Olympic Games Official Report Los Angeles 1932

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Olympic Games Official Report Los Angeles 1932 Xth Olympiad Los Angeles 1932 Contestants in Weightlifting Who Equalled or Bettered Existing Olympic Records All of Which Were Made at Amsterdam Class Contestant Country Total Lift 1928 Featherweight Andrysek Austria 287½ kilos 632½ lbs. Lightweight Haas Austria 322½ kilos 709½ lbs. Hebig Germany 322½ kilos 709½ lbs. Middleweight François France 335 kilos 738½ lbs. Light-Heavyweight Nossier Egypt 335 kilos 782½ lbs. Heavyweight Strassberger Germany 372½ kilos 821½ lbs. 1932 Featherweight Suvigny France 287½ kilos 632½ lbs. Lightweight Duverger France 325 kilos 715 lbs. Middleweight Jsmayr Germany 345 kilos 750 lbs. Galimberti Italy 340 kilos 748 lbs. Hipfinger Austria 337½ kilos 742½ lbs. Light-Heavyweight Hostin France 365 kilos 803 lbs. Olsen Denmark 360 kilos 792 lbs. Heavyweight Skobla Czechoslovakia 380 kilos 836 lbs. Czechoslovakia 377½ kilos 830 lbs. Strassberger Germany 377½ kilos 830 lbs. Review of Competition Total Total Light- Classes in Feather- Light- Middle- Heavy- Participants Countries weight weight weight heavy weight Each Which Each weight Country Country Participated Argentine 111 Austria 1 1 2 2 Czechoslovakia 2 2 1 Denmark 1 1 1 France 1 111 1 55 Germany 2 1 1 43 Italy 1 2 1 4 3 United States 2 222 210 5 Total Participants Each Class 6 674629 Total Countries Each Class 4363 4 476 Weightlifting Weightlifting HE competitions in Weightlifting had the distinction of being the first T sport contests to be decided during the 1932 Olympic Games, champion- ships in two weight divisions being settled on the evening of the Open- ing Day. All the Weightlifting events were held in the Olympic Auditorium, the con- testants standing on a special platform raised above the floor in full view of the spectators. The system of competition was the same as that used for the first time at Amsterdam. The general average of performance has never been better. In every weight division the previous Olympic record was either equalled or surpassed, and in the Middleweight and Heavyweight divisions the three first contestants all bettered the lifts of the 1928 champions. Champions from previous Olympiads were much in evidence in the com- petitions, but were, without exception, unable to retain their titles despite the fact that in most cases they equalled or surpassed the performances which had won their titles for them. Only in the Featherweight and Light-heavyweight divisions were the 1928 champions absent, and in two divisions the 1924 champions also participated. In the Lightweight division Hans Haas of Austria, who tied for the championship in 1928, and Pierino Gabetti of Italy, 1924 champion, both participated, Haas taking second place and Gabetti fourth. In the Middleweight division Roger François of France, the 1928 champion, and Carlo Galimberti of Italy, the 1924 title holder, both participated. François, although he had injured himself in training, succeeded in equalling the record which won him the championship in 1928 but placed fourth at Los Angeles. Galimbertis surprisingly good performance won second place for him. The Heavyweight division was the most closely contested of all and in the estimation of the Federation officials was outstanding in respect both to strength and technique. Joseph Strassberger of Germany, the 1928 champion, pitted his experience against two splendid athletes from Czechoslovakia. While he placed third, he exceeded his winning performance at Amsterdam. In the opinion of Jules Rosset, president of the Federation in charge of the events, it was quite obvious that tremendous strides have been made in the sport of Weightlifting. This was evidenced by the improved performance of all the contestants. More attention to technique would, in Mr. Rossets opinion, result in even better performances. He stated his belief that both of Czecho- 477 CHART SHOWING DETAILED RESULTS OF WEIGHTLIFTING COMPETITIONS CHART SHOWING DETAILED RESULTS OF WEIGHTLIFTING COMPETITIONS (Continued) Xth Olympiad Los Angeles 1932 slovakia and Olsen of Denmark, who finished second in their respective divisions, clearly possessed superior strength to the winners, failing of victory only through lack of technical skill. He also noted the fact that Hostin of France, Light-heavy- weight champion, would have surpassed the record even farther had he not failed to comply with one of the technicalities in the Two Hands Military Press. France, with three Olympic championships in five events, was outstanding in the competition, the two remaining titles going to Czechoslovakia and Germany. The United States, entering a team for the first time in this sport, won two third places. It was the judgment of Mr. Rosset that the American contestants showed sufficient native ability to warrant their placing much higher in future Games. GOVERNING BODY FÉDÉRATION INTERNATIONALE HALTÉROPHILE Jules Rosset . President, 69 Boulevard Barbés, Paris, France A. Bourdonnay-Schweich Gen. Sec., 69 Boulevard Barbés, Paris, France Jury of Appeal Jules Rosset France E. A. Kampmann Germany Dietrich Wortmann United States Technical Delegates Eugène Gouleau France E.A. Kampmann Germany JURY—WEIGHTLIFTING Mark Berry United States Arnold Richard Nielsen Denmark Fritz Eickeldrath Germany Rudolf Oswald United States Salvatore Gallo Italy Dietrich Wortmann United States F. Mensik Czechoslovakia 480 Weightlifting Dates of Competitions July 30 and 31, 1932 Each Category Maximum Number of Entrants . 