Khadke et al. Virol J (2020) 17:154

REVIEW Open Access Harnessing the to overcome storm and reduce viral load in COVID‑19: a review of the phases of illness and therapeutic agents Sumanth Khadke1, Nayla Ahmed2, Nausheen Ahmed3, Ryan Ratts2,4, Shine Raju5, Molly Gallogly6, Marcos de Lima6 and Muhammad Rizwan Sohail7*

Abstract Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, previously named 2019-nCov), a novel coronavirus that emerged in China in December 2019 and was declared a global pandemic by World Health Organization by March 11th, 2020. Severe manifestations of COVID-19 are caused by a combination of direct tissue injury by viral replication and associated cytokine storm resulting in progressive organ damage. Discussion: We reviewed published literature between January 1st, 2000 and June 30th, 2020, excluding articles focusing on pediatric or obstetric population, with a focus on virus-host interactions and immunological mechanisms responsible for virus associated cytokine release syndrome (CRS). COVID-19 illness encompasses three main phases. In phase 1, SARS-CoV-2 binds with angiotensin converting (ACE)2 on alveolar and epithelial cells, triggering toll like receptor (TLR) mediated nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-ƙB) signaling. It efectively blunts an early (IFN) response allowing unchecked viral replication. Phase 2 is characterized by hypoxia and innate mediated pneumocyte damage as well as capillary leak. Some patients further progress to phase 3 characterized by cytokine storm with worsening respiratory symptoms, persistent fever, and hemodynamic instability. Important involved in this phase are interleukin (IL)-6, IL-1β, and tumor necro- sis factor (TNF)-α. This is typically followed by a recovery phase with production of against the virus. We summarize published data regarding virus-host interactions, key immunological mechanisms responsible for virus- associated CRS, and potential opportunities for therapeutic interventions. Conclusion: Evidence regarding SARS-CoV-2 epidemiology and pathogenesis is rapidly evolving. A better under- standing of the pathophysiology and immune system dysregulation associated with CRS and acute respiratory distress syndrome in severe COVID-19 is imperative to identify novel drug targets and other therapeutic interventions. Keywords: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, Pathophysiology, Cytokine release syndrome, Angiotensin converting enzyme 2, Acute respiratory distress syndrome, Tocilizumab, Immunotherapy, Antiviral, Chloroquine

Introduction *Correspondence: [email protected] 7 Section of Infectious Diseases and Cardiovascular Medicine, Mayo Clinic Since it was frst reported from Wuhan, China in Decem- College of Medicine and Science, 200 1st St SW, Rochester, MN 55905, ber 2019, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has USA rapidly spread across the globe and was declared a global Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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pandemic by the WHO on March 11th, 2020 [1]. As of upon characteristics of the local community (e.g. urban July 18th, 2020, 188 countries have been afected with vs rural, age distribution, etc.) and any public health more than 14 million confrmed cases and over 600,000 policies in place for containment or mitigation such as fatalities [2]. Being a novel virus, there has been a steep quarantines, shelter-in-place orders, mask-wearing, or learning curve about its microbiology, host interactions, contact tracing. mechanism of immune dysregulation in humans, and tis- sue injury. Multi-modality therapeutic options are being Clinical presentation explored on an emergent basis with limited evidence of Te spectrum of clinical manifestations ranges from efcacy [3]. asymptomatic to life-threatening. However, more than We provide a focused review of the published litera- 80% of patients have mild symptoms or are asympto- ture regarding the pathophysiology of COVID-19 with matic [11, 12]. Te most frequently reported symp- an emphasis on the anti-viral and immunomodulatory toms include fever (80–90%) and dry (50–70%). therapies. Tere may be associated severe fatigue and dyspnea. Loss of taste and smell have also been reported. Gastrointes- Methodology tinal symptoms (nausea, , ) are present We conducted searches on PubMed and Google Scholar in less than 5% of patients. Symptoms typically resolve for any articles between January 1st, 2000 and June 30th, within 5–10 days. However, approximately 14% of 2020, with the search terms “Coronavirus or COVID- patients have severe disease requiring hospitalization and 19” in conjunction with the search terms “transmission”, 5% may have critical illness evidenced by adult respira- “pathogenesis”, “”, “cytokines”, “interleu- tory distress syndrome (ARDS), respiratory failure, shock kin (IL) inhibitor”, “antiviral therapy”. Due to limited pub- and/or multi-organ dysfunction [13, 14]. lished literature related to COVID-19 in the pediatric and obstetric population and their unique aspects, we exclude Predictors of severe disease articles pertaining to that population. We also reviewed Clinical predictors of poor outcome include advanced information published on the World Health Organiza- age, male gender, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and tion (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention coronary artery disease [15, 16]. Laboratory predictors (CDC), and John Hopkins University Center for Systems of critical disease include lymphopenia, elevated levels Science and Engineering (CSSE) websites. of D-Dimer, pro Brain-type Natriuretic Peptide (pro- BNP), troponin I, and creatinine [9, 15, 16]. High levels Epidemiology of infammatory markers such as IL-6, C-reactive protein Te Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, (CRP), and ferritin are also associated with more severe China, the purported origin site of Severe Acute Respira- disease [17]. Qin et al. described that patients with severe tory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was the COVID-19 had signifcantly lower circulat- epicenter of new cases of COVID-19 from December ing B cells, T cells, and Natural killer (NK) cells on fow 2019 to January 2020. In February 2020, the epicenter cytometry as compared to non-severe cases, endorsing shifted initially to Italy and Spain, and subsequently to the hypothesis that immune dysregulation plays a role in the United States of America (USA) in March 2020 [4, 5]. disease severity [18]. Estimated case fatality rate with COVID-19 ranges from 0.5 to 3% [6, 7]. However, mortality is higher in males, Mode of transmission patients with comorbidities including diabetes mel- SARS-CoV-2 is a member of the betacoronavirus (β-CoV) litus, heart disease or hypertension, and those over age family. In the last 20 years, the most lethal strains of the 60 years [8, 9]. β-CoVs causing epidemics include Severe Acute Res- Wu et al. reviewed the epidemiology of 72,314 COVID- piratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in 2002, 19 patients in China and