7 '

•• '•' - .• i - c l t. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER IS. 1 9 « THragTlh!^^ TIm W wtlMr iHatubMtrr Ettfttittg H^ralft Wat tha Moirth o< Oetober, IM t I o f D. • . Wesrthai

Dexter Peterson and Mrs. Herman Mambars of Helen Davldaon Tha Professional QlrU club will sponsored by the Dorcas society of Emanuel lst without Laborers will give excellent wear and perfect fit. a number of shore batteries si­ limit. Army cleared eastern Libya atta^ by the French defend­ 100 UK "This year American fanners SwacpsUke! JL lenced; well over 500 officers and of-Field Marshal Erwin Rom­ ers of Tunis. As the Axis To Harvest men killed—those are the enemy made a magnificent response to the Here are some Axis prisoners, seized by the British as they pushed westward In pursuit o f M ar­ mel’s tattered Army to a point 40 outlook darkened, Its Europset ‘ $5 Door Prize! Shop In loases Inlhcted by American and demands upon them,’’ the President shal Erwin Rommel’s army. ’Troopa captured by the British w m officially estimated at well in ex­ mUes west o f Tobruk, the British chieftains were disclosed to haso Allied troops as reported in com­ said in a message to the Grange cess of 60,000, many o f them Italians. annoimced officially today. With called the Japanese into urgent Camouflage muniques by Gen. Douglas A. Maater, Albert S. Ooss. "Those conferences of an import M yet Manchester demands are increasing; so are the the words o f Gen. B. I.. Mont­ pair MacArthur and the Navy last gomery— “ on with the task and undisclosed. obstacles In meeting them. night. Studying Developmeni Material Face Many SaeiMoes good hunttog to you all’’—ringing 89< Bombers Blast Cruisers Berlin broadcaets said the head# Stores! "The rural families o f the United to their ears, the tireless troops Capt Eddie Rlckenbaeker Rosurlng down to within 1,000 Two Million ; of all Japanese miestcnui to Bo- ______States face many sacriflcea many British Bombers Raid of the British Eighth Army pur­ (above), famous pilot loot on an feet of the foe heavy bombers sued the Axis forces beyond Ga- rope had been assembled-in Ben­ Burr b la s t^ the two light c'riiisers and difllcultles. The nation looks to A rm y mission in the South Pa­ WANTED 1 sala. Bombers and fighters roar­ ito atoce Nov. 10—two days aftsC Manchester Chamber set the 8,000-ton transport ablaze them to produce the f ^ we need cific. haa been rescued by a Navy H e W. G. GtENNEY CO. Youths N ow ed overhead, raking the retreating toe American coup in northwest in a new attack on the Buin-Faisi to tols war and to fulfill all flying boat, the N avy announced I WOMAN BOOKKEEPER Port of Genoa Again Africa—and had been in aamSaS Nurseries Coal, Lumber, Masons* Supplies, Paint . Axia columns with bombs and today. FOR GENERAL of Commerce area in the northern Solomons. ^ th e ^ other bullets as the headlong flight coct- ever atoce studying thq dtevrtsp- Manchester, Conn. day earUer, the AlUed high com- 336 No. Main St. Tel. 4^48 Manchester F a ^ g Call rinued. ment both m regards Borope SM OFFICE WORK mand reported, bombers had|t»™> ?rif“ *^ttonsjiaye a large place In" helping farmers work to­ Start Massive Fires as Six Others Badly Damaged east Aais. SKIRTS struck at four troop-laden trans­ (Such a conferenea at tola hoov gether for victory." Germans G ain ApNr in Writinc 16 ports in the same area off Bou- Hazardous 1,500-Mile In addition to the seven SicUy- Flying Boat when tha European and a t th * In a message as one Granger to ’’aosevelt Promisies Aid bound planes shot down, about Mx Plaids in bright colors of red, blue, gainvlUe island. another— the President haa been a -Axla had Uttle.good to report i The bombers also scored a near Trip Made Without others were badly damaged. Perrett A G len n ej and brown. Sizes 24 to 30 and 9 to member of the Chapel Comers In Resuming School M ore G round geeted strongly that Hitler m miss on a Japanese destroyer, and On Thursday British fighters Saves Lost be calling hia oriental ally to 15. Orange in Dutchen county, New And College Careers Loss of One Plane. ^ • II shot down tlx large Italian troop- P .O .B o x 8 7 before they returned safely to York, for 27 jreara— the Chief Ex­ aid— perhapa to <^>en a “aeeoMl their base blew gaping holes in ecutive expressed the belief that After End of War. front” ag^iinat Ruaaia to SlberiSb the runways of the enemy’s Ka­ “ In all Its long hiatory, the Na­ London, Nov, 14.— (^P)— In Stehn2radlssii^jr-11y5!i"‘~Sb“p?r»: Noted Flier or begin a diversion attack upoo: »25,0d0 Worth of. Lovely Fur Coats ably from iW la la ," It waa an- hili airdrome. tional Grange never has met at a Britiah India or occupied Mad— Home-based R.A.F. Lancas- . - I nounced. The long-range fighters M oving In to support ground time when the nation depended Washington, Nov. 14. — (IP) — gaacar. ter and Stirling bombers apparently were operating from $3.98 to $7.98 troops on Guadalcanal the U. 8. more upon its farmers, and farm- More than 2,000,000 youths in the Reds Declare Advance (This waa directly to-line wltlk smashed anew last night at BritUh-basea on the Island for­ Other Memhers of Rick' reports heard to Turkey a t the out­ cruiser San Francisco and destroy­ 18 and 19 year old claasea are sub­ ^Insignificant’ and So* A t Savings o f $40 to $70 P e r Coat In er Buchanan turned their heavy (Conttsned oa Page Ten) Genoa, Italian supply base tress of Malta. enhacker’ s Crew Found set o f the new North -African eans- ject to military duty to the near The communique disclosed that paign that toe Ijazl fuehrer-)»a guns on Japanese troops east of - - ^ for battered Axis forces in viet T>‘Oops Fighting Henderson airfield. future, but they have thtb prcntlse tha Tunis airdrome, where the —Torrington Sergeant urged Tokyo to ease his poBltton.liy Dance Plain colors in Flannels and Shet­ .ffip i A ir of President RooKVel) that they North Africa, starting mas­ To Regain Positions. Germans were last reported to attacking Madagascar—but tbeaa land materials. Blue, green, red, and While they were pouring shells w ill be helped to resuming their sive fires which Rome ac­ control, was heavUy bombed and Dies; Buried at Sea. reports declared that the Japaaeae fidDAY, NOV. 13 North Africa school and rallege careers after machine • gunned Thursday night. had refused on the ground t h A gray. Sizes 24 to 38. ashore the Japanese attacked by knowledged wrought great Moscow, Nov. 14— (IP)— German sir seeking to halt the bombard­ the war. ■ destruction. The giant British It was the third attack on the Washington, Nov. 14 — (IP) — they did not have the Naval awl' / t t B i r The chief executive, to signing troops gained ground in the fac­ .field. Planea, gasoline suppUes. shipping strength avaUmUa SoC HALE’S NOVEMBER FUR SALE ment. But 38 Grumman WUdeats raiders, which cariv two-ton Dauntless Eddie Rlckenbaeker baa To Get Food, the youth draft bill last night, dis­ such an undertaking.) climbed up to repel the stack and "block busters,” made the hazard­ tory district of northern 8taIln-J Workshops and hangars were de- closed U u t a committee o f edu­ been rescued, to good condition, Moving Parachute Troops . ahot down 16 bombers and five ous 1.500-mile round trip across grad yesterday to their newiyi atroyed. ^ cators under War anc. N avy de­ A report from AlUed headquar­ toe N avy announced today, three The Evening Standard carried aa Zero fighters. AnU-alrcraft gun­ partment auspices w ill study plans the AIpe without the loss o f a sin­ launched drive to capture the city, unofficial report that the AlUea akv l l A S O N I G Saturday Is The Last Day! Hurry! $3.98 to $5.98 ners aboard the ahipe got another If Possible gle plane. It was the 10th assault ters to the Mediterranean that the weeks after hia airplane radioed for young men to go back to their the Soviet mid-day communique I landed light tanks tAo'vlng parachute troops towam ' nine, permitting only one of the of the war on Genoa and the fifth that it waa about out of gasoline schooling after leaving the armed said today, but declared the ad- jj ’Tunisia indicated that the Tunisia for use agktost A xis untta 81 enemy planes to escape. fbrees. in leas than a month. land then vanished to toe Pacific. which have seised airdromes thsra. TEMPLE ) — He said he also would announce ing." tanks were smashed to toe unsuc- the communique did ^ menUon boat along with two of his crew. Nazi parachutists won a foothoHL to the near futurue a plan to utilize 'They were 600 miles north of Sa­ Allied forces appeared to hava shore battery hit the destroyer and While the Tanks in North Africa cesaful German assaults yesterday, that they carried tr<»P*- killed five men. Damage to the during the war certain colleges and Official Yugoslav quarters In it was reoorted Some German prisoners wero moa. turned over civilian administra­ NORTHS BACK London meanwhile quoted travel­ $2i 9to$3.29 ahlp waa alight. drove an unexpected blow into the universities to train a limited num­ Other equipment destoyed ln-1 taken at T^ruk when toe mghto Three Others on Island tion of French North Africa to ers from Italy aa saying the first A n unspectfled number of other Nazi breadbaaket, the cold, hun­ ber of men for “highly specialized’’ eluded 24 trucks, eight guns, I f l Arm y entered toe old M d familiar French autoontiea, including Ad­ duties to the armed forces. four "raids in the paat four weeks Three other Army , fliers who miral Jean Darlan, to mder to keeg abipa participated in the bombard­ gry and disarmed peoples of Axis- mortars and l^machtoe-Vuw. toe | fortress, but toe number waa not were with him on a survey of Pa.- These men will be selected sole­ caused damage aggregating $200,- specified. their hands free for a swift dean*’ | ment, whi^ “ ^N avy reported >n occupied------lands-- had President 000,000 at Genoa. Docks, ware, communique ^ id . clflc war zone Air Force opera­ ly fin the basis o f their ability,” the Counter-Attacks Continue The AUled Air Forces spread- up of toe Axis to Tunisia and on u s k r a t a communique knocked out several i Roosevelt’s pledge today that food, president said, "and without re- houses and areas in the heart of the tions have been located on an is­ into Italian Libya. M The Rusman counter-attacks to MUSKRAT I clothing and fighting equipment city were reported devastated by land. Ifiie rescue o f one was an­ A n d e r s o n (Conttoued oa Page Two) Repudlatea Prodamatien (OaaOBMi ea Page Two) would he provided them with the the massive British explosives and the N alcl^ area of the C^ucioaus, nounced yesterday and toe sev­ (Oonttooad « i Pnge Two) where a German drive toward toe The Vichy radio, now to German - coming of the Allies. ahowera of fire bombs. enth man of Rlckenbackeris crew control,, quotes Marshal Petals, j B y presidential order, lend-leaae Georgia^ military highway over died to toe long wait for rescue. Greenhouses ’The Italian high command’s the cWcasua mountains haa been who is 'rirtually a prisoner Of state supplira w ill be sped to the people Col. Hans C. Adamson and Pri' communique today said that the bluntM, continued yesterday and Shipyard Fire now that toe Germans have occu­ Ponders Plans of French North Africa—where vate John F. Bartek were Rtcken- Artittie Jury W ill Get eastern and centr^ sections of the s e v e ^ German positions were pied all France, as repudlat American 'capture of vital Axis- city bore the brunt of last night’s backer’s two companiona at toe Darlan’s proclamation of last ni| taken, toe Russians declared. time o f rescue. ' On Manpower! bound food and materials In recent attack. ortoeaat o f ’Tuapse, Black sea Fatal to Six that he wes resuming responsibil­ Floral Arrangements days is expected to put morale- Treason Case 8lnce the Germans have taken I'^ va l station, toe Russians report- AdanuMn also was to good con­ ity for French North Africa with damaging cram pa in German over all France the R. A. F. must dition, toe N avy said, but Bartek fo r d they advanced somewhat and, I stomachs and production lines fly over enemy territory all the n one sector, routed an enemy in­ 40 Others Burned as Is in serious condition. He is ex­ (Conttoned aa^Page Two) * 1 9 8 Roosevelt Considers Re- alike. way, unleaa a short cut is taken fantry company bnd captured pected to recover from the suffer 1 6 9 \ Final Arguments to Be Weddings, Funerals, . . , . ST J ^ s atrategic move aimed at V* ■ m i I across Switzerland. German fighty Two-Story Dormitory ] ing o f exposure ^ Tax Included. Tax Included. organization U n a e r l softening even pseudo-rcslatance Heard Today; Charge era and anU-alrcraft, formerly e (Conttouqd on Page Tivo) Kaezmarezyk Buried at Sea Head the spreading AlUed offenalve, ” \ countered only In northern Franc Leveled to Ground. Anniversaries One Directing ” * ‘ By Judge to Follow. A fourto^man on toe little rub' “ * ' the president late yesterday made presumably now are at Vichy/and ber raft which saved the 52-year- Flashes !' it clear that the same cons'idera' other alrdromea in the south treasury Balance Vancouver, Wash. Nov. 14—^ I old Rlckenbaeker had been Sergt. Est. 1922 Washington, Nov, 14— (g>-r-Re- (Late BoUettna of tha (IF) W ire) tion would, be given any territoiv Chicago, Nov. 14— (gfi— ’Three Itallaa Defensea Weak) —A fire which started In a waste Alexander Kaezmarezyk. He died Finest Quality Regular $298. organlsatton of the nation’s man­ 153 Eldridge Street ^ $2 JO y occupied by United Natlone troops. middle-aged < ^ c a g o couples, the A British informant sai^ttalian Washington, Nov. 14.— (IP)—The basket and "seemed to explode all power machinery under one dlreet- kin and friends o f a 22-year-old position o f the Treasury Nov. 12: over toe room" killed at least six (Contlnned on Page Two) Slugging Victim Dies tog bead was reported today to be defenses apparently were/growing Phone 8486 (C om tin Bed oo Page Two) executed German saboteur they weaker atoce no R . A , JF. planes Receipts. $19,679,522.07; expen­ persons and burned 40 others as It Bridgeport, Nov. lA — (P) — under conalderatlon by President are accused of aiding, came * to ditures, $147,825JS12,95; net bal­ levelled a two-story wooden dormi­ Charles Sine, 57, o f 885 B araezi Hooaevelt. Federal court today to hear final (Continued on T w o) ' ance, $4,248,884,689.73. tory at toe Henry J. Kaiser ship­ avenue, this city, died at aa early Although profesftng to be in the arguments to the flrst treason yard here last night. Labor Dispute hour today in St. Vlnoeot’s hoepitel Tax Included. BABY SHOP dark aa to the exact nature of the trial in the history, o f Illinois. from a fractured skull aad othee A search of toe smoldering ruins Hollander Blend Muskrat president’s plans. In form ^ legis­ ^iti-PoBTak^ Notice Federal Judge William J. Ounp- continued today to the fear more injuries received when he wa* lators said there appeared to be ben said prosecution and defense bodies might be discovered. Ship­ Btniok on the head by aa nnMeatl- no doubt aa executive order would In Third bav BABIES’ 25% WOOL » Bill Debated each would be Hmited to three Top-Flight Band Artists yard officials had no Idea just how ■ , ' .1 fled aeeallant as .he stepped froaz South Manchester Fire Uis- ' be forthcoming aoon to end what hours and bis instructions would many persons were trapped by toe his car to open Us 8e*ag» Soon* has been deacrlbed in Oongresa aa require, less than one hour. From sudden blaze, and toe only list o f He was robbed of JfZOO. trict .Annual Meeting. ^ A Special Group of One of a Kind "confusion and overlapping author­ all todlcariona the case will be occupants wia destroyed with toe Nash-Kelvinator Plants Boy.’ ETON SUITS ity" among manpower agendee. Connally Predicts De­ Play Now on Off Hours Notice la hereby given to all the . 8lven to the Jury at eight women building. Denies Invasion Beport There waa conjecture that the Remain Shut Do\m Bio De Janeiro, Brazil, Nov. 14— legal vptera of the South Man- j' W hite broadcloth blouse — naipr or b rm ^ BLANKETS feat. as Fhll-Fledgef and four men later this afternoon. Traced to linen Storage Room cheater Fire Diatricl that the shorU with brown or "*^0^ preatdeat would act up an agency Deputy Sheriff Fred Greenwood (iP)— A spokesman at the BiazUtea No Defease Witaeeeea OalM Downey, Callf.i Nov. 14.—(dfi— ’Hxat waa several years ago. and Despite Army Demand w ar Ministry Batly denied today a ..Annual Meeting of said Diatrict Real sporty and mannish for tha little boy, S-ineb satin binding. Slaa 36"x54" In pink, charged not only with procuring Filihufter Now Looms. said he noticed amoke while on an The three-ateeks-old trial, out- Many an artUt who once toured be declares he h^sa had s ^ Paris radio report that BiazUlaa -^9^ be held in Hose House No, 3 8Uea X to tx. Uus or white. sufficient workers at the right Inspection tour, and traced It to a grpsrth^ a t a (3ennan-bom plot to | ^ ... ______‘ from every name band in toe coun- Lansing, Mich., Nov. 14.—(P)— forces had entered Freaeh Otdaa^ ^lursday, Novembe|- 19, 1942, at QUAUn FUR COATS Ub m and iriace, but alao with auth­ the country with a. ranking name ^ Washington, Nov.. 14— i/Py—A bmd Nasi agents to this country linen storage room. Shutdown of toe Naah-Kelvlnator’a S o'cidek E.W.T., for the foUow-1 ority to ndake certain that neces- id la now beating qut rfiytom on or another. He has kept his or- Aa be opened toe door, the fire, eontroverslal anti-poU tatx "bUl on a mission of sabotage, abrupt­ two Landing plants by a labor dis- Japanese Driven Back __ „ . aary matarlals were on hand to already burning briskly to toe lag piirp«>a^b^'> headed today, into a ^.TuU-fledyed ly ended yesterday when, after toe a riveting gun or drop hammer j ganlaation going by persuading puto^Mter^ ita third-day today Chungking, Nov. 14——| keep theee workers busy. I wastebasket, flared up. 1. To take action on the re-1 ____ o ™ «« .nubuster by am O O m DemocraU government reated ita case, the de- I muaie atrictiv to off travel-weary musicians to take a dpsplte toe W ar Department’s de- Japanese have been driven baefc zz May Inlegtaie Draft System "It teemed to explode all over - ports and reComniendaUonf of the 1 SILVER BLEND 3 NATURAL .k a a $ lenaa eleetod not to call any wit- C ^rT-S !r|jril£i.!irtoe t.ady J that a eomptebenslveiy . f e y . v . aound the fire alarm. I nm/down •Bpropriatlena for Uie purchase RACCOON of ^ n iwi^er I After flv» houTs of debate yes- guilt or tonocenoe o f toe sik de­ pany plant. Among Stars Listed Negotiators failed to reach a communications center, the Chi­ GIRLS* AND BOYS* toe hall as fast as I coukl'and toe K equipment and for the ex- oould M p u t t o t o ^ ^ ^ ^ „ terday-ran on morions designed to fendants— the court alone is au- I t waa more or leaa an accident, Am ong his present stars he lists settlement laat night and autobr- nese U g h eonunand annonnned $► k fire was right at m y heels. 1 bv tS^Sm ate Dtfeaae the blU up for eonalderarion— toortaed to fix the punishment. I f I this situation which finds Vultee Leyden 8wenntog, who played Itative sources said toe War Labor day. te tbe eeathMn prevUen M -pames. repairs and maintengne* thought of the foUbws upstairs the Fire Department and other TnTZznrzTliw in a r«- declared the southerners convicted, the defendants face a boasting a dance band probably toe with Ozzle Nelson'and Hal McIn­ board was expected to turn Uu? Kwaagtuag the enemy wae repezfo a t and I ran up toxmrn. them. laropcrty and activities of the Fire | 2’ NATURAL ^ a nH S N U G O E R U G ne«tvrtS*y president has had "Jurt by m to tate." maximum penalty of death and a I equal of most of those drawing tyre; Trumpeter Homer Klrsch, dispute over to arbitration unleaa a ed to have driven aorthward awteT SOCKS minimum sentence at five yeara to formerly with, Hal Grayson and Some a tM e n Asleep settlement wae reached this morn­ ' DIaUdet for the ensuing yeiar. W ith ‘.detachable hood, zipper ffont, la blua for more than a month. I . ■awrnay aoee down fancy prices to the coun- the Oantoa-Hsnkow rail Bae nadir 2 LEOPARD CATS <289 In new Winter colors. Anklet, half or kiiea In this S e c t io n , one admlnls- ^ an ^ o r t action prlami and fines o f $10,000. I try’s gilded ballrooms. It is com- Larry Kent: and Walter lying, * . "The flrw'"^t there almost as ing. # g T o aee if the District wUl Chtneee attack, v 1 or pink.' ' / of? The defendants are Hans Max drummer turned lathe operator, aeon as^YcJd. I ahouted to Ctaar- Leaders a t toe United Automo­ "^Mithorise its Trsastirsr to borrow | SILVER MUSKRATS $ 1 D M stylM BidsaS to g " tntton Hupportty vlio i^^lDeiiiocrslIc leader Bftrttloy ' hlefly of musicians who * • Me name not be ased, pointed outjj^jrtuoky, Iwdtog ^ * * and Bma Haupt, Walter and Lu­ I tired-of a bandntan’a tranaient life, who araa a star with Grayson and and he ran down Me bile W orkew (C IO ) union here Si the nsme of the South Mi warning everybody .and^T Nazis Vaable To Oof OO an rielettlve Sernee a u th o r-1 ^ measure, celled the Senate Into cille ffroehUag, qjBd m to Riehard und decided to settle down to a Irving Aaroneon, and waa alao on have- asked the board to Intervene, Moscow, Nov. 14—(F)—The < -*— (ter Fire District money for I the other wing. But the fire charging their member* want to expenses and uses of the Fire I ^ l a president and » tmusual Saturday sesaion. Slid Kate Weridn. They ara ac­ I steady) Job, for the duration at the NBC staff. nwns have bete naahle te^g^ * | Then there la Trombonist 8. ao fast that I could only work but are being locljed out rict during the ensuing^ year, 1 NATURAL Skt M rSevelt h £ S M the S^tor BUbo, (^ warn* cused'of having aiding, Herbert I least Magle drop at oil treat the T E $ 3 i 5 nrsennt W ar llaimower eommls- >»C he w m prepared to'Talk npril Hana Haupt, 22, son of the de- I Fluda Tap-night MnsMaus' “R ed" Ballajrd, who pUyed about, ’Fire,’ and pound on toe by toe company. • ell SUde which they eap( ■ad give, the noto or notea of Ihal 2 OCELOTS doors aa I wm t past. Some of toe Ceatera om Transfer $ 2 8 9 III 2 9 /^ 3 5 ^ S I S r eaecuriveSSerT caurlstmaiT fftpeoesaary, waa * - fendant Haupta and nephew of] it zo started when Bob Ran- yeara with Benny Gootoi meathe ago; the Am y - for tlMwiaa. men were asleep in their rooms. The controversy center* on the CAT-LYNX Bevaral Imlslstnre eanreaead I tosuma at noon the reading ^ Froehllngs, and friend ef thsjdoiph, who had directed hla own six w ith Iriiam Jones. Vie Wilder, Bad Star said today. 4, T P elaek ddOeara tor tha DIa-1 498 a;’ trumpeter, played with half a They didn’t have a chance. union’s demand toat Floyd Baird, hope, if Mr^Boosevelt « S e T a court dedsioiia which he started Werglna. Iband aver since hhi Maffi achool w teek U g at the MAh Mwee 4* | tor tlM foreman of toe Propeller Produc- aaauxng yaat. new over-aU saanpoerer agimcy belycrtwday hr a q;>eeeb lasting an Om a t Bight Sabotnau {days in Corvallis, Ore., went to doasB notod bands, including Six bodies, burned beyond ree- Btanad, ognltion, wero taken out after tlM Uon division, and CUy Sayers, hla could oenmnds Bernard la. Baxach I hour and 40 minutaa. Young Haupt was ons of tha jwortc to r Vultae. Hs couldn't be tboas o f Johnny Anderson. Ray Mten'the Bz4 Ainffir ’ 'GREEN STAMPS asaistoot, be transferred to some r Rotart J. tatth. to b e iM l'tttn e n alao was m ea-1 BUbe told tha Bmiate apoaaan eight aabotetura adw came to thajhappy vrtthout a band to lead, and Daitrldc and Kemqr Allen. flames ■ubalded.’'N on e o f the ta- has preeeated tha Nash ‘4 rtm m m J. Wkuaett, GIVEN latioa ttat tha -*«w eaweurive le f the bUl were “administering the Oeeaslonany Randolph loaea a Jored were burned gravely. other dlvlBian with here, but one bold, clesr fact olds will be eligible for military boards. sevsa Instances dealers have The bridal attendanu will be He did not have any gaa coupons about 18 pounds of coffea in the hla car and operating a car with Barthold Tours Masses on Sunday at 5:45, 7:30, Accordingly, family life calls for i stands out, viz., that there can be Jumped to the conclusion that It ‘Capt.. Eddie Rickenbacker, Ool. tend^ra Attorney (Jeneral Fran­ potatoes win stand a temperature Pledging services in connection would be Mrs. Franklin D. Roose­ service? <4 . t»'ill ^ youths be taken out o( K'^illlvnedl1 loads at wood purporting Mra Clarence Foley of Lake Hans C. Ademson and Private left to take the family riding and house and as aeon as the wife gets improper registration. Sermon—"Transmitters of the 9, 10 and 11 a.m. a greater meaaure of wisdom, ra- I no happy marriage where there is armed ''services? cis A. 'Pallotti, Ueut Governor o f 3H for a short period, and 3 with the Every-Member Canvass velt. Their surprise waa complete, A. Approximately 2,400,000 reg-’ *cl'°°' f^ the b^aatavettave beenb a full cord measure street, cousin of the bride, ss ma John F. Bartck, all of the United ha waa also plumb out o f oof- horns ws’ll give you flve pounds. Lanerl was arrested on Main B est” ...... Rev. W wd atralnt, and conaiderate‘ conduct ----- not loyalty between Uusband and tron of honor; Miw Ruth Frazier, fee. Let's have another drink.” elect Wlihapi L. Hadden, Oom- street yesterday afternoon by Of­ degrees for about flve hours wl£h- Recessional Hymn—“Jesus. I My S t Francis Pariah will be held Sunday, November 39 therefore, when the king appeared, tstered laat June 30 and another Ma.v " -Be -Deferred Until July sidsred by the customer and States Army who have been miss­ out freezing, but the best tem­ and Sunday, December 6. The than is called for In one's general wife. One might aay that love 1.800.000 who have reached 18 sister of the bridegroom ss brides Seeing that the discouraged one He did end when Mend wife got mlaaioner of State Police, Edward ficer Edmund F. Dwyer and on Cross Have Taken", No. 261 ' South Windsor Towa BaU cornea first, but there are times accompanied by MaJ. Gen. Carl A. Those in High school who ars b j d l e rehscklng ' the m ^ u r e at the ing sines Oct. 21 when the plane perature for keeping potatoes Is church office will be. open 7-9 p. life and contacts. Moat of the since then or will do so during the the eflioial found the meas- maid. Nelson Hsrlsn Richmond of had carefully put the bottle of home she chased the discouraged F. Hickey, Emnsett Cleary, mi­ inspection of the markers found Mozart Rev. Edward O. Rosenberger trouble In family life cornea from when duty and loyalty will -tide Spai.tz, commander In chief of the called during the last half of the In which they were flying was cheer away, and that a goodly por­ one out of the house, sane coffee nority leader of the T940 House of them Issued to Sebastian De Rosa from 35 to 40 degrees Ha usee a m. November 30 to Droembcr 4 U. S. Army Air Forces In the Eu­ next year will probably be regis­ school year may be deferred until Bbort. The short meaaure was Henry street will be best man for forced down In the Pacific, have Organ PosUude—"Eplthalane” the failure to take theae things In­ over a situation and give anchor­ Mr. Fraaler, and ushering will be tion remained, the Mend proceed- and to thla data not a drop of the Representatives,, Judge. 'Thomas of 1101 Main atreet. East Hart- hot water heating system to keep Georges Mac-Mastcr Masses at 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. for those who wish to make their age and safety when love is test­ ropean theater, and MaJ. Gen. Ira tered Jan. 1, 1944. next July 1 if they ask It to finish iaiought to the attention of the been rescued from the aea by a, his crop at the right temperature. pledges for the support of their to account. The whole condition of Q. Will they all be drafted? ’ and'In one Instance another Willard Fish at Newman street ed to lay It on good and thick. so gallons of gasoline has been Dodd, special prosecutor ~ of the fovd. 9:30 a. m.—Church School. family life makes much forbear­ ed and atrained. C. Baker, head of the U. S. Bomb­ out the year. Collegians in reserve Navy Catalina flying boat,” the "No gas 7 "Well I’ll boon flx put In the 50-gaIIon container In Mohlzan case. State Senatdr.^ Al­ church for 1948. er Command. A. No. Many of the June 30 unita will not be drafted, but will been delivered. In other and ESUott Fish of HarUord, Navy reported. In court today Judge Jacob 10:45 a. m.