21 December 2015 Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet Langevin Block 80 Wellington Street Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A3 BY EMAIL
[email protected] Dear Ms. Charette, Re: Canada Gazette, Part I, Vol. 149, No. 47, November 21, 2015 - Notice No. DGTP- 002-2015 — Petition to the Governor in Council concerning Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2015-326 Submission of the Consumer Choice Coalition The following organizations hereby submit the enclosed comments in opposition to the petition by Bell Canada (“Bell”) to overturn an important decision by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (the “CRTC”): the British Columbia Old Age Pensioners' Organization; the British Columbia Public Interest Advocacy Centre; the Consumers’ Association of Canada; the Council of Senior Citizens Organizations of British Columbia; the Manitoba Public Interest Law Centre; the National Pensioners Federation; and the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (“PIAC”) —together, the “Consumer Choice Coalition”. In short, the Consumer Choice Coalition submits that the CRTC got it right, Bell’s request would destroy competition, and any decision to overturn or delay the CRTC’s decision would be highly unpopular with Canadians. Cabinet should therefore deny Bell’s petition, and neither vary nor rescind the decision nor refer it back to the CRTC for reconsideration. Yours truly, [original signed] [original signed] John Lawford, Barrister & Solicitor Geoffrey White, Barrister & Solicitor Executive Director & General Counsel, PIAC Counsel for the Consumer Choice Coalition 613-562-4002 x 25 613-612-1190 cc: Director General, Telecommunications Policy Branch, Ministry of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (by email: ic.telecomsubmission-
[email protected]) Executive Director, Telecommunications, CRTC (by email:
[email protected]) Bell (by email:
[email protected]) Consumer Choice Coalition constituent organizations (by email) Encl.