daniel Rous, Cantor, New York City NY Dot Brockway, Rapid City SD Marian Webster, BA, sr. statistician NYSDT&F-ret., Clifton Pk. NY Michael Brondino, Ph.D. Social and Quantitative Psychology, Univ. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Bayside WI Marta Cullberg Weston, Ph.D. Psychologist, Iowa City IA Radu Bogdan Burton Steck, Chicago Illinois Mindy Blaski, MD, Seattle WA Marc Falkoff, Ph.D., J.D., Northern Illinois University College of Law, Associate Professor, Chicago, IL George Cammarota, BSEE, activist, San Jose CA Diane Pontius, M.S. Counseling Psychology, South Bend IN David Hafner, clinical psychologist, Université de Rennes 2, Paris France Sandra Turner, MD Board Certified in Adult and Child Psychiatry, New York NY Jay Becker, Paralegal, National Lawyers Guild, World Can't Wait, Chicago IL James Squire, MD, Physicians for a National Health Program, Seattle WA

28 Joseph Ford, Retired CPO/USCG, Spokane WA Monique Clague, PhD, retired professor, Keene New York Allen Gibas, JD, Minnesota Bar Association, Minneapolis Minnesota Robert Boeckmann, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Research Methods, University of Alaska Anchorage, Anchorage AK Max Heirich, Ph.D., Ann Arbor MI Julie Sullwold, Law degree, Appointed criminal appellate defense counsel, California, Santa Barbara CA Wayne Parrish, Structural steel detailing/design & artist, Steel fabrication/construction industry, Arlington Texas Marie Mourou, Brooklyn New York Hilary Lerman, JD & Ph D, Attorney National Lawyers Guild, Dayton Ohio Tracy Pratt, JD, National Lawyers Guild, New Orleans LA Abdeen Jabara, Attorney, Center for Constitutional Rights, New York City NY Audrey Bomse, attorney, criminal law, National Lawyers Guild, Miami FL Nick Vitolo Susan Ackoff Ortega, MFA in Fine Arts, New York NY Alison Miller, Ph.D., Psychologist, Victoria, BC, Canada Canada Daniel Shively David Humphrey, Student, Snohomish WA Rea Petersen, Master of Education, Caldwell Idaho Gloria Bletter, JD, National Lawyers Guild, New York NY david cooper, oakland NJ Ernest Rosado, Secondary Education, Social Work, Community Organization, Lifetime NEA member, Berwyn IL Carol Barrick, Teacher Adult ESL, Des Moines Area Community College, Nevada Iowa M Frank, Brooklyn William Iannaccone, Investigator/Litigator/Journalist, National Lawyers Guild, Buffalo New York Eldon Grossman John Ailey, BA psychology, Chicago IL Ryan Caban, J.D., National Lawyers Guild, Carrobor North Carolina Irma Selling, LICSW,psychoanalytic psychotherapy, BPSI member before retirement,private practice,NASW, Newton MA Richard Soble, Attorney, Center for Constitutional Rights, Ann Arbor Michigan Renee Ryan, RN, Colorado Mental Health Institute at Ft. Logan, Denver CO

29 Rachael Peltz, PH.D.Clinical Psychology, Section 9, Psychoanalysis for Social Responsibility, Berkeley CA Judith Deutsch, M.S.W., psychoanalyst, Canadian Psychoanalytic Society and International Psychoanalytic Association; President Science for Peace, Toronto Canada (dual citizen) Elizabeth Hegeman, PhD Clinical Psychology, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY; Wa White Institute, New York NY Elizabeth Corpt, MSW, Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis, Medford, MA Maria Russo, Ph.D. psychologist, Ethical Psychology, East Hampton NY Muriel Dimen, PHD, NYU, New York City NY Lorri Greene, Ph.D., Psychologist, Cardiff-by-the-Sea CA Daniel Barritt, MM Musical Composition, Occupy Wall Street, Brooklyn NY Matt Courter, Seattle WA Ken Agar-Newman, Registered Nurse, Victoria Coalition for Survivors of Torture, Victoria BC Canada Stuart Lancashire, MSc in Mental Health Social Work, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College, London UK Carolyn Clark, M.S.W., L.C.S.W., N.A.S.W., Calgary Canada Mitchell Sendrowitz, Student, Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis, Boston Massachusetts Alice Ladas, EdD/, Licensed psychologist NM and NYT, Santa Fe, NM NM David Cooper, PhD Applied Ethics, American Philosophical Association, Negaunee Michigan Constance Sheltren, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, Carson City NV John Bosley, PhD in Psychology, Retired, Private Consultant on Social Statistics, Baltimore MD Rachael Peltz, PH.D. clinical psychology, Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California, Berkeley CA Lezlie Kinyon, Ph.D., Berkeley California Jeanne Herrick-Stare, JD, Policy Counsel, Center for Victims of Torture, Washington, D.C. Jane Kenner, PhD, Clinical Psychology, Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California, San Francisco CA Gary Wiillis, Ph.D., Clinical (Community) Psychology, College of Psychologists of BC, Canada, Kelowna British Columbia, Canada Ann Heesters, Bioethicist, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, Toronto Canada Carl Berg, Ph.D., New York City New York David Johnston, PhD in Psychology, Private Practice, Victoria Canada Lyn Richards, Registered Psychologist, registration with College of Psychologists of British Columbia, Kamloops Canada Barbara Eisold, Ph.D. psychologist, new york city new york Andrew Tatarsky, PhD, Center for Optimal Living, New York New York 30 Bill Bergman, MBA, MA, Social Movement Sciences, La Grange Park Illinois Michael Fullerton, BSc, Coldstream Canada Jon Maaske, Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, C. G. Jung Institute of Santa Fe, Albuquerque New Mexico Brian MacLean, Clinical Psychologist Ph.D., Private Practice, Victoria Canada Marjorie Bosk, Ph.D. Psychology, Child, independent, Narberth Pa. Eric J Lindblom PhD, Doctorate in Psychology, Harvard University, Buenos Aires Argentina Deborah Gordon, Ph.D., Chair, Women's Studies, Wichita State University, Wichita Kansas Madeline Tormoen, M.S., LPC, PsyD Candidate, not an APA member, Colorado Springs Colorado Finn Tschudi, Professor, PhD, University of Oslo, Oslo Norway Wendy Cousins, PhD, Chartered Psychologist, Northern Ireland Kirk Schneider, Ph.D., Saybrook University, San Francisco California Arnona Zahavi, Clinical Psychologist, Ramat Hasharon Israel Carey Ryan, Ph.D., University of Nebraska - Omaha, La Vista NE Andrew Rivers, Experimental Psychology, MSU Montana Bernhard Leidner, Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst Massachusetts Richard Bordoni, Scarsdale New York Naomi Paz Greenberg, Conscience and Peace Tax International, Forest Hills NY Richard Matesic, Civil Rights Attorney, Pittsburgh PA Nadja Eisenberg-Guyot, Graduate Student, Cultural Anthropology, CUNY Grad Center, Brooklyn New York Jeremy Svinkelstin William Harryman, Counseling intern (MA in clinical counseling), ACA, student member, Tucson Arizona Jim Cooper, Systems Analyst, N/A, Oklahoma City OK Linda Heath, Ph.D., Loyola University Chicago, Chicago IL Deborah Hume, PhD (social psychology), Univ of Missouri Master of Public Health program, Columbia Missouri Richard Moench, PhD, Anthropology, Professor Emeritus, Binghamton University, Binghamton New York Jose Brunner, Professor, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Hasharon Israel Antonia Lyons, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, Massey University, Wellington New Zealand Mary Moffit, Ph.D., Academic Medical Center, Portland OR Amanda Lachowitzer, None, Wolseley, Saskatchewan Canada Kent Harkrader, none, Des MOines Iowa 31 Gary Lea, PsyD, APA, CPA and BCPA, Kelowna Canada - BC James l Johnson, PhD, Assoc. Prof., Calif. St. Univ., Fresno, Fresno California Robert Gabriel, Ph.D., Olympia WA. Richard Edelman, consultant, Mill Valley California Don Dotter, BA Arts and Humanities, Moss Beach California Don Doty, PhD., APA, Carbondale IL John Dickerson, Attorney, Atlanta Georgia Bernice Vogel, M.Ed. Charles Dixon, BS Chemistry, Marshall TX Arthur Resnikoff, Ph.D. in psychology, APA, San Francisco CA Kevin Hauptman, B.S. Business/emphasis in Economics, Lincoln Nebraska Celeste McCollough, PhD, Columbia University; visual neuroscience, University of Dayton (retired), Hillsboro Oregon Steve Price Michael S. Moore, Veazie United States Robert Leverant, M.A. Licensed LMFT , California ... specialty trauma, CAMFT, Sebastopol CA Terry Lowman, Human rights activist, Social Justice chairperson for my church, Ames Iowa laurence heinz, artist, san cristobal new mexico Larry Carney, B.A., S.T,B., teaching certificate, various graduate courses, plus home care for mentally and physically challenged, former R.C. priest, Clifford, Ontario Terry Richmond Dae Miles, 54601 WI Charrese Edwards, Portland Oregon Joyce Dewsbury, Gainesville United States Benjamin Peters, Ph.D., Political Science, Miyazaki International College, Miyazaki Japan Edward Whitson, Ph.D. in clinical psychology (from SUNY Buffalo), Associate Professor of Psychology, Roanoke College, Salem Virginia Bonita Staas David Matteson, PhD in Psychology. Boston U. 1968, APA, Crete IL Kelly Gola, MA, UCSC Michael Joyner Arnie Harris, teacher, newaper writer (retired), Lawtey FL Josie Setzler, Ph.D., NAMI Seneca, Sandusky, & Wyandot Counties, Fremont OH Barbara Coady, MA, Clinical Psychology, Lake Shore Behavioral Health, Inc., Buffalo NY William Shields, Portland OR