—Church Nursery Manchester Methodist Church ance necessary as well aa a large The other passage deals with no future delivery has cousins of the bildsgroom. that 1 know three men on the ra- tha garage. bert Coles of Bridgeport Judge Schwolsky of .Hartford, counsel for for pre-school children. A spoctal motion- picture film the old questions of quarrels about Puto Filers At Ease registrants have already reached remain subject to call to active North Main Street amount of cwiatrudtive kindliness. 20 and been inducted, many more m ^ e although promised by “ Captain Rickonbseker report­ Thomea Malloy of Hartford, and Lanerl, said that Lanerl waa em­ 6:00 p. m.—Youth Fellowship depicting the work of Home Mis­ Our lesson conust* mainly of financial advantage and inheri­ It was the monarch’s first visit duty at any time. Other collegians , Tbs bride who will be given In ed that Sergt. Alexander Kacs- Rev. Earl H. Furgeeoa, Mlaleter have volunteered for the Army, when the ehortage was marrlsge by her cousin. Burton others. ployed in the garage of his father Hi-League. sions In the Aufustank Synod will the story of Ja’cob and Esau. Ja­ tance. Brotherhood Is often tested to an American air field In this who are physically fit will be sub­ maresyk who was with them died Obituary be shown in connection with the Navy, Marines or Coast Guard or IlM H fht to their attention. R.' Keeney, wUl wear a gown of The dinner will start at 7 p. m. and'having .business in Manchester 6:30 p. m,— Senior Epworth Church school, 9:30 for all de­ cob in his dealing with hla brother where there is a sense of being country and he manifested lively ject to induction. several days ago and waa buried annual Prayer Day Service, Sun­ enrolled in reserve units, many kir. Paganl states that residents white moire taffeta, designed on took plktes from the car in his De“ K'*e. partments except the Intermediate was inordtoately ambitious and treated unfairly, or where one In Interest in both the planes and Q. What will be the effect upon St sea. About Town day, November 29, at 5:00 p. m. are physically unfit, and some will the colleges? "jr ts r in f wood should order same prlnosss lines, with fluted bodice Churches father's garage instead of .the 7:30 p. m.—Evening Service In and senior. For this Sunday only ■elfiah |o the point of meanneaa a family has profited to the dia- their crew-,. He quickly put the under the auqricea of the Mission­ be deferred on occupational or de­ A. This hasn’t received official the measure and not the load forming a high, sweetheart neck­ "Lieut Jamas C. Whitaker, usual plates issued to garages for the Chapel. Sermon; "An All- the Intermediate and Senior de­ and of crlmlnal deception. What advnitage of others. It is better fliers at their ease as he climbed points out that a cord of wood Lieut. John De Angells end Staff that purpose. Lanerl pleaded nolo American Team.” Gospel hymn ary Society. he dlA In our day, would be Indlct- to be brotherly'than to be resent­ In and out of bombers, asking pendency grounds. clarification yet. Representative I line, long fltted eleevee and court Pupils In the primary and an Two Million Funerals partments will convene at 9:15 Q. How many actually will en­ ta to US euMo feat and In the train. Her flnger-tlp veil of Bridal Sergt James Reynolds, all of the Church of the Nasaraao contendre. singing. ab)e^ in the courts of law. Esau ful. There is no other way of avoid­ questions and talking with the ID., Ala.) said the Army would other departments of the Second Stanley Polyinakl, of Mints and dismiss at 10:15. ing quarrels and disruption. Paul men about their experiences. ter the fighting forces? put selected men through college lire hs will Insist that dealers Illusion will be draped from United States Army who were al' 468 Main Street, Maaohester ' Mrs. Lonlae E. Bartoa The Week Morning worship, 10:45, with Secoad Congregational Church vVaa easy-going and alack. But so aboard the missing plane, have Congregational church school are Couat was given a 10-day' Jail Sen­ both brothers, aa we aaw In a few expresses the law of the Christian The king's trip took him to sev­ A. About 800,000 to 900,000 courses of nine to 27 months at lim s t deUver the .«full measure crown of fresh stsphanoUa and Rev. James A. Young, Pastor. requested to bring their contribu­ Youths Now The funeral-of Mrs. Louise E. Monday, 4:00 p. m.^Glrl Scouts. sermon by the pastor. North Mala and North Streets or face prosecution. been located by a Catalina flying tence for creating a breach of the 7:15 p. m.—Executive Board of leasona ago, turned out a great life and a good interpretation of eral stations of the Eighth Bomb­ physically fit men who have not gnvernmen- expense, making the her bridal bouquet will be of white tions to the seaalon of the school Barton was held this morning at Prelude, "Adagio. Patitico’l ...... Ferrfs E. Reyaelds, Mlalster/ volunteered are left over from the boat ashore on a small Island in Sunday: peace at his home. Polyinski had W. 8. C. S. 7:45 p. m.—W. 8. C. 8. deal better in later life. Jacob’s the Christian way In happy fim ily er COmn.and, and he rode from selections after these men hava roses end stsphanoUs. tomorrow morning. Instead of ;80 at the T. P. Holloran funeral ...... '...... Clement! life: "Love seeketh not her own.” June 30 registrations, and about the South Pacific. 9:30 a. m.. Church achoOl. John Facing Call been ordered to stay away from home, 175 Center street and at meetWg. Miss Anna French speak­ energetic ambition became tem- field to field in a Jeep driven by been inducted. The Navy has not Tbs matron at honor will wear fruits and vegetables, currency his home hut returned on Nov. 11 Offertory, "Andante” . . .Westbrook Everyman’s Class at 9:15. Men Sergt. Joseph Barktvlch of De­ 1.275.000 other physically fit revealed its plans. Nearly 50 small Aoooonta for A8 of PsraoiiiMi Cargo, auptrlntendsnt Claesse Sacred Heart church, Vernon, at 9 er. Subject: "A Day at the U- of the community invited. ' Armans Cain a moss green velvet bodies with win be brought this season. and was put out of the house by Anthem, "In Song Your Voices troit. teen-agers should register during colleges closed before the teen-sga "With the raacue o f Capt. W ll 'for all ages. (OoBtlwied Iran Paga One) clock. Rev. Vincent J. Hines brary.” Raise" ...... Schults Church School at *9:80. Miss taffeta akir. and will carry an arm 10:46 a. m., Morning worship. the police but later came hack and of the Covenant-League at the On his return to Buckingham 1943. Most of them are expected bill passed. Uam T. Cherry, United States celebrated the mass and conduct­ Tuesday, 9:00 a. m.—Hustlers Children’s Sermon, "The Lost Blaie Newcomb, director. 1 bouquet at yellow roses and bronas Evangellats George and Mrs. Gsil- John Fuller Hayes, son of Mr. caused a nuisance. parsonage. Allows Increase palace late in the day, the king to enlist or be drafted. Q. What effect will the teen-sga More Ground pompons. The bridesmaid will wear Army, this melees all the parson- gard to whether or not they are ed the committal services at St. will meet at the church. 3:45 p.m. Lamb" ...... John 10:l4 Nursery at 10:46.*^ Q. How far will they go to­ loway will preach and sing. and Mrs. Alfred Hayes of Henry Elmer Glllls of the National —Brownies. 7:00 p. m. — Boy Wednesday. November 25, at had tea with Queen Elizabethi and draft have on married men? a gold velvet bodice end taf­ nsl of the Rickenbacker party ac­ now in college or whether they Bernard's cemetery In Rockville. Postlude, "Postiude” ...... Silas Morning worship at 10:45 Ser- ward satisfying the foreseeable A. It will lessen * • e’ • ' 6:30 p. m., N. T. P. 8. (Juniora). street, who recently anUsted In the Home for Veterans, Bath, Me., The bearers were Victor La- Scouts. Mlzpah Group will meet at 7:30 p. m.. we will meet for a 111 Use of Zinc Mrs. Roosevelt, who had Just com­ feta skirt sad arm bouquet of counted for.” U. 8. Navy, left Thursday for the could otherwise afford to go to col­ currently employed for 80 days by The Youth Fellowship will mon by the miniater on the aub- pleted a whirlwind tour of Eng­ requirements of the mHitary serv­ them drafted to the extent to The rescue at Cherry was an­ Mlaa Francee B. Dorman, super­ lege.” Chappelle, Clarence LaChappelle, the church. Thanksgiving service. la Stalingrad Qussa Mary losas and broaae visor. Newport Naval Training atatlon. the Burr Nurseries, waa given meet at 6:30 for a period at recrea­ Ject; -Working With the Grain.^ Saturday, November 28. s Sacred land, Scqtland and Ireland. ices ? which teen-agei8 daO -'J pompons. Both attsadsata will nounced yesterday. The War De­ In signing the bill only a day William Moore, Jr., William Bar­ Wednesday, 10:00 a. m.—Red tion and refreshments. New mem­ Music by th*^ cbdir with Mra. Elaie Should Furnish Nearly Half 6:30 p. m., N. T. P. 8. (Senior). After two years In the machine suspended ' Judgment on payment Crosa Sewing. 7:30 p. m.—Mid- Concert will be given at the church Washington, Nov. 14.— In meet Army calls. This could mean wear JuUst oapa with lUualoa veils partment said that, although after final congressional action on ton, Jr., Irving Barton and Robert bers will be inducted. Gustafson and Alfred Lange, solo­ A, They shoidd furnish more interruption or postponement ot (OMitHMd’^ M rago OM) Miss Marion B. Janes, president shop of tho local Trade school, he of court coats for drunkeness. Oil- Week Bible Hour. sponsored by the Covenant-League. creased use In zinc by liewspa Tewher Kills Mad Dog to match thslr gowaa. weakened .by about three weeks entered the employ of the Hamil­ a measure stripped of all restric­ Ils. a World War I veteran, was Baj^n. TIm Week ists. than 2.000,000 of the 4,500,000 the calling of married men for two 7:30 p. m.) Evangelistic services. tions aa to length o f training be­ Saturday, 6:45 p. m.—Choir re' Tickets are for sale. This concert pers, photo-engravers and others I war material and staff docu* exposure to sun and sea he waa found helpless late yesterday af Monday; Meeting of the Booster Prelude— Vision ...... Rhfinberger Columbus, Ind. -(>P)—Miss Hazel men needed by the end of next months or more, or greatly eaoa Tbs mother o f the bride will The closing meeting with the ton Standard Propeller company, fore combat duty, the premdent hearsal. ^ begins at 8 o'clock. ^ using zinc plates in printing has ”ln good condition.” .liwt Hartford, where he has been temoon on Birch street and waa club. AU our members and friends Anthem— Fodres, a teacher at Garfield year to give the United States calls upon them for that period wear purple velvet and the bride* Evangelists George and Mra. Gal­ said the time had now coma "when i ~ * been authorized by the War Pro­ ______Russian dispatches said Cherry waa the pilot of the loway. .o r the past two years. arrested by Sergeant Michael Ftts- of the church are Invited to attend Rejoice with Jerusalem, school, was about to dismiss her an army of 7,500,000, a Navy of and lighten such calls Indefinitely. m o m ’s mother, maroon velvet, the successful proeecution of the Triplets Are Bom Center Cliurch duction Board for the three ?ttat Intense eold had settled over tkith mothSTB will wear oor- plane, which wae carrying Rick­ The Week gerald. the open meeting beginning at ^OiStertory—Invocation ..Guilmant months )>eginning Nov. 15. first-grade class when she caught 2.. 500.000. and a Marine and Coast Generally speaking, it will prac­ long front and that the Oer> enbacker to the war aone for a Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.. month­ war requires that we call to the Thomas Morrison of 197 Oak Rear. -Watsoa Woodruff, Pester 8:45. Mra Luther Fowls, wife of Postlude— sight of a dog, evidently mad. Or­ Guard .strength of 700,000. mak­ tically assure married men wltl asgaa at yellow pompons, and will First Alders of .Precinct 1 are colors the men o f 18 and 19." Relief Seen The order permits use of 76 per drives were on a much re- aaalat la reetlvlng at a reception survey of Air Force operations «br ly meeting of the Women's Mla- street was fined $10 and costs for To Bristol Couple the business manager of the Allegro Pomposo ...... Smart cent of the amount required in the dering the children to remain in ing our total fighting force.s 10,- children that they will not Secretary of War SUmson. requested to meet at the Lincoln 9:30 — Church School, with Young People's Mu Sigma Chi I. for 125 guests In the church par- siunary aodaty^ Mra. Ada Bogart, school Monday evening at eight Intoxication. Morrison, on proba­ American Board of Mission* at corresponding period a year ago their seats, Miss Fodres ran to the 700.000. called before Oct. 1, 1943, at the . D afoar laflieted The famous World war flier's president tion for a previous offense from the classes for aU ages. Istanbul and for more than, thirty Society at 6:00. Miss Elsie New­ nearby home of a friend, return­ Q, When will they start draft­ earliest. lore following the ceremony. The o’clock, and should bring their 10:45—Nursery, In charge of Given Reds A reduction to 50 per cent of last Earner a ft s s dispatch broad* party had been last beard from local court, was arrested on com Bristol, Nov. 14—(dV-Girl trip­ years resident In Turkey, will comb will speak on her experi­ ed with a ivhotgun, killed the dog ing 18 and 19-year-olds who al­ decorations hers will be ysUow end bandages. North Africa Mre. Ronald Wadsworth, In ses­ year's heeda will become effective ■ E hjr the Moscow radio said rose pompons Oot 21 when a radio message plaint of his wife on Nov. 4 at 4:40 lets were bom last night In the speak on conditions in 'Turkey. ences in Vacation Church School and went back into the classroom. ready are registered? State To Stata came through saying ths plane The Sulvstlon Afmy sion during the morning eervlce, again after February 15, the hat *la latga populated place” The brlde'e gift to the bride­ p. m. on Oak street by Officer Jo­ Hartford hospital to Mr. and M rs This is a rare opportunity to hear work among* the churches of WPB said, "You may go,” she told the pupils. A.* That depends upon what had only about one hour’s supply 661 Main Stieet Jamaa V. Farrand of 48 North 10:50—Morning service, with Smuts Sees Possibility at Stalingrad was groom was a military set,, end the Major Newman J. Curtis To Get Food, seph Sterling. A previous SO day Edson K. Becker of thla city—th e' the first hand observations of one 'southern Ohio. The increase, the WPB explain­ advance preparations local draft Port Cheater, N. Y.—Bowlera a t nod by one Russian unit and of gasoline. street who entered the Hartford Jail sentence and three monthe' second set to be bom to a Bristol eermon by the acting pastor. Rev. Sunday Evening Vesper service The city of Ladysmith in South boards have made to meet calls a Port Chester establishment roll bridegroom’s gift to the bride was Sunday, 9:30 a. m.—Sunday hospital Wednesday to undergo an Paul Ross Lynn on "Deeds and intimately acquainted vith the key Now of Ending War ed, waa authoiized to allow newa- a “hsavy defeat” had been a sterling silver dreeser set. The In ths long days o f uncertainty probation drdered by the court pre­ couple in the past two years. country of the Middle Eaat at 7:30. Talk by Dr. Reynolds papers and other zinc plate users Africa was named in honor of the with older men and how quickly the ball from New York to Con­ School and Bible Class. operation la getting along nicely. Doctrines.’^ itod on the Oermans. The bride gave to her matron of honor which followed that message, 11:00 a. m.—Morning Worship. If Possible viously was revoked by Judge Hospital attendants said the Tuesday, 8;00: Meeting of the on the suoject: "A Dramatic Para­ In 1944. additional time to adjust their wife of Sir Harry Smith, governor the boards classify teen-agers as necticut. The atate line cuta tha American ships and planes swept 9:00—The CYP au b. Ians took the community and and bridesmaid, gold friendship Strangers and all servtce man are Bpwers.when Morrison stated that mother and babies, which weighed Twix-n-'Tween study group at the ble." needs. of Cape Colony, 1847-1852. ready for service. Selective Serv­ alleys in two. It against Oermaa oounter- pins, end the bridegroom gave to over hundreds end hundreds of cordially welcome. Group No. 8 o f the Memorial he had moved to Hartford. total of nine pounds, were doing paraonaga The Week square miles of tbs South Pacific (Ooatlaoed from Page Oae) Arnold Long, charged with fall­ London, Nov. 14. ■— (/P) — The his best man and ushers, leather 2:00 p. m.—Quartet will visit Hospital Auxiliary, Mrs. D. M. well, but that owing to their size, Monday, 6:30—Group F will Tuesday night: Christmas sale Monday at 7:00,Jtoy Scouv.4. smashing Allied cleanup in North looking for the little rubber boats Caldwell, leader, will meet Mon­ ing to stop at a stop sign, failed to )wve a Pot Luck Supper. Mrs. letter wallets. the hospital. "if it Is humanly within our pow­ the triplets would be kept In an and supper spohsored by the Tuesday at 7:00, Girl Scouts. Africa already haa brought need­ The bride was graduated from or other evidences " to attend. place since the beginning of the OlsM-Hud ler near Atlanta, Os., althoi^h supply lines from Japan. F. Dwyer. Relaxation, and Sociability! followed^ by breakfast. Chareh _ ’ m thsMedlterranean, this to be present Supper In the Robbins Room. Im­ double-barrelled British and Amer­ . Mias Ruth Harnon Hus, daugh­ some others among the passengers Specifically, the predictions said portant buslnees. Mrs. John V. 9:30 a! m.—Church school. Rev. Thomas Stnet, Miniater. obviously Italy was The Manchester Green Parent- ican offensive In North Africa. for oven heavier potmdings ter of Mr. end Mrs. Harold A. and crew at that time were killed. tha North African c

■ V-r. .ft■'.X-asJSvl; ■ANtaiBamB* e v e n i n g h e r a l d ; MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14,194S PAGE MANtJHBSTTO ZTVTNflNO UBHALDt CONN. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 4 ,194S

Giraud, Soldier ofXT'', France fews of Vets and Their Auxiliaries 'Army Hiring Women ■ \ liif HIES MUST BE riT n

■MmJe. W«D, JtKlfins fron th« As Plane Inspectors attwidaiiM in Um past few weeka, Dilworth- voni TO Bar ww tbe wm the morale in Mnncheeter ia pret­ ty hich—ao let’a keep tboae bnUa Only 12 Now on Job Idle Tins art needed to kaep AaMrlctofoUIag. W ocim flyinf. And alao let'a have Juat ‘ Cornell Woods Back a little more help from members. But More to Be~Given araac get to their |obs. Farm prodocte ao K ba dtUvafad to By the way, dues are duo, and Training Necessary for auritec. Knentiil aarvicea moat go on. So Uade Saaa h u U-bert you will pay. As Producer taken atapa to boy every idle tira for a national atodt pUa Out For Oarattoaf Positions. to keep every po^bla car ia aervica until ayndiatic fubbar From all slfua, two more things 0 are in the bag for the duratipn. Veteran and Colorful prodoedon ia able to taka over the load. I One ia tea, aM the other that guy Scout ExecutiveNo. i n By SIgrid Ai m i from School street. Showman Rehearsing Wichita, Kan., Nov. 14—(g>)— Tha parpoae of the Idte lire Purchaae Plan la net to idto Mons-Yprcs Post I So, as Phil Baker puts it, bye- Auxiliary Guest All-Girl Melodrama. She was blond and 20 and digni­ cars og the road, but to help keep cars on dot toad lo t : bye and buy bonds—and don't i^TbAPPCP F r IN l9 4 o ! fied. We met in the office of the easeotial naas. Whan yon naan other tiraa, tha Cnvarnmanl I forget the club sells stamps. Cessna Aircraft plant here at the B. W. V. , "Smudge" The next regular meeting of the By -Mark Barron end of her first toy in a new Job. will do everything poMible to a u that yon are supplied. American Legion Auxiliary will New York, Nov. 14—(P)—^Since Her name was Edith GrabiU, and be held Monday evening, Nov. until she came to Wichita she had Members Enjoy the success of Clare Boothe's com­ clerked in a Newton; Kan., ten Anderson- 16th, at the Legion Home on iJsampitoM edy hit, "The Women," In 1936 cent store. Party at Bakers’ Leonard street Mrs. Greeley, fORTRESS with Its all-female cast Broadway But today she had become an FACTS ABOUT THE IDLE TIRE PROmiMI. Shea Itinerate Director of the National PRISON AT producers are convinced that they airplane inspector:\A civilian em­ Girl Scout committee will be our do hot need a handsome leading ployee Of the Army Air Force. guest. Following the meeting NOSNIGSTfilN plan In every play to make It a There apq^ only 12 women in the Under the hSe Ibe V. Another Armistice' Day has Auxiliary refreshments will be served by ■YCUMRiNG country -with such a Job, and the WHAT I t AN lOU TIRE T ^aassed and this year the day was hit. So a new play haa Just start­ Mrs. Brosnah and her committee. DOWN 57 FEET ed rehearsals with a cast of ten whole dozen work right here in Pufchaae Plan, the ewnarthip ef pateanflar ear Urea observed In a very quiet way. It was planned to hold the draw­ OFBOPeTD* Wichita. wM to IbnHad la Ova tires par pnesansar car owned and .With our country now at war, No. 20M V. R w: girla who are in the aub-debutanle ing for the turkey raffle at thia MCATKIOWL clasa of ages from 16 to 22. No She said slowly, "They let me )• ana tire far each rvnnins wtoal af each paaaangar ' and with so many in defense work, meeting, but diie to the lateness committee decided to observe men are In the cast. * inspect three radios today. It's car tragar or alhar wah equipment awnad. day paa- in getting the tjfckets out, the raf­ a terrific thing to know that a the holiday more as a memoriaL Capt., Mrs. Arend Bqt, this new melodrama, ''This fle will have to be postponed tmtil LlttleH lm d," which was written man's life may hang on what you taogar m r Nto It aacaaB a f dwaa RmA k m ISa Tto. On Sunday morning ex-service next week. If you have a book Baglnnh n Mavamhar 22, It wM to Hiatal la u u ta se * units with their Auxiliaries at­ by. W llfraiK ^ tltt. a Hollywood do. But I took it slowly. I Guests at Banquet of tickets wron't you make returns GENERAi: acenarist, ia im p la n t before It passed all three radios as per­ lina ar permit geselina ta to utad In tto apainWan af tended divine service in the North this Monday if possible. The Methodist church where a fine opepa because it nrliies back to fect." any pnsaantar cor If tto awnar af tha car awna ana ar more of these books sold, the less HENRI Broadway as a top producer a SiU and Hldea 8hl\-en K soimon was preached by the Rev. Another Armistice Day has mara Idia Tims. Puitliarmara, It wiH to Waflad far any passed. Several of our members calls will be made on the members man named Al Woods. Henaa,^a.s Then she had sat and hid her ,'Xarl H. Furgeson. The service during the year. In the past, the GlRAUa parson aw nbit • potsantor cor, ta u u or permit nas well attended. with President Fortin attended the all Broadway managers agr( shivers aa the eenipr Army Inspec- memorial services at the North turkey raffle and the Christmas FORMING RGf(TING> been miaatng too long from the a man, went over her work lino la to uaad in Rt oparotian K any paraan In hla ar Small Parade sale have taken care of most of On Wednesday the annual pa­ Methodist church last Sunday. The r«NCH ARMY IN theatrical street here where he to sto.4.f she had done her Job. her hautahoM who is ralolsd by b la ^ merrlata or Auxiliary wishes at thia time to our calls. presented so many hit plays while She had. rade was held as usual with the A very enjoyable all day sewing NORTH AFRICA-. adaption, awns ana or mara Idia Tiros. tmiU assembling at the Army and thank Rev. arl Furgeson for the be has been basking in the sun­ The next Alay/ and for many invitation to attend. We did not meeting was held Friday at the shine of California for the past days to come, sto-^would do the Navy club at 9:30 a. m. At 10 home of Mrs. Weden on Brook- a. m. the units formed on Main have as many members in the line several years. same thing. Each day sto would of march on Armistice Day due to fleld street. Return in Otaracter handle more radios. FHnally^e'd l i n e t the parade started for the Good Atteodanoe Memorial hospital where the exer- so many of our ladles working in Woods' return to Broadway was ba on her own. defense plants. Our colors were There was a good representation itNQAGED in character. He is opening with Maybe In three months the daes took place. of members at the Armistice HITLER SELLIOUR BL£ TIIES U) PsHsager ctotiraaintandadfcrniaon______presented at both services. the melodrama, and announced Army will assign her to come •1 Past Commander Frank Bray church services Sunday, Nov. 8th, OFTERS tentMcare.ytt^^^baMs,cera Ucensad for hira, a i^ are ems master of ceremonies and as The comrades of Anderson Shea Immediately he will follow, that other part of a plane. She’ll go arnpa from Idle ‘rira Purebato PUa ragnUtfatoa. TSir t Post were guests of the Auxiliary at the North Methodist church. with the production of a farce through the same routine, until tmm$ dr m t apphk Aeireiw, g Ita amor w reef tim a k u usual carried out his duties welL A few members turned, out for the The Rev. W. Ralph Ward of the at the annual Armistice evening FOaHIS (probably bedroom) called “The she’s letter perfect on some other privaO patungir oar m d mm gfmMmt tarn maafkm. South Methodist church was the supper which was very tasty. parade, but it must be we are ad­ RfiCMPruQE Key to Vlvy’e Room.” part. uciucipal speaker and gave a very Chairman Helen Gustafson pre­ mitting getUng old. Each year The production of these two That girl, on that Job, ts (f) I s Hanger car tires Intended far nee p i cert earned aa leased nspiruig talk. He was assisted by pared the main course and was fewer members turn out for pa­ types of plays is in character for another sign of the manpower to fadtiel.State, local end foreign gnVerntoenti elw ere eaaato' other clergy of the town. A large highly cocipUmented on it. Other rades. Woods because since 1902 when he shortage. memlters donated home-made ap­ The November quota of surgi­ started by presenting a startling (c) PeMengar car tires la lbs haads of dselars (iadedles cm etowd was at the hospital to wit- The Army Air Force has Its deelerr), iobben or manafacniren, booght or mado fer eaUu lasiw the exercises among whom ple pie. Our honor guests were our cal dressings has been received, melodrama, be has nearly always procurement headquarters here and is the same as the previous produced either melodramas or are excapi if they have beta reponed to ito GovataoMai an Hrere Gold Star mothers of this Gold Star Mother' Mary Irish, Hard-fighting, resourceful Gen. Henri Giraud has two passions—love of France and hatred of Ger­ for 13 states. There's a large, but officiel iaveMoiy foooe. «ud the first World War. Wo wish Capt. Arthur Arend of the 79th quota. In consideration of the many. Capture in World War I and this war, he escaped both times; today tees in the U. S. occupa­ bedroom farces and haa made sev­ unannounced, number of plane A. A. unit which la located at the holidays this month, Mrs. Brosnan eral fortunes on these. to thank the members of our Post tion of Vichy-North Africa a new opportunity to strike at the hated Nazis. To this end he is or­ plants under them. They must MSPOStM OF M E TRES-Uaablo Idlo Tiroa and Idle T in s who ware able to attend the pa­ Armory here. Mrs. Arend and Ma­ has announced that dressings will ganizing a French African army to fight side by side with the allies. Respected personally and as a In the more gruesome field he place many inspectors in each rade and exercises. jor Curtis of the Salvation Army. be made next Thursday at the Le­ military leader, the colorful general is expected to rally. a large Fighting French foffce. NEA did “The Crooked Path," “The plant. Thoae Inspectors must go that can to madt iisabia by rapsira can to dispoaad of only Captain Arend and Major Curtis gion Home, at the same time, 10 Great Ehepress Robbery," and TO UNCLE SAM-NOW! Party Ikijoyed artitil George Scarbo -sketches some of Giraud's outstanding exploits. over every part of every plane, to tha Goveraaaaat ia aooonlaaca with tha initrnctiona Mons-Tpres e n jo ^ their Armis- were guest speakers and were a. m. to 4:30 p. m., in addition to many others, and on the lighter piece by piece, to see they're per­ nvaa abatriiara on this page, day afitor d i ^ t tUiam a f aaci very interesting in their talks. the regular day of Wednesday. If more romantic side he produced tleo sveoiag at the home of com­ fect before the Army buya the Trfer at tUagalomd tahjaat la taaara