Grafisk produksjon: E. Natvik Prenteverk AS, Florø – Telefon 57 75 20 20

ours 590. NOK

NOK 480 NOK 250 NOK 260 NOK 160 320 NOK 245 NOK 210 NOK 210 NOK 245 NOK 320 NOK 13.15 14.05 14.55 16.00 16.30 Children låm at låm at for more t more t for

Price 4 hours 4 Price D Tickets in the bus. Tickets  ...... 1900c 1915b 1925 1945 2000 ...... his is an easy paddle, and paddle, easy an is This

D D   ...... 1810 ...... 1825 ...... 1825 . . . 1840 . . . 1855x ......

350. NOK D D Adults   640 NOK 500 NOK 430 NOK 430 NOK 500 NOK 640 NOK ...... 1715 ...... 1730 ...... 1745 . . . 1805 . . . 1815b 1715c 1830x 1725b 1840x 1735 . . . 1755 . . . 1810 ......

Turn shee

D D   ...... 1430 | 1450 1600 ...... 1432 | 1455 1615 . . . 1450 1505 1635 1515 1650 1540 1705b 1555c 1715c 1605b 1730x 1615 . . . 1640 . . . 1655 . . . 1710 ......

låm (boat) urlandsfjord. .

67 67 st   m m m m m m m ...... 1605 ...... 1620 ...... 1625 . . . 1640 ...... Roundtrip incl. Roundtrip F Dep. Undredal Arr. Undredal Dep. Arr. F with bus – arr. Gudvangen Dep.

-27 D D st   st

1535 | 1815 ...... 1600 | 1830 ...... 1615 | ...... 1635 . . . 1650 . . . 1705b . . . 1715 . . . 1730 . . . 1750 . . . 1800 1445 1810 1500 1815 1520 3:00 p 1:45 p 2:55 p 4:00 p 5:15 p 9:50 am 9:50 am D 12:05 p 12:05 p 10:55 am

10.00 11.00 13.00 angen D D  

1140 ...... 1205 ...... 1215 ...... 1035 . . . 1045 . . . 1055b . . . 1105 . . . 1125 . . . 1140 ...... tegastein 1 ½ h tegastein Departures

ndredal 4 ½ h and Undredal tegastein D D / SEPT 1 / SEPT  

...... 0815 0830 0910 ...... 0830 0835 0925 ...... 0845 0940 0855 0952 0915 1010b 0930c 1020c 0945b 1035 1000 . . . 1020 . . . 1035 . . . 1050 . . . 1115 st D , - AUGUST 31 - AUGUST   . . . . 1050 . . . 0805 ...... 0830 1110 . . . 0810 ...... 0840 1115 0830 . . . 0900 . . . 0912 . . . 0930b . . . 0940c . . . 0955 . . . 1022 . . . 1035 . . . 1045 . . . 1050 . . . DX67 st al – Gudv jordtour, S Fjordtour, 3 h and Undredal Fjordtour and S Fjordtour and Aurland 1 ½ h Fjordtour 48 13 LÆRDAL LÆRDAL .no låm (boat) Hallingdal--Flåm-Gudvangen Hallingdal-Aurlandsdalen-Flåm-Gudvangen 11 33 & ...... NO-5741 BOARD 63 63 ...... ARI Summer schedule 57 53, 57 ...... info@alr ...... 23-491 , , ÿ 22-450 Bergen, ÿ 23-491 Voss, ddle i flåm – 2 hours or 4 hours addle i flåm ...... AF ...... +47 +47 23-490 Gudvangen-Flåm-Aurlandsdalen-Hallingdal 23-490 Gudvangen-Flåm-Aurlandsdalen-Hallingdal låm Beach, we paddle the amazing the paddle we Beach, låm D = dagleg, 1 = måndag, 2 = tysdag, 3 = onsdag, 4 = torsdag, 5 = fredag, 6 = laurdag, 7 = søndag, X = unntatt, S = skuledagar .O.Box el. F ...... låm to Gudvangen (bus) Gudvangen låm to AURLAND TOURIST P T Fax E-mail: låm Gudvangen Hagafoss Hagafoss Ål Geilo Hagafoss Flåm Ål Torget Geilo Ål Torget Hagafoss sentrum Aurland Ål Hagafoss Sunnhov Hovet Vassbygdi Myrland Stondalen Geiteryggen øst Østerbø (Aurland) Stemmerdalen Stemmerdalen Østerbø (Aurland) Geiteryggen øst Stondalen Myrland Vassbygdi Sunnhov Hovet Aurland Hol sentrum Flåm Hagafoss Gudvangen 30/5-4/10 09

