Spatial Assessment of Groundwater Potential Zones of East New Britain province, Papua New Guinea PJAEE, 18 (4) (2021) Spatial Assessment of Groundwater Potential Zones of East New Britain province, Papua New Guinea Hejumacla Oboko1, Sujoy Kumar Jana2*, Tingneyuc Sekac3 1,2,3 Department of Surveying and Land Studies, Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea Email:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] *Corresponding Author: Sujoy Kumar Jana Hejumacla Oboko, Sujoy Kumar Jana, Tingneyuc Sekac: Spatial Assessment of Groundwater Potential Zones of East New Britain province, Papua New Guinea -- Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology 18(4). ISSN 1567-214x Keywords: Groundwater, Geomorphology, Remote Sensing, GIS, Conservation, Development ABSTRACT Technological advancement nowadays is very helpful with cost effective and time consuming techniques by incorporating GIS and Remote Sensing techniques to delineate groundwater potential map with wide-ranging tools used for the assessment of water resources, its management and conservation. This project is to outline the zonation of groundwater and produces a potential Groundwater map of East New Britain Province. The techniques used are Multi-Influencing Factor (MIF) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) for the evaluation and assignment of ranks and weights on the different factors such as Lithology, Geomorphology, Soil, Slope, LU/LC, Rainfall, Lineaments & Drainage Density and Vegetation. After assigning each factors with its weightages and ranking individual factors depending on their influence on groundwater potential areas, it is then overlay in the GIS environment using Weighted Sum technique. From the overall results, the groundwater potential areas in the study area are classified into five (5) categories ranging from very good, good, moderate, poor and very poor.