11 - 25 Aralık 2014 YAYIN PLANI 11-19 Aralık 2014


HEDEF ÜLKELER YAYIN PLANI VE ERİŞİMLERİ A, B, C1 SES Mecra Mecra Günlük Hedef Ülke Mecra Yayın Tarihi Günlük Tirajı Okur Sayısı Birleşik Arap Gulf News Gazetesi 11 Aralık 14 120.000 550.000 Emirlikleri Al Nisr Yayın Grubunun İngilizce yayınlanan sadece B.A.E.’nin değil, bölgenin en yüksek tirajlı lider gazetesi. Rusya Kommersant Gazetesi 11 Aralık 14 120.000 342.000 GRUPLARINDA Kommersant Medya Holding- Rusya’nın en yüksek tirajlı ve itibarlı günlük iş dünyası gazetesi Rusya Komsomolskaya Pravda Gazetesi 11 Aralık 14 550.000 2.975.000 Komsomolskaya Pravda Medya Holding- Rusya’nın en yüksek tirajlı günlük gazetesi Almanya Die Welt Gazetesi 12 Aralık 14 222.000 909.000 Dünyanın lider medya holdinglerinden Axel Springer’in amiral gemisi olarak adlandırılan Die YAKLAŞIK Welt, Almanya’nın en etkili ve lider gazetesidir. Fransa Le Figaro Gazetesi 12 Aralık 14 320.000 1.450.000 Fransa’nın günlük yayınlanan uluslararası etkinliğe sahip gazetesi. İngiltere Daily Telegraph Gazetesi 14 Aralık 14 520.000 1.620.000 Telegraph Media Group’un en çok satan, ülkenin en köklü gazetesi. 19 MİLYON Almanya Travelbook.de 12-19 Aralık 2014 230.000 Dünyanın lider medya holdinglerinden Axel Springer’in Bild Gazetesi’nin seyahet portalı, Avrupa’nın en çok takip edilen ve en çok üyeliği olan uluslararası portalı. Aynı zamanda dünyanın bir numaralı tatil satın alama sitesi tripadvisor’ın iş ortağı olarak ana mecralarından biri. KİŞİYE ULAŞTIK! Rusya Geo.ru 11-18 Aralık 2014 170.000 Dünyanın lider medya holdinglerinden Axel Springer’in kültür ve gezi web sitesi Geo’nun Rusya yayını geo.ru web sitesi, Rusya’nın en çok takip edilen kültür ve gezi sitesi Rusya kp.ru haber portalı 11-25 Aralık 2014 10.500.000 Komsomolskaya Pravda gazetesinin Rusya’da en çok tiraj alan haber portalı TOPLAM ERİŞİM (KİŞİ SAYISI) 18.746.000 RUSYA YAYINLARI 11 - 25 Aralık 2014 A, B, C1 SES grubunda «Личный взгляд том4 5-й том Георгия Бовта» сегодня ПОЛКОВОДЦЫ ЦАРИ- ИВАНА ГРОЗНОГО Обсуждаем И СМУТНОГО самые ПОЛКОВОДЦЫ ВРЕМЕНИ в продаже странные в продаже c 18 декабря законы 2014 года Сегодня в 17.05 Прямой эфир № 140-ч (26318-ч) 2014 г. Рекомендуемая цена - 2.975.000 Основана в мае 1925 года 15 руб. Четверг, 11 декабря Газета нашего города G Москва ЛИШАЮТ ЕВРОПЕЙСКИХ БЛАГ okura ulaştık! НЕТРЕБКО ЗА ДОНБАССКИЙ ФЛАГ Кадр из фильма Оку Саурона Rusya’daki dağılımın yanı sıra ayrı- опустили веко Александр РОГОЗА, ca yayın gününde KOMSOMOLSKAYA Юлия ХОЖАТЕЛЕВА Под давлением общественности организаторы отказались от проекта. PRAVDA gazetesi ile; Око злодея Саурона из сказочных книг Джона Р. Р. Толкиена над Москвой все-таки не появится. Напомним, проекция огромно- го глаза должна была засиять 12 декабря в 18.00 над одной из башен «Москва-Сити» и светиться до 3 ночи субботы. Такая вот За фото промоакция накануне российской премье- с флагом Новороссии ры фильма «Хоббит: Битва пяти воинств» австрийцы хотят лишить (см. стр. 15). Неоднозначная, прямо ска- оперную звезду гражданства жем. Но впечатляющая.

и не продлевать контракт globallookpress.com Что тут началось в соцсетях! «Что за - THY’nin Rusya’daki 2 en önemli des- на рекламу авиалиний. глупость! Пускай у себя в Америке голли- (Слева от Анны Нетребко вудские деятели устанавливают!» - возму- председатель парламента щались некоторые. Любители фэнтези па- Новороссии Олег Царев.) рировали: «Что тут такого, прикольно же». tinasyonunun (Moskova, St. Petersburg Подробности читайте на > странице 4. Продолжение читайте на > странице 14. bağlantılı) tüm uçaklarında, Внучку Караченцова сбил таксист, у которого отобрали права за пьянку Александр РОГОЗА ходном переходе в Леонтьев- - Водитель не пытался ском переулке. Все произо- скрыться с места? 9-летняя девочка шло около 8.20 в понедельник, - Нет. Да он бы и не посмел. - Aeroflot, Transaero, Utair başta olmak переходила дорогу 8 декабря, когда девочка вме- Рядом дежурил офицер поли-

на зебре по дороге сте с мамой шла в гимназию. ции, он и вызвал «Скорую». Владимир ВЕЛЕНГУРИН/«КП» - Москва в гимназию. - После удара Яниночка За рулем находился сотруд- упала, но сумела правильно ник компании «Хэппи такси». В Детскую горбольницу име- сгруппироваться - не зря за- Имя его пока не называется. üzere tüm Rus havayolu şirketlerinin ни Филатова была доставлена нимается гимнастикой, - рас- Известно только, что водителю 9-летняя внучка актера Нико- сказала «КП» бабушка девочки 30 лет, из них 12 он работает лая Караченцова. Слава бо- Людмила Поргина. - Повез- таксистом. И недавно водилу... гу, обошлось без серьезных ло, что в шапке была, в теплой лишили прав на 18 месяцев травм, у девочки ссадины и одежде, это смягчило удар. за пьянку! (Moskova, St. Petersburg bağlantılı) tüm ушиб локтя. Янину (на фото) Слава богу, удалось избежать Продолжение сбил таксист. Прямо на пеше- сотрясения мозга. читайте на > стр. 8. iç hat ve dış hat uçuşlarında yolcularla ana kapaktan paylaşıldı. duyuru - Rusya ulusal tren sisteminin Moskova, St. Petersburg bağlantılı) tüm iç hat ve Komsomolskaya Pravda gazetesi dış hat seferlerinin vagonlarında yer aldı. Rusya, 11 Aralık 2014 политика | Россия спишет Узбекистану общество | СКР инициирует лишение A ve B SES grubunda более $860 млн долга —3 неприкосновенности депутата Госдумы от КПРФ —4

Газета издательского дома «Коммерсантъ» Издается с 1909 года. С 1917 по 1990 год не выходила по независящим от редакции обстоятельствам. С 1990 года выходит в еженедельном режиме. С 1992 года — в ежедневном.

Четверг 11 декабря 2014 №225 (5498 с момента возобновления издания) kommersant.ru | КоммерсантъFM 93,6 Подписной индекс 50060

политика | Роскосмосу не хватает общество | В Чечне поджигают дома общество | Деньгами от продажи рабочих рук для строительства родственников боевиков, закрываемых московских больниц космодрома Восточный —2 напавших на Грозный —4 поддержат систему ОМС —5 деловые Цены вырастут до хлеба новости Подорожание хлебобулочных изделий может составить до 10% 342.000 —09 Коллекторам Несмотря на то, что в этом году хлебозавода Алла Ошиткова сообщи- забили долг Россия собрала один из самых вы- ла, что с декабря компания вынужде- Кризис довел рынок соких урожаев зерновых, в ближай- на поднять стоимость хлебобулочных до первого банкротства шее время хлеб может подорожать изделий примерно на 8%. В дальней- на 10%. Как стало известно Ъ“, шем предприятию, возможно, придет- ” —09 «Роснефть» уведомления поставщиков о пред- ся еще раз повысить цены на свой то - стоящем росте закупочных цен по- вар опять же из-за резкого роста стои- готова взять миллиарды лучило большинство крупнейших мости сырья. из неизвестных источников продовольственных ритейлеров. В Минпромторге заявили Ъ“, что се- ” Переработчики объясняют подоро- рьезных колебаний цен на хлеб не от- —09 Москва не хочет жание ростом цены на муку, зерно, мечают. «Рынки хлеба и хлебобулочных показывать себя изделий всегда находятся под присталь- сахар, зарубежное сырье, упако- Городские власти вочные материалы и транспорт- ным вниманием ФАС. В настоящее вре- ные расходы. Стоимость пшеницы, мя в центральный аппарат службы жа- отказались от участия в MIPIM зависимая от доллара, и дальше лоб от торговых сетей о повышении okura ulaştık! производителями цен на хлеб и хле- будет расти вслед за обесценива- —10 У агентств ющимся рублем, предупреждают бобулочные изделия не поступало»,— снижается рейтинг эксперты. говорит начальник управления контр- Биржа усомнилась Ритейлеры начали получать уве - оля агропромышленного комплекса домления от поставщиков хлеба и хле- ФАС Анна Мирочиненко. Вместе с тем, в справедливости некоторых бобулочных изделий о росте цен, со- продолжает госпожа Мирочиненко, национальных оценок общила Ъ“ представитель сети «Лен- рост цен на зерно, который наблюдает- ” та» Анна Мелешина. Руководитель ся с августа, в том числе вследствие де- —11 Турция посылает по внешним коммуникациям сети вальвации рубля, безусловно, оказы- «Газпром» дальним «О'кей» Артем Глущенко рассказал, вает влияние на ценовую ситуацию на что контрагенты заявляют о повыше- данных рынках. маршрутом Rusya’daki dağılımın yanı sıra ayrı- нии закупочной стоимости в среднем • По данным Росстата, инфляция Новый газопровод на 5–10%, объясняя это «ростом цены в Р оссии со 2 по 8 декабря составила может пойти во Фракию на муку, зерно и сахар, зарубежное сы- 0,3%, с начала года — 8,9%. Хлеб за не- рье, упаковочные материалы и транс- делю подорожал на 0,7%, рис — на 1,7%, портные расходы». Обращения посту- подсолнечное масло — на 1,5%, плодоо- пают практически из каждого регио- вощная продукция — на 2,5%. Быстрее Тбилиси ca yayın gününde KOMMERSANT на, но в основном из Северо-Западно- всего дорожали яйца — на 4,5% и гречне- го, Центрального и Южного федераль- вая крупа — на 5,7%, притом что за по- встретил ных округов, добавил он. Аналогич - следние три недели Росстат фиксировал ные письма с ноября получают и в X5 рост цен на гречку в 10–16% (подробно рейсы Retail Group (сети «Пятерочка», «Пере- о росте цен на этот товар Ъ“ сообщал ” кресток», «Карусель»), говорит началь- в номерах от 31 октября и 20 ноября). ник управления по связям с общест- Директор по развитию ассоциации забастовкой gazetesi ile; венностью ритейлера Владимир Руса- «Руспродсоюз» Дмитрий Востриков от- Грузия все-таки ограничит нов. Директор по внешним связям ГК мечает, что на сегодняшний день рост «Дикси» Екатерина Куманина отмеча- цен на товары, в основе производства «Аэрофлот» и «Сибирь» ет, что первые уведомления о повыше- которых — мука, а именно хлебобулоч- нии закупочных цен на хлеб сеть полу- ные и макаронные изделия, является чила еще в октябре. «Аргументы произ- скорее обоснованным. На конец ноя- Скандал вокруг либерализации водителей — подорожание компонен- бря в сравнении с октябрем рост цен на авиаперевозок между Россией тов для приготовления хлеба, причем муку составил 22%. Повышение цен на и Грузией спровоцировал соци- не только муки, а ее стоимость состав- муку прежде всего обусловлено ростом альный взрыв в Тбилиси. Сторо- ляет 60% от стоимости продукта, но внутренних цен на зерно, основными ны затягивали ввод ограниче- и дрожжей, и сахара»,— говорит она. причинами которого являются деваль- ний на полеты авиакомпаний РФ Некоторые региональные производи- вация рубля и выжидательная позиция в Грузию, что привело к забастов- тели повышать цены уже начали. В ин- сельхозпроизводителей зерна. ке персонала Georgian Airways. тервью интернет-изданию «Новый Ка- Цены на хлеб могут пойти в рост уже в ближайшее время: поставщики предупредили ритейлеров Перевозчика не устраивает ре- - THY’nin Rusya’daki 2 en önemli des- лининграду.Ru» гендиректор Первого о подорожании на 10% ФОТО ЮРИЯ МАРТЬЯНОВА потребительский рынок — с12 жим «открытого неба», уже вы- лившийся в падение цен на биле- ты и загрузки рейсов. Забастовка оказалась эффективной — Грузия Донецк привыкает к тишине Кувейт покатил бочку официально уведомила «Аэроф- Спецкор Ъ“ следил за тем, как на востоке Украины Его решение обвалило цены на нефть лот» и «Сибирь» о снижении числа tinasyonunun (Moskova, St. Peters- ” их рейсов с 15 декабря до деся- соблюдается перемирие ти в неделю. Но грузинские авиа- Вчера вслед за Саудовской Аравией щены на $1,5–1,9 за баррель по сравнению торы уже просят большего и про- и Ираком еще одна страна ОПЕК Кувейт с декабрем. На той же неделе примеру сауди- бастуют минимум до пятницы. На украинском «восточном фронте» храма. В ожидании лидера ДНР журналисты объявила о снижении цены на нефть для тов последовал Ирак: национальная компа- Деньги пассажирам они обеща- наступил объявленный Киевом и поддер- допытывались у дежурившей тут женщины, своих покупателей с целью удержания ния страны SOMO объявила, что скидка для ют вернуть. жанный ополченцами режим тишины. считает ли она чудом, что храм уцелел. Она доли на рынке. В результате рынок неф- стран Азии составит уже $4 за баррель — это Вчера технический персонал burg bağlantılı) tüm uçaklarında, Как пообещал лидер самопровозглашен- в ответ рассказывала, что от попадания сна- ти пережил очередное резкое падение: рекордный дисконт с 2003 года. Таким обра- Georgian Airways объявил забастов- ной ДНР Александр Захарченко, переми- ряда сгорел соседний дом, где была библио- за день котировки обвалились на 4,5%, зом страны региона подтвердили верность ку, отменив рейсы из Тбилиси в Мо- рие в Донбассе продержится как мини- тека священника, «пять тысяч книг сгорело». стоимость Brent опускалась в ходе тор- курсу, выбранному на ноябрьском саммите скву. Пассажиры не смогли вылететь мум до 12 декабря, когда в Минске может — Александр Захарченко уже приезжал гов ниже $64 за баррель. Далеко не все ОПЕК,— выдавить с рынка нефть с высокой в Россию. Руководитель пресс-служ- пройти очередной раунд переговоров в наш храм. В первый раз оказал помощь нефтеэкспортеры могут позволить себе себестоимостью. бы Внуково Елена Крылова подтвер- контактной группы. За тем, как соблюда- в виде обогревателя,— вспоминала прихо- подобные скидки — по оценкам агентст- Решения стран снижать цену поставок дила Ъ“, что Georgian Airways отме- ” лось прекращение огня в Донецке и его жанка. ва Moody’s, самыми уязвимыми к сни- приняты на фоне сокращения прогнозов нила рейсы Москва—Тбилиси до окрестностях, наблюдал специальный В этот раз господин Захарченко привез жению стоимости нефти окажутся Рос- потребления нефти. В декабрьском про- 12 декабря включительно. Пассажи- корреспондент Ъ“ ИЛЬЯ БАРАБАНОВ. в подарок храму икону Николая Чудотвор- сия и Венесуэла. гнозе ОПЕК, выпущенном вчера, сообща- ры смогут вернуть деньги за биле- - Aeroflot, Transaero, Utair başta ol- ” В Донецке режим тишины наступил в во- ца, облачение и богослужебные книги. Вчера государственная нефтяная ком- ется, что спрос на нефть участников карте- ты в полном объеме. Рейсы россий- семь утра 9 декабря и с тех пор не нарушал- — Почему вы выбрали именно эту ико- пания Кувейта Kuwait Petroleum сообщи- ля в 2015 году упадет на 300 тыс. баррелей ских авиакомпаний выполняются ся. Последние снаряды упали в Калинин- ну? — спросили лидера ДНР. ла о решении с января 2015-го продавать в сутки — до 28,9 млн (в 2014 году 29,4 млн). в обычном режиме. ском районе города в ночь на вторник. Один — Просто я сам к нему часто обраща- нефть на $3,95 дешевле, чем другие страны Это минимальный уровень спроса за 12 лет. из них разорвался рядом с жилым домом на юсь,— подумав, ответил он. региона. Это максимальный дисконт с де- В целом мировой спрос на нефть, по оцен- промышленность — с11 углу Красногвардейского проспекта и ули- — А чего ждете от переговоров в Мин- кабря 2008 года, когда в результате кризиса кам ОПЕК, составит в 2015 году 92,3 млн бар- mak üzere tüm Rus havayolu şirketle- цы Матроса Кошки. ске? — перевели тему журналисты. нефть подешевела со $140 до $41 за баррель. релей в сутки, что на 1,1 млн баррелей боль- Воспользовавшись паузой, глава само- — Счастья,— лаконично ответил госпо- Напомним, первым после решения ОПЕК ше, чем в 2014 году. Однако покрывать его провозглашенной ДНР Александр Захарчен- дин Захарченко и поехал дальше, в иловай- не сокращать объем квот о скидке объявил будет преимущественно добыча сланцевой ко отправился вчера в Иловайск, сильно по- скую музыкальную школу. крупнейший производитель нефти в мире нефти в США и Канаде. страдавший во время августовских боев. По- Саудовская Аравия — с января цены, в част- rinin (Moskova, St. Petersburg bağlan- ездка должна была начаться с посещения мировая политика — c7 ности для азиатских рынков, были сокра- экономическая политика — с8 tılı) tüm iç hat ve dış hat uçuşlarında ana kapaktan yolcularla paylaşıldı. duyuru - Rusya ulusal tren sisteminin Mos- kova, St. Petersburg bağlantılı) tüm iç hat ve dış hat seferlerinin vagonların- da yer aldı. Kommersant gazetesi Rusya, 11 Aralık 2014 10.500.000 interaktif dünya vatandaşı

