Treasure Valley Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Strategic Plan

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Treasure Valley Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Strategic Plan Treasure Valley Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Strategic Plan September 2006 Prepared By: McFarland Management, LLC In Association With: ~ Treasure Valley ITS Strategic Plan ~ Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...........................................................................................................................................ES-1 1. Introduction......................................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 Background ............................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Purpose..................................................................................................................................................... 1-3 1.3 Potential Benefits of Intelligent Transportation Systems ........................................................................... 1-3 1.4 Participants................................................................................................................................................ 1-4 1.5 Report Contents ........................................................................................................................................ 1-5 2. Existing Conditions............................................................................................................................................ 2-1 2.1 Historical Perspective................................................................................................................................ 2-2 2.1.1 Traffic Conditions ....................................................................................................................... 2-2 2.1.2 Traffic Signal Systems................................................................................................................ 2-2 2.1.3 ITS Implementation .................................................................................................................... 2-3 2.1.4 Public Transportation ................................................................................................................. 2-3 2.1.5 Communications......................................................................................................................... 2-4 2.2 Freeway and Arterial Network................................................................................................................... 2-4 2.3 Congestion Assessment............................................................................................................................ 2-7 2.4 Traffic Signal Systems............................................................................................................................. 2-13 2.4.1 Ada County Highway District.................................................................................................... 2-13 2.4.2 Idaho Transportation Department ............................................................................................ 2-15 2.4.3 City of Nampa........................................................................................................................... 2-15 2.4.4 City of Caldwell......................................................................................................................... 2-15 2.5 ITS Implementations ............................................................................................................................... 2-16 2.5.1 Traffic Signal Control Systems................................................................................................. 2-16 2.5.2 Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) Software....................................................... 2-18 2.5.3 Closed Circuit Television Cameras .......................................................................................... 2-18 2.5.4 Traffic Monitoring Devices........................................................................................................ 2-19 2.5.5 Dynamic Message Signs.......................................................................................................... 2-19 2.5.6 Road Weather Information Systems ........................................................................................ 2-20 2.5.7 Count Stations.......................................................................................................................... 2-20 2.5.8 Incident Response Program..................................................................................................... 2-20 2.6 Public Transportation .............................................................................................................................. 2-20 2.6.1 Valley Regional Transit ............................................................................................................ 2-20 2.6.2 Commuteride............................................................................................................................ 2-21 2.7 Traveler Information ................................................................................................................................ 2-22 2.8 Commercial Vehicle Operations.............................................................................................................. 2-23 2.9 Airport Services....................................................................................................................................... 2-24 2.9.1 Boise Air Terminal.................................................................................................................... 2-24 2.9.2 Caldwell Industrial Airport ........................................................................................................ 2-24 2.9.3 Nampa Airport.......................................................................................................................... 2-24 2.10 ITS Operations ........................................................................................................................................ 2-25 2.10.1 Idaho Transportation Department ............................................................................................ 2-25 2.10.2 Idaho State Police.................................................................................................................... 2-26 2.10.3 Idaho State EMS Communications Center............................................................................... 2-26 2.10.4 Ada County Highway District.................................................................................................... 2-27 2.10.5 Ada County Sheriff................................................................................................................... 2-28 2.10.6 Ada County/City Disaster Services .......................................................................................... 2-29 2.10.7 Canyon County Sheriff............................................................................................................. 2-29 2.10.8 City of Nampa Police................................................................................................................ 2-29 2.10.9 Bureau of Homeland Security .................................................................................................. 2-29 McFarland Management, LLC i ~ Treasure Valley ITS Strategic Plan ~ 2.10.10 Valley Regional Transit ............................................................................................................ 2-29 2.10.11 Capital City Development Corporation..................................................................................... 2-29 2.10.12 Universities............................................................................................................................... 2-30 2.11 Communication Systems......................................................................................................................... 2-31 2.11.1 Twisted Pair Copper Wire and Spread Spectrum Radio .......................................................... 2-31 2.11.2 Fiber Optic Cable ..................................................................................................................... 2-31 2.11.3 Other ........................................................................................................................................ 2-32 3. Needs and Priority Corridors ............................................................................................................................ 3-1 3.1 Needs and Functional Requirements........................................................................................................ 3-1 3.2 Priority Corridors ....................................................................................................................................... 3-8 3.2.1 Time Frames .............................................................................................................................. 3-8 4. Regional ITS Architecture.................................................................................................................................. 4-1 4.1 Introduction to Architecture ....................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1.1 USDOT Policy ...........................................................................................................................
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