THE PRINCIPAL ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE Free Church of Scotland 1950 – 1959 EDINBURGH FREE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND THE MOUND 1 CONTENTS 1950 PRINCIPAL ACTS CLASS I. - ACTS WHICH HAVE PASSED THE BARRIER ACT NONE CLASS II. - ACTS WHICH ARE OF GENERAL INTEREST TO THE CHURCH 1. Act anent Loyal and Dutiful Address to His Majesty the King 2. Act anent Change in Title of Foreign Missions, etc., Committee 3. Act anent Spiritual Needs 4. Act anent Sustentation Fund 5. Act anent Training of Students 6. Act anent Retiring Allowances to Principals and Professors 7. Act anent May Meetings of Standing Committees 8. Act anent Appointment of Additional Trustees 9. Act anent Collections 10. Act anent appointing Commission of Assembly 11. Act appointing next General Assembly THE PRINCIPAL ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE FREE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. MAY XXIII., MCML. (1950) CLASS I. - ACTS WHICH HAVE PASSED THE BARRIER ACT NONE CLASS II. - ACTS WHICH ARE OF GENERAL INTEREST TO THE CHURCH. I. - Act anent Loyal and Dutiful Address to His Majesty the King. (No. 1 of Class II.) Edinburgh, 24th May 1950. TO THE KING’S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY The Loyal and Dutiful Address of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland MAY IT PLEASE YOUR MAJESTY, We, Your Majesty’s loyal and dutiful subjects, the Ministers and Elders of the Free Church of Scotland, convened in General Assembly at Edinburgh, 23rd day of May 1950, respectfully declare our devoted allegiance to Your Majesty’s Person and Throne. We rejoice, along with your loyal subjects everywhere, in the restoration to health which God in His Providence has granted You, and in the continued health of Your Majesty’s Royal Household. We are mindful of the heavy burdens which fall to the lot of Your Majesty in these critical days, and we are profoundly grateful for the splendid efforts put forth by Your Majesty and by Her Majesty the Queen towards national recovery, and for the noble example of self- 2 denial and devotion to duty set by all the members of Your Family. We view with satisfaction the continued harmony and peace within Your Majesty’s Dominions and the British Commonwealth of Nations, and we pray that like blessings may extend to the whole world. We follow with loyal devotion the manifold activities of Their Royal Highnesses Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh, and the continued progress of young Prince Charles. We rejoice in the restoration of Her Majesty Queen Mary to wonted health and we pray that the Lord may long spare her to occupy her special place in the loyalty and affection of Your people. May God continue to bless Your Majesty’s Person and Rule, Her Gracious Majesty the Queen, Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret, Her Majesty Queen Mary, and all members of Your Royal House. So pray your Majesty’s most faithful subjects, THE MINISTERS AND ELDERS OF THE FREE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND IN GENERAL ASSEMBLY CONVENED A.MACLEOD, Moderator. II. - Act anent Change in Title of Foreign Missions, Etc., Committee. (No. 2 of Class II.) Edinburgh, 24th May 1950. The General Assembly enact a change in the title of the Foreign Missions, Colonial, Continental and Jewish Committee, and ordain that its title from this date shall be : “The Free Church of Scotland Committee on Foreign, Overseas and Jewish Missions,” and that all regulations in force in the name of the Committee under its former name shall apply with equal force under its new title. III. - Act anent Spiritual Needs. (No. 3 of Class II.) Edinburgh, 24th May 1950. The Assembly instruct that a copy of the Overture anent Spiritual Needs be sent to all our congregations with the earnest recommendation that they be instant at the Throne of Grace for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The Overture is as follows :- “Whereas the need of Spiritual Refreshing in our land is great: And whereas nothing else, but such help from above can stem the tide of religious declension and attendant moral evils, and afford us security and strength in these troublous times; “And, whereas there are reports of a gracious visitation elsewhere; 3 “Wherefore, it is hereby overt tired to the General Assembly to take these premises into consideration, and to set time apart at its forthcoming meeting in order to plead earnestly for a spiritual awakening throughout our land, and to enjoin on the people to do the same.” IV. - Act anent Sustentation Fund. (No. 4 of Class II) Edinburgh, 25th May 1950. The General Assembly record their deep thankfulness to God for the liberality shown by our people during the past year. The General Assembly declare an Equal Dividend for 1949 at the