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List of Musical References

Explanation This appendix lists source details of musical references made in this book. Almost all references to back- ground comparative listening have been excluded, this process reducing the size of the original list from 48 to 30 pages. To save the inconvenience of being referred to several different appendices to obtain in- formation about one item, all types of musical carrier are inluded in this one appendix. Items appear in alphabetical order of author (composer/artist etc.) or, in the case of multi-authored or anonymous collections, in alphabetical order of title (film, TV show, tune, album, etc.). Items by the same author are arranged in chronological order of first known appearance of each item. For example, music for a film which appeared in 1968 and which is included on a sound recording from 1988 or on a video- cassette from 1992 is ordered as 1966, not as 1988 or 1992. Similarly, a work known to have been com- posed, published or released in 1832, which also appears in a volume of published in 1954 and which is included on a CD issued in 1998, will be chronologically listed as 1832, except in those in- stances where the original year of release, publication or performance is unknown. ‘n.d.’ (= no date) sig- nals that the year of the item’s appearance or release or publication or first performance is not known, except in cases where no date details are to be expected (traditional sources, pocket scores, etc.). Years in brackets are used in conjunction with the main chronology of the relevant entry. Years without brack- ets are used to date a subsidiary source within that item (see examples). To save space and to facilitate identification of the type of source referred to, the following symbols are used:  FILM PRODUCTION,  TV PROGRAMMING, EMUSICAL NOTATION,  PUBLISHED AUDIO RECORDING, v PUBLISHED VIDEOGRAM, OFF-AIR RECORDING.  means that details of the item referred to can be found in the Bibliography and > stands for ‘See’. Other single-symbol icons are used to cover recurrent discographical and filmographical concepts: I means PERFORMED BY, v VOCALS BY, C CONDUCTED BY,  DIRECTED BY and g MUSIC BY. In addition,  (label/identity icon) denotes TITLE MUSIC, SIGNATURE THEME, etc., (money bag) an ADVERTISEMENT or commercial spot,  a COVER version or other (re-)ar- rangement of an original, and  an ORIGINAL version (see examples). All headwords are in bold small capitals, AUTHORS LIKE THIS, TITLES LIKE THIS. All cross-references to other listed AUTHOR entries are LIKE THIS and to other listed TITLE entries LIKE THIS. When an album’s individual tracks need listing, each one of them is presented in •smaller type (like this) preceded by a bullet. Please note the following terms and abbreviations: B&H – Boosey and Hawkes; C20 Fox – Twentieth Century Fox; Ch4 – Channel 4 TV (UK); DGG – Gesellschaft; ITV – Independent TV (UK); mvt – movement; OUP – Oxford University Press; rev – revised; SRP2/SRP3 – Sveriges Radio Program 2/3 (Swedish national radio channel 2 or 3); SvTV – Sveriges Television (Swedish national TV); TV3 – Scandinavia’s commercial third channel; UA – United Artists; xtr – extract[s]; xwos – except where otherwise stated.


1ADDISON, J (1984) Murder She Wrote CBS SvTV 1990. Addison’s theme for this TV series was first broadcast by CBS in 1984. We recorded it from Swedish TV in 1990. 2 BARRY, J (1979) The Black Hole Gary Nelson Disney Pickwick SHM 3017. Music written by for the 1979 Disney-produced film The Black Hole, directed by Gary Nelson, is available on a sound carrier (), in this instance on an LP (no CDs in 1979) issued on the Pickwick label with the catalogue number SHM 3017. Since no lower-case italics occur after ‘’, the album title is the same as that of the film (The Black Hole). If no date were known for the album, the entry would have ended ‘3017, n.d.’. If the album had been is- sued in, say, 1980 rather than 1979, the entry would have ended ‘3017, 1980’. 3 (1952) Criterion/Republic/UA  v 4Front 054 1463, 1998 g Dimitri TIOMKIN  vFrankie LAINE vTex RITTER. The source we have used for the music throughout this 1952 film is a VHS cassette released in 1998. Details for the sources we have used for the title theme written by Dimitri Tiomkin can be found under the entries for: [1] Tiomkin himself; [2] , who sang a popular cover version; [3] the original recording by . 4 MOZART, W A (1791) Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra in A major, K622 •2nd mvt. Padre Padrone MACCHI (1977) Out of Africa BARRY (1986)  Enhanced Assurance ITV 1993 CLASSIC COMMERCIALS, VOLUME 27. Details of the sound carriers used as sources for the second movement of this Mozart concerto from 1791 are provided under two other author entries, to which the reader is referred: [1] the album containing Egisto Macchi’s music for the film Padre Padrone (released in 1977); [2] the album containing Barry’s music for the 1986 film Out of Africa. Part of the same movement was also used (the rest of this is fictitious!) as an advert for the Enhanced Assurance company (now in liquidation after accountancy scandals). The advert was aired by ITV in 1993 and the music is included on the 27th CD in the Classic Commercials series, to which you are referred for further source details. 5 VERDI, G (1871) Aïda ENew York: Dover vRAI/Polivideo, 1981 HMV Angel SAN 358-60, 1974. We’ve accessed 3 sources for Verdi’s Aïda (first performed 1871): [1] the Dover score (no publication date); [2] an Ital- ian video from 1981; [3] the HMV LP box set from 1974. List of Musical References — A Ten Little Title Tunes 827


ABBA (1975) Fernando Epic EPC 4036 The Hits Box, Pickwick Box D1 PWKS 500/507/593, 1990. AC/DC (1980) Back in Black Atlantic 7567-81472-2. ADDERLY, NAT. Work Song; cited from memory; >IALPERT (1966). ADDINSELL, RICHARD (1942) The arr. for piano solo by Henry Geehl ELondon: Keith Prowse Big Concerto Movie Themes (1972). ADDISON, JOHN (1984) Murder She Wrote CBS/Universal/Levinson SvTV 1990. ADVIS, LUIS & GONZÁLEZ, JUAN-PABLO (eds. 1994) Clásicos de la Música Popular Chilena 1900-1960. ESantiago: Sociedad Chilena del Derecho de Autor, Ediciones Universidad Católica. ADVIS, LUIS; GONZÁLEZ, JUAN-PABLO; CÁCERES, EDUARDO; GARCÍA, FERNANDO (eds. 1997) Clásicos de la Música Popular Chilena (Vol. 2, 1960-1973 – Raíz Folclórica) ESantiago: Ediciones Universidad Católica de Chile. AEROSMITH (1989) Pump Geffen 924 254-2. ALBION COUNTRY BAND (1971) No Roses Crest 11. ALEXANDER NEVSKY (1938) Mosfilm Sergei M Eisensteing v Hendring Rus- sian Classics, 1986  Melodiya S 40010. PRESENTS (1955) CBS TV SvTV, 1987. g C Gounod: ‘Funeral March of the Marionette’; also CULT FILES (1996). ALETTER W (1908) Presentation of the Flag. Modern March Album ELondon: Bosworth. ALLEN, STEVE (1963) Cuando calienta el sol Dot 16507; >IRIGUAL (Los Hermanos). THE ALLMAN BROTHERS BAND (1973) Ramblin’ Man. Brothers and Sisters Capricorn CP 0111. ALPERT, HERB & THE TIJUANA BRASS (1962) The Lonely Bull/El toro solo. A&M 703. — (1966b) Work Song (N Adderly) A&M 805. AMERICAN ANTHEM (1986) Columbia/Lorimar Albert Magnoli  Atlantic 781 661-1. AMERICAN BEAUTY (2000)  Dreamworks/Jinks/Cohen Sam Mendes v DreamWorks 4900613, 2000 g (score). ANDERSEN, LALE (1939) Lili Marlene (Norbert Schultze) ‘Zwischen Sentimentalität und Pathos: Populäre Musik im faschistischen Deutschland’, Rundfunk der DDR (1984), ed. P Wicke. ANDERSON JOHN (1986) BIGGLES. ANDERSON LEROY (1951) Blue Tango. Decca 27875. — (1954) The Typewriter CL Anderson Decca DL 9799 Brunswick OE 9357, 1958 Decca DL 8865, 1959  Decca / Ace of Hearts AH 118, 1959; IEastman Rochester Pops Orchestra Mercury MG 50043, 1961; IBoston Pops Orchestra Family Fun with Familiar Music, RCA Victor LM 2549, 1962. THE ANDROS TARGETS (1977) CBS SvTV1 (‘Hett uppslag’), 1977. ANKA, PAUL (1957) Diana. ABC-Paramount 9831. — (1959) Lonely Boy. ABC-Paramount 10022 (US); Paramount P 211 (UK). — >FRANÇOIS, CLAUDE and WARTIME MEMORIES 1939-45. APRIL IN MANAGUA (LIVE) (1984) Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign, LMS-NSC 001. THE ARCHERS (1950) >gWOOD, Arthur. ARETZ, ISABEL & LLOYD, A L (ed. 1965) >ELLOYD & ARETZ. ARMSTRONG, HARRY (1903) Sweet Adeline. THE GOOD OLD DAYS SONG BOOK: 110 ELondon: BBC & EMI (1980); EFavorite Songs Of The Nineties. New York: Dover, 1973. ARMSTRONG, LOUIS AND HIS SAVOY BALLROOM FIVE (1928) St. James’ Infirmary OKeh 8657. ARNE, THOMAS AUGUSTINE. Rule Britannia E RAPÉE (1924: 345) WARTIME MEMORIES 1939-45. ASTLEY, E (1963) The Saint ATV TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS, 2. AXT, WILLIAM; MENDOZA, DAVID (1926) Don Juan - Overture Warner Fifty Years of Film (1973). AYER, NAT D (1916) I Stopped And I Looked And I Listened (lyr. Clifford Grey) ETHE GOOD OLD DAYS SONG BOOK, p. 176.


BACH, CARL PHILIPP EMMANUEL (1785) Rondo II (C minor) – Clavier-Sonaten und freye Fantasien nebst einigen Rondos fürs Fortepiano: vol. 5 (ed. Carl Krebs, Lothar Hoffmann-Erbrecht) ELeipzig: VEB Breitkopf & Härtel, 1962. BACH, JOHANN SEBASTIAN (1721) Brandenburg Concerto #6 in Bb BWV 1051 ELondon: Eulenburg. — (1722) Das wohltemperiertes Klavier Band I ELeipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel. — (1724) Passion according to Saint John, ed. I. Atkins and T.A. Lacey ELondon: Novello, 1929. 828 Ten Little Title Tunes B — List of Musical References

— (1725a) Ich wünschte mir den Tod (Cantata 57, 2nd Day of Christmas – Selig ist der Mann) Telefunken 2635 305. — (1725b) Ach Herr! was ist ein Menschenkind (Cantata 201, Christmas – Was mein Gott will, das g’scheh allzeit) Harmonia Mundi IC 06599750. — (1727) Ich habe genug – Cantata 82, Candelmas. — (1729) Passion according to Saint Matthew (E Elgar & I Atkins) ELondon: Novello, 1938. — (1731) Wann kommst Du, mein Heil? (Cantata 140, 27th Trinity – Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme) Mercury E77016. — (1734) Weinachtsoratorium (ed. H Kretzschmar) ELeipzig: Edition Peters (n.d.). — (1737) Mass in B minor (ed. J E West) ELondon: Novello, 1886. — (1744) Das wohltemperiertes Klavier Band II ELeipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel (n.d.). — (1884-1957) J S Bach: Organ Works ELondon: Novello. •Vol 1, ed. J Bykes Dower & W Emery (1952) •Vol 3, ed. F Bridge & J Higgs (1884) •Vol 7, ed. F Bridge & J Higgs (1887) •Vol 8, ed. F Bridge & J Higgs, rev. W Emery (1940)•Vol 10, ed. F Bridge & J Higgs (1891) •Vol 15, ed. E Newman, rev. W Emery (1957) •Vol 18, ed. E Newman & J E West (1956). — (1941) 371 Harmonized Chorales and 69 Chorale Melodies with Figured Bass (ed. A Riemenschneider) ELondon: Chappell, New York: Schirmer. — (1976) Eleven Great Cantatas (from the Bach-Gesellschaft Edition) ENew York: Dover. BACHELET, P (1974) Emmanuelle CINEMAEROTICO. BACKGROUND MUSIC FOR HOME MOVIES (n.d.) Folkways FX 6111 •Theme For Patricia (Pat Lynn) •Cin- derella Dreams (A Semmler) •Lullaby Of The City (Semmler) •Penthouse Affair (Barta) BADALMENTI, ANGELO (1989) Twin Peaks  This is Cult Fiction Virgin VTCD 59 PM 527, 1995. Twin Peaks Vol. 2 v Screen Entertainment SE 9142 (1991). BALFE, M W (1857) Come into the Garden, Maud EThe PARLOUR SONG BOOK (1972: 40). BALL, KENNY (AND HIS JAZZMEN) (1961) Midnight In Moscow (Soloviev-Sedoy) Pye Jazz 7NJ 2049. THE BALLAD OF AMERICA (ed. J A Scott) (1966) EToronto: Bantam/Pathfinder. BAND OF THE GRENADIER GUARDS MONTY PYTHON’S FLYING CIRCUS (1969). BAND OF THE SCOTS GUARDS (1947) God Save The King FIFTY YEARS OF BROADCASTING. BARBER, CHRIS AND HIS JAZZ BAND (1955) Petite Fleur gS Bechet Metronome B 45-1167. BARBIERI, GATO (1972) Last Tango In Paris MOVIE MEMORIES; CINEMAEROTICO. BARLOW & MORGENSTERN (1948) A Dictionary of and Vocal Themes ENew York: Crown. BARE, BOBBY (1963a) Detroit City RCA Victor 47-8183. — (1963b) 500 Miles Away From Home RCA Victor 47-8238. BARNBY, JOSEPH. n.d. Sweet And Low ESONGS THAT WILL LIVE FOR EVER. BARRY JOHN (1962) Dr. No UA  •The James Bond Theme (M Norman, arr. Barry) BARRY (1975) This is Cult Fiction Virgin VTCD 59 PM 527 1995 — (1963) From Russia With Love UA Terence Young. — (1965a) The Ipcress File Rank Sidney J Furie •Title theme. — (1971) The Persuaders ITC BARRY (1980) The CULT FILES. — (1979) The Black Hole Gary Nelson Disney Pickwick. SHM 3017. — (1975) The Best of Bond United Artists UAS 29021. — (1980) Big Screen Hits of John Barry CBS S CBS 31682. — (1986) Out of Africa Sidney Pollack Mirage MCA 252 945-1. BARTA, ALEXANDER. n.d. Penthouse Affair BACKGROUND MUSIC FOR HOME MOVIES. BARTÓK, BÉLA (1918) Rumänische Weinachtslieder, I. Serie EUniversal Edition. — (1931b) Concerto for Piano and Orchestra N°2 EWien: Universal Edition (1932) IBudapest Sympho- ny Orchestra, Z Kocsics (piano) CGyörgy Lehel Hungaroton SLPX 11516, 1980. — (1936) Music For Strings, Percussion & Celesta EWien: Universal Edition, 1937 IConcertgebouw CBernard Haitink Sequenza 416 865-1, 1986. BARWICK GREEN The Archers (BBC Radio 4) >gWOOD, Arthur. BASHUNG, ALAIN (1991) Madame rêve. Climax Barclay 543 648. BASIL, ANDREW (n.d.) Recorded Music for Film, Radio & TV B&H SBH 2980 •Nitter Natter (light action, perky movement, animals, saucy, vivacious, children, playful laughter). — (n.d.) Recorded Music for Film, Radio & TVB&H SBH 2984 •Girl In Blue (national, pastoral, roman- tic, sea, lake) •Caresses By Candlelight (glamour, romantic. Restaurant, slow fox). BASTOW, GEORGE HENRY (1906) The Galloping Major ELondon: Francis, Day & Hunter. See also FLANAGAN AND ALLEN (1972). BATH, HUBERT (1935?) Out of the Blue (BBC Sports Report signature, 1950s) |www.whirligig-tv.co.uk/radio/sportsreport.wav| (030731). List of Musical References — B Ten Little Title Tunes 829

— (1944) Cornish Rhapsody Love Story (UK) BIG CONCERTO MOVIE THEMES. BBC SPACE THEMES (1978) BBC REH 324. THE BEACH BOYS (1962a) Surfin’ Safari Capitol 4777 BEACH BOYS (1974). — (1962b) Wipe Out >SURFARIS. — (1963) Little Deuce Coupe Capitol 5009 BEACH BOYS (1974). — (1966a) Pet Sounds. Capitol ST 2458. — (1966b) Good Vibrations Capitol CL 15475; BEACH BOYS (1974). — (1974) Endless Summer Capitol SVBB-11307. BEATLES, THE (1960-62) The Beatles in Hamburg Tip 634022 (cassette, n.d.) — (1963) She Loves You Parlophone R 5015. — (1966) Revolver Parlophone PCS 7009. — (1967a) Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band Parlophone PMC 7027. — (1967b) Magical Mystery Tour Parlophone PCTC 255 Capitol SMAL 28 35. — (1968) [The White Album] Apple PCS 7067/8. BEAVIS AND BUTT-HEAD DO AMERICA (1996) Paramount Mike Judge g John Frizzell vMTV/Para- mount/CIC VHR 4488, 1997. BECHET, SIDNEY (n.d.) Petite Fleur BARBER (1955). BEETHOVEN LUDWIG VAN (1801) Sonata in C# Minor (‘Moonlight’), Op. 27/2 ERAPÉE (1924: 625). See also CLAYDERMAN (1999). — (1804) Symphony #3 in Eb Major – ‘Eroica’ ELeipzig: Eulenburg. — (1807) Coriolanus Overture, Op.62 BEETHOVEN (1987) ERapée (1924: ‘Sinister’). — (1808) Symphony #6 in F Major – ‘Pastoral’ EParis: Heugel. — (1810) Ouvertüre aus der Musik zu Goethes Schauspiel Egmont, Op. 84 ELeipzig: VEB Breitkopf & Härtel •Melodram - ‘Süßer Schlaf’ ESCHMIDT (1982:14) FILMMUSIK (1982). — (1827) in C# Minor ESämtliche Streichquartette, Band IV; Leipzig: VEB Edition Pe- ters, 1958 Supraphon SUA ST 50044 (n.d.). — (1822) Symphony #9 in D Minor, Op.125 ELondon: Penguin, 1955 (ed. Gordon Jacob). — (1987) Overtures ISlovak Philharmonic Orchestra CStephen Gunzenhauser Naxos 8.550072. BENNETT, RICHARD RODNEY (1974) Murder on the Orient Express Sydney Lumet (UK) EMI 3C 064-81778  (Waltz) FILMTRACKS. — (1984) Miss Marple BBC, 1984-5 Danish TV, 1985. THE BENNY HILL SHOW, VOL 2 (c1971) vThames Video (n.d.). BERG, ALBAN (1923) Wozzeck Odyssey Y2-33126 (n.d.). BERLIN, IRVING (1935) Let’s Face The Music And Dance IFred Astaire SRP3, 1982. BERLIOZ, HECTOR (1830) Symphonie fantastique ENew York: W W Norton, 1971. — (1839) Roméo et Juliette, Op.17 Karlsruhe: Eulenburg, 1900. BERLIPP, F; HÖTTER, H; TEUPEN, J; ZIMMERMAN, F-J (n.d.) Ruhr Valley Impressions Selected Sounds (SL 238) •Beating Steel •Hard Beat •Oil Bath •Heavy Steel. BERNSTEIN, ELMER (1955) The Man With The Golden Arm Otto Preminger MCA Coral ORL 8280, 1959 •Clark Street The Top/Homecoming •Antek’s. — (1960) The Magnificent Seven UA John Sturges BERNSTEIN E (1966). — (1965) The Return of the Seven UA B Kennedy I magnifici 7 Liberty 3C 054-83185, 1966. — (1976) Rat Race Mercury 20702 / 60702. BERNSTEIN, LEONARD (1957) ENew York: Chappell (vocal score) Columbia 5651/ 6251, 1957; xtr. DGG 415 435-1, 1985. BERRY, CHUCK (1955) (1956a)Roll Over Beethoven Chess 1626. — (1956b) Around And Around Chuck Berry Is on Top. Chess 9124 214, 1978. BIG CONCERTO MOVIE THEMES (1972) Music For Pleasure MFP 4261. All  versions arr. Geoff Love IRobert Docker (piano) and Geoff Love and his Orchestra. •Warsaw Con- certo (R Addinsell, 1940) from Dangerous Moonlight •Cornish Rhapsody (H. Bath 1944) from Love Story •Piano Concerto n°1 in A Minor, 1st movement (Grieg 1871) from Song Of •The Glass Mountain (Rota 1948) from Legend of the Glass Mountain •The Way To The Stars (N Brodzky 1945) from RAF – The Way To The Stars •Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganini (S. Rachmaninov 1934) from The Story Of Three Loves (1953) •Spellbound Concerto (Rózsa 1945) from Spellbound •Piano Concerto N°1 in Bb Minor, 1st movement (Tchaikovsky 1875) from Tchaikovsky (1970) •The of Olwen (C Williams 1947) from While I Live. BIGGLES (1986) British/Compact Yellowbill/Tambarle John Hough MCA/WB 254 119-1. BIZET, GEORGES (1875)Carmen ELeipzig: Edition Peters, 1916 IWiener Philharmoniker CH von Ka- rajan vLeontyne Price RCA Victor GD 86199, 1990/1963. BLACK WIDOW (1986)  C20 Fox/American Entertainment Partners / Americent Films / Laurence 830 Ten Little Title Tunes B — List of Musical References

Mark Bob Rafelson g Michael Small v CBS Vox 5033-50, 1988. BLAKE, NORMAN (1972) Home In Sulphur Springs Rounder 0012. BLAZING SADDLES (1974)  Warner  >g John MORRIS. BLOCH, ERNST (1915) ESchelomo or Hebrew Rhapsody Decca SXL 6440 (n.d.). BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS (1969) Blood Sweat and Tears CBS CS 63504. THE BLUES BROTHERS (1980) Universal  v CIC VHR 1382, 1982. g , Ira Newborn . BOCK, JERRY (1964) To Life. Fiddler on the Roof ENew York Times Music, BMI. BONANZA (1959) NBC (The Cartwrights – syndication title Ponderosa) >LIVINGSTON, J. BOONE, PAT; WESTERN, JOHNNY; ROLFE SAM (1958) Have Gun Will Travel - The Ballad of Paladin. TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS, 2. BORCH, GASTON (n.d.) Misterioso Infernale ERAPÉE (1924: 169); > also Filmmusik (1982). — (n.d.) Andante patetico e doloroso ERAPÉE (1924: 642). BORODIN, ALEXANDER PORPHYRIEVICH (1880) On the Steppes of Central Asia ELondon: Eulenburg; Rostropovitch Conducts, EMI ASD 3421, 1978. BOTHY BAND, THE (1976) Old Hag You Have Killed Me Mulligan LUN 007. BOULEZ, PIERRE (1957) Le marteau sans maître EPhilharmonia Scores 398. BRAHMS, JOHANNES (1869) Ein deutsches Requiem ELeipzig: Peters. — (1881) Akademische Fest-Ouvertüre, Op. 80 EBerlin : Simrock. — (1884) Es schauen die Blumen. Der Tod…, Op. 96 EBruno Walter Society 707. BRASSED OFF (1996) /Channel 4 Mark Herman IGrimethorpe Colliery Band CJohn Anderson •1:44:18 William Tell overture at Albert Hall (Rossini) •1:48:36 Pete Postlethwaite’s speech at Albert Hall •1:52:00 Land of Hope and Glory (Elgar), pit closures, end titles. BRATTON, JOHN W (1907) The Teddy Bears' Picnic (lyrics by James B Kennedy) ELondon: Witmark & Sons  Henry Hall and BBC Dance Orchestra (1932)  All Aboard The Runaway Train - Classic Tunes and Tales to Grow With, Jasmine 360 (1999);  Music From the Singing Detective, Golden Stars (2002). BREIL, JOSEF CARL (1915) The Love Strain Is Heard, fr. Birth of a Nation D W Griffiths EH C Schmidt (1982:18) FILMMUSIK (1982). BRIEF ENCOUNTER (1945) Cineguild/Noel Coward/Universal David Lean >gRACHMANINOV. BRITISH MOVIETONE NEWS — GREAT EVENTS: THE SILVER HERITAGE COLLECTION, VOL. 2 (1935- 1960) v British Movietone News Limited (1987). BRITTEN, BENJAMIN (1936) Night Mail (text: W H Auden) British Lion for GPO Films Herbert Smith, Harry Watt, Basil Wright Danish TV 1987. — (1962) War Requiem, Op. 66. London: B&H. THE BRITISH GRENADIERS (Trad. Eng.) Wartime Memories 1939-45 MCPS MOCD 3016, 1997. BRODZSKY, N (1945) The Way To The Stars Two Cities Anthony Asquith BIG CONCERTO MOVIE THEMES. BROOKS, MEL & MORRIS, JOHN (1967) The Producers Avco/MGM Mel Brooks SvTV1 1989. — (1981) History of the World Part 1. Warner Mel Brooks Warner BSK 3579. — (1974) Blazing Saddles >MORRIS, J. — (1987) Spaceballs >MORRIS, J. BRUNS, GEORGE (1957) Zorro ABC: cited from aural memory. IL BUONO, IL BRUTTO, IL CATTIVO/THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY (1966)  PEA Productions Sergio Leone g Ennio MORRICONE v MGM/UA PES 99225, 1987 UA UAS 5172, 1967. BURNS, ROBERT (1969, ed. James Kinsley) Burns: Poems and Songs ELondon: Oxford University Press. BUTTOLPH, DAVID (1957) Maverick ABC/Warners TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS, 2. BYRD, WILLIAM (1589) Wounded I am EINVITATION TO MADRIGALS 2, p.44. — (1591) Miserere mei (Liber secundus sacrarum cantionum) ELondon: Stainer & Bell, 1926. — (1600) Mass for Four Voices (ed. E H Fellowes) ELondon: Stainer & Bell, 1922 BYRD (1992). — (1605b) Ave verum corpus (Gradualia, bk.1) EThe Oxford Book of Tudor Anthems (ed. C Morris) Lon- don: Oxford University Press, 1978. — (1611) Come, woeful Orpheus (Psalmes, Songs and Sonnets, xix) ETHE SECOND PENGUIN BOOK OF ENGLISH MADRIGALS:27. — (1992) Three Masses IChoir of King’s College Cambridge CDavid Willcocks Decca Ovation 433675-2 1960-63. — (n.d.) The Bells EDIE PROGRAMMUSIK, ed. W Stockmeier (p.8). Köln: Arno Volk (1970). BYRDS, THE (1969) Old Blue. Dr. Byrd and Mr. Hyde . CBS 63545. List of Musical References — C Ten Little Title Tunes 831


CACAVAS, JOHN (1973) Underscore for Kojak CBS/Universal, episode ‘Dark Sunday’ SvTV1, 1983. CADENCE (1990)  Charlie Sheen g . CADE’S COUNTY (1971) CBS TV/TCF >g . CALE, J J (1976) Cocaine Shelter 6317904; Troubadour, Mercury 810 001-2, 1976. (1960) >RODGERS, R. CAMPBELL, GLEN (1968) Wichita Lineman Capitol 2302 (US). CAMPIAN, THOMAS (1617) Third Booke of Ayres ELondon: Stainer & Bell, 1925 (ed. E H Fellowes). CARA, IRENE (1983) (What A Feeling). Casablanca 811440-7. CARMICHAEL, HOAGY (1929) Star Dust ENew York: Mills Music. CARPENTER, JOHN & HOWARTH, ALAN (1981) Escape from New York John Carpenter Hot Ice Music HOT 1003. CASABLANCA AND OTHER CLASSIC FILM SCORES FOR HUMPHREY BOGART (1974) RCA ARL1-0422. INational Philharmonic Orchestra CCharles Gerhardt. •Casablanca: Overture; I thought I told you nev- er to play; Paris memories; As Time Goes By; Airport and Finale. •Passage To Marseille: Rescue at Sea •The Treasure of the Sierra Madre: Main Title; The Trek to the Gold; Fool’s Gold;The Letter; Finale: The Gold Scatters in the Wind •The Big Sleep: Love Themes •The Caine Mutiny: March •To Have And To Have Not: Main Title CASH, JOHNY (1961) The Rebel/Johnny Yuma ABC/Goodson-Todman gR Markowitz TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS, 2. CHAMPS, THE (1958) Tequila London HLU 8350 Legends of Rock’n’Roll, Tring TTMC 088. CHARLES, RAY (1962) Hit The Road, Jack (Percy Mayfield)  Greatest Hits, Imperial 9289. CHARPENTIER, GUSTAVE (1900) Depuis le jour. Louise (Act III) CBS 79302. CHIFFONS, THE (1963) He’s So Fine. Stateside SS 172. Legends of Rock’n’Roll. Tring TTMC 088. CHOPIN, FRÉDÉRIC (1839) Marche funèbre (fr. Sonata #2, Op. 35) ERAPÉE (1924:160) ECHOPIN (1938). — (1836) Grosse Polonaise, Op. 22. Deutsche Grammophon DG 2531/3301. — (1938) The Home Series of the Great Masters – Chopin (ed. E Haywood) ELondon: K Prowse (n.d.). — (1915) Nocturnes ENew York: Schirmer (ed. Rafael Joseffy) •1, Op. 9 #1 •16, Op. 55 #2. — (1962) Chopin Walzer – Urtext (ed. E. Zimmermann) EMünchen: G Henle. — (n.d.) Classics of Piano Music, 2 ELondon: Hinrichsen (ed. A. Rowley) •Prelude in E minor Op.28 #4, •Prelude in A major Op.28 #20. THE CHORDETTES (1958) Zorro  Cadence 1349 (see ZORRO, see BRUNS). CIELITO LINDO (1992) Sarabandas CD 62021. CINEMAEROTICO (n.d.) CIAK CIA 5010. CIPRIANI, STELVIO (c1973) Misteri del lago CAM 001-074, CAM PRE 1-9 (Rome). CITIZEN KANE (1941)  Mercury/RKO  v Polygram CFV 01332, 1986. g . CLARIBEL (Charlotte Allington Barnard, n.d.) I Cannot Sing The Old Songs. Selected Songs For Ladies’ Voices ELondon: George Newnes (n.d. c1910). CLAYDERMAN, RICHARD (1984) Ballade Pour Adeline The World of Romance Vol. 1-3, Quality Video 39042, 1996. — (1999) Masters of Melody. Readers Digest (France) B 98 010 BB. Triple CD box set including •Ballade pour Adeline and Lady Di (Paul de Senneville) • Plaisir d’amour (Martini) •Candle In The Wind (E John, B Taupin) •Fernando (Abba) •Nights In White Satin (Moody Blues) •Senza una donna (Zucchero) •The Winner Takes It All (Abba) •Liebestraum (Liszt) •La cygne (Saint-Saëns) • (J S Bach, arr. Gou- nod) •Piano Concerto no. 1 (Tchaikovsky). CLIFTON, HARRY (1868) Up In A Balloon (for George Leybourne) ELondon: Herman Darewski. CLINE, PATSY (1961) Crazy (W Nelson) Decca 31317. CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND (1977) Columbia/Tristar Steven Spielberg v Columbia Tristar CVR 20003, 1980 g Arista C 062-60391, 1977. COATES, ERIC (1933) Knightsbridge March – ‘In Town Tonight’ ELondon: Chappell (piano reduction). FIFTY YEARS OF BROADCASTING. — (1955) The Dambusters March Wartime Memories 1939-45, MCPS MOCD 3016, 1997. — (n.d.) The Three Elizabeths Suite; xtr as  for The Forsythe Saga BBC, 1971 The WORLD OF TV THEMES (1972). COCHRAN, EDDIE (1959) Something Else Liberty 55203. COLEMAN, CY (1965) Big Spender. Sweet Charity [Original Broadway Cast] CBS 02900, 1966  2900, 1990. COLLINS, CHARLES (1897) Shall I Be An Angel? ETHE PARLOUR SONG BOOK: 185. 832 Ten Little Title Tunes D — List of Musical References

COLTRANE, JOHN (1962) Mr PC. Live Trane: The European Tours Pablo 7PACD4433-2. COMING TO AMERICA (1988) Universal John Landis v CIC VHR 2320, 1988 g Nile Rodgers. CONGREGATIONAL PRAISE (1950) ELondon: Independent Press. CONLAN, JOSEPH >VORZON AND CONLAN. CONSTANT, MAURIS (1959) The Twilight Zone CBS/Cayuga TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS, 1. CONTI, BILL (1981) Cagney And Lacy TVM SvTV1 1983. THE CONTOURS (1962) Do You Love Me? Gordy 7005; >POOLE, Brian. COODER, RY (1980) Crazy ’bout An Automobile Borderline. Warner Brothers 256 864. — (1984) Paris, Texas Wim Wenders Road Movies WEA 925 270-1, 1985. COPLAND, AARON (1935) Sunday Afternoon The Young Pioneers Sony: 66345, 1978. — (1939) Quiet City Irwin Shaw Symphony #3/Quiet City DGG 419170, 1985. — (1940) COPLAND (1967). — (1941) Billy The Kid Ballet Suite. London: B&H. Copland, Ives, Rachmaninov Orchestral Works, Vox Box 11 5844 2 (1993). — (1942) Fanfare for the Common Man E MS http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/achtml/ coplandbibTitles2.html Copland, Ives, Rachmaninov Orchestral Works, Vox Box 11 5844 2, 1993; also as used [1] for Apollo-Soyuz  BBC SPACE THEMES; [2] in General Motors TWENTY-FIVE TV COMMERCIAL CLASSICS. — (1948) The Red Pony COPLAND (1967). — (1954) The Tender Land IBoston Symphony Orchestra CAaron Copland : Great- est Hits, RCA 60837, 1991. — (1967) Our Town/The Red Pony Suite/El Salón México/Danzón CBS 42429. COPS AND PRIVATE EYES (1991) Silva Screen PTD 3004 ( versions): •L.A. Law (Mike Post) •Hill Street Blues (Mike Post) •Remington Steele (Henry Mancini) •Mike Hammer / Harlem Nocturne () •Midnight Caller (Brad Fiedel)•Twin Peaks (Badalmenti); •Magnum P.I. (Mike Post, Pete Carpenter). COSMA, VLADIMIR (1978) Tsarens kurir (=Czar’s Messenger) Poland, 1978 Philips 63116 112. — (1979) Médecins de nuit Antenne 2 (France) SvTV 1979. COSTELLO, ELVIS (1977) Watching the Detectives Stiff BUY-20 (UK) Columbia 1-10696 (USA). COSTELLO, ELVIS; THE (1993) For Other Eyes. The Juliet Letters Warner Bros CDW 45180. COURAGE, ALEXANDER (1966) Star Trek  Les meilleures séries TV du cable et du satellite, TV Toons TVT Records PL 980442 - 303 6492, 1998 Music from the Galaxies, Start LP.S 40134, 1981 The Cult Files, Silva Screen FILMXCD 184, 1996; opening fanfare episode ‘Inner Light’ (Star Trek - The Next Generation) vParamount VHR 2662, 1992. CREAM (1969) Born Under A Bad Sign. Wheels of Fire Polydor 583033. CREEDENCE CLEARWATER R EVIVAL (1969) Proud Mary Fantasy 619 Bayou Country, Fantasy 8387; The Best of Creedence Clearwater Revival, Globo Records 5400 0 00005 2 0, 1996. CUGAT, XAVIER [and Orchestra ] (c1960) •El manisero (Peanut Vendor) •Tequila Cielito lindo. Salu- dos Amigos (Sarabandas) CD 62021, 1992. — (c1963) Xavier Cugat and his Orchestra Mercury SR 60643 “for radio use only”•Malagueña salerosa THE CULT FILES (1996) Silva Screen FILMXCD 184. CYPORYN, DENNIS (ed. 1972) The Bluegrass Songbook ENew York: Collier.


DAD’S ARMY (1969)  Who Do You Think You’re Kidding Mr Hitler? See FLANAGAN, BUD (1969) DALE, DICK (& DEL-TONES) (1963) (Ghost) Riders In The Sky. King of the Surf Capitol 1930. DALLAS (1978) CBS/Lorimar SvTV1 1983 g Jerold IMMEL. DARBYSHIRE, DELIA; GRAINER, RON et al. (1963) Dr Who BBC BBC Space Themes, 1978. DAVIES, CHIP (1978) Convoy UA/EMI Sam Peckinpah Swedish TV 1, 1988. DAVIS, MILES (1959) Concierto de Aranjuez (J Rodrigo) Sketches of . Columbia 460604-D. THE DEAD KENNEDYS (1980) California Über Alles. Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables Faulty 700014. THE DEARS (2001) This Is A Broadcast. End of a Bedtime Story (). DEBUSSY, CLAUDE (1890) Suite Bergamasque EParis: Jobert (Fromont) (1932). — (1895) Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune ENew York: W W Norton (1970). — (1901) Pour le piano EParis: Jobert. — (1902) Pelléas et Mélisande EParis: Durand, 1907 (vocal score). — (1903) Jardins sous la pluie EParis: Durand. List of Musical References — E Ten Little Title Tunes 833

— (1905) La Mer CBS Odyssey MBK 44804 (1988). — (1910) La cathédrale engloutie, as ‘Engulfed Cathedral’ >CARPENTER & HOWARTH (1981). DEEP PURPLE (1975) Come Taste The Band Warner Brothers PR 2895 •Owed to ‘g’. DICK TURPIN (1980) Main  London Weekend Television SvTV c1980. DEREK AND THE DOMINOES (1970) Layla. Derek and the Dominoes Polydor 2 LP-2625-005. DERRINGER, RICK AND WINTER, JOHNNY (1971) Rock 'n' Roll Hoochie Koo. Hard Rockin’ 70s (various artists) Priority CDL-7942 (n.d.). DIE HARD (1988) C20 Fox John McTiernan v FoxVideo WS 1666, 1991 g . DION, CÉLINE (2001) God Bless America (I Berlin)  God Bless America (‘For the benefit of the Twin Towers Fund’), Sony CS 86300. DIRE STRAITS (1978) Dire Straits Vertigo 6 360 162. — (1985) Brothers in Arms Vertigo 824 499-4. — >KNOPFLER. UNA DONNA (1977) RAI Swedish TV1 1978 >gMORRICONE (1971d). DOMINGUEZ, A (1962) Perfidia IThe VENTURES (1960b) IThe SHADOWS (1962a). DONEGAN, LONNIE (1957) Cumberland Gap Pye Nixa N 15080. DONIZETTI, GAETANO (1835) Regnava nel silenzio. Lucia di Lammermoor Decca SET 2528-30. DOUGLAS, CARL (1974) Kung Fu Fighting Pye 7N 45377 K-Tel Disco Classics, Vol.3, 1980. DOWLAND, JOHN (1612)A Pilgrimes Solace ELondon: Stainer & Bell (1923, ed. E H Fellowes) •Disdain Me Still •From Silent Night. — (1988) The Elizabethan Collection – Dowland Boots Classical Collection 143 •Lachrymae Pavane. — (n.d.) Fifty Songs, Book 1 ELondon: Stainer & Bell (1925, ed. E H Fellowes) •Cease, My Wandering Eyes •Flow, My Tears (Lachrymae Pavane) •Unquiet Thoughts •I Saw My Lady Weep •Were Every Thought An Eye •Tell Me True Love. DR NO (1962) Eon/MGM/UA  Terence Young v MGM/UA PES 99210, 1992 g Monty NORMAN. DR STRANGELOVE (1963) Columbia/Kubrick Stanley Kubrik SvTV2 Feb 1987g . DRINK TO ME ONLY WITH THINE EYES (Trad. Eng.) ESONGS THAT WILL L IVE FOR EVER: 21; ERAPÉE (1924: 346); THE FELLOWSHIP SONG BOOK (1915: 49); THE PUFFIN SONG BOOK (1956: 44). DUCK YOU SUCKER >GIÙ LA TESTA. DUDLEY, DAVE (1963) Six Days on the Road Golden Ring 110. DUEL IN THE SUN (1946) Selznick  v Cinema Club CC 1056, 1989 g Dimitri TIOMKIN. DUKAS, PAUL (1895) L’apprenti sorcier IOrchestre de la Suisse Romande CErnest Ansermet Decca SXL 606, 1963 DUNCAN, JOHNNY and the BLUEGRASS BOYS (1957) Last Train To San Fernando Columbia DB 3959. DUNCAN, TREVOR Recorded Music for Film, Radio & TV B&H SBH 2975 •Sequence for Sentimentalists. — (n.d.) Recorded Music for Film, Radio & TV B&H SBH 2984. •Amethysts For Esmeralda - rich, dreamy. •Diadem For Deidre - nostalgic. •A Tale Of Two Hearts. •Francesca - tender, sad love theme. •Introduction To Romance — (n.d.) Recorded Music For Film, Radio & TV B&H SBH 2989. •Wine Festival - Light action, scenic grandeur, gay, scenic, Mediterranean etc., fiesta, sunny. — (n.d.) Recorded Music For Film, Radio & TV B&H SBH 2991. •Saffron And Green •Shannon Fen•Horizons Unlimited, 1 & 2 •Greensward •Green Heritage •Spring Sowing •Combine Harvesting •Harvest Supper. DVOŘÁK, ANTONÍN (n.d.) The Old Mother ERAPÉE (1924: 209). — (1878) Slavonic Dances, Op. 45. Sixteen Slavonic Dances, 1 ELondon: Lengnick Slavonic Festival. Naxos 8.550033, 1987. — (1893) Symphony #9 in E minor – ‘New World’, Op. 95 Decca Weekend Classics 417 678-2, 1968. Largo mvt. Hovis bread ITV 1993 TWENTY-FIVE TV COMMERCIAL CLASSICS. DYLAN, BOB (1968) All Along The Watchtower. John Wesley Harding CBS SBPG 63252 IJimi Hen- drix Electric Ladyland, Track 613-008/9, 1968. DYLAN. BOB AND ROLLING THUNDER REVUE (1976) Maggie’s Farm (CBS, 1965) Rolling Thunder Revue (live from Warehouse, New Orleans, LA) Flashback 01.94-0225 (1994).


EARLY JAZZ (1978) Open University OU 42/CBS LSP 13223. EASTWOOD, CLINT & MARVIN, LEE (1970) Wand’rin’ Star (F LOEWE) Paramount PARA 3004. EASY RIDER (1969) RCA Columbia Dennis Hopper v The Video Collection CC1122, 1990 ABC ABCL 5005. EDDY, DUANE (1959) Jamie 1126 (US) London HLW 9225 (UK). 834 Ten Little Title Tunes F — List of Musical References

— (1960) Peter Gunn Theme (Mancini) Jamie 1168 (US) London HLW 8879 (UK). — (1960) Because They're Young Jamie 1156 London HLW 9162 OLDIES BUT GOODIES VOL.4 (1988). — (1961) Pepe (H Wittstatt, D Langdon) London HLW 9257. — (1962a) Shazam (Eddy, Hazlewood)  SHADOWS (1963b). — (1962b) Deep in the Heart of Texas RCA 7999 RCA 1288. — (1962c) Guitar Man RCA Victor 57-8087  RCA 1316 (UK). — (1962d) The Ballad Of Paladin RCA Victor 47-8047. EDWIN HAWKINS SINGERS, THE (1969) Oh Happy Day. Buddah 201048. EISLER, HANNS (1932) Music from Kuhle Wampe (J Ivens) •Präludium •Rondo •Die Fabriken (Solidarität- slied) •Die Fabriken FILMMUSIK (1982). THE ELECTRIC MUSE (1975) Folk 1001. ELGAR, EDWARD (1899) ‘Nimrod’ (fr. Enigma Variations, Op. 36) ELondon: Novello (arr. for organ by W H Harris, 1932). — (1905) Introduction and Allegro for Strings, Op. 47 ELondon: Eulenburg. — (1914) Land Of Hope And Glory (arr. for SATB choir and piano by A Benson and A Fagge) ELondon: B&H Wartime Memories 1939-45, MCPS MOCD 3016, 1997. BRASSED OFF (1996). — (n.d.) Chanson de matin >SCOTT, J (1984). ELLINGTON, DUKE (1940) Koko ELLINGTON (1988) — (1988) - Take The ‘A’ Train Success 2140CD. — (1992) The Complete Piano Player Duke Ellington ELondon: Wise Publications. ENGSTRÖM, BENGT OLOF & CEDERLÖF, EGIL (1970) Vi gör musik EHelsinki: Fazer. (1970) Your Song. Elton John DJM DJLPS 406. EMERSON, KEITH (1980) Nighthawks Ron Peck & Paul Hallam Backstreet (MCA) BSR-5196, 1981. ENTARTETE MUSIK (1988) BOD 65023 (3 CDs). EUROPE (1986) ‘The Final Countdown’, ‘Rock The Night’ The Final Countdown Epic 26808. EVANS, RAY (1959) Bonanza NBC 1959-71 Golden Hour of Favourite TV Themes (1976). EVANS, TOLCHARD Barcelona ESONGS THAT WILL LIVE FOR EVER. EVERLY BROTHERS (1958) Bird Dog London HLA 8685.


