DEBORAH MUYLLE 6a High Hilden Close, Tonbridge TN10 3DB Mob: 07771783929 Email:
[email protected] Date & place of birth: 26-12-1973, St.-Amandsberg, Belgium Nationality: Belgian Mother tongue: Dutch Website: EDUCATION, QUALIFICATIONS AND MEMBERSHIPS From 1991 to 1996: ECONOMIC HIGHER EDUCATION AT UNIVERSITY LEVEL Licentiate Translator-Interpreter (Masters Degree) Language combination: Dutch - English - Spanish Mercator Hogeschool, Department Applied Linguistics Brusselsepoortstraat 93, B-9000 GHENT, Belgium 2003: DPSI (Diploma in Public Service Interpreting) Language: Dutch - Specialisation: English Law Chartered Institute of Linguists 2005: London Metropolitan Police Exam (Distinction) Language: Dutch Optional Courses: * Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) + Course in WP 6.0 * Language Training in Companies Thesis: Overview of American Institutions Abortion and the American Constitution between 1985-1990 Work Placements: * Dutch Theatre Ghent (NTG): Interpreter play Tailleur Pour Dames Feydeau (1993 – 94) and An Ideal Husband Oscar Wilde (1994); * Remedial Education Department, Ghent University: Study trip to Spain for students Remedial Education; interpreter Dutch-Spanish (Universidad de Deusto, Universidad de Cantabria, several regional institutions, 1995); * East Ayrshire Business Partnership: Translator Dutch – English (Kilmarnock Venture, Scotland, summer 1996). Additional Language Training: * Practical French in evening classes, levels 3, 4 & 5 (Language Centre Ghent University, level 3: 1995 – 96, level 4: 1998 – 99 and level 5: 1999); * Intensive Beginners’ Course Portuguese (Language Centre Ghent University, September 1996); * Intensive Beginners' Course Finnish (Language Centre University of Helsinki, August 2001). Memberships: * Member of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI); * Member of the National Register of Public Service Interpreters (NRPSI); * Registered on Metropolitan Police Interpreters List; * Member International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC).