. i

: Give Now' • f To Help M~intain'.the War Memorial Home oj the News 'rosse ~ ew Center I 99 Kercbeval 'J"lJ. 2~6l1Otl Complete News Coverage 01' All the. Pointes,

5c Per COpy Entered .. Second Clua Matter VOLUME 13-NO. 34, 1:l.OOPer .Yetu at the Post Office at Detrolt, Mich. Fully Paid Circulation';,:" •

HEADLINES Ladie's'Provide,- Unsolicited,. Tes~'imo'nial'" - Arm,\, Has Answer September 4 '. 01th. ... First Day Of' \VEER As Compiledb, lb. 'T0 Complaints of Fall Session 'Gros,. Point. New$ New Students to Enroll Dur- ing Week Before' Thursday, August 14 Residents in. Park Labor Day GOVERNOR WILLIAMS names Clark J. Adams of Pontiac to 'Succeed chief justice of Michi- Members of News Staff Invited to Insped Two Anti-aircraft \, According to an announce.. gan's supreme court, Walter J. ' t F II ' P t't' F" d 'th C it mentfromJames W. Bnshong~ Encampmen s 0 oWl,ng e I Ion I e WI ounel Superintendent of Schools, North, who died last month. . .. . Following the publication last week of a news story re-, all public schools in Grosse DRASTIC SHAKEUP hit s porting'that a group of Grosse Pointe P~rk residents had peti- Pointe will opel} th: new Wayne County Democratic party tioned council to do something about "nuisances:' created by schoo1 year for pupIls on machinery as leadership of four the existence of the anti-aircraft defense encampment at the Thursday morning, Septemb~r congressional ,districts changes foot of Three Mile drive the NEWS was invited to visit both 4. This will be a regular hands in' conventions. .. .. that encampment and the one" located on the vacant school school day and all pupi~s will . property on Cl'1alfonte in Grosse Pointe Farms. attend school a full sessIOn,_ FIRED WINDSOR bank offici- The tour was personally con-~ , Parents of children who were al, Roy H. McBride, who wrote ducted by Col Hubert du B. LeW~'1- -d V - not f1:nrolledin the Grosse Point~ 100 letters falsifying bank ac- is, commander of the 28th AAA Kl S to Ie PublIc Schools .last year ar~ counts of persons applying for Group, a unit of the 51st AAA str.ongly urged to enroll su~h visas for entry into the United Brigade. which is responsibl~ for * ch1ldren betwe~ the hours of. J States, may escape prosecution. F Gl the anti-aircraft defense of the I or ory In and 4 p. m. dUrIng t~e wee~-:-Qf. • • • Metropolitan Detroit area. I August 25 to 29. All scnool offICes EISENHOWER turns down Came From Alaska I Fl*sh R -deo will h,e open during these hours President Truman's. invitaHon to .. I U for thIS purpose. I ~imilar briefing given Governor Colonel LeWIS,who was trans-, At this time, assignment will Stevenson on int~rnational situa- ferred here from Alaska on July be made of the half-day which tion ,because it would restrict l1is 1, was particularly perturbed to Se'cond Annual Running of children will attend in Kmder- freedom to analyze publicly the lea~n there was any feeling Big Contest to be Held at garten. conduct of the administration. agamst the e~campment or the ' Need Transcripts . . .. part. of the reSIdents. He st.ressed I _Farms This Sa'rurday School officials pointed out that the l,mpor~ance of good ne1gh?or it is especially' desirable for all U. S. MARINES beat back two relatlOnshlps and wante~ Pomt- Boys and girls of the Farms, pupils enrolling for the first time Red assaults against their newly~ e~s to. kno~ that everythmg pos- City, 'and Park will line the at the .Junior and Senior High won hold 'on Bunker Hill, in SIble 15 bemg do~e on the part Lake Shore seawall' near 'the School levels to take advantage of western Korea. • • • f~ti~:s~~~y to bUIld up these re- :!farms municipal pier this Sat- this. early enrollment period. For Friday. August'15 He stated that the site is part urday, August 23, in an effort p~pIls at ~hese lev~l~, enro~e~ HEART ATTACK keeps mys- of the integral'defense of the De- to land prize-winning fish in \':111be gre~tly facIlItl~ted if O~fl- t 't d'd that moving the Boy and Girl National clal transcnpts of credlts covermg tery man of Wash!ngton influ- rnOloanreea~e ~~erous sites in work completed in other schools ence circles, Henry Grunewald, a y. of .. . Better Fishing Program. are sent to the proper scl1l,)ol from appearing before fe'dera1 the area would Je,opardlze the en- Last year approximately four ff' '. t th t' f e 011- grand jury in connection with tire program and would be tactic- million boys and girls in 46 states 0 ICe prIor 0 e Ime 0 nr These four .ladies," reading the Grosse Pointe Ne\\ls while taking the sun at Gros'se Pointe Yacht Club, provide a ally unsound. Each site was dunked tl e'r lOne . the t' 1 ment. " . . House tax scandal. . 'k d full to make the de- 1 lIS m na'lona Transcrlpts of credlts are not • • • pleasant and unsolicited ,testimonial of interest in' your community newspaper. ,They, say that catching up on the plC e care Y fish rodeo. Mike Collins, of 204 , f r new elementary fense of the entire area as air- Morass road, was one the na- nec~ssary 0 COMMUNIST PREMIER Kim local news in this manner is a regular Thursday morning routine at the Yacht Club. From left toright,;the readerl? " ..,' of pupIls, but parents of elemenwy 11 Sung says North Korea is are MRS. ROGER HUBBARD,MISS."fANINE' PROVOS'r, of 'Fi ..,Lauderdale; Florida, MRS. MELVILLE HUFFAKER hght as p~ssible. .' Ihonal champlOnsh1p award wm- <:hildren should bring with them willing to end Korean' contlict and MRS.WIL:LIAM. BREMER::,::':';' ',: ./.' .. , , ~, '?:;.:'i:~-"~';::>\',:",' ,;'" ,": ,'; ::".' , " . ';:':\:~/ ."','.y' .;! "'~":,~:,",~ ,Are Permanent UnIts I ner~, written evidence, such as a reP9rt :In a draw. ]:lis governmen,t "does ______-c- __ ..",--__ -=--.-----~----_---,------~+w"_ ,\._:..:~~--'------colori.ef~tewis 'also wanted it "-.~. SheePSl1ead Wins-Prize -~-- ar~tt-the: chHd1sPrD'Pe.t'-grade not consider it dishonorable' to made Clear'i:hit the:unitli in the He landed a two-pound, nine- placement. Lack" of such evi- conclude an armistice , • ." Pointe are permanent ones and ounce Shecpshead, ,the heaviest dence will seriously interfere . .. .. Eight Polio Center's Endowment Fund Cont-rols On that there is no constant change catch in this class, made by a boy with efficient and prompt en- TEEN-AGE SLAYER of Ches- of personnel as had been intimat- throughout the nation and its ter- rollment of new pupils. ter Czernel, father of three, ed. The only time the personnel rHories on Rodeo Day. Parents of new enroll~es at ~ blasted by' a shotgun. when he Increased by $3,000,Gift Lake Levels of these units is m~\Vedis when Mike received his Coronation levels are urged to brmg Wlth Cases., Found 3urprised a pair of youths rifling they are sent to Big Bay, Mich., Certificate from Senator Hon:er the~ birth cer~ificates as an es- hi~ home, confesses to killing. or Camp Haven, Wis., for target Ferguson, July 26, at c~remonles sentIal record m the enrollment .. .. . Th,is Season From Mrs. Russell A. Alger Being Sought practice with live 'ammunition. that, I:?arkcd the openJn? of a of their children. . . SHOWGIRL,25-year-old Gregg 'A' I P t" t' C 'M '-SI I N' When this is done, a roving unit prellmmary cO,ntest ?rg.amzed by I Urge Exanunatlon Sherwood, walks out on four- Paralysis Reported In Only nnuc1 ar IClpa Ion ampalgn oves ow y as me Flood' Committee Resolution comes in and replaces the perma- the Gl:osse Pomte F1shmg Rodeo' The local school and health times~married Horace E. Dodge One; Disease Running Families Out of, 10 Fail to Send in" Proposes Bofh Maximum nent personnel until the target CommIttee,". officials also urge parents to have with $100,000.w~rt~ _o~jeweli:y. About S~me As Their .contributions practice is ended and the orig-I Many of the l?ca~ serV1ceclubs their children given a careful And Minimum inal group carnes back, here. I a~d other orgamzatlOns have con- physical« Kamination ~ri~r to tI:e BLOODIEST BAT'FLE in re~ Last Year A gift of $3,000' to the endowment fund of the Grosse , Proud of'Record. I trlbut~d .to the program and ,a:'e opening nf school, ThIS 15 partl. cent months of Korean war may, I Pointe War Memorial.,Association was announced this week The Grosse Pointe Flood '. , 'd t th IcooperatlOg to make the project cularly desirable for all neVf' . He pomted "':'Ith pr~ e 0 e a success. , pupils or for pupils who hive be over as U. S. Marines break Two :new cases of infantile by the directors. The 'gift has been made by Mrs. Russell A. Committee is seeking controls fa~t tAat t~e Pomte umt ~t Three Among these are: The NeIgh- had any serious illness during up fifth Chinese Red attempt to paralYSIS' were reported to the Alger of Provencal road, in behalf of her three grandsons for Lake St. Clair w h i c h M1le had JUfstJe<:ently ~~turned borhood Club, Metropolitan Club, the summer, " , recaoture Bunker Hill. P"[1 W d .., • * • Grosse ointe-r arper 00 s who are now members of the United States Air Force. would regulate both high and f~om one 0 ~uese prac Ice ses- Post 303 of ,the American Legi<,m All schools as well as .the BoaM GALLUP POLL rev~a~3 six of H eal thDeTPhartment ac~rd~ng' ChThe g ran d/ ~n s ~reD A!g~~

osse state conven IOn t a struct a gO-footbrick stack above would be a satisfactory solution Follow~up 'Letters Sent i of weather ,..conditionsC during cer- on Mack at the end of Warren conyenience to Grosse Pointe I The pair walked into Liebold'-s ~~i~~~C~;~~it;~d[t~;SgO:::r~f~~d the hospital's new heating plant. to the ,complaints voiced. Con- ,Follow-up letters' were sent out i tai}l periods ,of the. year, and ~i!l should be in operation on Octo- C"t 'd . t h '11b t I Men's Wear, at 20419 Mack, Au"" ber 1, unless unexpected delays 1y re~1 en s w 0 WI e one o! gust 14, and asked for unused , The move followed a recent struction is expected to take from' two weeks, ago, to all of the I. enable the Commlttee to an,t.ICl- one place on •the• Supreme• Court. barrage of complaints and a petk' a to 12 'weeks. , pledg,e-signeis ,who bad not yet: pate adv,er~e we,ather . condItI.ons are met, Superintendent Leland two JUlIes away from the new i cartons in which to pack things tion that had been presented to Hospital officials had previous-- sent in their gifts. I~nd send out hIgh-water warn- Lindow said. main office. I for ~oving. .~.- GOVERNOR WILLIAMS ~on-the Farms council by a number ly pleaded that a steel stack be This week's report shows an, lOgS. At, the same time, the present Lindow said the new office will' WhIle one kept a salesman ceeds to delegat~ demands that of residents near the hospit.al; allo,w,.ed; saving: some $6,000, but, . ... I t r k f 102 I office at 17140 Maumee. avenue serve the area including the busy in the front of the store on th t t nt on go unbossed - mcrease over as wee - 0 S'I'A"'E POL:ICE' "'HO'OT e s a e c.onve I. !l . I complaining of excessivei noise;' it waS a:r:gu.edt.h?t it would give donation,stotalling $1,209. I ... ~ will be closed. ,,' , Farms, Shores, Woods, Harper the pretext of making a pur:'" after all-mght. seSSIOn ads to fill1smoke and obnoxious fumes the neighborhood an industrial ' All families in the Pointe have The fifteenth annual Michigan Efforts are being made by Nor- Woods and a small bit of Detroit. chase. the other went into the slate of .cand1dates . for Novem- emanating from the plant." appearance and deteriorate prop- been solicited by mail. Those who 'police shoot, will' be' held o~ the bert Neff, Grosse Pointe city City and Park residents will storage room to look for a carto~.

bel' electIOns. * Engineers representing the erty values. have not yet sent in their dona'~ Jackson. police department s 60- ,clerk,. and the Post Office De- get their mail from the Kerche- He found one. : 'C~ • * company in Chicago that manu;' Mayor. William ,Connolly re- tions are urged to participate. target plstol, rang~. September 10. partInent, to have a postal sub. val and Marlborough in Detroit. But it contained a recent ship- Monday. AuKUSt13 factured the equipment made a plied to Mrs. (}ra~n's letter that Contributions of, any amount will The 'shoot IS sponsored by the station opened by a merchant «;>n The new building will provide !TIent of shirts and pajamas val- YUGOSLAV OLYMPIC row- 'study, and recommendations of thepl

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Th'ursaay, August 2f, 1.952.. Page Two • 's R OS S E PO IN TE NEW S - .Thursday. Augtj

• IMPUSSIBLE 1'1 Schools to Open 8eptemoer4 -Arm'" Has.Answer Sometimes it is 1] to~Resid~nt's Complaints tell the loud VOiCf : (Continued from Pal~ 1) ..In~s of such ,.children .to enter .. ' " / _. J~, ' i10rity from the std ~~~ K~d~~~ ~rou~K~~~~. ,,' ~-----~~~-~~~~-~-~--~~-~~~~~~--~------~-----~----~- the majority. I JOIN CHESTER'S Four only. Fifth grade pupils 1"'_ P ~tfOrmfedJl.bh':ld'Let~.,~ .th' '.' (CoDtinuetffro~pal~ "1) ',plans 'to 'improve the .defenses Iof each. gun; water and sewerage ------i f h ar~n S 0 a .c 1 ren.o ese. ,,". . .' of the city, as. 'Wc~llas the living .facilities along with many oth~r SHOE CLUB rom t e Vernier District w.ill I' ages wpp were listed on:the :~ay bein~. relqc~ted. ~Anxioris~yawait~, 10 to the. Mason School whIle 1952 census have been wormed 'edatJ)Oth SItes are~be.:Jamlj!swayconditi(ms of the m~n who are Iimprovements in living condi-. • IUY'12 PAI.- Sixth graders fr~~this ar~a will of this policy'byleitei.Parents;.tentS.~hi~g:':wi1l replace the ones defending it. Contracts have tions. This program will 1m- go to Parcells. of children of;these:~~es.:vho.didnow' In use." , ' " : \bee~ let.and construction has' prove the comfort and well-be- 13th PAIR FREE! The Mason SchQol will contain not rec~ive su<;h.nobflcahon ~ay ,The:~I~w :t~tsa,re_sJ1~ped like been started on improvement of ing of the men, and the .ef- • We carry Poll.Parrot, Ch~ld.Llfe grades Kindergarten through make ~n appomtlllent for tes~mg, :Qu~~~!'!t)~'!:!t~,at;ld._~re.msu,lated our defense sites. \ , fectiveness of the city's defenses; .1'umpinr Jaeb, Om"J.) Five. only. Sixt~. g.rade, pupil!? by, calling the Boar~otEdq.cahon,a':Hl;,,~,~,:.e,w~o~e.t.:tfl()~rs; The,~ol- thr:'':lg,l]. ',' r,,' _' <~ '.'. .,'" '" ' • "This constrtlction. i~cludes ac- It will. ~ean th.at' Detroit's AA Boy Seout Shoes Irom the Mason Dlstnct WIll go to TV. 5-20~0"~lC~enslon.33., .', ", d!ers. ",!,e?t. ~roughJa~t ""m~e~ .per!o~s at suc:lj:~~~at ap,:tia,l.r.cr~~evldenced_ 1;>y., the. few, case.s: In :eess roads into,. pOSItions fOr] defenl}e sltes will ho~se better., NlUUl-Bush Shoes for men Parcells! .' ., ~chool O~flC?alseshm~t~ that,h~r"e ,In,'.Q.!d;~aryt,eJl~s.wlthoutIn , tr.atnmi.oel'lteJ;'~::~,~,(l:}?r~;.l3.hs~;which'our men have" violated' keavy guns and eqUipment; ..firm- neighbors in the varIous (lreas . No New 7-B's thIS year will see an all.t~e rec- sulat10~"' Itwasn t.:very comfort- :r'exas,or t!oopS whIle'm .de. 15911 East Warren Senior High SchoC'l Building. --'"""'---- th~~ has, anuprlghtplano, of such ~s gunnery; 'schools;; radarfense positions. in the metropoli- :1t Buckingham The Pierce Junior. High' School P}.on' 'eer Resident whlCh the boys are. very pr~ud. schools, and'eleetronic, courses.- - tan-area is another seriou.s prob- For Informol Living Tu. 5-0863 District now includes all of the It was don~ted by a w.pman. on, "They. are co'nsiantly' traininglem. . The. si~es are generall~ A Real B' Open Fri. and Slot. 'tin 1:30 area included in the Kerby and ,I ~he .other sldt: ?fDetrOlt., There . t th . t' t' ..'.. hiI'.' ,quite :limitedo in. area; the. troops. . h . . '. .Kl.lle'd" en .Crash, IS also a teleVISIon set WhIChwas a. e pres,e.n ': 1me ,,.W .,e- ;man- '; . ... , . .,....' '", '.' , ... RIC aId Elementary School DlS~ h d' t f th b tt' mng tlfe DetrOIt defenses They are hIghly restncted"tothat ..area. . Ribbon E tric.ts as well as that of the Defer, --- fU~~ ase au 0 e a ery train' wpile' hi" garrison; they b.ecause of their operationaln.,1is": ' Food ~~r.\~d !rombly Elementary Mrs, George'. 'Fournier, 79, o~ U " H~veBall :Oiamond turn on defense sites 'in.andslon' .andonly a few can be ,re. Suburbarl' Cherry The Lifeline of Ai c 00 Istncts.. 1367"Balfour road, member of. The soidiers .l:iav~ bull-dozed around Detroit: Theyfrequent-" leased ,ta ti~~ .for passes 01'\, All Se-:en-B pupIls and all pionee~ .Pointe lamily, was kill- outa;rough,basebal1'diamond an.d Iy go to antiaircraft ranges in re~reatlonal'achvl~les. A~a rfs",:, . ud thousands i).' ot~er pupIls, new to t~e Grosse . . .,. . ,' .. , , .less populqted areas ..in Wiscon- ult, th~'men do. not, ",enJoy the Pomte Pubhc Schools In grades ed. Saturday, August ~6, when, some sand was hallled mtblems' seek en)ertai~ment;. in fact they \~~ blInker lIght at ab?ut 30 mIles antiaircraft troops are' here ,.on . "Naturally in a command em- are i~ a combat state of reacli.- ' --,,\ per hour. ,The ,~rlver of the various sites throughout the city bracjngseveral thousand troops, ness. They are responding - .~"'ttr." .. ot~er car IS RobbIe M. Scott. of 'and its suburbs.' we have numerous routine prob- nobly to the challenge of t1'~ese 17/03, Telegr~ph road, Brown-. "Our purpose here is as simple 1 VI h ' t t t _extr.a demands being made upon stone' TownshIp. .. '. ems. e. 8:....e a cons an . urn '-' . . f' . '. as It IS ObVIOUS,yve are here to over df personnel necessitated' them. T\ley have a, mlS"lon 0 " Scott was not InJured .. He was provide, antiaircraft. gun defens~, by the requirement to provide importance t~3,OOO,OOO-people of held ,over the weekend In Ecorse es for the metropolitan Detroit replacements for overseas sta- the metropohtan area ar:d th~ nessespendmg statements from wlt~ area. .with. .its 3000000'.' people and, t'.Ions, on th e 0ther han,d we are ,.facing. that• ,duty. .. wIth lie- - . F .:. . d bIts vltal.lndustnal and transport- get many overseas returnees termInatlon and sl.ncenty., They I' Cherry Mrs, ourmer ,IS surVIve y ation 'facilities. We are here in back into our ranks, many of .know .how to soldIer and to do her husband~ a daughter, .:Mrs. Detroj~ tor the same reason. that them combat e'xperienced. their job .. ~I , I Kenneth SmIth, of McKmley we have troops abroad-to be "W h ,. d' . 1'. .'. b- Future Plans I I road a son Cla.rence of Bal- '.' eave ". ISCIPmary. pro Table's I ' d .' b th ' Ed' d on hand and readym case we lems-no more no less--th

when it'. raining - never rusts or ~eedl painting. Kenneth L. Field-has been pro- INQUIRIIS ANI) ESTIMATIS moted from the rank of Private WITHOUT OILIGATION First Class to Corporal. Kenneth is the son of the George Fields of Welcome ,Waga.n Maintains if Lakeview road, He joined the Air .Force last /Ill:' elcom.ing Service" for SUPERIOR SASH & SCREEN September and has been overseas, nPw comers to Grosse Pointe .. stationed at I'Camp Ashiga' Air It acts on behalf of local, civic' 20460 JOHN R TW. ,2-8033 Force Base in Japan, for the past five months. . minded me.,chan,:ts. TheJrec- .'" ...... ' ommentj that j'OU •

Let Your Savings EARN M~re .'Patronize' .'A Great General ~otors Val~'! ' ... I By Putting Them to .Work at , ,Local 1

.Business , .. ~ No car oft~rs you mor~for.'Your. THE MICHIGAN BANK' '~.,A money-in power, performance. W6ntJer/iii and economy-than the beautiful ..?I;:~ 1951 Pontiac. REGULAR SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 16t'() Pontiac is the .lowest-priced 1~ 51-lOP Drive.it Yourself! straight-eight in America..Pontiac Up To $5,000~OO~I C;o Over $51000 !"7( 11% ""', .at There'. only one way to really feel is the lowest-priced car with Dual- " .JOlesl th, thrill of handlina one of the Ranlle Hydra-Matie Drive*-the mOlt spectacular perf0lmen~ on the road. Come in today and drive it transmission that puts more'sMer Gold Seal Savings Certificates' 2181 younelf. Then listen to our dealand , ease into, drivin~ than'.'You ever $ Per Year' For Five Years. "2'70. l-IOJ'AE find out how am,uj'lgly easy it Is ,thouaht possible. And with. Pon- 21% to own this wonderful 1952PontIac! tiac's new. economy axle cuttint , , . enaine revolutions up to 30%, this Only Wontlmful. Dollar :forDollar is the thriftiest Pontiac ever built ! Come on In and get the fiaures- you eaa't:heMa, . they all add up to one conClusion: -IL~l , You. just can't buy more driving SAVI WISILY! 'WELCOME lYilteage. \ pleasure! .~!'1J".1 tlt.!llra'co,', IOItROW WISIL YI THE • MICHIGAN WAGON .(!r " W, ~It NEWS 1'~atlttrs to 600 WooClw~r~ Ave. WO!I-5100 pl~tUe phone us t!.JetftIme "tut .tU1dressof newcomers. 10 Ih. ''The l' Pointe; ED,. 1-7590 or VA, SIX ~ONVENIENTLY to'CATED BRANCHES SEE'YOUR NEAREST 'PONTIAC DEALER 2-0295. ~ / 1)EPOSITS INSUJlJ:D TO '10.000.00 B'J FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSPJlANCE CORP, 16339

• • .. -~, -, -.,.~

1St 2f. '1952, .' hj Page Tliree .TJiursCl.y, August 2-L '.952 -' " '. GR. ass E'.'P:O... - .:"N,. ..T:E':,N:E'W,S:'- -'. - :. - ~- .- - - - - ~


• - • lMrOSSmLE TO 'I'ELL It'. 5till. a good idea to pay If you thin.k being, a politician .speciai attention to that driver is. easy. try standing on a fence.'" 'Sometimes it is impossible to Look-Out Foils .AII Shined,lJp.to G.o td tl'l~''Ned'di,ng ... . ) to T~ _ .~ • ~,. and keeping one ear the .... lInts J ,'; '\.... j • ' ',' tell ihe loud voice of the mi- in front of the driver behind norityfrom the 3trong voice of Burglars'Pla~s you. ground_ the majority. ter and sewerage Park police receiveq a report \ with many oth~l' shortly before 4 a.m., August 17, in living condi. that a prowler had been seen on og.ram willim- the roof cf. Capt. Shumw~y's bar, at 14948 E. Jefferson. ort and well.be. The arrival of the police scared I, and the .. d. the' burglars off before they had Ie city's defenses. :. taken anything. police believe :" - ..• lat- Detroit's AA . ,,: the man on the roof was a look- rill house better out. The case has been turned }e various Clreas over to the Detective Bureau for are located.'~ investigation. City to Condemn .5-all reveal, A Re(J1 Blue For Parking Lot ..\ The City of Grosse Pointe coun- Ribbon Event cil passed a resolution at its last Food meeting to condemn property on • The Lifeline of America St. Clair between Kercheval and tn new St. Paul to complete the parking and thouS8JIds .of other lot there. apfcnlturaI, industrial; City Attorney Albert Meder said educational exhibits. condemnation proceedings will be' started next week. AND The'property in question, own- apparel Inen, ed by the VanDamme family, is /0,,. nJN GALORE at 618 St. Clair. Offici3ls..said ef- '. ..: ...... ~ '. < , . . -Pic lure by Fred Runnells' forts to buy it have been unsuc- f . JACK HERBERT, former Pointer, arriv,edfrom New X()rk last ..weektbhe, an. attendant in the wedding of}oan cessful. • Rita Weidman and George Matthew Saad, Jr. He drove ouf"in:htsJ~3L.P~.G~~1~g;;stillQoashngits original paint job.. . .i?~ ..- They said its acquisition is nec- ... It.is one of the cars.used by President Herbert, Hoover wh ep~he~?C~.~pi~yt~e}~7hiteHouse. ' '. .,....., ,\ .... raul ano Mary Ford essary to complete the city's off- • • street parking program. Goy LGJDbardo arPtl/tng Jail,! Gene Krdpa's Trio Precision 'Team To FI~ at Show AnnualR.eport Reveals. Busy , Ell. Fitqerald .$49.95 Do. Contell Car Hits Tree; th;h~n~~:~ P~~~~sa:f~~~an~~ ~ ~:~~:~;.ughout their entire per- . YearS for Police in Farms Georli. Gibbs Step :fable Air Force jet precision flight Until the "Bomb-Burst," at the . 22x3Ox25 t, in. AI Martino Driver Unhurt demonstration team, the Sky- close of the p.erforman.ce, thel'r r'n a repor t recen tl'y re1eased Adult arrests, other than for, Harmonicau • blazers, wil~ take place Labor . '.' I I Although he was not injured, 1M Mile Big Car Rae. Day weekend 'at the Fifth An- aircraft wiUbe within' five feet b.y Fa:r~.s P.oli..ce .C.,.h.ief.w~lterR. ..1 ~.~affi~violation~,' numbered 246; 'I Contest Rodeo John A. Butch's 1950 Buick 're- nuaI International Aviation Ex- of one another. • Hoyt, It was revealed that dur-I Juvemle arrests numbered 129. ceived damages estimated at position, it was announced this A sellout of b5'x and reserved ing the period frOlI1July 1. 1951 '.Fines turned over to the city Lynch Death Dodgen $500, August 15, when he' lost fP'lope'Z's .\ Irish Horan Helldriverli control of the car and it jumped v.:eek. seat tickets for the Exposition through' June ao, of. this year, clerk's office from Justice Court I . The three-day air show will his departrrH~ntanswered a cases and the Violations Bureau t 150 Mile \lidget Car Race t.he curb 'near the intersection of ICot'ner Table be held August 30-31, September was predicted by William Breech, total of 2463 calls. reached a total figure of $8,245.20, ~. Parades - Fireworks 1 "E" Street and Sunningdale and Grosse Pointe " 1 at Detroit- Wayne Major Air- Jr., chairman of the advance There were)06 cases of simple $2X32x26 in. ,I slammed into a tree. $51,75 Butch, who lives at 3140 Cass port. ticket sale committee. l::lrCeny;with loss or damageo! NEIGHBORS SHOCKED avenue, Detroit, was ticketed for Recently returned' from Eur-, "This year's pre-sales;" Breech $1,936.50,of which $956 werere- 170 Ib Kerchevo! TUxedo 2-7230 ope whe;re they put on 256 per- declared, "are exceeding that of covered. Loss., or damage of When some- men act like live _i reckless, driving by Woods police. I formances in' three years, the last year and of 1950 when we $2,362.21'resultild fl~oinnine in- w.i:res,.it's usually their friends four-man Skyblazer team will gathered nearly 200,000 persons stances'o{;grand'larceny. '.. The and. neig1:lbors who are shock~d. VACATION TIME fly through. acrobatic' maneuvers to our' shows. At this rate, with .depai-tmenf recovered" $842 of ---~--~-- .in close formation at near 600- the greatest and most complete the amount., . The regularly scheduled meet- miles-per.hour. demons~ration of air power in Thirty-one,. cases . of breaking ing of the Farms council which Considered .to be the top pre- the history of aviation, we will and entering -resulted in a loss was to have been held Monday cision flight team in the business, top all previous records' for at- of $5,409.16,0£ which $2,840.71 night, August 18. was postponed the Skyblazers will fly Republic tendance. were recovered.' Thiriy-eight in- Our lady Queen-of Peace Churc~ until Monday night, August 25 F-84-G "Thunderjet" fighters and A new layout of"the Contin- stances of destrl+etion 'of prop- because of lack of a quorum. will appear daily during the ental Motors Trophy Race course erty broughtanetloss~n dam- three-day show. .for midget racing. planes will ages of $409. . Also appearing on the program enable spectatorsAo view at all 'Farms, police rt~covered' 20 will be the U. S. Navy "Blue times the six pylons that mark stolen. cars during theyear.Nin~ Angels," better known to lU. S. the 21jz-mile cpurse.New records were recovered for other de- audiences because of earlier per: are anticipatect this year in view, partments. a~. formances with Grumman F-9-F of the record number !'If en- Traffic accidents, totaling 303, "Panther" jet fighters. trants in the 200-mile per n6ur r.esulted in: over' $44,000 in dam- The USAF team is comprised event. Pr;.ze money will total ages and 52'~injuries. Chief Hoyt _/'*"\ of four veteran pilots of the ,12th $20,000. reporfed. that there had 'been .no Air For c e, Furstenfeldbruck, The leading race. pilots of the traffic deaths. . Germany, who . developed ~heh: nation will, compete,in thi~e aowever,the report disclosed act to sell the nations of the heats each of the three days. that there had been one accident'- North Atlantic Treaty Alliance ------a] .death by drowning of a 62- (NATO) on American flying skill MAN-MADE CONDITION year-old man, off the Grosse fi,I,' " , .. ! - L .. and manufacturing know-how. It The adversity of today is sure- Pointe ...Clup:. There were two. was the Skyblazers flying before ly a man-made condition-and it suicides, one/a ~.woman aged '45, millions of European spectators is up to man ,to remedy it. and theother~ a"man,. age457~ ~'-~~,~!t~h::!!O:::~;~;~:;e and military heads that helped ------1R~ ...~convince Europe of American air power when the threat of communist action was strongest.' Three.Bedroom Ranch Home To Be Given Away They have been officially cre- dited with contributing to Euro- 11841'han~l-,r_Pa.r~ Qrm-'l_Hillcred pean confidence in American de- } . fense plans for Euroge. The team leader is Major Har- ry K. Evans, of Heaters, West Virginia, and a former World Kltehen by War II fighter pilot. Others 'are w. ~ordially ,Invite Captain C. C. Pattillo and his . Grosse" Pointers to Visit twin brother, Captain C. .A. CURTIS MOWER,' foe. (Bill) Pattillo, of At 1 a nt a, O~r .New, Modern Shop Georgia, and Captain. Lawrence 'Ii! Damewood, of Roanoke, Vir- • BICYCLES ginia. Here's friendly family living in !. crisp . , America's most wanled vacuunl cleaner The F-84-G is in the 600-mile • ACCESSORIES an hour class and is equipped blue-and-white model kitchen planned • PARTS • REPAIRING I for inflight refueling. The Sky blazers were organized by the Curtis M~wer orga'nization. in October, 1949. A complete stock of tricycles, During the Detroit demonstra- .~tos and other wheel goods ~V"~ Time-savers and work.savers abound 1n Use it! Test it! .~~~~1t;~~tion, Hie Sky blazers will begin ~~:~;f1 with basic maneuvers, then go the miracle-working \VESTINGHOUSE into loops; rolls, cuban eights, ,,';1 Compar. ItI See how this . '~>~f~~~clovedeafs, . chanclelles, immel- appliances • •. including the "Frost- '\i famous "No dust bag to empty". manns, and others, until they Allied Cycle. Shop Free" Refrigerator (completely automa- "':.i~"::''': reach the degree whereby their 16300 E, Warren, corner 3-Mile vacuum cleaner can .cut your home Republic ~l\-84-G . 7'Thunderjets" will seem ~o move as one air. tic defrosting) Speed.Electric Range to .cleaning time In half! Sell.. keep. kitchen "flower.fresh" by stop- yourJ4!lf on Lewyt in J> • Good News 'for Fa" .•• watch controlled heat, Laundry Tv-tins your own homel by Westinghouse wash, rinse and dry

...:, .... :'It .. _ Write, or call us ,~ I"'" - your clothes at the switch of a dial! ..• -d;:::;>_ fotors Value'! : today! ,di' - ,id While Westinghouse's Dehumidifier- ..{/iY ;; '$~1~~~:~r:t~~ , If ,,::; keeps basement dry and sweet. . ;;:- .,' ~! ,; ~~~ lore for your Home to Be Given Away Odober 12 performance the beautiful west-priced ./ ".•• Just erica. Pontiac Arrived ar with Dual. westingh6U~e' Appliances Drlve"-the At Whaling'sl ts more sheer . by lan, you ever $ Id with Pon- .' This distinctive weave, so satisfying to the connoisseur . axle cutt~ni " ) to 30%, this Only TUxedo of c1othes,is now available in gray and brown ... in 5ingl~. CURTIS MOWER, Inc. ac ever bunt! 1.1j' 1-5454 anddouble~breisted styles. Whaling's personaliz~d the fiiures- '.Y"'.II'" fitting' insures you of superio~ comfort. 16915 Harper Avenue le conclusion: • (~. wlt~ 1 lft,dllllUIS' more drivin, TUxedo 5-3206 'ti,,",JI at ~t,a fIDIt. 72.50

" The Queen's Home is open every day Monday through Friday FENSKE'S 1:00 to 9 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 10:00 to 10:00 p.m. APPLIANCE HOUSE Whaling.s:- . Open Thurs.) Fr1. NIghts t'> It ~UJetlIl, t'The Piau to Gn for tbe Na.mes You Kfl,OW" Furnishinas by ,611 Woodward 6329W.7Mile:Road Carpeting by OWENS CO. .. R Open 9 A.M. t~ 6 P~M. Daily Open Thursday, and Friday'Evenin~5 16339 E. Warrell Cor.. Courville C1flltJs.'M,J." . S6Ilud.YJIO 6 P.M. 0' GROSSE POINTE .-,--.-.~. 1 ' \ .. -IL~,.,-_-,-.-..-.-.-.,-.-,-.-.,-,-,-..-. -.-,-'-.-.'-,,------.- ...-'.-_-..-,-":_J"-,.,-~~-_-~-.. -.-."""!.-~...... ----a~v-.-!"!!.~.....""'!_ ... ~._.,.~;;;: ...L;:>_UW"iIl'!'.j!lll'"I"!!,$I¥, .>-Z""'. -----4---,..,.-.~,!-, ...... - ...... -.,';-, .... -, ...... , ~_.,--:;a~,.?...... ,?-. ,..., ,~:....,.~--~ .....,.,...~...... """'!"":' ...... __ -, ...... , ~':"""':""'!""'"""-~~""""7""~ __ ---:-- -_------:----:-_-_.---


"-_98 Four N!W S'. ThursClay, Augur,

Har.perWoods M.asons Hold. p...oi-Lutk p.letHe.. I Success, ~ays a Wr.-iter,.1.'.11 thr. ee New V.F.W. Post Seeks Memb'ers .' .. .,.. . parts ability; two puts lUck; and Vows Exch , ~ . Exc~q,nge ..The new Harper WoodsMa- W~~er~ichhbrn, ~ p-ast master I five parts h8:vmg ih! right wife. The first meflting of the new by Commander William Ash, Marlene L. Ulrich , sonic groliph:eld a pot4uck.pic- of Pillar Lodge and a member I ' . . . Veterans of Foreign' Wars post, were in charge. Representatives ' C. } ..pel exchange( . .'/...... , .. Club,~8o:ld8, ':.. ~.-"", '~fiitL'SUhdaY:i AUgust 17f in of the Masonic .World staff, has i Many people Who pass .for held August 12, at Perm a Stone from most East SidEf communi- Bettlusl,:o/the growih 'oflhIGtf?j.t~:l?o;"t"to#t.lnu~itj. vows Wednesday nj Chim.tUerP~rk. acted as formation chairman. Iiiberals 31:ejusttoolaz:r to_~lck. candlelight ceremony I Hall, 19750 Harper, was a suc~ ties were present. the slJbs_que.I.;",r.iIS~tl 'H'.roll",fffii. /•. "hI, fJ~1Jli&. ' weeks the group ....." ... "-- .- II. 'First :;Meet.., ritirifigreceht in Peace Lutheran C] i: cessful one, Steve Petrik, publi- Petrik said veterans wishing to .1choolj} the' Grou~ Po';"l. SehofJl BblWd btls'-f11~ .st;mt '0 .;;... " ,'.\' n. 'd' 'b'y' P"a's't' ,G'r'a'h' d ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1i •• Ii. ii.* jj •• ~ .'it •• a._.li: .. Ii •.•• The bride is the d city officer, said. . join are eliiible to j become " .. "-,,-,,-'-',, >.', .',' ft' .. sex l.e :~.... . • still. tiPpo;.;",,,;. It) Ih. lJi6ttlfti .flltuW~S, '. i' . . '. Mr. and Mrs. Williarl Third (V.F.W.) District of . ,Thene-w'~x(1hiillgeClubof~Mll!!ter M6i'ganJ., Smead. ,ahd • ~ ," if charter members. Korean vet- Thtu "ppOi,,'mtIJIJ blillj tilso b~clluse ,of Ih. r' • Sr., of N. Colonial ~ Michigan staff officers, headed erans are eligible. li''''. ~~, "eell to r,plilte thol' I••chit's It''tI.~t I.h•. PublIc. Sthool'sys. Gi:088e'P6iHt~~jfi~t,J:o:rthefifsffoUrld,t6b~pr(}1iCient in their " bridegroom's parents ~ ,~Itm for "'IISO"'O/ tr';u!ir,ot'e:/'rtmt.1i,. ~.. . ,,:.,,' ...., '. time6hThijtjdi~;('A4gti8tt4; ~6i'k;The ,grouP. waS . assured Mrs. Elmer W. Apel,' Like on Old K.eepsalce • • • , . 8ywllY of i'#f'j)Jutlio~,Il['lh~i{if'I"ljol thil#f~1! U1h~:' 'WyftnWiltets;.W~s'; ~lected'-that.theiffJOiiJl11t,,,1s''bil,n be", to"fi"ffl,J.l)Uf'/~g the ;~O",~ . bride, served as mai ~ mgtnonihs untJl school r,op.th;n,~b('f..ll/lh, .hlog,.".phijJj ll~tti~~,.~~are~a:ry",;~~'~Arthut. te~::r'group willho1d meetings • Barbara Ann ApeL ~1 of "twl,lIche1'j will JpptMi';'IICh!ssif'l i-" . C, Dannecker; treasuJ;er. "in .teffetson Masonic Temple, 10...... : '" .' The' cluD is ..operating undeI' dated ofiEleven Mile road. be- We Carry j the Nation', Finest Lint • ------. the' auihtJNty ..ti1Tli~ NatIoiuil -tweetI Jefferson avefiuellnd Hiir- of Hunfers' Clotbing Clnd AcceSiories ExchaligeCliIh.. . , 'I pet. .... ~ .'.... 'Cl ... ,' .. ,. .- . .Thosetaking part In formmg • CHIPPEWA • DRY8AK .r bur men w.~re a150, named,:. to. this new lodge represent 25 dif- . st!rve .on th~ execuU\'e'member.;; terent Mas6nicLodges extending • "500' WOOLENS • REDHEAD ship 'colll.mittee, • whiCh' is how, from Ireiand and Canada to 6 • "COMFY" all.down insu. • AMERICAN FII:LD functIoning.', '" , '., ..'Staies,irtcluding Michigant in I.ted • "BALL 8....ND .. BOOfs They ate Mr. Waiters; Mi'; Ofr, the United States. • WHITE STAG "WIGWAM" SOX Arthur IM:Pie,ters ahd Raymond' ." . • • J. Ir~~itUi:eitb'hoicimeetingS 25 YEARS OF EXPERT FITTING Th. B•• IilArchery Tackler .every Tuesday at 6:30 . p:m. in the War, Memorial Center, 32 You bow~at1d.arrow hunters may' choose here from KODIAK, Lake Shdre drive. The first local Exchange. Club GRlztL Y, . POLAR. and CUB BOWS • • • and ASP, BEAR, was formed fu Detroit on March INDIAN and AMERICAN ARROWS! Gloves, targets, CIIu1"'tl't 27, 1911, by Charles A. Berkey lind a number ofhi!i friends and ,and other access~;'ies. SHOES tor the ENTIRE FAMILY business ..assoCiates. . From the day of formation' of Air i)tep • Arne~icciri Girl Outdoor Range and Free Archery Lessons the first Club, 42 years ago, Ex- FOR WOMEN change has . expanded steadily, -~,.'. waONO- electing to membership in the NUNN.8USH .. ROBLEE he.ding toe

/' STARTS FRIDAY MORNING AT 1:30 Selling! . Tuesday, August 26-at 1 p.m. and • p.m, Also Wedn~sday, August 27. at 8 p.m. Thisls.the,-Greatest Selling. Event of the Year .•• Your TWO DAYS ONLY 6pp~~tunity to StockUp on Brand New, Weare selling ~ery fine, fu~ilituJre;m'odern and antique, fr~m Yorkshire road, Grosse Pointe r Deme,ry-quality, Fashion. Apparel ... Home also contents of ;a fine apartmeriVand other collections. . Needs ... Back-to-SchOo.1 TOg5 •.. All at EXCEPTIONAL Dining room and bedroom suites, livingroom sofas, chairs and settees. GranClfa:ther's. clocks, SAVINGS! A. two small-size' grand pianos, '.radios, early Am~ri- BOY' 5 can and European. antiques. Rare porcelains, lamps, mirrors, s~veral tpaintings, oriental rugs, Open Friday and'Saturday Nights till 9 P.M. All-Vleet Mackinaws including large si~es. SilverWare, etc. with alpaca linings Charge Purchas.s-Not Due till October and m'outon collars On 'View Now;

. '

Here's ~ typical Peter Pan value < • Also Monday .-_=- ======--=-===-.-.=-==-=:cc:lI======:::::.:II==-----.., one that will -excite great interest. These fine. WMm mackinaws are DO YOU KNOW ••• carefully tailored throughout, of ALL.WOOL PLAID MACKINAW CLOTH, . in DuMo.uchelle H~w convenient and easy it is to shop at Demery's? So easily -,

brown or blue plaids, double breasted and 'I . , 'belted, Sizes, 8 to. 12 ye~rs. Iccessible from ANY part of Detroit! Enioy AMPLE PARKING A...• ..•• rtG.alle.-.. .0._. ries CO. 409.lad Jefferse-. Avenue Charge Accounts Available, or ask ',' , ~9SEPH N. OU MOUCHELLE 'Auction.~, and ApproiNi about our convenient D.B.A.. WOodward ].6255 '17405 Kereheval--in the Village

______~ _ .. - ... .-..-. ..'.....~_...... -...... -C_'O-_._._.._- ....d ...... - -'- ...... ~ __ ~.~ , '


Jst 2', 1952 Thursday, August 2,...r 952 Page Five a writer, is three o parts luck, and .' There is no substitute' for in. M~st of us are so bent finan-I Success has the habit of com- When age scolds youth it -Vows Exchanged By Candlelig.ht telligence-:-the nearest'thiIlg to dally that -it should be easy to ing around when you are busy should remember that virtue g the right wife. JohriEhr.lich Mrs:Wallaee , .' it is silence. make, botn ends .meet. I and least expect it. often consists in being fed up. Marlene L. Ulrich and 4rthur Ibridegroom, .and M:.rgaret Hebb, who pass for e. Apel exchanged ma~riage I the bridegroQm's cousin, were. too la~y to kick. vows Wednesday night in a bridesmaids, and Paulette M. candlelight ceremony at 7:30 p.m. Ladarh, cousin of the bride acted Grosse Pointe store hours: 9:3(} 10 5:30 •••••••••••••• in Peace Lutheran Church. as flower girl . • .. , The bride is the daughter of Brother of tl).e bride, Corp. • l'J .


-~", . ' ...e- .. , Dapper /Dorm Dandies .. ',~ for your on-campus study and snooze life

Campus-minded pajamas like these make an art of smart lounging, and studying at ease ... then keep you cozy from yawn to dawn. They're colorfast and shrink- resistant for long wearability . . . and , styled for comfort plus.

A. Striped cotton seersucker, with knit turtle neck, waistband, wristlets and anklets. Blue or red with white stripes.. Sizes 32 to 38. )ur 5.95

B. Cotton knit i-top pajamas with broadcloth contrasr.ing trousers. Turquoise with rose, coral with blue, peach with kelly; sizes 12 to 18. , 5.95 AL

C, :qolman.sleeve balbriggans with sharp chevron striped top, and elasticized waistband: Red with grey, navy with red. Sizes small, medium, large. S,9!

D. Striped cotton .broadcloth tailored pajamas with roomy, full-cut trousers' and shirt tbp, by Paja- master. Red, green or blue. Sizes 32 to 40. 3.95


/ '"

.> i

• ,e- nit t _e. C t :, ...._t_~. p' net ie.,p.'m 'P' e' • ods. • _n. .'. *_., ",

. (

~ . - . Th.ursday, AUej Page Six GR 0 SSE P 01 N T'E NEWS Thursday, August 2 r. 'r 952 '. - i Ann Kamper Fe-' Students Givell, Credit at Camp ., Detroit. Parking,'Laws"Tigfitened IP.oi~~e~an,;Ho,me:A!ter At Sunday SW1ml Fan,cySwimm,er '.' . . '. , '.. ILong AIr Force ServIce --,' ... Among the 50 students who I versity while developing insip;ht Startmg Monday, August 18, 'hopeful 1 voluntary ,comphance I . . - ...- ' Ann Kamper W~ ~ .... i ~ worked at the University of I and skill in case wcrk. The I Detroit park,ing .r~guiations winlcould betlbtai~ed.'. . '.! ;Sgt~"'Wade ,Pulliam, Airman I ~wlmmmg party A i .::.,Michigan Fresh Air CampIor I university students, in educa- be m 0. r e rlg~dl)~ enfarce~ I•. l'W.earen~t mte.restedlfl:wnt-lfnst class, h~s> l'~turned home i the guest af hOT: ~ Boys that clased l~st Monday,' tion, . sociDlagy, and psychology" throughout, thp, CIty by an 88- jmg tickets;" he ,saId. "We would lafter completrng ~uryears of.j hauseguest and £011 , , " -- " ,- -. .. - ',-'" ,- ,-' - / 1 . were Lora S. Franklln, of Moran I, .. '. 'afficer,-policesqua~ farmed for, llr~ther nat have ,ta~rJte,a?Y:, ~ervice in,the Air Farce. Heis : road. a graduate in psychology,! ~r€ Dffered practI.cal. ~xperlence I at Westover, Rest.! that purpcse. ."tIckets. Bu~,l w~t toe~phaslZe, the sanot Mr. and Mrs. Ralph :. and Peter B. JDhnstone. af Grosse I In the study of mdividual and Middlebury, Conn. i T~e downta.,,:,n area,. otner ithatwe. wII~,wntea,bc}{et,far Pulliam of 218 Merriwl.!ather ~ Pointe boulevard. a graduate in I group behavior. busmess areas 1n the. CIty and every violatlonweobserve." 'd' •. , : clinical psychology, I' ~-.--~- m~jor arter.ial,s~r~ets w~ll all re~ He . p()intedo~tt~a.,t.a new I O~gt. PI11lian1 setved overseas As cDunselars' far' some 240 The future af our country i celVe m~xI~um -a:entron frDm sche~ule ofparkmgfill'~s ~ou~d in Air 'Forc'e head uarters at .:: Michigan boys. they' received; pends upon the, sound, the parkmg squad. .ga mtc effect soon; Fmeswlll W 'b d.' ... G n q Full Assortment .:.-.academic credit fram the ul?-i-I thinking of its citizens. The parking p"ogra1n was. pra-be materially raised. The' ooa,rp' gSfa. en't' :rma Y'. ht CARPET~ posed' by the "Department ofcincreaseshould disco. urage, .the t d,edorGeen,er~n~ ehB :e~~c~s C i 0, Streets im.d Traffic and approved majOl'ity of people, but iorthose ,end e t. .Jro~s,~, Mo~nl'te Ig d 0.0 'c '1 f 11' h 't d' d th an.. S OnU S 1 1 ary Aca emy of Potte-d Roses RUGS B by .C°1~mdan, OUnCI, 0, OWInhi~ha W"IOlbaret~ k t l,~courage ere at :Oelafield,WiscDnsin. tYPlCa150~~~~tiomay s S'Urvey~~e mobe"edw c WIRo~. e C.IC Hug~I~~s~ntd~e s, ~~e_w_a_sH' d'~_c~a_~_e~~u_g_u_s~_.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h d A t 4 1.--....----..------__ ~~~~~~~~~_ .. c by department employ~s. rectotof the Depa~tment': of ------35 On the same day only 1,500 Streets and Traffic cited ~everal parking tickets were issued. benefits expected to result :fram-:: FAST SE, AbDut one violator in every ten the new program. Elimination of was given a ticket.. rush hour parking violations will " The new squad is' under the .cut travel time and make for a McCOY & cammand of Inspector' Ralph smoother flow of traffic he said. MINK prices at Annis CARPET C Bonifield: Eventually the squad -Detroit Free Press Photo will pe 'equipped 'with 55 tluee- The fellow. who, locks for JUDY ELLIOTT 15720 Hi I wheel matorcycles, ' trauble generally tries to avoid (At Bal: Judy .Elliatt, 13, daughter of Inspector Bonifield said he was it after it comes. '-. .. Mr.' and Mrs. Glenn El1iatt~of TU. l-t Barringtan road, is leaving Sun-. are lowest in years! OPEN THUR~ day fcr, Ormond' Beach, Florida, U:"JTIL 8:: to compete in the National Out- doar 'Synchronized Swimming Me~t. ',She will be accompanied. \ by her mother. • , Synchronized swimming is a "water dance" set to music. Last' year, Judy competed at ( p'attonPoal in Detroit for out- SELECTIONS are at doar synchronfze honors and was the youngest competitar .. She finished sixth in the finals. Beautifull~ Judy holds several medals and Wrappec. 11 at no ~JJi..'i-~ traphies for speed swin1ming, their peak now! DC(~t.00~fcl and at the ,age of 10 she won the I!:xtra Chef' ~ novice diving championship of the City of Detroit. NEVER MIND THE PIGGY BANK, DAD ••• Far the past three years Judy USE OUR DEMERY CHARGE ACCOUNT! has given many exhibitians. , 1ust Her caach, Mrs. Rose Watsan, Clip Coupon and "'fail . .is returning from the Olympic Games at Helsinki, Finland, ~~ 15210 HOUST' ------~-~~--_._. ------_._------_.- where she was sliccessful in hav- This charming velvet "slouch" Demery's, Inc., Credit Dept. ing this type af swimming in- may be worn in a multitude of COMPARE! cluded in the future Olympic Detroit 2. Michigan , ways with most types of sports Games. apparel. It represents most un- Gentlemen: usu4I1 vlllu& at $5. Ei9h'~warm HOUSEHOLD HINT fall colors, plus bleck or navy. I too would enjoy the convenience of a DEMERY Here's a hint for berry pickers CHARGE ACCOUNT, and herewith make application. I : who may get stains 'on rayon : clothes. If it is a washable rayon, Just in-other fall casuals! and Name ..• , ..•.••••••••••••••.• , ....•••.....••••••. rinse the stain thoroughly with a:essy creatio;ns.-in fine 'lielvets warm water and if the stain'per- Address •••.••••••••••••..•.•• Phone '.•••.•.•.•••• , "nd felts sists use a mild bleaching solu- Employer •••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •• ,.." ~ . tion (on .white fabric anly) and EAST GRAND RIVER AT LIBRARY Bonk Ref. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• then rinse in a weak salution af Hours: 9:45 to S:lS-Mondoy to 8:30 vinegar and water. For non- WOOTTON Millinery , have accounts at ••• " " , washable rayons. sponge with Signature ., ••..••••...... ••...... •.••• lukewarm water immediately. 17008 Kercheval ••• in the Village CJ 30 doy charge 0 Literature on D.B.A. _ recommend Michigan State Col- •••• .,. , lIege hame economists.

Campus Story: GIRL MEETS BOY, SHIRTS .. EverJbody loves our cotton b 0)' shirts by Shapely Classics' •••

clcreer girl, scholar and the 'Jou.ng of heart! Practical, they're dunkable

even in a washing machine ••• corne O(lt sparkling bright. I _~ ------~,_~ ------_

------_, ..

A. Charcoal grey, black, white, red or navy cotton with white 'pique wing . collar. Sizes 10 to 18. 4.95

B. lavender, red black or grey c".li- co print shirt with Peter Pan collar. Sizes 1Q to 18. Cardig; 4.95

C. BIlle, maize, pink or white Ox- \'V ford cloth shirt with button-down collar. Sizes 10 to 18. ""\1 ' 3.95 lour first says ,,V on: D. Interesting vivacihu~ plaids, with Nelly DOl white pique collar' and cuffs, plus a of silk, th pert tie. Sizes 10 to 18, 4.9S to keep it coatdress E. La'vender, red, black or grey calico Black, co' print or chambray Gibson Girl shirt. navy. 12 t / Sizes 10 to 18. 4.95 •

Before you make any plans, 8ee our complete collection of the smartest fashions evet: to grace a•campus: K ERe H E V A L ' A T S T. C L AIR

.Jl .\, { ~ - ~ " --, -'.~'''' .i.,- ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 211!'-1I3J1!1~IIIIII...... 1!!IlI1IlI!I..... 2!1idll,,!IICIl,l,.$I,IIIIIIII... ; ..., IJI) .glll .....q....¥lIIelll,..... g,.aJlllll..... $... IIIllI~...,.~ ..... IIIIIII,I..... ~I!IIII!,:...... IIII."!i.~.....~ .....~~ .... ~~~ ...... - ..--:-'.-...~-~-~--~ ------.

.. •

Pag& $even Th.ursd.y, August 2 iI 1952 - ,G R 0 S SE PO f N TEN E W S Ann Kamper Fetes Guest Nancy Bergmall ,Parties Honor At Sunday Swimming Party Engaged Bride-Elect Betrotha I:;Told ~ August Bride' I Sally Frost' Ann Kamper was hostess ;.\t- a swimming party August 10, wher! A New York wedding trip l. Sally Frost who will beco~e ,CLOSE-OUT 'PRICES the guest of honor was her followed the, l?arriage last' Sat-, Mr~.. Maurice Clark Perkins,. Jr., ,. house guest and former' classmate urday morning at 10 o'clock ',of on Sept. 5 is. plunging into. a on our entire stock of at Westover, Hester Northrop of Nancy Harris Bergman, daugh- . whirl of pre-nuptial parties.

'e .truck fltld limper Middlebury. Conn. tel' of Mr. and Mrs: John George: First hostess' 'was. Ja Scherer C Bergman of st. Clair $hores, and ~ who feted Sally and Maui:fc~.at a Illmous 'ALBA i hose John William Parthum, son of supper party las~ Saturday ~ve- ning in .the ' Lake "Shore road Mr, ~nd Mrs. John W" Parthum While the stock lasts •• we art selling out ALL ALBA ho~e of her parents. I , CARPETS and of Kensington road. Suki Anderson of .Bloomfield HOSE at COST. Come in while we have ALL SIZES The ceremony took: place in Hills followed su1t on Sunday and ALL LENGTHS •• in 30, 51 and 60 gauge •• and St. Paul's on the Lake and was' ' for the engaged pair. in the BEST COLORS. Black, brown and navy heels. ~oses RUGS BOUND On Aug: 27, Mrs. Ezra W. ? followed by a reception at the ' Lockwood and Mrs. Gage Coop- Here are TWO EXAMPLES OF HOW YOU WILL c per Detroit Yacht Club. er will be hostesses at a pantr)r SAYE~ Nancy wore white, marquisette . shower in Mrs. Cooper's home 35 yard .for her wedding and carded. a .on Buckingham road and a FAST SERVICE bouquet of white, stephan'otis and : kitchen tea is being planned by Rec. 1'.15 Alba Hose .. ~. ~$1.00 ,~ a white orchid. Mrs. Edward F. Lambrecht and ,': Gowned in toast and chart- Mrs. Richard W. Bachmann. Reg. 1.&0 Alba Hose .... ,. 8&c McCOY & SONS , ,:j' " ,,:;, j', reuse net were the bridesmaids .Planning to entertain for the '" ".l ,. 1 . -PI"ture bv Paul Gaeh me ud'mg Mrs. P eter J osep h F ar- Mr. and Mrs. Ellis' C. Wood of bride-elect after her": wedding .Mr. a~d Mrs. Clarence Giles of CARPET COMPANY M I S S S U Z ANN E GRACE go, matron of, honor; and' Mrs. "W;estchester road announce the trip are ..Mrs. Edward Ives Jr., So'merset road announce the enol NOTE: If/e are scllin.g out the ,ALBA lin6, and will REEK IE, daughter of Mrs. Sher- Andrew BarHe Fraser Jr., ~ary engagetllent of their daughter, Mrs, N'oble Travis and Mrs. Lin- gagement of their daughter, 15720 HARPER carr)' full selections of the celebrated "j\lOJUD" woo,d Reekie of Renaud road, and Beverly Bergman, Ellen Doug. NOEL ANTOINETTE,' to Harry coln Gibson Jr.. JEANNE LOIS" to, Rkhai-d Kei~h (At Balfour) the late Mr. Reekie whose en- las Bergman, and Mrs. James Ed' d L 'f M I stoCkj11gs . d Paver, 'Sbn of Capt. and Mrs. WIl- TU. 1..6088 gagement was ann~unced last Arthur Younger of Menominee.' war ong, son 0 r. an week. They carried ivy bouquets. Mrs. Robert Long of North Mus- John A. Bloodsworths .' ., liam H. Paver of Belville, N. Y. OPEN THURS. AND FRI. The bride"room-elect is WH- Serving as best man for his kegon, Mich. Home 'From Europea~ Trip , Both.. attend Michigan State Col- UNTIL 8:30P.M. liam Coda BOYdell, son of Mr. brother was Donald James Par- Miss Wood attended Albion lege, WOOTTON Millinery and M~'s. Clarence Boydell of th.71m whi1~ ushers. were 'the C;ollege. Mr. Long is a graduate Mr. and Mrs. John A. Blood-, No wedding date has been set. I Berk:>hll'e road., bJ Idegroom s c 0 u S 1 n s, James.. . " . worth are back in their Devon------' 17008 Kercheval ••. in' the Village ' d t f G Malcolm and Douglas Suther oj AlblOn and )s now attendmg shire road home after 10 beauti- Good advice: If we waste it I' SLie IS a gra ua e 0 rossE' -.' ',. Pointe Country Day School and land; John Edward Roney and Dental School' at the Umverslty ful weeks spent traveling on the when we have it, we won't have Ogontz Junior College, She is a Andrew Bartie Fraser Jr. of Michigan. continent.,.1 , it when we need it.. ,. member of Junior League and Sigma Gamma. Bill is a graduate of the Uni: versity of Michigan and a mem- ber of Alpha Delta Phi. He served two years in the Navy. \ TREATED FOR BURNS EXTRA VALUE!. Dr. Clarence Candler treated young Lynn Glover for first and second degree burns on her back and legs on August 9. Lynn's I faiher. Victor Glover, explained! that she had fallen into a pan: of hot water while playing at Snug Warmth. for Girls home, at 1684 Brys drive. Lynn 15~10 was taken to St. John's' Hos- ot the end of Whittier-Detroit pital for observation and further Phone VE. '-5200 treatment. Milium in Oakdale's 100% Wool II Sflhlrt shop for women

) Chatham Fleece Coats





" \\ hitc. rcd . , e pIque" 109

4.95 Exclusively~rith Jacobson's in Michigan, and made or gre\ cali- to our o,\yn'specifications and design! You'll ' , I r Pan collar. Cardigan Dress -' seen. in recogniz~the superb quality of these fleece coats 4.95 as S00TI'aS you. see them . '.. with" their linings of th~ ,finestjridescent Milium, and their' practical 'r whi(E' Ox- \Vo'l11all's I-lome Companion: • I,' let~d~wn hems for longer, more serviceable wear. hulton-down I L. c. "Your first black dn;ss may be 'cottonH 3.95 A. :'Single-breasted coat with raglan sleeves and velvet. trim. says Woman's Home Companion and features I Beige, copper! blue or red. Sizes 7 to. 14. plaids, with Nelly Don's,own wonderful Ottoman. Has the bloom " ,29,95 cuffs. plus a of silk, the Everglaze~ soil and crcasc~nsistant finish .3. Two-piece coat set! with warmly Hned, matching leggings. 4.95 to keep it wiltless. Done in a smart cardigan Beige, copper,' blue or red~ Sizes 3 to 6x. coatdress with puffed stitching to give a quilted look. $25 ,r gre~' calico Black, coco'a, moss green, lilac, rust. Also wine, It >n Girl shirt. navy. 12 to 40 and 12Y2 to 20Y2: 14.95 C. Pre-teen coat with .cuffed sleeves and high tab collar. Red, 4.95 copper! blue or beige. Siz.es10 to 14. D. Our New 'phone Nllmber- TU. 4-1540 $35

I f • D. Teen single.breasted coat with raglan sleeves and four-gore IN' back. Copper! 1:-eigc,red, grey or blue. Sizes 9 to 15. 39,.95 ...

Matching clip-on hats, rimmed with genuine mouton lamb.

3.95 OPPOSITE KERCHE,{A~ AT S T. C LAI R' 20445 MACK AVE. HOWARD JOHNSON'S : L A I R erosse pointe woods • •

1 ___ ~~_~-.... ------.-...... __...... ,..... 'wd...... '.M ... <...... , •• ,...... ')n..,fti" -.$~.'f tir~trin#i' .~'ftif'*'ff'- ~~~j5riitif*.ttf.ti ..#&~i*t~~ji.i¥inin.-.ir.? i. a's s' • - M '\ \ ! Thursday, August 2 r, "952 Th'ursClay, Augusl Page Eight GRaSSE' PO IN-IE NEWS ------1

Society, News 'Gathered From.A.}1. - - 1 • - of thePointes Wo~ From Another Pointe ointe Bride's Parents Hosts Ber~ud