32 Erwin Dreessen, Ph.D., Economics, member, AEA, ISEE/CANSEE, Ottawa, Ontario Canada Joseph Suste, MSEE, Medford OR Joseph Hodgson, MSW, -Waynesville NC Charles Petty, PhD, Lexington Massachusetts Blaise Gauba, World Citizen, Union Local 755 (Sculptor's Union), Torrance CA Sara Culver, PhD in Modern British Literature, West Olive Michigan Mike Sandiland, Master of Architecture, Bozeman Montana Terry Teaters, M.A. Clinical Psychology, Private practice psychotherapist, Port Townsend washington Patrick Saunders, Master of Arts-American Culture Studies, Retired Adjunct Professor, Bowling Green State University, Norwalk Ohio Tony Hammock, Roswell Georgia Wayne Sloop, Ph.D. clinical psychology, Independent Practice, Forest Va Frances Day, M.D., retired, Eugene Oregon Evan Fales, PhD, Philosophy, American Philosophical Association, Iowa City Iowa Diana Woody, Recent B.A. graduate; B.A. political science, B.A. psychology, Middlesex New Jersey Delphyne Woods, BAS, retired, Chicago Illinois Ellen Mendelsohn Marlan Willis, Ph.D., Montana State Univ. (retired psych. dept. prof.), Livingston Montana Jean Gerard, poet, teacher, retired, Cambria CA Clove Haviva, Psychology Graduate Student, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg Canada Robert Nuzum, PhD, retired, St. Petersburg FL Guenter Strubinsky, MPsych(Clin), M.S.C.I.S., omaha Nebraska Arlen Dean Snyder, Performing Artist: MFA, Performing Artist, New York NY Ranney Moss, B.S. from Columbia University, Sedona Arizona Peter Cromer, none, CIPS, Calgary Canada Peter Hawxhurst, BS Geology, MS Anthropology & Geography, MS Civil Engineering Planning, retired volunteer teacher in computers, houston TX currently on assignment in Peru Monica Russell, Portland OR Sr. Sharon McGuire, PhD, RN, Faculty Walden University and Member of Adrian Dominican Sisters, Alpharetta GA James Domenico, San Francisco USA William Neely, PhD, Member, American psychological Association, Paoli Pennsylvania Michael V L Bennett, D.Phil., Professor of Neuroscience, Albert Einstein College of Medicien, New Rochelle NY Glenda Landis PA 33 Vaughn Donaldson, Fire Dept. Dist. Chief, Midland Fire Dept., Midland United States Albert van Oostwold, Groningen Netherlands Wesley Morgan, Ottawa Canada Ed Flaherty, SP4, US Army; retired, 34 years as bank officer, President, Veterans for Peace Chapter #161, Iowa City IA Judy Bertonazzi, M.A. Pennsylvania Melinda Skinner Sarah Slagle-Arnold, Ph.D., Ph. D. Psychologist, Member of APA, Topsham Maine Dr. Steven J. Prince, PhD, Academic, Eugene Oregon Dan Johnson, Master of Divinity, ordained minister of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Lansing Michigan Chris Knall, BA Communication, Springville TN Charlotte Michie, MS, MSW, private practice psychotherapy, NASW, Apex North Carolina Robin Crane, MA, history; MA, urban studies, Henrico Virginia Wilfred Candler, Ph. D, D.Sc. Agricultural Economics, Annapolis MD Kelly Gerling, Ph.D., Change Agent—Organizational Change Consulting, NLP, Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy, Seattle WA Nancy Sherman, M.A. in TESOL (Teaching English to Students of Other Languages), Chapel Hill North Carolina Catherine Gilchrist, Master of Clinical Psychology MFT, Parksville, B.C. Canada Margery Morrow, M.S. in Education, Bridgeport CT Roger Hollander, human rights activist, Toronto Canada Richard Gworek, B.S. Government, Lewiston NY Chris Robbins, MFA, Acworth NH Gina Armendariz, School Psychologist, CASP, Buena Park California Hugo du Coudray, Ph.D., Psychology, Portland State University, Oregon Health & Sciences University, Portland United States Gene Chorostecki, MD, FACS, AUA, Santa Fe NM Daniel Sahling, M.A. Psychological Counseling, ISEPP, Denver Colorado Noreen Compton, jpurnalism, Boca Raton FL John Snively, DDS, USNR 1966-1971 attaining rank of Lt., ADA, MDA, American College of Dentists, Missoula Montana Susan Masluck, BA ++, Member, Seaside heights NJ Margaret Signorella, PhD, Pennsylvania State University, Greater Allegheny, Pittsburgh PA Jeanne Seitler, Psy.D., ISEPP, Ringwood NJ Kate Dodd, Crewe UK 34 Ann Clarkson, PhD Counseling Psychology , Oregon Psychological Association, Portland OR Donna Nassor, J.D., Adjunct @ NJ City University, Wyckoff NJ Brian Schwartz, PhD, Chairman and CEO, SuccessDNA LLC, Suzhou China Rachel Kaplan, MSW, LICSW Psychotherapist, The International Psychotherapy Institute; Washington School of Psychiatry, Silver Spring United States Olivia Mellan, MS - psychotherapist, speaker, author, coach, Washington, DC Washington, DC David Harper, PhD, University of east London, UK, Lobdon, UK UK Anne Anderson, MSW, Former Coordinator of Psychologists for Social Responsibility, Washington DC Charles Brainard, Law, JD, Retired from Kenyon & Kenyon, New York Kjrsten Holt, Minneapolis Minnesota Arthur C Houts, PhD Clinical Psychology, Prof Emeritus U Memphis, Cary NC Jessica Glen, Masters of Science - Health Psychology, none, Wellington New Zealand Catherine Anderson, Ph.D., New York Freudian Society, Bethesda MD Diane Steele Rick DeBoice, Bachelor of Education (with distinction), Band Social Development Worker, Victoria Canada Ben Achtenberg, Director, The Refuge Media Project, The Refuge Media Project, Jamaica Plain Massachusetts Donna Bassin, Ph.D., Secretary APA Division 39/Section 9, Associate Prof. Pratt Institute, Montclair, NJ NJ Paul Conway, M.Sc., Psychologist, London Canada Janet Gerson, Peace Education, Doctoral candidate, Education Director, International Institute on Peace Education (IIPE), New York City NY Grace Meyer, University student, Bruno MN Lisa Barr, PhD, Critical Media Studies, An Iron Daisy CSA Productions, Oneonta NY Neala Schleuning, Ph.D., Saint Paul Minnesota Jennifer Berdahl, Ph.D. (Social Psychology), Professor, University of Toronto, Toronto Canada Maria Testa, Ph.D., Buffalo NY Betsy Spaulding, psychology instructor, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Vancouver British Columbia John-Arne Skolbekken, Associate professor, cand psychol, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Norway Egon Werlen, PhD, Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences, Worb Switzerland Susan Reese, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist and Psychoanalyst, Arizona Center for Psychoanalytic Studies, Tucson AZ 35 Lisa Strickland-Clark, Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (UK), BC College of Psychologists #1861, Powell River Canada Elizabeth Goren, PhD, New York University postdoctoral program, Brooklyn NY Travis Clark, Graduate Student, Experimental Psychology, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks ND Azenett Garza, Ph.D., Weber State University, Ogden UT Peter Gambino, PhD, Flushing NY Michael Blank, PhD, University of Pennsylvania, Elkins Park PA Louis Rose, Ph.D., Editor, American Imago; Professor of History, Otterbein University, Westerville Ohio Carol Jackson, Ph.D., special-needs and low-income housing development, New York NY Anne Rambo, family therapist David Gorfein, Ph.D., UT Dallas, Fort Worth Texas Stephen Portuges, PhD, Director, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program, New Center for Psychoanalysis and Executive Editor, International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, Los Angeles CA Nancy Hollander, Research psychoanalyst, President-elect, section 9, division 39, apa, Los Angeles California Constance Evert, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist, Philadelphia PA Carl Bagnini, MSW, LCSW, Psychoanalytic Couple and Family Therapist, International Psychotherapy Institute, Div. 39 APA Sect.VIII, Port Washington NY Lu Steinberg, Psy.D., Private Practice, New York NY Deborah Pack-Patton, Psy.D., APA Member, Portland Oregon Julia Davis, Aeronautical and Spacecraft Engineering, Masters, National Security Whistleblower, Beverly Hills CA BJ Davis, Communications, BA, Film & TV, Beverly Hills. CA CA Kathleen Pape, MA, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Doctoral Student, APA Student Member, Seattle WA Elisa Covarrubias, Atlanta GA Christian Munthe, Professor of Practical Philosophy, University of Gothenburg, Göteborg Sweden Victoria Wu, Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology, Palo Alto University, San Jose CA Mark LeVine, PhD, UC Irvine, Irvine, CA CA Christina Shimizu, Bachelor of Arts, Solidground, Seattle WA Bonnie Calcagno, Oceanside California Tom McClelland, McClelland, Music Therapist, Bronx United States John Dickerson, J.D. (Law), Attorney, Atlanta Georgia Justin Root, graduate student, Fort Lauderdale FL 36 Jenny Roth, PhD, Social Psychologist, Dresden Germany David S. Nichols, Ph.D., Retired, Portland OR Arthur Lebow, PH.D, clinical psychologist, Eden Prairie MN Marcia Weisbrot, counselor and art therapist California Ronna Friend, M.A., Private practice, Eugene Oregon James Jessup, MA International Affairs/Ms Environmental Studies, Veterans For Peace, East Wenatchee Washington Eira Tovey, Psychology student, UNE, Australia, Inverell, NSW, Australia Australia Lisa Savage, M.S. Ed., Public educator, Solon ME Jackie Dial, PhD psychology, medical writer, Boulder CO Michael Snedeker, Attorney, Portland Oregon Louise Gordon, MA Counseling Psychology, AMHA, Portland OR Shelly Getzlaf, Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, Psychologist, Oregon Michael Ash, Ph.D., Retired, College Station TX Arthur Dole, PHd, ABPP, APA Fellow Divisions 12, 15, 17, U. of Pennsylvania, Trenton Maine T Sironphuq, Engineer, New York New York Susan Verry, LCSW, Bellingham WA Dan Maitland, M.Ed., OSSTF, Guelph Ontario, Canada Claire Hertz, LCSW, Institute Contemporary Psychotherapy/NYC, New York New York Philip Lom, New Fairfield Connecticut Thomas A Caffrey, Ph.D., Former President, Forensic Division, New York State Psychological Association, New York NY Lauren Miller, Graduate Student, Syracuse University, Syracuse NY Jan McBride, LMFT, AAMFT, Vashon WA Karen Franklin, PhD, Clinical and Forensic Psychologist, El Cerrito CA Matthew Jalazo, Psychologist, Miramar Florida Patricia Mackay, Ph.D. in Psychology, APA Member, Astoria New York Rudolph Ballentine, MD, completed residency in psychiatry, Retired, Asheville, NC Brittany Butler, B.S., currently enrolled in a PhD program, Ohio State University, Columbus Ohio Steven Groen, Juris Doctor, California Attorney and Counselor at Law, San Diego California Ruth Clifford, Ph.D., licensed psychologist, Sunnyvale California Mark Williams, Chemist, American Chemical Society, Seven Valleys PA Jill Bradbury, Psychology, PhD, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg South Africa Shawn Corne, PhD, Psychologist, Albany CA Betsy Nettleton, Psychologist, Illinois Psychological Association, Chicago Illinois 37 James Domenico, San Francisco CA Emily Feingold, Oakland United States R. Scott Smith, Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, Utica College, Utica NY Patricia Shimek, MS in psychology, New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas NM Robin Kok, MSc, VU University, Amsterdam the Netherlands Mary Jane Adams, Ph.D. in psychology, retired from corrections, Paso Robles CA Linda LaGrange, PhD Psychology, New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas New Mexico Matthew Adams, PhD & CPsychol, British Psychological Society / University of Brighton, Brighton UK Kenneth Feiner, Clinical Psychology, APA, New York New York Kristal Owens, Ph.D. - Psychology and Pastoral Counseling, Empowerment Center, Beltsville Maryland Israel Ber, PhD Candidate, Roehampton University, London UK Sarah Riley, Psychology PhD, Aberystwyth University, Wales, Aberystwyth N/A Emma-Louise Aveling, PhD social psychology, University of Leicester, UK, Leicester Claire Moran, PhD student, University of Queensland, Brisbane Jo Kontzer, MA in psychology, Sedona Arizona Dorli Rainey, Seattle Washington Eliezer Margolis, PhD, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Board Certified Rehabilitation Psychologist (ABPP), American Psychological Association, Evanston Illinois Ian Williamson, Ph.D., New Mexico Highlands U, Sapello New Mexico Megan Bantjes, MA Community-based Counselling Psychology, Health Professions Council of South Africa- Board of Psychology, Johannesburg South Africa Dominique Dix-Peek, M Ed, Researcher, CSVR, Johannesburg South Africa Shahnaaz Suffla Jennifer Wright, MA Humanities, Chicago Bernice Vogel, M.Ed. Counselor, Montpelier Vermont Bill Duroe, professional human, Seattle United States Arthi Bajaj, PhD, University of Cambridge, London United Kingdom Courtney Carter, Professor of English, Retired, Frederick Maryland Matt Clifford, Denver CO Phoebe Beedell, MSc Development, Adminitration & Planning, Visiting Research Fellow, Centre for Psycho-social Studies, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK Garth Stevens, Associate Professor/Clinical Psychologist, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg South Africa Joan Newman, PhD, APA, Albany NY 38 Candice McMillan, student of Social Work, Edmonton Canada Thomas MacRoy, PhD, Glen Ellyn IL Michael Simonds, Psy.D., APA, Fort Lauderdale FL Linda Jansen, Seattle Washington Yuko Hanakawa, Ph.D. Psychologist, ISEPP, New York City NY Laura Borst, concerned citizen, ISEPP, Houston Texas Gregory Concodora, MA, M Ed, ISEPP, Chicago Illinois Jacqueline Sparks, Ph.D., LMFT, Wakefield Rhode Island Geraldine Lewis, Masters Degree - School Psychologist, Retired, West Trenton NJ Albert Galves, Ph.D., International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry, Las Cruces NM Crisilda Rucci, Masters; Educator of Children; Parent Coach, ISEPP, Blackwood New Jersey Randy Cima, Ph.D., Psychology, ISEPP, Riverside CA Ann-Louise Silver, M.D. psychoanalyst, ISEPP, ISPS, Columbia Maryland Camea Gagliardi-Blea, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology, New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas NM Andrew Kane, Psychologist, Wisconsin School of Professional Psychology, Milwaukee WI Deborah Egan-Klein, Psychologist,Ph.D, Differdange Luxbourg David Oaks, Executive Director, MindFreedom International, MindFreedom International, Eugene OR Ed Altwies, Psy.D., ISPS; ISEPP, Brooklyn NY Mary S Newton, PhD Psychologist, ISEPP, Charleston SC Maria Mangicaro, International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry, New Port Richey FL Stefan Malecek, Ph.D., MAC, Neah-Kah-Nie Counseling Associates, Manzanita Oregon Jim Gottstein, JD, Law Project for Psychiatric Rights, Anchorage Alaska Susan Burland, Ph.D in clinical Psychology, private practice, Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis, Chicago Illinois David Lilly, Psy.D., APA and past president of Maine Psychological Assn, Freeport Maine Linda Cohn Michael Sliclen, St Brigid Roman , Dublin Ohio Valerie Forward, Ph.D. Clinical Psychology License PSY10880 (CA), APA, Coarsegold CA Dyanne Bresler, MA, RN-BC, LCPC, ISEPP, Park Ridge, Illinois Illinois Ann S. Kliman, trauma, President, Westchester County Psychological Assn, White Plains NY Pepe Santana, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, ISEPP, MFI, R.E.A.Ch, Denver Colorado Andrés Consoli, Ph.D., Department of Counseling, College of Health & Human Services, San Francisco State University, San Francisco CA 39 Anne Costanza Robert Sliclen, PhD in psychology, ISEPP, Twp Washington NJ Hendrika Vande Kemp, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, Private Practice, self-employed, Annandale Virginia Mary Gergen, Ph.D. Psychology, Penn State University, Wallingford PA Sara Johnson, Ph.D., Social and I/O Psychology, George Williams College, Williams Bay WI Daniel Fishman, PhD in Clinical Psychology, Rutgers University, Irvington NY Joanne Chevrette, MA in Counselling Psychology, Registered Psychologist, College of Alberta Psychologists, Psychologist's Association of Alberta, Calgary Alberta, Canada Fatima Correia, Ed.D., BC Associatino of Clinical Counsellors, Kelowna Canada Lirona Rosenthal, Clinical Psychologist, Privat Practice, Tel-Aviv Israel Michael Westerman, PhD, clinical psychology, Dept of Psychology, New York University, Poughkeepsie, New York NY Rachel Max, MA, Social Worker, retired, Modiin Israel Kent Higgins, Ph.D., Baystate Medical Center, Amherst MA Virginia Stern, M.S. in Clinical Social Work, Private Prac, Stanfordville New York Anna Docherty, M.A. Clinical Psychology, University of Missouri, Saint Paul MN E. Mark Stern, Ed.D., Diplomate in Clinical Psychology, Dutchess County, NY Mental Health Commission, Clinton Corners, New York NY Nicholas Naccari, Ph.D., Yeshiva University, New York New York David P. Nichols, Ph.D., Member, APA Divisions 5, 48, American Statistical Association, Evanston IL Mary C Potter, PhD, MIT, Cambridge MA Tony Naidoo, PhD (Psychology), Stellenbosch University, South Africa, Cape Town, South Africa Udo Schuklenk, Professor and Ontario Research Chair in Bioethics, Queen's University, Kingston Canada Emile Bruneau, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Jamaica Plain MA Maya Mukamel, Clinical Psychologist, PhD, private practice, lecturer in Haifa University and New School for Psychotherapy, Tel Aviv Israel Noreen Thompson, MSN., PMHCNS-BC, Nurse Psychotherapist, University of Kansas, Overland Park Kansas Jonathan Chack, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Clinical Support Options, Westminster Vermont Ilene Serlin, PhD--psychologist, Private practice, San Francisco CA David A. "Tony" Hoffman, Ph.D., Lecturer in Psychology at UCSC, Santa Cruz CA Bruce Eggum, Counselor, AODA Family Counselor, Gresham WI Terra Rea, PsyD, Columbia Valley Community Health, Leavenworth WA 40 Catherine Byrne, Ph.D., Social Psychologist, Santa Cruz CA Lili Cummins, Redwood City United States Laura Borst, Houston Texas Rex Chookolingo, MSc in Psychology, APA, Union New Jersey Lenise Barnes, Amarillo TX Bonnie Tamres-Moore, Human Rights Activist, Austin Texas Chris Phelps-Thiry, EdD, Ashburn VA Pamela Stackhouse, Educational Psychology, Student, Columbia SC Patricia Evans, MD, Associate Professor of Neurology, Dallas TX Patricia Bauerle, Ed.S. and graduate student in a Ph.D. program of psychology, Walden University, Tucson AZ Kevin Smith, Ph.D., clinical psychology, Private practice, Pittsburgh PA Michael Forman, PhD, Assoc Prof of Human Rights, University of Washington Tacoma, Seattle WA Barry Klein, PhD student, Research Psychology, Walden University, St. Louis Missouri Umesh Bawa, Clinical Psychologist, University of the Western Cape, South Africa, Cape Town South Africa Peter Gilford, Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, Hampshire College, Northampton Massachusetts Orit Adam, MA, Clinical Psychologist, Private Practice & SHIBA med.ctr, Tel Aviv Israel Jamie Mayerfeld, PhD, Professor of Political Science, University of Washington, Seattle Washington Alexei Chadyuk, PhD Student, General Psychology, RM-Techno, Kiev Ukraine Kathryn Alexander, MA, Organizational Development and Transformation, Ethical Impact L3C, Boulder Colorado Diddy Mymin, Clinical Psychologist, British Psychological Society, London UK Sarah A. Kass, MA (NYU), PGD (Regents College) PhD (expected), Saybrook University, New York NY Adrianne Aron, Ph.D. psychologist, private clinical practice, Berkeley CA Linwood Small, Ph.D. Personality and Counseling Psychology, Professor Emeritus, Columbia College (SC), Blythewood SC Thomas Fink, Ph.D., Acorn Health associates, PC, Camp Hill PA Linda A Robinson, PhD - Psychology (Quantitative Methods), American Psychological Association, Philadelphia Pennsylvania John Rankin, Danville Kentucky Patrick Walsh, HDip Psychology, Dublin Ireland Michael Sadler, PhD, Stetson University, New Smyrna Beach Florida Sarah Hanly, PhD, Clinical Psychologist Cardinal Glennon Children's Medical Center, St Louis MO

