Michigan State News
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MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Ity Kay Besenier Daily Student Publication of Michigan State _M..rtar Board and Tower Guard, senior and sophomore Collefie somen's honoraries, tapped :54 Spartan women at the May EAST tioiiii'iirsin^ ceremonies yesterday. LANSING, MICHIGAN. TUESDAY. MAY 4, 11)43 • Mortar Hoard means rendering.services to your col- • .,• . - >tvmeans leadership* V anks JVoi'linifTthers ... it is Capture! Workers ,hl .pirit and attitudes of a Cootl-llyc( ,ircirs ... ,o toward her duties Mateur in . Big fellow sludents Mor- |<s Stays FirmLe ,1 stands for genuine Final Farewell Is I'nid African Win Hy Thf* Artttnctttlfu! , and high ideals. Ai- to are important, but not Civilian Attire WASHINGTON, May II—While the tuition's mine* be¬ Ity EDWARD KENNEDY riant. li\ gan slowly to resume production tonight under the 15-day UOTC Seniors ALLIED Sot Quantity HDQ. IN NORTHS truce, John L. Lewis made it clear that the armistice AFRICA, May 3 (AIM Amor-1 meant no retreat the quality of the work, Senior Ho re 11 now from the miners' original demands and sport- jean soldiers smashing back | iow hii uniforms nre that the next quantity. It is the corn-1 trig their fiercely-resisting crack German j step was -p to and integration of all wear I j destined i hem. and troops in a 14-mile plunge, imlil to-1 j Secretary of the ,mlities which reallyf nothing eh Ihey leave day occupied Mateur. one of the! Harold L. I it ekes, boss of the „ Mortar Board woman.' here at the nf-ttie term for most important Axis strongholds f u ! t government-cold rolled coal *,-es. Hnrbant Scarlett, j OCS. in northern Tunisia, and !hus| ■, ft*JPkMH. fields. senior, iit the tapping j According to a statement by scored their greatest land vic¬ The United Mine irkcrs s.,,. | Col, Dorsey It. Itodnev. PM8&T, tory in Africa. leader, in a statement issued lli,- mouthers to be pre- French troops and other1 r—. .. ,i... ^and .as»*»nt the men me from New soldiers such will not be American forces t" York, also reiterated iiv Miss Scarlett was the the north! permilted In wear e i v i I i a n meanwhile the stale) of the miners that, they .icsident, Marjorie Jehle, stabbed to within Ii»' rlothes at any time, or ariy part miles of Mizerle. "were no longer bound by tho , • ,\ S , Tower Guard, He of their olTieer no-srlke uniforms, which The cjipture of Mateur. stra-1 pledge." J.,',,,, i.oncil, YWCA. Sigma the men kept in their possession logic enemy fie .iso charged that the War , , i i.tinma. Alpha Chi Omega, communications! I after acquiring their new basic* and supply center, brought the! La bo board by i. H miloi adopting the y vice president. I This also excludes the wear- S U. troops to tlip edge of thel "Lit* 1- Steel" wage formal; aid i Tunis Mnrr iM'Qt'S j lug of fraternity or pins of any plain where Allied ar- j I "breached the understanding" I kind or any other ■ niored v AcUeiman. Unionville. 1* non-reguta- formations can operate. | labor had entered with the pub- lion appmr I, ('oloni-l lloiloi Set/ore ol the town x I. ,-i Guard secretary, ma- definili-ly lie, employers and the adminis¬ further said. I threatens both Bizcrte mid Tti- , v . - women's editor and as- tration regarding striker m war¬ I iiis In tiie , editor of State News, eo- extreme north be- time I fore liizeilc III-' Axis still holds Krnsh frolic. Soph u I'lllilzt'r I nfits defense, and the naval | Lewis Replies In Speech Hop. Point Limitations I further Apparently m answer to Pies- ..I AWS. protected by the Ma,I,' us Ol ISi/cilc and Garent | ideal Roosevelt's statement of I.mo Bail. Ma-op. II E . J ar Achke j last night that the United Mine loan! Workers had president, AWS NEW YORK, May ( AI ■ rash through entered the no- iiul vice-president. At i Initiative and 1 ity of (he I Mati til' in two weeks of | strike agreement. Lewi , asserted i hnega .scholarship in must W Id-Herald t latter lighting. marked , j thai 'the War I.abor hoard j Omaha, Net j lOllN L. LEWIS , and vice president of | planning a -ssfiil state-wide, > y losses on both sides, j j accept the full responsibility for adamant askrr . .• club. campaign lor -lip metal which only a lent of infantry; jdistn-ss in the ranks of labor • Itanium, Williamsville, later was m on a national- d by long-is created by their contravention of the A . Tower Guard, Kap scale'won to today the Pul- understanding arid commit¬ Mi., Theta seholarslii|> llzer award the American' /{it bhcr.