30/5-4/10 09 Berre 30/5-21/6 09. Berre 09. 7/9-4/10 Berre 22/6-23/8 09. Berre 22/6-6/9 09. Berre 22/6-16/8 09. Om Østerbø. Om Steinbergdalen Turisthytte

tandard 3 hours tandard tandard 3 hours tandard b. b. c.     Korrespondansar sjå rutenummer, (symbolbruk side 2): sjå rutenummer, Korrespondansar Aurland ÿ 0 130 0 17 20 146 1 20 29 147 17 29 40 41 52 64 64 75 72 83 83 95 106 107 118 118 127 127 130 147 Km

Km kjem fram i tabellen. på reisa utan at dette kjem fram Det kan verte bussbyte rom rom | = passerar ikkje staden, a = kun avstigning, p = kun påstigning, x = dersom passasjerar, - = passerar staden utan oppgitt rutetid I tabell: | = passerar ikkje staden, a = kun avstigning, p = kun påstigning, x = dersom passasjerar, S Daily 17.06 – 31.08 June 10th and 16th of 3rd, Wednesdays: Flåm from 23.06 – 23.08 Tours 10.50 12.25 10.50, 14.00 12.25, 10.50, 14.00 12.25, 10.50, ep. F Dep. F to Gudvangen Dep. F Arr. Mini 1h 30min Heritage 2h 10min PROGRAM: MAI 3rd-31 Mini 1h 30 min PROGRAM: JUNE 1 Safari Heritage 2h 10min S e – Sognefjordcruise Heritag Flåm – Undred lley and Va Aurl Busschedules Fjord p

Tickets for sale at the touristinformation. for Tickets Adult NOK 330 Children NOK 165 Family (2+2) NOK 660 NOK 165 Family Adult NOK 330 Children Fare: sale at the touristinformation. for Tickets Booking/tickets at the touristinformation in Flåm. at the touristinformation Booking/tickets Tickets for sale at the touristinformation sale at the for Tickets F hours: 2 Price: August: of 31st – June of 1th Daily no previous experience is needed. experience no previous D • 57 22.30 22.40 23.15 19.30 19.00 22.10* x D D 57 15.00 14.30 08.00 15.30 12.20 11.50 13.25 Dx6 D 21.30 22.00 20.15 22.10 20.25 21.05 19.55* 22.27* 18.10 17.40 27.09 18.05- AL 20.06. – 20.08. 01.05. – 30.09. D al Dx 6 20.05 20.35 18.35 20.45 18.48 19.20 18.15* 21.02* D

15.30 15.00 20.08 20.06- – – D Dx 6 06.09 17.05 17.35 17.15 17.45 17.30 18.03* 22.06 – D

– D ry the white and brown brown and white the ry 13.40 13.10 y the fjord DX67 T 09.00 08.30 10.30 All year 13.10 12.30* 13.40 – – D Dx 6 06.09 16.55 16.35 17.10 16.48 17.20 16.15* 22.06 – 01.05.– 30.09. 22.06. – 21.08.