41 Vincent Paiano, EE, Elko NV Rosemarie Ashamalla, PhD - Cutural Anthropology, Executive Director of a nonprofit, Los Angeles CA Robert Drury, Casa Grande AZ Ann Fink, PhD California Kathy Hardie-Williams, M.Ed, MS in Counseling, NCC Certified, MFT, American Mental Health Alliance, Lake Oswego OR Juwon Lee, Psychology, University of Kansas, Lawrence KS Laurie-Ann O'Connor, M.A., Doctoral Candidate - Psychology, Sarasota Florida James Domenico, Domenico, San Francisco USA William Wedin, Ph.D., clinical psychologist, New York New York Laura Tennison, Masters in Counseling, Retired, Springfield MO Beverly Nelson, MA, Educational Psychology & Counseling, Retired, Bellingham WA Robert Bangert-Drowns, Ph.D., School of Education, University at Albany, State University of New York, Albany New York Bernard McDowell, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, AMHA, Portland Oregon Doug Uhl, PsyD, Bellingham WA Ken Levy, LMFT, Los Angeles Nick Ospa, Philadelphia PA John Hunt, AB - Liberal Arts, BDiv./Organic Farmer, Oberlin Ohio John Gasperoni, PhD. in clinical psychology, licensed psychologist, Berkeley CA Ira Eisman, designer, Casperia italy Stephen Gifford, spiritual progressive writer, Vero Beach Florida Barbara McCombs, PhD in Educational Psychology, APA and AERA, Denver Colorado Daniel Dinsmore, PhD, American Psychological Association Div 15, Jacksonville FL Hsiao d'Ailly, PhD Psychology, Renison University College at University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario Canada Carol Anne Dwyer, PhD, retired, Ewing NJ Angela O'Donnell, Ph.D, Professor, Rutgers University, Franklin Park NJ Stacy Sculthorp, Ph.D., Educational Psychology, Minneapolis MN Bob Brister, Master of Social Work, Salt Lake City Utah Eric Thompson, Masters Degree, Music; Computer Consultant, Brentwood California Peter Langes, Artist, Nolalu Ontario, Canada Donald Landers, retired with master criminal justice-, jacksonville al Elaine Bayus, JD (lawyer), Piedmont CA

42 BK Faunce, Ph.D., English Literature, Boulder Creek California Dale Starcher, Doctorate in Psychology, Private Special Education School, Pennington NJ Gloria Montes de Oca, PhD, APA member, Miami FL Mayra Cordova, Arts, Independent artist, San Juan Puerto Rico Janice Walton, clinical psychologist, APA, FPA, Jacksonville Beach FL Stephen Leach, Associate Professor of Philosophy, UTPA, Edinburg Texas Robert Peebles, Systems Engineer, Santa Fe New Mexico Raphael Vitalo, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology - University of Massachusetts, Hope Maine Jennifer Morrow, Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN Michele Clements-Schreiber, Ph.D., Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, Ontario Canada Teresa Glatthorn, Psy.D., clinical psychologist, non-military, private practice, Horsham PA Milton Fuentes, Psy.D., Montclair State Univeristy, Pompton Plains NJ Ishai Menuchin, Phd, executive director of The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel, Jerusalem Israel Constance Fischer, PhD Clinical PA Leslie McGovern, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist, Member American Psychological Association, Pine Grove Mills PA Dr. Nancy Arvold, Psychologist, Therapist, professor, East Bay Saturday Dialogues, Psychologist for Social Responsibility, Redwood City CA Christopher Aanstoos, Ph.D. in psychology, University of West Georgia, Carrollton GA John Dyckman, Ph.D., APA Life Member, Albany CA Geoffrey Robinson-Wood, Psy.D., American Psychological Association, Campton NH Janet Etzi, doctor of psychology, Immaculata University, Philadelphia Pennsylvania Barbara Hulsart, Ph.D., East Hampton N.Y. Deborah Dawes, PhD, Psychologist, Independent Psychologist, Eureka Springs AR Cherri Brown, MBA, Graduate Student, Psychology/Education, n/a, Fayetteville Georgia Kathryn Woods, Ph.D., Philadelphia PA Andrea Nelken, PsyD, Pittsburgh PA Elizabeth Wangard, Psy.D., Temple University, Philadelphia PA Heather Scott, PhD, Clinical Psychology, State College PA Neal Hemmelstein, Ph.D., school psychology, licensed psychologist, certified school psychologist, Lemont PA Michael B Greene, Ph.D., Developmental Psychology, specialization in the prevention of youth and family violence, Member, American Psychological Association, Montclair NJ Celina Bryant, MSW, Social PSychology Student, Artesia NM

43 David Gangsei, Ph.D., International Clinical Advisor - The Center for Victims of Torture, San Diego California Perry Passaro, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist, Private Practice, Fullerton California David Kannerstein, Ph.D., private practice psychologist, Lafayette Hill Pennsylvania Sarah Hickinbottom, Ph.D, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Surrey Canada Susan Kaye-Huntington, Psy.D. Clinical Psychologist, Private Practice, Adjunct Associate Professor, University of the Arts, APA Division 39 (Psychoanalysis), Philadelphia Pa. Danielle Kaplan, Ph.D.- clinical psychology, Bellevue Hospital Center, New York NY Ilene Dyller, Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, Private Practice, Penn Valley PA Norman Weissberg, Ph.D., Director of Training, Contact of Greater Philadelphia, Holland Pennsylvania Adam Ghali, MA ; Clinical Psychology PhD Student ; Psychologist Intern, Bakersfield CA Ann Mears, MEd, Walden University, Greenville NC Joanne DiPlacido, Ph.D. Psychology, Faculty member Central Connecticut State University, Avon CT Kevin Kuehlwein, PsyD --clinical psychologist, Univ. of PA, Philadelphia PA Arlene Andrews, PhD, Clinical-Community Psychology, Univ South Carolina, Blythewood, SC SC Louise Maron, Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, Richmond MA William Brennan, MA, clinical psychology, New York NY Thomas Rosbrow, Ph.D., Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California, Mill Valley California Steven Luz-Alterman, Ph.D., Psychologist; Tufts University, Lexington MA Ryan Kuehlthau, Psy.D. Lloyd Ross, Ph.D., Psychologist, North American Director, International Society For Ethical Psychiatry & Psychology, Ridgewood New Jersey Sandra Rafman, Ph.D., Ph.D, clinical child psychology, trauma, University of Quebec in Montreal, Montreal CANADA Debra Smith, PsyD, Superior Psychological Services, Marquette Michigan Kathleen Slaney, PhD., Psychology, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver Canada Philip Lanzisera, Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, American Psychological Assn., Troy MI Gregory Milbourne, PsyD (former Army First Lieutenant), Psychologist, Swarthmore PA Judy Roth, PhD, New York NY Bob Hoot, MS, psychology, currently PhD student, psychology. Frank Kashner, LICSW, Independent, Marblehead MA Zaied Nujeidat, M.A Educational Psychology, Help All People, Haifa Israel Terry Blanken, PhD in CLinical Psychology, APA, New York NY