fa matHm, Idia H r«shal rade Fred Baker. The boys bad a A beautiful basket of flowers you can come, do ao. TTiere are such hits as ‘His Bridal Night,” plane: And before the test pilot good time singing war songs and was furnished by Anderson the 30,000 of the 2x2 dressings to and "Up in Mabel's Room.” It was are beyond repair ahmdd be sold to scrap daalars. Elephant Hunt formula that couldn't fall. takes it up for the first run. The iswapping yarns. During the eve­ Florist and was taken to Comrade make, to complete the last quota. Acting in Hollywood fact is, each plane is combed down ning refreshments consisting of Arthur Bartley who has been con­ Another Armistice was called on Has Produced in Cj'cles nOCN M i lOS nC t-T I«-C onip iibion does net apply But, Woods has always been a twice: Once by a company inspec­ . soast beef sandwiches were serv- fined to Newington hospital for Nov. 11 the signal to cease firing Still on Today tor, and finally by an Army in­ to btu-typa and tnick-typo tiraa and mboa, nor to paaaangair fid, the boys also bad a little tea. three years. Beat wishes of the being given on that date at 7 a.m. producer who conducted his the­ Auxiliary went with the basket to atrical business in a series of cy­ spector. car w b ^ but dm Govarnmant will boy all tbataraedhiM Our oongratulatlona to Mrs. Al­ (2 a.m., e.w.t.) in Morocco and Business, Not Dream Had Hired Oidy Men bert Lindsay, wife of our com- "Bart." Algeria. Many months will have to ------Governor of Indiana cles. He abandoned his success­ raander, who on Tuesday last was Cooaty CoobtII pass before the final order to cease ful bedroom farces for a number The Air Force officers decided POMLIRS—Sevtre pcnaldaa ara provided for tha SUgal ,BHdalled as worthy mistress of the The County Council dinner will firing will be given, and this war Youngster. Coming Joins Hunt; Farmer of Potash and Perlmutter and have kept a Ust of men and wo­ nw of gasoline on and aftar Novambar 22, nr far toakiag Daughters of Ub^y, L. O. U L be held at our Post Rooms on Sat., will come to an end. Before that similar dialect comedies. Then he men capable of bolding such Jobe. EFFECTIVE m 2^ IT WILL BE ialsn atatetnanta about tiro ownarsh^. da dtolf an any dropped those to., produce tocb But up until this summer they'd 'Sappy term. Mistress Lindsay. Dec. 5 and will be catered by time, we will bie called on to .make prepared Will Find And watch out for publicity! In Grave Condition. faatfiito mtdar Aa Idia Tira Pmrebsta P i^ fmtt dalaib ndff • Damd L. iottle, son of Comrade Osano. President and Comrade more and greater , which Fought lUnese for Teere serious dramas aa ‘The Green hired only men. Then the list gave off ominous signs. There were ha fammd de OPA Mdaaga KatiW ag RaguUtdam. •nd Mrs. CecU KitUe of 82 Spruce Fortin are on the committee for I hope we will do with a smile. That Gnderella Stories Edna May Oliver’s death was in Huntington, Ind., Nov. 14—(P)— Hat,” "The Trial of Mary Du­ Street has enlisted in Uncle the dinner. If you plan to attend, After all. our sons, brothers, hus­ gan," and “A Farewell to Arms.” very few men: Plenty of women. please make your reservations Are Totally False. a sense a release. She bad fought The merry chase after Modoc, the The Air Forree offleere decided Pam's navy. He left Thursday bands and fathers, are making the illness for years, valiantly, uncom­ But, whatever the nature of : far Newport, R. I., for training. early. A very pleasant evening is greatest sacrifice of all, and the two-ton female elephant who re­ these new playe he la rqheareing to Uke the leap: Hire vvomen in­ planned and fpr more information' plainingly. She deserved a rest spectors. They combed the four ' sons of our members arm now giving up of Nylon stockings, cof­ By Kate Holliday She was exactly what she looked: fuses to act like a lady, was still for Broadway, the cheering thing well represented in the United get in touch with President Jane fee. meat, etc., ia a very small part Hollywood, Nov. 13— —Every _ that Al Woods Is' back on the Hugh plane planter in Wichita and RUB THESE fMPORTAHT INSTMCTIOHS Fortin or Commander Frank A great lady, an aristocrat who on today after more than 60 hours Ptates forces. Good luck to them for us to pay. We will all be bet­ year, hundreds of young girls (and could proudly trace her ancestry Broadway that he helped so much pulled out 12 women who had done Drake who have tickets for it. of weary busb-lbeatlng by circus to make a colorful legend. With top notch work. The Govaranwnt’s Idle Tira Purchaae Plan eaqairaa dtoa an. I would like to get some ter for this sacrifice, as we have boys) come to thU town to try for to John Quincy Atoms, a wo- The dart league held a meeting come to lose all sense of propor­ roustabouts, police, farmers and hit shows earning him a fortune The inspectors’ Jobs pay 31.440 ILLEGAL TO USE BASOUNE IN THE yon do two diiags if yon with to non gtoolina to epeme news of Jimmy Hamilton who re- man whose unpubllcized kindnesses fisntly Joined the Engineers. last Saturday evening and elected tion in our way of living.- screen career. Moat of them are remembered by the few others. Including the governor of he stUl would walk around the to $1,8^ a year. More for over yonr paaaangar car. Once again I must remind you Arthur Gardner - as president, Another boy. the son of a mem­ rather attractive kids. They feel who knew of them. Indiana. corner to lunch on a aandwich in tipir. For some of the women c f our bingo games which are Marion Durkee, secretary, and Bill ber of our Unit baa been added to they have a chance for screen suc­ She was old New England to the The elusive elephant, who broke a delicateasen. He ia a good-friend selected that meant higher wages. PU T . Yon m itt dispora of d l l . I d l o T ^ . Ifth a ld b lk a a Fortin, treasurer. Rules have been at George Bernard Shaw's and For some it meant less money. held in the Orange hall on Mon­ our list, as Joseph McEvitt leaves cess. core. Even her house out here from her handlers Wednesday at ara nsabla or can to mads nasble by rtpairs, tbay MUST day evenings. Come to these drawn up and will be po.sted. Six this week for service. Each week However, few of these young­ was Cape Cod. Her courage was Wabash, and took to the Wabash calls him "Buddy” and probabljr Is But for all of them it was a chance games ancf enjoy a real evening teams of five each have been form­ more leave, but we will not forget sters have either talent or expert- ilso that bred of the eastern sea- river tottomlanto after a brtef but the only man who could do that to give the beat they had to the b# S(rid to dieGovcromant. If they ara toyood rapaic, fhif ed and will be added dto. Play them. >oard. destructive^ tour through town, and not receive a Shavian rebuke war. And these are mldweetern ahonld to sold to tcrap daalars. Of entertainment and a chance to will begin tonight so if you are on ence. They come west unprepared.. win good prizes. There's a hearty Until Monday evening, so long. They stiil believe the old stories Destroyed Legend meandered over to Huntington Owen Davis once promised to women with pioneer background. team, be on hand early; ,if you O. C. yesterday where Gov. Henry F. write two plays a week for him They hopped at the ehaace. • Ia areas where gatoUae is already ratieaed. lidM Tires mm to welcome awaiting you. In the aren’t on a team come-on up and of discoveries of modern C?inderel- They say New Englanders are fiMantime, "keep smiling and buy las. not sentimental, that they are cold. Schricker Joined the hunt for a and did for a time. Including "Ber­ The Army ^ them through a d iijo fd of befece November 32. root for a- favorite team. Play tha. the Sewing Machine Glri” and stilt two weeks eomoo wHh OFEIIATION OF TOUR PASSENGER boada." Sorry lOr Glrte and Boye But Eklna May Oliver dcatroyed the short while but gave up to keep a starts at 8:80 sharp. Nellie, . the Beautiful Cloak • lo ereae where getoHoo totleolag becemn efleaive Ifoeeaibaa Jeems Hollywood feels sorry for these legend. She kept every letter that speaking engagement. the senior plant liMpeetora. Refreshments will be lerved af­ Model." , Then they went to work. 3 2 , Idle Tires u n it bn bMbfR fOR nDflf iwRgMR* ter the games each week, start­ Anderson- girla and toys Hollywood watchea was ever written her, for instance. Driven Out by Fires And It was only after a flood had Modoc held out most of the toy A fabulous producer is the 72-; There was some trouble at first. tiootstioobook. ing tonight, and the proceeids used them come, and knows that, for fcars-old Al Woods and Broadway Men plane makers hit a few ceil­ for the Xmas Variety bas­ Shea 99 per cent of them, the end will inundated the basement of her in a 60-acre woods near here, Santa Monica nouae aeveral years where Sheriff Marvin Idle pf m welcoming him back with his ings when the ladles refused to m o w . Yon mntt 61o a Goveemaent H ra lUeeed larab kets for all Buddies at Newington be personal tragedy. They will own favorite greeting—"Hello, pass their work. But the Army had Army &■ Navy become drive-in hoatesses, or s ^ ago, when the boxes of pspera were Huntington said "it's so dark the (Forma may bo obtainad at War Pries and Hatiaaing Baaed hospital. ' Pdst bobbing in four feet of water, that sweetheart." coached the women to take it Several names have been added behind the counters of shops and hoot owls hoot all toy long^BGiea Oficatb Peat OCcos and Garagaa.) she finally relinquiahad her collec­ •be finally was driven o u t ^ the easy; And to quietly explain how to our HonOr ROIl. Are there ahy hash houses. Somi; of them win to correct the defect. That turned No. 2046 V. F. W. kill themselves. Others will go to tion. % woods by a ring of tonfirea. the • In ataaa wbme gseotiaa la alroady i - . _ —, ------Club more? If so call 6110. And how She was always ill. But ahe the trick: The ladies knowing about Auxiliary member's sons wqpk on the streeta The town search was called Oft until toy- Roo«ievelt Urged GAR IF TOO OWN IDLE TIRES moat to eUwe ee earn to your War Price end RatieiBlnh would never admit it Instead, what to do about it. Now the birthdays? Has Florence Peter­ knows the routine, yet the town Ught toDadtohar 12. Earlier iabaaarhareetaiblafttrm alto romeloa when ahe died—on her 59 birthday, Kenneth Kindley, 35, fanner ladles are accepted. Sa Dro latpartlno Bleak which mom to sigaod by yoac Wee son received all of those? VFW Dart League continues to invite America to incidentally—•he was planning an­ To Act on India Being Routed by Army Price ead Radeelae Beard aad which ym mom hma In paar Quh Service Flag Dues are due. come and try Ita luck. from Mt. Etna who fell in the ele­ other radio show, w e in Holly­ phant’s path' yesterday and euf The Army la rototiag all to El EL Publicity la a wonderful thing. wood hope that .ahe haa found them. They hope to train all to tto Carries 19 Stars Begins Tonight But It la also dangerous. It can fered a fractured vertebra aa she peace. ■tumbled across him, was still in Boston, Nov. 14.-MF)—Preeident women mo that. In the end, thay build a person or a place up until Boost for 8ness Peters can pass on all the thousand and The D art‘ League will get un­ the truth la merely hearsay. It a critical condition at Huntington Roosevelt faced a CIO request to­ Armistice Day, the 24th, has Take notice, world: Each week day to use hla Influence to have one parts that go into a plane. gassed. While comparatively few Dilworth- der way tonight at 8 o'clock sharp- can—and doca^—cause the public County hospital Just one woman, so far, has to go into action. In Hollywood’s here, I am going to nominate Asserting he did not want to negotiations resumed between the veterans were in the line of We have all the "old timers" and new player whom I believe will been given the responsible Job of raarch, there ia ample proof that case the action la buying a theater kill the pachyderm, Terrell Jacobs, British government and repreeen- checking moving parts. She's slim, Nofar h hoA arant • wNV to Raflof OB t Cornell some new aspirants signed up on reach cinema succera. You may Its owner and trainer, maintained tativee of the Indian people con­ raany of them are occupied in the ticket, praising a personality, or ver have heard at these people. red-headed Henrietta E. Merrill, the teams. Be around early and getting on a train. “we can take her all right once cerning a national gavernment in Idle Tires purchased by the Government will be used 1 2 to OM or pomiH fsaoibo lo to an M.A. from Columbia university, asany branches of defense work But 1 believe you will. I believe the calms down a UtUe." JE SgtosfiP For that there is' no “pause that Post Join the crowd. Has Built Up PubUclty they Nxve the stuff which makes India. who tougbt English in WichiU Stow maWW wm rafreshes”—and the defense work­ . No. 102 Toura truly missed his first Hollywood, through the yeare, for greatness. The' resolution, adopted late yes­ schools until this year. mlatod by hloo4 awirrfafo or adeptfoa^ owaa ooo or omm ers from the clul^ are legion. Armistice church service and Ar- haa conaclously built up publicity Take notice, then, of Susan terday at the closing eeeslon of the ‘ She wonld rather teach, bat WfortoaJ Bervloe Flag mis'ice parade this year — and I about Itself. It has hallowed Its labor organisation's fifth annual she "had to do something haven't got a good alibi. I've just Petere. Costa Ricans to help keep cafs on the road for essential uses While on the subject of war, streets. Its people, Its product. It Because, when a talent scout conrantion, said of the Indisn'peor about tto war." It took eSoM Bot past but present, our club Place USO Rooms ^ot to take it on the chin. has forgotten, and made the pub­ picked her out of a Hollywood High pic/'the Atlantic charter must be Mcriflce. All Inst spring the takes pardonable pride in their Fine Slipper I lic forget, that It Is a huilness. achool graduating clasa, aha gave Drive Off Subs niOde a living reality for them.” tanght all day, caught some lo Legion Home The members of the post wish aervice flag with 19 stars. I would venture , to say that no herself three years in which to It added: Bleep In the eariy night hours IXAM PIES OP PRICES THE OOVERNMINT to thank our Auxiliary for the fine star has ever told the true .stoQr. make good. Because she knew “The CIO urges the president of and then went to nn aircraft Many more are anticipated in Armistice supper they put on last the very near future. Our- pride Commander Wilfred (Tlarke of how he or she attained'eta niom. what she wee up against Because, San Jose, Costa Rica, Nov. 14— the United States to exert his'in school from midnight until 7 W lU PAY POR YOUR IDLE TIMS Tuesday n i^ t. We are sorry The publicity men have spun • while under contract to Warners, (g>)—Costa Rican Coaat Guards fluence to secure the liberation of carries even farther in what We wishes to thank every member of more of dur post members were hot think is our first war baby, a son that hard-working committee that yarn, yes, but the star herself haa she worked mo-iing, noon, and were credited today with driving the Indian Congreas leaders now The Army officers a f Wichita present to enjoy it. not. Even Lana Turner, discov- night learning bow to act Be- off a German submarine which, an Imprisoned and the Immadlate re- report they are pleased with the R u a n m i C R m born to Lt. Clarence McCollum handled the banquet Wednesday Past Commander .Dave McCoI o s m n u M K B and Mrs.'McCollum. To mother, night. While the attendance fell 4red as you remember on a soda- cause, when ene shifted to MGM official announcement said, ap­ sumptioo of negotintlcma between way the women have measured lum. Captain of Company H, State fountain stool, has not told how end was finally given a break in proached the shore with the ap­ the British government and the up: They report turtber that Army to s6 0x0*0 fteodOxptk toed Death father and son and to grandpa, short of its mark there was a Guard, haa received many letters IVe Imtlhae^/xj" »/M" Capt. David McCollum we wish good crowd on hand and bad a she reached the top. For that .stobl Random Harvest" ahe was good parent intention of landing men to representatives of the Indian peo­ men In other divisions are watch­ from toys now in the U. S. Armed enough to' hold her own egainat ing the experiment. The officers ties Mxfu Ihn */tl" all happiness and Godspeed. And wonderful time. was only the beginning. She was forage for provisions or efigage In ple looking toward the estobUsh- |i6.yo 9470 91*5 Forces, who at one time or anoUier pretty, at course, but she had to Ronald Colman. Because the isn’t ■atotage. expect that half ' their Inspectors rdOalfi to that great cause for which Lt. * ApologlM beyonged to Company H. They ment of a national government In HERE is HOW TO SELL YOUR IDLE TIRES TO UHCLE SAM AT CEHJIM PRICES 749 4 *0 1.79 .McCollum ia fighting—there is In writing the story of the af­ learn a lot. And that educatioM Juat "pretty,” but haa intelligence The submarine was said to have India that will mobUlse the people soon will be women.'Maybe more. MOuM say that training in the State and breeding in her face. Because, 400x16 410 649 449 •on who some day will be mighty fair your correspondent forgot to Guard was a great help to them took aeveral years of hard, dili­ opened fire with deck guns when and reeouraes of that countiy for Keep yont 9 tost tine At _ mention that National Vlce-Com' gent, exhausting work. if MOM will spend some time on spotted close inland at an tyispeci- total war and total victory over KtOwsy P iy w Agsacy hss- In nisi situ beyond 42JZM 9.19 749 9.M proud of his dad. when they entered the service. her make-up and hair-styling, she for etch pssicngcr o r; Idle Tiles will be « Address es Sought mander Arthur J . Connell was Screen Oereer Not Easy fied point along the Atlantic coast; the Axis.” OM for etch raoniag beta desiraued to coUsci ns- press ''ptek-op" toost, tsto 4f0z16 9.99 409 439 Many have received their second will look even more attractive than Imported Haggis ^ sbie Idle Tucs (tt ee com so usable Idle Tices end tnbsn Speaking of our active aervice present and spoke. The former and third stripes in short time. A screen career Is not ’ ea.sy, but the^raft aheered off and aub- The convention re-elected Preel- wheel of Mssenger car PfiOsM N.I9 9.19 410 she does now. Because, with good margsd when the fire was return yea) sad ddi*« them toGov- to the Etilway Erarcss men, we have one othm* request state Commander gave an Inter­ Enlist In Guards Sure, 1 know you’ve heard that Ident Philip Murray to bis third ^ BsilersuidtiiBilarequi^ cost efitpein, if needed. (Type- 740x16 M.1S 11.40 749 esting talk and It was greatly ap' before. Hollywood 1s not holy, parts, she will be one of the finest ed from She shore. To Be Off Menu ' meat.-AU ocher tiiet, staoMne wsicfaoascs. In arses Agency office, utualiy tt cnl edees SM titown elicMm .Addresses of all affiliated mem­ Captain McCollum and his lieu­ performers on the screen in five term, ci^oee three additional vice where Railway Ezeicss hu ntuest tailrotd itedon. Ito 429/940017 7.49 410 409 bers are urgently request^, so predated by the local post and ^1 tenants will be pleaaqd to help any Producers axe men, not . gods. Twb members af the eubmartne presidents and offered unity on oew or tued, regardlcu onais pega) A U. E. IhsMocy to condition,^' tie Idle '^ -im "stro .cuocwiits Bzptcu esrai will give yon 429x10 4C0 499 840 vre may remember the boys away the members. young men who Have an ambition Stars are the result of long and crewi and a Coata Rican Coast the basis of equality to the AFU atstcstlsflwsylyE^ccu Agency a icccipt. Scrap nxes should check iw^ytoSM in Ml wA •t Christmas U.S.O. Room to get ahead In the Army after he arduous labor. Thofb are trutl^ Guagd*i»*>i were repoitod wound­ Chicago. Nov. 14.— to the state's oldest phllantbropie mcnc Dcfoie Nov. 2L d it^ y to scfsp detlets: of the U.S.O. rooms. Commander training right here at home. considering a screen career, heed Denver—UP)—Lieut. E. W.'^Btbp^ dent occurred. societies -Wilt hot have imported Bfidress Just leave it with Dave her, Buckle; field mess officer, to­ Oxlyi McCollum at the club. Clarke feela that the part set aside Tliere are some openings in these words: First, decide wheth­ OosU Rica; bordering Panama By Cup Favored haggis (Scottish puddding) at Its And quite , a number of dads for this purpose is room well used Company H of the State Guard er you think ^ u would photo­ day started taking^hc names of on tbe-north, eras the first Amer­ annual dinner this year. w e gdms eaaly toexed aw wk Vrtw hav« sons in the service are and plans now imder conaidera- now. U interested, esc Captain graph -or not- Be honest abo«t volunteers for K- P. duty at the ican nation to declare war on tto The reason ? Simply a patriotic tm o rd tr fii aA4 dto Offit* of Priea AMmklmlltm, Aa I e * eeede* cem axed by t o « ed and will be added to. - Play base Ihuratoy. Novi 26. Because pfoudly signing them up as active McCollum at the State Armory this. Don't .pull any punches. Seo Axis after the Japanese attack on Washington, Nov. 14.— tF)— gesture,' said Alexander G. Shen- ^Rtemutrmetmm Finance Cstosnsdiia m d A a M M ar The Follawing Members of tho Autoniotive'Division ing the winter months to keep the spy Monday night. ond, go to a dramatic school, get of tbs expected rush, only the first Pearl Harbor, acting even bafore Folks who drink Uwir coffee at nen. preittont of the group, minois gaadoelyeevmKxmoFto^ Pr S i raeiabers of the club. Have you 100 vehintearing at each mesa Dirae$arimiafarmimgAapmUkmiaA ApidlaTkaPmat dfifi, signed your boy up? men stationed in this area happy. You wlU find out what those old into ^ good little theater, learn tha United SUtca. rastaurants. hatels, boapltala and S ^ Afidrew society. He said 4am im Foorteea Brushes etripea mean when there la guard your ^ d e . Third, don’t come to h ^ wULbt accepted. Usuteaant similar institutions will to less that although the shipping apace of the Chomber of Commerce: Stag Baaqaet The Home Committee needs lota Stopher explained that K. P.'a that Next Wednesday evening, Nov. duty or work to do, especially on Hollywood to be seen. If you must, OoMsa Oratalas O c w likely to feel the effacts of the ra- needed to bring the haggis here of help in getting the grounds in cold nights. go to New York for your profes­ day could sat all they wanted of tlotting program for the first two -from Scotland .would be email. It NMf TMI AND 1UH PHCK Itth . ta the night of our annual shape for the winter months. Four- the Thanksgiving toy menu. Triple-X Stores v ^ ^ . Wl Main St. banqiiet While due tp'priori- There will be a poet meeting sional debut, but go with enough St. Louia—(F>—In filing a eon- months than thoee who drink at was decided it would he best ‘to The Bantly Oil Co. t 15$ Center St. Winter’s Auto Body 166 West Middle Tpk. MM tontoMtomdemam tom motoitoebltoal it brushes and enough Tueetoy.. night. ’Try and get money to last you for at least a demnatioo suit against sight pack- home, it appeared today. have the space avaUabla for war mw Ixton wto bo oald tor or I the aaeond ht^plngs m l^ t be med man them-, are betfig around. ' MontKoinery'Wsi:d A Co. -«24n$28 Main St. Norton Electric Hilliard St. Salvatore Vendrillo ' . • Maple St. rhat curtaQed, our enthuai- year! And, w^lle you're there, Birds PttoBfal; ShaOs BkoH agaa of absorbant cotton in Tto Ofllca of Price Administra­ cargoes. sought..' Got a lot. of time, com- ^ Bee-eL learn the anglra of show busineas. warahouac bora, V. 8. District At­ tion announced that during Dccam* The society, however, win have Depot Square G arare^- 241 No. BIsin St. I wont be the lesa rade? Campbeirs Service Station Nick’s Gulf Service Station 559 Bdaih St. Don’t think someone is going to Su i FiaaeiaoD— This would torney Marry C. Blanton charged her and January, thoae institutions haggis on its festive board at its 512 Wcst.Center St. Tbs admission. Upilted to ntem- Binge Tonight Argentine Bavey Diea 97th annuld dinner, but it wT» *"! C or. Main and Middle Tplu ' Mancheatcr Motor Sales ' henoraiy members, is grab you from the ‘.chorus and be the year for a plentiful nipply In Fddtral court that: Tha cotton win gst as much coffee as they P. J . Moriarty’a Statioa, 174 Weat Cwtar St. The second aaoniversary a( bingo make you a sUr. Beautsa it just tH eheeranto and quaU. ‘TtiU to a did nto octifonti to teats for tto got iniSaptamtor and October. an American achievement, prs- Cole Motors 91>93 Center St. Don Willis Garage r 18 Main St. j I'GaBar, and iraik ba refilatsred got underway Mat week and tndi- Rome (rram itallu Brand' wont happen. nared in a fcltcban to a lo o p jr, November Iflth. fM d Maaoa aU right” ffiyi M. ataiW^ to saHda * ^psii'tnff Ttoto WM BO cfiaaga In pravf- Gibson'B G srsfa 185 Main St. Goodyeer Service Store f 64»M ainSt. MoHarty^Brothers ' 1 cations point to a bigger and bet­ caata), Nov. 14.—(F>—Manuel B. Then, let Hollyweod come to IfiroM, local game autboHty, "S TJhltod Statss phamacopoata, but outiy announced plans for ration­ hotel ] 301-305 Ceater^ 807-815 Center S t Si You win gvt fuU vahM ter crowd each sm k. Lota eC tolp Malbraa. Argentine amheasador to The haggia, Shennen explained, Bill's Service Station 134 East Center St. paw buck! you. If you're g o ^ It will. When good one for the Urto.” iBut tho eras eontaminatad with vlabla ing ctofec to individuals, who are Gorman Motor Sales 2^.5 M ain S t. la needed, so why not algn up and Italy and fo n ^ envoy of hie gov-^ It does, forget all that , guff about toroM hand anaerobic microbrgan- allowed one pound each—1? over. Is a Scottirh pudding made from’ Ceek’a Service SUtiea 155 BaatMMdla Tpk. .ahert Uom ago,, this colunuK give a hand on'Saturday night T •portsmen aren't happy. The war 8chiabflAHi»tiitra S P n ^ e r R o n d Brnnner Salas Ceipsny SOOsUsadSt. drnmeht in’ Waahlngton. died here Cinderella.------Remember,------instead, baa brought a abortan Of isms. *n everyday street language 15 29 .certain cuts of sheep, herbs, and tm m ...... toot- years -of age—totweap Nor. I fiw 4 IM lfta t'a aU thia week. ,l8g D . iBwfdair ai^hu that tto msklac to atottas pto-|gua atolla. ____ and’Jga. S. Y^etablse. ^ •-dto aottes contained tinjr germa. ; V'~ A dun MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14,1942 M ANCHESna IVENINO RSBALD. IfAKCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14.1942 \’

