2010-11 Are the Implementation of the New IPEDS Race Categories in the Enrollment and Degrees Files and the Implementation of 2010 CIP Codes in the Program Inventory

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2010-11 Are the Implementation of the New IPEDS Race Categories in the Enrollment and Degrees Files and the Implementation of 2010 CIP Codes in the Program Inventory COMPREHENSIVE DATABASE REPORTING GUIDELINES STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 2010-2011 1024 CAPITAL CENTER DR. SUITE 320 FRANKFORT, KY 40601 502-573-1555 WWW.CPE.KY.GOV http://www.cpe.state.ky.us/aboutus/ aboutus_council_meetings_materials.asp Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education Steven L. Beshear 1024 Capital Center Drive, Suite 320 Robert L. King Governor Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 President Phone: 502-573-1555 Fax: 502-573-1535 http://www.cpe.ky.gov M E M O R A N D U M TO: Comprehensive Data Base Guidelines Users FROM: Heidi Hiemstra, Assistant Vice President, Information and Research DATE: August 20, 2010 SUBJECT: Summary of Changes for 2010/11 Reporting Guidelines The primary changes to the Reporting Guidelines for 2010-11 are the implementation of the new IPEDS race categories in the enrollment and degrees files and the implementation of 2010 CIP codes in the program inventory. As previously communicated, the new race/ethnicity codes will be collected at both the detail and summary levels, with the IPEDS summary codes taking the place of the old race field. To assist with development of the Council’s 2011-15 Statewide Diversity Policy, a new section of definitions relating to this policy has been added and will be incorporated by reference into the final diversity policy. Other changes include tweaks to the transfer file and the removal of any reference to KET courses, as those courses are no longer offered. If you have questions or concerns, please let me know. If you would like to be added to a listserv for discussion of these guidelines, please contact me at [email protected]. KentuckyUnbridledSpirit.com An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Institutional Research Contacts ................................................................................................ 5 Data Collection Schedule (Table Format) ................................................................................ 6 Data Collection Schedule (List Format) ................................................................................... 7 Data Access Policy ................................................................................................................... 8 Data Quality Policy .................................................................................................................. 12 Critical Data Elements.............................................................................................................. 15 Data and Reporting Guidelines for 2011-15 Statewide Diversity Policy ................................. 16 Students A. Enrollments Estimated Enrollment ........................................................................................ 18 Enrollment ......................................................................................................... 21 End of Term Credit ............................................................................................ 39 Transfer File ...................................................................................................... 42 KET Telecourse Enrollment .............................................................................. 46 Entrance Exam File ........................................................................................... 46 Student Financial Aid ........................................................................................ 50 Licensure and Certifications .............................................................................. 57 B. Degrees Estimated Degrees and Other Formal Awards Conferred ................................. 60 Degrees and Other Formal Awards Conferred .................................................. 62 Summer Degrees ............................................................................................... 68 C. Target Census ......................................................................................................... 70 D. Tuition Waiver for Foster and Adopted Children .................................................. 73 E. The Michael Minger Act Report ............................................................................ 75 Programs and Courses A. Degree Program Inventory ..................................................................................... 78 B. Course Inventory .................................................................................................... 80 Facilities A. Building and Room Updates .................................................................................. 86 B. Land Holdings Updates .......................................................................................... 92 C. Facilities Utilization ............................................................................................... 96 Faculty and Staff Information .................................................................................................. 101 Finance ........................................................................................................................... 104 Tables ........................................................................................................................... 128 1 Institution Codes (State-Supported) ............................................................ 130 2 Ethnic Codes ............................................................................................... 131 3 Residency Status Codes .............................................................................. 132 4-A State Codes .................................................................................................. 133 4-B1 Foreign Countries and U.S. Territories Codes - Alphabetical by Country . 134 4-B2 Foreign Countries and U.S. Territories Codes - Alphabetical by Code ...... 143 5-A Kentucky County Codes ............................................................................. 152 5-B Out-of-State County Codes for Reciprocity ................................................ 153 6 Primary Distance Learning Mode of Delivery ............................................ 156 7 Classification Codes .................................................................................... 157 8 Campus Codes ............................................................................................ 158 9 Institution and State FICE Codes ................................................................ 161 Council on Postsecondary Education 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS, CONTINUED Page 10 Course Level Codes .................................................................................... 165 11 Class Duration Codes .................................................................................. 165 12 Level of Degree or Formal Award Conferred ............................................. 166 13-A High School Codes – Alphabetical Order ................................................... 167 13-B High School Codes – Numerical Order ...................................................... 180 13-C Closed High School Codes – Alphabetical Order ...................................... 193 15 Declared Major and Program Prefix Codes ................................................ 198 16-A Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Codes ................................ 199 16-B Undeclared and Nondegree Codes .............................................................. 200 17 Approved Degree Programs ........................................................................ 201 18 Building Ownership Codes ......................................................................... 202 20-A Room Use Codes ......................................................................................... 203 20-B Crosswalk of 1973 and 1992 Room Use Codes .......................................... 205 21 Land Holdings Ownership Codes ............................................................... 210 25 Affiliated Corporations ............................................................................... 211 26 CIP 32 Course Codes .................................................................................. 212 28 Regional Postsecondary Education Centers ................................................ 213 29 Off-Campus Course Sites............................................................................ 214 30 Building Condition Codes (NCHEMS) ...................................................... 236 35 General Education Courses ......................................................................... 237 36 Transfer Articulation Agreements and Frameworks ................................... 238 37 Baccalaureate Transfer Framework Programs ............................................ 239 38 Space Assignment Categories ..................................................................... 243 Council on Postsecondary Education 4 STATEWIDE DIRECTORY OF INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH CONTACTS Institution Name Title/Area of Telephone Email Responsibility Council on Postsecondary Education Heidi Hiemstra Asst. Vice President, (502) 573-1555 [email protected] Information and Research Mark Wiljanen Senior Associate, Research (502) 573-1555 [email protected] Mike Bailey Senior Associate, (502) 573-1555 [email protected] Information Martha Evilsizor Associate, Information (502) 573-1555 [email protected] Bill Clark Associate, Information (502) 573-1555 [email protected] Eastern Kentucky University Bethany Miller Director, Institutional (859) 622-6682 [email protected] Research Kentucky Community
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