D 12.40 12.10 27.09 – 18.05- D D gen 06.09 15.25 15.35 16.05 16.00 16.20 16.15 16.36* 22.06 –

låm – D F Aurland 06.09 14.45 14.15 15.00 14.25 15.20 15.05 Dx 67 13.55* 22.06 – låm låm F F Bergen eikanger Aurland Aurland Undredal L D D NOK 645 /635 NOK 200 one way NOK 220 one way 15.40 15.30 30.09 12.25 13.00 11.55 13.15 12.05 12.50 Dx 67 01.05- 11.33* 13.30*

låm trand – Ber – – D D D candinavia still in use. use. in still Scandinavia 06.09 06.09 11.40 10.35 12.05 10.50 12.15 11.15 låm 22.06 – 22.06 – 15.25 15.10 All year ales e b ag – a unique vill at Lærd and - angen – Flåm – Aurl o D D D låm eikanger D 08.45 09.15 09.53 09.30 10.05 10.45 Dx 67 Dx67 F Aurland L Balestrand Balestrand Fjærland kai - Glaciermuseum Norsk Bremuseum Arrival the Glacier Bus to Glaciermuseum) to Sogndal – (next Bus to Sogndal Bus from Aurland Arrival F Arrival 09.35* 09.45* 11.40 11.15 16.30 16.55 20.40 11.00 15.30 15.40 13.35 13.20 27.09 y b

18.05- - 17.05 – – D 20.06. – 20.08. 01.05. – 30.09. 30.09 +28.09 06.09 08.10 09.10 08.25 09.25 22.06 – 01.05- al b D “ ” “ ” trand – Fjærland – Flåm |

11.15 11.00 20.08 20.06- and tweeN Flåm – Aurl Flåm – B at – – D o 06.09 06.40 07.13 08.30 07.23 08.40 Dx 67 tween Gudv 07.40* ales 22.06 – D aturday. Saturday. 09.15 09.00 01.05 -30.09 D be at Flåm/Aurland – Bergen Adult Aurland-Balestrand Adult Flåm- Balestrand Adult NOK 79 one way DX67 09.40 09.15 07.30 08.00 11.40 09.00 06.00 06.15 o 13.00 - respomsible for errors or changes which have occurred after print May 2009. May print after occurred which have or changes errors for respomsible 06.00 06.15 07.30 08.00 08.05 09.25 09.40 13.45 14.30 16.05 16.20 01.05. – 30.09. 22.06. – 21.08. sk the boat to pick you up in returning to F to up in returning pick you to sk the boat låm låm 06.15 06.00 Dx 67 21.08 Lærdal 22.06. – 21.08. Gudvangen Gudvangen Aurland F F Aurland Gudvangen Gudvangen Lærdal 11.00 Flåm – B Buses be b Express Visit Undred b By 22.06- Boat tickets for sale at the tourist information. sale at the tourist for Boat tickets & Bus with Boat – Glacier – Norsk Bremuseum Fjord

