CAB Reviews 2018 13, No. 055 Integrated pest management for tropical crops: soyabeans E.A. Heinrichs1* and Rangaswamy Muniappan2 Address: 1 IPM Innovation Lab, 6517 S. 19th St., Lincoln, NE, USA. 2 IPM Innovation Lab, CIRED, Virginia Tech, 526 Prices Fork Road, Blacksburg, VA, USA. *Correspondence: E.A. Heinrichs. Email:
[email protected] Received: 29 January 2018 Accepted: 16 October 2018 doi: 10.1079/PAVSNNR201813055 The electronic version of this article is the definitive one. It is located here: © CAB International 2018 (Online ISSN 1749-8848) Abstract Soyabean, because of its importance in food security and wide diversity of uses in industrial applications, is one of the world’s most important crops. There are a number of abiotic and biotic constraints that that threaten soyabean production. Soyabean pests are major biotic constraints limiting soyabean production and quality. Crop losses to animal pests, diseases and weeds in soyabeans average 26–29% globally. This review discusses biology, global distribution and plant damage and yield losses in soyabean caused by insect pests, plant diseases, nematodes and weeds. The interactions among insects, weeds and diseases are detailed. A soyabean integrated pest management (IPM) package of practices, covering the crop from pre-sowing to harvest, is outlined. The effect of climate changes on arthropod pests, plant diseases and weeds are discussed. The history and evolution of the highly successful soyabean IPM programme in Brazil and the factors that led to its demise are explained. Keywords: Biological control, Biotic constraints, Chemical control, Climate change, Cultural control, Insect pests, Mechanical practices, Nematodes, Pesticides, Package of practices, Plant diseases, Plant pest interactions, Soybean IPM programme, Weeds Review Methodology: Search terms used were: scientific and common names of all of the insects, plant diseases, nematodes and weeds listed in the tables.