44 Ian Daniel, Senior Teacher in Industrial Technology and Design, Queensland College of Teachers, Ravenshoe AU Kisi Kent, Trainee Psychological Therapist, Bournemouth England James Fellers, New Castle Indiana Marta Lacour Argentina John MacKinnon, Broxburn United Kingdom Liliana Garcia, PhD, San Juan Puerto Rico Juan Pérez de Siles, occupational specialty, graphic arts, Nerja Spain Carolina González García, Psicóloga, Cúcuta Colombia Emily Cahan, PhD, Professor of Psychology, Wheelock College, Arlington MA Daphne Bugental, Ph.D., Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara CA Jennifer Rennels, Ph.D. in Psychology, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, Las Vegas NV James Anderson Arlene Giordano, Ph.D. licensed psychologist, Div 55, Sonora CA Peadar O'Grady, Consultant Child Psychiatrist, Medical Council Ireland 12604, Dublin Ireland Ann Fischer, Ph.D., Psychology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale IL Daniel A Coffman, PhD, Licensed Psychologist, Auburn CA Leon Anderson, attorney, California state bar, Grass Valley CA Liz Russ, citizen, Cleveland Ohio James Albert, Retired, US Army, Charleston South Carolina Brian O'Keefe Valerie White, Teacher, Corvallis OR Howard Christofersen,MD, MD, Retired, Porter IN Robin Kostel, JD, ABA, Santa Rosa CA Jill Berkana Dennis Linder, MD, Venice, Italy Rezarta Bilali, Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts MA L. Kent Bendall, Ph.D., Wesleyan University, Meriden Connecticut John Roshek, Ashland Oregon Anna White, M.Ed., B.S.,Psych, Brevard NC Luis Salcedo Rayquel Scroggins, Kentwood MI Vernon Huffman, Corvallis Oregon Maureen Aumand, MA English, MLS Library Science, retired Public School and Theater Educator, Albany, NY 45 Robert P Philipps, Concerned USA Citizen, Port Costa CA Harry Burmester, Capt. AAF, ADA (American Dental Assc.), Gilroy CA Nicholas Handanos, M.D., American College of Physicians, Portland ME Mark Brennan-Ing, PhD, ACRIA, New York NY S.J.C.J. Boldt Kathy Stout, Silver Spring MD James Lomont, Ph.D., clinical psychology, American Psychological Association, Kaneohe Hawaii Gregory Shrader, Ph.D. - Clinical Psychology, Argosy University, Phoenix AZ Kristen Chaffee, business degree, medical coder, Lakewood CO Patricia Williams, Librarian, American Library Association, Marietta Georgia Steven Gelb, Ph.D, Educational Psychology, University of San Diego, San Diego California Harriet Bachner, PhD in counselor education, licensed counselor and licensed family therapist, Pittsburg Kansas D. Kerby, journalist, poet, client of psychologists and patient, freelance, Philadelphia PA Maynard Seider, PhD in Sociology, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Mass. College of Liberal Arts, Amherst Mass. Edward Rhinehart, Retired, Lodi CA Mark Graham, PhD, Brandywine Heights High School, Emmaus PA Janet Morgan, PhD, Professor emeritus, Tompkins cortland community college, Ithaca NY James Terral, MA English PFC, Retired, Nelson, BC Canada Tom Barron, Masters in Counseling, Retired, Beaverton OR Sangeeta Prasad, Psy.D., APA member, Washington DC DC Kathleen Gallagher, Ph.D., Pennsylvania Psychological Association, Bethlehem Pennsylvania Earl Katz, Feature film and documentary producer, President, Public Interest Pictures, Los Angeles CA Carolyn Fallahi, Ph. D., Central Connecticut State University, Cheshire CT James Conway, PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Professor of Psychology, Central Connecticut State University, Farmington, CT CT Paul Dokecki, Professor of Psychology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN Sunny Gordon Bar, MA, clinical psychologist and certified life coach, Rosh Aayin, Israel Helen Fox, Ed.D., Social Theory and Practice Program, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Michigan Tracy Knight, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, Western IL University, Macomb IL Daniel Barrett, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology, Western CT State University, Redding CT David Elkins, PhD Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Pepperdine University, Irvine California Misty Hook, Ph.D., Institute for Healthy Relationships, McKinney Texas 46 M.L. Klotz, PhD, Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove PA Davielle Lakind Zeno Franco, PhD, Clinical Psychology, Former US Dept. of Homeland Security Fellow, Medical College of Wisconsin Craig Johnson, Ph.D., Hofstra University, Smithtown New York Benjamin Karney, Ph. D., University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles CA Barry Grosskopf, MD. Psychiatrist., American Psychiatric Association, Vashon Washington Denis Zavodny, Ph.D., Atlanta GA Ottilie Stolte, PhD, School of Psychology, University of Waikato, Hamilton New Zealand Mishy Lesser, Ed. D., PJSA, Watertown MA Janet Cleveland, Ph.D. Psychology, Research Institute - McGill University Health Centre, Montreal Canada R. David Hayward, PhD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Michigan Althea Schoen, MSW, NASW, Edison NJ Elisabeth Moes, Ph.D., ABPP/ABCN, Suffolk University, Boston MA Daniela Fernandez Catherall, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, British Psychological Society, Cambridge United Kingdon Amy Blomquist CA Michael Basseches, Psychologist, (PHD), Professor, Suffolk University and Private Practice of Psychotherapy, Cambridge, and Lexington, MA, Lexington MA Angela Bahns, Ph.D., Wellesley College, Wellesley Massachusetts Frances Lippmann, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist, Western Mass. Ass. for Psychoanalytic Psychoplogy, Stockbridge, MA MA. Charles Ruby, Ph.D., Psychologist, Lt. Col (USAF, Retired), APA, ISEPP, PsySR, Welcome MD Joseph Tarantolo, MD, private practice, Washington, DC Ronelle Moehrke, Criminal Justice, retired, Hogansville GA Tom Wengraf, Social research methodologist, Psycho-social Studies, London UK Edward Lefrak, M.D., none, McLean Virginia Beverly Gibbons, Ph.D. in clinical psychology, Knoxville TN Virginia Reiss, Licensed educational psychologist, lep652, APA, Larkspur CA Andy Bernstein, PhD, Independent Psychologist Clinical Practice, Tucson AZ Robert Mittan, Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System, Reno Nevada Robert Sliclen, PhD in psychology, American Psychological Association, Twp Washington NJ Sarah Edmonds, PhD, Arizona Psychological Association, Prescott AZ Gary Moore, Marketing, Austin TX Valerie Williams, PhD, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Carson City NV 47 Lloyd Stires, Ph.D., social psychology, Indiana University of Pennsylvania (retired), Pittsburgh PA Henry Seiden, Ph.D., private practice, Forest Hills New York Megan Weier, Student in psychology, NA, Brisbane Australia James Clark, Ph.D, retired psychologist, Kasilof United States Michael Culver, None, Retired actor, London U.K. Arnold Hook, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Baldwinsville NY Margaret Kern, PhD, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA Bernard Berg, LTJG, USNR, (Ret.), R.N., (Ret.), Easton Pennsylvania Jay Scheide, musician,, Cambridge MA Arne Roets, PhD in psychology, Ghent University, Gent Belgium Jessica Cameron, PhD, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg CANADA Kathleen League, PhD philosophy, Salina KS Josef Strauss, PhD, Institute of High Energy Physics (Austrian Academie of Sciences), Vienna Austria Marina Korsakova, PhD, Music psychology, Independent researcher, Weehawken New Jersey John Steponaitis, M.A., retired English teacher, none, Vilnius Lithuania Spencer Gross, PhD in Clinical Psychology, California Psychological Association, Alameda California Kevin Keenan, Ph.D., Mich. School of Professional Psych, Pleasant Ridge Michigan Shawn Rubin, PsyD, Saybrook University, San Francisco CA Johanna (Josie) Michel-Brüning, Pedagogue HDip.ed., systemical psychological family therapist, systemical psychological family therapist, in retire, 52428 Jülich Germany Wendy Greenspun, Ph.D., Columbia University, New York NY Cahit Ergenkon, Graphic Designer, None, Pointe Claire Quebec, CANADA Skye Payne, PhD, WNESU, Saxtons River Vermont Shanti Barrios, Civil Servant in a university library, Iruñea Spain Oriol Forns, University grade, Granollers Barcelona, Spain Rafael Álvarez, Ecología social, Valladolid Spain Michael Mayo, Poet and Editor, Puerto Vallarta Mexico Joseph Stote, Ph.D., Private Practice, Indianapolis Indiana Peter Piller, Taxi driver, Innsbruck Austria Andrea Sorensen, Student, Vista CA James Diehl, Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, Private Practice, Cincinnati Ohio Joe Persinger, Ph.D., Psychologist, Santa Rosa CA Lisa Harrison, Ph.D, Cal State Sacramento, Sacramento CA

48 Heather Dawn, PsyD Student, Saybrook University, Guerneville CA Charlie Ehlen, AA Degree, Alexandria Louisiana Ira Firestone, PhD, Professor of Psychology, Wayne State University, Bloomfield Michigan Reginaldo Branco, psychologist, Conselho Regional de Psicologia São Paulo, Santo André Brazil Kim Soskin, Masters Degree in Organization Development; my occupational specialty is leadership development, Alameda, CA Daniel Mengeling, Attorney, Law Offices of Daniel A. Mengeling, Crystal Lake Illinois Marion Oke, M.App.Sci.(Professional Psychology), PhD (Family Therapy), Registered Psychologist (Australia), Member Australian Psychological Society, Glenlyon Australia Michael Samu, Psychology, former Student APA member, Denver Colorado Bill Blackburn, BS, chemistry/HIV Prevention, Billy Foundation, Camp Meeker CA David Garner, Ph.D. (clinical psychology), River Centre Clinic, Sylvania Ohio Saskia Polder, MSc in physiological psychology, LUMC, Leiden Netherlands Bruce Eggum, Retired CEO, Gresham WI Hedda Bolgar, PhD, Fellow in APA, IPA., Los Angeles CA Pygge Lord, Ösmo Sweden Fareed Shehadeh, MS., Psychological Israeli Association, Haifa Israel Gregory Shrader, Ph.D. - Psychology, Argosy University, Phoenix AZ Andrew Rivers, Montana State University, Bozeman Montana Ulana Odezynsky, Beaconsfield Canada William Robiner, Ph.D., Clinical Health Psychologist, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN Miranda Spencer, Philadelphia PA Laura Jobson, PhD (Clinical Psychology) United Kingdom Wendy Franks, ClinPsyD, Clinical Psychologists, British Psychological Society United Kingdom Jacqueline Akhurst, PhD, Psychotherapy, British Psychological Society, York UK Maricella Gilbert, MSW, ATI Program, Brooklyn New York Lisa Thorne, Clinical Psychologist, BPS/HPC UK Stephanie Murphy, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London UK Gareth Morgan, Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, Clinical Psychologist UK Jacqui Lovell, BScHons Psychology, University of York St John, Thornaby, Stockton on Tees United Kingdom Seonaid Linn, PhD Student, Charles Sturt University, Bathurst Australia Lawrence Wetzler, Ph.D. Psychologist/Psychoanalyst, APA, NYSPA, New York New York Toby Watson, Clinical Psychologist, Chief Supervising Psychologist- State of WI-KMCI; Clinical Director at Associated Psychological Health Services, Kohler WI