...... ""'LEONT;N~ °and of VieWt A week 'irom thts Thursday MAI!'y,At Garden Reception .. ~ FolloWE By MR. and MRS. LEROY SPEN- LOUISE-KEANE will be host- ,oJMrs.'- - - Dona:ld'-, ' - LeiIieAdams- .' ',. ,-, - • esses Friday evening in their Mr, and Mrs, Albert P. Teenal Give Reception in Gardens Jan. Sehermerhor1t CER 'wi1l1eave their home on Mr. and Mrs. GeD Cloverly road tomaketheiihome home on Harvard road at din~ Of Home Following Marriage of Daughter, Nancy ner and,.. naeet4J.g of the: local AHer Weddin( in J San Francilico .where they Alice, to Donald Leslie Adams of Pontiac All Summer long ••• a familiar and fetching Pointe pic- will occupy a 13-roomapartment Manhattimville Alumnae. Associ- 'ation. Guest' of honor will be ture .•• has been that of pretty post deb Lydia Buhl ••• overlooking the bay. LastSatur- ,i\t a nuptial mass in St. Pau.l's on the Lake, Nancy Alice day evening the Spencers were, . MRS. RUTH BARRETT REID, Five pretty br New'York,' executive 'secre- Teetzel and Donald 'Leslie Adams were married last Saturday At a very early hour' in the morning, , • driving out of hosts at a farewell cocktaiVparty 'of down the aisle of tary of the association".. at high, noon. . . ------.---- E the front gates of her parents' East Jefferson avenue home .•• ih their home. an"damongthe ing when she becal. Pointers present were MR.. and' ... . . The bride,is .the daughter of Alfred ,Zick and Mr. and Mrs. at an 11 o'clock ce', En route to her volunteer job at Children's Hospital.,. Mrs. Reid is het way home ;Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Teet- A. E. Cronk of St. Jose-ph, Mich.• MRS.' WILLIAM. K..MUIR, on In gowns of s(! Vacation time started yesterday for Lydia . . • COUNT and COUNTESS CYRIL after attending the national con~ zel of Moran road and Donald Barbara Zick of Chicago, and Mi. Chantilly lace an Who is toying with the idea of a short junket to Europe TOLSTOI,. MR. and MRS. WIL-. vention in Sun, Valley. is the son of Mr. and "Mrs. and Mrs. Hunter Wright" of Har- I Mary Louise Keane, who was Leslie Adams of Pontiac. bor Beach, Mich. arm bouquets of with former schoolmates from the East • . LIAMBURTON, MR. and MRS. W. DEAN ROBINSON,. MR. and recently' re-elected chairman of I white roses, the * * * MRS. J. HENRY ifICHLER, MR, the local unit., is assisted by MRS.' . Nancy was gowned in an ex-~. were Suzanne ~ ' JOHN TINDALL, MRS. ED~ quisite frock of Swiss embroid- Coupl~ ,Cfpeaks Johnsons Sail For Europ. and MRS. HUGlj. HITCHCOCK,. ered white organdy and silk ....., Mrs. Paul Crosby, ~ MR. and MRS. DAVID RUST, WARD J.,RONEY'JR. and MRS. bridegroom; Mrs. I, illusion, its skirt' frothing- in Yesterday •• "when the Queen Elizabeth sailed out of MRS. ARTHUR O'CONNOR and 'WILLIAM' 'FLAHERTY. VOWS I'l East wood and Delores .. ". * three tiers to floor length. The New York harbor ••• two of its passenger's were •• , ~R~E~~~. MRS. CH'ARLES slim bodice was finished with' Mrs. Edward Doy CAPT. and MRS. DONA L D bertha effect, forming brief Miss MalT Ann Gallo became Former Pointers, •• Mr. and Mrs .. Ray P. Johnson. • • • • • McCONNELL, of Lewisburg, Pa., :sister's matron or It sleeves, and Ithe bride's short the bride of Bruce T. Davenport now of Chicago • • • 'BARBARA HALLIS will leave are visiting his parents, MR. and veil of imported silk illusion A six year old Who will be on the continent until the end of Septem. Sunday to return to her radio MRS. HORACE McCONNELL . was held in place by a tiny cap at a double ring ceremony AV1. wliite organdy clad .of Washington road. '- job in Phoenix, Ariz.,after spend- embroidered in seed pearls. ust 7, in HerkiJ;ner, New Yo~k. ces E. Doyle, prO\.' per • • • * * * mg.'.h er vacat'Ion WI'th herps,F- ...... * She carded a bouquet of steph. She is the daughter of Dr. 21 ... her b9uquet of pin1, , ents, MR. and MRS. BERNARD BARBARA ,BARNUM was Almost any mmute • . • I O. HALLIS of Cranford lane. On hostess at cocktails' and dinner anotis surrounding a white or- Mrs. James F. Gallo, of HerkI- roses in her alln' • Carsten Teideman. of ~enwood road ••• will be leaving Tuesday Mrs. Hallis invited a last Saturday to compliment h~r chid. I mer. The bridegroom's parepts party. tor a spot of grouse shooting. • • '. number of Barbara's Pointe houseguest, . SARAH SMITH of Nancy's only attendant was El-I are Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Daven- The blond bride \~. With friend~ in Scotland • • • friends as well as a few of her Charlestown, West Va., (the girls len Rose Kappel, who wore a -port, of Harbor Hill lane. ' robes of ivory sat own to have luncheon before her are roommates at Bradford Jun- Th R G t P 'fi t f on princess lines ior College) and a young man waltz length frock of apricot net. e ev. us av un ca 0 0 - * * * daughter's leave~taking. Guests sweeping train finish. George Gardellas' New Home Exciting were MRS. ROBERT DIEGEL, of the stag line, DICK McFAR~ Her :flo~ers were a bouquet of ficiated at the ceremony in a Ekirt. Delicate rhi. • I MRS. WILLIAM O'NEIL of Bir- LAND, recently moved to the rub rum lilies. church decorated with white pearl beading finishr Here at home ... Pointers are talking. abou! the suave mingham, MRS. JAMES T. HAL- Pointe' from Boston. Assisting the bridegroom as gladioli. Wedding music was fitted bodice whid exterior of the. George Gardellas' new home on Oxford LY, MRS. ROBERT WEITZEL, ,Cocktails were served at th.e best man was Patrick Lennane. played br Robert F. Smith at court collar, road • • . BETTY OSTERMANN,and MRS. Barnum home on Yorkshire fol- lowing, which guests left for din- For her daughter's wedding, the organ. Joan's wedding n It is soft dove gray .•• with the only relieving accents TAYLOR H,,:;Lr:.. * ' ner and dancing at the Country Mrs. Teetzel was gowned in navy I The bride, given in marriage white orchids and ft€ its handsome Wedgewood green front door • • , DR. and MRS. CYltIL AYERS Club. . blue costume with small chapeau by her father, wore a gown of The bride is the We hear that Jack Navin 'and Bob £urckhalter have DYER will be hosts at cocktails Mr. and Mrs. P. \Val The guest list inCluded SALLY of navy a~d white. c • I w~ite mousseline-de-soie, styled of Fisher road an, been literally scouring the country for over a year now • •• in their Harcourt road home pre- • -Picture by Paul Gach WOODRUFF, DO~EEN BOOTH, The motner of the brIdegroom I WIth an off-the-shoulder neck- Collecting fascinating bibelots for its interior. . , . ceding the Hawaiian Night this groom is the son of .The former NANCY AL~CE TEETZEL, daughter of MARY McKEAN, NENA CUN- c~ose a ch~rcoal gray costume line, short sleeves and a bouffant George M. Saad of 1 There are droves of Pointers who are hoping to see the Saturday at Lochmoor Club. Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Teetzel of Moran road, who was NINGHAM, SUSAN K E M P, WIth matchmg, I:at and she, too, I skirt with appliqued Lyons lace. house's interior ••• which promises to be most soigne. •• Their guests will include' DR, , F~ank' Saad was married on August 16 to' the son of Mr. and'Mrs. Leslie DrANE ZEMPER,' MARY BAHR, wore rubrum hhes. H F h'I1' fi t' '1 best man. * and MRS. R. S. SINCLAIR, MR. MARY JO H N S TON, BETTY Mr. and Mrs. Teetzel were hosts er renc 1 USlOn nger Ip vel * * Adaws of Pontiac. and MRS.. C. DAVID FROBES, HANSEN, JUDY FROST, SARA at a wedding breakfast in the was caught to a cap of Lyons Groomsmen inclu, Don Dannecker, ! Ma~kinac Gets Glimpse of Mary Jo MR. and MRS. JOHN N. Merriweather the first of the 'ZEDER BREER, the party' in- WEED, BILL HAM I L TON, gardens of their home following lacSe . , d b tt 11 hid MARBLE, •MR. and MRS. JOHN ' . t G ' . . EDDIE BENTON, FRED BAHR, the ceremony. eh carne" u er y orc s John ~ahoney and That cute mistress of the playhouse on Harvard road. •• R. EMERY, MR. and MRS. O. c. week after a fishmg tnp a ray- eluded MRS. ~DWIN R. STROH JOHN WALTON, GEORGE Mc-" The house was decorated with and. stephanotIs. , Mrs. Weidman p MarY, Jo Olp ••• is having a look-see at her native Michigan UNDERHILL and MR. and MRS.' ling, Mich. ... • ... JR., MRS. JAMESE. SCRIPPS KEAN, MERRITT,JONES. KIRK arrangements of all white blos- MISS.Margaret GC;llo,SIster .of orchids on her ' FRITZ NESS. shrimp crepe gown at th.e nonce • • • • ..:. THE HARRY S. FINKEN- III, MRS. RALPH C. WILSON WA:LSH, DAVE PIERSON, NILS soms for the reception and one of the br:de, was mald of honor. JR. MRS. C. BRADFORD LUN- OSBECK, B R V C E TERRISS, the points of interest for the wed- The Mlss,es Janet and J~an Gal- embroidered in rr.' ~he and her parents ••• Mr. and Mrs. M. Robert Olp, MR. and MRS. WALTER DE~ STAEDTS o.f Woodlan~ place DY' and MRS. THOMAS K. JOHN CHAPMAN, and RAY ding guests who gathered in the 10" also s:sters of the bnde, were .the bodice. She '" were off last week ••• for visit with Pointers Mr. and Mrs. SIMPLE, JR., of Moselle place are Summermg at theIr Cape LEONARD. garden, was the lovely lily pool bndesmalds. shrimp-toned chape~, Cod home at' Hyannisport and FISHER...... • ... • with its fragrant white, pink and Donald Cardoze was best man The bridegroom's : Tho~as F. Cashin Jr. and daughter Gloria who are Sum-I anounce the birth of a daughter, I . and Eugene Howard and Horace .' ~ t L ~ V'. ' Sh • Elk L k ' THERES.A A~N, on /Au~st 4. MR and MRS BEN R MARSH red blooms, I for the occasion : merIno a on,.. ,Iew ores on. a e • • '. 'Mrs. Des1mple ISthe former LOR~ looking forward to La.oor Day I MRS.' FIAROLD '. BAKER.' ..1'Sof Irvine.' la,ne .are off .by. motor When the young couple left for C. Ford :vere ushers. . chiffon and lace ~nd then they IIgo on to Mackinac •• , espeCIally to show RAINE BEYER. when their son, HARRY JR. Will! curren.tly the houseguest of,MR. for Banff, Lake Louise and Van- a wedding trip to Montreal, the The brIde's atte~dants all WO,8 match and .her :, Gloria the quaint island ••• or vice versa • • • • ... • join them following his 'travels and MRS. HAROLD F. WARD- .couver. On ~October 1 they will bride changed into a pale blue I gowns of, angel pmk ny~on net, bro','nl orchids, - . * MR. and MRS. LYLE C. COL- in Europe. WELL who are Summering on sail from San Francisco' on the suit with small navy velvet hat. styled WIth a fitted bodIce, off~ Mr. and Mrs. W * LINSON and son KENNETH of • • ... Cape Cod this season. 5S President Van Buren for a The Adams will make their fu- the~shoulder neckline and short hosts to 200 wedd. Th~ Elegant Wedding Gift Grand Marais boulevard returned Also spending the month of '. ... •. world cruise which will end in ture home in Pontiac. sleeves. They carried bouque~ the reception at the Saturday, August 16, from a two~ August at Hyanpisport is MRS. MRS. S TAN LEY .BREIS- New York. They', expect to be Mr. Adams will begin his flnal of pink sweetheart roses and ivy, Club. The most bountiful wedding gift we've heard of in a week stay at Lankin Lakeshore WILLIAM C. FINKENSTAEDT MASTER of Allard road was, back in the Pointe in January. year at the University of Detroit and wore headpiec;:s of ivy. As their guests long: time • • • was received by the young Donald Leslie Lod~e at Goodhart, near Harbor of Van Antwerp avenue and -hostess at a canasta party. in • • • 'law school this autumn. A reception followed at ths Adams (N?,ncy Alice Teetzel) ••• Springs. little daughter, LISA. MR. honor of MRS.K A T H R Y N DR. and MRS. W. T. KREBS Among out-of-town guests here \ Mohawk Valley Country Club. * ...... FINKENST AEDT j 0 in e d his HUMPHREY of Bev:.'!rly Hills, ret.urned to thel'r Ken.wood'court for the wedding were: 'Following a wedding trip to Lake Whose wedding story appears elsewhere on these pages. JEAN COLLINSON of Grand family last .week"end for his Calif. Mrs. Humphrey, wh0 has home this week wl'th theI'r three Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Moros,of PIaCl'd and Canadate h coup1It A friend has put at their disposal. , . her home on Chal- Marais boulevard and LETTY vacation. now left for her home on the chi 1 d r e n after a fo"r-week Jacksonville, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. WI'11reslde. In. Gary 1ane, font~ avenue ... which will be their address ... KRETCHMAR. of LaKepointe ... • • coast, has been visiting her son- moto.r trip through the West.... 1:Jntillate in September .. , when their own new heme avenue will return Friday, Au- MR. and MRS. GEORGE in-law and daughter, MR. and' • • ... !llllllllnllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJIIlIlIlllllIlllIlIllJllJllllllllllliiliiillifillllllllllllllllll1I111l111ll1111111111ll1111111111111ll11111l1l1ll1l1ll1l1l1ll1m,,_ gust 29, from a summer school. h K 1 ~ in Pontiac will be ready for occupancy ••• BAER of Balfoui" road, ave MRS. FRAN COLKER of Ba - DR.. and MRS. VICTOR, TAY- ::...,=2 lS_== session at the University of Colo- been' enjoying a holiday at the four road. LOR..'Qf Hawthorne road, wI'th =~ = * * rado in Boulder. Jean took time -- * Princess Hotel in Bermuda...... their son TOMMY, are vacation- =~_=_ HAVE v...OU COMPARED YOUR ~ Down Mexico Way from her studies to climb the • •• , The end of the month will in. g I'n .theI'r summe'r cabins l'n _= ~= giant Arapahoe Glacier-12,OOO . The Aaron; Edward Wilcoxes certainly had more than fed above sea level. Accompany- Spending last week-end in mark the arrival from Sewick~ Thessalon, Ontario. ~ PROPERTY VALUES WITH YOUR ~ ing Jean and Letty on the West- Winnetka, Ill., were MR. and ley, Pa, of MRS.• RANDALL' '" ... .. == ;;; the average view of Mexico on their recent trip to that land em trip are the misses JOYCE MRS. R. CABELL MORRIS who COMPTON and son, BENJAMIN, MR. and MRS. PETER CLAY- ~ INSURANCE LATELY? ~ over the border • • • CURRIE and MARY RASCH, of .were the guests ~f her parents, who will visit her mother, MRS. T91:l DUCKETT, of Beaconsfield, ~ ~ Dearborn. MR. and MRS. ROBERT E. BENJAMI~ STREETER WAR- announce the birth of a daugh- ~ ~ They were entertained at cocktail parties by residents of • ...... MOZENA. REN of. Fairlawn, Lake Shore ter. AMY NEWBURN, August 6. :: :: Cuernavaca ... Mexico City •.. Chapala ... and Monterrey •.• ...... ~ road.' == ::;:; MR. and MRS. WILBERT A. • ... • g .g And visited' Ajjijic .. , the Indian village where Dane Chartdos wrote "Village in The Sun" • , , and Neill James ~:.~~: f~~mM:c:ao:~i::~~'~: D::iiIC~~ of~~ie ~~~d~R';e?~ Recently rOet:rone d to the T1i:'M,":t F~~~~le~~~~~un~~ I ARTHUR J. R 0 H DEI created his "Dust On My Heart" ... Georgian Bay. . Petersham, Mass., visiting her Pointe are, MR. and MRS. the birth of a daughter, July 29. ~ AND COMPANY ~ The Wilcoxes visited The Chandos place .•. and milady .. '" • aunt, MISS VIRGINIA HODGES JOSEPH DODGE, of Washington Mrs. Tanun is the former SHIR- ~ g purchased some of the exquisite native blouses the author MR. and MRS. FORBES HOW- at her Summer place. 'road, who went down to Glen LEY BEAUPRE. ~ INSURANCE ~ t' d h' h ... '. ... Falls, N.Y. to attend "the christ- • • * == g sells ... ARD re ume to t elr orne on la~un~~:~n ~;~,~fi~~~t~~'Y~~; ~n~~ ~f T~ r;w Vgla;dd~u:~~~ A:~6~d or:Rtt~r~:I~oa~ICa~; I 1214 Griswold St. • WOodward 2<-4417 I WILLIAM ~P; CLARK who was DODGE, daughter of MR. and spending a month's vacation in _ • ~ .'? celebrating a birthday. Given MRS. JOSEPH J. DODGE. northern Michigan. After a two- . E . ~ by her sister, MRS. WILLIAM * ... • week stay at the Grand Hotel ~1I11111111111111111111111111111l1111111ll11ll111l1ll1l1l1ll1l11l1tl1ll1l!l1l1ll1ll1tl1ll1ll1l1ll1l1l1l1l1ll1ll1l1Jl1ll1II1ll1ll1Illllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ • on Mackinac, Island they will I ' visit St. Ignace and the Upper , P~~~~ i . . W A LTOn • PIE R E EMR. and ~R;. ~ILLIAM C. ! . Now Has LOVELESS of Merriweather road You r Sole' announce the birth of a daughter, , LISA LOUISE, on July 21. This I At Heart is the fourth child, all girls, to be COOL! born in the Loveless family. OUt' air cooling unit is new and most efficient . '" . MR. and MRS. CHARLES H. FLETCHER••formerly of Rivard boulevard, are in their brand new / home at 282 Cha~evoix avenue. COMFORTABLE! *- *-\- * air conditioned yeat' flr6una} for 'your comfort 2=all FRITZ G. BLOY, storekeeper 3rd class of the U. S;:Coast Guard, has been visiting 'hisparents, MR. ,.. .'].ootwear and MRS. MYRON'.,BLOY of Grayton road. Fred, has been CONVENIENT! with the Coast Guarli in San" Walton-Pierce has your . . ~ in the heart of Kerehe't'al /fRILL" center, (Contjnued on Page. 15) flrst fall wool. Fcshion news Mr. Dermit McNab '<. in tulip skirts, velvet I introduces to the Pointe .• Even on a hot, humid d~y. it's ~ pleasure trims. Many wool tweeds, exclusive Delmans end to hove our skilled beauticians cater load your 'camera to your needs. You'll appreciate, too, sheer wools, wool jerseys. Mackey-Starrs, . WITH I the quiet, refined atmosphere of this solon, F for jun;ors, misses, Delmanett'" and others. located on+he "HILL", with a direct women, he If-sizes. Kodek COlor Film .1 , entrance from perking area at rear. 19.95 up • ..--.--- The l'Inter-Curl Cutl} •.• an SketclteJ: Wool Jen.y, exclusive feature in our salon Mill D.. Waldo, Manicurist ,Junior Sizes. 29.95 '-,C' ,. IItoN •• ., 1a6or hy',HcIvrM " All popular alzes • alway. in stock 1fa' , t. ! t ;; ,t ~.. h 1:"...... ••. . WAllon.PIEREE' '171'1.. ,Kerchevai in the ViIIl'ge , .. Of 17100.171l0-17n2KE~~HEVAL.;AT ST.CLAIR TUxedo 1;,,<4096 117 Kercheval - TUxedo 1-683J \ , ..• ST. CLAIR •

• • • , 1952 ThUI'SCJ.y, August 2 C' "952 Page Nine '",~ -

es and for Po.in.te,' Women~ •• '.' by, of, . its Mary.Holtman Janet Allen Sets '.B' . -II G I " W.II' W' d ':.." Berm.uda' Hbneymoon Weds ..in Pink ' Sept. 19'Date I rant,' Ie: on Mary Maaye.Holtman, daughter of Mr." ~nd' M~s.J. M. Holtnlan .n~.n~rs,All~~li~u~:::e~~~:ISuzzannePirieAug. 30 ~: Follows St. Paul 'Rites len of Westchester road, has i ,~ . ..' of the Van Dyke Manor, and Gardens ch~en"Sep,t. 19 for the date 'of i FaShionable Ceremony in L.keForest Will Unite Pointer :. Mr. and Mrs. 6eo;98 MatH,ew Saad Jr. Fly to Bermuda 'formerly oJ G~osse poi~te'f~x-;~ Janey her: lI!:arri~geto Harry Richard I And S,uzanne Pirie, Daughter of Mrs. John 0,; Giles ~ After Wedding in St. PavlIs on the Lake; Bride Was I changed' weddmg vows Wljh, Joan Rita Weidman Wallace John Ehrlich, son of Fruehauf: Jr., son of Mr. and Jr. and John T. Pirie Jr. of Mundelein III. • Mr. and Mrs. William Ehrlich Mrs; Harry R. Fruehauf of Lake------. ., .. '. :lev Alice land aven~e." A throng of Pointers will be traveling to Lake Forest the Sat~rday Five pretty bridesmaids preceded Joan R7.ta Weidman of st. Clair avenue last Friday Tfieceremony will take pla:ce end of the month to attend the August 30 wedding oLthe',. >. down the aisle of St. Paul's on the Lake last Saturday morn- evening. in .Grosse Pointe Me moria 1 Pointe's William.Grant and Suzanne Pirie, who'll be married~ ~.,. 'The ceremony took place ili and Mrs. ing when she became the bride of George Matthew Saad, Jr., 9hurch at 7:30 o'clock in the in St. I11:ary's Church. ~------~ph, Mich., at an 11 o'clock ceremony. ~------._- Grosse Pointe Park ,Memorial evening.. Bill is the son of Mr. and and Daniel K. LeBlond of Cin~' :0, and Mr. In gowns of softest blue bridal couple slipped away to I Church wit.h.~heRev. Paul, The br~de's pare~ts 'will give Mrs. Howard Grant of Ca~ cmnati. ht of Har- Chantilly lace and carrying set out on a Bermuda honey-I Ket.ch.urn ?fflcl.at1~g...... ' .. the weddmg receptIon at Grosse d' ' ~ d d "th b'd It.. . A weddmg gown of blush pmk . . t Y ht C"1 b leux .L oa an e rl e-e ee Suzanne has VISIted the Pomte _... ,- arm bouquets of red and F om e ac u . . h d" h 11, ' • white roses, the attendants moon. tulle was chosen by the bride., There will' be 'two honor at- IS t «: aug ter of J.\'1rs.John several times since her. tniage- . 8 8t A For traveling the new Mrs. f' The fitted bodice was embroid.- tendants. Mrs. Russell Werne- O. GIles, Jr.,. o~ Lake Forest ment was anno~ced. a.ks ~e~e p. u~zCnnb : t mfotuhr, Saad donned a dusty pink faille er.ed in pearl.$ an.d. ,attach.. e..d. to. ken is to be mutron of honor and and John T. PIne, Jr., of Mun- It d' th' k!"""'~ ~. Q .roMs y, SIS ~r 0 e suit with which. she wore a long, bouffant skirt which s~ept: Judith Johnston of Red Bank, delein, ijl. d ~: t IUrl~g h ~e weeli• . bndegroom, rs. DaVId Sher- 1 fitt'" 1 t h t d l°nto a full train Ii.. bridal cap 1 d . D 1 _ c ose mo navy ve ve a an ...... •.. .,. .. .N.J. will be ,the maid< of honor. The fashionable rites art! en s a oca os ~ QOm~- ,st \..00 ana e orel> Baker. I navy accessories. . of. matchmg ~ulle s.ecured the, Bridesmaids are to be Mrs. scheduled for .5 o'clock. in the mented her at prepnuphal parties. ''''-,''':'. Mrs. Edward Doyle was her Upon their retum, the Saads walstlength brIdal'vell. Stevenson Edwards, Sidney Ann afternoon to be. followed by a Among those Who have enter-. 110 became sister's matron or honor. will live in Grosse Pointe while Mary carried fleursd'amour in Boales, . Noel LaMotte of New reeeption at the Onwenwa tained for Bill and his fiancee .",r.r. Davenport A six year old fl' . 1 the bridegroom completes his her wedding bouquet. ". York CIty, ~nd Joyce Bevan.., Club. .' h~ve been Marian Chapin, Mr. nony Au~. . ower glr, final year of law at the Uni- Mrs. Edward Haack came 'from !3est man IS to be Earl Ronald ,. . . and Mrs. }"red B. Higbie, Joan" ew York. white organdy clad Mary Fran., versity of Detroit. Minneapolis to be her cousiu's MIln.er Jr .. with the ushers in-' Suzanne ,S SIsters" Dale and Henry and Bill Devlin: ."~-, ces E. Doyle, proudly carried only attendant. She wore an elf Dr. a! .... eludmg Walter Flanders, Stev- Sharon, WIll be maIds of honor I The rehearsal dl.'nner w.ill take her- b9uquet of pink and white opera length frock of bud green en~on Edwards, Grant Kerstell, i~ the bridal party and Mrs.. place in the home of .the bride's. of HerkI- I ------roses in her aunt's wedding Mrs R H Lucas tulle, with appl~que design on ~e~l ~rowley of Worcester, Mass. Peter Darling of Lake Forest is mother the evening before the- I'S parents t I. ... the basque, necklme. Her flowers I.Dl~ks. roommate at .. Babson .. wedding. "- A. Da\'en- par y. , . 1.0 711 - I were a cascade arrangement of 'InstItute) .. Theodore' FrIedt and to be honor ~atron. On the day of the wedding,- .•,~.: lane. The blond brlde wore wedding pens l' emorza pale pink sweetheart roses and a Frank WIlton. The. coteneoI bndesmaids Mrs. William Clow w.(1entertain robes of ivory satin, designed - coronet of the same blossoms . Mrs. Earl C. P~tna1? and Mrs. compnse: members of the bridal 'party and trificato of- on p~int:ess. lin~s. with full, Mrs. Russell H. Lucas,' of were wom in her hair~ Walter ,Stewart w.IIlglve t~e first Ja~:t W,oo.d,Helen Vogel and guests from out of town at a . ... lony m a sweepmg tram fimshmg the great R' d b I . d d William G Ehrlich was his of the pre-weddmg partIes fC!lrPa~I~la a ~iley of Lake Forest; luncheon. ....~...... D l' h' llVar ou eval' , saw a ream " 'ith white Sklrt. e.l<;ate .r mestone and ..' brother's best man and the guests the bI,".ide-electwhen they arePrlscl11a Kmg of Boston, and earl beadmg fimshed the gown's materlahze last Saturday when t. d b J'.h K lly d \ nUS1C was P • \\fere sea e y.. c n e an hostesses Aug. 23 at a personal Ann Adams of ,New York. fitted bodice which had small, the •Little House at Huron City Lewis Parry. . . , . .-Plctu~e by Carl,Joyri~r shower . and luncheon at thp. Bill has asked William Devlin Point-au-Baril Vacation

Smith at .JII- ....:...... -:: court collar. . lopened to the public. Beige silk chiffon and lace The former JOAN RITA WEIDMAN,.daughter of Mr.' Grosse Pointe Hunt Club. to be his best man. Enjoyed by the Thurbers J.oan's ~edding flower~ were' Little 'Hous£" was built by Mrs. 'with juFet. to,l(latch were worn ~d Mrs. P. Walter Weidman of Fisher'road, who was mar-- , That" $ evening, Mr." and .Mrs. Bridesmen are to be: 1 Mr. and Mrs. Clevelp..nd Thur .... -'- marriage whIte orc~lds .andf.leurs d amour. Lucas' as R memorial to her by the bnde s mother. whose. ried o'n A gust 16 to the son of Mr. and'Mrs. George M. Edwards will. entertain for both Charles A. Dean III, Richard a gown of The bnde IS the daughter of. . flowers were green orchIds. Mrs. U Dick and 'Janet. ' Brodheag, FrederiCK Butler Hig- ber Jr. are back in their home' Mr. and Mrs. P. Walter Weidman grandfathel L~ngdon Hubbard, Ehrlich pinned orchids on her' :oie, styled Saad of Balfour road..; Mrs. G e r aJ d. Chamberlain', bie, Cyril J. Edwards, Jr., all on Edgemere road after a short ""'Q,.... of Fisher road and the bride- her father Frank Hubbard and gown of muted'rose crepe wbich ----.------aunt of the bridef?oom-elect, is of Grosse Pointe; Russell Norris .holiday at Point-au-Baril, ant ... Ide!" neck- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. her uncle, William Lyon Phelps wa3 trimmed with blending lace. Clark-Bayer Sc'hencks Vl-Pl-t, giving a miscellaneous shower of New York, Thomas H. White wlfere the senior Cl~elamr a bouffant George M. Saad of BalIour road. as well as other members of her The bride's parents were hosts {~ and luncheon on Sept. 4 in her Jr. of Chagrin Falls, 0., Homer Thurbers are at their Summer home. •....,... ,... ~yons lace. Frank Saad was his brother's f~milr. at. a wedding recepti~n in ~he ,Nu..,ptz-als Held In' T.hOe' Ea.st Whittier road home and Mrs. Bigelow III .of Santa Fe, N. M., 1gertip veil best man. . church parlours followmg whIch HenryB. Steinbach of Lakeland ------'- , of Lyons . The fireproof house, of Colon- thf' young Ehrlichs left on a avenue will be hostess at lurich- Groomsmen mcluded: . 1 h't t '11 h ld h' . . k la arc I ec ute, WI 0 IS- motor trIP through Canada and SS Peter. and Paul Jesuit Mr. and Mrs. George'. E. eon and a linen shower on Don Dannec ker, Roger Rin e, .' . d fly orchids John Mahonev and Pat Kinney. I toncal rellcs collected from the I New Englar: . . , Church on East Jefferson avenue Schenck of Lakeland avenue are Sept. 9, Mrs. Weid~an pinned green mid eighties when Mrs. Lucas' I Upon ~helr re~urn t~ey WIll '\':as the scene of the wedding in the East on a series of visits. PUBLI(; SALE 0, sister o~ orchids on her fic.)r length grandfather lumbered in Northp' ma~e theIr. home in. tI:e Clty of S~. of Marie Frances Clark and At 'the moment they are house- of honor. shrimp crepe gown which was ern Michigan. Clalr ShOles. Th~ brId.egr09m IS Cremers Give Not an Auction-All Items Priced Jean Gal- 'Charles Ma:cschner Bayer last I gu.es.ts 6f Mrs. Chisholm,Macdon- embroidered in rhinestones on From the Phelps' 'residence, an a~~ount executIve WIth the ~d- Saturday morning. aId at her Summer home at ~ast bride, were the bodice. She wore a small S~venG~bles,' comes the mag- v~rtlsmg firm of Bro~ks, S~Il1th, , ., .... Hampton, Long Island. Cocktail Party .' shrimp~toned chapeau. mficent library owned by Pro- F ench and Dorrance. The brIde IS the daughter of When th ey Ieave Long IsanI d Household Furnishings ; best man The bridegroom's mother chose fessor Phelps along with the Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Clark they will go to Nantucket for a Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cremer of md Hon,ce for the occasion cafe au lait famous author's desk andpor- MaryEllen Tappan Holidays of'Seminole avenue and the visit with' Mr. Schencks' mother, Park lane invited 30 of' their friends for cocktails last Satur- chiffon and lace with hat to trait. With Parents In the Pointe bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Mrs. Joseph M. Schenck at her ts all wore match and .her flowers were Also on exhibit will be murals day evening followed by a buf- nylon net. Walter A. Bayer of Lakeland I'Summer place. fet supper. . brovm orchids. .. painteq by the late Mrs. Phelps, Now you see her, now you )odice, off- Mr. and Mrs. Weidman were depicting history of Michigan in avenue arid the late Mr. Bayer. ! -----,- Among those present were Mr. don't stricly ,applies to' Mary and Mrs. Robert Lynch, Mr. and MR. B.L. QUANSTROM and short hosts to 200 wedding guests at the lumbering days. Marie wore candlelight satin F. .C .dl : bouquet~ Ellen Tappan who; on vacation Mrs. Willard Walbridge, Mr. and the reception at the Detroit Yacht The Little House will attract from her' job at Aberdeen Prov- gown designed with medieval zve an. es es and iV)" Club. pilgrims each year during July lin~s, embroidered on bodice. and Mrs. Henry Hopkes Jr., Mr. and ing Grounds. spent .last week. F ~.M- - 'V -k'- Mrs. ,Warren Avix, Mr. and Mrs. 614 Pemberton Drive of ivy. As their guests danced, the .mdAugust. end in the Pointe with her par- neckline in seed pearls. The or lSS, 1 Z ed at the gown's full ..tr'ain was frothed Earl Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. ntry Club. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce N. Edward Schoenherr, Mr. and (5. of E. Jefferson Ave.) Tappan of Westchester road. with the illusion bridal veil Mrs. M. Ben HeftIer fixed five rip to Lak9 which fell from a 'Cap of Rosi- Mrs. R. B. Olson, Mr. and'Mrs. • the f;ouplQ Then the young lady took off twinkling candles on the b!rth- Robert Reeves, and Mr. and Mrs. to New Ycrk but she'll return lind lace. _ Grosse Pointe Park, Mich. ne. day cake of h

,BATH TOWEL SETS-In 14 beautiful colors. _'io ~d~:- .;;' Sets consist of two large bath towels, .....~ two guest towels and two wash cloths ~~~.: under several pricings. ' ..;;:;~ [LOTRE'S'LiME , I.C. SHEET AND PILLOW. CAS:&- Very fine ~~~~ .. Percale in pink,yel1ow and green, . appliqued satin' monogram, 12.90 set. ~ ..~ -.IND1V/~UALL Y STYLED ~~l' from 10,00 " Nowth.+ ,'yourb.loved "poodle" is ' CJro~irig.. let UfO shape it into newer, ll~ more f.miriinelinet ~An 'OHRT hair ,,..!;~~. 15 . styling .Iwlysis~",individual creation :>:>~~. of charm and'lovelin'ess. '=.,~~ ' " 19877'MACK between , .'and TU. 2-6460104 .Kercheval nD the hill 'H~~ • Mil. Roath AIR CONDll~6NED

'~-;" ~-- I ~;~., r __~ D. • • *' .• e to ea be 7 •• HlgbeOs. =2 ••• me 5S.? 7 •• &7 SP? •• nrtro.p ••• , •• 'th.ne? FSS •• nnn 77 rr=~~~c~~~~~~~~~~~~~=:~.W.~~~~~'~"~I.=~~~~e~~~~~e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~ . ' , • ~; ~ ~~' J, ~, , l l ~.. ~ j

"'Page Ten , , ,~ R.. 0 S,S.E "P'.Ot N TE- .N E W S' " fhursday, August. 2 f, "952 Robert P. Van Halteren Win. Army Commi••ion . OralIe Point' News , o... TLe' : Edt'tor. I ~ober.t P,':Van Halteren, .Gr?sse SIX weeks of S)gnalCorps ROre !,- ~UBLISHED EVERY' THURSDAY' BY ANTEEBO PUBLISHERS, Letter.s T. . n 1.1 Pomte. graduate of MichIgan summer camp at Camp Gordon;. INC. ALSO PUBLISHERS', OF THE DETROIT WESTWARD.. , GrCD>s.e~ OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT .99 KERCHEBAL, GROSSE...... , ...', ',', ' State. Colleg~, has been com- G;'raining at.thecamp ~upple- POINTE FARMS 30, MICHIGAN I August U 1952jfor ~n old. one! .And what a com- .rnissioned a: second lieutenant in mented, R~TC training he had re- Phone 2-6900. • 34 ~ 5Z - .San' Francisc'o: cal.I fortmg . thought, to know !hat the U. S. Army after completing Iceived while at M.S.C. - ru. lE*aller~.ttiC\1)utL. To The Editor: . , blood glven today. may be brmg-. ' - - Three Trunk Liiles ' We attac,h. clipp~ng from your I ing some wounded ~back fro;m. Memb~r Michigan Press Ass'n and National Editorial Ass'n' A.PRYOR 9,1 A g t 7. . ., d . 1 d .t 'I the shadows a weeK.f:.om today. u us ., lssue ,an are gR. O. Our donor rooms' 'at 153 E. -- ---~- ---~------~- Y":.1 - .ROBERT B. EDGAR ...... ~:..:EDITOR and GENERAL MANAGER learn. that we were terrified. Elizabeth are open daily from 1 .MATTHEW M. GOEBEL ADVERTISING MANAGER fiThere's s~methi-ng in the. par!ing hotlt.s ' when re~ent earthquake took p.m. to 8 p.m. Monday, Tuesday JANE SCHERMERHORN FEATURE PAGE. SOCIETY . ;the. , ,. Will chill the warmest heart, . \ place 'nE!a~.&kersfteld; .Califor~ and,Wednesday; and from 10 a,m. bring back the b!ghUghtl ...:..(£;j 'FRED Rl..TNNELLS SPORTS EDI'I'OR Yet .leindred,cornrades, lovers,' friends, . . "to 3 p.m. Thursda)' and Friday. TOM HUNTER, ; 1 NEW S 'Are fated all.lo pa1.t." . ma. If any' gf your J:eaders would • MYRON W. GILLETTE .ADVERTISING. 0' YOUI LAIOI DAY OUflH. : MARY DENNIS ; ACCOUNTS, . (The one who goes, is happier like to organize' ~. group, they t . .. PHYLLIS HANNAH ~ CLASSIFIED ADVE:tTISING Than'tho'se he':'le(wes behind.") . may call -WO. 1-3900 for an ap- poirrtment. . • (EdwardPollo,Je) Entered as second-class matter at the post office, Detroit, Sincerely yours, movies .'• Michiean, under the Act of March 3. 1897. * * John M. Sullivan, iuersonal • '" Executive Dir.ector, • FULLY PAID CIRClJLATlON This is going to turn out to be latgelY.11 coh;lmnof. ______• ..J• Detroit Chapter, • SubscriptlonRates: $3.00 Per Year by Mail. All News and letters. The first 9rie we 'shall print here, was. sent to the American Red Cross. Advertising Copy Must Be in The News-Office by Editor. but that wor.thy (?) tur,ried it over to us. with the Tuesday Mternoon to Obtain Insertion That Wef'k ______4 statement' that, he "thought itr. was ~ore fitting fodder for Dear Sir: A .l~ole roll of "'"ft. Cln.. I attended the candidates' ral- Kodak 'illl'l maltes]0 .. AO Grosse Exaggerations." Thitremains to be seen ... but sIDee . L tt' t G P . t ly Monday night, July 28, atPar- movie scenes •• ~.for as little O 0 01 we found the lett~r amusing, we 'givei~ to our readers\." • , pen e er rosse n ers cells SchooL That meeting, spon- as $2.90. processing. and with malice toward none. - . - sored by the League of Women Federql Tax included. If From time to time recently, I have read, with not a little . Voters, served a most useful.pur- chagrin, the complaints our good citi21ens of Grosse Pointe The,letter: "Adlai Stev~nson in his masterful acceptance speech pose in. allowing the people of you've never made movies. nave made regarding the pres~nce of "GI Joe" in our com- and in his recent address at Springfield, ,discussed national issues Grosse Pointe to determine .fo1' " stop in and let us show you munity.. ,~ and demonstrated' the 'kind of stuff' of which he is made. This, themselves. just whatqualifica- . how eClSy they really or •• coupled with hi~ past record, both ~s a Governor and. a' Federai tions the seveNlI candidates for I know that the Army encampments are an Imposition official, augur that-he might well beco~eone of the greatest PreSi~ various office had to. offer. upon our citizenry, however I should like to point cut that dents. ~. - The endorsements to be found in many of these soldiers are serving the Colors by compulsion, •. '. , the newspapers, The Civic and, no doubt would be delighted to leave Grosse Pointe for. -"Now let's look at the RepublicanSRnd wha.t they have Q1Iered Searchlight .and from all the home .. Certainly, they would prefer garrison duty to this .• ; :without going' ~ay back to Lincoln. To date, Eisenhower has different groups purporting to pass on. the 'merits of, the cand),- "field" duty. criticized a little of everything\and h~s succeeded in keeping under -dates are useful, but they can't Since they cannot depart; it seems to me we should. cover for what promises to be an i.ndeflnite' period,. Jti~ millIon begin to compare with the know- devote our efforts constructively toward making their.sojourn dollar personality .•. (before ~axes!) I do not-know what he told ledge that comes from seeing M~ssrs.. P'?tter, Leonard, Rabaut in Grosse Pointe a pleasant one. I feel certain that there is the Indians but he certainly hasn't told the white people very much, To the Editor: et' al on a platform and' answer- l),O problem insurmountable if we go half way with the GI's "As for Senator Nixon, his elaim to fame, can be divid~d into , This is., frankly, an appeal for ing (or not answering) specific and their commanding officers. questions. . , three parts. One: His age ..• (wo~ he comes fr9m California .•• help. I remember with some nostalgia, and certainly deepest and three, he helped put a perjurer. in jail. It .seems unlikely that . To put it bluntly! we are ask- The. League of Women Voters deserves our thanks -,for bring- gratitude, the gracious manner in which I was received .by ing your rea,ders. for blood. 171 14 Kercheval in the Village' TUxedo ,',.4096 ~yone will be able to think of a fourth claim; so .the Senator will ing the candidate,s into Grosse citizens of the southland when 1 was a lonesome Private in just have to keep referring. to the Hiss case and criticizing .tbe .Summer is the critical, seaSon for our blood program .. People Pointe so that we could actually the rear rank at the beginning of World War II. Certainly, Democrats. There is just nothing else to talk about. see and' hear them. I urge the Open Every 'FrIday NiCJht to , who normally would' visit. O'U" there must be those in Grosse Pointe who would do as much League to sponsor a similar pro- "We that' Ike and Nixon have. agreed on several issues. center are away. on vacation, or for the GI' living in tents and mud amidst the opulence and find gram after the .primaries. If They don't like the Democ~ats but tlIey do like fri~d mush; Perhaps the weather is. too hot, or those splendor of Grosse Pointe. who have been planning to give there is another rally before the Nixon was implYing that Ike's. military experiences were not the just, haven't got around to it. November election, I urge the Despite the risk of being called an intruder, as a life- people of Gr~se Pointe to attend only quali:flcatl1>nsfor 'the Presidency. but' that he is also a good long resident of Grosse Pointe: father of three children, and Yes, there are m_any reasons it. why blood collections have fallen veteran of six years Army service, I shall be 'most ,happy to cook. However, Taft and the old guard seem to prefer the Murray Sincerely, off. But the war in Korea goes on ALFRED B. FITT MOTHERS! Discover litis Secret offer my limited and inadequate service and experie~ce Bay :fish to Ike's mush. It is getting, inqeasiqgly difficult for the regardless. Every day Ameri- toward improving relations. Let the men stand up and be can boys are falling in combat. 1,--. ------,------. average~. voter to tell whether the two Republican. parties are run- counted! nlnr a campaign or a food market! Pel'haps much of this will be but wounded men can su'rviv"?if Is It 0001.-ng1 That Makes BACK-fo-SCHOOl ClOTHES D. Walter Allard, blood is available to replace what clarified when Ike moves away from Denver and closer to AIDany ••• they have lost. By FRED M. KOPP, R. Ph. "\ Lt. Colonel-Armor; where he will be. given instructions by the head chef. That is why we here at 'home I On hot days everyone looks LOOK LIKE./NEW AGAIN' U. S, Army-Reserve. have to carryon, just as our I for something cooling to eat or • * * "When everything is said and done ... and it will be plenty • , • fighting men are doing. We mtist drink. However, science says After visiting the two anti-airc:r:aft encampme.r;lts .which there is one thing for which 155 million people in this coUntry and have blood to make our daily the food and drinks, you select have been located in the Pointe area, we were about to ex- cOlmtless millions in other countries can be thankful. .WhetHer the shipments to the battle front, and because they seem cooling are press editorial opinion on the situation when the above next President is a Republican or a Democrat isn't of supreme th,? only source is the voluntal:y not, actually_ some donor. Salads and cold meats are as letter was received from Colonel Allard. We wish to convey~ imponance ... what IS HIGHLY important is that he will be heat producing in the body as our appreciation to him for so eloquently stating some of the' Adlai Stevenson, a man who promises to be one of the greatest." So, through" you, we are ap- the same kind of food served very thoughts which were in our mind. * * pealing to your readers to come hot. Cold drinks have a duU- * to our aid in this crisis. Ever:y ing effect on the central nerv- It would seem .that the Pointe has here a great oppor- Our second letter of the week is one that will appeal only to healthy person between 21 and 60 ous system which gives you the tunity to do a goodwill job. Certainly the least that should those who remember the roaring twenties. The "kids" will think it is eligible to contribute, aml feeling of cooling you when young people 18 to 21 ,may give really you have just taken into be expected is that we should fill the role of generous host is some double-talk from Mars. A female friend of ours who felt' with the written consent of'their your body a quantity of heat to these officers and enlisted men who have been assigned "attic .minded" during this week's shoe-fittin' weather, uneart.hed producipg sugar. Alcoholic parents. , drinks have the greatest heat- here for the protection of our homes in the event of an enemy some old school ti'e letters from 'fancy' beaus and loaned us the fol- Giving blood is a simple, pain- producing conte.nt of all. attack. less process and tak'es.only a few I . lowing one from an "eager beaver." (P.S.... she i~ now married Copyright minutes, ~he blood given is re. ,...This is the 4IOthweek of a series .An Army camp at best is a dismal place compared to the' to a "meager beaver" .•. so we have disguised the names.) generated by;the body in a few of. Editorial advertisements appear- private homes and freedom of action of which these men days-a brand new pint of blood I Ing in this paper each week, . have been deprived while 'serving their country and us. Ann Arbor, Michigan , ---_._----=-=.-=.-=.-=.-=.-=.-=.-=.-=.-::.-=.-=.-=.~-=.-=.-=.-=.-=.-=.-=.-=.-=.-=.-=' There are many things we could provide for them to make November 14, 1923 their .tour of duty more pleasant. "Josephine Darling: 15535 W.NDMILL POINTE DRIVE GROSSE POINTE PARK In talking with the comm~nding officers it developed "Gee whiz, it was good to hear, from you.. Your letters have NEW II-ROOM BRICK. COLONIAL .that the only real hospitality which has been shown them been peachy. I sUPPose YOli're having a snazzy time at school, out fox-trotting every night. Have you learned to do that new dance has come from the members of the Grosse Pointe Congrega- • tional Church whose property adjoins .the campsite on Chal~ called the Charleston? fonte. The church has extended an invitation to all of the soldiers to attend its social events and make free use of its "Mother and the finance company gave me a saxophone and I'm facilities. The cue should be seized by all the other instltu- trying to latch onto a hot rift' from 'Yes We Have No Bananas.' It tions and organizations in the Pointe. just came out. On the back of the record is 'After You've Gone,' a Here's your cbance to dis.- and griroe ; : ; patterns and cover oue amazingly better colors spring back to life!No A special invitation should be extended by the War Me- re~l solid sender by Red Nichols and His Five Pennies. Last niglIt . dry cleaning that gets clothes dry cleaning odors ... eveD morial Association to make full use of the beautiful Center in 'on my crystal set withthe.head phones I heard George Olsen and cleaner than ever before! Be.' perspiration removed. And Lake Shore road. This memorial was created to honor the the Kansas City Night Hawks; . cause Sanitone Dry Cleaning It costs you DO more than teaches deep into fabrics to ordinary dry cleaning! Try Pointe veterans and revered dead of World War II. Many of "Thurston, the Magl'cian: was here lasi week at the Temple. flush out even ground-in grit it today! the men now serving-at the two local encilmpments. are vet- erans of this war and of Korea. We shoul~ consider it a p'riv- Theatre and Will Rogers and Leon Errol open Monday in the Follies at the' Garrick, Harry ~oudini sh~wed- me some of his 'new ilege to have them use our Center. If possible, special events tricks. He was in town doing an' escape from a straight jacket ~hould be planned for them there. hanling ant of' Newcomb and. Endicott's window; in Four bedrooms. 3 baths. First: floor central hall 12xl0 ft., white oal<: With the re-opening of the public schools within the next "I was' with BillyS~day a speakeasy back ~f the Pontchar- paneling in library, sunken living room, large dining room. opening to / WHITTIER CLEANERS two weeks, an effort should be made to make some. of the terrace, greenhouse or pantry off kitchen. Kitchen CQmpletely modern recreational and athletic facilities of at least some of the irain Hote,l when I noticed the calendar showed only a few weeks including dishwasher, dining area 8 . 9 ft, 6 inches. snack bar, maid's 15010 Charlevoix, Grosse Pointe quarters. enclosed breezeway, ,plastered attached two-car brick garage. VA. 2-2148 schools available to.the soldiers in their time off. lmtil Christmas. HOlle you are coming home early. LJ}ts of parties circle drive. basement recreation room, fireplace and bar, lavatory and .' . I b t 250. ld' ' . b th ". d..l planned for vacation. Give me onc of your early dates and I'll be hobby room. OP!!tt dally until 7 p. m. Branch at 16350. Harper at Courvill. Th ere are on y a ou so lers In 0 camps an on y. .. Co-operl!ltive BUilding Mechl!lnics some 20 to 30 aet time off simultaneously at each camp so around In the stutz Bearcat ~lth my derby hat and raccoon coat~ LA. 1.2840 there should b~ no problem such as would be involved in I