(tts 11etuis ments arrived at in the Decem¬ a vice-president and newspaper rendering ber, 1941, conference." TAPPING—Page 4 disinterested and Clan to Cnd l end Lewis, who anbbumed the public service" in 1942. eoul mine truce last night 32 Robert Frost, New' England Basic 1(4 )T<! 4 !adels WASHINGTON, May 3 AP) j minutes before President Rons poet, won his fourth I'ulitzeY The bitter priorities feud be¬ It called upon the 438,(Hit) min¬ poetry prize for "A Witness AImihIoii Blouses tween Rubber Administrator ers to go back to work, -and the Tree." and Jay Norwood (Ding) William M JelTers and Under¬ coal diggers would stand pat on Effective « nee Darling, cartoonist for the New May I, the secretary of War Robert Patter¬ their original demands for $2-u- lloday's York Herald Tribune, won his iform tor basic prescrilied i son seemed at. an end toda day increases, undo ground second cartoon award for a ROTC cadet is wool shirt, the two men i aide plans for a j travel pay and unionization of drawing depicting governmental garrison cap, by joint tour of plants looking i minor bosses. "red-tape." and entitled "what a il Dnlievy R Rod- for bottlenecks to break Work to Start Tomorrow Campus place for a waste paper salvage Imy! to it notice I Patterson still insisted a short- With coal fields the military 'lc- everywhere campaign.'' posted lo I age. of high octane gasoline, | gym,, the Amc •tin Hag, i»u tmenl they | termed caused by JelTers' rub- drew buck hundreds of the This on os that hencetorth 480,- U. S. | bcr factory program, was ODD miners Misnomer Fliers RdiiiI) Kiska ill not wear their ham¬ idle over the week¬ pering the war program. He end in the 13 state shutdown. I in Renewed Attacks blouses on any oceanton, in- | said the need for gasoline is During the recent AWS elec- . Predictions were general that .. , eluding the Tuesilay after- ! growing, partly because Amer¬ lion full scale production would re¬ controversy, the State News ' WASHINGTON. May .! noon piM'fidc ican airmen have been so suc- misnamed the chairman of the A renewed, urge-scale The blou? sume tomorrow—tho restarting i eessful in combat that their, per- eli.ib.litv committee. It was i drive against the Japan, ,f i and submarine base plane losses is con-l'J"yl sel,b* Lt'wi* 1,1 his armistice bran li. Iluston. head of the should be kept until the i was siderably less than hall of what [ declaration. tpplh-d' Science division, and not j island in the Alcutia of the term and turned expected." Dean II It. Dirks, of the Agricul- | ported today by the navy. with the rest of the undo Concerning his recent dilfer- Vote on New | said bombers struck at •nces with JefTers, he said there Tax Plan j turr division, who announced installations 13 tunes on I the iin.,1 decision that I'at Stone i/as nothing personal in them. day. Nears in (longrewH *as rhxihle for AWS presidency. Dean Huston has been head of •WASHINGTON, May 3 fAP) - this committee for the past II Lovely l irluoso to l*hv Here Today in Concert The finish buttle on pay-as- tears and is still reigning in un- you-go taxation opened today in the iDterriiiiled tranquility. Appearing as the : house, with Republicans the spring term again fighting for the modified Carroll Glenn, young ! Rum! plan to skip a complete .. M inns of Sontt American violinist, who will | income tax year and Democratic present a recital today at 8 p. m. leaders intent upon killing the . jv:, Kyser has nothing on MSC m 0 College auditorium. Miss j proposal "so dead that it will a of college musical is * 1 Glenn coming to the campus j .never e is concerned. Alr- again .be resurrected.'' following a radio broadcast in! In the storm of oratory, the •a-wmin, in addition to their Detroit last night, part of her I house cleared Jhe way for a vote vocal talents, are plan- I transcontinental tour. She will | tomorrow thafl may send .to the be accompanied on the piano by t senate a bjit-^iping out at least '| ning to organize a 62- piece band, and a dance Hendrik Endt. j half, iPmot all, of the $[0,0(i0,- rehestra. The only The four movements of Bach's 000,OOD tax assessed against 1942 ktiiing preventing these 'Sonata in B minor" .will be the! individual incomes/ ii ospective Gabriels opening selection of Missj Tho bill would apply the low- from tooting their Glcnn's concert and will be fol- j er 1941 rates and exemptions to 1942 A's" is a lack of in- income; the taxpayer then J -truments. Townspeo¬ ple ' who would be ■ ■ i - to loan'or "donate instru- TlKenu are requested to call Lieu- | knar.; Miller .t Ext.