noted that the predominant Middle Eastern Respiratory Disease coronavirus (MERS- age distribution was 30–79 years of age, but observed CoV) in 2011 and SARS-CoV-2 in 2020. SARS-CoV-2 is increasing case fatality rate (CFR) in older patients purportedly spread to humans from bats via intermedi- (> 80) [10]. Less than 2% of identifed patients were less ate hosts such as turtles and pangolins, however this is than 18 years of age. While similar patterns have been currently controversial [19–23]. Te main mechanism reported in Europe and the United States, the interpre- of spread for both SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 seems tation of epidemiological data is limited by the testing to be human-to-human transmission [3, 20]. COVID-19 characteristics of the specifc community, with likely is predominantly thought to be spread via droplets and under-representation of asymptomatic patients [2]. Fur- fomites [24], with very limited aerosolization, and recent ther, variable transmission rates are also observed based data indicates possible fecal–oral spread as well [11, 24, Khadke et al. Virol J (2020) 17:154 Page 3 of 18

25]. Patients can be contagious for 24–48 h before symp- protein which promotes membrane curvature and binds tom onset [6, 10]. Te incubation period is 2–15 days, to the nucleocapsid), the envelop (E) protein which helps with a mean of 5.1 days. Most (97.5%) patients develop with viral assembly and release, and the nucleocapsid symptoms within 11.5 days [11]. Te virus can survive N protein (helps with viral replication) [35, 36]. In vitro up to 1–2 days on glass and metal surfaces, and up to studies demonstrate that viral non-structural proteins 4–5 days on plastic surfaces [26]. It is unclear if a signif- and E2 glycoprotein have a high afnity binding to the cant amount of SARS-CoV-2 is present in breast milk, porphyrin portion of heme of infected cells [36]. Te rep- urine, or semen for transmission. Vertical transmission lication of SARS-CoV-2 is shown in Fig. 1. from pregnant mothers to infants remains a controversial SARS-CoV-2 shares structural similarity to both Severe topic, but there are emerging reports of damage to the Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) placenta from COVID-19 [24], and SARS-CoV-2 RNA (approximately 80% similarity) and Middle Eastern Res- has been detected on the fetal side of the placenta [27]. piratory Disease Coronavirus (MERS-CoV); thereby studies on SARS and MERS are extrapolated and applied Testing to COVID-19 [37]. Tere is a possibility of emerg- Microbiologic diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 is made by real- ing strains within SARS-CoV-2, including the so-called time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (rt S-type and L-type. At present, there is no clear evidence RT-PCR), serology, and rapid detecting kits [28]. that one strain is more virulent than another, and the two True sensitivity of PCRs from nasopharyngeal swabs var- strains do not represent distinct targets for drugs and ies from 30 to 70% depending on the phase of illness [29]. vaccine development [38, 39]. Since PCR has a signifcant false-negative rate, a negative PCR should be interpreted in context with the clinical SARS‑COV‑2 invasion of host cell using angiotensin manifestation, disease phase, and radiological fndings. converting enzyme‑2 (ACE2) receptor Virus-specifc immunoglobulins (Ig)—IgG and IgM anti- As shown above, SARS-CoV-2 enters the host by bind- bodies can be detected beyond day 5 of infection and can ing to the host cell ACE2 receptor, a membrane-bound be detected in those who have active disease or recov- protein found on the surface of type 2 pneumocytes, epi- ered, although delays in seroconversion beyond 14 days thelial cells, and enterocytes [34]. In addition to ACE2 have been reported [30]. Further, there are some reports mediated endocytosis, direct entry into cells may also that antibodies produced against SARS-CoV-2 are short- occur from cell surface. Transmembrane protease serine lived and may not be fully protective [31]. Te sensitivity 2 (TMPRSS2) is another host cellular protein which has and specifcity of serologic assays difer based on the spe- been described as a co-factor for SARS-CoV-2 entry into cifc methodology utilized (e.g. ELISA, agglutination, or cells, and Camostat is a clinically relevant drug has been complement-fxation). Numerous serology kits with vari- observed to be inhibitory towards SARS-CoV-2 particles able false negative and false positive rates are currently in in cell culture systems [40]. the process of being developed, and appropriate imple- ACE2 exists in a soluble form in the alveolar fuid mentation requires validation. where it potentially plays an important role in protec- Serological testing as a diagnostic tool for COVID-19 tion from ARDS [30, 41]. ACE2 receptor expression on is limited by the fact that seroconversion may be signif- epithelial cells increases with age and may partly explain cantly delayed after the onset of illness, although it may why children are less prone to infection by SARS-CoV-2 have increasing utility during later phases of disease [42]. Further, children have higher levels of soluble ACE2 when viral loads are lower [32]. A clearer understanding activity within alveolae during ARDS, which has been of the kinetics of production during infection is hypothesized to cause improved lung repair mechanisms critical for understanding the specifc role of serological compared to adults and be protective against developing testing as a diagnostic tool, as well as an instrument for COVID-19 [42]. seroepidemiological and vaccine evaluation studies [33]. Tere is controversy regarding the role of ACE inhibi- tors or ARBs in potentially increasing the virulence of SARS‑COV‑2 structure COVID-19 via the upregulation of ACE2 [43]. Although Coronaviruses are spherical, positive-sense, single- there is currently no convincing evidence to suggest that stranded, non-segmented ribonucleic acid (RNA) sur- ACE inhibitors or ARBs have a benefcial or harmful role rounded by a lipid capsule derived from the host cell in COVID-19, further studies are needed to resolve this membrane, which has a characteristic surface spike gly- question. Current consensus by several societies such as coprotein [34]. Te general structure comprises of four the European Society of Cardiology is that there should essential proteins: the spike (S) protein responsible for be no change in the utilization of these agents in patients attachment to host cell receptors, the membrane (M) infected with COVID-19 [44, 45]. Khadke et al. Virol J (2020) 17:154 Page 4 of 18

Fig. 1 Viral replication pathway of Covid-19. The virus frst attaches to the ACE2 receptor and internalizes into the respiratory epithelial cell and causes the release of its genome. The S protein (spikes on the viral surface responsible for attachment to host cell receptors), M protein (shapes the virion, promotes membrane curvature and binds to the nucleocapsid), E protein (helps with viral assembly and release) Khadke et al. Virol J (2020) 17:154 Page 5 of 18