1__- _me I - =_ --. «--...... -, ------;;:-'-, r- - 'I~-- - -

• Cener.1 New. Section 2 • CI••• Hied • Feature P.le \ Thursday" August 21, 1952 . GROSSE POINTE. MICHIGAM .Series of Thefts Solved, With A rrest of Juveniles A Detroit youth was picked up vestigation revealed that two City police offkers Behrend Ialso found a length of hose and a. last Monday night by Farms Po- other Detroit juveniles had been and Waldecker picked up six De- hunting knife. ~he youths w~~e lice ;5ergeant Eugene Boylan for involved with the youth in a ser- . . released later m the momml investigation of robbery at the ies of thefts that began Febru- trolt'. youths on a dlsorderly per-l pen d'mg court actl'on . Sigurd R. Wendin home,' at 291 ary 11; at the home of V. J. Fanu- sons charge shortly before 2 a.m., _ Cloverly road. laro, 265 Kerby. August 18.' j p' k t C d 't Boylan, who had conducted an Also solved were an ~ttempted Two \19-year-old boys, James ar 0 on DC 'investigation of the robbery,' had entry at the home of T. C. Ander- B~ry, of .73 Sunningdale,. and been up against a dead~end since son, at 241 Ridgemont;' theft from RIchard Limberg. of 827 FIsher Bl.cycle Auctl.On its occurrence. over the week-end .. the horne of Mrs. W. E. Stark, at road, had complained to the po- But !.;.uestioning of the youth led 253 Hillcrest; theft from the J:' S. lice earlier that a gang of boys The kids are expectr=d to flock to its solution 'l!nd the clearing up Harris home at 351 'Moselle place, in a 1951' Ford convertible had to the Grosse Pointe Park Police of three other robberies and two Iand an attempted en1ry last Tues- chased them from the vicinity of Department in the Municipal attempts at breaking and enter- I day night ~t the Robin G. Marce Harper and Seven Mile road into Building at Maryland and East ~... ' "~"'. ing in Grosse P(,inte. Ihome, 281 Cloverly, ' Grosse Pointe, throwing beer bot- Jefferson on August 30, when Boylan had picked up the 15- Much of the loot had been hili!- tles' at their car. One had sailed seven bicycles will be sold at auc~ ~"ear-old boy while cruising near den in a field :leal' the A&P mar- through the rear window. tion. Charlevoix and Cloverly. A ket on Moross road, some in the A search of the car in which The bikes are unclaimed ones yachting cap he was wearing con;- boys' homes. The stolen articles :c,:":i~"~~;::r!'?'t<;~~~,~~~d;A"D'50fl):~~~;J:~J;~::LFrli?~;~; the gang had been riding pro- which have been picked up by nected him with the robbery at included cameras, watches foun- duced an empty case of beer bot- the police during recent months. the Wendin hom,.e. Further in.' tain pens, jewelry and' jewel tles and .two full ones. The police The sale will start at 10 a.m. boxes, ann. $175 in bonds from : v, • .~)N ~; .~ '-r .. <''';,''" '~'.~: Carl Georgi Appointed the Harris home. The three boys have been filed Cash-Car~y Men's or Ladies' 1 I To Special Committee on with juvenile authorities. ~_~:~~~{;' ,; 'v "'(:((1;" I I SUITS or Pickup - Delivery Carl Ge.orgi,. Jr.: vice.pre~ident I John Buel Warrens Leave and medIa dll'ector of D. P, S +', :";::<';~ \,:,' ,":.,,,':,',::::' '" ','~ Brother & Company of Detroit, I For Harbor Point Visit . ;';,:;,;:','::/",',"','::,..', ;;" :...... ', ,/";'('<':, 09 Lad~~~~~~!~....S 9 has been appointed to the Com-I Mr. and Mrs. John Buel War- <',,:,,:;;'','" ;.;",)' CLEANED AND PRESSED 11. mittee on Ne\'.:spapers of the, l'en ,of Lake Shore road are leav~ .n;: o. g::?j','.~~'" ~'. ""4' ,l'f American Association of Adver-I ing this week-end for a fort- ...... ,.. ~J "',::q :"":~}},".::' . Skirts or Sweaters 49c Slacks or Sport Shirts 49c \ tising Agencies, it was announced night's visit with he;:: parents, " " " ,', ;;;';' (.': ,:":.;.. " by AAA.A Headquarters in 1 Mr. and Mrs. Addlson E. Holton ...... : '. New York. . 1 at their Summer home at Harbor The Committee on Newspapers I Point. -Picture by George Schlaepfer 10~KARET CLEANERS h composed of members from Grosse Pointe bas and girls line the water's edge near the Crescent Sail Yacht Club in a preliminary fishing 15201 Mack TU. 2.6715 representative AA.A.A. adver- GUARD GOES TO CAMP contest that will lead them into nation-wide competition this Saturday, August 23, in the Boys and Girls National \. tising agencies throughout the Michigan National Guardsmen Better Fishing Program. J country. Its principal function is -8,000 strong-converged on s 1lE!J88r9ll:=i===:=JIEl COPYRlGt-tT. "W,,~~ to discuss and attempt to solve Camp Grayling and Big Bay Au- Plume- ~uxeJI) '-5688 -89 •.~muu the problems of newspaper ad- gust 16 for their sixth postwar Juveniles Admit Takes Training' vertising affecting advertisers" field training. Troops of some 120 Bad Weather Fctils to K'eep r agencies and publishers. units located in 50 Michigan com- Accessory Theft At Navy School ill ill I munities made the move to their Youngsters Froin Field Day CON T-ION field training sites by Guard ve- A] Susalla, Jr., son of Mr. and A I R . DIE D hicles and light aircraft, t:-ain and A routine check of a car-load ~c A Year'Rounti of teen.agers led to the recovery Despite inter~itent rain Satur- Al VanDeweghe, 1012 Way- Mrs. A. J. Susalla, of 1070 Roslyn bus. road, returned home last Monday ~ of a number of stolen auto parts day morning, hundreds of young- burn; Gail Phillips, 51 Radnor after completing six weeks train- • • on Friday, August 15. Investi. Health Program • • • .~*.*••***.*••*.*******~ sters turned out for the Grosse circle; Edmund Vernier, 170.Muir; ing at the Navy Officer Candidate • • You bet we're ~ g~ting the cause .of a two-car Pointe Metropolitan Club's chil- • • .. School in Long Beach, California. P"otlti of our *, .. accident on Allard near Bram- dren field day at the, Neighbor- Leah O'Grady, 101 Muir; James • • Now,a Midshipman in the Re- • • reputation tor I: ... caster, Woods police found two hood Club. Wood, 163' Charlevoix; Mimie • • • • is only common sense procedure •. And it is • serve Officer Corps, 'he will re- Cadillac' hu,b caps in the trunk The boys and girls enjoyed Crane, 724 Neff; Mike Cherry, • far less costly th~n ignoring the need of attention • I: : turn to the school next summer • • The Finest of a car containing, four JOY- themselves hugely and many car- 1324 Whittier; Barbara Prince, • • * .. after college to complete the • to he~lth . • Cocktails' * ~.. riding j\.lveniles. ried home handsome trophies. 1332 Brys drive. • • : Ser1..in~ the Fitlest After questioning the youths, They ate their fill of ice cream Jerry Chavinard,' 502 Notre training course. Upon graduation • Qnd i from the school. Susalla will re- • Regular exercise, and care of the diet are es.. all of Harper Woods, and getting and pop. Dame; Carol West, 464 Neff; Wil- .' • I * CANTONESE and Jf. • • Mixed Drinks nothing but evasive answers. the The Metropolitan Club express- Ham Behrend, 879 Neff; Alan An- ceive his commission. • sential. But most'important is frequent examina. • : AMERICAN DINNERS : ed appreciation to George El- drews, 773 Westchester; Martha • • Note-We ,use only police took them into the station • tion by your Doctor. So' visit him at least twice • the C H Ole E S '}' : OPsen Datly 3 p.m. to 3 8.m ; for further investigation, worthy for making the gymnas- Zimmerman, 141 Muir; Martin • • Jlqllors ; -Areh Supporting Feature" in All Colorsl Frank Fitt. Let's Get 'mated at $40. GEORGE J. JAGLOWICZ A witness .to t},le accident Shoe Iltore. Gr.tlot Cor. '-Mile Mrs, MacFarlane, Children.... identified the driver of the hit- O1ten Thnu,. Frl .. SAt. EVe1I ''I'll • Off To Sands Point, Onto run car, however, as Hector M. Couvreur, of 420 Moross. Braman Acquainted , Mrs. Don D. MacFarlane, of tol'd the police that he would try WITH THIS Country Club drive, with her to settle with Couvreur without FALL BOWLING OPENING! young daughter and son leaves signing a complaint. Friday, Aug. 22"d. Friday to holiday at Sands , I Point, Ont. Town 'n Casual' Shop Undergoel Alterations Join Our Service Specill! - FURNITU'RE HIN'f Foam rubber is highly satis- The Town 'n Casua\ women's Leagues factory in furniture, say Michi- shop at 20445 Mack avenue in gan State College specialists, but Grosse Pointe Woods has under. Now :g'einr; OrganIzed be certain the foam rubber is all gone a smart redecoration and for Women, in one piece. Scraps of foam rub~ alteration operation, and is again children bel' glued together do not wear open for business. Qnd ",en well. New wall cases in handsome For Information blond woods, new dre~sing rooms Call TU. .5.4590 I and other innovations give a TU. 5.1462 i rich sparkle to the popular fash- I ~ IN DETROIT IT'S ion shop. J I Mrs. Naomi Mitchell, an active 20th CENTURY RECREATION. I Orville Aljets Ken Garri. st.erman Garril CAF[ leader in Woods' business and Service Salesman Service Manager Semee Sol':smaft 14800 Maek ••. af Ashtan" - r • LOUIGE civic affairs, is owner of the \ IIUI I. WARIll. shop. Fireplace Fittings S~ '11... TU 2.1111 ...-- 2nd 8ig Weekl , l.ARGEST DISPl.AY IN MICHIGAN OF SOLID BRASS ' C PADDY ANDIRONS" TOOL SETS. FENDERS AND ACCESSORIES , , LIFF FEATURrNG ttSlidease'l CURTAIN SCREENS I, *M~~~~~C' , , *Harmonicl'l ~f/jzard ~ * RALPH BARI . His Trumpet and Orch. . Luncheon, Dinner S Late SpeciQls . We Cater to Parties and Banquet! DANCING • 2 SHOWS... NIGHTLY

Gellui". Ford tailored n,,;n,. installed by factory t1'ained Mecha"ics

95 -HOUR 581 Roslyn Road, in firSt Block off Lake Shore Road 14 sizes carried in stock. Custom designs available to fit any and only Three Blocks from Grosse Pointe Y~cht Club. SERVICE style fireplace, opening. Choice of polished brass, wrought iron or black. Four week's deliver:, on special orders. O~DER NOW RSlidy for immediate occupancy! One and o~e-half "sto~ies, with living ••. phone WOodward 2-6034. An experienced representative room, dining room, kitchen',:with disposal; covered terrace, 2 bedrooms will be plaesed t~ call at your home to assist you in selecting down, and. bath v:..ithtub and stail. shower;,:2 bedrooms and full bath up. I your fireplace requirements. i ADAM-.SIMMS, , 75x I~O•. Attached 2-car garage', full'b~asement.. lot, ,landscaped. tHCORPORA TED So'd [xch",,,,', in Michigan fit SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT' I YOUR NEWEST FORD DIALER Detroit Mantel & Tile Co. "BILDOR" 15401 l JEFfERSON' PHONEVA. 1.1000 1431 FARMER ST••DETROIT Half Block North of Hudson', Joseph O. Busch & Son CORNER NOTTINGHAM LUXURIOUS LOGE SEATS Service Ope" 7 A.M. ta 6 P.M. Monday l1lrough Friday Our 54th Year Vi\it Our Tell'vi~ion lounge Call TU. 1-9355 to 5:30 daily-or TU. 1-4164 eveningS' and Sunday ~ Saturday 7 A.M. to 1 P.M. ~~ _ .... -. - ~. '".-'

Page Twelve G'R 0 SSE POJNTE. N e'Ws Thursday, August 21, 1952 BabBor'rows-Boat; Beats -,------Boa~€lub Captures .L~nnual Thurs( Best in St. Clair Regatta .~Inter~ClubSwiming Meet By Fred Runnells Th~ Detroit BOat Club, desp\te a near catastrophe in the Barbara "Girl, Skipper" Slocum, one ()fthe better Luders f~nal event; captured the Thirteenth Annual Michigan Inter- sailO1"sin these parts; borrowed.Les Rutter's 30, square meter. '. Club $wimm.ingGhampi6nship. by the slim m~rgin of two "High Winds" fol" the, sixt.h' amiual St. Clair Yachtnien's" ~ points' Sunday'afternoon, August 17. '." ". regatta last Saturday, August 16, and beat the. here-to':'forel The Boat Club, .p.ost to thefive<~ " unbeatable Ray St. John and the rest of the 30 square meter member clubs of the Inter-Club j' years only): Bill Morrison class. ~ " . Swimming Association, vient into (Detroit Boat Club). .. Barbara, ~~d her cre~' o~ B~b Ion the first leg which was a spin. the last race protecting a fairly I Girls 75 meter Medley Relay .Jenks,. a saIl10g champIOn 10 hIS naker run, 'increased his lead on " safe eight point 91-83 lead over "(Total ages 42 years): Oak~ own rIght, C.onrad.Ott and John. the windward buck to the second second:PIace Detroit Yacht Club"l land Hills Countr~~Cluo (Pat ny Trost, finIshed Just one second mark on the American shore and The Boat Club needed only to 1 O'Dorien, Jane McKenzie, Vir. short of being two minutes ahead coasted home on. the broad reach finish.the Senior 200 meter Mix'"j ginia Wood). . of the v~teran St. John .. She had ,which turned into a spinnaker ed. Relay' to be assured of at. Celebrities on Hand almost eIght and ten mmute ad- run near the firiish line and won least a tie.. The point scoring. in iThe meet was- also .m~rked bv vanta~es ovel' .her other tw~ riv- by almost two minutes over Vic the re}ay events went 10-8-6-4-2. the appearance of several farri~ a~. DICk Sulhvan, who fimshed Heinrich's "Bandi II" and' four If 'the: Yacht Club won and .the ous celebrities. md'St noteable thu'd, and Al Gregory, who minutes over the writer's _"Wind Boat Club finished last the two was Holy:Loki,' Arthur Godfrey's brought up the rear. Toy." Bobby Road~trum took a te'ams would have wound up I famed Hawaiian singer. Also Had Loaned Own Boat fourth. tied...... 1 present were 1952 Olympic swim- "Girl Skipper" Slocum was Other WiJUlers ., Only One Worry . mers Clark Schoales, a recent forced into the 30 square meter The ~ther. winners in the 70 . The. c~ances of t.his looked winner of the 1952 Olympic 100 class for this race because she boat fleet were: Hank Cawthra in pretty shm and the Boat Cl~b meter fre~style in Helsinki and had generously loaned her .boat the Lightnings, Bill Berry in .the had. onl}: to worry about dls- Burwell (Bumpy) Jones, and to be used in the LudersInter- 22 square meter, Meryl Amo in, -Picture by Fred Runnells qualIficatlOn. The Boat Club, also 1952 Olympic oarsmen Pat nationals which started Monday. the Stars, Freddie Jensen in the ,Luder,skippers and their crews from all over the Uni ted States and. Bermuda who are' competing in the sixth. however, with victory within its! Costello and Walter Hoover of August 18. It (marked the first L Class, George E..Van iil'the K annual Luders International Ch~mpionship regatta sponsored by the Lake St. Clair Luder Fleet and the Grosse grasp,.. failed to c~ntendwith a! the:pet;oit Boat Club. Schoales. tbime Rutter's"I'High Winds" had Class, J. Collich in the Thistle ,Pointe Yacht Club where the races are heingheld. ~ . ,'. .,.. modest young malden. As the I who' holds the National AAU and een in competition and under class. . . young, swimmer executed her i National Intercollegiate 100 val'd th t t"'ct f B b ' . Front to.w from left to 'right shows the skip.pel's of the ten yachts and behind them are their crews. Left tci I J e compe en gUI ance 0 ... a s The two regular. leaders. in this. starting dive, a strap on her I freestyle titles once s\....am for tender tiller hand did what the class, Howard Boston and George right, front row; SAM CLARK, Chicago YC; FREp LOREIjZEN, Stamford YC; VICTORCOUDERT, Indian Harbor swimming suit broke. She stop", the Detroit Golf Club and Jones. ]. ! rest of .the 30.square meter boys Devlin finished seventh and YC; G. SHELBY FRIEDRICKS, Southern YC;BOB FORD, ,Grosse Pointe Club; OLIVER BROOKS, Royal Bermuda peel swimming for fear of losing who holds the National AAU l have been 'trYlOg to do for years, eighth' respectivelv . Commodore YC; D~ VEKNUDSEN, Bermuda Sail/Club, QORDON BROWN, Grosse Ile "XC; RAY PERSON, Pacific Coast; and her suit and t:eaded water re- 300 yard Individual Medley and j beat "Ray St.}ohn.. IBuelle Doelle mov~d into the sec. ELEANOR LEVINE, Western Long, Islantl Sound. Second row; TOM BROECKL, CINDY LORENZEN, RENE COU- luctant to. con?nue. Boat Cl~b National Intercollegiate 150 yard I Revelry Sc~res Upset ond place slot with his fire engin'e DERT"GINGER;FRIEDRICHS', BRUCE DAVENPORT, CARTER SALES, BQB SINCLAIR, TED NOWAK, JUSTINE :oach,ge~ual BIll Reaume, reahz. Individual Medley titles once ! , An_oth:r first hIt. ]~ke a th~~~ red "Scotch' 'N Water'" and Skip.. PERS0N, and WENDY BEVINK Third row;.POLLY CLARKE,' DOTTIE, LORENZEN, MARY COUDERT, BARBEE mg the Importanc.e of the two swam for the. Detroit Yacht Club I l I d.erbolt 10 the Crul~mg A dlVI,- Waless took third. .' < WINSTON JACK HENDRIE GEORGE E. VAN TOMMY PARKS PAT BROWN MRS..ROY PERSON' and SIDNEY points for .last place coa?,ed the 1 Off To Good Start . SlOn w.hen Nubby Sarns' "Rev.- ' .,.' . . . .'. '. , , .., ,. ,., , r10dest s to cont nl e I < elry" sque k d.' t'., . ..- ~red Meno of;DYC wonh~ In- LEVINE. Back row; BOB JACKSON and ROY PERSON. I wm~mer ,,' 1 I.. The Detroit Boat Club took a e oU.a w1On1Oggun dividual honors' in the club "cat- ---<;@>...... * '~"" .The Boat qlub finally. fimshe~ the opening event. the Bovs 100 r ~~er C,:are Ja~,~bs'New York 32 boat team race', bl:ltthe: Detroit I d- 1 '. l S -l more than a length belund':. The meter Freestyle Relay "(Total ,I .op, Falcon ~y l~s than, a Boat Club captured top team hon~, ~ best the ~acl1t Clu? could do was ages 56 years), for a valuable 10 U ers: nternatlonci .al . Truck" Hits Rear I mtnu.~ on correcte~ tU!1e. Sar~s ors while DYC and Edison tied ., Boat. Banter second .. place .WhICh . gav~ ..the points and from there on did r.ot and hIS crew of ~IS WIfe, DOrIS, for second place. BoatqIub,the champtonshlp bYI relinquish the lead. Th. B t Jack Prokop. VIC PuhlmeyeIU Doris Smith Wins -, . Regatta Draws 10 Enty' lees., Of Aittomobile-" a narrow 93-91 edge. '. t o~ Clate Detmars and Bob Langford . . ' ':By Fred Runnells The Detroit Golf Club .placed I Club. Golf Club,? and Det.rolt really wpooped it up after ret- I DorIS SmIth won the CI\: Free- ~ ------Mrs. Winnifred C. Prince, of third with 83 points, O-akland y] ~chtt~lIUthbr1a6nthl-~-3.'..reS?ectIve~ turn0g to their h.OI?C port at I~or-All catb..oat hass.el,an~ D. Fer- Originally there were to be This was the first tiI:\1e any 1878 Broadstone, was the driver Hills Country Club fourth with ~,un 1 e . ever:t \\-hen the ~ BaYVIew Yacht Club. The vic. lY went, ~round ,th.e course toge~ "We'l'esorry but' we can't nine skippers and crews repre- fleet had sailed a Gold Cup of a 1951Ford truck that rammed 61 points and the:Grosse Pointel.i: aeht Club: mov,:d lr:to,. second tory was the. fu-st'tor Sarnsin the gun u! the: VlI~eyard Haven. postpone "the Labor Day regatta senting as many associations in course on Lake St. C~air: RiiCe . . Yacht Cfb .:flfth '. ,place. A dlsquahficatlOn .to the seven years of' trying 'in the Iclass.. He .had n9thmg to lose as date." That was the answer the si>.."thannuai'Luders"Interna: Committee Chairman Dave Dav- mto the rear of anotber~~tomo.~" .. NtileRe~oms Set I Detroit Golf 'Club's Glrls 75 Cruising A class, . I he was the only starter, but he Stan Sayers received from Leon- tionals just completed at the. enport and his committee of bile stalled on, Lake Shore .,dHve.. The cham.'pionship meet was! n 1eter.;vredley Relay. team (Total Another Surprise ..! deserved th~first place trophy ard H. Thompson, secretary of Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. How-' James McMann of Southern Y.C.; near St. Paul s, Church;. August marked by nine reco.rd.-breaking I gesa .4~ years) put It out 9£ the Th . . Ibecause he, lIke all the rest of the the Detroit International, Regat- ever, at the last minute Dave Arthur D. Swift of Chicago Y.C.,' ...' 'fd . . runmng but not out of the ex ~ Crtllsmg C class. seas.on 170 starters, braved a heavy down- ta Association, after conferring Knudsen of the Bermuda Sai.l Milo F. Ohr' of Grosse Ile Y.C. 14. Damage to the truck was esti- 'per .rmances out of the 181 c'te tIt.' th G If Cl b: standmgs tOOk. a COlppl~t~,fllp. pour which rode in on a good with Ed Bodkin, regatta chair- Club arrived on the ~cene .and it and Don Williams the alternate mated at $200., . ' ... ,events. The.Eoat .':':"';' ..,.':. ,':-'. I,' 1st SI'nce 1949 . Jack Cullen's'''Altiacor.e;'>' Karl ale. . '.. '. ,'. , '. Sayers had requested the .post- mee Ing 0 ma e Im.,e IgIble to the show out on the lake~ . The mdlvldual stlir of the meet Ness' "HapPJ.--nes.s'.••.•th'e Nagel- .. H..owe.ver,' .t.he,.1. am, ,dldn t stIck., ponement of the Labor Day re- sail. ' '. This committee had a wQnder- ceived damages estimated, af$1'SO...... '. • .,.. .. .! Th h ...... , . - 1 M P . uff . d . 'r h,.t' was.14.,.year"o]d 'Kitty Kennan' I e c amp 10. nshlp vIctory (or Desmond-Nichol" "Bl'h'dd " alou~d very on~.after the .first gatta so he would have more Dave, a big, jolly, rotund Nor- ful Spot to work from too. 'Com- t rs~thrtnlCe s l' ele 'da::sIg 'of the :D~tr6it ,YaCht 'Club' Th~1 the Boat Club was its first since s. a qUI I er startIng gun was 'fired It dlsap- . . . wegian, came all ~he way from mander Ray Priebe. of the United cu on e eg, po Ice sal ~ . '. " ',...... I 1949 d't thO d' I and Jim Carlin's '!Glorv Bea IV'I' e d h th .' d h'ft d tJrne to I'econdltlon Slo Mo V, . . versatIle YQ]1ng;:swlmmer broke'I'. a~ 1 s Ir m t.le. 13 year C 1. , fi . h' .• pare w en e w10 S I e h' h bl ew l' d : th fi t Bermuda on a wing and a prayer. States .Coast Guard donated' his h t f tl t ,ar m s m..s m.g last effected the I around to the west and drove the W .l C t a cy In ~r 10 e rs H' f1 . R. h d ' I t.W,(). records,,1:heGirls 50 meter I lS orj.r 0,. ..le assoc.la Ion., thoe t h e t f h 1951)G ld C IS eet, the Bermuda Sail Club, big yawl "Borealis" as the J'udges' Ie ar DaVl.d Yates' 11 t t f t ki d Class s and'lOgs. . J l'al'n clouds a'''ay and ga"e the. ' a 0 r e. .... 0 up ra.ce . . Breast . (14-15 years only) and rs aSSOCIaIOn 0 1 S n m v-. v t1 S d h had not applied in time for its boat and the "Borealis" stood as T . . L k d I th t Tl D Before the race Carlm and I sun a chance to dry out a bunch recen J. ayers ma e t e. Ie-raInIng at ae Ian .. the. Girls 50 meter :freestyle e coun ry. 1e etroit Yacht .~ Hank Burkhard were only sep-I 01" soggy sailors. Most of the bo"s quest through. th,e ,.Arne.pca.n char~~r t~ be eligible i~r this steady as a church in the bllmpy ,__ (14-15 years:' Dnly)':Her record Club captured the dual meet J I P b t A h h year s senes. But all thIS was Lake st. Clair waters that tossed .. t'tl'tl f arated by two points in the sea- wel'e pretty well dried out by the ov:er oa 7soclatlOn, w IC In tak.en care of when Aaron Evans, the little Luders ship.'s and their LAC K L !\ N D AIR FORCE time 0(:42..~ in the breast stroke 11.: e WI 1 a per ect record of 4: son standings. Burkhard didn't Itime they hit the finish line, as turn passed It on to Thompson BASE Tex~s:-Richard David ?roke her., own :record set earlier wms and 0 losses .. The Boat take "M:eteor" .Ol,ltto play in the Iw~~ the canvas and gear. and the host club of the Labor chairman of the governing com- crews about like corks at times. y. '. .'. ,In the season by more than two I Club placed second In the dual rain because he had'a brand new I Flawless Handling Day regatta, the Detroit Yacht mitteegot the skippers together No one actually ~mows where ates. 19. son of Mr'c.and Mrs. seconas.She bettered her own meets with one defeat, a 2-point mainsail and didn't want to ruinj' The usual flawless handling of Club. for a vote and when. they agreed the seventh annual. series ~ril~ be. Fr:d W. ~a~es of. ~32 ~bdge, road, r.ecord again in th~'freestylebut f loss 'to the Yacht Club. it. Consequently, by not sailing! the regatta was performed by the The request wasn't denied be- that Dave should sail, Evans held because all SIX aSSOCIatIOns010SS~ Pomte, ~lch:, IS.c0.1?plet- onlv by 1I10tl1'of: a second I 'i'he Inter-Club Associafon he backed into first place in the IDRYA J'udges, Commodores Hal cause local officials didn't want cChOmntlittteet,granBtedad tesmPloCrlarYbhave had it once. There is talk ln~ h~s AF baSIC aIrmen l.ndo,?- - Harry Huffaker Sta~ "'iil- hold a unique meet Sundl.! . .' C 1 di I. ar er 0 ,ne ermu a al u that the series might go to Ber tnnatlOn course at Lackland AIr IT' . . I' ay Crlusmg c ass stan ngs. ,SmIth, J. A. Summerlee, K. P. the famous "Slo-Mo V" here for h' 1 '11.b d t'l th. d .. ' 1953' dl' f h~ Force Base the "Gatenray to the welve-year old Harry Huf-I when' an All-Star team from the •f,' No .....~L "at'.ters. . ,Lelppran. dt, Daye. Davpnport, Ray. telh S'l vel' Cup. On the contrary lIarw lCcharter1 WI comese goo through,u 1 e regu- muth' a In t regal:. t esst b0 ,'w 0 All''. Force". •. '" I',faker representing the local I 5 clubs Vltill5Wl'1n ag'alns tAlIan - For the first tlmes1Oc~. the IDaley, P. J. PhIllIPS, Jack Sutton, they wanted Sayers here very l . e wmner urns ou 0 E!. . ". Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. cap- Star t.eam .from ,5 clubs of the' (.'" Cruising B class was organized Frank Martin and Bill Phillips. much but pointed out that the I Lac~lar:d, sItuated, near Sa.n turect the 50 meter. Freestyle for I Connecticut Swimming Associa- sever.al years .ago there were no Commodore R.. L; Bra~d was the I Silver Cup race was only one of Commun;.ty 'Splash Party' J ~~tonlO,.lS t~e worl? s largest a~r 12-13. Year. Olds In the record 1 bon by proxy. The Michigan starters. Wilfred McQuire. had Itop brass of thlS commIttee. eight on the program and that II ' : ' fOI~e.base, SIte of All' Force baSIC break~ng' tlme of :32.9, 5/10th Iswimmers will swim ~t the his "Kandu': .at the st~rting li:l~e Commodore Robert Drean, VC I ~here wen' several other drivers , '.. ',:. . .' ,. ".l'. .. , trammg, for men and women, of.. a second faster than the bId LGrasse Pointe Yacht Club begin- and -yas \....alh~g for hIS .compeh-I Tom Bowles and RC Karl N~ss In other classes to consider; Some Turns' Out Success.fl'l';.y . headquarters. of the Human R~-' record. I ning at 2:00 and the Eastern hon 10 the ram. but when they were elated that ~o many Sklp- of them were coming fro}l1 as . . ~.. sea~ch CenteI: and home of AF s .Other records set were: i swimmers. will swim at tho: In failed to shov,,'up I'Kandu" didn't I pel's. braved the ramy weather to far away as New Orleans and ------OffIcer CandIdate School. GIrls 100 meter Freestyle Relay I Stamford (Conpeeticut) Yacht start. McQuire could have sailed II come to the party and rna~e their other distant point~. It was also Sl,lIlda"y,August 17 was '~Splash. IntertubeR~ce, '10, 'years and His basic training is preparing (Total ages 56 years): The De- . Club. Twentv-three events will around the course and got the I :-egatta a success despIte the pointed out that other regattas Pari)'H'day at. the. Grosse Pointe' under: L' J. Nels~n. 2. Paul him ~or ent~ar:ce into Air F?rce troit. Boat Club (Belle Roney,! be held at thi same time. start£'d first pla!:e trophy but. it would i we~ther. , . had their own dates and to post- Shores' muniCipal park:, Th.e Krogh. 3. Lee Jeffens. techmcal trammg and for aSSlgn- Demse Carne, Carol Sober, and: simultaneously and t}1e Tesult:~ have been a hollow VIctory and: Next week, Edlson Boat club. pone the LaborDav event would Weatherfu~'j.:.;;. Shoresi'esid~nts Innertube Race, 12 years and Irnent i~ specialize~ w?rk. The .Jill Taylor). I reported over a telephone that he declin:d. r ------only garble up the rest .of the and childr~n~;all;~ooperated' and under: 1. John 'Ogden. 2. Bob I course 10cludes a SCIentificevalu- GIrls 25 meter Freestyle (11 and will be kept open between the Salls Perfect Race I DEALS VS. IDEAI:-S racing season for the other clubs a fine party': wa.s~h;~'.result., Duemling. 3: Bob Hackathorn. ation of his aptitude and inclina- under): Sharon Crawford (De- I two clubs. . Jimmy Trudell sailed a perfect I I~. woul.d seem .that ..msome and the boat owners. Under. the .1ea'a~rship',6! Park .. tion for foflowing a particular trait Golf Club). ! _~. _ race in the Privateer class and: pohtlcal CIrcles deals qUIte ovel'- WIt. d RD' :Director Wayne :VanZandt and 50 .~ard SWlln, 18 years and vocati.on and career. Boys 100 meter Jrre'estyle (16 WELFARE OF NATIONS an i ~aptllred }:is first winning gun of I' shadow ideals. af ;,k. P oJ:"" oss~~.,~~~ithe regular Shores Guards Bruce unde!. 1.. Dale LaForest, 2. Bob i ------I thru 18 only): Peter Dow (De- i The average politician take~ the season and took the lead in ------e:~ °h. ISS . epSI ,cou n e Crowley .Corky. Lcikleider and McQueen. 3. Jerry Lynch. I DEALING FROM BOTI'OM j .troit Boat Club). II his job too seriously, and the ould the fleet's new Fall Series which i HOPE OF TOMORROW ':' et er theI~ boat :n be Nancy Gabriel, events for all 25 Yard Da~h, men: 1. Chuck Entirely too many people try Gll'ls 50 meter Freestyle (12-13 i average voter takes the politician will include the Edison, Crescent I The hope of tomorrow is in Iea~~ to. run l~ the SlIver .CuP ages from the five and six year McFeely. 2. BIll Merdlth. 3. Bob to get the upper hand by deal- ye~rs only): Belle Roney (De- i too seriously-but neither I)f and DYC Sweepstakes rf7gattas.! the hands of the nation's school cla~:;.lc.01. not.. T~e b~at dldn t old "small fry" to adults were Powell. . • ing from the bottom. trolt Boat Club). I them takes the welfare of the Trudell grabbed a slim margin I teaehers today. arrlV~ In D~trolt, v~a traIler. from ru ff. d th 1 k d d t 25 Yard Dash, \vomen: 1. 'Pat . -.-.------_ Boys .5.O~.n'l.eter Freestyle (14-15 nation too seriousl".'. . Lake Washmgton 10 Seattle un- no, ,an e uc y an a ep I ~.,...... - ~ _ _'_ '"___ .J til Monday Work began' im- left the park that afternoon Martin. 2. Kathryn French: \ . I ~__ ~.-'-" .. , "-.-..,;. -.-... -.-... -.-..~~~. ,~.. _~ .. ~'. --....-., mediately in tearing down the sportlng yellow, red and blue nb- A diving exhibition was staged i COMPLETE , . J busted gear box that forced bDns. by Bru<.:eCrow1ey and Bob MC"' HUDSON ,. ",S""UDEB 1& ...-.rED "Miss Pepsi" from the Gold Cup Events and the winners were: Queen, and following the water :.,' .:". >I. .~.. .. , -ONE DAY .eventand the Dossin's were 15 Yard Swim, 8 years old and events the regular Sunday ball! Authorized Serviee ' j .', SALES and SERVICE , hopeful repairs could be made under: .1. Mike LaForest. 2. Tom-' game w~s played. I Port. and Aecessorie. . . , in time' to give local speedboat my SmIth. 3. Sally, Hartwig. I .. Factory Auth.or;zf{td ,Perrts , SERVICE Ifans an opportunity to s~ the 25 Yard Swim, q years old and Experience reveals' that the' HUDSON- t: Complete Line of Aeee.sorle. , I Gold Cup monster perform Labor under: 1. Dave Roll~2. Bob Hack~ man who spends most of his time, l NO EXTRA,CHARGE f ! Day. . at~;r;:;/~h:i~,&c~oat~::~~ and flaring up doesn't shine very long. TAPERT MOTOR, Incl: ~T••TTS.& ~IURPBY : I _<\ME,RICAON THE GO under: 1. Lee Jefferis. 2. Jimmy . 'J' . ..' .'.,' , 1 Special for: Thursday, Friday Saturday More than 72,000,000Americans Nelson. 3. Paul Krogh. Many children who fear the Ii 13245 East Jeff'erson ~II Oltl Hame in er Hew., Location . dark. grow up to be poiiticians VAlley 1-4400 J.. '..:;...:. . .. t I t00k vacatIOn trips. last year - Cork Race: 1. Linda Martin. 2. 13333 last Warren VA, 2-1450 MEN'S C and this figure does .not include Bob HackathorT). 3. Dave Roll.' and fear the light. f ". e. , ' weekend jaunts. This is the basic I Inner-tube Race, 6 years and mz~/ZZ~~/ZZ~~~~~/ZZiZ1Z!~~m:?JZlm1l~~m1l~m?l1l.i:7JZ!~~ , ..... ,- ~ -':.-,.. ---.-.. '-' --...... --. '-' --...... -.-...... , ... reason behind this country) an. under: 1. Elizabeth Jefferis. 2.. " SUITS ...... • e .••••• .... 49 nual tourist business estimated Cary Schaeffner. 3. Tish Roney. A T YO UR SER VI (E PRESSID Cash & Carr)t lat between $7,000,000,000 and 4. Bill McFeely. . $10,000,000,000 spent by those Innertube Race, 8 years and 4-DayLaunciry Service - Shirts - Family Bundles wanting to .'~smell a strange under: 1. Mike LaForest. 2. Cyn- , , 1 flower at least once a year." thia Gabriel. 3. CarY Schaeffner. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY - 7:30 A,M. to , P,M. SATURDAY 7:30 to 3 P.M. BE SURE. Denby Cleoners Complete ColII.ion Service •• 20087 Mack, at Fairholme TU. 2-6189 Detroit's Most Modern 'SaJes'.& Service Factory rrain.ed Experts Plant DENBY DOIS 11609 E. McNichols 10315 E. Warren GOOD WORK 16306 Harp.r Genu~!JeParts and Accessories HUDSON~ , . CHECK