DER FAHNDER (1983) Bavaria Film/ARD Werbung TV3 1989 g Stefan MELBINGER. FAIN, SAMMY (1933) By A Waterfall. Footlight Parade Warner IDick Powell, Ruby Keeler Fifty Years of Film Music, Warner 3XX 2736 (1973). FAIRPORT CONVENTION (1969a) Unhalfbricking Island ILPS 9102. — (1969b) Liege and Lief Island 9115. FAITH, PERCY (1961) The Virginian NBC 1962-69 Golden Hour of Favourite TV Themes (test ex- ample 1976) TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS VOLUME 2, 1986. FALCK, EDWARD Western Allegro RAPÉE (1924: 665). FALCO (1982) Der Kommissar GIG 117 (7) Einzelhaft, GIG 210. FALLA, MANUEL DE (1919) El sombrero de tres picos [=Three Cornered Hat] ELondon: Wilhelm Hansen / J & W Chester (n.d.) Viva España! The Music of Spain. Naxos 8.550174, 1988. FALTERMEYER, HAROLD (1984)  Paramount vCIC VHR 2159. — (1985) Fletch Michael Ritchie Universal vCIC VHR 1191 MCA 252 332-1. — (1986) ‘’, ‘’ and ‘ Anthem’. Top Gun CBS 70296. — (1987) Beverly Hills Cop 2.  Paramount BBC1 1998-11-30. FARGO, DONNA (1974) U.S. of A. WPIK/WXRA (Washington DC, 741105, long version). Short version on  Country Music Collection Vol 4 , X-tra Collection/Pickwick PK 510, 1993. FAURÉ, GABRIEL (1888) Requiem, Op. 48 IChoir of Westminster Cathedral, City of London Sinfonia CDavid Wilson-Johnson Innovative Music Productions PCD 896, 1988. — (1896) Berceuse from Dolly, op.56 pour piano à quatre mains: (MP3) www.lefeldt.de/newindex.htm?texte/fau_dol.htm (030125). FAVORITE SONGS OF THE NINETIES (1973, ed. R A Fremont) ENew York: Dover (facsimile). THE FELLOWSHIP SONG BOOK. LONDON (1915, ed. H Walford Davies) ELondon: J Curwen. FENTON, GEORGE (1979) Shoestring BBC TV, 1979-80) TWENTY BBC DRAMA THEMES (1983). — (1987) vUniversal CIC VHR 1327. — (1988) vWarner Home Video 11872. Virgin CDV 2583 (1989). FENTON, GEORGE & SHANKAR, RAVI (1982) Gandhi. RCA BL 14557. List of Musical References — G Ten Little Title Tunes 835

FERLOSIO, CHICHO. El gallo negro. a.k.a. Los gallos EKOKK (1970: 94-97). FIEDEL, BRAD (1986) Popeye Doyle C20 Fox Peter Levin SvTV2 Apr 1987. — (1984) The .  Orion ( vVirgin STV 4001, 1992. — (1988) Midnight Caller (USA 1988-91)  SvTV1 1989. Cops and Private Eyes, Silva Screen PTD 3004, 1991. — (1991) Terminator 2 - Judgement Day Carolco James Cameron vGuild Home Video (Polygram) GLD 51162. FIELDING, JERRY (1965) Hogan’s Heroes CBS TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS, 2. FIFTY YEARS OF BROADCASTING (1972) BBC/Pye 50A/50B. FIFTY YEARS OF FILM (1973) Warner 3XX 2737. FIFTY YEARS OF FILM MUSIC (1973) Warner 3XX 2736. THE FIGHTING O’FLYNN (1949) Universal.Arthur Pierson g Frank SKINNER. FILMMUSIK – MUSIK AKTUELL-KLANGBEISPIELE (ed. H-C Schmidt 1982) Bärenreiter Musicaphon BM 30 SL 5104/05 ESCHMIDT (1982). FILMTRACKS: THE BEST OF BRITISH FILM MUSIC (1985) London/Filmtrax YEAR 1. A FISTFUL OF DYNAMITE >GIÙ LA TESTA. /PER UN PUGNO DI DOLLARI (1964) Jolly Films Sergio Leone v Warner Home Video PES 99277, 1987 g Ennio MORRICONE. THE FITZWILLIAM VIRGINAL BOOK (1899, ed. J A Fuller Maintland & Barclay Squire) ELeipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel ENew York: Dover (facsimile), 1963. FLANAGAN, BUD (1969) Who Do You Think You’re Kidding Mr Hitler? g Jimmy Perry  Dad’s Army BBC  PYE 7N 17854. FLANAGAN, BUD; ALLEN, CHESNEY (1972) •Underneath the Arches •The Galloping Major (g BASTOW, 1906); extracts on Fifty Years of Broadcasting. FLATT, LESTER & SCRUGGS, EARL (1968) Foggy Mountain Breakdown Columbia 44380; Bonny & Clyde (slightly different version) Mercury 72739. — (with Mother Maybelle Carter and The Foggy Mountain Boys, n.d.) Songs of the Famous Carter Fam- ily Columbia CL 1664. FLETCH (1985)  Universal Michael Ritchie v CIC VHR 1191 g . LA FLÛTE INDIENNE (1968) Barclay Panache 920014. / PER QUALCHE DOLLARI IN PIÙ (1965) REA Films Sergio Leone g Ennio MORRICONE. FOR HE’S A JOLLY GOOD FELLOW (Trad.) quoted from memory. FORD, TENNESSEE ERNIE (1956a) Sixteen Tons Capitol CL 14500. — (1956b) The Ballad of Davy Crockett Capitol CL 14506. FOUR ACES (1954) Love Is A Many Splendored Thing (S Fain, P Webster) Brunswick 05418. FOSTER, STEPHEN C. — (n.d.) De Camptown Races ESONGS THAT WILL LIVE FOR EVER: 59. — (n.d.) Jeannie With The Light Brown Hair ETHE PARLOUR SONG BOOK: 37. — (n.d.) Massa’s In De Cold Ground ETHE PARLOUR SONG BOOK: 266. — (n.d.) My Old Kentucky Home ERAPÉE (1924: 282) ETHE PARLOUR SONG BOOK: 271. — (n.d.) Poor Old Joe ESONGS THAT WILL LIVE FOR EVER: 51. — (1847) Oh! Susanna POPULAR MUSIC IN JACKSONIAN AMERICA. — (1852) The Old Folks At Home ERAPÉE (1924: 283) POPULAR MUSIC IN JACKSONIAN AMERICA ESONGS THAT WILL LIVE FOR EVER: 70. FRANÇOIS, CLAUDE (1969) My Way vFrank Sinatra Reprise RS 20817. FRANZ, ROBERT (1864) Trocknet nicht Op. 33/1; cited from memory. FRIZZELL, John (1996) See BEAVIS AND BUTT-HEAD DO AMERICA. FRONTIERE, DOMINIC (1965) Branded NBC. — (1967) Hang ’em High UA Ted Post; quoted in HOLLYWOOD, HOLLYWOOD. — (1977) Washington Behind Closed Doors Paramount BBC TV THEMES (1978). FUČIK, JULIUS (c.1900) Entrance of the Gladiators a.k.a. Thunder and Blazes (march) E [MP3] |http://world.std.com/~tsh/circus.html| (030806)


LOS GALLOS (a.k.a. El gallo negro) >FERLOSIO, C. GAME MUSIC CONCERT 3 BY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (sic., 1993). Sony (Japan) SRCL-2732 (including music by Koichi Sugiyama, Yoko Kanno, Koji Kondo, Hiroki Kikuta). 836 Ten Little Title Tunes G — List of Musical References

GANDHI (1982)  Columbia/Goldcrest/Indo-British Films/International Film Investors/National Film Development.Corp.  v Columbia Tristar PAL CVR 40135, 1993 g George FENTON, . GENERAL ELECTRIC (1989)  ‘A Voice in the Dark’. GERSHWIN GEORGE (1924) DGG Privelege 427 203-2 , 1977 VEB Deutsche Schallplatten, 1970. — (1925) Concerto in F for Piano & Orchestra Rhapsody in Blue, see GERSHWIN (1924). — (1928) An American in Paris Rhapsody in Blue, see GERSHWIN (1924). — (1935) •Summertime •It Ain’t Necessarily So (Porgy and Bess) ENew York: Chappell; IBroadway cast Bravo BR 341 (c1954); vLouis Armstrong vElla Fitzgerald Porgy And Bess Volume 1, Karusell (Verve) VEP 5055, 1959; vMahalia Jackson Whole Word In His Hands, BS.AGG 21016 (n.d.). — (1938) I Was Doing All Right ENew York: G Gershwin Publishing Co. GHOSTBUSTERS (1984) Columbia Ivan Reitman v Columbia Tristar Home/Cinema Club CC7639, 1998 g Elmer BERNSTEIN;  by Ray PARKER Jr Arista ARI 90106. GHOST RIDERS IN THE SKY >JONES, STAN. GILBERT, FRED (1892) The Man Who Broke The Bank At Monte Carlo (for Charles Coborn) ENew York: Francis Day & Hunter. GILES FARNABY'S DREAM BAND (1974) Giles Farnaby’s Dream Band Argo ZDA 158. GILLESPIE, DIZZY (1946-1949) Dizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra. Giants of Jazz LPJT 37, 1985. GIPSY KINGS (1989) Mosaïque CBS 466213-2. GIÙ LA TESTA (a.k.a ‘Duck You Sucker’ a.k.a. ‘A Fistful of Dynamite’) (1971)  Rafram Films/Leone/UA Sergio Leone g Ennio MORRICONE. (1972) Paramount  Danish TV 1978 g . GOD SAVE THE KING See BAND OF THE SCOTS GUARDS (1947). GOD SAVE THE QUEEN NATIONAL ANTHEMS QUEEN (1975). GOD REST YOU MERRY, GENTLEMEN (Trad. Eng.) E SONGS THAT WILL LIVE FOR EVER: 187 GOLDEN HOUR OF FAVOURITE TV THEMES (1976) Golden Hour GH 845 (I ‘101 Strings’). GOLDENBERG, WILLIAM (1973) Kojak MCA/Universal M Rapf EOrch. arr. #1 MS, Universal Studios Prod. #39000 ©Duchess Music Corp.  GOLDEN HOUR OF FAVOURITE TV THEMES (1976) and TOP TV THEMES (1981)  SvTV1 1975. GOLDSMITH, JERRY (1960) Patton FILMMUSIK (1982). — (1966) Our Man Flint  TERZO UOMO. — (1968) Planet of the Apes C20 Fox Franklin J Schaffner Channel4 2000. — (1979b) Star Trek Suite MUSIC FROM THE GALAXIES. GONE WITH THE WIND (1939) Selznick Victor Fleming v MGM/UA VHS PES 50284, 1989 (©1969 MGM) g . GONZAGA, LUÍZ (1980) O homem da terra. RCA (Brasil) 1030349. GONZÁLEZ, JUAN-PABLO (1994, 1997) See ADVIS, L. THE GOOD OLD DAYS SONG BOOK (1980) ELondon: BBC & EMI. THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY >BUONO BRUTTO CATTIVO. GOULD, MORTON (1978) Holocaust  RCA R L12785. GOUNOD, CHARLES (1859) Faust ENew York: Schirmer, 1902. — (1872/1879) Funeral March of the Marionette >ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS. GRAINER, RON (1958) Maigret BBC Maigret Theme and Other Themes from the Famous TV Se- ries, London LL 3281, 1960. THE GRADUATE (1967) Avco Embassy Mike Nichols v Polygram 084 254 3, 1985 g (songs), (score) CBS S 70042. GRAUNKE, KURT (n.d.) Valse Anastasia. Recorded Music for Film, Radio & TV B&H SBH 3028. GREENSLADE, DAVE (1978) Gangsters BBC TOP BBC TV THEMES (1978). GRIEG, EDVARD (1871) Piano Concerto #1, 1st mvt .BIG CONCERTO MOVIE THEMES MOVIE MASTERS. — (1891) Per Gynt - Musik till Ibsens skådespel, Op. 23. EMI Svenska C 053-01851, 1977 (1969); Peer Gynt – Music to Ibsen’s Play Philips Digital Classics 432 192-2, 1990 (1983); ERAPÉE (1924) •Åses død •I bergekongens hall •Morgenstimmung. — (1902) Lyrische Stücke (1867-1902) ELeipzig: Peters. Lyric Pieces Vol 2, Naxos 8.550577, 1991; ERAPÉE (1924) •Humoresque, Op. 6 #3 •Tanz aus Jölster, Op. 17 #5 •Stabbe-Laaten, Op. 17 #18 •Herzwunden, Op.34 #1 •Berceuse, Op. 38 #1 •Elegie, Op.47 #7 •March Of The Dwarfs, Op. 54 #3. GRIMETHORPE COLLIERY BAND. See BRASSED OFF (1996). GRISMAN, DAVID (1978) King of the Gypsies De Laurentis/Paramount  IDavid Gris- List of Musical References — H Ten Little Title Tunes 837

man Quintet IStephanne Grappelli. Only available on vNTSC. GROFÉ, FERDE (1931) Grand Canyon Suite CBS 61266 (1931). GROSS, CHARLES (1971) Murders in the Rue Morgue AIP Hitchcock SvTV1 1988: part of ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS. GRUSIN, DAVE (1975) Baretta (‘Keep Your Eye On The Sparrow’) vSammy Davis Jr ABC/Univer- sal/Public Arts Television’s Greatest Hits 70s & 80s, TeeVee Toons TVT 1300, 1990. GUNSMOKE (1955) CBS g Rex KOURY GOLDEN HOUR OF FAVOURITE TV THEMES (1976).


HADJIDAKIS, MANOS (1959) Ποτε την Κυριακη/Never on Sunday Lopert/Melinafilm United Artists UA 5070. HAGEMAN, RICHARD (1939) Stagecoach UA John Ford vPolygram Video 083 504 3, 1991 HAGEN, EARLE (1942) Harlem Nocturne ENew York: Shapiro & Bernstein; also as arranged for Mike Hammer CBS/Columbia/Jay Bernstein, 1983; TV3 1989. — (1964b) I Spy  TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS, 2. Underscore MS reproduced in HAGEN: Scoring For Films ENew York: Criterion Books, 1971. HAGGARD, MERLE (1969) Okie From Moscogee Capitol 2626; The Best of the Best of Merle Haggard, Capitol ST 11082, 1972; source music at truck stop in Convoy (see DAVIES C). — (1972) The Fightin’ Side Of Me KECK (Lincoln, Nebraska, Sept. 1973) WPIK/WXRA (Wash- ington DC, 741105). Also  The Best of the Best of Merle Haggard. (HAGGARD 1972). HALEY, BILL, AND HIS COMETS (1955) Rock Around The Clock Brunswick 05317. HAMLISCH, MARVIN (1968) Take the Money and Run  Palomar. — (1977) La spia che mi amava/The Spy Who Loved Me Lewis Gilbert vUA 3C054-993 70. HAMMER, JAN (1985) Miami Vice NBC/Universal/M Mann MCA 252 493-1. HANCOCK, HERBIE (1966) Blow Up M Antonioni Hollywood Collection, Vol 12: CBS 70285. HÄNDEL, GEORG FRIEDRICH (1717) Water Musick (ed. Granville Bantock) ELondon: Paxton, 1956. — (1728) Stille amare. Tolomeo; cited from memory. — (1738) Largo (aria ‘Ombra mai fu’ from Xerxes, HWV 40) ERAPÉE (1924: 616); as ‘O Saviour, Friend, O Loving Guide’ ESONGS THAT WILL LIVE FOR EVER. — (1741) The Messiah (ed. Ebenezer Prout) ELondon: Novello, 1902. — (1749) The arrival of the Queen of Sheba (Solomon) ELondon: Novello. — (1975) Sarabande (arr. L Rosenmann); used in Barry Lyndon Warner FILMMUSIK. HARBURG, E Y (1939) The Wizard of Oz EHungry Tiger Press, 2002. HARGREAVES, WILLIAM (1909) Oh! I Must Go Home To-Night! London: Feldman; also in the GOOD OLD DAYS SONGBOOK, p.95. HARNELL, JOE (1978) The Incredible Hulk CBS/Univeral Glen Larson SvTV, 1978. HARRIS, MAX (1983) A Horseman Riding By TWENTY BBC DRAMA THEMES. HARRISON, GEORGE (1971) My Sweet Lord. Apple R5884. HATCH, TONY (1968) Sportsnight BBC HATCH (1974). — (1972) Emmerdale Farm Yorkshire TV HATCH (1974). — (1974) Hit the Road to Themeland Pye NSPL 41029. HAVERGAL, WILLIAM HENRY. Havergal in E (Canticle 63, Psalm 148 ‘Praise ye the Lord’) EThe Methodist Hymnbook London: Methodist Publishing House, 1933. HAYES, ISAAC (1971) Theme from ‘Shaft’ Stax S45; also 45 US Enterprise 9038, LP Shaft En- terprise 5002, 45 UK & LP Stax/MGM 2025069; also  for SvTV sports news ‘Sportnytt’; Golden Hour of Favourite TV Themes (1976); also This is Cult Fiction. Virgin VTCD 59 PM 527 (7243 8 40867 25), 1995. HEATHERTON, FRED (1944) I’ve Got A Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts ELondon: Irwin Dash. HENDRIX, JIMI [JIMI HENDRIX EXPERIENCE] (1966) Hey Joe Polydor 56139. — (1967) Are You Experienced? Track 612-001/Track 2407004 •Purple Haze •Foxy Lady •Manic Depression — (1971) Star-Spangled Banner  Rainbow Bridge. Reprise K 44159. HENZE, HANS WERNER (1975) Katarina Blum: Konzert Suite für Orchester Milon A 240 HERRMANN, BERNARD (1941) Citizen Kane Orson Wells RKO Citizen Kane and other Classic Film Scores (1941-1953) RCA GL 43441. — (1953) Beneath The 12-Mile Reef HERRMANN 1941. — (1959) North By Northwest Hitchcock MGM Unicorn-Kanchana DKP 9000, 1980. — (1960) Psycho Hitchcock Shamley vUniversal VHR 1007 838 Ten Little Title Tunes I — List of Musical References

RCA Cinematre NL 33224, 1975. HIGH NOON (1952) Criterion/Republic/UA Fred Zinnemann v 4Front 054 1463, 1998 g Dimitri TIOMKIN vFrankie LANE vTex RITTER. HILL STREET BLUES (1981) NBC/MTM. SvTV1 June 1988 g Mike POST. THE HI-LO’S (1957) Suddenly It’s the Hi-Lo’s Columbia C-952 (CD reissue Collectables 6026, 1999). HINDEMITH, PAUL (1933) Mathis der Mahler EMainz: Schott, 1934 DGG 2530 246; EMI CDM 7 69242 2, 1988 (1957). HOLIDAY, BILLIE (n.d.) Billie Holiday – The Original Recordings Columbia C32060. •Gloomy Sunday (Sam Lewis, R Ceres) ‘Night Music’, SvTV1 Feb 1990. HOLLYWOOD (1979) Mike Wooller Thames TV: cowboy episode SvTV1 Sept 1988. Excerpts •Stagecoach •High Noon •Hang 'em High •Collage of themes, incl. Bonanza, The Virginian, Gunsmoke, Rawhide. HOLLYWOOD, HOLLYWOOD - OM VÅLD (1977) documentary Nils-Petter Sundgren & Paul Bang- Hansen SvTV1 prod. 70-76/2239. HOLMAN, LIBBY (1930) Moanin’ Low (H Dietz, R Rainger) THOSE WONDERFUL THIRTIES. HOLST, GUSTAV (1917) The Planets, Op. 32 IOrchestre National de France CL Maazel CBS Masterworks. MDK 44781, 1981. HONEGGER, ARTHUR (1923) Pacific 231 - Mouvement symphonique HONEGGER (1971). — (1971) Une cantate de Noël EMI/Pathé-Marconi C 069-11663 IOrch. ORTF CJean Martinon. HOW THE WEST WAS WON (1963) MGM  John Ford >NEWMAN, A. HOW THE WEST WAS WON - THE MACAHANS (1976) NBC/MGM SvTV1 1977 g Jerold IMMEL. HUGILL, STAN (ed. 1969) Shanties and Sailors’ Songs ENew York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc. •Round the Horn •Gals Around Cape Horn. HUPFELD, HOWARD (1942) As Time Goes By ( 1931) fr. ‘Casablanca’ Warner FIFTY YEARS OF FILM MUSIC (1973) FIFTY YEARS OF FILM; Il TERZO UOMO. HUNTINGTON, GALE (ed. 1970) Songs the Whalemen Sang ENew York: Dover. All Trad. Eng. or Trad. USA xwos. •A Life on the Ocean Wave (H Russell) •John Riley •When First Into This Country •Down Wapping •Ye Parliaments of England (H Russell) •Old Horse.


IF ... (1968) Paramount/Memorial Lindsay Anderson. Recurrent music: Sanctus from MISSA LUBA. ILJINSKY, A (1894) Berceuse ERAPÉE (1924:231-232). IMMEL, JEROLD (1976) How The West Was Won – The MacAhans NBC/MGM SvTV1, 1977. — (1978) Dallas CBS/Lorimar SvTV1, 1978. THE INCREDIBLE HULK (1978)  CBS/Universal TV g Jess HARNELL. INTI ILLIMANI (1974) Venceremos (Ortega). Solidarität geht weiter. Eterna 4 15 130. INVITATION TO MADRIGALS, 1 (1961) ELondon: Stainer & Bell (ed. Thurston Dart). INVITATION TO MADRIGALS, 2 (1962) ELondon: Stainer & Bell (ed. Thurston Dart). INVITATION TO MADRIGALS, 7 (1973) ELondon: Stainer & Bell (ed. Thurston Dart). INVITATION TO MADRIGALS, 8 (1976) ELondon: Stainer & Bell (ed. Thurston Dart). INVITATION TO MADRIGALS, 9 (1976) ELondon: Stainer & Bell (ed. Thurston Dart). INVITATION TO MADRIGALS, 10 (1977) ELondon: Stainer & Bell (ed. Thurston Dart). THE IPCRESS FILE (1965)  Rank/Universal Sidney J Furie g John Barry Columbia 2493/9293. IRISH STREET BALLADS >O’LOCHLAINN (1978). THE IRISHMAN (1949) >FIGHTING O’FLYNN; >SKINNER, F (1949). ITN WORLD NEWS  Super Channel, July 1988. ITN NEWS AT TEN  Granada , 1991. IRON BUTTERFLY (1968) In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida Atco 341 Mobile Fidelity 675, 1996. IVAN THE TERRIBLE (PART 1) (1945)  Mosfilm S Eisenstein v Tartan TVT 1249, 1996 g Sergei PROKOFIEV. IVES, CHARLES (1906) The Pond. EHillsdale: Boelke-Bomart Inc./The Charles Ives Society, Inc. — (1913) Holidays Symphony Copland, Ives, Rachmaninov Orchestral Works, Vox Box 11 5844 2, 1993 •George Washington’s Birthday •Decoration Day •Fourth of July •Thanksgiving Day. — (1914) Three Places in New England Mercury SRI 75035.


JACKSON, CHUCK (1967) Keep Forgetting (Leiber & Stoller) Golden Classics; Collectables 5115. JACKSON, CLIFF (1944) ‘Quiet Please’  Cliff Jackson 1930-1945 CD Classics 979 (1998). List of Musical References — K Ten Little Title Tunes 839

JA, HÖR NI FLICKOR KÄRE (c1968) Sveriges Radio RELP 1139 ISparf Anders, Knis Karl, Sundfors Matts, Eric Moraeus, Påhl Olle, Evert Åhs, Anders Frisell, Rättviks Spelmanslag. JANSEN, PIERRE (1969)Que la bête meure Claude Chabrol CFDC/Films La Boëtie Danish TV 1979. JARA, VICTOR (1969a) Plegaria a un labrador. JARA (1974 posth.) EADVIS & GONZÁLEZ (1997:180-184),  WITH ONE VOICE (1999: 60). — (1974) Manifesto (posth.) XTRA 1143. JARRE, MAURICE (1962) Lawrence of Arabia Columbia Sam Spiegel Pye ORL 8241, 1963. — (1965) Dr Zhivago LES PLUS CÉLÈBRES MUSIQUES DE FILMS (1979) •Thème de Lara •L’enterrement. JARRETT, KEITH (1971) Moon Child/In Your Quiet Place. Gary Burton and Keith Jarrett Atlantic SD-1577. JENNINGS, WAYLON (1979) The Dukes of Hazzard CBS/Warner  Great TV Themes Vol 1, Tring TTMC 079A (n.d.) JETHRO TULL (1971) Aqualung  Chrysalis (UK) Reprise 2035 (USA) •Aqualung •Locomoath. JOBIM, ANTONIO CARLOS (1962) Corcovado/Quiet Nights Of Quiet Stars ENew York: Duchess Music. JOEL, BILLY (1976) New York State Of Mind. Turnstiles CBS 33848. JOHN, ELTON >ELTON JOHN. JOHNSON, JAMES P (1944) Have You Ever Felt This Way? Melodie Jazz Classics 856, 1996 JOHNSON, LAURIE (1971) Jason King ATV (UK) The CULT FILES. — (1978) The Professionals  LWT/Avengers Super Channel Oct 1987. JONES, QUINCY (1967a) In Cold Blood Columbia •Main Theme •The Clutter Family FILMMUSIK. — (1967b) Ironside NBC/Universal GOLDEN HOUR OF FAVOURITE TV THEMES (1976) TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS, 1. JONES, STAN (1949) (Ghost) Riders In The Sky IV MONROE RCA Victor 2902. RAMRODS London HLU 9282 / Amy 813 (1961); I DALE, D; SHADOWS; VENTURES; WELK L. JONES, SPIKE (n.d.) Spike Jones Reissue RCA A4L-1-137. (c.1980). •William Tell Overture (Rossini) - The Return of Doodles Weaver •Laura (Raksin) •Liebenstraum (Liszt) JONGHMANS, EDWARD (1884) The Masher King ELondon: Ascherberg, Hopwood and Crew. JOPLIN, SCOTT (1903) The Entertainer Rag  from ‘The ’ Universal, 1973 ELondon: Leeds Music, 1971; arr. Hamlisch The Sting MCA 40174, 1974.


KAEMPFERT, BERT (1965) from ‘A Man Could Get Killed’ Robert Neame Universal vFrank SINATRA Reprise R 23052, 1966. KAPER, BRONISLAV (1965) FBI Warner GOLDEN HOUR OF FAVOURITE TV THEMES (1976). KAPLAN, SOL (1965) The Spy Who Came In From The Cold  Paramount TERZO UOMO. KARAS, ANTON (1949) The Third Man ( ‘Harry Lime Theme’)Carol Reed  British Lion vCanal+ Image Warner VHS SO38666  IL TERZO UOMO E ALTRI CELEBRI FILM. KHATCHATURIAN, ARAM (1954) Pas de deux from Spartacus, Op. 82;  ‘The Onedin Line’ BBC, 1974 The WORLD OF TV THEMES. KETELBY, ALFRED (1915) In a Monastery Garden ELondon: Chappell Decca SPA 187. KING KONG (1933)  RKO/Selznick  Merien C Cooper, Ernest B Shoedsack v Polygram Video, 1992 g STEINER, M. KING OF THE GYPSIES (1978) De Laurentis/Paramount Frank Pierson gDavid GRISMAN. THE KINGSTON TRIO (1958) Tom Dooley Capitol CL 14951. THE KINKS (1964) All Day And All Of The Night Pye 7N15714; Golden Hour of the Kinks, Golden Hour GH 501 (c1974). KIRKBY MASON, BARBARA (n.d.) Happy Birthday E© Schirmer. KNOPFLER, MARK (1983) Local Hero  Enigma/Goldcrest Polygram 811 038-2, 1983. — (1984b) Cal  Warner/Goldcrest/Enigma Vertigo 822 769-2 (1986). KODÁLY, ZOLTÁN (1941) Bicinia Hungarica ELondon: Boosey and Hawkes. — (1927) Hary János Suite. Mussorgsky, Kodály, Prokofiev EMI Redline 9704066, 1993 (1983). KOMEDA, KRYSZTOF (1968) Rosemary’s Baby  Paramount Polanski •Dream FILMMUSIK. KOKK, ENN (ed. 1970) Upp till kamp. Sånger om fred och frihet EStockholm: Prisma. KORNGOLD, ERICH WOLFGANG (1935) Captain Blood  Warner FIFTY YEARS OF FILM (1973). — (1938) The Adventures of Robin Hood  Warner Soundtrack extracts FIFTY YEARS OF FILM (1973); Suite-from Robin Hood FIFTY YEARS OF FILM MUSIC (1973). — (1940) The Sea Hawk  Warner •Extract FIFTY YEARS OF FILM (1973) • FIFTY YEARS OF FILM MU- 840 Ten Little Title Tunes L — List of Musical References

SIC (1973) •Duel FILMMUSIK (1982). — (1941) Kings Row  Warner •extract (Ronald Reagan, Ann Sheridan) FIFTY YEARS OF FILM (1973) •Kings Row Suite FIFTY YEARS OF FILM MUSIC (1973). KOSMA, JOSEPH (1947) Les feuilles mortes/Autumn Leaves EParis: Énoch & Cie. vÉdith Piaf, 1956 Édith Piaf – 30ème anniversaire, EMI 827 0972, 1993. KOURY, REX (1955) Gunsmoke CBS GOLDEN H OUR OF FAVOURITE TV THEMES (1976); •extract  HOLLYWOOD SvTV1, Sep. 1988. KRAFFT-LORTZING CARL (n.d.) The Grand Duke March. Modern March Album ELondon: Bosworth (1908). KUHNAU, JOHANN (1710) Der Streit zwischen David und Goliath. Sechs biblische Historien; xtr. EKIVY (1984:160-169).


L.A. CONFIDENTIAL (1997)  Regency/Warner  Curtis Hanson v Warner SO 14913, 1998 g . L.A. LAW (1986)  Steve Bochco/C20 Fox TV SvTV, Dec (1987 g Mike POST. LAI, FRANCIS (1970)Love Story Paramount MOVIE MASTERS (1976). LAINE, FRANKIE (1952) High Noon (Tiomkin) Columbia DB 3113. — (1953) Where The Wind Blows Philips PB 167. — (1954a) Blowing Wild Philips PB 207. — (1954b) Granada (A Lara) Philips PB 242. — (1954c) The Kid’s Last Fight Philips PB 258. — (1955a) Cool Water (B Nolan) Philips PB 465. — (1955b) Strange Lady in Town (Tiomkin, N Washington) Philips PB 478. — (1956a) Sixteen Tons (M Travis) Philips PB 539; +>FORD, T E. Merle Travis, 1947. — (1956b) Moonlight Gambler (B Hilliard, P Springer) Philips PB 638. — (1959) Rawhide (Tiomkin, Washington) Philips PB 965; +>WRAY, L. — (1961) Gunslinger Philips PB 1135. — (1974) Blazing Saddles  g J MORRIS  Mel Brooks  Warner. LANGEY, OTTO (n.d.) Agitato #3. FILMMUSIK (1982). — [Compositions ERAPÉE (1924)] •Agitato #3 •Hurry #2 •Misterioso #1 •Agitato Misterioso •In A Chinese Tea- Room •Indian Agitato •Among The Arabs •Pathetic Andante #1. LARA, AUGUSTÍN. Grenada >LAINE, F 1954. LAUPER, CYNDI (1984) Girls Just Want To Have Fun Portrait A 3943. LED ZEPPELIN (1969) Whole Lotta Love. Led Zeppelin II Atlantic 2401-002. — (1971) Black Dog. Led Zeppelin IV Atlantic 50008. LEGRAND, MICHEL (1964) Mon amour, ne me quitte pas! (‘I Will Wait For You’) from Les Parapluies de Cherbourg Bernard Evein  Parc/Madeleine/Beta Philips 77.233. — (1968) ‘Windmills Of Your Mind’. Thomas Crown Affair  Mirisch/UA  Norman Jewison  Movie Memories. Music For Pleasure MFP 50438 (1973). LEGRAND, MICHEL; LAI FRANCIS (1981) Les uns et les autres Ciné Music Pro Culture PPC-26002. LEHRER, TOM (1953) Irish Ballad  Songs and More Songs by Tom Lehrer, Rhino 72776 (1997)] LEON (1994)  Touchstone. v Touchstone VFB 14232, 1994 g Eric SERRA  Luc Besson. LEONCAVALLO, RUGGIERO (1892) Pagliacci ENew York: Dover, 1993 (reprint). LIEBER AND STOLLER: Keep Forgetting >JACKSON, C. Lilliburlero (Fr. Trad.) as used in BBC World War 2 broadcasts |www.whirligig-tv.co.uk/radio/lilliburlero.wav|(030731). LISZT, FERENC (1839) Au lac de Wallenstadt. Années de Pèlerinage II ENew York: Schirmer (1909:9-12). — (1850b) Liebesträume #3 Magyar Zene Qualiton Lemezen. Qualiton MMX 2577 (1971). Gábor Ga- bos: piano. Also on [1] The Romantic Piano, Musica Viva 1015 (1987); [2] Classically Roman- tic Piano, Michelle Audio 422 (1994); [3] Piano by Candlelight, Madacy 8709 (1994). — (1860) Les funérailles  Arrau: Liszt - Apres une Lecture du Dante… Philips 6514 273. LIVINGSTON, JAY (1959) Bonanza NBC GOLDEN HOUR OF FAVOURITE TV THEMES (1976). THE LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE (1974) NBC g . LLOYD, A L (ed (1978). Come All Ye Bold Miners E London: Lawrence & Wishart, 2nd ed. (1pub 1952). LLOYD, A L & ARETZ, ISABEL (eds (1965) Folk Songs of the Americas. New York: Oak / UNESCO. •The Wife of Usher's Well (USA):46; •El cura no va a la iglesia (Mexico):108; •Malhaya la cocina (Mexico):111; •Las olas de la laguna (Mexico):114; •Cajeme (Mexico):116; • Tono de Velorio de Cruz List of Musical References — M Ten Little Title Tunes 841

(Venezuela):186; • El mampulorio (Venezuela):190; • Sanguéo (Venezuela): 195; • Triste vida é do marujo (Brazil):210; • Canto para cosechar la papa (Bolivia):232; • Dejenme paso que voy (Chile):242; • Ingrato, ya no me quieres (Chile):245; • En la cordillera llueve (Chile):247; • Ahora voy a cantarles (Argentina):262; • Cansado estoy de vivir (Argentina):263 LLOYD, A L & VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, RALPH (ed. 1959) The Penguin Book of English Folk Songs ELondon: Penguin. LOCAL HERO (1983)  Celandine Films/Enigma/Goldcrest/Warner  Bill Forsyth g Marc KNOPFLER. LOCHLAINN, COLM O’ > O’LOCHLAINN. LOEWE, FREDERICK (1969)Wandrin’ Star (fr. PAINT YOUR WAGON)  MOVIE MASTERS (1976) +>MARVIN, L. LOGGINS, KENNY (1984) Footloose CBS A 4101. LOLITA (1997)  AMLF/Mario Kassar/Pathé  Ch4 010918 g MORRICONE. LOMAX, ALAN (ed (1964). The Penguin Book of American Folk Songs ELondon: Penguin •Old Blue p.42 •Pretty Polly p.44 •Wake Up, Darlin’ Corey p.53 •Nobody Knows the Trouble I See p.80 •Go Down, Moses p.82 •The Sioux Indians p.100 •The Dying Cowboy p.108 •I’m a-Ridin’ Old Paint p.109 •Frankie and Johnny p.121 •St. James Infirmary p.134. THE LONE RANGER (1949) ABC g ROSSINI (1829). LULLY, JEAN-BAPTISTE (1684) Bois épais (‘Lonely Woods’), aria from Amadis ELondon: Novello (n.d.). LYNN, PAT. n.d. Theme For Patricia (intimate, warm, romantic, melodic with piano as lyrical solo in- strument) Background Music for Home Movies Folkways FX 6111. LYNYRD SKYNYRD (1973) •Sweet Home Alabama > LYNYRD SKYNYRD (1998). — (1976) Gimme Back My Bullets MCA 2170. — (1998) The Essential Lynyrd Skynyrd MCA MCD 11807.


MAALOX ANTACID (1989)  ‘Where does it hurt?’ New York, 1988. MACCHI, EGISTO (1977) Padre Padrone P & V Taviani  RAI RCA 33207. MALAGUEÑA SALEROSA (n.d.) ENew York: Hansen, 1972 (Mexican trad., arr. J Snyder) CUGAT, 1963. THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN (1960)  United Artists. v MGM/UA SO 51563, 1993. g Elmer BERNSTEIN John Sturges. THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E (1962)  NBC/MGM/Arena  g Hugo MONTENEGRO. MANCINI, HENRY (1958) Peter Gunn ABC/Spartan TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS, 2; +>EDDY. — (1963) The Pink Panther GOLDEN HOUR OF FAVOURITE TV THEMES (1976) TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS, 2. — (1967) Arabesque TERZO UOMO •Titles •We’ve Loved Before •Chase At The Zoo. — (1971b) Cade’s County GOLDEN HOUR OF FAVOURITE TV THEMES (1976). — (1982) Remington Steele NBC/MTM Cops and Private Eyes, Silva Screen PTD 3004, 1991. MANDELL, JOHNNY (1958) Barbara’s Theme (I Wanna Live!) Robert Wise UA UA 4005/5005. MARIACHI SOL (1993) Mexico Lindo ARC Music EUCD 1249. MARKOWITZ, RICHARD (1961) The Rebel/Johnny Yuma ABC/Goodson-Todman TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS, 2. MARTIN, DEAN (1958) Volare (Nel blu di pinto di blu) (D Modugno, F Migliacci) Capitol 4028. MARVIN, LEE (1969) (I Was Born Under A) Wand’rin’ Star (fr. ‘Paint Your Wagon’) gF Loewe Para- mount) MOVIE MASTERS Paint Your Wagon Paramount PARA 3004, 1970. MATLOVSKY, SAMUEL (1989). Philip Marlowe, Private Eye  EJon Slam Music. SvTV 1989. MAYFIELD, PERCY Hit The Road, Jack >CHARLES, RAY (1962). MAY, BRIAN See QUEEN; PARTY AT THE PALACE. MCGLENNON, FELIX (1895) The Bachelor’s Club ELondon: Ascherberg, Hopwood and Crew. THE MCLAUGHLIN GROUP (1981) US world affairs programme 1988. THE MEANING OF LIFE (1983) >MONTY PYTHON’S THE MEANING OF LIFE. MECO (1978) RCA 13043. MEDIA MUSIC – THE PROFESSIONAL – SAMPLER (1987) Capitol Production Music PROSE 1000. MEDIA MUSIC – THE PROFESSIONAL (1988) Capitol Production Music, CDs 1-64. MELBINGER, STEFAN (1983) Der Fahnder Bavaria Film/Werner Masten TV3, 1989. MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY, FELIX (1834) On Wings Of Music/On Wings Of Song ESONGS THAT WILL LIVE FOR EVER ETWENTY-SIX CLASSICAL SONGS. — (1840) Lobgesang (Symphony #2, Op. 52 #6) Naxos 8.553522. — (1842) Lieder ohne Worte (1828-1842) ELondon: Novello, 1898 (ed. Karl Klindworth). — (1843) Wedding March from A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1843) ELondon: Paxton (1899, arr. C W Pearce); ERAPÉE (1924: 671). 842 Ten Little Title Tunes M — List of Musical References

— [1903] By Celia’s Arbour. Golden Treasury of Song, Vol 1 ELondon: Boosey & Co., 1903. — [1924] Funeral March (Op.62 #3) ERAPÉE (1924: 163). — [n.d.] ETWENTY-SIX CLASSICAL SONGS •O For The Wings Of A Dove (Hear My Prayer) •The First Violet. MENDOZA, DAVID; AXT, WILLIAM (1926) Don Juan - Overture (Warner) Fifty Years of Film (1973). THE METHODIST HYMNBOOK (1933) ELondon: Methodist Publishing House. •I Heard The Voice Of Jesus Say – Kingsfold (Trad. Eng. arr. H P Allen) #154 •Forty Days And Forty Nights – Heinlein (M. Herbst) #165 •Tallis Cannon (T TALLIS) #943 •Havergal in E – Psalm 148, Canticle #63. MIAMI VICE (1985) Michael Mann/Universal; episode ‘Out Where The Buses Don’t Run’ SvTV1, June 1988  g Jan HAMMER Miami Vice, MCA 252 493-1, 1985. MIKE HAMMER (1983) CBS/Columbia. TV3, Sep1988  g Earle HAGEN COPS AND PRIVATE EYES. MILLER, FRANK (1919) If You're Irish Come Into The Parlour (lyr. Shaun Glenville) ETHE GOOD OLD DAYS SONG BOOK, p. 190. MILLER, GLEN (AND HIS BAND) (1985) The Glenn Miller Story MCA 252 181-1 •Moonlight Serenade (1939) •St Louis Blues March •In The Mood. MINNIE’S YOO HOO (1968) The Mouse Factory Disney ANGELS AND 15 OTHER… (1977). MINOT, ADOLF: Misterioso No 2 ERAPÉE (1924: 171). MISS MARPLE (1984)  BBC1 Danish TV, Jan 1987 g R R BENNETT. (1986)  Goldcrest Pictures, distr Warner SvTV2, 900224; + Widescreen Format v Warner SO 15031, 1996 g E MORRICONE  Roland Joffé. MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (1966) CBS TV g . MODERN MARCH ALBUM (1908) ELondon: Bosworth. MODERN TIMES (1936)  g C CHAPLIN, D RAKSIN. MODUGNO, DOMENICO (1958) Dean MARTIN (1958) GIPSY KINGS (1989). MONROE, BILL & HIS BLUE GRASS BOYS. n.d. Blue Grass Style Vocalion VL 73870 •Cry Cry Darlin’ •Roade County Prison. MONROE, VAUGHN (1948) Cool Water g B Nolan RCA Victor 2923. — (1949) (Ghost) Riders in the Sky g S Jones 78 RCA Victor 3411 45 RCA Victor 2902. MONTENEGRO, HUGH (1964) The Man from U.N.C.L.E. NBC/MGM/Arena This is Cult Fiction, Virgin VTCD 59 PM 527, 1995. MONTEVERDI, CLAUDIO (1624) Il combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda ELondon: OUP. MONTY PYTHON’S FLYING CIRCUS (1969) BBC1  ‘Liberty Bell’ g J-P Sousa (arr. Bashford, Hor- ricks) IBand of the Grenadier Guards TOP TV THEMES THE WORLD OF TV THEMES. — (1969-71) Various sketches, incl. Musical Mice, Realist Playwright with Miner Son, Belief as Boxing, The Larch, Bicycle Repair Man, Confuse-A-Cat, Colin Mozart BBC SvTV1 1990. — (1969-75) The Final Rip Off. Virgin MPD1 (compilation, 1987). — (1974) Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1974) Cinema 5/Python Pictures. v CBS/Fox Video 2146, 1989 g Neil Innes (songs), De Wolfe Music (underscore)  & ‘The Album of the Soundtrack of the of the Film of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, recorded live at the Classic, Silbury Hill’, Arista AL 4050, 1975. MOORE, CHARLIE; NAPIER, BILL (n.d., c.1968) Country Music Goes to Viet Nam  King 982 MOREY, LARRY & CHURCHILL, FRANK MOREY (1937) Someday My Will Come. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Disney. MORLEY, THOMAS (1594a) Die now my heart ETHE PENGUIN BOOK OF ENGLISH MADRIGALS. — (1594b) Fire fire! My heart E INVITATION TO MADRIGALS, 8. MORODER, GIORGIO (1986a) Wings To Fly American Anthem Atlantic 781 661-1. — (1986b) Top Gun CBS 70296. MORRICONE, ENNIO (1962-64) La grande orchestra di Ennio Morricone RCA 74321 18692-2, 1994. — (1963) Duello nel Texas Riccardo Blasco MORRICONE (1990a). — (1964a) Le pistole non discutono Mario Caiano MORRICONE (1990a). — (1964b) Per un pugno di dollari/For a Fistful of Dollars Sergio Leone; various tracks incl. MORRICONE (1975a, 1988a, 1988b, 1990a). — (1965) Per qualche dollari in più/For A Few Dollars More Sergio Leone; various tracks incl.  MORRICONE (1975a, 1988a, 1988b, 1990a). — (1966a) Una pistola per Ringo/A Gun for Ringo Duccio Tessari MORRICONE (1975a, 1988a). — (1966b) Il buono il brutto il cattivo/The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Sergio Leone vWarner MGM/UA PES 99225, 1987 UA UAS 5172, 1967. — (1966c) La battaglia di Algieri/  MORRICONE (1988b). — (1966d) Svegliati e uccidi/Wake Up and Die Carlo Lizzani MORRICONE (1980a). — (1967a) Escalation Roberto Faenza MORRICONE (1988b). List of Musical References — M Ten Little Title Tunes 843

— (1967b) La resa dei conti/  MORRICONE (1978b, 1988a, 1988b) ZORN (1986). — (1968) C’era una volta il west Sergio Leone vParamount Karussel 631944 3, 1995 RCA OLS 3. — (1969) Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospettoElio Petri Antenne 2, 1977. Indagine…/Il giocattelo, Cinevox CIAK CIA 5086, 1991; POLICE MOVIES. — (1970) Il clan dei siciliani/The Sicilians  vCBS/Fox All Time Greats 1162, 1990a MORRICONE (1980c). — (1971a) Città violenta Sergio Sollima MORRICONE (1980c). — (1971b) Sacco e Vanzetti Giulano Montaldi RCA NL 33206, 1978. — (1971c) Tre donne RAI TV Alfredo Giannetti •Canzone senza parole Il bandito dagli occhi az- zuri/Correva l'anno di grazia 1870 CAM 493474-2 MORRICONE (1980b). — (1971d) Veruschka, poesia di una donna Franco Rubartelli Point Records PRC 111, 1995. — (1971e) Giù la testa/Duck! You Sucker! S Leone SvTV 1990a ZORN (1986). — (1972a) Cosa avete fatto a Solange? Massimo Dallamano Intermezzo SP 8062. — (1972b) Incontro/Encounter Piero Schivazappa CAM CSE 057, 1991. — (1974) Milano odia : la polizia non può sparare/Almost Human (a.k.a. The Kidnap Of Mary Lou) Umberto Lenzi  Il giustiziere/La polizia non può sparare, RCA OST 123, 1994. — (1975a) Film Favourites – Ennio Morricone RCA HY 1007. — (1975b) Per le antiche scale/Down the Ancient Staircase Mauro Bolognini MORRICONE (1980a). — (1976a) Novecento Bernardo Bertolucci RCA TBL 1-1221. — (1976b) Mosé/Moses Gianfranco De Bosio RCA Cinematre NL 31106, 1980. — (1978a) Il prefetto di ferro Pasquale Squitieri MORRICONE (1980a). — (1978b) I Western di Ennio Morricone, vol.2 RCA NL 33066. — (1979) Ogro G Pontecorvo CAM Phoenix PHCAM 04, 1984 •Atto di dolore MORRICONE (1980a). — (1980a) Colonne sonore di Ennio Morricone, vol 3 RCA NL 33162. — (1980b) Scacchiera musicale CAM/Orizzonte ORL 8405. — (1980c) Città violenta/Il clan dei siciliani RCA NL 33221. — (1980d) La vera storia della camelie/Lady of the camelias Mauro Bolognini RCA PL 30080. — (1982) Marco Polo RAI B Bertolucci, G Montaldo SvTV Ariola 204699. — (1983) Nana Dan Wolman Cinevox MDF 33161. — (1984) C’era una volta l’America/Once Upon a Time in America S Leone Mercury 818 697-1. — (1986) The Mission Roland Joffé vWarner Brothers SO 15031, 1996 Virgin V2402. — (1987) Rampage W Friedkin vCBS/Fox 5169, 1989 Virgin Movie Music 208609-630, 1988. — (1988a) Ennio Morricone – Film Hits RCA ND 70091. — (1988b) For A Few Dollars More – For A Fistful of Dollars RCA ND 70391. — (1989) Casualties of War  CBS 466016 2. — (1990a) Legendary Italian Westerns (The Film Composers Series, Volume 2) RCA ND 90526. — (1990b) Hamlet Warner/Nelson Franco Zeffirelli Virgin Movie Music 3010. — (1995) Disclosure Barry Levinson Movie Music CDVMM 16/Virgin 7243 8 40220 2 0 LC 3098. — (1997) Lolita Adrian Lyne Ch4 010918  Records 35840, 1998. MORRIS, JOHN (1987) Spaceballs Mel Brooks vMGM/UA/Esselte. — (1974) Blazing Saddles Warner Mel Brooks SvTV vFrankie LANE. MOSZKOWSKI, MORITZ (1876) Spanish Dances ERAPÉE (1924:447-452). MOVIE MASTERS (1986) ABC ABCL 5205. MOVIE MEMORIES (c1976) Music For Pleasure MFP 50438. MOZART, WOLFGANG AMADEUS (1779) Sinfonia Concertante for Violin & Viola in E major, K 364 ELon- don: Eulenburg, 1935 IAcademy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Decca Serenata SA 17, 1982. — (1785) Piano Concerto 21 in C Major, K467 – ‘The Elvira Madigan’ Mozart Piano Concertos 21 and 26, Philips 6527 147, 1982. — (1786) Le nozze di Figaro, K492 ELeipzig: VEB Breitkopf, 1986 (ed. H Levi, P Klengel). — (1787a) Don Giovanni, KV 527 ELeipzig: Edition Peters. — (1787b) Als Luise die Briefe ihres ungetreuen Liebhabers verbrannte, K.520 Mozart Songs, Hyperion CDA66989, 1997. — (1788) Symphony #40 in G Minor, K550 ELondon: Eulenburg, 1930 CBS Masterworks MDK 44649, 1981  Lufthansa TWENTY-FIVE TV COMMERCIAL CLASSICS. — (1791a) Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra in A major, K622 (2nd mvt) Out of Africa BARRY (1986) Padre Padrone MACCHI (1977). — (1791b) The Magic Flute (vocal score) ENew York: Dover. http://store.doverpublications.com/0486413853.html 844 Ten Little Title Tunes N — List of Musical References

— (1791c) Ave verum corpus. The Oxford Easy Anthem Book ELondon: OUP, 1957. — (n.d.) A Musical Joke. Horse of The Year BBC, 1973 SPORTING THEMES TOP TV THEMES. MURDER SHE WROTE (1984) CBS/Universal/Levinson: episode ‘The Surrealist Mystery’ SvTV 1990 g . MUSIC FROM THE GALAXIES (1981) Start Digital Stereo LP.S 40134. MULLIGAN, GERRY (1958) Barbara’s Theme (Mandell) from I Wanna Live! UA 4005/5005. MUSSORGSKY, MODEST (1863) Notch na lysoi gore / Night on the Bare Mountain (arr. Rimsky Korsakov, 1886) ELondon: Eulenburg Rostropovitch Conducts, EMI ASD 3421, 1978. — (1874) Pictures at an Exhibition/Bilder einer Ausstellung EMainz, Schott (arr. M Ravel) Naxos 8.550051.


NASH, GRAHAM. Wings To Fly AMERICAN ANTHEM. NATIONAL ANTHEMS (n.d.) Laserlight Digital 15 155. NATIONALTEATERN (1978) Barn av vår tid. Nacksving 031-16. NEGLIN, ANDERS (1989). Roland Hassel  SvTV detective series. NELSON, TERRY WITH ‘C’ COMPANY (1968?) The Battle Hymn of Lt. Calley : Wake Up America. Plan- tation Records PLP 15. NELSON, WILLY (1961) Crazy vPatsy CLINE Decca 31317. NEWMAN, ALFRED (1939) The Hunchback of Notre Dame RKO William Dieterle SvTV1 March 1987. — (1962) How The West Was Won MGM LES PLUS CELÈBRES MUSIQUES DE FILM. THE MIDIGHT CALLER (1988) (USA 1988-91) Rob Bowman SvTV1 1989 g Brad FIEDEL Cops and Private Eyes, Silva Screen PTD 3004, 1991. NIGHT MAIL (1936) British Lion for GPO Films Herbert Smith, Harry Watt, Basil Wright g Benjamin BRITTEN. NINE TO FIVE (1980)  C20 Fox/Bruce Gilbert/IPC  Colin Higgins BBC1 010826. g Dolly Parton (songs), (score). NIRVANA (1991) Never Mind. Geffen GED 24425 •Smells Like Teen Spirit •Lithium. NITZSCHE, JACK (1975) One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest UA Milos Forman Fantasy F-9500 •One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest - Opening Theme •Charmaine (RAPÉE) •Medication Waltz. NIX, DON (1971) Goin’ Down. In God We Trust Shelter SHE 8902. NORMAN, MONTY (1962) Theme from Dr No BARRY (1975). NORMANN, ERIK (1908) Marche cosmopolitaine EModern March Album. London: Bosworth, 1908. NORTH, ALEX (1951) A Streetcar Named Desire Warner/Charles K Feldman Elia Kazan &&Ch4 May 1995 FIFTY YEARS OF FILM MUSIC. — (1966) Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf? Warner Mike Nichols FIFTY YEARS OF FILM MUSIC. — (1975) Rich Man, Poor Man ABC/Universal  MCA- 2095, 1976. NORTH BY NORTHWEST (1959)  MGM  Alfred Hitchcock g Bernard HERRMANN BBC 2000 ILondon Symphony Orchestra CLaurie Johnson Unicorn-Kanchana DKP 9000, 1980. NOVECENTO – PRIMA PARTE/SECUNDA PARTE (1976)  Produzione Europee Associate  Bernardo Bertolucci g Ennio MORRICONE SvTV RCA TBL 1-1221. NOW VOYAGER (1942)  Warner Irving Rapper g Max STEINER FIFTY YEARS OF FILM (xtr). NYHETER (1988)  TV3 880930. NYNNINGEN (1974) Nynningen MNW 45P. — (1976) Äntligen en ny dag! Nacksving 031-4.


AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN (1982)  Lorimar/Paramount  Taylor Hackford g Jack Nietzsche (Drill Sergeant Foley played by Lou Gossett, Jr.). OLDIES BUT GOODIES, VOLUME 1 (1988) Success 2117. OLDIES BUT GOODIES, VOLUME 2 (1988) Success 2118. OLDIES BUT GOODIES, VOLUME 3 (1988) Success 2119. OLDIES BUT GOODIES, VOLUME 4 (1988) Success 2120. OLOCHLAINN, COLM (ed. 1978) Irish Street Ballads ELondon: Pan Dublin: Three Candles, 1939. ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST (1969)  Paramount/Rafran/San Marco Sergio Leone g Ennio MORRICONE v Paramount Karussel 631944 3, 1995. List of Musical References — P Ten Little Title Tunes 845

ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST (1975) Milos Forman/Fantast/UA Milos Forman g . O’NEILL, CAPTAIN FRANCIS (ed.1903) O’Neill’s 1001 Jigs, Reels, Hornpipes, Airs and Marches EDublin: Waltons, 1986. ON THE WATERFRONT (1954) Columbia Elia Kazan g v Columbia Tristar CVR 30017, 1995. ORBISON, ROY (1961) Crying The Best of Roy Orbison, Arcade LSP 13158, 1973. L’OURS (1988)  Renn/AMLF  Jean-Jacques Annaud g Philippe SARDE v Tri-Star Columbia CVR 21746, 1990. OVISSHETENS TIDEVARV (1979) TV documentary SvTV1 790819. OWENS, BUCK (1972) Buck Owens And His Buckaroos EMI 22-1 E 048-50716.


PADRE PADRONE (1977)  RAI  Paolo & Vittorio Taviani g Egisto MACCHI SvTV2 March 1987. PAINT YOUR WAGON (1969) Paramount Joshua Logan •Wandrin’ Star g LOEWE vMARVIN. PALMER, ROY (1977 ed.) The Rambling Soldier ELondon: Penguin. — (1998 ed.) A Book of British Ballads EFelinfach: Llanerch Publishers. PANTÈNE PRO PLUS (2003). Shampoo advert Channel 10, Vidéotron cable TV, Montréal. LES PARAPLUIES DE CHERBOURG (1964)  Madeleine-Parc-Beta  Jacques Demy g v Tartan Video TVT 1278, 1997. PARKER, ALAN (1975) Angels BBC ANGELS. PARKER, CHARLIE (1945-47) Charlie Parker Anthology (compilation c1984) America 3LP 008-009. PARKER, JOHN C (1971) Cannon CBS/Quinn Martin Television’s Greatest Hits In Living Color, TVT 0022742CIN, 1996. PARKER, RAY, JR (1984) Ghostbusters Arista ARI 90106. THE PARLOUR SONG BOOK (1972) ELondon: Pan Books. PARRY, C HUBERT H (1880) Repton ECongregational Praise, 1950: 442 # 408. — (1916) Jerusalem Chariots of Fire, Polydor 2383 602 ( 1981) WARTIME MEMORIES. PARTY AT THE PALACE (2002). Coronation Jubilee pop concert in Buckingham Palace Gardens. BBC DVD ISBN OA0845D. PATTON (1969)  C20 Fox  Franklin J Schaffner g Jerry GOLDSMITH v Fox Video All Time Greats (War) 1005, 1993. PEARL JAM (1991) Jeremy Ten, Columbia 47857. PEARSON, JOHNNY (1977) All Creatures Great and Small BBC Rampage RAMP 1, 1978. PEERSON, MARTIN (1620) Lock up, Fair Lids EINVITATION TO MADRIGALS, 2 . PEETERS, FLOR (1935) Toccata, fuge et hymne sur ‘Ave maris stella’ pour orgue EParis/Bruxelles: Henry Lemoine. THE PENGUIN BOOK OF AMERICAN FOLK SONGS (1964, ed. A Lomax) ELondon: Penguin. THE PENGUIN BOOK OF ENGLISH FOLK SONGS (1959, ed. R Vaughan Williams & A L Lloyd) ELondon: Penguin. THE PENGUIN BOOK OF ENGLISH MADRIGALS (1967, ed. Denis Stevens) ELondon: Penguin. PER QUALCHE DOLLARI IN PIÙ (1965) REA Films Sergio Leone g Ennio MORRICONE . PERRY, JIMMY (1969) Who Do You Think You’re Kidding Mr Hitler? v FLANAGAN, BUD PERRY MASON (1957) CBS/Paisano g Fred STEINER TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS [1]. PERRY MASON RETURNS (1985) NBC/Viacom/Intermedia/Strathmore SvTV2 Oct 1987. PHELOUNG, BARRINGTON (1981) Inspector Morse Central/ Zenith/ITV SvTV1 Oct 1987 Virgin VTCDX2 724384086022. PHILIP, HANS-ERIK (1980) Babels Hus SvTV  Sonet SLP-2678, 1981. PHILIPS, S; LARSON, GLEN A (1976) Quincy, M.E. Universal/Glen A Larson TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS 70S & 80S. PIAF, ÉDITH (1960) Non, je ne regrette rien g Charles Dumont >PIAF (1993). — (1993) Édith Piaf – 30ème anniversaire EMI 827 0972. PICK-MANGIAGALLI, RICARDO (1923) Notturno, Op. 28 #1 EMilano: Ricordi. PINK FLOYD (1973)The Dark Side of the Moon Harvest SHVL 804. — (1975) Wish You Were Here Harvest SHVL 814. LESPLUSBELLESCHANSONSDE 1900 À 1940 (c1976) EParis: Editions Paul Besucher Arpège. LES PLUS CELÈBRES MUSIQUES DE FILM (c1979) MGM 2624 011. POISON (1985) Cry Tough Look What The Cat Dragged In. Capitol C2-46735 Super Channel, Head- 846 Ten Little Title Tunes Q — List of Musical References

bangers’ Ball, 1987. POLICE MOVIES (1978) Cinevox CIA 5027 (distr. Ricordi). POLICE WOMAN (1975)  NBC/Columbia/David Gerber g Mort STEVENS Sky Channel, Jan 1987. POPEYE DOYLE (1986)  C20 Fox  Peter Levin SvTV2 Apr 1987 g Brad FIEDEL. POPULAR MUSIC IN JACKSONIAN AMERICA (1982) IThe Yankee Doodle Society CJoseph Byrd Musical Heritage Society MHS 834561. PORTER, COLE (1944) Don’t Fence Me In EWarner vBing Crosby, Andrews Sisters Stardust – The Classic Decca Hits & Standards (Various Artists) Uni/MCA B000002OTX vElla Fitzgerald The Cole Porter Songbook, Volume 2, Verve 8219902, 1984. PORTISHEAD (1997) Western Eyes. Portishead Go Beat 314-359 189-2. POST, MIKE (1974) Rockford Files  [1] POST (1982); [2] ANGELS & 15 OTHER… [3] TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS 70S & 80S. — (1977) School’s Out ‘Richie Brockelman, Private Eye’ .POST (1982). — (1980a) Magnum P.I. [1] POST (1982); [2] TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS 70S & 80S [3] COPS AND PRIVATE EYES. — (1980b) Hill Street Blues  [1] POST (1982) [2] COPS AND PRIVATE EYES [3] TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS 70S & 80S. — (1982) Television Theme Songs – Mike Post Elektra K52372. — (1986) L.A. Law  [1] TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS 70S & 80S. [2] COPS AND PRIVATE EYES. — (1993) NYPD Blue LES MEILLEURES SÉRIES TV DU CABLE ET DU SATELLITE. PRADO, PEREZ ‘PREZ’ (1959) Patricia RCA Victor 47-7245 PRADO (1989). — (1989) Perez ‘Prez’ Prado, King of Mambo (1957-67) RCA ND 90424. — n.d. •Cucara, cha cha cha (P Villa, P Prado, T Vargas) CIELITO LINDO. PRESLEY, ELVIS (1956) Hound Dog HMV POP 213. PROCOL HARUM (1966) A Whiter Shade Of Pale Regal Zonophone LRZ 1001 Sixties Beat, Dino Entertainment DINCD 42, 1992. — (1970) A Salty Dog Regal Zonophone SLRZ 1009 West Side WESM 534, 1999 •A Salty Dog •Pilgrim’s Progress THE PRODUCERS (1968) Columbia/Avco-Embassy Mel Brooks g John Morris TV3 881016. THE PROFESSIONALS (1978) LWT/Avengers Super Channel Oct. 1987  g Laurie JOHNSON. PROKOFIEV, SERGEI (1936)Peter and the Wolf, Op. 67 ELondon: B&H, 1942  Concertgebouw Orchestra CBernard Haitink, Philips 6599 436, 1974. — (1938) Alexander Nevsky Sergei Eisenstein Mosfilm SvTV2 August 1979. PSYCHO (1960) Shamley/Paramount Alfred Hitchcock gBernard HERRMANN. PUCCINI, GIACOMO (1904) Madame Butterfly ENew York: Dover, 1990 (full score). PUEBLA, CARLOS (1978) Y en eso llego Fidel Musica Cubana, Caprice CAP 2008. THE PUFFIN SONG BOOK (1956, ed. Leslie Woodgate) ELondon: Penguin. PULP (1998) This is Hardcore Island 314 532 492-2 (sample from P THOMAS, 1966). PURCELL, HENRY (1682) Hear My Prayer O Lord (anthem) ELondon: Novello (n.d.). — (1689) Chaconne in G Minor IIl Giardino Armonico Musica Barocca 8573 85557 2, 2002. — (1690) Dido and Aeneas ELondon: Novello, 1887.


QUADROPHENIA (1979)  Who Films. v PolyGram 084 808 3, 1986 g The Who Franc Roddam. QUEEN (1975) A Night at the Opera EMI EMTC103 •Bohemian Rhapsody •God Save The Queen. — (1980) Flash Gordon Michael Hodges EMI/Famous/Sterling/De Laurentiis EMI 1A 062 64203, 1980. QUINTETO PUERTORIQUEÑO (1984) Que bonita bandera (Silvio Pérez) APRIL IN MANAGUA.


RACHMANINOV, SERGEI (1901) Piano Concerto #2 in C minor, Op.18. Naxos 8.550117, 1988; also Tschaikovsky/Rachmaninoff Klavierkonzert, Fontana S 700 185, 1969; featured in BRIEF ENCOUNTER David Lean, 1945 and The Seven Year Itch C20 Fox, 1955. — (1934) Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, Op .43 The Story of Three Loves UK, 1953 BIG CON- CERTO MOVIE THEMES RACHMANINOV (1901). RADIOHEAD (1995) The Bends Parlophone 7243 8 29626 2 5. — (1997) OK Computer Capitol 7243 8 55229 2 5. List of Musical References — R Ten Little Title Tunes 847

— (2001) Amnesiac Capitol 32764. RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE (1992). Rage Against The Machine. Epic ZK 52959. RAINGER, RALPH (1930) Moanin’ Low (voc. Libby Holman) Those Wonderful Thirties. Decca DEA 7-2 (1974); also in Key Largo  Warner (1948) FIFTY YEARS OF FILM. RAMALHO, ELBA (1985) Palavra de mulher (a.k.a. Eu vou voltar) g Chico Buarque Malandro, Fonobras 29 010 519. RÁKÓCZY MARCH. n.d. RAPÉE (1924:358). RAKSIN, DAVID (1944) Laura Love Is For The Very Young (Warner) FILMMUSIK. RAKSIN, DAVID & CHAPLIN, CHARLES (1936) The Factory Modern Times Chaplin FILMMUSIK. RAMPAGE (1987)  DEG/Laurentiis  William Friedkin v CBS/Fox 5169, 1989 >g MORRICONE. RANK XEROX BUSINESS NEWS (1988) &&Super Channel July 1988. RAMRODS, THE (1961) (Ghost) Riders In The Sky (S JONES) Londn HLU 9282 Vaughn MONROE. RAPÉE, ERNÖ (ed. 1924). Motion Picture Moods for Pianists and Organists ENew York: Schirmer; fac- simile reprint by Arno Press, New York (1974). — (1926) Charmaine ENew York: Miller >ETIN PAN ALLEY RAVEL, MAURICE (1905) Sonatine Pour Le Piano. Paris: Durand. — (1908) Ma mère l’oye Classics for Pleasure CfP 40086 (n.d.). — (1912) Daphnis et Chloë. Debussy/Ravel: La Mer, Daphnis…, CBS Odyssey MBK 44804, 1988. — (1928) Boléro. Holst: The Planets. Ravel: Boléro, IOrchestre National de France CLorin Maazel CBS Master works MDK 44781, 1981. RAWHIDE (1958) CBS ‘Incident of the Running Iron’ Ch4 1996 g TIOMKIN. REAVES, ERROLL; EVANS, TOLCHARD (n.d.) Lady Of Spain. New York: Sam Fox. RECORDED MUSIC FOR RADIO, FILM AND TV: LIGHT ACTION. n.d. B&H SBH 2980. •Nitter Natter (A Basil) – light, perky movement, animals, saucy, vivacious, children, playful laughter. RECORDED MUSIC FOR RADIO, FILM AND TV: NATIONAL – RUSSIA. n.d. B&H SBH 2982. RECORDED MUSIC FOR RADIO, FILM AND TV: ROMANTIC. n.d. B&H SBH 2984. [All titles by Trevor Duncan xwos] •Amethysts For Esmeralda – rich, dreamy •Diadem For Deidre – nos- talgic •Francesca – tender, sad love theme •Romantic Journey – Melodic, romantic, sea, lake (Ernest Tom- linson) •Girl In Blue – national, pastoral, romantic, sea, lake (Andrew Basil). RECORDED MUSIC FOR RADIO, FILM AND TV: MARCHES. n.d. B&H SBH 2987. •Proud Heritage (Cyril Watters) RECORDED MUSIC FOR RADIO, FILM AND TV: NATIONAL – FRANCE AND MEDITERRANEAN. n.d. B&H SBH 2989 •Wine Festival (Trevor Duncan). RECORDED MUSIC FOR RADIO, FILM AND TV: PASTORAL. n.d. B&H, SBH 2991. [All titles by Trevor Duncan]. •Saffron And Green •Greensward. RESPIGHI, OTTORINO (1916) The Fountains of Rome - Poema sinfonico per orchestra. Milano: Ricordi. Also on RESPIGHI (1924). THE RETURN OF THE SAINT (1978) ATV (UK) episode ‘The Brave Goose’ SvTV1 790624. RETURN OF THE SECAUCUS SEVEN (1980) Nelson/Aydelott/Libra/Salsipuedes/Specialty John Sayles IIvarious artists gMason K Daring (score); only on vNTSC. ‘REVLON REVOLUTIONISES’ (1987)  Super Channel Jan 1987. RICHIE, LIONEL (1985) Hello. Back to Front Motown 530 018-2, 1992. RIDDLE, NELSON (1959) The Untouchables ABC &&Sky One 1987. — (1960) Route 66  TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS, 2. RIESENFELD, HUGO. Western Allegro ERAPÉE (1924: 667). RIGUAL, LOS HERMANOS (n.d.) Cuando calienta el sol (Carlos & Mario Rigual). RCA Victor 47-9413 RIMSKY-KORSAKOV, NIKOLAI ANDREIVICH (1887) Capriccio Espagnol. Rostropovitch Conducts, EMI ASD 3421, 1978. RITCHIE, JEAN (n.d.) ‘Nottamun Town’ and ‘Love Is Teasing’ The Folk Box, Folkways (c1967). RITTER, TEX (1952) Do Not Forsake Me O My Darlin’ HIGH NOON gTIOMKIN Capitol 2120. ROCCO E I SUOI FRATELLI (1960)  France/Italy Luchino Visconti g Nino ROTA Cinematre/RCA NL 33215. RODGERS, JIMMIE (1927) Train Whistle Blues RCA Victor LPM 1640, 1958. — (1960) My Rough And Rowdy Ways RCA, LPM 2112 IDoc & Merle WATSON with Eric Weiss- berg Ballads From Deep Gap, Vanguard VSD 6576, 1971. RODGERS, RICHARD (1929) With A Song In My Heart ENew York: Harms Inc. Young Man With A Horn (Warner, 1950). FIFTY YEARS OF FILM and FIFTY YEARS OF FILM MUSIC (1973). — (1934) Blue Moon ENew York: Robbins. — (1943) Oklahoma ENew York: Williamson Inc. — (1960) Camelot ENew York: Chappell (vocal score) Warner, 1967 848 Ten Little Title Tunes S — List of Musical References

•Camelot •How To Handle A Woman FIFTY YEARS OF FILM, 1973. RODRIGO, JOAQUÍN (1939) Concierto de Aranjuez IMelos Ensemble, Julian Bream (guitar) CColin Davis Guitar Music, RCA LSC 2730-B, 1967 Miles DAVIS (1959). ROLLING STONES, THE (1965) (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction Decca F 12220 ROLLING STONES (1996). — (1972) Brown Sugar. Sticky Fingers Rolling Stones 59100 ROLLING STONES (1996). — (1974) Bitch. It’s Only Rock and Roll COC 59103. — (1996) Hot Rocks 1964-1971 Abkco London 844 475-2. ROSAS, JUVENTINO (1891) Sobre las olas ELLOYD & ARETZ (1965: 115). ROSE, DAVID (1962) The MGM 13064. — (1967) High Chaparral GOLDEN HOUR OF FAVOURITE TV THEMES (1976). — (1974) The Little House On The Prarie GOLDEN HOUR OF FAVOURITE TV THEMES (1976). ROSE, PETER DE (c1933) Deep Purple (quoted from memory) >HI-LO’S (1957). ROSSINI, GIACCHINO (1829) William Tell (overture) ELondon: Eulenburg # EE 616 IChicago Sympho- ny Orchestra CF Reiner  Rossini Overtures, RCA Gold Seal AGL 1-5210, 1959; with sound effects The Lone Ranger ABC (1949-56) THEMES LIKE OLD TIMES, VOL 1. BRASSED OFF (1996). ROTA, NINO (1948) The Glass Mountain BIG CONCERTO MOVIE THEMES. — (1960) Rocco e i suoi fratelli Cinematre/RCA NL 33215. (n.d.) — (1962) 8½ Cinematre/RCA NL 33210. (n.d.) — (1968) Romeo and Juliet: HATCH HIT THE ROAD TO THEMELAND (1974). — (1972) The Godfather  MOVIE MASTERS •Godfather’s Waltz (love theme) and •The Immigrant’s Theme FILMMUSIK. RÓZSA, MIKLÓS (1944) Double Indemnity  Paramount Spellbound, RCA GL 43443, 1981. — (1945) Spellbound Hitchcock Selznick •The Dream Sequence •The Mountain Lodge RCA GL 43443, 1981 •Spellbound Concerto BIG CONCERTO MOVIE THEMES. — (1945) The Lost Weekend Billy Wilder Paramount •Dream Sequence FILMMUSIK (1982). RUBINSTEIN, ARTHUR (1983) War Games  Polydor 815005-1. RULE BRITNNIA >ARNE, T A. RUNDGREN, TODD (1975) Eastern Intrigue Initiation, Bearsville K55504. RUSSELL, HENRY (1838) A Life On The Ocean Wave ETHE PARLOUR SONG BOOK; EHuntington: SONGS THE WHALEMEN SANG ESONGS THAT WILL LIVE FOR EVER POPULAR MUSIC IN JACKSONIAN AMERICA. — Ye Parliaments of England EHuntington: SONGS THE WHALEMEN SANG. — Woodman, Spare That Tree ETHE PARLOUR SONG BOOK: 146. THE RUTLES – ALL YOU NEED IS CASH (1978) Rutles Corps  Eric IDLE & Gary Weis g Neil Innes v Telstar TVE 6003.


SADLER, STAFF SERGEANT BARRY (1966) The Ballad of the Green Berets  RCA 1506 (UK)  RCA Victor 47-8739 (USA) SAFRONI, ARNOLD (William H Myddleton, 1913) Imperial Echoes (BBC Radio Newsreel signature) |www.whirligig2.freeserve.co.uk/radio/radionewsreel.wav|(030731). SAKOMOTO, RYUICHI (1983) Furyo/Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence Virgin V2276; also FILMTRACKS. SARDE, PHILIPPE (1988) L’Ours Jean-Jacques Annaud GM Ariola 209446. SATIE, ERIK (1898) Gymnopédies EParis: Baudoux. Gymnopédie #1 also as used [1] for tramp scene in BENNY HILL SHOW, VOL 2; [2] to advertise Cadbury’s Bourneville Selection TWENTY-FIVE TV COMMERCIAL CLASSICS; [3] on Blood Sweat and Tears, CBS CS 63504, 1969. — (1913) Sur un vaisseau. Descriptions automatiques EParis: Demets. SAUTER-FINNEGAN (n.d.) The Sound of the Sauter-Finnegan Orchestra RCA LPM 1009 (c1957 mono) The Best of Sauter-Finnegan BMG DMC 12171 ABC Classic FM (Australia) 001231. SAWTELL, PAUL (1942) Valley Of The Sun George Marshall GRK HOLLYWOOD. — (1953) Arrowhead Charles Marquis Warren Paramount HOLLYWOOD. SCARLATTI, DOMENICO (c1730) Twenty-Nine Sonatas (Book 1, ed T Dunhill) ELondon: Augener. SCHESELONG (1986) Stinknormal Rock-Bilanz 1986, Amiga 8 56 238/239, 1987. SCHIFRIN, LALO (1966) Mission Impossible CBS/Paramount (comeback 1988, underscores by Ron Jones) This Is Cult Fiction, Virgin VTCD 59 PM 527, 1995. SCHÖNBERG, ARNOLD (1909) Sommermorgen an einem See (Farben), #3 of Five Orchestral Pieces, Op. 16 ENew York: C F Peters Corporation, 1952 CBS 76577. List of Musical References — S Ten Little Title Tunes 849

SCHUBERT, FRANZ (1814-1825) Ausgewälte Lieder ESCHUBERT (n.d: 170-259) •Erlkönig (1814) +ERAPÉE (1924:248) •An die Musik (1816). — (1822) Die schöne Müllerin Op.25 ESCHUBERT (n.d: 4-53) Pilz Acanta 442115-2, 1988. — (1827) Winterreise, Op. 89 ESCHUBERT (n.d: 54-121) DGG 4-DG 2720059. — (1828) Schwanengesang, Op.posth., D957 ESCHUBERT (n.d: 122-169) Pilz Acanta 442117-2, 1988. — (n.d.) Schubert Album – Gesänge für eine Singstimme mit Klavierbegleitung nach den ersten druck- en revidiert (Friedländer): Band I – Ausgabe für hohe Stimme EFrankfurt: Peters. SCHUMANN, ROBERT (1838) Kinderszenen, Op. 15 IMartha Argerich DGG 410653-2 •From Foreign Lands •Träumerei. — (1840) Myrten ESchumann Lieder, Band I; Leipzig: Peters •Du bist wie eine Blume (p.54) a.k.a ‘Thou’rt Like A Lovely Flower’ ESONGS THAT WILL LIVE FOR EVER. — (1924) •Andante pathétique •Träumerei ERAPÉE (1924:161, 596). SCHUMANN, WALTER (1951) Dragnet NBC/MCA TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS, 1. SCOTT, JOHN (1974) Midweek  HATCH: HIT THE ROAD TO THEMELAND. — (1975) The Good Word  Nationwide  TOP TV THEMES. — (1984) Greystoke - the Legend of Tarzan Warner WB 925 120-1. SCOTT, JOHN ANTHONY (ed. 1966) The Ballad of America EToronto: Bantam/Pathfinder. SCOTT, NATHAN (1954) Lassie >SIDNEY, SID. SCOTT, TOM (1975) Starsky and Hutch ABC/Spelling-Goldberg POLICE MOVIES (1981) TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS OF THE 70SAND 80S. SCRUGGS, EARL >FLATT & SCRUGGS. SCRUGGS, EARL & GARY (c1969?) Nine Pound Hammer Earl Scruggs Performing With His Family And Friends CBS 30584; also ECYPORYN (1972:51). THE SECOND PENGUIN BOOK OF ENGLISH MADRIGALS (1970, ed. D Stevens) EOxford University Press. SEDAKA, NEIL (1962) Breaking Up Is Hard To Do RCA Victor 47-8046 (USA), RCA 1298 (UK). SELECTED SONGS FOR LADIES’ VOICES (n.d., c1920) ELondon: George Newnes. SELECTED SOUNDS RECORDED MUSIC LIBRARY (n.d., c1979). Hamburg: Selected Sounds. SEMMLER, ALEXANDER (n.d.) BACKGROUND MUSIC FOR HOME MOVIES •Cinderella Dreams •Lullaby of the City. (DET SJUNDE INSEGLET) (1956) Svensk Filmindustri Ingmar Bergman. THE SEVEN YEAR ITCH (1956)  C20 Fox Billy Wilder >g RACHMANINOV. SHAINDLIN, JACK (1961) ABC’s Wide World of Sports (USA) TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS, 2. SHANKAR, RAVI FENTON & SHANKAR (1982). THE SHADOWS (1960) Apache (Lordan) Columbia DB 4484; also Greatest Hits, Columbia SX1522. — (1960a) The Stranger Columbia DB-4520; also on SHADOWS (1977, 1989) — (1960b) Man of Mystery (Carr) b/w The Stranger Columbia DB-4520; also SHADOWS (1977, 1989). — (1961a) FBI (Gromley) b/w Midnight Columbia DB-4580; also SHADOWS (1977, 1989) — (1961b) Kon-Tiki (Carr) Columbia DB 4698; also SHADOWS (1977). — (1962a) Out of the Shadows Columbia 33SX 1458 •Perfidia (Dominquez) •The Rumble •The Bandit — (1962b) Guitar Tango (Maine, Liferman) Columbia DB 4870; also SHADOWS (1977, 1989). — (1962c) Wonderful Land Columbia DB 4790; also SHADOWS (1977). — (1963a) Atlantis. Columbia DB 7047. Also on SHADOWS (1964, 1965, 1977) — (1963b) Shazam SHADOWS (1965, 1989). — (1963c) Shindig Columbia DB 7106; also SHADOWS (1965, 1977, 1989). — (1963d) Fandango (Bradford, Perkins) SHADOWS (1964). — (1964) Dance With The Shadows Columbia (LP) SCX 3511 •Dakota (Braden) •Fandango (Bradford, Per- kins) •Lonely Bull/El toro solo (Lake) •The High and the Mighty (Tiomkin) — (1965) The Shadows Greatest Hits Volume 2 Columbia. — (1977) The Shadows 20 Golden Greats EMI CDP 7 46243 2. — (1979)  (Cavatina) EMI 2939. — (1989) Shadows in the Sixties Music for Pleasure CDB 7 92765 2. — (2001) (Ghost) Riders In The Sky. Original Gold Disky 85766. — n.d. See You In My Drums Odeon ‘Pops’ DTOA 3196, Argentina (c1963). SHANE (1953) Paramount.  g . SHANNON, DEL (1961) Runaway (Crook) London HLX 9317  OLDIES BUT GOODIES, VOL.2 (1988). — (1965a) Keep Searchin’ Stateside SS 368/Amy 915. — (1965b) Stranger In Town Stateside SS 395/Amy 919. SHORES, RICHARD (1965) The Wild, Wild West CBS  from memory; also as Revisited CBS/Jay Bernstein, 1979. 850 Ten Little Title Tunes S — List of Musical References

THE SICILIAN CLAN/IL CLAN DEI SICILIANI (1969)  Films du siècle/Fox Europa Henri Verneuil vCBS/Fox All Time Greats VHS 1162, 1990 g MORRICONE. SIDNEY, SID & SCOTT, NATHAN (1954) Lassie CBS: cited from memory. SIGMAN, CARL (1965) The Adventures of Robin Hood  TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS, 2. SILVER CONVENTION (1977) Telegram (German entry for Eurovision Song Contest) SRP3. SIMON, PAUL (1986) Graceland Warner Brothers 925447. SIMON, PAUL AND GARFUNKEL, ART (1966) Homeward Bound CBS 202045. SINATRA, FRANK (1966) Strangers In The Night g KAEMPFERT (1965)  Reprise R 23052. SKELLY, J P (n.d.) The Old Rustic Bridge By The Mill ESONGS THAT WILL LIVE FOR EVER. SKINNER, FRANK (1949) The Fighting O’Flynn (a.k.a. The Irishman). Extracts quoted in SKINNER, FRANK: Underscore. New York: Criterion Music (1950, revised 1963). SLEDGE, PERCY (1966) When A Man Loves A Woman Atlantic 2326/Atlantic 584 001 Atlantic YZ 96, 1987 OLDIES BUT GOODIES, VOL.3 (1988). SLY AND THE FAMILY STONE (1968) Dance To The Music Epic 26371 •Dance To The Music •Higher Sly and the Family Stone Anthology, Columbia 37071, 1990. SMALL, MICHAEL (1986) Black Widow C20 Fox Bob Rafaelson v CBS Fox, 1988. SMETANA, BEDŘICH (1875) Vltava (Moldau), symphonic poem #2 from ‘Má Vlast’ ELondon: Eulenburg, 1972/Prague: Orbis, 1951 Slavonic Festival, Naxos 8.550033, 1987 Dvořák - New World Symphony, Decca Weekend Classics 417678-2, 1968. SNOW, MARK (1993) Music from the X-Files Warner 9362-46448-2, 1996  also The CULT FILES. SOKOLOWSKI, MARIAN (1904) Sérénade Op. 4, N°3 (lullaby) ERAPÉE (1924:238-241). SOLOVEV-SEDOJ, VASILIJ PAVLOVICH (n.d.) Midnight in Moscow BALL, K (1961). SONGS THAT WILL LIVE FOR EVER (n.d., ed. Maurice Jacobson) ELondon: Odhams Press. (1958) C20 Fox Robert Wise g (songs), (score) v Foxvideo 1051, 1993. THE SOURCE FEATURING CANDI STATON (1991) You Got The Love – ‘Now Voyager’ mix. Pure Dance '97. Polygram TV 555 084-2. SOUSA, JOHN PHILIP (1889)  SOUSA (n.d.). — (1893) Liberty Bell ‘Monty Python’s Flying Circus’ BBC, 1969 TOP TV THEMES The WORLD OF TV THEMES TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS, 2 SOUSA (n.d.). — (1896) The Stars and Stripes for Ever SOUSA (n.d.). — (n.d.) The Great Marches Essential Classics SBK63052. SPACEBALLS (1987) MGM/UA Mel Brooks g John MORRIS v MGM-UA/Esselte, 1989. SPEEDY GONZALES v Warner Home Video PES 12109, 1990. SPELMANSLÅTAR FRÅN DALARNA (c1968) Sonet SLP 16 IBjörn Ståbi, Hjort Ole, Nils Agenmark, Pål-Olle. SPINAL TAP – THE MOVIE a.k.a. THIS IS SPINAL TAP (1984) Embassy / Spinal Tap Rob Reiner . v Polygram Video VHS 084 968 3 SPINDLARNAS VÄRLD (1979) unidentified arachnological US documentary SvTV2 790817. THE SPINNERS (1987) Spaceballs. Spaceballs vMGM-UA/Esselte Home Video (1989). SPOHR, LOUIS (n.d.) Rose, Softly Blooming ESONGS THAT WILL LIVE FOR EVER:132. SPORTING THEMES (1979) BBC REH 348. STAGECOACH (1939) UA John Ford g R HAGEMAN, M STEINER v Polygram 083 504 3, 1991. STALLING, CARL (1990) The Carl Stalling Project – Music from Warner Brothers Cartoons 1936-1958. Warner Brothers 9 26027-2. STAR WARS (1977) C20 Fox/Lucasfilm George Lucas g J WILLIAMS v The Star Wars Trilogy Box Set, 1997 Twentieth Century 6641 679. (1970) Hark! The Village Wait Crest 22. — (1971) Please To See The King United Artists UAG 29244. — (1974) Now We Are Six Chrysalis CHR 1053. STEINER, FRED (1957) Perry Mason CBS/Paisano  re-recorded for Perry Mason Returns NBC/Viacom/Intermedia (1985) SvTV2 Oct 1987. STEINER, MAX (1932) King Kong  RKO/Selznick M C Cooper, E B Shoedsack v Polygram Video, 1992. — (1939) Gone With The Wind MGM/SelznickVictor Fleming, George Cukor, Sam Wood v MGM/UA VHS PES 50284, 1989 INational Philharmonic Orchestra CCharles Ger- hardt RCA GL 43440, 1974. — (1942a) Now, Voyager Warner Irving Rapper FIFTY YEARS OF FILM FIFTY YEARS OF FILM MUSIC STEINER, M (1973). — (1942b) Casablanca Warner Michael Curtiz vMGM/UA PES 99217, 1992; List of Musical References — T Ten Little Title Tunes 851

xtr.FIFTY YEARS OF FILM (1973). — (1945) Mildred Pierce Warner Curtiz; xtr. FIFTY YEARS OF FILM . — (1948b) The Treasure of the Sierra Madre Warner John Huston; xtr. FIFTY YEARS OF FILM FIFTY YEARS OF FILM MUSIC. — (1973) Now Voyager – The Classic Film Scores of Max Steiner INational Philharmonic Orchestra CCharles Gerhardt RCA Red Seal SER 5695. STEPPENWOLF (1969) Born To Be Wild EASY RIDER (1969). STERNDALE-BENNETT, WILLIAM (n.d.) May Dew, Op.23 #2 EGolden Treasury of Song Vol. 1, London: Boosey & Co., 1903 (ed. N O’Neill) ETWENTY-SIX CLASSICAL SONGS. STEVENS, MORT (1968) Hawaii 5-0 CBS  GOLDEN HOUR OF FAVOURITE TV THEMES (1976) TOP TV THEMES. — (1975) Police Woman NBC/Columbia/David Gerber Sky Channel Jan 1987. STOCKMEIER, WOLFGANG (ed. 1970) Die Programmusik EKöln: Arno Volk. STRAUSS, RICHARD (1889) Don Juan, Op. 20  Also sprach Zarathustra, Philips 420 521-2. — (1896) Also sprach Zarathustra, Op.30 (1896) ELondon. Eulenburg (1932) Philips 420 521-2. For extensive listing of its many uses in audiovisual media contexts, see Leech (1999). — (1898) Ein Heldenleben Op. 40 ELondon: Eulenburg # EE 498 ISveriges Radios Symfoniorkester CHerbert Blomstedt SRP2 781207. — (1906) Wo ich bin. Der Einsame, Op. 51 #2. Die Orchesterlieder World Premiere Integral, NC 000072-2, 1999. — (1927) Bei jener Nacht – der Keuschen einzig einen (Act I of Die Ägyptische Helena, Op. 75) ELondon: B&H; Mainz: Schott. — (1936) Olympische Hymne ELondon: B&H IOrchester der Staatsoper Berlin CRichard Strauss Entartete Musik 3, BOD 65043, 1988; extract with BBC commentary at opening of Berlin Olympiad FIFTY YEARS OF BROADCASTING. STRAVINSKY, IGOR (1927) Oedipus Rex ENew York: B&H 16692, 1950. A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE (1951)  Warner/Charles K Feldman/Elia Kazan  Elia Kazan Ch4 May 1995 g FIFTY YEARS OF FILM MUSIC. STRÖM, PIERRE (ed. 1981) Sånger för socialism EStockholm: Arbetarkultur. SUMMER, DONNA (1979) Hot Stuff. Greatest Hits Polygram 558795, 1998. — (1983) She Works Hard For The Money Casablanca 812265. SUMMERS, ANDY (1984) Paper Dolls Joe Ziffren &&SvTV 1987. — (1986) Down and Out in Beverly Hills (soundtrack extracts) MCA/WB Touchstone 252 935-1. SUPERMAN - THE MOVIE (1978) Warner Richard Donner g John WILLIAMS v VHS SO1013, 1995 Warner Brothers WB 2BSK 3257. SUPPÉ, FRANZ VON (1866) March of the Light Cavalry for ‘The Mounties’ Musical Ride’ v The BENNY HILL SHOW VOL 2. THE SURFARIS (1963) Wipe Out (Wilson, Fuller) London HLD 9751 OLDIES BUT GOODIES 1 (1988). SYREWICZ, STANISLAS (1986) Biggles MCA / WB 254 119-1 (1986). SZATHMARY, IRVING (1965) Get Smart NBC (1965-69) CBS (1969-70) ENew York: Edward B. Marks Music Co. (BMI).


TAGG, PHILIP (1980) Samtal SvTV2 P Bergendahl. — (1981a) Jag vill leva, jag vill dö i Norden SRP1. — (1981b) Packhus 18 SvTV2 B Fjälkegård. — (1982) Studio G SvTV1 P Bergendahl. TAGGART (1985)  Scottish TV SvTV2, 870101 g Mike MORAN. TALLIS, THOMAS (n.d.) Tallis’ Canon EMETHODIST HYMN BOOK (1933) #943, p.841. (1976) Columbia M Scorsese g B HERRMANN v Video Collection CC 1126, 1990. TCHAIKOVSKY, PYOTR ILYICH (1869a rev.1880) Romeo and Juliet – Fantasy Overture HMV ASD-3488 TCHAIKOVSKY (1978). — (1869b) None but the Aching/Lonely Heart (Ytn njkmrj njn- rnj pyfk), #6 of Six Romances, Op. 6 ESONGS THAT WILL LIVE FOR EVER. — (1876) Swan Lake (Ballet Suite), Op. 20  TCHAIKOWSKY (1960). — (1878a) Chanson Triste, Op. 40 #2 ERAPÉE (1924:640). — (1878b) Piano Concerto #1 in Bb Minor, Op. 23 Tschaikowsky/Rachmaninoff Klavierkonzert, Fon- tana S 700 185 (n.d.); 1st mvt. Tchaikovsky (1970) BIG CONCERTO MOVIE THEMES (1972) 852 Ten Little Title Tunes T — List of Musical References

 The Mercury Theatre on the Air THEMES LIKE OLD TIMES, VOL 2. — (1880) 1812 Overture, Op. 49 TCHAIKOVSKY (1978). — (1889) The Sleeping Beauty (Ballet Suite) Op. 66 TSCHAIKOWSKY (1960). — (1892) (Ballet Suite), Op. 71a TSCHAIKOWSKY (1960). — (1960) Tschaikowsky Ballett-Suiten (1876-92) DGG Resonance427219-2. — (1978) Tchaikovsky - 1812 Decca Ovation 417 742-2. TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS VOLUME 1 (1986) TVT Records TVT 1100. •Star Trek (Courage) •Alfred Hitchcock Presents (Gounod) •Bonanza (Livingston) •Branded (Frontiere) •The Wild, Wild West (Markowitz) •The Lone Ranger (Rossini) •Mission: Impossible (Schifrin) •The Man From U.N.C.L.E (Goldsmith) •Get Smart (Szathmary) •Perry Mason (F Steiner) •The FBI (Kaper) •Ha- waii Five-O (M Stevens) •Ironside (Q Jones). TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS VOLUME 2 (1986) Silva Screen FILMCD 034. •Pink Panther (Mancini) •The Adventures of Robin Hood (C Sigman) •Rawhide (Tiomkin) •Bat Master- son (Havens Wray) •Maverick (David Buttolph) •The Virginian (Faith) •The Rebel/Johnny Yuma (Markowitz) •Peter Gunn (Mancini) •Route 66 (Riddle) •I Spy (Hagen) •The Saint (E Astley) •Hawaiian Eye (Livingston) •ABC’s Wide World of Sports (Jack Shaindlin) •Monty Python’s Flying Circus (Sousa). TELSON, BOB (1988) Bagdad Café BR/Futura/HR/Island/Pelemele/Project Filmproduktion Percy Adlon main . Theme sung by Javetta Steele. On DVD MGM/UA Video (2001). TEN CC (1975) (Max) Headroom. How Dare You? Mercury 9102 501. (1984) Orion James Cameron g Brad FIEDEL v Virgin STV 4001, 1992. TERMINATOR 2 - JUDGEMENT DAY (1991) Carolco James Cameron vGuild/Polygram GLD 51162. IL TERZO UOMO E ALTRI CELEBRI FILM.n.d. RCA Cinematre NL 43890. THEMES LIKE OLD TIMES, VOL I (c.1940-1955) Viva V-36018 - distributed by Dot (n.d.). THEMES LIKE OLD TIMES, VOL II (c.1940-1955) Viva V-36020 - distributed by Dot (n.d.). THALBEN-BALL, GEORGE T (1954) Elegy for organ ELondon: Paxton. THEODORAKIS, MIKIS (1964) Zorba The Greek C20 Fox Michael Cacoyannis Fontana 6499 689. — (1968) To yelasto pedi [The happy child / το γελαστο παιδι] - from Z Costa Gavras; Reggane/ON- CIC/Jacques Pérrin vArrow Video 007 (n.d.) xtr. FILMMUSIK (1976). THE THIRD MAN (1949)  GFD Films  Carol Reed SvTV2 Dec 1986 v Canal+ Image Warner SO38666, 1999 g Anton KARAS. THIS IS CULT FICTION (1995) Virgin VTCD 59 PM 527 •Mission Impossible (Schifrin) •Shaft (Hayes) •Man from U.N.C.L.E. (Montenegro) •James Bond Theme (Norman) •Link Wray: Rumble •The Ventures: Hawaii 5-0 (M Stevens) •The Streets of San Francisco (P Williams) •Twin Peaks (Badalmenti) •All The Animals Come Out At Night / Taxi Driver (Herrmann). THIS IS SPINAL TAP See SPINAL TAP – THE MOVIE (1984). THIS WEEK WITH DAVE BRINKLEY (1988) ABC (USA). THE THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR. See g LEGRAND, M (1968). THOMAS, PETER (1966) ‘Bolero on the Moon Rocks’ series Raumpatrouille Futurmuzik, Scamp SCP 9724-2 (sample used by PULP 1998). THOSE WONDERFUL THIRTIES (1974) Decca DEA 7-2. - A PICTORIAL HISTORY 1919-1939 (1975 ed. I Whitcomb) New York: Paddington Press. •The Japanese (R A Whiting 1920) •My Blue Heaven (W Donaldson 1927) •Manhattan (R Rodg- ers 1925) •Blue Moon (R Rodgers 1934) •Swanee (G Gershwin 1919) •Charmaine (Ernö Rapée 1926) •Tip- toe Thro’ The Tulips (Joe Burke 1929) •I Only Have Eyes For You (H Warren 1934) • (H Arlen 1939) •Lady Of Spain (T Evans 1931) •Lilli Marlene (N Schultze 1941). TIOMKIN, DIMITRI (1946) Duel in the Sun David O Selznick King Vidor vCinema Club VHS CC 1056, 1989 TIOMKIN (1980) — (1952) High Noon Fred Zimmerman [1] Do Not Forsake Me O My Darlin’ vFrankie LAINE Columbia DB 3113 vTex RITTER FILMMUSIK TIOMKIN (1980). — (1954) The High And The Mighty Wayne/Fellows William Wellman  FIFTY YEARS OF FILM MUSIC; SHADOWS (1964). — (1958) Rawhide CBS vFrankie LAINE Philips PB 965, 1959; also TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS VOLUME 2 and  by Link WRAY & His Ray Men Epic 9300, 1959. — (1959) Rio Bravo  •De Guella •Love Theme •Main Theme (End Titles) TIOMKIN (1980). — (1980) The Western World of Dimitri Tiomkin Unicorn-Kanchana Digital DKP 9002 ILondon Stu- dio Symphony Orchestra and The John McCarthy Singers CLaurie Johnson. — (n.d.) Strange Lady in Town vFrankie LAINE Philips PB 478. TIPTON (1979) Soap  TOP TV THEMES. TOOL (1996). Aenima. Volcano 31087. TOP BBC TV THEMES (1978) BBC REH 310. TOP GUN (1986) Tony Scott Paramount CBS 70296 •‘Take My Breath Away’ (Moroder, Berlin, Whit- List of Musical References — U Ten Little Title Tunes 853

lock) •‘’ (S Stevens, H Faltermeyer). TOP TV THEMES (1981) Decca TAB 18. TRAFFIC (1970) John Barleycorn Must Die (Eng. trad., arr. Winwood) Island ILPS 9116. THE TRAVELING WILBURYS (1990) Traveling Wilburys Wilbury CD 925 796-2. TWENTY BBC DRAMA THEMES (1983) BBC REH 464. TWENTY-FIVE TV COMMERCIAL CLASSICS (1994) ASV Digital QS 6137. •Copland: Fanfare for the Common Man - General Motors •Pachelbel: Canon - Wool •Vivaldi: Spring (The Four Seasons) - Crosse & Blackwell •J S Bach: Sleepers Awake - Lloyds Bank •Mozart: Horn Concerto #4 (Rondo) - Vauxhall; •Beethoven: Pastoral Symphony (Shepherds’ Thanksgiving) - Blue Band Margarine •Saint-Saëns: The Aquarium (Carnival of the Animals) - Vitell Spring Water •Delibes: The Lakmé Flower Duet - British Airways •Mussorgsky: Night on the Bare Mountain - Maxell Tapes •J S Bach: Air on the G- String - Hamlet Cigars •Mozart: Symphony #40 - Lufthansa •Beethoven: Für Elise - IBM •Tchaikovsky: Dance of the Reed Pipes (Nutcracker) - Cadbury’s Fruit and Nut •Dvořák: New World Symphony (Largo) - Hovis bread •Rimsky-Korsakov: Flight of the Bumble Bee - Black & Decker Paint Stripper •Grieg: Morn- ing (Per Gynt) - Nescafé •Tchaikovsky: Dance of the Little Swans - Batchelor’s Slip a Soups •Elgar: Sym- phony #1 - British Steel •Satie: Gymnopédie #1 - Cadbury’s Bourneville; •Prokofiev: Dance of the Knights (Romeo & Juliet) - Chanel L’Égoïste •Holst: Jupiter (The Planets) - Dulux Weathershield •Britten: Playful Pizzicato (Simple Symphony) - Royal Bank of Scotland •Di Capua: O Sole Mio - Walls Cornetto •Bucalossi: The Grasshoppers’ Dance - Milk •Coates: The Dam Busters March - Carling Black Label. TWENTY-SIX CLASSICAL SONGS (n.d.) ELondon: Novello. TWIN PEAKS VOL. 2 (EPISODES 4, 5 & 6) (1990) David Lynch g Angelo BADALMENTI v Screen En- tertainment SE 9142, 1991 + episode in which Leland commits murder SvTV1, 1990. 2001 (1968) MGM Stanley Kubrick v MGM/UA SMV 10002, 1989 MGM S 13.


THE UNTOUCHABLES (1952)  ABC/Desilu g Sky Channel, Dec 1986. US SPECIAL FORCES GREEN BERETS RUN TO CADENCE (n.d.) Army & Navy Shop RC 1972.


V (1983)  Richard T Heffron v Warner Home Video WEV 11443 [1-5], 1987. g Barry De VOR- ZON, Joseph CONRAN g Dennis MCCARTHY (score). VALENS, RITCHIE (1958) Donna b/w La Bamba Del-Fi 4110. VANGELIS (1981) Chariots Of Fire David Puttnam/C20 Fox/Allied Stars/Enigma Hugh Hudson Polydor 2383 602 FILMTRACKS. — (1984) Soil Festivities Polydor POLH11 (1984). — (1986) Antarctica Koreyoshi Kurahara, 1986  Polydor 815 732-2, 1988. VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, RALPH (1910) on a Theme by Tallis.  VAUGHAN WILLIAMS (1972). — (1914) The Lark Ascending.  VAUGHAN WILLIAMS (1972). — (1939) Five Variants of Dives and Lazarus.  VAUGHAN WILLIAMS (1972). — (1972) The Lark Ascending IAcademy of St Martin-in-the-Fields CNeville Marriner Argo ZRG 696. •Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis (1910) •The Lark Ascending (1914) •Fantasia on Greensleeves (c.1930) •Five Variants of Dives and Lazarus (1939). VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, RALPH & LLOYD, A L (ed. 1959) ELLOYD & VAUGHAN WILLIAMS (1959). THE VENTURES (1960a) Walk Don’t Run Dolton 25 Top Rank JAR 417. — (1960b) Perfidia (Dominguez) Dolton 28. — (1962) Lolita Ya-Ya Dolton 60. — (1962) (Ghost) Riders in the Sky. Country Classics Dolton 8023 VENTURES (1995). — (1964) Slaughter on 10th Avenue Dolton 300. — (1966) Secret Agent Man Dolton 316. — (1969) Hawaii Five-O (M STEVENS) Liberty 56068. — (1995) (Ghost) Riders In The Sky. Another Smash!!!/The Colourful Ventures See for Miles 619. VERDI, GIUSEPPE (1853) La Traviata EKlavierauszug. Leipzig. Edition Peters, 1916. — (1862) La forza del EMilano: Ricordi. — (1871) Aïda ENew York: Dover vRAI/Polivideo, 1981 vWarner/NVC Arts 0630-19389-0, 1997 HMV Angel Series SAN 358-60, 1974. — (1874) Messa da Requiem ENew York: Dover, 1978. — (1887) Otello ENew York: Dover, 1991. VERMONT AGENCY FOR HUMAN SERVICES (1987) child support anti drugs dependency. VIGLIETTI, DANIEL (1984) Canción para mi América APRIL IN MANAGUA Viglietti (1998). — (1998) Canciones Para Mi America - Uruguay EPM Musique 926912. 854 Ten Little Title Tunes W — List of Musical References

VIVALDI, ANTONIO (1711) Concerto grosso in D minor, Op.3 # l l (RV 565) EEdition Peters #4327 (ed. Klengel, n.d.) arr. J S Bach for organ (BWV 593). VOL, FRANK DE (1969) The Brady Bunch ABC/Paramount TELEVISION’S GREATEST HITS VOLUME 2. VORZON, BARRY DE; CONLAN, JOSEPH (1983) V Warner vWarner Home Video WEV 11443-1 thru 5, 1987. VORZON, BARRY DE; TOWERS, MICHAEL; CONLAN, JOSEPH (1982) Simon and Simon CBS/Universal EKARLIN & WRIGHT (1990:424). VRETHAMMAR SYLVIA (1973) E viva España. Sonet SON 2037.