49 Geraldine Lewis, M.S. Ed., NJ Association of School Psychologists, Ewing NJ Edmond Degaiffier, MSW, Clinical Social Worker - Private Practice, Washington DC Phil Tenaglia, Licensed Pa Psychologist, Langhorne United States Jason Bailey, MD, Family Physician, Capt (ret.), Physicians for Global Survival Canada, Ottawa, Ontario Canada John Carney, D.S.W., Retired clinical social worker, Brooklyn New York Mark Burton, PhD, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester UK Mona Cardell, PhD in Psychology, American Psychological Association, Havertown PA Ruth Ault, Ph.D., Davidson College, Davidson NC Laura McCormick, MSEd, Doctoral Candidate, Walden University, Niles OH Kosha Bramesfeld, PhD in Psychology, St Louis MO Brent Robbins, PhD, Clinical Psychology Program & Associate Professor of Psychology at Point Park University, Point Park University, Pittsburgh PA Ann-Marie Anthony-Williams, PhD, Educational Psychology, Psychology Professor, Walden University, Havelock North Carolina Robin Vallacher, Ph.D., Association for Psychological Science, Boca Raton Florida Cress Forester, Psy. D. Clinical Psychologist, San Francisco CA Gerald Otis, PhD Psychology, Retired, Las Cruces NM Jennifer A. Gosk, MFT intern, Felton CA Judy B. Okawa, Ph.D., Pacific Psychological Services, LLC, Honolulu Hawaii Larry Robinson, MA Counseling, MFT license, Sebastopol CA Kristien Hens David S. Nichols, Ph.D., Clinical Psychology (Retired), APA, Portland OR John Bosley, Ph.D., Research Psychologist, US Department of Labor (Retired), Baltimore Maryland Catherine Lutz, PhD Anthropology, Brown University, Providence RI Milton Strauss, Ph.D., clinical psychology, Professor Emeritus, Case Western Reserve University, Corrales New Mexico Steven Rubenstein, PhD in Cultural Anthropology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool United Kingdom Gary Brumback, PhD, Fellow of APA and APS, Palm Coast FL Ron Pilato, Psy.D, San Francisco CA Rosalyn Smith, Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, Syracuse NY Valerie Eisman, B.A. Urban Studies, Portland Oregon Angelo Festa, San Francisco CA Gillian Patton, Psychology M.A. 50 Frank Marotta, Ph.D, American Board of Professional Psychology, National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology, Northampton Massachusetts Susan Gonzalez, Las Vegas Nevada Kathy Havens, buddhist priest, Soto Zen Shu, Porto Alegre, RS Brazil Richard Tamm, BS Mathematics, MA Theology, None, Berkeley United States James Rathbun, Lt. Commander/Spec. Ed Admin/M(Ed), NEA, Las Vegas NV Richard Gerace, New York NY Ronelle Moehrke, BS, Hogansville GA Max Prejean, Retired, Lewisberry, Pa. 17339 Pa. Almerindo Ojeda, Ph. D. Linguistics, Principal Investigator for the Guantanamo Testimonials Project, University of California at Davis, Davis California Eric Mankowski, PhD, Portland State University, Portland OR Julian Rappaport, PhD, Psychology, Univerity of ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN, Champaign Illinois Wendy Viola, M.S., doctoral student, Portland State University, Portland Oregon Rodrigo Sebastián Toreres, PhD, MA (Child clinidal psychologist, professor), DePaul University, Chicago Illinois Dave Rink, Associate in Science in Network Administration, Bachelors of Philosophy, Sault Sainte Marie Michigan Mark Stefanelli, MD, ABIM, Astoria Oregon Mark Lozano, San Francisco California Martin Schoen, Psy.D., Licensed Psychologist, Twin Cities Minnesota Stuart Fischoff, PhD, APA, Carbondale Illinois Steven Sher, attorney, Milwaukee WI Allan Tolentino, Economist, Metro Manila Philippines James Traub, MSW, New York City New York Brandon Rosedale, Finance Colorado Lawrence Brown, Ph.D., William Alanson White Institute, Larchmont NY Gregory Korgeski, Ph.D., Clinical psychology, APA, Saxtons River Vermont Lester Shepherd, Nursing, none, Roanoke Al Elizabeth Halsted, PhD Clinical Psychology, The William Alanson White Institute, Brooklyn NY Justin Roberts, None, BA in Sociology, currently enrolled in law school, Gulfport FL Kirsty Mckay, BA (Hons) Diplomacy and International Relations, Auckland New Zealand Maureen Dolan, PhD, Chicago Illinois John Estes, Birmingham United States Richard Holloway, environmental protection, university of tasmania, Hobart Australia 51 Thomas Gonzalez, Bureaucrat, Santa Barbara California James Watts, bachelor's science in special education., Washington DC Michael Schwartz, PhD, Psychologist in private practice, Overland Park KS Juhayna Ajami, Doctoral student of clinical psychology Washington, DC Ric Shimono, B.Arch., Architecture, Kirkland WA Juliana Bellinger, M.A. + 18, teacher, NEA, SAG, AEA, Ann Arbor MI Juan Galindo, Psych/Criminal Justice Undergrad, San Marcos Texas Gregory Stricherz, MA, Linguistics, Minneapolis MN Fredric Weiss, Ph.D., Clinical psychologist, New York NY Robert Chunco, Sacramento CA Aarre Laakso, Ph.D., Behavioral Sciences Department, University of Michigan-Dearborn, Ann Arbor MI Dale Lehman, BS Design, A&P mechanic, handyman, Neighbors for Peace, Chicago Illinois Nghi Thai, Ph.D., Yale University Beryl Oliver, Springfield Oregon Louis Hale, Master of Public Administration, Kilgore Texas Henry Allred, Biologoly & Chemistry, ACS, Vernal Utah Chad Johnson, Psychologist, Psychologists for Social Responsibility, Tulsa OK Judith Powell, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, APA (DIV 35 & 44), NCPA, Raleigh, NC Christian Huygen, Ph.D., Executive Director, Heights-Hill Mental Health Service Community Advisory Board, New York City NY Eileen Kennedy-Moore, Ph.D., psychologist, Cranbury NJ Dustin Shepler, MA, Ball State University, Charlotte NC David Burns, MD, Los Altos Hills California Edward Zuckerman, PhD, Greensburg PA Susan Streufert, Ph.D., NIH, Retired, North Potomac Maryland Jack Wright, Ph.D., APA, APS, IPA, St. Ignatius, MT Faith Gilroy, :Ph.D, Loyola University in Maryland (Emerita), Baltimore MD Edward L. Fink, Ph.D., Sociology, University of Wisconsin, Professor of Communication; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher, University of Maryland, College Park, Silver Spring Maryland Sally McCollum, PhD, licensed psychologist in private practice, Amer. Psychological Assn., Idaho Psy. Assn, Los Angeles Psych. Assn, Ketchum, Idaho William Miller, MA Psychology, ex-CIA, Sisters OR Maria Slowiaczek, Ph.D., Michigan Psychoanalytic Council, Ann Arbor MI Rachel Rokach, PhD, senior supervising clinical psychologist, Jerusalem Israel

52 Mary Watkins, PhD, Pacifica Graduate Institute, Santa Barbara CA Alan Levy, PhD, APA Full Member, Skokie Illinois Steven Shapiro, PhD, Johns Hopkins Bayview Community Psychiatry Program, Baltimore MD Demissie Abebe, Washington, DC DC Mohammad Mansur, psychologist MA specialist in Trauma, municipality of nazareth, Nazareth Israel Muncie Harper, MS in Psychology, Santa Rosa Calif. Susan O'Malley, Ph.D., City University of New York, Brooklyn NY Collete Hoglund, PhD, APA, Twin Falls ID Jayne Gackenbach, PhD in psychology, Grant MacEwan University, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Julie Parsons, Ph.D., APA, Nampa Idaho Jeffrey Malone, M.Ed., Ph.D. student, Walden University, Beaverton OR Katie Gentile, PhD, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York City NJ Susan Verry, Masters of Social Work, Washington Marilyn Frankenstein, Professor, University of Massachusetts-Boston, Cambridge MA Barry Stengel, Ph.D., Brooklyn, NY Donald Brunnquell, PhD, Psychology, Ethics, St. Paul, MN Barry Kissin, JD, Frederick, MD Laura Borst Jules Burstein, Ph.D., Private Practice, Berkeley, California Christopher Harrison, Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, APA Division 48, Atherton CA Anne Mulvey, Ph.D. in Psychology, University of Massachusetts Lowell & the American Psychological Association, Newburyport MA Duane Marcus, Master of landscape architecture, stone mountain United States Rhona Weinstein, Ph.D. in Psychology, Professor of the Graduate School, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley California Prachi Sharma, M.A. Clinical Psychology, Dayton Ohio Fatima Ahmed Canada William McConochie, Ph.D., Practicing psychologist, Testmaster, Inc., Eugene OR Kathleen Rospenda, PhD, Psychology, Chicago IL Bruce McBeath, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, Private Practice, Red Wing Minnesota Aura Diaz, Higher education institution Puerto Rico Craig Brookins, University Professor, Raleigh NC Molly McCallum, MA, Psychology & PhD Student, Psychology California Michael Nagler, PhD, Tomales United States

53 Mazna Patka, Portland Oregon Ann Mary Roberts, Willis Virginia Karen Hanscom, PhD, APA Member, Hydes MD Melinda Douglass, PsyD Clinical Psychology, San Francisco CA William Nichols, EdD, ABPP in Clinical Psychology, APA Divisions 12 and 43, Retired, Athens, GA Eileen Stenzel, Ph.D, Licensed counselor, Oak Lawn Illinois Donna Coufal, PhD, Licensed Psychologist, APA, PPA, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Amy Carrillo Carie Forden, Ph.D. in psychology, Clarion University, Oil City PA James Kelly, PhD, Emeritus Professor University of Illinois at Chicago, Seattle Washington Christopher Nettles, Arlington virginia John Louks, PhD, Psychology, University of Minnesota, 1973, Veterans Administration, Medford Oregon Laura Orgel, Ph.D., Psychologist, Portland OR Bonnie Burstein, PhD Clinical Psychology, Saybrook University, Los Angeles California Millie Fortier, Psychology PhD, IAAP, San Francisco California Neahle Madden, R.N., retired, Santa Rosa CA Stephen Adler Virginia Peter Hockley, Senior Operating Department Practitioner/SRN/SR Psychiatric Nurse, Royal College of Nursing, Brighton UK Morton Cohn, M.A., Artist, Berkeley CA. David Sonneborn, PhD, Resarch and Teaching in Biology, Professor Emeritus of Biology; Volunteer Public Advocate with many progressive organizations, Orange California Brian Flay, D.Phil., Oregon State University, Boise Idaho Ido Liviatan, PhD, social psychology, The Open University, Raanana Israel Jochim Hansen, PhD, Assistant Professor, Salzburg Austria Darcia Narvaez, PhD, University of Notre Dame, South Bend IN Elika Dadsetan, lawyer/mediator, San Diego California Harry Kent, Ph.D. Psychology, NA, Chicago Illinois Jennifer Mendoza, PhD, Neuropsychologist, Palmetto FL Nora Davis, MSc Environmental Psychology, Santa Monica, CA CA Maria von Oettingen, San Diego California Art Eccleston, Psy.D., Psychologists for Social Responsibility, Chapel Hill North Carolina Eileen Kennedy-Moore, PhD, private practice NJ Anita Yudkin, University professor, San Juan, Puerto Rico Puerto Rico

54 Jasmine Chin, Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London UK John Zelenski, PhD, Carleton University, Ottawa Canada Robert Kurtz, Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, Raleigh NC Pamela Krell, Ph.D. clinical psychology, private practice, San Francisco CA Ricardo Hofer, Ph.D., Retired, Oakland CA Jennifer Arm, Ph.D., Psychological Resident, Missoula MT Klaus Oberauer, PhD, University of Zurich, Zurich Switzerland John Belmont, PhD, University of Kansas, Merriam KS Jordan Troisi, M.A., Department of Psychology, Widener University, Media Pennsylvania Meral Aydin, Psychologist MA, Gelişim Psikiyatri, Istanbul Turkey Eva Chen, Doctoral Candidate, Harvard University, Cambridge MA Marcia Hofer, Ph.D., Oakland United States Rachel Lee, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, New York NY Schera Chadwick, MA, Human Science, Science Writer and Researcher, Knoxville TN Jean Pettifor, PhD / Clinical Psychology/none, Canadian Psychological Association, Calgary Canada Sarah Dunham, MS Counseling, National Association of Certified Counselors, Berkeley California Rui Costa, PhD, Princeton University & University of Lisbon, Princeton New Jersey Kim Peters, PhD, University of Exeter, Exeter UK Thorsten Kolling, assistant professor, Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main, Germany, Frankfurt, Germany Nehad Sandozi, PhD, Counseling Psychology, Muncie IN Leonard Newman, Ph.D, Social Psychology, Syracuse University, Syracuse NY Laraine Glidden, Ph.D., St. Mary's College of Maryland, Washington DC District of Columbia Heather Liske Elizabeth Emerson, MSW, Social Work, RIchmond Vermont Jane Van Landingham, MSW, LICSW, Social Work, Richmond Vermont Susan Dudley, PhD, Annandale VA Alan Marwine, PhD - Professor of Psychology, Green Mountain College, Poultney vt Anne Liske, M.A., violence prevention, educational institution, Winooski Vermont Tema Okun, Ph.D., Chicago Lizeth Camacho, Graduate Student, APA, East Lansing MI A. Dixon-Peters, Psy.D., CSU Northridge, Los Angeles CA David Senesh, Ph.D., APA International Affiliate, Tel Mond Tel Mond Neal Hemmelstein, Ph.D., school psychology 55 Suzanne LeBoeuf, M.A. Counseling Psychology, The Coalition For A Safe World, Akron Ohio Paul Brinich, PhD, adjunct clinical professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill NC Arancha Garcia del Soto, Doctor in Sociology and Professor on Psychology of Conflict, Doctor Member of the CEACS, Center for Advanced Social Studies, Juan March Foundation, Madrid. Spain, Madrid Spain Diane Hall, Ph.D., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Tucker GA Bryce Malek, PsyD in Clinical Psychology, Los Angeles CA Kelly Cash Michael Castell, Ph.D. Correctional Psychology, Solano County Sheriff's Office, Vallejo California Nishant Patel, Psy.D. Fred de Wit, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, Retired, Wichita KS Nili Belkind, MA in ethnomusicology, Columbia University, New York NY Sharon Hurley, B.A. in Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Pennsylvania Larry Zuberbier, PhD, psychology, american psychological association, des moines washington Jane Rubin, Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, Berkeley, California California Sandra McPherson, PhD, Private Practice; Fielding Graduate University, Cleveland Heights OHIO James M. Statman, Ph.D., Senior Technical Advisor, FHI360, Brookline MA Lucy Weaving, Psychology Bsc (hons), DClinPsy, Clinical Psychologist, Derby England Elizabeth Fistein, Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Ethics & Law Course Director, University of Cambridge, Cambridge United Kingdom Milton Schwebel, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Rutgers University, Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, Tucson Arizona David Stringham, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist, APA, Massachusetts PA, EMDRIA, APA DRN, Sharon MA Steven Kanofsky, PH.D, Psychologist -member of APA, BERKLEY California Elizabeth Vitale, MSN, PsyD, American Psychological Association, Hartford CT Mark Mellinger, PhD Clin Psych, private practice, Yonkers NY Anton Hart, Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, Certificate in Psychoanalyst, Independent Practice, New York NY Steven Handwerker, PhD, Boca Raton FL United States Paige Paladino, Student, Student, Plano Texas Beth Paransky, BA Psychology, Duquesne University, APA student member 32, & 35 Gordon Fellman, PhD, sociologist, Brandeis University, Cambridge MA

