— —- — — I — ; -— — ENTERTAINMENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. THE PRESS. Tiie actress with whom Oakey Hall is said Our Jiew York Letter. MISCELLANEOUS._ to he infatuated, and tor whose sake he is be- THE P0KTL1M) DAILY PRESS,1 Booksellers and Stationers. lieved to have deserted home and friends, is TUESDAY MORM.YH, MARCH 27. of Oaliry Hull -Hull and Ada an who first be- I>i»uppearani'C Published every day (Sundays excepted) by thegj HOYT Ac FOGG, No. HI Middle Street. Dyas, Englishwoman came ■be Ring—A Woman in the Case- Portrait the battle Wo do not generally known iu this country through Painter, Wight read anonymous letters and communi PUBLISHING PORTLAND CO„ Book Binders. her part in “The Boucicault’s Overhauling the l.ife In.urance Coui. and Teacher of cations. The name and address of tlio writer are in Shaughraun,’’ Painting. WM. A. OCINCY, Room II, Primer*’ AT 109 EXOHANGS ST., POBTLAHD. all ca-es not The of so in- pauies-The Real Estate Collap»c-DrIv- Exchange, No. Ill Exchange Ml. indispensable, necessarily tor publication entertaining play. infatuation but as a of en to Terms : Eight Dollars a Year in advance. Tc No. 457 1-2 Clapp’s Block SMALL A NHACKFOUD. No. 35 Plum guaranty good faith. tellectual a man as Hall with this woman is Suicide. mall subscribers Seven Dollars a Year it paid in ad- Street. We cannot undertake to return or reserve commu- Ja31 ROOM 4. d3m VICTORY WON I cause for great to those who know vance. AND A GLORIOUS nications that surprise are not used. New and Bnilders. them both. York,Mar. 24,1877. Carpenters The THE MAINE STATE TRESS :mS Dr. R T. Wildej great sensation of the week has been the WHITNEY Ac MEANS, Pearl Street, op- Every regular attache of the Press is furnished The published every Thursday Morning at $2.50 a The Natural .Magnetic Physician, posite tbe Park. World is returning to its mysterious disappearance of Abraham Oakey year, if paid in advance at $2.00 a year. with a Card certificate countersigned by T. He shall hands on them and shall be lieale Stanley old habits, and the famous arithmetic man is Hall. It is a curious illustration of the lay they a Grand ! Editor. All possi- Furniture—Wholesale and Retail. Our Success Pullen, railway, steamboat and hotel Rates op Advertising: One inch of the .102 Cor. of £lm Nt. bilities of isolation in a a space, Cumberland, Openjng will confer a already figuring out Democratic large city, that man ot GEORGE A. No. Sti Ex. managers favor upon ns great gains length column, constitutes a “square.” nov8dtl WHITNEY, by demanding so well Si. credentials in New He known should have been so $1.50 per Bquare daily first week; 75 cents per week change Upholstering of all kinds » ofi fir Fitzgerald grand jury the 5th of Feb- ■•Lupyi/Uiaui/C profiles, ----• of North and virate whose and estimates made therefor. sincerity South. To start with audacious robberies constitute a $3.5 O! ruary. He says: “It has been the habit of gIans,specifications,ity, town lots, and farms surveyed. Drawings, he tested the Republicans by the selection of fresh and startling chapter in the annals of specifications, and estimates,ol all kinds of machin- and your old Silk Hat in will the lat- judges on the bench and of speakers on exchange buy Mr. as public crime. FANNY MARSH ery promptly made. est silk the best in the for Key Postnjaster General. No more Spring style Hat, market Our old store, NO. 333 MIDDLE STREET, is a thing of the past. platforms to address the as to the C. O. DAVIS, FRED DAVIS. the RAVArA trial rtf tliA rlibnnaitirtn nF llin public crying — -AS — money. The eminent success we attained there is hut a fraction of what The prevalent belief is that Hall did Portland, Feb. 9, 1877. d3m and besettiDg sin of intemperance—a crime not JUST RECEIVED we to in our new expect achieve quarters. can to accept the new could share in the plunder which he his con- party departure leading to all other a helped Mary Mortimer We arc now more centrally located, in a better and more nearly crimes; crime J. B. lighted have been for Mr. is a federates to acquire—that were be — — SiNFOKD, easily conceived; which well they sordid, IN commodious store. We have doubled the amount of Goods tor our Key they might very say led to nineteen- imerely ambitious. This seems but and Counscflor at NOBBY STIFF MO SOFT customers to select trom than we had and our Southern man, was a Democrat who support- twentieths of the crimes in this At iucredible, Attorney Law, BITS, before, country.” he Naval ed Mr. Tilden in the last the was so unlike other people that) it Engagements! 33 canvass, and during spring assizes for the county of Durham on may School St., , Mass. SPRING have been trne. is To be followed Grand CAPS, TRUNKS, the Rebellion served in the Confederate the 23d of Lord Chief It pretty certain by tlic Burlesque Extravaganza of debts, a army February Justice Coler- bankruptcy, &c., speci- l:, _ that he did of —- not get much alty. Funds remitted soou as collections are But rose ^uiuu aaiu; of the COLLECTION Bags and Canes LOWER THAN WE EVER Republicans nobly above their pre- jui_y made. Also collects in England and coun- PRIMS HUH NAMED REFORE. money that was obtained foreign •'There are some so true from the Treasury tries claims of American heirs. judices, forget their old-time and dis- tliiugs as to be trite IN GREAT enmity the of his Aladdin ! Be 1)29 dA-wlv VARIETY FOR SPRING. but because are through help signature, It is not We wish to distinctly impress on the minds ot the public that in trust, and confirmed the appointment. they true persons are some- New and Beautiful Scenery. less a matter of fact that the frauds could the we incur NO MORE EXPENSE than times apt to forget that they are true, and one not making change formerly Not long after a test was made of Southern have been Marches and Dances a MATT MERRY THE On the our expenses will be CONSIDERABLE of these is this: that crimes of perpetrated without his concur- Grand by Corps ADAMS, HATTER, contrary, running and readiness to things violence, sincerity forgive. A negro, rence. He signed warrants for of 20 Children. LESS. which in a large proportion fill the caleudar millions,of fic- Constable for Frederick Douglass, was appointed Marshal titious claims. It is an affront to his intelli- Prices as usual. mhl2dtf Portland, 237 Middle Street. with which you have to deal, I think, without a AND mb5 eodtf of the District of Columbia. At once a fierce gence to imagine that he did not know LOW single exception, began in public houses (Eng- what Coroner for Cumberland PRICES, opposition showed itself. The of he was doing. But the thieves were at Union County, organs lish for grog shops) aud were due to drunken- that Gospel Meetings 31 1-3 EXCHANGE STREET. Southern opinion found it to free moment in undisputed possession of New Patent impossible ness. Aud again he says: “I think it is municipal — BY — Desks. themselves from color to power. They brooked eo interference with Service of precepts of all kinds a specialty. Con- HONORABLE DEALINGS, prejudice, approve within the course of my duty to say that within fidential advice given, and services rendered in tlie an their schemes of If he had appointment made from the hated and my short as a and rapine. presumed detection and arrest of criminals. Business attended The experience judge, having WOOTO? CABINET, to oppose them or remonstrate with them to at all hours. despised race. In the Senate the Southern lived some considerable time in the world they MESSRS. HUM & STEBBUVS House 416 Cumberland St, corner Green. would have dethroned him without a leaders rose to the of the amongst other judges, and of much particle jan8 dtf AND ONE PRICE height occasion, judges of hesitation. If he was disturbed by in- CITV BALL. and Mr. Douglass was confirmed. But larger experience than mine, 1 am entirely of any ward upbraidings of conscience he stifled them Fiiday, March, 30th, 7J p. m. Farewell address to throughout the South and the opinion that if we could make England the unconverted. WM. many newspapers in his own H. sober we might shut up nine-tenths of the bosom,and remaiaed up to the day of MOTLEY, Will Govern onr Establishment ! public men opposed him. Of course, FBIST BAPTIST CHIJRCII. Always nothing jails.” doom a pliant tool of the vilest oligarchy that ATTORNEY AT but was to be At a great Corner Congress and Wilmot Streets. IAW, opposition expected from the meeting at Liverpool on the 27tb ever a and I of oppressed helpless stolid communi- Bible lecture 3 p. m. hide-bound Northern February, the Earl of Litcbtield iu the Tuesday. Tuesday prayer OVER X. r*. Democracy. But the ty. meetings at the churches at 7J p. m. FARRINGTON’S, chair, a paper was read by Mr. Wm. Hoyle, at m. South was its recent the eminent in Wednesday, preaching 7J p. judged by declarations, statician, which it was stated From the fall of the bandittis he had con- Thursday, Bible lecture 3 p. m. that from 1857 to 1875 the Thursday preach- 180 Middle ^ will be devoted to a and unhesitating acquiescence was population of the sented to ing to converts only 77 p. m. Street. expected United serve, there could of coarse be no res- jan5 dtf [ Kiugdom had increased 18 per cent.; Farewell address to Christians 3 m. from it. The Southern leaders were Friday, p. laitbful but in the same time there had been urrection. His political annihilation was as at 8 a. m, each au increase Prayer meetings day. to their new-born of mh21dlw C. P. BABCOCK. convictions, it is true: but lunacy 07 per cent.; assaults 36 per ceuL ; complete as if he bad ceased to exist. It is cot and WOOTON breaches of the 332 ROTARY. it is also true that the South did not respond peace per cent., malicious necessary to eredit him with extreme sensitive- Sale of Pantaloons damage to property 56 per ceDt ; miscellaneous MODEL MAKER & so and to the ness in order to reach the I- JOBBER, Special generously heartily nomination 55 per cent.; deserting families 72 per cent conclusion 0. 0. P. ; that his MANUFACTURER OF of Mr. Douglass as the North did to that of larceny by persous under 16 years of age 30 per subsequent history was one of FOR THE WORKING PEOPLE. cent.; drunk aud 130 cent. Aud bitter and anA.isrr> Watch and Chronometer Markers’ Tools* Mr. disorderly per regrets constant mortification. Key. in the same time the amount of the Mathematical, Optical and Philo* liquor He sought in The value of these tests is in the evidence trade had increased trom refuge literature, in sophicnl Instruments, School £60,000,000 to £143,- 200 Plaid and all lined Pants $1.50 play writing, and even in act- Apparatus, &c., Heavy Striped, of public sentiment they bring out. The 000,000. play Sir K. \V. Cordon ,late Lord of Lon- He astonished the are Mayor ing. whole city by ap- Concert ! 6ft Market unrivalled, enconomize time and space, allure 450 Diamond-faced and Worsted Pants 1.50 North very to the in a Street, Printers Exchange, Diagonal responded heartily policy don, letter to the Loudon Times says: Cary to systematic habits, and are an ornament to any pearing before the footlights in a theatre of of the President. The •‘The statistics of crime that Jnl PORTLAND, ME. dly place. Call and see them, or enclose stamp for cat- all Pants and Vests 5.00 South has not stood prove nine-tenths Under the auspices of the 273 Heavy wool arise from which he became for the purpose the manager, alogue. the test so well. Very likely it wili do better drink, bringing poverty and disease to many deserviug families. Can there he auy and in a play ot which he was both author and R. T. Numerous kinds and Shades to select troui. hereafter and succeed in doubt that tho Odd Fellows of Portland. CARR, overcoming its curse of this county is drunken- hero. His failure in this role was SAMUEL ness? Then is it not disastrous, "THURSTON, But it has not done so disgraceful that some de- prejudices. certainly but he kept on as long as he could an audi- Fresco, Sign and House cided movement should not emenata from the get THIS WS1BR. ONLY. and it has itself to blame if sus- * ence. After GENERAL AGENT, FOR yet; only government? The Times itself in commenting that be turned his attention again MISS 11IE L0IIISE CM PAINTING. picion and distrust still linger in theNorthern says; “The great stain of social life in England to the practice of law, mainly in the criminal the humbler All kinds of a among classes has been drunken coarts. will first and Jobbing promptly attended to. 3 Free street mind. That permanent reconciliation is to The change diminished somewhat the give ber only Grand Concert lor Block, Portland. ness. It is ’the bottle’ which is the cause of the Season in this mal9 dtf be effected between the of which he was the city 16 Market Square, Portland, Me, sections there is great three-fifths of the crime and poverty and mis- notoriety object, but still rnaoAn ♦/-» Knlinir/i l-.nf fRn _i _• ho nrtta altvora hm'nn a non,! rlml _r_j —- AT — B. & ery perpetrated or endured the dly C. D. FISK €0., by English mh5_ peasant and artisan. The of judges of the land, talked about. For a or more all the circumstances, in men year gossip has CITY fully justified the of all others most conversant with the HALL, FINE over of associated his name with that of a ac- SHIRTS the Defore take even a COPARTN ERSHIR looking carefully ground he pathology crime, larger propor- leading tion. Lord Albermarle not a tress of Wallack’s Theatre. His Thursday evening, March 29,1877 makes any move. There is no cause 3ays, crime comes devotions to MARKET certainly before me which PREBLE is not or her were so and assisted by the talent: HOUSE, SQUARE, for Southern directly indirectly open constant that the pair following impatience. caused by drinking. Aud Justice Patterson in Notice of Dissolution. a literally became a topic of town. MB. JOHN B. COVIE, Jr., Basso. AN M R) charge to the grand jury of Norfolk said: ‘If the, Conse- FORTIj D, it were not for this quently when his absence was MR. AI.BERT E. PENNELL, Tenor. The Shoe and Leather drinking, you and I, gentle- heralded the ma!9 dtf Reporter has the would have first MISS MARY E. TURNER, men, nothing to do.’ And Baron thought of a great many people was that Soprano, Copartnership heretofore existing under the to about the business Alderpon (of Boston. following say condition follows: ‘Drunkenness is the most he had and THEArm name of W. H. Pennell & Co., is this day dis- obtained for mechanical de- fruitful gone abroad, that she weald MBS. ANNIE TT IT m A of its There has not form of crime; if it were this shortly CiOUDY, Contralto. solved by mutual consent, W. H. Pennell retiring or other CORAMS specialty: been any removed, follow him. This of medical, -— — — J 1 V vices, n the case is I wv u oUJuli linn theory the only MR. HERMANN KOTZSCHMAR. from said llrm. All bills contracted by and due V X impounds, ornamental “rush” in trade thus far the J said firm will be settled the general present And Wrightmnn is not one so far that finds by remaining partners, t designs, trade-marks, and Judge says: ‘There one any considerable number Accompanist. W. 111 cent, of B. Smith and Geo. H. Abbott. feb28dlm .. U 11 X KJ month, there are dealers per those atrocious crimes of wife beat- of Mm labels, Caveats, Assign! though many who supporters. It is held by some of his most Interlerences, etc. log, which are recorded in almost All scats reserved. Tickets ments, EUREKA have had an active business. The manufac- every police intimate friends who $1.00 SOAP, that has ’* have vytnessed his infat- promptly attended to. nventions that have been report, not its origin in drunkeoess.’ Sale of Tickets will commence at Collins & Bux- --— — in some uation in UUrAK I by the Patent Office may Ono of the Greatest turers, cases, especially at the All this is from that eminently respect to the feminine in on March NtKbnlr. East, conservative thespian ton’s, Farrington’s Block, Thursday, 22d, in most cases, be and cautions the whose toils 1877, at 9 o’clock. still, are crowding on all the pressure to print, London Times. he had become immeshed, and who secured by us. Being possible Mr. Edward Doors open at 7 o’clock. Concert at 8 o’clock, Labor Saving Articles of the Age, Baines, M. P., and proprietor of have been tbe Patent Oi- out but these are made now gradually preparing themselves for mall td opposite get goods, largely that influential paper, L.-eds undersigned have this day tormed a copart- fice, we can make closer Mercury, says almost no wash no to fill orders some time alcohol is a treacherous any denouement that result from THEnership under the firm name of SMITH & and secure Pat- Requires board, washing machine, no since placed; yet friend, a subtle poi- might searches, and the a so “There’s Millions in It'.” and will continue the or than rubbing except heavy stains, makes clothes soner, malignaut a assas- strange an entanglement the ABBOTT, business Steam tents mora promptly and wi}h broader claims these orders have been addi- enemy, midnight Whatever Water and Gas and beautifully white and clean. supplemented by sin: it is a a Heating, Piping Plumbing, at those who are remote from Washington. spendthrift, cheat, & liar, a thief fact may turn out to be, it may be taken for the old stand of W. H. It is an invaluable article for removing grease, tional ones more than and a Pennell & Co., 38 and 40 freely had been ex- seducer; it breaks the hearts of wives; MUSI C~II ALL. Union Street: also Agents for the sale of the Pratt paints and stains of all kinds, both from clothes and it granted that for the usual period of nine days woodwork. pected, and there is now the confident feel- withers, starves, corrupts and kills children; & Whitney Co. Automatic Boiler Feeders and it divides (unless the is It is an invaluable article lor the and families, ruins business, breaks es- mystery solved sooner) Oakey Return Steam Traps. toilet, should ing among both manufacturers and dealers up Friday and Saturday IPMTAMei-HiI I I I'l 1 I 1111 | I mat ions/ree of charge be used for the cure ot &c. tates, undermines virtue and charac- Hall will be the theme of more Evenings, W. B. always chapped hands, destroys SMITH, 111 1 Uil I U it KJ and advise as to pa- it fills conversation, G. H. ABBOTT. which can come only from the assurance that ter; jails, workhouses, hospitals, lunatic and tentatiility. All cor- aud speculation conjecture than he ever has Grand Saturday Matinee, Portland, Feb. 27,1877. fed28dlm a full and asylums, grave yards; it impodeutly dis- AND Shaw healthy demand will fill out the been and that is a Charles Custis & respondence strictly confidential. Prices low, & Haskell, Agents, honors tnrones, senates, armies, churches, the before, saying good deal. Co., UNLESS PATENT IS of the NO OHABtiG proportions spring trade in such a judicial bench, the pulpit, aud every walk of The suggestion that be might have absconded MARCH 30tli & SECURED. 