LAVIGNE AUTO, • I SALES- '. • Ope,,' derlly • a. m. fo , p.m. Safur" • .,.,,,, J ,~ ill. WHYTE .OLDSMOB'ILE . ~' . COMPANY RO ON YOUR MARK! . '-4201 E. W.rren' V....' 2 3459 Th. at Lakewood. t1l 1460 ,14800 I. JI"IRSON ' VA. 1-5000 pic': . Bes~ For the Labor Da, WIlkl.d •.•• 1Y51" r~~~~~--'~~~~~~~~~~--'~~--'~~~--'~~~~--''-'--'~ 3"9'1 BUICK ~re~l " ' ha GET YOUR CAR SET'! I' '.(t-- Complete .~. : with Serviced' by ~Iperls , ,' with caution and car. lor '52 • • • ! PONTIAC SERVICE'! I. j' ''-'NOW AWAITS YOU. AT YOul t Payments FiI,anced if De.ired GOI _ ' - . GROSSI ' P()INTI AUTHORIZID PONTIAC DIALER J . TURNERBUICK~ Inc. KOTCHER. !OLDSMO.BILE,. co. Grosse Pointe's Btlick Dealer Cadillac •.Old,mobile IMcLEAN MOTOR SALES, INC. TUX. 2 :~::J .1510]' KERCHEVAL 15554 E. Warren TU. '-.6600 .It'' .... '15210 Mack Avenue D222 t .' L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J

2 777 '5a5ZS5S 7 SSrSr5rSSrr 7 5727 27E 7 mssarst pssses. 7 sonss". sce.se.u ree en .m =- "d''' .. ~ = -,,' . ..,'

ugust 21, 1952 Thursd~y,. August 2., 1952' , . , " ,", ,-' GRO.S 5 'Ep.OJ:'NTE~. N>.E,W.S " ,Pag8Thirteen. .A.4nnual . , .•• : r.-:' . , '... :.... Meet I).RICEAP;PlIANCE and 'RCA-VI;etc:lRBring .You ~atastrophe in the il Michigan Inter- m margin of two

y): Bill Morrison TnePe,!ett 'J1nswerfilSlimlner listening Ple"sure ... }at Club). , . , ter Medley Relay s 42 years): Oak. Country~Club (Pat ane McKenzie, Vir. • l). ReA-Victor. :tie! on Hand "as also marked by ,..Radi()s~•.Portalhles . ce of several fam. - . . . - - .- -. , . . , es. m~t nateable ;:i. Arthur Godfrey's liian singer. Also .and Phonographs . 1952 Olympic swim- _' ~,.4 '. ,- • _, ," -_~ '. _ ,. " Schoales. a recent e 1952 Olympic 100 'Ie in Helsinki and. mpy} Jones, and y:npic oarsmen Pat Walter Hoover of 'H.r. Ar.:1 F~w,Rllson. 'HYYol -, oat Club. Schoales, ~ National AAU and Sh'o,uld 'Coml. 10 ,PRIOE,Appllllc,. rcollegiatc 100 yard IIllIIt tlwffInWlJ.$ "Golden'17votlt" • fl!)ne system ••• ~s once swam for . '" olf Club and Jones. • Prici ilthe}argest ileA-Victor dealer o~ the National AAU ividual Medley and . the Ealt Side. rcol1egiate 150 yard :cdley titles once ..: Detroit Yacht Club. • Price off."s ~uthorized R.CI4-Victor Factory [) Good Start Servic•. t Boat Club took event. the Boys 100 ht_kJJjit~ ... • Price's.ll. only.the finest merchandise yi€ Relay (Total ...... ;. J. fo!' a valu.able 10 mad •• ml there on did not e lead. The Boat :lub. and 'Detroit .Pric~ 1•. th •. larg'lt b.cause~ h•. treahhi. ~n 1-2-3. respective~ 6th event ,vhen the cUltom..,. the best •. moved into second qualification' to the • And remernber, PRICE'S prices are better. Club's Girls 75 . Relay team (Total

I put it out of the not out of the ex- \\a;; the Golf Club's Detroit Yacht Club :ce that decided the " of the Boat Club. Since 1949 leA Victor ,iopship \'ictory for 1411 b was it;: first since third in the 13 year the new 'le association, the on of its kind in The Detroit Yacht d the dual meet perfect record of .( ~ ~:"Li~gston" Josses. The Boat .. second in the dual 1e defeat. ~ 2-point for AM and FM reception~~.''':. with 8.inch speaker 'cht Club. -ell! b Assoeiati,on ,. You'll flnd dozens of uses ""!' nique meet Sunday for this smart, exciting littl. • Do you like good music? ••• deep and give ifW, almost lUlheJiewJ.bly one tooM Star team from the (It's less than 6 inches high}J'Parsonal." full, high and clear? Thenhen;'s the radio nmge and quality. .vim against an All~ ReA Victor miniature tubes, new built.in you've been waiting for. It's the new RGA You'll he pr~ud of thisset'smstmcti'ft )n1 5 elu bs of the Victor "Livingston': ••• the ultimate in cabinet. And don't forget: .. the "LiT. )\\.imming Associa- .ntenno, and powerful battery insure ,yo The Michigan .xcellent performance at home or "on the rood." AM-FM table radios. ingston': (R'CA Vietor model lR81) has a in swim at the A very fine top-grain cowhide carry- This new ReA Victor AM-FM radio U~eIl phono-jack for plugging in the "Victrol.lI Yacht Club begin- Ing case is available at extra cost. • special FM circuit" combined with the 45record.pJaying attachment . and the Eastern We'll be glad to show you ReA famous "Golden Throat~: t<>nesystem, 'to He&r thie A.\f.FM ReA Victor todaJ. :li SWlm at the Victor'. Newest "Personal" (model 8411). ::>nnccticut) Yacht Ask for It today. OOftctrola" T.M. !los. tJ. S. Pot. Olr. y-tnree events will , ::ame time. started : and the results . a telephone that op€'n betw('en the

; OF NATIOl\'S :e politician take~ seriously, and the ~~ .We Have.All ReA .Models on Display takes the politician ... -but neither of Anywh.,. •• ~ he welfare of the riously. Clnytim. ;:~ "~ ,...... J Eft , t. , tOY j lion , VA. 2..1450 , ..~~ ...~

BEAUTIFULLY. There', lifelike reaH8m hecaule all lite ~.hn" playing sur.fa..ce is within the.re.cord', distO.' rt. iOll.. .free '.'quality. rlfl{" zone"! And the "45" i. "Doiee-free" loo-non.breakahle plasticrec'ords virtually do away with 8~rface-noi8e.-

Th. ReA Victor Revei.r (Mod.1 BX57). ~~ EASILY-You can pickllp a whole slack of~45" record. i. r IC one hand -load them on the big cenler .piDdle with your The pow~rf~IReveler's lightweight and at eye. ll,hnl!1l'1l the world'. simplesl, '1H'~8t changer-aDd ReA Vidor X551 home everywher ... AC, DC or ~tteryop- it's easy on storage space too! , .ration. the "Golden Throat" lonl sysflmo 'nUs deqghtfullittle radio :is just the thing 10 hring new interef!lt Has THRIFTILY.ft45"recordli coet 111' to ~leall thuCll'diBary ~' in 10 itA Vktvr PX600 Styled, handsome dark - - - . ones. Andyon'llhnve ,ho,~..andlloffa1'oi'iletitlel 10eheole dull moments. It's swell for the den, the kitchen, the rump\» n. RCA Victo,"Glob. T,otter"Sto"do,d Alligator.Groin plastic •••. ~ from. Over 50 different companies now make "45" records! room, the dorm, the room at sch(x)l, thehedroom, the porch .•• pIO','S on batteIY,••AC, .or DC c~~ren', ,winl praise alwQYs •• ' . or dozens of other spots. The reception is amazingly rich and Best tone with the Golden Throat lone Enryhody'. going "4$," and you'll pick a~inner nomatter what t'Y'tem. 'Extra powerful receplion ••• hie .ooel yOOhuy! RCAVietOl"s"45" has ~eptthe country-and you'1l lifelike-ReA Victor's exclusive' "Golden Tbroae' tone system ].gang condenser for Ie.ra. why when you listen k.J music OIltMt amarin~c:ompieteVictioI ••• makes music ~ror-clear. The attractive cahinet of this set greater range. Styled In \ ~. II(.. CIIf. handsome blue plaltlc , eomes in maroon (ReA Vict« X551)« ivory (X552). see and K with golden tril/L, :a.e.. 1bifi ~t1e t( leta" lOdar.

, Inc.

22406 East Nine Mile Rd.,.St. Clair Shores PRescott 5-2728


,i, • _ nap •••• • •• • o • .' ...... - ..~~ .. I ... ~ •

Thursday, f Page Fourteen GROSSE Thursday, August 2 r, 1952 driving into an Edward McKernan Family Moving to Shaker Heights efricienl use of the public right-of-way; and to Stat~:' for suspension of the license under the stop before entering the nearest crosswalk intersection m f that endJthe ChIef of POlice, WIth such. approval, Michigan Motor, Vehicle Code. If the license is at an intersection or at such other 'POmt as movement of v Mr. and Mrs. Edward McKern- new offIces there. may. : not fOFWarded an explanation of the reason why may be mdicated by a clearly VISIble lme operator shall st • an, of McKinley road, moved The M(;Ke~nan's oldest daugh- (a) Desisnate through s.treetsf and place and ,It i3 abaent shall ',be attacht!Q. , and shall remam standmg untIl green or mtersection and maintain stop SIgns on each stre~t mtersectmg 3.5 Reekleu Drivmr. My person who drives "Go" 15 shown alone. condltlons chan~ to Shaker Heights, Ohio, last ter, Sally, wIll enter her third mtersectlOn WIt' .., such through street. t any vehIcle upon a street cal:elessly and heedless- 2. No pedestnan facing such ~gnal shall week. Mr. McKernan, assoc1ated year at the {Jniverslty of Kansas (b) DesIgnate the streets or parts of streets ly in wilful Ot wanton disregard of the rights or enter the street unless he can do so safeh' 7.4 Passing Str. with Cappel' Publicatiorul, 1S be- and Edwar&' at.ld Mary Lou wIli upon which there shall be no stoppmg, standing, safety of "'others, or without due caution and CU'M and Wlthout interfering with any vehIcular Whenever anv mg transferred to the company's "enter schools m Shaker HeightS. or parking of vehicles, or upon whlc:6;;.there shall camspection and at a speed or m a manner so traffIC. crosswalk or at CH~PTER I. be parking, standing, or stoppmg for limlted pe- as to endanger or be likely to endanger any per- intersection to (d) Red with 'arrow. WORDS AND PBRASESrDEFINED I iods of time.' " ~ son or property, shall be guilty pf reckless drivmg. roadway. the dr' 1. Green arrow (steady)~ VehIcular traffic The following words and phl'ases when used In (c) Designate intersections that known 3.6 J)ea~ing Scene of Accident. mg from the n sbalfbe facing such Signal may cautiously enter the thiS Ordinance shall, for the purpose of thIS 01'- as stop mtersectiOns, and place and maintaIn stop (a)' Injury. "The dftver of any vehicle in- such stopped VE dmance, have the meanmgs given below: SIgns at such mtersections.,. volved In,an accident resulting in InJury or death mtersectIon only to make the movement . mdlcated by such arrow but shall YIeld the 1.1 .Vehicles, Tra:tlic, etc. ~elln£d. Cd) ProhibIt left hand turns or right hand of any person shall immediately stop such vehicle MISCELL' Vehicleo..,;,Every devIce m, upon or by WhICh any turns by vehIcles at deSIgnated street corners. at the scene of. such accident and shall give his nght-of-wa'f to pedestnans lawfully wlthm a crosswalk and to other traffIC lawfullY 3.1 Rir;ht-of-W? person or property IS or' may be transported or (e) EstablIsh speCIal pnma facie speed limIts. name, address, and the reg1stration number of (a) When 2 dlawn upon a ,street, excepting devIces moved by (f) Exclude- or restnct parking, standing pr hiS vehicle, also the name and address of the usinR; the intersection. I 2 Red arrow (flashing): When a red arrow approxImately t1 human power. st~pping on ,certam street~ or parts of streets, owner, and exhIbIt his operator's or chauffeur's vehicle on the I Motor Vehicle. Every vehicle WhICh IS self- durmg certam hours. lIcense to the person struck or to the driver or IS illuminated by rapId intermIttent flashes, drivers of vehicles shall stop before enter- the vehicle on . propelled. (g) EstablIsh one-way. streets or speCial rout- occupants of any vehicle collIded WIth and, shall hlde travellmg , Commercial 'Vehicle. Every motor vehicle used mg of traffIC., render to any person injured m such accident mg the nearest crosswalk at an intersectIon for the tran.sportatIon of passengers for hire, or (h) DesIgnate fire routes and prohIbIt standing reasonable assistance including the carrYIng of or at a limIt lme when marked and shall any r1~ht-of-wa constructed or used for transportatIon of goods, or parkmg, upon certIficatIon of the Fll'e ChIef such person to a physiCian or surgeon"'for medIcal then be PrIVIleged to make the movement hereunder. wares or merchandIse, and/or all motor vehicles that such routes are needed for attendIng fires or surgical treatment if it IS apparent that such mdicated: PrOVIded, That no mterference (b) The dri\' desIgned and used for drawmg other vehlcles and (1) PermIt angle parking m certain places. treatment is necessary or IS requested by th~ In- 1S offered pedestrians or vehIcles lawfully sectlon mtendlr not so constructed as to -carry any lo'ad .thereon . (J) Tem"poranly close a~ street or portion of Jured person. ' on the street the nght-of-wa' eIther mdependently or any part of the weIght of street when reqUIred In the mterest of publIc (b) Property Damage. Th~ driver of any ve- 3. No pedestr.ian facmg such SIgnal shall the OPPOSIte 01 a vehIcle or load so drawn. safety. . hide mvolved'In an aCCIdent resultmg in damage enter the street unless he can do so safely section Qr so c11 Tr.uck. Every motor vehIcle desIgned, used or (k) ProhIbIt commerCIal traffic from usmg to property shan immediately stop such vehIcle and witnout mterfenng with any vehicular medlate hazard. mamt'ained prImarIly for the ,transportatIOn of certam streets or portIons thereof. at the scene of such accldeQt and shall gIve his traffIC. _ and havmg giVl by thIS ordman propelty. (1) DeSIgnate loadmg zones to permrt loadIng name and address, and the reglstraJ:lon number (e) In the event a traffIc-control SIgnal is the dllvers of . Trailer. Every vehIcle wIth or wIthout mottve and unloadmg of commerCIal vehIcles. of hIS vehIcle, and also the name and address of erected and mamtamed at a place other than an mtersectIOn £1 ( I power, deSIgned for earrymg property or persons (m) DeSIgnate buildmg, theater, church, and the owner, and exhIbIt his operator's or chauf- mtersectIon. the pr,OVlSJOns of thiS sectron shall be YIeld the nght- and for bemg drawn by a motor vehIcle and so other publIc bUIldIng entrances to permIt only the feur's lIcense to the dtlver or occupants of any applicable except as to those proviSiOns which bv left turn: Pro\ constructed that no part of ItS weIght rests upon stopping of. vehicles for the purpose of loadmg other ¥ehic1e Involved thelr nature cal'\ have no applIcatlon Any stop WhlCh a traffiC . the towmg vehIcle. and unloadmg J;>assengers. 3.7 Report of Accidents. reqUIred shall be made at a SIgn or markmg on Bicycle. Every deVIce propelled by human mR; to make c; (n) Cause lInes to be marked upon pavements (a) The drrver of every motor vehIcle m- the pavement mdIcatlng where the stop shall be power upon WhICh any person may llde, haVIng bound stral~ht f Ol' SIdewalks for gUIdance of vehIcles and pedes- volved m an aCCIdent resulting m a vehIcle or made, but m the absence of any SIgn or markmg- two tandem wheels e)ther of wh)ch IS over 20 tnans vehIcles becommg so dIsabled as to be incapable WhICh are 2\\ a 1 the stop shall be made at the SIgnal. Inches m dIameter. (0) Jll 01' EstablIsh parkI-9-g meter zones, fix mdwI. of bemg propelled the usual manner, re- 42 Pedestrian Walk and Wait Signal. Whenever the IntersectIOn Traffic. . PedestrIans, rIdden or herded anImals, dual parkmg meter spaces thereIn, and fix the sultmg In personal InJury or peath of any person (c) The ope special pedestnan-control signals exhIbIting the vehIcles, and other conveyances either smgly or hours dUrIng WhICh parkmg In any such zone be shall forthWIth report such aCCIdent to the near- ..to!)ped as reQl together while USIng al!Y street for purposes of governed by such parkmg meters. est or most convenient polIce statIon or police words "Walk" or "Walt'. are m place, such SIgnals trance to a thr, travel. (p) EstablIsh traffIC control SIgnals and de- offICer. The dfflcer recelvmg such report shall shall mdlcate as follows: (a) Walk-PedestrIans facmg such Signal mav shall YIeld thl Right-of-Way. The priVIlege of the immedIate termme their hours of operatIon. forthWIth forward the same to the CommISSIoner which have en proceed across the street III the direction of the use of the streEt. (q) EstablIsh loadmg zones (subJect to 24, of State PolIce on fOlms to be preSCrIbed by hlm. through stl eet 0 SIgnal and shall be gIven the l'lght.of-way b" the Traffic Control Signal. Any deVIce whether where apphcable), and bus stops, bus stands and (b) The dllver of any vehIcle WhICh collides on said thtough manually, electrIcally, or mechamcally operated, taXI stands. with any vehIcle whICh IS unattended shall im- drIvers of ail vehIcles. ate hazald but' by WhICh traffIC IS alternately dIrected to stop (I) Discontmue or moddy any of the above medlatel¥ stop and shall then and there either (b) Wait-No pedestrian shall start to cross the street m the dIrection of such SIgnal, but any proceed ann n and to proceed. regulatory measures. The above enumeratIon locate and notify the operator or owner of such proachmg the l' Traffic Control Devices.-All SIgns, SIgnals, shall not exclude the establ1shment of other types vehIcle of the name and address of the dnver and pedestnan who has partlally completed ~IS cross- mg on the walk signal shall proceed h) a Side- shall vleld the ' I markmgs, and devices not mconslstent WIth thIS of traffic regulation owner of the vehIcle stuking the unattended ve- ceedmg mto or I ordmance placed or erected by authonty of a The Chlef of PolIce also shall have power to hlcle, or, If such owner cannot be located. shall walk or safety Island whIle the '~ait SIgnal IS showmg (d) The dr'\ 1 publIc body or offICIal havmg JUrISdIctIon, for the establIsh any temporary baffle regulatIOn WhICh forthWIth report It to the nearest or most con- cross a street fr plll pose of regulatmg, warning, or gUIding traffIC. he consIders necessary or approprIate to deal WIth vement polIce offlcer. 43 Flashing Red or Yellow Signals. Whene\er wav shall Yield 1 2 Persons, etc. Defined. any unforeseen, unusual, or temporary conditIon, 3.8 Concealing Identity. No person shall con- flashmg red or yellow slgnals are used they shall reqUire obedIence by vehicular traffIC as followl' approachmg on Person. Every natural person, firm, co-partner- and to dlscontmue the same. ceal or attempt to conceal hIS Identlty or falsely 8 2 Dnving to ShIP, asSOCIatiOn, or corporation and theIr legal 2.4 Loading Zones for Abutter's Convenience. IdentIfy hImself or give false mformatIon to any 1. Flas]'llnR; red (stop SIgnal). When a red successors Where a loadmg zone IS establIshed for the polIce offICer Or to any person entitled to the m- lens IS Illummated by rapid mtermlttent cient vddth e' Operator. Every person who IS m actual phys- convemence of the abuttmg property, the owner formation prescnbed m 3.6 and 3.7 above. flashes. dnvers of vehIcles shaH stop befol e operator of a \ ical control of a vehIcle upon a street. or occupant (If the property shall first be requued 3.9 Exemptions to Authorized Emergency Ve- entermg the nearest crosswalk at an mter- the right half 0 movmg vehIcle Owner. 1. Any person, firm, aSSOCIation or to make applIcatIOn for a loadmg zone permIt, to hicles. sectIon 0" at a hmlt lme when marked and Complete your home wIth a dIS- corporatiOn rentIng a vehIcle or haVIng the ex- pay a serVIce fee on the baSIS of $50 per year and (a) Th'e driver of any authol'lzed emergency the rIght to proceed shall be subJect to the hand ed~e or tmctive WHITEHALL Weather clUSIve use theleof, under a lease or otherWIse, to RgI ee m wrltmg to reimburse the CIty for the vehIcle when ~respondIng to an emeI:gency call, rules applicable after makIng a stop at a practicable to t Vane! Priced as Iowa:: $r1.2:5. Sturdy for a perIod of gI eater than 30 days loss or damage to any SIgns mstalled in connectiOn but not whIle returmng therefrom, may exerCIse stop sIgn. and except \\ h" all-alummum construction ... beau~ 2 A person who holds the legal tItle of a WIth such zones Every such loadIng zone permIt the pnvlleges set forth In this sectIon, but sub- 2. Flashin.£! yellow (cautiOn SIgnal) Whpn vehicle sublect overtakmg and t1f1l hand carved desIgns . . . react vehIcle or In the event a vehicle 1S the subJect of shall expIre on December 31 of ench year and the Ject to the condItIons h~rem stated. a yellow lens i8 Illummated WIth rapId in- to the slightest breeze' Universal an agreement for the cond)tional sale or lease loadmg zone shall be deemed discontmued unless (b) The driver of an authOrIzed emergency termIttent flashes, dnvers of vehIcles ma \. prOVIded hO\\ p SWIvel Base for easy mounting on thereof WIth the rrght of purchase upon perform- • reapphed for and reestablIshed by the ChIef of vehlCle may _ proceed through the mtersectiOn or past or more lanes f any angle roof or cupola I DIOP m I ance of the condItions stated m the agI eement and PolIce The gI ant of a loadmg zone permIt shall 1. Park or stand. Irrespective of the pro- such signal only WIth caution. shall keep the See these and many more clever WIth an ImmedIate nght of possessIon vested m not be deemed to create any property nght and VISIons of this ordmance. • CHAPTER V. lIght-hand lane desIgns m house Signs apd weather the condItIonal vendee or lessee or m the event the Chief of PolIce may dlscontmue any such 2 Proceed past a red or stop SIgnal or stop SPEED REGULATIONS in~ and when' vanes' a mortgagor of a vehIcle IS entItled to possession, loadmg zone dUrIng the term of the permit, but Sign, \ but only after slowmg down as may 5.1 General Speed Rules. Any pelson dl'lvJnj:; a on stleets havl then such conditional vendee 01 lessee or mort- 1f such dlscontmuance lS not for cause attnbutable be necessary for safe operatIon vehicle on a street shall dllve the same at a care- of lanes. the 01 gagol, shall be deeme~ the owner. to the apphcant the serVice fee for the Imexpired 3 E~ceed the pnma faCIe speed lImits so ful and prudent speed not greater than or less the same or al Pedestrian. Any person afoot oerIod of 1he petmit shall be refunded I long as he does not endanger lIfe or prop- than IS reasonable and Ploper. havm.g due regard c~nter lane an Chief of Police. The rankmg offiCIal in chal ge 25 Effective Date of TraffIC Regulations. erty. I) to the traffIC. surface and WIdth of the street and even number 0' Each traffIC 1egulahon establIshed by the ChIef 4 Disregard regulatwns govermng diTec- of the PolIce Department of the City of Grosse of any other conditIon then eXIstIng, and no per- or any part thE' of PolIce undel' SectlOn 2,3 above shall become hon of movement or turnmg m speCified POInte Park. son shall dl'lve any vehicle upon a street at a prOVided furth! streets, etc. Deflned. effectIVe when a SUitable SIgn, deVIce or markmg dn echons. 1.3 ~reater speed than Will permit hIm to brmg It to stree~. and Wit street. The entIre WIdth between the boun- shall have been Installed m the VICInIty properly (c) The exemptIons herem granted to an auth- 1nJ! four lanes ciary hnes of every way pubhcly mamtamed when appnsmg the ordmanly observant person of the orJzed emeIgency vehIcle shall apply only when a stop Within the assured, clear distance ahead 52 Prima Facie Speeds. Sub'ect to the prOVI- ..::tanhally cont any part thereof IS open to the use of the publIc eXIstence of such 1egulatlOn. By the presence of the dnver of any saId vehIcle while m motion eIther to the 1 any such SIgn, devlCe or markmg it shall be con- sounds audIble slgnal by bell, Siren or exhaust sIons of 5 1 above and except In those Instances fOI purposes of vehicular tIavel which occuPy c Alley. A publIC way withm a block prlmarrly cluslvely presumed that such regulation was es- whistle as may be reasonably necessary, and when where a lower speed IS speCIfied. It shall be pnma faCIe lawful for the dnver of a vehicle to driv .. shall apply on mtended for servICe and access to abuttmg prop- tablished With authonty, and such regulatIOn the vehIcle IS equipped WIth at least 1 hghted such roadways erty . shall have the same effect as though set forth m lamp dlsplaymg a flashmg, o~cillatmg Or rotatIng the same at a speed not exceedIng the followmg, of such dlVlSl I Through street. A street or portiOn thereof at full herem 1cd light vls1ble under normal atmosphelic con- but m any case when such speed would be unsafe It shall not be lawful traffic IS reQlli the entrances to whIch vehIcles from mtersectmg 2 6 Records. ditIons from a dIstance of 500 feet to the front of operatOls mav ' streets are requIred by standard stop signs to stop The ChIef of Pollce shall keep a publIc record such velllc1e, except that an authorIzed emer- 25 mIles an hour on aU s1.Jeets in a bus mess or reSIdence dlstnct 83 Marked L befcp.e entelmg or crossmg of all traffiC all ests He shall keep records of all gem y vehIcle operated as a polIce vehIcle need 8 2 shall not 1: aCCIdents and make a monthly report thereon to not be eqUIpped With or display a red hght VIS' 25 mIles an hour m pubhc 'Parks unless a Intersection. The area embraced wlthm the of lanes for tr 01 the CIty Manager showmg number of aCCIdents, Ible from m front of the vehIcle dIfferent speed IS fixed and duly plolongatIOn connectlon of the lateral curb cahon of desu: Open Da,ly 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Friday 7:30 •. m. to 8:30 p.m. persons mJured or kIlled, a summary of the 3.10 Yielding to Authoflzed Emergency Vehicles. posted. lmes, or, If none, then the lateral boundary Imes particular dIre of the loadways of 2 streets whIch Jam one an~ causes and. If appropnate, recommendations for (a) Upon the ImmedIate approach of an auth. 53 Speed Signs. such lanes are other at, or approximately at, lIght angles, Ot. the safety measures. I ollzed emei gency vehIcle eqUlpped WIth at least (a) Where sl~ns are erected at the beginmng area wlthm WhICh vehIcles travellmg upon dlf~ CHAPTER III. 1 hghted lamp exhIbitIng red hght VISIble under of a speed control zone. officlallv estabhshed stat- be unlawful t ferent streets JOInIng at any other angle may come ENFORCE~lENT AND OBEDIENCE TO normal atmosphellc conditIOn from a dIstance of Ing the 11mit of speed. It shall be prlma faCIe un- lane markmg~ m confhct TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 500 feet to the front of such vehIcle and when lawful to exceed such stated speed whIle v.:Ithm tlrely wlthin t Where a street mcludes 2 roadways 30 feet or :3 1 Duty of Persons Generally. the dnver IS gIvrng audIble SIgnal by sIren. ex- such speed control- zone in the process more apal t, then every crossmg of each roadway (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to do haust whIstle or bell (b) Where SIgns are el ected upon the approach one lane to ano of such dIVIded street by an mtersectmg street any act forbIdden or fall to perform any act re- The dnver of every other vehICle shall YIeld to an Intersectron directmg operators to slow to vehIcles. Quer. shall be regarded as a separate mtelsectlOn In qUll ed In thIS ordrnance the lIght-of-way and shall ImmedIately dlive to a definrte stated speed evel y operator shall re- po site directioll the event such mtelsectmg street also mcludes (b) No person shall WIlfully refuse to comply a pOSItiOn parallel to and as close as poss1ble to, duce the speed of h1S vehicle to the stated speed - 8 4 Overtakir 2 loadways 30 feet or mOl e apart. then every With any lawful Sign, SIgnal, Older or directIOn the Ilght~hand edge Oi curb of the roadway clear before entenn.l! the mtelsectIon and shall not hlcle mav OV( CIOSSIng of 2 roadways of such streets shall be of a pollce offIcer of any IntersectIOn and shall stop and 1emam In exceed the stated speed untIl past the IntersectIon. another vehic regarded as a Pl'l I elapsed. or chauffeur who Isl actually occupymg a seat (b) Any pel son, havrng boarded a motor bus, nght turn sh311 be made as close as practlca bl., vehrcle shall Th. Complefe Job;-AII Work by I Parking Meter Zone. A sectIon of a street or beSIde the dnver and so standmg 01 remaInmg therem as to pre- to the nght-hand curb or ed~e of the roadwaJ;' - overtakml! , public parkmg -lot WhICh has parkmg meters In- (e) It shall be unlawful for the owner of a vent the opelator of such vehIcle from haVIng the (b) Approach for a left turn shall be made m increa::e tile Skilled Chevrolef Mechanics-Includes: stalled and parkmg meter spaces marked out motor vehIcle to knowmgly authorIze or pelmit completely clear, unobstructed VIew deSCrIbed m that portion of the n~ht half of the roadway near- passed b... 1 Parking Meter Space. A space marked out for any unlIcensed drIver to dllve such a vehIcle. thIS sectIon, shall, upon lequest of the operatoI, est the center line thereof and after entenn,g the (b) No VI:' the par.kmg of a smgle vehIcle and havmg a park~ 3.3 License Plates. No person shall operate a promptly so 1emove hImself from such posltlon mtersectIon the left tUln sha1l be made so as to of the ceme rng meter rnstalled and rn operatIon motor vehIcle on the streets WIthout haVIng hIS as to afford the operator such VIews. leave the mtersectIon to the right of the center lane of a thl • Remove and Replace Cylinder Head Loading Zone. A sectIon of street adJomt to motor vehicle eqUIpped WIth llcense plates as pro- (c) No operator of a motor bus shall dl'lve hIS lme Of the roadway bemg entered in~ anothei the curb resel ved, e1ther entirely or durmg cer- vlded m Act 300, Publrc Acts of 1949, as amend- vehicle whIle hIS V1ews are so obstructed as de- (c) Approach for a left turn from a two-wav tIon unless e • Disassemble and Clean Rocker Shaft Assembly tam pe'Mods, fol' the loadmg and unloadmg of ed, better known as the Mlchfgan VehIcle Code. scrIbed In thIS sectlOn. street :nto a one-way street shall be made in that ViSible and passengers or materIals 3.4 Driving While Intoxicated. CHAPTER IV. POItlOn oj 1he nRht half of the roadway nearest Cient dlstan • Grind Valves • Remove Pistons Bus Stops, Bus Stands, and Taxi Stands, A (a) It shall be unlawful for any person whether TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES the center Ime thereof and by passmg to the right and paSSing • Hone Cylinders • Align Connecting Rods section of street adJomt to the curb reserved, lIcensed or not who IS an habltual user of 4 1 Traffic Signal Legends. Whenever traffIC IS of such center lme where It enters the mtersec- fermj< WIth eIther entirely or dunng certam pel'lods for the narcotic drugs, bar bital or any derIvatIve of bar- controlled bv traffIc-control signals exhlbltlng the hon A left turn from a one-way street mto ::\two- proachmg f • Adjust Connecting Rods and Main Bearings use of busses or taXIcabs bital, or any perSon who IS lmder the mfluence of words "Go." 'CautIon" 01 "Stop," or eXhIbItIng way street shall be made bv passmg to the rIght vehicle ovel 1.5 Mlchil'an Motor Vehicle Code Defined. mtoXlcatmg lIquor or narcotIC drugs. barbital or dIfferent colored lIghts succeSSIvely one at a time. of a center lme of the street bem~ entered upon 86 One-w;l 300 any derIVatIve of barbItal, to dl'1ve any vehIcle or WIth arrows, the followmg colors shall be used • Clean Oil Pump and Screen MIchIgan Motor VehIcle Code means Act leavmg the mtersectIon eel and SI~n of the Public Acts of MIchigan for the year 1939 upon any street or any other place open to the and saId terms and lIghts shall mdlcate and apply (d) Where both streets or roadways are one- shall be dr' • Engine Tune-Up as amended and m force at the time m question. general publIc. to drrvers of vehIcles and pedestrIans as follows' way. both the approach for a left turn and a left 8 i Backm~ (b) It shall also be unluwful for the owner of (a) Green alone or "Go" CHAPTER II. tUI n shall be made as close as practIcable to the (a) No Ofl ADMINISTRATION any motor vehicle or any pelson havmg such m 1. VehIcular traffIC facmg the SIgnal may left. hand c-urb 01 edge of 'the roadway. he shall fire I 2 1 Chief of Police. The ChIef of Po1tce, or hIS charge or m control thereof to authonze or know- proceed straIght through or turn rIght or 6 3 SiRns LimitlDg Turn. When pavement mark. (b) No 0) duly constituted subordmate, shall be respons)ble mgly permit the same to be driven or operated left unless a Sign at such place prohIbIts DON'T DELAY-DO IT TODAY ers. SIgns or sI,gDals offiCIally placed withm or ad- 1( for the enforcement of thIS ordma5.ce; study traf- upon any street or any other place open to the either such turn But vehIcular trafflC, m- tance of n Jacent to mtersectlons reqUire and dIrect that a (c) No vel Terms Available thrott.h GMAC Bndret Flail fic problems; make recommendatiOns to the CIty general publIc withm thIS CIty by any person who eludIng vehicles turnmg nght or left, shall different course from that specified m thiS sectIOn at an mte.s CounCIl of changes in traffIC ordInance; make and )8 an habItual user of narcotlc drugs, barbItal or YIeld the rIght-of-way to other vehIcles and enforce, for a period of not exceeding 30 days, any derIvatlve of barbItal or any person who IS t d t I wf 11 'th' th t be travelled by vehIcles turning at an mtercec- to safely d under the mfluence of mtoxlcatmg lIquor or nar. 0 pe es nans a u y WI m e m ersec- tIon. no driver oJ. a vehIcle shall turn a vehIcle at :3 8 Drrvin' any temporary or expenmental re~ulatlOns nec- bon or an adJacent crosswalk at the tIme ~ssary to cover emergency or speCIal condItions; cotic drugs, barbItal OJ:any denvahve of barbItal. such SIgnal is exhIbited. an mtersection other than as directed and re- person sha qUired by such markers. SIgns or signals NO MONEY DOWN supervise and publish traffic'records; mamtain, a (c) It shall be the duty of the magishate be- 2 Pedestnans faCIng the SIgnal may pro- or along a SUItable record of all traffIC aCCidents and arrests, fore acceptmg a plea. of gUIlty under thiS sectIOn ceed across the roadway wIthm any marked 64 U-Turns. No operator shall turn a 'VehIcle publlc plac UP TO 12 MONTHS TO PAY and carry on educatIonal actiVItIes m traff)c mat- to adVIse the accused of the statutory conse- around when such a turn cannot be made m such purpo ters. -quences pOSSIble as the result of a plea of gUIlty or Illlmarked clOsswalk safety or WIthout interference to movmg traffIC person sha 2.2 Police Officers. The OffIcers of the PolIce m respect to suspenSIon of 1.11Soperators' or chauf- (b) Yellow alone 01: "CautIOn" when shown CHAPTER VD. an\ CUI b. e, I Department or such offIcers as are aSSIgned by the feur's lIcense, financial responSIbIlity, the penalty followmg the green or "Go" Signal. ,- SPECIAL STOPS REQUntED fO! such SOl Ch:tef of PolIce shall eniorce the prOVISIons of Imposed for VIOlation of this section, and the 1. VehIcular traffIC facmg the SIgnal shaH 7 1 Stop Signs .• When stop SIgnS are elected at 89 Avoida CHEVR.OLET this ordInance; make arrests for traffic VIOlatIOns; llImtatIon on hIS rIght of appeal~ stop before entermg the nearest crosswalk or near the entrance to any intersectIOn every tempt to a, COMPANY dIrect traffIC as conditions may reg.uire, notWIth- (d) The operator's or chauffeur's lIcense of at the mter:;ectlon. but If such stop cannot dnver of a veh1cle shall stop such vehIcle 'at such deVIce bv RAY WHYTE standIng the provisions of the trafflC laws or the any person found gUIlty of ,vlolatmg the prOVI- be made in safety, a vehIcle may be dnven SIgn or at a clearly marked stop lme before enter- prooerty. C' &IOns of thIS sectiOn shall be thereupon surren- cautiously through the mtersection .. at eXIstence of traffIC regulations; and invest1gate Ing the intersection except when directed to pro- 810 Splas I 15125 E. Jefferson Lakepom\. VA. 1-2000 accidents. dered to the- court In whIch such conVIction shall 2 PedE'.stnans facmg such SIgnal are here- ceed by a polIce Qfficer or traffIc-control SIgnal recklessh \ 2 3 Traffic Regulations. The Chief of Pollce, be had; and the Judge before whom sucn conVlC- by adVIsed that there is insuffiCIent time to 7.2 Leaving Driveway or Alley. The drIver of a~ hiS \er~1 flOm tIme to tUDe, shall, WIth the approval of the tlOn was had shall ImmedIately after the explra- cross the roadway, and any pedestl'lan then a vehIcle about to enter or cross a street from an ram ,~ate 0,." I •. m. 'tit' p. m. Doily Saturday, I •. m. to 6 p. '" CIty Manager. establIsh such general or contIn- tion of the appeal period notIfy the Secretary of I starting to cross shall YIeld the rIght-of-way alley. pnvate road. or dl'1veway shall come to a then upon UIng regulations govermng the movement of traf~ State thereof and the saId court shall then cause to all vehIcles full stop before entermg .....such ~treet 8.11 Cross\ fic and use of the streets as he conSIders necessary the lIcense so surrendered to be :forwarded WIth (c) Red alone or "Stop." 7.3 Obstructing Intersection. When traffIC condI- driven ovel or approprIate In the mterest of safety and the a certificate of cpnvictlOn to the Secretary of 1. VehIcular traffIC facmg the SIgnal ihall hOM are such that It 15 necessary for an operator