WAGNER RICHARD (1841) Overture. Der fliegende Holländer WAGNER (1975, 1987). — (1848) Prelude to Act 3. Lohengrin WAGNER (1975, 1987)•Bridal Chorus ERAPÉE (1924:672). — (1867) Overture. Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg WAGNER (1975, 1987, 1988). — (1845) Overture. Tannhäuser WAGNER (1975, 1987) — (1854) Das Rheingold ELeipzig: Peters – Klavierauszug, 1982 IOrch. der Bayreuther Festspiele CP Boulez ,Philips 6769 070, 1981 •Entrance of Gods into Valhalla WAGNER (1988). — (1856) Die Walküre EMainz: Schott IOrchester der Bayreuther Festspiele CPierre Boulez Philips 6769 071, 1981 •3. Aufzug: 2. Szene – Walkürenritt/Ride of the Valkyrie  WAGNER (1987, 1988); ride of the Ku Klux Klan in Birth Of A Nation (D W Griffiths, 1915); ‘Rivolta nell’harem’ in 8½ (Fellini, 1962); in (F F Coppola, 1979: xtr. FILMMUSIK). — (1859) Tristan und Isolde IBayreuther Festspiele CCarl Böhm DGG 2720 057, 1966. — (1871) Siegfried ELeipzig: Edition Peters – Klavierauszug •Siegfried Idyl ELondon: B&H (n.d.). •Forest Murmurs WAGNER (1988). — (1882) Parsifal ENew York: Dover, 1986 •Vorspiel zum 1. Akt •Vorspiel zum 3. Akt WAGNER (1975). — (1975) Karajan dirigiert Wagner, Folge 2 IBerlin Philharmoniker CH von Karajan EMI / Electrola C065-02 604. — (1987) Wagner Overtures (1841-1867) Naxos 8.550032, 1988. — (1988) The Ride of the Valkyrie (popular Wagner instrumental selections, 1854-1874) Decca Weekend Classics 421-0202, 1973 (1966). WALDTEUFEL, EMIL (1924) Estudiantina ERAPÉE (1924: 455). WALL STREET WEEK WITH LOUIS RUKEYSER (1988)  Maryland Public Television 1989. WALTON, WILLIAM (1940) Duets For Children ELondon: OUP. — (1944) Charge And Battle from Henry V Rank: xtr.  FILMMUSIK E(with stills) MANVELL & HUNTLEY (1976). WAR GAMES (1983)  MGM/UA John Badham g A B RUBINSTEIN SvTV2 Oct 1988. WARTIME MEMORIES 1939-45 (1997) MCPS MOCD 3016. •Mars, the God of War (Holst) •The Dambusters March (Coates) •British Grenadiers •A Life on the Ocean Wave (Russell) •Lilli Marlene… •Moonlight Serenade… •St. Louis Blues… •In The Mood •Jerusalem (Parry) •Land Of Hope And Glory (Elgar) •Rule Britannia (Arne). WATERS, MUDDY (1952) Hoochie Coochie Man Blue Sky Label (CBS), 1983 Goin' Home: Live in Paris 1970, New Rose 5099 Best of Chicago Blues, Vol. 3, Wolf 120295, 1998. WATSON, DOC (1963a) Old Time Music At Clarence Ashley’s Folkways FA 2355, FA 2359; Doc Watson and Clarence Ashley: The Original Folkways Recordings 1960-1962 Smithsonian Folkways SF40029/30, 1994. — (1963b) The Doc Watson Family Folkways FTS 31021 Smithsonian Folkways SF 40012, 1990. — (1967) [w. Merle Watson, Eric Weissberg] Ballads From Deep Gap Vanguard VSD 6576 Vanguard VMD-6576, 1988. — (n.d.) [w. Merle Watson] Doc Watson On Stage Vanguard VSD 9/10 (c1968). WATTERS, CYRIL (n.d.) Proud Heritage. Recorded Music For Film, Radio & TV B&H SBH 2987. WAXMAN, FRANZ (1957)Sayonara Joshua Logan Goetz/Pennebaker FIFTY YEARS OF FILM MUSIC. WEBER, CARL MARIA VON (1821) Der Freischütz ELondon. Eulenburg, 1976 HMV/Grand Prix 1C 183-30 171, 1959. — (1826) Arabien, mein Heimatland, from Oberon, Act II, #14 DGG DG 2726 052. WEEDON, BURT (1959) Guitar Boogie Shuffle Top Rank &&SvTV2 1977 underscore, with Austrian TV voiceover, for Stenmark’s winning slalom run. WEILL, KURT (1929) Alabama Song. Mahagonny IGöteborgs Brechtensemble Låt er inte förföras, Avanti AVLP 06, 1979. WELK, LAWRENCE & HIS ORCHESTRA (1961) (Ghost) Riders in the Sky (S JONES) Dot 16237. List of Musical References — X Ten Little Title Tunes 855

WENRICH, PERCY (1912) Moonlight Bay IBing & Gary Crosby (1942) 20 Crosby Classics, Empire Music 89, 1999. WHO, THE (1965) My Generation Brunswick 05944. WILBYE, JOHN (1598) Cruel, Behold My Heavy Ending (AATTB) fr. First Set Of Madrigals ELondon: Stainer & Bell, 1923. THE WILD WILD WEST (1965) CBS g Richard SHORES. WILLIAMS, CHARLES (1947) The Dream Of Olwen  ‘While I Live’ John Harlow BIG CONCERTO MOVIE THEMES. WILLIAMS, JOHN (1975) Universal MCA 2087 •Jaws •Promenade FILMMUSIK. — (1977b) Star Wars George Lucas v Star Wars Trilogy Box Set Twentieth Century 6641.679. — (1978) Superman – The Movie Richard Donner Warner Brothers WB 2BSK 3257. WILLIAMS, PATRICK (1986) Just Between Friends MTM/Orion Allan Burns .WB 925 391-1. WILLSON, MEREDITH (1957) Marian, Librarian. ENew York: Frank Music Corporation. WINTER, JOHNNY >DERRINGER, R & WINTER, J. WIPE OUT >SURFARIS (1963). WITH ONE VOICE (1999) ESheffield Socialist Choir. WONDER, STEVIE (1972) Superstition. Talking Back Tamla Motown 1C 062-93880. WOLFF, ERICH Friede: cited in BARLOW & MORGENSTERN (1948). WOOD, ARTHUR (1924) Barwick Green (maypole dance) from suite ‘My Native Heath’; from 1950 The Archers BBC Home Service (Radio 4 in 2002) B&H Cavendish Library WOOD, DOUG (1990) Aegean Rendezvous Omnimusic PBS 1004 /41 WOODSTOCK (1970)  Warner/Wadleigh Michael Wadleigh. THE WORLD OF TV THEMES. Decca SPA 217 (1972). •The Onedin Line (Khatchaturian) •The Forsyte Saga (Coates) •Monty Python’s Flying Circus (Sousa). WORTON, DAVID (1914) The End Of My Old Cigar (lyrics R P Weston) ETHE GOOD OLD DAYS SONG BOOK. WRAY, LINK AND HIS RAY MEN (1958) The Rumble (Cy Oliver) Cadence 1347 THIS IS CULT FICTION. — (1959) Rawhide Epic 9300. — (1963) Jack The Ripper Swan 4137. WRIGHT, N LOUISE (1918) Lullaby ERAPÉE (1924:233-234).


X FILES (1993) 10/13 Prods/C20 Fox Bob Bowman g Mark SNOW.


YOUNG, VICTOR (1953a) Female fight Johnny Guitar Nic Ray Republic &&HOLLYWOOD, HOLLYWOOD. — (1953b) Shane - A Tribute to Victor Young INew Zealand Symphony Orchestra CRichard Kaufman Koch Classics 3-7365-2 H1, 1996. YUPANQUI, ATAHUALPA (1992) L’ Integrale, Vol. 3. Le Chant du Monde 274950.


Z (1968)  Reggane/ONCIC/Jacques Pérrin v Arrow 007 Costa Gavras g Mikis THEODORAKIS. ZAMFIR, GHEORGE. Doina De Jale (Trad. Romania) -  for Light of Experience (BBC TV) Top BBC TV Themes. BBC REH 310 (1978). ZAPPA, FRANK (1966) Freak Out >MOTHERS OF INVENTION. — (1967) Lumpy Gravy Verve SVLP 9223. — (1974) Roxy & Elsewhere Discreet DSS-2202 Barking Pumpkin 74241, 1992. — (1981) You Are What You Is CBS 88560. ZORN, JOHN (1986) The Big Gundown - John Zorn Plays Ennio Morricone Icon / Nonesuch 979 139-1. ZORRO (1957) //ABC television gG BRUNS SvTV1 1988 IThe CHORDETTES Cadence 1349, 1958. 856 AABA – advert (Seven-Up) Ten Little Title Tunes – Index INDEX

Explanations and tips. Apart from the usual listing of names (people, musical works, films, TV pro- grammes, etc.), of topics discussed, and of terms presented in the book, this index also includes many of the connotations provided by respondents (e.g. SAD, ‘ALWAYS HAS BEEN’), categories of such connotation (e.g. SAD, STASIS) and constructional descriptors of music linked to such categories (see, for example, under CHORD, MODES, SOUND PROCESSING, TEMPO). Readers can therefore check our discussion of musical semiosis in terms of both signfier and signified. Since this index would have swelled to even more unwieldy proportions if we had lumped all individual connotations (VVAs) under their respective taxonomic heading, readers wishing to check our discussion of a particular connotation or response subcategory are advised to consult appendices 3 and 4 for related concepts. To check which particular VVA occurred in conjunction with which tune, see appendix 3. To check our taxonomy of responses, see appendix 4. Political incorrectness. Several categories produced in the indexing process come across as politically in- correct in the extreme (see, for example, MEN, MENTAL DISORDER, WOMEN). Such categorisation in no way rep- resents the views of either author. It does, however, we would hope, reflect the true nature of the implicit, musicogenic, categorisation discussed and documented in this book (see last chapter for explanation). Waivers. The authors do not guarantee that this index: [1] includes every single page reference to every con- cept listed below, nor every single concept occurring in the book; [2] provides 100% accuracy of page refer- encing, although a four-hour random check did produce satisfactory results. Typographical conventions. To avoid confusion, names of musical works, books, journals, films, TV pro- grammes, paintings, etc., as well as non-English-language entries, are all in italics. To save space, cross ref- erences are codified as follows:  means ‘See’; † means ‘See also’. If  or † refers to a concept listed under the same main entry headword, the referent will appear in normal typeface and the ‘See’ arrow will point vertically in the relevant alphabetical direction ( or ), for example, from FIFTH (DIMINISHED) to FLAT 5TH under the headword CHORDS/INTERVALS) appears as FLAT 5TH.  denotes ‘Under’ and is used together with an entry of higher order, for example TEMPOfast (meaning ‘See main entry TEMPO under its subentry FAST’). Single inverted commas are used for two main purposes to indicate: [1] concepts whose apparent meaning we would question (e.g. ‘absolute’ music); [2] respondent connotations and/or colloquial expressions whose meaning might be ambiguous out of context (as in this index). A rock music as 73, 631–2 Addinsell, R 199, 200, 201, 203 AABA form 659 obstacles caused by 28–29 Adeline slides: HARMONY Aases død (Grieg) 313, 314 textual and contextual 68–78 Adorno Theodor W 21, 40–3, 45-6, abandon (emotional) 132, 224 absurd/absurdist/absurdity 81-5, 89, 319 abandoned 270, 597 133, 418, 419, 429 on popular music 41, 82, 85 Abba 60, 91, 102, 196, 274 war as celebration 417 adventive 134, 139, 140, 387 in symphony concerts 62 abuse of power 421 adventure 132, 135, 371, 646 ABC 624, 647 AC/DC 313 adversity DIFFICULT[Y] news anaphones banned 490 academic safari 83 advert[ising] 68, 74, 244, 265, newscasts 491 accelera/-te/-ndo SPEED 420-1, 623, 649, 650, 678 Abduction accentuation 654 †SFORZANDO ban on news anaphones in 490 cue (Casualties of War) 456 acciacatura 101 before-and-after stunt 415 of the Bride (Grieg) 192, 567 accompaniment 624, 647 †PIANO Leo Burnett agency 467 Abelard 52 accompanimental music (Hegel) 15 public service TV 660-1 Abendruhe 218, 220, 226 accordion 467 response variation to 136 ABF 116 acculturation 102 TV commercials ‘about to’… 674 Ach Herr! was ist… (Bach) 445 Anti-drugs (cocaine) 661 above 134, 139 Ach, wie nichtig! (Bach) 185 Berner XZ Shampoo 265 Abraham, O 36 achievement 387–8, 389–91, 416 Child Support Agency 661 abrupt 660 acquiescence 84 cigarettes 136 absence, songs of 307 inequality as result of 62 Colgate toothpaste 589 ‘absolute’ context 73 acrobat(s)/acrobatic 424, 427 Dimetapp pills 573 ‘absolute’ music 12–32, 38, 47–49, across 244, 303 †OVER/ACROSS Electric Musk cologne 649 53, 103, 104, 272 action 132, 135, 137, 151, 367-78, General Electric 490 decline of 33–92 395, 461, 483, 617, 623-4, 673-4 Levis jeans 68, 564 definition 12–14 cues 372, 373 Maalox antacid 661 historical momentum of 23 devices 383 Palmolive soap 244 history 15–27 fast tempo and 483–487 Pantène shampoo 263 marker of class identity 23 added CHORDS & INTERVALS Philadelphia cheese 583 relative notion of 13–14 Adderly, Nat 583, 628 Revlon Custom Eyes 649 rise of notion 15-28 addiction 664 Seven-Up 469 Ten Little Title Tunes – Index advert (shampoo) – Armstrong 857

shampoo 136, 245, 263, 265 ‘All the President’s Men 493 Anderson, Leroy 86, 421, 496 Tampax 553 Allen, Chesney 412 Anderson, Lindsay 223 Timotei shampoo 245, 264 Allen, Steve 347 Andes 334, 361 Advis, Luis 347, 361 Allen, Woody 583, 600 Andrews, Julie 463 Aegean Rendezvous 467, 468 Allende, Salvador 420 The Andros Targets 489, 493 aeolian MODES alley(s) 569, 579 äng 243–246 †MEADOW aerial sweep 518 Allgemeine musikal. Zeitung 186 anger 133, 471 aerobics 650 Allied Irish Bank 75 Anglican (church) 176, 414 aeroplane(s) 646, 656, 674 Allman Brothers 658 Anglocentrism 79, 85 Aerosmith 457, 464 Almanac Singers 354 Anglo-Saxon ballad spirit (Lomax) aesthetics ‘ABSOLUTE’ Almonaster (Spain) 336 strong in cowboy songs 324 and ABSOLUTISM alogogenicty 12, 109, 134, 805 Angst ANGUISH affect (theories of) 16–17, 20-1, 47 alone SOLITARY anguish[ed] 181-2, 190, 206, 443-5, affection 130, 132 Alosno (Spain) 336 452-3, 455-6, 458-9, 462, 464, 473, Africa (music of) 45, 94, 355 Alpert, Herb 361 580, 592 time line 94 Alps 350 angular 101 African-American Als Luise die Briefe… (Mozart) 444 animals 533, 536 Caribbean 334 Also sprach Zarathustra 30 animated film CARTOON USA 571 alteration CHORDS Anka, Paul 338 Black Panthers 42 alterity (‘otherness’) 71, 517 Annunzio, Gabriele d’ 484 military cadences 425 altruism 678 antacid (advert) 661 ‘Negroes’ 597 ‘always has been’ 513-9, 674 antecedent 383, 385-7 †CONSEQUENT sport stereotype 330 Am Wasserflüssen Babylon 456 anthemic 422 street style and fashion 649 ambient sound 644 anthropology of music 37–39 Venezuela 342 ambiguity (harmonic) HARMONY own culture 679 after (something) 459, 674 ambitus REGISTER anti-capitalist movement 26 afterglow 197 ambulance siren 573 antiphony 425 afternoon 247 Amen 175, 210, 211–4, 664 †CHORDS Antonioni, Michaelangelo 578 Against Postmodernism 71 America di Jill 652 anvil 370 against will… 133, 459, 672, 674 America, United States of USA Apache (Shadows) 136, 358, 368,  agent SPY American Anthem 424 369, 370, 371, 373 aggression/aggressive 123, 133, American in Paris 496, 498, 578 apartheid 58 410, 430, 484–487 594, 646, 650, amiable/amiability 130, 251 Apollo-Soyuz broadcasts 625 652, 656 Amnesty International 353 apotheosis 247 agitated/agitation 133, 246, 656 amusing 430 †RECEPTION TEST Appalachian music traditions 354 Agnus Dei (Byrd) 454 An die Musik 25, 219, 220, 268 isolation of 324 agogics 600 anachronism 413-4, 419-422 Apprenti sorcier (Dukas) 591 agony 190, 456 INCONGRUITY approach[ing] (adventive) 134, 393, Agostini, Roberto 65 anacrusis 103, 169, 200, 432, 442, 590, 591, 592, 605 Ägyptische Helena (Strauss, R) 444 447, 450, 451, 515, 582, 590–5, 604 appropriation 84 Aharonián, Coriún 335 chromatic 592 of popular music by state 60 Aïda (Verdi) 319 directionality of 297 Après-midi d’un faune 380 air 261 pick-up[s] 442, 444-7, 592 Apulia 329 airborne 294 Romeo & Juliet 447 aqueous 530 display 415, 416 analysis (musical) Arabesque (Mancini) 600 Air Force (US) 425 aversion to 77 Arabien, mein Heimatland 445 Airborne Rangers 425 musematic 94–104 Aragón 336 Akademische Festouvertüre 320 anaphone 99-101, 103, 805 †WAVES Aranjuez 367, 371 Aktuellt (SvTV1 news) 487, 606 ascent 212 archaic 189, 371, 392 †MODES Alabama Song 211 becks 236 minor modes as 317–321, 327– alabaster busts of composers 18 death 661 330, 334–336 †HISTORICAL Alberich 192 horses 295–296 musicogenic categories as 676 Albert Hall 428 kinetic 100, 103, 125, 303 The Archers (BBC radio) 412 Alberti bass 171 motor noise 622 archipelago (skärgård) 805 Albion Country Band 306, 322, banned in advertising 490 architecture 419, 672 323, 350 piano arpeggios 249 Aretz, Isabel 332, 333, 334, 337, alcohol FOOD & DRINK sighing 224, ff. 342, 343, 379 Alekseev, Eduard I 23 sonic 99, 125, 218, 648 Argentina 335, 344 Alessandroni, Alessandro 371 swooning 220 aristocracy CLASS Aletter, W 294, 411 tactile 100, 125 Aristotle 27 Alexander Nevsky 589 telegrammatic 487–494 Arizona 334, 341, 355, 367 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 591 582 Arkansas Traveller 345 Alfvén, Hugo 320 ancien régime 70 L’Arlésienne (Bizet) 656 Ali Baba Bound 577 And maun I still on Meniedoat 345 Arliss, Leslie 203 Alias Smith and Jones 141, 296 Andalusía 336, 360, 367 armed ARMY FIGHT alienation 5, 13, 18, 25-6, 577, 666 andante 168, 432-3, 504-5, 517, 522 Armide (Lully) 174 All Day and All of the Night 663 Anderson, Gillian B 30 Armstrong, Harry 209 858 Armstrong – Bavaria Ten Little Title Tunes – Index

Armstrong, Louis 578 averages STATISTICS banjo ORCHESTRATION army/armed forces 409, 410, 416, 429 Awa wi’ your Belles… 346 bank holiday HOLIDAY Arne, Thomas A 223 The Awakening Conscience 266 Banks of Newfoundland 336 around – polysemic VVA 138 Axt, William 319 banners FLAGS arpeggiate[d] / arpeggiation[s] / Ayamara 334 bar[s] (for drinking in) 329, 392-3, arpeggiato / arpeggio[s] Ayesterán, Lauro 37 464, 570, 572, 672, 675 197, 201, 250, 254, 382, 659 Aztec 291, 334 plush 393 ascending 379 pub band 663 broken chords 171 B smoky 569, 570, 579 heroic 384 B minor Mass (Bach) 184 speakeasies 570 piano 171–172, 231–249, 381, babbling 99, 172, 234, 235, 249 Barcelona (Queen) 424 515, 516, 518 baby 250, 258 Bare, Bobby 353 zigzag 379 baby-boomers 64, 73, 86 bare fifths 533 arrival 134, 387, 388, 389 ff., 537 Bacall, Lauren 605, 671, 676 Baretta 585 Arrival of the Queen of Sheba 246 Bach, Carl Philipp E 20, 21 baritone REGISTERvocal artefact v nature 388 Bach, Johann S 17, 19, 21, 42, 101, Barlow & Morgenstern 226, 443, Artforum 664 120, 170, 180, 183, 184–5, 186-7, 582 art-nouveau 264, 418 443-5, 448, 456, 516, 517, 574 Barn av vår tid 620 As I Was Out Walking 392 chorale settings 184-5 barn dance 391 ascend[ing]/ascent DIRECTION The Bachelor’s Club 294 Barnard, Charlotte Allington Ascenseur à l’échaffaud 582 back catalogue 61 CLARIBEL Åses død (Grieg) 314 Back in the USSR (Beatles) 469 Barnes, Fred J 213 Asian cue 531 Background Music for Home Baroque 99, 101, 183, 517 asociality 133, 393, 430, 459, 460, Movies 171 Barry, John 367, 573, 626, 627 673, 675 backing track 645 Barry Lyndon 14 asperity 133, 190, 385, 430, 461 Bacon, Roger 52 Barta, Alexander 171 Asquith, Anthony 203 bad 646, 674 Bartel, Dietrich 16, 47 Assafiev, Boris 56, 85, 448 consequences 590-2, 596 Barthes, Roland 67, 490 assertive 628 guys 393 Bartók, Béla 30, 36, 187 association (organisation) 429 villain[s] 135, 430, 674 Barwick Green 412 Astaire, Fred 605 mad scientist 378 baseball 329, 330 Asturias (Spain) 334, 350 Badalmenti, Angelo 661 Bashford, Major Alex 398 Asyle der höheren Künste 16 Baghdad Café 180, 197 Bashung, Alain 456 asynchronous 535 baião 334 Basie, Count 41, 204 Atkinson, Max 53 Baja California 256 bass †REGISTERlow Atlantis (Shadows) 368 balalaika 467-9, 471 Alberti 171 Atlee, Clement 417, 420 balanced (emotions)132, 224, 270 anacrusis 590 attack 134, 569, 654 † ACCENTUATION baldness 5 descent 187, 432-3, attraction 132, 177 Balfe, Michael W 174, 179 doomsday 660 attributive affects 125, 131 Balkans 350 double (contrabass) 195, 540-1 Auber, Daniel François Esprit 31 ballad[s] †[name of ballad] drum 622 Auchengeich Disaster 354 Balladenton (Grieg) 321 electric 432-3, 462, 476, 504-5, audience[s] 619, 647 British 176, 322 ff., 428, 459, 674 608-9, 624, 628 audiovisual 105 slow 564, 565 line 221, 222 digital technology 90 tragic 309 gender traits of 669 learning process 296 travelling 352 ostinato 590–595 audititis 31, 67 ballet 500 piano octaves in 590 augmentation 664 ballo liscio 329 plodding 565–566, 571, 592, 604 augmented CHORDS/INTERVALS balloons 415 rhythm in 624 Ausgewählte Lieder (Schubert) 456 Ballpark Tarantella 329 riffs 599–600 233, 413 ballroom 499 static 535 authenticity 42, 65, 85, 310, 377, Ballstaedt, Andreas 103 synth 621 451, 588, 645, Balzac, Honoré 22 vamp figure in 590 authoritarianism 76 La bamba 344, 345 walking 100 authorities 419 band[s] bassoon (farts) 588 automotion 622, 623 big band 413, 582, 676 Bastow, George H 412 ‘autonomous’ harmony CHORDS brass 409, 412, 413, 415, 422, Bates, Norman 101 autonomy aesthetic 12, 21, 68, 632 428-9 Bath, Hubert 201, 203, 411 ‘ABSOLUTE’ MUSIC marching 123, 398, 409, 410, bathing 239 Autry, Gene 295, 373 412, 413, 414, 415, 419, 420, bathos 217 Autumn Leaves 195 427, 428, 430 battle 388, 417, 569, 605 avant-garde 30, 31, 62, 370 skolekorps (Norway) 415 Battle Hymn Of Lt. Calley 423 Ave Maria 516 pub band 663 Battle Of The Dragon 424 ‘Ave Maria’ chord CHORDS -stand 123, 409, 410, 428, 429 Battle on the Ice (Prokofiev) 589 Ave verum corpus bandit[s] 364, 365 Baudrillard, Jean 26 Byrd 182 bang! 648 Bauer, Raymond A 43 Mozart 173, 175, 218, 220 Bangs, Lester 65, 80 Bavaria 413 Ten Little Title Tunes – Index bawdy – Bonnie 859

bawdy 391, 597 Bewusstsein 17 Blake, Norman 345, 353 BBC 39, 412, 413, 416, 417, 429 bhangra 62 blank responses 118, 632 radio news 488 The Bible 24, 533 blasé 199 TV 409, 580 bidet 602 Blazing Saddles 351, 395 beach 136, 239–240, 256 big band BAND[S] blind respondents 141 Beach Boys 62, 368 big city CITY bliss[ful] 178, 179, 208 bears 197 Big Concerto Movie Themes 171, Bliss, Sir Arthur 60 beating 430 198–203, 232, 269 †DREAM OF Blissed Out (Reynolds) 67 Beating Steeel Blues 600 OLWEN †PIANO †PIANO CONCERTO Bloch, Ernst 446 Beatles 21, 30, 36, 44, 61, 62, 108, †BRIEF ENCOUNTER †SEVEN- blonde (woman) 244, 245, 265 179, 335, 345, 413, 448, 457, 469, YEAR ITCH blood 137 561, 573, 575 LP sleeve 198 Blood Sweat & Tears 206 beatniks 582 Legend of the Glass Mountain Blow Up (Antonioni) 578 Beaud, Paul 41-43 (Rota) 171, 201, 203, 232 Blowing Wild 395 beaut/-y/-iful 132, 136, 177, 236, Piano Concerto #1 in B$ minor Blue Moon 212, 213 245, 430, 647, 649, 673-4, 677 (Tchaikovsky) 175, 177, 199 Blue Skies 218 Beavis and Butt-head 313, 430 Rhapsody on a Theme by Pa- Blue Tango (L Anderson) 86, 421 bebop 582, 586, 587, 597, 629 ganini 199, 211, 232, 269 blue yodel 353, 373 Bebop Tango 585 Spellbound Concerto 232 bluegrass 352 Becce, Giuseppe 30, 31 Warsaw Concerto 171, 198, 199, The Bluegrass Boys 352 Bechet, Sidney 567, 570, 597 200, 201, 203, 232, 269 blues 102, 372, 570, 595–6, 627–31 beck[s] 99, 233 The Way to the Stars 201-3 minor-key 628 Beck, Alison 606 big country CHORDS MODES shuffle 565 beep 648 CADENCE PANORAMA slow 565 Beethoven, Ludwig van 13, 14, 18, The Big Gundown 652 riff 630 19, 22, 30, 31,54, 61, 99, 177, 516, big scenery, see PANORAMA shuffle 564, 627 517, 533, 535, 537, 581, 651, 675 Big Spender 574, 584, 585, 590, 12-bar 627, 630 ‘beew!’, ‘peeow!’ 115, 648-9 593, 598 $VI7-V7 in minor key 629 Begleitmusik 15 big-band Angst 580 The Blues Brothers 600 behind (VVA) 134 bike / biker[s] 585, 623 boardroom 359 Bei jener Nacht (Strauss, R) 444 bikini CLOTHING boat[s]/boating 167. 236, 238, 240, bell[s] 153, 414 Billboard 108, 395 245, 248, 249, 674 bell-like 637 terminological shifts in 374 body/bodily[ness] 70, 71 Bells of St Mary’s 414 billowing 201, 240, 248 bodyism 71-3, 79, 89, 421, 805 Jingle Bells 589 Billy the Kid (Copland) 100 essentialism 272 Liberty Bell (as bell) 414 bimodality 344, 345, 346, 361 oblivion 76 sleigh 589 biological clock 24 body language 105 tubular 370, 398, 413, 414 biomusicology 10, 15 body music 65, 421, 423 belligerent 423, 426 Bird Dog (Everly Brothers) 357 corporeal[ity] 60, 264 Bellini, Vincenzo 31 birds 239, 244, 261 decontextualised 67 Belz, Carl 42, 64 birhythm METRE kinetic anaphones 100 bends 653, 658 Birmingham school CCCS movement and 270 Beneath the 12 Mile Reef 569 Birnbaum, J A 17 rock music 70 Bengtsson, Ingmar 268 Birth of a Nation 191, 211 rockologist notion of 65 Bennett, Richard Rodney 580, 604 Birth of Venus (Botticelli) 259 Bogart, Humphrey 135, 573, 585, Berceuse (Iljinsky) 250 Bitch (Rolling Stones) 630 605, 676 Berg, Alban 30, 495 bitter[ness] 185, 189, 453, 460, 459 Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen) 424 Berg, Charles M 30 bitter-sweet 115, 442, 445-6, Boilès, Charles 56 Bergman, Ingemar 429 461, 577 Bois épais (Lully) 174, 315 Bergson, Henri 585 love and crime 458–466 bold[ness] 624, 625, 628 Berlin 16, 39, 40, 43, 61 Bizet, Georges 30, 319, 320, 338, Bold Robert Emmett 347 Berlin, Irving 96, 422 339, 341, 348, 656 Boléro (Ravel) 319 Berlioz, Hector 30, 71, 246, 313, Björnberg, Alf 45, 56, 108, 313 Bolero On The Moon Rocks 464 327, 380, 471, 517 black American (USA) Bolin, Tommy 462, 608 Berlipp, Friedel 600, 829 AFRICAN-AMERICAN Bolinger, Dwight 53 Berner XZ Shampoo 265 black and white (monochrome film) Bolivia (Trad.) 333, 334 Bernstein, Elmer 5, 351, 570, 97, 238, 415, 418, 428, 429, 601 Bollywood 94 580-1, 582, 594–5, 596, 599 Black Dog (Jethro Tull) 630 bolo de mel 805 Bernstein, Leonard 56, 230, 246, ‘black’ music 71 bombastic 133, 416, 419, 424, 428 340, 582, 584, 585 Black Panthers 42 bomber (B52) 99 Berry, Chuck 21, 367, 368, 373-7 Black Widow 676, 677 Bonaldi, Jorge 335 Bertolucci, Bernardo 197, 456, 569 Blackbird (Beatles) 62 Bonanza 136, 304, 305, 375, 376, beseeching 380 Blacking, John 38, 56, 83 377, 378, 381, 383 Besseler, Hans 40 Blackmore, Ritchie 462 Bond, James JAMES BOND Bethlehem 533 The Blacksmith 346, 350 bondkomik 805 betrayal 581 Blades, James 496 bongos 634-7, 645, 647, 649-50, 654 Bette Davis Eyes 108 Blair, Tony 62, 421 Bonnie Dundee 349 860 Bonnie – Camptown Ten Little Title Tunes – Index

Bonnie Woodha’ 308 The Brighter Day (radio) 316 buzzwords 18, 60, 66 boogaloo 653 brimming over 382 bygone days 321, 420 boogie 274, 658 Brindisi 467 Byrd, William 99, 182, 454, 455 books – ‘dead medium’ 490 ‘Bring ’em on!’ 426 Byrds 355 Boosey and Hawkes Recorded Mu- Bringing In The Georgia Mail 353 sic Library LIBRARY MUSIC Brinkley, Dave 491 C boot camp 425 brisk 97, 411 cabaret 410, 416 Boots (UK retail)108 Bristol 309 Cacavas, John 6 Borch, Gaston 567 Britain/British UK cactus 305 boredom/boring 104, 111, 133, 623 Britten, Benjamin 30 Cade’s County (Mancini) 351, 358 Born To Be Wild 585 brittle 646 cadence[s] 211, 451, 659, 663 Born Under A Bad Sign 594 broad expanses PANORAMA Cadence (film, 1990) 425 Borneman, Ernest 71 ‘broad’ mood 662 chromaticism in 209 Borodin, Alexander P 100, 321 broadening 172 cowboy half cadence 302 Botticelli, Andrea 259, 260-1, 264 Broadcasting Yearbook (USA) 13 interrupted 103, 209, 629 Bouchard, Marie-Ève 457 Broadway 584 pandemonium at (rock) 663 Boulez, Pierre 30, 230 Brodzsky, Nicholas 201-3 perfect (V-I) 516 bourgeois 266, 430 broiler performers 19 precadential 184, 185, 186, 194, parlour 233 broken chords 171 196, 200, 201, 211, 215, 221 private sphere 28 Bronson, Charles 587 US military 422, 425, 430 revolution 16, 18, 22 brook BECK cadenza 201 subjectivity 8, 17, 23, 26, 29 Brooks, Bill 103 caesura 355 dilemmas of 24–26 Brooks, Mel 5, 395, 648 café-conc’ 23 bouzouki 467, 471 The Brothers 805 Cage, John 30, 370, 556 boxing 426 †SPORT Brown Sugar 62, 662, 663 The Cage (mining song) 354 boy 251, 532 Brown, Milton 373 Cagney and Lacey 676 ‘all-American’ 532 Brunner, Yul 5 cakewalk 100 little boy 463 Brünnhilde 208, 218 Cale, J J 661 Boy In A Bubble 487 brutal 486, 647 California 355, 356, 361, 647 Boyd, Jim 374 Bruton Music LIBRARY MUSIC arms industry boom 374 bpm 805 Bryan, Charles F 374 California Über Alles 647, 832 Brackett, David 56, 89, 104 Buckingham Palace 61, 423 call-and-response 355 Bradley, Dick 10, 81, 82 bucolic 383 caller (military cadences) 425 bragging 594 Buelow, George J 16, 47 Calley, Lt. William 423 Brahms, J 30, 48, 313, 320, 446, 517 Buenos Aires 336 calling (in melody) 354-5 Branded (TV) 380 bugle calls 375 Callinicos, Alex 71 Brandeis University 42 Bugs Bunny 575 call-up (war) 416 Brandenburg Concerto #6 187 buildings 393, 494 calm 132, 217, 220, 224, 236, 239, brash 381 Bullen, Frank T 325 268, 270, 430, 518, 530, 673, 674 brass bullfighting 330 keeping calm 224 band BAND[S] ‘bullfighter beat’ (Gillett) 338 sylvan calm 177 Bonanza 378 music for 371 tranquil[ity] 132, 177, 179, 383, section 300, 476, 540-1, bullying 223 499, 514, 518, 533, 670, 673 Streetcar 568, 569 bumble bees 100 CAM LIBRARY MUSIC timbre 376 Bunker, Ed 659 Cambridge 223, 368 Bratton, John W 411 Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo University 49 Braun, Eva 602 304, 331, 346, 376, 378, 396, 456 Press 67 brave[ry] 133, 137, 346, 380 bureaucracy 19 The Camelia Lady 189 ‘brave’ 346 burglary ROBBERY Camelot 386 Brazil 116, 117, 413, 796 Burnett, Leo (ad agency) 467 camera and visual editing Trad. 333, 334 Burns, Robert 345, 346, 349 close-up[s] 264, 388 break 134 Burr, Rayomond 592 ‘filmed backwards’ 346 breakers WAVES Bush, George II (W) 423, 426 helicopter sweep 515 break-in ROBBERY business 25, 27, 492, 496, 674 panning 139 polysemic VVA 138 ‘is business’ 25, 27 out-of-focus 620 Bréal, Michel 47 studies 9, 10 position 139, 140 Brecht, Bert 39 businessmen 494, 498 slow motion 136, 224, 244, 268, 270 breeze WEATHER buskis 805 soft filter 244 Breil, Joseph Carl 191 bustle/bustling 172, 235, 246, 388, zoom 139, 239, 388, 418, 419 Breitkopf 327 389, 393, 598, 599, 674 Cameron, Ian 464 Brezhnev, Leonid 428 busy 246, 247 Camp Pendleton 425 Bricmont, Jean 71 xylophones 494–498 Campbell J G 106 Brief Encounter 199 Busy, Busy Highways 496, 497 Campbell, Glen 488 briefcases 486, 494 butch 677 campestral FIELD[S] Brigg Fair 323 Butler, David 464, 580 Campian, Thomas 182 bright[ness] 133, 212, 213 butterflies 244, 246 Campo, Francisco Flores del 361 Bright, William 51 Buxtehude, Diderich 19 De Camptown Races 325 Ten Little Title Tunes – Index Canarios – chords/intervals 861

Canarios (Sanz) 341 castle 589 The Chase (Nighthawks) 600 can-can 293 Casualties of War 456 Chase Across 69th St. Bridge 600 canción 356 catastrophe 123, 133, 567 Chase at the Zoo (Mancini) 600 Canción para mi América 335 categories Chase, Gilbert 37 cancionero criollo 344 connotative 675 ‘cheap’ 487 Canciones chuecas 347 emotional 430 cheer[-ful/-y] 419, 420, 426, 429, candelabra 199 musical 103–105 675 †BRISK †PERKY †JAUNTY Cannon 585 non-verbal 675, 677 ‘cheery violence’ 494 canon[s], etc. †ABSOLUTE †AUTHEN- MUSICOGENIC VVAS Chernoff, John Miller 38, 71 TIC †CLASSICAL † FOLK †ROCK, etc. cattle 100, 393 Cherubini, Luigi 533 advantages for institutions Cavendish LIBRARY MUSIC chest REGISTERvocal 31, 32, 38, 84 Cawelti, John 291, 580 Chester, Andrew 63 authenticity 42 CBS Evening News 341, 388 Chew, Geoffrey 518 European classical music 11, CCCS 10, 64-5, 79, 81, 85, 805 Chiang Kai-shek’s daughter 532 12, 17, 18, 19, 28, 29, 30, 32, celebrate, celebration[s], celebrato- Chicago (band) 206 34, 37, 39, 41, 46, 48, 53, 55, ry 97, 123, 409, 410, 412, 415, Chicago (city) 567, 570, 571 61, 66, 68, 69, 74 417, 419, 420, 422, 423, 428, 430, Chicho FERLOSIO 348 intellectual 60, 80 647, 657 †FESTIVITY †HOLIDAY The Chiffons 95 jazz 41 centenary 415 Child Support Agency advert 661 rock/pop 61, 64-78, 272 galas 410 childish 532 Cantardo arriero (Galícia) 350 jubilee 61, 416 children 97, 243, 244, 249, 250, canter[ing] HORSE public 422 251, 252, 258, 410, 412, 418, 428, Canto para cosechar la papa 333 wedding 328, 416, 417, 675 429, 430, 496, 533 Cantoral, Los Hermanos 356 celebrities 263, 254 fun to kill (for US military) 425 Cape Horn 309 celesta 239, 414, 588 ‘lactic acid’ music 495 capital cello/celli STRINGS imitating gun sounds 648 accumulation of 24, 26 Cello Concerto (Elgar) 223 target group 375 gains tax 421 censorship (music) 468 Chile 309, 328, 336, 342, 361, 420 capitalism/capitalist 8, 21, 23-7, 27, centenary 415 Trad. 337, 342 60, 75, 421, 673, 679 Centre f. Cont. Cult. Studs. CCCS chilena 361 commodity fetishism 650 Centre for Mass Communication China 322 finance 75 Research (Leicester) 81 news reports (1989) 501 greed 26 centrifugal 102 Chion, Michel 581 monetarism 72, 87, 421, 422 The Century of the Self 43 Chips, Mr 428 money 22, 25, 26, 664 C’era una volta in America 197, 456 chirpy 496 deified fetish of 26 C’era una volta il West 377, 652 chitarra battente 341 subjectivity under 8, 17, 23, 26, ceremonial 409 chivalry 132, 421 29, 60, 75, 76 Chambers, Jack 580 Chomsky, Noam 6 Capital Radio News 487 champagne 199 Chopin, Frédéric 31, 168, 171, 180, capped intervallic outbursts 270 Champion the Wonder Horse 295 189, 215, 218, 225, 226, 227, 228, Capriccio espagnol 319, 339, 347 championship (sport) 428 231, 232, 314 Captain Blood 171 The Champs 336, 361 chorale[s] 178; by Bach 184–185 Captain Jack (cadence rhyme) 426 Chandler, Raymond 301, 580, 629 chords and intervals car[s] 138, 382, 383, 461, 494, 496, changing the guard 409, 415 †HARMONY †MODES 498, 499, 617, 621, 622, 623, 646, Channel Four TV 75 added 6th (major triad) 173, 656, 657, 658, 660, 672, 674, 675 Chanson Triste 315 175, 179, 208, 221 anaphones of 622 chants / chanting 576 †sixthsdoorstop car crash 651 Anglican 175, 176 added 6th (minor triad) carefree 132, 224, 430, 662 CADENCE (US MILIT.) half-diminished caress[ing] 131, 172, 674 chaos 133, 461 added 9th (minor triad) Caribbean 567 Chaplin, Charlie 428 minor-triadmadd 9 caricature 419 Modern Times 484 altered chords 577–578 Carmen 319, 320, 338, 339, 341, 348 character building 222, 223 Amen chord 175, 664 Carmichael, Hoagy 268 charity (cultural) 23 iv, not IV 210–4, 221 Carnes, Kim 108 Charles, Prince of Wales 62 augmented chord 208 carnival 415 Charmaine (Rapée)190, 211 augmented 4th 584, 587 carousel 496 Charpentier, F 218, 227 augmented 5th 626 Carpenter, John 600 Charters, Samuel 595 ‘autonomous’ chords 192, 577–8 Carter Family 374, 375 charts (record sales) 61 †half-diminished Cartesian split 27 chase / chasing 134, 137, 151, 298, Ave Maria chord 173–180, 204, cartoon 319, 430, 461, 486, 496, 498, 499, 215, 218, 270, 805 figure 494, 495, 498 617, 623, 646, 651, 674, 676 backing chords170 music 575, 577 ‘chase’ 483 bare fifths 533 Cartwrights, The 366, 378 chase and struggle music 300 big-country chords 344, 357-62 cascading 261 music 298–302, 587, 599–600 broken chords 171 Cash, Johnny 374 vs riding music 299-302 capped intervals 270 Cass, Henry 203 Wagnerian 300 clusters (diatonic) 536 862 chords/intervals – Cigars Ten Little Title Tunes – Index

crisis chords 212, 221, 806 major 7ths 356 falling SIGHING INTERVALS †Amen †half-diminished †minor-triadmin.maj. (7 or skipping to 226–231 cowboy chords 357-362 9) warm tone 229 crunch chord 456 major ninths ninths sevenths 412 flat7 flat7th detective chord[s] 625-628 major-triad chords maj.-triad chords7 minor-triad chords min.maj, add6 added 6th min.-triad chords7 min. 6 add9 maj7 (∆7) 208, 221 MODES spy chord 578 sus9 suspended 9th drops SIGHING INTERVALS diminished 208, 226 mediant flat 3 flat 3rd major in minor key 626-9 5th flat 5th half-dim. major 3rds shuttle (between two chords) 7th (dim.) 21, 186, 189, 445 minor 3rd, 6th, 7th, 9th 95, 214, 805 8ve 630 flat 3[rd], 6[th], 7[th], 9[th] mixolydian I↔$VII dominant[al] 173, 192, 205, 213, minor-triad chords 111, 517 358, 360-1, 630 214, 345, 372 †HARMONY †half-diminished 156-7 Shout! I↔vi 345 ninth 204-5 chromatic 566-73, 628–31 split chord 168, 226 minor ninth (V-9) 577 crunch $3´2 456 spy chord 578 detective chords secondary dominant 629 min. 6 (m6) 203 ff., 566–73, submediant sixth[s] doorstop interval 228, 229, 806 578, 596 subdominant[al] 173, 176, 179, enharmonic 182, 212, 626, 629 min. 6 add9 (m6add9) 187, 191-2, 195, 210-11, 214, falling intervals 450 †DIRECTION 625, 627 346, 533, 536-7 †HARMONY falling sixth 225 min. 7 (m7) 173–80, 221, 578 minor variant 210–4, 221 fifths 103 min. 7 flat 5 (m7$5/m7-5) rurality and the 536 augmented 626 half-diminished supertonic second bare 533 min. maj7 (m∆7) 626 suspended 4th (sus4) 208, 414 diminished flat 5th min. maj9 (m∆9) 206, 578 $7sus4 221 distorted 652, 660 min. add 9 (madd9) 114, suspended 9th (sus9) parallel 533 115, 208, 422-3, 453–466, 204–208, 221, 454-5 rising 624 566 ff., 577–9, 589, 666 suspension[s] 172, 175, 180 flat 2/supertonic ($II) 558 min. sus9 454-5 pleasant/unpleasant 208 †MODESphrygian min. 11 (m11) 578, 585 thirds/mediant flat 2nd/supertonic ($2) min. Amen 210–4, 221 †major-key †minor-key †MODESphrygian subdominant min. Amen major 494, 495 flat 3/mediant ($III) 361, 662-3 modal MODES †flat 3, flat 7 minor flat 3 flat 3rd $ flat 3rd/mediant ( 3) 442, 573- Neapolitan 20, 209, 212–4 tierce de Picardie 344, 361, 391 4, 584, 662 †MODESminor ninths 97, 111, 204–208, 215, no equivalent opposite 389 $ flat 5th ( 5) 448, 579–588, 597, 218, 221, 412, 461 triad 809 †major †minor 599, 601 added 577–579 Tristan chord 189, 191 $ flat 6/submediant ( VI) detective 625-628 tritone 443, 447, 625, 626   -9 206, 215, 361, 558 dominant minor (V ) †augmented †diminished $ t major minor-triad m add 9 VI-V 157, 212–4 substitution HARMONY $   VI7-V7 (blues) 629 minor-triad m in.add 9 two-7 chord (ii7) Ave Maria interrupted cadence 103 modulating 212 vamp 492  prepared (or not) 204-5 † Neapolitan †MODES chorus SOUND PROCESSING $ octaves flat 6th/submediant ( 6) Christ lag in Todesbanden 185 diminished 626, 629, 630 442, 445-53, 466 Christ, Jesus 25, 170, 173, 177, $ Picardy 3rd tierce de Picardie flat 7 ( VII) 179, 322–336, 350, 185, 186, 456 355, 356, 360, 357-372, 663 pivots 180, 215, 345 baby Jesus 258 $VII-I 662 Dallas pivot 359 Christgau, Robert 65, 80 as pivot 359 ff. $VII chords as 359 ff. Christian, Charlie 373 flat 7th ($7) 322, 361, 372, 495, †HARMONYmodulation Christianity 25 630 †MODES power chord 652–3, 654, 660 Christie, Agatha 580, 604 flat 9 ($9 or -9) second chord (IV6/ii7) Christmas 196, 430, 588 dominant V-9 577 173–180 †Ave Maria chord suspension 212 second (supertonic degree) carols 311 flat-side chord change 664 181, 188, 226 625 †second pastorales 533 half-diminished (m6, m7$5) chord †Ave Maria †flat 2 White Christmas 589 180-203, 205, 207-8, 211–4, second (interval) 179, 453, 513, Christmas Oratorio 101, 517  215, 269, 464, 566–73 587, 662 †semitone chromatic[ism] HARMONY ‘autonomous’ 192, 566-7 secondary dominant 629 chrom/-e/-ium 486, 496, 646, 674 concerto pathos 198-202 semitone 179, 190, 207, 516, 598 church modes MODES modulatory/pivotal 187-92 in madd9 453-8, 461, 464-6 church music (English) 175, 176 woe etc. 181-6, 567-73 slides 573–577 Church of the Flatted Fifth 579–588 intervals (generic) INTERVALS SIGHING INTERVALS Churchill, Frank 445 intrusive chords 345 sixth[s] 97, 412 Churchill, Winston 417 inversions 102, 215 major and minor 625 CIA 6, 420 menace chord 656, 662 doorstop 228, 229, 806 Cielito lindo 356 major 3rds 494, 495 †flat6 †flat 6th cigarette[s] 136, 461, 617, 674 major 6ths sixths drops SIGHING INTERVALS Cigars, Muriel 585 Ten Little Title Tunes – Index cinema – Come un lamento 863

cinema 420 Clear Rock’s Chisolm Trail 325 Code Napoléon 22 VVA category 553 Cleese, John 224 coercive 134 newsreel 416 clever 676 cogitation 430 Cipriani, Stelvio 589 cliché 647 cognition, musicogenic 105 circle of fifths HARMONY cliffs 604 Cohen, Stanley 85 circus 97, 123, 409, 410, 412-3, 424 Clifton, Harry 294 Cohn, Nic 64, 65 bands 412, 427 Cline, Patsy 228 Coker, Jerry 272 definitions 416 clinical 588 cold 133, 589 Citizen Kane 569 clip-clop 100, 295-6, 303-4, 343, Cold War 367 Città violenta 587 396, 591 Coleman, Cy 574, 584, 585 city 139, 303, 388, 389, 393, 413, 459, US or Latin 342–343 collective vs individual 391–394 487, 496, 619, 623, 646, 674 †URBAN cloak-and-dagger 368, 624 collectors (folk music) 38 big city 494, 617, 621, 676 clockwork 622 college 410 vs country 298 A Clockwork Orange 14 girls 668 Ciudád Real 336 Cloonan, Martin 89 of music CONSERVATORIES Civil War close CLOSURE NEAR VS FAR Collier, John 259 US South & cowboy songs 324 close shave 217 Collins, Charles 213 civilian[s] 410, 416 close-up[s] Collins, Karen 30, 61, 89 Clair de lune (Debussy) 171 camera 264, 388 colonialism 38 clandestinity 133, 569 microphone 472 British Empire 63, 223 Clapton, Eric 60, 62 vs panorama 388 colonial service 223 Claribel 219, 220 closure 658, 659, 664 †CADENCE colonisation 45 clarinet ORCHESTRATION closural device 228 European 60 Clarinet Concerto in A (Mozart) 14 Miami Vice’s lack of 660, 664 Spain, Portugal, Naples 329 clarinetists 597 clothes/clothing 499 †FASHION Colorado 355 ‘Clark Street’ (E Bernstein) 580, bikini 264 coloratura 224 582, 594–595, 599 bow tie 418 colour 133, 530, 534 class 23, 38-41, 60-1, 64-5, 70-2, 79, fedora (hat) 584 Farben (Schönberg) 535 83-86, 418, 429 flared trousers 553 Coltrane, John 32, 583, 628 differences 418 costumes Columbia University 44 middle class 38, 64, 71-3, 83 loud 423 combat/-ive 426 music as class identity 23 Western 331 Il combattimento di T. e C. 471 privilege 421 dinner jacket 499 Come into the Garden, Maud 174, ruling 41, 65, 79, 84 dress 205 social mobility (up/down) 24 long, flowing 257, 266 Come un lamento (Verdi) 574 struggle 42, 430 white tulle 244 comedy 346, 429, 626, 674 upper class 170-1, 269, 429, 674 elegant 132, 386 comic bustle 494–498 aristocracy 60, 224 headbands (towelling) 650 humour 97, 132, 412, 413, 419, English 224 leg warmers (pastel shade) 650 428, 495 snob 430 loose 248 incongruity a prerequisite 413 ‘well-bred’ 430 outfit (costume) 424 joke[s] 132, 627 up-market 676 ragged 331 come-ons 592 working class 40, 42, 70-1, 84-5, robes 253 The Comets 375 values of community 86 sartorial 605 comfort 170, 173 classical music (European art mu- tails 499 comic[al] COMEDY sic) 19, 60, 66, 103, 215, 269, 500, toga 18 Comin’ Round the Mountain 377 514, 516, 517, 518, 519 skirts 391, 394 Comin’ Through The Rye 349, 352 becomes ‘classical’ 18 trenchcoat 584, 585 coming home 134 canon of 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 28, turban 418 commandments (biblical) 24 29, 30, 32 white 244-245, 674 commercial 6, 23, 35, 43, 56, 68, 72, ‘classicalness’ of 196 clouds 240, 261, 518 85, 264, 396, 468, 554 institutional aesthetics of 11 ff. of sand 386 US Country music 373–5 meadows and 244 clown[s] 428, 429 †ADVERT[ISING] petrification of tradition 18–19 club[s] 151, 265, 464, 570, 572, 597, commodity / commodities popular music as 62 601, 617, 650, 672, 675 fetishism 650 Classics by Candlelight 516, 518 clustering (statistics) 149 metamorphosis of 23 classification †MUSICOGENIC †VVA clusters (diatonic) 536 subjectivity and exchange of 24 Appendix 4 745-768 Clwydian Hills 254, 265 common sense, musical VVAS emotional 430 coarseness 430 communists 425, 426 library music 125-30 coast 674 community 391–394, 621 musicogenic 675 Coates, Eric 222, 224, 724 commutation (a.k.a. HS or hypo- classroom situation 118 Coborn, Charles 294 thetical substitution) clavinet 388, 476, 495 Coca Cola (is “it”) 74 95, 98–99, 105, 194, 205, 217, Clayderman, R 136, 175, 516, 518 Cocaine (J J Cale) 661 227, 352, 335, 350, 360-1, 381, clean 137, 153, 245, 588 cockrel as major third 47 385, 386, 451, 453, 494-5, 497, sound 637, 653, 660 coconut shells 292, 295 562, 599-600, 806 light 133 codal interference 274 compact 604 864 Compañeros – coward Ten Little Title Tunes – Index