* A

goatcheese – cafémenu w/local character – local handcraft etc. – local handcraft w/local character – cafémenu goatcheese Adult NOK 79 one way. Boatticket: touristinformation. sale at the for Tickets Fare: in the bus. Bus tickets sale at the touristinformation. for Boat tickets isit the smallest church in church smallest the Visit the boat. from 3 min. walk Gudvangen, E16, the bus by on/off * Get 6 Exept x Fare: D – LÆR FLÅM – ND D 14.43 15.00 15.45 16.05 16.20 ve Church ærøy valley and valley Nærøy RLA U ailway – the most exciting exciting most the – Railway Aurland og Lærdal Touristboard cannot be held cannot Touristboard Aurland og Lærdal gund Sta D Dx7* låm 18.10 11.00 11.59 12.20 13.11 14.30 15.30 16.00 tave Church Church tave F 15.30 20.40 – Bus ærøyfjord, Nærøyfjord, the most rugged and 13.10/16.10 R** 15.25/18.23 15.59/18.29 16.55/19.25 18.05. – 27.09. yrdal: låm o the Bor If you want to stop and spend the night rr. F Arr. 01.05. – 30.09. S Borgund Dep. Håbakken Arr. Håbakken Dep. Aurland Arr. Dx7* 18.10 09.45 10.43 11.10 12.06 14.30 15.30 16.00 – Train, – Train, s an alternativ take the trip other way around. around. way other trip the take alternativ an s D A D 19.25 18.23 17.33 14.35 13.20 13.10 11.00 låm to M låm to 18.29. låm to Gudvangen: låm to Dx67 13.30 06.00 07.30 11.40 A2) shell 2009 (Tour D 08.00** A RDS O ognefjord, a bustrip through the through bustrip a , 20.06. – 20.08. 08.35/11.00 09.27/11.59 09.55/12.20 12.05/14.22 13.00 11.55 12.05 12.30 12.45 13.10/15.58R 15.25/17.50 15.59/18.29 16.55/19.25 18.05. – 27.09. 22.06. – 21.08. Tour C2) (Tour shell 2009 – Boat, låm Dx7* 18.10 08.35 09.27 09.55 15.30 16.00 10.44 14.30 D 16.55 15.59 15.25 14.32 12.55 11.40 11.00 09.00 candinavia. Scandinavia. 03.05. – 27.09. talheimskleivi and a trip on the on trip a and talheimskleivi tave Church tave S y in a nut a ful side arm of the of arm side ful låm låm låm låm låm – Express boat, – Express talheimskleivi incl. in all not departures). oss oss oss oss tarting with train tarting with boat låm låm låm låm eikanger (change boat) rain dep. Myrdal dep. rain rain dep. Bergen Bergen dep. rain Myrdal dep. rain tarting with boat from F from tarting with boat tarting with train from F from tarting with train låm – Bergen – F låm – Bergen F Myrdal Myrdal V V Gudvangen Gudvangen Myrdal Myrdal Myrdal V V Gudvangen Gudvangen F F S F Dep. Myrdal Arr. T rr. Bergen Arr. ** Bergen dep. boat Express F Arr. 01.05. – 30.09. F Dep. Aurland Dep. Håbakken Arr. Håbakken Dep. S Borgund Arr. 18.05. – 27.09. F S F Dep. L Bergen Arr. T Myrdal Arr. T F Arr. Sognefjorden in a nut and t Flåm and Aurl Bus from Norw the steep steep the in journey train (S S On this tour you will experience the ­ beauti undays 22.06 – 14.08 * Also Sundays = seat reservation possible reservation R = seat Tickets in the bus. Tickets Adults NOK 625 / Children NOK 325. No senior/student ticket. NOK 325. No senior/student Adults NOK 625 / Children Fare: sale at the touristinformation. for Tickets F day. ** Next The ticket is valid for two months. do that. may you along the route NOK 560. Adult NOK 1.115 Children Fare: sale at the touristinformation. for Tickets S ow with new visitor’s centre. visitor’s with new Now stavechurch. visited most Norway’s Aur­ Joste­ Sogne­ D angen 19.30 19.00 17.20 DX67 09.53 10.45 11.10** 14.30 16.15* 16.35 28.09.–30.09. 01.05.–17.05. – – – D 17.20 15.25 15.10 DX6 DX67 20.45 19.15 20.35 06.00 06.15 07.30 08.15 08.45 08.45 10.15 11.30 11.40 16.50 17.00 17.00 18.40 11.55 12.50 15.05** 18.05 19.55* 20.15 D 15.30 18.10 13.35 17.40 13.20 16.00 urland, driving the world`s long­ world`s the driving Aurland, 18.05.–27.09. . “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ ” ” “ and – Gudv turn Flåm – Aurl urland to Gudvangen, on the on Gudvangen, to låm/Aurland F D 13.10 15.30 11.15 15.00 11.00 13.20 t/Re ravel the opposite direcktion ask at the touristinformation. ask at direcktion the opposite ravel 20.06.–20.08. Tour 119) cier, Flåm (Tour from låm we drive to to drive we låm F D 11.10 13.40 09.15 13.10 09.00 11.30 almon Centre. 01.05.–30.09.

ærøyfjord Nærøyfjord – the most spectular of the inlets of the ærdalsøyri. Charming well kept wooden village, known for its for known village, wooden kept well Charming Lærdalsøyri. “ “ “ “ and Flåm - Aurl trips from

ognefjord – bus to the Glacier Centre () in (Breheimsenteret) Centre Glacier the to bus – Sognefjord ame route back.ame route 118) alsøyri and the Nærøyfjord (Tour