Komsomolskaya Pravda’nın haber portalı olan kp.ru web sitesinde, 2 hafta boyunca sadece Rusya değil kp.ru haber portalı tüm dünya tarafından takip edili- Rusya, 11 - 25 Aralık 2014 yoruz. 170.000 interaktif dünya vatandaşı

Dünyanın lider medya holdingle- rinden Axel Springer’in kültür ve gezi web sitesi Geo’nun Rusya ya- yını geo.ru web sitesi,

Rusya’nın en çok takip edilen doğa ve gezi sitesi. geo.ru haber portalı Rusya, 11 - 18 Aralık 2014 BİRLEŞİK ARAP EMİRLİKLERİ YAYINI 11 Aralık 2014 paylaşıldı. iç hat ve dışhatuçuşlarında yolcularla üzere tüm BAE havayolu şirketlerinin - Emirates, Etihad Airways başta olmak tüm uçaklarında, Dhabi, Muscat, Doha, Amman çıkışlı) destinasyondaki (Dubai, Bahrain, Abu - THY’nin Körfez Bölgesinde 6farklı GULF NEWS ile; lımın yanı sıra ayrıca yayın gününde Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri’ndeki dağı- ulaştık! okura 550.000 A ve BSESgrubunda A ve

PRICE Bahrain: BD0.500 Qatar: QR5.00 UAE: Oman: RO0.500 S.Arabia: SR5.00 Dh5.00 India: Rs40.00 Pakistan: Rs75.00 ■ ■ Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri, 11 Aralık 2014 Se ce an Em gl Of a12 Du re ne Ain Pa Re inquiry ‘imme Ro Right: of polic Abo Middle UN Fe Union die minis during Isr ag of Thu mor Pa Wh the © Sa De LA d ut e le All d aeli ains deric or ar Ra le ba bert TE amo d ir er fa spe during ce ca al right ve st br ga EDITION int s gl in emen at the | mallah te r le i y so so Abu mb diat inian t fo : e the nising s na see ho view rp int it fi Ea 19 cial r, Serry Gulf News gazetesi a Isr i, Isr re er re elder it ldier th who We se stini ie lm Mogherini rs , ta er spit re o st HH aeli et aeli e, ign rv co al 14 Ain na a en sc tion s the ed minis z an ur bl pe st independent’ gi 11 pr ye s 36 so fe demande re nfr 201 al. li da uffle voy wa aff bor co ti , oid st s fa and on ot ac Bank gh st sis incident 4 20 s st a25 ont on Eur th ruck lonie lls air s er es te e der an fo ta smil al t ! 14 in iv with da y pr s aft e t r , ope al ation. and r nc up the cit Ziad he char mar al the oc him s, yo y. er e d y ad an minist lat es . e Vie the ung ch an ge Abu The s er a ws lo t O By fo honour Indian wh Ma the in st an Ab to in wh to In to wo one ma op g du d Sh He me co r ed ove N St du ul scu en th er mone wa ro his me st aff d th ro an ei e . ba wa ne he th  bb ri s exp n e tc wa rpo Al bber ba Re i Str al ro to di her busine n s co th ed h. o ed sa y  dr z nk ug po ec his – Ar ie ul ee w Ab He we him es iv t rt oic f. h th by it Kh dn ea t a st he a ed ai la er in wo in co ou An ring B his ’t ma , an fe d. st polic g on ei de ss aft ul Al gh Al st ul ll d al  ol n n ow d Sa an d min if t man Ab Ze on his ed Ghu sn lp ha ha tu sa d so in er e g be ed at pp e ba w ve d rd me wa Da- sa  ch ra in ei ck en ay s Al as to is n n y g - 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KOMMENTAR kapaktan Zippert zappt Bush kannte TORSTEN KRAUEL kapaktan undeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hat die FDP als schon früh die Folter als 909.000 „natürlichen Koalitions- duyuru duyuru Bpartner“ der Union bezeich- Verhörmethoden net. Gleichzeitig kritisierte sie Zankapfel die rot-rot-grüne Regierung in Dick Cheney belastet Thüringen und fragte: Wie viel er UN-Sonderbeauftragte zum kleiner will sich die SPD ei- den Ex-Präsidenten Thema „Antiterrorkampf und gentlich noch machen? Die DMenschenrechte“ hat gefor- Antwort lautet: Bis sie klein WASHINGTON – Der ehemalige US-Vi- dert, alle Verantwortlichen für die genug ist, um als natürlicher zepräsident Dick Cheney hat dem da- amerikanischen Verhörmethoden ge- Regierungspartner der CDU mals amtierenden Präsidenten George genüber Al-Qaida-Internierten vor infrage zu kommen. Bis dahin W. Bush eindeutige Mitverantwortung Gericht zu bringen. Die „kriminelle ist es aber noch ein langer für die CIA-Folter zugewiesen. Che- Verschwörung“ für „systematische Weg. Denn Merkel reizt die ney sagte, Bush sei „ein integraler Be- Verbrechen und schwere Menschen- Sozialdemokraten bis zum standteil des Programms“ gewesen. rechtsverletzungen“ müsse „entspre- Äußersten. So bezweifelte sie, Der US-Senat hatte am Vortag einen chend hart bestraft werden“. Dasselbe dass NRW unter Hannelore Bericht über Misshandlung und Be- möchte die in der Demokratischen Kraft noch ein Rechtsstaat ist. drohung von Gefangenen im Zuge des Partei durchaus einflussreiche linksli- Falls das stimmt, wäre NRW „Kriegs gegen den Terror“ vorgestellt, berale amerikanische Bürgerrechts- okura ulaştık! ein Unrechtsstaat, in dem in dem es hieß, Bush sei erst 2006 gruppe ACLU. Bush und Cheney ha- Bananen knapp sind. Das über Einzelheiten der Foltermethoden ben sich ohne Wenn und Aber vor den Verteidigungsministerium informiert worden. Bush habe dem Geheimdienst gestellt. Ihre Gegner versucht bereits herauszufin- Folterprogramm „zustimmen“ müs- sagen, auf solche Weise bettelten bei- den, ob es möglich ist, Nord- sen, sagte Cheney. „Wir haben die de förmlich darum, vor Gericht zu

rhein-Westfalen von der Bun- REUTERS/ERIC GAILLARD; DPA/EPA/ANDY RAIN Techniken diskutiert; es gab von unse- kommen. deswehr besetzen zu lassen rer Seite keine Anstrengungen, ihn da Die Republikaner und die CIA weh- und Ursula von der Leyen zur rauszuhalten.“ Die Senatsermittler ren sich mit einer Leidenschaft, die Verwaltungschefin zu ernen- Seliges Monaco hätten sich nicht einmal die Mühe ge- nicht einfach nur der Aufschrei von nen. Sigmar erklärte macht, Schlüsselfiguren, die in das Ertappten ist. Erstens, sagen sie, sei weinerlich, die Sozialdemokra- Ein Mitglied der Palastwache in Monaco weist die Weltöffentlich- Zuerst erblickte die kleine Prinzessin Gabriella das Licht der Welt, Programm eingebunden waren, zu be- Waterboarding, unter höchstem Er- ten wollten auch weiterhin keit huldvoll auf ein ziemlich wichtiges Ereignis hin – jedenfalls zwei Minuten später ihr Bruder. Dennoch ist der Junge nach den fragen. Dann wäre womöglich heraus- mittlungsdruck eingesetzt, nach US- Almanya’daki dağılımın yanı sıra ay- vertrauensvoll mit der Union für sein kleines Land. Eine prunkvolle Urkunde kündet von der Regeln der Thronerbe. Der kleine Prinz wird als nächster Fürst gekommen, dass der damalige Präsi- Recht keine Folter, sondern legal. Alle zusammenarbeiten. Um das zu Geburt der Zwillinge von Fürst Albert II. und Fürstin Charlène. von Monaco den Titel Jacques II. tragen. Seite 28 dent Bush mehr wusste, als in dem Special-Forces-Rekruten würden ihm unterstützen, können CDU- Bericht steht. Cheney übte in drasti- unterzogen – nicht aus Sadismus, son- Mitglieder im Partei-Shop zu schen Worten Kritik an dem Senats- dern damit sie ihren seelischen Bruch- preiswerte, rote bericht. Dieser sei nicht nur „schwer punkt kennen. Obamas Justizministe- Fußabtreter mit der Aufschrift fehlerhaft“, sondern „voller Scheiße“. rium habe die Vorgänge geprüft und „SPD“ erwerben. Siehe Kommentar und Seite 8 keine Anklage erhoben. Zweitens sei- rıca yayın gününde DIE WELT gaze- en die Vernehmer der Al-Qaida-Inter- Deutsche Rüstungsgüter nierten nicht vom Senat angehört worden. Das nun widerspreche US- THEMEN Recht. Drittens stimme es nicht, dass Dieses Jahr fällt die Methoden kontraproduktiv waren. Entscheidende Hinweise entstamm- vergammeln im Nordirak die kalte ten der Kombination aus normalen tesi ile; und verschärften Verhören. Progression aus Man muss dem wahrlich nicht in al- Bundesregierung will 100 Soldaten nach Erbil schicken. Doch schon die len Punkten folgen. Aber aus der Luft Geringer Effekt auch in gegriffen sind die Gegenvorwürfe aktuelle Mission verläuft nicht reibungslos. Ausbildung ist schwierig auch nicht – jedenfalls in den Augen den nächsten Jahren von US-Wählern, denen der 11. Sep- Wirtschaft THORSTEN JUNGHOLT langen Front gebunden seien, habe „die Auch für die angestrebte erweiterte Aus- tember 2001 so tief in den Knochen Masse der deutschen Ausstattung bisher bildungsmission zeigen die Inspektoren BERLIN – Die Steuerzahler werden laut steckt wie Pearl Harbor. Der Folterbe- Die ungewisse rotz akuter Probleme bei der nicht verteilt werden“ können. Die Folge: Probleme auf. Schon jetzt könnten immer Bundesfinanzministerium in diesem richt, so widerlich er sich liest, ist kein Zukunft des A380 laufenden Bundeswehr-Missi- Weil Lastwagen und Kraftfahrzeuge nicht nur „lageabhängig“ einzelne Peschmerga Jahr nicht durch die kalte Progression Schlussstrich unter ein schlimmes on zur Unterstützung der bewegt würden, seien bereits „Standschä- aus den Kampfsektoren abgezogen wer- belastet. „Im Jahr 2014 führt die nied- Jahrzehnt. Ein ohnehin polarisiertes reißt Airbus Kurden im Nordirak will die den und damit einhergehende Einschrän- den, um von der Bundeswehr geschult zu rigere Preissteigerungsrate in Verbin- Land, das auf eine Präsidentenwahl Bundesregierung den Einsatz kungen der Nutzbarkeit absehbar“. Der werden. Der Ausbildungsstand sei dement- dung mit der Anhebung des Grund- zusteuert, bekommt vielmehr ein wei- in die Tiefe TAnfang 2015 ausweiten. Das Kabinett soll Einsatzzweck werde bezüglich dieses Ma- sprechend als „heterogen“ zu bewerten. freibetrages zu Jahresbeginn dazu, teres Thema, an dem sich die Geister am kommenden Mittwoch beschließen, terials mithin verfehlt. Auch bei einer erweiterten Mission werde dass voraussichtlich keine kalte Pro- scheiden. Die Demokraten wollen un- -THY’nin Almanya’daki 12 farklı des- Seite 12 dem Bundestag ein Mandat für etwa 100 es zunächst bei „Individualausbildung“ gression entstehen wird“, heißt es in einsichtige Republikaner als „uname- Soldaten vorzulegen. Sie sollen im Raum bleiben müssen, die „Abstellung von ho- einem Bericht des Finanzministeri- rikanisch“ darstellen. Die Republika- Sport Erbil im Norden des Landes Kurden und mogenen Zügen“ sei „kurz- bis mittelfris- ums, der der „Welt“ vorliegt. ner wittern eine Chance, die Demo- andere Iraker für den Kampf gegen die DEUTSCHE HILFE tig nicht zu erwarten“. Nicht einmal eine Auch im kommenden Jahr ist der kraten vor dem Wahljahr als diejeni- Schweinsteiger ist Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) ausbil- genaue Vorstellung von der Gesamtzahl Effekt dem Bericht zufolge gering. Bei gen hinzustellen, die das Geschäft des den. Derzeit sind nur knapp 20 deutsche Zuerst lieferte Deutschland humanitä- der kurdischen Kämpfer haben die Deut- einer Inflationsrate von 1,5 Prozent moralisch empörten, aber gegenüber wieder wertvoll Soldaten in Erbil stationiert, um die kurdi- re Hilfsgüter und militärische Schutz- schen, die Schätzungen liegen zwischen dürfte die kalte Progression 2015 nur dem Terrorismus hilflosen Auslands schen Peschmerga an Waffen zu schulen, ausrüstung für die kurdische Armee in den 5000 und 10.000 bewaffneten Soldaten. mit 1,8 Milliarden Euro zu Buche betrieben, wenn nicht sogar das Ge- tinasyonunun (Berlin, Düsseldorf, Seite 20 die Deutschland geliefert hat. Nordirak. Dann entschied sich die Bundes- Heikel ist die Mission auch aus rechtli- schlagen. Das wären durchschnittlich schäft der Terroristen selbst. Nach Informationen der „Welt“ gibt es regierung für eine umfangreiche Waffen- chen Gründen. Nach einem Urteil des 45 Euro pro Steuerzahler im Jahr. 2016 Ermittlungen durch den UN-Ge- Aus aller Welt allerdings Probleme bei der Verteilung des lieferung. Inzwischen hat Deutschland Bundesverfassungsgerichts darf sich die dürften es dann 49 Euro pro Kopf richtshof in Den Haag würden deshalb Materials. Während Handfeuerwaffen und Kampfausrüstung für 10.000 kurdische Bundeswehr nur im Rahmen eines „Sys- sein, der Staat würde Mehreinnahmen an Washingtons Veto scheitern. Aber Warum Lehrer und Panzerabwehrraketen aus Beständen der Soldaten geliefert. Dazu gehören 16.000 tems kollektiver Sicherheit“ an Auslands- von 1,95 Milliarden Euro erzielen. die USA haben die Antifolterkonventi- Eltern nicht mehr Bundeswehr bereits erfolgreich an der Sturmgewehre, 40 Maschinengewehre, 30 einsätzen beteiligen, also unter einem Ökonomen hingegen kommen in ih- on der UN ratifiziert. Nationale Initia- Frankfurt Hamburg, Münih, Stuttgart, Front eingesetzt würden, so berichten Mit- Panzerabwehrwaffen Milan mit 500 Rake- Mandat der Vereinten Nationen, der Nato ren Berechnungen auf deutlich höhere tiven gegen US-Verantwortliche eben- zueinanderfinden glieder eines in den Nordirak entsendeten ten, 240 Panzerfäuste und 10.000 Hand- oder der EU. Die internationale Koalition Summen, da sie den Effekt der kalten so wie gegen regierungsamtliche Hel- Erkundungsteams in einem vertraulichen granaten. Dazu mehrere Millionen Schuss gegen den IS im Irak aber ist ein loser Ver- Progression über mehrere Jahre ana- fer in Übersee sind denkbar. Das spa- Seite 27 Papier, stehe anderes Material aus Munition, Last- und Geländewagen sowie bund von 60 Staaten. Ob auch sie als ein lysieren. In diesem Fall betragen die nisch-britische Vorgehen gegen Chiles Deutschland nutzlos in Erbil herum. Weil Feldküchen. Gesamtwert der Lieferung: Bündnis in Sinne des Grundgesetzes ange- Belastungen für den Steuerzahler einstigen Diktator Augusto Pinochet die kurdischen Soldaten durch die Kämpfe etwa 70 Millionen Euro. sehen werden kann, ist umstritten. mehrere Tausend Euro. zeigt, was möglich wäre. Zertifikate gegen den IS an der über 1000 Kilometer Kommentar Seite 3 und Seite 6 Seite 9 [email protected] Köln, Hannover, Nürnberg, Leipzig, Wie Privatanleger jetzt profitieren ANZEIGE Beilage Dax Mann! Sind Männer blöd! Bremen, Friedrichshafen) tüm uçak- Im Plus Wissenschaftler: Sie gehen in ihrem Leben viele unnötige Risiken ein Seite 17 änner machen idiotische Sachen. Britische Wissen- nach der Rücksendung öffnete. Die Wissenschaftler hatten sich schaftler haben errechnet, dass der überwiegende Teil alle für den Darwin Award Nominierten von 1995 bis 2014 an- DAX EURO DOW der Darwin-Award-Träger männlich ist. Dieser Preis geschaut. 332 der beschriebenen Fälle waren unabhängig begut- Xetra-Schluss EZB-Kurs 17.45 Uhr M wird – meist posthum – an Menschen vergeben, die sich auf be- achtet und bestätigt worden. 14 Nominierungen gingen an Män- 9862,53 1,2428 17.735,88 Punkte US-$ Punkte sonders dumme Weise versehentlich selbst eliminiert haben. Ihre ner und Frauen gleichzeitig. Von den verbleibenden 318 Fällen larında, +0,64% +0,29% +1,16% Studie stütze die „Theorie von den männlichen Idioten“, schrei- betrafen 282 Männer und nur 36 Frauen. Der Unterschied sei ben die Forscher um John Dudley Isaacs, Direktor des Institute statistisch hoch signifikant, schreiben die Forscher. Ihre Ergeb- ANZEIGE of Cellular Medicine in Newcastle (Großbritannien), im „British deckten sich mit der „Theorie von den männlichen Idio- Die Geschichte der Medical Journal“. Der Darwin Award wird seit 1994 vergeben. ten“. Diese besage, dass der Grund für ihre häufigere Einlieferung Weltraumforschung Sein Name bezieht sich auf Charles Darwin, den Vater der Evolu- in Notaufnahmen ist, dass sie idiotische Sachen machen. Es sei „Aufbruch ins All - Space Race“ tionstheorie. Er „ehrt diejenigen, die den menschlichen Genpool verwirrend, dass Männer bereit sind, derart unnötige Risiken auf verbessern, indem sie sich selbst daraus entfernen“, heißt es auf sich zu nehmen – als Mutprobe, um ihr Ansehen zu verbessern, Heute um 22.05 Uhr der Webseite. Zu den Nominierten gehört ein Dieb, der ein Stahl- oder einfach, um anzugeben, schreiben die Forscher. Die Heraus- seil aus einem Aufzugsschacht stehlen wollte. Leider hatte er geber des „British Medical Journal“ betonen, die Artikel der - Lufthansa, Air Berlin ve Germanwin- Diskutieren Wir twittern beim Abmontieren nicht berücksichtigt, dass er noch im Lift Weihnachtsausgabe seien zwar skurril und witzig, aber dennoch Sie mit uns live aus dem auf Facebook: Newsroom: stand – und rauschte in den Tod. Oder der Terrorist, der eine von Fachkollegen beurteilt worden. Es seien mithin echte wissen- facebook.com/welt twitter.com/welt Briefbombe mit zu geringem Porto verschickte und den Brief schaftliche Arbeiten.

