DEVEAUX Falvlily

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DEVEAUX Falvlily GENEALOGY OP' THlt DEVEAUX FAlVlILY. J,rn:ODUCINC THS N[MEROUS FORMS OF SPELLING THE NAME VARIOUS BRANCHES AND GENERATIONS IN THE PAST ELEVEN HUNDRED YEARS. BY THOS. F. DE VOE, >IIDIU1t OP THE ~SW Yoatt Hzsroarc.u. SoCIB'l'Y, ere.. BTC. 1886. PREFACE. s OME fifty years ago the author's attention became . much interested while glancing over some of our early city records, in which he found a great deal of re­ markable and curious information pertaining to the past, especially that relating to the City of New York. · This led to the examination of old newspapers, books, documents of various kinds, as well as traditionary accounts, all of which were most acceptable food for the mind of the h~ngry gatherer; but he must here admit that they were not satisfying, _or only for the moment, as the ,vant still continued for this species of ancient lore. Among these gatherings the family n_ame and posi- · tion appeared rather attractive, and, of course, received considerable attention, but with no other thought at the time than the author's gratification. However, some fe,v years ago, certain inquiries were made in relation to the de Veauz family, which rather stimulated the author to draw together ·au which related to the subject then in his possession. The quantity rather surprised him, but the quality was found so mired, and the name so vari­ ously· spelled, that it appeared rather formidable to at­ tempt its compilation; but he believing it would be a record of interest to the descendants of the family gene­ rally, this, with a hope of assistance from some of the various branches connected, induced him with the at­ tempt to place it into book form. 2 PREFACE. .Although his researches since have been attended with many difficulties-especially and in consequence of his numerous letters- of in_quiry were either not answer­ ed or done· in such a manner as to be almost worthless-­ yet there were some of the .family who became much in­ terested, and ga,·e him all the information they possess­ ed or could gather of their respective branches; and he admits that without their assistance the work would not have appeared in its present, but very unsatisfactory, form to represent a proper family genealogy. It is not expected, however, th·at the public generally will take much interest in the following pages, except where some prominent fact is presented relative to gene­ ral history, as the subject was written and intended prin­ cipally for the use of the descendants of the de Veaux or De Voe family and their connecting branc~es, who, fr~m their intimate knowledge of the no doubt various mistakes made by the compiler in recording the past generations, especially those connected with their immediate families; they, however, will have an opportunity to assist him or themselves in perfecting the same, and also of continuing on their several branches of the present and the future generations of an increasing and hitherto a respectable family. THOS. F. DE VOE. No. I04 WEST THIRTEE.'\'Tlt STREET, NEW YORK. EARLY INTRODUCTION OF THE NAME. N · glancing over a large number of old records, genealo­ I gies, and late directories of French noble families, we find the name now generally known as De Voe, De Veatt, de Veaur, de Vatt.r, etc., appears to have been originally known in France as Vaux, Veau.r, etc., and was found to be promi­ nent among the government officers at a very early period. In a very elaborate genealogy* we find: "The family of Vatt.r derived its surname from a district in Normandy, where it was originally seated. So early as the year 749 of the Christian era a branch of the Vaur Family is found in Provence, who was found to be allied by marriage to seve­ ral of the Sovereign Princes of Europe." Another early branch is noticed by" Bouvier," who says: 4 ' Eloi, Sire of Verchmont. had been appointed, in an Edict of Charles the Bald in the year 857, Vidame and Lord of Vaur, Count of Verchmont." At a later period" 'Eloi-Mti:lui De Vaur is called Sire & Count of Verchmont, Sire & Baron of Gaillon, great baillif of the sword (grand bailli d'epee) of the Dutchy of Nantes, Prince of the holy Roman Empire, and Commander of the -Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Malta. Another of the Verchmont branch was found in a rescript of ....Charles de Gonzague, when he made Charleville out of the small Town -of Arches in 1698." The name is further mentioned in the records of that and subsequent periods by the patronymic of Beau.r, Baur, or Vau.r (B and V being used indiscriminately in the south •"A •Count Elu tU Ya,u- de Vcrchmont wu taken. under the;-wich the army 0£ Cond6; jud£C(l and coademned, he was executed on January s. 11931 whilst his bro­ ther, 21DMichcl V erchmont, wu rcceiVUIE a ,word o£ honor £or bis b.,ve conduct in !rant of the acmy." 4 DEVEAUX GENEALOGY. of France), and the ancient possessions of the Princes of Baur in that country are still called" Les Terres Baussengues," comprising Aix, Marseilles, etc. In the year 1140 the Vauxes disputed the sovereignty of Provence with the house of Barcelona, and in u73 they acquired the principality of Orange by marriage with Ti­ burge, heiress of Orange. "• Bertram de Vau.r was Count of Montescaziosi, and married Beatrix, daughter of ••"Charles II., King of Naples and Sicily. " His son, 'Francis de Vau.r, espoused Margaret of Anjou. widow of ""Edward Baloil, King of Scotland, etc. Upon this marriage,Frandsde Vau.rwas created Duke of Andrea in the Kingdom of Naples, &c., and his descendants enjoyed the highest offices, as the following inscription, translated from a monument erected in the year 1615 in the Ch1>rch of St. Clair, at Naples, fully attests. This monument is dedicated to the most illustrious family of Vau.r, a potent race, deco­ rated with the royal insignia in the kingdom of Vienne and Aries, Princes of Orange, Counts of Geneva, and great rulers within the sovereignty of Provence, which they frequently subjugated to their dominion by force of arms." "•Hyero• nymus de Vaux has here deposited the bones of as many of his name and lineage as .he has been able to collect, and out of piety to them has erected this monument to their memory: " Videlicet, to the memories of "'Antonia de Vaux, Queen of Sicily. 'Isabella de Vaux, Queen of Naples. 'Cecilla de Vaux, Countess of Savoy. 'Sibella de Vaux, Princess of Piedmont. ":Maria de Vaux, Dauphiness of Vienne. "Isabella de Vaux, Despotisses ofServia." "The earliest account we have of the founders of the English branches of the Yaux family is that of "Bertrand EARLY INTRODUCTION OF THE NAME. 5 <le Vaux; attended a tournament in the year 929, and was a. favorite of .."Robert I., Duke of Normandy, grandfather of William t/ze Conqueror. The names of the descendants of this Bertrand are traced through the Rolles Normand, writ­ ten Bauz, Vaux, Vaulx, &c." In the next earliest French records we find "":Jean dll Veau, gallant (son of a chevalier), who assisted, with seve­ ral other noblemen, in 1302 at the assizes of the Seneschal of Beauraime." Then appears: "Raimund de Veau, gallant son of '"Feu Pierre Garin de Vaux,· and "Pierre Rigaud de Vaia- who pledged fidelity and duty to the 2111Countess Elinore de Cominges in 1343." COATS OF ARMS. RENCH Heraldic Gen.ealogists have introduced vari­ F o.;s "Coats of Arms" of the family name at a very early period. "Vaux-de-Sa/ins" thus appears: "(D'a'::ur a 3 Chapeaux d'Albanois d'or.) This Family, ~ho recognized as its stem 11:,ean de Vaux, Councillor and Master of the Chamber des Comptes, a Court of Burgundy in· 1496, became extinct or merged in the last century in that of the Alepy." An0ther translation introduces in 1508 '":Jean de Veau, magistrate of the Province of Languedoc, who was one of the Councillors of the Court of Parliament in Toulouse, and who solicited the king to establish a C:-iminal Court in the Parliament." From the Grandmaison Dictionary of Heraldry we also­ mtroduce the following: "de Vaux. D'argent, a une mon­ tagne de sable, surmontee d'une aigle de gueules." Field, silver; c~lc. red ; znount:ain, black. COATS OF ARMS, 7 "de Vaux. Dauphine. De gueules au lion passant d'nrgent.'' Field, red; lion, 1ilvcr. "de Vaux (Baron) or Carra de Vaux (Baron). Domicile, Chflteau de Rieux (1~frn~e). Armes: D'azur, au chevron d'ar­ gent, accompagne de 3 losanges 2 & 1, & d'un croissant eu pointe du memc. 0 "The Arms of de Vaux and •.... Isaac de Fancher, Esquire, Lord (SILVER AND RED) of Clozuron (Perigord), married on the 2d of May, 1598, by contract, the noble "Miss Rebecca de Vaux, who, by her testament of the 7th of July, 1625, declared that she wished to be buried in the Church of the Dames de Fontaine, in the place she acquired of the Nuns of the said place.'' DE VEAUX GENEALOGY. '' De Veau of La11g11edoc," "Lords of Chavagnac, of Robiac and other places-De 011 r 1ea11 d'argmt & u11 chef d'a::ur, chargl d'mt croissa11t renversl d'or accost/ de 4 ttoi'les d'ar­ gent." "The family of De Veau of Robiac originally came from Languedoc, and enjoyed from time immemorial all the pre­ rogath-es exclusively reserved to the nobility of ancient ex­ traction.
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