Compañeros 347 constructional 10, 94 counterpoint (gestural) 225 comparative musicology 36, 38 competence 9, 28, 806 countess 386 competence (musical) 9-11, 104 descriptors 91, 806 country[side] 101, 139, 195, 218, competitive 428 problems of 94–95 224, 238, 241–246, 248, 257, 382– sport 426 consumerism 60, 66, 70, 74, 75, 76– 5, 461, 516, 674 complaining 182 8, 89, 420, 421, 621, 647, 650, 664 vs town 391–394 complex[ity] 132, 604 cultural studies and 87 NATURE RURAL theories of 87 psychotic symbiosis in 76 Country [& Western] music complicated 590 rise of 420 102, 295-6, 343, 471 compose, composition, etc. vs production (of music) 618 crossovers to thriller and Latin composers 97 consummation 178 genres 395–396 film music 31 containment of emotion 223, 224 electrification and commerciali- composing 78 contemplation 132, 460 sation of 373–375 compositional norms 102 contemporaneity 553 influence on rock 373–375 recomposition 98, 142 contentment 535 ‘patriotism’ in 422 compound melody 230 contest(ation) 426 percussion in 342–343 compound metre METRE context and text 68–78 couple[s] 167, 218, 224, 238, 239, compulsion vs choice 76-7 contextual metadiscourse 10, 806 244, 265, 430, 458, 459, 460, 500, computer games 7 contextual VVAs 137–140 514, 674 conceptualisation, problems of Conti, Bill 676 two people 674 absolutism 26 The Contours 472 courage[ous] 197, 676-7 dissociation 25, 26, 28 contradictory INCONGRUITY 412 Courage, Alexander 624 concert[s] 410, 428 contrary motion 536 courteous love 218 concert hall 169 Contras 6, 420 courtroom 592 concert music 30 contrived 346, 387 courtroom drama 4 rock concert 620 control 132 Covach, John 82 repertoire in C19 France 19 emotions 224, 270 cover girls 263 Concerto in F for Piano and example 412 cover version (Virginian) 346 Orchestra (Gershwin) 578 groups RESPONDENTS coward 380 Las conchitas 336 restraint 224 cowboy[s] 122, 463, 674 Concierto Aranjuez 371 contusive 134 action aspect 367-78, 395 concrete (urban) 620, 623, 646, 647, 674 conventional sign 53 cowherding 350, 355 confidence 132, 491, 495 Cook, Nicholas 56 films and fascism 293 confident look 604 Cooke, Deryck 49, 56, 189, 190, flat seventh chords 357 ff. self-confidence 585 195, 206, 312, 552, 582, 584 incongruous in cities 299 conflation of text and context 75–6 cool 60, 132, 245, 265, 579–588, narrative genre 291 conflict[ive] 132, 134, 430, 569, 623, 594, 619 routine scenes for music 299 646, 672 polysemic VVA 138 songs 307–310, 324 confusion INCONGRUITY ‘Cool Boy’ (West Side Story) 584 British origins of 324–327 conga (dance) 348 Cool Water 395 cowherding songs 350 congas (percussion) 647 cop[s] POLICE CRIME Swedish TV 296 congeneric 53 Copacabana 329 Viking comparison 307 conjunct ascent / descent 383 Copenhagen 413 Crabb, Ivan & Janice 602 conjunctions 122 Copland, Aaron 30, 100, 536, 537, 625 Crane, Walter 259, 260 Conlan, Joseph 661 cor anglais ORCHESTRATION crash 134, 651 Connery, Sean 135, 572 Corbucci, Sergio 332 crazy 133 Connolly, Billy 353 Corcovado (Jobim) 196 Crazy (W Nelson) 218, 228 connotation[s] 112 et passim Corea, Chick 578 Cream (band) 586, 594 Eco’s definition of 273 Corelli, Archangelo 183 cream cheese advert 583 coherence of (Streetcar) 551–5 Corfu 467 Creedence Clearwater Revival 662 jumble of 417-8 Cori di Didone 370 creepy 133, 569, 590 logic of 105 Coriolanus 651 Creole 344, 567, 570 †CRIOLLO conquer 134 cornfield 243, 265 crescendo 102, 156, 157, 169, 432, conquistadors 291 Cornish Rhaps. 171, 201, 203, 232 505, 637 Conroy Music LIBRARY MUSIC corny 415 cricket 417, 426 conscience, dilemmas of 25 Coro tipico (Villa Lobos) 458 crime 115, 135, 136, 430, 460, 518, consequent 383, 384, 386, 387 corporations (multinational) 420 566–573, 577, 580, 581, 601, 617, †ANTECEDENT corporeal[ity] BODY 620, 621, 623, 666 conservation of music 60-61 Corpus Christi 178 criminal 4, 5, 6, 133, 135, 459 conservative (ideol.) 421, 677 corrido 371 criminality 114 Conservative (UK politics) 417 Cosa avete fatto a Solange? 587 love and bitterness 458–466 conservatories 9, 10, 11, 19, 60 Cosby, Bill 501 criollo 344, 345, 361 †Creole slated by Hindemith 30 cosmic 530 crisis 191 consolation / console / consoling (high kicking) 470 chord CHORD[S] 173, 176, 177, 178, 179, 217, 430 Costello, Elvis 456, 625 section 419 consonance 172 costumes CLOTHING critical 429 Constable, John15 Count Basie 622 Critical Musicology Forum 8, 57 Ten Little Title Tunes – Index criticism – demographic 865

critical theory 44 Cutler, Chris 79 De Guella theme 371, 456 critical thinking 679 cuts (visual/musical) 387 De Niro, Robert 464 criticism (rock) 64–78 cynical / cynicism 580, 594 De Rose, Peter 268 Crosby, Bing 374, 605 Cyporyn, Dennis 341, 352, 354 De Wolfe LIBRARY MUSIC cross-association / cross-connota- The Czar’s Messenger 810 Dead Kennedys 647, 832 tion 299, 301-2, 469, 473 Czech[s] 320 death 133, 173, 177, 185, 190, 196, rock-youth-cars 622 Swedish connotations of 329 198, 203, 307-9, 314, 442-4, 446, rock-youth-crime 624 Czerny études 19 448, 449, 450, 456, 466, 563, 565, crossing hands 233 566, 568, 569, 570, 605, 661, 674 Crossing Number 9 (Blake) 353 D dying 182, 183, 207 crossovers ‘D’Arnot’s Vision’ 589 death metal ROCK cowboy, thriller, Latin 395–396 Dad’s Army 136, 429 ‘Death of Oahn’ (film cue) 456 cross-rhythm 343, 532 †METRE Daffy Duck 575 Deayton, Angus 576 crowd[s] 172, 235, 423, 428, 500, Dagworthy, Wendy 649 Debussy, Claude 30, 171, 192, 200, 619, 674 Dahlhaus, Carl 15, 18, 21, 23, 36, 204, 246, 260, 380, 471 crowded 392 48, 68, 271 decadence / decadent 459, 460 Dakota (Shadows) 358 Crowley, H E 379 deceit 463 Dale tu mano al indio 335 crude 133, 533 deckare (incl. detective, P.I., i.e. de- Dallas (TV) 302 cruel[ty] 123, 133, 566, 568, 646, 674 tective as person or genre, see pivot chord 359 The Cruel Mother 336 Glossary) †CRIME †POLICE †MYS- Cruise, D A 53 The Dam Busters 222, 223 TERY †SPY, etc. Damiani, Damiano 332 Cruise, Tom 4 127, 135, 206, 366-9, 395, 430, Damnation of Faust (Berlioz) 71 crunch, minor add9 456 458-9, 460, 463, 464, 487, 492, cry[ing] 192, 353, 446, 449, 459, dance / dancing 170, 329, 392, 486, 494, 499, 571–573, 579–588, 598, 460, 576, 674 498–501, 605, 645-6, 650, 653 601, 604, 605, 617, 624-6, 627, private and public 498–501 Cry Tough (Poison) 423 629, 657-9, 666, 668, 674, 676. semiquavers in 392 Crying (Travelling Willburys) 230 gumshoe (detective) 629 Dance to the Music 653 Crying Time (Owens) 575 private eyes 579–588 Dancer, April 621 csárdás 320 declamatory 422 danger[ous] Cuando calienta el sol 347 Declaration of Human Rights 133, 137, 309, 430, 461, 493, 601, Cuban revolution 355 (United Nations) 7, 678 Cubana Be/Bop 567, 578 647, 650–654, 670 deconstruction, musical 78 La cucaracha 348, 355, 356 menace 650–54, 656, 660 decontextualisation of body cue sheets 30 chord 656, 662 73, 75, 87, 421 cueca 342, 361 note/tone 651, 660, 661 decoration / decorative 416 Cugat, Xavier 361 threat[ening] 5, 133, 135, 197, chromaticism 209 cult stud[s] 59, 67, 806 307, 319, 419, 461, 464, 566, dedicated 197 cultural conservatism 310 569, 573, 604, 618, 619, 644, Dee (River) 255 cultural dominance 132 650–53, 656, 661, 674 deep feelings 196 cultural emergence 132 threatened 197, 419 Deep In The Heart Of Texas 368, cultural relativity 39 Dangerous Moonlight 199, 203 374, 375 ethnomusicology 38 ff. Daniélou, Alain 558 Deep Purple (band) 109, 114, 141, cultural studies 8, 78–89 Dante Allighieri 39 268, 375, 462, 607–632, 666-7 low reciprocity of discourse 83 Danube (at 300 kph) 486 †OWED TO ‘G’ music marginal in 80–84 Daphnis et Chloë (Ravel) 168, 246, pioneers and forerunners 84 247, 564 Deep Purple (tune) 268, 269 problems in 85–88 Darbietungsmusik 103 defalsification of music history 679 pseudo-politicisation of 83 dare / daring 132, 355, 461 defeat 569, 604 cultural theory 67 dark[ness] 133, 207, 213, 442-4, definite/definitive 132 culturally ambivalent, negative, 446, 448, 450, 452, 459, 460, 466, goal[s] 269, 393, 676 neutral, positive VVAs 131-3 566, 567, 568, 569, 570, 572, 590, dego 362 Cumberland Gap 353 627, 674 deification of money 26 Cummings, E E 54 Darling Corey 353 dejection 601 Cupid 264 Darmstadt 370 Dejenme paso que voy 337 El cura no va a la iglesia Darstellungsmusik 103 Delalande, François 56 337, 344, 391 David of White Rock 517 deliberate 100 current affairs music 492 Davies, Ray 62 movement 269 Cursos latinoamericanos de música Davies, Stephen 56 Delibes, Léo 31 contemporânea 116, 117, 796 Davis, Angela 42 delicate 130, 515 curtir 806 Davis, Bette 171 delight 195 Curtis, Adam 43 Davis, Miles 41, 367, 371, 578, 582 delinquency/delinquent[s] Curtis, Tony 596 Davy Crockett 354, 355 584, 623, 646, 657 curve[-d/-s] 133, 253, 256-8 Dawn of the Dead 581 Delon, Alain 587 curvilinear 134, 239, 250, 251, 260, day TIMEof day HOLIDAY democra/-cy/-tic 4, 7, 46, 63, 80, 84- 261, 265 Day In The Life 457, 561, 573, 575 85, 88, 90-91,421, 490, 678-9 Custom Eyes eye shadow 649 Day, Doris 498 demographic[s] 8, 13, 117, 142, cut-off (end Miami Vice) 660 De George, R 296 149, 326, 375, 866 demonstration – Dr Finlay Ten Little Title Tunes – Index

demonstration (political) 410, 412 Dion, Céline 422 Disney, Walt 589, 591 Den Frieden, Dem Freiheit 177 Dionysian frenzy 663 songs 429 denial 186 directed[ness]/direction[ality] 302, disorder 133, 461 Denisoff, R Serge 13, 43 305, 387, 590 †ADVENTIVE †EXI- display[s] 97, 410, 416, 424, 427 Denny, Sandy 323 TIVE public 422 †PERFORMANCE density 133 anacrusis 102, 103, 115, 169, disrespectful 419 Dent, Edward J 16 200, 242, 297, 349, 359, 442, dissociation (epistemic) 25-28 depart[ure] PARTING 446, 447, 450, 451, 563, 592, business from conscience 25 depravity 581 590–5, 599, 601, 604, 663 dissonance[s] HARMONY depressive 319 ascend[ing]/ascent/up[wards] distance/distant 137, 353, 354, 415 deprivation 22 conjunct / disjunct 383, 385 land/place 445, 447 †FAR Depuis le jour 218, 227 triadic 383 distanced/distancing 138, 346, Derek and the Dominoes 62 intervals 442, 443, 444, 445, 372 Derringer, Rick 653 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, VVAs 134, 137  Desai, Meghnad 54 451, 452, 453 distortion SOUND PROCESSING backwards 346 distress 595–596 descen/-d/-t DIRECTION descend desert (barren) 297, 302, 354, 381, retrogr/-ade/-essive 175, 560 disturb[-ance/-ing] 133, 430, 674 388, 674 descend/descent, falling 139, Dives and Lazarus 322, 323 379, 385, 442, 443, 449, 450, ‘divine velocity’ 485 deserted 138, 389, 393, 536 451, 452, 453, 466 † MELODY The Divinyls 207 designation 112, 513 downwards 569 division of labour 673 desire (object relations) 71 end of blues period 630 musical 48 despair / desperate 133, 181, 185, darkness/night 444 Dixieland JAZZ 203, 456, 471, 599 melody 595–596 Do You Love Me? 472-3 despondency/despondent 183, 459 forwards 73, 102, 211,215, 591 dobro 353 destination 389 harmonic 215, 514, 587, 626-8 documentary 518, 617, 621 destiny 459, 672, 674 horizontal change 657–64 Dodge City 302, 605 destructive/destruction 426, 605 skips to 6th 227–231 ‘dog-eat-dog’ 75 Det var en gång en sjöman 429 melodic 379–382, 452 doh-pentatonic MODES detective DECKARE †CRIME OVER/ACROSS Doina din Arges 564 †MYSTERY †POLICE † SPY problems of 297-8, 568, 657–64 doleful 182 determination/determined propulsive 211, 215, 341, 385, dollar film WESTERNItalian 130 430, 461, 590, 677 490, 491, 590, 622 DOMUS 108 Ein deutches Requiem 313 to and fro 72, 674 Don Cossacks 322 deviation factor STATISTICS towards 297 Don Juan 319, 377, 568 devious 676 dirge 570 Don’t Dilly Dally By The Way 213 devotion/devoted178, 197 dirt[y] 133, 459, 460 Don’t Fence Me In 374 dew 172, 235, 247 disappointment 133, 217, 660, 661 Donegan, Lonnie 353 diabolus in musica 582 disaster 198, 674 Donizetti, Gaetano 443, 448, 452  †CHORDS & INTERVALS tritone discipline 133, 223, 421 Donna (Valens) 338 diachronic process 659 academic 8-10, 22, 38, 37-38, Donne, John 54 diagetic closure 389 47-48, 52, 57-8, 60, 64, 79-83, Donnington, Robert 208 Dialogo della musica antica… 312 88-90, 92, 104 doom 305, 554-5, 651, 660, 664 diapason 223 Disclosure (film) 456 doom and gloom 314, 449 Dickensian living conditions 22 disco 168, 486, 488, 491, 646, 531, doomsday bass 660 Dickinson, Angie 676 646, 648, 649, 652, 654 doomsday registration 153, 637 diction 52 discothèque 622, 650, 657 doorstop note 228, 229, 806 Diderot, Denis 15, 68 vs rock 622 dope 646 Dido and Aeneas 182 discomfort 463 dor do cotovelo 806 Dies irae 565 discontinuity DISJUNCT[IVE] dorian MODES Dietrich, Marlene 671, 676 discourse, problems of Dorian Toccata (Bach) 183 Dietz & Rainger 566 contextual 10, 806 Dorothy (Oz) 389 difficult[y] / difficulties / adversity / cultural studies 83 Dorsey, Tommy 579 adversities / problem[s] (VVA) metacontextual 9, 10, 28, 59, 83, Dos Passos, John 301 133, 459, 460, 461-3, 572, 577, 678, 807 Double Indemnity 171 590, 620, 621, 623 metatextual/metamusical 9, 10, double-neighbour elaboration 451 setbacks (VVA) 460 28, 59, 91, 92, 678, 807 doubt 471 Digibells 589 musicological 103 Douglas, Carl 531 digital sound processing 651 †METALANGUAGE †METHOD dour 207 dignitaries 413, 428, 668 Disdain Me Still (Byrd) 316 Dowland, John 181, 316, 577 dignity 197, 198 disgust[ing] 133, 464, 569 msus9 in songs by 455 digressiveness 555–562 dishonesty 463 Down by the Riverside 229 Dillon, Matt 366 disillusionment 393 The Down Homers 375 Dimetapp antihistamine pills 573 disjunct[ive]/disjointed/discontinu- down-home 422 diminished CHORDS & INTERVALS ity 97, 101, 265, 268, 391, 442 Down Wapping 391 diminuendo 102, 157, 169 ascent 383, 385 downward[s] DIRECTION dinner jacket CLOTHES flooding 221, 225–231 Dr Finlay’s Casebook 262 Ten Little Title Tunes – Index Dr Hook – energy 867

Dr Hook (& Medicine Show) 207 Dudley, Dave 390 The Electric Muse 323 Dr No 372, 626, 629 duel 371, 569 Electric Musk cologne 649 Dr Strangelove 390 Duel in the Sun 304, 351 electrification Dr Zhivago 136, 171, 452, 470 duets for piano 233 Country music 373–375 Dracula 120 Dukas, Paul 591, 592 theories Paris to London 88 dragging 134, 577 Dukes of Hazard 621 electronic 127, 518, 648 Dragnet 572 dulcimer (hammered) 373, 377 elegant CLOTHING FASHION drama 132, 224, 590, 592, 595, 617 dumbing down 85 Élégie 314 dramatic 127, 300, 417, 422, 590, Duncan, Johnny 352 Elegy 196 598, 604 Duncan, Trevor 348 for Organ 221-3 dream[s]/dreaming 132, 460, 596 Dunkirk 416, 417 Elgar, Sir Edward 60, 195, 210, as melodic contour category 220 Dunn, Bob 373 211, 220, 221, 223, 224, 428, 495 dreamy 170, 269 duration of test examples 118 elitism 71 melodic archetype 268 Durch Adams Fall… 456 Elizabeth II QUEEN The Dream of Olwen (‘Olwen’, Durham, Eddie 373 Golden Jubilee, 2002 61 Tune 1) 14, 99, 107, 111, 112, 114, Durkheim, Émile 39 Elle magazine 263 122, 129, 130, 136, 142, 144, 145, dusty 391 Ellerton, George 316 147, 148, 149, 150, 153, 155-276, Dvořák, Antonín 31, 303, 319, 320 Ellington, Duke 41, 204, 567, 573, 297, 317, 382, 414, 449, 463, 464, New World Symphony 325 578, 582, 597 499, 514, 515, 516, 532, 557, 561, Dyer, Richard 71 elm tree 257 597, 621, 632, 666, 667, 668, 669, dying DEATH Elton John 175 670 The Dying Cowboy 308 Elvira Madigan 14, 21, 215, 241– dreary 577 Dylan, Bob 310, 326, 374, 658 246, 262 dress CLOTHES dynamics (loud/soft) VOLUME emancipat/-ion/-ory 85, 421 Dreyfus, Madame 248 dynamism 132, 672, 673 high art values and 84 drifting 518 dysphoria 446 rock 65 drink[ing] 601, 620 Dyuk Stepanovich 322 embrace 195, 224, 250, 391, 646 Drink To Me Only 323, 324 emergence, cultural 430 driving 486, 494, 623, 674 E Emerson, Keith 600 polysemic VVA 138 Ealing 104 emigration 308 driving the action 659, 660, 677 ear candy 649 Emmerdale Farm (‘Emmerdale’, drone[s] 312, 323, 346, 533, 661 Ear Magazine 491, 552 Tune 6) 101, 107, 112, 115, 129, modal minor 321 ‘earthiness’ 672 139, 141, 142, 147, 148, 149, 150, low menace 661 Eastern Intrigue (Rundgren) 531 150, 180, 214, 215, 248, 254, 381, droopiness 452 Eastwood, Clint 331, 346, 362, 365, 382-3, 385, 463, 503–520, 597, droplets 241, 245-9 †WATER 378, 396 604, 632, 666, 667, 668, 669, 670 dropouts 619 Easy Rider 136, 585 as ‘female’ tune 514 drowning 261 eat 429 †FOOD & DRINK melodic shape labels 381 drugs 581, 582, 620, 623, 664 ebonics (‘jive talk’) 54 similarities with Virginian 382 drugged 133 ecclesiastical 120 non-fictional setting 515 public TV advert 661 eclecticism 370 emotion/emotional[ity] †AFFECT drum[s] 428, 430, 476 †PERCUSSION Eco, Umberto 51-3, 55, 73, 271, 273 60, 220, 224, 249, 604, 674 bass/kick 398, 608-9, 622 ecological 48 abandon 251 danger and 650–652 ecstatic 132 capping of 224 cymbal 608-9 Eddy, Duane 367, 368, 375, 395, categorisation of 430 fashion and 649 599, 600 tension 217 kit 621, 628 education 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 23, 28-9, empathy: music’s provision of 125 electronic 115 31-2, 44-7, 57-9, 61-2, 66-7, 74, Empfindsamkeit 11 machine 621, 647, 650, 653, 80-1, 83-4, 88, 91-2, 103-4, 108, Empire UK British Empire 654, 660 116, 222-3, 272, 678-9 empiricism 44 †EMPIRIPHOBIA snare 378, 398, 608-9, 622, 649 democratic imperative 678-9 lack of in music analysis 105 rim shot[s] 295, 296, 305, 342–3 Sweden 44–46 sociological 43, 43–46 toms 378, 608-9 Edwardian 195 †HISTORICAL empiriphobia 43, 83, 806 drum majorette[s] 668, 675 Edwin Hawkins Singers 95 empowerment 85, 88, 291, 679 drummer 428 eerie 127, 588–590 empty/emptiness 446, 449, 605 drunkenness 575 efficient/efficiency 133, 421 Emsheimer, Ernst 40, 45, 46 dry 122, 305 of musical coding 554 emulsifying 170 musical term in Africa 385 effusive 424 E-Musik 21 term describing sound 651, 654 Egmont (Beethoven) 177 En la cordillera llueve 342 Du bist wie eine Blume 178, 218 eighties (1980s) HISTORICAL enchanting 132 Du großer Schmerzensmann 456 Einfühlung (Lissa) 125 encumbrance 133, 569 dualism †EPISTEMOLOGICAL Einleitung i/d Musiksoziologie 41 The End Of My Old Cigar 411, 412 figure/ground, melody/accom- Der Einsame (R Strauss) 444 ending FINALITY paniment 264, 269, 387, 657 Einsamkeit (Schubert) 188, 189 enemy 426 dubious 601 Eisler, Hanns 39, 124 energy/energetic 66, 71, 73, 218, duck on horseback 346 El Alamein, Battle of 416 294, 300, 342, 354, 376, 384, 469, Duck, You Sucker! 396 electric guitar GUITAR 489, 568 868 Enfance – female Ten Little Title Tunes – Index

L’Enfance du Christ 327, 517 Ethnomusicology (journal) 22, 37 La Fanciulla del West 325 England/English UK étude-broilers 19 fandango 320, 336-341 horn ORCHESTRAT.cor angl. etymophony 180, 195, 205, 208, Fandango asturiano 338, 339 enharmonic CHORDS/INTERVALS 274, 488–494, 666, 806 fanfare 191, 378, 416, 624, 625 Enigma Variations 195, 221 Europe[an] 428, 459, 514, 518 electric guitar 376 Enlightenment 11, 15, 16, 17, 27 Decency Threshold 63 Fanfare for the Common Man 625 enmity 133, 410, 430 Eurocentricism 38 fantasia 518 ENRON 75 global power to USA 413 Fantasia (Disney) 591 Ensminger, M Eugene 293 Europe (pomp metal band) 424 Fantasia on Greensleeves 346 enterprise 393 Evans, Ray 305 fantasy 132 Enterprise (Star Trek) 624 evening 220, 443, 674 far/far away 388, 472 entertaining 428 Everett, Walter 82 far from the madding crowd 177 entertainment 60, 123, 410, 412, Everly Brothers 357 Farben (Schönberg) 535 419, 424, 428, 429 everyday (adj.) 514, 519, 530, 536 Fargo, Donna 422 Entfühlung 125 evil 646 Fari della notte 586 Entrance of the Gladiators 427 evildoers 463 farm[s] 533, 536 enveloping 646, 661 Eviva España 348 farm workers 197 epaulettes 427 Ewell, Tom 199 farmhouse 515 episodic marker 99, 101–3, 806 exaggeration (suspense notes) 627 Farnaby, Giles 345 episodic time TIME exalted 186 farruca 320 epistemic 68, 83, 89, 90 ‘excellence’ 19, 66 fart 419, 588 (bassoon) epistemological/epistemology 9-12 exceptions proving rules 54 fascism / fascist[s] 197, 419, 420 traditions 34 excite-ment/-ing 132, 217, 246, 299, cowboy films and 293 Great Divide 9-12, 27–28 426, 461, 623-4, 644, 646, 674 speed, war, hygiene and 485 use of VVA taxonomy in 142 “excited” 483 fashion 136, 151, 171, 496, 552, eponym (lyrics) TRANSSCANSION exclusive scores 151 553, 605, 647, 649–650, 657, 660, Eppstein, Hans 16, 47 executioner 5 664, 666, 676 †CLOTHES equine anaphone 154, 343 exertion 376 African-American 649 Erbarm’ dich mein, O Herre… 456 exitive 134, 139, 140, 387, 459, 460 drums and 649 Erdmann, Bengt 44 exotic[ism] 102, 127, 319, 328, 329, elegant 132, 386 Erdmann, Hans 31 371, 533, 621 †ETHNIC hip/cool/‘in’ 60, 132, 495, 579– Eriksson, Maj 141 ethnicity/exoticism 466–74 588, 619, 647, 649, 650 Erlkönig (Schubert) 188, 319 instrumentation and 466–472 Latin influences on 649 Erlösung (Parsifal) 190 minor modes 327–330 drums in music for 649 Eroica Symphony 22 expectation 471 new look 554 eroticism SEXUALITY explore/exploring 134, 387 1970s and 1980s 553 eruptive 134, 625 extensional 55, 63, 65 obsolescence guaranteed 496 Es schauen die Blumen 446 external forces 461 †FATE old-fashioned 238, 500 escapades 429 external obstacles 459, 460 Paris 649 escape 222, 302, 387 extramusical 161, 271, 295, 806 show 554, 647, 649 Escape from New York 600 †PARAMUSICAL street style 649 escort agency 676 extreme metal ROCK stylishness 657 espionage 631 SPY exuberance 368 suave 660 Essay on the True Art of Playing eye shadow 605, 645, 649 ‘trendy object’ 552, 647, 649, 650 Keyboard Instruments 20 up-to-date 495, 553, 647 essive 134 F fast SPEED established order (political) 418-9 Fabbri, Franco 10, 79, 81, 89, 96, fate 132, 446, 449, 459, 568, 574, 592 estradnaya muzyka 471 101, 806, 809 fateful 371, 566 Estudiantina 340 facial expression 52 Faulty Records 647, 832 eternal/eternity 18, 25, 39, 76, 239, fade-out 157, 169, 279, 433, 476, Fauré, Gabriel Pour Dolly 250 189, 484 522, 541, 609, Faust 207 ethereal 126, 127, 170, 179, 443 Fafner (Rheingold) 261 fax machines 489 ethnic[ity] 319, 371, 377 †EXOTIC Der Fahnder 624 FBI 368 baseball music 330 failure 133, 459 FBI (Shadows) 625 ‘ethnic’ 666 fainting 220 The FBI in Peace and War 572 folk lute 466-9, 471-2 fair (bright) 133 fear 133, 208, 459, 471, 597, 656 German 320 fair (market) 415 spread by advertising 678 instruments and 466–474 Fairport Convention 322, 323 scary 137 Mediterranean 328 Faith, Percy 142, 278, 292, 346, 361 fedora (hat) CLOTHES modal 319, 320, 322-3, 329, 330 Falck,Edward 325 feedback SOUND PROCESSING mood music category 313 Falconetti’s Revenge 600 Feld, Steve 53, 83 tourism tracks 467 Falla, Manuel de 320 female †GENDER †GIRLS †MEN ethnocentricity/-ism 31, 39, 78, 666 falsetto 350, 396 †WOMEN pentatonicism 531–532 Faltermeyer, Harold 5 ‘feminine chaos’ 171 ethnomusicology 8, 22, 35, 36–39, Fame 500, 620 femininity 536 40, 50, 53, 83, 89, 90, 468 family 429, 536, 674 in Western narrative 394 legitimate safaris in 83 target group for Virginian 375 male and 666–678 Ten Little Title Tunes – Index feminism – freedom 869

maternal instinct 672 Fistful PER UN PUGNO DI DOLLARI peanut butter sandwich 661 speaking pitch 648 Five Hundred Miles 353 picnic 412, 415 townsfolk 394 ‘five-o’-clock shadow’ 419 repas d’amour 244 tunes 514, 666-678 flag[s] (incl. ensigns and banners) football (soccer) 428 feminism 71 409, 412, 415, 428 Footloose (1984) 653 femme fatale WOMEN flageolets 575-576 For a Few Dollars More Fender GUITAR PIANO flamenco 329, 371, 386, 393 PER QUALCHE DOLLARI IN PIU Leo 373 Flamini, Alberto 370 For a Fistful of Dollars ‘fenderised’ 372 Flanagan, Bud 412, 429 PER UN PUGNO DI DOLLARI Fenton, George 624 flares CLOTHES For He’s A Jolly Good Fellow 411 Ferlosio, José Antonio Sánchez Flash Gordon 569 For Other Eye () 456 (a.k.a. Chicho) 348, 835 flash[-ing] 646 ‘for the family’ 122, 123, 463 Fernando (Abba) 91, 102, 105, 196, lights 486, 623 ‘for what??’ 419, 430 338, 352, 467 Flashdance 136, 500, 620 force 218 Ferri, Costatino 370 flashy 132, 424 force feed 122 Ferrier, Kathleen 316 ‘flashy’ 487 forceful 72 fervour 176, 177 flat ($) CHORDS/INTERVALS Ford, Charlie 11 festive 410, 417, 428, 429, 430, 673 flatpicking 375 Ford, Tennessee Ernie 354 festivity, festivities †HOLIDAY Flatt, Lester 353 foreboding 652 132, 409, 410, 424 Flaubert, Gustave 77, 220 foreignness 329 Fêtes (Debussy) 246 Die Fledermaus 102 foreshortening 663 fetish[ism] flickering 247 forest[s] WOODS commodity 650 Der fliegende Holländer 307 forgiveness 178 folk authenticity 310 flight FLY forlorn 183 money 26 Flint, R W 484 form in Miami Vice 661–664 feudal aristocracy 60 float[ing] 131, 136, 244, 253, 260, formalism 53, 82 feudalism 11, 16, 17, 18, 23 flooding 261 format radio 13 fiddle 391 Florida 664 Forschungszentrum populäre Fiddler on the Roof 446 Floros, Constantin 48 Musik 61 field[s] (rural) 136, 224, 243, 262, flow[ing] 136, 171, 233, 236, 237, 238, The Forsythe Saga 724 265, 303, 381, 388 †meadow[s] 239, 244, 245, 252, 253, 258, 260, Fort Worth (Texas) 379 field trip 36 261, 262, 265, 266, 269, 270, 382 Forte, Allen 230, 387 fifth[s] CHORDS/INTERVALS flower[s] 179, 239, 240, 241–6, 418, Forty Miles of Bad Road (Eddy) 368 Fifty Years of Film Music 108 419, 674 forwards MOTION fight[ing] 123, 134, 135, 137, 371, flute 157, 380, 433, 648 La forza del destino 574 417, 419, 426, 428, 569 La flûte indienne 334, 361 Foster, Stephen 325, 377 armed combat 423 fluttering 246–249 fotonovelas 806 fight music 599–600 fluvial RIVER fountain[s] 172, 235, 247 Wagnerian 300 Fluxus 30 Four Aces 64, 65, 421 ‘fighting for what??’ (US) 430 fly[ing] 131, 307 †GLIDE †HOVER Four Aces of Western Swing 375 ‘fighting spirit’ (US) 422, 426 flight 100 fourth estate 22, 60, 70 The Fighting Side Of Me 423 flying saucers 661 4'33 (Cage) 556 figure/ground 264, 269, 387, 657 The Flying Dutchman 307 Foxboro, Massachusetts 423 film 617, 623 Flynn, Errol 171 Foxy Lady (Hendrix) 593–594 silent 30, 314, 567 fog WEATHER fräck[t] 617, 650, 806 VVA category 553 foliage 261 ‘fräck’ 483 film music 35, 62, 124 folk music 37 France 459 dual commodity character 109 conservatism of 374 C19 concert repertoire 19 composers of, Germanic 31 in industrial towns 22 Francès, Robert 51, 55, 56, 77, 104, functions of 124–125 Folk Music Enigma 374, 812 106, 247, 632 musematic analysis and 109 folk rock 322 Franck, César 19 music history, absence in 29–32 Folkbox album 326 Frankfurt School 42 reception test criteria 109 folklore 517 Franklin, Milt 356 film noir 463-4, 572, 580, 592 folksy 377 Franz, Robert 446 filter (soft optical) 244 Fonagy, Ivan 53 Frayling, Christopher 291, 331-2, final/-ity 206, 207, 210-2, 214, 659 Fonda, Henry 331 345-6, 362-8, 372, 378, 392-4 ending 137, 459, 460, 660, 674 Fonda, Peter 585 Freak Out (Zappa) 353 final chord Miami Vice 661 Fontana di Trevi 246, 247 free 133, 137 Final Countdown (Europe) 424 food and drink ‘free’ 346 The Final Rip Off 414 alcohol 135, 461, 624, 674 competition 24 finals (sports competition) 415 champagne 199 market 87 finance capitalism 75 eat[ing]29 induction 119–121 fin-de-siècle 257 health food 265 spirit 652 Finesilver, Mike 465, 466 ice-cream 97, 410, 415, 430 will 17 Finnish grammar 134 långfil 619, 807 freedom 60, 239, 303, 305, 388, 393 Fire (Hendrix) 593 meal[s] 410, 429 ‘freedom’ 679 fire 172, 235 ornamental gingerbread 228 of choice 87 870 Freia – glittering Ten Little Title Tunes – Index

Freia (Rheingold) 261 The Galloping Major 294, 412 German[y] 413 Der Freischütz 320, 568 galop (dance) 293 mini-states in 11 French horn HORN (French) can-can and sex 293 minor mode 317–321 French Revolution 22 Gals Around Cape Horn 309, 327-8 musical nationalism 320 frenzy 663 game[s] Romantic theories in 17 fresh air 248 computer/video 7 romanticism 15, 21 Fresh Fruit for Rotting… 647, 832 rules of the 426 Gershwin, George 204, 496, 498, freshness 133 Gamle svarten 295 571, 578–579, 581, 595, 597 Fried, Frederick 496 gammaldans 23, 44 gesture, etc. 52, 105 Friede (Wolff) 443 Gammon, Vic 23 gestural friendly 130, 132 gang[s] 621, 623 appropriation 254-5, 271, fringe areas RANDGEBIET gäng 618, 620, 806 257, 265, 271 Frith, Simon 42, 61, 65, 71, 80, 81, 89 gangar (Trad. Norw. dance) 321 counterpoint 225 From Russia with Love 367, 553 gangster[s] 573, 601, 668 interconversion 253–267, From Silent Night 181, 577 music 570–573, 578, 579, 582, 270–275, 666 Fromm, Erich 43 586, 587, 598, 600, 602 projection/externalisation front (in front of) 134 garden 174, 177, 195, 220, 230, 260, 265, 270-271 Frontiere, Dominic 396, 724 249, 266 melodic 424 Frostensson, Cecilia 44 garish 424, 427 ‘inner gesture’ 272, 274 frustrated/frustration 469, 471 Garofalo, Reebee 79 loud gesture 423 Fu Manchu 531 gas mask 416, 417 Get Smart (Szathmary) 626 Fuchs, Robert 29 Gassenhauer 23 Gethsemane 185 Fučik, Julius 427 gaudy 416, 418, 427 ghetto 571, 623, 627 ‘fucking’s good’ 132, 265 gay (as polysemic word) 69 (Ghost) Riders in the Sky 295, 351, fugue 556 gaze 264 352, 355, 368, 369, 372, 373, 375, ‘the full Monty’ 417 Geijerstam, Claes af 356, 361, 336 391, 395 Fuller and Warren 308, 379, 382 Geldof, Sir Robert 60, 62, 63 Ghosts, The 368 fun 60, 97, 132, 424, 429, 430 Gemma, Giuliano 365, 806 GI (US forces) 532 fighting, killing, war as Gemüth 17 Giannetta (Trad. Ital.) 311 410, 412, 417, 418, 419, 420, gender 461, 463, 514, 666–77, 678 Giant 304 422, 423, 426, 430 †FEMALE †MALE †MEN †WOMEN giant 565 fun and games 418, 423 musical markers of 669–670 Gibbons, Beth 456 fun and power 424 tunes 47, 514, 667–678 Gibson, Mel 456 potential for 412 VVAs 670–675 Giddins, Gary 580 spoilt by analysis? 104-5 response profile 668 The Gift (Copland) 536 Fun City 368 sexism 425, 670, Gilbert, Fred 294 functional embodiment 105, 123 General Electric 296, 490-1, 495 Gilbert, Stephen 230 Les funérailles (Liszt) 443 General Strike (UK) 40 Giles Farnaby Dream Band 345 funeral[s] 313, 314, 565 generation YOUNG PEOPLE Gillespie, Dizzy 41, 567, 578, 580 march 564 genius 18, 60 Gillett, Charlie 64, 338, 582, 621 Marche funèbre (Chopin) 314 genre 806 Gilliam, Terry 418 Funeral March for a Marionette references 462 Gilmore, Patrick S 390 (Gounod) 591 synecdoche 99, 101, 517, 806 Gimme Back My Bullets 653 Fünf Sätze für Streichquartett 29 classical 196 Giraldus Cambrensis 35 funk music 425, 653 disco 649 girl[s] 136, 177, 386, 392, 393, 429 funny 428, 429 English church 176 Chang’s daughter 532 futile/futility 133, 419, 428, 461, ethnic, geographical 304 cover girls 263 660, 661, 664 gangster music 571 girlhood 671 fusion (diluted) 670 parlour song 224 little girl 463 future TIME piano arpeggios 249 Pamela (15 yrs) 238, 532 future research 423 riding = Western 303-305 soldier’s 675 Future Shop (retail) 61 space film 648 ‘Spanish gals’ 309 futurism 383 trembling 246 GIs 301 Futurist Manifesto 484 VVAs specific of genre 645–647 Giù la testa 346 fuzz 100, 469, 624 gentle 130, 132 glandular 377 The Gentleman Soldier 336 Glasgow 104, 149 G geocultural location (incl. ‘local Glass Mountain LEGEND OF THE Gabin, Jean 587 [colour]’, etc.) 319, 320, 327–32, Glazunov, Alexander P 29 Gable, Clark 174 371, 377, 428-9, 466–74, 516, 666 glide, gliding gait HORSE †HISTORICAL †ETHNIC †EXOTIC gliding 131, 253, 260, 270, 515, galas CELEBRATION †RURAL †URBAN †CLASS †INDOORS 518, 674 Galícia 350, 355 †OUTDOORS glider 122 Gallardo, C L G 82 Geordie’s Byre 345, 346 glissando 101, 541, 648, 650 Gallilei, Vinenzo 312 George II BUSH, GEORGE W jazz 597–598 El gallo negro 348, 835 George III KING[S] semitone 573–577 Gallone, Alessandra 73 George, X De 555, 561, 563 glistening 172, 235, 589 gallop[ing] HORSE glittering 170, 172, 235 Ten Little Title Tunes – Index globalisation – gypsy 871

globalisation 35, 420 grandiloquent 424 guitar 100, 336, 380, 458 gloomy 133, 139, 188 grandiose 247, 424 BASSguitar Gloomy Sunday 595 Grant, Cary 498 downstrokes 652 glossy 650 Grant, Ulysses S 378 electric 346, 366-8, 370-5, 377- ‘glossy’ 646 grass 136, 241–6, 249, 674 8, 381, 387-8, 424, 469, 476, glossy magazines 262 ‘helluva lotta green grass’ 245 516, 592, 620-1, 626 Gluck, Christoph Willibald 316 †GREEN †MEADOW clean fanfare figures 376 go – polysemic VVA 138 gratification distorsion 100, 469, 592, Go Down, Moses (US Trad.)448 immediate/postponed 60, 65 621, 624, 652, 653, 660 goal[s] (= destination) 390, 393 Gravesen, Finn 45 Broadcaster 373 goal reached 537 The Great Dictator (Chaplin) 428 feedback 153, 608-9, goat 251 The Great Divide EPISTEMOLOGY Fender 278-9, 346, 356, 367, God 419 Great Events — The Best of British 368, 369, 371-3, 375, 376, God Bless America 422 Movietonews 416 377, 378, 379, 381, 625 (Beach Boys) 62 The Great Gate of Kiev 470 first use of 373 God Rest Ye Merry… 310, 329 Greece/Greek 313, 328, 329, 330, in C&W 373–375 God Save The Queen 61, 103, 423 331, 467, 468, 459, 469, 471, 473, lead 375–378, 620, 608-9, The Godfather 452, 467, 468, 470 474 634-7 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang 177, 178 greed 26, 75, 421 Manic Depression 592 ‘go-get-'em’ 594 green 167, 224, 245, 381, 515, 674 Miami Vice 653-4, 660, 662-4 Goin’ Down 630 †GRASS †MEADOWS overdrive 424, 620 going nowhere 368, 664 eye shadow 464 semantic history of 367–375 gold 212 ‘green as hell’ 244 Rickenbacker Model ‘A’ 373 Goldenberg, W 3, 5, 246, 568, 585 Green Berets rhythm 608-9, 624, 634-7 Goldschmidt, Harry 47 Ballad Of The… 423 624, 634-7 March to Cadence (CD) 425 Goldsmith, Jerry 5, 31 586 riff 592 Gone with the Wind 29, 175, 205, 569 Green, Lorne 378 six-stringed 373 Gonzaga, Luíz 334, 338, 361 Green, Lucy 37, 78, 89 solo 424 Gonzales SPEEDY GONZALES Green, Peter 619 Stratocaster 356, 367, 368, Gonzalez, Jaun Pablo 347, 361 Greensleeves 345, 346 380, 392 good vs bad 390 Fantasia on 322 Telecaster 278-9 ‘good-guy music’ 4 Greenwich Time Signal 488 sustain 608 Good Vibrations (Beach Boys) 62 Gregorian MODES timbre 376 The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Grenada (A Lara) 319, 395 undistorted 369, 576 BUONO, IL BRUTTO, IL CATTIVO grenade 425 Hawaiian 102 The Good Old Days 429 Grenier, Line 108 Instrucción de música sobra la ‘goodbye’ 459, 460 Greyser, Stephen A 43 guitarra espagnola 341 Goodbye Ole Paint 330, 309 Greystoke 195, 589 laissez vibrer 376, 377, 379, Goodman, Benny 579, 597 grief 186, 207, 314, 380, 462, 574 386, 465 Gorbman, Claudia 124, 582 grief-stricken 456 malagueña lick 336, 337 gospel music 425 Grieg, Edvard 30, 171, 192, 198, ostinato 302, 305 got a light? 675 203, 232, 313, 314, 321, 567 picking 376 Göteborg 7, 576, 45, 46, 108, 141, Lyrische Stücke 321 Spanish 381 334, 336, 368, 413, 429, 620, 806 grim 651 steel guitar 353, 373, 375 Avenyn 413, 805 grinding 71 strum 278-9, 291-2, 295-7, 3-5, Liseberg pleasure park 429 gringo 346, 362, 364, 365, 378 323, 335-342, 341, 375, 670 Nordhemskolan 576 pussy cat 355, 356 Univ. of 116, 147, 148, 149, 796 toughness 345 chitarra battente 341 Musicology 82, 44, 82 gripping 197 tablature (Italian) 341 Political Science 82 grisly 568 US mass production of 341 Gould, Morton 197 Grisman, Dave 468 Vol-U-Tone 373 Gounod, Charles 173, 207, 516, 591 gritty 580 guitarón 336 Goya, Francisco Jose de 257 groaning, groans 181, 573–577 Guitar Player magazine 55 grace notes 226, 231 Grofé, Ferde 591, 592 gumshoe DECKARE Graceland (Paul Simon) 487 Grossberg, Larry 70, 71 A Gun for Ringo 346 Gracyk, Theodore 41 Grout, Donald J 8, 30 gun[s] 303, 425, 648 Graham, Heather 263 gruesome 567, 568 children imitate sound of 648 grain of the voice 67, 70 Grundrisse (K Marx) 26 gunfight 371 Grainger, Percy 323 Grundy, Stuart 37 Westerns 291 grainy (picture) 419 grunting 378 gung-ho 417 Granada TV (UK) 806 Guadalajara 356 Gunslinger 395 grand 416 Guantanamera 345 Gunsmoke 303, 304, 305, 325, 366 Grand Canyon Suite (Grofé) 591 matrix/turnaround 344 gushing 134, 172, 235, 247, 382 Grand Duke March 294 Guerrero (Mexico) 361 gust WEATHERwind Grande polonaise 218, 225, 227 Guillen, Nicolás 338 Gute Nacht 188 Grande valse brillante 189 guilt 133, 190, 646 Guthrie, Woody 370 Grandfather’s Story (Copland) 536 Guirard, Laurent 77 gyps/-y[-ies] 328, 468 872 Habermas – heavy Ten Little Title Tunes – Index