ssic fjord cruise:ssic Ticke

HE FJ THE – 2009 rips Roundt

ound låm låm låm låm låm låm eikanger eikanger rom the fjord village of fjord the rom Gudvangen Gudvangen F F Aurland Aurland Aurland F Aurland L L Sogndal Sogndal Breheimsenteret Breheimsenteret Nigardsbreen Breheimsenteret Breheimsenteret Sogndal Sogndal F 01.06.–31.08. 22.06. – 21.08 F Lærdal Lærdal Gudvangen Gudvangen F The fjord and the gla Lærd A cla andsfjord andsfjord and l­ fjord. S fjord. * Get on the bus at the bus stop on the E16 in Gudvangen – 5 min. walk from boat / boat from – 5 min. walk on the E16 in Gudvangen the bus stop on the bus at * Get T centre. Lærdal from 15 min. walk ** 10 to

his is the classic fjord cruise from from cruise fjord classic the is This R . sale at the touristinformation for Boattickets Booking guided glacier walks: + 47 86 32 50. Cruise the the Cruise Boattickets for sale at the touristinformation. for Boattickets F . 117A-B) (Tour sale at the touristinformation for Tickets on request. on Nigardsbreen Guided glacier walks bus. by dal. And return -From Flåm/Aurland – Adults NOK 340 Children NOK 190 – Adults NOK 340 Children Flåm/Aurland -From Fare orwegian Wild S Norwegian est to to tunnel est D – Daily, 1 – Monday, 2 – Tuesday, 3 – Wednesday, 4 – Thursday, 5 – Friday, 6 – Saturday, 7 – Sunday, X – Except, 7 – Sunday, 6 – Saturday, 5 – Friday, 4 – Thursday, 3 – Wednesday, 2 – Tuesday, 1 – Monday, D – Daily, Grafisk produksjon: E. N atvikGrafisk produksjon: E. P r e nt v rk AS

