Sacrilegious Aspect of Javanese Gamelan : Past and Future
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56 HARMON\A. \, , o\un\el?<, No. 1 / ]um 1WS INTRODUCTION influences. The temple was started under King Vishnu Dharmatunga (Sailendra dy- Indonesia, as a very religious count- nasty/kingdom) and it was finished by ry in which the people have believed in his successor King Samaratunga in 825 AD. God, has well known throughout centu- In addition, Mantle Hood mentioned that ries, especially throughout the jou rney of "Bas-reliefs of the 81h-century Borobudur its development as a country and as a na- and early East Javanese temples document tion. Indonesia as a country was not well the existence of prototypes of all instru- known and recognized by the inte r natio- ments of Gamelan Sekati long before the nal world until the end of World War II arrival of Islam in the waning years of the when the country was established as an Majapahit Empire" (Hood 37). The name, independent nation. Also, the current In- Gamelan Sekati, was not known at the time donesian language was not being used na- because the religious change and political tionally and it did not exist until well after application directly influenced the name the country was formed. Nevertheless, the given for the gamelan instrument. At this importance of Indonesia in the history of point, Buddhism influenced Indonesian the international world began far before empire and we do not know what they cal- Indonesia was established as an indepen- led it. The important thing is that gamelan dent nation. instrument was being used and was intro- The first religious kingdom was cal- duced already at this point. Furthermore, led Dvipantam or ]awa Dwipa is known the strength of this kingdom was shown through the reports of Indian scholars in by the defeat of the Chenla kingdom (today 100 AD that mentioned the kingdom was Cambodia) under king Indra in 790 AD. By located on the islands of Java and Sumatra. the time of King Samaratunga passed away, The Javanese writing system was also de- his throne was taken from his son Balaput- veloped during this period by the influen- ra by his daughter's father in law named ce of Indian script, Sanskrit. As a result Patapan from the Sanjaya Dynasty. And Pa- of the Indian influences, Hinduism also tapan turned the kingdom to Buddhism in became a part of the early civilizations of 835 AD. After being succeeded by his son the kingdom in Java and Sumatra. The in- Pikatan, Balaputra tried to take the kingdom fluence of Hinduism in the Javanese King- back but he failed. As, a result, he escaped dom reached its climax during the Taruma to Sumatra and was enthroned in Sriwijaya Kingdom in West Java around 400 AD. On kingdom in about 850 AD. Later on, King top of Hinduism, the influence of Budd- Balitung of the Sanjaya Dynasty was well hism was also introduced around 425 AD. established in central Java around 898 AD During this period, the Arabs, Persians, in Mataram. After King Daksa succeeded Greeks, Romans, and Chinese knew the him, Hinduism became dominant again in kingdoms in Indonesia, again, especially 910 AD. The Prambanan temple was built in Java and Sumatra. The first strong and during this period. The evident of the use widespread kingdom established was the of Gamelan instruments is also shown at Sriwijaya Kingdom, which was established the temple's relief such as cylindrical ken- on Sumatra around 500 AD. This kingdom dang, cymbals, other shapes of kendangs, later invaded the kingdoms surrounding and wooden flute. Kendang is the main it, including the Malayu kingdom, and double sided percussion instrument that many kingdoms in Java around 686 AD. is functioned to give rhythmic guidance Because of the strong religious in- for Gamelan ensembles. After several ot- fluence, many kingdoms in Java were her successors, Mpu Sendok of Sanjaya was converted to Buddhism around 770 AD. enthroned in 929 AD. During this time, the The building process of the great Borobu- empire was moved to East Java. This was dur Temple that is located in Yogyakarta, probably due to the eruption of the Mount Central Java, evidences of this religious' Merapi in about 929 AD. Henry Susan t o Pranoto, Sacrilegious Aspect Of Javanese Gamelan: Past And Future 57 The next important successor was The Islamic influence became greater Dharmawangsa. He became the king of Ma- and greater aroundl400 AD. This influen- taram in 985 AD. In the same year, he con- ce caused the shifting of the major religion quered the Balinese kingdom and moved to Islam in places such as Aceh (located his kingdom to Kalimantan. Beside his am- on Sumatra). The decline of the Majapahit bitions as an invader, he was also known kingdom also contributed to