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&Il§PEEIIMPRI -&il§PEEIIMPRI lrEM 24014 IURBtl TAMTYA .w l§"§, $t§l Wherever cars are manufactured or widely races in 1 972 and 1 973. The chassis is chang- Turbo Capri eineneueAera an; Beide stei5;en used the populace may enjoy the spectacle ed into a space frame made completely of zum ersten Male in ihrer gleichermassen of some form of motor racing. There are all light alloy. The body is made of FFIP except erî Igreichen Ceschichte aui den Capri um. kinds of car races, generally held in accord- for the roof. As a rèsult, the car weighs only Daes unmiiglich ist, auiein paar Seiten alldie ance with the rules of the FIA (Federation 760 kg. The wide, low and dynamic body Anderungen, Verbesserungen und Neu- lnternationale de l'Automobile). B ut there are style constituting a characteristic feature of enlwicklunBen zu beschreiben, halten w,ir es also races peculiar to a particular country the car, has been adopted after extensive iür besser, au siührli r:he, techni sche Detail s such as the Fuji Grand Champion Race in wind tunnel tests. TheZakspeed Capri Turbo auïzuzeigen: Japan held for single or two-seater racing with its high-power engine, light chassis and sports cars with engine capacity not exceed- aerodynamically excellent body always ran FO RD ZAKS P E ED TU RBO CAPRI ing 2000 cc; the Can-Am series held in the very well aTter its debut, and won its first lechnische Daten : United States and Canada: and the German victory in a race held in Nurburgring in Oct- I ahrzeugbe chnung . .. .. Ford Càpr Crulrpc 5 Domestic Championship Race. The German ober 1 978. lt took the first and second places Herstelier und Tvpc . .. .. ...Ford-Câprl ll00 Nlot()r . .......Ford race is run by Group 5 cars which are similar in the f irst race of the 1979 German Domestic to the cars racing for the World Manufac- Championship held in February. This power- Itlrnderanzahl und Anordnung ........ .l in Reihe HubraurSr (nàch Sportgesetzr . (1997,8 turers'Championship f ul Capri Equipped with the Turbo utilises the '.1127 cc cc) Race, the highest level ..80 of car racing after F-l same basic V6 engine block available on all Bohrung und Hub. ..... i Ttmm l.eislunB tle Drehzahl ....... .ll2 ki! 1-120 PS l-rei The G road-going Capris. ln the not too distant roup 5 racing cars, often called Silhou- 9000 mrn. ette Formulas, are remodelled versions of future it is confidently expected that this Zakspeed f)rehmom(.nt bei Drehzahl l0 Nm bei 7600 m n. cars on the market. Like the World Manufac- Capri will ofler severe competition Cein schauiberertunq ..B()s(h Ernsprtzung turers' Championship Race, the German to the so Tar invincible Porsches in the World ./undanlage und T,vpt: ........ Bos.hHK/ Domestic Championship Race, which com- Manuf acturers Championship Races. Àrt der SchmrerunEl .. .. ..Trockensumpl menced in 1976, is competed for by Group 5 {.