. i : Give Now' • f To Help M~intain'.the War Memorial Home oj the News 'rosse ~ ew Center I 99 Kercbeval 'J"lJ. 2~6l1Otl Complete News Coverage 01' All the. Pointes, 5c Per COpy Entered .. Second Clua Matter VOLUME 13-NO. 34, 1:l.OOPer .Yetu at the Post Office at Detrolt, Mich. Fully Paid Circulation';,:" • HEADLINES Ladie's'Provide,- Unsolicited,. Tes~'imo'nial'" - Arm,\, Has Answer September 4 '. 01th. ... First Day Of' \VEER As Compiledb, lb. 'T0 Complaints of Fall Session 'Gros,. Point. New$ New Students to Enroll Dur- ing Week Before' Thursday, August 14 Residents in. Park Labor Day GOVERNOR WILLIAMS names Clark J. Adams of Pontiac to 'Succeed chief justice of Michi- Members of News Staff Invited to Insped Two Anti-aircraft \, According to an announce.. gan's supreme court, Walter J. ' t F II ' P t't' F" d 'th C it mentfromJames W. Bnshong~ Encampmen s 0 oWl,ng e I Ion I e WI ounel Superintendent of Schools, North, who died last month. .. Following the publication last week of a news story re-, all public schools in Grosse DRASTIC SHAKEUP hit s porting'that a group of Grosse Pointe P~rk residents had peti- Pointe will opel} th: new Wayne County Democratic party tioned council to do something about "nuisances:' created by schoo1 year for pupIls on machinery as leadership of four the existence of the anti-aircraft defense encampment at the Thursday morning, Septemb~r congressional ,districts changes foot of Three Mile drive the NEWS was invited to visit both 4. This will be a regular hands in' conventions. .. .. that encampment and the one" located on the vacant school school day and all pupi~s will . property on Cl'1alfonte in Grosse Pointe Farms. attend school a full sessIOn,_ FIRED WINDSOR bank offici- The tour was personally con-~ , Parents of children who were al, Roy H. McBride, who wrote ducted by Col Hubert du B. LeW~'1- -d V - not f1:nrolledin the Grosse Point~ 100 letters falsifying bank ac- is, commander of the 28th AAA Kl S to Ie PublIc Schools .last year ar~ counts of persons applying for Group, a unit of the 51st AAA str.ongly urged to enroll su~h visas for entry into the United Brigade. which is responsibl~ for * ch1ldren betwe~ the hours of. J States, may escape prosecution. F Gl the anti-aircraft defense of the I or ory In and 4 p. m. dUrIng t~e wee~-:-Qf. • • • Metropolitan Detroit area. I August 25 to 29. All scnool offICes EISENHOWER turns down Came From Alaska I Fl*sh R -deo will h,e open during these hours President Truman's. invitaHon to .. I U for thIS purpose. I ~imilar briefing given Governor Colonel LeWIS,who was trans-, At this time, assignment will Stevenson on int~rnational situa- ferred here from Alaska on July be made of the half-day which tion ,because it would restrict l1is 1, was particularly perturbed to Se'cond Annual Running of children will attend in Kmder- freedom to analyze publicly the lea~n there was any feeling Big Contest to be Held at garten. conduct of the administration. agamst the e~campment or the ' Need Transcripts . .. part. of the reSIdents. He st.ressed I _Farms This Sa'rurday School officials pointed out that the l,mpor~ance of good ne1gh?or it is especially' desirable for all U. S. MARINES beat back two relatlOnshlps and wante~ Pomt- Boys and girls of the Farms, pupils enrolling for the first time Red assaults against their newly~ e~s to. kno~ that everythmg pos- City, 'and Park will line the at the .Junior and Senior High won hold 'on Bunker Hill, in SIble 15 bemg do~e on the part Lake Shore seawall' near 'the School levels to take advantage of western Korea. • • • f~ti~:s~~~y to bUIld up these re- :!farms municipal pier this Sat- this. early enrollment period. For Friday. August'15 He stated that the site is part urday, August 23, in an effort p~pIls at ~hese lev~l~, enro~e~ HEART ATTACK keeps mys- of the integral'defense of the De- to land prize-winning fish in \':111be gre~tly facIlItl~ted if O~fl- t 't d'd that moving the Boy and Girl National clal transcnpts of credlts covermg tery man of Wash!ngton influ- rnOloanreea~e ~~erous sites in work completed in other schools ence circles, Henry Grunewald, a y. of .. Better Fishing Program. are sent to the proper scl1l,)ol from appearing before fe'dera1 the area would Je,opardlze the en- Last year approximately four ff' '. t th t' f e 011- grand jury in connection with tire program and would be tactic- million boys and girls in 46 states 0 ICe prIor 0 e Ime 0 nr These four .ladies," reading the Grosse Pointe Ne\\ls while taking the sun at Gros'se Pointe Yacht Club, provide a ally unsound. Each site was dunked tl e'r lOne . the t' 1 ment. " . House tax scandal. 