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TIM ROSS, JOHN BINGHAM job. The disclosures follow a 1.620.000 and PATRICK SAWER succession of damning reports exposing failures in NPNK@>ON MORE THAN 500 care homes the social care system. and services for the elderly This week, the CQC had to put frail residents at risk in step in after fears that the past year because staff untrained staff at a care home were not up to the job. in Surrey were placing the New figures show that of elderly at risk. About 65 the 5,332 care homes and residents were evacuated home-help services assessed from Merok Park Nursing NJG?D@MNOJG? in the last 12 months, 522 Home, in Banstead, amid failed to meet the most basic chaotic scenes after it was legal standards for staffing. shut down at short notice. MHT>CD@ANR

TIM ROSS an exclusive interview with 2011, following the invasion of POLICE WERE last night ques- BOOKMAKERS ARE calling nun un (London Gatwick, London Heath- Political Correspondent The Sunday Telegraph, Mr 2003 that toppled Saddam tioning a man about the tonight’s BBC Sports Person- Fallon says British military Hussein. deaths of a married couple. ality of the Year contest one of HUNDREDS OF British troops personnel will train Iraqi and The details of the plan are Northumbria Police said the closest ever, with Rory will be sent to Iraq in the new Kurdish forces to fight the expected to be finalised within paramedics were called to an McIlroy and Lewis Hamilton year as the war against jihad- Islamic State of Iraq and the days, but Mr Fallon said the address in the Elswick area of virtually neck-and-neck ists enters a new phase, Levant (Isil) from January. number of troops involved Newcastle on Friday. favourites to take the title. Michael Fallon, the Defence A small “force protection” would be in the low “hun- Eric Ruddy, 64, and his wife Ladbrokes and Coral report Secretary, has announced. In deployment of combat-ready dreds”. At present, there are Carol, 54, a wheelchair user, the golfer edging ahead as the row, Birmingham, Edinburg) tüm uçakla- soldiers is also expected to be 50 British troops in Iraq train- were found with life-threaten- 4DOCOCDN>M

Daily Telegraph gazetesi Birleşik Krallık, 14 Aralık 2014 DÜNYA BASININDA NASIL YER ALDIK? 16 tam sayfa içerik INTERNATIONAL MEDIA Please see the last page


*Aşağıda paylaşılan içerik, Birleşik Krallık’ta The Daily Telegraph gazetesiyle birlikte yayınlanan 16 sayfalık içeriktir. Diğer yayınlarda ayrı ayrı yer alan 16 sayfalık içeriklere örnek teşkil etmektedir. is worth travelling CROSSING THE BRIDGE History, cultural diversity, beautiful beaches and to crown it all, little rain and much sun. Turkey is a natural bridge between the east and the west, hosting It is believed that Turkey is this. However, this country on two continents has more to offer! the most beautiful bridges of history as well.