AURLAND & LÆRDAL TOURIST BOARD P.O.Box 53, NO-5741 Aurland, Norway Tel. +47 57 63 33 13 Roundtrips 2009 – THE FJORDS AURLAND – FLÅM – LÆRDAL Fax +47 57 63 11 48 E-mail: [email protected] Roundtrips from Lærdal Buses between Gudvangen – Flåm – Aurland – Lærdal , F lorø – Te l e fon 57 75 20 22.06 – 01.05-17.05 22.06 – 22.06 – 22.06 – World Heritage Fjord tour 06.09 +28.09- Dx 67 06.09 D Dx 67 06.09 Dx 6 06.09 D Dx6 57 Lærdal – – Gudvangen return (TOUR 137) D 30.09 D D D Gudvangen – 09.35* 11.40 11.33* 13.55* 15.35 16.15* – 18.15* 19.55* 22.10* The Nærøyfjord Ferry – world`s most beautiful ferry cruise – Flåm 08.30 09.10 09.53 12.05 11.55 14.15 16.00 16.35 17.15 18.35 20.15 22.30 Breathtaking nature – 3 relaxing hours each way Aurland 08.40 09.25 10.05 12.15 12.05 14.25 16.15 16.48 17.30 18.48 20.25 22.40 Lærdal – 10.45 – 12.50 15.05 – 17.20 – 19.20 21.05 23.15 1.06. – 31.08. 01. 06. – 31.08. 01.06. – 31.08. 01.06. – 31.08. 01.06. – 31.08. 1.06. – 31.08. 22.06 – 22.06 – 22.06 – 22.06 – D D D D 01.05. – 30.09. D D D D Dx 67 06.09 D 06.09 Dx 67 06.09 D 06.09 Dx 6 Dx 6 57 08.00 12.00 14.45 18.15 Gudvangen 11.40 14.30 18.05 21.00 D D D D | | | Dyrdal | | | Lærdal 06.40 – 08.45 – 12.25 – 15.25 – 17.05 20.05 21.30 Styvi | Aurland 07.13 08.10 09.15 10.35 13.00 14.45 16.05 16.55 17.35 20.35 22.00 | Frønningen | Flåm 07.23 08.25 09.30 10.50 13.15 15.00 16.20 17.10 17.45 20.45 22.10 | 13.00e | | Midtfjords | 12.45d | | Gudvangen 07.40* – 09.45* 11.15 13.30* 15.20 16.36* – 18.03* 21.02* 22.27* 10.00 14.00 16.55 20.15 Kaupanger kai 09.30 12.05 16.00 18.50 * Get on/off the bus by E16, Gudvangen, 3 min. walk from the boat. 11.00 15.00 17.50 21.00 Lærdal 08.30 11.10 15.05 18.00 e: Corresponding with expressboat to Flåm between 01.05. – 30.09. Bus to Filefjell f: Corresponding with expressboat to Flåm between 01.06. – 31.08. Kyrkjestølen mountain church and the Kongevegen Route Passenger tickets to Lærdal – Kaupanger – Gudvangen: The old Kongevegen route across Filefjell mountain is a beautiful hike, it is – One way: NOK 240 Return: NOK 360 (adults) accessible between June – October. – One way: NOK 120 Return: NOK 185 (children) Roundtrip Lærdal – Kaupanger – Lærdal Dj Dx6 Dep. Kaupanger 17.00, Arr. Lærdal 18.00 Dep. Lærdal 08.45 11.40 Arr. Kyrkjestølen 09.40 1235 Carpackage to Gudvangen (max 5 persons, incl. driver) NOK 930 Tickets for sale at the Tourist Office or on board. j Not on saturday, sunday or official holidays.D x6 Daily except Saturday Tel Lærdal Tourist Information Office; +47 57 66 41 07 Kongevegen hike: Approx 4 hours. Kyrkjestølen – Maristova. Dx6 Bus to Borgund and Historic Route Dep Maristova 14.24 18.19 : Arr. Lærdal 15.25 19.00 Built around 1180, the church is exceptionally well preserved and is one of Fare (appr.) NOK 120 ( one way ) – Tickets in the bus. Norway` s most distinctive stave churches. The Glacier Coach Historic Route: Lærdal – Solvorn (Urnes Stave Church) – Glacier Centre In beautiful surroundings around the Borgund Stave Church, Historic Route Coach offers splendid hiking opportunities. 19.05. – 21.06. and 17.08 – 30.09. DX67 D Daily 1st of May – 30th of September Dep. Lærdal 07.45 Dep. Nigardsbreen 16.50* NB! (22.06.–16.08. Dep. Lærdal 07.25) Dep. Glacier Centre 17.00 Dep. Lærdal 12.25 Arr. Borgund 13.30 Dep. Solvorn* 18.15 Dep. Borgund 14.43 Arr. Lærdal 15.25 Arr. Sogndal 08.45* Arr. Sogndal 18.40 Fare (appr.) NOK 80 – Tickets in the bus D DX6 Dep. Sogndal 08.45* Dep. Sogndal 19.15 WORLD HERITAGE FJORD CRUISE & FAMOUS FLÅM RAILWAY Arr. Solvorn * 09.05 Arr. Lærdal 20.05 Arr. Glacier Centre 10.15 Start your excursion on the spectacular Sognefjord with a world heritage Arr. Nigardsbreen 10.25

fjord cruise, take the bus to Flåm - only to enter the famous Flåm railway * Daily Sogndal – Nigardsbreen – Sogndal. and finish with a relaxing busride drviing theworld longest tunnel toL ærdal. Tickets for sale at the Tourist Information. D Lærdal 08.30 Tickets for your roundtrips are available at the Tourist Offices. Bustickets on Guvangen 11.40 board of the busses. 22.06-06.09 D1 * Gudvangen 11.40 Flåm 12.05 The Aurland and Lærdal Tourist Board does not take responsibility for Flåm 12.20 errors, changes in schedules, delays etc. Myrdal 13.15 Myrdal 13.27 Enjoy your holiday! Flåm 14.25 Dx67 Flåm 16.35 Lærdal 17.20 * = get on/off the bus by E16 Tickets for sale at the Tourist Office

D – Daily, 1 – Monday, 2 – Tuesday, 3 – Wednesday, 4 – Thursday, 5 – Friday, 6 – Saturday, 7 – Sunday, X – Except, – Express boat, – Boat, – Train, – Bus Aurland og Lærdal Touristboard cannot be held respomsible for errors or changes which have occurred after print May 2008. Turn sheet for more tours