2 per Nation Maximum Number of Competitors . 2 per Nation Entrants and Participants Out of 30 original entries, representing 8 countries, 29 athletes competed in the 5 dif- ferent categories. Franz Janisch, Austria, in the Featherweight division, was the only athlete entered who did not compete. Classes of Weights Featherweights . Up to 60 kilos 132 lbs. Lightweights . Up to 67.5 kilos 148 lbs. Middleweights . Up to 75 kilos 165 lbs. Light-heavyweights . Up to 82.5 kilos 181 lbs. Heavyweights . Over 82.5 kilos Over 181 lbs. CONTESTANTS Argentine United States Middleweight : Julio Nilo Juaneda Featherweight : Anthony Terlazzo Richard Earl Bachtell Austria Lightweight : Hans Haas Lightweight : Arnie Sundberg Middleweight : Karl Hipfinger Walter Zagurski Middleweight : Stanley Joseph Kratkowski Czechoslovakia Sam Termine Heavyweight : Václav Light-heavyweight : Henry Ludwig Duey Jaroslav Skobla Heavyweight : William L. Good Albert Henry Manger Denmark Howard Turbyfill Light-heavyweight : Svend Olsen France Featherweight : Raymond Suvigny Lightweight : René Duverger Middleweight : Roger François Light-heavyweight : Louis Hostin Heavyweight : Marcel Dumoulin Germany Featherweight : Helmut Schäfer Hans Wölpert Middleweight : Rudolf Jsmayr Heavyweight : Josef Strassberger Italy Featherweight : Carlo Bescapè Lightweight : Pierino Gabetti Gastone Pierini Middleweight : Carlo Galimberti CHAMPION OLYMPIQUE RAYMOND SUVIGNY, FRANCE, FEATHERWEIGHT 481 FEATHERWEIGHT CONTESTANTS France Raymond Suvigny Germany Helmut Schäfer, Hans Wölpert Italy Carlo Bescapè United States Anthony Terlazzo, Richard Earl Bachtell THE CHAMPION IN ACTION Two Hands Two Hands Two Hands Final : Military Press Snatch Clean and Jerk Total Lift 1st : Raymond Suvigny 82½ kilos 87½ kilos 117½ kilos 287½ kilos France (181½ lbs.) (192½ lbs.) (258½ lbs.) (632½ lbs.) 2nd : Hans Wölpert 85 kilos 87½ kilos 110 kilos 282½ kilos Germany (187 lbs.) 192½ lbs.) (242 lbs.) (621½ lbs.) 3rd : Anthony Terlazzo 82½ kilos 85 kilos 112½ kilos 280 kilos United States (181½ lbs.) (187 lbs.) (247½ lbs.) (616 lbs.) Contestants Who Failed to Place Helmut Schäfer, Germany . 267½ kilos 588½ lbs. Carlo Bescapè, Italy . 262½ kilos 577½ lbs. Richard Earl Bachtell, United States . 252½ kilos 555½ lbs. Note : Raymond Suvignys total lift of 287½ kilos equalled that of F. Andrysek, Austria, who won the competition in Amsterdam, 1928. FEATHERWEIGHT CONTESTANTS WITH THE CHAMPION ON THE RIGHT 482 LIGHTWEIGHT CONTESTANTS Austria Hans Haas France René Duverger Italy Pierino Gabetti Gastone Pierini United States Arnie Sundberg Walter Zagurski CHAMPION OLYMPIQUE RENÉ DUVERGER, FRANCE, LIGHTWEIGHT Two Hands Two Hands Two Hands Final : Military Press Snatch Clean and Jerk Total Lift 1st : René Duverger 97½ kilos 102½ kilos 125 kilos 325 kilos France (214½ lbs.) (225½ lbs.) (275 lbs.) (715 lbs.) 2nd : Hans Haas 821½ kilos 100 kilos 125 kilos 307½ kilos Austria (181½ lbs.) (220 lbs.) (275 lbs.) (676½ lbs.) 3rd : Gastone Pierini 92½ kilos 90 kilos 120 kilos 302½ kilos Italy (203½ lbs.) (198 lbs.) (264 lbs.) (665½ lbs.) Contestants Who Failed to Place Pierino Gabetti, Italy . 300 kilos 660 lbs. Arnie Sundberg, United States . 285 kilos 627 lbs. Walter Zagurski, United States . 285 kilos 627 lbs. Note : René Duvergers total lift of 325 kilos bettered that of Haas, Austria, and of Heblig, Germany (322.50 kilos), who tied for first place in the competi- tion at Amsterdam, 1928. THE CHAMPION IN ACTION LIGHTWEIGHT CONTESTANTS AND OFFICIALS 483 MIDDLEWEIGHT CONTESTANTS Argentine Julio Nilo Juaneda Austria Karl Hipfinger France Roger François Germany Rudolf Jsmayr Italy Carlo Galimberti United States Stanley Joseph Kratkowski CHAMPION OLYMPIQUE Sam Termine RUDOLF JSMAYR, GERMANY, MIDDLEWEIGHT Two Hands Two Hands Two Hands Final : Military Press Snatch Clean and Jerk Total Lift 1st : Rudolf Jsmayr 102½ kilos 110 kilos 132½ kilos 345 kilos Germany (225½ lbs.) (242 lbs.) (291½ lbs.) (759 lbs.) 2nd : Carlo Galimberti 102½ kilos 105 kilos 132½ kilos 340 kilos Italy (225½ lbs.) (231 lbs.) (291½ lbs.) (748 lbs.) 3rd : Karl Hipfinger 90 kilos l07½ kilos 140 kilos 337½
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