H harmonics 153, 634-7 †PARTIALS sequential transposition 451 Habermas, Jürgen 52 harmonious 132, 674 simple 97, 101 hacking 101 harmon/-y/-ic †CADENCE †CHORD sophisticated 653 häftig[t] 493, 806 †MODES 172–216, 515, 494–495, static/stasis 591 Hageman, Richard 171 532–537, 662 subdominant[al] 173, 176, 179, Hagen, Earle 552, 570, 571–572, ambiguity 661–64 187, 191-2, 195, 210-11, 214, 575-76, 579, 597, 627 anachronistic 346 346, 533, 536-7 minor variant 210–4, 221 Haggard, Merle 296, 423 ‘autonomous’ 192, 577–78 rurality and the 536 hair 248, 260 chromatic 187, 231, 462, 464 tertial 411, 424, 516, 808, 809 flowing 262 Adeline slides 209–212, 222, triads 536 long 136, 244, 253, 258, 259, 215, 805 texture 170 260-62, 263, 265-66, 269 chromatic bass descent 187 tritone substitution 587 Pelléas et Mélisande 260 cadential 209 unison 628 spray 264 decorative 209-214 waves 214–15 Haley, Bill 64, 108, 375 jazz 580, 583, 599 inner voice 626 harp ORCHESTRATION half cadence CADENCE linear 592 Harper, Edwin 532 half-diminished CHORDS minichromatics 97, 179, Harper’s Encyclopedia for Horse- Hall, Stuart 85 209–214, 218, 412, 427, men 292 halling 321 807 harpsichord ORCHESTRATION Halliwell, Leslie 197, 202, 647 minor-key 625–631 harried 388 hallucination 576 parlour song 215 Harris, Roy 53 Hamlet 178, 291, 456 ‘strawberry jam’ 216 Harrison, George 60, 95, 469 Hamlisch, Marvin 583, 600 raised-eyebrow 592 harrowing 197 Hamm, Charles 79, 108, 531, 532, 605 structural 209 harsh 424, 430, 617 Hammer Films 120, 634 circle of fifths 101, 179, 183, 187, Hart, Lorenz 213 Hammer, Jan 554, 600, 623, 664 191, 204, 214, 231, 269, 449, 504- Hary János 320 hammer-on 628, 630, 658 5, 514, 515, 662, 805-6 hashish 605 Hammett, Dashiell 580 key-extrinsic (real) 179, 807 Hassel (SvTV detective) 677 Hammond, John 36 key-intrinsic (virtual) 179, 807 hassling 646 Hammond organ 462, 608-9, 621 move to flat side 664 Hatch, Tony 432, 476, 494, 501, Hancock, Herbie 578 move to sharp side 662 504, 517 hand clap 342 colour 534 hate 133 Handel, Georg F 14, 19, 60, 61, 101, DIRECTION Hattersley, Roy 63 168, 246, 315-16, 446, 517 dissonance[s] 100, 172, 180, Hatton, Leo 95 hand-in-hand 244 204, 205, 215, 300, 625, 629 Haug, Wolfgang F 650 Handy, W C 627 melodic 115 Hava Negilah 330 Hang ’em High 396 ninths 577–579 Have I Got News For You! 576 train effect 656 hang-out[s] 619, 623 Have You Ever Felt… 566, 570 preparation of 215 Hanslick, Eduard 18, 48, 56, 74 Havergal, William H 175, 176 dominant[al] 173, 192, 205, 213, happiness / happy 104, 132, 137, Haviland, Olivia De 171, 174 214, 345, 372 224, 246, 305, 388, 390, 391, 393, Hawaii Five-O 367, 585 ninth 204-5 410, 412, 491, 496, Hawaiian guitar 102, 373 minor ninth (V-9) 577 achievement of 387–389 Hawkins, Louise Weldon 259 secondary dominant 629 happy ending 137 Hawthorn Cottage 515 function/syntax 568 Happy Birthday 556 Haydn, Josef 14, 18 idiom/language 514 haptic 100 †TACTILE Hayes, Isaac 330, 487, 496, 498, 653 male and female 670 Haralambos, Michael 23, 312 Hays, Ernie 330 Virginian 357 ff. harassment 223 modulation 180, 187-89, 194, Hazard (Kentucky) 353 hard[ness] 133, 135, 459, 460, 589,  195, 201, 212, 214, 215, 344, haze/hazy WEATHER 590, 600, 604, 617, 624, 674, 829 345-7 Hazlewood, Lee 367 Hard Beat 600 Morricone’s view of 371 He’s So Fine (Chiffons) 95 hard time 460   non-tertial 535 head register REGISTER vocal hard-boiled 580, 601 parallel Head Room (10 cc) 593 hard-voiced 423 fifths 533 headbands CLOTHES hard rock 594, 653 †ROCK harmonic motion 533-4, 536 Headbangers’ Ball 313 hardship 307 thirds 676 health 428 †FOOD Hargreaves, William 294, 411 voice leading 534 The Heart of Noise 67 Harker, Dave 23, 37, 41, 43, 310 plagal 358 heartburn 661 Harlan (Kentucky) 353 quartal 578, 585, 625, 808 heart-rending 187, 596 Harlem 571, 572, 605 quintal 625 heart-warming 132 Harlem Nocturne (Hagen) 464, relative major 369, 383, 385, heat HOT 533, 570, 571–72, 578, 597, 627 387, 390, 391 heaven[ly] 212, 220 Harlow, John 203 relative major sandwich 346 heavy/heaviness 133, 213, 300, harmonic HARMONY relative minor 351 459, 460, 566, 568-9, 577, 590–5 harmonica 358 romantic 172, 215 industry 518 Harmonices mundi 47 rhythm 214–215 pesante 470, 540-1 Ten Little Title Tunes – Index heavy – Huapango 873

punctuation 300 Hispanic 458 homage 428 sport 518 Hispanicism 319, 338, 383 homesickness 445 heavy metal ROCK musical 319 Homesickness (Grieg) 321 Heavy Steel 600 historical 262, 517, 518 †TIME Homeward Bound 196 Hebdige, Dick 82, 85 future 151, 650, 674 †TIME homogeneous 100 Hebrew Rhapsody 446 futurist[ic]383, 484, 621 homology 99 hectic 492 dislocation (Python) 414, 418 Honegger, Arthur 30 Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich location 459 honest 133 15-16, 18, 21, 25, 68, 271 Monty Python’s 409, 414, honky-tonk 373, 375 hegemony/hegemonic 424 †POWER 416-20, 420, 422 Honky Tonk Women 62 consensus 44 past 484 †TIME honour 133 rock 66 1800-99 218, 220, 266, 269 honours 60 Heidelberg 413 1900-99 413, 456 Hoochie Coochie Man 564, 594 Ein Heldenleben 376, 384 1930s-60s (UK) 416–418 Hood, Mantle 37, 38 helicopter 486 †CAMERA 1955-65 64, 372 hoof/hooves HORSES Hell Hath No Fury 395 1960s 553, 621 hookers 646, 657 Hell’s Angels 62, 623 1970s 553, 621 hope 220 Hello () 457 antiquity 329 hopeless 182 Hemingway, Ernest 301 archaic 189, 310, 317–21, Horgalåten 311 hemiola 320, 342, 343, 361, 364 334-6, 371, 390, 392 horizon 303 Hemmingsson, Merit 311 bygone days 321, 420 horizontal change DIRECTION Hendrix, Jimi 99, 205, 592, 593– Edwardian 195 Horkheimer, Max 41, 43, 45 594, 662 long ago 321, 472 horn[s] (French) 5, 376, 380, 433 Hennessee D 29 mono sound as ‘old’ 115 calls and signals 376, 676 Henreid, Paul 171 old[en] times 97, 238, 269, leaps and motifs 302, 414 Henze, Hans-Werner 49 409, 428-9, 430,460, 500, sound of in Freischütz 320 herds 393 517, 518, 674 Horn, David 55 here-and-now 391 present time 484 †TIME Hornbostel, E M von 36 heritage (musical) 60 1980s 85–88, 553, 621, 647, horror 190, 192, 567, 568, 570, 596 650 hermeneutics 103, 167–172 horrific 186, 417 hero/heroes/heroic/heroism 4, 5, 6, modern 459, 484, 617, 621, horse[s] 100, 291–307, 383, 386, 647, 674 (‘modern’ 495) 133, 137, 302, 355, 364, 366, 375, 393, 591, 674 modernity 644, 648, 650 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 383, cantering 292-293 ‘hit for six’ (Monty) 417, 426 384, 385, 386, 388, 390, 392, 394, driving 350 410, 416, 418, 428, 628, 629, 631, hit parade 108, 370 equine anaphones 291-307 674, 676 Hit the Road, Jack 629 essential to Westerns 303–7 ‘heroic’ 122, 346 Hitchcock, Alfred 190, 553, 590-1 gait 292, 293, 294 hero-mythical 625, 630 Hitler, Adolf 41, 43, 293, 418, 428, 602 gallop[ing] 100, 291-7, 299, 304, Heron, Laura 602 hitting 430 305, 377, 383, 386, 393 Herrmann, Bernard 31, 32, 100, Hixon D 29 hoof timbre 295–296 104, 190, 569, 600 hobby-horse 495 hooves 294, 295-6, 305 Herrn, ich habe mißgehandelt 185 Hoffman, Abbie 42 beat[s] 292-5, 343 Herzliebster Jesu 456 Hoffmann E T A 14 metre 293–295 Hey Big Spender BIG SPENDER Hogan’s Heroes 429 summary of their musical Hey Joe 593, 662 Hoggart, Richard 85 semantics 296 Hey Jude 345 holding hands 224 three-legged in 2/4 294 hidden 459 †SECRET holiday[s] 138, 238, 245 †FESTIVE horticultural 262 high †REGISTER (PITCH)high holiday makers 329 hostile/hostility 123, 133, 646, 651 art 60, 82, 84, 85, 419 market day 410, 415 hot heels 572, 676 public and bank holidays 415 dogs 415 high-plains harmonies 357 ff. 1 May 412, 415, 428 love 265 ‘lonesome sound’ 473 17 May 415 heat 133, 247, 248 High Chaparral 136, 359, 360 Saturday, Sunday 415 stuff 265, 624, 650 High Noon 304, 325, 351, 395 special days 410 ‘hot stuff” 132, 674 highly strung 594 Holiday, Billie 456, 595, 596 rodding 368 hi-hat 153, 432-3, 608-9, 622-3, 634-7, hollow sound 648 Hötter, Hans 600, 829 644, 645, 649, 650, 655, 659, 660 Hollywood Hound Dog 64, 65, 66, 86, 421 hit-and-shut 553 ‘classic’ tradition 554 hounds of hell 319 hillbilly 377 love underscores 224 Housatonic at… (Ives) 238, 535 hills 196, 214, 238, 254, 256, 257, musical notion of England 323 hovering 131 354, 515 cf. Cinecittà 364-5, 368-73 How The West Was Won 296, 303 Hindemith, Paul 19, 40 Holman Hunt, William 266 film 304, 305, 359, 360 slates music theory teaching 30 Holman, Libby 577, 578, 598 TV 303, 325 hip (cool) 60, 132, 647, 649, 650 Holmes, Sherlock 581 ‘how things are’ 514, 517, 518 ‘hip’ 495 Holocaust (Gould) 197 ‘howlygettum’ 493 Hirsch, Richard 53 Holst, Gustav 5, 21 HS COMMUTATION Hirt, Al 597 The Holy Grail MONTY PYTHON Huapango 356 874 Huasteco – ionian Ten Little Title Tunes – Index

Huasteco 334 Im wunderschönen Monat Mai 171 insatiable 189 Huayno 334, 343, 361 imagined scenario 139 insects 244 Hubbard, Freddy 578 Imberty, Michel 51, 56, 106 insecurity 389 Huberman, Leo 355 IMC 96, 97 insinuate, insinuating 590, 678 Huckvale, David 56 immediacy, immediate 60, 275, 489 insistent 72 Huelva (Spain) 336 gratification 65 Inspector Morse 488, 581 Hughes, Glenn 462 ‘immediacy’ 274 instability, mental MAD Hugill, Stan 309, 324, 325 reception test criterion 118 Institute of Popular Music 7, 58 hula-hula 367 somatic (body) 66, 67, 71, 275 Institute of Social Research 41 human rights 7 Immel, Jerrold 302, 351 institution[s] 11, 410, 413, 420, 429 Human Rights, UN Charter of 62 immersion 65 institutionalisation 9-12, 16-19, 25, humans 514 Immigrant Theme (Godfather) 467 27-9, 31, 32, 34-5, 47-8, 56-7, 59- humble 378 immigration 308 66, 67, 79-80, 86-7, 89-90, Hume, Kristy 263 impassioned 186 103-4, 291 humid 569 Imperial Echoes 411, 412 Instrucción de música sobra la gui- humility 379 implacable 133, 604 tarra espagnola 341 humour COMEDY important 132 instrumentation ORCHESTRATION Hungarians 320 impossible love 469 Inte Illimani 338 Huntington, G 307, 308, 324, 379 impressionism 30, 179 Intellectual Impostures 71 hurry music 606 impressive 132, 416 intense, intensity 590, 598 Hutchings, Ashley 306, 323 improvisation 19, 21, 370 intensional 63, 65 hymnal 176 trumpet 371 interconversion GESTURAL hyperactivity 377 IMS 22 interdisciplinarity 57, 78, 89 hypocrisy 64, 70 In A Monastery Garden 218, 230, interessive 139 hypodermic syringe 576 268 interior (of Brazil) 413 hypothetical subsititution In Cold Blood (Q Jones) 587 interiority: pacification, contain- COMMUTATION In Town Tonight 222, 496 ment, and domestication of 501 hysteria 599 In Your Quiet Place 180, 196 International Association for the In-a-Gadda-da-Vida 586 Study of Popular Music IASPM I inauguration 415 International Congress on Musical I Am Calling You 197 Inca 334 Signification 51, 822 I Am The Walrus 573, 575 incest 250 interobjective comparison I Cannot Sing The Old… 219, 220 incongruity 413-4, 418-9, 422, 424 MUSEMATIC ANALYSIS I Feel Pretty 340 violence and 417, 419, 426 interpretation of test results I Must Get Home Tonight 412 Indagine su un cittadino… 588 RECEPTION TEST I Saw My Lady Weep 455 independent 133 interprofessionalism 78 I Spy (Hagen) 366, 575-576 India (music of) 47 interrupted cadence I Talk To The Trees 396 Indian (US) NATIVE AMERICAN CADENCEinterval[s] I Was Born… Wandrin’ Star 351 indignation 464 interval[s] I Was Doing All Right 579 individual by number (e.g. 3rds, 7ths) or I've Got A Lovely Bunch of Coco- emancipation 47 †LIBERATION type (e.g. flat 3rd, flat 7th) nuts 294 individualism 420, 421 CHORDS & INTERVALS IASPM 8, 10, 22, 58, 64, 67, 74, 79, individuality 17 recognition of 447 80, 86, 104, 272, 806 no melodic figure in Miami Vice intervallic discontinuity 229 ice 588–590 657, 659-60 mnemonic identification of 448 ice-cream FOOD vs collective 391–4 Inti Illimani 342 Ich Wunschte mir den Tod 443 indoors 652, 672, 675 intimacy/ intimate 171, 264, 472 iconicity of hoofbeat 343 indoor location 646 intonation ICTM 22 industrial, industry 600, 829 English and Spanish 347 idealised 518 industrial music 62, 67, 425 theory ASSAFIEV idées fixes 419 industry 518 intramusical 110, 807 ideology 4-7, 11, 12, 16, 26-9, 34, musical 26 intraopus 807 38, 41-3, 46-8, 56, 61-2, 54-5, 70, Industrial Montage 600 intrigue 631 76, 252, 270, 272, 322, 345, 414, inequality (social in UK) 62 introduction (synoptic) 674 461, 673, 677–679 inessive 134 Introduction and Allegro for idyll[ic] 101, 174, 177, 220, 236, infinite yearning 76 Strings (Elgar) 195 244, 319, 328, 518 Ingrato, ya no me quieres 337 introductory tone (вводний) 448 If (Lindsay Anderson, 1968) 223 inhospitable 646, 652, 656 introspection 463 If I Leave You 465 inhuman 133, 135 intrusive chords 345 If You’re Irish, Come… 411, 412 initial events (musical) 448 invasion of Normandy 417 ignorance 426, 430 injustice 464 invasive (of rock music) 70 Iljinsky, A 250 Inlandsbanan 329 inversions CHORD ill 459 inner gesture GESTURE Invitation to Madrigals 455 ill tidings 307 Innis, Harold A 490 IOCM 95, 96–98, 121, 153, 154, illegible responses 118 innocent/innocence 122, 671, 677 173–180, 647, 658, 660, 807 et illicit thrills 594 lost innocence 518 passim illness 460 insalubrious 569 ionian MODES Ten Little Title Tunes – Index Ipcress File – ionian 875

The Ipcress File 367, 627 577–9, 597-8, 606 journey 388-390, 393 Irangate 3, 4–7 †CADENCE †CHORD †HARMONY joy[ful] 132, 207, 673 Iraq, US-led invasion of 423, 426 jazz (cont’d) joy stick 653 Ireland Adorno on 41 jubilee[s] (royal, UK) 61, 416 Irish-American 390 canon 32, 41 Judaicity 445 Trad. 311, 345, 347 detective link 580 jukebox 373 Irish Sea 254 Dixieland (neo) 597 Julie’s Remorse 196 The Irishman 386 flat fifths 579–588 Julien, Jean-Rémy 124 Iron Butterfly 586 fusion (diluted) 670 jump bands 582 Ironside 572 glissando 597–598 Jumpin’ John 349 irony 132, 413, 419 harmony 580, 583, 599 Jung, Carl 3, 4, 6, 78, 92 irrational treated irrationally 48 Jazz Noir (Butler) 580 jungle 605, 647 irregularity 132 jazz rock 206 jazz style 573, 597 Islam 47 jazz blues 629 ‘jungle music’ 67 isochronous 807 jazzy 628, 631 junkies 464, 646 isolated 675 minor-key 194, 367, 566–573, just after… 604 Istituzioni armoniche 312 592, 676 justice 133, 390 It Ain’t Necessarily So 571, 579 Newport Jazz Festival 310 juvenile delinquency 584 Italian/Italy tone poem 496 330–332, 452, 459, 466, 467, 468, trad 578, 597 K trumpet 596–597 469, 473 Kabalevsky, Dimitri 517 jealousy 569, 589, 590 baseball park music 330 Kaempfert, Bert196 Jefferson and Liberty 336 Cinecittà 364-5, 368-73 Kaiser Wilhelm 428 Jefferson, Thomas 85 hit parade 395, 396 Kallmeyer-Verlag 40 L’Italia Futurista 484 Jenkinson, Horst 602 kangaroo 295 Mezzogiorno 319, 329 Jennings, Waylon 621 Kaplan, Sol 586 RCA 370 Jerusalem (Parry) 211, 222-3, 428 Karas, Anton 373 The Shadows in 370 Jesu, meine Freude 185 Karbušicky, Vladimir 51, 56, 106 tarantella 319, 329, 467 Jesus Christus, unser Heiland 456 Karlin, Fred 124, 676 TV 371 Jethro Tull 662 Karlsson, Henrik 44, 45 Virginian VVAs 365 Jets Song (West Side Story) 584 Karshner, Roger 13, 44, 144 †WESTERNItalian Jeune fille se coiffant (Renoir) 259 Kassabian, Anahid 668, 670, 672, items of musical code IMC Jill’s Theme (Morricone) 377 673, 676 ITV 807 Jim Along Josey 532 Katz, E LIEBES & KATZ 87 Ives, Charles 238-9, 535-7 Jingle Bells 589 Keach, Stacy 572 Jiránek, Jaroslav 56 Keep Forgetting 583, 628, 629, 630 J jive 224 †EBONICS Keep Searchin’ 396 Jack The Ripper (Ventures) 395 Jobim, Tom 196, 606 Keil, Charles 83, 272 Jackendoff, Ray 51 Jockey’s Gray Breeks 345 Keiler, Allan 51 Jackson, Cliff 566 Joel, Billy 582 Kelly’s Heroes 429 jaded 188 Johannespassion 184, 186 Kempers, Gerard 79 Jagger, Sir Michael 62, 63 Johansson, Jan 310 Kennan, Kent Wheeler 326, 496 Jalisco (son) 336, 342, 355-6, 361 Johansson, Tommy 147-149 Kentucky 326 James Bond 35, 366, 367, 372, 375, John Anderson My Jo 345, 346 Kepler, Johannes 39, 47, 312 378, 384, 461, 624, 629, 631 John Barleycorn 323 Kerouac, Jack 41 ‘007’ 115, 135 John Henry 354 Kerr, Pete 465, 466 Theme (Dr No) 206, 384, 454, John, Sir Elton 60, 62, 63, 517 Ketelby, Alfred 218, 230 573, 578, 596, 626 Johnny B Goode 368, 376 keyboard PIANO ORGAN false $5 586 Johnny Bull 346 SYNTHESISER 5-$6-#6-$6 riff 598 Johnny Comes Marching Home key-extrinsic/-intrinsic 807 middle eight 629 336, 345, 346, 391 †HARMONYcircle of fifths Janie’s Got A Gun 464, 457 Johnson, Anna 350 Keynes, M/Keynsianism 40, 87 Jansen, Pierre 566 Johnson, Bruce 81, 89 The Keys of Canterbury 336 Japan 531, 533 Johnson, Don 606, 650 Khatchaturian, Aram 240 Jara, Victor 335, 336 Johnson, Laurie 553, 624 ‘kick-ass’ 60 Jarabe tapatío 355-6 Johnson, Mark 27, 53 The Kid’s Last Fight 395 Jarett, Keith 180 Johnson, Robert Underwood 535 kill/-ed/-ing 123,134, 135, 417, 420, jargon 650 Join The Party (cadence) 425 426, 430, 569, 648 Jarre, Maurice 171, 470 joke[s] COMEDY kind[ness] 130, 132, 144, 145, 430, Jarrett, Keith 196 jolly/jollity 311, 417 CHEERY 458, 459 Järviluoma, Helmi 89 HAPPY JAUNTY JOY PERKY kinetic 100, 220, 237, 240, 249, 250, Jason King 553 Jones, Booker T 594 266, 275, 303 †ANAPHONEkinetic Jaubert, Maurice 31 Jones, Quincy 587 King/king 409, 413 jaunty 97, 123, 391, 423, 427 Jonghmans, Edward 294 Crimson 619, 620 †BRISK †PERKY †CHEERY Joseph, Sir Keith 10 George III (UK) 61 Jaws: shark motif 573 jota 320, 336, 338 George V (UK) 416 jazz 31, 60, 62, 66, 224, 573–577, journalism 42, 487 of the Gypsies 468 876 Kingston Trio – King Kong Ten Little Title Tunes – Index

King Kong 171 Lacombe, Alain 30 Law Breakers 600 The Kingston Trio 354 Lacrimosa (Verdi) 574 Lawhead, Steven 71 The Kinks 62. 663 ‘lactic acid’ music 495 Layla 62 Kircher, Athanasius 16, 312, 329 lacustrine LAKE layman (Laie) (Hegel) 15 [ing] 195, 224, 239, 674 ladies 674 Lazaroff, Jorge 335 Kitchener (Ontario) 61 Lady Godiva 259 Lazarsfeld, Paul 43, 44, 45, 81 Kivy, Peter 56 Lady of Spain 319 leader 428 ‘ki-yi-yipee!’ 325 lagom 493, 514, 807 Lean, David 199 Klein, Melanie 71, 76 Lai, Francis 448, 449, 470 leaves (from trees) 241 Klein, Naomi 678 Laine, Frankie 358, 369 leaving 134 Klingfors, Gunno 17, 21 list of recordings 395 Leavis, Frank R 85 Kneif, Tibor 36 Laing, Dave 65, 80, 81, 82, 84, 89, Leavis, Queenie D 40, 85 Knepler, Georg 37, 85, 318 323 Lecaros, Fernando 361 knife 100 laissez vibrer GUITAR lechery 593 knighthood 60, 66 lake/lacustrine 134, 214, 221, 236, Led Zeppelin 594, 630 knowledge 237, 238-9, 249, 257, 589, 674 Ledang, Ola Kai 329 types of musical 9–11 Lakoff, George 27, 53, 97, 105, 123, Lee, Ed 23 Kodály, Zoltan 36, 320 124 Lee, Pedro van der 293, 336, 350, Kojak 3, 5–6, 105, 247, 568, 585 Lamennais, Hughes F de 25, 76 355, 356, 361 theme 3, 5, 246–248, 462, 628 lament/-ation 182, 319, 371, 574 Leech, Charles 30 horn whoop 274 Lancaster 108 Leeds 429 moog ostinato 246 Land Of Hope And Glory 210, 211, Leeds Music 278-9 urgency cue 487 215, 223, 428 Leeuwen, Theo van 89 Koko (Ellington) 567, 578 724 left-wing 82, 620 Kolchak 493 Landalaskolan 141 leg warmers CLOTHES Kolland, Dorothea 40 Landau, Jon 42, 65, 80 legato 156-7, 168–9, 192, 197, 221, Konsetbyråutredningen 44 Landini, Francesco 19 270, 432-3, 504-5, 516, 517 Korg M1 synthesiser 170, 589 Landskrona 116 as ‘female’ trait 669 Korngold, Erich Wolfgang 29,30, Lang, Paul H 312 e cantabile 432-3, 461 48, 49, 171 The Language of Music 49 Legend of the Glass Mountain   Koury, Rex 305 language rhythm RHYTHM lang. (Rota) 171, 201, 203, 232  KPM LIBRARY MUSIC languish[ing] 122, 597, 459 Legrand, Michel 196 Krafft-Lortzing, Carl 294 languid 188, 391 legs (female), underscore for 386 Kraft Philadelphia Cheese 583 languor 604 Lehar, Franz 429 Kramer vs. Kramer 452 Lanz, David 534, 537 Leiber, Jerry 583, 628, 629, 630 Krasovskaya, Y 322 MODES la-pentatonic pentatonic Der Leiermann 321 Krautrock 320 Lära för livet 141, 620, 621 Leigh, Fred W 213 Kress, Günther 53 Lara, Agustín 395 Leigh, Vivien 174, 605 Kretzschmar, Herman 36, 47 Lara’s Theme 171, 470, 471 leisure 239, 245, 249, 415, 428 Kristeva, Julia 38, 71 largeness 133 leisurely 270 Kristianstad 116 Largo (Handel) 315, 316 Leitklangfarbe 378 Kronberg, Margit 76 The Lark Ascending 322 Leitmotif 378, 677 Krutnik, Frank 464 laser 648, 649 Lenin, Vladimir I 15 kryptonite 588 gun 648 Mausoleum 428 Kubrik, Stanley 14, 390 lighting 650 Leoncavallo, Ruggero 596 Kuhle Wampe 39 Lassie (TV theme) 445 Leone, Sergio 301, 305, 331, 332, Kung Fu Fighting 531 Last Night of the Proms 223, 428 362, 363, 364, 365, 367, 371, 372, Kungsbacka 429 Last Train To San Fernando 352 375, 393 Kungsportsavenyn 413 lateral thinking 104, 105 Leoni, Stefano A E 47 Kunst, Jaap 38, 83 latest (modern) 621 Lerdahl, Fred 51 Kunstmusik 21 Latin America[n] 330-57, 458 Lerner, Alan Jay 396 Kvällsöppet 487 influence on fashion 649 Lesley SOUND PROCESSING interference from USA 420 L machismo 345 Let’s Face the Music and Dance 196 L A Law 4 minor modes 332–336 Levis jeans 68, 564 laboratory 518 Latin[o] 6, 645 Levi-Strauss, Claude 561 laborious 577, 601 latinamericanicity 333-4, 342, Leybourne, George 294 labour/Labour 343-5, 355 Leys School, Cambridge 223 division of 673 Latin Americans 122 Lgr69 45 Labour Day 415 respondents 117, 136, 420 Liberace 99, 136, 180, 199, 215 Labour (UK) postwar 417 percussion 115, 645–652 liberalism 421, 422 New ‘Labour’ 421 South America as library music liberation of the ego 18, 60, 70 sale of 23 category 645 liberation of the id 43, 60, 70 Lacasse, Serge 89, 104, 264 speech rhythms 347-357 Liberty Bell 114, 294, 398–430 Lacerenza, Michele 371 Laura (Raksin) 171 actual bell 414 Lachen und Weinen 318 Lauretis, Teresa De 668, 672 march MONTY PYTHON Lachrymae Pavane (Dowland) 181 law 672 ‘liberty’ (individual) 60 Ten Little Title Tunes – Index library music – Maggie’s Farm 877

library music 124-5, 380, 414, 415, Llangollen 255 repas d’amour 244 470, 517, 518, 530, 807 Lloyd, A L 23, 310, 313, 322, 323, romantic 178, 207, 220, 240, companies 332, 333, 334, 336, 337, 342, 343, 249, 251, 666 Boosey & Hawkes 100, 126, 350, 354, 379 ‘sincere’ melodies 299 171, 224 (Cavendish 645) ionian mode in Britain 322 story 429, 458, 459, 462 Bruton 126, 415, 470 Lobgesang 443 unrequited 380 CAM 126, 380, 586, 590 local GEOCULTURAL LOCATION Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing Conroy 126 location 125 GEOCULTURAL (Four Aces) 64, 65, 421 De Wolfe 126, 602 HISTORICAL ETHNIC EXOTIC, Love Me Do (Beatles) 21 KPM 126, 414, 415, 470 RURAL URBAN CLASS Love of Siegmund & Sieglinde 208 Major Mood Music 126 INDOORS OUTDOORS Love Story (1944) 201, 203 Music House 470 Locke, Matthew 52 Love Story (Lai) 448, 449, 453, 470 Network Music 470 Locomoath (Jethro Tull) 662 The Love Strain 190 Selected Sounds 126, 517, locusts 100 love theme from The Godfather 452 586, 600 Loewe, Frederick 396 loveless dancing 498–501 Scoremaster 530 lo-fi 115 low REGISTER low relation to VVA taxomony Loggins, Kenny 653 Low Scores listings 151 125–130, 671 logocentr/-ic/-ism/-icity 9, 10, 78, Lucia di Lamermoor 443 Liebes, T & Katz E 87 83, 207, 647, 807 ludic SPORT Liebestraum 171, 516 logogenic 807 ludicrous 387 Liebmann, Lisa 649 Lohengrin 48 lugubrious 181, 183, 575 Lieder 171 Lola (Kinks) 62 Lull, James 70 life expectancy 63 Lolita 456 lullabies 249–252 Life in a Glasshouse 456 Lomax, Alan 36, 272 Lullaby (Iljinsky) 250 Life On The Ocean Wave 306-307 Lomax, John A 307-8, 324, 326, Lully, Jean-Baptiste 174, 315 D minor section 327 379, 392 luminous, luminosity 246, 247 ‘life’s like this’ 514, 517, 518 London 413, 428, 649 lumpenproletariat 60, 70 lifestyle 650 lone/-liness/-ly/-some SOLITARY Lumpy Gravy (Zappa) 531 Ligeti, György 14 Lone Ranger 293, 294, 295, 296, lush 171, 174 light 133, 213, 247, 248, 673 297, 304 lute-family instruments flashing 623 Lonely Boy (Anka) 338 ethnic cue 466, 467, 468, 469, lighter and brighter 659, 660 Lonely Woods (Lully) 174 471, 472 music 21, 41 long CLOTHES HAIR TIME luxury 170, 393 polysemic VVA 138 longing 179, 189, 195, 197, 218, Lynn, Pat 170 Light Cavalry (von Suppé) 294 224, 321, 446-8, 453, 536, 577 Lynyrd Skynyrd 274, 345, 653 Linde, Gunnel 429 loophole 328, 329 †TIME lyricism 132, 175, 514, 517 Lindh, Björn J:son 807 loose 133 Lyrische Stücke (Grieg) 321 linear chromaticism 592 Lopatin, N M 322 Ling, Jan 15, 18, 19, 23, 38-40, 44– loquacity 143 M 5, 46, 47, 56, 61, 62, 85, 312, 678 Lord Peter Wimsey (TV) 581 m6, m7, m9, etc. CHORDSminor lingua franca (musical) 35, 38, 60 Lord, Jon 462 m add9 chord CHORDSminor linguistics 51, 52, 53 lordship 417 Ma mère l’oye 495 Linn drums 648 loss 208 Maalox antacid 661 Lions Club 429 lost innocence 518 MacAhan family 296, 351 lipstick 650 Lost Weekend (film) 589 Macbeth, Conchita 602 Lissa, Zofia 124–125, 323 Lothman, Jurij 668, 672 Macdonalds 430  Lists of VVAs VVAS loud VOLUME CLOTHES machine[s] 486, 646, 674 Listen with Mother (radio) 250 loudspeakers 652 mechanical 138, 494, 495, 496, listener typology 42 Louise 227 518, 623 listeners (informants) 131 Loussier, Jacques 606 machismo MALE listening modes 41, 119 love 122, 130, 132, 136, 137, 144, Machtübernahme 41 Listopadov, A M 322 145, 167, 171, 178, 198, 207, 208, mad[ness] 133, 461, 569 Liszt, Ferenc (a.k.a. Franz)19, 30, 212, 218, 220, 224, 239, 240, 244, mad scientist 378 48, 171, 232, 443, 516 245, 249, 250, 251, 260, 391, 430, mental illness, disarray or in- literary criticism/theory 42, 67, 85 458, 459, 461, 469, 472, 514, 530, stability 197, 576 Little Birdie 352, 355 620, 666, 673, 674 Madame Bovary 77, 220 little BOY GIRL, etc. across forbidden frontiers 469 Madame Butterfly 568 Little House on the Prairie 325 bitter-sweet 458–466 Madame rêve (A Bashung) 456 littoral SHORE BEACH courteous 218 Madison (Wisconsin) 42 liturgical 179 erotic 293 Madison Avenue 43 Liu, Catherine 501 Hollywood underscores 224 Madrid 337 live music 621 hot 265 madrigalisms 183 lively 133, 416, 662 impossible 469 Maeterlinck, Maurice 260, 261 Liverpool 254, 309 (Scouse 809) lovers 244 Mafia 587, 602 University of 7, 58 lovesick 457 magazine[s] (glossy) 262, 263 living it up 624, 674 parental 250, 666 Magdics, Klara 53 Livingston Jay 305, 376 private sphere and 499 Maggie’s Farm 658 878 Magic Flute – Membrilla Ten Little Title Tunes – Index

The Magic Flute 318 BAND marching Mattheson, Joh. 16, 17, 35, 312 Magnificent Seven 5, 325, 351, 355 circus 428 Maull, Gemma 7 Magnum (TV) 585 in 6/8 409, 411, 415-417, 419, Maxwell-Davis, Sir Peter 63 Mahagonny (Rise & Fall of) 230 420, 423, 426, 427 May 1st, 17th HOLIDAY Mahler, Gustav 29, 30, 48, 29 March of the Light Cavalry 412 May, Brian 60, 61, 103, 423 Maigret 677 March to Cadence CDs 425 Maybellene (Berry) 368 Maillol, Aristide B J 257, 258 Marche cosmopolitaine 294, 411 Mayfield, Percy 629 mainstream (Euro-N.Amer.) 108–9 Marche funèbre 314 mayor 413 majestic 120, 387 Marco Polo (TV) 456-8, 565, 569 MBE 63 major Marconi, Luca 51, 56, 65, 220, 268 McCartney, Sir Paul 60, 62, 63 key/mode MODESmajor Marcus, Greil 80 McClary, Susan 90 major-triad chords (e.g. add6, Marcuse, Herbert 41, 42 McCloud (TV) 299 maj7, add9, maj9, sus9) and marginalisation McGlennon, Felix 294 intervals (e.g. 3rd, 6th) of music in popular music stud- McLaughlin Group (TV) 491, 492 CHORDS/INTERVALSmajor ies 80 McLuhan, Marshall 484, 490, 494 relative major HARMONY of popular music studies 57 McPherson’s Farewell 345 thirds CHORDS/INTERVALS of women’s studies 57 Meade, Margaret 52 Major Mood Music LIBRARY MUS. ‘Maria’ (West Side Story) 584 meadow[s] 136, 240, 241–246, 249, malagueña guitar lick 336, 337 Maria Chuchena 342 257, 262, 381, 392 Malagueña salerosa 333, 334, 348, Maria Marten (Ballad of) 323 meal FOOD & DRINK 350, 351, 355, 357 mariachi 336, 356, 371 mean difference STATISTICS 150 male †GENDER †BOY Mariachi Sol 336, 350, 356 mechanical MACHINE domination 461 Marian Librarian 592–593 MECO 648 grunting 378 marimba as subversion 468 media machismo 331, 345 Mariner’s Mirror 325 musical 35 macho 380 Marines (US) 424, 425 studies 60 lust 593 Marinetti, F T 291, 294, 301, 383, VVAs relating directly to 125, men 668, 674, 675, 678 386, 484, 485, 486, 490 652, 646, 656, virile/virility 386, 393, 394 market day/outdoor market medicine 672 exertion 376 410, 415 Mediterranean 218, 247, 323, 328, horns 376 marketing 75, 678 331, 392, 467 strength 376 marksmanship 291 meeting[s] voice pitch 221, 222 Marley, Bob 61 personal 674 Malone, Bill C 296, 373 Maróthy, János 23, 56, 85, 103, organised event 675 Malvern 195 269, 388, 657 megadrone 661 mambo 361 ‘Mars’ (Planets Suite) 5 megareverb 115 El mampulorio 332, 334 Marsh, Dave 65, 80 Meinen Jesum lass’ ich nicht 456 Man and his Music 49 marshalling yards 605 Die Meistersinger 29 The Man from U.N.C.L.E. 366, 621 Marteau sans maître (Boulez) 230 melancholy, etc. 133, 179, 231, 319, Man Of Mystery 368, 625 Martin, Sir George 60, 63 381, 385, 446, 449, 452, 459, 460, The Man on the Roof 807 Martínez, José Luiz 47, 56 461, 514, 517, 518, 674, 675 The Man Who Broke The Bank At Marvin, Hank 370 Mellbinger, Stefan 624 Monte Carlo, The 294 Marvin, Lee 351, 396 Mellers, Wilfrid 49, 56, 82, 186 The Man with the Golden Arm 570, Marx, Adolf B 16, 18, 21, 28, 61 Melodies that will Live Forever 518 580, 581, 582, 594–595, 599 Marx, Enrico 602 melodious 620 Man, Henrik de 40 Marx, Karl 23, 26, 24, 650 Melodiradion 807 management theory 678 Marxism 24, 85 melody / melodic 115, 217–231, managerialism 19, 66 323, 429 422, 424, 442–453, 531–532, 657– The Manchester Angel 336 Maryland Public TV 491, 493 659 Mancini, Henry 351, 583, 599, 600, The Masher King 294 chromatic 588, 589 624, 626, 631, 676 Maslíah, Leo 335 contour 268-9, 442, 452, 669 433, 461, 462, 466, 468, Mass in 4 Parts (Byrd) 454 descending 595–596 469, 471, 472, 473 mass observation 40, 85 disjunctive flooding 225–231 Mandolin Brothers 473 massacre (My Lai/Song My) 423 DIRECTION[ALITY] Mandrake 301 Massanet, Jules 31 gap fill contour 381, 383 Manic Depression (Hendrix) 592 masterpiece 60 high pitch 588–590 Manifesto of Futurism 484 Masters of Melody 516, 518 phrase 658 manipulation 84, 678 Masters of War 326 enhancing actor’s emotions 382 musical 679 Mastroianni, Marcello 197 lack of in Miami Vice 115 Mannheim school 170 maternal instinct MOTHER male and female 669 Mannheimer, Carin 115 Matlovsky, Samuel 677 male voice REGISTERvocal manor (house[s]) 224, 249 matrix melody-accompaniment dual- Manvell, Roger 124 dot printers 489 ism 387, 657 The Marcels 212 harmonic 360 stiff upper lip 221–5 march/-es/-ing La bamba 345 tortuous 589 97, 100, 388, 410, 412, 413, 415, Mattelart, Armand 80, 81, 84, 87 trumpet 596–597 420, 421, 422, 425, 426, 430 MatthäusPassion 170, 185, 186, 574 Membrilla (Mexico) 336 Ten Little Title Tunes – Index Mendelssohn – modes 879

men MALE 153, 297, 298, 299, 301, 375, 392, Misterioso #2 (Minot) 567 menace DANGER 410, 463, 468, 472, 483, 485, 486, misunderstanding/misunderstood Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix 494, 495, 496, 499, 500, 551, 551, 430, 569, 585 18, 31, 191, 315, 337, 443, 552 552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 572, 584, Mit Verlangen (Bach) 444 Mendoza, David 319 599, 600, 606, 632, 633–664, 666, mnemonic identification (title mu- Mendoza, Vicente T 356 667, 668, 669, 670, 676 sic function) 110, 513, 658 Menschenkind 445 cf. Owed to ‘g’ 617–624 Moanin’ Low 566, 577, 598 mental disarray MADNESS miasma 133, 569 moaning/moans 181, 576 merchant subjectivity 24 Miceli, Sergio 30, 49, 370, 371, 372 mobility DIRECTION SPEED The Mercury Theatre of the Air 177 Michael Shayne 572 social CLASS Merriam, Alan P 36, 37 Michaelangelo 419 mode[s], modality 356 Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence 600 Michaels, Bret 423 †CHORDS †HARMONY 429 Michelsen, Morten 42, 48, 64-5, 67, aeolian 306, 310, 322, 358, 361, 663 Mervant, Pierre 261 70, 85, 89 archaism 310, 334, 390 Merwe, Peter van der 209, 324, 345 496 big-country 357 ff. mesomúsica (Vega) 57, 58 microphone 423 blues 372, 628 The Messiah (Handel) 101, 517 close-up 472 British 322-324 messy 646 moving coil 39 Central Europe 317–321 mestizo 344 middle class CLASS church modes 371 metalanguage 121 ff. middle of (in the) 134 dorian 311, 322, 361 metacontextual discourse 9, 28, Middleton, Richard 21, 42, 43, 55, English folk 322, 323 59, 83, 678, 807 56, 72, 81, 82, 89, 271, 273, 274 exoticism 319 metatextual/metamusical dis- MIDI 7 Gregorian 371-372 course 9, 10, 28, 59, 91, 92, A Midsummer Night’s Dream harmony 357 ff. 678, 807 (Mendelssohn) 191, 337 ionian 310, 313, 322 Metallica 423 Mike Hammer 571–572, 627 lack of (modality) 215 metaphors 647 Milan 577 major vs minor 310, 344, 449 metaphysics of music 18, 21, 23, 25, Milano odia 600 ‘happy vs sad’ 310–29 theres and thens 327–330 26, 36, 70 mild 133 major-key 104, 317, 409, 496 method 107-152, 631, 675 mild shock 648 laments 309 Methodist Hymn Book 175, 176, 345 Milestones 578, 580 the ‘tutti community’ 392 metonymy 101, 123, 409 Miley, ‘Bubber’ 573 medieval 312 †GENRE SYNECDOCHE Milhaud, Darius 30 minor-key 104, 154, 306, 307, metre 97, 98,100, 101 † RHYTHM military 378, 409, 410, 412, 419, 320, 321, 327–36, 350, 362, 6/4, 12/8 622 420, 427, 428, 429, 498 367, 369, 370-72, 379-80, 385, compound (6/8) 101, 295-6, 322, band 398 †BAND[S] 389-92, 395, 396 333-7, 342-3, 350, 356-7, 409, cadences, chants 422 archaic 310, 317–21, 334, 411, 465 music for in USA 422–426 390 horse music 293–295 ‘public’ school training for 223 celebratory 309-310 †MARCH6/8 US 390 crime 625–631 birhythm 171, 622 mill wheel 236 moods 307–330 Milland, Ray 589 cross-rhythm 343, 532 nostalgia 327–330 Mille, Cecil B de 429 hemiola 320, 342, 343, 361, 364 sadness 310–317 Miller, Frank 411 simple for horse music 293–295 mixolydian 322, 336, 345, 361, Miller, Glenn 230 syncopation 342-5, 654, 655 492, 495, 658 A Miner’s Life 354 three against two 172 half cadences 357 ff.  Mineral Wells (Texas) 373 metronomic TEMPO Morricone’s view of 370-72 miners 86, 309 Mexican Hat Dance 333, 355, 383 nationality/nationalism 396 Mexico/Mexican 297, 310, 323, minichromatic pentatonic[ism] 115, 179, 302,   328–32, 336, 337, 341, 342, 343, HARMONY chromaticism 303, 325, 322, 334, 530-7, 658 345, 348, 350, 355-7, 361-2, 365, Mini-Moog 553 blues riffs 600 388-9, 394 minor chords (e.g. m6, m6add9,. cluster 179 $ border with USA 122, 123 m7, m7 5, m9, madd9, mmaj9) doh-pentatonic (major) production 391 CHORDS/INTERVALS 5, 322, 396 Mexicans 136, 362, 363-5 minor intervals (e.g. 3rd, 6th, 7th) Dvořák 325 ‘south of the border’ 355, 383 CHORDS/INTERVALS la-pentatonic (minor) 179, territories 355 minor key/mode MODES (minor); 322, 361, 600, 630, 631 Trad. 337, 362, 364, 365, 385, HARMONY MELODY JAZZ marginalisation 531–532 391 Minot, Adolf 567 rambling 578 Zorro 356 miserable/misery 137, 183, 185 spread westwards (US) 326 Meyer, L B 379, 387, 471, 590, 664 Miss Marple 580 phrygian 319, 320, 322, 335, Mezzrow, Mezz 597 mission 197 338, 359, 360, 361 MGM 647 Mission Impossible 366, 378 polarity modal/tonal 305, 330 Miami 623 The Mission 565 ‘pretonal’ 371 Miami Vice (‘Vice’, Tune 10) 101, mist[y] WEATHER return of (modality) 312 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 115, 129, Misteri del lago 589 rock 310, 313, 620 141, 142, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, Misterioso infernale (Borch) 567 Russia 322 880 models – Mussorgsky Ten Little Title Tunes – Index

models (photo/fashion) 262-4, 647 Morrison, Van 60 147, 152, 231, 273, 275, modern HISTORICAL Morse code TELETYPE 679 Modern Jazz Quartet 606 Moscow 62 presented passim Modern Times 484 Mosely, Oswald 418, 419 ‘… as “music”’ 59, 103, 272 modernity 644, 648, 650 Moszkowski, Moritz 340 departments of 60 modulation HARMONY mother 220 †WOMEN education EDUCATION modulator SOUND PROCESSING The Cruel Mother 336 history: defalsifying 679 modus irrealis 328, 391 Listen with Mother (radio) 250 industry 26 modus lascivus 313 maternal instinct 672 Music and Letters 22 Moel Famau 254 motherlessness 212 Music Box (music TV) 649 Moldau →VLTAVA Mothers of Invention 353 music hall 294, 416, 429 mollity 133, 460 †SOFT Motion Picture Moods for Pianists Music House LIBRARY MUSIC momentum 294, 341, 591 & Organists (Rapée) 31, 126, 314 The Music Man 592–593 monarchy 61, 62, 66, 418 motion †SPEED †DIRECTION musica leggera 370, 372 Monash University 73 motion sickness 575 Musica, espressione, emozione 56 Monelle, Raymond 50, 51, 53 motivation research 43 musical (adj.) ABSOLUTISM, monetarism 72, 87, 421, 422 motorbike[s] 100, 496 AUTONOMY NOTATION money 22, 25, 26, 664 sex and rock music 293 categories deified fetish of 26 motoric 622 †DIRECTION non-musos 103–105 mono sound 115 †SOUND PROCESS. drive 337, 343 common sense monopolisation 35 motorised fandangos 336–341 VVAStaxonomy monotony 133 motorway[s] 461, 486, 674 competence 9–11 travel music 656 Motown™ 44, 472 flashback 131 Monroe, Bill 352 Mountain Dew (Irish Trad.) 355 knowledge 9-11, 678 Monroe, Marilyn 199 mountain flatpicking 375 types of 9–11 Monroe, Vaughn 351, 369, 371, 395 mountains 213, 302, 305, 331, 364, structure 12, 43, 153, 154 Monteverdi, Claudio 335, 471 377, 386, 388, 389, 394 text and cultural studies 79–84 Montgomery, Field Marshall Lord mournful. mourning 308, 574 work, the 11 416, 417, 426 moustache 418 musical[s] 429, 605 Montreal 423 movement †DIRECTION †SPEED Musical Quarterly 22 Monty 415-417 kinetic anaphones 100 Musical Semiotics in Growth 51 Monty Python’s Flying Circus mobility 646 Musician magazine 534 (‘Python’, Tune 3) 96, 107, 112, 113, social CLASS musicians 78, 80, 619, 632 114, 123, 129, 147, 148, 149, 150, music’s underlining of 125 circus 427 223, 294, 297, 317, 353, 397-430, movie projector 414, 415, 421 as informants 131 498, 513, 515, 516, 536, 560, 606, Movietone News 416 musicogenic 120, 808 621, 632, 666, 667, 668, 675, 676 Mozart, Wolfgang A 14, 18, 19, 20, categories 666, 675 children VVAs 251 21, 173, 175, 180, 186, 187, 196, ideology of 677–679 Holy Grail 292, 464, 602–3 218, 220, 233, 244, 318, 444, 581 cognition 105 TV series 224 Mr Mister 424 musicology (incl. musicological, mood †AFFECT †EMOTION Mr. P.C. (Coltrane) 583, 628 musicologist[s], etc.) 4, 7-8, 10-12, change of (Skinner) 662 msus9 CHORDS suspended 14, 16-17, 19, 21-22, 27-29, 32, 34, mood music LIBRARY MUSIC MTV 313 35, 39, 41-46, 48-51, 53, 54-55, 57- moon 518 Muleskinner Blues 353 61, 63, 64, 73, 74, 79, 80-83, 85, Moon of Alabama 179, 230 Mulhern, Francis 65, 80, 84 86, 104, 109, 121, 124, 130, 141-2, Moonlight Bay 226, 227, 230 multinational 420 154, 172, 235, 252, 271, 275, 312, Moonlight Gambler 395 multiple choice RECEPTION TEST 320, 343, 371, 427, 675, 678 Moonlight Serenade 230, 268 Mummers’ Plays 326 †POPULAR MUSIC studies example 230 München 48 †ETHNOMUSICOLOGY †SEMIOTICS Moonlight Sonata 516, 517, 518 murder 135, 569, 570, 577, 581, 589 †SOCIOLOGY moors 139 murderess 676 biomusicology 10, 15 MoR 422, 807 Murdock, Graham 81, 84, 85 comparative 36, 38 morale 425 murmuring 236 Critical Musicology Forum 8, 57 Morales, Luis de 258 Musée de l’homme 38 department[s] of 44, 60 Morey, Larry 445 musematic discourse used in Morisette, Alanis 264 analysis method 94–103, 104 inaccessibility of 90-92, 103 Morley, Thomas 182 commutation 105 musicologists as informants 131 morning 224, 247 †TIME (of day) evidence 154 Musik und Gesellschaft 40 misty 383 †WEATHER hunches 114–115 Musikgeschichte des 19. Jahrhun- morning coat 199 interobjective comparison 96-99 dert 37 Morricone, Ennio 5, 31, 32, 49, 171, et passim Musikhögskolan 46 189, 197, 304, 346, 362, 367, 368- museme[s] (incl. stacks and musique concrète 30, 370 73, 376, 377, 378, 379, 396, 456, strings) 94, 101, 807-8 muso[s] 59, 808 457, 458, 462, 565, 569, 586–588, music Mussolini, Benito 485 589, 600, 652 analysis †MUSEMEmusematic Mussorgsky, Modest 321, 470, 533, Morris, Charles 51, 52 discussed 9, 10, 11, 46, 55-7, 553, 564 Morris, John 5, 395, 648 59, 64, 80-2, 89, 92, 94-105, Night on a Bare Mountain 100 Ten Little Title Tunes – Index mutes – nostalgia 881

mutes, muted 115, 522, 572 514, 516, 517 †BUSY †TELETYPE †URGENT Harmon mutes 540-1 vs artefact 388, 514 News at Ten 606 Muzak 471, 581 vs Culture 461, 671-2 Nicaragua 6, 420 My Bonnie 448 naughty 265 nice 137 My Bulgarian Baby 621 nausea 576, 579 Nick Carter 572 My Dog Blue →OLD BLUE Navy Seals (USA) 425 Nicks, Stevie 424 My Generation 66, 652 Naylor, Ken N 223 Nietzsche, Jack 24, 484, 576 My Lai massacre 423 Nazi 41 night 443, 570, 571, 572, 579, 587, My Rough and Rowdy Ways 353 NBC 39 597, 601, 605, 624, 671, 674 My Sweet Lord 95 Neapolitan CHORDS club 127, 135, 370 My Way 196 near vs far 388 life 135, 265 myster/-y/-ious 378, 459, 518, Nebbie al castello 589 Night on a Bare Mountain 553, 564 588–590 negative Night Passage (film) 304 mystical 132, 268 drum scenario 650–652 The Night Stalker 493 oriental 531 evaluations nightmare 589, 624 Mythologies (Barthes) 490 Virginian 345-6, 387 Nimrod (Elgar) 195, 221, 223 experience 460 Nine-Pound Hammer 353, 354 N Neglin, Anders 677 nineteenth century HISTORICAL Nana. (film) 600 ‘negotiated readings’ 87 1900 NOVECENTO Nånstans, nån gång 471 Nehring, Neil 73 1900-1999HISTORICAL Nanton, ‘Tricky’ Sam 573 Nelson, Terry 423 ninths CHORDS/INTERVALS napalm 425 Nelson, Willy 218, 228 Niro, Robert de 565 Naples 329 neo-liberalism 72, 87 Nirvana 21, 66, 73 Spain 341 neologisms 131, 134 Nissyros 467 traditional music from 311 neon lights 623 Nix, Don 630 Napoleon Bonaparte 22 Nero, Franco 587 Nixon, Richard 488 Napoleonic Code 22 nerves/nervous 590, 604 Nketia, J W K 38 narrative nervous energy 489 ‘no censorship’ 265 love and crime 461 nervous strain 589 ‘no conflicts’ 132 cowboys 302 Ness, Elliott 582 No Roses (Steeleye Span) 306 considerations 463 Netherlands 418 noble 197 curve 659 Nettl, Bruno 37, 51 Noble, Ray 579 genre 458, 462 Network Music LIBRARY MUSIC Nobody Knows (US Trad.) 229 outlines MV 661 Neuls-Bates, C 29 nocturnal 444, 569 symmetry of plot 664 neutral[ity] 132, 376, 530, 660, 674 nocturne[s] 171, 443 narratological, narratology 672 Le neveu de Rameau 15, 16, 17 Nocturnes (Debussy) 246 convention 461 Neveu, Éric 80, 81, 84, 87 non-designated recognition 513, device 469 New Age music (Zen and) 534 515, 516 nasality in bluegrass 352 New Jersey 602 None but the Aching Heart (Нет, Nash, Graham 424 New ‘Labour’ 421 толъко тот...) 205, 206, 212, 218 Nastro d’argento 370 new look FASHION non-military 410 nasty 190 New Mexico 355 non-musos 103–105 Nathan, Robert 389 New Orleans 115, 567, 571, 582, 597 Nono, Luigi 370 national 413, 424, 429, 517 New World Symph. 303, 319, 325 non-recognition 112–113 assets 421 New York 135, 494, 567, 570, 571, nonverbal communication 104, 105 curriculum 45–46 572, 597, 603, 605 Noriega, Manuel 420 National Enquirer 491 New York State of Mind 582 normal[ity] 70, 108, 483-501, 514, National Health Service 417, 421 Newcastle Brown 345 518, 519, 666 National Heritage 7 (KPM) 414 Newman, Alfred 305, 359 middle-class 64 Nationaldagen 415 Newport Jazz Festival 310 Norman, Monty 573, 626 nationalisation 417, 421 news/news music 388, 487–94, 554 Normandy invasion 417 nationalis/-m/-t 309, 428 ABC bans news anaphones in Normann, E 294, 411 British 61 adverts 490 Nørrebro 413 German, musical 320 BBC radio news 488 North by Northwest 569 Nationalteatern 619, 620, 808 Capital Radio News 487 North Pole 588 nations/nation states 413, 420 CBS Evening News 341, 388 North, Alex 196, 540, 579, 581, 583, Native American[s] current affairs music 492 592, 600-1 Ayamara 334 etymophony 488–494 North, Oliver 4-6 Aztec 291, 334 Movietone News 416, 417 Norway 321, 415, 631 Hollywood music for 303 ‘news’ 487 skolekorps, 17 May 415 Huapango 356 newsreels 97, 412, 415-6, 420 nostalgia 132, 171, 240, 309, 361, Huayno 334, 343, 361 reports on China (1989) 501 429, 430, 459, 460, 461, 472, 514, Inca 334 Swedish TV news 487, 606 517, 518, 675 Quechua 334 Radio Newsreel 411, 412, 416 Grieg’s Lyrische Stücke 321 Nattiez, Jean-Jacques Téléljournal (TF1) 488 minor mode 327–330 51, 53, 54, 55 TV Cinq 651 Nostalgia of the Father (Morricone) Nature/nature 224, 236, 442, 446, WINS news station logo 490 456, 457, 458 882 notation – over Ten Little Title Tunes – Index