'k d full to make the de- 1 lIS m na'lona Transcrlpts of credlts are not • • • pleasant and unsolicited ,testimonial of interest in' your community newspaper. ,They, say that catching up on the plC e care Y fish rodeo. Mike Collins, of 204 , f r new elementary fense of the entire area as air- Morass road, was one the na- nec~ssary 0 COMMUNIST PREMIER Kim local news in this manner is a regular Thursday morning routine at the Yacht Club. From left toright,;the readerl? " ..,' of pupIls, but parents of elemenwy 11 Sung says North Korea is are MRS. ROGER HUBBARD,MISS."fANINE' PROVOS'r, of 'Fi ..,Lauderdale; Florida, MRS. MELVILLE HUFFAKER hght as p~ssible. .' Ihonal champlOnsh1p award wm- <:hildren should bring with them willing to end Korean' contlict and MRS.WIL:LIAM. BREMER::,::':';' ',: ./.' .. , , ~, '?:;.:'i:~-"~';::>\',:",' ,;'" ,": ,'; ::".' , " . ';:':\:~/ ."','.y' .;! "'~":,~:,",~ ,Are Permanent UnIts I ner~, written evidence, such as a reP9rt :In a draw. ]:lis governmen,t "does ______ -c- __ ..",--__ -=--.-----~----_---,-------------~+w"_ ,\._:..:~~--'---------- - colori.ef~tewis 'also wanted it "-.~. SheePSl1ead Wins-Prize -~-- ar~tt-the: chHd1sPrD'Pe.t'-grade not consider it dishonorable' to made Clear'i:hit the:unitli in the He landed a two-pound, nine- placement. Lack" of such evi- conclude an armistice , • ." Pointe are permanent ones and ounce Shecpshead, ,the heaviest dence will seriously interfere . .. .. Eight Polio Center's Endowment Fund Cont-rols On that there is no constant change catch in this class, made by a boy with efficient and prompt en- TEEN-AGE SLAYER of Ches- of personnel as had been intimat- throughout the nation and its ter- rollment of new pupils. ter Czernel, father of three, ed. The only time the personnel rHories on Rodeo Day. Parents of new enroll~es at ~ blasted by' a shotgun. when he Increased by $3,000,Gift Lake Levels of these units is m~\Vedis when Mike received his Coronation levels are urged to brmg Wlth Cases., Found 3urprised a pair of youths rifling they are sent to Big Bay, Mich., Certificate from Senator Hon:er the~ birth cer~ificates as an es- hi~ home, confesses to killing. or Camp Haven, Wis., for target Ferguson, July 26, at c~remonles sentIal record m the enrollment .. .. Th,is Season From Mrs. Russell A. Alger Being Sought practice with live 'ammunition. that, I:?arkcd the openJn? of a of their children. SHOWGIRL,25-year-old Gregg 'A' I P t" t' C 'M '-SI I N' When this is done, a roving unit prellmmary cO,ntest ?rg.amzed by I Urge Exanunatlon Sherwood, walks out on four- Paralysis Reported In Only nnuc1 ar IClpa Ion ampalgn oves ow y as me Flood' Committee Resolution comes in and replaces the perma- the Gl:osse Pomte F1shmg Rodeo' The local school and health times~married Horace E. Dodge One; Disease Running Families Out of, 10 Fail to Send in" Proposes Bofh Maximum nent personnel until the target CommIttee,". officials also urge parents to have with $100,000.w~rt~ _o~jeweli:y. About S~me As Their .contributions practice is ended and the orig-I Many of the l?ca~ serV1ceclubs their children given a careful And Minimum inal group carnes back, here. I a~d other orgamzatlOns have con- physical« Kamination ~ri~r to tI:e BLOODIEST BAT'FLE in re~ Last Year A gift of $3,000' to the endowment fund of the Grosse , Proud of'Record. I trlbut~d .to the program and ,a:'e opening nf school, ThIS 15 partl. cent months of Korean war may, I Pointe War Memorial.,Association was announced this week The Grosse Pointe Flood '. , 'd t th IcooperatlOg to make the project cularly desirable for all neVf' . He pomted "':'Ith pr~ e 0 e a success. , pupils or for pupils who hive be over as U. S. Marines break Two :new cases of infantile by the directors. The 'gift has been made by Mrs. Russell A. Committee is seeking controls fa~t tAat t~e Pomte umt ~t Three Among these are: The NeIgh- had any serious illness during up fifth Chinese Red attempt to paralYSIS' were reported to the Alger of Provencal road, in behalf of her three grandsons for Lake St. Clair w h i c h M1le had JUfstJe<:ently ~~turned borhood Club, Metropolitan Club, the summer, " , recaoture Bunker Hill. P"[1 W d .., • * • Grosse ointe-r arper 00 s who are now members of the United States Air Force. would regulate both high and f~om one 0 ~uese prac Ice ses- Post 303 of ,the American Legi<,m All schools as well as .the BoaM GALLUP POLL rev~a~3 six of H eal thDeTPhartment ac~rd~ng' ChThe g ran d/ ~n s ~reD A!g~~<!) ,.
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