books and which are integral parts of ivers are the oldest and most natu- Emperor Flavius the 2nd in the 4th century; but re- tan Murat the 2nd. 1,392 metres long and, 6,80 me- Ancient ruins in the mountain Europe. For example, Trojan Horse or ral borders. At wars, armies burn the stored at the time of Byzantine Emperor Justinianus tres wide bridge has 174 compartments. Elephant, Nemrut in Southeastern Anatolia. the mathematician Thales from Mile- bridges while leaving one place. On in the mid 6th century. This bridge with nine com- lion, and bird figures on the stone footings are note- tos are from here just like St. Paul and bridges, people question their iden- partments is known as the first of Ana- worthy. The bridge was built to pass through River the Virgin Mary, the mother of Christ Rtity, where they are coming from and where they tolia. There is a legend about that bridge, saying that Ergene which was a natural obstruction against Ot- and the Virgin Mary lived her last are going to, which side they are at; bridges are not the legendary doctor "Luqman" had found the potion tomans’ conquests in Balkans. It is still in use. Anoth- years in a place close to İzmir. Those only the place where people pass through, but also of eternity, but his recipe dropped from his hands on er bridge worth seeing, from the Ottoman era is the who are not interested in culture but where they stop and think, and sometimes where the water while passing through this bridge. Irgandı Bridge in Bursa. What makes this bridge spe- are interested in sports also find what they propose marriage. Turkey is a natural bridge Another bridge of is Taşbridge built on cial is that there is a bazaar established on it, where they want in Turkey. between the east and the west, due to its geo- River . It is another Roman work, and is still artisans perform traditional handicrafts. The bridge Antalya Belek is an internationally The Virgin Mary's house in Ephesus attracts many tourists from all over the world. graphic location; throughout the history, all cul- being used. The bridge was originally built as 21 was built in 1442, and has a special place among oth- recognized golf center. A country sur- tural, commercial, religious and technological flow compartments, but currently serves with 14 com- er examples of bridges with bazaars in the world. rounded by sea on three sides offers between these two civilizations passed through partments as 7 compartments were buried under On the track of all types of water sports. Sailing, surf- these territories. Rivers watering the Anatolian the ground during rehabilitation of River Seyhan. The MODERNITY: THE AND ing, diving or only swimming: Turk- land have been overcome by bridges despite with- birdge is 310 metre long and is 11.40 metre wide. BRIDGES ish coasts are full of surprises and of- AS SAINTS MOVE AWAY standing against this everlasting flow. When we come to the contemporary times, fer unexpected facilities. Hidden bays According to official data, there are 1420 his- INCREASED CULTURAL INTERACTION IN bridges in Turkey are the means and the symbol of Turkish modern are inviting to fishing, sunken cities FROM PRESSURE torical bridges in Turkey; which is enough to prove ANATOLIA both physical and cultural transition. For example are waiting to be discovered by the di- the dynamism of Anatolia. Oldest of these is the From the Roman era, we come to the era of Seljuki- for , we can easily say that the best icons vers. Even winter tourism is develop- Anatolia has been a peaceful and secure house for dozens bridge in Boğazköy from Hittite era, from 13th cen- ans, the ancestors of Ottomans, and see the great symbolizing its multicultural and multi-identity architecture ing in the recent times. of beliefs for thousands of years. Anatolia was the most tury B.C.. Other bridges are from Hittite, Urartu, Ro- bridges at that time, which is the period of richest pattern are the Bosporus bridges. Palandöken mountain on the south- man, Byzantine and Ottoman eras, each of them culture and transition in Anatolia. Akköprü, which is Not only connecting two very distinct conti- secure destination for the believers running away from the Turkish modern architecture The new modern architecture offic- east of the country offers reliable snow pressure of Romans during the first years of Christianity. have fulfilled the vital function at their time: Car- located in today’s capital Ankara, is from that period. nents, both geographically and culturally, name- and the best powder snow in many rying the roads, people, cultures, languages, reli- Anatolia Seljukian Sultan Alaeddin Keykubad the ly Asia and Europe, Bosporus bridges are the vital rooted , es opened in the recent period signed months of the year. It is easy to access gions, and even the new plant and animal species. 1st has had the bridge built in 1222 at the intersec- points of the city today. The Bosporus (Boğaziçi) attracts great attention and many important and awarded pro- Uludağ which is close to Bursa. It snows hristianity emerged within the in Cappadocia is Saint Georgios. One of tion of three creeks. Bridge was made of basaltic face Bridge was built during years 1970-73, between Turkish architects are jects both in Turkey and abroad. One in cold season on Taurus mountains borders of Roman Empire aga- the better known stories of Saint Ge- ROMAN EMPIRE LOVES ROADS stone, and standing on seven sharp . Ortaköy and Beylerbeyi. The 1380 metres long frequently talked about due to of these is Tabanlıoğlu Architecture. Tabanlıoğlu, which is considered to be extending along the coasts of Medi- inst oppression and paganism orgios is the kidnapping of the daugh- Roman Empire was growing geographically un- In Eastern Anatolia, on the Bat- bridge’s elegance is very impressive. During the the awards they receive. C among the leading offices of architec- terranean up to . Where else can to bring peace for humanity. It consti- ter of the King and defeating the dra- like ancient Greek civilization, and attached con- man-Silvan road is another masterpiece from the Eurasian marathons being run in spring and au- you enjoy skiing by watching the sea? tuted a threat against paganism, then gon which held the waters of the city. siderable importance to the roads and bridges to same era. Built by in 1147, the bridge is seven tumn each year on this Bridge, you can walk by ture in Turkey in the recent period, at- tracts attention with the international There are no limits in Turkey for the the official religion of Roman Empire; transfer their armies to the farthest places. Many metres wide, 150 metres long, and 19 metres high. It is watching the magnificent view of the Bosporus. TUBA YÜKSEL sports and adventure tourists. Climb- so it spread secretly and was severely FROM TO MYRA of them are located in Anatolian territory. One of unique in being one with broadest arches in the world Sultan Mehmet Bridge is located between awards won. Galleria, the first shopping ing, trekking or mountain biking - the punished when disclosed. Christinaity Moreover, many places in Mediter- the oldest bridges of Antalya, the heaven of tour- among stone made bridges. On both sides of the - Kavacık and Rumelihisarı, built during years 1985- urkish architecture which was center of Turkey is also among the pro- jects of the company which was found- VERONIKA HARTMANN country offers endless facilities with faced significant calamities and many ranean, Aegean, Black Sea and Mar- ists, is the Lymra Bridge from Roman era. This is es, there are two rooms inside for use by caravans and 88. They are almost twin sisters with the first one. affected by Ottoman architec- A country surrounded by ed by Hayati Tabanlıoğlu, the architect sea on three sides offers its multilateral land features. There are were martyred until the 4th Century, mara housed Christian missionaries one of the oldest segment arched bridges in the travellers. It is being said that such rooms were pre- Third one is currently under construction between ture in the beginning, reached T of AKM (Atatürk Cultural Center) one all types of water sports. t is a very common idea that Tur- almost new offers each day in Turkey when Christianity became the offici- and saints. Cilicia is a very significant world; This 360 m long stone bridge was built on viously connected to the bottom of the road through two sides of the Bosporus close to the Black Sea, its current modern level after var- key is not a secret clue. All inclu- with respect to themed travels. al religion of Roman Empire. The most location within this scope. One of the the Alakır Creek in Limyra which was a Lycian city. corridors, and the footsteps of arriving caravans were and will have a more modern appearance. ious movements it was influenced of the symbolic buildings of İstanbul in sive hotels in and around Antalya important actors of this long and tor- persons contributed most to the sys- The rate of flatness of the bridge could only be re- being heard from far away, through such corridors. Bridge on the Golden Horn has great sen- by. The public buildings constructed the cultural area. İstanbul Modern Mu- where reservations can be made tuous journey were the saints. During tematic expansion of Christianity is achieved during the Late Medieval Age. timental value for the people of Istanbul. Every day, by especially German, Austrian and seum is also among the projects of the The diversity is a surprise office which are carried out by Murat- Iwith affordable prices especially dur- the first years of Christianity when St. Paulus, a Tarsus-born Jew. Lu- OTTOMAN LEGACY tourists take pictures with the hundreds of people Swiss architects in 1930s and 1940s ing the off-season are actually adored for those who are travelling it spread secretly, Christians running kas, writer of the Third Bible, was also THE POTION OF IMMORTALITY WAS LOST HERE On River Ergene in , the only bridge con- who are fishing on this bridge. This bridge is a route are noteworthy In Turkish architec- Melkan Tabanlıoğlu today. by Europian tourists, but these did not to Turkey for the first time. away from the oppression of the Ro- from in Cilicia region. Saint built on Ceyhan River in Adana, which necting Anatolia to Balkans, which is also the longest of cultural transition as it connects Istanbul’s rath- ture which was affected by different The awards won by Emre Arolat Ar- contribute positively for the image of Most tourists think that mans came to Anatolia and built un- Thekla, the first woman martyr, was has one of the most productive lands of Turkey, is an- stone bridge of the world, Uzunköprü is an Ottoman er traditional Ancient Peninsula with the rather opinions and political life. For exam- chitects (EAA), which won Aga Khan Turkey as a holiday country. The num- derground cities where they hid to live. born in and died near Seleuke- other bridge from the Roman Era. It had been built by work built between years 1426 and 1443 by Sul- westerner Pera, i.e. Beyoğlu region.  ple, Ankara Opera Stage, Ankara Lan- award, one of the most prestigious ar- they shall experience an chitecture awards, are not limited by ber of people thinking that the coun- absolute East, but they ia in Cilicia at the age of 90. St. Nikola- guage History and Geography Facul- try offers only sun, sand and sea is in- SYMBOLIC NARRATION AND ITS os, whom the kids looking forward to ty, TBMM (Grand National Assembly this. The architect Emre Arolat sum- creasing. The area on which modern encounter a multilateral DEVELOPMENT at the time of each Christmas is also of Turkey) are a few of these. Turkish marizes their concept as “as EAA, we Turkey is build today hosted many cul- modern country. These first churches, used for sec- from Anatolia. He was born in Patara in architects sometimes were the repre- adopt a concept which, instead of per- tures during thousands of years. retly satisfying the requirement of Ch- Antalya and worked to spread the be- sentatives of a school and sometimes ceiving architecture and environment Archaic early civilizations, advanced Health, religion, sports or even cook- ristianity, also constitute early examp- lief in Palestine and Egypt before be- drew attention with their works they through the obligation of construct- cultures of Mesopotamia, Greeks, Ro- ing courses, in addition to culture, his- les of Christian architecture. Nevşehir, ing assigned as Archbishop of Myra. designed in different styles. Architec- ing well designed buildings, prefers an mans, Persians, first Christians, Byz- tory, sun, sand and sea, attract thou- Niğde, Akaray and Kayseri within Cap- His Church in today’s Demre is a cen- tural applications in Turkey were also opinion which uses it for producing a antines, Seljuks, Ottomans... All left sands of people. Many of them are padocia region are the most impor- ter of attraction for the tourists. influenced by the modern and post- view related to man, city and nature, traces and contributed to the mosaic surprised when they see what they tant of these cities; underground ci- The cities inhabited mostly by the modern movements abroad. One of and for developing an idea for setting created by Turkey today. If one thinks get is beyond their expectations. In ties of Derinkuyu and Kaymaklı house Christians in Aegean are Ephesus, the most important movements that up a space. EAA Projects has modern Uzunköprü is an Ottoman work built that this shows itself only in architec- their first trips, they are very surprised dozens of secret churces. On the ot- Pergamon and Smyrna. For instance, Turkish architecture passed through projects in Turkey such as Zorlu Center, between years 1426 and 1443 by ture and archeology, he is complete- when they see how Turkey presents it- her hand, these churches also house John the Baptist, the follower of Christ was the First National Architectur- 7800 Çeşme Residence and Hotel. The Sultan Murat the 2nd. 1,392 metres success of Turkish architects and their ly wrong. Interesting mix of the East self differently and modernly. the first magnificent examples of Ch- most loved by Him, settled in Ephesus long and, 6,80 metres wide bridge al Movement in 1930s. The reason for with the West and interaction of dif- Since a decade, economy is contin- ristian paintings. Nevertheless, due to to recite Bible. Saint Yuhanna wro- has 174 compartments. emphasizing this is that many build- offices abroad should not go unnoticed. ferent cultures shows itself in art, mu- uously growing and welfare is devel- the pressure they faced, they used a te the last part of the Holy Book cal- ings which are symbols today were sic, kitchen and daily life. oping. Almost half of the population is really symbolic language: Dove, pea- led Revelation during his time in Ephe- constructed at that period. If you The new modern This diversity is a surprise for those below the age of 24 and this shows it- cock, fish, lamb, good shepherd, - gar sus. This section contained the orders came to Turkey, you must have seen architecture offices who are travelling to Turkey for the self in the colorful and lively life in the den with flowers and ship motifs are of God against the seven churches in the works of the Architect Kemal- first time. Most tourists think that city. Streets are lively, music is heard among the ones mostly used. The fi- Anatolia: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamon, ettin, , Giulio Mongeri, who opened in the recent they shall experience an absolute and there is always something hap- gure of good shephers refers to , Thyatira, Philadelphia (Alaşehir), were the representatives of this pe- period signed many East, but they encounter a multilater- pening in the countless street coffee Christ. The most famous of the saints Laodicea (Denizli).  riod. Turkish Republic State Railways important and awarded Archaic early civilizations, advanced cultures of Mesopotamia, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, al modern country. We see the names houses and bars. Live music can be Building in Ankara, Grand Post Office Seljuks, Ottomans... All left traces and contributed to the mosaic created by Turkey today. and places we know from the school heard any place in the city center.  CRADLE OF CIVILIZATIONS in İstanbul , Haydarpaşa Ferry projects both in Port, Ankara State Art and Sculpture Turkey and abroad. Hundreds of civilizations have passed through Anatolian territory throughout the history. Each had a different language, religion, culture. Museum are some of these. One of the However, some of them influenced today’s world more than others in terms of politics and culture. Here are some of them. most important samples of the qual- Emre Arolat had a broad repercus- ified architecture of 1950s is Hilton sion in this area by realizing “Entrepet Hotel in İstanbul which was designed Royal” in Brussels. For example, the by an American architecture compa- new Heydar Aliyev International Air- ny Skidmore, Owings and Merill but of port terminal opened in Baku, the cap- GENUINE HOSPITALITY which the local consultant was the ar- ital of Azerbaijan worked with İstanbul chitect Sedad Hakkı Eldem. It is also based design studio Autoban Archi- Turks tend to honor their guests in every possible manner. It is not only about serving people; possible that you might have stayed tecture Office in the interior spaces. in this hotel which is one of the most Again, Anadyr Cultural Center at Chu- it is about creating memorable experiences for people visiting Turkey for any purpose. important works of Turkish architec- kotka Autonomous Region in Rus- ture. This hotel is considered to be one sia, for which the project was prepared cases. The particular experience of traveling to Turkey of the samples of the international ar- by Erginoğlu & Çalışlar Architecture is among the important projects realized BENTA VALEN and getting to know Turks starts way before you step chitectural styles in Turkey. into this country and continues long after you depart- The development of the industry by Turkish companies. The restoration he word “hospitality” is derived from the Lat- ed. Because most of the travelers use online sources sector had an influence on architec- of the old historical buildings, storages in “hospes” meaning host, guest, or stranger. to get an idea about what to expect from a particular ECUMENIC COUNCILS AND ANATOLIA ture after 1980s. Facilitation of the con- and bringing them back into use is very “Hospes” ia formed from “hostis”, which destination and they also like to share what they have struction of prefabricated buildings, popular in the recent years in Turkey. additionally, spread of tunnel formwork Lately, it gained importance in İstanbul means stranger or enemy. Therefore; “hos- seen using various online tools. Councils were the meetings where the leaders and prominent figures within the Hittites Ancient Roman Empire Seljukians Ottomans systems affected the architecture in to utilize the historical texture and Tpitality” and “hostile” comes from the same origins. Turks give the best seats to their guests on the din- church came together to discuss religious doctrines and rules. A council can only 23 B.C. - 12 B.C. 756 B.C. - 146 B.C. 27 B.C. - 395 A.D. 395 A.D. - 1453 A.D. 1040 A.D. - 1308 A.D. 1299 A.D. - 1922 A.D. Turkey. These developments paved make them livable. Architecture com- Is there such a thing as being good or bad about hos- ner table. They serve guests first and what they do be accepted as ecumenic if participated by all the bishops. During the first the way for the construction of smart panies make this and use such restored pitality? Absolutely, when it is fake or just done for very frequently is insisting to their guests to eat big- thousand years after Christ, a total of 8 councils were held universally and all of They signed Qadesh This civilization, laying the Romans built an empire Eastern Roman Empire, Biggest role in spreading They reigned on a very buildings and skyscrapers in Turkey. buildings as their offices.  the sake of a big tip, it might be really annoying. ger portions or eat more of everything. This is actu- these were held in today’s Turkey. The first council met in [Nicea]; and the Agreement with Egyptians, foundations of city-state on the Hellenistic cultural also known as Byzantine, Islam throughout Anatolia extensive territory in Turkish people are exclusively gifted about being a ally not about the food or easing their hunger, this word “ecumenic” was first used for the council which came together in 325. the first ever known democracy, was spread inheritance shaped by which was the outcome was assumed by Seljukians. Mediterranean basin for good host. Turkey is such a country full of people nat- is merely a way of saying “We care about you a lot!” Based on the decisions taken at these councils, the foundational principles of written agreement in throughout today’s Greek Alexander the Great. of splitting of Roman They synthesized Central 600 years with a single urally born with this kind of a talent. Genuine hospi- When they serve Turkish coffee, they use their best Christianity were established. Participants who favoured or rejected such history. Hattusa, their and Turkish territory. Names Anatolia was one of the Empire into two, introduced Asian culture with ancient dynasty; Ottomans The development of the industry sector had capital in central Anatolia, such as Aristophanes, most vibrant territories humanity with Istanbul heritage of Anatolia, were one of the last an influence on Turkish architecture. tality is offered not only in service businesses and it porcelain coffee cups which are kept in a cupboard decisions established their own churches. today in Çorum, is one of Euripides, Sophocles, under Roman Empire which is a worldwide large resulting in a special two empires attaining only to serve special guests. The presentation is al- just appears to be a part of their daily life in all kinds the richest archaeological Aristotle, Plato, Socrates sovereignty. Roman cities metropolis today. It was civilization. Rumi, who the 20th Century. 36 of interactions with a guest or even with a passing by ways in an elegant way; mostly with Turkish delight. areas in the world. Hittite and Herodotus who are such as , Tarsus, one of the powerful states shed the light of peace on sultans reigned over the tourist. Building friendships and helping is not some- I must tell you that my favorite is double roasted ones! Chairman Contributors Executive Assistant language is the oldest still influential, were raised Anavarza were important throughout the Medieval the world with his Sufism Empire. Within the borders Burhan Özkan Chris Feiland Berna Güzelce thing that you come across rarely. The generous at- Turkish people are gifted about being a good host. Although Turks might be a little bit inquisitive about Veronika Hartmann Indian-European language during that civilization. They centers of the empire. Age, and the center of philosophy, and Hassan of the empire, many Publishing Director Benta Valen Data Management discovered so far, which introduced first ever theatre Romans left many works Orthodox Christianity. Sabbah the founder of communities, beliefs and titude, embracing friendship and paying attention to foreign cultures, they genuinely show interest in their Mehmet Aktop Şenay Aydemir Specialists Kurtuluş Öztürk, Anıl Gül was deciphered by Friedrich in human history. Their of art in Anatolia which Hagia Sophia, the dream Hashashee, a famous cultures lived together in details is what makes Turks win hearts. > Strong family bonds guests’ lives, families or their ideas. Do not be sur- General Coordinator Designer Onur Tayşu Murat Ulusoy Representative in Middle East Hrozny in 1915. Hittites’ mythology influenced the survived until today; Roman of Emperor Justinian, was underground organization, harmony. Suleiman the Ozan Turan Hospitality is one of the most impressive traits of > Hospitality towards others, for neighbors, friends prised if you are offered a small present right before Director Business Development central government whole world and inspired baths, bridges, theatres, the largest building of the were the figures of this first, also known as the Turks’ characteristics. The roots of Turks originally or even to strangers. you leave, it is such a nice thing to do to make some- Bernard Jahrmann Coordinator Representative in Russia structure, legal and belief people for thousands of roads and shrines… world for about a thousand era. Konya and İznik are Magnificent, was one of Editors İsmail Burhanoğlu Sergey Shevchenko are nomadic. They have lived in the tents and moved This might seem a little weird or difficult tocom- one’s experience memorable for a long long time. Handan Açan Sales and Marketing Assistant to the systems influenced many years. Their civilization was Emperor Caesar’s famous year. This state ceased the most significant the most powerful rulers Nilgün Yılmaz Coordinator Representative in Russia of the latter civilizations, eminent in arts, politics, and words “Veni vidi vici” upon conquest of Istanbul Seljukian cities in Anatolia; seen in history. Hezarfen to warmer lands when the winter arrived for cen- prehend for people from a western culture. If you ever Turks know how to cherish the opportunity of meet- INTERNATIONAL MEDIA Selçuk Oktay Filiz Özkan Evgenia Mursikaeva even current ones. trade. Large cities of this were said after a bloody by the Ottoman Sultan however many of the Ahmet Çelebi, the first ing new people, they do not even slightly hesitate turies. The difficult conditions of that kind of a trib- happen to pay enough attention to Turks’ attitude to- Ancient Hattusa ruins and civilization such as Sparta, war with Basforos king II. Mehmet the Conqueror, Grand Mosques spread all man ever who had flown Headquarter: Rue de la Mercerie 12 CH-1003 Lausanne, SWITZERLAND. TEL: +41 21 311 64 84 al life has definitely created some the fundamental wards guests, you are going to grasp the fact that it is showing how much proud they feel about their suc- Turkey Contact: Tekfen Tower Kat.8 Buyukdere Cad. No.209 4.Levent 34394 Istanbul, TURKEY. Tel:+90 212 371 84 44 Yazılıkaya Open Air Shrine Miletus, Troy, Ephesus were Pharneke in today’s Zile which date was the around the territory are with man-made wings,  UAE Contact: Emirates Towers Level.41, Sheikh Zayed Road, PO Box 31303, Dubai, UAE. Tel: +971 4 313 28 21 features of Turkish culture: almost a hundred percent genuine hospitality in most cess in hospitality. www.gcmediagroup.com are worth seeing. in Anatolian territory. in Tokat province. beginning of the New Era. the works of Seljukians. was an Ottoman man.