Since ACE2 is vital for viral entry to a host cell, a novel pandemic such as COVID-19, it can also propagate mis- treatment strategy utilizing recombinant human ACE2 information as the data is not verifed or peer-reviewed protein is being studied in a randomized trial in China, in many instances. looking at its use as a competitive inhibitor as well as a Several anti-viral therapies are under investigation for mediator to promote lung repair. Meanwhile, the Uni- the treatment of COVID-19, either as monotherapies or versity of Minnesota has launched a phase 2 clinical in combination with other agents [51]. Te only medica- trial (NCT04312009) to evaluate the efcacy of losartan, tion for which FDA has issued emergency use authoriza- which is an ARB, in COVID-19 pneumonia. tion (EUA) is Remdesivir, which was approved on May 1st, 2020. Table 1 summarizes the key anti-viral therapies SARS COV‑2 replication and evasion of the immune system currently being investigated in clinical trials. We will dis- Virus-infected cells typically activate the immune system cuss some of the promising therapies based on mecha- via cytotoxic cells, interferons or antibodies. Te MHC1 nisms of action. (Major Histocompatibility Complex 1) is an antigen presenting cell that causes resultant autophagy by lyso- Viral mRNA synthesis inhibitors somal degradation. Te ORF-2 protein of SARS-CoV-2, Remdesivir (GS-5734) is a viral nucleotide (adenosine) which is expressed by both L-type and S-subtypes, down- analog, which incorporates into nascent viral RNA chains regulates MHC1 by decreasing total protein and beta-2 and results in premature termination [51–53]. In vitro microglobulin expression in a dose-dependent and studies suggest that the combination of remdesivir and incubation time dependent manner [46]. Tis causes a CQ could inhibit viral replication even at low concen- decrease in cell surface expression, and hence decreases trations [51]. Te multi-center trial, commonly known lysosomal degradation by autophagy, and subsequently as SOLIDARITY (NCT04321616), was one of the frst decreases cell elimination. Tis is similar to viruses that large-scale trials aiming to compare HCQ, remdesivir, cause chronic infection such as HIV (Human Immuno- and the combination of HCQ/remdesivir in hospitalized defciency Virus), which lead to maladaptive immune sys- COVID-19 patients. Tis trial was started as a fve-arm tem while maintaining active replication. adaptive design trial aimed at studying the primary out- Another mechanism that aids with the elimination of come of in-house mortality at 3 weeks. Other outcomes virus-infected cells is increased expression of cytokines. measures included comparison of mechanical ventilation IFN alpha and IFN beta are produced systemically by epi- occurrence, viral clearance, and markers of infammation thelial cells, and alveolar macrophages and [54]. On March 24th, 2020, the Czech Republic approved aggravate lung pathology during respiratory . the use of remdesivir in critically ill patients [39]. Some Human intestinal epithelial cells (HIEC) are known to adverse efects of remdesivir are transaminitis, nausea, be infected by SARS-CoV-2 and can assist by generating and vomiting—further studies are underway to evaluate an IFN-mediated intrinsic immune response [47]. IFN for side efects. gamma is produced locally by lung resident dendritic Based on the fnding of the Adaptive COVID-19 treat- cells and has been shown to inhibit lung epithelial repair ment trial (ACTT), Remdesivir may be most benefcial after viral recognition [48, 49]. Non-Structural Protein 1 if given to patients with severe COVID-19 lung involve- (NSP1) is another protein that decreases IFN production ment before mechanical ventilation [55]. Remdesivir use by preventing translation of IFNs and pro-infammatory was associated with a reduced median time to recovery cytokines and IFN-stimulated anti-viral components by (11d v 15 days). A mortality beneft was observed (8% v binding mRNA translation machinery and enucleated 11.6%) but was not statistically signifcant. cleavage and degradation of lost mRNA [50]. Favipiravir (T-705), a synthetic nucleoside analog, TLR3 is activated by sensing viral replication from functions as a chain terminator at the site of incorpo- dying cells. It causes increase in IFN gamma, which ration of the viral RNA, thereby inhibiting the RNA- results in compromise by epithelial cells and predisposes dependent RNA polymerase. Umifenovir is a membrane to secondary bacterial infections. fusion inhibitor originally developed for infuenza. A multicenter trial comparing favipiravir to umifenovir Emerging anti‑viral therapeutic options in COVID-19 patients with moderate symptoms and Our knowledge of clinical manifestations and pathogene- chest imaging abnormalities showed a 71% recovery at sis of COVID-19 is rapidly evolving as is our understand- day 7 for those receiving favipiravir, compared to 55% ing of how best to manage this illness and associated in the group receiving umifenovir [43]. Another trial in complications. Given the rapidly changing data, several China on 80 patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 com- therapies are being used solely based on anecdotal evi- pared response to Interferon (IFN)-α combination with dence. While immediate access to new data is critical in a either favipiravir or lopinavir (LPV)/ritonavir (RTV). Te Khadke et al. Virol J (2020) 17:154 Page 6 of 18 NCT04276688, NCT04303299, NCT04303299 in survival although high or recovery speed, mortality suggests patient population was rate ill only severely 2020-000890-25 NCT04308668, ChiCTR2000029939, ChiCTR2000029935, ChiCTR2000029899, ChiCTR2000029898, ChiCTR2000029868, ChiCTR2000029837, ChiCTR2000029826, ChiCTR2000029803, ChiCTR2000029762, ChiCTR2000029761, ChiCTR2000029760, ChiCTR2000029741, ChiCTR2000029740, ChiCTR2000029609, ChiCTR2000029559, ChiCTR2000029542 medications vs traditional Chinese NCT04286503: various combinations NCT04292899, NCT04292730 NCT04307693, NCT04255017, NCT04261907, NCT02845843 trial, MIRACLE no change Initial China showing studies from yet trials on No registered Has antitumor activity inducing cell by NCT04322123, number EU Clinical trials register Monotherapy or combination trials: NCT04260594: trial monotherapy NCT04306497:Western comparison of various NCT04252885, NCT04273763, NCT04261907, ChiCTR2000030894—Tocilizumab and Faripavir ChiCTR2000030894—Tocilizumab NCT04257656, NCT04302766, NCT04252664, Current and planned clinical trials Current cant drug-drug interaction COVID-19) or porphyrias - CYP3A4 interaction, can cause signif Due to GI disturbances (diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting) Lipid abnormalities Hepatotoxicity Anemia Prolonged QTC Prolonged Arrythmias with associated cardiomyopathy (concern given Dilated cardiomyopathy Dilated Photosensitivity Retinal damage syndrome Johnson’s Steven in patients with G-6-PD defciencyShould avoid Nausea and diarrhea Nausea and Diarrhea Headache Embryotoxicity Transaminitis Nausea Diarrhea Adverse efects Adverse - - - - 19 of mature virions of mature lism of lopinavir that evidence that Ribavarin a protein targets SARS-Co-V-2 directly binds to somal activity, thereby interferes with viral thereby somal activity, in host cells replication acidic endosomal pH required for virus/cell for acidic endosomal pH required fusion limits viral fusion hemoglobin dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) of RNA viruses porates into viral RNA causing premature viral RNA causing premature into porates termination of replication in human airwayMERS-CoV replication epithelial cells Lopinavir: Protease inhibitor; inhibits assembly Protease Lopinavir: Ritonavir: CYP3A4 inhibitor; the metabo slows Some Ribavirin: inhibits IMP dehydrogenase. Heat shock protein inhibitor; endo degrades Heat shock protein Azithromycin prevents bacterial superinfection prevents Azithromycin Endosomal inhibitors: alkalinizesEndosomal inhibitors: the normally which of receptors glycosylation Decreases SARS-CoVwith interfere to to binding Presumed Immunomodulatory Membrane fusion inhibitor infuenza for as a treatment developed Synthetic nucleoside analog inhibit the RNA- selectively and potently Nucleotide/adenosine analog which incor Active substrate shown to prevent SARS- and prevent to shown substrate Active Mechanism of action - ± RIBA - viral and immunomodulatory therapies for COVID and immunomodulatory therapies - viral anti Emerging + AZITHROMYCIN VIRIN QUINE (HCQ) LOPINAVIR (LPV) (RTV) AND RITONAVIR LOPINAVIR GELDANAMYCIN HCQ CHLOROQUINE (CQ) and HYDROXYCHLORO (CQ) CHLOROQUINE UMIFENOVIR FAVIPIRAVIR (T705) FAVIPIRAVIR REMDESIVIR (GS-5734) 1 Table Drug Khadke et al. Virol J (2020) 17:154 Page 7 of 18 pneumonia ChiCTR2000029386, NCT04323592, NCT04244591 being studied with HAART for HIV-infected patients, and for and for patients, HIV-infected with HAART for metastatic triple-negative breast avir combination combined with thymosin a1 combination combined with thymosin avir in Argentina, Bahrain, Canada, France, Iran, France, Bahrain, Canada, in Argentina, and South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Norway, Endpoints: mortalityThailand). length of rate, hospitalization, utilization of ICU and ventilators NCT04317092: TOCIVID-19 with use in COVID with use in COVID TOCIVID-19 NCT04317092: and Faripavir ChiCTR2000030894—Tocilizumab alone ChiCTR2000029765)—Tocilizumab NCT04273529, NCT04273581 NCT0424459, ChiCTR2000029656, disease Used in severe doses and schedules preparations, Diferent NCT04312009, NCT04311177 NCT04287686: trial Pilot yet trial on No registered 2 clinical trial planned Phase being studied as combination therapy Currently NCT04291729 NCT04261270: Monotherapy: NCT04303299: therapy Combination NCT04252274, NCT04303299 - lopinavir-riton vs. ChiCTR2000029541: Prezcobix - NCT04321616: SOLIDARITY trial currently Current and planned clinical trials Current cant drug-drug interaction Transaminitis Well known teratogen Well Hyperglycemia Psychosis Secondary infection necrosis Avascular Kidney injury Hypotension Awaiting study results Awaiting Diarrhea Headache Lymphadenopathy Hypertension Nausea Anorexia Transaminitis Transaminitis Nausea Diarrhea Diarrhea Nausea Vomiting Headache - CYP3A4 interaction, can cause signif Due to GI disturbances (diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting) Lipid abnormalities Adverse efects Adverse - reducing the production of IL-6, TNF-α and of IL-6, the production reducing chemokines pulmonary fbrosis refractory e.g. ARDS, sepsis or septic exists, shock supplementation oxygen disease requiring enzyme 2 of HCV NS3/4A protease lism of lopinavir the surface of the infuenza virus) IL-6 receptor antibody receptor IL-6 B binding to gene promotors, gene promotors, Blocks NF- ƙ B binding to Presumed to decrease infammation and hence decrease to Presumed indication only if alternative recommended Was for recommended Dexamethasone recently Angiotensin receptor blocker; receptor blocks viral entryAngiotensin Recombinant human angiotensin-converting Humanized IgG4 monoclonal antibody Humanized antagonist CCR5 Danoprevir: Non-covalent macrocyclic inhibitor Ritonavir: CYP3A4 inhibitor; the metabo slows Interferon: cytokine viral neuraminidase inhibitor (enzymeviral neuraminidase inhibitor on found HIV Protease Inhibitors HIV Protease Remdesivir (Kaletra/Aluvia)Lopinavir/Ritonavir Chloroquine & IFN beta Lopinavir/Ritonavir Mechanism of action (continued) & INTERFERON TOCILIZUMAB THALIDOMIDE CORTICOSTEROIDS LOSARTAN APN01 (RHACE2) LERONLIMAB (PROLERONLIMAB 140) DANOPREVIR (RG7227/ITMN-191) & RITONAVIR (RG7227/ITMN-191)DANOPREVIR & RITONAVIR OSELTAMIVIR ​ AND COBICISTAT DARUNAVIR COMBINATION ANTIVIRAL THERAPY COMBINATION 1 Table Drug Khadke et al. Virol J (2020) 17:154 Page 8 of 18 - ruxolitinib + ruxolitinib versus ciated pneumonia ciated combination interferon alpha-1b combination with LPV/RTV symptomatic patients symptomatic ogy, Immunology and Infection. Online March ogy, 11, 2020 ruxolitinib alone ruxolitinib CAR-T neurotoxicity: NCT04150913CAR-T and active rheumatoid : NCT00117091 on NCT04280224: in COVID-19 NK cell therapy asso NCT04288713: SOLID-C19 study NCT04268537: Camrelizumab and Thymosin Thymosin NCT04268537: and Camrelizumab NCT04320238: Inhaled human recombinant NCT04315948, NCT04276688: IFN infusion in NCT04320277: BARI-COVID study of baricitinib in Preclinical data by Wu et al . JournalWu of Microbiol- data by Preclinical trials on No registered ChiCTR 2000029580: MSC Currently being evaluated for neurotoxicity in neurotoxicity for being evaluated Currently COVID-19 yet trial for but no registered Planned No registered trials on No registered NCT04315298, NCT04327388 and NCT04324073: trial CORIMUNO-19-SARI A trial planned with combination remdesivir Current and planned clinical trials Current cus infections, requiring before vaccinations before requiring cus infections, initiating therapy Infusion reactions Risk of severe meningococcal and pneumococ - Risk of severe Neutropenia Immunosuppression Hypersensitivity reactions Immunosuppression Drowsiness problems Visual Pancytopenia Hyperlipidemia Pancytopenia Orthostatic dizziness Vertigo Hyperlipidemia Hypersensitivity Neutropenia Immunosuppression Cytopenias Edema Hypotension Increased risk of secondary infections Hyperuricemia Neutropenia Transaminitis Nasal congestion Adverse efects Adverse - immune response replication duction by Th17 cells Th17 duction by pathway of IL-6 Cytotoxic to virally infected cells virally infected to Cytotoxic Non-MHC dependent cytotoxicity cytokines Secrete anti-viral a potent generate to Distal complement inhibitor Anti-PD-1 antibody Stimulates immune response to inhibit viral to immune response Stimulates JAK inhibitor Selective JAK2 inhibitor pro and IL-22 production the IL-17 Decreases Inhibits GM-CSF communication via the JAK JAK-STAT inhibitor JAK-STAT IL 1 inhibitor Chimeric anti-IL-6 monoclonal antibody Chimeric anti-IL-6 soluble and membrane-boundBinds to forms IL-6 receptor antagonist receptor IL-6 Mechanism of action (continued) NATURAL KILLER (NK) CELL THERAPY KILLER (NK) CELL