rate of £330 per annum to every Minister on the Equal Dividend Platform at 31st December 1949, exclusive of the premium of £7 payable to the Widows’ and Orphans’ Fund. The General Assembly authorise that the Stipends of all Ministers on the Equal Dividend Platform for the current year be calculated at the rate of £350, payable at the rate of £25 per month, with additional payments of £20 in June, £15 in August, and £15 in November, provided the resources of the Fund permit of this, and subject to such regulative conditions, general, or with reference to particular instances as the Committee may deem proper. The General Assembly continue, for a further period of three years, the existing arrangements in respect of the Congregations of Dumfries and Kennoway, on condition that these Congregations contribute the sum of £115 each per annum. The General Assembly place upon the List of Beneficiaries in terms of Act V., 1928 V. (1), as amended by Act III., 1946, the names of Rev. A. Macleod, Minister at Back, and Rev. J. M. Morrison, Minister at Cross, both in the Presbytery of Lewis; Rev. A. Macleod, Minister at Partick, Presbytery of Glasgow; and Mr Duncan Leitch, M.A., Minister at Dingwall. The General Assembly record their deep appreciation of the work done by Deacons’ Courts, Finance Committees, Collectors, and all members and adherents of the Church during the past year, and commend the work of the Committee to the prayerful and practical interest of all Congregations within the Church. V. - Act anent Training of Students. (No. 5 of Class II.) Edinburgh, 26th May 1950. The General Assembly accept the Draft Regulations governing admission and training of students for the period of three years, at the end of which they may on the report of the Committee be reconsidered in the light of experience, and enact that the necessary alterations be made in the College Calendar as follows :- ACT ANENT EDUCATION OF STUDENTS. In connection with the education of students preparing for the Ministry of the Free Church of Scotland, there shall be two courses of study as follows 1. The Ordinary Course, which shall be followed by all students who are under thirty years of age at the date of their recognition as students studying with a view to the Ministry. 4 2. The Modified Course, which is open to men who have attained thirty years of age at the date of their recognition as students, with a view to the Ministry. 1. THE ORDINARY COURSE. (a) Students taking this course must obtain the Certificate of Fitness of the Scottish Universities Entrance Board, and study the number of subjects required for graduation. Before entering upon their study in Arts they shall be required to obtain the approval of the Board of Studies for their proposed course, and, in the event of failure to obtain a Degree, the reasons for this failure must be submitted to the Board of Studies. (b) Students who have completed their course in Arts to the satisfaction of the Board of Studies are required to pass the Entrance Examination to the College in all subjects except in so far as they have already passed Degree examinations in these subjects. (e) The Entrance Examination to the College shall be held in June and September. A student not passing the required number of subjects in June will be permitted to sit in September such subjects as are necessary for the completion of the Examination, it being understood that the Entrance Examination shall be completed ill not more than two sittings; otherwise the student shall repeat the examination in all subjects. 2. THE MODIFIED COURSE. (a) Before sitting upon this course students shall be required to sit a Special Examination in the following subjects :- Scripture knowledge, Doctrine, with special reference to The Shorter Catechism, English (General), British History (General). (b) This Examination will be held in June and September and no student shall enter upon the Modified Course until he has obtained passes in all the prescribed subjects, it being understood that this examination shall be completed in not more than two sittings. (c) Students recognised under this course shall be permitted by the Training of the Ministry Committee to take a Modified Course in Arts and Divinity, consisting of Two years exclusively in Arts and THREE years thereafter in Divinity. The course in Arts (consisting of four subjects) as well as the course in Divinity must conform to that prescribed in the case of each student by the Board of Studies. (d) If in any subject a student in his Modified Course in Arts has failed to obtain a class certificate, the Board of Studies shall set an Examination in that subject at the end of each Academic Year. Those who attain the necessary standard of proficiency as determined by the Board, may present themselves for the Entrance Examination to the College.
