AURLAND & LÆRDAL TOURIST BOARD P.O.Box 53, NO-5741 Aurland,www.alr.no Norway Tel. +47 57 63 33 13 ROUNDTRIPS 2009 – THE FJORDS AURLAND – FLÅM – LÆRDAL Fax +47 57 63 11 48 E-mail: [email protected] www.alr.no ROUNDTRIPS FROM FLÅM - AURLAND NORWAY IN A NUTSHELL 2009 (Tour C2) VISIT UNDREDAL BY BOat – A UNIQUE VILLagE BY THE FJORD FJORD PAddle i flåm – 2 hours or 4 hours On this tour you will experience the Nærøyfjord, the most rugged and 01.05. – 30.09. 20.06. – 20.08. 01.05.– 30.09. 20.06. – 20.08. From Flåm Beach, we paddle the amazing Aurlandsfjord. This is an easy paddle, and A CLASSIC FJORD CRUISE: TICKET/RETURN Flåm – AURLAnd – GudVANGEN beauti ful side arm of the Sognefjord, a bustrip through the Nærøy valley and D D D D no previous experience is needed. This is the classic fjord cruise from Flåm/Aurland to Gudvangen, on the Aur­ the steep Stalheimskleivi and a trip on the Flåm Railway – the most exciting 09.00 11.00 Flåm 13.40 15.30 Daily 1th of June – 31st of August: Price: 2 hours: NOK 350. Price 4 hours NOK 590. l andsfjord and Nærøyfjord – the most spectular of the inlets of the Sogne­ 09.15 11.15 Aurland 13.10 15.00 Tickets for sale at the touristinformation train journey in Scandinavia. As an alternativ take the trip other way around. 09.40 11.40 Undredal 12.30* 14.30 fjord. Same route back. (Stalheimskleivi not incl. in all departures). * Ask the boat to pick you up in returning to Flåm FJORDSAFARI SUMMER SCHEDULE 01.05.–17.05. 01.05.–30.09. 20.06.–20.08. 18.05.–27.09. 28.09.–30.09. Visit the smallest church in Scandinavia still in use. Try the white and brown PROGRAM: JUNE 1st - AUGUST 31st Starting with boat from Flåm to Gudvangen: D D D D D goatcheese – cafémenu w/local character – local handcraft etc. Fjord Safari Departures Adults Children Flåm 09.00 11.00 13.20 15.10 03.05. – 27.09. 20.06. – 20.08. Boatticket: Adult NOK 79 one way. Mini 1h 30 min 9:50 AM Aurland “ 09.15 11.15 13.35 15.25 D D Tickets for sale at the touristinformation. 1:45 PM 430 NOK 210 NOK Gudvangen “ 11.10 13.10 15.30 17.20 Flåm 09.00 11.00 2:55 PM Gudvangen 11.30 13.20 16.00 – 17.20 Gudvangen 11.00 13.10 Heritage 2h 10min 10:55 AM Aurland “ 13.10 15.00 17.40 – 19.00 Gudvangen 11.40 13.20 BUSES BETWEEN GUDVANGen – Flåm – AURLAND - LÆRDAL 12:05 PM 500 NOK 245 NOK Flåm “ 13.40 15.30 18.10 – 19.30 Voss 12.55 14.35 5:15 PM 22.06 – 01.05­17.05 22.06 – 22.06 – 22.06 – Voss 14.32 17.33 Standard 3 hours 4:00 PM 640 NOK 320 NOK 06.09 +28.09­ Dx 67 06.09 D Dx 67 06.09 Dx 6 06.09 D Dx6 57 st st st Fare-From Flåm/Aurland – Adults NOK 340 Children NOK 190 Myrdal 15.25 18.23 D 30.09 D D D PROGRAM: MAI 3rd-31 / SEPT 1 -27 Tickets for sale at the touristinformation (Tour 117A-B). Myrdal 15.59 18.29. Gudvangen – 09.35* 11.40 11.33* 13.55* 15.35 16.15* – 18.15* 19.55* 22.10* Mini 1h 30min 9:50 AM 430 NOK 210 