Creatively cooperated with Day Dreamers Ltd. **All materials strictly copyright and all rights are reserved. 2 > 3 GLOBAL CONNECTION DECEMBER 2014 was made MODERN GATE TO Turkey live the pride of winning the Golden Palm for the second 100 YEARS OF HONOUR AND RESPECT BORN time in 2014, by his film ‘Kış THE EAST: TURKISH Uykusu (Winter Sleep)’. LITERATURE OUT OF THE WAR: , telling the stories of territories The peace and fellowship established between Turkey and Australia and New Zealand following the Gallipoli Campaign in 1915 grow stronger in time. connecting the East to the West, has Nobel The commemorative ceremony to be held in Gallipoli on the 100th Anniversary of the Great War attract unprecedented attention. awarded authors, whose works are being read by rowing competitions planned to be or- thousands of people all around the world. MELİH USLU ganized in Çanakkale Strait. Many ce- very year, thousands of lebrities including Nicole Kidman, Mel guests from Australia, New Gibson and Kylie Minogue were invit- Zealand, France and Eng- ed to the commemorations. In fact, land come to Gallipoli to rehearsals for the 100th Anniversa- Ecommemorate their ancestors who ry have already commenced. The offi- lost their lives in Gallipoli Campaign cials have been carrying out feasibili- in 1915. But this year, the atmosphere ty studies in Gallipoli, as known. in Turkey and in Australia and New Zealand is different from the previ- AN ANZAC IN GALLIPOLI ous years. ANZAC, who continue their Let’s try to understand what Gal- preparations of the commemoration lipoli means for ANZAC, after this brief A 100 year old teen with the slogan “100 thousand people introduction. It was about ten years ago. on 100 boats on the 100th Anniver- I was walking around the historical bat- ema by the beginning of 70s. ‘Umut years. The second development is the sary” spend much effort to make the tlefields with a friend of mine who is a Turkish cinema is celebrating its 100th year. commemorations to be held on 24-25 photographer. There I met Kerry Brain. (Hope)’ dated 1970, of Yılmaz Güney, start of filmmaking by a new gener- HOW TO VISIT GALLIPOLI where the most fierce battles of the war Although November 14th, 1914, the date on which who was and actor and scriptwrit- ation of ‘independent’ directors. This April 2015 unforgettable. The press A history teacher from Melbourne, Ms. in each country also shows deep in- Brain was sitting beside a small grave. The most practical way of visiting were fought can be seen. The route con- the documentary film “Destruction of Russian er, announced the birth of a legend as generation, while creating a brand the park is to consult a travel agency tinues through Anzac Cove, Kabatepe well as influencing many directors to new cinema language, drew attention terest in the events. Australia has of- I offered him help, as I thought he was Monument in Ayastefanos” of Fuat Uzkınay was ficially requested the enhancement sick. And then I learned that Ms. Brain for guidance. Those who will rent a car and Açıtepe and ends at the giant the follow him. ‘Yol (Road)’, a film edited by to Turkish cinema especially by Nuri may start their visit on Akbaş quar- Monument of Victory at Hisarlık Burnu. first shown, is considered to be the beginning for Yılmaz Güney, who was a phenome- Bilge Ceylan and in of the commemoration area in AN- has just found the grave of her grand- ZAC Cove in Gallipoli Peninsula Nat- father, for which she was looking for a ter located on the coastal road to Ecea- the cinema in Turkey; it is required that there is non both by his life and films, shared many international areas. Nuri Bilge bat. Following the Bigalı village, where DID YOU KNOW? the Golden Palm in Cannes in 1982 Ceylan took his place many times in ural Park from Turkey. Nevertheless, long time. I retreated to allow her to stay actually a deeper connection. the participators in the commemora- in silence with her grandfather at this Atatürk’s museum house is located, the Anzac is an abbreviation for “Aus- with Costa Gavras’s ‘The Missing’. Cannes Film Festival including his area between Conkbayırı and Arıburnu, tralian, New Zealand Army Corps”.  80's was a period in which the short film ‘Koza (The Cocoon)’ and tions are to be decided by means of a moment full of emotions. cinema regressed rapidly and films after being awarded in many cate- draw due to high demand. where the production companies were produced more for the video gories, he was made Turkey live the ŞENAY AYDEMİR were located, was on the rise specif- market when people who were con- pride of winning the Golden Palm for NICOLE KIDMAN EXPECTED TWO RITUALS ON ONE PENINSULA ically with the melodramatic movies fined in their houses as a result of the second time in 2014, by his film Australia has stated that they are > Staying at ANZAC cove till morning > Crying at lone pine n 1896, just after a short time from starting from the beginning of 1960s. the coup were directed to television. ‘Kış Uykusu (Winter Sleep)’. On the very happy for the friendship and the first run of Lumiere Brothers Thanks to this development which When it is 90s, Turkish cinema in- other hand, Semih Kaplanoğlu was hospitality of Turkish people at times 25 April, when the Gallipoli Campagin started, is considered Anzac Cove, Kabatepe and Kanlısırt locations, where Anzac on December 29th, 1895, cine- attracted ten millions of people each dustry almost came to a stop. awarded the Golden Bear in Berlin in of commemorations held so far and a national feast in Australia and New Zealand. Tens of suffered the maximum number of casualties, are almost ma already reached İstanbul. By year to movie halls during this peri- However, promising developments 2010 by his film ‘Bal (Honey)’. therefore named 2015 as “Year of Tur- thousands of Anzac come to Gallipoli on this day, regarded regarded as holy places by the Australians and the New Famous novelist won the Nobel Literature Award in 2006. Ithe beginning of the century, the films od which continued until the end of were seen by the mid 90s. First, the key in Australia”. Australians and New in many countries as the beginning of the process of Zealanders. First of all, it is believed that the relatives of the shot by Manaki Brothers in Macedonia, 1970s, the movie halls were intro- success achieved by Yavuz Turgul’s GENERATION OF YOUNG DIRECTORS Zealanders desire to take part in the becoming a nation. The visitors in Anzac Cove spend the soldiers coming to Kanlısırt burst into tears. Lone Pine urkish literature started to get which was within the borders of Otto- duced to the back of the beyond parts ‘Eşkiya (The Bandit)’ enabled the In 2004 a significant increase was Day of Honour and Respect in 2015 night here in 24 April. At 4:30, the hour on which the soldiers Monument here bears the name of more than 5 thousand ‘modern’ much later than its man Empire then, were known. Pub- of the country. There was a signifi- Turkish moviegoers make up with recorded in the number of movies fol- Australia has officially requested the enhancement of the commemoration area in ANZAC with many events. Teams from many were ordered to disembark, they all stay here. This ritual is Anzac soldiers. The pine tree, which was brought from T contemporaries in the West. lic shows were started in İstanbul in cant breaking point for Turkish cin- Turkish productions after many long lowing the law providing for the sup- Cove in Gallipoli Peninsula Natural Park from Turkey. countries are expected to take part in broadcast live on the TVs in Australia and New Zealand. Australia, symbolizing the solitude of the Anzac soldiers here. Although the tradition of oral litera- 1910s. Following the declaration of the port of the cinema works by the Min- ture is widespread in Anatolian geog- Republic on October 29th, 1923, main- istry of Culture, at various levels from raphy, it took some time to combine ly literary texts or theatrical produc- the stage of scriptwriting until the this tradition with written literature. On tions were transferred onto the motion production. A new period had start- the other hand, written literature tradi- picture screen and the aesthetic fea- ed from the second half of 2000s, in tion has started to form under the in- tures of the films inevitably resembled which both the filmgoers and Turk- fluence of Arabic and Persian cultures theatre in the period which was led al- ish cinema were integrated and a new after Turks have become Mus- most only by Muhsin Ertuğrul. generation of directors started to win lims. For example, during the The names such as Ömer Lütfi Akad, awards from many international festi- Ottoman Empire era, ‘divan (Ot- Atıf Yılmaz, Memduh Ün brought in a vals. While the directors now in ‘mas- toman) poetry’ has introduced brand new language and aesthetics ters’ category made films, a gener- great masters, with significant into Turkish cinematography. “Susuz ation of young directors emerged, works, primarily love and iro- Elif Şafak’s works are being Yaz (Dry Summer)” made by Metin who solved their financial problems read all around the world; ny poetry. Likewise, some of Erksan in 1962 which was awarded to some extent with the support of the especiaaly in Europe. the important Ottoman sultans ‘Golden Bear’ in Berlin in 1964, was ministry. This new generation of direc- such as the Sultan Suleiman were foreign languages; and great masters of the first important international suc- tors started to make films emphasiz- among the noteworthy men of letters. literature such as Yaşar Kemal, Orhan cess of Turkey. ing the important problems of Turkey. As a modern form of literature, nov- Kemal, and Aziz Nesin have come from These films attracted considerable at- el has been introduced to Turkish litera- the doors he has opened, and took their TOWARDS THE GOLDEN PALM tention in international festivals such ture quite late, during the modernization reputable place in world literature. On the other hand, ‘Yeşilçam Cine- as Berlin, Venice, Toronto, Montreal and movements starting in 19th Century. The award of Orhan Pamuk by Nobel ma’ which was named after the street National cinema was on the rise specifically with the melodramatic movies. returned home with many awards.  During the Imperial Edict of Reorgani- Literature Award in 2006 can be called zation and the subsequent 1st Consti- as the crown of these efforts. Like- tutional period, modernization efforts wise, the fact that Elif Şafak’s works yielded introduction of modern litera- are being read all around the world is ture to Turkish territory by a genera- among the important achievements tion educated in European cities. First of Turkish literature. Turkish literature ever Turkish novel is the one written by has told the stories of these lands con- Şemseddin Sami in 1872. This late start necting the East to the West, begin- Istanbul - Mysterious metropolitan has not precluded Turkish literature ning from its infancy. By novelists who from closing the gap. Along with dec- told the modern versions of Eastern İstanbul is a popular destination for a laration of the Republic in 1923, men stories on one side, and the authors short trip. However, this metropolitan of letters took the advantage of this who describe the social developments city offers more than you can discover streamline started to undersign signifi- in Turkey and the individuals within cant works one after another. such developments on the other side, just in a weekend. It shall be worth Novelists such as Reşat Nuri Güntekin, it offers an opulent oeuvre to readers. going not only to the places where you Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu, Halide For example two major masters of can see the celebrities but also having a Edip Adıvar and Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar two eras, Yaşar Kemal and Orhan Pa- tour towards the secrets of the city. were among the masters who reflected muk, have been fed by the same vein, the enthusiasm of republican era and although in very different ways. In ‘İnce the breakups in the community caused Memed’, Kemal has told the contentious CHRIS FEILAND by this major shift. Nazım Hikmet Ran identity of Eastern people against un- who came after this generation has set- fairness; while in ‘Benim Adım Kırmızı’ he tune of the different names of the metrop- tled a new language, particularly with of Pamuk, we find the clues of the aes- olis on the Bosporus fascinates people since harsh criticism to traditional pattern thetics of daily life in Ottoman time. T time immemorial. Of course, unbelievable art in poetry, his effort was widely recog- Turkish literature is also a modern treasures can be seen here; palaces, churches and nized internationally. Nazım Hikmet’s gate introducing the readers to the mosques can be visited, oriental bazaars can also be works have been translated into tens of mystery and mind of the East.  toured and it can spellbind with its attractiveness in If a city extends over two continents and has accommodated many cultures, something may be discovered at any place. the evenings like in a thousand and one nights. How- ever, it can be felt that the city offers more than the most interesting things. But Kuzguncuk also offers , there is an old "dervişhane" with a re- In the novel ‘İnce visible wealth. Secrets are everywhere waiting to be something which is unexampled in the world. A sym- laxing garden. There is a modern museum here, from Memed’, Yaşar Kemal bol of unique friendship between the cultures and re- where you can get information about whirling dervish- has told the contentious discovered and the visitors and the local people start identity of people off to discover the mystical corners and places. ligions. A mosque, a synagogue and a church, all side es. Regular rituals performed there can be watched and against unfairness. If a city extends over two continents and has ac- by side. Since people from different religions always while the Muslim dervishes whirl in trance, you shall be commodated many different cultures and nations, lived side by side, next door to each other in İstanbul, fascinated with the mystical sound of nay. then something may be discovered at any place. For there are also many spiritual places far away from typ- However, who really looks for a hidden clue for example Kuzguncuk. Nobody would believe that this ical touristic routes waiting to be discovered. For exam- İstanbul, should let himself flow with the city and let nostalgic quarter on the Bosporus with its spectacular ple in Büyükada, the largest of the Prince Islands, there the city lead the way. Those who leave the beaten wooden houses is just at the heart of the metropolitan is Aya Yorgi Monastery, like a throne on top of a hill. Af- touristic routes and take the side roads or passages city, that it is only a few kilometers to Üsküdar, which ter a troublesome climb, you are awarded by a spec- with courage are awarded in İstanbul. Then, complete- is the traffic jam point on the Asian side. Not only the tacular view and you can have a meal and a glass of ly different worlds are discovered there. Maybe an in- architecture on the winding roads of Kuzguncuk are wine. The monastery is a place of pilgrimage for Chris- ner court with a well is discovered; or a servant opens discovered, boutique coffee houses with internation- tians, but also many Muslims go there to make wishes. a door to the roof of an old caravanserai with a breath- al styles available there also attract attention. Drink- A life in peace can be observed here, too. At the cent- taking view of the city. Maybe you’ll discover a market ing a glass of Turkish tea while watching the bridge er of Beyoğlu district, where the heart of the day and where pigeons or old books are sold. In İstanbul each on the Bosporus and the coast on the other side, Or- light life beats, there is a real oasis of peace. At the end district has its own atmosphere and large and small taköy Mosque and Dolmabahçe Palace is one of the of, İstiklal Street, the lively shopping street, just above secrets waiting to be reveled. 

4 > 5 GLOBAL CONNECTION DECEMBER 2014 brands. It is becoming more and more important within the sectors of de- sign and fashion, with brands produc- Re-launching of the era ing their own technology. It is highly competitive with the trust in Turkish brands increasing day by day. The Republic of MASTERS OF CHANGE Turkey was one of the QUALITY IS ESTABLISHED Turkey decided on its new brand as a result of widely participated and comprehensive works carried out. During the whole process, NOW IT’S TIME TO BRING IT TO LIGHT most significant and The new infrastructure has reached meetings were conducted with the most successful names of Turkey; the final design and concept was chosen from dozens of proposals. successful projects on a satisfactory quality; now it’s time to the past century. The work upon the perception of quality from the point of view of the consum- New Turkey will, on the t all started two years ago. It was AUTHENTIC MOTIFS, er. The activities and communication Recep Tayyip decided at the beginning of 2012 CONTEMPORARY LOOK other hand, leave its works carried out by the promotion Erdoğan, that a new logo or slogan con- In 2013, two comprehensive work- mark on this century. groups within the scope of Turkish Ex- President of taining a specific emphasis on shops were carried out in May and The Republic of ITurkey and to be used in the activ- June. After these discussions which The new brand of New The brand of Turkey will be a Turkey ities of sectorial promotion groups lasted for a year as well as eliminat- Turkey was designed brand of trust adding surplus should be used and Turkish Export- ed ideas and designs, SAFFRON came so as to underline the value to all the labels it has ers Assembly took charge of the pro- up with a main theme reflecting the development, achieved been affixed. From fig to cess. Because the promotion groups Turkish brands. television, from leather jacket which have important roles with re- The emphasis here was on the through much suffering gard to increase the reputation of Tur- ability to change, which was experi- to olive oil, from bicycle to and determination. key in the world has to have a com- enced throughout history, but which ceramics, every product will mon language. The common concept gained momentum especially in re- reflect the same quality and and logo to be created had to act like a cent years. The country used to have he Republic of Turkey was brand strength. brand undertaking the role of a "Sup- a debt worth 46 billion dollars to IMF, born out of an empire and porting Brand", had to be a brand of it was now offering a 5 billion dollar the remnants of the First An average growth of 4% and the porters Assembly have a considera- trust adding surplus value to all the fund to IMF. Some of the local compa- World War; in addition to the increased income per capita enabled ble role with regard to the perception brands affiliated to it and the logo was nies turned into international giants Tincredible success gained in the inde- Turkey to have a secure place among of “the quality of Turkish brands”. The to be used as a common signature for traded in international stock mar- pendence war, a great transformation the developing markets. brand of new Turkey has been found- the whole communication activities to kets. Within this framework, “Masters was achieved within a very short pe- ed with the aim of coordinating these be carried out by promotion groups in of Change” was accepted as a main riod. The New Republic introduced re- activities and to combine such efforts foreign countries. theme slogan. At a new meeting held forms in education and law combined Turkey enjoys natural sources, a rich within the framewrok of a unified lan- in December, the slogan “Turkey. Dis- with considerable progress with re- cuisine and folklore, tens of living guage and perception. A NEW BRAND IS RISING coverthePotential” was chosen to be Turkey is gard to industrialization. Turkey, and languages and a fabulous geography. The new brand shall gain an add- And then the process was initiat- used in visual alternatives. becoming more and more in fact the world, has changed to a ed value to all the products and ser- ed. It was decided that the activities to important great extent since those years. vices it has been attached to. The con- be carried out for the creation of a lo- SYNTHESIS OF THE CULTURES within the A second world war broke out and cept and the logo will symbolize many go would not only be a creative work This was a slogan which was eas- sectors of two atomic bombs were dropped; un- values including high quality, quali- but a "preception management strat- ily comprehensible by everyone and design and precedented developments occurred fied workforce, specialized production, egy" including the application pro- which truly represented Turkey and fashion. in space and technology, globalization technology, high efficiency, design, cesses and campaigns. Nevertheless, which could be used in all sectors, ceased to be an ideal and has become post-sale services, product responsi- a reliable consultant was required products and services. At the final de- a reality itself. Turkey experienced bility, solution oriented approach and for this process. Meetings were con- cision meeting held on 18 December, many development in this era, too. many more. It will therefore contribute ducted with the world's leading agen- the evaluations with regard to the vis- During the process of foregin expan- to the establishment of the perception cies which carried out similar works ual identity were shared. sion especially after 1990’s, there was of high quality and value added Turk- worldwide; in addition to this, it was The logo of the new Turkey brand a considerable development, which ish brand everywhere it is used. agreed that a comprehensive study was combining Turkey’s cultural her- ASPECTS RENDERING TURKEY is not hard to observe. Nevertheless, The new brand will be used in all on Turkey rendering The Prime Min- itage of thousands of years with its vi- AS A POWERFUL BRAND as the political stability and environ- the communicative activities of the istry and all the ministries as well as sion on future. None of the elements ment of trust were finally achieved in brands having satisfied the require- NGO's and the leading companies of used in the logo was chosen without a > An understanding of excellent 2002, the momentum of development sine and folklore, tens of living lan- key, therefore, has become an attrac- world politics with its increased po- ments for representing the perception Turkey as stakeholders. reason. The Turkish and Islamic Civi- production quality increased to a great extent during the guages and a fabulous geography en- tive destination for the foreign invest- litical and diplomatic impact, open- of value added Turkish product in the The new brand of the new Turkey lization was a huge source of inspira- > Excellent design period following 2002. joying the beauties of four seasons. ment. Turkey is world’s 6th biggest ing its doors as a peaceful and chari- long run. In other words, all the prod- had to be overarching and had to ve em- tion for the design. Tile patterns, Cuf- > Products worth their price Turkey is world’s 16th biggest econ- An average growth of 4% and the con- touristic destination and has expe- table country to those in need running ucts, from organic black fig of Bursa to braced by everyone involved in the cre- ic writing, which is the present of the > Creative and unique point of view omy, the center of quality in production trolled inflation, the increased income rienced significant developments in away from the oppression in sur- television, from a leather jacket to ol- ation of such a brand. As a result of the , and the tradition- > Excellent service quality and established in an area which was per capita and purchase power en- urbanization; İstanbul has become a rounding countries. It also has many ive oil, from bicycle ro ceramics, will process, an agreement was signed with al Turkish motif known as “Elibelinde” > Considerable technological house to many a civilization; it enjoys abled Turkey to have a secure place world popular and attrative city. Tur- companies active in many countries reflect and reproduce the same qual- a London-based company, SAFFRON were selected as the main elements of improvement priceless natural sources, a rich cui- among the developing markets. Tur- key has become an active player in around the world with their very own ity and brand strength.  President Mr. Erdoğan Brand Consultant; many opinion lead- the logo. A visual identity consisting presented the new brand ers were asked to present their opinion of gold, turquoise and blu colours was and slogan of Turkey. during the first phases. The consult- designed. Turquoise became one of ants of SAFFRON coming from London the important elements of the visual and Spain as well as its Turkey Office identity. The spiritual look of the east met more than 140 people in advance was combined with the contemporary President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has launched the new to initiate pre-preparation period. artistic understanding of the west.  logo of Turkey. Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, Minister INSPIRATIONS OF THE LOGO of Economy Nihat Zeybekci, Minister of Culture and Tourism You will see the traces of rich roots cherishing today’s Turkey. “Elibelinde” pattern, coming from the historical Mesopotamia and Central Asia, Cufic, which is one of the Ömer Çelik and President of Turkish Exporters Assembly best examples of the calligraphy of Islamic civilization and whose best examples were produced by the Seljukians and tiles, the most refined examples of Ottoman Art. Mehmet Büyükekşi are other principal architects of the logo. These three elements converge with eight motifs from the common heritage of the Anatolian civilizations and with a contemporary understanding.