of the Hltler-Ooering-Goebbels a new national chairman, of need­ The O PA has been checking B cult. They stink. M a W l t M U r lessly aacrlficlng much o f the gain and C cars in attendance st race Comment made at the polU last election trseks snd football games, and, ■ \ Washington in Wartime WIntpr DayHght Snvtag day. after investigation, has accused By Jack BUnnett Bmtt ls war will ba over some time Tha RepubUcmi party made va­ 102 persons Of making improper From the River Road ■aiO ST THB d when It Is over we shall Washington—Over at the \i/are Remedies there are and they _ PSINTWO OO.. m e rious steps forward before It took use of their gasoline rations. Of By SlilcolBi MoUan £ stlU bd free to ooihtinue our war Production Board and In A thou- | are numerous. Some o f them have It Btw«U lUMt its great Jump forward., at the theae 102, a total of 38 have sur­ Mr. Mollsn, retired editor of Ths Herald, preaervea his contact sand war plants, officials, labor- ' cut absenteeism in some plants by rendered their B snd C books time arrangement. Eastern, Ceh- TBOMAS polls. One of these etepe |Wae the with his former daily readars by writing a weekly letter for these management committees, person- , more than half. In one western O M «ntn l ^ father than f*ce the publicity In­ tret. Mountain and Coast, as s P o« b4«4' ■ Oetober“ b«rl, IU ll adoption. In the Important Chlcsr columna. In which he expreeeee hla own leisurely arrtved-st con­ nel directors and foremen are ! mining town, closing the bars on The story: Karl Fischer, In love ward, as if before he finished be permanent instltiiUon. I presume go raaolution by the National. volved In a formal hearing. victions concerning some major matters and hla observations battling against one o f produc-1 Sunday cut Monday absenteeism with Karen Stensgnrd, etonds intended to become serious. M lU b td UrbiT BT»nln» Exo«pt concerning some veiy minor ones, as seen from his home on the It depends largely on whether tlon's greatest headaches. Official- I more than 60 per cent, guard Impatiently, dreaming ot SlxtuBi»«nntnni^started tote B u s bad HofldsySi Bntlrad st Committee, o f the official declara­ Some of the others would have banka of the Nlsntie River. Look for his contribution each ly. It is referred to as "absentee- \ in many plants, there are va- bettor dnye to conoe. A t the ho­ ward, but a buriy ttooper sitting h s M s t Ottio* mt Usnohsstsr. been wise to take the same the duration means s couple ot SDB„ M SSCOBd Clus lU tI HsttST. tion which read Isolationism out , week-end. ism.” ' rious forms of personal interview. tel, meanwhile. Ruck Is recog­ on the porch lending crossed his years more, or five or ten more, WORN OUT HOSIERY!!! of bslng as the policy of the par­ course. Judging by the Calibre of Actually, It consists of taking tvorkers with sons or brothers in nised by KatJs, n Polish actress long, booted legs in front o f him, 8DBSC1UPTION RATES Please bring to your worn out hosiery the the stories they offered In their whether the people as a whole French leave," playing h ookey,; ih* service call on the absentees he met In Warsaw. WlU she be­ blocking the steps. Holloran’s Funeral Hoine Tsbf by Msil It’s s long way from ths RlverfStates army may lose s battle or Now Bicycles Dougan Makes next time yon come In for n bennty treatment. Sf MoBth DT Bsll ty. will want I t . continued. Five or going AWOL from s war Job— at one plant and give them a tray hlmT "Would you be so kind," said That trend was carried for­ own defense. Road to Caaablancs, Alglere even « campaign because some • • • ■ . ' W e are collecting silk, rayon and nylon for the sis Coiw veara. If the conflict ahould last for reasons other than illness o r : friendly talking-to. In another Sixtus, snd tepped the man’s Tssrsd Ons Tssr ...... ward by the progressive, non-iso- One woman, who admitted hav­ The Stolen Oun Government. Tunis; a still longer way to BU- that long— and I suspect It may— Injury. : plant, absentees without an ex- boots with his stick. The soldier Are Popular Home Repairs MEMBER UF latlonlsl platform upon which ing driven to three race tracks ' divisions hsvs not completed their Joe (W ar-W orker) Jones wakes cuse of illness are greeted with a Chapter X n i started to laugh, but then he real­ Make your appointment for n permanent THE ASSOCIATED PRESS with her B book gasoline, told Ungrad or the Caucasus. But It ought to suffice. It seems to me, up in the mornmg. It’s the kind of , varl-colored "A W O L time card” for the Holidays NOW 1^ Ths AssoelaUd Prsss is szelustss- Thomas E. Dewey conducted hie essential training by a matter of "1 don't know what to Jo,” she ised that the old man waa staring to have ao habituated the country a day when the fish are biting or | which Instructe them to report to ' SBtIUsd to tbs OSS or rapnbltcs- investigators she had obtained Isn't as far from this quiet nook ; five or six weeks. They will not cried suddenly. “T h ey...... they at him strangely. All Types of Repair JOB o f sU Bsws dtspstobss orsdl'sd successful campaign for the gov­ the ducks are flying. Or maybs Bill Green Is Expert in that ration book in the first place to an added hour of daylight in the personnel director for a con­ Hed to me.” “ W ell what’s w rong?" he asked. I It or BOt otbarwlse orsdltsd In ernorship In New York. to the center of the stage of the have completed the training be- it's just the morning after the ference. "Nothing. Nothing,” Sixtus Repairs of All Types Worif Performed by its PBPsr SBd also ths local nsws on a doctoc^s certificate tost she the early evening that moat folks night before. "To heck with It." And then s smile broke out on It was carried still forward by great war drama as it la from the ; cause, you see, there was an elec­ In several factories, absentees said slowly, "but your ancestors SbllShsd bersin. will have pretty much forgotten says Joe. " I got plenty of dough. hU lips. "N o !” Local Contractor. All liabts of republlcstlon of the statement of policy adopted was lame and had heart disease, crowing perches of most o f the tion early in this present month are "paid" for thb days they "Yea. Yes. They made me all were Slavs, were they not?” O f W heels. ^ SDSclal dlsostohas bsrsin srs also about their objections to It, If I been working hard. 1 need a day ! by the Republican mombers of A doctor, whose C Car was tag­ frantic erttiba o f our miUtary au- and a considerable number of missed In "H itler money,” with a kinds of promlMt, and didn’t keep The soldier flushed angrily nnd 99 East Center Street off.” He takes it. note from Der Fuehrer thanking scrambled up. “What do you Ever notice bow bicycle riding Due to toe fact that new mate- t o . the House of Representatives. ged at another racetrack, told in­ thoritiea_ who have been acream- United States aenstora, o f both any. a one o f them. They wanted me Full ssrstes ollsnt of K. B. A. them for their contribution to mean by th at?" he burst ou t rials for use In toe building and | vestigators that he had frequently Personally I think It’a pretty Multiply Joe by several thou- to work in a factory. They said Is increasing T More and more of srsles Inc. And It was carried forward, In ing for the United States to do political parties, conceived the HIS war effort What makes you say.... T" samd every day and It .means sp- I waa only a Pole, after all. hut these can be seen dally. Improve­ remodeling of new homes to so Publlsbsrs Rsprssentstlvas, Ths Connecticut, by Governor Ray­ gone to the races with-a patient something about "getting on with idea that there were votes to bo I grand to have that extra hour of they hadn’t talked that way when "High, receding forehead and gf I proximstely 6,000,000 man daya ments are added such as small limited, it to extremely Important Jnllns Mathsws Spscisl Agency— mond E. Baldwin’s bold proclama- of his who was a former racetrack the w ar"— something about open­ had through holding up the Indue- outdoor visibility s t the end Contests with bonuses in war I was home, and could atUI have fla t-to p i^ skull," Slxtua STORAGE Nsw York. Cbleago. Dstrolt snd ' lost a month. In the shipbuilding swered, repeating every ' word I cylinder motors which save leg tost you. ss a house owner, do ev­ JOHN L OLSON Boston. ______Ueer ball speech that be would them. Sven to the exteat ot me- Songs They Like. seen a certain director doing well and effective acale on localised ment high, and It pulsed with a In all your envisioning of de­ more about vitamins should send ths park, to tha beautiful Laxienkl memliered for efficient, skillful tremely busy in these days, hut he loves his Job. but what makes him had the coimtry not been on the never, never be like the old Kaiser cepting his laymaa caadMata thoee things which had to be done. for a copy "List Of Vltamlna." Qnrdena, with an officer beside Razor Blade Sales ambulance work. Coll during time will go out of hto way to sccom- OaiBian pincar a ^ ^ k s , tha Unit- new, more vigorous and happier Interesting to me la that he serv­ sirable artion that was being neg­ ot tor J n ^ of probate. Fits the DeecripMon eve o f an elaction. 1 and run away from Germany— Just addreas___ your request___ to Me- her. 'T know your trouble," he Leading off with "Hats OflT’ to of emergency— when time counts. modste you. A ll he asks to your ad Nations have now dona on outlook. ed in the last war and saw the Ferhapa it waa that there, as There Is probably no man whom lected, did It ever once, for a split I sometimes wonder what would troubling to explain that there I g^i^ce’to c ^ of ■aid. ‘T t Is a bad conscience. Do the Coast Guard next Monday cooperation in giving advance no­ Fe Have Been in the growth of camp entertainment thronghoot the state, there haa Johnson Bros. largar acala in ona whola vast the- W e can apply the same formu­ moment, enter your mind that an won't be a spot on earth where newspaper* encloslnf a large self- you want nM to tell you the night. Fred Waring will tufn over "Hoarding by consumers and tice on toe work which you want from volunteer amateur "produc happen to this nation if Ita army, developed a concept of Jasper truth? You will never plsy to the which is also safe and economi­ completed. Don’t .forget that' he Mumbing and Heat­ atra o f tha aiar. la, arhlch arorked so well with an American army, fully equipped he could find sanctuary and ao he | ***** **** tha pMUclaa aa well aa Jasper _ _ the selection of songs tor the five- over-stocking by dealers are cal. Electrical Contractan tlons” to the fulltime efforts of the iU navy, lU air forces and, very I In coin or stamps. State Theater in BerUn, and in equally unnecessary" saiys Mr. apecialtoes In concrete work, Tha great Garmaa threat of the entirs nation, to our individual immortal and still very-much- and supplied, could be transport­ might Just as well sU y at tha tetaUy hoaeat ^ u r heart you know it. Nobody I nighta-a-week hrotulcasta of radio’s Chambers Co. Let toe Chambers Trucking ing Businesa for Many noUbly, Its Marine corps, were Snwll, Regional Director for the should you desire any o f tost par­ 58.1 Main S tm t past year haa been the existence lives. alive Elsie Janis. ed to Morocco snd Algeria and Berchtesgaden till tha Allies oome Perhaps it was that the Demo- needs you. There are many moet popular ..-Ifi-mtoute show— Company take on your headache ticular work soon. U a l Manches­ animated in their various actlvl' Questions And Answers crate succeeded fairly well with Pal Blade Company, who is In Years. TaL 6227 • 7606 o f a German pincera operation di- T ^ r e is nothing so damaging Matter of fact, BUI, a native of take possession o f both tboss actrssaes with far more talenL Q^terfleldH^leasure Time—to our o f moving. Simply call them up ter 6105 today. snd get him. (Nervowneas) their educational campaign Manchester to direct the merchan­ Good Movers Winnipeg, was In the first Cana­ ties by precisely the same set of The Gerntans you loved so much ughting men to the armed forces, dising of hit company's product, and make the>: Appointment, and Rely on our experience and laeted toward the Near East One to the spirit snd morale of ths countries In three days, right un­ Questions: Ilda Q. wants to against having votes for Jasper then relax. When you desire it, dian division to go overseas, snd considerations that appear so Anyhow, both the Japs and the kava mads a fool of you. j From Monday night on. It will Pal Hollow Ground Razor Blades, arm o f thla pincers was the Oer- average Indivldusl as his surren­ der the nose of Hitler and his benefit the Republican cause. ser^ce for best results. Wa WiO Gladly Ghm T«i1 fought in the front lines for more Germans, sven after they have know: "W hy It is when a person Ths tsars started to her eyes. be Victory Tune Time on the full Mr. Small pointed out that despite your furniture will be transported 18 Plays Big Part In Life very often to detetsatoa the Pertiaps It was that Jasper, Local Truckers Take Es­ Bwa movement doam toarard and der to the feeling that he isn't go­ than a year— at Vlmy Ridge, A r­ world-arlde espionaga system? Is nervous. It seems to be so hard A pity wolke in him tor heHc^t-to-coast National Broadcast- toe ever-increasing demand for in record time and in record safety. courses o f members o f Congress. learned that they have been beat­ to find the cause? I have been contrary to the practice of other However, it Is advised that you do beyond Stalingrad, to the foot­ ing any place in particular. When ras. Ailhoe, Merricourt, Hill 70, Remember, please, that you are weakaeM and unhappiness, and tog chain, with one camp to the Pal Blades, toe company can take Chicago—(At—It was Friday en and are doomed, may be de­ bothered this Way tot several veara, did not campaign person­ pecial Care in Trans­ make that appointment aome time Paschaendale, Souebes and elec- think we itoght very well, to pain for those warm, dead^dSys Service featured to each broadcast care normal needs If consumers the 13th snd Buperatitious folks Johnson & LittI# hills o f the Caueasue. That arm an individual adopts the mood under oath, defense I years and although I have drifted ally through the state. Perhaps it before the actual job of moving is where. pended on to put up a when schoolmasters sat at their and with W aring and his 55 Penn­ and dealers don’t try to beat their porting Furniture. pondered toe omens for one of toe ISe Oantar Stiaat the Russians have reatralned, and that he la Just "waiting out” that case, turn to high heaven for was that tha campaign he did to take place. It was only natural that on the I doubt If there la a stogie one made Infinitely stubborn by des­ from one school of healing to an sylvanians playing the songs the neighbors by over-buying. six German-Ameriesns on trial for our reliance upon protection from other, have not received any real deliver on ths radio was, as we desks, and girls rode to the La- Phono 8S76 they arc beaettlng it from the something that is bigger than he boat going over he wquld help his men vote for as Uielr favorite. When asked how, with lese steel So don’t forget that for your treason In Federal court. Mrs. {Lu­ the civilian strategists who peration. I shouldn’t wonder U noted during the campaign, a Menkl Gardens. Moving soon? Wondering who aidaa o f Voronesh and at Btalin- is, you need expect little note­ buddies kUl time by doing bits of the Hun and the Jnp. Because we benefit.' The plan is to have each camp available for razor blades, it would own furniture's sake, don’t rely cille Froehling unamllingly said could make any answer to that atralned and unnatural thing, She mtttook kis silence, lifted to obtain for toe speedy and safe magic, and even when he went couldn’t depend on our fig h te rs - the mopping up part o f this war Answer: 'T t has been my exper­ vote for their favorite tunes— snd be possible for the blade com­ upon some undependable trucking ahe was born Nov. 13, 1910; ar­ grad adiile they still blunt its worthy from the remaining yean with the usual sure M cLevy touch her head slowl^, and began to over the top he carriel a haver­ question other than "N o." not very much. I turned out to be a matter of a ience that the cause of nervous -m tu with m'maw bitterness about as W aring says to hia announce­ panies to supply toe country’s nor­ transportation of your household company. See Chambers and be rived in toe United States on her leading edge down at the Cauca- of. that Individual's life. Nor will strangely missing. completely guaranteed of satlsfac< G IBSO PrS sack filled with props. " I f the good deal more time than that of ness are not hard to find, when the her mouth. *T could do It so este ment of toe new series "You okay mal needs, Mr. Small explained articles? The Austin A. Cham- 13to birthday, Nov. 13. 1923; and BILL'S TIRE ‘ Saw Only ths Obvious But when we get through with tloii. (Thambera also reminds you a directed verdict of acquittal was he find much happiness. He’ll be­ Germans would have caught me, necessary conalderstion is given to Uy,” slis said. "Only one word. ’em and P ll play ’em.’ that it takes as much steel to ■ hers Trucking Company to the an- msrely gaining and keeping the perhaps this and perhaps that, Already an entousiaatic response to be a ten-percenter. Buy W ar , G A R A G E The other arm of the great Ger­ come little more than a grumbler, they would have thought I waa s There are, of course, plenty of A Second for Kate both physical and psychological Tjhlaf'aan I would need. Oh, denied her on Nov. 13, 1942. More­ upper hand. There Isn’t going to there la one thing totally certain: has been receive- from toe camps. Bon^s and Stamps every pay day. over, 13 persons listened to toe a. H. Olbaon, Prop. traveling notiona counter,” BUI the fraternity who have demand­ factors. Correction of the causes ^1- wee* AIiImM VAII tYAAt 1X16 I DEM PCCIl IMvClVC*' Arvin man pineere movement of the war which Is what so many o f us In That plump and personable tte collapse of The Great JMPa<^ and 11.U o f song, are being sent trial from the Jury box— 12 reg' REPAIR SHOI< aaya with a grin. be anv sudden break and irieldlng will usually be followed by recov- _ y Phone 5 4 ii] Today he is as tall as ever and ward and took her by toe wrist. Victory by playing the Victory suffering that fate itaelf. As the chology of moving forward. that It was not made. Yet what of wartime Anterlcan woman­ toms, write tor this article. Send Labor futoto chances In Bridge­ ing of millions and mllllona of offices at 6280. Let toe Chambers his eyes still a bright blue, but Waterford, Ckmn. Shs cried out to eurartoe at toe Tunes they want to hear—he wlU Out of G u — Flmt Tire — gap between General Montgom­ The Important thing le to take becomes of Uie importance of Da­ hood. Tha other day she struck to- your request to McCoy Health port la. what old party politicians blsdss, snd tons of steel for Uncle Trucking Company tell you how ladtviduslly De­ his reddish hair is touched with be on toe Job to do It. Service to care of thla newspaper in other cities of the sUte are en­ peiw o f hto grip- "YOU fool,” he Sam’s guns, tanks, planes and I gconomical tobir services can be, Battery Trouble — ery's Eighth Army and the Joint some sort of step forward. It gray. Inconspicuously on his vest kar if we make this North Afri­ dignsntly Into n line of discourse For a tune to earn Its stripes signed Supports and enclose n large self-addressed t i t l e to think o f hia chances from aald, ‘‘you could help us alL in- ■hips.” and then you will see afterwards D IAL 6161 American and British-forces bead­ doesn’t matter that the step may he wears a strip of ribbons, sou­ can success stick? It will merely that brought an “ataglrl, Kate!" envelope and ten cents to coin of itow on. atsad o f talking such chatter.” with toe boys in the Service, It’s Im prove>Poatn re LANDSCAPING AND KRAUSE'S got to be n good one— nnd it will Mr. Small was very enthusiastic I pow safely they can complete the ing through Tuniala narrowa, it U not teem all Important. It doesn't venir of that other war which be ths horns that go with ths out of me before I realised It. h e a l t h a n d D IE T l stamps. Bat tt was not tiUoogbout "You think BO," ehe cried fierce­ Shell G as and Motor Oil be interesting to follow toeas about sales and hualneaa conditions ] job of moving you and your goods. and Ibfnhh. TREE SURGERY the once great Axis apearhead matter that It isn’t the full dis­ left him a gas victim with "three hide. the state tlmt he encountered ly, "But It’e poo tote." In Manchester and Its environs, | n|d Comnanv Keep your car well grtneed nod GREENHOUSI Somebody, It aeema, had been nd- ADVICE broadcasts ianid hear what kind of have the ell changed treqneutly. months to live." Between the hto worst fslinre. That was al­ "You wanted me to tell you and plans to continue an active I _ «« i. ANNIE SWIFT 821 Bartfefd Read which la now itaelf caught be­ tance toward what you might There ars others who have nev­ vcrtislng '‘ersats" articles and pickers toe men turn out to be. Evergreens, Shmbs and wars he followed his profesrton ways possible. What was not what to do.” Pal advertising - and sampUng ^*™ ****'^™ *^"^J Srd Floor, RnMnow BMg tween two spearheads. Their ultl' like. It doesn't matter if it —Navy recruits stlThey now have at their dispcml helped Sell USD on magic shows neats and falling bombs of the words from'ths "horrlbls ^tter- WlUhua Rose Benet only’ half the vote he ^got In Ruck turned tq toe window. has Mways maintained that "The Conn. State License., « « ■ » Afinni to leaser German plncer' arms 1988. And he came wlthlh eome CEBip Ot6#n BEy* pftrt o f tho tflvo Ieiyo trucks iuid e iniEJlcr Poul W. Dougan liked. We would have liked to take for soldiers. He haa been all oySr French const nhd drive s four-or- sl" languags of our snemles when 'ietory, camp, and farm Hto attention was caught by toe Song is toeT h in g” — and hto band, Have Your Umbrella* the country, sometimes out o f .the Vitamin D - atoo cUj|d “ » * A r S h ^ 't S 1409 votes at mnnlng third In sight of' an old man climbing Onmt Lakes Naval'Training sta-lplck-up truck which are modern through the long campalgna in one big step Into Berlin. Instead, ws bad plsnty of ouf own 'to ax- kis famous glee club and hto solo- vehiciM designed for ‘ Just tost country, giving shows- hi corn­ five-to-ons mass of Germans out Sunshine Vltomto’ — to A ll together toiling, Bridgeport. And IPs been s long jwsarlly up too path^ from towp. tion. srs getting action under fire JOHN S. WOLCOTT CM FlownH which anything -Uke a complete wis did aometbing we felt wc c6uld tots constitute one of toe most ver­ purpose. N ot only short distance Gener*I Contractor fields, on steps of ^lincompleted of defenses prepared by them prsss the same meaning? min most famiUsr to tos I Head, heart, and hand— time when. In local or state Dressed meticulously In Mack, earlier than either they or Great Repaired Now! satile companlM on the air. He m oving*ls carried.out by Cham* 117 Hollister SL TeL 8597 or decisive victory has been de­ do. But modest as it is, in Com­ camp buildings,' under the lights It baa been widely j^ U eto ed boin i destrojmr, snd plane, election, Jasper's Bridgeport even to hto Sat-crowned h at nnd Lakes pfficera expected. LJeut. A. over m iny busy montha. StlU oth­ Why, indeed? Ecasla la .merely haa written pearly 100 marching bars, but also long distance moving Don't wait for ntormy weather. nied HlUer'a armies in. Russia. parison with what wc would have of jeeps. , to articles snd *dverttse^to . By tend w»d sea— vote hae psrsUeled his voting bow Us. and with hto small beard and pep songs lor our colleges, and Herd notified-the Lake county and Builder ers who, when they have talked the German word forsubstitute W a w ill ax It at rcosoonbla Without being too much of liked to have done, it has proved “It'M got everything beat,” Bill Vitamin D may be obt^ed ^l^u jon a surging forward machine position. neatly trinunsd, he came stridlhg g| | ,og ©ur entrance Into the Wnr, sheriff that pellets from pheasant so glibly about a continental Inva­ and is sitbsr noun or ndjectiye. two dUferent ways, that la, ^ It used to be news in Bridgeport hunters’ guns had rattled off the prrioea. Wa have new eovera In typewriter atrateglet, it is pbsat- marvelous tonic. It baa rescued says. “ Every little thing you do is ■lowly, with n sort of old-fash- Ug* written and produced many Concrete and Maaonry COBIPLBTB appreciated. The boys are alive to sion o f Europe, have been unable Subetituts Is also eithar noun or food taken through the mouth or when Jasper lost one the 16 dis­ toned dignity, across ths clearing; stirring songs ss sslutes to various walla o f hnrracka at ths south end an atylea and colora. Alao— Ue, too, to look for a similar us from tmeertainty, given pur­ by exposing the unclothed akin to pgr mis day, tor all days, tricts In this election, be carried o f ths Camp saveral times, men- MOON'S everything, and when I have them to sea anything but the Norwn- adjectivs as wMI as vsrh. Why Hs carried a walking . stick | branches of toe Service Uaad Umbrellaa for Sale. Work — Alterations BUILDING United Nations tactic in the Far pose to our national thought and the■ dtra violetilet fays jmys toin sunlight.sunUi^t. | p g , ygy- country, for your own— one district. crooked over hto right arm.^ W aring la now in hto fourth year nclag toe aailore. help me with my, act, they Uke It glan const. This in spite of ths not uM it? I never could see See us about the SERVICE E a ^ T h e r e Japan, too, baa feeling, brought our head h ^h that much more. And say, are When aunamito Is not s-vallable Not slsvsB, but n people free from Well, it was nice having Jasper The soldters must have seen for Chesterfield Cigarettes—snd FEEDS fa ct that even complete success much sense to trying to embalm a substitute treatment may be te ir — on the state scene, while he last­ for three successive years hto LOUIS PALLUZI 66 Gardner Street long arm plunged down to the snd made our spirit keen again. those paratroops tough? They him about toe same time, for they Oefe Dsnbls Servloe loan you may COAL — COKE don’t sit on the>ground; they fall there would leave the United Na­ dead languages and that of Ger­ given with ths ultra violet ray I g-oe the God of your open choice, ed. He was, in the abstract, and started making good-humored re- "Pleasun Tim e" program haa been 4d Blaeell St. TeL 8558 For Cattle and Poultry. fringes of Auatitdla. In our at­ The important thing was that it lamp or generator. It to believed I pg, me might ot the people’s without regard for some of his voted the best 15-mlnute sntertaln- need to purchiue, Phone 6106 RANGE AND FUEL OILS on it!” tions forces with Sweden many, beginning right new, Is on mniks about him as soon as he Jjaa Angeles—(P)—A drive-ln tacks la New Guinea we are was tome sort of step forward. that ths body manufactures vita-1 voice own actual performances, the came within earshot Ruck heard ment en toe radio. There’s another holdover from Finland between them snd Rus­ Its way to the boaSymrd, while restaurant got servlcs when it build or remodel Prompt Deliveries IN SE C naD E S Slashing at Japan's knuckles and In your personal life, you’ll find the last war wbo'lnterests ms min D for Itself fottosrlng ultra I ufted to the forum loud and dear, state conadence. O f course, be them shouting, "H o, ho, the sia, the one toalstent on a neu­ violet ray treatment or expoaursIpQ, uf* m the light of the sun, waa poUUdsn like the rest, and started to burn yesterday. The In our attack la ths Solomons we too. He Is Louis Beres, who as this one of ours will ha tbs evsry- schoolmaster. ‘ Boys, have yaH|n -n At AO nines. dividends from an equal amount to sun because ergosteroi is PfsS'iFor the stars—snd tbs eagle's always thought him the clev­ Loo Angetos-Paaadeiui boundary i hom e. GIvAsytu th* head chef of the Btitmore hotel to trality which puts her on Hitler's day speech o f eotmtleee mllllona studied your history? Look «t K ep O rtS B ra Z llia U S are up to the wrist, but the cU of compromise, when It is neces­ ent In -Hlw skin. Foods containing I way— passes through tha middle of toe 1917 conducted many experiments aids, ths other an open ally of the erest ot thsm all. But be had the tost cane. He’ll heat you If you 1 a MANCHESTER LARSEN'S mactic offenslye blow of the Far sary. Wbatevtr it has to bci take of human beings when (ierman ergosteroi can be made to contain i ^ ly gondg against Bondage- most refreshing line, and when­ building. Firemen from both cities Liberal loanaifor with rationed foods. President of Nails. don’t know your lesson.” FEED SERVICE Bastera eampalgn will probably wUl have token Its ptaes along vitamin D by being Irradtatsd with l^ gy Tomorrow with Today! ever ws became really disgusted aasworefi the call and divided toe Ions terBia are made LUMBER A FUEL C a seme sort of step forward. Don' the Blltmore to these days, ths ' The eld man paid them no at­ In Frenvictory road— man. Ths mere mention o f bis 4JUAUTT very smalL ^ fn d i o f Japan's Islsnd eonqussts, how significant, not only leads to and before any food saving n- wrinkles at the corner o t fils lipe s j today that BraxUton troopa had T. P. Holloran nnd is apparently one of the vital I strong, determined, grim, name was, tor a time, enough to fM S by ens, ws shsU, probably try quests were passed on tp the coun­ Idea on which to baas their, gra­ Anyhow, -Tna tor erasing from as if he were tongtolng instdi|i him- entered French Guiana^ but faitod PBIN TING I jsaother but, what is even more factors to preserving well-being at im the task be done— turn old school pohtictons Into Stop At our offlee FUNERAL HOiR try at large. Seres experimented tuitous critiques. And I’ll bet soto. eou>^ ot tot report pltioh off ths lot of them, sssantlsl, It- preserves snd main' our current speech, spoken or sU ages.' iTrend o f thundsious mttlions serious contemplatioa o f tbetr and receive Tun infor- with them in the hotel kitchens nickel that arbsn the news of ths Tkey slapped each other on the I (There was no confirmation of |ek wede for HOUSE When there is nn Insufficiency I Marching ns one! bold atroks. Any ,such move tains your dspaclty to keep your printed, nny and ail words or own past .omissiona and Into a - hack and sprang to mock ntten-1 tbs ^srto rsport from other matioB. c and got reaction of the diners. lendings on Norrocan and Algeri­ o f the vitamin such conditions as I . , ^ . fp m w ill wall to the future; but so, self in forward p ro g re ^ And that terms that bavs sprung up out of pious hope tor a future virtue. tion. One o f them cocked hto cap rapnits a|. tow 1 ■------:------;----- tooth decay, faulty fonnation of I For this day. fo r ^ days, a few' days ago/ did any an tfeach haada broke, sysry lest tha filth o f Naaliam. Bsveral ttmaa W a t o a t know yriutt emi Im rsVtohlv and spat onto ths stepa I .|f -mur eemmanding effl-|broken relations with Vichy. Only a Ruasiaa counter 'Ittlts’'-here or tell any reform oampA.ii- here?’! yesterday dtopatohaa from B le da Oef University e f C h U fo r^ girls held gsrta lay east or west et Moroow ant dsvalnp SSiets hut may do-1 For truth of our honort word BniHing ft Loan r u 6.0JP. TWni Back? tberK and eoljr tha othar day •n to go toff It ' to Jasper. “To be sore,” oalfi ena rolling I Janeiro sold the Frettoh Weak Hearta A t Tha Racca a party fo r 24 soldlera. intey dec­ vw p other symptoau. Tbs bonaalTrlai In fin, hatUa-sttn^ > ^ Thsyn ovan f iitinfi, thito>^ AMBOLAlfOM and wtm n am aarth Tuniato eases ■qmehofiy uaafi thla earns brag- may not fom oorraSy and th u o|likaall^a«^ton d«f thofraa mow, hto evee skyward. ‘T o he sare.” Idoi* ;had 'exprseedd hli WIMTBM Aim» AM tXk orated the house w ith autumn foU- they wSie never afield of Mm. - Asfioeiation JOHNSON PAINT CO. ' DAT AND NMI6T. Rspu^Ucaas Dnwa to New York, the OPA' la anyhow. i ^ b a produced tha smaU Jaw andlDoom to the pit o f darknejw And bo started to how. hut at that I ment’e profound dtoappraval . ef "It Itfe Worth Flsm nge collected to the Berkeley bllla. ga rt noun In oonnsetion with our Bnt thetr eoasrienee, which 9S5 Main Street Edwin Jnhaano, Prop Wr two Pis It" BBUSt ssem that first venture Into checking the use Seven of the girls, under treat­ croohed teeth which spoil the at-|Tho Uar and tyrant’s way! catching slvht of the old I ths action of German authofRl WII.I.IAM H; SUHIKI.INiB own rapier thrust Into North V * sftoa spake wlta the strained who ransacked the Brsxllian cm SMI Binin St. - T tL W84 IN w. MMdia rpa. IM. dWi 176 Center SL maniac a gram of B and C book , gas rations has ment for rash, know now that the tractiveneas of the mouth, i The I Buy Bonds against B o n u g ^ r ' - i ’s face, stern, snd vet full o f ISfi Sornec street IM. 88 Somewhere, perhaps next rica. I think ws.>can do better tseth will suffer, the enamel, and I Buy Tomorrow with Today! •__ ^ e l Jasper red hst ew guist pride, hto bow becanae Swk- < basiv Vichy.) M s a o f prodiKod aosM iatareating results. pickers would have flunked hot any. Ths foUags was poison asto spring or sili itosr, ths United than to adopt tha aollequlallHM dsntlaa hoUo; *»»<■ had the testh| U. Trasnary Dept ‘■I’, ■. V C-j ;:J i l l G B t MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY. NOVE Fascist Group Tries NEWS I To Tighten Control