56 Lew Welge, B.S. in Religious Studies w/ Asian Emphasis, M.Ed. and Ed.S. in Counseling and Guidance with Certification as a Professional Educator in Florida, and Licensure as a Mental Health Counselor-Intern in Florida, Gainesville-Ormond Beach- Jacksonville, Florida John Majerus, Computer Science, Rochester Minnesota Richard Sonnenberg, Ph.D., APA, IPA, Boise ID Shirley Farlinger, BAA Freelance writer, Canadian Journalists for Freedom of Expression, Toronto Canada M. Blankschen, PhD, kingston ny David Thurn, LCSW, Ph.D., Private Practice, Franklin Park NJ Ann Winton, Ph.D>, NYSPA, New York New York Michael Singer, PhD, Private Practice, New York NY Hal Bertilson, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology, American Psychological Association, Superior Wisconsin Valeska Matziol, BA Psychology, BHA, Manchester UK Allen Smith, New York NY Carl Harris, Clinical psychologist, British Psychological Society, Birmingham United Kingdom Jules Burstein, PhD, Private Practice, Berkeley, California Loren Krane, Ph.D, Clinical Coordinator, Coming Home Project, San Francisco CA Diana Smith-Barker, violin performance, free lance violinist and teacher, Local 802, A.F. of M., New York NY Marie Pastore Weinstein, PhD in Psychology, APA NYSPA Div 39, Brooklyn, NY New York Elena Skolnick PhD, clinical psychology, William Alanson White Institute, New York City New York Vincent Calenda, Masters of Social Work (LCSW), Manhattan Insitute for Psychoanalysis, New York NY Susan Chipman, Ph.D., retired, Brookline MA Paul Winkler, retired, retired, Kingston Canada Ernest Latham, Psy.D., Private Practice, Washington District of Columbia Niambi Hall-Campbell, PhD, Nassau Bahamas Elaine Wynne, M.A., Psychology of Human Development,Lic. Psychologist, MN Society of Clinical Hypnosis; EMDRIA, Golden Valley MN Maria Fotopoulou, Thessaloniki Louis Jacobson, PhD, NYSPA< APA, Manhasset NY Robert Crowe, JD, Falls Church VA Leni de Mik, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist, private practice, Minneapolis Minnesota Caroline Léchot, Teaching assistant, University of Lausanne, Lausanne Switzerland

57 Arnold Morgan, PsyD, Private practice, Patterson NY Laurence S. Baker, Ph.D., Psychologist - President, Testing Inc., Pleasantville NY Brittany Butler, BA, Ohio State University, Columbus Ohio Wesley Strickland, MA - Psychology, Organizational, Brooklyn NY Gabrielle Stutman, PhD, NYSPA, Dobbs Ferry NY Lisa R. Cane, Ph.D. Psychologist, Private Practice, Centerport New York Joanna Oleson, Psy.D., Clinical Psychologist, Hastings on Hudson NY Emily Damron, LCSW, Private Practice, Brooklyn NY Maureen Silverman, LMSW, International Trauma Studies Program, New York New York Sue McAndrew, PhD Mental Health Nursing, University of Salford, Manchester UK Alison Davies, PhD Student UK Penny Priest, Doctor of Clinical Psychology, British Psychological Society, Ludlow Shropshire Maxine Woolhouse, Leeds Metropolitan University, Sheffield UK Gareth Treharne, PhD health psychology, University of Otago, Dunedin New Zealand Olivia Anstis, Psychologist, Public and Private Health, Auckland New Zealand Israel Berger, PhD Candidate, Roehampton University, London England Sofia Zambrano, BA in psychology (Hons), PhD candidate, Adelaide Australia Y. Gavriel Ansara, MSc, PhD Candidate, Department of Psychology, University of Surrey; Warsaw International Studies in Psychology, University of Warsaw United Kingdom Rachel Roberts, PhD Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist, Adelaide Australia Daniel Lutzker, Ph.D., private practice, Garrison NY James Skelton, Ph.D. (Social psychology), Dept of Psychology, Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA John Alden, JD, MBA, computer science, Seattle WA Laura Dulski, Juris Doctor (J.D.), Inactive (Retired) Member of the Wisconsin State Bar, Belleville Wisconsin Martha Erickson, Oceanside California Michael Lauria, retired pilot, Houston Texas Julia Glover, California Institute of Integral Studies, Clinton WA Bruce Alexander, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver Canada Robert Kenny, PhD, California Institute of Integral Studies, Clinton WA Michael Schmitt, PhD in Psychology, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver BC Canada Kieran O'Doherty, PhD, Psychology, University of Guelph, Guelph Canada Nicole Edwards, Association Appartenances, Lausanne Switzerland David Evans, Masters' Level Psychotherapist, Hoffman Estates Illinois Steven Hobbs, PhD, Clinical Psychology, private practice, Palo Alto California 58 James Kent, MD, Psychiatry, COL,USArmy (Ret.), AMA, Sausalito CA Chris Kendell, Pioneer California Kristen Carter, school psychologist M.Ed., C.A.G.S., NASP, hudson ma Wynne Dimock, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist (civilian), RN, MA, Modern Psychoanalysis(retired), Livermore Colorado Don Bay, Law degree (Member CA Bar), Östersund Sweden Arthur Dole, PhD, ABPP, U. of Pensylvania, Trenton Maine Tony Roffers, Psychology, Private practice in California, Oakland California Calvin Claus, PhD, National-Louis University, Professor Emeritus, Arlington Heights IL Jorge Emmanuel, PhD, E & ER Group, El Cerrito CA James Deutsch, MD, PhD, University of Toronto, Dept. of Psychiatry, and Science for Peace, Toronto Canada Patricia Chernoff, M.S., Activist Against Torture, New York New York Marcelo Lábaki Agostinho, Doutorando em Psicologia Social, Instituto de Psicologia da USP, São Paulo Brasil John Schellenger, PhD, retired, Denver CO Maria Luisa Sandoval Schmidt, Não se aplica, Professora da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo Brasil Mika Haritos-Fatouros, psychology, professor emeritus, Athens Greece Gabriella Oturai, psychologist, Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt/Main Germany Mary Kilburn, Ph.D., Psychology, American Psychological Association Life Member, Raleigh North Carolina Kathleen Malley-Morrison, Ed.D, Boston University Department of Psychology, Westwood MA Karin Behrens, Master of Organisational Psychology, Australian Psychological Society, Brisbane Australia David Cushman, Psy.D graduate student CA Brydon Gombay, Ed. D., Community psychology, retired, Toronto Canada Carmen Meyer, Ph.D., clinical psychology, Psychologist, Department of Veterans Affairs, Annapolis United States Marsie Scharlatt, MA, MFT, retired psychotherapist, former Mental Health Director, Untied Cambodian Community, Long Beach, CA, Los Angeles CA Rita Maran, Doctor of International Human Rights Law, PsySR, Berkeley California Davide Morselli, senior researcher, University of Lausanne (CH), Lausanne Switzerland K Fatooh Melvin Allerhand, PhD, Psychology, Fairmount Professional Services, Cleveland Ohio Patricia Davis, Writer, Great Falls Virginia

59 Michael Penn, Professor of Psychology; Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster Pennsylvania Douglas Allen, PhD, Orono Maine Sharon Kingston, Ph.D., Clinical/Community Psychologist, Dickinson College, Carlisle PA Robert Akeret, Ed.D., WAWI, New York City New York Sonia Orenstein, PhD, Private Practice , School Psychology Consultant, New York New York Timothy Gomersall, MSc Psychology (Leeds) and Research Associate in Systematic Reviewing, N/A, Leeds England Ann Dercole, PHD, NYU, NYC NY Dina Poursanidou, PhD in Psychology - social science researcher, university of central lancashire, UK, manchester, UK Great Britain Gregory Smith, Ph.D. Psychology, Dickinson College, Carlisle PA Jacqui Lovell, BScHons Psychology, currently working as a community psychologist with people seeking sanctuary and who are socially excluded, York St John University and developing partners cic, Thornaby England Rivka Warshawsky, clinical psychologist MA, lecturer , bar ilan University, jaffa israel Johni Prinz, Ocean Shores Washington Rachel Max, MA, Social Worker, retired, Modiin Israel Henya Shanun-Klein, Ph.D., FT, Gili's Place (R), Tel Aviv Israel Stephanie Van Hook, Executive Director of the Metta Center for Nonviolence, Petaluma Ca Ronnie Lesser, Ph.D., Dartmouth Medical School, Lyme United States Sharon Brennan, PhD, Clinical Psychologist/Psychoanalyst, Office Address: New York City NY Richard Coan, PhD, American Psychological Association, Tucson, AZ Arizona Lenore Jean Ryberg, retired professional musician, none, Olathe Kansas E. Mark Stern, Ed.D, Graduate Faculty Emeritus, Iona College, Stanford NY Judy Roth, PhD, CUNY, NYC NY Leni de Mik, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist, private practice, Minneapolis Mn Linda Harrison, Ph.D. (Psychology), Harrison Catchpole and Associates, Port Alberni British Columbia, Canada Doris Dietze, PhD,clinical psychology, Retired. Formerly Veterans Administration, Seattle WA Deb Bales, Ashland OR Jose Martinez, Ph.D., U of Mary Hardin Baylor, Temple TX Michael Wiley, MSW, Medical Social Worker, E-8 USN (Ret), Whitmore CA Rene Grypma, M Clin Psych,, Registered Psychologist in Australia, Adelaide South Australia, Australia Diane Timko, M.A., IL Public Schools, Homewood IL

60 Laura Nunn, MA Counsleing Psychology NM Harvey Kaiser, MFA / Music Therapy, Ulster County NY B. O. C. E.S., High Falls NY Deborah Belle, Ed.D., Boston University Department of Psychology, Cambridge Massachusetts Christine Park, Nashville Tennessee Daniel Jordan, PhD, Licensed psychologist, Oxnard CA Pamela Aasen, Ph.D, Retired psychologist, Minneapolis MN William Holcomb, MSEd; retired Special Education teacher of emotionally disturbed children, Tryon NC Thomas Meiring, Ph.D., Mental Health Counseling, InnerView Behavioral Care (MBHC, Inc.), TOLEDO United States Jeffry Moe, Ph.D., Counselor Education & Supervision, University of Houston-Victoria, Houston Texas Patti Grant, Clinical Psychology, Marriage and Family Therapy, CAMFT, Riverside CA US Susan Perretti, BA, English - writer and editor, Setauket, United States Leslie McTyre, Psychologist/Political Scientist in Peacekeeping, McLean, VA Bruce Barry, NY Robert Schwebel, PhD, Clinical Psychology, author and developer of The Seven Challenges, Tucson, AZ Johni Prinz, Ocean Shores, WA George Harris, PhD, psychologist, Kansas City, MO Pam Burris, retired university administrator, Stony Brook University, Mt. Sinai, NY Michelle Narciza, Psychology, Houston, TX Michele Reimer, PhD, Psychology, Swarthmore College, Wynnewood, PA Mary Whitmore, former nurse, presently Engineering Technician, Washington State Patrol, Lynnwood Washington Tim Malone, Master of Social Work, LCSW, Geriatric Psychiatry, Deschutes County Human Services, Oregon, Bend Oregon Hannah Buck, England John Goff, Ph.D., Private Practitioner, Tuscaloosa Alabama Kevin Young, BA Psychology, MA in School Counseling in progress, Ball State University, Muncie IN Mark Hammel, Ph.D., Psychologist, Woodstock New York Jane Tucker, Ph.D., New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, New York NY Maria Castro, doctoral degree in clinical psychology, London UK Laura Borst, Houston Texas