ELIBELINDE: FROM ISHTAR TO UŞAK Even those not acquainted with its name recognize "Elibelinde", one of the most per- vasive figures of our lives, at first sight. The roots of the figure go back to Ishtar, the crea- World Seljuk Star Innovation Synergy tor Sumerian goddess. You see a woman in the As an ever-active global Throughout the history, The currency were A tree is not only leaves, figure whose hands are on her hips; two stems player, Turkey never many emblems and invented in Anatolia. Today, branches and roots. It’s the deviating from the top part of a roughly flat tri- isolated itself from the rest figures were used, the this heritage has been turned spirit that lights the fire, angle resemble arms. of the world, never remained Seljuk star is one of them. into a well guided and binds the elements together, It was a comprehensive study involving all ministries, NGO's and the leading companies. dull and deaf to the suffering, Having Islamic origins, focused dynamism, and gives “meaning” to matter. CUFIC: MOTHER OF SCRIPTS pain and concerns of the Seljuk star represented Turkey’s innovative approach Turkey, thanks to this TURQUOISE: THE COLOUR Cufic is a type of writing emerged as a re- world. As Turkey internalized “rebirth” and its use has already made Turkey spirit, is more than a country sult of flat, cornered and geometrical use of being an integrated part continued during the leading country in the and its synergy does not only OF THESE LANDS Arabic letters. Some think that the roots of of the world, the World needs Ottoman and early region and still bears Turkey bestows success and Turquoise was slected as the main colour “Turkey is a brand itself” Cufic are to be found in Pre-Islamic civiliza- Turkey to become a whole. republican era. upwards to the top. determination upon itself. of the logo. Pantone, International Center Mehmet Büyükekşi, president of west, innovation, togetherness and tions. It is known as "ummu'l-hutût" in Islam- for Colour Science, named 2010 as the Turkey Assembly of Exporters harmony. Mr. Büyükekşi underlines ic civilization, meaning the mother of scripts. year of this colour. But in Turkish culture, Ahmet Davutoğlu, Prime Minister Nihat Zeybekci, Minister of Economy Ömer Çelik, Minister of Culture and Tourism [TİM], is one of the leading figures that the activities are not only Its name comes from the city Kufa in today's Turquoise has a history of perhaps a in the design of the new visual limited to creating a brand: "Turkey Iraq and it is the oldest type of Islamic writing. thousand years. As a matter of fact, its identity of Turkey. According to is brand itself. Turkey.Discover the Latin alphabet could be used for Cufic writing name comes from the Blue Mosque. INSPIRATIONS him, Turkey has gained a new Potential is merely a proposal. We as well, as seen from the examples during the Westerns coming to Turkey saw this > Turkish citizens live in a region which is a house to all the value for promoting itself and its propose the world to discover this first years of the republic. colour on the tiles and called it “turquoise” civilizations: As many as 33 civilizations emerged, grew stakeholders thanks to this new potential. Discover and add value to mening Turkish Blue. In the past, it is and died in these lands. But all of them left back a trace. identity. Mr. Büyükekşi does not yourself. Discover and complement TILE: ELEGANCE OF THE OTTOMANS known in Turkish as “Firuze”, a precious > The tendency towards commerce resulting from the regard the new visual identity yourself. Discover, so that you can Tile (Chine, China) is the name given to the stone coloured green and blue. This stone historical Silk Road is a great advantage. solely as a means of telling the discover yourself. Discover and coating material whose one side is glazed and is the sine qua non of architecture in story of Turkey; he is of the opinion prosper. Discover and let's win other side is emboridered with motives and to Khorasan, the center of Turkish Culture. > Turkey is like bridge bringing the wealth and that everyone can find something altogether. Discover and enrich the the goods embroidered with these figures, but authenticity of the East with the West. of their very own in this new common civilization of humanity. the word comes from Ottoman and means 'of > Turkish citizens lived in a spectacular place of culture identity. Logo was created upon Discover, and let's all be happy." China'. We see the best and most elegant ex- for years, thanks to Ottoman Empire, one of the three the inspiration taken from the amples of this art in Anatolia. Seljukians most- empires that were able to make it to the 20th century. cultural motifs used throughout ly used different shapes, starts, animals and hu- They have the ability to conduct business in every history in the area including man figures on tiles. Today, the cities of Kütahya culture, be it on the East, West, South or North. (i.e. ), handicrafts and and İznik are the capitals of tile in the world. > The Republic of Turkey, the biggest country brand of architecture. Anatolia, indeed, is the Tile-making is a branch of art requiring utmost Togetherness Growth Both Eastern Harmony Meeting all times was founded. Turkey achieved extraordinary house of many a civilization which patience and experience. In tile making, blue is Being aware of its very own Growth was the main And Western Turkey has a diverse and Turkey served as a meeting figures in income increase and country growth. changed the course of history. mostly preferred and embroidered singly.  foundations were laid with mechanism behind all of Civilization, like sun, travels colorful history, yet this does point for ideas, beliefs and > The exports increased three times in the last 10 That's why the meanings conveyed togetherness, Turkey embraces Anatolia’s civilizations, from from east to west, and Turkey not mean it is just a dreams from all over the years. There is no single country we are not conducting and integrates easily and early Hittites to Ottomans. is the country benefits most coincidental mix of random world, today, upon the by the motifs incorporated in the business with. eagerly. One would never be a Today, Turkey seizes the from the daylight. Having colors. Each cultural and foundations of this potential, logo are of universal importance: foreigner in Turkey, its tradition same dynamism, growing cultural motives and themes historical motive plays its Turkey is going to be the > 2023 Goals were first for the business word, who had the eight motifs constituting the summons all no matter who they bigger, combining the long familiar with both regions, role in harmony, together meeting hub for businessmen, the habit of making yearly plans. Everyone contributed identity symbolize rise, synergy, Mehmet Büyükekşi, President of are, as Rumi summoned people tradition of growth with Turkey is the bilingual child of forming up Turkey as a well artists, sportsmen and to the determination of "2023 Goals" and these were world, convergence, east and Turkish Exporters Assembly to join as one, centuries ago. modern instruments. its vast and diverse history. composed area. thinkers of the world. heartily embraced. December 18, 2013: The brand workshop at the Çırağan Kempinski Palace.

6 > 7 GLOBAL CONNECTION DECEMBER 2014 previous B20 presidencies and to in- troduce a new breath with the addi- tional agenda to be developed. B20 FROM TURKEY TO ALL AROUND THE WORLD The era of Turkey in G20 and B20 Turkey has adopted the principles of "continuity, correlativity and compre- Every year, Turkey exports thousands of products to 250 countries of the world. 43 thousand exporters from 26 exporting sectors hensiveness" in line with this objective Turkey as the 9th lead B20 Turkey has adopted the principles of "continuity, and follows a stragety which covers deliver the world with not products only, but also quality, trust, culture and compassion. At very reasonable prices… country of B20 will chair correlativity and comprehensiveness" and will follow a stragety the national and international business both G20 and B20 in the covering all the stakeholders and international organizations world as much as possible and which desiring to make contributions in the platform. welcomes all the stakeholders and in- urkey is on a geography that dollars in 2013, despite the global crisis next year. The main ternational organizations desiring to has hosted the oldest civili- which started in 2009 and still contin- agenda is to draw the make contributions in the platform. zations of the world. With its ues. Having exported to 250 countries agendas of the business B20 Turkey, differing from the previ- history, nature, culture and and customs zones in 2013, Turkish ous presidencies, continues its activ- Tcuisine, it hosts the favorite values exporters have penetrated almost all world and decision ities to introduce new themes to B20. of the common heritage of humani- countries globally. Behind this spurt makers together and As a country where the SMEs account ty. However it’s not simply composed which can be considered dramatic, to ensure that concrete for 99% of the whole companies, Tur- of that. Turkey has become one of the lies a great potential awaiting discov- key will establish SME and Entrepre- non-ignorable actors of world trade, ery. Here are some noteworthy piece steps are taken. neurship Taskforce in 2014. particularly thanks to its breakthrough of information about the 26 exporter in exportation in recent 20 years. While sectors which shoulder the Turkey’s 20 as an organization has in- G20 - B20: STRENGTHENING export from Turkey was 36 billion dol- exports. For more, seek “Turkey.Dis- creased its impact especial- THE COOPERATION lars in 2002, it has risen to 151.8 billion cover the Potential” label on tags. ly in the 2000's. Previous- Following the G20 summit held in ly, G8 was the most effective Australia last year, Turkey's task will Gorganization in deciding the econom- be to execute the detailed strategies ic policies of the world. Nevertheless, and to obtain concrete outputs. The today we live in a multipolar world in powerful and determined cooperation An advice; Automotive production terms of both economy and politics. between G20 and B20 will also be at try eating hazelnut One of the venues for the tracking of the center of attention of the leader- hub of the region this change in global balance of powers ship of Turkey. This is particularly im- as it is, rather than Automotive is one of the most important sectors in Turkey. was the increased importance of G20 in portant for commonizing the agendas inside the chocolate In the last seven years, it is the number one exporting terms of global decision making mech- meetings in Turkey within the scope Korea (2010), France (2011), Mexi- summits, participated jointly by all the in parallel with the objective of G20 of the global business world and the sector, employing 400 thousand people. Approximately anisms. Turkey is, as of today, the 16th of G20 throughout the year and more co (2012), Russia (2013) and Austral- members, opinions on the objectives Australia with regard to the growth of decision makers. In order to estab- or cakes. It’s very 70 percent of production is being exported to all over the biggest economy in the world and 6th in than 10 thousand people directing the ia (2014). B20 pays particular attention and problems previously defined are the global economy by 2% in the next lish this cooperation, Turkey will pri- delicious, and a very world, primarily the Europe. The sector is developing and Europe. The objective is to be within the global economy will meet in Turkey. to the issues requiring global action in- presented and the "recommendations" five years, grouped the problemat- oritize the strengthening of common healthy snack. manufacturing products for the largest brands of the world, top ten biggest economies of the world The fact Turkey will act as the presi- cluding but not limited to trade, insfra- are collectively defined to be commu- ic areas of the business world within activities and joing ventures; there- and had an export volume of 21.3 billion dollars last year. in the long run. This objective puts Tur- dent of G20 will also mean that Turkish structure, sustainable growth, energy, nicated to the G20 leaders. Since the four taskforce groups and one work- fore the interaction between the two key in a special place within G20. Turkey business world will also act as a pres- fight against smuggling, green growth, first B20, more than 400 recommen- ing group. These are the Trade Task- organizations will continue to help the is taking over the temporal presidency ident of B20, the business branch of food security and human capital. The dations of the business world were force, Infrastructure and Investments manifestation of powerful and reliable Beautify yourself with of G20 from Australia on 1 December. B20. The Business 20 (B20) is a forum leading business people of the world communicated to the G20 leaders. Taskforce, Human Capital Taskforce, recommendations. In addition to that, Turkish In other words, the next year will bring consisting of the business organiza- share their ideas and problems within Financing of Growth Taskforce, Anti- many events will be organized both in Turkish cosmetics automotive sector forward a clear view of the globally in- tions of the G20 companies represent- the scope of taskforces. During the B20 WHAT HAPPENED LAST YEAR? Corruption Working Group. Turkey and abroad. How nice it sounds to wash in a warm Turkish bath A handful per day creasing po wer and visibility of Turkey ing the international business com- Australia, which chaired the B20 in As a result of the activities of the In addition to the three comprehen- and get purified with fragrant soaps and cosmetics? One of the most healthy foods of the also has an advanced in world economy and politics. munity. The main objective behind TASKFORCES OF B20 TURKEY 2014, organized B20 Summit in July in leaders of the global business world, sive events to be organized in Turkey, Not only in cosmetics, Turkish producers of chemicals world; Turkey produces 75% of the subsidiary industry gathering the most important busi- Sydney. The activities carried out by 20 recommendations for the solution B20 Turkey will visit other countries have an ever-rising production and exportation global production of this miraculous which has the ability, GLOBAL COOPERATION ness actors of the 20 biggest econ- > Trade Taskforce the B20 Australia posed great signif- of the problems faced by the business by means of regional consultation trend in many fields such as pharmaceuticals, paints, food with proven contribution in hearth FOR GLOBAL ACTION omies of the world is to increase the > Infrastructure and Investments icance as these were helpful for Tur- world were presented. These recom- meetings instead of simply waiting for plastic, medical tools and equipments. Sector is the health and sexual health; and is the capacity and quality During 2015, the heads of the big- sahre of private sector in powerful, bal- Taskforce key to prepare a roadmap. B20 named mendations were communicated to the global business world to come to second largest exported of Turkey after automotive, leader in export of hazelnuts. Delicious to design and produce gest companies of the world, CEOs, anced and sustainable growth. Con- > Human Capital and Employment the issues of encouragement of eco- the G20 leaders. Turkey. B20 Turkey aims to integrate with 17.4 billion dollars of exports. nuts in the cocoa hazelnut paste, which leaders of trade union and think tanks trary to the history of G20 going back Taskforce nomic growth, procurement of increae the regional consultation meetings to is one of the sweetest parts of your products for global are expected to come to Turkey with- to 1999, B20 summit was first held in > Financing of Growth Taskforce in employment and to make the glob- THE AGENDA OF B20 TURKEY the important international organiza- breakfast, were most probably grown brands. in the scope of B20 activities. There 2010 in Toronto; the following meet- > Anti-Corruption Working Group al economy more resistant to probable B20 Turkey Temporal Presidency tions in these countries and to reach in Turkey’s Black Sea region. Turkey  are going to be around 100 high level ings were subsequently held in South > SMEs and Entrepreneurship Taskforce shocks as its priorities. B20 Australia, aims at maintaining activities of the wider masses in this way. produces the tastiest hazelnut of the world, and exported 1,77 billion dollar worth nuts last year. THE DIFFERENCE OF MADE IN TURKEY

Turkey is one of the countries occupying the top spots universities in the country. In addi- in terms of production and consumption standards. tion to that, every year, around 700 thousand students graduate from For the companies anticipating the future and having high school, half of them from occu- goals with regard to sustainability, investment in pational and technical high schools. Turkey might gain much in the long-run. Business ethics is an important as- pect of Turkish labour culture. The working life and the work nce you have a close look in place have a special place in Turkey Turkish the labels of luxurious fash- as they allow the individuals to use textile trends at O ion brands in Europe you will their personal skills and to develop your home see the same expression: "Made in themselves. High efficiency, low rate Turkey is on a rising trend in Turkey". This is not a coincidence. To- of absence from work and the ex- both weaving fabric, and fibres day the companies anticipating the tensive working hours are clear sig- Turkish Economy: Quo Vadis? and home textiles. The sector future and having goals with regard nifiers of loyalty to the workplace. achieved an export figure of to sustainability take steps to go be- Turkey, attracting attention with its performance in the recent years, has been 8.4 billion dollar in 2013. Today, yond the mentality of cheap manu- COSTS STILL REASONABLE the center of economic relations between the East and the West throughout the Turkish textile is pleasantly facture. Because now when the con- Despite all these high standards, history. Now the target is to rank among top 10 economies by 2023. being used in almost every sumers make their choices, they the costs of manufacturing in Turkey market from Far East to the Latin have a closer look at the story be- are still at favourable levels and this America. Thanks to its quality hind the label and this understanding is going to be the same in the middle hese two photos illustrates the DYNAMISM OF THE CITY HAS production and perfectionist is likely to be established more con- term. Net minimum wage in Turkey development of Turkish econ- INCREASED AFTER 2001 Protein store standards, Turkey maintains its cretely in the coming years. is 389,9 dollars; the gross minimum omy over the years better than Throughout the period of eco- Manufacturing under unsuitable T nomic development since 1923, the Legume is the main source of protein for more than 2 billion people throughout the world. In Turkey, competitive edge. If you still don’t wage is, on the other hand, 493,5 dol- analyses and figures. Let’s have a look it constitutes the second product group with the widest cultivation area, after grains. Turkey have a “made in Turkey” towel, conditions, using child labour lack- lars. The total expense of an employ- at them… The photo on the right was period after 2001 should be ap- exported 216 million dollar worth of legume in 2013. Legumes produced in Turkey are very good get one right now! ing raw material safety and stand- ee for the employer is around 579,9 taken in 1890 in Istanbul, the capital of proached separately. With full in- in terms of health and production standards; and they can understand its taste from the delicious ard will cease to exists or lose its dollars. In addition to that, energy, the Ottoman Empire, the largest city of tegration with the global economy white bean stew with meat you can eat in Turkey! value. Turkey, in this sense, differs water, communication and telecom- modern Turkey. It is a view of the Bos- and economic reform motivation, from all its rivals. If the standards re- munication expenses are resonable phorus from the Beyazıt Tower built Turkey has achieved a performance quired to carry out manufacturing Turkey has a population as well. According to the Labour Law, for fire watching. When you look at the making its mark. Let’s support this in Turkey were prevalent all around of 76 million, 28 million of the normal working hours in a week photo closer, you will see that Eminönü, omy has come a long way since that argument with figures. Turkey has the world, the world would sure be a which actively work. cannot exceed 45 hours. The annual traditional market area of Istanbul, was time.” In fact, these two photos are the acquired an annual growth of 9 per- better place to live. Turkey has a leg- leaves last around 14 days in the first active with buildings and shops at that proof of dynamic characteristics of the cent twice during the period after islation and application on occupa- actively work. It has the 4th big- five year. Thanks to the new business time as well. Just like today… Across economy of Istanbul and the geog- 2001. This growth has been reflect- tional safety and health based up- gest workforce compared to the EU law enacted a few years ago, it is pos- the bridge you will see Pera, meaning raphy around it. Istanbul has always ed to the welfare and consumption on the experience of more than 100 Member States. The working popu- sible to found a company within a sin- “Across”. This region, which was named been the center of the economic rela- trends of the community as well. years. Labour Law No. 4857 which lation is young, educated, motivat- gle day. All in all, Turkey will continue as Pera as it is located across the histor- tions between the East and the West. Global integration has accelerated is still effective is in full compliance ed and professional. The efficiency to be a perfect destination for man- ic peninsula, improved over time. And Trade life has always been active the export-oriented economic ac- THE PEARL OF THE REGION AND THE RISING MARKETS with EU norms. Except for that, the is very high and it is getting high- ufacturing in almost all sectors from a lot of ships… There are a lot of ships here. When that photo was taken in tivity. majority of the companies, espe- er. Every year, 610 thousand stu- automative to ready-made clothes; coming from various regions of the em- 1890s, many European based com- The volume of Turkish exports cially those conducting internation- dents graduate from more than 180 from electronics to food.  pire and other countries. It is possible panies opened or were about to open increased to 125 billion USD in the Turkey is world's al trade, also have other standards to see the dynamism of the city at that their representative agencies in the first 10 months of 2014 from 36 bil- 16th biggest desired by their customers. For in- time from the ships. Now, Istanbul is a regions seen in the photo. A new sto- lion USD in 2002. Industry capaci- stane, almost all of the companies EASIEST WAY TO REACH A POPULATION OF 1.5 BILLION ties, the locomotive of export, have economy; 6th city, which has developed, pushed the ry began with the proclamation of % % % carrying out manufacturing for the limits and continuously modernized the republic in Turkey. Economic in- reached outstanding levels in the last among the > A powerful and cost-effective point > New and developed technical infrastructure world apply OHSAS 18001 Standard. over the years. With the rise of Turkish frastructure has developed with the 10 years. The highest level of capac- of departure for significant markets in transportation, telecommunication and ity use of the last 20 years has been European Union. with a geography enabling an easy energy sectors economy, it has become a sparkling city government support. The country 76.6million 820billion dollars 5 5.2 36.3 7.5% QUALIFIED WORKFORCE AND passage from East to West and from > Very advanced, cost-effective maritime as can be seen from the photo. has increased its national income by found 81.7 percent in 2004 and 2006. The figures show OCCUPATIONAL TRAINING North to South transport 234-fold from 565 million dollars in All these figures make up the spar- that this rend is Turkey's population as of 2013. Gross domestic Average annual real Expected EU defined general Inflation rate as > > Standards, of course, are not the An opportunity to easily reach 1.5 billion An opportunity for railway transport to ISTANBUL HAS ALWAYS BEEN A CENTER 1923, the year of foundation of the re- kling photo on the right. The target 28,8 million of this population producs as of 2013 GDP growing ratio growth ratio management of 2013 only thing which makes the produc- customers in Europe, Eurasia, Middle East Middle and Eastern Europe is to rank among the top 10 econo- likely to continue in constitute net workforce. current prices between 2002 - 2012 between 2012-2017 nominal debt stock > The story these two photos tell public. Per capita income was only 45 tion perfect. Turkey has a popula- and North Africa Well-configured transport facilities and mies and enrich the sparkling photo > Access to many markets with a total direct mechanisms of transport to many cannot be summed up with the ar- dollars in 1923, now it has exceeded the coming years. album of Turkey.  tion of 76 million, 28 million of which GDP of 25 trillion USD EU Countries gument “Istanbul and Turkish econ- 10 thousand dollars. SOURCE: THE REPUBLIC OF TURKEY PRIME MINISTRY INVESTMENT SUPPORT AND PROMOTION AGENCY (ISPAT)


