C O V E N A N T Bible-Presbyterian Church Preaching Christ for His Glory and His Kingdom Order of Worship — 31 May 2015 Theme for the Year: “Out of Myself and into the Savior” (Ezekiel 14:4-6) Prelude The Lord Is in His Holy Temple Call to Worship *Opening Hymn 450 - Isn’t the Love of Jesus Something Wonderful! *Invocation & †Gloria Patri Responsive Reading Psalm 111 Hymn TP 111:1-2,7-10 Tithes & Offering *†Doxology & Offertory Prayer Scripture Reading Hebrews 3:7-19 Hymn 367 - His Way With Thee Confession of Faith & Pastoral Prayer Sermon “It is Dangerous for You Not to Believe” *Closing Hymn 327 - O for a Faith That Will Not Shrink *Benediction & †Threefold Amen Silent Prayer & Postlude The Lord Bless You and Keep You Announcements †Inside cover of hymnal *Congregation standing Covenant Bible-Presbyterian Church meets every Sunday at 3:00 pm at 47 Davis Road, Attadale, Western Australia Website: www.covenantbpc.org.au Email:
[email protected] A Quick Look at Christianity in Western Australia In commemoration of Western Australia Churches of Christ Day, I thought I would research into The Church of Christ was founded in Christianity in Western Australia. This is Australia as an outreach of the American by no means exhaustive but gives a Church of Christ. They have had a glimpse into our Christian history and presence in South Australia since the scene. 1840s and the movement spread Swan River Colony and Anglicanism westward. WA was settled on 1 June 1829, with the They are part of the Restoration coming Captain Charles Fremantle and Movement, a movement that purports to Governor James Stirling.