Not Alone Anymore 229 Oh! I Must Get Home… 294, 411 folk lutes 466-472 notation (musical) 35, 81 Oh! Susanna 377 full orchestra 391 ethnomusicology and 36, 39 Öhrström, Eva 29, 233 GUITAR notational centricity 28, 55 Oil Bath 586, 600 geo-instrumental syllogism 469 problems for popular music Okie from Moscogee 296 harp 261, 278-9, 300, 376, 456 analysis 152, 153 Oklahoma! (R&H) 108, 295 sweep 299, 386–387, 559 uses in popular music 55 old 536 harpsichord 588 note (musical) England 429 HORN definition 808 fashioned 238, 500 importance of parameter 387 doorstop note 228, 229, 806 folks 239 male and female 669, 670 grace notes 226, 231 order 419 MANDOLIN menace note 651, 660, 661 people 428 Morricone’s 370 shape-note singing 324 time[s] HISTORICAL oboe 192, 278-9, 379, 381–2, suspense notes 627 Old Blue 325, 355 388, 392, 472, 504-5, 516 Nottamun Town 326 Old City (Gamla stan) 808 PIANO Notting Hill Carnival 62 Old Dog Tray 325 saxophone[s] 571, 597 Notturno (Pick-Mangiagialli) 443 Old Horse 380 in Cagney & Lacey 676 nouveau riche 60 Oldfield, Mike 414 saw (musical) 576 Novecento 197, 456, 565, 569 Ole Paint 295, 325 STRINGS novela rosa 137, 808 Olimar (river) 335 trombone[s] 461, 492, 540-1 novelty tune[s]/song[s] 412, 496 Oliver, Paul 80, 293 slides 573–577 Liberty Bell 413 Olofsson, Per-Olof 23, 24 plunging 568, 572 Now Cease My Wandering… 316 Olympic Games 415 trumpet[s] 115, 371, 487, 495, Now Voyager (film) 171 ominous 120, 566 540-1, 596-7, 622, 676 nude 418, 419 Omnimusic LIBRARY MUSIC vibraphone 278-9, 300, 376, 676 The Nude Maya (Goya) 257 On Popular Music ADORNO xylophone[s] 476, 487, 494-8, 622 nu-metal 424 On the Open Praire (Copland) 100 busy and comic 496-8 Nuova Consonanza 370 On the Steppes of Central Asia 100 order/ordered (regularity) Der Nussbaum 171 On the Trail (Grofé) 591 133, 416, 421, 673 Nylöf, Göran 44–45 on way to… 590, 591, 592 order (social) 672 Nynningen 619, 620, 808 Once Upon a Time in… (films) ‘orders are orders’ 25, 27 C’ERA UNA VOLTA… Oregon 328, 355 O One Cool Cuban (Gillespie) 645 Orfeo e Euridice 316 O Haupt voll Blut… 456 One Flew over the Cuckoo’s… 576 organ 120, 221, 222, 223 O helga natt 196 The Onedin Line 240, 246 Hammond 462, 628 O Mensch, bewein’ … 185 Ono, Yoko 30 organists 19 O! What A Beautiful Morning 108 onomatopoeia 99, 292, 295 †ANA- at sports events 330 orgy music (Rapée) 656 O’Lochlainn, C 310, 345, 347, 355 PHONE sonic †PROGRAMME O’Neill, Eugene 371 ‘ooh la-la!’ 132, 135, 265, 385, 648 The Orient Express 604 oriental[ism] 115, 127, 531, 605 OBE 60, 63 007 JAMES BOND Oberon 445 open[ness] 133, 214 †PANORAMA ‘Original Soundtrack’ hype110 object relations (Klein) 76 fields 388 ornament-al/-ation 19 objectivism 27 opening 212 gingerbread 228 oblivion (Reynolds) 65, 67 of parliament 415 ornate 429 oboe ORCHESTRATION opera 122, 215 ös 808 obsolescence 553, 605, 650, 666, 676 operatic 424 Osbourne, Ozzie 62 bebop flat fifth 583–588 operetta 429 oscillation/oscillatory 72, 246, 453 guaranteed by fashion 496 Ophelia (Steck) 259, 260, 261 Oslo 413, 631 of ‘space drum’ 648 Ophelia (film cue, Hamlet) 456 University of 116, 796 ocarinas 378 opinion ossification 18 ff. OCORA 38 musical, non-verbal 4–7 ostentat-ion/-ious 416, 424, 428 octave[s] CHORDS & INTERVALS public 417, 420 ostinato †RIFF Oe’r the Muir 348 opposition[al[ity]] 66, 85, 618, 620 bass 590–595 Oedipus Rex (Stravinsky) 471 oppression at ‘public’ school 223 Otello (Verdi) 190, 194, 211 Off To Sea Once More 336 orange (colour) 139 ‘otherness’ ALTERITY offbeat 295, 337, 342-3, 356, 628, 600 Orbison, Roy 230 otherworldliness ETHEREAL An Officer and a Gentleman 425 orchestration, instrumentation Our Man Flint (Goldsmith) 586 officers 427 169, 427, 461, 462, 630, 657 Our Town (Copland) 536 Officers’ Training Corps 223 banjo 373, 375, 377 L’ours (Jansen) 197 official 413, 417, 420, 422, 423, 424, flatpicking 375 Out of Africa 215 426, 428 bassoon farts 588 Out Of The Blue 411, 412 Official Detective (radio) 572 clarinet[s] 115, 192, 467, 597-8 outdoors 652, 672, 674 Oft Have I Sighed 182 scoop 115, 597–598 outfit (costume) CLOTHES Il ogro 565 cor anglais 380, 381 outrage 618 Oh Happy Day 95 cowboy melodies 375 outwards 212 ‘oh my!’ 386 doomsday registration 153, 637 ovation 428 Oh! For the Wings of a Dove 315 ethnicity/exoticism 466–74 ‘over’ as polysemic VVA 139 Ten Little Title Tunes – Index over/across – Pheloung 883

over/across 122, 134, 139, 297, 302, Paranoid Android (Radiohead) 21 peasants 328 303, 305, 331, 393 Les parapluies de Cherbourg 196 Peck, Gregory 589 overdriveGUITARelectric parasol PROPS pedal point 101, 517, 589, 590, 598 overexposed 419 paratextual 51 †DRONE overhead 134 parental love 250 ‘peeow’ ‘BEEW!’ over-theorisation 87 Paris 570, 605, 649 Peer, Ralph 36 Owed to ‘g’ (‘Purple’, by Deep Pur- park[s] 123, 247, 249, 410, 428, 674 peerage 416 ple, Tune 9) 107, 114, 115, 129, park bench 238 Peerson, Martin 182 130, 135, 141, 147, 148, 149, 150, parkland 257 Pegg, Bob 323 153, 248, 269, 375, 410, 458, 459, pleasure park 409 Peirce, Charles S 47, 51, 52, 296 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 494, 495, Parker, Charlie 32, 41 pelagic SEA 496, 557, 559, 560, 561, 569, 572, parlour (music) 16, 232, 233, 412 Pelléas et Mélisande 192, 471 583, 590, 595, 607-632, 657, 667, chromaticism 215 hair scene 260–261 668, 669, 670 salon 266 pendulum SHUTTLE Owens, Buck 575 Parlour Songbook 213 Penguin Book of … Oxford University 62 parody 353, 413, 419, 429, 648, 675 English Folk Songs 322 Oz 389 detective style 627 English Madrigals 455 Western 358 penitent 184, 186 P Parr, John 424 Pentagon 355, 677 packaging 75 Parra, Violetta 336 pentatonic[ism] MODES Padre Padrone 14 Parry, Sir C H Hubert 60, 210, 218, Per Gynt 192, 200, 313, 314, 321 Pagliacci 596 220, 222, 223, 224, 428 Abduction of the Bride 567 Paice, Ian 462 Parsifal 190 Per le antiche scale 197, 456 pain 101, 123, 185, 196, 212, 417, partials 153, 651, 652 Per qualche dollari in più 331, 346, 446, 449, 453, 457, 459, 460, 461, parting (exitive) 182, 183, 459, 460, 370, 396 464, 646 469, 674 Per un pugno di dollari 304, 346, and pleasure 207–208 departure 134, 388 368, 370, 371, 372, 373, 396, 456 painful 190 party/[-ies] (fun) 392, 393, 410, 415 perception 14, 100, 105-6, 111, 127, Paint Your Wagon (show) 396 Party at the Palace 103, 424 129, 141, 154, 190, 227, 229, 235, palace 413, 418 pasa doble 338 239, 252-3, 270-3, 275, 290, 295, Paladin (Ballad of) 368 pas-de-deux 240 375, 388, 412, 447, 458, 462, 471, Palin, Michael 223, 224 passion 177, 199, 207, 430 485-6, 581, 632, 651, 652 Palisca, Claude V 8, 30 of Christ 184, 185-6, 170, 456, percussion 300, 634-7, 648, 651, 652 palm trees 239 574 †MATTHÄUS †JOHANNES Latin 645–650 Palmer, Christopher 569 impassioned 186 Virginian 342–343 Palmer, Roy 23, 308 passionate 197, 270 ‘Pereat jedes Programm!’ 48 Palmolive 243, 244 past time TIME ‘perfect’ pitch 95 Pamela (15 yrs) 238, 532 pastel shades 244, 554, 606, 650 perform[ance] 429, 620-1, 674 pan pipes 462 pastiche 127, 346 performing arts 60 Panama 420 El pastor 350 periodicity 514 pandiatonicism TONALITY pastoral[-ity] 99, 101, 115, 161, irregular 588 panning CAMERA SOUND PROCESS. 195, 244, 379–380, 381, 382–385, regular 604 panorama/panoramic view[s] 213, 513–519, 530–537, 533, 674 perky 412, 415, 416, 417 382, 672 †PANNING pastoral symphonies 101 per-mille scores STATISTICS big country (music for) Beethoven 99, 533 perpetuum mobile 115, 337 302, 344, 336, 357 ff., 386 Christmas Oratorio 517 Perry Mason 4, 572, 578, 592 big scenery 151, 514 pastorale 518, 533 TV theme 464, 591 lack of in Emmerdale 515 pastorella 533 Perry, Jimmy 429 vs women in Westerns 394 pasture land 257 Peru 334 broad expanses 213, 298 Pastures of Plenty 368, 371 ‘perverse discipline’ 52, 53 panorama vs close-up 388 patetico 380 pesante HEAVY open fields 388 pathos 177, 187, 192, 195, 197, 199, Pesni donskikh kazakov 322 wide open spaces 354, 388 200, 206, 223, 224, 422, 445 Peter and the Wolf 568 wide views 195, 238 patience 673 Peter Gunn 368, 572, 600, 624 Pantène Pro Plus Shampoo 263 patriarchal 419 riff 599 Paper Dolls (TV) 647, 648, 649, Patricia (cha-cha-cha) 348 Peter Pan 495 650, 651, 653 patriot/-ic/-sm 423, 428 Peterson, Richard A. 13, 43, 64 parade 97, 123, 409, 410, 413, 415, music in USA 422–426 Petite Fleur 567, 570 427, 428, 675 patronage 16 Petrassi, Goffredo 370 Paradise 208 Pattison, Robert 585 Pétrouchka 246, 471 parallel HARMONY Pauli, Hansjörg 30 Petty Larceny 583, 585 parameters of musical expression Pause (Schubert) 213 Peyser, Joan 535 39, 102, 808 peace 132, 177, 239, 270 phallic 71 paramusical 101, 110, 161, 806, 808 of mind 178 Phantasien über die Kunst 15 common denominators 97 peanut butter FOOD phasing SOUND PROCESSING fields of connotation PMFC Pearl Jam 66 phatic modernity 644 paranoia 426 Pearsall, Ronald 23 Pheloung, Barrington 488, 581 884 phew! – presentation Ten Little Title Tunes – Index

phew! 217 platform soles 553 Morricone’s 370-371 philanthropy 25 Plato 27, 35, 39, 47 studies 7-10, 14, 22, 34-8, 40-2, Philip Marlowe 677 playlist rotation 113–114 44, 45, 54, 57–89, 90, 92, 103, Philips, Robin 415 pleading 380 117, 152, 272, 425, 679 philosoph/-ical/-ising 464, 677 pleasant 70 cultural studies 78-89 Phoenix (Arizona) 367 park 409, 429 lack of music in 80-84 phonograms in ethnomusicology 38 pleasurable 428 marginalisation of 57 photo models 262 shock 648, 650 musos vs cult studs 59, 80 ff phrasing 168–169, 462 surprise 648 pomorockology 66-70, 73-8, Phrygia and Spartacus 240 Pleasantville 64 89, 808 phrygian MODES pleasure 70 raison d’être 57 piano 376, 516, 540-, and pain 207–208 Popular Music 10, 64, 67, 80, 86 arpeggios 156-7, 168, 171–2, plectrum 153 Porcile, François 31 230-49, 504-5, 515, 516 Plegaria a un labrador 336 Porgy and Bess 571, 595 Chopin 226 plodding bass 565–6, 571, 592, 604 Porizkova, Paulina 263 meadows and trees 241–246 plot types: Western 392–394 Porky the Pig 575, 577 water 233–240 plucky 417, 429 portamento 115, 217, 515, 522, 648 duets 233 plunger[s] 540-1, 568, 572, 573 Porter, Cole 374 bourgeois home 232-3 plush BAR Portishead 456 Fender-Rhodes 197 PMFC 96, 97, 808 †VVA Portsmouth (tune) 345 octaves in bass 590 pogo stick 295 Portugal 329 romantic 172, 232–233, 266 poignant 198, 381, 382, 388, 456 positive 137, 673 technical improvements 232 poison 676 postmodernism 67, 71, 76 broiler 19 Poison (band) 423 †POMO- concertante 264 Poisson distribution 148, 149 authoritarianism of 76 concerto[s] 156-7, 169, 171, 177, Poitín (Ir. Trad.) 345, 355 stereotypes of 73 191, 198–203, 516 police (incl. cop[s]) 459 †DECKARE The Postmodernism Generator 73 † B IG CONCERTO M OVIE T HEMES †CRIME †GANGSTER[S] postponed gratification 60, 65 pathos in 198-202 shows (TV) 624, 659 Pour Adeline 175 Gershwin 578 Police Woman 676 Pour Dolly 250 $ Tchaikovsky (#1 in B m) politics, political †POWER pouting lips 264 175, 177, 199 asylum 62 poverty 572, 601 Rachmaninov (#2 in Cm) 199 power 60 power 419, 424, 484–487, 648 pianist 499 crooked 588 abuse of 421 sextuplets 171, 174, 246, 249 UK under Blair 62 chord 652–653, 654, 660 Picardy 3rd CHORDStierce de P. of Italian Western 332 corporations 420 picking GUITAR ORCHESTRbanjo La polizia non può sparare 600 empowerment 85, 88, 291, 679 Pick-Mangiagalli, Ricardo 443 Pollack, Benny 579 fun and power 424 pick-up ANACRUSIS pollen 244 global: transfer of 413 picnic 412, 415 †FOOD polysem/-y/-ic 207, 296 hegemonic 44, 66, 424 Pictures (jazz tone poem) 496 VVAs 135–136, 139 intrinsic exclusivity of 485 Pictures at an Exhibition 321 pomo-rockology nation state 60, 420 piercing 101, 248 POPULAR MUSICstudies official representation in music A Pilgrim’s Progress 196 pomp 416, 421, 424 413, 414, 416-8, 420, 422, 423, Pillsbury Frozen Pizza Crust 467 pomp and circumstance 132 424, 425, 426 Pinewood Studios 372 pomp metal ROCK relations (gender) gender 671 Pink Panther 583, 584, 626, 631 The Pond (Ives) 535, 537, 539 vs speed in music 300 Pinochet, Augusto 420 ponderous 300 powerful 100 Pinto, Guilherme Alencar 335 Ponte Vedra (Galícia) 350 Powers, Stefanie 621 pioneer 302 Poole, Brian, & the Tremoloes 472 PR (‘public relations’) 62, 75 Il pipistrello FLEDERMAUS Poole, Gaye 81 Prado, Perez ‘Prez’ 348 Pishet, pishet Karla Shvedskii 322 Poole, Steven 7 pragmatics SEMIOTICS pitch REGISTERpitch Poor Black Boy 532 prairie 139, 297, 302, 305, 308 pitching (of boats) 248 ‘poor thing!’ 217 pranks 132 pivot[s] CHORDSpivots pop music 621, 645, 646 Prato, Paulo 14 pizza crust commercial 467 ‘pop style’ 495 prayer 178 pizzicato 467 Poppe, Nils 429, 808 precadential CADENCE placid[ness] 535, 536 popular classical music 62 predatory (woman) 585 plagal 175 popular music 30, 37, 41, 43, 46, 54, predetermined 604 plagal half cadence 536 55, 114, 119, 206, 272, 422, 531 et predictability 514 plagal harmony 325, 358 passim Il prefetto di ferro 587 plains 122, 354, 393 characteristics of 54 Prendergast, Roy M 124, 599, 601 plaintive 192, 380, 574 compared to classical 59–62 preparatory (title music) 10, 513 plane 646 definition 57 prepositions 122, 303 Planet Suite 21 European 30, 232, 311, 321, 412 Pre-Raphaelite 264 planning 430, 674 Latin American 334-6, 343, present TIME Plantation () 423 345-7, 355, 361, 645 Presentation Of The Flag 411 Ten Little Title Tunes – Index presentational – reception test 885

presentational 378, 385, 429, 673 TV 660, 661 ragged CLOTHES Presley, Elvis 64, 86, 421 spaces 423, 424 Raggle-Taggle Gypsies 345 prestigious 132, 414, 428 sphere 427 ragtime 325 pre-test hypotheses 111–112 no love in 499 RAI TV TV stations ‘pretonal’ 371 †MODES vs private 28, 673 rail/-road/-way 383, 656 †TRAIN[S] Pretty Polly 354, 355 ‘public’ schools (UK) 221–225 rain[y] WEATHER pride 133, 428 Puccini, Giacomo 29, 31, 325, 568 raised-eyebrow chromaticism 592 primal fantasy 24 Puebla, Carlos 334 Rákóczy March 320 primary signification SEMIOTICS puerto-ricanism 340 Raksin, David 42, 171 primitivism 531, 533 Pulp (band) 464 Ramblin’ Man (Allman Bros.) 658 Prince Charles (UK) 62 pulsating 461 Ramblin’ Yodeler 375 printers TELETYPE, etc. pulse 646, 674 †TEMPO Rambo 5 Prior, Maddy 323 punch-out (recording) 660 Rameau, Jean-Philippe 387 private, privacy 420 pungent 625 Rameau’s Nephew 15, 16, 17, 68 love, individuality as 499 Purcell, Henry 180, 182 Rampage (film) 600 vs public 28, 673 pure 133 Rampart Street 597 private eyes DECKARE Purple OWED TO ‘G’ The Ramrods 368, 369, 375, 395 privileges 60 †POWER†HEGEMONY Purple Haze (Hendrix) 593 Randall, Carter 297, 664 problem[s] (VVA) DIFFICULT[Y] Purser, Philip 202 Randgebiet[en] 38, 320 Procul Harem 196, 338 Pyrenees 350 randy 594 production vs consumption Pythonesque 418 rap 62, 67, 425 (of music) 618 Rapée, Ernö 31, 126, 191, 192, 250, The Professionals 624 Q 314, 340, 531, 567, 651, 653, 656, 660 proramme music 48, 99 quadruplets 171 Rapport (SvTV2 news) 606 prohibition (USA) 570 quadrusyllabic 347 Rapunzle 260, 261 projection ALTERITY ETHNICITY quantification Rat Race (E Bernstein) 596 EXOTICISM GESTURALITY alienation by 24 Ratcliffe Highway 336 Prokofiev, Sergei 30, 589 quantised 654 Die rationellen und soziologischen Prokunin, V P 322 hoofbeats 295 Grundlagen der Musik 39 prolapsual 131, 134, 251, 260, 261, quartal under HARMONY Ravel, Maurice 30, 495, 168, 204, 265, 270, 305, 515, 518, 808 quarter tones 576 246, 247, 319, 564, 578 proletari/-at/-sation 22, 35 Qua-ti Blues (Bechet) 567, 570 Rawhide 369, 372, 390, 391, 395 promenade 100 Quechua 334 RCA 39 propaganda 417, 678 Queen (band) 61, 423 reactionary 423 proportional STATISTICS Queen/queen (monarch) Reader’s Digest 516 props †CLOTHES 409, 413, 668 ready-steady-go 341, 376, 590 parasol 236 Elizabeth II (UK) 60-1, 569 Reagan, Ronald 75, 420, 421 Leone’s Westerns 331 Mary (UK) 416 real circle-of-fifths 179 test responses 120 Sylvia (Sweden) 808 rebellion, rebellious[ness] 66, 132, ‘trendy object’ 552, 647, 649, 650 quick SPEED 486, 618, 646, 674 propuls/-ion/-ive, propel DIRECTION quiescence 670 receivers – ‘negotiated readings’ 87 prosody 52 quiet 132, 535, 536, 674 reception test 106, 107–152 prostitute[s] 265, 464, 675 Quiet City (Copland) 536 amusement factor 114 prostitution 133, 459, 569, 573, Quilapayún 342 availability of recordings 108 582, 596 Quilômbo 338 background to 103–106 protagonist semiosis (musical) Quincy (TV) 585 classification of VVAs 123–131 lack of in Miami Vice 659 quintal HARMONY classroom situation 118 Proud Heritage 223, 224 discretising VVAs 122–123 Proud Mary 357, 662 R duration of examples 118 provincial/-ism 413, 428, 429 R & J ROMEO & JULIET (ROTA) examples used 107, 795 psalms 175 Race Records 374 selection criteria 107–115 pseudo-individualisation 420, 421 Rachmaninov 171, 175, 180, 199, free induction 119–121 psychiatrist 589 211, 215, 232, 269 immediacy of reaction 118 Psycho (film) 100, 104, 190, 600 racism 272, 425 information to respondents psychological experiences inverted 71 117–118 musical expression of 125 ‘rad’ (=hip/cool) 650 interpreting results 121–152 psychology 48 radicalism (rock discourse) 65, 421 musematic hunches 114–115 psycho-social disorder 76 radio 13, 35, 428 no time to think 118 psychotic symbiosis 76 format radio 13 number of respondents 115, 147 pub band 663 news 487, 488 order of playing 111–115 public 410, 412, 413, 416, 417, 418, Melodiradion 807 pre-test hypotheses 111–112 419, 420, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, Radio Moscow 470 procedure 117, 121 428 †CELEBRATION †DISPLAY Radio Newsreel 411, 412, 416 publication details 107, 795 †HOLIDAY †INSTITUTION[S] Radiohead 21, 66, 456 reasons for 103 opinion 417, 420 RAF 198, 201, 203 respondents 115–117, 796 representation 418, 422 raga[s] – Pily and Saranga 558 numbering of 117 services 421 raggare 808 session data 116 886 receptional – rhythmic Ten Little Title Tunes – Index

STATISTICS boundary 442, 452 Respighi, Ottorino 246, 247 synaesthesia 119–121 ceiling 450, 452 respondents 115–116, 796 receptional 28, 94 change 443, 444, 451 children 141 competence 9, 10, 11, 28, 91, consistency 447, 450 control groups of 141–142 678, 809 discontinuity 229 blind 141 descriptors 91, 809 transfer (RT) 451 Latin American 141, 334 need and construction of 91 tessitura 622, 623 loquacious or taciturn 143 problems of 91, 95 high and low for action number[s] recidivism 660 music 496 assigning of 117 recognition of test pieces 110, 112, vocal 217, 223, 351, 352 of participants 115, 147 120, 128, 129, 150, 414, 513 baritone 223 R98 122, 143 non-designated 513, 515, 516 chest 247 relation to salsa and son 334 verbose or reticent 144 recomposition 98, 142 falsetto 648 who were they? 115-117, 141 Recorded Music for Radio, Film head register 247 response restrictions 55, 56 and Television 100, 126, 224 male-voice 223 responses VVAS recorder (flauto diritto) 371, 378 Regnava nel silenzio 443 rest[ful] 171, 530 recording 169 †SOUND PROCESSING regression, regressive 76 restraint CONTROL acoustic 35 regular[ity] 101, 132 Reti, Rudolf 387 electromagnetic 39, 40 reification 24, 75 retro FASHION, ROCK ethnomusicology’s use of 38 Reisberg, Horace 534, 535 retroessive 134 history of 7 reiteration REPETITION retrograde DIRECTIONbackward rejection 133 technology 36 The Return of Perry Mason 592 rejects 464 recruit[-s/-ing] (war) 410, 416, 419 Revaux & François 196 relative autonomy 90 The Red Pony (Copland) 536 reveille function (title music) 110 relative major HARMONY Red Square (Moscow) 62 revenge 329 relaxation, relaxed 132, 217, 218, redneck[s] 274, 296, 422, 423 reverberation SOUND PROCESSING 239, 268, 270 reductionism 74, 79 Revlon 649, 650, 651 release, relief 217, 220 of body to sexuality 71 revolution religion, religious, religiosity woman and body 71 bourgeois 16, 18, 22 refinement 132 175-179, 419, 517 French 22 reflection, reflective 132, 430, 459, Rembrandt van Rijn 266 Revolver (Beatles) 335 463, 518, 530, 672, 673 remember, reminisce 460, 674 Revueltas, Silvestre 338 reform (social, UK postwar) 421 Remington Steele 676 Reynolds, Debbie 596 regions 413 remote SOLITARY Reynolds, Simon 65, 67–8, 70, 77, 104 register (pitch) †BASS †DIRECTION Renaissance 419 Rhapsody in Blue 578, 597 (ascend descend) †TIMBRE 179, Renoir, Auguste 259, 260, 264 Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganini 195, 196, 226, 229, 231, 234, 235, REO Speedwagon 108 199, 211, 269 237, 247, 296, 297, 300, 392, 443, repas d’amour FOOD, LOVE Das Rheingold 261 451, 458, 491, 551, 568, 574, 589, repertoire rhetoric (musical) 17, 47 596, 599, 625, 645, 656, 659 concerts in C19 France 19 Rhetoric (Aristotle) 27 ambitus 201, 225, 243, 315, 327, 452 pop and classical (canonic) 59 rhythm 63, 655 †METRE †DIRECTION accompanimental 589 repetition[s], repetitive 623, 654 bass 624 body placement 576-7 †↓vocal low-register notes 656 cross 343, 532 †METRE disjunctive flooding 225-231 reiteration[s], reiterated notes fandango rhythm 336–341 high 100,169, 300, 243, 496, 330, 375, 383, 389, 450, 563, ‘guitar’ 659 588–590, 644, 651, 652, 659 564, 565 harmonic 214–5, 608-9 ‘lonesome sound’ 473 fast 316, 317, 319, 622-3 language (Spanish, English, treble (incl. treble boost) 653 rate of 622 Scottish) 347–357 jq low 210, 247, 249, 300, 305, 380- synthesiser 645, 655–6 Miami Vice 654 2, 446, 554, 557, 563-4, 569, repeated figures 453, 456, 457, Sayonara 532 574, 576 ff, 590, 594, 599, 600, 462, 574, 576, 522 section 647 651-2, 656, 660, 661, 664 sequential 453 none in Virginian 375 †BASS travel music and 656 shuffle (blues) 564, 565, 627 jjjq backing tracks 658 The Reporters (TV) 493 subdivision of 654–5 bass riff 590–595 repression – sexual 64, 70 surface 646 doom[sday] 305, 554-5, 651, Repton/Repton (Parry) 210, 218, of torrents 291 660, 664 220, 222, 223 rhythmic †METRE †DIRECTION action 376 drone, menace tone 661 The Republic (Plato) 47 attack 654 sforzando sfp 651 repulsion 461 augmentation 664 ostinati, narrow 246 Repulsion (film) 133 continuity (R&J) 442 tremolandi/ostinati 246, 247 Requiem (Mozart) 318 inflection 425 melodic 220 res cogitans vs res extensa 27 organisation 657 mid[dle]170, 221, 234-7, 239, La resa dei conti 346, 652 patterning 644 resignation 217 295, 414, 464, 563, 564, 656 propulsion 622 ↑ pitch range 169, 515 † ambitus resistance 85, 86 symmetry 655 registral resolute 604 Ten Little Title Tunes – Index rich – Roxy 887

rich 100, 171, 430 rock (music) 31, 103, 136, 376, 462, Rodrigo, Joaquin 367, 371 and poor 25 617–632, 653, 663, 674 Roe, Keith 149 Rich Man, Poor Man 196, 600 aesthetics 63, 73, 421, 423 Rogers, Roy 295 Richard, Sir Cliff 60, 62, 63 as absolute music 631–632 Roget’s Thesaurus 416 Richie Brockelman, P.I. 585 band[s] 368, 372, 413, 618, 620, Roland, Jürgen 582 Richie, Lionel 457 621, 632 Roll Over Beethoven 21 Rickenbacker Model ‘A’ 373 blues based 594 roller-coaster emotions 220 Riddle, Nelson 570, 581, 582 bodyism 70 rolling 134, 196, 214, 254, 257 Ride of theValkyrie W ALKÜRENRITT cadence pandemonium 663 countryside 218, 515 Riders in the Sky GHOST RIDERS canon 61, 64–78, 272 hills 172 Ridi Pagliacci (Leoncavallo) 596 Chuck Berry and early 368 Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of ridiculous 419, 428 concert 620, 652 Rock’n’Roll 374 riding 122, 239, 245, 301, 331, 383, criticism 64–78 Rolling Stone magazine 42 385, 674 death metal 424 Rolling Stones 72, 630, 662 music for 291–307 education 66 Rolling Thunder Review 658 scenicity 297–299 emancipation 65 romance/romantic 99, 100, 104, sexual meaning 293 eroticism 71, 293 122, 130, 132, 145, 167, 170-2, vs chasing 299–302 extreme metal 67 177, 207, 208, 215, 218, 220, 224, Riemann, Hugo 387 folk rock 322 231–249, 251, 253, 256, 260, 261, Riemenschneider, Albert 184 frenetic picking norms 376 262, 264, 265, 268, 269, 270, 388, fun and speed connotations 368 Riesenfeld, Hugo 30 430, 459, 500, 518 hard rock 594, 653 riff 63, 623, 624, 626-7, 630, 631, lack of in Emmerdale 515 harmony 662 663 †OSTINATO piano arpeggios 171–172 hegemony 66 right to party 76 string pads 170–171 heavy metal 422–4, 430, 618, right-wing 423 The Romantic Piano 518 653 (as loud 423) rigidity 421 romanticism 195, 309 history c 1960 372 Rikskonserter 44 English 211, 215, 221–225   Country origins 373–375 rim shot[s] DRUMS English musical 221 roots mythology 375 Rimini 606 ethnic, national 327 importance postwar 85 Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai 319, school of German 15 invasive quality 70 338, 339, 347 Romeo & Juliet (Rota, ‘R&J’, jazz rock 206 ringing tones 660 Tune 4) 101, 102, 107, 111, 112, journalism 80 ringmaster 418, 419 114, 129, 130, 147, 148, 149, 150, Krautrock 320 Rio Bravo (film) 304, 360, 371, 456 167, 169, 171, 248, 190, 317, 386, minor-key 620 Rio Grande de Santiago 356 218, 254, 269, 296, 330, 442–474, modality 310, 313, 620 Ripping Yarns (TV) 223, 224 515, 516, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561, motorbikes 293 ripple[s], rippling 174, 231, 233, 569, 572, 597, 514, 604, 632, 666, nu-metal 424 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 243, 667, 668, 669, 670 performance (rock music) 621 246, 248, 249, 253, 261, 270, 535 Romeo & Juliet (Tchaikovsky) 470 pomo-rockology 66–69, 70, Ritchie, Jean 326 Roméo et Juliette (Berlioz) 73–78, 89, 808 598 246, 313, 471  pomp metal 422, 424 ritarndo, ritenuto SLOW Romero, George 581 radicalism 65, 421 rivalry 392 Romero, Venturo 356 retro-rock 663 river[s] 235–239, 256, 261, 382, Rommel 416 383, 535, 674 †BECKS †WATER rock nacional 335 Rondo fürs Fortepiano 20 fluvial 134, 214, 382 rockers 619, 657 Roos, Jaime 335 rivulets 247 rocking 248, 249, 250, 252, 255 Roosevelt, Franklin D 40, 579 named rivers rockology 59–78, 809 roots mythology of rock 375 Dee 255 stars 619 Rose, David 359, 598 Llyfni 233 109 Rosen, Charles 11, 14, 15, 18, 19 Vltava 236, 320 ‘subversive underdog’ 65-7, 84, road[s] 298, 382, 343, 382, 389, 485 85, 421 Rosenman, Leonard 14 Forty Miles of Bad Road 368 tunes in test battery 375 Rösing, Helmut 56, 99, 106, 172, 235 Hit the Road, Jack 629 vinyl era 108 Ross, Gary 64 on the 353 Virginian VVAs 375, 377 Rossi, Portia de 263 straight 301, 305 volume 70, 71 Rossini, Gioacchino 31, 293, 295, The Road to Dublin 310 vs. disco 622 296, 377 Six Days On The Road 390 youth-cars-crime 622-624 Rota, Nino 171, 201, 203, 432, 442, Roan County 352, 353, 355 Rock Around The Clock 64, 108 444, 446, 447, 450, 451, 452, 456, Rob tu mo bhoile 345 Rock 'n' Roll Hoochie-Coo 653 465, 466, 467, 468, 470, 471, 577 robbery 133, 674 Rock The Night (Europe) 424 Roth, David Lee 424 bike theft 623 Rockford 585 Rothenbuhler, Eric 44 break-in 623 Rockwell, Norman 536 rough 133 burglary 567 Rocky Road to Dublin 310 rounded 250 robes CLOTHES Rocle, Claude 30 rousing 420 Robin Hood 171 Rodgers, Jimmie 353, 373 Rousseau, Henri 18, 25 Rocco e i suoi fratelli 577 Rodgers, Richard 213 Roxy and Elsewhere 585 888 royal – Selbstbewusstsein Ten Little Title Tunes – Index

royal 409, 413, 424, 430 Saint-Foix, Georges 186 Schillerska gymnasiet 116, 796 household 62 St. Louis Cardinals 330 schizophrenic 105 Jubilee 416 St. Patrick’s Hymn 345 Schlager 23 Wedding 416, 417, 675 St. Petersburg 29 Schmidt, Hans-Christian 30, 124, †MONARCHY †KING †QUEEN Saint-Saëns, Camille 30, 516 177, 582, 589, 594 †DIGNITARIES, etc. Sakomoto, Ryuchi 600 Schmitz, Arnold 16 Rózsa, Miklós 30, 49, 171, 198, 589 Salford 104 Schober, Franz von 25 rubato 169, 432-3 salon PARLOUR Schönberg, A rnold 29, 30, 239, 535 Rubinstein, Arthur B 600 A Salty Dog 196 Schöne Müllerin 99, 213, 234, 236 Rudolf… Red-Nosed Reindeer 589 El Salvador 420 school 620 Rugero y las Paradetas 341 Salvation Army 410, 412 schooner 240 rugged 198 Salvatori, Dario 370 Schopenhauer, Arthur 21, 25 Ruhr Valley Impressions 586, 600, 829 Sam Spade 677 Schubert, Franz 25, 31, 99, 188, Rukeyser, Louis 491, 854 SÄMUS 46 189, 212, 213, 220, 236, 317, 318, Rule Britannia 323, 324 San Fernando 352, 353 319, 321, 446 rules from exceptions 54 Sanama, Leo 20, 103 minor-key Lieder list 318 Rumania 564 ‘Sanctuary of the Higher Arts’ 28 Schulman, Jannike 65 Christmas Carols 311 sand[y] 239 (beach) Schumann, Robert 16, 31, 171, 178, rumble 115 clouds of sand 386 218, 268 The Rumble 372, 395 Sanguéo 342 scientists 603 Run to Cadence CDs 425 Santa Fe 355 scopocentrism 81, 83, 809 Run To Her 424 Santy Anno 310, 328, 345, 346 Scoremaster LIBRARY MUSIC Run, Run, Run 600 Sanz,Gaspar 341 Scotland/Scottish †UK Runaway 396 São Paulo State Conservatory 117 Burns, Robert 345-349 Rundgren, Todd 531 Sarde, Philippe 197 country dancing 349 running 136, 138, 244, 425 sartorial CLOTHES FASHION ‘Scotch snaps’ 347-357 rural[ity] 115, 195, 224, 261, 262, Satie, Erik 30, 248 Trad. 345, 354, 531, 532 458, 459, 514, 516, 517, 518, 530– satin 171 Scott, John 589 537, 621, 674 Satisfaction (Stones) 72, 73 Scott, John Anthony 310, 390 vs urban 115, 196, 231, 251, Saturday HOLIDAY Scott, Nathan 445 298–299, 391–394, 461, 671 Saussure, Ferdinand de Scott, Tom 553, 624, 648, 676 rush hour 496 47, 296,496, 497, 555, 562, 563 Scouse 809 †LIVERPOOL Russell, H 306, 307 596, 597 Scowcroft, Philip 581 Russia[n] 322, 459, 466-474, 674 Savage, Jon 67 scraping 100 minor modes, $7ths 322 Savalas, Telly 5, 587 scream[ing] 100, 224, 423 Revolution 40 saw ORCHESTRATION screeching 576 Russian-US couples 466, 468-9 saxophone ORCHESTRATION scribal academe 105 Russkiye narodnye liricheskiye Sayers, Dorothy 581 Scrooge, Ebenezer 430 pesni 322 Sayonara (Tune 7) 107, 115, 129, Scruggs, Earl 353 rustic 229, 377 141, 147, 148, 149, 150, 317, 382, sea 139, 214, 235, 239–240, 246, Rustic Bridge 235 460, 463, 486, 514, 515, 516, 530– 249, 256, 674 rustling 172, 235, 241, 246, 248, 537, 557, 558, 560, 561, 597, 604, pelagic 134 249, 261 632, 666, 667, 668, 669, 670, 675 songs and shanties 306–310 Ruth & Sohn, A 496 children 251 and US work songs 325 Ruwet, Nicolas 53, 271 digressiveness 559–560 British origins of US 324 parallel fifths 560 search 387 S Scandinavia 350 Searle, John 483 Sabre Dance 470 Scarlatti, Domenico 337, 339 season[s] 671, 672, 674 Sachs, Kurt 36 scary FEAR spring[time] 265, 674 sad[ness] 104, 133, 186, 196, 197, scatological 413 summer 136, 167, 238, 240, 244, 220, 224, 319, 380, 381, 446, 449, scene, etc. 674 245, 247, 249, 265, 674 459, 453, 456, 460, 461, 472, 473, musical scenario125 secluded [spot]: SOLITARY 517, 576, 577, 579, 674, 675 scenery 298, 305, 382, 387, 388 second CHORDS/INTERVALS minor modes 310–329 panoramic 672 secondary ‘not called-for’ category 313 scenic majesty 386 dominant CHORDdominant Sad Eyed Lady… 218 ‘scenic’ music 298 signification SEMIOTICS saddle 351 scene switching 387–390 secret[s] 605 †HIDDEN The Saddlemen 375 scenicity: riding 297–299 secret agent SPY Sadie Thompson 596, 597, 598 test response scenarios 120 weapon 602 sadism at ‘public’ school 223 Scène aux champs 380, 517 secur/-e/-ity 132, 177, 239, 430, 518 Sadler, Staff Sgt Barry 423 Schelomo 446 seduce 199 Safroni, Arnold 411 scheming woman 584 seduction 130, 251, 264 sailing 131, 238, 240, 248, 249, 270, Schenker, Heinrich 387 seductive 130, 137 303, 305, 307, 515, 518, 674 analysis à la 82, 230, 450, 451 seedy 596 sailor[s] 307, 429 Schiedermayr, Ludwig 48 Seeger, Charles 23, 94 songs 306–310, 391 Schifrin, Lalo 378 seguidillas 320, 336 The Saint 494 Schilder, Arnold 22 Selbstbewusstsein 17 Ten Little Title Tunes – Index Selected Sounds – Skatsiteli Pekhory 889

Selected Sounds LIBRARY MUSIC sex/-ual[-ity], etc. 72, 135, 251, 264, shuffle RHYTHM selection criteria RECEPTION TEST 413, 457, 581, 585, 590, 592, 596– shuttle (a.k.a. chord shuttle, har- self-confidence 585 598, 664 monic pendulum, etc.) 214 self-reflexivity 620 abuse 250-1, 457 I↔vi 345 Selznick, David O 174 act 72 I↔$VII 358 semantic[s]SEMIOTICS semantic can-can and the galop 293 shyness 536 semiosisSEMIOTICS semiosis compared to sensual 265 Sibelius, Jean 320 semiotics (mainly of music) eroticism 71 Sicily 319, 329 8, 47–57, 80, 103, 270–275 †VVA incestual taboo 250-1 sick[ness] 133, 307, 459, 575, 576 connotation 96-117 et passim repression 64, 70 sick humour 419 etymophony 180, 195, 205, 208, revolution 43 Sidney, Sid 445 274, 488–494, 666, 806 rock and motorbikes 293 Siegfried 192, 218  gestural interconversion sexism GENDER Idyll 174, 177, 195, 218, 220 253–267, 270–275, 666 ‘sexy’ 263 Siena 49 hermeneutics and 103 sextuplets 171, 174, 246, 249 sigh[-s/-ing] 181,218, 220, 224, 249, sforzando 101, 651, 652 linguistics and 51, 52, 53 269, 459 The Shadows 336, 358, 361, MUSEMATIC ANALYSIS intervals 206, 217–231 368–373, 395, 625 ‘perverse discipline’ (Eco) 52, 53 commutation (HS) of 217 shady 133, 459, 464, 572 potential of 50–51 sixths 225, 453, 469, Shaft 330, 496, 498, 653 popular music and 54–55 sevenths 221 pragmatics 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 urgency cue 487 stiff-upper-lip sighs 221–225 Shaindlin, Jack 624 SEMIOTICS primacy of sign types in 52-3 sign Shakespeare, William 177, 675 signal treatment SOUND PROCESSING ‘primary’ and ‘secondary’ signi- Shall I Be An Angel? 213, 218, 220 fication’, 72, 270–275 significance (statistical) 149 shame 183, 380 SEMIOTICS semantic[s] 50, 51-4, 56 signified/signifier shampoo 136, 245, 263-5 Silberman, Alphons 13, 39 fields 125, 131 Shane 291, 325, 394 silence 177 gesture 273 Shangri-La 328 silent film 30, 314, 567 jumble 97, 419, 423, 425, Shannon, Del 396 music for 124 426, 430, 518 Shape magazine 263 silk[y] 171, 265, 499 semiosis (examples) shape-note singing 324 silly 346, 387, 419 detectives and spies 367 Shapiro, Helen 368 Silver (Lone Ranger’s horse) 293 Monty Python 409-12 Sharma, Bhesham 21 Silver Convention 488 sign typology 99–103, 666 Sharp, Cecil 323, 326 ‘silver strings’ 170 Semiotica 51 sharpness 101, 133 Simeon, Omer 597 semiquavers 622, 645, 660 shatter 134 Simon & Garfunkel 196 subdivisions 654 ff. She Loves You (Beatles) 179 Simon, Paul 487 dancing 392 She Works Hard For The Money simple 132, 532 quickening device 391 (Donna Summers, 1983) 653 METRE synthesizer reiteration 655–6 Shelton, Robert 374 Sinatra, Frank 196, 581 train effect 656 Shepherd, John 14, 72, 272 sincere 197 †RHYTHM †SPEED †SEXTUPLETS shepherds 101, 533 love melodies 299 semitone CHORDS/INTERVALS The Shepherds’ Farewell 517 sine wave tone 648 Semmler, Alexander 171 sheriff 605 Sinfonia concertante E$ major 187 ‘sensationalist’ 487 shimmering 246–9, 300 singable 424 sensitive 130, 137 Shindig (Shadows) 372 singalong 424 sensual[ity] 130, 132, 251, 264, 265 The Shining 14 Singer, Ron 414, 415 †SEXUALITY 265 ships 240 †BOATS singing brakeman 353 sentimental[ity] 132, 218, 224, 226, shivers down the spine 249 singing cowboy 373 268, 459, 674 shock (mild) 648 single-mindedness 594 sequencing 7 shock (pleasant) 648 sinister 418, 651   sequential HARMONY REPETITION Shoestring (TV, Fenton) 624 sinuous 379 Sérénade (Sokolowski, ex) 250 shoot[ing] 134, 393, 648, 674 Sioux Nation 326, 328 Sergeant Pepper 36, 61, 413 ‘bang’ vs ‘peeew’ 648 Sir see knighthood 60 serialism 31, 370 shore[line] 239–40, 249, 253, 256 siren (ambulance) 573 serious[ness] 132, 199, 423, 430 littoral 134 †BEACH Sistrom, William 203 emotions 179 Shores, Richard 376, 378 sitting 674 reception test problem 118 short-motive eponym 385 Six Days On The Road 390 setbacks (VVA) DIFFICULTY Shostakovich, Dmitri 30 6/4, 6/8 METRE settlement (town) 391, 392 show (TV, etc.) 429 Sixguns and Society 291, 392 Seven (film) 199 jumping 415 Sixteen Tons 395 Seven Year Itch (film) 199 ‘the show must go on’ 415 sixth[s] CHORDS/INTERVALS, seventh[s] CHORDS/INTERVALS showing off 329 †SIGHINGintervals The Seventh Seal (film) 429 showy 424 sixties HISTORICAL seventies HISTORICAL showdown 371, 569 The Skater’s Waltz 306 7-Up 469 shower scene (Psycho) 100 skating 305, 307 severe 308, 419 ‘shucks, Ma’am!’ 378 Skatsiteli Pekhory 322 890 Skelly – Spain Ten Little Title Tunes – Index