j <

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Thursday, August 21, 1952 Page Fifteen ugust 2 f, 1952 drlYmg mto an mtersectIon to stop wIthm the ment when laId down on any street Dr prIvate able le nearest crosswalk mtersectIon 10 a manner that WIll mterfere WIth drIveway to be u ed at any flre or alarm of fire (a) These regulatIons apphcable to bICYcles such other pomt as movement of vehIcles on the cr~s street the WIthout the consent of the flre department Offl shall apply whenever a bIcycle IS operated upon 'l clearly VISIblE' hne operator shan stop hIS vehIcle belore entenng the claJ m command any ~treet or upon any path set aSIde for the ex Short and to :1 Chu~chNews 1 alOg untIl green or mtersectIOn and shall not proceed untIl traffIC 812 Itide Inside Vehicle No person shall rIde clu~Ive use o~ bICycles subJect to those exceptIons stated herem condItIons chan~e so as to permIt passage th ough In or operate any motor vehICle unless all por COMBINED SERVICES ng such lV,gnal shall ntersectlon WIthout stoPptn~ tlons of such person s body are entlrely wlthm (b) These regulahons applIcable to motorcycles the Pointe of the he can do so safely 7 4 Pa.!lSmg Stopped V e hIe 1 e at IntetseeUen shall be consIder ed supplementary to other pro that portion of 'th~ vemcle desIJ:ned for the carry I 6rOlSe POIDte Methodist Chureh ~ WIth any vehIcular Whenever any vehIcle IS stopped at a marked mg of passengers or merchandIse or as ot~rwise VISl.Ons of thIS ordmance governmg the operation (C ti _.. f P _) of such vehIcles on nuocu rom are 0 crosswalk or at any unmarked crosswalk at an permItted by thIS oldmance prov ded however and the ntersectlOn to permIt a pedestrIan to cross the that thIS ~ectlon does not apply to any person I? 2 BicycliStS RegulatIOns Appllcable Every FrancISCo fOl the past 20 months tir~ Pomte COlll'reptlOoal v) VehIcular traffIc roadway the dnver of any other vehIcle approach whose employment makes It necessary to nde person rIding' a bIcycle upon a roadway shall be I He returned to San FranCISco last cautiously enter the n~ from the rear shall not overtake and pass otherw se granted all of the nghts and shall be subject to FrIday and expects to be sta Church uch stopped vehIcle ! [lake the movement l- 813 Hitehinl' all of the dutles applicable to t'ge drIver of a \ e t d there for 16 more months Sundays at 10 0 clock CHAPTER VllI hlde under Ups oldmance except ..s to those pro lOne II but shall YIeld the (a) No person shall chmb onto or h 4ch on MISCELLANEOUS DRIVING RULES VISIOns WhIch by theIr nature can have no applt All of August at the Grosse lans lawfully w thIn any movmg vehIcle wlth or w thout the operator s I ...... ther traffIc lawfully 3 1 RIght oC Way catIon MISS MILDRED JELLERSON POInte Congregational Church consent and no opel ator shall knowmgly permIt 12 3 Bicycles and Motorcycles Number and Man of South Portland Mame IS the (a) When 2 vehIcles enter an mtersecbon at such actIon 240 Chalfonte } When a red art ow approxlmateh the same tIme the drIver of the (b) No person r dmg upon any bICycle coaster ner of CarrYing Persons Ihouseguest thIS week of CAPT vehlcl" on the left shall YIeld the rl~ht of way to lOtermlttent flashes roller skates sled 01 tOY vehIcle shall attach the (a) A person propellmg a bICycle or opelatIng and MRS TOM R MORRISON S.T PAUL EV LUTHERAN the vehIcle on the rIlI:ht The drIver of any a motor cycle spall not rIde other than upon or I d ... II stop before enter ve same or hImself to any vehlcIt! upon a street (b) astrIde a permanent and regular seat attached of Hampton ro.. Cbalfonte and LOthrop lk at an mtersectlOn hIde travellIng at an unlawful speed shall forfett 8 14 Obstructmg Street n marked and shall any nght of way WhICh he mIght otherWIse have thereto I'" .. .. Rev Charles" Sandrock Pastor (a) No operator shall blockade or obstruct a (b) No bIcycle or motorcycle shall be used to MR and MRS MALCOLM Mr Marttn Seamon Vicar make the movement hereunder street carry more 'persons at one tIme than the number LEE HOLK.'\MP of St LOUIS Mrs R fire apparatus travell ng In (c) Wherever useabre paths fOI bIcycles ha e ." 11 be celebratmg three famrly orsh p Sen lce Mr Rauth re n~ to make a left turn shall pelmlt vehIcles been prOVIded adJacent to a 10adwa) bIcycle Iv. re the stop shall be 1esponse to a fire alarm closer than 500 feet or red letter days whIle the) v ..cs turns fro n \ acatIon Sermon any sIgn 01 markIng bound straIght throu,gh 10 the OPPOSIte dlrectlOn dnve mto or park St ch veh cIe WIth n 500 feet rIders shall use such paths and shall not use the 'i h hare awaltInIt a Ito s Itnal to pass through roadway twn 10 the East Mrs Ledyald theme The Poor Man s Market. e sIgnal where firE: apparatt s has stopped n answer to a (b) It SIgna Whenever the lOtersectlOn befole makIng the turn fire alarm 125 Same Carrymg Articles lIands on Handle has a b rthday on the twenty I 10 a 111 Church School for J:!nals exhIbIting the (c) The opclator of a motOt vehIcle havmg 8 17 Interference with DrIver s VIew or Control Bars No person operatmg a bicycle or fourth son SKIPPER (\ ho s at j chIldren 4 to 8 ) ears of ag 10 place such sIgnals stopped as requ red by thIS ordmance at the en No person shall dr ve a "ehlde when It IS so motorcycle shall carry any package bundle or C~mp Kle\ e n Nobleboro Me (Nurse for 3 ear olds) trance tn a through street or a stop lOtersectIon loaded or w hen there are n the front seat such art de WhICh p events the d ver from keep ng thIS summel) '1111 be eleven on .. '" ... shall Yle d the right of way to other vehIcles (c) both hands upon the handle bars of saId \ ehlcle nJ:! s ch sl~nal may number of persons as to obstruct the vew of the Sept 2 and Mr and MIS Led) ard I Remembel Ru nn age Sale Oc the d rechon of the whIch have entered the mtersect on from saId drn er to the front and SIdes of the vehIcle or as I? 6 BICycles Lights Bells Brakes througn street or whIch are approachmp: so closely (a) Every b cycle \\ hen 10 use at n ght tOle have a weddmg anmvers", y theIr I taber 3 and 4 If you ha, e an'li r ght of wa'V by the to lOterfere WJ1h the drIver 5 control over the twelfth on Sept '" Daughter dIscards hen domg your Fall Of! sa d th ough street as to constItute an Immedl dnvlOE( mechan sm of the vehIcle shall be eqUlpped w)th a lamp on the front wh ch I la11 start to cross the ate hazard but sa d dnver havml'( sc YIelded may g 18 lap Drlvmg No operator shall have In h s shall em t a whIte light v SIble from a dIstance ALICE MARY s WIth her par houseclean ng call the Rl,l.mmage uch sIgnal but any proceed and the drIvers of all other vehIcles ap lap any other person adult pr mInor nor an mal of at least 500 feet to the front and w th a ed ents on the New England motor Sale chal man Mrs Gerald 1efleetoI on the rea whIch shall be \ rSlble flom completed )us cross proachIng the mtersectlOn on sa1d through street nor shall he be seated n the lap of anv pe son tr P Schroeder TU 2 4335 for pIck .;hall 'Ii leld the r ght of way to the vehIcle so pro all d stances from 50 feet to 300 feet to the rea ...... I proceed to a SIde. whll" the vehICle s 10 mot on when dIrectly n front of lawful uppe beams of ups the wa t ~l~nal 15 ceedmg nto or across the through street 819 Arm around Person No operator shall have MRS DAVIlY A WALLACE d) The dr ver of a vehIcle about to enter or head lamps on a motor veh cle A lamp emitt ng eIther a1m arot nd another person or shall an WIth her meces BETTY LOU J!AK!\J)~ TO OPEN FAIR cross a street from an allev Private road Ot dr \it! a red light VlS ble from a d stance of 500 feet to I SIgnals Whenever other person have ether arm arot nel the operato~ the rea ma) be used n add tlon to the red re GIVENS and SUE JOHNSON As usual the M chlgan State way !':hall y eld the nght of way to all vehIcles whIle the veh ele IS In mot on ar" u ed they shall fleetor w 11 return the first of September FaIr \\ III open \\ lth a gIgantic ar traffIC as follow s appro",chmg on the street be ng entered 820 Garagemen to Report Cars Damaged The I (b) No person shall operate a b C) cle unless It from the famtly ranch 10 Ne parade startIng from downtown s gnal) When a red 82 DrIVing to Right Upon all stI eets of SUffI person 10 charJ'(e of any garage or 1epalr shop to cI"nt WIdth except upon one way sheets the IS eqUipped WIth a bell or other deVIce capable bt aska \\ hel e the) have spent Deh Olt at 11 am Fnday August raPId mtermlttent whIch IS brough any motor vehIcle wh ch shott s of gIvmg a s gnal audIble for a dIstance of at ope ator of a veh cle shall dnve the same pon the summer 29 Balloons v. III be tossed to les shaH stop before 1 ev dence of hay r g been mvolved n an Clce dent least 100 feet no such veh cle shall be equ pped the r ght half 0 the street and shall dr ve a slow osswalk at an mter 01 struck by any bullet shall repo t to the nearest CHAPTER XI -EQUIPMENT WIth nor shall any person use upon such vehIcles * ...... the spectatOI s along the route Ie when marked and mOVIng veh cle as closely as pOSSIble to the r ,goht pol ce statIOn mm"dlately after such nota ve 11 1 LIghts any s ren or whistle Houseguests of MR and MRS b:> a be) of clowns There 11 all be subject to the hand ed~e or C rb of s ch street unless t IS hIde IS Ieceived glV ng the eng ne nu nber reg s (a) Every vehIcle upon a street withm th s Clty (c) Every b C) cle shall be eqUIpped v. th a practicable to tra'llel on s Ich s de of the street WILLIAM P BONBRIGHT II of be beauty queens and floats gs makl Ig a s op at a trailon number and the n 1 e and addl ess of tl e shall be eq upped WIth I ghts WhICh shall be brake whIch wrll enable the operator to make the 'loura ne load have been former lore and e et one wl11 have a and except "hen overtal ng ana passm~ iilnother owner or operato I'lf s r-h vph de I gl ted n accordance \\ Ith the proy SlOns of Act braked wheels sk d on dlY level clean pavement Pomter OLIVER BROOKS and chance for a preVIew o~ some ut on ~nal) When \:enlcle sub ect to the 1 m tat ons appl cable 10 CHAPTER IX 300 Publ c Acts of M ch gan 1949 as amended 127 Chngmg to VehlCles No person r dmg upon overtak ng and pas" ng set fo th In thIS chapter MRS BROOKS Ml Brooks rep of the champIOn lIvestock nated wIth I apld In PEDESTRIAN RIGH'IS AND DUTIES bette 1 no vn as the Motor Y.eh de Code any bIcycle shall attach the same or h r lself to ers of veh des mav p o. ded however that on streets hay ng: three 91 PedestIlans on Htghwavs Where s dewalks (b) Any moto vel Icle may be equ pped w th any street calor vehIcle upon a oadwa) 1esented the Bel muda Club In the ------ntersectlOn or past o more lanes for tl aff c the operatol ....f a veh cle are prOVIded It shall be "lnlawful for pedest lans I not to exceed two spot lamps except that a motor 12 8 Pedestrians on SIdewalks Whenever anv Luder 16 races at Grosse Pomte autIon shall keep the same entIrely w thin the extreme to walk upon the ma n tlavelled pOltIon of the Cy cle shall not be eq 1 pped wIth more than one pelson 'IS r dmg a b cycle upon a s de '1alk such Yacht Club wh ch end toda) Sixth Church of Christ, Il'!ht hand lane except when overtak ng and pass h ohway Where s dewalks are not p 0'1 ded pe I spot la p and every 1 ghted spot lamp shall be person shall y eld the r gl t of way to any pedes I ...... SCientist DetrOIt ATION~ Wit and when tt romg left prOVIded f rther that ,., h ti bI lk so a med and t sed upon approach ng another ve t an and s1 all g ve audIble SIgnal before over Address Book Change MR " on streets having three Ot mOl e "lneven numbel destr ans shall \ en PIac ca e wa on tl e h de that no part of the beam v, 11 be dl ected \.n.., pe s n dr \: ng a left SIde of the h gh 'lay fac ng tI aff e h ch nt the e' es of the approach ng dr vpr Spot tak ng and pass ng such pedest Ian and MRS JACKSON MERWIN 1 14730 Kercheval Avenue of lanes the operator of a veh cIe hall not dr ve 129 LIcense ReqUIred No pe son who ~es des the same at a care passes nearest 0 .J t th th th h t T 'Ii lk ... Wh t ff t IlIa nps ay no em t a el an el er aWl e or \undav Service. 10 30 a. m. greater than or less thp same or an, pal t thereof to the left of the 9 2 "ay .. a 10.. e\1 Ia c can 0 s gna s ambe hgl t WIth n the CIty of Grosse Po nte Pa k shall r de have moved from the r St CIa r CE'nter lane and on sh eets hav10g four or more 3nd 600 p m. r hav ng d e re~ard are (not n place Ot not n opel atlOn the dr ver of (c) Emergency veh cles may be ma ked n the or propel a bicycle on any st eet or upon an:) a enue terrace to Shoreham road e en n mber of lanes he shall not drIve [he same I publ c path set asIde fo the exclus ve use of ...... ::lth of the street and p a veh ele shall y eld the r ght of ;IIav slov ng follOWIng manner any polIce veh de may be I Sunday School. 10 30 L IlL. XISt ng ana no per 01' any part thereof to the left of the centet 1 n bIcycles unless such b cycle has been 1 censed and And come ThanksgIVIng hOle down or stopp ng If need be to so y eld to a pe I n a ked \\ th g een 1 ghts or reflex reflectors any WeQnUI1a.T evenlnl Test1mon1a} upon a street at a prOVIded it rthel that WIth respect to one way destr an cross ng the roadway w th n a c ass walk amb lance may be marked w th p pIe 1 ghts the lIcense plate pelta nIng theleto IS attached MR and MRS ALBERT P streets and w th respect to und vlded streets hay Medinl at I p m. t h m to br nJ! It to when the pedestr an s upon the half of the road front and rea any an bulance or fire 0 pol ce 1210 License ApphcatlOn Appl cat on for a b TEETZ~L hope to be carvmg I ng fo r lanes or mOl e veh des mov nf( n sub cycle lIcense and I cense plate shall be nade to lear d "tanee ahead ~ ay upon wh ch the veh de s t avell ng or wI en vel cle used fo e 1 e gency work may be marl ed the CIty Clerk PQP a f rm p ov ded A I cense that tUlkey n thelr new ranch ub)ect to the prOVl antIally contIn lOt s lanes of traffIC may pa~s the pedestr an s approach ng so closely it on the th bl nk ng osc Hat ng or rotat ng ed 1 ghts to fee of 50 cents shall be pa d to the CIty before house on HarvaId road They' e pt n hose nstances ether to the left 0 r ght of preced n~ ven les OPPOSIte half of the road\ av as to be n dan~eI wa n other veh des to yeld rIght of way \ hlch occup ad acent lanes The fore~o n.g rules each I cense IS g anted sold the r Moran load home and led t ~haJl be pnma b t no pedestllan shall suddenly leave a curb 0 (d) No vehIcles except authorIzed erne gency I shaH apply on d vlded roadways except that on 1211 'Iransfer of OwneIslllp Upon the sale or the new home IS promIsed for :>f a vehIcle to dnve other place of safety and walk or 1 n mto the veh cles shall d splay a red 1 ght to the front or s ch roadways operators shall keep to the r ght I other transfel of a lIcensed b cycle the I censee late November \ eed nJ! the followmg path of a veh cIe WhICh s so close that It IS un a green I ght to the 1ea "If such d VlSlOn On d v ded Ioadwavs \\ here shall lemove the hcense plate and shaV e th"r I ...... )eed \\ 0 ld be un"afe pass ble f01 the dllve to YIeld 11 2 Brakes Eve y n otor v~hIcle or combma traff C IS reqUIred to travel 10 one d reet on only surrender the same to the C ty Cle k or may upon 93 Duty 1.0 Look Before en termg an load t on of mota dr awn 'Veh cles when operated upon proper appl cat on but WIthout payment of addl Guests of the WENDELL AN ~st eets n a bu~ ness operators mav proceed to the left of such d v Slon \\ ay a pedestr an m 1st come to a full stop at the a st eet th n th s C ty shall be equ pped WIth GROSSE POINTE 8 3 Marked Lanes The foregom~ pro v sons of tonal fee have sa d plate aSSIgned to anothe bl DERSONS at theIr ranch near rlct curb 0 edge of sa d roadway and then look for brakes of s ch construct on and capable at all cycle owned by the appl cant ~ camp nent Wyo MR and I METHODIST CHURCH t bhc park~ t nle~!': a 82 shall not be deemed to prevent the mark ng oncom ng vehICles except that a pedestnan IS I t n es and unde all condIt ons of stopp ng the of lanes for tt aff c 1pon anv :;t! ect and the alIo 1212 Rental AgenCies No blcycle ental agency MRS BENJAMIN H PADDOCK IS fi Ked and d ly not 1eq red to make such stop 'then crossI,n~ VQ;j1de n s ch manne as equned by Act 300 opelated n the C ty of Grosse Po nte Park shall of Vendome road and DR and 211 MOROSS ROAD catton of desl~ated lanes to traffIC movInp: n a w th a gI een 01 walk SIgnal or at the d 1ect on of P bl c Acts of M ch gan 1949 as amended better I rent 01 offer any b c cle for rent unless the b MRS J STEWART HUDSON of I part c lar d reet on or at des gnated speeds WheT} a polIce off cer kno\ n as t 1e Moto Veh de Act Through the Month <: ch lanes ale na ked and clear~.v v s ble t shan cycle IS I censed and the I cense plate s attached L ted t the begmnm~ CHAPTER X -PARKING 11 3 Horns Every motor vehIcle when operated and such b cycle s equ pped w th the lamps and othrop load They v 11 aU Ie I of August Ial" establ ~hed stat be "lnla 'i f 1 for any operator to stI addle such 101 ProhIbJted Stoppmg Wl ele s gns p oj b t upon a 5t eet s all be eqUIpped w th a horn In othe eqUIpment equ red n th s Art cle turn a the Pomte around Labor lane m~rk ngs or to fa I to keep hIS vehIcle en I 11 be pr ma faCIe un ng stopp n.e; are nstalled no operator shall stop I good work ng olde and capable of en-ntt ng sound 12 13 Bicycle Dealers E e:-:> person engaged n Day I If) 11m -J oInt S e r v lee r; with t relv 'i th n the 1 m t hnes of lanes except whIle Co gregat onal c h u r chi n :l "peed v. hIe wlthm stand Ot park a vehIcle n s ch des gnated place laud ble under normal cond tons f om a d stance the busmess of bu) ng or selling ne v 0 second I ...... In the p oces.; of necessary amI safe transfer from Grosse Ponte Congregat onal except when necessary to avo d conf! ct WIth other I of no les~ than 200 feet but no horn or other hand b cycles shall make a report to the C tv Hol day ng at the GI epnbuer Church at 240 Chalfonte one lane to another or to aVOId conflIct WIth other traffIC or 10 compl an e w th the d eet ons of a wa n ng deVICe shall em t an un easonobly loud d upon the approa"h Clelk of every bICycle J) rchased or sold by such at Wh te Sulphu Spr ngs In West operatN~ tn slow to 'eh cle" Ooerators of veh des p oceedIng 10 op pol ce offIcer or traffIC control de\' ce 01 ha sl so nd or a \\ h stle The drIve of a REV HUGH C WHITE Pastor poslte d rectlon!'. shall pass each othel to the r ght deale g v ng tl e nan e and add ess of the pel I V gin a ha ve bee MR a ope a or I all re 02 ProhIbIted Parlnng No person 5h",11 pa k a 1 110tO eh de shall v.hen leasonably necessaIY to son from \\ hon p rchased 0 to vhon sold a n an I TUxedo 1 7878 e to tht' s a ed speed 8 4 Overtakmg on Rlgh The dr ver of a ve "eh de (>xcept when necessary to avo d conll ct ns e safe operat on g ve aud ble wa n ng v th descr pt on of such b C) cle b'i name 0 al e the MRS FRAN K A HOEL of Bal h c e mav 0 e take and pass pon the r ght uf d on and "hall not th th t ff co npl anee w th law or I h s ho n but shall not othe w se t se such horn fame numbe theleof and tI e n n be of the au Dad and the 1 son and I v. 0 er a 0 n ff ff t 1 vhen upon a street past the n e sect on anothe \:eh cle only under the follov. m${ condl I cpnse plate f any found the eon I daughter n law MR and MRS tons the d rectIOns of a pol ce a lC er or t a C con 0 11 4 Muffler Eve y motor veh cle shall at all all dnve throt ~h a 1 dev ce n any of the follow ng places times be eq pped \\ th a muffler 10 good work CHAPTER XIII-IMPOUNDING OF 'EHICLES FRANKLIN M HOEL and then \ I:) m leg ner hour 1 When the veh de overtaken IS makln~ or 13 1 Cause of ImpoundIng Members of the Pol daugnter DEBORAH of Grosse .bo It to make a left turn (a) On a s de valk ng 0 cler and n constant operat on to pI event I In ever char,ee of (b) In font of a publ c 01 pI vate dr ,..vav ex ess ve or unusual no se and no person shall ce Depal tment ale hereby autho zed to emove Po nte Woods Iso the s mmons or ? Upon a street w th nobst cted pavement a vehlcle flom a sheet or hIgh 'lay to the nearest not oec p ed by parked vehlc es of suff clent (c) W th n an Intersect on se a Duffle cut out bypass or s m lar de ce f he peed at wh ch (d) On a c osswalk pan a n oto veh de on a str eet ga age 0 other place of safety or to a gal age Idth for t\\ 0 01 mOl e lInes of mo'li ng vehIcles ha e dr en also the (e) W th n ?O feet of a c ossvalk or f none 11 5 ExceSSIve Smoke The eng ne mufflel and deSIgnated or ma nta ned bv th" Pol ce Depa t I Nme POinte GIrls Arrrve In each dIed on and wnen such veJ..lcles are ct t tort the loca then WIth n b feet of the ntersectIon of \ po e meehan s n of e e y n otor veh de shall be ment "lnde the c ICUn stances he e nafte enum At YWCA C C II In e ated s amp aye mo ng s bstant allY cont mots lanes of hat property I nes at an nterseet on of h gh so equ pped and adJusted as to p event the escape fie (a) When an veh Ie IS left t nattended upon These peed lImI ways of excess ve fun es 0 snoke :i to reI e e the nlam 3 Upon a one way sheet or upon any load (f) Wlthm 30 feet t pon the app oach to any 11 6 Wmdslllelds Obstruction to VIew "Ipers any br dge vaduct or causeway and const tutes N ne Po nte gl Is a e among the burden of PIOV \\ av on v. h ch t aff c s restr cied to one d rect on flash ng beacon stop s gn or traff c control a) No person shall d lve any moto vehIcle an obst uct on to t aff c the Deho t area group spend ng f the defendant a he of movement where the load 'lay s free from s ~nal located at the s de of a h gh ay v th an s gn postel or other non transparent (b) When a veh de upon a street s so d s th fIt k obst t ct ons and of s ff cent wIdth for two or abled as to constItute an obstruct on to traff and (; na wo 'lee camp ng :lent (~) W thIn 20 feet of the dr veway entrance of n ate al ce 0 snow pon the I ont w ndshte d the pe son 0 pe sons n cha ge of the veh de pe od at YWCA s Ca up Cavell VI more hnes of mov nf( vehIcles and when s ch any fire stat on and on the s de of a st eet s dew ng:> 0 s de or eal w ndows of s ch ve at e by eason of phys cal nJ I) ncapac tated to on Lake Huron EMENTS \ eh des a e n 0 ng In substant ally conhn Ot s oppos te tl e entrance to any fi e stat on h c1e wh ch ob"tI ucts the a ve s clear v ew ot ch an extent as to be nable to p 0 de fOl ts Among the g Is who aruved l~nes of traff c w th n '"5 feet of sa dent ance hen p 0 the st eet 0 any nte sect ng street 0' 0\ c stodv 01 remo\ al at camp on August 9 \ ere 4 The dr ver a vph cIe mav ertake and pe Iy s gnposted (b) Tl e 'I ndsh eld neve y motor vehIcle (c) When any vel cle s left unattended upon Jul e Beach of 214 F sher pa"s mR I ed as such of po t on nless 5 ch veh cle IS equ pped w th a moves a veh cle f om a st eet and d es not know to \Or te the r na nes 10 Japanese r a 1 ght turn and a r ght s peIm tted th€, dr ve of an ove taken b ld ngs ror so located as to eftect to the d ve a and s not able to asce ta n the nan e of the do a pract cable ve de shall g \e way to the r ght n favor of the... 03 Park next to Curb EVelY veh cle parked I v ew of the st eet to tl e ea of such vehIcle ow ne or Io a 1V otl e eason s unable to g ve :lge of the oadwa a "rtak nf! veh cle on aud bIe s onal and shall not or stopped t pon a street hall be so pa ked or E e y comme c al veh cle of one 1 aU ton capac the not ce to tl e ow le as here nbefo e p ov ded rn shall be made In IncreaSe t le speed of h s 'Veh c1e t nt 1 completely stopped w th the 'II eels of S ch veh ele pa allel t:) 0 0 e ope at ng on the st l:'et shall be and 10 the event the vt:h cle s not Ieturned to tbe of the I oadw av ne",r pa ed by thp ove tal(;n~ veh c1e to the roadway ~md w th n I? nches of anv ex st t:qu pped WIth two n ors one on each Side so owner w thm a pel od of th ee (3) da)s tl en and I (b) No \ ehlcle shall be drIven 0 the left s de ad] sted th",t the opelator shall have a clear v ew nd after entenn~ the ng r ~ht hand CUIb except that veh des t pon a of the str eet behind such comme cla1 vehIcle 10 that event the off cer shall mmed atel:) send all be made so as to of the cente of a t vo lane sh eet 01 10 the center one way stI eet mav so park at the left hand curb 11 9 I amp or Flag on Pro]ectmg Load When OI ca se to be sent wr tten epOI t of such re lane of a th ee I ne st eet n overtak nf! and nass moval by ma I to the State Depart nent whose 19ht of the cen e where allowed 10 the d cct on of traffIC pro eve the load pon any veh cle extends to the n~ another vehicle proceed ng 10 the same duec duh It s to eglste moto veh cles and shall ntered vlded howeve that where off c al s gns permIt ea 4 feet 0 more beyond the bed or body of turn from a tw 0 wa t on n es" !': ch left s de or ('''nter lane )5 c1ea ly angle pal kIng then all vehIcles n ust be pa ked s ch veh de there shall be d splayed at the ex file a copy of S"lch not ce w th the p op eto! of \ "lble and s £ ee of oncom ng h aff c for a suff any publIc gal age 10 wh ch the vehIcle may be I shall be made 10 that 01 stopoed n tl e anE(le d rectIon des gnated t eme ea end of the load at the tImes speCIfied stored Such not ce shall melt de a complete des the ro dwa" nearest cent dIstance ahead to permIt such ovel tak ng 104 Moving Cars No pe son shall move a ve n 11 1 abo\ e a red light or lantern pIa nly v s ble and paSS ng to be completelv made", Ithout lOter cnptlOn of the veh cle the date t me place f om pass ng to the lI,E(ht hIde not owned by l\ ch person mto any pro fro n ads ance of at least 500 feet to the s des and enters the Intersec fennCf w th the <::lfe operat on ef a IV veh cle aD vh ch removed the 1easons fo such 1emo, al and hIblted area or awa from a curb !:: ch d stance rear The red I ght or lantern equ red undel thIS p v. av street nto a tw 0 proachtn~ from the oppos te dIrect on Of any name of the garag 01 place \ here the veh cle a~ I!:: unlawful sect on shall be 10 addItion to the red rear I ght IS stored \ passIng to the nght \ehlcle overtaken 10 ~ Parktng Beyond Curb No pe son shaH stop requ red upon eve y veh de At any other tIme t beIn~ entered upon 86 One way Streets Upon a roadway desl~nat CHAP'lER XI"\! -PENALTIES I stand or park a vehIcle on that port on of the thel e shall be d splayed at the ext! erne rear end 141 Any pelson ;IIho VIolates any p OVlSlOn of ed and sIgn posted for one" ay traffIC a "ehlcle hIghway located between the property lot ] nes of s ch load a 1ed flag or cloth not less than 12 road \ a'Ys are one shall be dr yen only 10 the dlrectlOn des gnated thIS ord nance shall upon conVIct on be subJect and the CUIb unless perm tted by s gns approp nches squa e and so h ng that the ent re area to a fine of not mOle tl an One Hundred Dollars a left turn and <> left 8 - BackIng nately erected IS v s ble to the dr ver of a vehIcle approachmg as practIcable to the (a) No opelator shall back h s veh de unless ($10000) Ot Imp Isonment n the CIty or CdOnty I 106 Parking m Alley No person shall park a from the rear )a I for a penod of t n e not to exceed n nety ______he roadwa\ he "hall first as( el ta n that t can be do e safely vemcle n a publ c alley nor shall he stop or 11110 ReqUIrements for Bumpers No motor ve (90) days or to bath suc fine and Impnsolment ----- _ ~ hen pavement ma k (b) No opel a tor shall back h s veh de a d)s stand a velllcle n a pub] c alley If St ch stoppmg I h ele hallet or semI t1'a ler vnose frame or body pIa ed WIth n or ad tanc€' of more than SIXtV feet or stand nf( shall obstruct pass ng by other ve extends mo ethan 60 mche" beyond the 1ear of CHAPTER XV -MISCELL~NEOUS \ HOME MADE SAUSAGE - 9UALITY FRESH MEATS e and d rec that a (c) No vehlcle shaH be backed aIound a comer hIcles p ov ded that a com nerclal veh de may I the rear axle the eof and s n Ole than 42 Inches 1:" 1 Repeals HICKORY SMOKED HAMS AND BACON at an mte sectIOn t nless preceded by an observer Oldmance No 83 ent tled An Old nance to peClfied In thIS sectIon load 01 nload 10 a publ c aIle:,> but shall not above the oad 'lay shall be operated on the Regulate TraffIC Presc Ibe the L m ts of Speed to safelv d rect the mo\ ement rn ng; at an 10tercec obstruct other veh c1es f 0 n pass ng st ee unless equ pped WIth a fender or bumper of Veh cles Define the Manner of Parkmg or Cllo/ce CUBE Home Made hall turn a veh ele at 8 8 Dnvmli:' on SId4:walk and O~ er Curb No 107 Limited Time Parklllg S1811s When off on the extIeme rear of such flame or body Such per on shall drIve lead ot' back an vehICle on Dllv ng of Veh eles n Or Upon the Streets H gh LEG STEAKS BEER &' dIrected and I e clal SIgns have been e ected t pon an) street n b mp"'r shall extend do\\ n\\ a d from the rear of wa s and Other PublIc Places W th n the LImIts ns or s gna s or alonO' anY Sidewalk n anv publlc street or dIcat ng that park ng s proh b ted for a longer such frame or body to WIth n 30 nches of the public place excent m such pomts deSIgnated for of the V llage of Gosse Po nte Park and Ordm OF LAMB SALAMI shall turn a vehIcle tIme than s deSIgnated no person shall park any oauwa and be of substant al constructIOn ance No 122 amendmg the afo esa d 01 d nance c,,"nnot be made In s Ich purnose bv the IOWelIng of the curb and no vehIcle on sa d street n VIOlatIOn of an) such 11 11 SIze l\ eIght and Load No person shall No 83 both adopted b) the VIllage of Grosse lCe to movmg traffIC person shaH dllve lead 0 back any vehIcle over SIgns plOY ded howevel that thIS regulatlOn doe drIve or move or cause or knowmgly pelmlt to be Po nte Palk and cant nued by the CIty of Grosse 1ge lb. 95c lb. 0 15c lb. VII anv CUtb except \ he e the curb has been lowel ed not apply on St nday and- Legal Hohdays unles;:; drIven or ffim ed on any sheet any vehIcle Po nte Palk al e hereby 1epealed RIQUIRED fo such soec fic PUI'DOSe sI!i(ns are nstalled and wo ded to mclude Sun vehIcles of w)dth heIght length 0 weIght n 15 2 SeveIabllJt~ SI~S are el ected at 89 !\v(udanc" ~f SIgnal No operator shall at days and Legal Hal day excess of the 1 m tat ons govern ng s ze and we ght Every charter sect on subsect on sentence H tempt to aVOId obed ence to any traffIC control 108 Leavmg l'Iotor Runnmg No operatOl shall estr ct ons spec fied 10 the M ch gan Motor Ve mtelsect on every andt phrase 0 th s ordmance shall be deemed to ) such vehIcle at such deVIce by dr1vm~ upon 01 through any prIvate leave a motor vehIcle parked unattended WIth hlcle Code be separate and the mva1 d ty of any such chap stop lme before enter prooerty or through an alley the motor runnmg 11 12 Inspecbon Any pol ce off cer shall be ter sectIon subsectIOn sentence or phrase shall \\ h£'n dIrected to pro 810 Splashing No motor vehICle opelator shall 109 Parkmg CommerCial Veh)Cles Dunng NIght IauthOrIzed on reasonable grounds shown to stop not affect the val dlty of the rema nder of th S afflc control sI~nal recklessh wllfully wantonly or carelessly opel It shall be unlawful to pa k any coml1'lerc al ve any motor vehIcle and Inspect the same and f ordmance We Sell the Best Phone Allev The drIver of a~ h s vehIcle 10 such manner as to splash snow hIcle on any street 10 hIS C t) for a pellod longer an) defects n eqUIpment a e found to allest the 153 EfIeetn e Date than th rty mmutes between the hours of 2 A M drIver 8ecous, W. Bu) TU 1 716' cross a street from an ram watel mud dIrt Cl debru: on any person ThiS ordmance shall take effect August 21 1952 and 4 A M of the same day The ChIef of Pol ce CHAPTER XII 16373 E W.r, ... eway shall come to a then upon a SIdewalk or crosswalk I CITY OF GROSSE POINTE PARK the B.lt COLBY'S fOI good cause mav gl ant spec)al parkIng per BIC-r CLES AND MOTORC"l: CLES nr Audubon Jch ~treet 811 CrOSSIng Fire Hose No vehIcle shall be Wm G Stamman Ctty Clerk I Whet: traffIC condl drIven over any unprotected hose of a fire depart mlts permItting parking of commerCIal vemcIes 121 BIcycles. Motorcyclest RerulaholU Applic- essary for an operator


• _cd a DD • S ?S S 5 " , , Thursday " G R'OSS E'P 0 I~TE N'EW S Thursday. August 21, 1952 • • c 21+--Drusm DRESSMAKE fitter wish( tomers. Go< ! . references.

