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4'695'12! lR°"- 7 U.S. DepartmeH7 1fJustice L-':;l'mf;:-I ililliia' Federal Bureauof Investigation t-ireQ . .».-'='A Mrshingron, D.C'.20535 VlAR 16 1989 SubjectotFlequest: TheHind-enburq FOIPANo. /190- Dea" Requester: Enclosed are copies of documents from FBI records. Excisions havebeen made to protect information exemptfrom disclosure pursuant toTitle 5, United States Code , Section 552 and/or Section 552a. In addition, where excisions were made, the appropriate exempting subsections have been cited opposite the deletions. Where pages have been withheld in their entirety,a deleted page information sheet has been substituted showing the reason orbasis for the deletion. The subsections citedfor withholding information from the enclosed documents are marked below. Section 552 Section 552a b!! U b! ! A! U d! ! Ellbl! U b! ! ! U l! ! b! ! T26USC6lO3 £3 b! ! C! U K! ! b! ! D! U K! ! U b! ! E! U K! ! U b! ! F! U K! ! U b! ! U 1! 9! U K! ! U b! ! U *1! 9! U K! ! U b! ! U K! ! See Form 4-694a. enclosed, for an explanation of these exemptions.! £m£mtm , 36 3 pagesis! were reviewedand 3 3 Z page s! arebeing released. Preprocessed! During the review of material pertinent to the subject of your request, documents were located which El originated with another Government agency ies!. These documents were referred to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. El contain information furnished by another Government agency ies!. You willbe advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. FBIIDOJ 4-694a Rev. 12-4-86! - EXPLANATION OF EXEMPTIONS SUBSECTIONS OF TITLE 5, UNITED STATES CODE, SECTION 552 b! ! A!specifically authorized undercriteria establishedby an Executive orderto be kept secret in the interest of national defenseor foreign policy and B! are in fact properly classified pursuant to such Executive order; b! ! related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency; b! ! specifically exemptedfrom disclosure by statute other than section 552b of thistitle!, provided thatsuch statute A! requires thatthe matters be withheld from the public in such a manner as to leave no discretion on the issue, or B! establishes particular criteria for withholding or refers to particular types of matters to be withheld; b! ! trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential; bl ! inter-agency or intra-agency memorandu ms or letters which would not be available by law to a party other than an agency in litigation with the agency; b! ! personnel andmedical filesand similar files thedisclosure ofwhich would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasionof personal privacy; b! ! records orinformation compiledfor law enforcement purposes,but onlyto the extent thatthe productionof such law enforcementrecords or information A!could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings, B! would deprive a person of a right to a fair trial or an impartial adiudication, C! could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, D! could reasonably beexpected todisclose the identity ofa confidential source, includinga State, local, orforeign agencyor authority or any private institution which furnished information on a confidential basis, and, in the case of a record or information compiled by a criminal law enforcement authority in the course of a criminal investigation, or by an agency conducting a lawful national security intelligence investigation,information furnishedby a confidential source, E! would disclose techniquesand proceduresfor law enforce- ment investigationsor prosecutions,or would disclose guidelinesfor law enforcement investigationsor prosecutions if suchdisclosure could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law, or F! could reasonably be expected to endanger the life of physical safety of any individual; lb! ! contained inor relatedto examination, operating, or condition reportsprepared by,on behalf of, or forthe use of an agency responsible for the regulation or supervision of financial institutions; or b! 9! geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, concerning wells. SUBSECTIONS OF TITLE 5, UNITED STATES CODE, SECTION 552a id! ! information compiled in reasonable anticipation of a civil action proceeding; f! ! material reportinginvestigative effortspertaining tothe enforcementof criminal law includingefforts to prevent, control,or reduce crime or apprehend criminals, except records of arrest; K! ! information whichis currentlyand properly classified pursuantto Executive Order1 2356 in the interest of the national defenseorforeign policy, for example, information