History of the Rise, Progress, Genius, and Character
v A HISTORY JAN 22 1932 &+*. A fo L SFVA^ OF THE RISE, PROGRESS, GENIUS, AND CHARACTER OF AMERICAN PRESRYTERIANISIfl: TOGETHSB WITH A REVIEW OF "THE CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY OP THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, BY CHAS. HODGE, D. D. PROFESSOR IN THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, AT PRINCETON, N. J." BY WILLIAM HILL, D. D. OF WINCHESTER, VIRGINIA. WASHINGTON CITY: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BT J. GIDEON, jn. 1839. 1 Entered according to the Act of Congress, on the fourteenth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, by Jacob Gideojj, jr. in the Clerk's office of the District Court for the District of Columbia. — CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Reference to the present divided state of the Presbyterian Church—The loose and un- guarded manner in which Professor Hodge uses the term Presbyterian—The trua meaning of the terms Puritan and Presbyterian—Quotation from Dr. Miller upon th« subject—Professor Hodge claims the majority of the Puritans in England, and of the Pilgrims who first settled New England, as good Presbyterians, and as agreeing with the strict Scotch system—What the Scotch system of strict Presbyterianism is The Presbyterianism of Holland—The Presbyterianism of the French Protestants Professor Hodge's misrepresentation of them corrected by a quotation from Neal's History ; also, from Mosheim and others—The character of the English Presbyte- rians—The true character of the Puritans who settled New England—The kind of Church Government they introduced among them—The Cambridge Platform Quotations from it—Professor Hodge's misunderstanding of it—The Saybrook Plat- form also misrepresented —Cotton Mather's account of the first Presbyterians in New England misrepresented by Professor Hodge—Dr.
Orange Alba: the Civil Religion of Loyalism in the Southwestern Lowlands of Scotland Since 1798
University of Tennessee, Knoxville TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange Doctoral Dissertations Graduate School 8-2010 Orange Alba: The Civil Religion of Loyalism in the Southwestern Lowlands of Scotland since 1798 Ronnie Michael Booker Jr. University of Tennessee - Knoxville, Follow this and additional works at: Part of the European History Commons Recommended Citation Booker, Ronnie Michael Jr., "Orange Alba: The Civil Religion of Loyalism in the Southwestern Lowlands of Scotland since 1798. " PhD diss., University of Tennessee, 2010. This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Doctoral Dissertations by an authorized administrator of TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact To the Graduate Council: I am submitting herewith a dissertation written by Ronnie Michael Booker Jr. entitled "Orange Alba: The Civil Religion of Loyalism in the Southwestern Lowlands of Scotland since 1798." I have examined the final electronic copy of this dissertation for form and content and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the equirr ements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, with a major in History. John Bohstedt, Major Professor We have read this dissertation and recommend its acceptance: Vejas Liulevicius, Lynn Sacco, Daniel Magilow Accepted for the Council: Carolyn R. Hodges Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School (Original signatures are on file with official studentecor r ds.) To the Graduate Council: I am submitting herewith a thesis written by R.