the switch. as an important person who commanded The main denomination of the Islamic re- the translation of Mahabarata works into Ja- ligion that was widely believed was the vanese. This is a collection of Hindu stories school of Shafi'i also called Madhhab . Its that make up part of the literature of Indo- influence can still be seen in today Indone- nesia. Later on, it was also used for deve- sia. Unfortunately, the Islamic influences loping the stories used in gamelan music. in the established kingdoms never brought The most important king of Sanjaya Dynas- any peace with any other religions. In fact, ty was King Airlangga. He was the founder many Hindu people had to move from of a new kingdom called Kahu r ipan in 1019 Java to Bali in 1468 AD to escape from Ma- AD. He is also known , today, as the basic japahit during the rule of Suraprabhawa. model of Indonesian tolerance concerning Because of this, Bali is the central Hindu religion. In his time he protected both Hin- territory in Indonesia, even today. After duism and Buddhism while he also made the establishment of Demak as the main a peace agreement with the Sriwijaya king- court of Majapahit kingdom under Raden dom, which was the other major kingdom Patah, the Islamic kingdom was well estab- at that time. Then, he also united the two lished by 1478 AD. Therefore, the in first kingdoms through marriage in 1030 AD. direct contact with European countries, be- In 1222 AD, Ken Arok founded the ginning with Portuguese conquest in 1511 new kingdom of Singosari because of the se- AD, Indonesia was known as being enga- paration from the main kingdom. His next ged in the Islamic religion. Even the use important successor was Kertanegara who of Islamic terms, such as the titles sultan, ruled in 1268 AD. He promoted the mix- wali, and so forth, was enforced. ture between Hinduism and Buddhism. The influence of Islamic leaders was Marco Polo was visited Sumatra and Java very important in the cultural, social, and during his rule. The strength of his empire political arenas of Indonesia as a whole. was proven by the failure of the Mongol The most important was the influences of invasion under Kublai Khan who sent 1000 Wali Songo (Nine Islamic religious leaders ships to Java in about 1292 AD. Unfortu- entitled as wali). The most influencial wali nately, the allied forces of Mongol and was Wali Kalijogo. Besides being a religio- Wijaya, who was the founder of Majapahit us leader, "he was also known as an artist dynasty under the name of King Kertara- at the time, to compose a number of Java- jasa ]ayau>ardhana, in 1293 AD, overthrew nese songs/tunes to interest the people this dynasty. During the period around in speeches on Islamic teachings made by 1330 AD of the Majapahit dynasty, Patih various Islamic leaders coming to Demak Gajah Mada had a very significant position. Kingdom for that purpose" (Hood 36). As Almost all of Indonesia today was united an adaptation of the gamelan instruments during his lifetime. In 1350 AD, during the into Islamic activity, they might have gi- rule of Rajasancgara, the Islamic kingdoms ven the name Gamelan Sekati as it was fun- that started developing in 1297 in Sumatra ctioned to accompany the Sekaten Festi- under Sultan Malek Saleh, who was the first val during Sekaten week. In fact, Gamelan Muslim ruler in Indonesia. He overthrew Sekati will only be played for the ritual of the Majapahit kingdom. Under the ruler this religious purpose. Therefore, it is very Hayam Wuruk, the Majapahit kingdom was sacrilegious instruments. Through this broken down totally as was the remnant of sample of musical activity, we know that the Sriwijaya dynasty in 1377 AD. in any elements of Indonesian people's life 58 HARMONIA, Volume 13, No. 1 / Juni 2013 Gamelan music is often used as the main INTERA C TION WITH CATHOLICISM musical instruments especially in Java. The first interaction between Indo- Even though we admit that Javanese Ga- nesia and Catholicism was around 1546 melan is the traditional instrument of Java, AD when Portuguese missionaries under we know that the music of Gamelan has St. Francis Xavier came to visit the eastern its influence from India as the source of part of Indonesia in areas such as Moro- Hinduism and Buddhism for many Indo- tai, Ambon, and Ternate. Then, the Dutch nesian kingdoms as mentioned in many started to come in to Indonesia with the temples of religious heritages such as Bo- business motivations around 1590 AD. robudur, Prambanan, ]ago, Ngrimbi, Kedaton, Since their rebellion from the King of Spain Suknh, Tegawangi, and so forth in which all in 1581 AD the Dutch were free to travel of them contains relief of Gamelan instru- more. The Dutch defeated the Portugue- ments mainly kendang.