mans eaa liM th a t. ItaUn Already Disil-1 base tor tba dafanae ml tfea lusion and Discon- peaa continent agaiast aa A hmsW ; caa-Brltisli lavastoa, tented * One-Party German diatruat a t Italy's abB>' Hartford, Nov. 14.—Chief Air Ity to parry AlUad Mow la ladl- Raid Wardens and othsr air raid Rule. chted by Istanbul mporte that' wardens In tha Cbnnectleut Civil­ German divisions from Rusaia am ian Defense system today wem Chairman Herbert B. Houaa to­ By Rlehard O. Maaaock reoccupying Greek aad YugoslST : authorised by State Defense Ad­ Former Chief of tho Romo Bureau day announced that the Ambu­ territory formerly turned over to ■ ministrator Wealey A. Sturgas “ to Of Tho Aaeoelatod Proas the Italian Army for policing, aa- lance Tranaportation Unit would control or stop aU .vehicle traffic Washington, Nov. 1?.—NeuUal well as earlier advices that Ger­ during periods of test and actual take over “Women at War’’ week, dlspatchea from Roma Indicate many was to send land troi^s ta November 33 to 38. Major AUee Maekouts or air raids." ’Tha au­ Italy Itself. thorisation was contained in i that Benito MussoUni'a Fascist Madden, commander of the unit Trying To Soften Bseentmsnt memorandum of instructions In ac machine ia tryliig to tighten Its Aware of tbe intense Italian dis­ accepted the responsibUlty of cordance with regulations provid control on the' invasion-fearing like and distrust of the Germans, GonduoUng the' campaign to raise ing for the identification and move­ Italian paople, ktready dlslUuslon- Berlin’s propaganda apparently la money by selUng war bonda and ment of vehicles on streets and. ad and dlacontanted with the one- attempting to soften Italian m- stampa Major Madden aasigned highways during condition of party strong-arm rule- aentment at reports that their the committee work to Miss Clam blackout or air iMd, effective Oct. Through Swltserland^ come re­ captured divisions wem abandoned Cbarlea who. la chairman of tba 26, 1942. However, vehicles prop­ ports, gleaned from the Italian by the Germans in ElgypL Henca social and vralfare committee of arly identified with the windshield preas, that "the eupreme leader­ the Berlin announcement that Ger­ the. unit. Thoee who wlU iasalSt sticker and green light will be per­ ship of the Fascist party is striv­ man planes were ferr3dng wound­ mitted to proceed by wardens, ing to tighten tbe reins and make ed Italians from North .^rica. 4HEA0S DR’IV I-u. Gab. ______Miss Charles are Ruth Lampreebt, Florence Kane, Alice Barlow, Nor­ auxiliary police and regular ^llce. tha party’a Influence throughout This report, along with oth­ AommMdtt^.«ZM ^A lt * ? | 5 a ^ '*^*'***' BaldeiiUfled Cmnadlaa vassaI ma Btock, Eria Carlson, Lucille fove PoUoe'power the country more efficient.’’ ers that both tho Germans and More epeciflcally, leaders of the Italians ware evacuating I- M - AffABil«$ - iB N«r RAF BBltA fithttag k ' Merenlo, Rana Falcetta, Florence regulations lasusd to date on the assembled In Rome and ordered to planes, would seom to InM- “ proceed with merciless severity cato that Allied aubmarlnVo Johneon, Majorle Cuehman, AUea Major AUee Madden subject of traffic, means that air Darling and Helen Donahue. raid wardens aa well ks regular against all defeatist elements and and bombers have made tho Put Over Campaign police and ‘auxiUaiy police have spreaders of alarmist rumors.” narrow Mediterranean waters “Realizing that this unit haa power to atop or control traffic Proclaimed Main Defense between Ubyn and Italy ex- dona marveloua work since it was Argentines Get during periods of lest or actual General OalWatl, commander of oeodlagly dangeroua for Axla first organised I believe that it blackout or air raids. the Fascist MUltla, addressing 150 shipping. Or perhaps all avail­ wiU put this campaign over’’ said Mr. Sturgss stated in bis mem­ Infantry advances past field artillery units as the British Eighth Army began its successful drive Legion commanders from all able skipping la ne^od to sup- Mr. House to a Herald reporter Data on Spies orandum, such non-compliance against Marshal Erwin Rommel’s Afrlka Korps, which was to carry clear into Libya and bring a spec­ parts of Italy at Rome unlyeralty, a y 3Innhal Erwin RommeTs this morning. “Everything we shall be reported by tha air mid tacular victory to Allied arms.______, ordered reinforcement of the mill- ittored Afrikn korps In Its have aver asked it to do haa been warden to the nearest police officer tla’a cadres through the inclusion flight from Tobruk and Ben­ done with a spirit that earned It or police station for appropriate of “new, young forces.” The Fai- gasi westward toward El ‘Concrete Example of tablishmcnt of a Second Front in ■ant to Stalin, tha aacond was olet (3rand Council haa proclaim' tha right to represent the woman’s taken to the main Kmmlln gate Aghalla. action.’’ Ehirope nearer to Oeemany’a vital ad the militia, recruited among Guarded confirmation of tbe ef­ organtssUons In Maneheater. Cooperation* Is Hailed Air raid wardens had tha au­ Stalin Praises by Oeorga Green, secretary' of the centere which will be of doclaive the more dependable of the fect of all thla on Italian morals "When young ladlee, ecarcely thority to stop or control traffic Associated Frees Bureau here and Importance for ' organising victory Faaclets, as the regime’s main de- comes from Stockholm. out o f their tcene, wUl pitch in With Satisfaction. originally until last March when over Hitlerite tyranny. banded to a guard. and sort eemp iron, eell bonds, African Drivel fensa. It numbers now perhaps “To say that recent events made the regulations were amended “Three. What poaslbility la there •Tba latest letter waa presented half a million men. a deep Impression on Italians in­ maka pubUc appearances and lend Buenos Aires, Nov. 14.—UPh- leaving this matter entirely to of Soviet offensive power in the at 6:05 p. m., on Nov. 12 and the a wiUing hand to everjAhing per­ With widening discontent to- sufficiently characterisea the at­ Argentina and Chile, the only two the Jurisdiction of tho regular and east Joining the Allies in the west answer waa delivered through the taining to tha war, I feel sure wanl Fascism evident before I left mosphere,” a Roma correspondent ‘ American naUons maintaining re­ auxiliary police during air raid or Says Second Front Will to hasten the fn al victory T Soviet press department at 8:10 Italy iaat May, Swiss newspapers reported through the Italian' cen­ that they wUl put thla acroee” blackout conditions. lations with the Axla apparently Help Relieve Pres- “ Answer. There need be no doubt p. m. last night.' now tell of a Fascist “Display oi sorship to The Dagens Nyheter. eoneluded Mr. House. Adds 40,000 that tbe Red Army will fullUl its On Doty very Night were moving today towai^ closer force, considered necessary owing “.EveiTr Indian feels the country relations with their tieightiors aft­ As a result of this memoran­ sure Against Russia. task with honor as it has been ful­ to tho increased difficulty of the stands in the focus of the world •The unit b u done more than dum, it is estimated that approxi­ To Pool Raaouroea appears on the outside and does it er exposure o f eviden-w that Axis filling it throughout the war. internal aituation at the approach drama in a different and more fa­ agents wem endangering the mately 40,000 air raid wardens in (Editor’e Note; Less than ■With Respect, (Signed) J. of winter” and tha Allied aqueese tal way then before. Profound w^Ungly, every time. Eight mem- tbe State will assist about 8,000 ^ Hartford, . Nov. 14—(F )-R epre- hemisphere. alx weeks ago, Henry C. Cas­ fitalln.’’ on the -Axis in North Africa. seriousneea dominates opinion aad hefs are on duty every night in ngular and auxiliary policemen in sentativea from New England the week and two can always be •The Argentine goveniment an-' sidy. chief of the Associated Leading News Of Day Becauae of Switzerland's news is axcltedly anticipated.” nounced last night that the United traffic duty during blackouts and •The le^er was leading news of states, New York and New Jersey dangerous encirclement by the Contradictory Broadcasta found 4t tha State ’Theater where Press Bureau In Moscow, scor­ are expected hem next Tuesday to they sail atamps and bonda, It was states, 'oy its requeat, had sup­ air raids. ed n Journalistic roup when he the day on front pages of Soviet Uermana and Italians, its Contradictory broadcasts from plied three memoranda regarding J fr. Sturges indicated that the get first hand Information on Ck>n- nawepapera are carefully ooa- the Rome radio have been picked not teaimad until last Wednesday obtained from Joseph Stelln newspapers, being displayed even nectlcut’a land army plan for aedv- evening, through Dr. E. Dent espionage in Argentina by Axis number of traffic violations by n written statement expressing ahead of tbe dally war communi­ aervatlm ia reporting the up here on the poasibllity of aa agenta^d it haled with satisfac­ vehicles during blackout or air ing anticipated farm tabor short­ situation In either Axis coun­ Allied invasion of Italy. To Spain, Laekey, that the unit was highly for the first time tlie Soviet que, and waa broadcast repeatedly ages during 1943 from Mm. Jos­ pralaad for its splendid appear- tion “ thM\qoncrete example of co­ raid tests necessitate supplement­ premier’s views on the Second over the' Moscow radio. It first try. Tha mentioa of winter in Spanish. Roma daclared ”it is operation." ing the regular and auxiliary police eph W. Aleop, state director. Mrs. perhaps Implied that another impossible for Americana to in­ anee and amart nurehlng In the Front question. Now Cnssidy was read over the radio at 6 a. m. Alsop said last night that “the parade In East Hartford. PoSea inyeattgntiBg work in traffic control. At the hns scored agnln by obtaining and twice in full before 9 a. m. trying season of scant mtlona vade Italy,” partly because "it re­ Police and othbr authorities are same time, he cautioned air mid purpose of tbe conference ia to and Inadequately heated quires merchant shipping which A t that time the hrad of tbe from Stalin his lenctlon to It was the first time that the pool our resources and experiencee investigating, said n. Foreign Of­ v/ardenS to take reasonable pre­ the ..%Ilied thrust Into North Soviet ..people learned of the offi­ homes, suok aa 1 obaarved last ths enemy does not have.” State Defense Council waa Im- fice statement From other sources to find a common ground for ac­ preassd by the Manchester girls cautions about their personal Africa.) cial pleasure and satisfaction held winter, lies ahead of the Ital­ On the earns day, howevar, in it was reliably reportedN|tet at safety In the execution of their tion next year." ians, much of whooo food gooa Italian and to tha people of Italy, and made several Inquiriea from least 20 Germans or pro^German here at tbe Allied North African those who wem present. Inci­ duties with regard to stopping or By Henry C. Cnssidy campaign. Heretofore the only to Germsmy In oxohango for Rome radio said “wa do not wish, Argentlnaa had been arrasted\m- controlling the operation of traffic Copyright. 1‘Jt:. hy The Aieucl.ited coal. to hiifa behind any smokescraca dentally tha unit waa the first ci­ centte Prei"* comment had been a carefully- To the British a spark plug is vilian organisation to march in during blackouts. worded but friendly article of com- a “ sparking plug,” and a plane's Italy’s withdrawal from the war the new reality which Italians am Th# memoranda, as in the case Moscow, Nov. 14—Joseph Stalin loeal Armistice Day parade and menL landing gear ia called its “ under­ may be considered out of the ques­ called upon to face In the Mediter- of a previous similar exchange raneen.” 21 of the members turned out. between tha United States and ynl Group May gave high praise today to the Like the first set of questions carriage." tion, however, so long as the Gar' Seven o f the emergency ambu- Chile, concerned conditions touched American and British campaig;n in laneea were alao in line on that upon by Sumner WeUes, U. S. un­ P f> o l)0 I North Africa and declared that it oecaaion. D ^ l e dersecretary of state, in a speech at *^had created the prerequisites for a ■mbiiteeHlbiW I iH ^i TT ~ V ~ V “ "Y— — y — ■’V ’- V ’" ■T‘*‘ TIMI OUT POR RiPRISHMENTS — ■'Saafa.” kmagarM auM«t »t HunlltMi rield, Selling Oampalgn Boaton, O ct 6 which had Latin Second Front in Europe and shift* SINKWICH FICKS FASS RECEIVER.pMnklA Ae toon as the details have American repercussions. Welles I Capt Jehu *.JBea oe a tiobby dhow, spon­ pronounced sentence, Patrick B. 11,000 persons and destroyed 700,- Two Canadian lakea He astride o’clock. ry Giles of the State Department Memorial church in Atlanta. ’The ritories from Casablanca to Ougle Fire Department Salaries, $5,405; of Health will be the speaker. His Laura Squler. UnivArtallAt wurch, Norwich. The The Tolland Ratlte Board re­ sored by the Student CounciL O’SuUivan snd Edward J. Daly, 000 dwellings In the past week in of the continental divide and send General expensete, $5,672; Health ilr. Sav/yer has charge of the ported that it had iasu^ certifi­ group aewed on bibs for. the chil­ ’The school will be open ar.d teach- said: “If this isn’t first degres southern regions of Thailand their waters Into both the Atlan­ and as tbe smashing of Italo-Ger- subject will be ’’Rural Water Sup­ A preliminary oiganization meet­ charge to the congr^atlon will be dren of the . parents detained at )| man armies in the western desert, Department, $8,425; Filtration, youth work at the' Central Baptist delivered by Rev. Harry Adams cates for tile purchase of tim to eis v.’ia DC in toe'tr rooms truita 'I tO murder, than I don’t know tha pur- (SUm ). '' tic and Pacific oceans. Needs $50Q0 ply and Sewerage Di^>osal." He ing for the young married people Ellis Island. M m Samuel Al'vord being effected with such maktexy. $4,415; New Sewers, $2,000; Public church. He graduated, last June Hershey, pastor of the First Um- four persons ss! follows: Elmer 9 p. m. to consul'- with parents on poee M tlM atatute.” ’' Alcorn as­ will have movies to accompany his of the town was held at the chapM was appointed to the flower com­ BeWar la ~ Works Department. General Main­ from Colgate Rochester Divinity lecture. Anyone having two-pound vsnsallat church at Danbury and L. Usher, painter, Stafford r '..,.ciii8 lelativ. to scnooi sffsirs. sarted that hatred and Jealousy tenance. $17,750; Oiling, $5,800;' School and during the sumtaer ha on Sunday evening to, make plans Springs, R. F. D. 1, retreaff tire; mittee. ’The next meeting will ’The Connecticut Huihane Society ware tha motivoa for the Maying. *Two. How effective has this wooden cheeee boxes are asked to for forming a club. formsr pastor of the local church. be held December 3 at the home Trap Rock,-.. $3,000; Sidewalks, preached every Sunday to .the oon- Rev. Stanley Manning, pastor of Viola Malchuk, R. F. D-, Rock­ W)i, |#,'v;-.b,it *i ,i^U;>;iCt Oilow at toe After admitting, in his , argu War Is Havirig Its Effects campaign been in relieving pres­ be sure and bring them at this Dealem reglstmtion blanks for of Mrs.'’ Clmriea Sumner with Mrs. ment, that a murder had been com' sure on the Soviet Union and what Curbs and Gutters. $2,000; Cul-. gregation in addition t® his work meeting. tba Redeemer Unlversalist church, ville, defensq worker, three re­ school Tuesday, November 17th. Meet An Annual Operating Deficit, the verts and Storm Sewers, $1,300; fuel oil are now available at tbs ’Thomas Bentley as co-hostess but Report caruj wuu Oe given out m lt t ^ Defense Counsel Gideon To with the young people. The Rock­ Mrs. Basil Bamsbee who is at Hartford will deliver the chaigs’to tread tires; Helen Plvasxuk, R. F. furthw aid does the Soviet Union Parks, $1,565; Snow and Ice Re­ ville. Baptist Church Is attempUng office of the mtlonlng board. D., Rockville,, defense worker; thereafter meetings of the society on ’Tuesday, Nov, 17. . argued that it was "second degree a l ^ t ? the Hartfbrd Municipal hospital, Mr. HairkiBA. Walter H. Goodell, will.be held the second ’Thursday On Famous Orchestras moval, $2,000; Engineering, $750. to organise youth work In Rock­ Alvin Nelson of Hop River is a chairman of the church committee three retreads; Erwin O. Mitchell, Mrs. George McMullen of Hart­ at mosL’’ , ’’Answer. It ta jrat too soon to Two petitions were received for where she was taken last Satur­ of each month. ford was buried in toe Wapping ville and Tolland County. The patient at the Windham CPmmunt- wUl officiate in the apt of Inatal- R. F. D „ West WiUlngton, two re­ say to what an extent this cam­ Figures Quoted Herewith Tell the Story ■mall additions to buildings, bglh Vesper^ Service and Fellowship day when hit by an auto as she cemetery here Friday aiternoon. LA leaving the Fuller Brush ty Memorial hospitaL latlon. Clergymen of Stafford tread tires. Qnarryvllle Methodiat Philadelphia, Nov. 14 — {/P>—Enaction has used, and become ac­ paign h u been effective in reliev­ of which were grant^. A petition hour are In no way a conflict with Mr. snd Mrs. Llstwell arid three le Rev. Jackson L- Butler, There vyere many, arid beautiful More Civilians customed to, reeds made by the ing immediate pressure on the was read from the reSidenta in the plant is reported to be improving. Mm. Henry B «n iltt and daugh­ churdMA will be in the pfoces- floral pieces. Don't topple off your ritair ta any denominational plams, and are ter, Betty, have returned from BioBal o f choir, d e ig y and children were guests of out of ir of the QuarryviUe Methods first oboist, Marcel TSbuteau, from Soviet Union. But it may be con­ Vicinity of Highland avenue asking a supplement to the youth work Benjamin Bundy has gone to Jorin A. ronika of Blast Windsor ameze(;neht if eomeday you hear the iringflcid, N. H., on a visit. Virginia where they have been churches officers^' Mm Gilbert towif friends Saturday afternoon. 1st church will use as hia sermon a cane Imported f r o n ^ section of fidently eaid that the effect will $10,415.67 that this be accepted as a city being carried on In the different HUl, and Miss Msxy M. KUmas also Wear Uniforms Inccime—Activities The ^ery Member ci^nvas of visiting M m Bemitt’s parents. Wagner wUl bC in charge of the Mr. and Mrs. Hsrold Neff and topic: “A Stone for a Pillow’’ at austere IT iU adeli^ preheetra, one l ^ t h France where ’Tabuteau says net be a small one and that a cer^ •treet. and that sewers be In- churches. % of East Windsor HUl, have appUed music for the evening. Mr. Har­ two sons were recent guests of tbe 9:80 morning worship. of the naUon’s top-flight sympho­ climactic condlttona make for “un­ tain relief in pressure on the atalled. As the city engineer at The servieg win be from 4 to 6 the S ^ n d Congregational church Lawrence Santainore' of ifop for a marriage license. will stort Sunday, Nov. 15, and kins began hia dutlM Bt.fito-^ocaI several o f their Tolland relatives. ’pm QuarryviUe Men’s club wUl nies. doctoring up ite Beethoven or matched quality.” T h e war haa Soviet Union will result in ths 1,193.61 the present time is making a sur­ o’clock and from 5 to 8 o'clock a River is home oh furlough from hold a meeting Monday eventaig Strauaa with occasional squeaks, blocked .imports, and Tabuteau la nearest future. Endowments vey, the petition iyaia tabled until continue' through the week. the Navy. church OB October 1^ coming ’The Fedsmted Church school Chicago. Nov. 14.— jUpra^and light supper will be sapred by the last Sunday, Nov. 8th, opened at 8 o’clock at the church. more civilians In war plante—Ilka rasps epd "stomach notea.'’ Mqwrimentfng with an American “ But that la not the only thing the aurvey la complete. Senior Young Pee^la. AU young Ration Beard Hours here from his recent pastomte In The new hours for the Coventry Guy GUfford Stutsman. 47, dlsd GBpKel Heights, Md. Upon gradu­ vrith pictures on the screen with Boitsn Congregational the men and woman in mlWtaiy And donrt ba.aurpclsad.if soma- caM.hut aayn “tha . difference In that- matters. What matters first Upon the motion of Alderman people of the community are In­ Monday night at his, home in ' "The Worship of God—What, EUington day the white-gowned harpiata melodic timbre la Immediately de­ Baer it was voted to turn over the Ration Office will be on Mondays ating from 'Hartwlck bntbemn the New Testament' scenes of aervlec—a n wsartnff uniforms: of all is that since tbe campaign 11,609.2^ vited to. attend the meeting. Polumbis. He was born in Spo­ "The Life * o f Christ.’* ’Hie Why and How” wiU be the sermon Hugh P. Flynn of Providence, reach for a low note — and naver tectable to the experienced musi­ in Africa means that the initiative b to n c e in the Memorial fund to To Attend FeotivAl from 2 to 4 and '7 to 9 p. m., Tues­ Tbsological Seminary, New York a ff. Barr days and Wednesdays 10 to 12 kane, Wash., Feb. 22, 1895. a son In 1933 he was called to the pas* program held the attention of topic o f Dr. BrowneU Gage at the R. L, prasldant o f the linen Sup- quite maka it $ cian’s ear.” has passed into'the hands of our the treamrer. e< the Soldier’s The Junior choir of the Union TsL 49$-$, Boeiivilln ‘Even so Irrelevant a matter as Fund. n*>on arid 2 to 4 p. m.. Thursdayn of Aaron H,. and Emma Stutznian, tomte of All Saints Lutheran even the youngest classes and' waa 11 a-^m. service of the Bolton ?ily Assoetotlon a t America, said For such, says the orchestra allies; the campaign changes radi­ Congregational church will Uke the restriction pn the sale of hair- 10 to 12 noon, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pi and is survived by his wife, Mm. church, Alexandria,. Va., and o f S t a change from the regular rou- Congregational church on Sunday. oday that ths tnersasinc demand management could be the effects cally' ths ’poUUcikl and war situa­ Expenses 15,752.22 ▲ posnmuntootlon was raad fmm part in the Junior Choir festival to Book Week wUl be observed from war production plants for o f war, and prtoritlea. ptna Is not without symphonic re- m ax m:, Fridays 2 to 4 snd 7 to 9 p. m. Lucinda Stutsman; two mms, Andrews Lutheran church at Ospt- tlne. The choir has prepared special tion Europe' in favor of the, R O ty T Collector of uncol- bo held on Sunday, November 16th A apoksaman aays that nacea- psieusslons,” ths ' mansgsmsnt and Saturday 10 to 12 noon. Guy G. Jr., and Arthur J. Stuts­ tol Hdgbta. He also served as Richard Miller is reported some­ music to Slustmte the history of next week at the HaU Memorial Uniforms will craata a greatly ex- .Anglo-Sovlet-Americaa coalition;' ttM U U tH M ■mounUng to $108.07 At the Fourth Congregational Library. Some new chUdran’s paadsd market for the cotton tex- eery equipment tor both string end says. SBi tbo m eoetor WAS Authorismi AU persons possessing an A, B, man an of Columbia; his father, prsaident o f the Alexandria Minis­ what improved from two weeks’ music in the church. that that campaign undermines $ 4,142.94 church in Haitford. Donald B. C or D gas ration book are requir­ two brothers, and two sisters. aU On Wednesday evening, tbe books wlU be on dispUy slf -tbs tllee uae<' by linen eupnly fltma. . woodwind instnnnente is becom­ *For both o f ths orchestra’s D eficit $P PHlw thses deducUona. WatrouV trf Hartford, organist- at terial aaaodatloo and am Chhptain iUnesB. * harpists, Edna Phillips and Mar­ the prestige a t Hitlerite Germany ed to register the serial numbers residing in Oregon. During the Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wocho- membem and' friends o f the PU- week and on Monday afternoon, a He eetlmated that the 1943 con­ ing Increasingly scarce aa the war A pptttioB WAS MAd from the the Union -churth announces that o f the Lutheran Ministerial Asso- continues, and inatrumante are be­ jorie ’Tyre, have worked out am a leading force in the eyetem a t of their tires. This wUl be done at Isat year he served with Co. H mUrka announce the coming msr- grira FeU&wshlp gave a dinner at Book Week play •’’Treasure" wiU - sumption o f about $30,000,000 Clvle Center eom- about 30 of the girls will take part -ctotioB, Washington, D. a O p « worth of cotton goods would bs In- ginning to suffer. unique trills dependent upon the the Axle powers had demorallsei iwt $1B)0 be mp- the Pond Hill School,' North Cov­ 305th Infantry, snd waa gassed house will be held at the Univer- tiig e o f their daughter, Mlm the parsonage. Fourteen were be presented at 3:15 at the Ubrai-y in the fes^yil. The public is in­ entry and the Center School, South for the school children. The fol­ ereasedwt least 3S per cent Catgut froni which atringa' ara 1m SNuSng of the vited to' attend and it is expected during the battle of the Argosns aallst parsonage nfKt' Thursday Alvlru Ann Wochomtirka, to War- preuMnt at the dinner and the pro- campaign released France from Coventry on November 17, 18, and Forest For the pest 15 months lowing children are taking part in Flynn eald plant managen eon- mada, is being requisitioned for w tir of the city that several from Rockville will be evening. The community and mem­ ren Emery Clough, atm of Mr. and jcesds went to the Pilgrim FeUow- her state a t lethargy and moblUsea Your fContrilfuiion Now Will Help 19th. ’The hours wiU be—-Tuesday he had been employed by the Pm tt Edwa. d sidend then an advantagea tor war-time surgical use. But a crowning toiwh. tor the bo BAed ior oquip- present bers of the OoBgregatloB am invit­ M m Emery Clough o f ToUand. ship Fund. \ thoir employsa to.wear unitorma— Aluminum wtrs, wound around harptete and Elaa HUger, ’cellist, anti-HIUer forces of Francs and ~hoBo funds 4 to 8 and 7 to 9 p. m., Wednesday te Whitney Division of the United ’Tba wedding Is to taka place in Bolton Briefs Charte?; pIrateS, Ralph Edwari.3. Footbal SoAday ed to be the guest of Rsv. and McNBiova. I '.clufUng increased productioa •oma •tringA-Ukewlsa has wn^ aa wen, la the regulgtloa o f the provldas a baata for building up ah ___ sasssAtloii 4 to 6 p. m. and Thursday 4 to 6 Aircraft Oorp. both here and In Mrs. HarUna. tbs ’Tolland Fadetmted Cburrii on daroBos Bmaning has retumdd anti-HlUar Froneb Army; that the Tte first oC A series of footM l and 7 to 9 p. m. Thoee psrsa Donald Dombeg; kuly through pnveattoR efi aanHes * work to do. ” \ yarfiaga ki gowns t•BauBtsdh]r gaimes win be played on Sunday EnstHartfoM. Stafford OouncU Knights of Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 36th, at to his boms at Bolton Notch after t ia a ^ T an y easepalgn »eraataa eeaditlena for working the above Iwura may pbates, PriscOla Chapman, Ruth and hooallng a( n a n la .