3 Trunk Lines lol"EAT DRESf YOUR AD CAN, BE CHARGED terations. I CALL. TUxedo.- --..u i . 2-6900 To Serve You Quickly DEADLINE 5 P;M. TUESDAY 22447 Ben Shores . II-SITUATIONS WANTED. II-ARTICLES FOW SALE '------, I-ARTICLES FOR SALE 13-REAL ESTATE' _21_a_-G__ EN_E_R_A_L_SE_R_Y_I_CES__ 121 i~Paint and Decorate ~1 r-Cement Wort:.

I MRS. VAN HA Vl:'RBECK will COMPLETE BEDROOM suite. EXPERT. A: CLASSIFIED ~A TES BICYCLE, girl's 20", good condi- BEFORE YOU HAVE ypur ce- ~ resume doing ruffled curtains Also twjn bed. ,TUxedo 1-209'5. MORAN ROAD: 3 bed~ooms, 2 'UPHOLSTERED BOOTHS FOR THE FINEST interior dec- remodeling, tion, for sale. or will trade Jor baths, den, lavatory, breakfast orating and outside painting at ment work done call S&G Cosh Ads-IS words for SOc again about September 1st. Beautiful "upholstered booths. deliver to girls 28". PRescott~3942. ' Concrete Co. at VAlley 1-6924 II FOR A BETTI!:R grade of used bay, recreation room with :fire- Ideal for breakfast nooks~ rec- reasonable cost see Charles A. enct. LAke' AN EXPER!ENCED colored girl for a free estimate. A-I cement ChMge Ads~ 15 words for90c furniture 'see Neatway Furni~ 26" BOY'S B..ICYCLE,lik.e n~w, place. l'~ation rooms and'dens. These Schrader. VAlley 4.0388. wishes work.. Laundry pre- 294 TOURAIN~: -Open Sunday booths a-re -upholstered in Duran ------work guaranteed in writing on . 21_lic.ycl(1 ture, 13930 Kercheval. We al. $22.00 or will trade for a 24" 3-5. Ideal location for children. Plastic material available in 32 FOR FINER 5c: for edditional words. ferred or week's work. Home ways have the. things you, are all work such as sidedrives, boys bi'Cycle. TUxedo 1.6217. BICYCLE 3! nights. VAlley 1-2684. .. looking for. VAlley 2-2115. Four bedroorns,2 baths, den, colors and patterns. INTERIOR & EXTERIOR ribbons, 'sidewalks, concrete lavatory, enclosed terrace, rec- We can build any type, size or welding a: DREXEL knotty pine double floors etc. We also ~epair faulty HIGH SCHOOL GIRL wishes tubes, . and i Cc!l1l FIR PLACE EQUIPMENT, - reation room. " $tyle of booth to fit any empty PAINTING & DECORATING porches and steps. baby sitting afternoons or eve- E bed, Sterns & F.oster mattress ,reasonable screens, all types, gratel!l and. and innerspring, new. TUxedo Ann Bedford Goodman tlook or corner also matchin~ CHRIS C CHARRON & CO , nings. TUxedo 1-4427. TUxedo 5-6063 LO.7-4706 Formica tables to harmonize with' . ALL TYPES cement work: resi- anteed. TU:. l'UXEDO 2.6900 irons, tools. .See display, at 4-0829. John S. Goodman, Realtor booth. WAlnut 2-3986 _ dentit~.l, industrial. commercial pick-up. \, J,' REFINED high school girl. for SMITH - MATTHEWS, " 1i 6 4'0 3 Trunk lines Visit our f~ctory display and Satisfaction Our Guarontee Bonded. TUxedo 5-8292 or 20373 Ma<, , part-time baby sitting job. Chaflevoix Ave., WA. 2-7155. '-ARTICLES WANTED , LARGE g.room house, 5 bed- see these gorgeous booths. and ----- .__ TUxedo 1-8587. Fair}. ! TUxedo 2-9022. LAMPS-SHADES -:' Buy direct BOOKS bought in any quantity. • ro'om, 3 baths and 2 lavatories. fable. Price range $79 and up. EXPERT ~a!nting, paper hanging KERCHEVAL AVENUE 21v-Irick Ii GENERAL OFFICE WORK and from manufacturer. Shades, Entire libraries, bookcases, art Brick> Man~T extras. TUxedo METAL MASTERS MFG. CO. by mechanics, free estimates, 'BRIC~ ~d Cem~nt work, brick objects. Mrs. C. Claes, .1670 2-0(}15. 24802 Gratiot Ave., East Detroit Van -Assche. TUxedo 4-1187, repalrmg steps,. walks; horne KOPP'S PHARMACY ~Yflin5.g,4f~t6 hours per day. T'£!. parts, and custom shade mak- B. ALL BRICK Near 10 Mile Road TUx':;do 4-2714. repairing. No Job too small 16926 Kercheval at Notre Dame - 6 a er 3 :00 p.m. c!' Frl- ing, mounting and repairjng. 'Leverette, WOodward 3-4267. repairs. p, , day after 5 ;00 p.m. Best' selection of lamps and GROSSEPOINTE WOODS-Five Open Da,lly 'til 9 p. m. ------VAlley 1-4843. Waterproof shades.in town. Lamps by Mar- -POSITIVELY- room brick, gas heat, recreation East Detroit. Michig. an PAINTER needs work; interior ------h1g. Reasor; CUNNINGHAM'S DRUGS ISA-EMPLOYMENT BUREAU tin. 14637 Kercheval and Man- HIGHEST PRICES-PAID for room,, terrace, carpet1Og,'d an Prescott 5-5200 an d ex t.enor. R el'la bl e, nea t AT9'ENTI,ON, Kercheval at Notre Dame Marchese. J, istique Friday and Saturday furniture ond applionces. d $16500 $5000 d decorator.' Also A-I wall wash- HOME OWNERS , COLORED COUPLES, cooks, rapes, .' -, own. Open Sundays. 12 to ~ p', m. till 9 p. m. VAlley 2.8151. "I-Piece or ,a Houseful." TUxedo 1.7344. ing. VAlley 4-7808. I Get your cement work repaired 21w~81d9, I NOTRE DAME PHARMACY I maids, chauffeurs, caretakers, PRescott 5-5733 ' ------.------now! .Driveways v-talks, garage 17000 Kercheval at Notre Dame I, janitors' and porters. Day or' 1144 BALFOUR-Georgian Coloniol, . VENETIAN BLINDS PAI~TING-Interior. and ex- i floors, steps, etc: BUILDINC weeK. Field's EmploymJnt. TR. BOOKS purchased. for cash. En. .4 bedrooms, 2 baths, gas heat. te~lOr; wall wash1Og; s.torm A. R. SAMYN & SONS 3-7770. . . CINDER AN[: GROSSE POINTE DRUG CO. I ANTIQUES tire libraries or fine single Lot SOx 176. WINDOW SHADES wmdows and scre~ns pam!ed (Licensed and Bonded ~7g~1 Kercheval. at St. Clalr PLASTERI items. Midwest Book Sel'vice, 699 BALFOUR-For large family. ~ and put up; cau~1Og. No Job Contractors) 6-FOR RENT H~ovy old cost iron garden seats ond Sand, Grovel, r TITUS DRUG STORE .' (Houses, Aph., Flah._tc,) 4301 Kensington. TUx e d 0 bedrooms, 3 baths, 4 room apart- PORCH SHADES ~~t ~~:;~. Ed Blschoff. WAl- PRescott 5-1638 Cruch Stone, L 1 it:erd:~val. at Fisher Road choirs decorate thot certain spot in 5-2450. . ment over attached garage. In. _ _ (Farms) your garden like nothing else. They Cement Crock , UPPER flat. 3 bedrooms, bath, are fireproof, waterproof and moth, FURNITURE WANTED-If terior and exterior newly pointed. -C-A-V-A-N-AUGH & SONS-Paint- D and D ST. CL. oil heat, garage newly decor. proof, and never need. reupholster- '... . you Lot 111 k 181. CORNICE BOA.RDS BUILD' MILLEI< PHARMACY ated. Adults no pets, references. ing, Also wire half-round' flower have anythmg.m the hne of ing and decorating. Free' esti- CEMENT CONTRACTORS Wa)'burn and Kercheval I 509 BARRINGTON RD.-l bedroom, Complete Repair Service mates. UNiversity 3-7977. 23715 I TUxedo 5-7092. ' stands with graduate shelves. household furmture and rugs, both down, 3 moster', bedrooms, 2 Cleaning, Repairing, ... New and Repair Work , call The Isaac Neatway Furni- Ne I GARAGE apartment, brick build. Old Slave i~9Y Hitching Post, ~treet ture, 13930 Kercheval, VAlley bath~' up. Attached garoge. Ex- Reconditioning PAINTING and decorating, wall GEORGE DeCEUNINCK PReSt MACK AVENUE ing separate from residence, 4 I~mps, oneJlrons, fenders, furniture, I 2.2115 cellent buy. washing. general handy man, PR~ 5-2235 rooms modern; choice location'. ship prints, Lowestoft, Staffordshire . _ 921 BERKSHIRE-4 Qed rooms, 3 ESQUIRE SHADE CO. immediate service: VAlley 2- CAMIEL DHAVELOOSE 21 Y-:"Piano ~ and other accessories,' ot The BLUE CROSS DRUGS Best references' required. Box baths, stoll shower, library, ter- 14000 E. 7 MILE RD. 2809. TU. 5-4453 17511 Mack Ave., at Neff Road Mitchell's and at the usual frightful WANTED COMPLETE ,: M-208, Grosse Pointe News. race, 3 cor garage. prices. . House cleaning? Don't throw or give Open Friday Until 9 P.M. 21J-Wafl Washing Tuning, re awoy those antique items cluttering HARKNE:SS PHARMACY j 3 BEDROOM, partly furnished or 819 EDGEMONT PARK - Spacious CEMENT WORK, BRICK RE .. and mothl= I Fisher Road the ottic~ We ore interested. Old LA. 1-1515 LA 7-3700 20313 M.ack Ave., at Lochmoor , unfurnished house, gas heat. Eng. home with 144 ft. of lakfl PAIR, porches, piers, walks, 1-2025. Plac.i Blvd. across from. High School pictures and. prints and items of frontage. 5 family bedrooms, 4- WALL WASHING and painting. chimneys. No job too small. ---,-- __ i Owner leaving city. Lease $175 early Detroit especiolly. baths with 2 bedroom apartment CUSTOM*MADE draperies, and Well recommended. Right price. 11 ' month. TUxedo 5-6056. upholstering. Beautiful selec- TUxedo 1-3870. Call after 6! _'_T A__ e_y_1_-4_8_4_3. _ PIANOS TUT,: l-PUBLIC NOTICES ---_._--_._------TUxedo 2-4724 . C"II The Mitchefls Over attoched goroge. A sum- proofed anl! TUxedo 2-4724 mer and winter reside,nce. tion of fabrics. Reasonably p,m. I 21s-Carpenter Work POLIGE AUCTION-Seven bi* 6A-FOR RENT I FILL DIRT for sale. Can days, tion guar,,! 962 LOCHMOOR BLVD.-A 3 bed> pPiced. Workmanship guaran- r 2-1' W' d W----:~:------l"ates~ Seib cycles will be sold at auction (Furnished) I TUxedo'I*9828, evenings TUx- USED au~omatic shotgun, 12- tee. TUxedo I 2-5000. .- In ow aSnJng _ ADDITIONS, alterations, and room 3 bath ranch, library, Ther- 4451..,. i by the Grosse Pointe Park ---~------~-- edo 5-5892. gauge; also duck decoys. TUx- midor kitchen, no basement, Only ------, ------other improvements for your -----i Police Department. 15115 East NICELY furnished room. in 1------edo 2-6186. 2 yrs. old. Gos heat., Corpets DUMP TRUCK, will haul broken WINDOW CLEANING home. Kitchens modernized. 2b-Landsci Jefferson avenue. on August pleasant home for refined gen. LEAVING TOWN. Must sell Iiv- and drapes, Priced below build- concrete; sand,' gravel, dirt, W ALL WASHING Anything in the building or re- i , tleman, TUxedo 1-8745. 4462 ing room sofa with two chairs. 30. 1952, at 10 a.m. I Grayton. $45:00; baby crib with chest of REED ORGAN or any pipe 01'- ingcosts.' , rubbish, etc, TUxedo 1-7427. Service' on Screens and Storms pair line. Best materials and SHO,: gan, but would .prefer Reed. j 1265 MARYLAND ( V ). ------k ~ workmanship. No down pay- 2A-EDUCATIONAL I------~--- drawers, $35; 2 bedroom lamps, UN" ~ . corner ernor- Brie washing e>:pertly (one Iflent. Call us, TUxedo 4-0945. LANe! ------i ROOM or room and board, for $8; 2 electric heaters, $5; lamp Iverslty 2-125 (. 2 bedroom, unfinished attic-now Wall Washing-Odd Jobs Basement Pointing _ L,,! PRIVATE TUTORING business ... girl. TUxedo 2-6270. shades $3 each; electric Nesco 11 AUTOS FOR SALE under ~~nstruction. .'Choose own TI'~s Rc', , IN . - decorotlon. Minor repairs- Painting H. E. GAGE & SON ADDITIONS, alterations, cabi- S! RESIDENTIAL D IS T R I C-T--= roaster WIth stand $25;' card nets and stairways. General YOUR OWN HOME table and 4 chaairs $25; auto- FORD '50 custom 8 tudor, R. and Also have chauffer's license ConU3ct , TWO FAMILY FLAT TUxedo 4-0136' modernization and repairs. Of- All subjects; all grades. Adults double or single room, attrac. matic Westinghouse washl'ng H h't '11 L 'I Best References and children. Certified teachers. tively furnished, references re- ., - w 1 e wa s. ow ml eage, 790 TROMBLEY-2 bedrooms each fice partitions. Formica table V}! I 21 m- Television " Repairs quired. VAlley 2-5129. I machine $100.00; ironing board" excellent condition. TUxedo unit extra lovato I b VAil A 0299 tops. TUxedo 5-2840. ---~---, Call: -~---._------I and electric iron, $6.00. 1177 5-0170. lng,. 'k' Itchens havery, '~opperdisposalsp umand;- __ ~ , ey. ,- _ SUMMER SPECIAL! DETROIT AND SUBURBAN ROOM AVAIL.ABLE for 1 or 2 Buckingham Rd., VAlley 2------large breakfast orea; Three cor! 21b-Wateh Repairing FINE CARPENTRY-Residential TUTORING SERVICE school teachers. Grosse Pointe, 0139. FORD CUSTOMIZED. Black spe- go rage. _ LondscapinQ, HOME $200 and commercial. Porches, rec. sod laid. No 'i Farms TUxedo 5 4175 I' ------'- cial engine, 150 h.p., white Car- I k WOodward 2-6632 TExas 4-1378 .__'_._. - . DRESSING table ensemble in- ,ALSO 2 new 3 bedroom flots on EXPERT WATCH and c oc reation rooms, attics, etc. Re- small. A- J wor ! CALLS 7 WANTED TO RENT son top. Must sell. Best offer, Harcourr. Open to reasonable of- repaIrmg.' P 1i 0 m p t service. Part,s Extra modeling of any kind, by 3-LOST AND FOUND .__ - I eluding ski~ts, Lo.> 2-9309. 17328 Mack Avenue N l' I t F . I . ," I I apt. Excellent references. TUX-I ) IdIng. boot~, sIze 8/2• gll] S i FORD, model A, convertIble, Re;lltor rVlelllber of Detroit Real ATTIC, recreation rooms addi •. °G ICenSE'p. :,o~ Fn~ ay, fl edo 5-9179. breeches, sIze 14. TUxedo' snazzy condition, $200 or best I VEAslTIIJteBoa~'cl PLl 8 :p.t.f 21 e-Eledrical Service 21 n-Clay Tile.lnstaHation tions or. minor repair, by I , rosse ~tn e rtl:ms. a; " . .~__'__ I 1-8372. ,offer. TUxedo 2-4660. i ey 1-7/ 10 Re\varcl for mformatlOn. TUx* i PHYSICIAN. wife and year old ------.~ ----- . -l---~----..--..-~------, I CLAY TILE-Beautiful kitchens, N c e'n sed contractor. F. St.' , edo 5-4318. ~. ~~ I dau~hter anxious to rent un~ I FOR SAL~-One canopy doubl.e 12-AUTOS WANTED 843 PEII1BERTON. Colonial brick BROWN ELECTRICAL repairs, bathrooms, sinks, stall showers. Amour, TUxedo 2-8324. . LOST: Black wallet, vicinity Ker- fUrnIshed 3 bedroom house or I ~ed. Penod. Excellent condl- . home, 6 rooms, 3 large bed- replacements and mamtenance. Free estimates. FHA terms. Lamp repail. Since 1920. TUx- Mather, VAlley 4-3707. REF AIR porches, steps, doors, ~ I cheval and Mo!:'oss, Reward.j large flat with yard. Maximum I hon. TUxedo 4-1155. Cars Wanted rooms, SU? porch, recreation edo 2-7550. windows, kitchen cabinets, . Mail to: 22223 Violet. St. Clair i $125.00. TOwnsend 5-3577. , FOUR POSTER maple tWl'n bed I r?om,. sprInkler s!stem, com* . - - ,------. Any maKe-and model. Bring bmatIon storm Wlndow~ car 21o-Expressing bookcases. Good work, prompt Shores or PRescott 5-39,,4. ! BUSINESS woman. responsible, and. matching chest, Excellent title-We t~ke you horr'e. H"gh. peted thr'ough t 2 .". - 21 e"7,".Custom Corsets ------service. S. E. Barber, 20380 ------1 . 1 d' 3 - D d't. $40 It T U au, cal gaIage ------CALL Grosse Pointe Cartage, 4-HELP WANTED s~ng e. eS.lres -" rooms. e- I can lon. comp e e. Ux- est cash price. Owner. Call 10 to 12 am Nesbit, TUxedo 4-0051. I 1 0; Express and Moving-for pack- 81 (Mate and Female) sIrable neIghborhood. TW. 1- I edo. 4*0679. 6 to 8 p m VAll 1 5360' . SPENCER CORSETS I " I 2564 or VA. 1-6354. ----,------ey -'. INDIVIDUALLY designed. Dress ing or .crating. Baggage to all H. F. JENZEN, BUILDING I WHITE f k E. H. Cook Motors I ',' . woman or coo 109 m i N . . WALNUT dining room refrac- 13~B-Business 0 t -t' and sur~ical garments, Over depots. Established in 1895. I HOME AND INDUSTRIAL REP~lR family, weekends only. Live: ATIVE Gr?sse Po.1Oter and ~X4 tory table, buffet, china cab- 1570 I Harper ppor unJ les 18 years experience. Maude TUxedo 2-5540 or TUxedo! Additions, Attlc~ CompreTed, Porches, I in from Friday P. M. to Sunday! pecta?t WIfe deSIre East Slde inet, 8; chairs (needlepoint --. CHILDREN'S APPAREL SH' Op. Bannert, 368 McKinley, Grosse 2-5480. I Recreation Rooms, Garages Built.' P M TU' d 5 32 '4 I flat. mCO!11e or garage apart- r t) $1.0 Al bl d G " . .1. xe 0 • -. .. . t C 11 VAll 1*1414 sea s, ". so. on ma- A GOOD clean caT wanted' from on rabot 10 Rosev1lle. New Pointe. Call TUxedo 5-4027 :')1' 21 p-Furniture R-e-p-a-ir-s--- I 152 Elford Ct. TUxedo ,(.9744 -----.------. I men. a ey.. hogany custom built corner ' t t P h N ho b 'It d TO d ~, 4312 HOUSEWORK. g en e l' a 1: stay I ; ------,----- pnva e par y. ay cas. 0 mes Ul an ne~r element- wnsen - . ------nights: more for home than I'ACC?UNTANT, (at ~U. _S. R~b- piece (storage space and 4 dealers. WAlnut 1-8740. a;y school and. hIgh school. ------FURNITURE REFINISHING SMALL repairs and cabinet work wages. Own room and bi'lth.' bel) and famIly. n",Gd", 2 nr 3- drawers), $100. VAlley 2-7256. ------.\ ery good locatIOn, and grow- 21f-Refrigeration RE"CONDITIONING AND done to your specifications. Sm.all family. $30.00 weekly. I bedroom unfurmshed flat. V Al- PRIV ATEANTIQUE COLLEC: WANTED-CARS 109 population, PRescott 7-9095 COMMERCIAL AND Domestic. REPAIRING TUxedo 1-7828. ~ OlDE TUxedo 5-5444. ley 4-425l. TION: including pair cut glass We buy private owned cars., or PRescott 6-2251. Complete installations a. n d Stores, Office, Church, etc. • BUSIN Antique - Modern ALTERATIONS, repairs, enclosed STENOGRAPHER~dgener~al PROFESS~ONAL M.A~ and em- lamps, co.mpotes, punch bowl. cash without recourse, at 19-PETS-. service. Home frt:!ezers. sealed , ESTA8US IOOJlo All Work Guaranteed porches, kitchen remodeling a office work. East side office. ployed ~aughter deSlre 5-ro?m Brass. chlI)a. TYler 8-5896. least $25 over market value. -- __ ,_.. units, motors. belts, controll':, IN ART CRAFT COMP/\NY speciality. 30 years experience. GROS Large ins u l' a nee company.! automatIcally heated u~_per In- CREDENZA book case, ~~ing DREXEL 1-9690 'MINIATURE poodles black All makes .• Work guaranteed. WAlnut 3.6536 TUxedo 2-5234. POIN 'Hours: 8:30 - 4:30 M 0 n day ; C8()1~1.e'an~ garage. TU .....edo 1- chair leather top coffee table i 12A~B~oat'-s--fo-r-.S. 01-.---- daughter 1 brown son. of Geyman Refri~eration Service, through Friday. Mr. Atwood, j ,::> even1Ogs. l'easo~able. TUxedo 4-0151. ':'- e I champion Lydney. Pepperwine. 447 Moran Road, TUxedo 4- FURNITURE REPAIR. Refinish, EMPLOYED carpenter will build VAlley 2-3721. SI~GLE working .g~ntleman de----~-- 1952 LAYMEN BOAT with lig~ts, I MIdwest ~~589. 14:30. ing, reupholstering, spring., reo porches, attic rooms, ete" in ------.--.------sires to shc:re hvlOg quarters. FI'VE-PIECE maple breakfast set 16 ft., Johnson 10 h.p. wIth---- ... "---~ -2-1--R--fl------tied. Antiques 2. specialty, I spare time. VEnice 9-0749. A MARSHALL FIE~D COMPANY Write Box R-384, Grosse Pointe (extension type). extends to 60 tank and canvas cover. Steer-: PEDIGREED Boxers, Dachshunds, __ 9::::_0_0_"_9 _ Pick-up and debvery. Duall. i ---- _ Opening Septein.uf'l' for alert News. giving address and inches, $20; 6% it. Norge, $45 ing wheel and boat space and I ~nd Cockers for sale at This i ROOF' REPAIRING. Expert on LAkeview 1-8249. 21 t-Dressmakln9 educated woman to assist state phone number. (new motor). TUxedo 2.9318. I trailer, $850,00. LO. 8-4130. AN ThTaut.for Pets. 30422 Mack. leaky roofs and repairing. Pri- 21q-Pla ..stering EXCLUSIVE ALTERATIONS- . . 'k -.------~------~------~-.------.------ve. xetdo 1-900/. ,_ . Tr ~l.1rector of C.HILDCRAFT \\01 i WANT TO RENT or lease for OIL BURNER, DELCO gun type, 13-REAL ESTATE ----- ...... ---______vate. LAkeVIew 6-6233, FOR SATISFACTJON in your, . by Marie Stephens. cn dresses, 1n Grosse Pomte and surround.; winter or 12 months. Furnished conversion unit.. Excellent con. -______PAR A K E E T Sand Canaries ------.-ll-T--U--d- plaster repairing. alterations, i suits. and furs. TUxedo 5-7610. ing territory. Mu,:;t have pleasing: or unfurnished 3 bedroom home dition.. wied 2 seasons only. IS ,YOUR HOUS~_FOR SAL;:', boarded at This 'N T,hat 1.01' HOME OWNERS! Ca xc ~) , ------L 1. d b'l't t ~ 1 81"'0 f t • ceilings. Estimates cheerfully "VALET SERVICE FOR GALS." persona Ity. an a I 1 Y. to mee i by married couple with two Suitable 5-8 room house, $65.00. Over Three Million Dollars '1'" Pets, 20422 Mack Ave. TUxedo - lor gu l.er repaIr, rea~ 1 \ I 3 people eaSIly. For DetrOIt ~p.: high ;::chool children. Moving TUxedo 1-6642. " 1-9007. sonable prices. Richard Willertz given. Cal TAl c;..' 4- 022. Expert alterations, hems. fur pointment. write Anne Wem.: here from Chicago. Best of ref------.------GROSSE POINTE ------50 Roslyn road. 21 C' t W k repairing. remodeling, relining. gartner. Box 6110, Chicago 80, i erences. Mr. Atwood. Phone ANTIQUE Feragkan rug. 5x13 ft., I REAL ESTA TE ALL BREEDS of dogs bathed and ------r- ernen or TUxedo 2-4651. Goe giving phone. --.1 TWinQrook 1-6600. in family more than two hun- i PUI'chCl~ed Last Year trimmed, at This 'N That for ROOFS CREOSOTED: Brus~led I BRICK and cement~~ork.Repair I . '. ----~------.. ---~------dred years. History in public! Pets, 20422 M'l7 day or mght. .H ave o"vn car.l c eva. ey - . Cen~ 39 stolort.both articles'in ex cell- t d TU I, , LL _ EDgewater 1~1485. signor by appointment. ent Icondition., Also squirre.l.fur pointe house,' with perfect ere. xedo 1-5217. ------floor plan and grounds for en- --,' ------FOR YOUR SUMER PAINT- 2A-EDUCMIONAL jacket and sable dyed muskrat tertaining or satisfying living. BEAUTIFUL RED Irish Setter ING and decoratlon, call TU. pOINTE.TAILORS a GLEANERS ALL Al ------fur coat in fail' condition. TUx- fair price on fair terms . . . I pup, 3 months old, female. Pa~ 1-4521. , I {WINDMILL POINTE) ------GROSSE POINTECONSERVATORY OF MUSIC .edo 5~5834or TUxedo 5*2712. also 10816 balfour, a 3 bedroom I pel's. TUxedo 5-6894. Mell's and Ladies' Suits Tailored 1'0 Order\ V~ 2-3040 CO; YOUTH BED, maple finish, com. ranch ,type brick, 1948, very ---.------______PAINTING and DECORATING I Alterations, Relining. Cleaninr. and Pressing _ 15219 E. JEFFERSON AT BEACONSFIELD plete.' very good con,dition, with complete and inclusive. open 21A-GENERAL SERVICES EXPERT PAPERHANGING spread, $20. TUxedo 2-1394. saturday-sunday to 5:30, $15,200 WALL WASHING SERVICE 14931 EAST JEFFERSON, al Oity Limits All instruments. Voice Md Theory ... also some. gros~e pointe NOW Free Estimates HEAVY DUTY theatrical ward- vacant lots, 10,0 feet Ridge IS THE i Fred M. Schuman . Established 19~5" Open Eves. 'tin 7:00 Fdll Term Begins robe trunk, new condition, $75; Colonial, $8,500, 30 feet Mack HUGHES DECORATORS COMB a1so new Towne two.sllitel', $50; !;lUsiness'.. $3,OOO.TUxedo 2~4660, nME 5293 Yorkshire TU. 5-1165 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 English 'style, breakfast nook TUxedo 1-3667, TUxedo'1-3186, To repoir ann re-place ~'our eaves- ----'--" ..------'II Grosse PO;lIt. Woods It's tabre and two benches. Ideal for troughs. Expertly done by insured .. Enrollment S+ar+S den or recreation room, $15.00; GROSSE POINTE, Woods - 5 workmen. JAS. RIGGIO and SON IAOUR'S STANDARD ,STATION OJ! large, model sailing sloop. room brick, gas heat, terrace, JACK THE TINNER Mondoy. August 25 Offer the finest pointing, color styl. ALL STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS FOR YOUR CAR'S SAKE 14000 E. Length 54", height 72".- patt; carpeting, drapes, storms and " . ing,' blending,wollpaper, wall wosh- W D W 'd. . • rigging. Must be seen ,to be screen.s, $16,500-$5,000 down~ PRescott 5-0390 ing, etc., oto reaso:1able cost, . e 0 e. JnCJ . Mack AV,e •• Cor. Roslyn Rd. LOr~in 7-3035 1470 HELEN,lI .l4 PHONE ED: 1-9058 appreciated. WA. 4-2591, TUxedo 1.7344. PR~scott 5-6932