NATURAL ECULIZUMAB CAMRELIZUMAB RECOMBINANT RECOMBINANT INTERFERON THERAPY BARICITINIB FEDRATINIB (SAR302503, TG101348) FEDRATINIB RUXOLITINIB ANAKINRA SILTUXIMAB SARILUMAB (REGN88) SARILUMAB 1 Table Drug Khadke et al. Virol J (2020) 17:154 Page 9 of 18 ill patients bination with ruxolitinib versus ruxolitinib alone ruxolitinib versus bination with ruxolitinib NCT04269525: studies ules of MSC in diferent NCT04321421: study in critically COV-19-PLASMA NCT04325672 ChiCTR 2000029580: phase 1 clinical trial in com - NCT04252118, NCT04288102, NCT04273646, MSC derived Uses umbilical cord NCT04276987: in COVID-19 Uses MSC exosomes doses and sched - preparations, sources, Diferent Current and planned clinical trials Current aerosolized MSC-exosome does not carryaerosolized this risk Transfusion reactions Transfusion Infusions cause microcirculatory blockage, may Adverse efects Adverse - plasma of recov antibodies from protective patients ered potentially can prevention of lung fbrosis in of lung fbrosis can prevention potentially COVID-19 lung injury associated Treatment aimed at isolating and transfusing Treatment Cell therapy with regenerative properties with regenerative therapy Cell Mechanism of action (continued) CONVALESCENT THERAPY PLASMA CONVALESCENT MESENCHYMAL STEM CELL (MSC) THERAPY STEM CELL (MSC)MESENCHYMAL 1 Table Drug Khadke et al. 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combination with favipiravir was shown to expedite viral which may be of concern given the high incidence of car- clearance (4 days versus 11 days, shorten recovery time diac arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death being noted (statistically signifcant at 92% versus 62%) and cause in critically ill COVID patients [65–67]. Photosensitivity improvement in chest imaging [56]. Based on these stud- and retinal damage can also occur, and rare cases of Ste- ies, Favipiravir received marketing approval in China on vens-Johnson syndrome have been reported [68]. Tey February 17th, 2020. Common side efects of favipiravir should be avoided in patients with glucose-6-phosphate- include nausea, headache, and diarrhea. Favipiravir may dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) defciency or porphyrias [67]. cause embryotoxicity [57]. Other therapies to inhibit viral host attachment and viral Endosomal function inhibitors replication CQ and its derivative, HCQ have historically been used LPV and RTV are both antiviral agents used in combi- for malaria and amebiasis. Tey are also widely utilized in nation to treat human immunodefciency virus (HIV). the treatment of auto-immune conditions such as rheu- LPV is a protease inhibitor that acts by preventing mat- matoid arthritis (RA) and systemic lupus erythematosus uration of the HIV-1 virus, while RTV is a cytochrome (SLE), and in recent years have been seen to have activ- P3A4 (CYP3A4) inhibitor which increases plasma levels ity against a wide range of viruses in-vitro such as Ebola of LPV. In a randomized study, involving 199 patients virus and SARS-CoV-1 [58, 59]. with severe COVID-19, there was some anecdotal suc- Teir anti-viral efects are achieved by multiple mech- cess, but the combination did not demonstrate signifcant anisms, primarily by alkalinizing the normally acidic improvement in death rates, rates of oxygen desatura- endosomal pH of the infected cells, limiting virus-cell tion, and rates of intubation compared to the standard of fusion, and modifying glycosylation of receptors [60]. care treatment in matched controls [36]. In SARS, LPV Tey also afect cell signaling and have an immunomod- and RTV were most efective when used in combina- ulatory efect by blocking proinfammatory cytokines, tion with ribavirin [69]. Tere is some evidence based on particularly -alpha (TNFα) and viral-host cell proteomic mapping demonstrating SARs- IL-6, IL-1β production by activated alveolar macrophages CoV-2 binds directly to a protein that is targeted by riba- and downregulation of TNF receptors on monocytes virin [70]. Adverse efects may include diarrhea, nausea, resulting in decreased activation. Tey also rash, and asthenia. reduce the severity of ARDS by decreasing TNF-α medi- Other anti-viral therapies currently in clinical trials are ated opening of tight junctions of epithelial cells, as well summarized in Table 1. as upregulation of leukocyte adhesion molecules (LAM) and hence decreasing leukocyte extravasation into dam- COVID associated cytokine storm and lung injury aged alveoli [61, 62]. Apart from these, another mecha- Some patients with COVID-19 undergo progressive nism by which CQ/HCQ is postulated to interfere with clinical decline which is characterized by the following SARS-CoV-2 relates to the virus’s ability to block hemo- phases: early phase, pulmonary phase, and hyper infam- globin synthesis. CQ/HCQ competes with the porphyrin mation phase. We describe the phases of COVID-19 to bind to the E2 portion of the virus, thus freeing the infection, discuss immune dysregulation resulting in porphyrin to incorporate into hemoglobin [36]. cytokine storm, and review immunomodulatory options Based on these observations, these agents were thought being studied in this disease. Terapeutic options are to be promising prophylactic and therapeutic options summarized in Table 1. for COVID-19. HCQ was investigated both as mono- therapy as well as in combination with Azithromycin (an Early phase: phase one added to prevent bacterial super-infection) for Te frst phase of COVID-19 infection generally presents COVID-19 [63]. Preliminary data from the open-label as fever and cough triggered by robust viral replication non-randomized French trial on six patients of this com- within the respiratory epithelium. Te innate immune bination showed viral load reduction [63]. On March 28, system is the primary mediator of infammation dur- 2020, Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine sulfate were ing this phase. Viral particles are recognized by Toll-like issued EUA to treat hospitalized adults and adolescents receptors (TLR) on macrophages, neutrophils and den- who were unable to be enrolled in a clinical trial. How- dritic cells (DC), which typically activate nuclear factor ever, based on continuous review of the available scien- kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-ƙβ) tifc evidence, the EUA was revoked on June 15, 2020, as pathways leading to transcription of several cytokines there was no clear demonstratable efect [64]. including IL-6 and IFNƴ [71–73]. IFNs induce Janus Adverse efects of CQ and HCQ include prolonged Kinase (JAK) and activator of transcriptor (STAT) path- QTc interval, arrhythmias, and dilated cardiomyopathy ways, which promote expression IFN-stimulation genes Khadke et al. Virol J (2020) 17:154 Page 11 of 18