involving intelligence sources or methods; K! ! investigatory materialcompiled for law enforcementpurposes, otherthan criminal, whichdid not result in loss of a right, benefit or privilege under Federalprograms, or which would identify a source who furnished information pursuantto a promise that his/her identity would be held in confidence; R! ! material maintainedin connectionwith providingprotective servicesto the Presidentof the United Statesor any other individual pursuant to the authority of Title 18, United States Code, Section 3056; K! ! required by statute to be maintained and used solely as statistical records; K! ! investigatory materialcompiled solelyforthepurpose ofdeterminingsuitability eligibility,or qualificationsforFederal civilianemployment or for accessto classified information,the disclosureof which would revealthe identityof the person whofurnished informationpursuant to a promise that his identity would be held in confidence; K! ! testing or examination material used to determine individual qualifications for appointment or promotion in Federal Government service the release of which would compromise the testing or examination process; K! ! material used to determine potentialfor promotion in the armed services,the disclosureof which would revealthe identity ofthe person who furnished the material pursuant to a promise that his identity would be held in confidence. FBIIDDJ 5L - --w - 1 __ ._.-1-_.._. .. '---- _ - . subJK@ ]ZiL¬ nUm%R - - 5¬CZ5iOI'1 T2UTDB¬R gm 5 %RiAL5 @OZ?>AL Dl92§¬S ax! 1DA§¬6 R¬L6A566 pA<3e5 wxtmbao 3'5 exemp@ion useo s! 123', 55¢» ya [3-ihg was .-Q... ..._,. ..,.,.... _.._.»......_..... ...._....._..__-..___.__.__._.._._.._.__.__.. .,_ -1:: -u r 92 92 .-...l '-.r ' .a_ '' ' - -92 - -- ----.. .'.»:.;-4,. ._.'.. 'L".". ii? - .--__;,,,'..._ "' E11 4 *5:-'7'7'-'F-J:;$_¢-151*? " " 2. Q 1 _. .,,.,.,__,..?_,_ i ' f: .. ~ __ _ 1 *~ j 1-=»~ -1 ; lIF.IST§' ___, .'I""",,.|-~' 4 -4 ._... It'll» Record of Telephone Call or Vi§11g;m___~_____,h;,,E¢"W In. em w=~» e rear. iii?-5'1? ........;. -», Hr-Jlblll . _. .. I = _ Ir.s:|¢|' v gnu» .- Y. ,..._.,_._,_ 4,. - 92§ |me_ __ _ _ __ Uh-.|.|.or Ir Illclwll me -4" I- JOJLQQ l-..- H3Q}92i1jn Y F- -- }f1.l;,__~; '- ~ 7-Z4--.'1 huh, .9cl92IlIIl F.._l_92.A 1.5"-13,,-I 4'1.--.-1 -.~4 B,1 .¢._.u 4-i.n,_...._:92 r Li Q I Tl I Referred rI'r t0 "PC. Ollinll. II any__..___-- ils: é,l.=... 1 T1"":;@% QQEEQYNED "'.-._ 4 W__.__---- ,._..~,, !_ _ -.-- L»; -----:,_ -.1-.. *_c::-tn-D _/..4-LA-.4 --'6_- - _ -75A?k¢d to S:??k to Hr. Hoover 2&6 W95 hraugh the opersiar %h"t WT. HvoY=r out 0T town. H9 th9n asked to Ffe?; to ..J¬> .13 I1 rting in Mr. Hoover's absence; he Q5 0a offer Jlngly tr»nsf¢rr+Q to Hr. Quinn. nvhatigvIr. Quinn r.dv:1:-"hr. +.;m- 92.:-""':'iI"*-'1 hi; services in connectlon with an?.. * +d,tion th't ti: _ Bureau w"s can ;.,.1r._@¢ 1;; ' wan 1-» 1 2»-47 @- iindnbwrg diswntor. ". Cajun 2SYi1@d - in T La "' 'i?£"~E:-"Bur@.=~=1 ~ _c.nn§111_Qf<1i_1j1:i_1?;?_ @- ¢ 1?-.~<, ~»++~;*. " M 45¢ 7L5>/§9/ V . *~ ch - --h ~ .l1*.,-...'1u.'. EEECNDICDIHD 1» V 1537- mnmxmn W - ' .._?_!<_l;@i_ _ }{?_ 2 Ge, 0. Q? W %_ /- ' 9+ __ ._,, _,__ __ __Ha-_ ..-_..a ~~ : ;_~_ l - I "'_""~I~u-_- -- . .lta..,..-.____l.____ _ . ' 1'1", *" 1::_._-_-_.- J; . _ _ A , ,, . - ' __U_ __ ,l . .. V /-1 , _ , 1 -v--_ 1 .- .-_-.....,___ r "'~92_--b-4* _ 9 _I . 92 - §-_ _- ' 1 ; V . ' Jon-in same noogsa . .- 1; -- - i 'mmmmun - -,--~ hi? Irhersl Bureau nf inneshgann nite?! §tat2aErna:-taunt Justineat I _ _ . a H / ashingtnu,G. B. /- '~_ ' . PEF:RP Hay 10, 1937 _q_"; _ __ - ALL IEiF-.-.---"=.--i- *_~ ' _ - H 153;? gaozunncmme run nisscroa __ is - i - _ -Q .~,;.%5 . > .. / P-. O . r RE: smnnzscac nxsasrsa _ ._.-1.1%L/ den Ir. Connelley called with reference to this matter and stated that Commander Rosendahl hge been VBTY;Seve;ah15_In;us_as_has-iha_Dapa:imeni_o£-Com- m.;53_§3EE1q§Ee.*stated he thatthergiare tworepresentatives of Senator Cope- iandve committeeat ehurst, Golonellgartney Rogergillisison, and Hartneyhaving 1.]'.-..92; 1:'. been 1- 5.» a inted as Techical Adviser. r. Cdnnelley sta ed that he does not believe - J, Comnanggg Rosendallorthe bmmerce Committee particularly is favorableto them, .%' "ibut they have not taken any action against them except to listen to their suggestions. Hr. Ccnnelley said that the first thing they had in mind was the foot tracks which came in from the back gate on the west side of the reservation. There is a road hhe running along there to which the public has access but there is s barbed wire fence 2 -st --1 between the road and the reservation itself. at the time of the landing of the =-§:':.'aewe -> _ jl.