Skelly, J P 235 social †CLASS sonogram[s] 99, 235 Sketches of Spain (M Davis) 367 involvement 620 Sons of the Pioneers 395 Skiles , Marlin 299, 300, 301, 302, order 672 sophisticat/-ed/-ion 171, 583, 598 376, 377, 380, 381, 386, 388, 389, problems 620 harmonic 653 391, 483, 485, 552, 559, 560, 581, reality vs media fiction 620 The Sorcerer’s Apprentice 591 598, 622, 651, 653, 656, 660 rejects 617, 674 sorrow[ful] 308-9, 379, 446, 449, 536 skillingtryck 23 relativity of absolutism 632 sostenuto pedal 516 skin 260 science 60 sound 65, 115 Skinner, Frank 299, 381, 382, 386, space 673 The Sound of Music 262 388, 391, 498, 552, 559, 580, 651, statement 620 The Sound of the City 621 652, 656, 662 VVA (category 27) 137, 409 sound processing †GUITARelectric skip to degree six 226–231 socialisation chorus 153, 637, 653, 659 skipping 495 ’public’ school 222, 223 digital 651 skirt[s] CLOTHING patterns of (SUBJECTIVITY) 23 distortion/fuzz 100, 469, 621, Skog, Inge 36, 37, 38, 268 sociality 133, 673 624, 652, 653 †GUITAR skolekorps BAND society in Westerns 365, 391–394, dry sound 651, 654 Skrotbandet 338 sociolinguistics in VVA taxonomy 142 feedback 153, 608-9, sky 261 sociology 8, 10, 39-46 Lesley cabinet 153, 608-9 skyscraper 674 à l’américaine 43–44 mono (old-style) 115 slavery 224 empirical and/or critical 43–46 modulator wheel 653 Slavonic Dances (Dvořák)320 Socrates 47 overdrive (guitar) 424, 620 Sledge, Percy 68 soft 170, 247, 261, 385, 530 panning 153, 608 sleeping 536 -core 122 partials/harmonics 153, 652 sleigh bells 589 optical filter 244 phasing 153, 652 slid/-e/-ing 131 Sohlmans musiklexikon 38, 322, 350 reverb 100, 153, 169, 170, 354, semitone 573–577 soirees 233 634-7, 651, 659, 660, 664 slipping 131 Sokal, Alan 71 spring 625 slither 179 Sokolowski, Marian 250 track separation of 651 Slonimsky, Nikolai 536 solace 220, 222, 223 rock aesthetic 63, 65 Slovakia 320 soldier[s] 380, 388, 409, 410, 429, 668 treble boost 653 slow 268, 515, 540-1 songs 307–310 sound recording 36 ballad 564, 565 soldier’s girl 675 sounds stylised into music 125 motion 136, 224, 244, 268, 270 Solidaritätslied 39 Sounds of the Circus (CDs) 427 Sayonara 530 solit/-ary/-ude 302, 388, 391–2, 393–4 source music 125 ritardando 102, 505 loneliness / lonely / lonesome The Source 95 ritenuto 168 177, 224, 353, 354, 446, 449, Sousa, John Philip 97, 114, 294, slowness as ugly 485 459, 460, 462, 463, 472, 577, 398, 409, 411, 413, 418, 420, 422, surface rate 462 579, 585, 601, 674 425, 428 tempo 462, 464, 535, 563–6, 604 alone 206 †LIBERTY BELL †MONTY PYTHON slums 430, 569, 572, 579, 582, 674 Einsamkeit 188, 189 South Africa 58 Sly and the Family Stone 653 lone wolf/wolves 464, 580 South America LATIN AMERICA small 133, 530 mandolin as expressive of 473 South[ern] (USA) USA town 413, 429, 674 remote 388, 445 Southern Library of Recorded Mu- Small, Michael 676, 677 secluded spot 672, 674, 675 sic 126 smash 134, 569 solitary figure 463 ‘south of the border’ 355, 383 Smells Like Teen Spirit 21 Solo digo compañeros 347 Soviet Union 40, 45, 428 Smetana, Bedřich 31, 235-6, 320 Solomon 246 Soyuz-Apollo 625 smile[s] 224, 265 Sölvesborgs musikkår 429 spa 123, 428 Smith, Bessie 585 sombre 417, 442, 569 space (general) 518, 646, 650, 674 smoke 623, 674 Someday My Prince Will Come 445 †PANORAMA smoking 601, 605 ‘something for nothing’ 678 acoustic 660 smoky bars/clubs 569, 570, 579 Sommermorgen an einem See 535 polysemic VVA 138 smooth[ness] 133, 240, 249, 250, son spaciousness 652 253, 258, 265, 269 huapango 350 space (cosmos) 151, 621, 624, 646 smuggling 133 huasteco 350 cosmic 530 snaking the voice 324 jalisco 342 drum 648 snap[s] 351, 352, 354 Mexican 336, 342 movies 649 onbeat 355 jarocho 342 ship 486 ‘Scotch’ 347–357 sonata form 63, 659 Spaceballs 5, 648 melodic 354 Sonatine pour le piano (Ravel) 578 Spade, Sam 389 snappy 425 Song My massacre 423 ‘Spaghetti’ WESTERNItalian snare drum DRUM[S] Song of Norway (film) 203 Spain 298, 319, 320, 322, 323, 328- snob 430 †CLASS Songs of Sea Labor 325 332, 341, 350, 367, 386 snow[y] WEATHER Songs That Will Live Forever 316 colonies 329, 355 So What (M Davis) 578 sonic anaphone ANAPHONEsonic minor modes 332–336 soaring 131, 652 Sonneck Society 42 Naples 329, 341 sobbing 576 Sonner, R 40 Trad 334 Ten Little Title Tunes – Index Spanish – Strauss, J 891

Spanish 328 springdans 321 per mille scaling 144–146 -American war 355 Springsteen, Bruce 61 proportional scaling 144–147 ‘gals’ 309 spy/spies 135, 206, 366, 367, 377, reception test 143 ff. guitar strum 341 378, 430, 621, 624, 625, 626, 627, reliability issues 119, 144 language RHYTHM 628, 629, 630, 631, 674 †DECKARE respondents per tune 147 Spanish Dances 340 female, US 469 scaling factors 147 sparkle 588 secret or special agent 135, 366- special profile listings sparkling 170, 172, 235 367, 395, 572, 627 explained 151 eyes 410 spy music 367, 373, 578, 586, variation coefficients 151 sparsity 133 598–600, 602 VVA as base unit 143–144 Spartacus 240 The Spy who Came in… Cold 586 VVA categories used 148 speakeasies BARS square (plaza) 428, 429 496 speakers 652 squinting 244 Steck, Paul Albert 259-61 special agent DECKARE SPY St Augustine 52 Steedman, Mark 103 special days 410 HOLIDAY St James Infirmary 566, 570, 577, 578 steel guitar 353, 373, 375 special profile statistics 151 St Patrick’s Hymn 345 Steele, Javetta 197 spectacle 416, 424 St. Louis Blues 627 Steele, Tom (cult. studs.) 65, 80, 84 spectacular 424, 427, 429 The Stabbing of Tom (A North) 600 Steeleye Span 322, 323, 350 Spector, Phil 37 stable 518 steep 604 speech 417 stabs 628 Stefani, Gino 51, 56, 220, 258, 271 speed (incl. fast, quick, rapid, veloc- staccato 101, 169, 476 Steiner, Fred 578, 591 ity) 354, 382, 383, 392, 475–501, ‘signals of information’ 487 Steiner, Max 29, 30, 48, 171, 175, 617, 623, 654, 646, 656, 657, 660, as male trait 669 187, 569 664, 674 stadium 423, 424 Steppenwolf 585 accelerando 102, 541, 598–600 stage show 424 Steppes of Central Asia 321 accelerated 300 Stagecoach (film) 171 stereotype/stereotypical 192, 193, allegro 398, 476 Stahlnetz (German TV) 582 200, 204, 216, 302, 313, 315, 322, as TV normality 483–501 Stalin, Josef V 43, 62 323, 351, 355, 386, 461, 496, 531, beauty/‘divinity’ of 484, 485 stalking 594 625 et passim cuts (edits) 646 Stalling, Carl 356, 575, 576, 577 film noir 463-4 reiterative 646 Stamic, Karel (Carl Stamitz) 170 gangsters 571, 587, 604 vs power music 300 stammering 489 postmodernism 73 speeding 622 stampede 100 Russia and Greece 466–474 Speedy Gonzales 355, 356, 383 ‘standard music’ 108, 142 the 10 title tunes as 119, 675-7 Spellbound 171, 198, 203 standards sterile 588 theramin motif 589 canons, insstitutions and 31 Stevens, George 291 Spellbound Concerto 232 Stanford, Sir Charles V 60 Stevens, Mort 676 spider 329 Stanwyck, Barbara 171 stiff upper lip 89, 196, 221–225 spies SPY Star Of The County Down 323 Stille amare, gia vi sento 446 Spimm, J J 602 Star Trek 624 stillness 100 Spinal Tap 424 Star Wars 5, 21, 568, 648, 650, 676 Stilwell, Robynn 56, 89, 104 The Spinners 648 Stardust (Carmichael) 268, 269 stimulating 132 Spirale misterioso 589 Starkey, Richard 60 Stjernqvist, Sonja 429, 809 split chord 168, 226 Starsky & Hutch 554, 624, 648, 676 stock market 493, 494 sponsoring 60 stasis STATIC Stockfelt, Ola 15, 16, 18, 41, 42, 45, spoof 424 state of flux 133 85, 186, 233 sport[s] 410-3, 415, 428, 624, 674 state power 60 Stockhausen, Karlheinz 30 boxing 426 state visit 416 Stockholm 116, 413, 796 cars 486 static/stationary/stasis 132, 239, Skansen 809 ludic 426 514, 530, 672 Skeppsbron 413, 809 marches 415, 426 bass 535 Södra Latins gymnasium 116 music 554, 606 harmonic 591 Stoïanova, Ivanka 51 Sportnytt (SvTV) 487 limit of stasis 660 Stoller, Mike 628, 629, 630 Sports Report (BBC) 411, 412, statistics/statistical 142-152, 297 Stone, Andrew 203 415, 416, 417 average differences between Stonehenge (Spinal Tap) 424 Sportsnight (Tune 5) 107, 114, test tunes 150, 682 stop-time (in Bonanza) 377 129, 137, 147, 148, 149, 150, 292, clustering 147-149 Storace, Stephen 531, 532 296, 300, 301, 327, 375, 382, 388, correlation procedure 148 Story of Three Loves 199 392, 410, 463, 472, 475–501, 553, counting people or responses Strachan, Rob 61 556, 572, 590, 598, 599, 606, 622, 143–144 strain 590, 604 623, 632, 644, 657, 666, 667, 669, deviation coefficient 150 strand (melody in R&J) 450, 451 670 deviation factor 151 Strange Lady In Town 395 Spotnicks 368, 372 gender VVAs 667–668, 674–675 Stranger In Town 396 Sprague, Carl 295 hypotheses 147 Strangers in the Night 196 spray 241, 246, 248 lists of VVAs explained 151 Strathclyde University 149 sprightly 392 mean differences 150 Stratocaster GUITARelectric spring[time] SEASONS one-digit categories 120 Strauss, Johann 14, 102 892 Strauss, R – Szathmary Ten Little Title Tunes – Index

Strauss, Richard 14, 235, 376, 377, subcultur/-e/-al 42, 554, 65, 68, 82, suspension CHORDS 384, 443, 444, 452, 568 85, 87, 109, 421, 423, 424, 430, suspicion 133, 461, 569, 589, 590 Stravinsky, Igor 30, 246, 471, 598 430, 570–573, 672 Svegliate e uccidi (Morricone) 586 ‘strawberry jam’ (Parry) 216 underdog 65-7, 84, 85, 421 Svenska Dagbladet 678 stream 233 subdominant[al]CHORDS, HARMONY Sveriges magasin (TV) 429, 809 street[s] 303, 492, 494, 500, 621, subessive 134 The Swan (St-Saaens) 516 623, 674 subject/object conflation 76 Swander, Don 374 lamp 620 subjective 16, 17, 23, 26, 27, 28 swarm 100 performer 429 subjectivism 27 sway[ing] 240, 244, 246, 249, 252, -philosophising 601 subjectivity 26, 60, 75, 76 253, 261, 270 -wise 583 bourgeois 8, 17, 23, 26, 29 skirts 391 A Streetcar Named Desire capitalist 23 sweat 569, 577, 590, 597 (Streetcar, Tune 8) 101, 102, 107, C18 Germany 11 Sweden/Swedish 45, 311, 413, 429, 111, 114, 115, 129, 130, 135, 147, sublime 60 620, 621, 624  148, 149, 150, 153, 154, 180, 193, submediant CHORDS/INTERVALS †GÖTEBORG †STOCKHOLM 240, 248, 269, 297, 367, 386, 390, suburb (förort) 809 Concert Agency 44 410, 458, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463, subversion/subversive 84, 85, 421 Helsjöns folkhögskola 116, 796 464, 531, 539–605, 627, 632, 657, of the self 67 meadows (ängar) 241–246 667, 668, 675, 676 rock 65, 421 music education 44–46 Streichenglorienschein 170 underdog 66, 67, 75, 76, 87, 421 Skurup folkhögskola 116, 796 strength STRONG success 390, 393 Stommenskolan (Kinna) 116, 796 stress 114, 220, 246, 319, 656, 674 suffering 577, 646 traditional music from 310 Striche des Todes 443 sufrir 361 TV 296, 356, 513 strike (UK miners) 86 suicide 182, 568, 592, 596 Sweelinck, Jan Pieterzoon 19 striking 60 suitors 232 Sweet Adeline 209 string[s] 100, 156-7, 278-9, 391, sul ponte 589 Sweet Home Alabama 345  432-3, 470, 504-5, 516, 522, 540-1 summer SEASONS Sweet Little Sixteen 368 Summer Morning by a Lake 239 carpet (stråktapet) 170, 261 swell 169, 239, 246, 248, 252 Summer, Donna 650, 653 cello[s] 195, 432-3 Swimming Association 410, 412, Summers, Andy 653 halo 170 413, 415 Summertime (Gershwin) 571, 579 high pitch 589 ‘swing it!’ 500 sun WEATHER muted 115, 522 Swingle Singers 606 Sunday HOLIDAY pizzicato 467 swirl[ing] 102, 261, 386 Sunday Afternoon (Copland) 536 ‘silver’ 170 switch to SCENE (switch) Gloomy Sunday 596 slow 530 swooning/swoons 220, 224, 225, sunglasses 571 sul ponte 589 226, 231, 269 Sunshine of Your Love 586 pad[s] 100, 170-1, 222, 223, 515 sword dancer 328 superessive 134, 139 padding 270 syllogism (geo-instrumental) 469 superficiality 75 trills 300 †TRANSSCANSION †GEOCULTURAL superior 60 string writing 195 sylvan WOODS Superman 377, 588, 676 stripper 597 symbiosis (psychotic) 76 supermarket 423, 471 The Stripper (Rose) 566, 598 symbolic dislocation 414 psychology 41 stroking 131 symmetry 664, 655 Suppé, Franz von 294, 412 strolling 167, 173, 196, 247, 270 supple 258 symphonic 422 Ström, Pierre 348 suprasocial 19 Symphonie fantastique 29, 380, 517 strong, strength 133, 670, 673, 675 Sur un vaisseau (Satie) 248 Symphony #40 in G minor 186 feelings 382, 383 surf music 368, 376 symphony orchestra 264 -willed 676 surface rate 483–487, 514, 622, synaesthe/-sia/-sis/-tic 14, 14, 104, structural chromaticism 209 623, 809 †TEMPO 119–121, 170, 190 structuralism 672 male and female 669 library music descriptions 127 structure[s] (musical) 153, 154 Olwen arpeggios 247 sync[chronisation] definition 94–95 repetition patterns for cars and music and image 419 struggle[s] 300, 569, 651 chases 623 syncopation METRE strum GUITAR reiterations (repeated note) 623 syndrums 648, 649, 650 Strunk, Oliver 312 slow 462 synecdoche GENRE SYNECDOCHE strut 100 tremolandi/ostinati 247 synoptic time TIME Studio 54 606 surface rhythm 646 syntax 51, 52, 54, , 55, 56 Stumpf, Otto 36 Surfaris 368 harmonic 568 stupid 133 Surfin’ Safari 368 synthesiser 127, 518, 621, 622, 634- Sturm und Drang 11, 20, 47 surfing 368 637, 645, 646, 648, 649, 650, 651, stuttering 489 surging 134, 249, 393 652, 653, 654, 654–7, 659, 660 style 809 †GENRE surprise (pleasant) 648 semiquaver reiteration 655–6 style indicator 99, 102, 462, 517 surrealist 418 string pad nomenclature 170 stylisation 99, 100 Surrey with the Fringe on Top 295 synthetic 648, 649 stylishness FASHION sus4 CHORDS suspended syrupy 224, 469, 674 suave FASHION suspense 127, 627 Szathmary, I 626 Ten Little Title Tunes – Index tabulature – title 893

T †SURFACE RATE thoroughfares 413 T for Texas 353 fast 411, 412, 416 thoughtful 677 tabulature GUITAR fast for action 483–487 threat[-en[/-ing/-ed]] DANGER taciturnity 143 male and female 669 Three Pieces in New England tactile, tactility, haptic 100, 249, marching, running 425 238, 535 250, 252, 253, 260, 261, 266, 270 metronomic regularity 646-7 The Three-Cornered Hat (Falla) 320 ANAPHONE slow 417, 462, 464, 530 threnody 371 Tagg, Philip 3, 5, 24, 37, 38, 40, 43, easy tempo 517 thriller 127, 135, 136, 206, 368, tap tempo 169 44, 45, 54, 55, 57, 59, 63, 64, 65, 372, 395, 573, 590, 598, 599, 674 10cc 593 67, 68, 71, 73, 74, 81, 82, 91, 104, thrills 594 The Ten Commandments (film) 429 110, 114, 116, 170, 246, 247, 269, through 134, 303 tender[ness] 130, 132, 251, 270 272, 274, 300, 320, 341, 376, 388, thrust[ing] 71, 594 The Tender Land (Copland) 536 487, 492, 585, 590, 600, 606, 628 thud 648 Tagg, Maria 18, 576 Tennessee 353 Folklore Society Bulletin 374, 812 thunder 99 Tagg, Stephen 149 Tennyson, Alfred 174, 179 ticker tape 493 tails CLOTHING tense, tension 133, 135, 137, 217, tickling 249 Take the Money and Run 583, 600 220, 389, 569, 572, 581, 590, 592, tidiness 421 Talbot, Michael 11 594, 595 Tieck, Ludwig 15, 21, 25, 76, 271 Tallis’ Canon 176, 214 tenuto 168 tierce de PicardieCHORDS Tamlyn, Garry 71, 72, 89, 104 Tequila 336, 361 tight[ness] 133, 604 Tampax 553 termination 660 timbales 468, 634-7, 645, 647, 648, tanbur 467 Territorial Army 429 649, 651, 652, 654, 659, 660 tape edit 660 terror 319 timbre, timbral 36, 45, 52, 63, 197, tarantella 319, 329, 467 terrorism 6, 486, 623 239, 272, 295–296, 297, 342, 334, Tarantino, Quentin 581 tertial HARMONY 367, 369, 370, 373, 376, 377-83, Taranto (and tarantula) 329 tessitura REGISTER 451, 462, 469, 471, 494, 495, 498, Tarasti, Eero 51, 53, 56, 625, 628 test RECEPTION TEST 107 559, 573, 581, 589, 644-6, 548, Tarzan 195 Il testamento (cue 1900) 456 649, 652-5, 657, 658, 659–661, Tatuí (Brazil)116, 117, 796 Teupen, Johnny 600, 829 664 tavern 392 Tevis, Peter 370 Morricone 370 Taviani brothers 14 Texas 301, 324, 341, 355, 359, 373 Sportsnight 495 Taxi Driver 464, 553 Country and Western 373 use of in Westerns 378 taxi scene 575-576 oil boom 374 vocal 264, 323 taxonomy VVAS Texas Gales 345 time Taylor, L 292 text and context 68–79 future 66, 390, 391 Taylorism 40 textual metadiscourse episodic 101, 125, 128, 130-1, 134, Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich 31, 171, metatextual discourse 59 139, 154, 551–562, 654, 666 175, 177, 198, 199, 206, 208, 212, texture 659–661 retrospective VVAs 604 218, 220, 232, 315, 470, 516 reduction of 660 of day 671 †WEATHER †DAY teaching 105 sonic 100 afternoon 247 tears 224, 459, 469, 574 Thalben-Ball, George 196, 221-3 evening 220, 443, 674 tear-jerker 4 Thatcher, Margaret 75, 421 morning 224, 247 techno music 425, 606 Thatcherism 63, 86 NIGHT technology 8, 518, 621, 646 theatre 500 sunrise 139, 239, 248, 674 democratic potential of 679 Themes Like Old Times 293, 316 sunset 136, 197, 238-9, 248, Teddy Bears’ Picnic 411, 412 Theodorakis, Mikis 467 long time 604 teenager[s] 368, 377, 464, 620, 621 theramin 589 past time †HISTORICAL teen twang 375 there[s]-and-then[s] 327–330, 391 slower than present 484 Virginian’s lack of 375 thick 100 present †HISTORICAL Telegram (Silver Convention) 488 thickening 170 faster than past 484 telegraph/-ic/-y TELETYPE Thiel, Wolfgang 30 synoptic time 130, 154, 460, Téléljournal (TF1) 488 thinking 430 551–562, 666 teleprinter TELETYPE (saves space) … ‘sucks’ 430 temporal loophole 371 teletype (incl. teleprinter[s], etc.) Third Man, The 373 time line (West African) 94 †NEWS MUSIC †BUSY †URGENT third[s] CHORDS/INTERVALS 114, 292, 341, 388, 489, 490, 554, This Is Hardcore (Pulp) 464 Timothei™ shampoo 136, 245, 264 598, 606, 644, 655 ‘This is how it is here and now; how timpani 278-9, 300, 541 anaphone, etymophony 487–94 things are; how we live 519 Tin Pan Alley 231 printers (daisy-wheel, golf-ball, This Week with David Brinkley 491 tingling 249, 251, 252, 261 matrix dot, etc.) 489 Thomas, David 491, 552 Tiomkin, Dimitri 29, 30, 351, 360, telegraph[ic] 487–494 Thomas, Peter 464 369, 371, 390, 395, 456, 724 Morse code 300, 487, 598, 644 Thompson, E P 85 Tippett, Sir Michael 60, 63 television TV (saves space) Thompson, Richard 323 tiring 623 Tell Me True Love (Dowland) 455 Thompson, Sadie 596, 676 titillation 249, 251, 252 Telson, Bob 197 Thompson, Virgil 30 harp sweep 386–387 tempo 168, 514, 517 Thornbury (hymn tune) 221 title 29 894 title music – typology Ten Little Title Tunes – Index

title music 224, 446, 449, 452, 457, 459, 460, Trivialmusik 21 criterion of reception test 461, 462, 596, 674 Trocknet nicht (Franz) 446 inclusion 110 ballads 309 La tromba e la sua notte 587 functions of 513 in soldier, sailor, cowboy songs trombone ORCHESTRATION internal musical coherence 110 307–310 troops 97, 423, 428 title sequences 110 The Tragic Romance 353 trotting 304 Emmerdale 515 train[s] 352, 383, 393, 605 †RAIL trouble 182, 196, 459, 567, 572 Monty Python 418, 420, 422 effect 656 ‘troublesome appendage’ 79 To Music ANDIE MUSIK 25 whistle 353 truck driving 390 toast 224 Train Whistle Blues 353 trumpet ORCHESTRATION Tobler, John 37 trample[-d/-ing] 418, 419 trust 133, 430  Toccata and Fugue in D minor 120 tranquil CALM Tsarens kurir (Polish TV) 810 Toch, Ernst 495 transcendental 530 La Tuba (Montevideo) 335 Tod, das ist die kühle Nacht 446 transcription Tubb, Ernest 295, 373, 374 toil 577, 601 inaccurate sheet music 457 tubular bells 370, 413 process in this book 152–153 Tolomeo (Handel) 446 Tubular Bells (Oldfield) 414 Tom Dooley 354, 355 transferential 134, 672 tuff[t] TOUGH tom-toms DRUM[S] transients PARTIALS tumescent 134 tonal[ity] †HARMONY †MODES transitional 134, 139 Turina, Joaquín 367 HARMONYcircle-of-fifthstonal theme (Westerns) 393 Turku 64 idiom 516 transmodality 140 turnaround 630, 810 †MATRIX male and female 670 transparency (of timbre) 653, 659 Guantanamera/La bamba 344 polarity tonal/modal 305, 330 transscansion 212, 385, 487, 586, Turner, Michael B 213 Morricone’s view of 371 809-810 †RHYTHMlanguage tutti 628, 630, 631 non-dominantal 372 Träumerei 268 improvisation (cadential) 663 pandiatonicism 536 travel[ling] 297, 302, 321, 382–385 ‘tutti community’ 392 Tonight 240, 268 agency 329 tuxedo 499 Tono de Velorio de Cruz 333 ballads 352 TV/television 7, 150, 420, 428, 475– Toop, David 67 travelogue 328 501, 626 †ADVERTISING †NEWS toothpaste adverts 589 nature 382–385 †[name of production] Top Gun 4 Travelling Wilburys 228, 229 network 649 Topgraphia Hibernica 35 traversal 295, 303, 305 †OVER/ACROSS  toreador 320 La Traviata 207 NEWS police shows (TV) 459, 624, 659 El toro rabón 361 Travis, Merle 395 El toro solo 336 Travis, Nick 596 production[s] 515, 621 torrent[s] 383, 386 Tre Donne (Morricone) 197, 456 programme 621 of feelings 65 treble REGISTERhightreble proportion of music on 7, 10 Torres, Francesco 485, 489 tree[s] 172, 240, 241–6, 266, 535, public service TV 660-1 tortuous 464, 589 536 †WOODS series 620, 621, 623 tortured 185 elm 257 stations/companies tough[ness] 132, 135, 346, 459, palms 239 ABC 490, 491, 624, 647 460-1, 580, 604, 624, 674 willow 261 BBC 409, 580 tuff[t] 331, 617, 621, 810 trembling 246 CBS 341, 388 ‘tuff’ 346 tremolo/tremolando 466, 467, 469, Channel Four 75 Toulouse 258 471, 472 Italian (RAI) 370, 371 tourism 329, 467 †HOLIDAY tremolando 246–249, 473 Maryland Public 491, 493 minor modes and 327–330 tremolo 170, 207, 300 MTV 313 towards 297 †DIRECTION Tremoloes (B Poole and The) 472 NBC 39 polysemic VVA 139 tremulous 246, 461 Sky Satellite Network 606 town[s] 394, 413, 428, 459, 536 trenchcoat CLOTHING SvTV 296, 356,487, 513 arrival in 382, 393 trendy object 552, 647, 649, 650 TF1 488 arriving or leaving 393 Trent, Philip 581 TV Cinq 651 small 298, 389, 392, 394 triad CHORDS Yorkshire 513 square 409, 413 trickling water 383, 388, 389, 393 TV-Nytt (SvTV) 487 vs country 391–394 Trigger (the horse) 295 twang[y] (guitar) 367, 370, 373, †RURAL †URBAN †CITY trill[s] 398, 609, 628 †STRINGS 375, 379, 380, 395, 396, 653 townsfolk (female) 394 triplet[s] 171, 516, 518 Southern boogie 658 Toynbee, Jason 89 Tristan & Isolde 189 spies 367 toys 494, 495, 498 chord 189, 191 twelve-eight (12/8) METRE track separation 651 Triste vida e do marujo 333 The Twilight Zone 576 tracking a fugitive or victim 567 trisyllabic 347 Twist andShout 472 Trad. jazz JAZZ trite 387 Two Hearts 424 Trades Description Act, 56, 58 tritone CHORDS /INTERVALS Tyler, Steve 464 traffic 494, 496, 600, 674, 829 substitution HARMONY Tyner, McCoy 578 Traffic (band) 323 The Triumph of Vulgarity 585 The Typewriter, The 496 tragedy, tragic 133, 184, 187, 218, triumphal 319 typology of musical signs 99–103 Ten Little Title Tunes – Index über – Venice 895

U UNESCO Latin American tradi- military 419, 420, 424-6 Über den Fetischcharakter in der tional music collection 333 military music 422–426 Musik (Adorno) 41 unfairness 456 MODES Al ’ud 467 unhapp-y/-iness 133, 459, 469 NATIVE AMERICAN ugly/ugliness 133, 461, 646 Unidad Popular 342 Navy Seals 425 The Ugly Rumours 62 uniform[s] 409, 427-428, 429 patriotic music 422–426 UK (United Kingdom of Great Brit- Union Jack 223 NRA 422 ain and Northern Ireland) unison 601, 628 Pentagon 355, 677 413-417, 421 L’Unità 3, 677 prohibition 570 Britain/British 38, 62-3, 66, 84, United Artists 647 radio 13 176, 428, 429, 459, 674 United Kingdom UK Reagan, Ronald 75, 420, 421 ballads 355 United Nations UN redneck[s] 274, 296, 422, 423 Empire 63, 223 United States USA Russia[n[s]] and 466, 468, 469 infl. on cowboy song 324 ff. universal language: music? 104 sea shanties 325 isolation of music tradition unpredictability 655 South[ern] 567, 597 in Appalachians 324 unquestioning 122 belles 174 low score Virginian 322 Unquiet Thoughts (Dowland) 455 boogie twang 658 Movietone News 416, 417 unsure 190 Trad. 377, 379, 380, 392 nationalism 61 Untouchables 570, 572, 581, 582 transfer of global power to 413 cultural studies 65, 80-84 up and out 384, 385 urban 570, 579, 597, 599, 601 England/English 224 Up and warn a’, Willie 354 subculture 570–573 Englishness 176, 195, 211, up front 646 Vietnam 425 Washington DC 413 215, 221–225 Up In A Balloon 294 Women Marines 425 Hollywood music for 323 up-market CLASS   US of A (Donna Fargo) 422 horn ORCHESTRAT. cor angl. upper class CLASS utopian 621 nat. mus. identity 322-4 up-tempo TEMPOfast utter submersion 76 romanticism 221 up-to-date[ness] 495, 553, 647 stereotyped as ‘old’ 429 upward[s] 212 stiff upper lip 89, 196, 221–5 V mobility (in social pyramid) 24 V (TV sci-fi) 648, 651, 661 Trad. 391 urban 264, 298, 458, 459, 486, 514, vacation paradise 664 films late 1940s 195-6, 199-202 517, 617, 621, 624, 627, 646, 652, Vader, Darth 5 flag (Union Jack) 223 658, 672, 675 Vale la pena vivir 350 managerialist scourge19, 31 alienation 577 Valens, Ritchie 338 media product made in 515 anxiety 579–588 Valkyrie WALKÜRE media representation of power USA 597 valleys 214, 254 c1935-c1968 416–418 vs rural 251, 298-9, 391–4, 461,  Valparaiso Bay 327 MODALITY 671 ‘value-free’ research 44 news music on TV 488, 496, 606 urgency 114, 300, 302, 554, 487– vamp 464, 573 proportion of music on TV 7, 10 494, 598–600, 606, 644 bass figure 590 ‘public’ schools 223 Uruguay 335 female 668, 675, 676 rock canon in 65-6, 85 US[A] (United States [of America]) SCOTLAND musical 492, 810 413, 419, 420, 421, 423, 425, 426, secret service 416 Van Cleef, Lee 331, 365 459, 466, 468, 469, 565-7, 620, Thatcherism 63, 75, 85, 421 Van Diemen’s Land 306, 345, 350 621, 674 WALES Van Dyke, Dick 323 AFRICAN-AMERICAN U-Musik 21, 58 Van Halen Band 424 Air Force cadence rhyme 425 UN Charter of Human Rights 62 Vangelis Papathenasiou 99 ‘all-American’ boy 532 Un solo baccio mi hai dato 370 Vapomni, moya lyubeznaya 322 ‘American’ way of life 122, 345 Vaqueirada 350 The Unanswered Question 536 Army Airborne Rangers 425  uncanny situation 567, 568 British ballads in 355 variance STATISTICS  uncertain[ty] 133, 189, 192, 390, 459 Bush, Georg II (W) 423, 426 variation coefficient STATISTICS Uncle Sam 426 CADENCE Variations on a Theme of Paganini 175 unconscious 3, 6, 92, 274 CIA 6, 420 variety (variétés) 419, 429 unconvincing 346 Civil War and cowboy songs 324 416, 429 undecided 190 Constitution 324 Vaughan Williams, Sir Ralph 60, underdog 423 COUNTRY MUSIC 322, 323, 336, 346, 350 rock 65, 66, 421 COWBOY Vauxhall Gardens 605 underground (culture) 621 FBI 572, 625 V Day 417 underneath 569 fighting 419, 422 Vega, Carlos 37, 57, 335, 344, 345 underscore 110 GI 532 vehicular transportation 656 understatement (musical) 375 government 6 veil[ed] 459, 605 Underwood Johnson, Robert 238 imperialism 8, 60 velocity SPEED †MARINETTI underworld 133, 459, 573 Iraq invasion 423 †TEMPOFAST 623, 654 undulant/undulate etc. WAVES Irangate 3, 4–7 velvety 171 uneasiness 190 in Latin America 420 Venezuela Trad. 332, 333, 334, 342 Unemployed! (Disclosure) 456 JAZZ vengeful 392 unemployment 63 Marines 424, 425 Venice/Venetian 370, 418 896 Ventures – water (flowing) Ten Little Title Tunes – Index

The Ventures 395 Vivaldi, Antonio 183, 622 W venue[s] 424, 428 Vltava (Smetana) 236, 320 Wackenroder, Wilhelm H 15, 21, Venus 259, 261, 264 vocal †REGISTERvocal †VOICE 22, 65, 68, 76, 271 Venus (Botticelli) 259-261 424 wage-earners 23 †PROLETARIAT Veracruz 342 forms 425 Wagner, Richard 21, 25, 30, 31, 48, verbalisation 105, 134 timbre 174, 180, 189–190, 192, 195, 208, verbal-visual associations VVAS hard 423 218, 224, 235, 261, 300, 307, 317, Verdi, Giuseppe 30, 31, 190, 194, vocalist 423, 652 320, 377 207, 319, 574 vocative 354 chase and fight music 300 Verdon, Gwen 574, 585 melodic museme 354 wah[-wah] 553, 540-1, 573, 648, 653 Verfremdung 372 melodic profile 355 Waidele (Sw. retail) 108 †DISTANCING †BRECHT snaps 353 wailing 181, 596 vergleichende Musikwissensch. 38 voice †REGISTERvocal †VOCAL waiting 673 verismo 596 grain of 67, 70 Wake Up America 423 Vermont Human Services 660 voice leading 447, 450, 452 Walbrook, Anton 199 vertical effects voice-over 649, 660, 661 Waldkirch 496 skip to sixth degree 226–227 voix céleste + vox humana 223 Waldteufel, Emil 340  vest CLOTHES Volga Boatmen (Song of the) 470 Wales 254-5 vibrant 246 volitative 131, 305 Charles, Prince of 62 vibraphone ORCHESTRATION Der vollkommene Kapellmeister 35 Clwyd 254, 265 vibra-slap 648 Volkswagen 553 Llangollen 255 vibrator 70, 71, 541, 608-9 Moel Famau 254 volume 52 †ACCENTUATION vice 623 walk WALKING dynamics 169, 462 victimisation 222 Walker, Daniel P 39, 47, 312 fortissimo 100 Victorian 174 Walker, Michael 464, 580 in rock 70, 71, 423 victorious/victory 390, 410, 416, Walker, T-Bone 374 male and female traits 669 624, 660 walking 100, 170, 236, 270, 382, voluptuous 171 video 650, 674 486, 494, 492, 674 †BASS Vol-U-Tone 373 pop 553, 554 Walking the Floor Over You 374 Vorzon, Barry De 661 ‘video effects’ 487 Walkürenritt 29, 30, 300, 307 vox humana / voix céleste 196 Vienna 413 Wall Street 492 Vrethammar, Sylvia 348 Mahler, Korngold, Steiner 48 Crash 40 vulnerability 472, 585 Viennese classicism 102, 186 no acoustic guitar strum 341 Vietnam 425 VVA[s] (Verbal-Visual Association[s]) Wall Street Week (TV) 491, 493, view[s] 139, 298, 382 †PANORAMA anomalies 134–140 494, 495, 497, 854 acoustic 169 classification 123-30 Walser, Rob 56, 89, 90   Viglietti, Daniel 335, 347, 361 † taxonomic… † taxonomy Walter, Bruno 29 Viguerie, Richard A 4-6, 677 definition and/or explanation of Walton, Sir William 30, 60 Vikings 307 121–122, 631, 810 waltz 102 Vila, Pablo 335 discretisation process 122-123 Wand of Youth 495 Vilariño, Idea 347 functions of 142 Wandrin’ Star 351, 396 Villa Lobos, Heitor 458 genre-specific 645–647 Wann kommst du, mein Heil? 445 village 388, 389, 515 limitations of 140–142 war 97, 410, 416, 417, 423, 430, deserted 393 listings of 702-744, 769-794 486, 623, 674 †WORLD WAR villain[s] BADguy[s] †start of each Tune section, and fun 410, 412, 417, 418, 419, Ving, Lee 597 after transcription 420, 422, 423, 426 vinyl – effects on notation 55 explained 151 incongruity of 417 violence 122, 123, 137, 425, 464, number of categories used 148 film 410 486, 621, 623, 651, 656 statistics 142-152, hero 418 (Morricone) 587 taxonomic criteria 124-131 wartime 203 violins STRINGS film music’s functions 124-5 War Crimes Tribunal 26 Virgin and Child (Morales) 258 library music categories 125-30 War Games )film) 600 Virgin Mary 177 musical ‘common sense’ 130–1 warm 170, 198 †WEATHER The Virginian (Tune 2) 99, 101, taxonomic problems heart-warming 132 107, 111, 112, 122, 123, 129, 137, contextual 137–140 leg warmers 650 139, 141, 142, 143, 144, 147, 148, distanced VVAs 137 warm tone 229 149, 150, 153, 154, 251, 269, 277- errors of classification 421 Warner Brothers 356, 457 396, 463, 472, 483, 485, 516, 553, multiple categorisation 136 Warner, Alan 199, 200 559, 561, 569, 572, 573, 590, 632, neologisms/nomenclature 134 Warsaw Concerto 171, 198, 199, 657, 666, 667, 668, 669, 670 polysemic VVAs 135–136 200, 201, 203, 232, 269 virile/virility MALE ‘weird words’ 134 Washington Behind Closed Doors 724 virtual circle-of-fifths 179 taxonomy 11, 123–142, 666, Washington Post (march) 294, 411 virtuoso 424 745-768 Washington, N 395 viscous 100, 171 functions and uses of 142 Watching the Detectives 625, 626, 627 ‘Visitors’ the (V sci-fi series) 661 limitations of 140-141 water 172, 214, 260, 261, 536 visuals – Monty Python 418 verification of 141–142 droplets 241, 245-9 Den vita stenen 429 words≠pictures≠music 120–121 flowing, gushing 382 Ten Little Title Tunes – Index water (piano arpeggios) – Wood, Doug 897

piano arpeggios 233–240 Weldon Hawkins, Louise 260 Wilder, Billy 199 skiing 305, 307 welfare state dismantled 76, 421 William Tell 293, 294, 296-7, 377 trickling 383, 389, 393 Welk, Lawrence 395, 606 Williams, Charles 156, 176, 196, 203 tricling 388 well-being 177 Williams, Hank 295 waterfall[s] 235, 261, 386 Wellington’s Sieg 29 Williams, John 5, 21, 377, 568, 588 Watergate 488 well-meaning 132 Williams, Rachel 263 Waters, Muddy 564, 594 Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten… 456 Williams, Raymond 85 Waterson, Michael 323 Were Every Thought An Eye 455 Williams, Richard 37 Watson, Doc 345, 353, 354 Werthästhetik ‘ABSOLUTE’ MUSIC Williamson, J G Ian 48, 261 Watson, Merle 353 West Side Story 230, 340, 584 Willis, Paul 82, 85 Watson, Richard Jesse 259, 260 West, James 378 willow TREES Watters, Cyril 224 Western (genre) 5, 136, 141, 143- Wills, Bob 373 wave[s]/wavy 99, 122, 134, 172, 144, 463, 652, 674 Willson, Meredith 592–593 226, 231–269, 307, 515, 674 genre synecdoche 303 Wilson, Brian 60, 62 gesturality 225, 253–67, Hollywood and Italian 666 win 417 270–275 horse music essential? 303–307 wind 172, 214, 240, 386, 674 harmonic 214–215 Italian 331-332, 362-365, 370, melodic 215 372, 394, 666 The Wind Cries Mary 593 sea (breakers) 239, 246 plot types 392–394 Wine Festival 348 subjective/objective 252–253 Western Allegro (Falck) 325 Wings To Fly 424 undulant/undulate/undulating/ Western Electric 39 WINS news station logo 490 undulatory 134, 172, 253, 214, Western Eyes (Portishead) 456 Winterreise 188, 189, 446 246, 249, 254, 256, 260, 265, western swing 375 Winwood, Stevie 62 269, 379–382, 515 Die Wetterfahne (Schubert) 446 Wipe Out 368, 376 waving (flags/hands) 428 What Shall We Do With The wisdom 133, 430, 673 Waxman, Franz 30, 115, 522, 530, 536 Drunken Sailor? 310, 329 Wismar 177 ‘The way it is’ 132 wheat 265 wistful 321, 579 The Way to the Stars 201-3 Wheels of Fire 594 Wittegenstein, Ludwig 52 Wayne, John 171 When A Man Loves A Woman 68 WNIX 488 ‘We eat no shit’ / ‘We take no more’ When First to this Country 308 Wo ich bin (R Strauss) 444 618, 646 When I’m Calling You 226 Wo soll ich fliegen hin? 185, 456 ‘We never closed’ 417 When Johnny Comes Marching woe[ful] 181, 185, 188, 189, 190, ‘We shall fight them on the Home J OHNNY COMES M ARCHING 192-193, 195, 207 beaches’ 417 Where The Wind Blows 395 Wohin? 234 ‘We want to change the world’ While I Live 167, 203 Wohltemperiertes Klavier 173 486, 618 whining 576 wolf whistle 386 whip 370 weakness 133, 459 Wolff, Erich 218, 226, 443 weapons 97, 416, 425, 430, 670, 675 whirling 386 woman/women †FEMALE †GENDER weather 671, 672, 674 †SEASONS whistle †GIRLS †MALE human 371 breeze 172, 214, 240, 241, 248 135-6, 262-3, 666-678 fog 589, 590, 674 train 353 blonde 244, 245, 265 haze/hazy 244, 247, 248, 268 wolf 386 bourgeois salon 233 mist[y] 224, 247, 268, 383, 590 The Whistle 346 cover girls 263 rain[y] 99, 139 Whitburn, Joel 61 curves and 257-266 snow[y] 172, 188, 235 white CLOTHES dangerous; dubious 601 sun/-lit/-ny/-shine 231, 236, noise 644, 649 femme[s] fatale[s] 386, 463, 238, 239, 244, 246, 247, 248, White Christmas 589 601, 605, 668, 676 256, 265, 303, 305, 430, 674 The White Stone 429 sunrise 139, 239, 248, 674 A Whiter Shade of Pale 196, 338 hookers 646, 657 sunset 136, 197, 238, 239, Who Do You Think You Are in black 675 248, 257 Kidding, Mr Hitler? 429 in Westerns 391–394 thunder 99 The Who 65, 652 ladies 674 warm 180 Whole Lotta Love 594 long hair and 258-63, 265-6, 269 wind 172, 214, 240, 386, 674 whooping it up 394 historiographical neglect of 28 gusts 248 ‘Why 1955?’ 64 mother 212, 220 Weaver, Dennis 299 The Wichita Lineman 488 photo models 262-4, 647 Weber, C M von 31, 320, 445, 568 Wicke, Peter 14, 61, 63, 72, 81, 83, predatory 585 Weber, Max 39 89, 272 prostitute[s] 265, 464, 675 Weber, William 19 Wicks, Sammie-Ann 324 QUEEN Webern, Anton von 29, 30 wide open spaces, wide views, etc. scheming 584 wedding 328, 416, 417, 675 PANORAMA vamp[s] 668, 675, 676 weeping 186 wide spacing 535 Women Marines (US) 425 Weibull, Lennart 7, 82 Wide World of Sports [TV] 624 women’s studies 57, 58 Weigel, H 40 Widerberg, Bo 14, 21, 244 Wonderful Land 368 Weill, Kurt 179, 211, 230 Wilbye, John 182 wood blocks 295 weirdness 576 wild 60, 132, 265 †FLOWERS Wood, Alexander 412 Welch, Bruce 370 Wild Wild West (TV) 375, 376, 378 Wood, Doug 467 898 woods – Zorro Ten Little Title Tunes – Index

woods 238, 240, 241, 244, 247, 249 X Z forest[s] 243, 298, 303, 388, 389, Xerox (corporation) 75 Zamfir, Gheorghe 564 393, 394 xylophone ORCHESTRATION Zapata-Spaghetti plot 332 sylvan 134 xylorimba 496 Zappa, Frank 531, 580, 585, 619 calm 174, 177 Y Zaragoza 336 Woodstock 621 Zarlino, Giosefo 312 Y llegó Fidel 334 woodwind 300 Zech, G 40 Ye Parliaments of England 306 words ≠ pictures ≠ music 120–121 Zen 534, 537 Yearbook for Traditional Music 22, 37 work concept (musical) 11, 68 yearning 197, 470 Zero Response listings 151 work song[s] 425 yodel[ling] 325, 350, 351, 352, 353, Ziehe, Thomas 65 crossover with shanties 325 354, 355, 357, 375, 396 zigzag arpeggiation 379 Work Song (Adderly) 583, 628 Yorkshire 518 Zimmerman, F-J 600, 829  working class CLASS Moors 139 zither 367, 373 World Court 6 TV 513 Zoltai, Dénes 11, 16, 18, 21, 68, 70, 271 World Cup Soccer 62 You Got The Love 95 The Zombies 581 world of tomorrow (future) 621 young 133 zoom CAMERA TECHNIQUES World War I 411 young people/youth 136, 151, 500, musical 387 World War II 97, 417, 428, 429, 430 617, 657, 674 Zorba the Greek 467, 468 Worldcom 75 culture 375, 617, 618–21 Zorn, John 49 worry 133, 186, 190, 192, 224, 319, generation 618, 619 Zorro 294, 333, 355, 356, 383 453, 570 music education for 679 worthy opponent 676 target group 375, 618–21, 649 Worton, David 411 target or social group? 666 ‘young people’ 495 Wounded I am (Byrd) 455 ‘youngsters’ 621 ‘wow!’ 386 Virginian: lack of VVAs 375 Wozzeck 495 Young Woman… (Rembrandt) 267 Wray, Link 369, 395 Young, Michael 24 wrestl/-e[r]/-ing 5, 426 Younger Than Springtime 218 Wright, Louise (lullaby) 250 Your Long Journey 354 Wright, Rayburn 124, 676 Your Song (Elton John) 175 Wright, Will 291, 331, 392-394 Yupanqui, Atahualpa 361