ANNUAL NOTICES TO MARINERS VALID FROM 1ST JANUARY 2018 Notices 1up to 14 HELLENIC NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC SERVICE 1 Responsibility for the publication of this issue is undertaken by the Safety of Navigation Division, Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service. Annual notices to mariners provide important information, of permanent nature, about the Hellenic seas and the main routes of navigation in the Mediterranean Sea. The edition is annual due to the importance of the information it contains. Changes, corrections and inputs that have been done on the text of the Annual Notices to Mariners are marked with a black perpendicular line on the left margin of every page. Mariners are requested to report to Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service upon discovering any navigational hazard or ascertain differences between the real situation and the elements provided on the nautical charts and publications. Contact details are as follows: Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service, Post: Safety of Navigation Division, TGN 1040 ATHENS Phone: (+30) 210 65 51 772 (+30) 210 65 51 770 (+30) 210 65 51 806 Fax: (+30) 210 65 57 139 (+30) 210 65 17 811 e-mail:
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] You can also report to the nearest Port Authority. In the event of unlit or malfunctioning lights (Lighthouses, lights, lightbuoys) mariners should report as soon as possible to the Hellenic Navy Lighthouse Service at: Post: Hellenic Navy Lighthouse Service, 185 10 Piraeus Phone: (+30) 210 45 81 508 Fax: (+30) 210 45 81 410 e-mail:
[email protected] The monthly Notices to Mariners issue and its traces, the Navwarn catalogue in force and the international and national NAVTEX broadcasts are available on the website of HNHS: 2 INDEX Notice Subject Page No.