31st, 149 COMMERCIAL measure that public and private life; it mows to avoid the Staunchest, Strongest and 493 CONGRESS STREET. We reter to officials in tbe Patent Office, and to ST., prudent business men need ruthlessly ring suits is not worthy of a mo- dowu the goodliest of our youth, aW does not mya dly inventors in every State in the Union. have no reason for ment’s consideration. There are to Only appearance of the Eminent Comedian, PORTLAND, complaint. There is now even spare the fairest our be no ring the Best ! C. A. SNOW & CO., MAINE, of women; it is the foulest blot on oar suits, and he knew it well. Opposite Patent Office, Washington, I). C. To whom all orders may be addressed.'and shall have no room for any long negotiating about national character, and the very The lame and no24 dti attention. greatest robber of our national conclusion prompt prices; these are and wealth; at home impotent to which the prosecutions Mr. John T. CORINTHIAN substantially fixed, and in the colonies it is at this moment the Raymond of the fellows who dragged this imperial to there is, for the present, little danger but scourge, the scandal and the curse of Eng- city — AS — CLAIRVOYANT. J. A. CORAM & the ragged edge of has CO., what all the made in and with- land repudiation been N. celebrated goods season, As Maine is 8, MADDOX,the proposes resolutely to follow out brought perfectly characteristic of every- Fortune Teller and Doctress, can and Manufacturers, in the known limitations of the MADAMEClairvoyant, Proprietors market, may her policy of extermination to the that has Market rear of the Dollar liquor traffic, thing the taint of law upon it. When now located at Square, be sold with a reasonable to it is important to it COL. MURRY SELLERS ohe Horse Car where she can profit both man- impress upon the minds of Tweed was Store, owposito Depot, all our willing to settle the surrender of a B ANGO ME. people, that her action is by — call founded in IN — he consulted by all who wish to make her R, ufacturer and dealer. And this condition of the INSURANCE CO., nil, in tell- mal3 dim highest aud is in the millions of his stolen the idea of com- Madame M. has had large wisdom, direction of the property, experience the trade is as — — out hidden or stolen quite defined in other dearest interests of the OF Cast from Pare Zinz. ing fortunes, searching lost, strongly nation and of society. promising a felony was so repulsive to the pop- Mark Twain’s New American Drama. and was never known to be at fault. treasures, Ac., POLISH THE FAMILY SILVER sections of the country as in . Neal I)ow. ular sense of that the Do not miss this opportunity of the great- justice, proposition was Supported by to Marble or consulting London & & New York. Superior Granite est fortune teller ofthe age. Per ns entering intoany At the East the active trade the Edinburgh for BY USIMG always opens contemptuously rejected. But stern virtue Cemetery purposes. now business or profession, the con ucting of which Magazine Notices. H. E. Dramatic earlier, and the bulk of the business is done of the people way at last under the vexa- Abbey’s Co., Capital anil Accumulation, over they do not understand, will find it to their advan- gives can The Maine Price and Style to suit tage to pay her a visit. She foretell the destiny SILVER WHITE. earlier than in other localities, but in New Genealogist and Biographer for tious delays and ponderous costs of litigation Under the management of friends in of the world and describe them Twenty-Eight Million Dollars! the Times. ot any part March is in many the best that never has a She also describes all manner ot disease best article evor York, Baltimore and the Wests respects number yet beginning of real action nor Messrs. Abbey & Schceffel, Lessees and Mana- perfectly. Philadelphia, flesh iB heir and medicine for the 6ame. discovered for removing of that excellent periodical. the an end of useless and Parties wanting Fire Insurance will us that to, gives the trade follows and Indeed, maga- expense, and so the whole gers of Park Theatre, New York, Academy please give to all who have tarnisli or discoloiation closely, the late busi- a call. She has given universal satisfaction of Music, Bullalo. from silver and res- zine has steadily increased in matter is to be settled for some consulted her in her constant travels since she was plate, ness will this year reap from the interest insignificant toring it to its advantages its JOHN E. 1*0 tV, J. 8. HllTCBlI&DOW, seven vears old. original since publication was two and trifling no PAEMEK, and new confidence in begun nearly pittance, pecuniary benefit ac- Mt'AliE OF ADMISSION. Good testimonials given it desired. bright appear- increasing the community ance. It contains years ago. The opening paper of the March cruing to the but a deal to law- Piices: Reterved Seats, $1.00; Admission corner ot Agents, Terms, Gents $1.00; Ladies50cents. Office hours nothing which it was to count city, great the Evening Exchange Street, Milk. to the most impossible upon in number is a floor), 75 (fixst three 50 roia -> A. M. to D P. M. no9dtt injurious sketch of the life of Abiah Kil- yers. It is as (lower cents; Gallery, rows), (For the State of Maine,) delicate article of transactions just well, perhaps, considering cents; Gallery, (back rows), 35 cents. fe24__diawGw plate, made in December, January and gore, the last and is pronounced by all Revolutionary pensioner in how absolutely impossible it is to bring any case Matinee Prces: Reserved Seats 75 cents; Admis- who f 113 Middle have used it February. eastern Maine, who died last at the to trial if sion 0 cents: Children 25 cts Artistic Street, year great there is money to be got by putting Sale of Reserved Seats to commence at 9 o’clock age of one hundred years. The sketch is it off. The Photography “A Household Ulesslng." In Karr has some only result that will come of stop- A., M., WediKNdny, IIarch 38, at Box Office. POBTI.AND, ME Figaro Alphonse good — — accompanied by a BY remarks to make portrait. Following this is ping the proceedings is the release of Tweed JOE. P. MARSTON, Business Manager. the and silversmiths. Sold touching mendicants and Used by principal jewelers a short history of the J. P frcm the As mli26 dlw B3fCiroulars giving full description and price sent tfOWA/fo Jewelers and and Gilley family, by county jail. a compensation for ©Theby Druggists, by the and which are as to on All poor, quite applicable of Rockland. application, orders promptly attended to. Cilley The family appears to be that the corporation is exempted from the fur- mb21 eod&wtf Insurance Company, charity in this country as in France. He of Norman DENNISON & CO., 19 Milk St., Boston. extraction. A very common way ther payment of costs, whioh in its im- dCm “The present OF NEW YORK. jau29 lstp says: beggar cultivates charity as the of spelling the name is 1. A. it. A. Seelye. Indeed, the poverished condition is a great object. Every- farmer his as digs field, the carpenter planes father of Gen. of was Joseph Revolntionary fame body sick and tired long ago of hearing 1825. his board, as the smith hammers his iron. is the first to his name 47S Congress Street, opp. Preble. Ml MILLS CHARTERED spell Cilley. The third about the Rinir suits and mt.nrlv im-railnim.. ..f neither sickness nor paper is an accoimt of CAPE SEEDLING POTATOES. infirmity withdraws him the descendants of their ever being brought to an issue. And then Just introduced Boudoir aud SAMUEL T. SKIDMORE. President. beidg Imperial on Eleazer of new HESUI A. lice President. from his work; the increase Flavg Concord, Mass. there is an innate that it is fair Portraits, and beautiful sizes, designed es- OAKLEY, As as the Rose contrary they Following feeling haidly The 14th Annual Ball to Artistic Early Early these comes short pecially Compositions and Classic his dole. The poor are at home in barns, in articles on Revolutionary to inflict all the punishment on the leader Broupings. Life size Portraits finished in a man- ring Loss or And yielding one-third more. In appearance they pensioners, from which we learn that there when ner unsurpassed in this country in Ink or Insures Against Damage by Fire, caves, in kennels, and when ill, in bed. Of- are his accomplices were almost if net — — Crayon, of the resemble the Early Rose, and they oiiginated from quite Colors. Copying in all its branches a decided nine still in the Roil of special- FOR POLICIES APPLY TO Balls of the King of the Earlies. They are Bet- ten are and Maine; Lieut. Max- as guilty. They walk about our streets with ty. it matters little bow small or indistinct the they shamefaced, conceal them- orig- ter than the Rome for au inal may be so long as the likeness is Early family .ueiucumeni; appreciative sketch full purses aud faces, unharmed n.l good. For Sale HIRAM BROOKS, selves; they roust bo sought out aud discov- brassy IRISH AMERICAN RE- in all which by (with Competition challenged pertains to Elizabeth. portrait) of J vines \V. Bradbury, jr.; uupursued, while he has the first class Photography W. Gra Ray, Cape ered. The beggar, on the contrary, presents undergone rigors Brunswick the JFirst Settlemeut of of months in See samples on mh2Gcodlin himself to Epitaphs; eighteen service the penitentiary, exhibition._ 1 15 bushels of the above described potatoes you, comes to your door, follows LIEF ASSOCIATION planted Hiram, Maine, communicated A. and is still uuder the surveillance of the and were full earlier aud one ttnrd by Llewellyn sheriff ME. they produced you to your room; ho will not let you exert & PORTLAND, more, side side on the same kind of Wadsworth; Early Settlers in and in that are somewhat circumscribed at DAYIS planted by Buckfield; quarters Will take place CARTLAND, mul than the and were of excellent to find doesn’t lawlyS grouud, Early Rose, yourself him; put you out; The Bicker From this last we — — Family. learu aud uot iu the least palatial. DEALER?IK quality. I believe Mr. Brooks* account of them to makes charity an easy matter, and allows that the numerous members & be reliable. I Lave some of the potatoes for sale of the Bicker But as for Hall’s havimr beeu frightened CITY HALL, Fleischmann Co.’s THOMAS HANNAFORD. to be If do not in New bounty lazy. you succumb to Family England are supposed to have any on ibis c the Cape Elizabeth, Mch. 10th, 1877. away by appiebensious his to his descended from Fine Boots and Shoes COMPRESSED YEAST mcbl2 eod&wtf prayers, you yield importunity. He two brothers, George and idea is preposterous. There is in all jn d u- who were at EASTER Makes tbe best and healthiest follows and bothers you, and you can Meturin, Dover, N. H., iu 1070. ty "a woman in the case,” and tho nearest MONADY, from pur- Full line of the celebrated BREAD. This is made I have not retired business, The yeast chase your ransom only with a of mon- always entertaining Notes and Queries friends of the missing man do cot »;■: inuort from Pure drain. at but have taken the new store piece New Factory close the if APRIL 2. Jentry Ilnud-Mewed Button aad €on- L. I. For all What to number. It appears therein that themselves as they were of a BA I Blissville, sale by ey. you give beggars you do not contrary opin- grc-H I EUH tor Bent*’ wear ^ retail grocers, Gapt. A. W. G. S. is on a ion. Naturally are reticent Bailie*’ Fine French HID BOOTS, v 3STo. 1*7 Union at., give to the poor; although Francois bounti- Corliss, A., engaged they about it, but MUSIC BV CHANDLER’S BAND. J. C. Bennett and of the old are not (manufactured by Barnard.) ful in but little of it bistory town of North Yarmouth. they searching for him with any marked Also a good line of medium in Coffee, Spices, Cr. Tartar, etc. General Agency where, with new new charity, reaches the priced goods tbe dif- — tools, stoek, ferent widths and AT — alacrity, nor evincing excessive that he Baud Concert from 8 to 9. qualities. and my old workmen I shall con- poor. The beggars intercept it. surprise of all kinds and 220 Federal St. Charity, Last was cannot be found. Repairing neatly promptly done, WOBBISOmT WHITTEN, Portland. tinue to on the business ol Wednesday the twenty-first anni- TRanit mark. sep28dGm carry tender though it be, should not be like the Commences at 9 250 FORE STREET, Forllond, Maine and versary of the of Mr. Webb C. A matter of more concern Dancing O’clock, DAVIS Jk Steam, Gas, Water Piping in which their rain birthday Hayes, practical just uow CARTLAA'D, clouds, pour alike on the is ARTHUR B, MORRISON. WILLIAM M. WHITTEN. Pure Milk for Use. all its branches. Particular atten- the son of President Hayes, and he Ireceived the overhauling of the life insurance Tickets admitting Gent and two Family parched land and the sea which has compa- Ladies, $1.00. nol6 eodly tion paid to ventilation and sani- water an nies Ladies’ Single Tickets, 25 ots. 210 Middle WOULD respectfully inform former appropriate present from each member of by the State Legislature. The pnblio is Street, my patrons I snail be to enough, on roofs and Members tickets to be obtained from James Con- 1 and citizens in general who contemplate a tary drainage. glad churchyards. the and from Mr. W. K, the a fe9FM&WGm ITnderFnluioalb Haul. change Charity family Itogers, acquiring kind of information respecting nellan, 214 CoDgrcss St., and at the Hall the in their supply of milk, that I am prepared to fur- see all my old enstoners and lots ot should be made to run in canals.” evening A BRA MS’ President’s private secretary. At dinner a these that will be to of the dance nish a superior quality of pure milk at reasonable new ones, corporations very likely free. all orders lelt at S. Clothing checked mh2Ctd rates; WINSLOW & CO.’S, 18 birthday .cake was placed ion the table and deter prudent people from pa.ronizing the in as Market Square, will receive prompt attention me, The French Fisk & by Academy of Sciences has dis- surrounded with It that a where the testimonials of W. twenty-one candles, which liberally as heretofore. appears Urge Plimpton, Co., PRINCIPAL LOAN OFFIPB. flattering some now II. PFAAELL, taking will he shown to those who wish to investi- covered that the old story is that the were lighted in the evening and per of their income is expended in em- IMPORTERS A>'D JOBBERS OF true, kept burning centage gate. 1 shall employ no boys but deliver the milk in ma3 dtf Licensed by the City Government. eyes of a murdered man do take a nntd midnight. It is related of this drummers to persuade parties to take AUBURN FOUNDRY COMPANY, I*™"; CYRUS LOWELL, Agent. correct youug ploying l!ec- IKDERNIGNED HAVE HADE of his man that once, on from out Then the salaries paid to the Iron Founders and in sums from 23 cents to thousan tls of dol- ’___dlw*tf photograph murderer, provided the returning college he policies. Money arrangements for tbe exclusive right to manu- lars to loan on Ladies* and THE of thought that ho might be a officers are ou a scale of RIBBONS, Watches, Diamonds, facture Lowe’s Tubular Boiler, which pupil the eye is closed after the more muscular magoiticence that Gent’s &c Sewing Ma D. H. Improved directly PLATERS. Jewelry, Clothing, Pianos, effects a ot 15 rer cent, in iuel over the Christiau than bis father. alinosttbrows Montague Tigg’s NMKEL the or BARNES, ACCOMM. saving deed is and the he Anglo Bengalee chines, Furniture, Merchandise by case other- of a accomplished light of day Accordingly, Velvets, favorite plain tubular, by means combustion him a Silks, Millinery, wise, Notes, and of every gave humorous to a iuto the shade. Thiuk of a President CLieenscdby the United Nickel Co., of New York, itonds, mortgages goods chamber anti use of hot air. Circulars free. Atlantic does not the on the challenge wrestling receiving description. We have a office and all tran- destroy image imprinted —AND— private opened, examined, balanced, and closed; Works, East Boston, Mass.ma5d1m matcb, and it was There §37,500 per annum, and perquisites into the A1BFRN, MAINE. sactions are confidential. All property left Trial retina. So when the reader brills a instently accepted. strictly BOOKS Balances and Cash Accounts investigat- gentle was a in our possession is iusured against loss by tire or ed; picturesque struggle for a few minutes, bargain amounting to full as much more. •SET'All Orders will Lave Attention. Complicated accounts adjusted. Special atten- For Baltimore. man, he if he desires to dls. Prompt robbery. tionto the will, escape and then Tnere have beeu japti eod&wlv STu&Th STRAW BOOBS, bankruptcy matters, settlement of estates, WITH- somebody emphatically measured his instances within my knowl- P. S. A large amount of above goods on hand and examination of and other A Pccbel Sch. HENKV the of his agencies, matters requiring covery, prop open eyelids vic- of a or sale at half value to advances. the Arlf Capt. Chase. For length upon the floor. The edge man’s enjoying an income of pay services of a thorough aecountaut. Orders lelt INUTON, tim. young gentleman §15,000 at 28 St„ or has never a from a 26 Summer and 92 Sts,. Boston. Exchange Portland, Me., forwarded by A SON, challenged his father since. year company a loDg time after he had Hawley 9 Market Square, U. S, mail, promptly ntteuded to. yZLll. y,C'.fbNICKi:KSt>IV opposite Hotel. maWilfc 50i 151$ Commercial Street. The oldest direct male descendant of Cor* left it. He did it by virtue of his con- Have on hand tlic and most com- declG The Hew York reporters ob- original Chicks. constantly largest dtjaltcocl W&Ssep30tt iuh24 d3t enterprising fucivs Hamburg plete stock of choice MILUNKUV GOODS in tbe aug26dtf_ recently died in China. The family of tract according him a commission on every tained interviews with Miss Rose and city, allot wind, will be offered at tbe lowest cash Eytinge which the CHICKS and CLEANED Wood l Ashes philosopher was the progenitor, has premium paid by those who had taken policies Egg* from first pre- prices. iua)9eod3m VAULTS _Wood! Vaults Cleaned and Re- sought to discover what she knew of the dls mium Stock for sale cheap. nnrl Addret* held the highest place in the kingdom next the his solicitations. It is a safe rule in life HAMBURG n.hes rrmorfil. and Soft Wood at reduced moved. of by a prices—delivered appearance Oakey Hall. It is surmised T. If. QXf: © Orym Week to Agents. $10 OulHt .1. MARSH. to throne since 202 B. C. The district never to invest for MANSFIELD, HARDany part ofthe city—wishing to close up the ORDERS promptly attended by calling at surround- to trust a board of directors H $ 4 4 free. 1\ O. V 1 C K B K Y 243 Spriui Sired. that used the as Miss business. 32 Lincoln street, foot of or K, GIBSON, they telephone, u inh21tf Porifnml, ifle. Augusta. Maine. octlGwlyll ml26 im* Boyd. ALL addressing Eytinge ing his tomb is governed by rnomber of the yon when you can do it yonrself, and the rnlo feb26dtflw" ALBERT d,MERRILL. Jauldtl Kb Congress Street was in this all the week. city family, which numbers 11,000 persons. is especially applicable to organizations whose iDcomo is 900 immediate and whoso liabilities aie to shares Pacific Mail, 1600 shares Atlantic & Pa- In Phipsburg, March 21, Mr. Benjamin Batchelder, Chamberlain Matthews. LOUISIANA. cific Telegraph. a led 64 years. SPECIAL NOTICES. SPECIAL NOTICES. remote. The numerous failures that have The following were the closing quotations of Gov- taken place BY TELEGRAPH. j The funeral services of tbo late Mrs Frances among our life insurance compa- ernment. securities: Veg*tadlf. pclmonaby bal- ^ lilliken will take place this afternoon at Fnr /id Vporo,lie nies are Gov. ChambeiIain’s Response lo Mmnley Nom<> Dcspalcbfg from Kellogg to Pack- United States Gs, 1881, coup. 112} (Tuesday) tul JU lEQIO ham of Cutler Bros, it Co., Boston traceable to the temptations to which ^ at No. 31 Mayo street. United States 6s. 1881 o’clock, stands _ Matthews’ teller of the 4th Instant. ard. reg.mg j unrivalled tor Cough., colds mid Con- their officers ■ were exposed by having at their MAINE. United States 5-20’s 1865, old,.10*2 sumption. Sold in Portland by Apothecaries gen Nkw York, March 35.—[Special New Orleans, March 2(1.—Tho Times pub- United States 5-20*8,1865, EXTRA !!! command funds which they could foresee no despatch new.1U8} departure of steamships. _fc8»n!3w to the New York Times.]—Toe following letter lishes the following dispatch: United States 5-20’s, 1867.11 n srally,__ danger of being called to distribute to the own- United States 5-20’s. 1868 NAME FROM FOR DATE Erom Governor Chamberlain was addressed to Washington, D. March 2G. .113 ers for Convicted oi murder. C„ United States * tlas.Boston.Liverpool.. ..Mch 27 TRY THE years and years to come. a poor the Hon. in to his B. New news's,.110 1 Many Stanley Matthews, reply To Hon. S. Packard, Orleans: United States 1-40’s, I ►akota...New York. .Liverpool_Mch 27 Bellows Falls, Vt.,March 20.—In the case letter ot the 4th instant: of the 24th is reg.110} fellow has pinched and screwed terribly hard to Your despatch received. The United States 10-40s, coup...Ill t hina.New York. .Liverpool Men 28 of Jesse Lewis, formerly of Maine, on trial for S. of War has sent to Gep, the fol- Currency G’s. t olumbus.New York. .Havana Mch 28 Aurora keep his premiums up only to find at last that Colombia, 0., March 1. Secretary Augur .123$ BROS. 5 cent Cigar, States new ^ ndes.—New .Mch 28 TURNER murder of Albert by Dear Sir:—Your note was handed to me lowing: United 4}s.. 106$ York...Aspmwall... his money has all melted in extravagant Denning, administering My Tisia.New York..Hamburg.... Mch 29 away last Colonel Haskell. 