61 Maryjo Gavin, Ph.D. Rehabilitation Psychologist, Detroit Medical Center, Toledo Ohio Janice Flahiff, Master's of Library Science, Toledo Ohio Anne Marie Abowd, BA in English and French, Toledo, Ohio Ohio Bruce Bennett, Ph.D., CEO APA Insurance Trust (Retired), Potomac MD Catherine Philpot, Dr, University of Queensland, Brisbane Australia Jeffery Klein, Toledo Ohio Peter Hockley, State registered nurse/ Operating dept. Practitioner, SCUM, Brighton UK Floyd Rudmin, PhD, Professor of Social & Community Psychology|, University of Tromso (Norway), Tromso Norway Francisco Villegas, PhD Associate Professor, York College - CUNY, Brooklyn NY Bob Witmer, PhD in General Experimental Psychology, Retired from US Army Research Institute, Gainesville Florida Patrica Williams, Doctor of Education, Ed. D., Certified Library Media Specialist, Marietta GA Sol Metz, Ann Arbor Michigan Eric Bagai, Psychology and Special Education, M.A.; Publisher., Physicians for Social Responsibility, Sunnyvale CA Mario Núñez, doctor in psychology, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Puerto Rico Anil Ustunel James Peck, Psy.D., Private Practice, Marina Del Rey CA Tobias Dolberg, MSc Psychology, Univ. Otago, Dunedin New Zealand Judith Powell, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, APA (DIV 35 & 44), NCPA, Raleigh, USA Sam Klugman, Rutgers University Graduate School of Applied & Professional Psychology, Brooklyn NY Sarah Sharma, Psychology, Bristol UK Marilyn Turner, Ph.D./Clinical Psycholgy, St. Louis Missouri Daniel Perez, MS, OD, Human & Organizational Development, San Jose California Doug Magnuson, Ph.D, Educational Psychology, SPSSI, Victoria, BC Michael Parent, M.S., University of Florida, Gainesville FL Anna Ropp, PhD in psychology Laura Stebbins, M.A., Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Perry IA Anthony Luchonok, retired, Clearwater Florida Philip Eidelson, Retired, Wynnewood PA Mary-Morag Sutherland, PsyD, Evanston Illinois Dorothy Ashman, M.A., Psychologist, Bloomsburg Pennsylvania Gordon Fellman, PhD, sociologist, Brandeis University, Cambridge MA

62 Bhupendra Patel, Activist, tax preparer, Los Angeles CA Philip Weber, Psy.D, West Chester PA Gloria Levin, Ph.D., Community Psychologist, Society for Community Research and Action (Div 27, APA), Fellow, Glen Echo MD Lamar Freed, Psy.D., Health Psychologist, Elkins Park PA Amy Carrillo Richard Amdur, Ph.D., Georgetown University, Washington DC Caroline Lane, MA in Education, Retired teacher Bedford Public Schools, Kew Gardens Hills New York Helen Madden, MA Psychology, Massey University, New Zealand, Auckland New Zealand Marcia Wesley, Psychologist, Washington state psychological association, Woodinville WA Suzie Cosh, M/Psych(Clin) PhD, university of adelaide, adelaide Australia Tria Moore, PhD, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield UK Linden Nelson, Ph.D., Past President, Psychologists for Social Responsibility; Professor Emeritus, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Cailifornia Judy Nathanson, PhD in Psychology, PPA, Bala Cynwyd PA Carol Jackson, Ph.D., low-income & special needs housing development, New York NY Mark Sibicky, Professor of Psychology, Marietta College, Marietta Ohio Etsuko Hoshino-Browne, Ph.D. in Psychology, Swarthmore College, Havertown Pennsylvania Greg Shrader, Ph.D.- Clinical Psychology, American Psychological Association, Phoenix AZ Susan E. Cross, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Iowa State University, Ames Iowa Jessica Goodkind, PhD in Community Psychology, University of New Mexico Department of Pediatrics, Albuquerque New Mexico Brooke Bennett-Day, PhD, Social Psychology, Wesleyan College, Macon Georgia Shaheen Rana, M.A. Psychology, Atlanta GA Kathleen Gallagher, Ph.D. Counseling Psychology, Bethlehem Pennsylvania Shirley Feldman-Summers, Ph.D. in psychology, Self-employed, Seattle Washington Leigh Messinides, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, VAHCS, Orange County, CA Dr. Jill Kuhn, Ph.D., Psychologist, Fort Collins CO Jessica Salvatore, PhD, Amherst College & Mount Holyoke College, Northampton MA Carrie Nassif, PhD in clinical psychology, private practice, Hays KS Angela Lipsitz, Ph.D., Social Psychology, NKU, Psychological Science Department, Wilder KY Ilan Dar-Nimrod, Postdoc fellow, University of Rochester, Fairport NY Lubna Somjee, PhD in psychology, Private Practice NY Sandy Olliges, MA, Human Science, San Jose State University, Fair Oaks CA

63 Elaine Douglas, PhD Research, British Psychological Society, London UK Pamela T Anikeeff, PhD, Washington, DC Karen Hanscom, PhD, psychologist, Executive Director-Advocates for Survivors of Torture and Trauma (ASTT), Baltimore MD Sarah Slagle-Arnold, Ph.D., private practice, Topsham Maine Lawrence Jacobson, Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, William Alanson White Institute, New York NY Dan Mortenson, County Government, Ketchikan Alaska Kate Mountain, PhD, Neuropsychologist, Kaiser Permanente, Berkeley CA Tria Moore, PhD, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield UK Babak Sadighim, B.A. in psychology, PhD candidate in Biopsychology, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY Tamara Sussman, PhD candidate in Clinical Psychology, SUNY Stony Brook, Northport NY Sheana Jannone, M.A. in Social Psychology, Stony Brook University, Forest Hills NY Brian Feinstein, M.A., Stony Brook University, Stony Brook New York Lauren Moskowitz, M.A., Clinical Psychology Doctoral Candidate, Stony Brook University, Sunnyside NY Elizabeth Trimber, PhD Student, Stony Brook University, Port Jefferson Station NY Al Herrera-Alcazar, Ph.D. Candidate, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY Vagdevi Meunier, Psy.D., St. Edwards University, Austin TX Mary Newkirk, Cottonwood California Gerald Cecere, PhD & DrPH, Am Psychological Association, Folsom California Paul Fleer, M.S., Ph.D., clinical, research psychology, retired, Crystal Lake IL Kenneth Critchfield, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist, University of Utah, Salt Lake City UT Janice Briggs, PhD. Economic Sociology, retired, Monsefu, Chiclayo Peru Frances Goff, concerned American, North Hollywood, California CA Aimee Yermish, PsyD, APA, Stow MA Kelly Burton, Retired Master Sergeant, Graduate Student, San Antonio TX Loren Krane, Ph.D, Clinician, Survivors International, San Francisco CA David Broadwater, retired psychiatric technician, Atascadero California Julie Bradshaw, BS, MBA, Denver CO Thomas Turman, Architecture//Engineering, Berkeley California David McDougall, Colonel, Tacoma WA Ray Legler, PhD, DePaul University, Chicago IL fredric weiss, Ph.D.,clinical psychologist, APA, New York NY Hans Schmidt, Geneva NY

64 Dimitri Putilin, MA in Psychology, Duke University, Durham NC Jadwiga Jagiellowicz, MA, SUNY - SB graduate student Gary Burford, Freelance, Toronto Canada Eric Anders, Psy.D., Psychoanalyst, First Lieutenant USAF (inactive), American Psychoanalytic Association, Member, Walnut Creek CA Louis Breger, Ph.D., Professor of Psychoanalytic Studies, emeritus Caltech, Marin County CA Donna Chirico, Ed.D., York College CUNY, Chestnut Ridge New York Jane Reilly, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Minneapolis MN Wendy Watanabe, Seattle WA Dominique Dix-Peek, M Ed, Researcher, CSVR, Johannesburg South Africa David Shriberg, Ph.D. in School/Counseling Psychology, University Professor, Hainesville IL Richard St. Jean, Ph.D., University of Prince Edward Island, Stratford Canada Christian Heyne, communication for human rights, Berlin Germany Bob Witmer, General Experimental Psychology, Retired from US Army Research Institute, Gainesville Florida Mark Kroll-Fratoni, M.A. Psychology, Ph.D. Candidate in Clinical Psychology, Duquesne University, Cologne Germany Rolando Jubis, Ph.D in Clinical Psychology, Licensed Psychologist, civilian, International affiliate of American Psychological Association, outside USA Republic of Indonesia Carol Rainey, Doctorate in English, Retired, Cincinnati Ohio Chuck McIntyre, MST veteran advocate/ advocate trainer, co-founder Avoiding Charlie Foxtrot, Freeland Washington Susan Harrison, Domestic Violence Advocate Stabilization Specialist, Cambridge MA Richard Reed, Electronics, Retired, Vero Beach Florida Patricia Thrasher, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Hilton Head Island SC Nancy Sin, Psychology Ph.D. candidate, University of California, Riverside, Riverside CA Gary Williams, Poison Control Consultant - mycotoxins, BC Poison Control Center - UBC; NAMA, Kamloops B.C., Canada Rick Russek, retired, Redondo Beach California Terry Lodge, J.D., private practice, counsel seeking revocation of psych license of Dr. Larry James, Toledo Ohio Todd Hauser, BA, Physics, UC Berkeley, Ocean park WA Chris O'Brien, . James Thomas, Chapel Hill State Barbara Dase, Educator, Iowa teacher certification, Decorah Iowa Jim Dase, clergy, Iowa United Methodist (Church) Conference, Decorah Iowa

65 Henriette Groot, PhD, retired ex-VA psychologist, Los Osos California Eldon Grossman, Chicago Illinois Leighton McCutchen, Ph.D., retired clinical psychologist, psychotherapy, APA, Heath MA Adrianna Sutherland, Coon Rapids MN Mohammad Askari, Graduate in Sociology, Business and social work, Lucknow India William Matthews, Ph.D. clinical psychology, professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA Robert Stahl, BS Engineering, Unemployed, Birmingham Alabama Clare Rountree, Ph.D., Honolulu HI Worth Green Anne Miles, Gibsons Canada Susan Clough, retired, retired, Ellsworth Kansas Robert Fernie, Ph.D., Retired Clinical Psychologist, Phoenix AZ Susan Clough, n/a, retired, Ellsworth Kansas Bruce Tefft, Ph.D., C.Psych. ; Clinical/Community Psychology; None, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada Michael Olson, PhD, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN Bill Reitter, Author and Peace Activist, Green Party of the United States, Glasboro NJ Sidney Berkowitz, Ph.D., APA, West Bloomfield Michigan Larry Carney, B.A., Bachelor of Sacred theology (STB), State Teaching Certificate, R.C. priest for 30 years, home care for mentally and physically handicapped, Clifford, Ontario Susan Gutwill, LCSW, MS, Women's Therapy Centre Institute, Highland Park NJ Ashleigh Lonsdale, BSc Honours Psychology, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario Canada Eric Hinojosa, BA Psychology, student, Fort Worth Community Credit Union, Fort Worth Texas Wendy Lubin, Ph.D., NYU Post Doctoral Program in Psychotherapy & Psychoanalysis, New York New York Jonathan Horn, Doctoral Candidate, Adelphi University, Washington DC Shaun Gilbert, MA Student, Peterborough Canada Gitika Talwar, Graduate Student, Community Clinical Psychology, University of MD, Baltimore County, Baltimore MD Ingrid Mood, Graduate student in mental health counseling, APA, ACA, Columbia Maryland Virginia Kelley, PhD Psychology -licensed, Private practice, New York NY Cathi Sitzman, Ph.D./Psychology Private Practice, APA, Bethesda MD Terri deRoon-Cassini, Ph.D., Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee WI Bertram Karon, PhD clinical psychologist, Michigan Psychoanalytic Council, East Lansing Michigan Almas Merchant, Doctoral Candidate, Adelphi University, Brooklyn New York 66 Billie Pivnick, Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, William Alanson White Institute, Brooklyn NY David Lichtenstein, PhD, Editor, DIVISION/Review, New York New York Jodie Kliman, PhD, social-clinical psychology, Mass. School of Professional Psychology, Brookline MA Tania Coiner, Ph.D., New York NY Todd Finnerty, Psy.D.,, LLC, Columbus OH Eliezer Mayer, PsyD, Clinical Psychologist, New York New York Andrew Samuels, D.H.L. Professor of Analytical Psychology, University of Essex (UK), United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy UK Dale Bryan, Honours Degree in Psychology, Student, Peterborough Canada Adami Gabriel, PsyD, Clinical Psychology,, APA, TPA, Flower Mound TX Sandra Thompson, M. Ed. in Human Behaviour, Retired, Orlando FL Robert H Stiver, Retired -- peace-and-justice activist, Pearl City Hawaii Lisa Simeone, Master of Arts, Writer; Radio Host, Baltimore Maryland Terry Robertson, M.D., Overland Park United States Wayne Klug, Ph.D., LCSW, LMHC, Professor of Psychology, Berkshire Community College, Pittsfield Massachusetts Lisa Happ, Ph.D., Washington, District of Columbia Beverly Celotta, PhD psychologist, American Psychological Association, Gaithersburg Maryland Lauren Aguilar, PhD Psychology, Stanford University, San Francisco CA Betsy Gard, Ph.D., AAFPC, Sandy Springs, GA Sean Bell-Thomson, M.A., Astoria NY Denise Sandole, Psy.D., NYC HHC, New York City NY Terry Burns, Adult Educator, retired, IWW, Mountain Ash, Rhondda Cynon Taff Wals, UK Michael Bass, School of the Americas Watch | San Francisco, Oakland United States Robin L White, Bachelor of Arts & Letters, Psychology Field, Portland Oregon Barbara Coady, clinical psychology, SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo NY G L LeBlanc, JD, Eugene Oregon Marcel Poulin, BSW, Social Work, Hornby Island Canada Philip Becker, Ph.D. Psychologist, former member APA, Berkeley CA Ariel Heron, BA Human Services, Anchorage AK Andrea Bowman, Marriage and Family Therapist, California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, Chico California Napi Nanette Ippolito, School Principal, Retired, Richmond Virginia Alan Young, caterer, Hilo Hawaii