Chaplaincy in a New Scottish University: the Issue Ofworship I
T Chaplaincy in a New Scottish University: The Issue ofWorship Christine M. Goldie "'r' The Starting Point I. My starting point is my experience as chaplain at Glasgow Polytechnic, later Glasgow Caledonian University, a post to which I was appointed in March 1992. I had previously served as the minister of St Cuthbert's Church in Clydebank, having been ordained to the ministry and inducted to that charge in May 1984. Almost as soon as I had been introduced as the first full-time chaplain to the Polytechnic, I began to sense uncertainties in my role. In retrospect, I believe I was actually fairly certain of my role. The Polytechnic authorities, however, saw my role differently, and the Church of Scotland, as whose minister I went to the Polytechnic, by virtue of my ordination (even if the Church was paying only a small proportion of my salary), differently again. Two early experiences, one of which occurred almost right away, and the second taking place a year after the first, helped me to realise that these uncertainties, or tensions, focused on my role as a worship leader. In particular, awkward negotiations prior to two quite different worship events - both involving the university administration and church authorities - convinced me that these tensions were connected to complex problems related to structure and theology, which in turn were connected to the different expectations of university and church. At the beginning of my study for the Doctor of Ministry degree in 1996, I was still wrestling with the problem of worship in the university setting, for it had become a problem, at least for me.
Acts of Assembly in Categorical Order – 1980 to Present
ACTS OF ASSEMBLY IN CATEGORICAL ORDER – 1980 TO PRESENT THE CATEGORIES 1. Constitution, Practice & Worship 2. General Assembly 3. Governance & Finance 4. Admission & Training 5. Mission & Ministry 6. Local Property & Assets 7. Presbyteries & Congregations CATEGORY: CONSTITUTION, PRACTICE & WORSHIP May 2017 Act 18 Act anent Reprinting of Psalm Books Act 19 Act anent Review of Practices and Procedures at Ordinations and Inductions May 2012 Act 16 Act authorising the use of Sing Scripture Act 22 Act declaring the Church’s Confessional Position on Marriage May 2010 Act 48 Act anent Difficulties of Conscience arising from Act 1, November 2010 November 2010 Plenary General Assembly of 2010 1. Act anent Public Worship 2. Act anent transmission of Act 1, November 2010 to Presbyteries under the Barrier Act May 2009 Act 30 Act anent review of Procedure for the Calling of a Minister May 2005 Act 29 Act anent Use of the Scottish Paraphrases in Public Worship May 2003 Act 4 Act authorising the use of Sing Psalms in worship May 2002 Act 5 Act anent Keeping Church Records May 1998 Act 24 Act anent Purity of Worship May 1997 Act 14 Act Consolidating Congregations of Mull and Coll May 1996 Act 16 Act anent Eligibility for Trials for Licence (modifying Act 20, Class 2 1985, Section 4) Act 17 Act anent Trials for Licence (modifying Act 20, Class 2, 1985, Section 4) Act 24 Act anent Procedures in relation to Calls May 1994 Act 8 Act anent The Practice – Supplement to Chapter on Discipline May 1992 Act 6 Act anent Supplementary Versions of the Psalms May
Melrose: The Church and Parish of S. Cuthbert 19 Melrose : The Church and Parish of S. Cuthbert ON the soil of Melrose Christian worship has been offered up for fully thirteen hundred years. The congregation of Melrose S. Cuthbert's Parish Church can thus trace its spiritual ancestry throughout that period by links which, if not formal, may justly be described as organic, by way of the Reformation to the famous Cistercian Abbey, and thence to the ancient Celtic monastery at Old Melrose two and a half miles away. The Celtic Monastery : The Monks of S. Cuthbert Old Melrose is little known and still less frequented. On the road between Leaderfoot and Dryburgh at its highest point of vantage, now known as " Scott's View ", Sir Walter was accustomed to halt, both to rest his horses and himself to enjoy the romantic landscape. From that point one looks across Tweed to a broad tongue of land almost enclosed by a loop of the river, with the Eildon Hills behind sheltering the place from the prevailing south-west winds. This tongue of land is Old Melrose. Here in the early part of the seventh century the Celtic monastery was founded, reputedly by S. Aidan of Iona himself, and quite surely at his instance, with a colony of monks deriving from Columba's own monastery. Here also Cuthbert, Celtic " Apostle of the Borders ", Roman Bishop of Hexham, anchorite of Lindisfarne and saint, entered on his novitiate. It is recorded by the Rev. Adam Milne, a minister of the parish during the first half of the eighteenth century, that in his day stones of the enclosing cincture of the monastery were still to be seen above ground.