** Benz n und C)l . .. .Shell cars. The over2,000 cc engine class has been Mit dem neuentwickelten Turbomotor in Celrebc Herstellcr . .... .Cetrag-5CânB dominated by the Porsche 935 Turbo and the einem neukonzipierten Capri schlâgt Ford Kupplung . .Borg und Beck under 2,000 cc class by the BMW 320 Turbo. Kôln ein neues Kapitel seiner 10 jâhrigen Sperrdilterent a1 .. .. lF- Sperr$,rkung909. It was the Ford Zakspeed Capri Turbo that in Motorsport-Ceschi chte auf. .. .. ..Zahnstange 1978 began to challenge the BMW in the lm Kop{ von Teamchef Erich Zakowski ent- ngunS .. .. .. .. ,v1c Pherson . under 2.000 cc class. stand der Turbo-Capri bereits zum Ende der dto. lorne Federbeine, ÿerstell- bare Dreieckslenker The Capri Turbo made its debut in a Group 5 letztjâh ri gen Motorsport- Sai son. race in the German Domestic Champion- Das dto. hinlen Starrachse, Schrauben' etwa 800 Kilogramm schwere Auto, tedern,'1 Lànslenkcr, ship series held as a supporting event to the dessen 1,4 1 Motor durch Verwendung eines 1978 German t!attgestànge Grand Prix. Having extremely Abgas-Turboladers eine Leislung voÀ rund Bremseô \'orne, h nten .... '...S(heibenbelùitet low and wide body style and bright colouring 380 PS bringt, wurde in Nierderzissen, in der Bremsen-Hersteller... .... Clrl n of red and yellow on a I black background sug- Nâhe des Nürburgringes gebaut. Rund 70 Sto!sdàmpIer-Hersteller . B lstein gestive of lightning, the Capri Turbo ran with Meter Aluminiumrohr sind kunstvoll zu I'elgenBrijsse \orne hrnten . ....il t3 Hans Heyer at the wheel. Although it retired einem Sicherheitskâfig zusammenge- Fe lBen-l-l er stellcr ' ' ', ', ', ',, BBS in the race, it displayed its high perïormance schweisst. Ausser optimalen Schutz für den Rciienlormat\()rnc .. .. ........10.0 225, lb in the preliminary heats by recording the best Pilot Hans Heyer, gibt dieser Alu-Kâfig unter Relenlormathnten. .. ...... r.1.5 ll; - r9 time in its class. The Capri Turbo was con- Verwendung von Kunststoffteilen, dem Reiren-llerste ler ... Coodvr:ar structed byZakspeed, a tuning shop in West radikal abgemagerten Capri auch die not- Lc(:rgc\\,ic:h1 .a 780 (ilo Germany. Zakspeed, owned by Erich wendige Versteifung.. RÀdstand 256J mm ... Zakovskt who started his racing activity in Der Turbo Capri ist sowohl vom Motor als Spurrornt: hnten 1690 mm 1660 mm . ...... ... 1968, are famous for competing in touring auch vom Chassis her ein vôllig neues Auto, Làn;ae. !060mm Bre te . .. 2000 mm car races including the ETCC, European das mit seinem er[olgreichem Vorgânger, llohe . .. 1150 mm Touri ng Car Championship. The Capri Turbo dem Fscort nur noch das in Schwarz, Celb Ho.rlrstBeschw,ndiBke t .. .. 2u0 km h owes its speed to the experience and tech- und Rot gehaltene Design des Zakspeed nique obtained through racing Escorts. The Sponsors - Mampe - gemeinsam hat. Für den engine is a straight 4-cylinder DOHC Ford weissen Elefanten, dasWappentierdes tradi- BDA, similar to that mounted on the Escort. tionsreichen Berliner Spirituosenherstellers, The same engine was used in Formula Two bicht ebenso wie Tür Erich Zakowski mit dem 0299 I 7124 7 t- F. T? z-U- l. r7rl (4i{) << Front Wheel >> Make 2 sets (\'ordcrrad ) 2 Satu a Letters: white OyJ,*'" Bu ch stàben Tyre (small) <<Rear Wheel>> Make 2 sets <<Hrnterrad>> 2 Satz Re ten tklern Tyre Lettered slde GOOD YEAB faced Rt, len should be o utside. Lettered side GOOD Bur hstaben 'C( )()D YlÂR YEAR" should be faced o utside. Br.hstaben "C()()D YtAR na( h aLrssen c2 *Study the