[74]. SARS-CoV-2 appears to inhibit the NF-ƙβ -TLR4 Secondary hemophagocytic syndrome (sHLH) may pathway and thereby delays IFN production, allowing also develop during this phase, and is characterized by unchecked viral replication [75]. Te N protein of SARS- fever, cytopenias, hyperferritinemia, and an increase in CoV-2 appears to antagonize the host response and the proinfammatory cytokines including IL-6 and IL-18 IFN response. Tis provides a potential therapeutic tar- [85, 86]. Tis could be useful to consider when treat- get, as utilizing IFN gamma earlier could help modulate ing a patient with COVID-19—white blood cell count, the immune response and potentially decrease disease CRP, and D-dimer may be helpful to monitor and to severity. distinguish between CRS versus secondary bacterial infections. Pulmonary phase: phase two Another aspect that warrants further study is the con- Progression to the second phase of SARS-CoV-2 infec- sequence of elevated D-dimer, as it is unclear at present if tion is characterized by the development of hypoxia. it is refective of an acute phase only, or potentially a dis- Te direct virus-induced cytopathic efect on type two seminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) phenomena pneumocytes via ACE2 receptors activates the innate occurring in the lungs secondary to the sHLH. immune system, resulting in a large infux of monocytes, An overview of the immune dysregulation in COVID- macrophages, and heavy infltration of neutrophils [76]. 19 is shown in Fig. 3. Tey produce nitric oxide, growth factors, and trans- forming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) which contribute to oxidative injury, leading to capillary leak and alveolar Recovery phase basement membrane damage utilizing the TLR-4- NF-ƙβ Tis phase can occur at any time during the disease and pathway [77]. Loss of the type two pneumocytes also is divided into the early recovery stage (ERS) and the impairs endogenous lung repair mechanisms, leading to late recovery stage (LRS). IL-6 production and circulat- the cascading progression of injury. ing infammatory monocytes were noted in ERS, with the potential for ongoing lung injury. In LRS, patients’ serum Hyperinfammation phase: phase three contains an abundance of antibodies. It is speculated that As COVID-19 disease progresses to Phase 3, which dendritic cells (DC) produce IL-18 which promotes pro- appears approximately 9–12 days after the onset of ill- liferation of B cells as well as IL-7 which promotes ness, there may be development of ARDS, CRS, septic proliferation, IL-2 secretion and proliferation, and shock and cardiac complications [9, 18]. antibody production [87]. SARS-CoV-2 drives a lower anti-viral transcriptional response compared to other respiratory viruses, resulting Non‑selective immunomodulators in low IFN-I and IFN-III levels and elevated chemokine Corticosteroids levels [78]. T lymphocytes, activated macrophages, and neutrophils migrate towards and infltrate the alveo- Te use of corticosteroids was much debated for COVID- lar microenvironment, releasing pro-infammatory 19 as steroids are immunosuppressive, potentially delay- chemokines and cytokines including IL-1, IL-6, and IL-8, ing viral clearance and increased risk of secondary IL-17 and TNF [79, 80]. infection. An observational study on intensive care unit Cytokines implicated in COVID-19-associated lung (ICU) patients with MERS reported that high doses of injury and CRS include IL-1β, TNF-α and IL-6, which corticosteroids were associated with more severe disease activate other proinfammatory pathways via the JAK- but did not increase ninety-day mortality [88]. Other STAT pathway and activation of T cells [17, 77, 81, 82]. meta-analyses in SARS showed no beneft of steroid use IL-6 also recruits macrophages at sites of injury and [89, 90]. An observational trial by Yuan et al. showed no promotes infammation and ARDS. Te SARS E protein beneft from Methylprednisone. However, preliminary causes IL-1β secretion, leading to lung infammation and data from the UK RECOVERY trial showed that low dose injury [83]. IL-1β also accelerates the production of TNF- dexamethasone (6 mg PO or IV daily for 10 days) reduced α, which in turn promotes the apoptosis of lung epithelial mortality by 35% in intubated patients and by 20% in and endothelial cells [84]. IL-1β, TNF-α and IL-6 provide hospitalized patients requiring oxygen supplementation an integrated, amplifed infammatory response, leading compared to patients receiving standard of care, but had to a breach in alveolar basement membrane integrity. no efect in patients who did not require oxygen supple- Tis subsequently increases vascular permeability, lead- mentation [91]. Based on these data, Dexamethasone is ing to pulmonary edema, which is associated with pul- now recommended for patients with severe COVID-19 monary deterioration even with ventilator support. Tis (requiring oxygen) including those on mechanical venti- is schematically represented in Fig. 2. lation by the NIH and IDSA [92, 93]. Khadke et al. Virol J (2020) 17:154 Page 12 of 18

Fig. 2 Alveolar micro-environment showing pathophysiology of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The Th response causes the release of IL-17 which activates TNF alpha which enhances epithelial injury and activates neutrophils to cause degranulation. IL-6 is produced by alveolar macrophages which also stimulates neutrophils. Once the epithelial integrity of alveolus is breached epithelial sodium channel (Enac) channels and Na/K channels fail to maintain homeostasis eventually leading to an increase in permeability of capillaries causing exudation of fuids. T reg cells also trigger TGF beta which causes fbrosis to the damaged epithelial membrane. Most of the COVID-19 patients present with ground-glass opacities and fbrosis of their lungs

Non‑steroidal anti‑infammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Thalidomide Tere is controversy regarding NSAID use for symptom Talidomide blocks the NF-ƙB binding to gene pro- relief with COVID-19. Te French National Agency for motors, reducing the production of IL-6, TNF-α and Medicines and Health Products Safety suggested that chemokines [95]. It increases circulating NK cells COVID-19 viral clearance may be delayed by NSAIDs. and increases IFN-ƴ production by T cells. It is FDA Te European Medical Association (EMA) did not sup- approved to treat multiple myeloma in combination with port this statement, due to lack of supporting evidence low dose dexamethasone and trials suggest activity in [94]. infuenza-associated lung injury. Trials are evaluating the Khadke et al. Virol J (2020) 17:154 Page 13 of 18

Fig. 3 Immune dysregulation in cytokine release syndrome. The involvement of the immune system in COVID-19 is in 3 phases: initial infammation which is characterized by delayed interferon response and robust viral replication, the pulmonary infammation phase which is characterized by sub-optimal T-cell and antibody response, leading to increased vascular leakage and permeability and impaired viral clearance, and the hyperinfammation phase which is characterized by very severe infltration of monocytes, macrophages and neutrophils—this leads to progressive lung injury and ARDS as well as hemodynamic instability and shock