1 feel New Orleans: were the ol Superior in ami make to any other live poison in the jury this evening by grate- Gen. C. C. Augur, flThe following closing quotations ircassian.Portland... Mch 31 quality salaries, exorbitant commissions and worth- whisky, evening will vkdt Hie Stocks: Liverpool... WILL OFFElt cent cigar in the market. Being appointed Solo ful for the interest yon manifest in the public A commission shortly Lonisiana. In ( of Chester.New York. Mch 31 iu a of murder iu Western ity .Liverpool... Agent for of tin; Aurora Ili anU Ci^arv, less bond is brought verdict the first de- as as the President desires that the situation Union Telegraph Co, ex. 62$ Maine investments. A government rather welfare here, well in my personal good. meantime Jsatia.New York. .Glasgow Mch 31 of remain Please report what in Facitio Mail. 20I we oiler a full assortment consisting a and the gree. To my views in connection unchanged. changes \ Ldriatie.New York. .Liverpool Mch 31 good sort of life insurance, holder of givejyou therewith, if have occurred since close of New York Central & Hudson It It. ex. i on the Eastern Railroad. tho situation, any, tho 93} kler.New York. .Bremen Mch 31 Changes with anything approaching fulness, would Erie. (; Reina Victoria. Elegautcs, it can be his own board of directors, which is a the late administration. J of Havana.New York. Hav&V Cruz.Mch 31 TO-DAY Portsmouth, N. H., Marcli 26.—By a recent require a conversation. X can only say here, in G. W. Erie prelerrcd... If, lity Regalia Londres, Especiales. (Signed) McCrary, ^ *evada.New York. .Liverpool. .. 3 much safer plan than trusting somebody else. substance, that 1 am unable to seo line of Ceutrai. 42 Apl official chango on the Eastern the any Secretary af War. \ latavia.New York. .Liverpool.Apl 4 Opeia Reiuas, &c.» Ac. Itailroad, conduct on Panama. 112 IJuisitos, I meationed recently the instance of a my part consistent with my per- (Signed) 11. B. Hayes. of Cruz... New York.. 4 at 50 promi- lity Vera Havana.Apl Cash meres ecnts. — — office of Thomas H. Miles, train dispatcher of sonal honor or Union Pacific Stock, ..68 ; Black ALSO nent citizen rated at two millions four public duty which would permit Washington, March 2o. limbria.New York. .Hamberg.Apl 5 years between and to Lake Shore. Black Cashmeres at 62 1-2 all trains Ipswich Portland, whose me yield my claims to the governorship. 1 New Orleans: 49} tnchoria.New York. .Glasgow.Apl 7 46-inch i.n lion E.pnnolna, nil ago, whose fortune shriveled to To Gov. S. B■ Packard, Illinois Central. 43} Beidrubnrg’a under am unable ■ York. 7 nothing have long been in the at equally to sec any course which can said to Ellis and Pittsburg Jtopia.New London.Apl 1 hr crlrbruird Sew Urban* c ignr«, headquarters depot President Hayes yesterday li. so} Portland.. 7 cents, the crashiug decline in the value of real be pursued the national a candinavian_ ..Liverpool.Apl estate was by administration in the of congressman that & Northwestern. 32 *; this city, today transferred to the Boston others presence 14 and at 17 — and who was toward the government here which X & Northwestern >olynesian...... Portland... .Liverpool.Apl Cashmeres DeBeges cts, AND compelled to make an assign- represent, Nicholls has no legal courts, his Supreme Chicago prelerrcd 51$ J •armatlan.Portland.... 21 station, which is hereafter to be the consistent with or New Central. Liverpool.Apl at which would and general political constitutional duty, which ate Jersey 8} \ 28 Black Silks $1.50, a ment, was driven to and sent to a Courts reudering judgments entirely Rock Caspian.Portland... .Liverpool.Apl full ussortinint of our Regular Brands of Cigars insanity office. which will not require it to support me Island.100§ dispatch against worthless. 18 : be CHEAP AT $1.75. and Cigarettes, lor sale at private asylum. Last week he managed to get violence or overthrow the lawlul St. Paul. Republican (Signed) W. F. K. St. Paul preferred. 46} a I niuaiare Almanac.March 27. Loom all at 25 possession of knife with which he pat an end NEW government. certainly wish most devoutly Nicholl. Ohio & 5 Damask, Linen, HAMPSHIRE. I Proclamation, by and Packard* Missijsippi. Jun to that could relieve myself of this duty. 'l Delaware & Lackawanna. rises.5.49 High water...... 9.50 AM his life. The man I referred to was Mr. March 2G.— 58$ ; Jun cents, Scblottcrbeck’s, have been exposed to personal danger by day New Orleans, Gov. Nicholls Atlantic & Pacific Telegraph. 23} sets.6.21 I Moon sets 5.00 AM A. Wilhams an old issued a all Bed Damask at 65 Joseph resident, though and night constantly for five full months, and has proclamation asking the people Missouri Pacific. 1} Turkey cents, 501 Congress born I in Sudden Death. I am wearied to discharge their obliga- street, Portland, believe Germany. His age was 62. to death, but thece are one or two promptly pecuniary The following were the closing quotations cf Pacific Russia Crashes at 12 1-2 cents, raalG aneoUtf to the state that all the March 26.—John things dearer tome than comfort or one tions just claims to Railroad securities: MARINE NEWS He retired from business several years ago with Manchester, Brugger, life; 17. died is honor as a public and tho other is state may be promptly met. He says the peo- Central Pacific bonus. .106 worth abundant wealth all of aged 75, suddenly today of typhoid pneu- my man, which he had may rest confidently assured that the Union Pacific. SWAN & acquired monia. He established au exteusive hosiery my duty to the Republicans of this state. ple gov- 104$ PORT OF POKPL.IND. 18-inch Twilled Crash at 6 1-4 cts, BARRETT, lus owu efforts. ernment of which have the Land Grants. by He made some large and manufactory in this city in 1855, with which Neither of these, in my would they chosen him 103} judgment, will not be Sinking ffuuds. Extra Bleached Cotton at 6 1-4 cts, successful in he has been connected since. He bad exteu- permit me to accommodation or executive head, imperilled or im- 92} operations real estate, but they accept any Boston, Hartford & Erie 1st. 11} sive me paired by any compromise of their Monday, Mur,!, g(i. 27-inch All Wool Flannel at 25 RANKERS AND BROKERS him into mercantile connections with New York and compromise which was not forced npon by rights. Guaranteed. ll beguiled fresh ventures, which Gov. Packard has also a proved Boston and was widely known as an upright a power it would be idle to resist. I desire to issued proclamation, ARRIVED. cents, worth 40. too much for his resources. is a in which he says Mr. who that Offer lor sale, What with mort- and honorable man. aid and relieve President Hayes, out this Nichols, asserts Sch Gov J Y Smith, Berry, Philadelphia—coal to I should his government is a fixed in all Chicago Cattle Market. Winter Dress Goods worth $1.00 gages, taxes and assessments—perpetual drain mad Dog. life or death struggle, and I know fact, complete Boston & Maine UK. all its branches is destitute of one of Boston for Calais. for 50 cents. Portland 6’s and little consign myself to infamy in the eyes of the seed legal Chicago, March 26.—Cattle—receipts 5000 head; Sch Surprise, Lord, Municipal income—he had to succumb at last, Portsmouth, March 26.—Considerable anx- title to the office he It is 3400 the market Cows Emma T — Grand Menan. Republicans here, who know the situation by attempts to usurp. shipments head; is dull; and Sch Story. Portland K. K. aid • 6’s and nervous iety is felt here over the appearance of a rabid a a Bulls 2 75 3 common to at 25 Eva McDuffie, Buckspnrt. prostration, mortified pride and the fearful experience, if I were to accept any threatened oligarchy of wealth and @ 35; good Steers 3 @ Sch May. dog, who has severely biiten seven canines, menace to the middle 4 50. Sch Essen, Beal, Jonesport,—clam bait to Dana Cleveland .... 6’s strain upon his merjtal and physical (acuities terms or do any act which could result in the and poorer classes, The above one of which was badly mutilated and killed by who form the and whose Hogs—receipts 10,000 head; shipments 2700 head; & Co. Bargains dethroned reason. success of the monstrous conspiracy against majority, the market is at 5 5 Equitable Trust Co., t’s the mad animal. The dog was chased a con- to rule this fairly active; packing 20 @ 35; Sch Mistic Tie, Alley, Jonesport. law and humanity which the Democracy of right minority would deny. 5 25 5 to 35 Machias for Boston. are the The real estate has made numerous siderable distance into the but was light shipping @ 30; good choice heavy 5 Sch Presto, Fletcher, Best for collapse suburbs, this state and There are If force instead of law is to determine the 5 65. The higheMl market rates paid not hit and has not been seen siuce. embody represent (qj BELOW—Sch Amazon, of Camden, with mainsail wrecks, but nono so sad as this. thore better than this to conciliate and rightfulness of government the of 600 market Many ways pacify great body Sheep—receipts liead;thc is dull, weak badly torn and foregaff broken. producers who voted for me cau be and common and medium 3 75 4 are who are yet struggling against the inevit- tbe South. Let the present administration, hardly nominal; @ 25;good Also, seb Mary J Adams, from an eastern port ever olTcrcd in Portland, and i iis- Called 5-20 Ronds. while the law aud for blamed should as as the to choice 5 75 @ 6 30. : for some firmly standing by right they prove patriotic bound west, with others. toincrs will find it to their able, hoping change that will save NEW YORK, aristocratic citizens greatly the Republicans, manifest a spirit of charity ot New Orleaus and aban- CLEARED. de30 them. The Gazette still offers its holocausts don their advantage to give an early in- eod3ro2dp and sympathy for our opponents here, as coun- legitimate pursuits to de- Domestic Markets. New the Steamship Eleanora, Johnson, York—Henry spection to these and other goods with periodical regularity. The times have not trymen and citizens, in the thousand ways fend government of tbeir choice. New York. March is dull 26—Evening.—Cotton Fox. that arc sold at Sunday Crime. to an and It is hardly for me to the and being asfouish- improved since the political tempest was stilled. open administration, peace will come necessary reiterate easier and unchanged; ordinary uplands and Sch N A Farwcll, Dizer, Ponce—Phinuey & Jack- New March 26—Alfred Pickard and will of and last extremity my title to office to which I Alabama at 9 13-lGc; do New Orleans and Texas at iugly There is York, abide,—the peace justice law; son. Collars little prospect that they will, until we have been declared 0 do stained at 9 and —Orlando quarrelled with his wife iu Houston street last the only peace worth fighting for. To permit elected and the rights and 15-16c; 7-16c; middling uplands Sch Mabel Rose, Allen, Philadelphia, Dog Alabama at do New Texas Cheap. have a harvest. Bread is of those ll}c; Orleans and llge; Nickerson. RraDd too dear. The uight. He bound her to a chair and rubbed Hampton to reap the fruits of a campaign of privileges by whose votes I chiefly A assort men t in l.eathcr, Steel. Nickel do stained 10$; sales 937 bales; delivered on contract large wa8 a vitrol iu her face and then fled. The poor cre- murder and so as there remains have been call to the executive chair. If revo- Plated. At'. Also Uhiatlrs, grasshopper Indeed burden last year in fraud, long 400 bales; futures quiet, closing easy at 10 poiuts MERCHANT’S EXCHANGE.! Lorlti, Doj{ ture burst her and to lution be made successful under what IFBOM LOW Wholesale and Retail. too of the oonds flew to an apothecary power prevent it, is to sanction such Nicholls decline. 6900 the market is a many grainfields of the West We is Flour—receipts bbls; Ar at New York 26th, steamer Chesapeake, from J^RICES. where a physician but the methods. AH this I say, my dear with to prevent some other chieftain with an shade on medium and low a applied antidotes, sir, stronger, mainly grades Portland: J T Merry, Bradley, Matanzas. C. DAY, ir., & CO., must have great crop, before we can look for in turn a brig flesh is nearly eaten off her face and she will feelings of profound respect for you, but as in equal right setting up another govern- with little better inquiry for export; sales of 16,000 sebs Annie R from hhl«'\n at-, d CO frt) R 9R*(iunopflno Wojtorn arwl Ar at Philadelphia 25th, Lewis, a return of general prosperity. probably die. Pickard has not yet been found. duty bound to declare the truth as I under- UiCUU 1U UU1 LU.UOIl. 1UD CU UJilCU .> ICUU113 Cardenas; Georgia. Coffin, do. mh21sn2iv 01 £XCUAN«8 STREET. rests its claim on the at 5 80 @010; common to good extra Western Joseph Stahl, while asleep Friday night in stand it. Of one thing I am sure—neither you government largely sup- Sid fm Havre 25th lust, ship Norris, Barstow, for TURNER BROS Yarmouiii. and State at 6 00 @6 10; to choice Western the boiler room of the nor man moved a sense of can port it receives from the rich and aristocratic good United States. Gnttenberg brewery. any by justice and State at 6 15 0 common to choice White _ clas3 in this @ 30; sld fm l.ivernnnl 25th. shin Jas A V rieht. Morri- Hoboken, was covered with kerosene oil and understand tbe situation here and be willing city. Wheat Western extra at G33@71U; Fancy White News and Other Items. son, for 6W Pass. then set on fire by some unknown fiend. Al- for any political advantage or freedom from Wheat Western extra at 7 15 @ 8 50; common to Surgical Instruments, good Ar at Malaga prcv to 23tlr in»t, brig Thomas On on, The latest thing in showers is a shower of though men threw blankets around the embarrassment to abandon the to A Plague of Tramps. extra Ohio at 0 00 i® 8 00; common to choice extra COR. CONGRESS & ELM live victim, Republicans Guptill, New York. STS., he was so burued that he in ihe fate that awaits them whenever St Louis at G 00 @ 9 00; Patent Minnesota extra ELASTIC clams, reported at Santa New badly died a few Hampton Omaha, March 26.—The number oE tramps good Ar at 23J inst, ship J \Y Harr, Morse. STOCK1ADS, Anna, Mexico, to at 7 50 00; choice to double extra at Queenstown hours in awful agony. becomes tbe undisputed Governor of this state. the Union Pacific road is prime @9 Lobos Point. Portland, Mo. which furnished several meals to persons who along becoming 9 00 @ 10 50, closing firm. Southern flour is a shade mb27 snlw Persons. I despair of being able to set our case in its enormous. It is the train men have Bandages and noortvlv spa a naif trafor oliallAoli missing reported tinner, prices unchanged; sales 1409 bbls. Rye flour Supporters, Trusses, irue oeiore loose woo nave nau no such .HEiVORANDA. At this date there are six miss- iigut consirable trouble with them. The conductor steady and unchanged at 4 05 @ 4 75 for superfine. persous but I do if I had and columns. San Francisco boasts of the honesty of its from experiences; feel, the privi- of a freight train was fired on by two whom Cornmeal quiet and steady at 2 05 @ 3 20. VV heat— jySee local telegraphic Shoulder ing this city, namely,—Oakey Hall, law- E Russell, Nichols, irom Java ior Braces, * lege, I could do much more toward it. I have he off near Lone Tree this @ 2 higher with rather more doing for ex- barque Mary hackmen. The Chronicle tells of one who re- yer a Frenchman named Delapierre, a pat morning. Spring^ Bermuda. 12th with McNab, written and that will and moderate milling inquiry; 1 27 1 39 for Boston, put into St George, inst, LAUNDRY. Clnb Foot Prussian named G. hurriedly, beg you believe Plans have been perfected for the erection in port @ with all Spinal Supporters, Shoes, &c., ceived three A. Adolph, Hngh Smith of North Western so called old lo.-s of fore and mainmasts, attached, and $20 gold pieces by mistake and me to be this a ungraded Spring; 37c; 52d and Emma a of nine city of large college by Catholics, the Will remain for repairs. One man was lost on hand and made to order. the fact to street, Studer, girl Yours No 3 so called at 1 38; No 2 Milwaukee m leaking. Blanket., Bed.. Quill*. Curtain., and reported the police office. voam All hnf tha lacP hurl /vanoitlaraGla on mo truly, funds for same having been bv the and another iell from alott to the bequeathed store at 1 48; old Spring at 1 44; No 2 Chicago quoted overboard deck, all kinds of solicited, cither the At the D, H. Chamberlain. late Edward Laundrying by Deadwood Theatre in the Black of money with them. Creighton. 1 45 @ l 4G; Winter Wheat is quiet and steady; re- sustaining severe injury. piece or dozen. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices ELECTRIC BATTERIES Hon. D. C. Weather is Blanchard, which arrived at New when the audience Stanley Matthews, Washington, warm. ceipts 25; sales 95.000 bush. Rye steady. Barley is Barque Lorena, reasonable. Orders left at Congre.. Street Hills, get tired of the Can- Oakey Hall. 25th from Marseilles, the crew of schr for sale and to let hv Grasshoppers are reported to be very active dull and declining. Barley Malt is unchanged. York brought will receive prompt attention. Goods called for and the call us from Bazil for which was abandon- Can, boys out, “give some singing, There is no definite trace of Oakey Hall. in some Corn—now }c lower with only a very moderate busi; Rivulet, England, returned. 78 places. condition. Laundry, Washington Street. or we’ll clean out the His associates the SOUTH CAROLINA. ness lair export and home use; old and un- ed in a sinking mli22 A. U. place. We want some legal representing family quiet at Baltimore from TS&Ttfs SCHLOTTEBBECK, ask the time fur all steamers from this chaanged; ungraded Western Mixed at 55c; Yellow Brig Clara J Adams, McFadden, thing elevatin." The admission to this sailing Made Capo 17th, 4 PM, Dealer in and Manufacturer of temple to arrive in JBETEUKOLOlilCAL' do 57}c; 55 @ 55}c for New York No 3, closing sellers Matanzss, reports— Henry port Saturday last, Europe before on account of and thick of the muses costs 55} for steamer at inside but had to haul off heavy $2 50; reserved seats, $5. of hearing Irom him is INDICATIONS FOB THE NEXT 55c; @ 55|c Mixed, closing SIBGICAL 1N9TRI hope given up. Wade Hampton Accepts the (‘rcaideut’a TWENTV-FOOB prices; Yellow Southern 58c; White Southern 58 @ weather; lost and split sails, and started cutwater. GRASS SEED.~ HKNTS, The Fiske Jubilee HO DBS. before on Nan- University Singers have The Road Forgery. Invitation. 59c; prime old No2 Chicago at46@47}c instore Sch M Sewall, reported capsized Shoals, was towed into 24th. 500 501 Congress St. Portland, been in and were received The Newark bond Wab Office Chief Signal afloat; recciDts 80,800 bush; sales 70,000 bush; also tucket Vineyard-Haven Bags Strictly Prime for Maine., recently Holland, by forgery, it is now said is March Dep’t, ) was dismasted on Nan- Timothy, Columbia, 26.—Gov. Hampton re- 5000 bush of steamer Mixed buyer April at 55Jc; 4,- Sch A H Whitmore, which the in the likely to reach No traces of the coun- Offices, Washington, D.C., > has been towed to Sale by Solo lor Geo. Tieinann Jk Co. King Royal Palace at Lov. Bis $700,000. ceived yesterday the letter of President Hayes 000 bush seller for next week at 55}c; 4000 do inferior tucket Shoals 17th, New Bedford Agent terfeit have been lound in March A. M, was was paper Brooklyn, him to 26, (1 J) old Western Mixed in store 54c. Oats are dull and tor Her rigging saved. Masjecty highly pleased with their singing, inviting Washington. Today he bad repairs. Mew York. where Eugel lived, but some is said to have written in the For New England, in White State on track TTnwifl At: T.Uflnfinl/l and them a reply following letter: slightly buyers favor; 51c; PORTS. no23 MlUtf gave handsome subscription to the been taken to the house of her afloat unmerchantable are un- DOMESTIC sister by Mrs. Columbia, March 26.—His Excellency, R. B. tbreathening weather and rain, with brisk 56c; 40}c; other grades fund are changed ; receipts 30,240 bush; sales of 19,000 bush. SAN FRANCISCO—Cld l'tb, Bhip Alex McNeil, they attempting to.raise. Engel. Hayes, President of the United I to EI>- B- Various Hatters. States:—Sir, Easterly winds, backing Westerly, falling Coflee—Rio quiet and unchanged; cargoes at 17 @ 21c Port Townsend. 143 COMMERCIAL STREET. PI A WHQ ROBINSON, 5 Myrtle Street, A colored servant called have the honor to no in Spronl, Uncle Harry, died acknowledge your communi- barometer, decided change temperature, gold: job lots at 17} @ 22c gold. Sugar is quiet and PORT TOWNSEND, WT—Ar 16th, ship Washing- <*>21 end tf liiUlUU has the celebrated Weber iPiano, and The high tides have caused the northeast riv- cation of the 23d addressed to me will continue the for lair to Francisco. and other makers, at low prices. at Spencer, Ky., recently, at the age of 95. He inst., by your Cautionary signals along steady; 8} @ 8} good retiniug; 9 for prime; ton Libby, Hanson. San extremely ers to overflow and considerable damage has private secretary. As you a desire for coast from to Muscovado at refined in ORLEANS—Cld Hattie S Orders for Tuning attended to as was from express Wilmington Eastport. 