Parishes and Congregations: Names No Longer in Use
S E C T I O N 9 A Parishes and Congregations: names no longer in use The following list updates and corrects the ‘Index of Discontinued Parish and Congregational Names’ in the previous online section of the Year Book. As before, it lists the parishes of the Church of Scotland and the congregations of the United Presbyterian Church (and its constituent denominations), the Free Church (1843–1900) and the United Free Church (1900–29) whose names have completely disappeared, largely as a consequence of union. This list is not intended to be ‘a comprehensive guide to readjustment in the Church of Scotland’. Its purpose is to assist those who are trying to identify the present-day successor of a former parish or congregation whose name is now wholly out of use and which can therefore no longer be easily traced. Where the former name has not disappeared completely, and the whereabouts of the former parish or congregation may therefore be easily established by reference to the name of some existing parish, the former name has not been included in this list. Present-day names, in the right-hand column of this list, may be found in the ‘Index of Parishes and Places’ near the end of the book. The following examples will illustrate some of the criteria used to determine whether a name should be included or not: • Where all the former congregations in a town have been united into one, as in the case of Melrose or Selkirk, the names of these former congregations have not been included; but in the case of towns with more than one congregation, such as Galashiels or Hawick, the names of the various constituent congregations are listed.
PAISLEY PAMPHLETS 1739 – 1893 The 'Paisley Pamphlets' are a collection of ephemera rich in social history covering the period 1739 - 1893. Ephemera are items of collectible memorabilia in written or printed form which had only a short period of usefulness or popularity. The pamphlets cover a range of topics, chiefly politics and religion. To make it easy for you to search, we have combined the indexes for all the volumes into this one volume. On the next page we will give you guidance on how to search the index. Searching the Paisley Pamphlets index ➢ Browse pages simply by scrolling up and down ➢ If you are viewing the index online you can click ctrl + f on your keyboard to bring up the search box where you can enter the term you want to search for If you have saved a copy of the PDF to your tablet or PC, and are using Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it, you can use the search tool. Just click on it and enter the term you want to search for. ➢ Your results will start to appear beneath the search box. You can look at any of the entries by clicking on it. ➢ Using either search tool, your results will appear as highlighted text. You can just work through all the matches to see if any of the records are of use to you. Tips! If you are unsure about the spelling or the wording which has been used, you can search under just a few letters e.g. searching “chem” will give you results including chemist, chemistry, chemicals, etc.
On Top of the World Editorial the Summer Term of an Academic Year Can Be Filled with Mixed Emotions
Number 31 Autumn 2018 On Top of the World Editorial The Summer term of an academic year can be filled with mixed emotions. For many, it means their time either as a pupil or as a member of staff at The Academy has come to Contents an end. This year was particularly special as our two Deputy Heads, Jaqueline Andrews 3 The best of TGA online and Andrew Evans, our Head of PE, Stewart McAslan, Prep School Teacher, Rob 5 Armstrong becomes World Williams, and our Director of External Relations, Malcolm McNaught, began their Champion for the second time retirement journeys. These five highly-regarded and deeply-loyal members of staff collectively served 7 The Glasgow Academy after the The Academy for over 150 years. First World War As readers of Etcetera will appreciate, there are few people who know The Academy as well as Malcolm McNaught: his unique perspective on the school has been formed 8 On top of the world during the 37 years in which he has been the parent of three children who attended 11 Anecdotage the school, member of the English Department and, ultimately, Director of External Relations. 13 Glasgow Academical Club Malcolm taught English 16 Westbourne Section with passion and energy, and is particularly remembered 19 Announcements for his penchant for accents when reading aloud! A 22 Reunions and get-togethers committed, conscientious and 24 Obituaries organised teacher, he always strove to do his best for his pupils and to encourage their self-belief. Malcolm was compassionate, supportive Do we have your e-mail address? and good-humoured, always It’s how we communicate best! able to see the funny side of situations and offer practical and sound advice.