role of Talidomide in COVID-19 (NCT04273529). Tis efects of Tocilizumab include increased risk of second- drug has well-known teratogenic efects [96]. ary infection, liver dysfunction, and cytopenias [98]. A similar anti-IL-6 agent, Sarilumab, is being investigated in clinical trials for COVID-19 (e.g. Cytokine inhibitors NCT04315298). Siltuximab is a chimeric anti-IL-6 IL‑6 inhibitors monoclonal antibody that binds to soluble and mem- IL-6 is one of the key players in accelerating a cytokine brane-bound forms of IL-6, preventing binding to sol- storm. Several IL-6 antagonists are being studied for uble and membrane-bound receptors. It is used in the safety and efcacy in COVID-19. Tocilizumab, a proto- treatment of CAR-T induced CRS not responding to type IL-6 receptor antagonist, is the most studied and is tocilizumab, and hence may play a role in COVID-19 currently used in managing cytokine storm in chimeric induced CRS as well [99, 100]. Side efects include cyto- antigen receptor Antibody (CAR-T) therapy. It was penias, edema, hypotension, and increased risk of sec- approved in China for the treatment of severe COVID- ondary infections. 19 in March 2020. An initial trial in China where Toci- lizumab was administered to 20 patients with severe COVID-19, targeting cytokine storm demonstrated IL‑1 inhibitors promising results, with 19 patients discharged in stable IL-1 is another pro-infammatory cytokine that feeds the condition 2 weeks after administration. Chest imag- cytokine storm. It mediates infammation in the lungs, ing showed signifcant improvement on day four to fve leading to fever, ARDS and fbrosis. Anakinra, an IL-1 [97]. Anecdotal reports from other large centers suggest blocker, is used to treat RA in adults and neonatal-onset rapid improvement in some patients with improved multisystem dysfunction (NOMID), as well as used of- oxygenation often within 24 to 48 h of administration. label for neurotoxicity complications of CAR-T ther- Also, treatment may be more efective earlier in the dis- apy. Tis is currently being investigated for COVID-19 ease course than when ARDS fully develops. Typically, induced CRS [85, 101]. Adverse efects include hypersen- a single 8 mg/kg dose is administered. Notable adverse sitivity, neutropenia, and infections [102]. Khadke et al. Virol J (2020) 17:154 Page 14 of 18

JAK inhibitors Complement inhibitors Te regulation of the JAK-STAT pathway is essential for In addition to DIC, the complement pathway contrib- cross interaction between various cytokine signaling utes to lung injury in SARS, and it may contribute to pathways leading to an uncontrolled pro-infammatory the high incidence of fatal microvascular and macro- state. JAK inhibitors such as Ruxolitinib and Fedratinib vascular thrombosis associated with COVID-19 [110]. target the pro-infammatory JAK/STAT pathway and Eculizumab, which is approved to treat rare complement- are approved for myeloproliferative disorders [17, 103, mediated disorders like paroxysmal nocturnal hemo- 104]. Ruxolitinib is also approved for steroid-refrac- globinuria (PNH), atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome tory graft versus host disease (GVHD) which are JAK/ (aHUS), neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder and STAT-driven diseases. Baricitinib is another JAK inhib- myasthenia gravis, is being evaluated for safety and ef- itor currently used in RA which is being investigated cacy in COVID-19 (NCT04288713). Immunosuppres- for efcacy in COVID-19 (NCT04320277). It also may sion is a major side efect. In general, patients should be have anti-viral activity by reducing clathrin-mediated vaccinated against meningococcus and pneumococcus endocytosis [105]. Common dose-limiting side efects prior to use [111]. However, this may not be possible in of JAK inhibitors include cytopenias, hyperlipidemia COVID-19 patients being considered for this therapy. and increased risk of secondary infection. Programmed cell death (PD)‑1 inhibitors Tese likely function by delaying T cell exhaustion. Cam- Immune efector cell therapy relizumab, a fully humanized PD-1 monoclonal antibody, NK cell therapy is currently approved to treat lymphoma in China and is NK cells are recruited to site of infection by now being investigated as an immunoregulatory thera- chemokines, activated by cytokines produced from peutic option for COVID-19. Clinical efcacy of camreli- infected cells, like IL-12, IL-15, IL-18, and IFN. Acti- zumab plus thymosin in patients with COVID-19 will be vated NK cells counter the virus by increased IFN-ƴ evaluated in clinical trial NCT04268537 [112]. Adverse production and NK cell-mediated cytolysis of infected efects of immunotherapy are generally related to break- cells. Possible blunting of NK responses by SARS- through autoimmunity and may include rash, diarrhea, CoV-2 may allow disease progression [21, 106, 107]. colitis, and thyroid dysfunction [112]. Given its anti-viral properties, allogeneic, “of the shelf”, NK cell infusions, derived from healthy donors, are Therapies utilizing passive immunity being evaluated for efcacy in COVID-19 associated Convalescent plasma exchange, which utilizes passive pneumonia. NK infusions are generally well tolerated. immunity, may be an efective treatment strategy. Serum rich in anti-SARS-CoV-2 Ab can be obtained from recov- ered donors and transfused to infected patients. Shen Mesenchymal cells (MSC) et al. reported transfusing hyperimmune plasma on 5 Cell-based therapy, especially mesenchymal stem cell critically ill patients infected with COVID-19, who had therapy, is considered to be one of the most promis- severe pneumonia, rapid progression, and persistently ing therapeutic approaches aiming to provide oppor- high viral load despite treatment, as well as severe ARDS tunities to treat several diseases. MSC have diverse mechanical ventilation. Tese patients received trans- immunomodulatory and regenerative properties [54]. fusion with convalescent plasma with SARS-CoV-2v-2 Previous trials have shown evidence of stabilized and specifc antibody with the resultant resolution of ARDS improved lung function in patients with ARDS who within two weeks, and 3 of these patients were extubated received MSC without any treatment-related adverse within 2 weeks. All patients clinically improved around efects. Given the hypothesis that MSC therapy might a week later [113]. Tis appears promising and is being prevent the triggering of cytokine storm and promote investigated in several countries for critically ill patients endogenous repair, several clinical trials are Looking at [114]. the safety and therapeutic potential of MSC from vari- A summary of all the therapies discussed above is listed ous sources in SARS-CoV-2 (e.g. NCT04313322) [108, in Table 1. 109]. Since infusions may carry the risk of microcir- culation injury, MSC derived exosomes, which can be Conclusion delivered by aerosol inhalation, are also being evaluated Given the worsening trajectory of the COVID-19 pan- for safety and efcacy in severe COVID-19 pneumonia demic, there is a global race to develop efective thera- (NCT04276987). Availability and large-scale manufac- peutic interventions. Since SARS-CoV-2 is a novel virus, turing are potential issues. Khadke et al. Virol J (2020) 17:154 Page 15 of 18