200lhhds 8} @8}; steady, NEW 20th, brig Bishop, brought North Carolina by a brother been done the docks bv a demand and for BCb L Port 1> K. along storm. personal conference with myself, I accept fair unchanged; JOgc standard A; Bishop, Pensacola; Clara Dyer, Beers, for THAYER, ORGANS. of Daniel and has been a An occurred in dance motives of granulated at ll}@ll}c; crushed and at Antonio. auirai nly Boone, quite promi- affray Williamsburgh through proper courtesy to yourself, powdered _ house Attempted Rank Robbery. for- Below sch Eveline, McLean, from Ruatan nent character in the of Saturday. Many were injured and one the invitation you have extended, I 11} @ llgc. Molasses—refining grades grades 22d, May PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, past history the though eign quiet and and un- Alexander, Havre; bark severely stabbed. cannot so to throw additional Philadelphia, March 26.—An attempt to steady; grocery grades quiet Cld 24th, Ship Gettysburg, State. hope by doing changed. Rice is quiet and steady; Carolina at 5} @ Fannie J McLellan, McLellan, from Keval. A of the members of the Gold Ex- on the rob the Consolidated National Bank was dis- AT .T ,KT) meeting light questions which have already been 6}. Petroleum is quiet and firm; crude at refined PENSACOLA—Cld 20th, brig Wm Mason, Adams. Mechanics’ Hall Humor pays in this It sometimes was held this covered A kit of 11; Building, country. change atternoou, when the so ably and tnoroughly presented, and the so- today. burglars tools were at 16} @ 17. Tallow steady at 7} @ 8c. Naval Stores A^ninwa1!. enables a man to marry a rich girl. Mark President was empowered to appoint a com- lution of which is so obvious and simple. But found. The property adjoining was occupied —Rosin unsettled at 2 05 @ 210 lor strained. Tur- BRUNSWICK. GA—Cld 20th, sch Georgle Clark, Respectfully tenders thanks to the Citizens oi Port- mittee of four persons to act with a from by the who had been at work for some pentine is easier at 39 @ for Pork Philadelphia. land for their liberal the past Twain taxes in Hartford on conjoiutly understanding the communication I have burglars 39}c Spirits. open- Bartlett. patronage during year: pays $00,650, and and trusts that Correct and committee of three from the Stock Exchange received, that the object contemplated the time endeavoring to effect an entrance. ed decidedly lower, afterwards more steady; 360 bbls SAVANNAH—Ar 24th, sch Mary Patten, Gilkey, by Gentlemanly this is bat a tithe of his wealth. by new mess at 14 14 750 deportment, with the skill heretofore Twelve years on the admissiou of members. conference is that I 62} @ 90; bbls seller May at Providence. displayed in a-20 BONDS proposed solely might the he will merit the he was the 14 50 @ 14 55 ; 2500 bbls seller June at 14 50 @ 14 70, Cld 24th, sch Lizzie Carr. Teel, Bath. restoring sick, approbation of ago editing Daily Democratic Hudsoa River Open. place before you my views of the impediments all. of J£ V E Rowing Challenge. closing 14 50. Beef is dull; Cut Meats quiet; middles ST MARYS, GA—Ar 17th, sch -Daybreak, Blake, Diseases and EAR, THROAT Review in San Francisco—a mere March to a peaceful and orderly organization of a are firm at for Western clear and LUNGS skiUlully treated. Also theatre pro- Albany, 2G.—The ice barrier below New March 26.—Wallace Boss and 8} long clear; city long Fernandina. and state in Yobk, Lard more 150 gramme—at a of week. the citv has given away and the river is open to single undisputed government at8|. opened lower, closing steady; Cld 19th, brig Geo Harris, Stowers, Philadelphia. salary $20 per Elijah Boss, the former champion of the steam New York. South Carolina, and of the best methods of re- tierces prime at 9 70; 1250 do for April at 9 60 WILMINGTON, NC—Cld 22d, sch RobtT Clark, CHRONIC DISEASES Bought or exchanged for other Tassey Stewait, the California farmer who 1 shall avail Provinces, and latter a member of the Paris @ 9 65, closing 9 65 @ 9 2000 do lor JYlav 9 70 Boston. The Diamond Robbery* moving them, myself of your invi- 67}; @ Hutchinson, _ crew, have challenged any two men in the 9 82}; 5300 do seller June'at 9 80 @ 9 95. Whiskey is NORFOLK—Sid 24tb, sch Ada F Whitney, Mars- in all forms. Those diseases Securities on the most favorable was accused of attempting to bribe ex Secre- of tation so that I may reiterate in person what I Superintendent the Police Walling re- United States or the Dominion, to row 3 or 6 steady 1 07}. ters, Barbadoes. Chandler to decide a have the honor to submit in wiiting, that in peculiar to the female organism can be terms by tary land claim question ceived word today from the chief of police at miles for or $2000 in in Freights to Liverpool—the market quiet; Cotton BALTIMORE—Ar 23d, schs Oliver Dyer, Falker, my judgment all impediments earnestly desir- $1000, gold Major cured in his has been Montreal saying an arrest had been made of on per sail at }d; do per steam at id; Wheat per steam Sagua; Vashti R Gates, Holmes, Portland; Helen R favor, acquitted by a jury of ed and so June, the Kennetecasis or Halifax. Bal-tead and McCann alias by yeurself anxiously expected by at 4d. Condon, Milliken, Providenee. the United Thompson, charg- without resorting to a local treatment so to States Circuit Court in San Francis- the people of this state, oan at once be remov- Cld Card, Moore, Jacksonville. paintul ed with iu tbe diamond Chicago, March[26.—Flour is firm; Minnesota 23d, sch|Hattie the patient. Reference to a participation robbery. ed the Clara J Matanzas large number, cured co. The defence was that the bad by withdrawal of the federal troops A bark said to be the K. extra at 6 50 @7 75; uo patent piocess at 7 25 9 Ar 24th, brig Adams, McFadden, the prisoner Detectives have gone to Albany and Mary Cam (bell @ 50; Belfast. duriDg past year, can be had by calling at my of- Washing- from out the state house. This action ou the Winter 6 00 @ 8 00. Wheat firm and (see Mem); sch Mary, Magee, fice. not offered the as a but ton for and extradition from New York lor Bordeax, was seen Feb. 17. extrapit active, money bribe, merely requisition papers. of tbe No 2 1 1 1 Cld 24th, sch John Proctor, Doanc, Boston. part Commander-in Chief of tne United under control of tbe crew and in higher; Chicago Spring 27} cash; 27} @ 27$ Patients visited at their homes when desired; char- to the of The Public Works Rill Vetoed. apparently for 1 Sid 24th. brig Keystone. pay expenses hastening the decision Slates force would not be hailed oar April; 32g seller for May; No 3 Spring at 118; ges moderate. H.M.Payson&Co only by much confusion. When hailed th e by officers 1 00. Corn in demand at PHILADELPHIA—Ar 24th, sch Addle Blaisdell, of his claim. Gov. Bobinson tonight vetoed the bill for the people as an evidence that the civil is rejected good full prices; Office hours from 0 to 12 A. M., 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 P. authority ot the BoyalOak, they told them to m ind their guilt edge 4l}c cash; 39c for March; for Potter, Cienfuegos. M. A appointment of a superintendent of public no longer to be subordinate to the in 39}c April; 6Ch L & A great sensation was caused at Wolver- military own business. 42}c for May; rejected at 36} @ 37c. Oats nominal Cld 24th, brig Ernest, Lunt, Cardenas; November BANKERS AND BROKERS, works iu consequence of the Senate’s our but it would establish Portland. Portland, 30, 1876, lebl7sneodt rejection country, law, ensure 328c cash or April; 34gc seller Mav; rejected at Babcock, Smith, hampton, England, a few days ago, a of his Gen. 24} @ down C A during appointee, McClellan, for the faith- domestic tranquility, revive our wasted indus- firinerat laiter for fresh re- Newcastle—Passed 22d, brig Sparks, sch fr.1 nAsfnsmnnn.. rvf mhASA ,1 _ 25}c. Rye 64} @ 70c, attended funeral of a -,------— an H L Whitton. largely young man. As fcu.uauvi tries and give assurance that this state is to FOREIGN. ceipts. Barley is irregular at 54 @ 55c, according to was This At Delaware Breakwater 23d. schs Jos 32 Street. the mourners were the responsible. leaves the canal com- be regtored to her just rights under the consti- location. Pork dull, weak and lower at 13 50 cash; Farwell, TO CURE CATARRH Exchange leaving grave a local ...w, « w.vuv. missioners in office anil or April; ns ior oara is weak and auuj my72 eodtf they are preceding tution. oij may. (lull, lor inn-keeper went up and emptied a bottle of lower at 9 20 for cash aud 9 30 for Bulk Passed down 24th, ship Jamestown, Philadel- with the work of preparing the canals for the Whatever grievances exist, whatever wrong THE EASTERN QUESTION. April; May. tl» Meats dull aud choice lower; shoulders at short phia. brandy upon coffio, saying that as the openings. It is hardly possible thft the bill we suffer, we propose to redress not The Montenegrin 5J; NEW YORK—Ar 23d. schs W H Jones, them, by Delegates Withdraw. ribs 7J; short clear sides 7|. Dressed Hog are dull Falking- deceased loved the in he can pass over the veto. resort to force, but and constitutional haiu, Fernandina; Hector. Higgins. Richmond. liquor life should by legal London, March 2G.—A from a and drooping at 5 75 bid, 0 00 asked. Whiskey is in telegraph Ar 24th. N M Haven, of Portland In such redress 1 sure fair demand at 1 Darque Ulrick, Matanzas; have it in death. He was agencies. seeking feel Pera correspondent asserts that tbe Montene- 05. P1B BAFFLED ! immediately that I the ddIb 900 bush schs Red Jacket, Kendall, Rockport; Georgie, West, City determination of represent lully the grin delegates intimated Saturday that negotia- Receipts—7,000 flour, wheat, 107,- arrested. WASHINGTON. 500 oush bush bueh 2700 Boston. thoughtful and conservative portion of our tions must be considered ended. com, 20,000 oats,8000 barley, They declare bush ot rye. At* 25th, barques Mary Jenness, Oakes, Leghorn; The President doesn’t trouble himself about whole people when I give assurance that no will they quit Constantinople. Shipments—70t0 bbls bush Lorma, Blanchard, Irom Brazil; brig Clara Jenkins, Because proscription shall be exercised here on account flour, 9,000 wheat, 32,- Wliy! they have not 6 Per Cent Bonds Washington etiquette. Wanting a little talk The Imperial Alliance. 0002busb corn, 8,000 busn bash barley, Coombs, Palermo. The of oats, 8,000 liOiiisinnn Commission. political opinions, that no discrimination 3000 bush rve. Cld 24th, barque David Chapin, Bunker, Montevi- made this disease the study ot a with Gariiild, he on his The New Freie Presse states that or Wednesday, just put shall be made in the administration of although At the afternoon call of deo via Brunswick, Ga; brig Alberti, McCalder, for Coupon Rogistcicd, Washington, March 20 —Vice President justice tho board Wheat was as did old Dr. a hat and strolled over to the and that all citizens of both and the alliance of the three Fmpeiors will at 1 28 1 1 Havana; 6Cbs Annie L Palmer, Lewis, Hayti; E F life-time, Haider, Congressman’s Wheeler will one parties both continue, higher @ 28i cash; 32J for May. Corn and pnl) Q U V T* V not be of tho Louisiana com- the failure Hart. Carrie M Richard- lauca Buau uo its notwithstanding of the protocal Oats tirrn and Pork weak and lower at Hart, Havana; Richardson, German house, instead of sending a messenger to sum- missioners. Ex-Gov. Brown of Tennessee is legaiuuu muy pruieuieu vy unchanged. distinguishtd Prolessor, and amenable to the laws. negotiations it will only bo on the original basis. 13 40 @ 13 45 lor April; 15 374 for Mav. Lard heavy son, Cardenas. mon Garfield to the White House. He has the only one who has yet accepted the appoint- and lower at 9 bid for Passed through Hell Gate 24tli, schs G W Baldwin, who has probably spent more time Joining mo9t heartily with in the earnest The idea of co-operation with ltussia never 074 April; 9 174" bid for May. .IaaIJa,! Art. (.KaIM, at. ~ _. ment. you Dennis, New York for Danversport; Nellie F, Hunt- existed. The alliance cau localize the Toledo,March 2G. -Flour firm. Wheat firm: No 1 over this intricate complaint than & Secretary Connut Vindicated. desire yon express that you may be able to put only ley. do lor Machias; Lucy Wentworth, Pendleton, or Woodbury Moulton, conflict should war commence. The White Michigan 1 ;extra White at 1 visitors at the White House an end as speedily as possible to all appearance Turkish 554 Michigan 584; Dow, from Holoken for Salem; Etta A Stimpson, any person on the Reflect having receptions Solicitor after No 2 Bed Fall on at 1 seller 1 re- globe. Talbot, investigation, repoit3 of intervention of ambassador at Vienna had an interview of aa spot 53; April 534; for Providence- the the military authority of the Red Lake Shore 1 Hart, Amboy introduced by Marshal of the District of to the Secretary of the Treasury that there is hours duration with jected 26; No 2 Amber Illinois at FALL RIVER—Sid schs and lor a moment, use your Good Investment United States in the political derangements Ignatief’. 1 55. Com Mixod 23d, Ra\en, Clark, Bankers, Columbia. not a shadow of foundation for the steady; high on spot at 45c; seller nanuibal, for New York. reports which affect the and afflict the Outrages of the Bnshi-Razouks. No 2 on sense, and remember that the or- Assistant Conant. government May 414c; spot at 4i4e; seller for July 47c; ViNEVAItD-HAVEN-Ar 22d, Nash An against Secretary of No 2 White at brig Kaluna, NO. 67 EXCHANGE STREET. expedition to explore the buried cities of people South Carolina, aud fervently trust Five hundred Bashi-Bazouks foil the 46c; icjected 44c. Oats dull; rejected 13 lor Boston. of Catarrh is in a The Solicitor concludes as fol'ows: “It is upon Sagua days igin mh26 sntf ing that the result soon be of at 32c. Clover Seed 8 30. and Central Asia is being talked of in Bombay and not known to the time with the auspicious may village Otchieuo, where returned refugees In port, brigs Long Reach, Kaluna; schs H G present that, I have the honor to Receipts—0000 bbls flour, 11,000 bash wheat, 6,500 Olive J of reached, be, were rebuilding their homes, and burned tbe Bird, Vicksburg. Avery, C Willard, Geo W elsewhere in India. Great treasures are exception $210 imprudently paid out in oush Corn, 8U00 hush Oats, 00 Barley. Hattie and Very respectfully, partly restored houses and murdered 10 Jewett, Ross. Telegraph, others. known to exist under sands 1876, any amount has been paid as unclaimed Shipments—000 bbls.flour, 7000 bush Wheat, 21,- BOSTON—Cld 24th, schs Violet, (Brj Lewis, Bear Those GRECIAN Pattern Cam- shifting of some of Your obedient servant, with nameless horrors. The 000 bush COMMON COLD, interest, which has not been paid back or will refugees others Com, 000 bush Oats. River, NS, via Lark, lor Philadel- and if tradition is (Signed) Wade fled across Portland; Small, brics in Pink and the deserts, to be trusted tbe not be back, as the result of the Hampton, the fiontier. St. Louis, March 26.—Flour is and Brown, Black, paid present Governor of South Carolina. quiet firm; phia. tomb of No loss has At Glamouth a bridal procession was Superfine Fall at 5 50 extra Fall at 0 15 Ar schs Nellie H, Bine be found at store of C. Ghengis Khan, with its fabulous investigation. resulted or can stop- @6 00; 26th, Mallocb, Eastport; Daisy, Which one Box of the great remedy, may Gov. leaves to-morrow ped by the Turks, who cut down and @ 6 50; double extra do 6 65 (a) 6 treble extra at Kent, Deer Isle; Jewett, Penn- still stands near Tabasm result to the United States, the Treasurer being Hampton night and beheaded 90; Benaventure, do; 549 wealth, Lake Nor. four of the 7 00 7 25. W„eat—No 2 Red Fall at 1 55 for Rockland. E. BEAN, Congress Street. liable upon his official bond tor all disburse will arrive in Washington Thursday morning. guests, and exposed the heads on @ cash; sylvania. Babbage, are in No 3 at 1 494 @ 1 50 for cash aud lor Corn is SALEM—Ar 25th, schs Johnnie Reports constantly brought by Mongols meats made to not is the state. poles. The bride died from outrages. April. Meserve, French, BEAN persons authorized to receive Everything quiet throughout active and No 2 Mixed at 38 New York for Sami C. E. invites examination of and silver treasures which the Count who has maintained lirm; @ 384c cash; 374 Boothbay; Hart, Holbrook, trom gold shifting the same. Several thousand dollars appear to S. C., March 20,—The Cham- Audra9sy, ex- @ 38c seller lor April; lor for Fortress Monroe; Charleston, treme reserve the 39| @ 39Jc May; 39J @ 39J Rockport Alleghany, Brvant; of his 4-4, 5-4 and 10*4 Bleached sands disclose, but which have a have been fraudulently paid out, but this can- ber of Commerce the during negotiations between lor Juno. Oats quiet and Arm at D Ellis, Robert B Sprague; Silas Me they supersti- today appointed following London and St. at35Jc. Rye 671 Torrey; Smith, not be determined without judicial committee to to to Petersburg, may now possibly 684c cash; Oe for April. Barley is quiet and un- Loon. Spear; Leontine, Stevens, and Pacific, Pease, Cotton. tious dread of touching. investiga- tojgo Washington represent act as a mediator. RJEDERS’ tion.’’ the President the true condition of affairs here changed. Whiskey inactive at 1 01. 4 Rockland for New York. The of German bbls Gilbert’s and 5-4 all wool cruelty military officers to Unfounded Rumor. and the terrible effect which Keceipfs—2,800 flour, 12,000 bush wheat, 50,- 3-4,4-4 the political com- 000 bush the subordinates is a matter of com, 3,000 bush oats, 80OO bush barley, FOREIGN PORTS. Flannels at 549 Street. notoriety, but The published reports that Secretaries Evarts plications are exerting on the business interests ITALY, bush 00 bead Congress 1,000 rye, hogs, 00 bead cattle. Sid fm to 24th Edmund an officer in an has and Schurz are to retire from the Cabinet and of the state and city: Robert Adger, Wm. C. Akyab prev inst, barque artillery regiment lately The Pope’* Illness. Milwaukee, March 26.—Flour is quiet but held Phinney, Small, Europe. Bargains in Damask Towels, be appointed respectively Ministers to Bee, J F. Pelser, G. W. Williams, S. G. Tup- Wheat gone beyond precedent, and is likely to get England March 2G.—A from firmly. unsettled, opened higher and closed At do 12th inst, ships Geo Skolfield, Forsaith, for and are Wm. B. James S. B. Ball- London, despatch Borne No 1 at B German Shirt Germany authoritatively pronounced per, Smith, Gibbs, tirni; Milwaukee 1414; No 2 Milwaukee at Europe, ldg; It Fuller, Gilmore, from Bombay, ar- Snuff, Napkins, Handkerchiefs, into serious trouble beiause of his truculent to the News the condition of by those gentlemen as without foundation. man, L. D. Ressaussete, G. W. Armory and Daily says the 1 35; seller April at 1 33; seller for May at 1 37; No 3 rived Jan 29, for Europe, ldg; barque Teekalet, Tra- Fronts. at 549 Pope's health is the Ac., Congress St. ingenuity. Some of his men were insubordi- Civil Service Rules in John S. Fairly. serious, despite optimist Milwaukee at i 234. Corn is flruier aud in lair de- cey, from Singapore, ar Feb 10, for United Kingdom, the Treasury. Would have cured. Now what are the bulletins. Cardinals Simeoni and Valotta are mand; No 2 at 41c; new 394c. Oats are quiet and ldg; and others. quickly Provision Dealers. Linen and nate, and so he set about to cure them of their of Catarrh? with a The Secretary of the Treasury to-day issued already preparing for the conclave. steady; No 2 at 32Jc. Bye in good demand; No 1 at At Iloilo Jau 24. barque C 0 Whitmore, Tilton, for symptoms They commence sense of irritation about the nasal if Woolen Frock at store of distemper by a means of a the following regulations governing the ap- MARINE 70c. Barley firmer and iu good demand ;No 2 Spring Boston. organs which, ing “spurring process,” NEWS. not allayed with GERMAN alter a abort and of in the fresh at 78c. Provisions dull. Mess Pork at 13 50. Ar at Havre 23d Inst, ech Geo V Jordan, SNUFF, which consisted in jabbing spurs pointment employment persons Duncan, time extend to the throat. As lia down at C. E. BEAN. persistently Treasury Lard—prime steam at 94. Dressed Hogs lirm at 5 75 Samarang via Queenstown. you night and into their Department: AFRICA. and fain would sleep and rest the weary brain. brutally legs. Two cannoniers First—The force in the @6 00. Ar at London 24th inst, ship Templar, Haskell, Ladies’ attention to our Two- employed department A Machias Schooner Receipts—8000 bbls flour, bush wheat. were recently so and in each division and bureau wiil leakjr. Punishing the Natives. 