— And **tha moat anoaaiisMI nada** *They a n srorried,” says the The Carry On! BMd bs StBTt aftomoon at the Cricket lot when Burton Starluy was received in- OolumbuA will obAsrve “ Ladten 4:1S p. m. Both young peopio spending eonsldersMe tima at the He eMd at tlia eu m n t n t e a t for woodwind instrumenta.) tba apokeiman, because ” ..,full-aklrt- putting Italy oiit of commission the building register at the Ration Office , on to membership of the Columbia Night’’ with a banquet. Sunday wire graduates of Rockville High Manchester Memorial hospital. Clark, Shirlev Howard, Ixda r -t. the An-Roekvl1Ie team meets their Tuesday. Wednesday and TTiurA- bicreaeing deniand, th en would ha apokMman says, ara- no longer ed gowns are so neceseary for ■ and for leolating Hitlerite Ger­ '.U mat - rtVAls from Stafford Springs. The church during' the servito last evening at 4:30 at the K. o f C. school. Miss Wochoinurka is a Miss June Mildner of Bolton mcr. Jean Aborn « ill announce 13,000,000 clvlliaas In war work kVailable 'ortable straddling of the many; finally,- that the campaign day between Um kourn of Iff to 13 the play and bava^efeaigs of Stub a t $ Ainlook bi- Sunday morning. Hall OB Main street and a turitoy of Tsaehsts’ OoUegt of Ceptsr, a Junior at tho Maachaster CVMilM tiN Mb. ifid Mm H. idkBar W hs SBreedi ■ f i t . ... • <'-. '■ ( ’ ’ ,■"•-,><'■.;■■■:-•■■■■■.■ .:--^-j,--■■ ■■ 1 ■■“■». ■- ■ ' ■ • . ’ ■„ ■■ ■ ■ ■ '■’ " ' \ '' \' - ■'’s’ • i -. . ‘ . ■ ' ■ '■ . ■ ■ r. ' . .. -<^ / ■- ■ ,.•-■•• • ■ . , *. li •■ 1 * MANCHESTEB EVENlNa HERALD. MANCHESTER^ CONN. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 14.194S HANCHESIXR SVZtNING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. SATUwAY, NOVEMBER 14,1941 i m About-Face Women the Key Board Is^es Jobs Available May In Labor Crisis DaUy Radio Programs Tire Permits War Itasa Time Grid Games ation ^ Darlan Is Mystery Be Near Their Peak' , I Survey Indicate* Use of Apiiroves Applications Accident or Design Them in Industry Is Army-Navy Football Game Received Here During Whole Question of Man­ Tominny Mont On Hartford Stage power Control Con­ ^^Admiral Now Prison- The Only Solution. The Past Week. Green Bay Squ^ Alabama-Georgia To Bo on Three Networks cerned in Problem of Started Grid and Sitting at Allied ; Hartford, Nov. 14.—Connecticut During the week ending NoveiS- Industry has at last felt the full ber .7, nine truck tires and seven Keeping Them Filled. IjConncil Table. ^ New York, .Nov. 14.—OF—Al­ 5 p. m., Presidents Roosevelt, Que­ tubes were approved by Local War Goes Bear ^ifnting Sport Early impact of male labor shortages, though transfer of the Nov. 28 zon and CAmacho. Prlqe and Rationing Board 11-76. Tech Top Contest Talks—MBS, 1 p. m.. New Time By Jemw Marlow and George ttjr 4oha fWrto with virtually every one of the 18 Army-Navy football game to Also approved were 10 new pas­ ZIelke field offices of the U. 8. Bmploy- Reviewing ; Stand “Conserving T: AwooMed Pm* Writer Annapolis from Philadelphia and Man[>owerr” NBC 2:30, Roundta­ senger tires and 10 tubes, 14 Grade New York, Nov. 14.—OP)—The ifaryland*s Passer Has One of the meet cngraKlnK mye- menL Service reporting that their the war time travel restrictiona ble "Frimce;"' BLU 3:15, Wake II passenger tires and two tubes number of Jobs available tn this Football Docket Filled^ normal reserve Is now practically and 11 obsolete tires. Howard F. country may be nearing a peak At Chicago FootbaR Instinct; Han Wesleyan Set J ^ rte e of the Vichy regime ie pro- may keep many fans from the Up Forum, “Is Our Silver Policy Jacobs at 742 Hillstown road, a As Season's dimax ^^^ided for the apparent about-face used up. State Director William sidelines, they still can bp present Sound?" MBS 8, Forum, "Lot- but around the problem of keeping aecond hand. A three network, tery for War Revenue.' farmer, was given two of the truck them filled is swirling now the Sunday; Hutson and With Trinity dlds Famous T in ;‘«t Admiral Jean Darlan. once re- G. Ennie stated today. tires and the .Silver Lane Bus whole question of manpower con­ For Last Game Draws Near; Michigan According to Mr. Ennis, from btoadcaat should make •that poe. NBC—1:19, Labor for Victory; Company was given six Urea and trol. P artn er AH Set^ Flawless Manner. Tgarded aa one of the moat violent* this point on, Connecticut indus­ Bible. 2, Sammy Kaye Serenade; 3:30, Ready for Irish. anti-BriUeh foUowere of Mar- Official Army Hour; 9:30, NBC six tubes: WlUism Johnson of It still appears far from solu­ try must rely principally, if not Bill Stem and Ken Cgrpenter Broad street, contractor, waa giv­ tion. _ New York, Nov. 14.—(F)—Uta- Blue and Cold’s Great By John F. Chandler ahal retain. exclusively, on developing a labor will describe the game^fbr NBC. Symphony, Leopold Stokowski With Trinity By Kenneth Gregory By Occident or design Dsrlan en one truck tire and one tube. Some economists view the situa­ ISM footbauV fandeat battery— WMe Worii Fsotureo pool from tbose who are not or­ Ted Huaiiig and Jimmy Dolan for seasonal premiere; 7, Jack Benny; Rsv. T. A. Gustafson was given tion thus: Kicker and P as^ Is Atlanta, Nov. 14—(F)—^lliere liM now become a prieoner of the dinarily in the labor market, and CBS and Mel Allen and Connie 8, Charlie McCarthy; 8:30, One CaeU lesbeU, pitching, end Don College Park, Md. — Toaito’ .Allied fOrcea and la alttlng at four Urea and four tubes, Dr. J. There are now about 54,000,000 * Bade with Squad. Tommy Mont, who has tbe big job just wasn’t any need to bang intensive local recruiting cam­ Desmond for MBS. Man's Family; 10, Phil Spltalny. A. Segal two Ures and two tubes persons employed on farms, in fac­ Ruteon. catching—gets aU-Sred Both Clubs Are Evienly 'their council tables in Algiers. He paigns are being carried on Inasmuch ax' a sponsoi' la pay­ CBS—3, N. Y. Philharmonic, of quuterbaeMng dark Shaugh. green Ughto on the goal posts to­ ^hM ordered the French to cease and Dr. Charles C. Yerbury, four tories and otherwise. The number hot tomorrow, you might aa wall neaay’s University, of Maiylahd Matched; Pefensively throughout the state to encourage ing 1100,000' for broadcaat ri^ts, Howard Barlow; 4:30, Koatelaneta Ur4s and four tubes. Grade II pas- may climb to 55,000,000 by year's coach Dan Jeaaee baa announc day to give the go-ahead signal to ^hostlUtiea, and has M>P«eled to housewives to enter industry. it has b ^n decided to divide it concert; 0:13, Irene Rich drama; Wrap up the National Profesalon- football team, almost grarw np the French fleet to sail from Tou- sebger car tires were isstied to end and then go on higher while ed that there will he some ebanges Strong Wesmen Have Alabama and Georgia Tech—they ' ' Reports Uniform equally 'between tpe Navy Relief 7:30. We the People; 8, New Or­ the war lasts. al League’! Weatern Division with a pigskin. hm to iforth Africa. Society and the Army Emergency son Welles series. Hello Ameri­ RoMrt T. Cadder, 188 South Main championahip and hand It to tbe In the Trinity Mne-up when hh Tba modest 80-yaar-ol4 Tommy Been Given Edge. were ready to shake, rattle and Theae developineats, view­ There is a striking uniformity street, Henrj' Kapke, 379 Bldwell But out of that 54 or 55 million warriors meat Wee Fsalar'a (3aid about reports from every section, Relief. The BLU is not participat­ cans; 9, Conrad Nagel theater; must come at least 4,000,000 men Chicago BMrs for the third ime ^ hia grid knowled roll. ed against the beckground of 9:30, Fred Allen and Grade street. J. E. Beacon, 237 Woodland Inals at Middletown today for the through an eager apprenfieeal _ Admiral Darlan Mr. Ennis Said, briefly—no more- ing because on that day it ataru street, James O. Hattln, Jr„ 54 who will go Into'the armed forces ftn ig h t year. Mlddletowa, COnn., Nov. 14 — (tolor wouldn’t mean anything, the naet two j-eeie, have fur- male labor, alciUed or unskilled, another season from th e ' Metro­ Fields. ‘T ^ doesn’t mean that the final gams. J asaaa wai that began when he waa Just S/lcld nhthrd a faaclnating aabject dhestnut street, all defense Woilt- which the jncsldcnt this week said in hla home town of Cumbcriai Weoleyan will meet Trinity on anyway, to these two stalwart and a greatly aecrierated us« of politan Opera stage with the BLU—12:30, To the President; ers; ■ now total 5,810,000 and' would Bears automatically put tbe icing with the showing made by for iMciiUtion. of northwest coaat He might . women in Jobe prevtously the ex­ presentatioa of “Lucia dl Lam- 2:30, Show of Yesterday and To­ reach 9,700,000 by the end of 1943. on the championahip caka if they Md. Andrus Field today in the final football teams. They already have • Waa he reaUy sincere in hie col- Those wh<^were given obsolete freahman center named Blxler last Tommy is another one/of thoee gridiron contest of the season for it all. Ana some. If not all, of it have been In that area when clusive province of men. mermoor.” day; 3:30, Musical Steelmakera; Ures were Albert F. Lane, 54 The Four Ink Spots, Sister Thorpe This would be an Increase of 3,- knock off Green Bay’s ponderous lalwration or was be carrying on General Clark and hie Com­ The need has beerj particutarij^ 6:05, Britain to America; 7, 890.000 in the next 14 months but Packera on Wrlgley Field In tbe Saturday and will probably start fellows who doesn’t IMlr like a the Cardinal and Black. As both waa paraded before 33,000 fans by a gIganUc piece of play-acUng? Chestnut strmt, JoeAph Peretto, Lucky MUUnder him Instead of Starkey, a senior. football player. Peftiaps that’s teams are evenly matched, a close the yellow (caution) of GewgUl mando-led force made their acute thia month, 'he said, not Herbert Hoover, as guest speak­ Drew Pearson, new time; 7:30, 29 Indian drive and Elmer Mqchie, it was not clear whether the presi­ headUner of tomorrow’s National Oonaider the case: One day he trip, which Lieut Gen. Dwight only to make. up for losses er of the CBS Report to the Na­ Quis Kids; 8:30, Inner Sanctum; dent’s estimate Included all men to League schedule. But since Da- AI Turner will probably replace why he’s taken oyeif generalship game Is in prospect Tech and the red (danger) of -Ala­ la denouncing the British for their 152 Charter Oak street. Three top “name” attractions in Moyer at left end and Sceery ia The Wesleyan eleven will have bama. D. Eisenhower said n-as three through Inducttbn of men into the tion at 10:30 Sunday night, ia par­ 10, Good Will Hour. the world of entertainment, will be called into the services within treit’s Iamb-like Liona, Cleve­ of 8baugbneaqr*a famed T forma­ invarioa of Medagaacar and by weeks before the occupation ticipating in a program in con­ MBS—12:30, Safety Songs; 3, Retread cerUficatea were ap­ that time. lands chilly Rams and. Jimmy expected to get the eall over Kelly tion with axtraqzdinary akllL one important change in tbe atart- But don’t get tbe Idea from this • Inference the United States as army, but , because several plant proved for the following: head an All-Star All New stage at right half. began. expansions in the aircraft indus­ nection with The opening of a This Is Fort Dix; 9:30, The Shad­ show at the State Theatre, Hart­ Would Need Larger Number Conselman’a Cltlcago Conzetmanl- ”I Just sort .Of got the Job Ing line-up. Larry Wilkinson will that undefeated, untied Georgia J wen for lU Bupport of that acUon, Dispatches from Africa and three weeks' campaign to revive ow; 6:30, Anchors Aweigh; 7:30, Trucks; Paul F. Donze, 109 Cen­ / If Mr. Roosevelt meant the acs (juat call us Ordinals) are Injuries afiU hamper the Blue mascot for Dm Allegany High be playing at the blocking back Tech had cooked up a cautious - ‘ lahaUng the British “highway try haYs been drawing men from ter street; Town of Manchester, ford, today and Sunday. Star and Gold outfit xriio will mtaa John from Washington did not mention otbeC industries notably in WUIi- and intensify church attendance. Stars and Stripes in Britain; attraction No. 1 in this mammoth armed forces by the end of 1943 an that’s left in troot of them tbe school football team, and traveled post in place of Captain Burt platter of football for tho onoe- nhbera” and condemning “Anglo- Darlan's name. The War Depart* water. 41 Center street; Town of V ere to have , total active strength Fink, brilliant end, and Manley around a Jot with Uia team,” Mont VanderCIuto who was Inducted In­ beaten crimson tide of AlabamA mantic. Some manufacturers have 10:30, This Is Our Enemy. Manchester, 41 Center atreet; stage show, are the Fou^^Ink rest of the way home, the Bears Goodspeed, a guard. The team was Bajcons" in general. ment aaid Clark had conferred already complained of lessened On Saturday night list: Spots (pictured above,/ top), of 9,700,000 men, then more than look like a cuce-waUc once the to the Army immediately after once again referred to as tho red Urge# NlUtary Cooperation with repreaentativea of Gen. Henri Railway Express Agency, Inc.. De­ 3.890.000 woulu'be needed since re­ i cheered by the return of Black lived Oppeatta FMd last week’s gams with Williams. elephants. Mow he apparently la persuaded production because at labor short­ NBC—7, Noah Webster Says; Monday expectations: pot Square; Southern N. E. Tel. 'America's Greatest Quartet,” Packers are past . whrk this fall. training school and upon gradua­ clothes to keep warm and run five xvrites, "are directed principally.^ ww. x o- x v • Wiih whom 1 eaunt on aaauring the in charge at Mrs. Joseph Ham­ 6:45—The Wolte Today. convention interest with a sharply Red Cross Mobile unit at "Y' to the 135-pound throne-^the mer­ or six miles over a hUly cross­ Buddy Knox, who baa fought most in 80 tries In his last two gA At Army Air Base 9:00—National Barn Dance 7:00—People's naUorm. ing in (Congress but this week ry-go-round la on the screwy circle tion Mont will be commisetoned a of the good heavyweightA leads to the maintenance of the main I Uops U lgb Single LJMt Hia passing, angaasntad iif ir - af Mocth Africa.” mond, chairman of nutrition and critical report on the synthetic between 11:30 a. m. and 4:30 p. m. second lieutenant in the infantry. country course. .. . And knowing framework of athletics to the end' ■aaw Oollabeeattaa Neodasary 9:30—Can You Top Thia? 7:30—Thanks to tnOvYanks. rubber situation by E. .T. Taylor, compulsory methods were frowned {once more after tbe retirement of an officers' class in calisthenics at running of Bob UvIngstMiA ' a committee of four. They will 10:00—Sports Newsreel at the Air 125 blood donors needed here. To upon by the Senate Defense In­ the seven-round technical knock­ (>nly a jimior, this will be hia that a couple hundred yqung men that, when victory ia won, we may Nighti. at Murphy's; Datandan of Darlan’a activities serve fruit Juices, tea, coffee, milk 8:00—Julia Sandersoh^'and Frank chairman of the Grange's potent register, volunteers should call final coIIe^te football season m - will do just that in the big ten Bolling Field and plays squash in Ashbaugh' and OoiWte with BUI su m Crumit. vestigating committee and by tha Toronto Tied out victory Beau Jack scored last and badminton. . . . “And say.” re­ be ill a position to tackle promptly comprise the Irish attack. Img hava argued that some meas* and sandwiches. Stven of the Columbia, S. C., Nov. 14.—(Spe­ Transportation committee. telephone 6M’t. labor management committee, of cause ~Df tbe speed-up In college meet at Chicago today and as and effectively the problems of Mates jlo Aid SchulierL •ra of aoDahoration waa necessary cial)—Second Lieutenant Richard 10:15—Campana Serenade with 8:30—Hobby lx>bby. \ Denouncing what he charged Pines Civic Association Get-To­ night over No. 1 challenger AlUe marks Buddy, “That Badminton Michigan baa eoa at- ' local Nurses' Aides will assist the Dick Powell the War Manpower commission Stole because of a cut aye. courses brought on by the war. many more will run Monday In the reconstruction and development. and that ha waa a magniflcent ex* physicians and registered nurses. P. Brannick, Manchester, Conn., 8:55—Eric Severe!^ News. were obstacles placed tn the way gether at Gart-nhaus, Woodland. Itself. Intercollegiate A. A. A. A. meet is tough." ■What U the outlook for sport League Staudlag teams In tbe land, but a fCMBt at tba tactics of stalling reported for duty at Columbia 10:30—The Victory Hour 9:00—Tour Hit Parade. of synthetic rubber development by American Ldgion Home, 10 to With Montreal Naturally, Sammy’s abdication able reserve supi^. 11w Wo Boy Scouts Needed 11:00 News The Senate committee: did the moat toward making the here, thia dept, sought a sound ex­ In general In the poat-war deal of I Name Points while aaraiting the proper moment It is also hoped that five Boy Army Air Base this week and was 9:45—Lovely Melodies. brtflah interests, Taylor, master of 4:30 p. m. work on Red Crow sur­ planation. . .The answer from Pete | Today’s Guest Star interest In sports of all kindA The I Team 4 U inee have lost twloA to tba to throw in France's lot with the assigned to a medium bombard­ 11:15—Nelson Olmsted 10:15—Soldiers with Wings. Um Idahq State Grange, reported gical dressings. A standing invita­ Adxises Against Oompidaioa .Merry-go-round look aa much like Last Night's Fights Seahawks and IPnnaaote, in i Scouts will be available to help 11:30—Mr. Smith Goes To Town Advised against compulsory a true circle as the three-cornered Waters. Manhattan College track | Tim CJohane, New York Worid- present xvar will prove no excep-1 Team 8 ...... 8 AlUes. The German victory, which in setting up and packing the ment g;roup aa a.special services of­ 10:45—Eileen Farrell, Soprano that^n ew and secret miracle pro* tion to all women to assist in thia Heavy Schedules Over coach is: “It's the best conditioner Telegram; “It might not be a bad starts this season. many Frenchmen once expected, 12:00—News controls; said the WMC.had failed 1 J n s •-q I shawl your Aunt Emma wears. tion. I Team 2 ...... a ...... 7 equipment. These boys have ficer. ^ and Concert Orch. cess haiLbeen devised. worth-while effort oi our armed in the world. When boys run cross idea to have Williams and (Colgate Indeed the emphasis now being, I Team 1 ...... 6 Would explain in part both his at* Lieutenant Brannick received 12:05—Your Number Please 11:00—News. He saidxtee process was “Just forces ^ Come at any hour of the to formulate a national program; Weck-Ekld May Change Biit Jack helped a lot it wasn’t By The Assodsted Press tltude and that of Marahal Petain, been Invaluable when the Blood 12:30—Starlight Souvenirs said it was impossible to deter­ Stola, a 5 to 12 PhUadelpbla — Rocky Luciano, country In the fall, they're really meet for the shaving bowl cham­ placed by the leaders of our forces I Bill Brennan broke Into the Bank has been here previously and hia apecialized training at L ttg- 11:05—Sports Roundup. about as, simple as dropping some day most convenient. Standings. I only that he Leld « pionahip... .That would be one Fordhom*B Rams, who unlike Laval, has never pub* ley Field, Va., Pope Field, N. C, (Tomorrow’s, Program potatoes, w he^pr beans In a ket­ mine—until the question of policy favorite, off for the seven com­ 155, Harrlaburg, Pa„ outpointed in shape.. Those miltcs you see in upon the value of competitive ath-llect circle in the Cravat league now with the larger unit coming 11:10—Major Geo. Fielding Eliot, Thursday, November 18 bad been settled—whether any Manuel Rosa, 155H. Baltimore, the Garden during the winter battle in which both teams would letice in the building at etrongl lost night at Murphy’s bowling Feared by B, CL licly voiced the hope of a German and graduated from the officer A.M. News. tle, adding some gplatlne, cooking “Smilin’ ’pirough” Sock A Bus­ pleted rounds of last night’s Madi­ triumph. there will be extra work to be candidate school, Miami Beach, leglalatlon was needed; recom­ son Square Garden shindig, for the (8), prove i t ” ___Why ia it better than get a good lathering.” fighting units is in itself a guoran-j alleya He copped high single Boston, Nov. 14.- done. Any Boy Scout interested 8:00—News. 11:15—Dance Orchestra, / it a while and thenv putting on kin play. High School hall. Bjr Ths Assodsted Press Highland Park, N. J.—Artie Lme to think of it, volA today before on expected nance in the First World War, street. bor-Management committee which drastic action. by McIntyre, 141, Detroit (6). we once heard Lea MacMltchell, Settled Today a remark by Winston Churchin failed to topple tero double pinners crowd of 35,000 at Fenway Park. commanding. He fought on the street: Mrs. Paul Goety, 59 Rus­ 10:00—Radio Pulpit of the Air. we have had no' encouragement,’' Husking Bee, auspices of SL end cf akathv Oiat will find all Chicago—Nate Bolden. 178, Chi­ that 'culture and literature ore oU sell street: Ruth Morris, 59 Rus­ 10:30-^Tom Terriss Thrillers. He stressed these contentions? Bridget’s parish, Hollister street suggested: six clubs meeting In home-and- As a matter of fact, another who never became- a great mller In a row. The league todi up a Although the Eagles are quoted hlame, at Champagne, Flanders Bill Debated Transfer of the selective service commiasion phydeiaa looked at cago, outpointed Johnny Colon, until after he had run cross coun­ very well, but culture without | ooUeefion to enable him to get as 3-1 favoriteA every last mam and Salonika, and was repeatedly sell street; Mrs. Gerard R. Miller, 10:45—Commando Mary. One bushel of wheat, currently auditorium. bome engagements tai two nights. 179, New koric. (10). strength soon ceases to be a liv­ 38 Harvard Road; Mrs. R. H. 11:00—Newt. selling for about one dollar, could system from the Army to the War Tbe ehhllenglng Detroit Red the two cuts over the curly-haired try a few seasons, say he used to Williams-Amherst Game glasses (for the eyes) after ths of Coach Denny Myera’ forces re­ cited for marksmanship, coolness, Silhouette Girls Wedawday. November U Manpower commission and delega­ Newaric walloper’s left eye later Proridenoa—Billy Speary, 189%, take J5-miIe jaunts just for the ing culture.* games. The acores: gards the Rams as the most dan* •fwrgy and decisiveness. Bagg, 104 Princeton street; Mrs. 11:15—Day Dreams with Bud (Coattanad Paga One) make two 6:00*18 tires, or seven Ahmial ^ l a l , Hooe and Ladder 'Wings move toto Montreal tonight “Modem athletics oxxes much—I tion of supreme authority over the and tha Chicago Blackhawka tan­ In hla dressing room, and thought Nanficoke, Pa., outpototed Pedro pleasure of running. Tops Eastern Battles Team Ne. 8 (8) gerous opponents they have m i- Seamanship Superb Edgar Ansaldi, 101 Princeton Rainey. Vecaps, or 8.2 gallons of alcohoL Co. No. 1 at Cheney Halt they didn’t look "particularty dan- Hecnandea, 188%, New York, (10). far more than any other sport —Iw nr Mon 93 98—186 His aeamanship, however, is street; Mrs. Milton Fish, 363 Lake Seeking Members 11:30—Musical Suuvimirs. party by trying to force this on Osst Lew Than 19 Cents nation’s manpower' to the WMC— gle with the Leate at Toronto. In countered thia season, despite tba tha southern states. Friday, November 87 without a formal labor draft by geroua.” It Osa Heppsei Along Seaboard. to the Olympic Games. | Minnich .. ., 186 89—315 1st tore' unimpressive recerd. ■nperb. In 1932, during Mediter­ street; Ruth Mahoney, 41 Cedar 11:45—OUvio Santoro. The procew would produce syn* Annual Ball, Women’s Auxiliary tho third game of the evening, the But It sfill goes down in the SoSth BaU Of It “ntia being ao. It ia of interest 136—865 street; Eleanor Wilson, 49 Arch 12::00—In The Sooth American "And I think it is fltUng, that thetic rubber at Iws than 10 cents legislation or otherwise. Boston Bniina play on their boma Ever hear of a forward pass Brennan ..94 135 ranean maneuvers, the fleet waa of Memorial hospital at Hotel Would Lengthen Work Week [books as a aeven-round 'T . K. O.' By Harold _ and importance to contemplate Benson . ..134 lU 118—848 given the task of trapping a 10. street; Amy Batulonis, 67 Madison The Silhouettes ,girls’ bugle and Way. tha Democratic leader (Senator s pound. Bond, Hartford. Ice for the firat time thia ae.taon, for the one-time Auguata (Ga.) Great Lakoa—Bruce Smlth’a to­ catching the receiver Instead of the future of the Olympic move­ Favor Princeton 000-ton “enemy” warship which street, Hartford; Louise Berggren, drum corps of TalcottviUe, desire 12:19—Junior Quiz Show. Barkley) is administering this Production from farm products The Senate committee addition­ with the New York Rangers as vice v e r u ? .. . .Well, it happened New York, Nov. 14——If the ment. We are somewhat disturb­ 12:45—News. Sunday. November 89 ally recommended lengthening of their opponents. National Golf eounw bootblack, tal offenae In Great Lakaa’ first upsets to date haven’t convinced 318 465 431 1114 was “raiding" merchantmen. The 20 Foster street; Clara Turktng- new buglers between the ages of coup de grace," he declared. epuid be .started in one-third tbe Temple Beth Sholom will pre­ and throwa the lightweight lawn seven games was more than half in a schoolboy game at Wa^lng- ed by current suggestions that the Over Yale Squad ships searched for three days, and ton, 76 Scarborough Road; Mr. 16 and 25. in order to make ready 1:00—Robert, St. John. time It would take undei the pe­ the work week to 48 hours with AD teams win have the same op­ ton, D. C., between Weetern and the fans there Is something dif­ Na 4 (8) New York. Nov. 14—(F>—Yale Turning to Senator Pepper (D* sent •Attorney Irving Davidson of any additional overtime wages to party into a wide-open brawl with the 1,185 yanis rolled up by Great ferent tn'thia football season., a Olympic Games xrill never be re-| Fox .... . 95 97 98—889 ' the 10,000-tonner Anally put into and Mrs. Archie Kilpatrick; Mrs. for the next season. No experience 1:19—Lkbor For Victory. Fla), one of the principal sponsors troleum process. The cost and the ponents tonwrirow night but the ”ev«ay man for thelraelf.” Lakes’ oppooenta. Devltt tbe other day___Halfback vlved. and Princeton took over Oolum- port undiscovered. It waa the is necessary as they have the able 1:30—Program from New York. New York on the subject “Con­ be paid in government bonds. play wUl be at New York, Detroit glance a t today’s program should Tedford .116 93 101—810 Alva McCavanaugh. .50 Home­ of the bllL Bilbo declared: ^ ush of critical materials would be temporary Jewish Wit and HU' Duke O’Omnell of Western pitch­ “This is a view bi xrbich no per- j .180 121 107—348 bla’s Baker Field today for their flagship Foch with Darlan aboard. stead street: Mrs. Harriet Smith, instruction of Robert Von Deck, 1:45—Wise Man. only half as much. The Brookings Institution at the and Chicago. ed SL paae... .The ball hit quarter- settle all doubts: aon xrito thoughtfully subacribea Dwyer .. 66th meeting on the gridiron, tha- veteran drummer and bugler. At 2:00—Sammy Kaye's Sunday T don't oven think you're mqr” at 8:8o p. n. same time declared that if the nitoois vs. Ohio Stote at aevs- Bengston . 97 100- ISA-SSl Hla great grandfather, a gunner, 698 East Middle Turnpike; Ray­ courteous. 