UN I s ' tfWOON3)h UOTOtttOA UbAAAY Th e La w r e n t ia n Vol. 54. Mo. 32. LAWRENCE COLLEGE, APPLETON, WI8. Monday, June 14, 1937 Award Degrees to Heads Trustees Leech Is Awarded 130 as Lawrence The Spector Cup Install Barrows Honors 87th Class In Senior Vote Tenth President William Christensen Re MacDonald Wins Junior ceives Bachelor of Arts, Spoon; Marion Huin- Trustees, Faculty, Alum Summa cum Laude leker, Junior Spade ni, Students Pledge Their Support Lawrence College this morning Recipients of prizes and honors observed its eighty-seventh Com were officially announced during EVENT IS IMPRESSIVE mencement, awarding 130 degrees. the Commencement weekend. Presiding was newly inaugurated President Thomas N. Barrows, who The Spector Cup, as announced Backed by the pledged support of awarded 82 Bachelor of Arts De on Class Day, was won by Fred trustees, faculty, alumni and stu grees, 9 Bachelor of Philosophy, 1 Leech by popular election. To Don dents of Lawrence college and the Master of Arts, 5 Master of Arts in ald MacDonald went the tradition- Institute of Paper Chemistry, Dr. Education, 1 Master of Music, 12 rich Junior spoon, and to Marion Thomas Nichols Barrows was offi Bachclor of Music, 11 Master of Sci Humleker, the junior spade. ence, and 6 Doctor of Philosophy cially installed as the tenth presi J. William Christensen, received dent of Lawrence college at investi Degrees. the Lewis award to the senior of Three honorary degrees were most excellent record. Christensen's ture ceremonies last Friday at awarded. To Dr. Anton Carlson, who successor for the Warren Hurst Lawrence Memorial chapel when ho delivered the Commencement Ad Stevens scholarship given for high dress, was given a Doctor of Laws received the charter of the college Degree, The Reverend Frederick C.
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