10,000 Singapore. severely injured by this pro- be care- bbls Ar a Button Kids is invited. New York, March 26.—Arrived at Dutch Shipments—5500 flour, 5,500 bush wheat. at Channel port 23d inst, ship John W Marr, HORRIBLE TO SAY, Every cess that had to to the tully limited to the number and grade fixed Advices from Congo, on the West coast of Morse, Lobos Point 94 to they go hospital. by Detroit, March 26.—Flour held quiet. Wheat is days, (ordered Antwerp.) warranted. law and the therefor. Island schooner Nicola from for of state that Sid fm 24th A pair Virginia City, possesses the appropriation Machias, Me., Africa, January 13ih, the stronger, closing easier; extra White Michigan 1 58; Liverpool inst, ship Lucy Nickels, Nevada, highest Second—When the law does not fix British war steamer Avon had Bombay. the Providence. In a gale off Chatham she sprung destroyed seven milling at 1 57; No 1 White Michigan at 1 55; Not Nickels, The Secretions of the Head fountain in the world, water or Sid tm Ponce 2d sell John probably, having number compensation of the employes, as villages on the Congo liiver, and killed three Amber Michigan 1 52. Cora is steady; No 1 Mixed inst, Douglass, Parker, a leak, leaking 300 strokes per hour. Threw lor to load for North of been conducted to the of the of in the case of clerks or natives as a for the at 484c. Oats are quiet; White 43c; Mixed at 40c Naguabo. Hatteras. top spire the temporary persons paid punishment plundering of In 2d sebs PASS TO THE from over deck load of timber. bbls 7927 busn port inst, Pilot’s Bride, Eldridge; Fan- LUJJGS. C.B.BBAIVr Catholic which is 170 feet the appropriations for specific purposes, the American schooner Thomas Nickerson of Receipts—1163 hour, wheat, 4510 Church, high. The oush 5252 bush oats. ny Flint, Warren, ana Quoddy, Young, wtg. the number at no time shall exceed the de- Steamer Rockaway Breaking New which had been captured the com, follow the form of the cross Up. York, by bbls 2275 bush Causing these delicate organs to be with pipes which sur- mands of the service, and the natives. She was fire the Shipments—531 flour, wheat, 12,564 impregnated compensation Atlantic City, March 26.—Steamer Rocka- by Avon in bush com 000 bush oats. [Latest by European steamers. 1 549 mounts the and from the end of each shall not exceed the rates CONGRESS STREET. spire, paid for similar way will be a total wreck. A boat boarded her order to prevent fuither plundering. Sid fm 10th service in Cincinnati, March 26.—Pork dull and lower at Liverpool inst, Sontag, Chase, Boston* janl5 codtf arm streams ascend to the of private establishments. and there was no Ar at London 10th large high', about reports person on board. The 14 50, Lard is iu fair demand; steam rendered at inst, Hngarstown, Whitmore* Third—Each head of a bureau in the beach is strewn with A trunk 9 9 Pabellon de Pica. 25 feet, and between these are thrown a depart- timbers. lid was 25 @ 30; kettle at 10 @ 104- Bulk Meals are dull, up ment will be holdeu to the Ar at 11th Robt strictly enforcement washed ashore marked ,:J. H. Francis, Mill- FRANCE. weak and lower; shoulders at 54c; clear ribs at 74c; Falmouth, E, inst, Porter, Gooiell, CATARRHAL great number of smaller This novel of the jets. foregoing rules and will report in Me.” clear sides at 7|; these prices asked on spot; sales Japan. bridge, The Dnke Decazes on the Claims. Cld at Cardiff 9th J H fountain was not constructed for mere orna- writing to this office within ten and from Papal short ribs 7J seller June. Bacon quiet; shoulders at inst, Ingergoll, Strout, for M. F. days March time to time New York, 26.—The officers and clear ribs at clear sides at St Jago. KING, Clerical 6*; but is intended to protect the thereafter the names of all persons Paris, March 25.—The Journals 84; 8J. Whiskey quiet POISON. ment, church in crew of the wrecked steamer Rockaway arrived and at 1 03. iu fair demand aud Ar at Greenock 11th inst, J G Pendleton, Gillmore, employed under his direction, who bv reason of state the Catholic Senators and Deputies moved steady Hogs lirm; case of fire. this on steamship which common at 4 50 @ 4 90; fair to at 5 00 Java. bad of evening Wyanoke, the allocution have called the atten- good light @ In the von arise with a incompetency, habits, neglect duty, or by Pope’s 5 at 5 20 5 butchers at 5 Sid fm Queenstown lltb, Matterhorn, for morning dull, heavy feel- The case of Hallet was towing the new vessel to New York. 25; packing grades @ 45; 50 Arey, about the head and extreme Kilbourn of any other cause, ought cot to be retained They tion of Duke Decazes to the position of the of ing nausea at the stom- Washington 1 death and saved @570; receipts 1465head; shipments 965 head. Hamburg. ach: in narrowly escaped nothing but he Ar in Havre Roads you can eat nothing with a to work is a against Sergeant-at-Arms of the longer the service; also those whose services papacy. The minister replied had always 10th, Chandos, Ross, Huanillos. relish, Thompson what they stood in, boarding the Cleveland, March 26.—The Petroleum market is Ar 4th task, as you have that dull pain and sense of PHOTOGRAPHIST. are no longer required for the conduct of the Wyanoke by telt a keen solicitude for the interests of the at Malaga inst, Abby Bacon, Merrill, Irom op- House of Representatives, an action for the life boat of their own vessel. They report very and Arm; standard White 144. Gibraltar. pression which demonstrates the fact that business entrusted to their charge. When a papacy. The cause of the independence of for that the is broken in too and is Wilmington, March 26,-Cotton is dull; Ar at Gibraltar 5th inst, P from lias removed to new rooms, 810,000 damages assault and battery and vacancy in any grade above that of Class 1 Rockaway rap- the Holy Sae occupied and ever would Middling Hazeltine, Wadlin, idly going to pieces. occupy uplands at 11c. Jacksonville, for orders. false imprisonment, was decided at a occurs in any bureau and the service an important placo in the tasks to which he General pnblic Memphis, March 26.—Cotton and Cld at Cadiz 5th inst, Geo Kingman, Howes, Port- requires that it should be the head devoted his efforts. quiet irregular; CATARRH Term of the Court of the District of Columbia filled, of Middling uplands at lOJc. land; John C Smith, Jones, Gloucester. such bureau will report in writing to this office Ex-President Grant at Cincinnati. 482 Congress street, last Wednesday. Kilbourn refused, it will ha Charleston, March 26.—Cotton is Mid- HAS SECURED the names of persons of a lower grade who ouiet; SPOKEN. by Cincinnati, March 26.—The following is NEW BRUNSWICK. dling uplands at Ugc. and ot remembered, to answer certain when reason of and Feb lat 17 Ion Pleasant, convenient, cany access, questions iuJustry, integrity competency ex-President Grant’s speech on the floor of the March 14, 23, 35, ship Northampton, Trask, are most of The Seal Controversy. Savannah, 26.—Cotton is quiet; Middling from Liverpool for SW Pass. he was before the “Real Estate Pool Investi- deserving recognition by promotion Chamber of Commerce to day: uplands at ll§c. A VICTIM. thereto. N. S., March 20.—Tbe great seal Feb 23, lat 33, Ion 20 40, ship S C Blanchard, Meady ONE FLIGHT ONLY. Committee” of the House of Gentlemen—This reception was un- Halifax, New March 26.—Cotton dull and from lor gating Represen- to this entirely case was in of Fork, easier; Liverpool San Francisco. Fourth—Appointments department of but I assure I decided the Court Queen’s at Now when you realize this do not and was committed for expected by me, you am'very Middling uplands lljc. March 1. lat 19 26, Ion 35 55, ship Bombay, Work, fact, get fright- Specimens in reception room, and not at the door tative, contempt. The temporary clerks will hereafter be made Bench to-day. Tbe Chief Justice said tne new end and run and live or ten dollars tor only glad to meet you all, and feel very thankful to Augusta, March 26,—Cotton market Mid- from Liverpool for New Orleans. pay worthless or in the stairway. court beta that was for a limited time and not to exceed the exi- seal was a hut he did not quiet; bnt invest 35 cents in a box Thompson justified, as be you for this kind reception. I have no doubt legal one, anticipate dling uplands at lUJc. March 9, lat 19 51 N, ion 62 41 W, brig Emma, from advice, just ot mal5 dlwteod3w* gency which calls for their that evils would arise from the use of the Montevideo for was only the order of the employment, the but I will be a great deal better fellow now any Cardenas. executing House of service to be stated in Mobile,March 26.—Cotton is quiet; Middling up- March 19. lat ion period the letter of than I was six months I don’t I old one. 38 35, 67, ship Martha Cobb, from of Representatives, and overruled a demurrer appointment. ago. suppose lands lOJc. Havre for Sandy Hook. for will have any political opponents now since Ask Your Grocer of two of the five who Fifth—Hereafter no will be New Orleans,March 26.—Cotton qniet; Middling Kilbourn, judges com- person appointed we are all sovereigns as I we Notes. or in this together, hope Foreign uplands at lljc. pose the court dissenting. employed department unless on will continue to be for a written good many years yet. The Dutch government has introduced in 26.—Cotton RIDERS’ application for the appointment or I feel that 1 have considerable Galveston,March steady; Middling OA'XiLy IN U11UH1O0 life, health and the Lower House a provisional budget, and uplands at 11c. «/-j--i—t--— >vuuuiuicuuir the 16 tions strength left—notwithstanding past recommends that the session be brought to March 26.—Cotton is COLGATE & CO.’S MINOR TELEGRAMS. pertaining thereto, intended for file in the of labor and toil I have may Louisville, dull; Middling years undergone which a thus a 11c. H. department, shall have been filed in the speedy termination, averting proroga- uplands Thomas Patterson becomes a rear admiral ap- perhaps is not surpassed by aDy other 16 years tion. the of Rear pointment division of this and Norfolk, March 26.—Cotton 1b quiet; Middling by retirement Admiral Alney. office, merely of my life. The of and German verbal applications or Archbishops Naples and Perugia uplands at lOJ @ 11c. Snuff, Geo. a recommendations for With a more of his baud be dismissed BLACK SILKS. STERLING Anderson, burglar, and Lyman Lane slight the Vicar of Borne are mensioneil as candidates appointment or promotion are not to be enter- Use it to a forger, from Mercer Co. the subject and his hearers, and descended for the Bsraua Market. according directions, and a cure is war- escaped (N. J.; jail tained. papacy. ranted. yesterday. from the platform. A very large number of The deficit in the be Havana. The best value lor the money we have ever shown, Sixth—By requirement of joiot of Prussian budget will March 24.—Sugar depressed, owing to SOAP. resolutions incaf)Cbuvo ui jncaoeu lUiWttlU further Mrs.Mary Tober, who died in Brook- Congress March UHiZiCUB, more than is covered by the Prussian share of unfavorable advices Irom abroad and prices recently approved 3, 1865, preference to a shake of the General’s are 10 left for and for enjoy hand. French indemnity. declining. Clayed Sugars—No to 12 d s at 10 PEOPLE OF NEW ENGLAND. ECONOMICAL. LABOR-SAVING, AND UNI- lyn, 825,000 religious charitable in- appointment will necessarily be given to reals He will visit his own home in Brown county The the been @ 10J per arrobe; do No 15 to 20 d s at 1H @ FORMLY SATISFACTORY. stitutions. honorably discharged soldiers or sailors painting Virgin and child has reals. of the for a few and return to the 12J Molasses Sugar—No 7 to 10 at re- days city Thursday, stoled from the Berlin national 8J @ Beware of Ibis bnne of the : DO.'IEN. fore, given by Messrs. MASSACHUSETTS, DIED. of 000,000. The customs receipts to day were $112,000. the steamers Hus line will T.<’ iMnn.t.tiN ou hand. A man named Morse now living in San Matthews and Foster had been made the '16th, constantly by The Treasury disbursements were $28,000 for inter- between hooil Work, was an intimate friend President of course is resume daily trips Port- UO?TO-,i,|i,h Unrm.nl*. Francisco,who formerly himself, (which not the est. Governments are steady Stoik market dull. null l,ow Price* of John D. Lee, says that tho latter several case) there is no ground lor that at the In this city, March 21, Walter son of land and Boston asseit'ng they TIic New Bedford Strikers. The total transactions Stock Exchange ag- J., Bridget Snuff. Special attention given to rutting Garments to be Charles H German admitted his in will not be and 1 29 years ago complicity the fulfilled. giegated 192000 shares, including 2s,GOO sbates Wes- sitemau, aged year days. made out ot the shop, (.adieu’ C look* a Spec- Nrw Bedford, March 26,—At a crowded tern shares Lake In Freeport, March Clifford Soule, child J. B. COYLE, Mountain Meadows massacre, bnt laid the Union, 61,200 shore, 35,3o0 shares 24, only of JR., ially. Remember the place. neeting of the Wamsntta this af- Backawauna * Daniel E. and Ada P. Mitchell, H weeks. blame of it on the leaders of the Mormon David operatives Delaware, Western, S300 shares New aged For sale everywhere. Price only 35 cents. SMITH, Logan, dry goods merchant of Toronto ernoon shares In Mr. ■ ISO 1*9 CONGKESS church. it was voted without dissent to con- York Central, 2500 Delaware* Hudson Canal, Bowdoinbam, March 19, Brackett R. An- Gen, Agent. DOOL1XTLK & SMITH, 20 Xremout Street. Boston, STREET, committed euicide 510 62 years. yesterday. ,inue the strike. Bliares St Paul, 2500 shares North Western, 41,- dress, aged mh22 (it! Agents, for U. S. octUWSSMsnOm mU21WFtSM(iiu Opp. Preble llou.r, Uriel CHOLERA. Joltings. DEATH EIIOM F. O. Bailey & Co. will sell at 33 Free street NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS EDUCATIONAL. AUCTION SALE the press. Commander Cazeneuve will appear at City at 21-2 o’clock to-day the balance of stock in Hall, April 13 and 14tb. store coffee, Tlic Berk Edmund Left Will consisting of sugars, flour, teas, TUESDAY MARCH 27. It is Phinney Oh F. O. BAILEY A CO., MORAIHG, thought that the city will lurnish tin lard, beans, tobacco, &c. See auction column. ! guide me to the place EVEUfOG cloth nor for the uniforms of the new police force Nellher Officer* Crew. Where Boots and Shoes arc Auctioneers and Commission Trre sold, MONEY Merchant!', THE PRESS that they may be somewhere near of a color. prostration and enfeeblemont experi- dis- ELOCUTION CLASS. be of Fes- enced by those who suffer from Bright’s For, how destitute Malearoom* 33 and 37 M>. May obtained at the Periodical Depots Thomas T. Coombs, Alfred Evans, Albert N, my case, Exchange senden Brunei & Co., Andrews, Yesterday noou J. S. Winslow & Co. of thi: ease, dropsy, kiduey, bladder and glandula- Bros., Marquis, Hawes and The half never N. B. Kendrick, and Chisholm Peter Elder have been drawn as in the back and suppres- was told. MR, WALTER K. FOBES T. O. BAILEY. C. W. ALLEX. Wentworth, Moses, city, received a cable despatch from their Liv troubles, pains loins, WILL oh the WE MUST » HIVE Bros., all trains that run out of city, jurors for the April term Supreme Couit. sion and incontinence of urine, female irregur having been desired by many to give evening les- At of Phiilsbnry. erpool Messrs. C. T. Bussell 5 sous will form a class for sale of Furniture and General Merchan- Biddeford, correspondetns, larities, etc., is remove 1 bv DR. BUB- — — Ladies and Gentlemen, Regular H. B. Kendrick. The sale of seat! for Colonel entirely TO at 10 At Saco, of L. Hodgdon and Raymond's Co., announcing that the mates am BOOK’S KIDNEY NEBHRETI- and give the tirst lesson on dise every Saturday, commencing o'clock a. m. At of J. S. Carter. captain, REMEDY, Consignments solicited. oc3dtf Waterville, Sellers will begin at Music Hall, Wednesday CUM. It disarms ami drives out of the At of J. O. Shaw. entire crew of the bark Edmund Phinney hai system our fast Saturday Evening Next. March 31st, Bath, all Here the Meet maturing Paper. and Stevens & maladies of this and those inciden- is Bros-, Co. nature, at Mr. At Lewiston, of French morning. died of cholera at East ami tlia 7£ o’clock, at SV.K. Howard’s Music Koom, SALE OF CKOCEKIES. Akyab, India, tal thereto. Remedy. I Hired, cor SPECIAL Tho with my23eod&wlw-(>—21—36—51 4tt» -J ( OIIKITM of Krowu Kolljgg English Opera Company, the hark is 1 —. .. now in charge of the Consul. Tin and Hired, Koom 10. Terms $7.50 for 10 lessons. full chorus and will one opera We Request Persons to enter this claes an This Day, at 2 1-2 o’clock P. M., VICINIT orchestra, give Edmund is owned J. S. Winslov FALSE IMPRESSION Ladies’ Fine Kid Button Quote desiring apply at Y. ~~C1TY AND Phinuey by M. C. A. Rooms from 8 to 9 a.m. or 12 to 1 of at store p. m. on Bell the balance stock No. 33 in Portland on their to Montreal. 2 no attention to un- Khali way & Co. and others of this is 1 our customers, the people, to pay JM. A. city aud 800 ton: It is by a certain class of citi- the 31st. or address care Y. C Portland Me. Free Street, formerly occupied by C. A. Wes- The steamer Tourist with a schooner generally supposed Boots do not in WE collided $2.00. principled dealers who, because they many Special arrangements made with evening classes, at ton & consisting of Sugars, Flour, Teas, Coffee, ftlew Advertisement* lobij burden. She left Liverpool early last fall ii zens, who are not practical or experienced, that Dys- Co,, in the harbor yesterday morning injuring her Children’s Fine sizes casts own goods at prices quoted by us, set up the private resiliences. Private lessons can also be had Soaps, Tobacco, Beans, Lard, Pails, Brooms, Ice charge of H. C. Small of this city captain, am pepsia can not invariably be cured, buj we are picas- Kid, at $25.00 for 10 lessons. cry of short short measure or some such non- Obe»t, Scales, «tc., &c. wheel-house weight, mh26 <11 w nr slightly. Enoch Dyer of Cape Elizabeth, first mate. Sh< ed to say that Green’s August Flower has never, 7 to F. o. H.IILEI * CO., .4 nance r*. entertainment column. in which to 10, $1.25. sense. Evidently they forget this is not the Age to It There are but three more days to cure and Liver ma27 shipped a crew of eight men in am to our knowledge, failed Dyspepsia Fair and Levee. Liverpool New Grecian Toe make the people believe Small Beer makes Thunder. secure your seats for the Cary concert. Lose in all its forms, such as Sour Stomach, Style ~MISS EDLT1I ,J CUMMINGS, SPECIAL NOTICES. sailed for Bombay with coal. After discharg Complaint Trunks, Trunk Stock, Bags &c., no time. Costiveness, Sick Headache, palpitation of the Heart, Alexis and Gai- Black SilkB.—Eastman Bros. ing she proceeded to AkyaUin the Bay o Congress Reporter and Teacher of Standard Pho- lecture in fron Out of 30.000 dozen bottle Extra—Turner Bros. Rev. Geo. W. Bickoell will Bengal to load rice for low spirits, &c., &c. and nography, AT AUCTION. Falmouth, England was but ters. neat nobhy. for NEW Clad on to-morrow sold last year, not a single failure reported, ADVERTISEMENTS. Hall, temperance evening She had loaded aud FITZGERALD shall sell on March 29tb, at probably cleared froa ietters received from NO. 696 THURSDAY, To Let.—M. Adams. at thousands ot complimentary CONGRESS STREET, 10 A. M., and continue until at store No. 71 o’clock. but was to young men, $2.00, $2.50 WE sold, Front Parlor Chamber. Akyab obliged put back. of wonderful cures. Three doses will re- 265 Middle street, the stock in store of The is about Druggists consisting Honing. Singer Manufacturing Company The further and PORTLAND, ME. Trunk telegram stated that a despatcl lievo any case. Try it. Sample Cottles 10 cents. $3.00. ON MONDAY Trunks, Stock, Bags, Hardware, Cutting Farm Wanted.—8. Mortcson. to establish a branch office in Portland. Mr. had References—Andrew J. 563 Machine, Brackets Ac., &c. been sent to India for further particulars Regular Size 75 cents. For sale by your Druggists. Graham, Broadway, Annual M eating. AT New Author otSiaudard F O. BAILBI A CO., Auctioneers. C. P. Holaban will be the manager. Small AT HIS York, Phonographic 'York, New—H. I. Nelson & Co. Capt. was 50 years of age and leaves ; mh26 td Farm and Stock for|Sale.