2020 / 06 1112 MISSIONARIES OF AFRICA EDITOR’S WORD SINCE DECEMBER 1912 PETIT ECHO In this number 6 of the Petit Echo we Society of the Missionaries of Africa have asked young missionaries to give their 2020 / 06 n° 1112 opinion on what they think is a relevant ap- 10 ISSUES YEARLY PUBLISHED BY THE GENERAL COUNCIL OF THE SOCIETY proach to missionary activity in the future, Editorial Board taking into account the changes, sometimes Francis Barnes, Asst. Gen. André Simonart, Sec. Gen. disturbing and at all levels, that our world Patient Bahati is experiencing, including those caused by Freddy Kyombo Editor the Covid-19 pandemic. Freddy Kyombo
[email protected] Sisters, Brothers and priests, all missio- Translations naries, lead us in their reflections and vi- Jean-Paul Guibila Steve Ofonikot sions of a better future. What approaches, Jean-Pierre Sauge what structures, what attitudes, what lan- Administrative Secretary Addresses and Dispatch guage to adopt to address the realities of this Odon Kipili time and those of tomorrow? We are all in-
[email protected] vited to ask ourselves some questions about Editorial Services Guy Theunis the future we wish for ourselves, for the Dominique Arnauld Church and for the world. Correspondents Provincial/Sector Secretaries Freddy Kyombo Msola, Rome Internet Philippe Docq
[email protected] Archives Photographs provided by the M.Afr Archives are subject to permission for any public use Postal Address Padri Bianchi, Via Aurelia 269, 00165 Roma, Italia Phone **39 06 3936 34211 Stampa Istituto Salesiano Pio XI Tel. E-mail:
[email protected] Cover Finito di stampare giugno 2020 The pastoral team of Kipaka, DR Congo, Robert, Hum- phrey and Romain, in their Cassava field.