1 think you?re wrong— Tha Cslifornia Winery Associa­ ITueoday, Dteenther 1 hack Alex Pepanicolas on the to the prlnclplea of the Roosevelt- longest continuous rivalry in foot­ waa killed at the Battle of Traf­ mond Hennequln, 28 Cottage present the members come from Serenade. tion has offered its idle plants and Monthly , meeUng Pines Ovlc president 8 9,700.000-man goal for back of file heck and stuck be­ lond. C8nirchlll Atlantic Chiarter of ball. The contest lured 34,000 speo- algar, a French defeat. Hia grand­ TalcottviUe, _ Vernon. Rockville, 2:30—Curtis l^nsemble. radically nrrong . . . the armed forces was to be CDtneU te. Dartmouth a t Buf- 428 411 485 1274 street: Gertrude Herrmann, 49 machinery, with an annual capac* Association, at 72 Llnnmore drive. tween his helmet and shoulder August, 1841. xrill acquIeacA We 8 (4) ' totors. father also was a sailor; his father, Park street; Mrs. Flora Mayer, Manchester, 'Hartford, and Weth­ 2:45—The Sabbath Message. Won’t Let Negroes Vota Ity of 100,000,000 gallons of alco­ WeSaesday, December 8 reached the goycrament must take Eagles Ready p(ul.., .Pap ran 16 yadda before he fftlOb look to see the Olympic Gamas re­ Team Na The game was transferred hero a politician, who once served as ersfield. 3:(X>—Music for Neighbors. ”1 say your bill isn't worth the immediate stej>s to lengthen the Fishing Notes ColumbU VA Navy at Baltimore Buckminister. 90 109 101—296 Ellington avenue. Rockville; Mrs. hol, to a non-profit organization Dorcas Socirty Variety Sale and realised what had happened and vived tn the best traditions of thej 100 111—331 from Princeton. N. J.. because of 'minister of justice. William Keeney, 113 Wells street; Ekich year competition ia held in 3:19—World News Parade — Up­ paper it is xrritten on. Not a single, to bring about production of syn­ “kaffee Stuga” at Emanuel Lu­ xrorking week suhetantlalty. thoi he reached around and grab­ The Ohio Wasleyon-Borton Uhl- movement. Irxrin ...... 120 transportation troubles. ' Darlan served extensively at towna all over the state where the ton Cloaa. solitary Negro in Mississippi will The president ssM he was de­ verslty gome xraa dropped because M urphy...... 106 96 96—300 Mrs, H. Priess. 299 E^ast Middle 3:30—Thia la The Army Hour. thetic rubber. theran church. For Buffalo bed the ban, making a 20-yard “We firmly betteve t h ^ wUl| Princeton, xrinner of the past sea In . the Orient and entered Turnpike: Evelyn Glass. 43 Forest corps compete against others of ha allowed to vote as a result of The* Trt-Statc Industrial and Thursday, r-ecember 9 voting a lot of time to the entire and gain. the Md-xresterti eleven xvos unable play a not unimportant part la ths Suprenant ... 91 92 99—272 four meetings, was a slight favor­ the French .Admiralty in I92.V street; Emily Hopkinson, 6 Broad their own class. So far The Sil­ 4:30—(JonnecUeut On The Alert. this bill.’’ Synthetic Rubber Association, Christmas sale and c^eteria manpower problem but reiterated to get travel aooommodafiona to reallaafion of that hoped-for peace I ite. . He was France's Naval expert houettes have won 17 trophies in 5:00—NBC Symphony. his opinion of last week thht there the East while tbe four other 897 395 407 1199 street; Mrs. Ruth Bennett,. 118 e:0(V-Naws. Senator Nonis (Ind-Neb) eX' new organisation of farmers, civic, odist church. Battle Birds Expected (tee-Mlnato Sperta among men and nations which ta at the London conference of Main street; Mrs. Thelma ^g;ar, ths three years of their organiza­ pressed aome doubt for the first induptriia and education groups, la Friday, December 4 Hf no immediate urgency to tbe games xvare shifted from tllelr tbe object of all our present atrtv- Team Na I (0) J9S0 by which time be was a tion. 6:16—Harry Horlick's Orchestra. situation. Willie Pep, the Hartford, Oonn., campus setfinga under tha xvar- Felice ...... r 80 81 79—240 Penn State Meets 118 Main'street; Mrs. Dana Green 8:30—Strictly Spoi-ta. time whether supporters of the ready to start production wban- Board of C>>ntrol meeting. To Surprise Visitors at Game News featberxirelgbt xvho fights (3ialky Ing.” rear admiral. Later he was, 118. Main .street; Mrs. Christine Rehearsals are held every bill could persuade enough luke­ ever tba government gives a "go Chamber of Commerce, Y.M.C.A., bora ptdlcy of bringing the game Larder . . 98 98 107—303 made comnuindrr pf the fleet Wednesday night in the Talcott- 8:45—Yale Interprets the News. Arena Sunday. Wright for the fitle next xreek, to the apeetators Instead of lug . 88 93 83—264 Penn Team Today Mc'Vcigh, 26 Wads'.ssarth street; 7:00—Jack Benny. warm advocates to remain in abe|ul“ signal. 6:30 p. m. ^ _ Duffy ..- and given the new rank of vUle hall, TalcottviUe, from 7 to Monday, Deeoroher 7 ^bridge party, has finally been*aot- probably has the largeat peraonal ging tbe public to tbe cotneeto, Schubert .111 114 M—319 Philadelphia, Nov. 14 — (F) — admiral—he had been a vire Marjorie Nockcr, 116 Charter Oak 8:30 o'clock. Any further Infor­ 7:30—^The bandwagon. Washington to maintain a quorum. - ik y lo r charged that 'th e green Laat noM Trials foUoxring of any out-of-toxra fight­ Pennsylvania and Penn State re­ street; Betty Erickson.- 828 Hart­ "It’s a well-organized, fult-fledg of the rubber, petroleum and In­ Woman's AuxlUary of the C. of New Haven, Nov. 14—^The Buf­ Tomorrow tha South Wladaor tled. In fact It xraa thoroughly Tbe eastern intersecttonal pro­ adBtiral. mation may be obtained by caUlng 8:(X)—Edgar Bergen and Charli# REAL Es t a t e er to show In the Garden. More gram lists Nebraska at Pittsburgh wtuuy9*BBntfWiUB\ 377 386 363 1126 newed their gridifon relations oi\ Some people attributed his avow­ ford Road; Bernice Lydall, 31 7777. McCarthy. ed flUhuster,’’ Nonis declared, dustrial alcohol Industries,’* fear­ C., Tea. . . falo Blaons make their second ap­ iGun Chtb xrill hold what probably thraahod out and anycoe xrho does than $20,000 xrorth of tlcketa al­ Franklin Field today after a lapse, Strong street. 8:30—One Man’s Family. and I'm . in favor of using ing poat-apr eonlpetitibB, was Wedawday, December 9 pearance of the season at the wUl be the last field trials at the not underatnad the terms of aet- and North Carolina Pre-Fllgbt at Low For Dorals ed hatred of the British to their ..cairistmzs •*!- safeterla P arelisas ready have been sold to (Jonnecti Manhattan. Traditional rivalries of three years and Penn was fav« attack on the French warships off S;00—^Manhattan Merry - Go every means to break it.” blocking development of the sjm* Arena oh Sunday night when Ed­ outdoor asaeon. Starting a t 8:30 tlement send a letter, (stamp en- cut buyers.. .Georgia Tech staged ored to win despite an upaet de­ Round. tbetlc rubber processes. supper. North MethodUt church. rhat Hoai« Froa die Shore and eompany engage the with plenty at entries tha Brat etoeed) to'thia xrriter and a full pit Amharst sgsinat WilUoms, WAR STAMPS Detroit—Only 84 yards by rush­ Oran on July 4, 1940 when the Tharsday, Doeomber 19 ita traditional "Ramblii}’ Wreck' each xrith unblendahed records and ing and 11 by paastog in rain and feat at the hands of Navy British feared the vessels would go To Attend School 8:30—American Album of Fa­ New Haven Eagles tn what should I run will be hold. H m trials will be and completo explanation xrill be xveek. Hospital Notes miliar Mtsric. Ladiw’ Guild Chicken Pie Sup­ ARTHUR A."^ be another torrid Amertcan Just aerooa the street from the made by return malt Tbe argu­ contest last niidit. but the rules the Uttle Three nUe at stoke; mud in the 10-0 defeat by Mar­ to the Axis. The abortive assault per and Sale, S t Mary’r Pariah were that tbe Jaloplea-'couldn't uae Harvard and Broxni, (Colgate at Barbed xrlra used by Uncle Sam’s quette Is the lowest total ever The NiUany Lions, boliowsveA - oat Dakar by British and Free For Navy Aviation 10:00—Hour of Charm. Labor Dispute Shipyard Fire - League hockey game. H m oemtost IJate Morris Sullivan’s hOBM on tha ment at the last meeting lasted fighting forces Is vastly different whipped Syracuse a week ago iand . 10:80—The Creightons Arc HaU. '■___ -______- ...... will a ^ as 8 p. Rt^ SptlntBMd vend. There wUl be long e n e u ^ to tu n an maid’a gma and they had to be consigned Syraeuae -In their annual feud, jmd [ achieved by a . Detroit team tn 18 SnStendi foroM was considered as Coal-' Satordiw, daanary 8^ KNOFLA to scrap metal heap oftorxirmrd. Fordhom at Boston OXlega. from th a t used on American tarmA years undsr Gus Dorals. have not' lost k game to PeaA_ . hATlBg deepened thia open dlatruat Admitted yesterday: Mrs. Fran- In Third Day Fatal to Six Buffalo, toodad with many of plenty of refreMunento throughout ten party green xrith envy. It was tbe PhUadelpbiana’ home els Lincoln, 153 Porter street; G. ll^J^N ew z. InstallaUon here of Grand Lodge 878 last y o ^ s BprlngfMd dub. wUl the day. Doga from Oonnaefieut boUad doxni at tha and to an bid Although Spence Moaeley, Yale's The rame sector also send Du- Army and Marins barbed, xrire is , Mtl dialike. U. 8. Naval Training Station, |fflcers of -tho Knights of Pythtss. grid captain, never, hoe i^yed on much heavier and tb a bariiA A bout since 1836. HmgBeHly Tmeted by Petala Raymond Hussey, 29 South road; 11:15—Caaar Saerchinger, com- rind itself tn for a none too plaos- and Manaactmaatta Jmve been en­ aaytng *1fnoh ado about nothing.” queone Into the deep eouth for an Anne Erickson, Bolton; Camilla Newport, R. I., Nov. 14.—^Ed­ meatator, Pag* Oas) ’tOanthw^sS Page Oas) Slit aurpriaa when the Eaglas.Ulto tered. Batern Lag Baade a team that beat Prtpeeton,' his engagement xrith Mtaaioaippl ffuTM tedMS In length, are more A short asan with a bald spot ward A. Ristau, 18', aon of Ludwig dad, a member of (Jtijiild Block’s LafOystto, Ihd.—Out of last ma­ hla hand, he ran the navy Frey. 149 Summit atreet; Patrick 11:30—Unltmitad Horizons. the lee. Eddie Powers really haa Me Mere Birds Talking to an oM himter during StotA viclouB.than ordlnaiy barbed xrirA Wildcats Must Win Peak. 36 Maple street; Nancy Nor- Riatau of 35 Charter Odk street, 12:00—News. ploycs and that morale has suf- ed 880—80 Of tbeffi women—but tha Battle Birds moving now, tha 11m atato put out tho last of (Jia tha peat xraek 1m Informed this famous 1818 team, never met to 'ftM xreen--uid program In tba son’s squad of >85, only five Pur­ Ha enjoyed Manchester,, recently compl the Tigers---- When a Wariiliigton due baaketban players are back '■ iMgWwtt trusL rii. 53 Hamlin street. . 18:05—Chartaa Dant and Hu O t- farad to a point where it has in* that not awre than half umuM Eagloo defeating Plttahurgh oalMrda . lor tha prsamt xrrttor that ovary log band should Southern Ocmerence got aa aariy r . Over Badgers* T Discharged yesterday; Louis bis basic Naval training at chaatra. terfarrad with p.oducUea. have been Inside at tl|e time. Some Wednesday night to mote rtght Thursday. Fifty mors ralaaaad as bA aoeouatad for. Ha said “It Naval offioor I phoned |he Pimlico atw t iMt sight when Wake Foreat liln uniform as Ward Lambert Evanston, HL, Nov. i r - J I i ISi. aMa hs Uvsd iB Tlchy. station and wiU attend a achoel and presumably still Dush, East Hartford: Mrs. Samuel 13:30—Log Cahiii Farms Orchte* Tha union proposed >that tha of the oeeupanto were recruited re­ WANTED Bi^(» Colter up in fiM onstern dlvlalon atond- the aasaon aaars Ita and. Tbora lialpa tbs clubs out xrhsB the bands preaa box Tusaday to aak.a’sporto- shut out George Waahlagtoo. 80-0, [sfarte hla necond quarter-century xreatcrh shoov the worte tor FrsBCh Navy. Leftkowltz and infant daughter, for Aviation Machlplat's Mata. tra. plaats reaumo production this cently la New York. are sfill many eom^alnts from lo- are xotunad. Bseausa the Flab xrrifing friend to make a $5 bet at tbs Nattou’s caplUL i coach. * ~ victory over once beatsB Wloeoi 54 Oxford street; Mrs. Thomas Riatau attended Manchester 12:55—News. morning and that Baird and Sayeta eal huntara that the .Mrila *kre and Gama Commission Ukaa to for him en Cbunt Fleet, be xround Tha nmataig and pairing at today to aXoid being abntaut In U 88 there ersrs Axis rs High school. He had been employ-, WOMAN BOOKKEEPER ^nvers 'ahhounoad that Vie Alltss wars plaaning Turaef and' infant aon, 117 West remain away from the Propeller C D )^ MILL MylsA Wg defennsman. has been j know about how many blrda are up loser by eight cento. The officer Johnny' Codiraa paced the Dea- Qteok Wllaaa Weatern Oonfi street. ed as a machinist by Carlyle and u Production division, tha confer* FOR GENERAL ■ent to the New York Rangera to r lee rWdng Hast killed eft in andi looaUty collected 85.50 ami tha call eoat 58 oonls’ Attack on their scoring tlwSrat nshn>. Iliaas were Admitted today: Bruee Ander­ Johnson. i AIJOM OOFBAM I r^D-ggw — Chicago Bears u Duriaa aneas meanwhile to aontinua, (Baiira As Oh m tutaaf ' OFFICE WORK OPEN SATURDAYS trial. Should Vie fsfi to make tb e ; Ihdienfioas are 'Uiat there xrill year and U tha roeokda iadleato cento. drlvoA but tt xraa Russ Parry who Norfir son, 38 Autumn street; George An Aviation Machinist's Mats Wl! DeL, Nov. 14— amaalMd 10 yards to oas touch­ Iba MatkM Oeepa para SffF cants I George WUaoa as a decoy on for- It xrith rix dstoato is • ■■WfTSTl with Buck. (Coventry: (Utaries Gubbels, must be able to assemUe, aervlce Tha company, which tnsiata It is s r a m i A L MMuniM Trade, he Will return to the ’ not be muffi lee flafaiag this sea- that fexrar xrare.ahot here than In tor aaeh txeriva yaxds, igr 88 toet of Monoa. Ths meeting J. Flynn,. Democratle entitled under a contract with the Savaatk DaagMar s« a Beveath Sea ^ Apply in Writfaif to AND SUNDAYS ,''T!«a who cnee again thia aoa- son Mtoept at nearby poodA Tha normal firneb It maana a down and toaaed a 88-yard pass to xrmrd passes so often hla teom- which iaelodea 78 School atreet; Mrs. Elizabeth and repair airplanes and aiiplana national chairman, was lu in Dela* Joe Bach. ClvtUaa Conch of tbe John Jerry for aaother after. ttris specially manufactured barbed matas coll him Quack (Juack. ICAMft In 8 R aAx McMullen. 88 View street. NAW-CIO to use its own Judgw* -'-'iS V a B . have a . xrorking agraament rubber and .traasportefion dun- aUotifisat for the next year.” engines; ^$(Sbs aircraft wflriag; wara teapttal today. Attsndaatn it on aaalgnroent at foremen, Barrels and Oder ,/ith the RangiirA oulfiea atm boast the outdoor man Fort Knox, Ky., football team that Oodites had moved the ball teto' xsbA Tha-Aimy and Marina Corpo M n id eate D lseh a r^ today: Rogar Bea- maaufaeturs tssaslaala and « ' P d re tt ft Gknney niMds HpcA Ibounftds oC acm. 87 CMnira road. aaid hia oowditloa waa not sarlooa. pedaoosd that tha plant m op« Buffalo dtetatod the and It Is not Ukaly thfit aasay xrill Election at aOean ot tha looal plays the Plttabargh Staalen to­ pooittbri.' - small parte; knew wlnflplia Flyaa, 10, araa atrieken yaatar* with Baird and Mayen ea the Jok F or Sale. here on Mght la a xHU ttam i to distant polpta to flab dwptar at tho .Oonnaefieut Sports- morrow, expects to Jola tho Army At nsteland, Buekaan eoaatad todt tor, detonslya xrartarA I a erzard at 88,988 Birth today:. A daughter to Mr. theory of flying and db aaat ^ day whlla BMrtortng from Wash* Now York—Every fizM one of and Mrs. Raymond Crocker of 21 It cloeed the plants after tha F. O. Box 87 the m-lthnagh the lOA man fflB taka pteeo at tha n M after the eeaeon. Ha xraa Interost- to A Sl<4 vtetocy over Case after ^ tools of xxar going to our fight- ship worfe neeasaary to atrpUna iagtoa to N ^Tork. had expellad Baird CaU Eycnlngs S71^, aiaotttg 6f tha^aluh nad the naw ad in tha Navy hadsN tho Anno- j^Hsg SD A three-toacbdoxra lead mwi fiirougb tea tegular-pur- {Trateer Andrew' Sehutttagar’B FAOR

Has PhO K Pkat? LANEUKUtAO: MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 194!f -V 'meyiRK oim i«N T n»w WE IMWIK S0>-WB Miy W MTf WEAC fTUOm TOOK THEM QPPTM. MR. CTURCrfi-60 WE PHONE IN HiS ROOM Wasted monay Is wsMad Uvaa Roblasoa—Who is the man you Hem flaanoa Amerlaa'a 1NQUGHT WBO ASK AT THE HOTEL^-SUT/ . . Don’t wasta pradoua Uvaa Oat raiaad your hat to? fiort! You ara America. It la your war, your peraonal flght. Buy a you ABOUT THEM— _____ HE WAS OUT LATE . . Every * vew top, good WANTED—GIRL FOR ' Jiouse- tataa par day tor traosisat tires. Telephone 2*174. VVaNTED PC^: work, or girl on second shift, to FOR SALE—GREEN Mountain and ha banda her tram fara nelghbota. LOST—KEY CXSE In, vicinity of !^t o n E" repair and potatoes. Held run, not gradsd, FOR RENT—LARGE ROOM, twli ■at«» It. iMt High school. R ew ^. Call f o r RENT— LATEST TYPE regulate .v-pdr piano or' player gel children ready for school. In . Casb Cbarp* 1939 PO.NTIAC DELUXE sedan; exchange for room and board. 149 $1.15 per bushel at the place, lese beds, couple or two gentlemen Stephan Laiwook m hm Hava you heard about tfie baby 'T- hospital bed. for home use. Rates piano. Manr neater 5052 ' lOc if you furnish bags. Also yel­ Board optional. Telephone 2-1174 Kangaroo? Ha ran a tt and laft kepaaaeatlra l>aya...l I otsi • eta reaSonalile. Call Kemp'a Inc. TeL 1939 Chevrolet deluxe towh Porter. book. "You begm aa 'littla ^ gaaadptlra Days... • eull ots low Globe turnips. FYank V, W il­ and then ’Uttle box’ and then they his mother holding the beg...... In cull I ou OO rov HAVE ADEQUATE 5680. •edan; 1939 PlynKMith deluxe FOR RENT—LARGE Unfumlsh sedan;. 1939 Ford deluxe se>dha. HuMliriaa Senrtcea Offerwi l i liams. VSS2 Tolland Tumpiks. ed room, suitable for couple call you ’aonny’ and then "My bo]^ All ardara tot' Irrapplat inaarttona INSURANCEt All tn good condi^on. good ttrea . Hotp Wanted— Male 36' and after that it Is ’Young man.’ III ba abarpad at tbs ons tins rata ■ TTENTION HOME OWTIEKS. separate facllttlea for housekeep* daaelal rates tor long tarn avary Soo AntoraobUcs for Salt 4 Oole Motors. 4164. ing. Write Box I, Herald. Praaently somaona anya to you, ly adrarttstna girao opoo raaoaat Now Is the Ume to re-roof and WANTED—G»«rKRAL HELP for Household Goods 51 *8ay Mlater!’ . . Ada ordered tiafora the third or McKINNEY BROTHERS FdR s a l e —1938 BUICK con­ FOR SALE-DVR a NT re-s»de j-our home. Under no woolen mill. APt>ty Matson Mill day will ba ebarged only for SOS Sfaln SL, Manebester, Conn. vertible coupe, heater and radio, good running *conditicn. oM'gxUons for our estimate. We Inc., South Glastonbitry, Oonii. ATl'lCNTION, Lawyer (for the defanaa)—Do aclaal number of tlmaa tba ad FURNITURE FURNISHED ROOMS for genUe- •d. ebarglng at the rata aam- Telephone 6060 or 7432 good Ores. Reasonable. Inquire at 18 Lindman street {T.iarantee' all work, and we are men. Inquire 150 Oak street you drink? suil able to quote the old prices, WANTED —AUTOMOBILi: ipe- BARGAIN HUNTERS! « e allowaBca or rafon<*' can 115 Main"^s|reet chanip. Gibson's Garage, 185 Mi Prosecution Wltnaao—’That's my Ja on lit time ada atnpnad 1939 WILLTS 4 Dv£kaya aa a oonvanainca to adyier- West Side. OR Hartford Road. Storage 20 TEatMS ARRANGED Soldier (maakly)—AU riiht. If 8-room single. AH Improve* Tel. 3233. 37 HolUster street nels 26 Gardner street Buy U. S. Bonds and War Stamps girls only at reaaonable price. |i'5Krw. boi tba CAdB RATt» wUl THE AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Oo. Central, laundry privilegea Call that’s the way you faal about it, V^ooaoiad aa irUM- Pa TMKNT If mento. Garage.* S. P. $4,606. J^OJl SALE -I. ALBERTS got off my lap! ' gsid at tba buaiovss office on or oo- g p . $800. local and long distance moving. 3408 or 14 Arch atreet Yeung *'|oro tbo ooventb day followiog the 104 WEST CEN'TER ST. — 6 Return load system, furniture Help Wanted— Female 35 Live Stock— Vehicles 42 ETHINITURE OO. Women’s "V” House. ‘ ~tnt loaartiun of aacb ad otbarwiaa rooms. Single. Bath and lav­ storage. Dial 6260. 43 Allyn St—Hartford Cuatomer—These Maaipea a n a bo CBAROE RATE will 00 oolloet- McKee Street Section. atory. BD, 3 yea n metioBi ...... M improvements hot beat. 8. P. USED MOLINE (^N rubber fine old. 5 jrboms, bath, on first floor, jriMBalal $$400. P. P. $800. 2-car garage. Ready for order. Used gaa engine adth aaw recreation room, double garage. oka—Uortgagaa . . . I1 immediate occupancy. rig. Fordson parts, Oliver repairs. Iaig4 terrace, second floor will Opportonltlos ...... n Oak Street Section. 2-fam- to Irfmn .••.•..•••...«• tt Basic Dress Dublin Tractor Company, WUU- accoBunodnte 8 rooms and bath. ■aln oad gitnatlana Oy dwelling. (2) 4-room apart­ Walker S t .- mantlc. 3 aeres land overtooking Hart­ aatod—Vamola ...... tt ments. All improvements except Double 5-Room Flat, ^ttalo ...... tt heat. S.P.. $4400. P. P. $1,000. FOR BALE—STATIC AND dy­ ford. Telephona Manchester 5334. ^fontod ...... tt-A Woodland St.— , namic automobile wheel balanc­ FOR s a l s :—JUST OFF Main or ramala II BOLTON Aednu ...... Hr A 6-Room Single with im­ ing machine. Gibson’s Oarage, 185 Btreat, flva room single. Occupan­ ■ttpatlooB Wantad—Femalo ..• It dost OR Route 6. On tarred Main atreet telephone 5018. cy in SO daya, steam heat, large KtaatlOBo Waotod—Mala . . . . It road. Over aa acre of land. provements. ^ SAVE lot Price Mae than $5,000. Terms. Miployment Agencies ...... M 5-room honse with all Improve­ I4*n geaeb Peta Penltry— Arthur A . KnoO a.Tel. 5440, 875 VahMec ments. One-car garage. 8. P. Adams St.— Waatefi— To Boy 58 $4,000. D. P. $800. Available Main street ,> f 0 Birds—Pen ...... ei 6-Room Single, no im­ WANTBRV-PINO PONG Uble. ' .Uvo dtoek—Vablclse ...... *t In 80 days. FOR SAUB—2 TEI4EMENT house n n itry and Sopplloe ...... tt provements. Must be in goo Wanted T" Buy I lot. Income $50.00 per month. Ready for occupancy. or two men. Telephone 6508. Ibmaaa—nward—Hateli^.Rcaerts 8., P. $5400. P. P. $1,000. Rretaaraats l a r g e ROOM. QUIET home, pri- Rooms WltUoui B>iard ...... 1 vnte entrance. Twin beds. Work­ Bitardera Wanted ...... tk- Main Road, South Coventry. ing couptea or 3 gentlemen. Coal FOR KALE—FOUR LOTS. Blue- Country Board —Resorts...... < Seven-room single. Full bath. Alexander Jarvis Dolela—Restaurants ...... < Coal heat Kitchen privileges. Phone fleld Section; Inquire or call Mrs. Wantad . Rooms—Board ...... I Running water. Electricity. 8828. J. O, Schaller, Mystic. <>»nn. - Real Relate Per Rent Two-car garage, tj acre of land. Realty Co. . Apart mrnia. Plata reiiomrnia I 8. P $4400. P. P. $1,000. Center St. Supplement your oil heating unit, by using Rualrraas Locations tor Rent .. i Phone 4112 Uouava Pot Rani ...... i Fire*Pla4% Coal. This coal burns wit^ a long FiM Chair Sef Suhorhan Pot Rent ...... kummei Homes Poi Rent ...... Wanted tn Rent . . . . lasting flame, that radiates warmth and cheer Rral Belate Par Sals Anarimmi Buildiiia fot dais .. throughout the entire room .. . We deliver any oalnasB Property tot dale . . . am e and Land ter B ala...... quantity from 100 pounds up to a ton or m ore Beaaoo for Sola ...... Comptometer Operator Lou tor Bala ...... per customer. Phone ns your order today. SRaanrt Property tor Sale...... Buburban foi Sals ...... Real Ratate tor. Exchange . . . . and Wonted —Real Eatsta ...... Anctlen—l.vwal keHcve ' t.ee-* Wntleee,...... tt General Office Worker The Manchester Lumber Wanted and' Fuel Company Everett T. McKInacy, Mgr. Call 4178 For An Interview ^ CENTER STREET PHONE 5145

im D RYDER* PatrioUam auggests that Meeting By Night BY FRfeD HARMAN make one simple drma da / irhara two or thraa driaiiia did ha­ t h a t raREVOAS! THAMKS, - T3 WEEP HER. PRe 4 «.W Q »G 6 D ters! Hara*# ena ’^ aimpla drsi «U(2E PLEQ1Y _ _ MR. •DONNELLY/ WC'yJ which OBB ba made to look like a d 10 cenU in C o ^ SO-lncb matartel, % yard oentraat For tboaa who. prefer ^ .Tour Nnma and Address and the teetive chair sate dona In a plafo Pattern Number to Anas Cabot for collar. The Manrht"4*" Bvwing Herald. For this attraotiva pattarm sand geometric daslgn that la » 15e In coin, your nanie, addraaa, looking and incoaiytcuoua tealgit 106 iavanth aveniM, N ap York iwttam number and alas to The Tbla consaiTaUva fia t etWdtat rat Caty. EackMM 1 cant poatoga fov U mads of 7 bans of sera « i^ ta ea^ pattan arderad. Evening Herald, Today’s ' Pattern The aeoaod laaua o f Anne Cabot Swvloe 106 7tb Avanua. New croebat cotton. Tba beeb Dteoe iiiaaenraa 15 by U tnebaa — Album la aoV ready—tba Fait an Yorii. N. T. W lalar Album dimaly hMpa fo Find seorea of intarasUng pat- SSTa^TSM ara 11% by •% t l ^ abair aeU are. aL knit and ersAatad gar- tana for all agas and aU aiaas in qiulta. L tba BhQ PaM oB, SATURDAY, NOVE^ER 14.1941 • A vw R f* DtOf C b d ^ t io R ^ ’i h t W orUmt Etmtitts Bm lik FW Mw Moatk af Octotor, 19U their good will. Berritomganlaa- Caanot Place ‘Dirkcys tions, church and civic groups, • 7,696 ■ to Liaunch Prepare Plans Leave School n%k$. ■ .<1 A bout Town In Store Wbdowa Now Heard Along Main Street gacdem-ciobs, iuid interested in- \Maaitor of tto AodM Ikiralb \ divlduala should to encouraged to Bonaa of Ctraatattsaa R win not to poaatbla to participate in tto program, To Take Jobs Mmflehe*ter— ‘A City o f Vittage Chtam - 9tm O i abow live turkeya in windowa S5,000 Drive And on Some of Mmtche$ter*» Side Streete, Too For Christmas dnalor Red Orooo I imwiiwit wiU to Mancheater tbia year aa baa Tto Junior Red Croee will follow often been done in the paat its annual custom of providing gift MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY. NOVEMBER 16,1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) ■t Mi taaOquiurtora. After the calf had been order­ Rev. Reynolds to Be in That long arm of coincidence sent himself and ask that the Red CroM Ready All cards, games, favors and table Over 1,000 Boys and VOL. LXIL, NO. 40 t o aarrad a t «:4S bjr ed removed from the window Charge; Fine Staff Now was seen in acUon this past week. flag be taken down due to the fact Over World to Make decorations for Army and Ns'vy Girls of This Town of the Checker Board Company A prominent Mancheater contrac­ it ia torn. hoopitala. They are now engaged on Main atreet early thia week (Signed) Serves Members. tor, Joe Hublard, had a ticket Holiday Merry One. in preparing special Christmas Quit After Reaching 16 two large turkeya, one black The Porter Street Flag Owner." menu covers for use of Navy ships. and, one white, were aecured to the American Legion dinner Although not related to Chriat­ ______o f oon- fram a farm In Glaatonbury the finance campaign for the Numerous inquiries have been Over 1,000 boys and girls have ____ i f tlw Harvard party held laat Wednesday night. Chariie-Oulotta, tto Oak strart maa, Red Croes kit bags, which ara and placed hi the window. Manchectar T. M. C A. soon to be He couldn't attend so be gave it barber, broke out with a sign this received from Indlviduala and or­ given to .every soldier leaving for left schools ia Maacheoter within I CMk^ at tlia homa of The matter came to the at­ to a friend. It developed that the ganisations regarding Red Cross the past Bine months after reaeb- Rlebard Martin. launched will be under tto direc­ week that reflected hla dry aenae plans for Chrlatnuu gifts for men overseas duty, will to, for men who tention- of the inspector for friend couldn’t go either and pass- of humor. A placard in the win­ are leaving or who are en route at Ing the age of 16 and aecured s with Axis Units; _____ wa la play. High the Board o f Health and ha or­ tion of Rev. Ferris E. Reynolds in service in the Unite< .Statesand ed it on to someone else. ! dow of his ahojureads: at overseas bases. ^ Christmaa-time, a welcome Christ­ working certifleatea. The certlfl- . for Iba avanlng wont to dered them removed." and the aupervision of the budget The someone else gave It to still “Service Men's Barber Shop mas gift. IMa. Pony Pratt and the atar of Red Cross workers bv hospitals catea are being issued daily and committee, of which W. 0««rge another and the ticket made quite | Army Haircuts Repaired overuas will provide for every hoa- . Parents and reldtivea of men in toa rtifb, Arthur Bmith. a circuit in a few days. Finally a | __ , service can be assured that the average around 10 a day. Olenney la chairman. Dr. Reynolds friend of Joe Hublard’a met him on pitalized oerviceman attractive Red Crooa field staff with, the able- It is necessary for tha person Itr. and Mxa. Ouatava J. Bchaller will be assisted by Edgar Clarke I If you were walking along Main Christmas packages Which will the street and said “Joe, here's a contain cigarettes, playing cards, bodied troops, in Army and Navy who secured the certifloate to aC MS Owtar atraet. yeaterday War Necessity and Thomas Bentley in promoting ticket to the Legion dinner. Why atreet one morning this past week hospitals and in the Red CrosL clubs show that be or she has aecured atoarrcd thair 4»th wedding anni- you escaped sudden death—or at and other items that may be Se­ don't you go and have a good cured locally. Red Croae workers overMas, will do everything poa- work and the person who is to em­ aacaary. An informal party for time.” least a hard knock on ths head. aible" to make the C^hristmas season ploy them, must sign to t ^ ef­ ;ar in Battle Papers Needed A workman busy making repairs overseas are already making ex­ laaaMdlate mambera o f the family Hublard looked at the ticket tensive plana for the Christmas a merry one. . fect. waa told aM to Sdialler home laat turned it over and by tto number on the roof of a one story build­ ing in the busineaa section left a holidays. 