—Geo. F. Small. Mr. Thompson, who fell from the house at _ __eodfim daughter. His wife died about a year ago. lit To Let, a Furnished House. Woodford’s Corner, Sunday', died Valuable Real Estate on Arsenal and Medical L. T. B. yesterday has been a for New Store Clairvoyant—Mrs. King. ship-master nearly thirty years. Franklin Sts •t He was a man and was 45 Family School, Vaughn Boy Wanted—E. T. Barrowes. morning. single He went out in the Samuel E. Spring, aud in E. Merrill I* Brick Let. T. TO House to years old. HEW GOODS ! s, SHAM ME. AT AUCTION. Gas Fixtures—W, C. Clark. Liverpool vessels with Bacon, A changed Capt. Oh! guide me to the place—E. T. Merrill. very interesting temperance meeting was 268 Middle 1>. shall sell on SATURDAY, March 31st, at 3 Capt. Small was a Mason, a member of a St., L.NMITH, o’clock valuable No 1 Ar- Hill, Clarke & Co. held at Iron Clad Hall Saturday evening. Re- 11 3 cars Principal of Litchfield WE I*, M.,tlie property. For Halifax Direct, Lodge in , and leaves a large Academy senal St., known as the Whitney house; contains 13 marks were made by H. M. Bryant of Lewis- 241 MIDDLE Junction of Federal and Middle, Principal. finished rooms arranged for two families, with ample AUCTION COLUMN. circle of friends in this was an honot ST. city. He mli27 good cistern, excellent cellar, Messrs. Starbird and dtf closets, Sebago water, Special Sale of Groceries—F .0. & Co. ton, Babson, Hanson, to his and a man of nerve and and drainage &c.. with stable attached. There Is a Bailey profession great RINES BROTHERS opens the Term commences Oth 1877 others of this Spring Campaign Spring April of in Maine Bank at city. His friends remember with admiration mortgage $2000 Savings 7 per spirit which can remain if desired. The Monitor Slate Desk is a contrivance for W ILL OPEN and closes July 2nd cent., PORTLAND POST OFFICE. an occasion some twenty-five years ago. when BY OFFERING Also at same time the middle house in Vaughn St. the use of school children which For for circulars. between and Brackett contains parents will bis crew mutinied. on deck at the particulars apply Block, Congress Sts., Coming 11 finished in ilie vefy best manner, with Office Honrs. be interested in. The slate forms the of a Full Hose 25 Topsham. March 18, 1877. mhl9cod2w rooms, top sound of a disturbance, be found himself in Monday, March 26, Ladies’ Regular 20, 31, frescoed ceilings and walls. Bafb Toms, gt.od cis- From 8.C0 a m to 8.30 p m, Sundays excepted. little furnished with Ladies' Domestic Hose excellent cellar Ac. writing desk, copies for front of the house with a semi circle of mutineers NEW 35c upwards. 7, tern and Sebago Water, There for Carriers and General Sundays open Delivery a stock of Ladies’ Domestic Elocution Classes. is a mortgage of $2500 iu Portland Savings Rank from 9 to 10 a waiting aod drawing, rule, pencils, &c. Hall splendid 10,13.15c upwards. m. around him armed with knives, his two mates which can remain if desired March 1877. and Regular Extra Length 17. 45c up. Hr Waller K. ffobe**’ classes tvillmeet Portland, Me., 24, L. Davis has them. Terms easy and made known at sale. desperately wounded, and one of them thrown Worsted for Siturdny, March, ?1, for their second lesson as fol- Arrival and of Hails* Fringes D0LKANS, Ladies’ Fancy Balmorals 12 1-2. 13 17c F. O. HAILEY A t «. Aurlioueer*. Departure lows: Tearhers’ class at 9 a. m; Advances class at overboard. He sprang upon the house, thongb in all tiie new shades. Ladies’ mb 22 (ltd Boston and intermediate offices. Arrive at 12.20 A ITiTTim a m 1?A>sfA.TmT> V.- upwards. Balbriggan Hose, 11 a Monroe’s Sixth Reader is the book ------w* m; only in. and 12.30 a.m. Close at 8.30 a and 2.30 J than his ran across to the New 37 44c p. m, higher bead, cabin, Dress regular 1-2, used in these Those to Goods made, upwards. classes. wishing join can and 9.00 m. a rather p. morning shabby looking man about 45 secured a hatchet and stretched them right aud Children’s Fancy and solid Colors 8, 10, come with bi>ok at time mentioned. Classes meet at .Dosiuii ana uie »» ubl. nuivo ai u.iu ui. Black jj —IN— Elegant Silk Fringes for Y M. C. A. Room. Terms for Teachers, $5 00 for 10 CITY ADVERTISEMENTS years of age called at the house of Mr. Locke in lalt' If nrn Vl □ nnoaal trt n nil ninlrarl nn li!u tvmfn 12 l-2c up. Gents’ Navy Blue, Slate and Intermediate or Way Mails via Boston and Maine one lessons. Terms for others $7 50 for 10 lessons. For 12.20 8.20 m. near Grand Trunk and Dollar per yard. Browu, 1-2 Bose Regular, 33c. Ball Kailway. Arrive at and p Close at Falmouth, depat, asked then laid the ringleaders in irons, and after- circular address care «t Y. M. C. A. or apply Satur- 8.30 a in and 2.30 p m. Knitting Cotton, white, 4c. colored 5c. from 8 to 9 or 12 to 1 mhlOtt for some water to make a cup of tea. He pro- wards had Black and Colored Basket day Great Soutiiern and Western. Arrive at 12.20 p m them convicted and punished. His Cloths, New Style Leather Belts 20 to 38c. ImThriiters. and 2.30 and 9.00 duced a small bundle of tea and Mrs. 12.30 a m. Close at 8.30 a in, p m. Locke was Large assortment of BUTTONS personal bravery accompanied by the &c. New style Pocket Books 10c to 81*25. MISS MAROARETE. NEAl7 for and the Bangor, Mattawanikeag, and connecting routes. it for him. He said that he had Vigognes, Cashmeres, Alpacas, proposals printing binding steeped come warmest of hearts and kindest at Ruches 13 and 25c doz Pins 17c Pack- Au-liter’s Annual and Arrive at 3.00 p. m. Close at 11.30 a. in. sympathy for just opened Classes of Children for instruction in SEALED Report, Municipal Regis- A routes. Arrive at 9.00 a from Montreal where he had been in a of 12 be addressed to the Chairman of Committee uguFta and connecting hospi- others, as was exhibited when his a age papers. English Stuck Nead- DESIRESFrench. For terms addreis 175 State or 1C ter, may m. and 3 m. Close at 11.30 a m and 5.00 m. mate, I of and left with the Auditor, previous to 4 o'clock m. 00 p. p and he was on to Case Black Cashmeres 4c 3 cord 200 Cotton l4 xebange street. Refers to Prot. Henri Ducom and p. tal, his,way Portland, expect- Portland of fever in les, paper. yards March 27th iust. Contract and of Morning Northwestern by G. T. R. Arrive at 8.40 boy, dying yellow Havana, 2c. Best Dress Draids 6c. 100 the Rt. Rev H. A. Neely. mchl2dlm Tuesday, sample a m. Close at 6.30 a m. ing to get into a here. He said that yards work may be seen at the Auditor’s office, hospital begged on his death bed not to be left there to wliicli we ate selling VERY CHEAP. required Auburn. Arrive at 9.00 a. H. I. Silk 8c. Best Twist 4c. Silk Lewiston and m., and his resided three miles from Paris. Af- Nelson & Co.’s, Spool City Building. family be buried in the Per order of Committee 3.00 p in. Close at 6.30 a m, 11.30 a m and 5.00 p. m. hospital trenches; at personal Neck Ties 12 l-2c., Silk Neck Ties Fring- FEOEBEL’S KINDERGARTEN. ter his tea he took a small We do not hesitate to say that we have the mb21 dlw Rochester, N. H., and intermediate offices. Arrive drinkiog up bundle on account of the largest 443 ed 25c. Gents’ Red Handker- risk, stringent regulations stock of Congress St., Farrington Turkey be seen at 148 Nprinjg Hired. Also at Ar- at 1.30 p. w. Close at 7.00 am and 2.00 pm. he had with him and may statted out on the rail- and chiefs 10c the Best 12 l-2c cana street Hours from to North Conway and other offices on the P. & O. R against it, securing the aid of other Ameri- Block, Portland, Me. upwards, Hall, Congress 9| CITY OF PORTLAND. a m m. road track. The train was ml)27 Linen Handkerchiefs in Portland. Our 12J. The last half year begins the 12th of February. R. Arrive at 12.05 and 5.10 p Close at 9.00 freight approach- can captains, having the body embalmed, he BLACK SILKS (llw a ra and 2.20 m. ja23 eod7w p ing the station, and before he could step from Cut Hamburg Edges delight ail be- City Clerk’s Match the Arrive at 3 m. Close at got it off to his ship in the night and brought it Office, 13,1877. By Bridgton Stage. p East of Boston, and will sell them as cheap as the holders. Our Tidies are 6.50 a m. the track he was run over and both legs cut Cheap, Cheap. The in relation to home for a Christian burial. same quality can be bought elsewhere. Our Lisle Gloves for 12 l-2c Instruction in and Class- Lap Castine, Deer Isle, Sedgwick, S. W. Harbor, Mt. off and upwarus, English completely killed instantly. was Desert, Jonesport, Maclnas. Machiasoort, East Ma- He accompanied by his sister Miss HERRI1U& are unsarpassed. Our Line of Bustles DOG LICENSES On his was a One Case Remnants of Bleached 7~ ical Studies cbias, Millbridge and Bar Harbor, via each steam- person found paper, upon which Louisa A. teacher in the Cotton is now full and Our Small, formerly North complete. Corsets be er. Anive at 6 a. m. Close at 9 p. m. was a from tbe French in at 5 cents per yard. The Norwegian Herring Fishery Will Strictly Enforced. discharge Hospital School in this bat more a teacher are well known and can not fail to give given to piivate pupils by the subscriber. Eastport, via each steamer. Arrive at 6.00 a m. city, recently fallen off we H. I. Clerk. Montreal. The was written in French having considerably, satisfaction, from 45c upwards. A full ROBINSON, City Close at 5.00 p m. discharge in Hast Boston. It is fdared that she has met One Hundred dozen more ol those encourage holders ot American mh!5 tt Foreign Mails per Allan Line close every Satur- and shows his name to be to the said article of Towels from 12 l-2c Augustine Vedanne. the same fate as her the de- Huck Towels Herring consign fine upwards Tip day at 12 m. brother, although to this where it has met with J. W. Coroner Gould was notified of the accident and place, Top. Just received, Plain and striped COLCORD, Foreign via New previous to sail- does not mention her name. Her an demand and obtained flails, York, day spatch friends which we are selling so improved a Black Silk ing oi steamers. Close at 2.30 m. went out and the to this cheap. Nainsooks, Bargain. Fringe p brought body city. are anxious in up to 42 shillings sterling per barrel for prime quality 143 Pearl Street. aud the East. Arrive very regard to her condition. from 25 to 100 yards, give them a look. Express, Augusta, Bangor An will be held this We would call attention to our stock of and packing. at 2.00 am. Close at 9.00 m. inquest morning at ten James Keazer I jaii-7 u 11 (‘it I p Capt. of this city is now at Being the largest sellers of Herring in Sweden, our Musi Goods! intermediate offices and the north. o’clock. A Rents fnr DR 1V1RSKRIM Skowhegan where the cholera is sales having amounted up to 53,000 barrels a year, Arrive at 3.C0 m. Close at 11.30 a m. Akyab, raging to a fearful p according to supply, we offer our services as agents, Skowhegan closed pouch closes at 9.00 p m The Black Hills.—Mr. Geo. O. Fogg of extent. Ladies’ Underwear. promising fair and moderate terms. HEALTH At Cost 2 Canada and intermediate offices, via G. T* R. Ar- Gothenburg, January, 1877. CORSETS, rive at 12.30 p. m. Close at 1.00 p m. Readfield, at one time the popular and efficient Improvements in the Public Library.— White Skirts from 35 ARON & VO. with to St. Pierre and Miquelon. Close alternate Fridays, cents to $4.00 ANDER§SON approved by medical men generally. Having many enquiries regard my stock ticktt agent of the Maine Central and Eastern “ “ will state this will be a 9«le and at wholesale at 9. p. m. The Public Library has been closed the Chemise 371-2 3.00 REFERENCES: positive ______past in this “ “ prices. railroads city, is organizing a company Dresses Kredit In conclusion we wish it understood we own no few weeks to allow many needed improve- Night $1.00 4.50 | Skandinviaska Aktiebolaget. Business Chance. for the Black and will we SHEET MUSIC Stated Meetings. Hills, start with his ments to Aktiebolaget Goteeborgs Kopmausbank. mills, neither do control any factories, but, we be made. When it is again opened Please give us a call before for purchasing. Goihenbui-g, Sweden. think our at 1-‘J Discount. The demand has been paity Cheyenne on Monday morning, April the of will Cm patrons it hardly recognize the 1 stock of man- There is however an immense stock GOVERNMENT. 2d. will offer my Hardware and great. Others join him at Worcester and GOSSIEB&CO, left. Also a Iota little at The regular meetings of the City Council take rooms, so much are they being improved. The } Bj?Iw°Yor|D 87c SHIRTS ufacturing business for sale on easy terms large soiled, 5 Boston and in New York and RINES mb 27 eod3w cents apiece. place the first Monday evening of each month. Monaay night, room used for the books BROTHERS, to a Hare been estab- formerly distributing all China Pearl Button-holes and responsible party. Tbe School Committee meet the fourth Philade’phia on Several finished, Buttons, can Monday Tuesday. experienced is now filled with alcoves and the -- lished eleven years, and refer to some one of each month. completely alt the best for the this side of Emerson Piano, new, only evening California and Black Hills miners Ho. 255 Middle eyelets worked, money of the best business men in Portland or have joined desk of the librarian and assistant is in the St., more for $215 New YOrk- can and will the -g__- lioston. I show that it is a ■ MASONIC. accompany party, which is made room paying 1 Second Hand Piano 135 reading formerly. The old school com- OPPOSITE II. H. HAY’S. YOl’BS TO COMMAND, business—tho only business like it in At Masonic Hall% No. 88 Street. up of a very fine class of reliable men, who mb26 Reed Organs Exchange mittee room is to be used for a reading room. isrJtf Maine—and an excellent for mean work and business in this opportunity Violins from $1.50 to 35 YORK RITES. undertaking. No one will be allowed in the room where the a party with a small capital. Have at Blue Lodge—Ancient first Wednes- have selected tbe well known and J. H. FITZGERALD. Music Boxes only two left $30 each Land-Mark, They favorite books are kept except The cat- workmen who have been in my Portland, second Wednesday; Atlantic, third thejattendauts. mhl7 dtf employ day: Pennsylvania on account of its Accordeons in Wednesday. Railroad, alogues will be kept in the outer room and several years who are thoroughly compe- great variety, Violas, P 1AH0S! Flutes, 1 genuine Euler. 1 genuine Charters-GreenleafR. Mt. freedom detention snow or other tent and uuderstand the manufac- A.C.,first Monday; from, by the books must be selected from them. This fully Bauer Cor- Vernon, R. A. C., third Flute, Baugos, Drums, Monday. its few and “HAIL GENTLE SPRING” turing and jobbing business. Which ca- Piccolos. Harmonicas, causes, magnificent scenery, stops plan is made necessary owing to the large nets, Concertinas, Council—Portland C. R. & S. Masters, second AND pacity is possessed by no other Hardware Fifes, Flagolets, Whistles, and fast time, and because of the superior accom- number of SQUARE UPRIGHT, Triangles, Monday. books which have been stolen of The Pajier Hanger U abroad in the land and sajs store in Maine. I am also the only con- an innumerable number or other Instruments. modations it affords all of its that it is bis Commanderies of K. T.—Portland, fourth Mon- patrons. Mr. late. When the present system of catalouging cern in Maine that manufactuic Locks Violin Boxes, Hirings, Tuning Forks, day ; St. Albans, second Thursday. Fogg visits the golden in the interest of Pitch Pipes, Bridges, Pegs, Rosin, Fin- regions is completed, each book will hear the number MePHAIL & and House Trimmings. The repairing Violin and all Trim- Grand Bodies—Grand Lodge, first in CO., ger Boards, Necks, Tuesday several large capitalists. Col. D. K. Allen of CANDID OPINION i and alone will all for Instruments. A lot of Grand Chapter, first Tuesday evening in May; of the alcove, the shelf, the tier, and its num- Endorsed by Prof. J. K. Paine. jobbing pay expenses mings splendid May; music Binding Folios only 90 rents, Grand Council, Wednesday 3 p. m.; Grand Com- the Pennsylvania Railrosd will the i of ruuulng the business. Owning the accompany ber in the tier, so that it can be found in a sec- that the newest patterns and lowest prices in music Boll Folios from 15 cents to $1.75. maDdery, Weduesday evening. to building, which is newly fitted up, I will party Philadelphia. ond and when returned can be as ; Masonic Relief Association—Fourth Wednes- replaced BILLINGS & | make the rent satisfactory. My only Persons not Musical can find here some IU UIVUIUI This will be a GO., uajr HLIJ quickly. great improvement reason for selling is that my health is so Persoual. Commended by our first Citizen**. Wallets and Jack Knires very cheap. Portland School of Masonic Instruction— over the old system, which caused both to poor that 1 cannot attend to business, Second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Hon. .J. H. Burleigh is at the Preble. WALL PAPERS and attendants an endless amount of For further euuuire of The above with other goods on hand I shall close Rev. Dr. Carruthers was patrons j particulars ANCIENT ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITES, much more com- are to he found at ; out at Wholesale Prices, for a short time only. trouble. The are on un- present owner, HENRY JONGS, Grand of fortable and his improvements going Lodge—Yates Lodge Perfection, first yesterday, friends are much The Veteran Manufacturer of New 17 Plum Street, Portland Me., der the direction of Mr. Watson, the popular Eng- Friday. more hopeful of his recovery. land. orM. D JONES & CO., 115 Washington Council—Portland Council P. ot J. second Fri- librarian. H. 0. Mr. Leonard G. Jordan, Commander of Bos- m]i27 cod6nt BAGLEY’S, Street. Boston, Mass. day. mb2ldtf G. K. Chapter—Dunlap Chapter Rose Croix de H., worth Post, G. A. R, has resigned that posi- Fanny Marsh’s Theatre.—The old bill of HAWES, third Friday. as he has 482 CONGRESS tion, gone to California. “Naval Engagements” and “Aladdin” was ST., Consistory—Maine Consistory, S.P. R. S., fourth ORGANS! & Mr. Edward Lowu, who was buried at at Marsh’s Theatre last HILL,CLARKE CO, OI'l*. THE Friday in March, June, September aud December. Ferry given Fanny evening PREBLE. 177 Middle Street, Village yesterday was a soldier in the British and will be continued nearly the entire week. Dealers in tlic latest and most approved styles of Hosiery. I. NO Spring O. F. OLD ! O. army at the battle of Waterloo, and he bore a The bill is a good one and it can well be rnnrn- STOCK NEiK POST OFFICE. Mason & We have received six cases Ladies’ New Cotton At Odd fellows’ Hall, Harrington Block, Congress scar received in that battle. a Hamlin, just mars lm dnced. “Naval Engagements” is charming Window Shade* and Fixture*. lord Hosiery and otter some extra bargains as follows: Mr. Alexander an in TanscU, etc. in the Kae, apothecary Boston, comedietta and Miss Marsh and Mr. Gossin do etc., Belief Association—Third Tuesday 100 doz. extra 7 cts. month. formerly of this city, died in the City Hospital some very fine acting which is well received. CHE KTETST, white, length, per IX. O. pair, or 75 cts. dozen. Lodges—Maine, on Monday evenings; Ancient in that city, his place of business and his resi- The support is good, but the “Dennis” of Mr. BAG-IiBY, on evenings; Ligonia, on Friday Brothers, Thursday dence, on the 21st of Woodersou calls tor mention. 100 doz. white and nnblcached, 0 cts. evenings; Beacon, on Tuesday evenings; Unity, Iso. inst., pneumonia. special RICHARDSON, MACHMJBRY. 482 Congress St., opp. the Preble. or on evening; Ivy, I). ofU., second and United States Marshal Smith of a The of “Aladdin” Save money by purchasing of the Gen. Agent, at per pair, $1.00 per dozen. 