instructions before com- mencing assembly. G old PolY Gold * This kit needs two UM3(AA) dry ceils. * You will need a sharp knife, a screw- A driver, a file and a pair of pliers. c * Use cement sparingly. Use only e- ? nough to make a good bond. lüatt Black Before cementing plated parts, remove A the plating with a knife, etc. from the ) surface to which cement is applied. Matl Black Abz t,lrbrld This mark shows the colour. J Pinion Gear * Vor Beginn die Bauanleitung Ritzel studieren und den Numntern nach die @ Elemente zusammenbauen. * Bauteile nicht vom Spritzling ab- Dnve pinion gear into motor shaft. brechen, vorsichtig abschneiden oder Nlotoraalrse vorsichf ig art RrtlL,l abzwicken, Teile vor Kleben zusammen- k lo p tcn. halten, auf genauen Sitz achten, Nicht RE-140 Motor zuviel Klebstofï verwenden. Kleine Teile hàlt man mit Pinzette fest. *Abziehbilder vorsichtig von der Unter- lage im Wasserabschneiden auf richtigen Bed Sitz achten und gut trocken lassen. * Zwei U3 Batterien werden benôtigt. Motor B lue I Zeichen für Bemalung Prn Rrtrel Switch Contact Fixing ot Motor l..onlaktblc( h o Einbau des Motors Wire '10 cm kabel l0cm At6 0., 5c. Battery Term nal l.ontaktblecir Battery Termrnal A kontàktble( h A Chassis Sw tch Contact Pass wi re through the Motor K()ntaklble(ll groove of chassis. Dre Drahte dur(h den Cletriebctunnel Qo,"nn" fe , \\ AI tMatt Black --->-N2 Battery Term rnal â ]\()ntaktllle( lr Battery Termtnal B (ontaklble.h B .i.. Part A13:;:. .- M()torla8erLrngtr' <<Battery Terminal B>> .,.: Kontaktblech Il :::> Motor Ch ass is Push rn the directton ol arrow ln t')leilri(htung biegen At3 Ch assis Al3 2 Rear Axle>> Hiterrachse>> @ Beâr Arle ... Fixing of Switch Contact;::' Hinterachse <<Kontaktblech B>> o Terminal B Batter takt B Rear Wheel H ntcrrad Rear Shaft Antr ebs!\,elle Swrtch Contact Rear Wheel B8 H i n terrad (Sw l..ontaktble.rh tch ) Do not 1S.:llalter) ce me nt Nicht kl eben << Front Suspension >> ..: Vordere Achsauf hângung >> (Switch) B 8 o (Schalter) Do not cement Nrcht kleben BI Front Suspension coldf Vordere Achsaufhângung Orangej o atacrl Orange j Êrvet Front Wheel Bl6 Radachse Vordt:rrad Aluminum Poly Cap Do not cement Colour Nich Kleben Orange At2 Do not cement I Nrcht kleben a cap Aluminum Colour All Coil : Black Do not cement Nrc kleben Feder irt aMatt Black Orange A t0 Matt Black Do not cement \ ( rt klehen Gold Red Brown tüatt Black Orange Front Wheel Vo rd crrad Metallic Grey Seat Êivet : Do not cement Alum in lM etalll c Radachsr, : Nr.ht kleben Colour Grey o Sitz minum A 7 achrome Silver Colour orange I Alumin Colour A J Matt Black A Orange N.4att Black Alum in um à Colou r Orange ÙChrome Silver A2 Alumi N/att B ack Colou r ô .,., Fixing of Roll Bar::': o .., Einbau des Überrollbügels i::,. Fit the driver's arms holding the steering l,î1,?;,î0u,", <<Boll Bar>> << wheel. @ Überrol I b ü gel >> Arme des Fahrers entsprechen dem Lenk- t\,4att Black rad einbauen. <<lnstrument Panel>> 3 << I nrenten b rett>> BI nstru Bl4 A I A5 425 Matt Black Nlatt B ack It Red Brown Gold B12 ,J1 ll tüatt White Bl0 a lÿ att j Black Suit:Orange Ove ra ll Alumln u m Colour Matt Black .:.: Helmett) .
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