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[email protected] _______________________________________________________________________ LIST OF AVAILABLE SHELF AGED COMPANIES Shelf and aged Companies are previously formed companies also known by a number of terms, i.e. Shelf or shell (usually refers to publicly traded) or aged or seasoned companies, corporations, limited liability companies or partnerships or combinations of terms. Irrespective of the term, a shelf company offers unique opportunities. Perhaps the leading reason for acquiring an aged entity in general is credibility. An answer to the most common question, yes you may merge your history with an aged entity. Business relationships are frequently influenced by the length of time a company has been in existence. This is often true when establishing financial and client/vendor relationships. Aged Corporations are corporations that are formed, but have never been used. There are examples in business when being able to show that you've been incorporated for a period of time is essential; you may need an Aged Corporation if: · You are trying to establish a history for your business. · You wish to enhance your corporations’ image with age. · You want to build corporate credit. It may be easier with age. · You want to encourage companies to do business with you. Some companies are more willing to do business with an established company vs. a younger company. · If you wish to bid on a contract that requires your corporation be established for a certain period of time.