NOK Flåm 16.55 19.25 Flåm 08.30 09.10 09.53 12.05 11.55 14.15 16.00 16.35 17.15 18.35 20.15 22.30 Heritage 2h 10min 12:05 PM 500 NOK 245 NOK Standard 3 hours 3:00 PM 640 NOK 320 NOK Aurland 08.40 09.25 10.05 12.15 12.05 14.25 16.15 16.48 17.30 18.48 20.25 22.40 LÆRDALSØYRI AND THE NÆRØYFJORD (Tour 118) Starting with train from Flåm to Myrdal: Lærdal – 10.45 – 12.50 15.05 – 17.20 – 19.20 21.05 23.15 Booking/tickets at the touristinformation in Flåm. From the fjord village of Flåm we drive to Aurland, driving the world`s long­ 18.05. – 27.09. Dx7* Dx7* Dx7* 22.06 – 22.06 – 22.06 – 22.06 – est tunnel to Lærdalsøyri. Charming well kept wooden village, known for its Dx 67 06.09 D 06.09 Dx 67 06.09 D 06.09 Dx 6 Dx 6 57 BUSSCHEDULES AURLAND VaLLEY Flåm 08.35 09.45 11.00 Norwegian Wild Salmon Centre. D D D D Myrdal 09.27 10.43 11.59 Lærdal 06.40 – 08.45 – 12.25 – 15.25 – 17.05 20.05 21.30 ÿ 23-490 Gudvangen-Flåm-Aurlandsdalen-Hallingdal 01.06.–31.08. DX6 DX67 Myrdal 09.55 11.10 12.20 Aurland 07.13 08.10 09.15 10.35 13.00 14.45 16.05 16.55 17.35 20.35 22.00 Flåm 11.55 09.53 Voss 10.44 12.06 13.11 Km 30/5-4/10 09 D D D D 67 D D D Flåm 07.23 08.25 09.30 10.50 13.15 15.00 16.20 17.10 17.45 20.45 22.10 0 Gudvangen .......................... 1140 1535 . Lærdal ” 12.50 10.45 Voss 14.30 14.30 14.30 Gudvangen 07.40* – 09.45* 11.15 13.30* 15.20 16.36* – 18.03* 21.02* 22.27* 20 Flåm jb.st. ............................0830 0910 1205 1600 . 1600 1715 . Lærdal 15.05** 11.10** 29 Aurland ................................0840 0925 1215 1615 1605 1615 1730 1810 Gudvangen 15.30 15.30 15.30 40 Vassbygdi ............................0900 0940 . 1635 1620 1635 1745 1825 Gudvangen ” 18.05 14.30 * Get on/off the bus by E16, Gudvangen, 3 min. walk from the boat. Gudvangen 16.00 16.00 16.00 52 Stondalen ............................0912 0952 . 1650 . 1650 1805 . Gudvangen 19.55* 16.15* 64 Østerbø (Aurland) ................0930b 1010b . 1705b . 1705b 1815b . Flåm 18.10 18.10 18.10 72 Stemmerdalen .....................0940c 1020c . 1715 . 1715c 1830x . Flåm “ 20.15 16.35 83 Geiteryggen øst ...................0955 1035 . 1730 . 1730x 1840x . BY BOat BETWEEN Flåm – AURLAND 106 Myrland ...............................1022 . 1750 . * Get on the bus at the bus stop on the E16 in Gudvangen – 5 min. walk from boat / * Also Sundays 22.06 – 14.08 118 Hovet Sunnhov ....................1035 . 1800 . 22.06- 01.05 20.06- 18.05- 01.05- 18.05- 20.06- 18.05- 127 Hol sentrum .........................1045 . 1810 . ** 10 to 15 min. walk from Lærdal centre. Travel the opposite direcktion ask at the touristinformation. All year All year 130 Hagafoss .............................1050 . 1815 . 