Creating art from the earth THE STRENGTH R&D expenses First pieces of ceramics tradition in THAT COMES FROM Naturals are Turkey are from the 13th century. PRODUCTION increased by 33 percent Today, Turkey combines this ancient Star of Turkish economy and exportation … the best Although Turkey tradition with modern methods in Turkish machinery industry has been growing by progresses in areas that One fourth of Turkey is industrial scale. Its experience and approximately 20 percent per year since early maximize added value of forested, which host the infrastructure is accompanied by 90’s, and by 30 percent since 2009. On the other products such as branding, richest floral formation of design and branding. Today, Turkish While selecting hand, the sector is also ambitious in technology design, or R&D, there is the world. This riches is ceramics are the favorite of the world, development and design. Research and development ceramics, pay attention no intention to hand over being evaluated in tens of with their quality, diversity of products, expenses of machinery sector rose by 33 percent its power coming from different ways and being and superior logistics, rather than price that the vitrified during the years 2010-2012. production. Topics such shared with the world. competition. In fact, as of year-end materials are compliant as sustainability, labor Furniture, paper, musical 2013, total export of ceramics sector conditions, human rights, instruments, weaving exceeded 1 billion dollars. with sustainability ethics, and supply materials or herbal principles. Turkish brands security safety will teas. Party in the case are quite successful become even more critical of furniture, Turkey for production in the years outstands with its in this manner. ahead, and Turkey is a quality design. Turkey production hub that meets has award-winning all standards of the future. premium furniture Qualified and motivated brands which stand labor force work safely at out in large global production sites which are design fairs exhibitions. structured according to Turkey exported 4.5 standards, and producing billion dollars worth of for the entire world. furniture last year. Trust in Master of the stones its domain of Anatolia They are the inseparable parts of chic; Turkey is one of the gold, diamonds, sliver or precious leading seven producers stones. Turkey’s mastery in designing Istanbul of the world in natural and processing jewellery comes from Sweetest ones from Turkey stone production, and Fashion Week is its history and culture; and the product Delicious Turkish delight, baklava, halva. Traditional has the best processing quality comes from the modern and Turkish desserts … Turkey’s confectionery and biscuits bringing together the technologies. You’ll be competent infrastructure. Collections sector has its roots in centuries ago. In today’s Turkey, justified by trusting favorite names of fashion The very first prepared by Turkish jewellery brands are there are giant integrated chocolate and biscuit in Anatolian earth for the favorite of women in tens of countries, factories. It’s like they are producing happiness rather world each year. See the clothing of bathroom, kitchen or also thanks to the increasing popularity of than just chocolate. Recently, Ülker, one of the largest human beings surface coating. Because city during the fashion Turkish TV series. Sector exported 2.25 food producers of Turkey acquired the select chocolate Leather, alias luxury, elegance, Turkish natural stone billion dollars worth of goods last year. brand Godiva, and then the British United Biscuits… week and enjoy durability and naturalness. It producers process the Moreover, each tourist visiting Istanbul is always “in”, particularly in perfect natural material returns to their country after buying the carnival. recent years. Turkey is one of with state-of-the-art jewellery because they can’t resist the the most competent addresses technology, according brilliant showcases of Kapalıçarşı. in processing leather products, to the expectations of designing and producing leather world markets. Turkey’s goods for tens of worldwide natural stone export brands. In addition, Turkish reached 2.22 billion leather and shoe brands are dollars in 2013. rapidly opening their own stores all over the world. If you happen to come by Turkey, do not leave without buying a pair of shoes or a leather jacket. Otherwise seek Turkey label on leather products Originally Turkish in your own country. and rugs have a language totally encoded in Turkish culture with their patterns, colors and production method. For example, most of the symbols being used in new logo of Turkey have their roots in traditional carpets and rugs. Today, Turkey is one of the primary actors of the world in carpet and From 2014 Spring/ rug production. Last year, sector’s exports exceeded 2 billion Summer Collection of dollars. A Turkish carpet is the best choice to give a mysterious Hussein Chalayan. and sophisticated image to your home with a single touch. Liquid gold Turkey is the homeland of olive Design, quality, tree; and one of the largest olive producers of the world. With new Fruits of the sun self confidence planting in recent years, olive tree Turkish citrus fruits full of C Istanbul is one of the shining centers of fashion, presence rose above 160 million. vitamins have a significant Turkish collections of Turkish designers are being Olive oils produced in Turkey is share in global fruit exhibited at top fashion weeks of the world, a must-have for not only the consumption. Turkey is one citrus fruit sector and Turkish fashion brands are opening Mediterranean but also all cuisines of the largest five citrus fruit has more 1 billion stores globally. On the other hand, throughout the world, with its producers and exporters of Turkey is not losing its strength in quality, naturalness and original and the world, with increasing dollar of economic ready wear production; the sector is delicious aroma that comes from production each year. Natural, value with its annual an irreplaceable supplier of European Anatolian land. Its health benefits tasty, juicy and high-standard market. With its world-class are numerous. To achieve maximum citrus fruit growing at southern production of 3.6 production, Turkey produces perfect benefit from best and most natural coasts of Turkey are being million tonnes on and healthy product for its own brands as well olive oil, stick to Turkish products. delivered to consumers all over as many worldwide brands such as Armani, the world, in a very short time, average. Prada, Chanel and Louis Vuitton. and without losing its quality.


10.782 dollars 152billion dollars 39.2million 12.9billion dollars 36.450 million57 245 % 32.3billion dollars 28.8million 30.1 610.000 5.8% GDP per capita Total export Annual number Direct foreign Number of foreign The number of active Total increase in exports Tourism revenues Net workforce as Average age as of 2013 The number of students graduating from England's share as of 2013 as of 2013 of tourists investment companies active credit card users between the period obtained as of 2013 of 2013 more than 183 universities each year in exports as of 2013 as of 2013 in the country as of 2013 2004 - 2014


10 > 11 GLOBAL CONNECTION DECEMBER 2014 The Grand Bazaar has been a fixture since the 15th century, and still retains its old-world FASHION OF OTTOMANS charm. Turkish clothing received its current form under the influence of its long history, wide geographic area it is spread over, cultural interactions and belief systems. Ottomans with a sultanate of centuries exhibited its magn ificence also in the clothes. What about a brief tour of Ottoman fashion history from wedding dresses, which were always important, to spectacular ceremonial clothes?

he art of weaving is un- The main TULBEND AGHA doubtedly is one of the clothing pieces This agha occupied the most con- oldest arts of the histo- of women during spicuous place in most of the cer- ry of mankind. We can Ottoman times emonies and processions in which were; shalwar, easily say that Turkish cardigan, blouse, the sultan also participated. During Tfabrics have a very significant place in dress and kaftan. these ceremonies, two sariks (head- the world’s fabric trade with respect wraps) were carried in front of the to its form of weaving, material and Sultan. Hasodalis, in other words richness of patterns. Ottoman sultans Tulbend Aghas carried these sariks, attached importance to clothing, and which were placed on a small table, wore kaftans made of luxury fabrics. by their right hands. Their search for quality plays an im- portant role in the development of HAREM WOMAN weaving. Since silvery, sequin, em- ‘Harem’ which means restrict- broidery clothes are deemed to be a ed, hidden, protected place, was the disgrace for the young girls as a re- place where women living in the quirement of Ottoman tradition, they place were educated and contin- usually wore plain dresses. Since the ued their daily lives without meeting way for women to wear fancy clothes the other men. Harem Woman was was through marriage, the wedding raised to an upper level when the Secret corners of dress as the first fancy dress was al- sultan selects her and is privileged ways an important one and impor- when compared to the other women tance was attached to this dress in harem. This privilege was also re- since it indicated the difference of the flected in the clothes, and they wore the grand bazaar bride from the other women. The clothes made of quality colorful silk main clothing pieces of women dur- fabrics. Harem Woman was easily Anyone who thinks that in the morning and continue till even- ing Ottoman times were; shalwar, discriminated from other women by the Grand Bazaar is just for ing, there will still be dozens of streets, cardigan, blouse, dress and kaftan. the embroidery on the head piece, carpets, leather, and gold hundreds of shops, and thousands of Dresses worn with shalwar consti- low cut style and furry kaftan. products you won’t have discovered. tute the oldest examples of Turkish jewellery is in for a surprise. women clothing. The influence of the HAREM KALFA There is a plethora of shops Sivasli Yazmacı Western fashion was started to be It was not easy to maintain the or- just waiting to be discovered Known as Sivaslı Yazmacı, the shop felt after Sultan Abdulaziz’s return der and prevent the fights in harem in this 553-year-old bazaar, is abundant in ethnic fabrics. Don’t from Europe travel in 1867. lection which none of the museums in to the sultan’s son, from their clothes where the sultan’s family and odal- the oldest in the world. just watch, because world famous de- the world possessed. in those days when people were at- isques lived in the palace. The duty of signers, and internationally renowned THE MOST MAGNIFICENT tentive for dressing in styles differ- Harem Kalfa was to maintain the or- Turkish ones, create fashion wonders COLLECTION OF THE WORLD CEREMONIAL CLOTHES IN ent from those of their neighbors. der and if required, to punish the wom- he Grand Bazaar, with 4,000 with the fabrics they purchase here. Kaftans, the costumer of Ottoman OTTOMANS en in harem. Harem Kalfa usually pre- shops, is always top of the Donna Karan, Hussein Chalayan, Ce- Sultans, have a special place within With its sultanate of centuries, SERVANT OF THE GRAND VIZIER ferred plain, unnoticeable clothes to list for tourists coming to mil İpekçi, Rifat Özbek are just some the empire. A tradition of Ottoman Pe- Ottomans showed its magnificence There were many servants and the extent possible, which would re- Turkey and İstanbul. We of these notables. Tel: 0212-526 56 73 riod carried the magnificent clothes of also in the clothes. The attendants of attendants under the command of inforce his seriousness and authority. Tare always told, “You must see it, don’t the sultans to today and also enabled the palace also dressed attentively in the Grand Vizier (called müteferri- come home without shopping there!” Derviş (Dervish) the creation of a rich and beautiful the Ottoman Empire, where ceremo- ka). The portrait here describes one TURKISH WOMEN OF PERA Yes, we fully agree with this, but just Derviş is one of the top places we rec- collection. According to this tradition, nies are very important. The clothes member of this class with all the At Pera, the select district of İstan- this once, how about discovering oth- ommend for silk, mohair, woollen cloth, all the clothes of the dead sultan are of the palace attendants were also clothing: he is in ceremonial dress bul, the capital of the Ottoman Empire, er products apart from leather, gold or old robes, colour cotton kaftans, Turk- packed, labeled and sealed, then kept made fashionable. Each profession with yellow boots and yataghan. which is called Beyoğlu today, wom- souvenirs, as well as old and famous ish bath bowls, towels and bathrobes. at the Treasury of Silahtar (Weapon group had a costume special for such Wearing yellow boots was perceived en were attentive to their clothes not or fascinating newly opened shops? It is possible to find the cloths pro- Masters). Upon the order of Atatürk, group. Of course, it was not hard to as a major privilege, because ordi- only when they were in public but also The Grand Bazaar has been a fixture duced on special looms from all over these clothes were found at the Treas- discriminate people living in different nary people were never allowed to when they were at home. By time, since the 15th century, and still re- Anatolia. www.dervis.com ury of Silahtar, all labeled and packed, hierarchical order in Ottoman Em- use this color. Yataghan, sometimes Turkish women of Pera set a model tains its old-world charm. The broad when Topkapı Palace was opened to pire, from Turkish woman of Pera to accompanied by two large pistols, was with their clothes, taken as example main street, Kalpakçılar (Calpac Sell- Yazzma public as a Museum; this was a col- Janissary sergeant, from Kizlar Agha decorated very richly. by Anatolian women.  ers) Street, hosts dozens of gold- While cushions may be the most smiths. If you ask why it is named af- prominent and eye-catching compo- ter Kalpakçılar, the famous fur cap nent of interior decoration, they are shops used to be here. disguised in different shapes in Yazz- All the streets of the Grand Bazaar ma. You can find a cornucopia of dif- were named for the products that ferent kinds of fabrics, from ethnic were sold there. While the tailors re- patterns to (a special dyeing tech- sided in Terziler (Tailors) Street, fur- nique) patterns, which have been the rier’s shops were found in Kürkçüler Contemporary art in Turkey most popular items in recent years. (Furriers) Street. Go straight down be- www.yazzma.com tween the shops on both sides, where İstanbul Modern Gallery Arter carpets, leather, textile and ceramic Abdulla products can be found. Don’t be afraid Opened in 1997, Abdulla has eve- of getting lost, because these narrow rything you need for the real Turkish streets contain wonderful surprises. bath experience, with local weaving, The Grand Bazaar is one of the most towels, waistcloths, bedspreads, and enjoyable places in İstanbul, with its natural olive oil soaps. The main char- huge, garnished doors and sociable acteristic here is that all the products merchants. Even if you start touring are produced entirely in Anatolia. www.abdulla.com Goldsmiths designing jewellery for Hollywood Dhoku stars, drapers selling Dhoku’s carpets bring a different per- spective to the famous Turkish carpet, kaftans to famous fashion and are currently also on the radar of Photo: Murat Germen Murat Photo: brands such as Missoni Hollywood celebrities. Many famous Sinan Koçaslan Photo: and Armani, carpet shops actors/actresses and directors have purchased a carpet or a rug from here. Two key words summarize the recent ferent missions—ranging from cultivating innovative er-growing competition will show whether Istanbul selling rare hand-made programs for research and experimental thinking to will become the market hub for the region at large. www.dhoku.com developments in contemporary art in carpets, shops selling increasing the visibility of contemporary art from Tur- Internationalization is also on the agenda for insti- Turkey: expansion and diversity. natural waist cloths and Army of Love key—beg the question: What’s the impact of institu- tutions. This year, SALT hosted a major exhibition by soaps, and of course If you are interested in military jack- tionalization in an emerging context? Lebanese artist Rabih Mroué whose work explores ets, shirts, vintage clothes and various Two key words summarize the recent develop- the construction of historical narratives; ARTER pre- mouth watering fare ÖZGE ERSOY ments in contemporary art from Turkey: expansion sented a group show titled “The Roving Eye: Contem- at local restaurants, as army accessories reflecting military style, which went though a boom in and diversity. With the rising number of institutions, porary Art from Southeast Asia” that covers major well as traditional coffee popularity in the 1980s, there is cer- e have heard this before: Contemporary art contemporary art reaches a wider audience and ena- works from the 1970s to the present; and Borusan shops; all are here… tainly something here for you!  from Turkey has become more vibrant than bles a stronger debate among professionals. Promot- Contemporary exhibited a selection of works from W ever before. Turkey is a celebrated example ing different institutional priorities, art spaces show San Francisco Museum of Modern Art’s media arts of an “emerging market” with a rising number of local a wide range of artistic practices, which arguably collection, a rare presentation outside of the institu- art galleries (mostly in Istanbul), the growing presence makes the scene more pluralistic and polyphonic than tion located in California. Here it should be noted that of artists from Turkey in international exhibitions and ever. Some, however, remain skeptical of the nominal there is still no public funding for arts institutions, and publications, as well as the auction houses’ growing ap- growth of the scene and its intricate relationship with it is again a group of private patrons and institutions— petite for art from the country. The changes in the last money, which raises the question of whether the re- with the initiation of the Istanbul Foundation for Cul- decade offer growing opportunities for artists, curators, cent hype is an interest in art or its investment value. ture and Arts—that have secured a new, long-term and writers. Yet it is still hard to define exactly what the At the market side of the scene, the introduction location dedicated to Turkey at the Arsenale of the “evolution” of the art scene means. Is the market boil- of a new art fair last September—Istanbul ArtInt- Venice Biennale, hosting artist Sarkis next year. ing over with speculators, or is it just simmering? ernational, co-founded by Sandy Angus who is in- Rhetorics of development in Turkey is now home to a new generation of art spac- volved in India Art Fair and ART HK, the Hong Kong resonate in contemporary art as well. The structural es and museums, and increasingly finding itself a part International Art—is also telling about the urge to dynamics of this field today is obviously different from of the international art circuit. Since the 2000s, there internationalize the art market in the country. A se- the 1990s where the art production grew through has been a proliferation of privately sponsored arts ductive attraction for collectors from abroad, ArtIn- personal affinities, friendships, with artists making spaces, most notably SALT, ARTER, Istanbul Modern, ternational appears to be a competitor to the now exhibitions and publications with their own means. Yet and Borusan Contemporary, and more recently col- nine-year-old Contemporary Istanbul, while its vis- a major question still remains foundational to the larg- lectors and art patrons have spearheaded independ- itor numbers still lag behind the latter (ArtInterna- er ecology of arts in Turkey: To what extend does con- ent initiatives, including SAHA Association, SPOT, and tional received 20,000 visitors while Contemporary temporary art relate to and expand upon the larger Don’t be afraid of getting lost, because these narrow streets contain wonderful surprises. collectorspace. All of these organizations with dif- Istanbul hosted 75,000 people this year). The ev- public discourse in the country? 