3, Wednesday Georgia, burlesque extravaganza We are sole New for tlie celebrated fe27 od3m fourth Saturday of each month. less tnau Manufacturers prices. England Agents While Yon are and Handsome son of Prof. Smith of this s.ate, who resigned a was splendidly brought out last evening. The 75 doz, white and unbleached, full reg- Young Encampment- Macbigonne, first and third Wed- GOOOELL & WATERS’ PLANERS. Majot’s commission in the Union army re- cast is somewhat from what it was , ular finished cut aud 20 eis. GO TO nesday ; Eastern Star, second and fourth Wednes- by changed PIANO STOOLS, PIANO COVERS, seamed, are to all kinds of day; Portland, first and third Friday. auest of Gen. Grant to accept his present posi- before. Mr. Theodore still continues as the They adapted planing, strong per pair. PIANO POLISH, &c., and simple in construction, instantaneous in adjust- Benefit Association—Board of Directors meet SHIRTS. tion, is the objeot of fierce attact just now from “Widder” and “Aladdin” is played with much ment, and sold at prices very much below those of 100 doz. at 15 cts. first of each month. Association Fancy Striped, per Monday evening any other makers first of Georgia Democrats, who want his for Miss Williams. One of the finest first-clase LAMSON’S meets Monday evening January, April, July place spirit by fig^Send lor Illustrated pair. and October. SHEET-MUSIC, Catalogue. I have just received another lot of Gen. Alston, formerly of the Confederate ser- parts of the whole is her sweet singing. Miss a •• a a. ■> -mm — WAMSUITA MILLS SHIRTS. The same 100 doz Fancy Striped, at 20 cts, per vice, whose petition was originally addressed Bailey makes the same graceful Princess” as Instruments, ami Musical Merchandise generally. pair. 1EMFLAKS OF HONOR. Catalogues furnished. that I have beeu having, and am now PORTRAIT STUDIO, to President Tilden. before. Mr. Sutton is a success as the "Sal Al Templars’ hall, A'o. 100 Exchange Street. For Halifax Direct. prepared to give my customers all the We are now opening onr Spring Styles in Fine Council—Maine, first and third Monday in each tan.” Mr. Liston is a hideous looking “Magi' 1 he Steamship Falmouth, sizes and warrant a go id tit or refund Hosiery and snail display the most elegant assort- School Committee. ment in all grades, for Ladies, and 244 middle Street, month. bat then that’s all in the The 3 Free St Portland. Capt. W A, Colby, will leave the mouey. I don’t hesitate to that Gents, Children, The of cian”, play. Warerooins, Block, Railroad Wharf say ever belore ottered in this city. Temple—Forest No. every Wednesday regular monthly meeting the school every SATUR- this City, 1, marches and dances the children are DAY at 5.30 P M. for Halifax Is THE BEST UNLAUMIRMI and obtain one of bin New Hiylt* Pictures* committee was held by very di- evening. last evening, the Mayor 1 SHIRT ever offered in the exquisite _ connections for this FULLY fine. Mr. Theodore has introduced a lot of Samuel rect, making all city. and all the members present. Thurston, parts of Nova Scotia. Returning, leaving Halifax in to custom Sons of No presiding, EQUALL every respect Moore & Patbiotic Order America—Caraps local hits which take immensely. on at 8.30.p. m, For or passage Owen, Bailey. Dr. Chadwick been absent at the last Tuesdays freight ap- made and will be sold at the low of ma21 dtf 3 and 4 convenes over the Eastern Express Office, having GEN. ter J. B. price No. 4 ply COYLE, Jr., Agent, Plum street. No. 3 on Wednesday evening; meeting, asked permission to add his vote to _AGENT. mh274tf Franklin Wharf, gio 1 on Citizens’ Temperance Meetings.—The Carbon on first and third Saturdays of each month; at Arcana Hall; No. 2 at School the seven cast at the previous meeting for Mr. Photographs Tuesday evening, first in the series will be held regular meeting FANCY WOODS, Warranted Permanent. House, Turner’s Island, Capo Elizabeth, Friday Hunt as Superintendent of Schools, thereby (WORT RHINE THE WINTER Absolutely this evening at 7J o’clock at Congress Hall. To Let. Evening. making his election unanimous. Power 87 1-2 BosWorth Post G. A. R.—Meeting every Friday James E. Haseltine will and; remarks Foot Scroll Saws, Designs, Cte., A Stock ot They will consequently show you in your oM age preside, Melbourne a new, large in Mechanics’ Hall, corner of and The of Miss Caroline E. Foster as street, Cottage houso, nearly how you looked in and youth. evening Congress resignation be from Itev. Geo. 10 hard and soft jnst early gushing may expected Bicknell, Lathes, Tools &c. ON cootaing rooms, good cellar, Don’t be This new and most beautiful style of Pnoto- Casco streets. teacher in the North School was The &c. 80 feet first Huinbngcd by parties pre- accepted. Geo. D. President of the water, gas Large yaid front, class Portrait is peculiarly adapted to the yearly pictures Portland Temperance Reform Club—Head- Barunm, Esq., Send Price stable, shed &c. Rent reasonable to tending to show you the same goods a. I vacant position is to be filled the committee for descriptive List. right parties. of Children now so and which are desired in Piinter’s Exchange, 2d floor, Exchange by Auburn Iteform of hare all of general, quarters Club, Joseph Hiuckly Iuquire of these shirts that comes to this to be preserved from all liability of change. Also for street. day and evening. Business meeting on an not $000 Wool Open saidJschool,at expense exceeding William Dew of and M. ADAMS, city. Portraits of very old persons and others where evening at 7J o’clock. Lewiston, Dry Mills, Slippers every Monday A letter irom Mr. W. H. Pennell Charles B. Thurston & absolute is desirable. was read, Mr. of Saco. A select will Co., mh27tf 51 1-2 Exchange street. permanency Young Men’s Christain Association—Corner Boothby quartette to a cabinet of minerals to the be sold VERY LOW, CALL AND »EE THE.H. Congress aud Casco Streets. Every evening. donating High furnish music. The are good public cordially 3 FREE STREET febl7 dtf Typographical No. 78- School to serve as the nucleus for a much BLOCK, Portland Union, invited. ANNUALMEETING. — AT — Second Saturday of each month. larger collection. The donation was accepted Portland., Maine. W. F. STUDLEY, Library Association—Farrington mh24 dtf Annual Meeting of the Merchant’s Exchange Mercantile with a unanimous vote of thanks the board. Kitterv order of the Block. Second Monday in each month. Delivery by Navy Yard.—By THEwill be held at the Exchange Koom, FRIDAY, of books dai.y, 2 to 9, day and evening. A petition was received from the class of ’77, Secretary of the Navy the rolls of the Kittery Dr. Schenck’s Standard Remedies. March 30th, at 11 o’clock a. m., for the choice of Di- Under Falmouth LEAVITT & DAVIS’, rectors for the ensuing year, and the transaction ol Hotel. Payson Literary Society—Meetings every Portland that the school com- High School, navy yard are being examined preparatory to The standard remedies for all diseases of the lungs such other business as may legally come before the mh 16 dtf Monday evening, Brown’s Block, cor. Brown and mittee purchase a case to contain a collection the discharge of all and are Schenck’s Pulmonic Syrup, Schenck’s Sea meeting. 437 Congress streets, at 7J o'clock. supernumerary E. L. Congress Street, of minerals which are to be with the Weed and Schenck’s Mandrake Pills. RING, Sup’t. six Portland Institute and Public Library- bought sinecure officers. tonic, mh27 dlt and free to all from 10 to if taken before the are a Id City Building. Open $64 lately raised by the class. The petition Chief Engineer David B. Macomb, at the and, lungs destroyed, speedy WINDOW SHADES FARRINGTON BLOCK. 1 and 7 to 9. cure is effected. fe2 Cltt was referred to the committee on estimates. Kittery naval station, has been appointed Farm and Stock For Sale. — AND Maine Charitable Mechanic Association— To these three medicines Dr. J. H. Schenck, of Corner of Congress and Casco streets. First Thurs- senior member, and Chief Engineers E. J, FINE owes his unrivalled success in the in one mile from the SHIRTS in each month. Thee History of a Ring.—“The True Philadelphia, Gorham, village, day and J. P. a Whittaker Sprague, members of treatment of diseases. consisting of sixty acres of land, a house, barn, of Pythias—Bramhall Lodge, No. 3, of a a pulmonary SITUATED ROOM Knights History Ring,” pamphlet from the press stable, 3 cows.an i and a horse. Will be sold to- Made lo Order lor Lodge, No. 6, Monday board to revise the allowance table of engineers’ The Pulmonic the morbid matter in JPAPERS. ToUTT Thursday Munjoy Syrup ripens evenings; of is a or separately as desired. $1000 can remain Pine No. evenings, at Stephen Berry, causing quite flutter gether All the latest styles in Window Shades and Room evenings; Tree, 11, Friday stores. The Board is to meet in the nature throws it off an easy on For further ol Washington lungs; by expectora- mortgage. particulars inquire are to be found at the corner of their Hall, Clapp’s Block, Market Square. about town. It treats of a near the or of Papers railroads, subject March 20tb. for when the or matter is ripe a EDWIN COBURN, premises, and Nayy Union-Corner tion, phlegm slight Wanted Worn and Torn Currency. 99.00! Portland Army in which Portland is popularly supposed to have GEORGE F. SMALL. stieels. Fiist in each Lieutenant Charles H. Bockwell has been cough will throw it off, tne patient has rest and the Me. FREE Pieces of Bank Bills and Greenbacks. Congress and Brown Tuesday mli27d4w* Steamship Wharf, Portland, & COTTON STREETS. These shirts are first class in as to considerable interest, and the story it tells is to heal. every respect month. granted leave of absence for one year. lungs begin quality and workmanship, and are made to order in No Old nor Order of Good Templars— not an unfamiliar one. The To enable the Pulmonic to do Stock Old Styles. Everything Fresh over 50 different of bosoms all the Independent altogether scope Passed Assistant Foster Syrup this, Schenck’s MEDICAL CLAIRVOYANT. M. G. PALMER. styles embracing Wednesday, Williams’ Paymaster Joseph and New. Drapery Work in all its branches. De- novelties ol the Arcana. Monday; Mission, of the may be judged from the fol- Mandrake Pills and Schenck’s Sea Weed Tonic must season, Mystic, Thursday, at Sons pamphlet of has received his commission as signs and Estimates furnished. Particular attention Block, Cougress’strcet; Portsmouth, be used to cleanse the stomach and to Decorative Work. of Hall, Congress Hall; Iron Clad lowing list of the freely liver Mrs. Xi. B. King-. given Temperance Paymaster in the Navy, the same being dated Thursday, at West End. dramatis persona:. Scuenck’s Mandrake Pills act on the liver, removing j can be consulted daily at her residence, Portland Society of Natural Hist y— February 23, 1877. all relax the the Tom. ..The Portland & Coal-kiln Corner It. It. Corp. obstructions,; gall bladder, bilo rear of 64 Dauforth St. G. M. & C. H. EOS Bed quality Ladies’ Rubbers, 45 els. on the first and King’s Court, WORTH, “ 11 Attheii library room, City Hall, Directors and Members Credit Mobilier.—[See Arch- Paymaster Bufns Parks has been commis- starts freely, and the liver is soon relieved. men’s 05 els, Low Neck Dress third Monday evenings of each month. She examines patients at any distance CORNER FREE AND Boys’ Rubber Boots, S'i.OO ives.] sioned as Pay Inspector in the Navy from \ Schenck’s Sea Weed Tonic is a gentle stimulant successfully, COTTON SIS. Sovereigns of Industry—Dirigo Council, No. 2 Governor—Uncle to Tom.Civitatis Portlandite Terms. $ 1.60. Remedies furnished at reasonable ma20 dtt Voutbs’ 1.50 — AND — 1877. and alterative; the alkali of which it is mh27dlw* “ misses’ •* 1.00 meets every Friday evening, at Arcana Hall, at7J Governor’s Wards.Citizens of Portland February 23, composed, prices. o’clock. The Probate Court.Legislature of Maine mixes with the food and prevents souring. It assists Rents’ and Ladies’ fine Boots made to Tom’s Brother.The Portland & Lunar It R. Fraternity-No. 4J Free St. Block the digestion by toning up the stomach to a To Let. measure. Portland John Canuck' Tom’s Canadian Cousin.. .G. T. R. R. STATE NEWS. healthy PIANOS & ORGANS. Every evening. condition, so that the food and the Pulmonic Syrup Furnished Honse of six to nine rooms, a! PARTY SHIRTS Woodford’s to a small without M. G. PALMER. will make good blood; then the lungs heal, and the A Corner, family, febB.dtf Holy Wf.ek.—This is week children, who would be willing to hoard lessor, wik Holy and it will will well if is Superior Court. ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY patient surely get care takeu to pre- and child, a pait of the time. The above house hai A SPECIALTY. be duly observed by the Catholic and Episcopal vent fresh cold. modern a fine fruit trees MARCH CIVIL TEEM, 1877—SYMONDS, J., PRESID- Chas. E. Judkins, recently committed to the all improvements, garden, ING. churches. At the Cathedral of Immaculate and stable. Address, City P. O. Box 1473. mh27tf Auburn jail for larceny, has made several deS' All who wish to consult Dr. Schenck, either per- recover the SEEDS Gilmore vs. Tuttle. Assumpsit to price Conception he Tenebraj will begin at 7.30 on to kill himself. sonally or by letter, can do so at his AND UPRIGHT perate attempts principal office, Brick House to be Let. SQUIBB PIANOS, mu « at rmmin, of a horse charged $30. Wednesday. The Miserere at the end of the CUMBERLAND COUNTY. corner of Sixth and Arch Sts., Philadelphia, GRASS_ Congress Square. Contains ten rooms, se- which, for purity of tone, perfection of action or The writ contained two counts: one upon an ac- every Monday. service will be that of Casciolini. On Thursday Daring the storm of Friday of last week i NEARbago, gas and furnace. Large fruit garden beauty, are not surpassed. The Timothy, Red Top, N. N, Y., and count and the other a special count setting Schenck’s medicines are sold to a or to one a annexed, solemn mass at the barn belonging to Benjamin Adams in Graj by all druggists Would let private family, wishing feu morning pontifical high 10; If desired the rent 241 MIDDLE ST. out the contract. The case was entered at the Sep- was blown down. Quite large trees were up throughout the country, maleod&w2msn select hoarders. may ho paid ii Western Clover. Alsike Clover of the will take the owner. to W. H. AMERICAN of the benediction holy oils place or broken oft. boarding Apply JEKK1S SMITH ORGANS, tember term. At this term on the morning rooted ly ai. 1 L\Hntn Arrant- vnliOT.) 1 W-* during mass. The services of the Tenebtte will and Orchard Grass. For sale Collars and Cuffs sent to Troy ev- trial the defendant filed a general demurrer to tlio Messrs. Edward and Beatty are putting ui endorsed by the highest and by Musicians, making return the uid wuu be conducted on and even- in the lower all mill in l homes and arc sold for ery [Monday, following piaimiii B uecmrauuxi, wuiuu uiuiuuu Thursday Friday machinery May Grai Wanted. 75,000 pleasant attractive, JS. Boy Cash or Installments The defeudant then claimed the to ing, and other services will bo held duriDg the for the manufacture of tbeir patent stce by & Saturday. overruled. right ACUJT9 Boy or young mau, having sorno experience ii KENDALL WHITNEY. ma9 deouom shuttle for weaving. For Throat, Lungs, Asthma, and Kidneys. go to trial upon a plea of the general issue, but tho day. On Easter Sunday there will be a solemn A cabinet making or carpenter work, is wanted W. H. FUKBUSII & uu FRANKLIN COUNTY at 254 Fore street. SOM, Court ruled that by the statuto where a demurrer is mass at 10.15 m. The pontifical high a, papal mh27dlt E. T. BURKOWES. filed alter the first term the defeudant cannot The house and stable belonging to Elen Tar General Agent, for Maine. plead benediction will be given after mass, Inhalation for Solution, high were or Catarrh, Consumption, MOEASSES, and the the demurrer is final and Cross of Kingfield destroyed by fire or and Asthma. over, ruling upon There will be vespers at 4 o’clock. Bronchitis, Farm Wanted. “BARGAINS.” the 21st. About two tons of were burned Forest 439 CONGRESS ST., ME. ordered for the tiff. hay PORTLAND, Choice Cardenas Molasses judgment plain cleared all to for a term of five a farn but the house was of the goods. Nt hire, years, Choice Molasses- & for plaintiff. Burglars at Saccarappa.—Some time Tar within ten miles of Portland. Rent not to ex- FARRINGTON BLOCK. ^ngua Motley Sylvester insurance. The fire was caused by matches it Troches, WANTED Choice Cienfuegos Molasses, or Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Tickling Cough and vear. Address care of S nov28 dtf Carletons for defendant. a of entered a small ceed §200 per “IT,” Carbarien iUolanM Sunday night gang burglars, Me- the hands of boy. Purifying the Breath. mh27dlw* Choice M, Forest Morteson, 102 Middle street. Choice New Orleans Children’s Felt Hats 50 cts Molasses in KENNEBEC COUNTY. . Tnr pikRTi.i.n rvur.T rr Lallan’s blacksmith shop Saccarappa and “ Dedication Cebemony.—Arcana Lodge of For salo by - and other and of Hallowell Classical am Tar Parlor Chamber. Felt Hats 05 dedicated stoic some cold chisels tools, The Spring term Salve, Front Boys’ Good Templars formally Congress Scientific School will commence on Tuesday or Healing Indolent Sores, Ulcers, Cuts, Burns, front it SMITH, GAGE A CO., *• with them took out a large pane of glass in and for Piles. of the pleasantest parlor chambers Felt Hats 75 llall last to the purposes of that A ot new scholars be ii Forest can bo 114 Commercial Thomas Klock. Men’s evening the 27th. will the at 51 sDKAIN St., Duur large ONE city secured, (with hoard), PIPE each of the front windows of the stores of corner of CO.,I mal5 «l3w “ organization. Aveiylarge number of Good attendance. Tar BRACKETT STREET, Spring. mh27tf Boys’ School Caps 50 & Babb, Edwards & Woodbury, and K. & C PENOBSCOT COUNTY. Soap, Templars was present, including very many or Chapped Hands, Salt Rheum, Skin Diseases, all thus an entrance will the Toilet and Bath. Umbrellas a King, grocers, securing Judge Appleton preside at the Apri J. W. $1.00 from out of town, and all manifested great Forest t STOCKWBLL, PEOPRIETOB, l and They secured the contents of the money term of the Supreme Court. Military Regalia interest in the ceremony. Salt, Salt, Salt V ForestFor in bond or paid (and Machines for making the same) » Shorey, Esq., is ill with fever. Sale by all FOR duty by one of these tores was entered and 200fiv< dangerously lung Druggists* .For Culverts, Wells & to into the ago Drains, Sewers, HEADQUARTERS. ceeded initiate several candidates YORK COUNTY. H Slone cent nickels taken. Chimneys: also, edging Mole Order. The Grand Chief £. G. M A* •'lower Yaieii ^ Send for Illustrated Circulars. Worthy Templar, The liabilities of the town of Hollis ar WILLARD, Moil. ^Factory at Junction, Dan forth St., and W.© Manufacturers of the Boston shooting Mr. Shorey, then conducted the service of §19,397.25; resources, §9,425.55; town debl 5 MAHER’S, Ureely Institute.—The tenth entertain- : Boots and Shoes 14 COMMERCIAL WHARF. Promenade, dedication, assisted by several other dignitaries §9,971.70. fe27 M Office nt IVo. I Portland Pier, ment in the Greely Instititntc course occurred _dis3m Received Centennial I Grand An invocation Nathaniel Chadwick, an aged an Portland Mu of the Lodge. original Capt. J Medal & OPP. POST OFFICE. on evening last. The drama “Above well known citizeu of died ver Diploma, } iUl Bit),;* written Miss a member of Friday Biddeford, RUBBER SOLED. LlclIlU, mhlO hymn, by Eaton, in 53 mchl3 eod3m ® the Clouds,” brought a 'arge audience am suddenly Itichford, Vt., Sunday morning, c _drf the Lodge, was then acceptably sung by a paralysis. IMPORTANT. made a pleasing entertainment. Rolls DOGS. choir. Saturday a son of Mr. Verrill at the Pool ha j Wringer and Rubber & The school has rapidly increased in number; 1 “dried To Printers and others to hind CAPEJV CONNOR, and remarks were rnado a narrow escape from H apples. having Pamphlets Eloquent timely by very drowning. on am can name your Dog’ ______I now to and now has a larger number of tuition pupil i started to come iqto the river in a dory, whe 1 You get your engraved prepared the following gentlemenH. A. Shorey o' goods Repaired collar R- HALL, Mlitch with and washed one o E by Pamphlet, Wire. The than at any previous time in its history. a wave tilled the boat away with J. A. MERRILL «& CO. 200 Bbls. Sliced Apples, Wire FOIIIOMBLE Chase of J. If. — — bciug driven Ihe A. J. Deeiing, Coffin to th 2 AT Engraver through Bridgton, his oars. He managed, however, regain 175 Bbls. th et. and clinched without of Arcana Strung Apples, of Falmouth, Benj. Kingsbury, jr., Cape Elizabeth—At the adjourned towi lost oar and landed safely. 