/ seereSses? a sss a a ssesscsaSpMsut? 02' 7••• 0 •• 7'17 EsS $a.,.=% er.s' .. aes 12 suu ••• c.c .... _ •••••.•• t$? .r ••. ,Thursday, August 2 r. 1952 I, 1952 S R OS ',SE PO JNT,E .NEWS Pige Seventeen, .Head' '11.nes '.0. fthe .. W.'..'eek"Park Student Attends IDon .Chamberlin Honored; Trio Taking Motor Tour CLASSIFIED .ROTC Session in' Ohio' .1 Wins M~daI at Culver. Charles Lamb, son of Mr. and (Conthluaf~om,Pafe 1) . . ,. ., ' " .' ,I Mrs. Wallace T. Lamb, of Not- 21t-DrelSlII ..kln.' 21Z-Landscap'ng ------"The<,Peppet'LineI:l':~shop'(ln ThornasE.J"effrie~ was one of ~ CULVE~.Ind,-Mid. Donald F. tingham road. left last Friday ------~---- Ministry of the In t e ri 0 r an-thorizes dealers to establish own KeI:chev~aventle.:in':trle~Fa:ms.a .~2-studen~ co~tmgent f~om; Chambel:lm has been awarded with Dale Petl'oskey and Don DRESSMAKER, a1terationll and A-1 CLEAN TOP SOIL nounced today. top legal prices. d~~lers.,:_ln::.:fi~~ lmens_ ~r~In ~~!..De::llsonPmverslty, GranvIlle,i the TUXlS, ~ronze Medal by the Vander:busch on a motor tour fitter wishes a few new cus- Nursery sod, . seeding" plowing, . ...' I • • • corners;'of. the'~,or1d, alld, re- OhIo; whore~ently atte~ded the j Culver MIlitary -Aead~my Su.m- that will take them through the tomers. Good backgrounci and and ;lCrading. Commer<:i~l,or. ies~-I, . SE"{;ERE .ele~trical storm hi~s AMERICAN" MINESWEEPER, n~y.rn~~,.for ~.X.qU1s1te:n?nogra~-. summer .se~lOn of, All' .F;0rce :m~r Schools ~here he IS spendmg Black HIlls of South Dakota,and references. TUxedd 2w5023. ' dential. Lawns recondItIoned, and DetroIt; .knockmg out electrIc USS Chief, shells American Navy mmg,. IS al1'eady. recelvmg;:shipc I ~9TC at OhIO Wesleyan Univer- t~.IS sunun.e~'ln the, Naval S~hoolYeliowstone National Park. ------dirt removed. poweI'in:two'large areas,. hitting salvage . ship off' Hungnaln,. ments of comp~eted C.hnstmas'sity. . :....lth boys 1rom 40 states, Wa~h- . Following a three-week 'stay NEAT DRESSMAKING. Also a1- GREENWAY LANDSCAPING three hom('s, andtrappiIig two, Korea, lq.llingtwo men and in- orders. from ~ts '. SW1~zerland A 'sophomore at Denison, he is mgton., D. C.. and 10 foreign at a ranch near Stanlev, Idaho. TUESDAY terations. ~Re~cott 7-0093 or SERVICE patrolmen in a scout car with a juring nine~ others. sources;. w~ere ' !ts :finest mono- the son of .Mr. and Mrs. Thomast:Quntnes. , they will return to the Poine. 22447 BenJamme, St. Clair - fallen wire. I '". .,~.. • grammmg IS done.; ...,' ,E .. Jeffries, 928 Westchester road, The bronze medal IS awarded Shores. . ITUxedo 4-2660 PRescott 5j0456 ... • • GOVERNMENT sets uniform. The shop, along with'a num- Grosse Pointe Park'. to midshipmen after they have :======::;;;~ ~ VE your ce. , I KREMLIN LEADERS prepare ceil,in~s.for more thaIl. half .. the b~?r ?th~l's in th~Pointe s,h0P- '. Spann~ng eight weeks, the hot- d~m~nstratedproficiency in fi.v~ A L U M I N U M le Call S&G EXPER~ . ALTE.RATIONS .~nd COMPLETE I for major .talks .. With Chinese n~tlOn. s 50g,OOO;grocerystores on, P]~~.dlstr~ct, recel'V,esordeIs at weather term began June 16 and d,ffelent phases of the, Cuhel VAlley 1-6924 remodelmg. WIll call for and I Premier Chou En-Lai designed Wld~.range of l-tems. To be ef- thIS ;tune o~custom:work~foI:: the concluded' August 8. It was. par- program .. Tb.ese, a.ccomplIshments Combination Doors te. A-I cement deliver to suit your conveni- Lown-Garden'- Tree to strengthen military, economic fectlveby October 1. commg Chl'lstmas'g1ft season., 'tit~?neVnto.two periods with mu~t,,~e m m?l:JdU~~ ~d c~m= 'Tbe "DtJItANDeluxe" in writing on ence. LAkeview 7-3102. and political ties of Chinese...... ,. • " .., ,,- . tramees' earmng semester-hour p~tltlv e. athletIc .., ,milltaly pI?fi haa them aU beat as sidedrives. 21u-licycl. I.-airs Service ond Mointenonce So'viet Communist partnership. PRI~E ':~UNI~TE~~in~to~ W.()od. B,aneh Op~ned academic credits equivalent.. to ciency,. seam~n~~IP. academIcs. FULL, INCH-THICK .. .. • .. Chu~chill calls specIal.'C.abIne~,'B 'M' .'f" 'lu. " B"" 'k . ... , and SOCIal activItIes. i ALUMINUM"JAMB lks. concrete ------CAl FLEMING TUxedo 1.6950 c,, meeting for. Wednesday' In'8t,~ y anu ae ret:. J(D, one year of baSIC t~aullng.. Ch2.mberlin IS nov...- eligible to: o repair faulty BICYCLE and toy, repairing:, INDUSTRIALIST Hen r y J...... --- Clas om kId d Choice or onf~. two or IS. I ------~-----I tempt to resol.ve Angl~.-Am~rii The new brancb of the Manu- ! . t,sro. :"'01', mc u :e . m- l begin work on his Tuxis Silver three-lite inserts welding and brazing, tires, I A-l SOD V' ]. '. d Kaiser imperiled by unknown can differences over" Iraruan N t' . r B k'. t Sl;1~UClOnm. all' SCIence an d tac- I Medal which requires more ad- Free estimates on JOn... tubes, andbI authorized parts, at I . ery c t:an, SnOlt an I saboteurs who tampered with .. ,,' ,f;H;turers' a lOna anG-'~" tics ..and allied subJ"ects. 'Ivanced aceo'tllpll'shlnen<.r He 1'. type storn, ()r scref'n- nt work: resi~ . \I' green 30c a square vard De crisis. Both nations fear. situ a- 20273 Mack a' u'e In rosse c..... " :1, commercial. ~~~:~~~ T~~~~e~'.340~r~org~::~ i livere'd. TWinbrook 2-560'7. - I ~:coe:Paete1~o::s Thaeh~:dce:ii:r~do;~ tion may lead to. Comtnunist Pointe Woods,. v~as opened on With the beginning of the falll the son .of, Gerald W. Cha~nbe!,lin, i O.ran SailS Co. o 5-8292 or pIC' k .Up. W00dS B'k1 .eSop,h l-----...,....---~----ROTO-TILLING, light. bulld,ozing, "a murderous attempt on my coup...... Mo'nday morning of. this week semester this year. Denison Uni- 1 74,OWhlttterM h road. Grosse POInte, " 152mi MACK, at Lakepo,'.'t';'' ~ 203.73 Mack (OPPosl,te Food weed Ctlttl'ng, licensed land- life." . with ,'cereinonies..in which Mayor versity will, institute' an Air. 1 IC. , TU 1-5986 TU, 1-5122 vv We.dnesd.ay,. Au(Ust:P,O P' .1 R . d' ff" 1 ' f th I ,------, Falr). scapI'ng. L. oW. Dubay. TUxedo...... '. au . owe an 0 lCIa s 0 e Force ROTC. program. The group, I. Truth, in the hands of some. I ~ _ It work, brick I - JUSTICE DEPARTMENT. links b k t k t I • k. 5-2945. BUSINESSMEN in Detroit's '. an . 00 par. . which will be supervised local. Iseems to b~ an. elastic substance. ! CU. stom walks. home 21v-Irlc R.palr I' ' '. loop area b.,attle po l'Ice crac k -:,.sister of. Canada's Minfster.. of Thl'S, 1'S ,the ,first. branch of any b . ..d t A F c .. el.-- I'.-;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;:;;;;;;;;:;_:;:;;::;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;:;;;;;;:;;:;;;;:;;;.',' ob too small. A--L-L--B-R-I-C-K-,-b-I-oc-k--d--- LAWN BUILDING - First class down on illegal parking ~.l which Public Health to Windsor visa, Detroit bank to open within ~ res) ,fln. . Ir or e pel s.onn 'i repairs Porches s~~ps st~~ce workmanship. Free estimates. some 400 tickets had been issued fraud while a second Detroiter Grosse Poirite ... Chester P. Mar- wilLfunctlOn as an extenslOn of! Pe~lt J'loss Waterp'roofl'ng and' se'''er'c'lean-' F.Hv.A .,terms. TUxedo 2-5463: and 16 cars towed a;,vay in the has, been arrested for. entering till' is the manager of the new Det'achment 31, AFRQTC, located i ION, .. E 9 3146 I the United States with fraudu~ b h ' ing. Reasonable. Work my~elf. or mce.. . i first .three hours of the drive. rane . at OhioWeslevan University and i (8ulk and 8aled) TNERS Top Soil Marchese, LA. 6-9300. I' II'" ... '" lent papers. ..., • ',. ------~~fr;. r~~~~:.y Lt. Col. Pa"ul c./ Seeds work repaired Pea Humus Fertilizers \\"alks. garage ------1. ServiceStation Tuesday, August 19 ALLIEDi,SUPERFORTS blast Major W~lteroHartneu _ 21w~8Idg. Material ,. L, • 1', BLA.CK-MARKET. de a Is. in munl't'I'on.S p'lea'nt. 't.hre'e. mt'les fro.m ' " Ma!'1u~e Insecticides' ------Th N bb d . .And Family 'Visit 'Pointe SAND BOX TOYS I Fill San.d & SONS BUILDING MATERIALS I leves' a e I Ca~adian and ~merlca.n war ma. Yalu :'River:, Used' "improved Sand box toys can include a: 1 Bonded ' I tenals bared 10 Holland. Ac- electronics'aimlngmethods" be- While on leave from Harm0n ' J FOR DELIVERY ors) CINDER AND CEMENT. BLOCK I Grosse POl....t.e Pa k ]' h I cording 'to the Dutch newspaper, cause of overcast skies. I Field Ne"'foundlarid MaJ'or Wal- fseu'CvhadiscaIl.adnedderskitsCthr;~ner~stenpasinISsI. CALL TU. "-9.59 Formic:; "ToPS, Bars. l"'lodern' .. PLASTERINGMATERIAL I u. I' po Ice av~ De Volkskrant, the materials im- ... '" .,' ."", ' '.. . s co '. <11 ; • I •• .. F I Furnitun~'. Recreation Rooms .-1638 Sand, Gravel, ill Dirt, Yellow SO,nd,1p ace d a de.tamer on two youths ported into Holland are secretl}' ACOMB.. . STAKES won by terB.t hH.ldartn.ess,' wl.th.t h.Is.wl.feh and and. scoops. Even tm can.WIll de- I '~_ ' C h St C M L h' wo C 1 ren, IS' VIS1mg IS par- light the toddlers if the cans are D r L d B&B, CABINET SHOP D C~:ent C~:~koe~eS~werO~~~~k I~e 1 eld ~y Flmt. police for robbing ship~ed to ~astern Europe and Queen ,Elizabeth's, chestnut colt ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. 'Hart:. painted to resist rust and have no \ • 1:., ey.t ST. CLAIR SHORES' I a serVIce statlOn there, The pair,. Russla.. Aureole, running 'its first race. ness, in their Marter road hom,e .. sharp edges. I i 17751 Mack, at M.rseill •• Call TW. 3-5438 'RACTORS BUILDER SUPPLIES I Hubert Lee Drake, 23, and Ma- ...... -...... , Major !Iartness eY:t1i.stedin tl:e I ,. , .~_'. . ,. air Work 23715"ttl M I Im~ Cmt~ 2~ ~th ~ De~cit ~E@DENTTRU~N~sbp O~~E OF'PIDCE S~~liu- Army AIT:CM~rn ~~, r~\ ~ LI e aCi

3arber, 20380 oil fired water heaters and boilers, 1 part of Detroit lying east of Woods, she ~nnounced that the BUSINESS TRANSACTED I ~ Grosse mute yv 00 S :lty a lU'Ing 0 lee ours eac. ay, , -0051. IBellevue, there are 6,965 Scouts annual meetmg would be held Thursday, August 14, I95? . ~ ~londay through Saturday, until the date of the public hearing. ~ .... : among 34,~40 boys. February 4. 1953 and the pro~able .L Wage adjustments' made fOr :i ~. BUILDING B.RUCE WIGLE CO. I, Camping experience has' been IPnlasCtl,etuWteOUldbe the InternatlOnal salaried employees of $79.00 :~.: ~~' -RIAL RE?,AdR Conversion Gas 'urners . .~ prered, P"rches, ! the. highlight of the Boy Scout" '. p~r year increase, and.:" R MAth' , rag!'s Built, 15304 KERCHEVAL : movement. ever since it ..\ras ,Mrs. Clune J. Walsh, dIrector hourly r.ated employees 3c i, Dated Augu.st 4,1.952 ay J.. ac r ur " .-oY; u UN .. I stal'ted l'n Engl"nd l'n t,h'e ear'ly of the Central Volunteer 'Bureau, pel' hour. Vote on resolu- :.~ '~.' Uxedo 1-9744 ------LLL«//«.«u,«I#AWL««U#«a'l,«L«/,uU,«IffiWff / !"//////d/ff/nAPA/D//4#L//U,uuUL//ff)!'LL'h part of the centuryco by Lord announce d t h at t h e annual t'IOn: COtJnCI']men All en. Car- Li~, Council of the Cit1! Cl.t Cl. k ~ : Baden Powell. Here in the De- awards ceremony for volunteers penter and Kenower "YES"; :.~ of GI'OHe Pointe W'Qods y cabinet work er. .", I troit area, 2,500 Scouts are spend- w h 0 h aV,e wor k ed more th an 100 Bergmann, Morgan,' and I.",~ , ~'. specifications, f h II b h 1 Wright "NO", Mayor Net- '# ling ope or two weeks of the ou,rs. WI ,e e d: a~ ,the Vetet'- ting "YES," Motion carried. l' ~ ,su~mer at the Charles Howell ans Memon~ Bu~fun~ October 2. Council de~rm~ed t~ac- I~._~ __~_~-~-~ ~a;r5, enclosed ~~~~~ .ESTABLISHMENT IBWBrightonScoct.. AdditionalR~uv~oo thousandsn9r 3..Guests from Gro~se Pointe who ~ire~rtainpropMti~fur,off-street public parking in Ii==~======~~======~~ remodeling a 's experience. IN ' GROSSE ! ~::~-:~~, ~~t;b~f~~~~;~osu:sa~~ ;;::'d.n~.d ~~~p~~~e~I;~t~~~ei1::~ ~~~~~:~~c~~~\~ti~~a~~s?~i~' ) ! nearby SItes. On some .summer son, and Mrs, George Schemm, tiate legal condemnation ! CITV of GR0 SSE, POINTE POINTE ; . 16 M procedure against owner LeI'will build i week-ends. more. than 10,000 . 845 aumee road. . ~ ! Scouts are camping out. <-__ of property at 618 St. Clair DInS. etc, in ... Avenue. Vote on same ? 9-0749. ' i Camping gives the Scouts the Raymond D. Sphire Gets' resolution: Co u n c i 1 men I advantage of living close to na. L I Md' I D Allen, Bergmann, Carpenter. Iture and developing initiative in 1 oyo a e lea egree Kenowel', Moi'gan and Notice of Special Election Kitchen Equipment & Gadgets! ! taking care of themselves and re- -. -- . Wright all voted "YES." :RATIONS- ! specting the rights of others. All .. ~.aymond D., Sphlr~ of York-' Motion .carried. ~. on dresses. Try to Stump Us on Your Household Needs i camping is under the supervision I 5h11~ :oad receIved hIS doctor of 3. Council considered the On Bond Issue ;xeco 5-7610. " I of adult leaders who have been medICIne deg~e~, fro~ Loyol,a Mayor's plan ..for a change I trained for such work. I College of MedICl?e, ChIcago, ..thIS in form of .local City go\'- City of Grosse Pointe County of Wayn., Michigan FOR GALS:' ------I The fac~ that more than I sumlr:el'. At the commenceme,nt I ernment. Extended discus- hems. fur ; 13,0'00 adults \'OlLlnteer . "their. exerC1Se"s he '1\r a.s a1so cO,mmls- sion. MayoI' appointed spec- To the qualified electors of the City of Grosse Pointe: d 1 t L 1 ial committee of Allen, ing. relining. : time to lead bovs in scouting SlOne ",as s leut~nant m the ~ Bergmann and Kenower,. Notice is hereby given that a special election \vill be held in the City Good Fences for 43 Years ! indicates the in1portance with, U. S. All', Force Meqlcal. Cor~s. I with attorney Meder. to • of Grosse Pointe, Wayne County. Michigan, on Wednesday, September 10, i which the Scout program is re- I Attendmg the receptJon gl\ien I draft detailed recommen- ing: sui t s, 1952, from 7 o'clock in/the forenoon to,8 o'clock in, the afternoon, Eastern : garded in the Detroit, area. This I at the Sherman Hotel by his par-I dations f6{' submission to terations ex-" Eyery style 01 Fence Standard Time. at the Neighborhood Club. 17145 Waterloo. for the purpose l/~\ volunteer a.dult leadership is pro-I ents were Dr. and Mrs. Arthur.:.,A.'1 . the next council Ineeting. of voting on the following proposition: edo 1-3593. erected lor you vided by .churches, schools, Allen of Patterson, N.J. outlining the duties of. the remodeling InCluding Parent-Teacher assol'iations, ser~ I Ray attended U, of D. High I City Clerk, Assessor. All PROPOSITION TO BORROW 260,000 DOLLARS :all for and Chain Link All-Steel an" . 'vice clubs, city departments, School and the U. of D. Univer- voted "YES" on resolution, : labor groups,. business, industr~es, ~ity,He is ser,:inghis internship Meeting for Monday, Aug, mr conven- RustiC Styles I Proposition to borrow 260,000 dollars, and to issue bonds of the ~-3102. : 01' commumty groups whIch In Grace 'HospItal. 18. cancelled; next Regular City of Grosse Pointe in sut:h sum; for improvements to the lake 'spons'or Scout troops. I -- _ Meeting Monda~', September front public park of the City of Grosse Pointe and to }Htrchase WA. 1-6282 : The Scout program for the I A shaky reputation usually is I 15. NORBERT P. NEFF additional land for such park. ! current year is based on the reali- built on things a person is going I City Clerk :I zation of the country's need for. I to do. _ [ 1 YES ~E , I : "men of character, trained for ------,- ! I .A MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. I 10403 HARPER AVE. RESIDENTIAL, INDUSTRIAL citizenship:', ~pecial emphasis is I Proposition to borrow 260.000 dollars and to issue bonds of the I placed on CIVIl defense~pr8ses of : CITY OF City of Grosse Pointe in such sum; for improvements to the lake I Scouting training. I . front public park of the City' of Grosse Pointe and to purchase' , additional land for such park.

Buy NOW for Winter. I • Blfor. Prices AdvancI! (firoS9t ~ointt mOO~~ [ ] NO MICHIGAN . L k" Don't Buy from In accordance with the "provisions of Article III, Section 4, of th@ Constitution of Mi.chigan, only those electors of the City of Grosse Pointe o;ou ;u;'. STORM WINDOWS CJm:~:'~CJs:~~:- NOTICE TO AUTOMOBILE DEALERS qualifying under such provision are entitled to vote on such proposition, such Constitutional provision reading: the Woodl PLAIN STORM SASH, 24147 $4.39 ,Sealed bich will- be receiv.d by the Council of the City of H'WheneverallY question is. submitted to the vote of the elec- 28xSS .. $5,19 34xSS .. $6.19 40XSS. $7.35 tors which involves the direct expenditure of public money or the Grou. Pointe Woods, up to 7:30' p. m. on Monday, Sept. WE CARRY ALL TYPES OF WOOD OR ALUMINUM WINDOWS issue of bonds, only such persons having the qualifications of emb.r IS. 1952, at 20775 Mack Avenue, which time and ALL ALUMINUM Air-Tile, all aluminum extruded'. beavy com. at electors who have property assessed for taxes in an:r part of the all1minllhl pl.ce bid, for thr.e (3) Pollee cars will be publicly opened bination door with frame around district .or territory to be affected b~' the result of such election or 2-3040 yonr door. Size 30 x 1I0. Door decoration .nd r•• d. COMB. DOOR and Installation extra. the lawful husbands or wives of such persons shall be entitled to Th.~e automobiles to b. furoished in accordance with com- vote thereon." plet'- specificatioJ:'ls .which may be obtained from the City Limits Quality Wopd 30xSO Doweled .Combination Bronze Office, 20775Mae:k Avenue, Grosse Pointe Woods. SPECIAL NOTICE: Application for absent voter's ballots fo,. such .I.diolt 'till 7:0U BASEMENT Screen MAY NOT BE RECEIVED AFTEl 4:30 P.M" MONDAY, COMB. DOOR ..•...... $1 &.95 WINDOWS Th. Council, reserv.s the right to reject ;,ny or all bids, in- . SEPTEMBER 8, 1952. . cr••••• or decr .. se quantities,' or accept th.' bid deemed in the b••t int.rest of the City. REMINDER: VOTE AT THE NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB. 11145 WATERLOO AVENUE CITY SASH & SCREEN CO. ' RAY MacARTHUR 0,...Fridoy night 'till'. Oth'r .venings by o"t. Cloted ot 1 P.M. Sat. durin,. A....us•• NORBERT P. NEFF, City Clerk. 'SSAU 14000 E. SEVEN MILE - 2 Blocks West of Gratiot LA, 7-3700 'LA. 1-1515 City Clerk, Gro... Poillt. Wood. 51y.. Rei_ 17150 Meum.. TUx.do 5-5100

',' •\ _._~~~~_.-..I_---~----~---"'----~---- -,....".,..-c-.-'.-, ------"--- - ~ --,

.'Ige Eighteen -i • to R 0 55 E Thursday, August 21,. 1952 * * * Page * " * Wh~9 Newcomers Plan Boatin,g Party wher~ "and whatnot Pointer of'lnterest .. Good Taste II, 'whooZ;J The Newcomers' Club of 'of Barrington road, the Ir\vin .' . Fllvorit" Recipes Grosse Pointe will hold .a boat Kunerths of Harcourt road. the } of . , party for its a~tive members and Chet Ordons of Beaupre road, ,. Your tony friend Mrs. Dee B'r.edon is prettily pictured Peopl. ;." th. K,,01l1 the alumni, on Saturday, August the Albert. Thornbfoughs of .,~ in the New York Times. She's co-chairman of the. Cruise Ball 23.. Lakeland avenue, the Charles ... to be held Sept. 23 in the Plaza's Persian Room to benefit The. Robert Suttons of M1.I Trapps of Fisher road, the Karl POTATO SALAD Vernon road are chairmen for Van Gallows of Ridgemont road, the' Travelers Aid Society. Once the protector of young Contributed by the event. Assisting them are the Robert Warmbolds of Bishop women in railway terminals of N. Y., TA now provides Mrs. JosephF. Reha. the Bus Huestis' of Grand Marais road, and the Kenneth Woodruffs services for all travelers. 12 O'r14 medium size'd potatoes boulevard, the Everett Kinseys of Maumee road. 1sDtaIl oniO'D(about size of egf) * * • % tea cup of vinegar ' '.Tete-a-tete at the Little Club:, Mr. and Mrs. C. Henry % tsp. Colman's dry mustard 3 tbsp.' sugar. ' We specilllize :in fetlching Bubl dining 'at a lakeside window, ~ pound 'af butter 1 raw egg HORSE~BACK RIDIN,G * '" '3, tbsp. mayonnaise Bill Grant is the Pointe's most frantic garage apartment % cup whipping cream or cof- .11 -to- hunter at the moment. •.• must have the .digs . ready for his fee cream. . bride-to-be Suzanne Pirie following their Aug. 30 wedding . l-Boil the potatoes and per- ,.'. CHILDREN over there in Lake Forest. ••• mit to cool with skins .on.. 2-S1ice potatoes thinly and Pltone * * arrange in - alternate rows PRescott NEW FURS IN THE POINTE wi th thinly sliced onions, in a 5.9267 Tile leopal'd stole and muff which will appear with Mr~, • shallow dish, using, salt and, -for reservations Bay Whyte's autumn wardro'be •••• Mrs. Ozzie Olsen's ranch pepper on each layer. 3-Pour. over this hot mix- and information mink. stole ••• light and 'beautiful. ••• Mrs. Stark Hickey's , ture' of vineg-ar, sugar qnd ~hort silverblll mink cape ••• , mustard which have been KNACK RIDING STABLE * J boiled together. '" * 18101 E. TEN~MILE RD••• near GRATIOT PAMPERED 'POINTE POOCHES 4-Melt butter and pour this over. Martini, •• the Ray Whytes' gray French poodle (which 5-Beat the egg and pour it they 'bought at Twenty One). Mouche • , . the Theodore over. ORDER INSURANCE McGraw's black French poodle , .• (she doesn't like men). 6-Permit mixture to marin- POLIO . , -PJcture by Fred Runnells YOUR TODAY ~•• Rosie ... the Joseph Moynihan Jr.'s Seelyham (s~e goes MRS, TOM MORRISON AND CAPTA IN MORRISON OF HAMPTON ROAD ate for a few hours and then shopping with her mistress). * >1<' * (ol),------_ add mayonnaise and cream. Disease in. State Already Tops 1949 Record By Jane Schermerhorn white Indian country of French Prepare the salad five or Over 5,000,000 People Now Insured Under' * "I was the one with the itchy feet," was the way that Guinea just north of th~ Brazil- six hours before.serving and They do. say, the mosf: .glamorous meals served on the CONTI.NENTAL'S BROAD POLICY Captain Tom Morrison (skipper of the magnificent yacht, do not place in refrigerator. lakes • ~ • are those aboard the Maid Marian ••• good ship Delphine, owned by Mrs. Horace E. Dodge) explained the ian border (whe~'e legend has PAYS UP TO $5.000 FOR EACH PERSON of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hascal Bliss .••• fate .that took him to sea. (.;--.------it there are white Indians living in Farming"ton with her husband C;ompleie Tbis Application Born in Indiana and raised tempered and not at all despond- in a city of gold). Who is a retired doctor. '" ' * '" in Michigan, Captain Morri- ent about their capture. He hopes to make another ex- And more of the family: you'd. 1. Full Nome • •• t r' , ,. ••••• PILFERINGS son's mother' and father were ' His interest was aroused dur- peditjon with the Sante group know that the captain's two pret-! school teachers in Holly and mg. one such' crOSSIng by a of engineers and ,scientists and ty daughters served with the Res. Address , ••••...•.•.••.••••..••••••••.•••.•••• Capitalism is where you can sass the umpire and not . h d'd't.. th . WAVES durir,g World War II. Milford. Father Mor'rison oft- }Jalr W 0 I n Jom e smg- this time aboanl will be the go to Siberia -Escort jng but who'd sit far off in a They are now married. Mrs. Fred City •••••••••• I • ,.,. Zone t •••• ,... State . en admonished his five chil- corner amI every once in a captain's lady. She hails from Springborn lives in Washington • '" * dren that he didn't wish to see while look in his direction. Portland, Me., and is the c1augh- and her husband works in the Age •••••• Dote of Birth •••••••••••••••••• " •••••••• Mother: How $10 you like school this year? I any of them becoming "nar- They seemed to be working tel' of a sea captain who sailed U. S. treasury. Mrs. Glenn Fish- Occupation •. I • I : .' ,. ••• ,. • ' . Little Mabel: I don't. Do you realize I'm answering row minded schoolteachers." away at something. his vessels around' the world. beck is married to a Presbyterian The Captain declares he's the They were. At the conclusion minister and makes her home in 2. Have you or any member of your family had Polyiomyelitis in questions in that third grade for free that I'd win big prizes only one who took his 'father's of the voyage they presented the Captain Morrison joined the Dunn; North Carolina. The lost 90 doys? •...... •.••...... •..•••• for answering on radio quiz programs? advice. For at 17 he r~n away Captain with a wooden tray, into Delphine this past Winter. The - ~---_._--- , 3. Moil with check: $5.00 for one person or $1 5.00 for~the entire from home, an escapade he has' which they had carved his sNp. great yacht, largest steam yacht: family for 2 years. * * '" never regretted, because it's Unusual Cargo I ever built in the United States, i If You Play Children over 3 mos. and under 18 yeors Coach: And I want to say here and now that the football made reading travel and adven- Another time when he took a had been out of commission for: ture books unnecessary. He supp.ly Sh1'pt C 1 tt h' h ,.. I • ~ • See GT'ay or players in this college will receive no favored treatment- . • 0 a cu a 1S oill 0::- a year and a half. '\ GROSSE POINTE INSURANCE ASSQCIATES lives the life others have to ward cargo was an even 200 they'll be treated just like any other million dollar invest- read about. caged live monkeys being deliv- By Spring, the Delphine was ~ 19 KERCHEVAL GROSSE POINTE 30 ment. -Coed. At 22 he was in the navy, I'ered- to Warm Springs Founda. ready to grace the lakes again, I Your 1952 ...... * served in the invasion of Mexico tion for use in experiments in in- and it is a beautiful sight, ad-I and was a .naval officer in World fan tile paralysis. mired by Pointers who never to I Definition: Contentment-that's where ~'OU are putting War I. He would have been in A wistful little sailor ap- fail to wuse to watch it on its Football ~omething off but it doesn't bother J'OU. World War II except by this time pro ached the captain one day. course. -Penthouse Almanac red tape had reached its zenith "Captain," he said, "can't we Family of Scholars and t.he fa~t that .birth ~ertificates let, loose just one cage of those And so the "itchy foot" persists Equipment * * * were not )ssued 10 IndJana when monkeys?" and probably no one is more en-I New Yorkers call it Clear Days on the Political Scene: he was born was the stumbling With his sternest expression his i vious of this exciting life the Is Here LABOR DAY "McHale, national committeeman since 1937, and a tough, block. . ~. skipped said to him: captain leads than the sisters and hard political slugger said, 'I will continue regardless of the So the capt~l.n skJppered s~l- "We cannot. But if one of those brother (one has died) who didn't • '11 t. t b D t b vage boats, ralsmg sunken ShlPS cages breaks open somehow heed their father's advice and outcome Saturday, I WI con mue IJ ea. emocra ecause If th Fl 'ct K d 1 t ,. ' . o .e o1'1.a eys, an .a er there s nothmg I could do about trod the scholar's path. my parents came from Ireland.'" I commanded vJctory boats carry- that" J h W M' th . l' d' osep .. ornson, e cap- IS * '* • rng supp les an arms across the Well of course one cage some- t., b th h' .. Family Day . h" am s 1'0 er w 0 remaIns, IS ocean t 0 our troops 10 t e Euro- how broke The crew'never knew And The New Yorker also reports that the, menu at I pean theater. I that their 'hilarious antics trying head of the le~al departm~nt d' t S' th N' th t b'll I . • of RCA and thiS past Sprmg G00 y s a avern. on lX avenue near m stree, 1 s a I War CItatIOns I to capture the monkeys is a de- . h d- "F II C D' ., d f fi t . M . I d 't t' I th 1 was given an onorary. egree U oarse mner, se:.:ve rom vc 0 nme. [_ e~a s an Cl a lons rom e 'light to the captain to this day. by Ohio State University for ,------1 U. S. Government were awarded Behind Iron Curtain h' h k' t t -plaIn now to ttJIke for heroic service to his country Another assignment the cap~ I IS re:.eahr.c hworld In hPa en . W ld W d . aWS. .I.Il 15 sc 00 ays e was dunr:g or ar II an one tain fulfilled was delivermg back known as the mathematical plenty of pictures .t· I cro~sIng alone m~kes the recent to Odessa members of the Rus- w)zard of the University of- CtVOf'lljlnj I thnller of Captam Carlsen and sian Purchasing Commission who M' h' an J. I the Flying Enterprise seem very were stationed in Washington I I~ Ig . ! tame fare. . d . g th I SIster Mrs. Florence Dystant I - unn e war. l' . W h' t d T Ii at c r 0 S sin g was be- .He .s.tayed 30 days be.hind Ives In as l!1gon an was sec- DI leaguered by four separate dis- the Iron Curtain and it really retary to Jesse ~ones when that II asters and the Captain received isn't safe to mention the word gentlema~ wa:s nead of the ~e- 1n (}It m II his citation for coming through "Russian" in his presence. con~tructlOn Fma~~e Cor~o,ra~lO~).. pj. eT° n axw(J them all without a single loss He saw first hand the prison- Inc1den.tally ~he lS arnvmg. l.n FOOTBALLS . of life among his crew, er existence of the Russians. ,th,e Pomte th1~.week for a Vl~lt '------'1 In the first place, the captain He saw Russ:an soldiers afraid WJth the Morrlsons. ,Another .S15- from $3.25 MY F AVORI1\E I to?k ov~r his ship, going ~board I to accept cigarets from his crew tel', Mrs. Charles Remboldt, hves • REACH . ,I wlth the flu. A week out m the because white hooded girls who Book The Came Mutmy Atlantic en route to England, he stood near the 'dock were se- I/J~?f) • WILSON Author , ~ Herman Wouk ran into a storm. With each new cret police. f<:'e lectiond • SPALDING Character in a Book Willie Keith mountainous .wa'.'e the ship's car- He learned how the Russians Play : : Oklahoma hgOdWhouldtshlft dml'~he hold and hate their own country. He by paul fta-h A t . L Fontaine a e no" use 1 e preservers amazed the Russians by blithely ':lI .. C ress ynn H nt i and. wire ~he lO-ton tractors ignoring their orders on his ship Actor Alfred u '(Wh1Ch hadn t been secured when I ( h' f' }' e . ' . G W' h Th W' d J were, 0 course, le)S suprem Talking comes by Nature, Mov~e Tone It.. e ~nh I loaded) would have smashed. the /law), and he. was amazed by the MOVIe Actress VIVIan LeIg I bulkhead. . letters of gratitude he received , Silence' by Wisdom Movie Actor Carv Grant Ship Sabotaged from every member of the com- I . It's really insulting -the TV Show I Lo~e Lucy I The ship's en1~neers .got the mi,ssi?n, thanking him for t~e .' d way some people talk 'your TV Performer (fern) Lucille Ball 1 fuedl and wdatert ID/;St n1 lx ef u) safe Journey, before he left their TV P f () , - D . A z : an pumpe wa er 10 0 t eh ue shores for home. eaf off on the telephone try~ Gray's Sport Shop :- er ormer masc eSl rne -, tanks. Due to the fact that the The Adventurer ing to sell you their product. RadIO Program None sounding. piyes had been broken But all this has to be literally It .can't be very good, or else 106 Kercheval Comme~tator John Cameron Swazey I by the sh1ft~ng ca.rgo, th~ forward pulle.d out of the Captain (and if I why so much talk trying to _Columlll~t , Robert Rt,tark holds were nalf filled WJth ~ater, hh lovely wife hadn't been pres- TU •. 1-5262 TU. 1-2262 sell it. I find that a good pro~ , Magazine , , , 'HolIday ! Then there was the slIght . ent we know we never would I . duct sells itself. Of course if' Po~t : Robert Burns! matter of ~he ShiP breaking jn have learned any of it). I they offer something free to P m. t . Dali two when It was four hundre d He enthuses m'ost about the ex- ,r t . er 8 :..ci. . I miles southeast of Newfound- peditions when he has skippered go with it the'n it's obvious TUXEDO v USIC eml- BasslCa land. Capt.ain Morrison and his adventure ships with scientisls in that neither item is \\'orth Song eca~se Cl'ew remamed aboard for three search of gold in Cayenne' about RENTALS anything. Call for BRING BACK Sport , , SWlmmmg •days (waves 6{} feet hi.gh) a~d killing .two-headed snakes'in the Appointment . Game Golf ,vere finally. ordered lnto hfe ------.------I My studio? Why, we let TUxedo 1-3530 . TallorlnJ;' & COLOR SLIDES .Cartoon Dick Tracy :t>0~ts by the Na~y. . . . our customers do our selling Alterations Cartoonist , Lic'hty HIS report on thiSdCJ'OSSl~gwas I " LAMP for us. They are all satisfied CusmOI)O ...or COLOR PRINTS Tuxedo Rentols Animal : 1•• : : < Cat;) I ~~;~l:~C;o~:r~~~sa~ec~Or~~lJ.per- and all are bobsters. Ask any SHADES 16233 Mack Person (excludmg f?mlly) My Son s Fnends I Prisoners , ' of them, each one is a at 3 1\1l1e Drive CUSTOM MADE Presidential Candidate Ike Victory ships didn't make the reference. Open .9 A.m. to 7 p.m. City Denver I home\vard journey v."ithout a car- Cletlned and .' Vacation' Spot : : : Jamaica I' go. Captain Morrison ~ad as' t~.Repaired . Open Every Perfume .' Crepe de Chine many as 500 Germa~ pr1soners . Pick-up & Delivery Q , <~ ..... Flower All of Them I :~~~r~gh~~:h~:\:o~;~e~inI; :~~ .WA.4-9662 Friday Evenin, . Jewel : Jade Iin 'gen'eral seemed pretty good Ir!.i 'tll. 9 o'clock Color ' Rose 1 _ ~ ..~===~=~=~=~.~~~~~I.~G~o5r5d~o5n5K5.5Y~o~u~n~lg~T2rn~v5e~15.S~e5"5.e.i5ce~iR~Yes, 'Ride the' Food French CookIng , Stairs ••• , 'Aversion Contradictions , ..,OUR 000", . Complete .. Diversion : Boating ...... f;) ~ ' Tral:el Set'! ice This is the INCLIN-ATOR, the Ambition : To Elect a Republican 1Hi ..,0'" p-:-:::- "-:\ unique, electrically operated ~ "stair lift," operating from the house-lighting circuit. Folds 1 TELEVisi.iri ..... (J.,r'~I(I-\~I"\ ~. clU~~s:N.l.~~'~URS against the wall when not in Hotels and Kesorts. use. Absolutely safe and easy al Your Home RADIO ..'"t~~ to. operate. -by Licensed. Sales an~ S-rvlce \ ./ No Booking Fees . Masseur Phone or write office for' fur- v .. . . '- You Pay Quoted Rates ther information and estimate. Portable osteopath. Co""lete Line of Records I tc table. For app.t. 112 Fisher Bldg. Lobby call after 4 :00 J).m. j JACK' O'CONNOR' ' 1-8046'., ID. 1-114' TR. 17/ 14 Kercheval in the Village TUxedo J -4096 Convenient Parkin. ACME ELEVATOR CO. I!2::'~.~"':~:::~:~~!;~~~~ .10542 E. Warren. Ave. . WA. '.9424

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