21.08 -30.09 20.08 27.09 30.09 27.09 20.08 27.09 Fare: Adults NOK 625 / Children NOK 325. No senior/student ticket. • 130 Hagafoss .............................1050 . | . Boattickets for sale at the touristinformation. Dx 67 D D D D D D D D D D 146 Ål Torget ..............................1110 . | . Tickets for sale at the touristinformation. 147 Ål jb.st. ...............................1115 . | . 06.00 09.00 11.00 13.20 15.10 15.30 Flåm 12.40 13.40 15.30 18.10 19.30 Hagafoss .............................. 1815 . Geilo jb.st. ........................... 1830 . THE FJORD AND THE GLACIER, FROM FLÅM (Tour 119) SOGNEFJORDEN IN A NUTSHELL 2009 (Tour A2) 06.15 09.15 11.15 13.35 15.25 15.40 Aurland 12.10 13.10 15.00 17.40 19.00 Hallingdal-Aurlandsdalen-Flåm-Gudvangen Cruise the Sognefjord – bus to the Glacier Centre (Breheimsenteret) in Joste­ Flåm – Bergen – Flåm x Exept 6 Saturday. | Fare: Adult NOK 79 one way dal. And return by bus. Guided glacier walks on Nigardsbreen on request. 22.06. – 21.08. 18.05. – 27.09. Km 30/5-4/10 09 DX67 D D D 67 D D D D Starting with boat Dx67 D 0 Ål jb.st. ...............................0805 . 1430 . 22.06. – 21.08 . DX67 1 Ål Torget ..............................0810 . 1432 . Dep. Flåm 06.00 15.30 EXPRESSBOat Flåm – BALESTRAnd – BerGEN 17 Hagafoss .............................0830 . 1450 . Flåm 06.00 Leikanger (change boat) 07.30 Geilo jb.st. ........................... 0815 . | . Hagafoss .............................. 0830 . | . Aurland “ 06.15 Arr. Bergen 11.40 20.40 22.06. – 21.08. 01.05. – 30.09. 22.06. – 21.08. 01.05. – 30.09. 17 Hagafoss .............................. 0830 . 1450 . DX67 D DX67 D 20 Hol sentrum .......................... 0835 . 1455 . Leikanger “ 07.30 Train dep. Bergen 13.10/15.58R 13.10/16.10 R** 29 Hovet Sunnhov ..................... 0845 . 1505 . 06.00 15.30 Flåm 10.30 13.25 41 Myrland ................................ 0855 . 1515 . Leikanger 08.15 Arr. Myrdal 15.25/17.50 15.25/18.23 06.15 15.40 Aurland x 64 Geiteryggen øst .................... 0915 1035 . 1540 . Train dep. Myrdal 15.59/18.29 15.59/18.29 75 Stemmerdalen ...................... 0930c 1045 . 1555c 1715c . 1900c Sogndal “ 08.45 07.30 16.30 Leikanger 09.00 12.20 83 Østerbø (Aurland) ................. 0945b 1055b . 1605b 1725b . 1915b Arr. Flåm 16.55/19.25 16.55/19.25 95 Stondalen ............................. 1000 1105 . 1615 1735 . 1925 Sogndal 08.45 08.00 16.55 Balestrand 08.30 11.50 107 Vassbygdi ............................. 1020 1125 . 1625 1640 1755 1825 1945 118 Aurland ................................. 1035 1140 1445 1640 1655 1810 1840 2000 Breheimsenteret “ 10.15 R = seat reservation possible 11.40 20.40 Bergen – 08.00 127 Flåm jb.st. ............................. 1050 . 1500 . 1710 . 1855x . 147 Gudvangen .......................... 1115 . 1520 . Breheimsenteret “ 11.30 18.05. – 27.09. Fare: Adult Flåm- Balestrand NOK 220 one way Berre 22/6-6/9 09.
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