our understanding regarding its host interaction and CDC: Centers for disease control; CSSE: Center for Systems Science and Engi- neering; ACE2: Angiotensin converting enzyme; TLR: Toll like receptors; NF-ƙB: resultant infammatory responses is still evolving. Most Nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells; IFN: Interferon; therapeutic agents currently under investigation are TNF: Tumor necrosis factor; SARS: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome; MERS: based on prior observations with SARS or experience in Middle East Respiratory Syndrome; USA: United States of America; pro-BNP: Pro brain-type natriuretic peptide; CRP: C-reactive protein; T cells: T lympho- immune dysregulation. Moreover, with rapid publica- cytes; B cells: B lymphocytes; NK: Natural killer; β-CoV: Beta coronavirus; SARS- tion pace and immediate access to data before formal CoV: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus; MERS-CoV: Middle peer-review, there are emerging challenges in ensuring Eastern Respiratory Disease coronavirus; rt RT-PCR: Real time reverse transcrip- tion polymerase chain reaction; BAL: Bronchoalveolar lavage; CT: Computed the accuracy of published information for clinical use. tomography; mRNA: Messenger ribonucleic acid; NSP1: Nonstructural Protein Te frst medication to receive EUA was HCQ/chloro- 1; TMPRSS2: Transmembrane protease, serine 2; ARB: Angiotensin II type I quine. However, based on subsequent data, this EUA was receptor blockers; NHC: National Health Commission; CQ: Chloroquine phos- phate; HCQ: Hydroxychloroquine; IFN: Interferon; LPV: Lopinavir; RTV: Ritonavir; revoked. Currently, the only direct anti-viral agent with RA: ; SLE: Systemic lupus erythematosus; E: Envelop pro- EUA for COVID-19 is Remdesivir. tein; LAM: Leukocyte adhesion molecules; G6PD: Glucose-6-phosphate-dehy- A key mechanism driving COVID-19 associated mor- drogenase; CYP3A4: Cytochrome P450 3A4; HIV: Human immunodefciency virus; JAK: Janus kinase; STAT​: Activator of transcriptor pathway; N protein: tality may be the cytokine storm augmenting lung injury. Nucleocapsid protein; M: Membrane protein; S: Spike protein; sHLH: Second- While the precise pathways driving CRS and ARDS are ary hemophagocytic syndrome; ERS: Early recovery stage; LRS: Late recovery yet to fully understood, high levels of pro-infammatory stage; DC: Dendritic cells; NSAIDs: Non-steroidal anti-infammatory drugs; EMA: European Medical Association; FDA: U.S. Food and Drug Administration; CAR-T: cytokines such as IL-6, IL-1β, and TNF-α characterize Chimeric antigen receptor T-cells; MSC: Mesenchymal cells; PNH:: Paroxysmal the cytokine storm. Tere is encouraging preliminary nocturnal hemoglobinuria; aHUS:: Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome; PD-1:: data in CRS and ARDS with the immunomodulators like Programmed cell death-1; Ig:: Immunoglobulins; DC:: Dendritic cells; ICU:: Intensive care unit; COPD: : Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; NOMID:: Tocilizumab, an IL-6 inhibitor. Tese agents may be used Neonatal onset multisystem dysfunction. alone or in conjunction with other treatments, such as dexamethasone, in severe disease. Acknowledgements Authors are thankful to Joanna King MSMI, Creative Director Medical Illustra- Cellular therapy may also have a role in treating and tion and Animation at Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minnesota for her help with reducing lung injury in COVID-19. Based on their illustrations in this review. application as cancer treatments, NK cells are known to Authors’ contributions exert direct cytotoxic efects on virally infected cells and All authors have contributed signifcantly to the writing of this manuscript and produce IFN-ƴ and TNFα to boost the host immune critical revisions. Additionally, SK, NA, and NAh drafted the fgures and table, response. MSCs, with prior use in the treatment of which the other authors subsequently edited. All authors read and approved the fnal manuscript. GVHD, fbrotic liver, and lung diseases, may also improve COVID-19 associated lung damage. Tere is a potential Funding role for the development of agents aimed at enhancing Illustrations for this review article were made using discretionary research funds to Dr. Sohail from Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science. immune surveillance by specifcally targeting ORF8 or NSP1 to impair MHC1 . Availability of data and materials Convalescent plasma from recovered patients is also Not applicable. an attractive treatment option for critically ill or rapidly Ethics approval and consent to participate deteriorating patients. Ultimately, the hope is to develop Not applicable. vaccinations efective in prevention, but this may take Consent for publication several months or years to develop. Not applicable. Most of the evidence on current therapeutic agents are based on small observational studies and need to be Competing interests All authors have declared they have no competing interests. validated by larger studies and RCTs. Given the paucity of information regarding therapeutic agents and their Author details 1 administration, there is an urgent need for studies to Our Lady of Fatima University, 120 MacArthur Highway, 1440 Valenzuela, Metro Manila, Philippines. 2 Section of Hospital Medicine, Dartmouth- evaluate all aspects of therapy, including the timing of Hitchcock Medical Center - Geisel School of Medicine, One Medical Center administration, potential synergism between treatments, Drive, Lebanon, NH 03766, USA. 3 Section of Hematology Oncology, Bone and potential toxicities. It is also crucial to balance the Marrow Transplant and Cellular Therapy, University Of Kansas Medical Center, 3901 Rainbow Blvd, Kansas City, KS 66160, USA. 4 Section of Pediatric Hospital need to expedite the utilization of potentially helpful Medicine, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center - Geisel School of Medicine, medications with the need to ensure patient safety. One Medical Center Drive, Lebanon, NH 03766, USA. 5 Section of Pulmonary and Critical Care, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center - Case Western Reserve University, 11100 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106, USA. 6 Section Abbreviations of Hematology Oncology, Stem Cell Transplant and Cellular Therapeutics, SARS-CoV-2: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2; COVID-19: University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center - Case Western Reserve University, 7 Coronavirus disease 2019; ARDS: Adult respiratory distress syndrome; CRS: 11100 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106, USA. Section of Infectious Dis- Cytokine release syndrome; IL: Interleukin; WHO: World Health organization; eases and Cardiovascular Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Sci- ence, 200 1st St SW, Rochester, MN 55905, USA. Khadke et al. Virol J (2020) 17:154 Page 16 of 18

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