67 Matthew Collum Nancy Kern, Ed.D., MSN, Family Nurse Practitioner, Spalding University, Pekin IN Nabeel Zabak, psychotherapist, NBCC, Houston Texas Ric Frye, Spec 4, retired, Goldendale WA Kristin Slyne, Doctoral candidate in clinical psychology; MA in clinical psychology, University of Hartford; Institute of Living CT Herbert Hoffman, Ph.D. -- Clinical Psychology, Life Member of the American Psychological Association, Ogunquit ME Chantal Bruchez-Hall, Ph. D. Psychologist in private practice., APA, Nyc Ny Dominic Marino, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist (retired), Univeristy of Hartford, West Hartford Connecticut William Allen, PhD, School Psychologist, GA Psychological Assn, Monticello, GA GA Harvey Kaiser, Maestro, Musical Director of 'The Kansas City Sound', High Falls New York David GordonDavidG, PhD Cinical Psychology, Private practice, NorfolkpracticeN VA Herbert Steger, Ph.D., Retired clinical psychologist; past president of Ohio Psychological Assoc., San Antonio TX Alison Holman, PhD, Health Psychology, Irvine CA Claire-Elizabeth DeSophia, MA, Counseling Psychology; Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Richmond CA L. Bagley, Albuquerque NM Alex Pirie, Community Health, Immigrant Service Providers Group/Health, Somerville MA William Atkins, Radiologic Technologist, retired, University of California, San Francisco, SAN FRANCISCO CA Philippe Bossard James Bieri, PhD, Professor (ret.), University of Texas at Austin, Austin Texas James Huggins, computer programmer, Houston Texas Rodney Evans, Master Business Administration, Honolulu Hawaii Arthur Lisciandro, Retired Educator (M.A.), Basking Ridge New Jersey Tony Vazquez, LCSW, Psychiatric Social Worker, retired, Brooklyn NY Paul Gilmartin, Registered Nurse, American Association of Critical Care Nurses, Tulsa Oklahoma

Michael Nielsen, Ph.D., social psychology, Georgia Marilyn Booton, Saint Paul MN Ronnie Diener, MA in psychology, psychotherapist specializing in relationship counseling, private practice, Silver City NM David White, JD, Massachsuetts Lawyers, Boston MA

68 Barbara Dell, B.A., Music, Piano Teacher, Philadelphia PA Lillie Kocher Thomas Sawyer, Writer, WGA, DGA, Malibu CA Harolynne Bobis, Seattle Washington George Collins, JD, LLM Estate Planner - Recovering Philosophy Professor, NH State Bar Association, Goffstown NH David Hoffman, Juris Doctor, Former Chair, Interfaith Council of Sonoma County, Santa Rosa California Dharti Arora, Cepheid - medical device company, San Jose California Zachariah Reagh, BS Psychology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham Alabama Cem Kaplan, Business Administration -Sakarya University, Istanbul Turkey Christopher Isa Kocher, BA, MA, MA,, retired, DeBruce NY Ruth Vilmi, Espoo Mary Alice Hansen, Licensed psychologist, Retired, Grand Marais Minnesota Robert Fuld, Certified Human Factors Professional; BS Psychology, MS Industrial Engineering, nuclear power industry, Unionville CT Phebe Fletcher, MA in Clinical Psychology, MFT intern, CAMFT, Oakland CA Dean McKay, PhD, Fordham University, Port Washington NY Terry Proeger, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, Psychologist, Sarasota Florida Ruth McCreery, M.A., East Asian Studies, Yokohama Japan James l Johnson, PhD, Calif. State University, Fresno, Fresno California Carol Smaldino, CSW psychotherapist, NASW, Port Washington United States Dave Helleman, editor, English teacher, journalist., educator, Toronto Ontario Phyllis Shulman, :Ph.D., in Clinical Psychology, CAMFT, San Francisco California Sarah J. Buck Ohio Carla Dimondstein, CA License MFT 27126, Fort Bragg CA Tom Roeper, Prof of Linguistics, UMass, Amherst, Ma Massachusetts David Feinstein, Ph.D. in Psychology, American Psychological Assn, Ashland Oregon James Ciocia, Juris Doctor, Retired, Lyndhurst Ohio Ernesto Vasquez, MD- Psychiatry, Belleair Beach Florida Mary Offermann, Landscape/Still Life Painter, Cultural Council of Santa Cruz County, Santa Cruz California Ed Conley, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Silver City New Mexico Edward Stein, M.D., Tampa FL Alison Barr, RN, self employed, Silver City NM

69 Scott Blau, MPhil, IBM, Yonkers NY Janice Flahiff, Toledo OH Gregory Laxer, Clinical Specialist, US Army Medical Dept., 1967-71, retired, Danielson CT Litsa Binder, Retired Lobbyist, Peace and Justice Community Organizer, Sparta NJ Richard Ridenour, MTh, MSW, NASW, United Church of Christ, Sonoma CA Sandra Shand, M.S. in Counseling, California State University and Community College system, Petaluma CA Chere Winnek-Shawer, Ph.D., Attorney, Retired ALJ, Pennsylvania Bar Assoc., Indiana PA Bill Blau, MA Psychology U. of Chicago, WW II veteran US Army Ait Corps, Calistoga CA Mylo Egipciaco, Los Angeles California Ana Marquinez-Castellanos, MD,Psychiatrist,Psychoanalyst, Chicago IL Kay Whitlock, Writer & social justice organizer, Co-author, Queer (In)Justice: The Criminalization of LGBT People in the United States, Missoula Montana Barbara Flom, Ph.D., LPC, Knapp WI Charles McGee, MA in Human Relations, Reform Alabama, Andalusia Alabama Charles Fantz, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, APA, Topeka Kansas Louis Tassinary, JD, PhD, Bryan TX Mark Blechner, Ph.D., New York University, New York NY Elaine Heathcoat, M.A., Orange County Fire/Rescue: Retired, Cherokee North Carolina Susan Armistead, M.D., Depart of Veterans Affairs: Retired, Key Largo FL Julie Tatkon, LCSW, Sag Harbor NY Mary Gendler, Ed.D. Psychology, APA, Great Barrington MA Roger Karlsson, PhD, ABPP, San Jose State University, San Jose California Stephen Sideroff, PhD, UCLA, Santa Monica CA Linda Sonna, PhD, San Miguel de Allende Mexico Forest Ormes, LCSW, CADC, Lyons Illinois Molly Scott, Ed.D., doctorate in counseling psychology, spec. trauma, EMDRIA, ACA, Charlemont MA Adriana Snow, Boston MA Brad Cotton, MD ( former Lt. USAR), Emergency Physician, Circleville Ohio Tabitha Woodruff, JD, Columbus Ohio Connie Gadell-Newton, Attorney/J.D., Fitrakis & Gadell-Newton, LLC, Columbus Ohio Patricia Marida, registered pharmacist, Columbus Ohio Tim Chavez, Parking Supervisor, Columbus Ohio

70 Donald Carveth, Professor of Sociology and Social & Political Thought, Director of the Toronto Institute of Psychoanalysis, Toronto Canada Claudia Park, LTC US Army, Pagosa Springs CO Linda Giannoni, Oakland California Jeff Manzelli, sound engineer, Medford MA Attila Hochfelner, Student in a graduate program in mental health counseling, Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis/Society for Modern Psychoanalysis, Somerville MA Dorinda Moreno, B.A., SF State University, Judge, International Tribunal of Conscience, FM Global Communications, Santa Maria CA Evalyn Segal, PhD Behavior Analysis, Bioethics, Primatology, Professor emerita, San Diego State University; former fellow of APA, AAAS, NY Academy of Sciences, Walnut Creek CA Chris Baker-Evens, Nonviolent Conflict and Conflict Transformation, Wallingford, PA Sean Hinckley, BSc, Portland Oregon Gerald Leibowitz, Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, APA, Fresh Meadows NY Judi Imhoff, firefighter / EMT, City of Toledo Fire Department, Oregon OH Elizabeth Hauck, PhD Clinical Psychologist, Psychologist, Sterling VA Julie Leonovs, Psychological research MSc, Tyne and Wear England Ilda Plasari Joseph Maizlish, M.A. Clinical Psychology, licensed CA M.F.T., Los Angeles CA Daniel Druckman, Ph.D. social psychology, Dept. of Public and International Affairs, George Mason University, Potomac MD Richard Vento, Retired Faculty, Columbus State Community College, Southampton New Jersey Sabreen Taha, B.S. in Biology and International Studies, Doha Qatar David Sherwood, Psychologist, Private Practice, Poughkeepsie NY Mark Stansbery, Masters in Public Policy and Management, NRPA, Columbus Ohio Jeffrey Masson, Ph.D., Honorary Research Associate, Department of Sociology, University of Auckland, Auckland New Zealand Philip Dunwoody, PhD, Juniata College, Huntingdon PA Ronelle Moehrke, Hogansville GA Ricardo Ainslie, Ph.D., Professor, University of Texas at Austin, Austin Texas Sunny Turner, B.A. Psychology; M.A. Human Consciousness; Behavioral Medicine, Boulder CO David Nichols, Ph.D., Retired, Portland OR Alicia McCareins, PhD, JD, Founder, President, Research, Evaluation, & Consulting Assoc, LLC, Naperville Illinois Daniela Freitas, FPCEUP, Porto Portugal Sarah Slagle-Arnold

71 Dominic Marino, Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, University of Hartford, West Hartord Connecticut Kristina Pikunas, PhD, licensed clinical psychologist, Honolulu HI Stefanie Jacinto, AB Psychology, Fremont CA Ardys De Lu, MSW, Berkeley CA William Hilton, Ph.D., NYC Department of Education, Brooklyn New York France Bognon, Attorney, Washington DC Nick Sibilla, Reston Virginia Guy Zahller, Science Education, Aptos United States Lisa Barr, PhD Mass Communication, J.D., Oneonta NY Nick Medvecky, PsyD, Retired, Detroit Michigan Astrid Birgden, PhD, Consultant Forensic Psychologist, Member Australian Psychological Society, Melbourne, Victoria Australia Ariel Ladum, MA Social Psychology, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta North Cyprus John Curry, Ph.D., Chapel Hill NC Heshi Piyathilake Leela Alvarez, Rev. Dr. Metaphysics, Universal Life, Salem Oregon Roy Eidelson, PhD, Past President, Psychologists for Social Responsibility; Associate Director, Solomon Asch Center for Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict, Bryn Mawr College Stephen Soldz, PhD, Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis; Past President, Psychologists for Social Responsibility Steven Reisner, PhD, Clinical Assistant Professor, NYU Medical School; Faculty and Supervisor, International Trauma Studies Program, New York City Brad Olson, PhD, President-Elect, Psychologists for Social Responsibility; National Louis University, Chicago, IL Bryant Welch, PhD, Program Director and Professor of Psychology, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA Trudy Bond, PhD, Independent Psychologist; Steering Committee, Psychologists for Social Responsibility