12 > 13 GLOBAL CONNECTION DECEMBER 2014 ty. In Isbir Bedding greater importance is Antalya is the top destination in Turkey for foreign visitors, and is the given to technology and investment in R ISBIR READY TO PACK YOUR WORLD! leader in terms of bed capacity. Number of beds in Antalya exceeds half & D; and the latest technology machines a million, and the number of facilities is almost 3 thousand. In 2013, 11 BEFORE WINTER are used to provide the healthiest and ISBIR having the largest big bag production facility under one roof proceeds million and 680 thousand tourists have arrived at Antalya. the most appropriate solutions to hu- man physiology. to increase capacity with big bags exceeding standard specifications.

COMES: LYCIAN WAY SPECIAL VITAMIN BEDS WITH ANTI-STRESS EFFECT Lycian Way, the destination of those who want a vibrant holiday in the In the market for beds in Turkey, our nature, is having its best time nowadays. Because, the 509-kilometre route firm is positioned as the “pioneering from Antalya to Fethiye is being washed with a warm Mediterranean sun. technology”; and we use technologies such as “open-cell visco technology”, the “polymer spring technology” discov- ered and patented by Turkish engineers, patented filler technology “Quallofil® Al- lerban®" used on all beds, offering high hygiene. Furthermore, we are also im- plementing the «nano technology” that allows us to flavour our lavender beds, provide them with vitamins A, C and E or anti-stress effects for mattresses Healthy beds for a tissues; we also offer special solutions such as horsehair mattresses, coconut oilmattress, anti moisture mattresses good night’s sleep for athletes. A + and A- class consumers are the first buyers of these products. he facilities, equipped with Furthermore our firm believes that cal and engineering plastic industries, makes ISBIR the most valuable stra- A healthy, peaceful and quality lifedepends firstly on the state of art production ma- which require extreme attention to tegic partner of big bag. Company of- es. The 24-kilometre road from Finike the prerequisite of being pioneers in chineries, are capable to quality of sleep. With the beds it produces, Isbir Bedding technology on the market is to support hygienic conditions. Clean room pro- ficials further state that, on today’s to Demre is very pleasurable to watch. manufacture 17 million big duction conditions comply with high- world where cost reduction has the Specialty of restaurants around Demre offers healthy solutions to your sleep problem. this notion of technology by scientif- Tbags per annum with indoor area of Antalya through ic evidence, through certified products er standards than internationally ac- highest priority, average 12 days pro- shore is roasted blue crab. Demre is 180.000 sqm under ISO 22000 and cepted GMP regulation. duction option, eliminates the need to also the hometown of Saint Nicolas, by accreditation institutions and labo- AIB certificates. Following recent in- n average, we sleep about 25 of this point. In Turkey,Isbir Bedding that ratories in Turkey and abroad. IsbirBed- It has been stated by company of- keep stocks for many customers. In also known as . Noel Baba vestments and 35 million EUR cap- ficials that; beside standard big bag addition to this, ISBIR has cooperation four seasons Church where he lived and practiced years of our lives. Therefore, is a brand that offers the ultimate con- ding is a part of “the Brands Support ital increase, ISBIR started-up spe- models used all over the world, prod- with many warehouses all around the religion in Demre is a museum today. the bed you choose should sumers healthy sleep products produc- Programme” of the Republic of Tur- cial purpose manufacturing centers Throughout the road, you can accommodate at boutique lodgings, experience the local tastes and visit village markets. uct portfolio extends with flame re- Europe for storage service,which ena- As a favorite destination in be expected from a metropolis with protect the natural curve of es healthy beds. Isbir Bedding stores key, and thanks to the incentives of the for sophisticated big bag needs, and Oyour spine. For the comfort of your bed called “Sleep Centres” provide consum- program;it has thus started research to tardant fabric, aluminium and con- bles delivery within 24 hours and im- the Mediterranean, Antalya its metro, restaurants, cultural and Eastern Antalya keeps on extending product port- ductive aluminium liner production, prove the customer satisfaction. Is- ycian Way, the first ever flagged “Phaselis” on the Olympus-Antalya shopping centers. To be entertained Fed with ice-cold water of Taurus has a direct effect on your health. Scien- ers with healthy and comfortable tech- sign distribution agreements to open folio with big bags made in interna- IN HIS OWN WORDS  Gambo big bag production, TYPE- bir has an extensive list of references international walkway of Turkey, highway and pass through the forest and its vicinity are among with Turkish hospitality at a tradition- Mountains, loudly pulsing Manavgat tific research also shows the importance nology products for a better sleep quali- “Sleep Centers” abroad. tionally recognized clean room pro- is a network of ancient pathways road which is approximately two kilo- D permanent antistatic big bag pro- in all industries specially in chemical, L indispensable spots of al Ottoman mansion, you need to vis- Creek on one side, and Side the host duction facility. duction and liquid big bag production pharmaceutical and food.  connecting Lycia cities to each other. metres long, you will see an impressive summer season, as well it Kaleiçi. The turquoise Yivli Minareli of one of the most beautiful ancient Company officials describe clean The route introduces the most beau- historical place. Phaselis was found- Medrese reflecting the elegance of Is- settlements of the Mediterranean on room manufacturing as follow: Clean tiful beaches of Antalya with the nat- ed as a three-port coastal city dur- as winter holidays, thanks lamic arts, and Hadrian Gate from Ro- the other side. The most important room, which architecture and infra- ural and historical beauties, and hosts ing the ancient times, and was famous to mild climate and luxury man era are located here. two touristic centers to the east of structure has been set according to the trekking addicts from all around for its wines, lumber and perfumes at hotels. Here is a three-step Another option is to get on one of Antalya. Side is located on a peninsu- “ISO 14644-Cleanrooms and Associ- the world all year round. Throughout the time. Here, while walking on an- guide to visiting Antalya. the gulets at the port and sail through la that is closed to traffic, where set- ated Controlled by Environments” ap- the road that passes through Tekirova, cient streets connecting the ports to the Mediterranean. Saklıkent Winter tlements are side by side with ancient proved by independent auditors to ful- Demre, , Kaş, Kalkan and Patara each other, it is very pleasurable to Ersin Demirel Sports Center, located at 1.5 hour dis- ruins. Manavgat, which is a little far fill the requirements of ISO 14644 and and arrives at Lycia’s capitol Xanthos, Professional Lycian Way Guide witness the harmony of the sound MELİH USLU tance to the town center, is being used from the sea, is being visited because ISO 8. In this “certified” clean room, which is a UNESCO World Cultural Her- of waves with the smell of pines. We I have flagged about 20 natural and for space observations during sum- of its waterfalls. Here you may cruise big bags manufactured for high purity itage, you can accommodate at bou- cultural routes in Turkey including Caria, leave the historical place and proceed hen to go and how to mertime. Close vicinity of Konyaaltı along the river on boats, or discover needs of pharmaceutical, food, chemi- tique lodgings, experience the local Phrygia, Hittite and St. Paul Road. I’ve towards Kumluca on the highway. A visit Antalya? The an- and Lara beaches near the town cent- the forests on the back of a camel. tastes and visit village markets. Let us been walking on the Lycian Way for a little further, Ulupınar junction leads swer depends on what er are full of fish restaurants. Düden remind you: It takes more than a month quarter century now, and it has a special us to the trout farms under the shad- place for me. On the 240-kilometre you expect from your and Kurşunlu waterfalls are also very From golf to rafting to walk the entire pathway. So trav- ows of maples. Great salads flavoured section of the Road, Lycian Way Ultra WAntalya trip. From usual beach holi- close to the town center. As well as the influx of tourists to el agencies split the best parts of this Marathon is being run since 2010. Athletes with mountain herbs, and local olive day, to blue voyage, winter sports to reli- the five-star hotels and lengthy sandy route into weekly parts. Of course, ac- from all around the world are expected to oil dishes introduce an unforgettable gious, cultural, gourmet and honeymoon Western Antalya beaches, Belek is a favorite of golf tour- cording to your expectations... attend the next marathon which is mood of final to our trekking. We feel tours, Antalya offers infinite choices, Kumluca, the source of vegetables ists. With golf courses resembling gar- scheduled for September 26th - October very lucky for being on the Lycian Way. 4th, 2015. I recommend you to not miss one of which is absolutely for you. and citrus fruits in Antalya, and its dens of Zen with their soft folds and FROM GELIDONYA TO OLYMPUS this extraordinary organization. neighbour Finike are ancient port set- quiet ponds, golf clubs at Belek offer Our walk of a combination of sea and www.likyayoluultramaratonu.com/EN DON’T MISS PLACES TO VISIT tlements. In addition to Arykanda an- service at international standards. As- mountains starts from Adrasan which is Best source about Lycian Way is the Antalya City Center cient settlement that resembles an pendos Ancient Theatre to the north- 60 kilometres to the south of Antalya. tour guide called Lycian Way authored With its centuries of history, city eagle’s nest, Finike is also known for east of Belek is also the starting point Also known as Çavuşköy, Adrasan was by a shallow river from a touristic Medi- by English researcher Kate Clow, who center is almost totally founded on its modern marina and orange groves, of off-road safaris to the depths of Tau- founded near a sandbank surrounded by terranean village called Çıralı. Structures had lived in Antalya for many years and cliffs, and offers all services that can as well as remarkable historical hous- rus mountains.  rocky hills, a few kilometres far from the remaining from the Lycian civilization is one of the most important people coast. Lycian Way passes through this was spread on a forested land. Olym- who brought Lycian Way to our tour- sandbank. When you follow the path- pus has a magnificent beach and hosts ism. In her book, she provides a detailed IN THEIR OWN WORDS way towards the peninsula to the south hundreds of thousands of tourists eve- description of all stages of the route, of the village, you arrive at an impres- ry year in wooden houses being used as and important practical information Kerem Görsev - Musician Tunç Fındık - Professional Mountaineer Marion Gökçek - Hotel Manager sive lighthouse. Located 227 metres a hostel, while its next door neighbour about the touristic places on the way. “I feel very happy in an atmosphere where I “I can easily say that Antalya is a great “I am a European Union citizen who loves above the sea level, Gelidonya Light- Yanartaş is famous for its fire which has can conveniently play the piano. In addition, place for mountaineering and rock climbing. Turkey. I settled in Antalya about 20 years house has an impressive view, cover- been continually burning for centuries DID YOU KNOW? if there is the sea and a beautiful nature, I am This is because there are plenty of cracks ago. Autumn and winter are much more ing five small islands. Our next stop is on the shoulders of a mountain. Established during the 2nd centu- the happiest person and Antalya makes me on rock walls, and they rise up towards the beautiful in Antalya. Because it’s very quiet, Olympus which is 8 kilometres to the ry B.C. in Anatolia, Lycia was a devel- very happy. Every time I go sky right beneath the sea. I and you can hear the sound north of Adrasan. This was one of the THE PORT WITH PINE AROMA oped state. Lycians had their own ar- there, I visit Kaleiçi. I’m very recommend climbers the 3 of the nature. In downtown, much refreshed when I roam thousand and 86 metres- there are various hotels, for sacred settlements of Lycia at the time. After coming here, your tour would be chitecture, letters and theatres, and around historical houses. I high Kızlar Sivrisi which is any kind of economic budget. I Located at the foothill of 2366 metre incomplete if you do not stop by Phase- their democracy model has inspired also like swimming at places the highest point of Western would recommend Kemer and high Mt. Tahtalı, Olympus is separated lis. When you follow the yellow board the Constitution of the U.S.A.  between Antalya and Fethiye.” Taurus Mountains.” Beldibi.” Enjoy a feast for the senses in Antakya Throughout its deep-rooted history, gathering many ocated in the very south of the Medi- wheat, chickpeas and meat till the mixture has the city’s rich historic legacy. Narrow alleys terranean region, Antakya is a stun- a pasty consistency, is one of the main dishes. link the courtyards to one another and hous- civilizations under its wing, Antakya has created L ning city, perched at the peak of the Oruk, a type of kebbah unique to the Antakya es such as the Antakya House, Yahyaoğulları Amanos Mountains. River Asi, the lifeblood of region, is composed of a mixture of rich mince and Halepoğulları Mansions are a standing splendid tastes by synthesising the best of Anatolian, the city, is famous for the impression it cre- and spices and is not offered boiled or fried like testimony to the ancient architectural style Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisines. ates. The wind, blowing gently from the south, the classic kebbahs. It is instead baked with ol- of the city. The front parts of the Antakya ruffles the sea and creates the illusion that ive oil. Pomegranate syrup also features prom- House, the oldest of which are 200 years old the river is flowing in reverse. Make a sweet inently in Antakya’s cuisine. This treacly liq- and built over two or three floors, face the sun start to your Antakya tour by stopping at one uid is obtained after being boiled in cauldrons and the courtyards, with a pool and garden of the kunafah (a dessert speciality of the Le- of a dark red, sour pomegranate sauce, and can overlooking the mountains. vant) stalls lining the city centre. Made of a be found in the famous Uzun Çarşı (bazaar). It Antakya has vital potential in terms of re- delicious shredded wheat, salt-free cheese, imparts a magnificent flavour to many dishes ligious tourism. It hosts the St Pierre Church, butter and hot syrup mixture, it’s hard to from salad to dolma (stuffed vegetables). which is the second-oldest church after Je- stop with just one slice. The famous kunafah rusalem and a key pilgrimage destination of Antakya is frozen and sent to numerous SHOP TILL YOU DROP for Christendom. Waterfalls hidden in a deep countries around the world. After this short The history of Uzun Çarşı is as old as Antak- valley blanketed by forests are the source of pit stop, visit The Mosaic Museum, which is ya’s own. The city’s history dates back to the Harbiye’s fame, and this tourist attract is lo- home to almost 300 renowned mosaics, pro- 300s BC. Uzun Çarşı is a closed bazaar selling cated ten kilometres from Antakya. Built as a duced between the 2nd and 6th centuries. everything you can think of, where butcher soap factory in the 1960s, and a focus of at- shops turn into restaurants at short notice. It tention with its unique architecture, the Sav- WORLD’S BEST APPETISERS is one of the best places to buy products spe- on Hotel is one of the many excellent accom- You can taste the finest Antakya cuisine, en- cific to Antakya. Antakya is also famous for modation options.  compassing more than 400 dishes, either as a its soaps that find their origin from the legend guest at a home, or in an exclusive restaurant of Apollo and Daphne in the ancient world. GETTING THERE in a centuries-old Antakya house, after visiting You can find many varieties of Daphne soap the museum. Some of the delicacies you can (made of defne, or bay leaves) in the bazaar. The most practical way to reach Antakya is to take sample are humus, a type of mashed chick- a flight to Hatay. The Hatay Airport is 25 kilometres from Antakya. You can also take a tour of the region peas with tahini; and Muhammara made of red HISTORIC HOUSES by renting a car. Moreover, schedules pepper paste, toasted bread, walnut and pome- The old districts in front of the River Asi return flights from İstanbul to Hatay every day of Antakya Mosaic Museum is home to almost 300 renowned mosaics, produced between the 2nd and 6th centuries. granate syrup. Etli aşur, prepared by crushing are among the places where you can soak in the week. www.turkishairlines.com