'Volunteer service where night. OB the back recognised it, as the big hammer on the edge of the available will to utilized, and rec­ Livery and Commercial vary ticket he bad given away sev­ reation progranu will to carried on The RataitAferchants Bureau of eral days previous! Nalurally he ro^. It became dlclodged and— Auto Operators Must kerplunk—hit the sidewalk. with in holiday spirit Hospitals will bo the Mancheater Chamber of Cotn- didn’t accept the generous gift of decorated appropriately, and no ef­ She Comes-r’Aliere She Goes narea wUI hold th^ final meeting Obtain (^rificates. his own ticket, and he got quite a resounding thump. No one waa Closing Day near at the time, fortunately. fort will be apuM to make it a Troops Sent Across of the oalendar year at the TALC. kick out of the circunutancea. merry CTirlstmaa. Allied Fighters Close •A. Bast Tueaday noon. Along oame a local milkman and Ia tlM Unltod Statoa REVIVAL SERVICES All pereona who oparate an auto­ the man on the roof asked him to mobile on a livery licenae and thoae O ne of tbs patrons of a local In the United States, Chriatmaa A t the ttoie will be a meeting of the lose the hammer up to hita. The plans will be much the same as in S.C Choral Club of the Second who operate a paaaenger ca-' with tavern who is saving for hla next hammer just cleared the big glass commercial- markera muat obtain year’s income tax by not buying tha past No nationally directed Congngational Church following window of the store below in the program ia planned, but field di­ CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 1^ Certificate of War Neceaaity any beers if he can help It waa en­ 466 Main Street — Manchester Sea to Hold Tunisia^ choir lehearaal at the church next milkman's first haave, but he got from the Oftlce^ of Defense Trana- joying a glass or two in the com­ rectora are charged with the re­ In on Japs at Buna; it up there the second time. Tuoaday evening. portatlon to be eligible for gaso­ pany of three frienda the other sponsibility of coordinating com­ Last Services of the Campaign: munity interesta in accordance A large attendance of the mem- line and tires in the future. This night It was long past his turn to Sunday At 10:45 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. was announced today by war Price order and his companions made all The office bachelor says that he with the wiahes of commanding of­ torahtp of Delta Chapter, Royal and Rationing Board 11-76 and all always gets suspicious of a him ficers. This year the Hospital and Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. N. Y. P. S., 6 ;30 P. M. Arch Maaona ia axpkted to be kinds of gestures indicating it waa persona in the aforementioned cate­ his turn. He remarked in a rather that starts calling him by his first Recreation Corps and Camp and HEAR REV . knd MRS. G. M. GALLOWAY, EvangelisU Army Hastens West aieaent at the Maaonic Temple to­ gories are urged to contact the sheepish tone that he couldn't name. “That's about the time she's Hoapital Councili will play a large Naval Claims Revised night aa the du^iter obaervea “Old ODT Office at llfi Ann street, got her eye on your last name’’ la part in making Chriatmaa interest­ •nmara N ight” Supper win be seem to make the bartender hear X _____ Hartford for further information. him because of a sots throat and his th eo^ . ing and attractive, and will aerve aarved at fi:aO and Pred C. TUden The status of liveries and com­ aa a channel through which many Hitler Reported to Have wUI fill the chair of High Prieat hoarse voice. Instantly one of the Navy a^ports tommel’s Broken Units mercial paaaenger cam wem in ^Mity who is employed in a local Not oven the Second Front groups and Indlviduala may direct Urges L on e doubt under the new Mileage Ra­ Speed Westward as Far Sent Personal and Uf> Lnat nlght’a meeting of Waah- drug store took out a box of throat move made by the United States mined Effort’ tioning Program that !a aoon to be­ losengec and at the same time said in North Africa could take top HAVE SUNDAY DINNER at the TEA ROOM! tagton Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 117 come eflecUve but thia was cleared As El AgheUa While gent Exhortation tef in Orange h ^ area weU attended' “Here, take a couple of these and place in the conversation market Aircraft C a r r.i e r s , Way by Japs Head Ruling up at a meeting in Hartford this we'll see that it’s perfectly quiet along main street this week. The SUNDAY SPECIALS F o r Saving Hold at Any Co«t|! aa the Paat Haatera filled the week when copies of tto Regula­ The War Isn't LIKE ^ FOOD? capture Positions in British Occupy Land- chain. Fonowlng the meeting around here." Yep, he got hooked one big topic was the change in Three Cruisers and tions wera issued for the first time. Rev. Dr. Ferris E. Reynolds 10,000 Nazis and Faa*| chowder waa aervad by Chef all right, but it went on the cuff! the local police department where­ Nowhere niU you find a Native Yellow Tag Guadalcanal > Tulagi Ground at Mar­ F ood Plans y? Considerabla progress haa been Over Yet Destroyer in Battle On C o ffee t ^ .ITthaao Oaano. ,1 made on the task of mailing out the drive for $5,000. Dr. Reynolds by Joe Prentice l^omea Deputy better variety than right ROAST TURKEY aud Strafe and cists Opposing Powepi t tire Inspection Records to all hold- We've seen peraons stand ii^ n e Chief. Police department in gen­ here. East of Solomon Is­ Area; Detaik to Be ia the pastor of tha Second Con­ eral, and cops, in particular, are era of "A” booki, in Manchester gregational whose for a long time in order to get a The country needs N ative Bomb^^^is Forces’for Hoover Advocates Secre­ ful A^ed For eel church under pound of coffee and we’ve thought always favorite curbetone subjects. lands Oct. 26; Six Withheld Untfl Out­ and it ia hoped to have the work able direction are carried on manj^ LOBSTER SHRIMP Keeping in Refrigerator In Key Protectoralei j — ward in the Libyan desert pointment of the aeeretaiy a t ag- force was reported at gripit Tile personnel committee haa have no consideration for others, natural to make frienda with them (Ceiling Prices) today as Allied jungiq. fight­ engaged a splendid staff to give “ NO WINES, NO LIQUORS, JUST east of the Solomons assert­ Keeping tto coffee in the refrigera­ far as El Agheila, beyond ulture as ' food adAlnlstrator today with Axis troops . se^ j and they are the peraons who have We'd rather have them among our ed today the Japanese sank tor to preaerve its freshness is Just ers dosed in on the enemy wibt. complete control of a "more the Y members the beat possible brought on rationing. friends than agin ua Bengasi, yegterday while the knowledged by Berlin and| Turkey Supper GOOD FOODS” one of the tricks housewives stronghold at Buna, Nuw service in all departments. Clifford The other day in the Main street Strange what a hornet's nest one battleship, two aircraft British announced they oc­ and mwe production” program la Rome to have been roshaAl Massey, who is a graduate of Ar­ Wm. Ostrinsky Guinea. The Navy reported K EM rS Christmos Sale A A P store a woman came in can be stirred up when a group of carriera identifled as the U. should learn before coffee ratioiS cupied the landing ground at advocated^by Former President across the Mediterraneaai> ta] b e . nold (College o f Hygiene and Physi­ with a youngster to get some cof­ officials takes ac^on that a great 182 BisseD Street S. S. Enterprise and Hornet, big starts Nov. 28, Mary E. that a “determine effort'' Herbert Ifooyor in a letter made make a fight for France’s laTj QUARRYVILLE CHURCH cal Education, ia well versed in all Keown, state home demonstration was under way by the Jiqianese Martuba and strafed and bombed tMLOfiM fee and was told there was none. many people have been talking aaottor large-typo aircraft car- the Axis forces for miles along public today. North African protectorata. Op*1 types of recreation and games and That made no difference to her. about, more or leas aotto voce, Telephone 5879 THE TEA ROOM agent with tbs Agricultural Ex- to recapture poritlona in . the “The lack M oa Carpet dUq^tch saying Bit right there until he got a i>ound Thoae petitions being passed touch and go. and Italian oo r-aothp| COVENTRY LAKE well known'outstanding Manches­ o f em fee.' WORK (Without giving a source, Reu­ Reds Repulse around, in case you haven’t seen "Numerous enemy surface ters in London said Rommel wias AUied force, bad (iB iS t iM t ter bowler. Mrs. Ruth Caldwell U The youngster sat there from one, are headed aa follow s: Iron Rule Put office secretary In charge during LEGION BINGO forces are abtive in tto eoutheaat- reported to be In Munich, where at strategic and 10 A m. until 2 p. m. Still no ”^ e undersigned inhabitants of Wanted tto Navy aanouaoed that Uie car­ em Solomons in an attempt to re­ tical importance, I). TOUR OWN! 1 the day, while Mrs. Florence Tur­ coffee, but at that time In came rier .whleh was not identified, was he had been called on the carpet Nazi Attacks the 'iViwn o f Manchester, qualified inforce the enemy troope now on by Hitler.) • could most invato' fW Shh <— 9>nuMll3r XMAS GREETING CARDS ney is financial secretary In charge another lad—evidently a brother to vote in Town Meetings within Laborers destroyed after aho had been On Philippines Guadalcanal and to disrupt oiur tant prize Tunisia. ' ‘J during the evening. of the youngster. “O. K. Come heavily damaged by Japanese While the AUied fighters and lTl-174 Spraea St. From Tonr Snapshots said town, hereby make applica­ delivery of supplies to our forces fighter-bombers harassed the be­ Entry o f moving Ale The program committee has on home. Mother got some cof­ tion to the Selectmen of the Town bomben and torpedo plaaes. whidi now occupy riiora positions In Stalingrad Ued force li 'aocordiaHil Older Now — Supply Unltod! planned recreation periods for To Harvest TONIGHT draggled Africa corps in Libya, T061^ MaRchfistor fee in another store,” he said aa of Manchuter to convene a special N o th in to OosOito CSalnw By Jap Army in this area,” the Navy reported. A deadly “ashean" (above), fired by aU. S. wanhip, heads toward to plan” waa ai loot n l^ :| boys and girls aa well as opportuni­ he led the little fellow out of the long-range fighters, probably town meeting for the following Exotic for tto looo of the car­ "The engagements are continu- a disabled freighter which was menacing Atlantic shipping. Finding by L ieut Gen. tUTE STUDIO ties for men to play volley ball, store. from Malta, struck out ahead of purposes: Camouflage rier and tto destroyer, there baa lag.” lU target (below), the depth bomb throws a milky spray skyward, the British Eighth Army and de­ Russians Make Slight bower himself, who badminton, hand bail and basket­ (1) To see what action, if any, signaling the end of the ship, which aoon sank, (brew d the freighter elements swept in from' ball, On Monday and Friday after, LEGION HOME bean no U. B. or ottaor Allied an- Shooting Without Trial While official details were lack- stroyed six large <3erman ptanes Speaking of coffee—have you the meeting will vote to take in Material nounoomoat to confirm tto oweop- ing here, the German radio broad-1 waa removed eafely. (Passed by censor.) . i on the airfield at Tunlo. where Advance in Caucasus; A sutwequent report from noons a group of business and pro­ noticed how quickly people's ears regard to the situation which ex­ ..— I.e6nard Street Of Anyone Who Ven­ rocco ramo said intact bad fessional men have general sitting Ing Japonooo claim. caat a Tokyo dispatch declaring Axis reinforcements are being Volkhov Front Place of become trained to pick up certain ists in the Police Department in in additioa to tha veaaela re­ the tight would “decisively influ­ landed. established w l^the Axis up exercises and play volley ball sounds? There are people now the Town of Mancheater at the tures into Forbidden near Blaerta,^ TYench-1buUt Na from 5:15 to 6:30, under the super­ Burr p o rt sunk, the Japanese said ence the whole war situation” and Medium bombers attacked the Importance Seized. who can spot the purr of the cof­ present time. thraa nnidonttfled warahlpa and Zones in Malaya Also. M. Makin, Australian Navy base wtdqbr Controls t t o vision of Cliff Massey. This clasa fee grinder in the A A P store all Tjnls airdrome Saturday night '(2) To see if the meeting will throe doatroyora were heavily om . „„wmnm minister, said in Melbourne that and hit bulldinge and workshops, Mediterninean. ariU have ite first session Monday, the way out on Main atreet—and vote to conduct an tnveatigatlon • the outcome might determine British Bombers Moscow, Nov, 16—(fiV— With a Rratera beard the Rabat Six 25 damaged. Washington, Nov. 16—(P)—Jap­ November 16th and all men who the grinder is at the very rear of the Police Department of the Nurseries whether Australia is invaded. starting large fires, the communi­ frigid, wintry wind sweeping bioddcast a report today "WHERE GOOD FELLOWS GET TOGETHER* are Interested in keping fit through Manchester, Conn. The Japaneoa announcement fol- que said. Five AlUed aircraft of the long store. Hearing the Town of Manchester. anese military authorities were Continuing their ceaseless ham­ across the steppes, the Red Army an AlUed headquartera at recreation will find it well worth grinder they automatically turn reported by an American official were reported lost in these oper­ as saying the Americana and '(3) To see if the meeting will “Imperial haadquartera at 8:80 mering of enemy ahlpa and oup- ations. One Axis plane waa re­ again beat off German attaqki DINE AND DANCE their while to enroll. Men in all into the store and get into the vote to request the resignation o i tons were advancing eastward branchea of the service have avail­ Door Big p. m. announced further details in obeerver today to have imposed oa ilies throughout the area. Allied Hit Genoa Again; ported shot down over Tunis and within besieged Stalingrad, ad­ TP tha Lfltinc Tanss of coffee Une. the present membera of the Board iron rule on the PhiUppineo and A m b ers imder Gen. Dou$4aa MSc- another ovOr the Libyan desert ed themselves of tto ahower and tto reeulto of tto South Pacific vancing slightly In the Caucasus (Oontinned oa Page Tea) of Police (fommlasioners. battle upon the survey of reports Arthur'a command threw an um­ in addition to the planes destroy­ gymnasium privileges and the Dated at Manchester, Conn., Malaya, shooting without trial brella over American and Austra­ and, in a surprise move far to the Poard of Directora hava made it Remember way hack in the good rooalTed sinoa tto previoua an- anyone who ventures into forbid- ed on ^ ground. north, snatched a “place of great DON MAC AND HIS old depression days when toere the 12th day o f Nov. 1943.” ! damagee lian ground trix-ps as they con­ poarible for them to continue with Prizes Carnes BouBcement on Oet 27 of d d«ai sonea. verged for an attack on Buna. Raid Supply Ship Nearing Chain of Hills tactic^ Importance” from the these privileges without coat. The was plenty of steak,, and roast to enemy surface craft: Summarising in the military re­ Germans on the Volkhov front be­ RHYTHM MASTERS pork, and coffee and sugar and Day before yeaterday an Oak Colunns In Contact With the occupation of Martu­ T. M. C. A. haa been outstanding Coca-Cola—If you had the money atreet business man experienced "Sunk—One batUashlp; two air- view of the Arm /o Command and ba the British Eighth Army was tween Lake Ilmen and Lenin­ ia the community because of the eraft carriers, tto Ent^rise and Ooneral Staff school obaervations T to Australian and American grad, the Russians announced to­ Flashes ! DELICIOUS FOODS — MODEST PBICESt . to buy It? one of those thrills that really do Hara's o way to Penny Bingo Starts at!7:30 Sharp columns are in c)— j One of Greatest Tdlk tion of his remnants are not cut Tueaday, November 17th. A wide or Chriatmaa will be bragging intended to play in the fourth. He you can ’clear tto slate’ all off, the communique Indicated. his conviction. Opposing a revb variety of artlclea such aa ruga, about it Turkey and chicken ara thought the fourth was still up. in ai; oomtot and by our bf GuadalcanaL wbicn apparently Home-based R.A.F. bombers ; Taken by Boston Blaze of the action of DIstric ot Cejoi at once. Employed women fleet minflre over Japaneee posl- waa aimed at strengthening the The coastal area between Bengasi Vichy Reports Dismissal tahia runners, luncheon sets, aearfb jdentlful, while pork haa gone on When he went to cash his tickets attacked Genoa last night, and Toerm, a few miles to the east bin courts, the Jnstict.' depertmeoS BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS tto priority list. end employed men who need . IVital number of planee lost Barbara Bennett IRsap- Japanese forces that have been Since Turn of Century; and materials by the yard, caa to the payer gave him 13-ten dollar making their second attack By Petain from All said VIereck tod registered aa M.1 created with thia faaciaating art. UUs. Tha Oak street man was as­ eeth can gat a loan ef $10 pears After Prepais “author and joarnalist” and dtdl to $300 oa juil thoir siino- (Canttonad on F S g a lW a ) (OanUaned on Page Two) Two Score in Hospit^. (Oontinned On Page Ten) Public Functions Now. Wit Have Over-the-Counter Stamp Refintahing o t aatiquea win again A fow months agp pictures wera tounded to aee so much money CREDIT in three nights and the fourth not "disclose any of his aettvittsa ] released to the press purporting to coming to him. He figured he had turo alooo. Paymontt are ing to A ttoid Party. in the political affairs of tol be on tto T schedule under the. di­ this month on the north Ital­ Boeton, Nov. iS—(P)—In one of Service at All Timet rection of Miaa Marion Tinker. to of direction signs cut into tto about nine bucks due. So he ask­ tamibly arrsnead aa you with country. earth and tto woods which wen them on a monthly basis. A ian bitae and port. “Good re- Bulletin! ^ • • • This class win to tmight on Mon­ ed tto payer if there wasn't a mia- Beverly HUla, O slif., Nov. 16— anlts were seen,’’ the Air the greateat tolls taken by a Bos­ Quorum Calls Laadnw, Nov. 16—(ff>—Oso. day evenings from 7:S0 to 9:30 suppoaed to direct enemy aviators taks. Tto man at the window in- kan of $100 costa $2060 B oxer Facing Training Need ton fire since the turn of ths cen­ Would Revoke Dratt-DeforaaMd to bomb objectives. They wera b an important thing. The (P)—Seardi widened today for Charles De OaoUa and tto and members aaay anrall now for sistad'lM had made no mistake. So when promptly ropaid hi 13 M in istry' announced. (Doastal tury, six firemen lay dead and two Fighting French committee Waahlngton, Nov. 18—(*>— later Jmoved to be fakes. If they the local man returned ‘to his monthly eoatacutivo install- Barbara Bennett as police oougbt command efaft were reported to Manpower CWef Paul V. MeNal$ I thi opening period, November hadn’t been abown up in their true proper use of it makes shopping score others were under hospital Delay Senate which he heads anoouaced ef- 16th. I to women’s gym riaaa meats frien^ at loos to know what had roents ef $10.09 ooch. Treason Trial without ouoceaa a trace a t tto for­ For Freedom have hit a medium sized Axis care today after being pulled from decUred today to favored revoea? J TRY ligh t wa to t that some flyer woUld flclaUy today they were 'f’tak- tion of draft-deferment of worifc.] niasday mornlngB tra m 10:00 to happened. Wa wolcomo all sppUca-' easy but it is very important that mer fllm actress who diaappearad supply ship 'off the Norwegian the debris of old Armory hall in tag no part” in Alllod hego- hava. reported thi^plou^ed area Hiz Mends waited until the next coast yesterday. Maverick aquare. East Boston.- era chronlcaUy aboent from thovP I 11:00 a. m. and tto clasa la still in Center Park. t Im section of tieos ovon if you’ro now in after preparing to attend a party tlattoas with Vichy represen- open for addlUonal mambera. Than day before they told him how he South African Olympic United States Policy No Planea Lrat Fire Oilef Samuel J. Pope said Opponents of Anti*Poll job*. McNutt told a press coalto- lawn lii the park thdt waa ploughed had wen so much money by mis­ tha naighborhood or U you you keep your bilk paid so that your at tto borne a t friends last Fri. tativea in North A fri^ The ence to had “Urged” sue rovgrt* is also a gym class for glria ba- to combat the Jap beetle larvae la hava roeontly:.startod o now In neither the North aea foray tto fire started In grease on the Tax Bill Are Using atatemmt followed a confer­ The New Aero take. He thinks hell try it again. Contender Put Ashore day n igh t Townid Filipinos Seen kltriien stove of a restaurant. He tioa as a mean* of keeping waito twaen tto ages of eleven to fifteen in tto shape of an arrow and it job. Bithareemehierplioiio. credit remains good. nor the IJSOO-raile rou^d trip to ence between De Oualle and era on their Jobe, but to did lirt j on Saturday morainga from 9:00 Her huahand. Screen Cowboy estilnated damage to the four- Time*Eating Tactics. Prime Minister ChorchlU. It points right in tto dlraction of tto to cloolng-^ijvra you written to From Snb as Saboteur. United Nations IdeaL Italy was a single plan! lost. u y whether any such revoeanoas | to 10:00. aircraft plant! Addison Randall, told detoetlvea AtnMspheric conditions over story structure at 45,000. In addi­ added that tto Fighting a boy in tto aervlca. If there’s any­ she bad been despondent oinoe tion, a $20,000 aerial ladder truck actually had been made by Tto T. M. a A thing dioeouragihg it's to stand in Genoa were described as fine. Waahingtoo, Nov A3—(P)—Th* French would not accept decl- tive service. Under present credit rulings, bilk Pretoria, Utooo of South Afotoa, Bridgeport-CnuL, Judge recently Washington, Nov. 16 — (O — waa cruah^ when a wall of the * « . aodal rooms available for meet­ The owner of the flag on Porter line at mail call and fail to hear Nov. 16—(P)—Sydney Robey Lsl-. “The weather was good and the Senate, tied up by the action of rions made by tto British and ings and soeial events whlcb may awarded custody of tor five ehU Training for aalf-rula ia naceaaary building collapsed. Americans to North Africa street mentioned in these columns your nante called. We know,, one must be paid on the 10th o f the see* brandt, ona-tlma South. African fo r the “ stabUity ot independence” I-******' concentrated, a t was The PubUc Safety commission, eouthern membera in using time- Admiral Callaghaa Killed b^ aecnrad a t a nominal fee. In- T^nonat: dran to her fimt husband. Singer of autboriUtlvely tbl. morn- consuming parliamentaiy tactics "ahooM the negotiations ro- las* week baa sent us a fan letter. man who writes 18 letters a week FINANCE CO. Olymplo bosar who aervad In Oor* Morton Downey, who obtained inspectors’ of the state fire mar- Washlngtoa. Nov. 16.— 1 qulriaa legardlBg any ef tto hbove Hera it te: to hoys la tto camps. How. about ond month following date o f pur* BBOBF* pomchuto eotpa bafora be­ freedom after the war, Presldent|*"F to delay debate on an anti-poU tax oult in arrangements which Navy aaaoaneed today that R M I rlaasia may t o mads by ■tsrte ‘rhealar BalMtost divoree foon her ia June. Genoa has been blasted again ahal’s office and in Boston police would la effect eonflnn tto "In answer to the challenffs ItT at Maaahaatar ^ ing put aUiora from a aubmarins Rooaavalt balievea. bUl, voted 44 to 19 today against Admiral Daairi J. CaUaghaa. \ Detoetlva Capt W. W. White again to cut it# value as a arson squad Joined today in a Vichy rcgtanc In North Africa. TM 6 . made in tto Nov. T issue of Tto —A . Non. SnO PTaar chase. aa a aabotour, went on trial la Spealrinff yesterday on tto three-way Ihveetigation of the immediate oonrideration of a biU mer Naval aide to President r Herald under, Tigard Along Main South Afotoa today- OB a traaaos ntaiLRandalL aa saying a t A x is otrangtb in the to prohibit tto aale of sJcohrilc vrtt, had been kiUed la a olglilWfc’.] maatt was last seen by bim blMsb. Vichy, (From French Broad S t” the article about the tom flag oluurss. Mooey Raised for FamUim drinks at and near mlUtaxy peats tioa in tto Solomea Island^ ***** flying from a mast aomewhera on wont on trial wtth arbila ato waapwparing to d ep^ Tha Uquor measure was rtoched casta), Nov. 16—OP)—The Vichy to waa serving as coinmaaSw,rt *,| Completes Basic Unforeseen circumstance* may for A dbrnar aygamant at (ba Hardly bad the smoke cleared radio broadcast today a declara­ Porter atreet It ao happens that Read Herald Advs. uTunlM tStSTtowSd Tto from this collapsed structure than on the Senate’s routine calendar erniser force. CaUaghaa, S3, toinra o f Jaatas Dom o. actor's act ag- tion in the name aoe ef 55 (Darlan, nqw In North Africa in Flghtora Attack TODAY. WE FEATURE tauttion” and *bbpmaw OGOfidSBoe' nMnufacture charge of Frendi interesta with Lsadoa. Nov. Id. — (*> — ' completed bia toaln training at offered VohmtarOy to protect tto loan to help you. It.R^ be to your lata dtomeitd eaaot ef Nazaaqua- appossed. She did not asaka bar ef tto United Statoa that tto Jbpa- saMa wbtba, whhm n 1898, when six Uvea were lost, bad muiutea, t t o aoutbenMfta forced this Statlen, Oeorge W. MoROW, asgtaii for worsbipa rau eaU vote ca O'Danlal’s motion. approval of tto American oom- statoa Sgkter r above mentioned .neighbors, but Jtoast Turkey With AM the FUIe m Isad noitbwait of tto eapa with iranto at Poona’s hou saoa Arasy wouM t o driven foom so many pariahed'in a fin in this Jr„ 21. o f 147 School strafiW Man­ advantage to investigate. and furttor offoits to "rnrttor vary laxga danaaga’ dty. Tto oollapss of tto Pickwick Effort Ta Delay Move iwwH, insiatB that actually Ua au­ dus to the ffiilliig of Ito heigbfibrai Broilen RoaatPriEieUlia ef Beef 10,000 AsMitoa ' the PhOlpiilBto "to the laat thority comes from Prtaln. Last chester, aon of Mr. aw Mrs. to has itoigned this position. Now aqujprasat. bar have baaa fniHMaa, Mr. Rooaavalt apoka on a radio club on Jufy 4, 1935, took 44 Uvea, Whoa tt had baon voted down, Oeorge Morrosr, will to aarigned to * Pig*’ KBEckka u d Saacrfcimat m Pngs gaght) RuaoeU made another point o f no night be said that whatever ths aO tk_ _ ----- . _ if tto etttle ia a good American Arrival Ttaaa Ma$ The 8S-year«M Batban, 1 wtth Piewdint Manual U but firs wasn’t a factor. sMmrmSmi might ssy now should not MaJ. Gea. Oast Sptota. advanced dnty upon retnniing to n fitiaan and thinks po much of his Oyster* and Chun* Steak* and Chop* .Tto tlfBa of hla arrival waa not riopad to Slexleo with Randall aal of tto PhlUpplnei; who baa The fire in Armory hall, once —T to reataurant, a Uquor store and up tto ccntrovaralel aatt-poU tan from Trade Sdmol. Ha 1 The Manchestor Trust Co. iHiio and dance place known blU. (Testerday Darlan announced a hnemaa fb r t t o S.mtliarm New eoasploinlng neighbor has won self- waalS have bfisn In tto Ctolaeaaa and Joan Banaatt and tha daugh­ *T tilM to think that tto history I position ef tto Tnaamry Nov. IS; ♦ha appointment .of Gen.. Henri oatiafaetAn by putting the article ^aign If a aubBsortna bad not pleki ter o f Rlriuurd Bennett *aQ fif at the Philippine ialanda in the I ReoeiptB, $19,847,654.46;'expend- Uumgo’s cafe, appeared to to Since any scsiator may demand England Telephona Company and 35-37 Oidt Street Telephone 3922 Member Federal Depo/dt in*. Corp, - haa a rating aa Blactriclaa's Mate in tto payer. Surely he or she is stHma ttBM oraaetbar have m 4.441^4S: net bal- OB Vi«aX«a^ TtoaClaa^i u het'aua or wonwn enough to