239 MIDDLE STREET. ■tabbing, matting Ihe work — — aud F. N. Dow, the only charter mem- held Saturday it was voted to mli21 dlt FOR SALE BY firmer, neuter and more Lodge, meeting appro durable. Geo. E. Taylor, M. G. 1'aimer the district school ber present, priate $5100 for and $100 I E. T. Merrill, the boot and shoe deale , Hall’s Rubber Store, CAGE & CO., Call and see it. MILLINERY, H. M. and Frank Hanson The BANK SMITH, I. BAILEY. F. G. Bicb. Bryant, for the High School. spring term of th i at 241 Middle street is offering great bargain MAINE SAYINGS GEOROE callei 92 COMMERCIAL STREET. lit CONGRESS Lodge Deputy J. V. Bradley happily School will commcnco April Kith unde: in now. Call and see what UNDER FALMOUTH HOTEL- 49 1-2 Street, Portland. STREET, High his line just the I dtf STREET. mal5 djw Exchange of fe22 198 mb 21 d2w ENDER it. H. 1IOTEli out the speakers with appropriate puns the continued charge I). W. Hawkes a 3 are. MIDDLE_ W. CAPEN. Chas. Cloudman occupied tho chair of W- C.T Principal and Miss H. W. Hawkes as assis deposited in this Bank, on or hofor K, A. It. CONNOR. Cheese and Beans. APRIL 2d, will be entitled t nihJti dim and discharged his deties very acceptably The Best Yet.—The Centennial Be Sage MONEYMONDAY, tant.__ three months interest, when the dividend is dcclarct 1 the water fountain was a beautifu u piivsu;iAi’s ruttTH E Upon Lounge, made and for sale ‘by’Geo. A. Whi; >- 50 Boxen Fine Mage Cheese. July next. SILK a of a A. M. Halibut mid from Chas. E. Jose & Co. in the Emigrants —Yesterday party doze: 1 no other after 10O ISbls. ivieditiin Beans, mhi'4td BURTON, Treas, Sharp’s Preserved Smoked Muddies, present shap- ney & Co. You will buy seein sa.so' and a wiili aehools and tor use, parties, pleasant good men and from 50 Bbl*. Yellow i£ye Beam a very nice article family picnic village, twelve and a water with tb emigrants, women, Swedet > INchurches’. n a K and in a good s eletj. of goblets pitcher, this one. Gf.o. A. Whitney & Co., Maine Bible Society. on board vessels at sea. illroad, left for Kansas the of the Pori For sale Pra lice has been worth, 1**r the past live years, “Atcana, from Chas. E. Jose & Maine, by way ml3d2w No. 46 by of the Maine Bible For sale l»y Grocers generally. inscription, Exchange St. The annual meeting Socitty ei.siK per year. Competition .malt laud & Worcester Railroad and the rfoosa 3 .- for the of will be held at the room Co.” SMITH. GAGE & CO,. election Ottlceis, Mahai’s. Wm. Address fhisii ian, at 4 m ©Hai*p, tunnel. to the “Forest Tar is the 01 the Y. M, C. A. on Thursday Aprils, p. EATS. Care of Tort land Publishing Com pa'..r, was of interest to Guo I They have gone fight grasshoj &.Ihe Soap1' purctt, goftei ** The meeting great Wholesale 92 St Per order OPP. POST OFFICE, 30‘J Commercial Mlreef, Portland, Hie. Pottla.ua Maine. and Grocers, Commercial Templars, and was kept up till lOi o’clock. pers. and best for the toilet nursery. inalS U3W mh21dtd 11. VY. SHAYLOB, Rec. Sec. uiai Ju22 mU21 dlw Price* Current POETRY. Portland Wholesale WANTS. REAL ESTATE. HOTELS. RAILROADS. Corrected fortho Press to March -1, 1876. _medical: _STEAMERS. a Gunpowder. To Tear-Cup found in an Ancient Tomb. Apple*- __ Situation Wanted. Land lor Sale at Green. 1 50 @ 50 Blasting. 3 50 @ 4 00 Cumberland HOTEL DIRECTORY, Si or Mills. PORTLAND OGDENSBURG BR. The hands that laid thee by their sacred dead Dri'd West’n 6 © 9 Sporting.... 5 50 @ 6 50 A • Bookkeeper, Clerk Malr.man, by BOSTONSTEAMERS. Grain. man with acvernl years Have changed and in neons of old do Eastern. 5 © 8 rla young expe* Change of Time changed time, Has a Jan. 8, 1877. Have lived in xnoBs, and daisies tipped with red, Aahe*. Corn,new.... @ 63 'ience in above positions. thorough virtue of a license from the Judge of Probate Embracing the leading Hotel* In the State, at whloh NPRKVG AKKANGEHENT. and a the Press mav found. 0 er buried ruins ot an Eastern ciimc. Pearl, lb.. 11® 11J High Mixed mowledge of Bookkeeping by Hingle I now offer for private sale tract otland near Daily always be of Accounts. By Pot. 64® 6 bag lots @ 66 Double Entry and also Can Cumberland Mills, in the town of Westbrook, said G3 G4 'urnish the best recommendations. 11 acres. Price asked Where the kids gambol round a shattered wall, Braun. Meal.*.. @ very to contain about $1200. Terms AUBURN And aimless columns climb the wondrous Pea. ... 2 75 @3 00 Rye... @110 Addesss Cash. blue, P. O. Box 039. Elm Court. Hi. W. H. A- A. Is heard the shepherd’s pipe and drowsy call Mediums ... 2 00 @ 2 25 Barley.. 75 @ 85 mh26dtf “E,” F. M. RAY, House, Voung The long still hours of summer daylight through. fellow Eyes. 2 00 @ 2 Oo Oats. 50 @ 55 malGtt Guardian oi Charles A. Haskell et al. Proprietors. Box Mhookx. Fine Feed. @30 00 Wanted. 00 Agents AUGUSTA. And lost is now the of that race Pine. 50 @ 55 Shorts. @25 Sale. story several smart retail canvassers for an For Whose heroes* bones now nourish blades of grass, Bread. Hay. Augusta House, Stalest. Harrison Bait, 00 [WANT new article ot great merit. hand- four miles from Whose bionarchs beneath the ieetiing place Pilot Sup.... 9 00 @11 00 Pros’d,pton.16 @17 00 entirely Pays in Deering, Portland, con- er, Proprietor. sleep and or Gentleman will be Passenger Trains Leave Portland. 01 flocks that o’er their thrones and scepters pass. do ex looib. 7 @ 8 00 Loose.17 00 @18 00 omely, any Lady pleased FARMtaining 28 acres conveniently divided into 1 in its sale. Also two or three wood land* Ship. 5 00 @ 5 50 Straw. 9 00 @10 00 o engage wanted, mowing, pasture and Buildings nearly BATH. 1 live men, of good to canvass ells of hard for all For with unbridled malice Time did spurn Crackers aa Iron. hotoughly address, new and in good condition. and soit 9.45 A. M. stations, running through to Tlio Superior.Sea Going Steamers, trade. at room F Adams ot about 80 Bath Hotel, C. M. Plummer, Proprietot down cities of the plain 100. 35 40 | Common.... 2\@ 2J wholesale Apply House, water, and young orchard apple and 4. Bui Johnson, Vt. And trample proud i| @ 2 to 4 m. No. (inch 1 BROOKN Refined. 3 1 rom 10 to 12 a. m. and p. trees on the premises. Location good and St., Boston, 8.45 P.M. for Upper Bartlett and intermediate 'OKEKT CITY AND JOHN Not sparing e’en one wrought and pictuied urn, Butter. 2g@ pear BOLSTER’S HULLS. mb26 3t Call on JOHN C. COBB, No. Ex- Whereon we read a legend or a name. Family, lb 26 @ 30 Norway. 5i@ 52 healthful. 31J (OppoHiic Revere Hou.e.) stations. will, until tnrther notice, run alternately as lol- 20 25 Cast Steel... 17 20 Street. maSdtf Hancock HI. Hancock, Arrive in Portland Store. @ j @ change nouse, Proprie- | >wa: Leaving little of slender Candle*. German St’l. 12 @ 14 Wanted tor. But thou, O cup mold, Immediately, _ from out a tomb to seek the lb. @ 13 I Shoe Steel... 4J@ 5 THE SCIENCE OF ■ 1.50 A. M. from Upper Bartlett. Hast strayed day; Mould, Partner with $1000 or to House For Sale FRANKLIN that thou 35 Spring Steel. $2000, join me in LIFE; BOSTON. 5.00 P. M. Irorn Johnson, Vt. WHARF, Portland, The very tears, perchance, didst Sperm. @ 37J 7fc@ 10J a — hold, starting neat, genteel and proHtablo manu- — AT Or, SELF-PRESERVATION. J. Turned to strange rainbow hues that o’er thee Charcoal. Sheet Iron.. A Parker House. School St. H. D. Parker A HAMILTON, Supt. i #nily, ni 7 o'clock P. nud (INDIA play. acturiug business. Address, ot iu- NI., Pine.... @ 12 Common.... 4 @ 41 stating place Portland, Jan. 8,1877. JaSdtf A HARE, at 3 P, M.. 1 erview, More Than One Million Co., Proprietors. BOSTON, daily al For Nature, e’en of and Hard Wood, H. C. 6 GJ Cumberland Mills. Copies Sold. Sunday thrifty grief wop, (g mb24d3t* “S. J. M.,** Press office. St. James Hotel—J. R. Crocker, Proprl excepted.) Hath husbanded the drops from ancient Oak. @ 15 Russia. 13 @ 14 Gold Medal Awarded to the eyes. ell Author by etor. Grand Trunk R. R. of Canada. And wrought her miracle and show Birch, Ma- Galy. 9J@ 12 New storv and one-half house, and stable, the ‘‘National Medical ANnocia- magic Clerk Wanted. a Tremont Out of the of ple.... @ 17 Lard. and donblo lot of land for sale at bargain oii tion” March 31st. nouse, Tremont St.-Chapin, FARE $1.00. proofs long forgotten sighs. A 1876. Ac ALTERATION OP TRAINN. Pit Barned, Kegs ^ lb... 10|@ It an Office—a man about 18 or 20 of easy tonus. Inquireof CANSRLO WJNSHIP, 14 Gurney Co. Proprietors. young years “The untold miseries that result from Passengers by tills line are reminded that se And Maple. @ 19 TiercesP’lb. 104@ 11 and Spruce street, or F. M. RAY, Att’y-at-Law, Cen- indiscretion they cunningly she doth the symbol save. IN age, good penman generally capable. Ad- in be :ure a comfortable night’s rest ex. Cheese. Pail. • 13 of tennial Block. 1 ni'ti'20dtf early life, may alleviated and cured. Those WINTER ARRANGEMENT and avoid the And ply her chemic force in realms ot death, 12j@ i Iress, in bandwriting applicant. doubt this assertion BRUNSWICK, HIE. lense and inconvenience of 13 14 Caddies. who should purchase the new j arriving in Boston late And within the moldering grave, Verm’t^tb @ 13$@ 132 mh24tf “F,” Press Office. Work P. A K. W. R. 1 it cunningly Medical published by the Peabody Medical Dining Rooms, Field, 1 night. Transforms old to vital joy and breath. Maine. 13 m 144 Lean. For Sale. On and after MONDAY, Oct. 1C, 1876, Tickets to New griefs Institute, Boston, entitled *TAe Science of or Proprietor. ^jjynmwr Through York Tla the various N.Y. Factory 16 Sheet & 9 @ 9J Life, will run as follows: 15J@ Pipe of tlio most desirablo seasido resorts on the Preservation.* Price JBH^SDItrains lound Lines, for sale at very low rates. 8 Self $1. Vitality impaired by a. m. And O little vase of Coal—(Retail). Pig. @ 8* CAPE train for Gorham at 7.10 as usual thou, mystic dyes, ONEcoast. Buildings well arranged to accommodate the errors ot youth or too close application to busi- ELIZABETH. Express Freight taken wandered far to seek an alien Cumberland 7 00 @ 7 50 Leather for Auburn and Lewiston at 7.00 a. m. Hast hand; WAITED. lot) Guests. For price and terms call on JOHN C ness, may be restored and manhood Ocean House—J. Express de30-76dtf 3. B. t’OV I.K, nr., Gen’l Agt, from thine Eastern calm and Pictou. 6 50 @ 7 00 New York, Assistant regained. P.Chamberlain,Propri- tram at 12,25 m for Auburn and Lew- Far classic skies. A Latly Teacher for the West- PROCTER, 93 Exchange St. fe3dtf Also another valuable medical work etor. Express p. a new Chestnut.... 5 00 @ 5 50 27 @ 30 treating _ iston. Into and strangely garish land. Light. ern. brook High and Grammar School. Applicat- exclusively on Mental and Nervous Franklin.... 7 00 7 50 Mid. 27 @ 30 ; Diseases; Mail train 2.00 m. at all stations to @ Weight. ions received until April lBt. Term to commence more than two hundred CALAIS. p. (stopping 27 30 Farm for Sale. royal octavo pages, 20 Island train And on this of buried woes, Lehigh & W. Heavy. @ 9th. Pond,)* connecting with night mail muBiug sign 36 40 Vpril elegant engravings, bound in substantial muslin. International W. D. And was or j Ash. 6 00 @ 6 50 i Slaughter... @ references in West Falmouth, seven miles Hotel, Simpson, for Quebec, Montreal and tbe West. wondering who he she that wept, Address, stating education, experience, lrom Price only $2. Barely enough to pay for printing”— ALLAN LINE. Gd 25 27 on tralD for Auburn and Lewiston and I place within thee now a half-blown rose; Cotter. Dam’g’d @ fee., O. A. COBB, SITUATEDPortland, the Maine Central R. R„ withiD London Lancet. Proprietor._ Express Am. 100 110 South Paris at 5.15 m. Fresh as of Eos she Java, lb 29J@ 301 Calf.... @ of Schools, three minutes walk oi station, at convenient p. the lips when slept. Supervisor distance The ‘‘SCIENCE OF CORNISH. Rio. 204@ 23j Lime. mli22dlw Westbrook, Me. from chur, h aud school, in one of the best districts LIFE” also con- Trains will arrive as follows: Rockland c’sk. 1 00 in MO RE Express train from Gorham at 8.45 a. m. Montreal Ocean Co. For nature’s wrecks and man’s make pasture fair Cooperage. @ town, has good two-story house, barn, and out (aims THAN FIFTY VALUABLE Cornish House,HI. B.Daris, Proprietor Steamship Hhd. and Heads. Lumber. from Lewiston and Auburn at 8.45 a. in For herds that roam the verdant Shooks buildings, contains about 25 acres of excellent land Express Under contract for the conveyance of gentle plain; ■ Wanted- MEDICAL each Mol. 2 45 Clear Pine, divided into field arid PRESCRIPTIONS, Mail from Quebec, Montreal and West at 12.25 p. m. And not one sigh of joy or beauty rare, City @ suitably pasture, tillage laud DANVILLE JUNCTION. Passengers booked to London- @2 15 Nos. 1 &2...45 00 @55 00 as Custom Cutter a practical Tail- under a state of cultivation. For one of which is worth the price of the From Lewiston and Auburn at 2.25 p. m. sySt -_v But blossoms out of death and ancient pain. j Sug.City.. by high particulars Clark’s Grand Trunk Rail- derry and Liverpool. C 85 @ 1 05 No. 3. 30 00 @40 00 or of Address care of of ALFRED 011 Dining Hail, Express from Lewiston and Auburn at 5.45 p. m. rr Post, Sug. SITUATIONexperience. CUTTER, enquire MERRILL, the premises booh. W. fUL Return Tirkrtu at —Evening Pine No 4.20 00 @30 00 Hawkes & PrebJo Port- mh24 way Depot, HI. Clark, Proprietor. granted Suga )rin Co., opposite House, dlw&wGw “The Book for rates. The box shooks 68 00 00 15 00 00 mhl9 Short do 8 lt.16 00 @17 00 Shingles. onsiderablo sunlight, supplied with extraordinary Physiology pub- City Hotel.—N. H. Higgins A Sons, Props previous day lrom Montreal. spring is approaching, when tbe farmer must 7 ft.12 00 @14 00 Cedar ex... 8 00 @ 3 50 | ;as and good water. Reference given. Address lished.”— Boston Herald. JL cbHj.n. 1. wakuujn, ot West Pownal, is Passages to Londonderry and cabin his usual routine of agricultural opera- 00 00 Cedar No.l 2 00 @ 2 50 Box 1557. “Hope nestled in the bottom of Pandora’s box, and Liverpool, begin Pop’rstaves.16 @17 ‘L.,” jan29dtt ottered for sale. Said farm contains about 175 acres HIRAM. DEPOT A JT FOOT OF INDIA ST. to accommodations,) $70 nnd S.NI>. when a bints not be 00 1 25 @ 1 75 hope plumes her wings anew, since the o according tions, and few may amiss. Spruce, r’gh. @14 j Spruce.... ot land, a large Two-storied Brick House and issuing intermediate passage 840. ee 150 175 ell, these valuable works, published by the Med- Mt. Cutler House,—Hiram Baston, Pro in the of manure should R.O.Staves. @45 00 Laths,spr’ @ built and in a Peabody in or Everything shape Wanted. substantially good repair, Barn some which are Payable gold its equivalent. Pine.. .. 2 25 ical Institute, teaching thousands liow to prietor be eaved. Take then hen manure from the Copper. @ 80 or 90 feet in length and in a fair state of Tickets sold at Reduced Rates l For freight or cabin passage apply to Bolts.. 32 Matches. Agents, both Male and Female, to sell our repair, avoid tbe maladies that sap the citadel of life.”— hen bouse and it in the Cop. | outbuildings, &c, There are some 15 or 20 acres of LEWISTON II. & A. ALLAN, No. 1 India St. compost very early Y.M.sheath- gros. 2 00 2 10 LV/U useful household articles. They will sell Philadelphia Enquirer. Star, @ very tine intervale, capable, with proper manage- To Canada, Detroit, -Milwau- For steerage passage inward and outward, and to spring, with an equal bulk of swamp mud or 20 Molasses. o almost every house. Any oue can sell them. We “It should be read by the young, the middle-aged DeWiu House, Quinby & Pro- Chicago, ! ing. @ ment and care, and without the expense of dressing, Murcli, Cincinnati, HI. l.oui*. ight drafts on England in sums to suit, apply to loam, with a of plaster, and give it Bronze do... 20 Po Rico.. 50 lave agents that never sold anything before, making and even the old.”—New York Tribune. prietor. kee, Omaha, sprinkling @ @ of producing heavy crops of fine quality grass, or Ht. Halt Labe JAMES L. FARMER, No, 3 india St. time to heat amd it over Y. M. Bolts. 25 47 Tom four to five dollars per day and expenses. The lirst and only Medal ever conferred upon any Haginaw, Paul, City, sufficient slightly, pitch @ Cientuegos... @ hoed crops. Last year there were cut ever tons Han Portland, Nor. 21, 187B. nov22dtf Muscovado.. Please call and examine the goods, every fifty Medical Man in this country, as a recognition of skill N H. Denver, Francinco, as often as needful to keep it from burning, Cop bottom 8 32 @ 34 housekeep- of and may he made to 75 to 100 LITTLETON, jr needs them and wants them. We have a hay, easily produce and professional was presented to the author it sufficient time to mellowed Cordage. New Orleans i large tons a It is an desirable farm for services, H. L. Thayer, giving become N. B.—Busiuess chances and sold year, especially of these works, March 31st, 1876. The Thayers Hotel, Proprietor and all points in the Amer’n ^ lb 12 @ 134 Barbadoes... variety. bought dairying; purposes a presentation Norfolk, Baltimore & before it is used in spring. Take all tbe ashes aero. or address with T. F. Laving very superior pas- was noticed at the time of its occurrence the Bos- Washington Russia. 13 @ 134 Sagua. Call, stamp, BOWE, ture. It is located within about one-half mile of a by MACHIAS. that you may have saved since last sdring, Exchange street, Portland. ja9dtf ton Press, and the leading journals throughout the Northwest, West and Southwest. KTEATIHaiP LINE Manila. 14J@ 15 Nalls. L193 Store, Schoolhouse, and a Railway station on the mix a or one-half of tbe bulk of bone country. This magnificent medal is of solid set Eastern Hotel.—E. E. Stoddard. Prop. quarter Manila Bolt Cask. @ 3 00 Grand Trunk. There are also ottered lor sale two gold, in a molasses with wet Naval Stores. with more than one hundred India diamonds of rare J. C. Four time* a week. meal hogshead them, Rope. 16 @ 164 Outlots,—one of about 40 and known as the FURNIVAL, Agt. aerss, brilliancy. Mil.I.BRIDGE. down not excessively, cover tbe top with two or Drugs and Dyes. Tar, bbl.. @ 3 75 BOARD. Marston lot. On this lot there is a fine very youDg in its execution and the richness of its THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY is in First Clan. inches of loam or to Acid Oxalic.. 15 @ 20 Pitch (C.Tar) @ 4 00 orchord of about 30 in “Altogether, Atlantte Geo. A. Pro- splendid (Steamship three dry swamp mud, Apple trees, (Northern Spy), and this is the most House, Hopkins, condition, is well with tirst-class JOHNS HOPKINS. tart. 55 @ 60 Wil. Pitch.. @3 75 excellent condition. materials, size, decidedly notice- equipped rolling WM. CRANK. tbe grasses from escaping, let it remain bearing Also an old orchard, in this prietor. and is the best keep Alcohol 2 25 2 35 [Rosin. 4 00 6 00 able medal ever struck country for any pur- stock, making connections and quick- WM. LAWRENCE GEORGE APPOLD. in then mix it w< 11 with V gl @ @ Boarders Wanted. which in bearing years, yields quite a amount till wanted the spring, 48 53 large pose whatever, It is well worth the inspection of est time of any route from Portland to the West. From Boston direct every TI1EMDA Y Alum. 4 @ 5 Turp’tine,gl. @ of fruit. There is also a VVoodlot ot some 20 NORRIDGEWOCK. the composted hen manure, and you will acres, Numismatists. It was fairly won aud worthily be- ES-PULLMAN PALACE DRAWING ROOM and (SATURDAY. Ammonia Oil. FEW boarders can find good rooms, furnished on the from Pownal station to New Daniorth D. Danforth. lying highway House, Proprieto AND CA are attached — — have a strong, reliable fertilizer to strew in the 20 25 Kerosene.... 24 or with or without at stowed.”— Massachusetts Ploughman, June 3d, 1876. SLEEPING RS to the trains AND carb. @ @ A unfurnished, board, Gloucester line. Their lot is well wooded, easy of 19 Cgg^Catalogue sent on receipt of 6c. for postage. leaving Portland at 2.00 p. m. WM. KENNEDY. BLACKSTONE. furrows of your fodder corn, or drop in your Ashes pot... 6 @ 7 Po/t.Kef.P’tr @ feb8dtf Alb CUMBERLAND STREET. access, and in every way a desirable and valua- very Either of the above works sent by mail on NORTH STRATFORD N. H. Baggage checked from Portland to Detroit and and cabbage bills, or corn hills, or to sow and har Balscopabla. CO @ 70 Devoe Brill’t @ 32 ble lot. These lots will bo sold with the Home- receipt McClellan. 2 00 of price. Address PEABODY MEDICAL INSTI- Willard House, C' 8. Bailey A Co. P Chicago, and not subject to Custom House examina- From Providence row in when sow or to use in Bee.-wax ..38 @ 42 Sperm.1 85 @ stead, or separately, as the purchaser may desire. every WEDNESDAY you your wheat, Whale. 85 90 TUTE, (or W. H. PARKER, M. D., Consulting Phy- prietors. tion. nnd MATl’RDAY. almost other where manure is Bleaching @ For further particulars inquire of MOSES PLUM- _ any place needed 60 LOST AND FOUND. sician,) No. 4 Bulhnck St., Boston, Re- The Company are not responsible for to forwarded from Norte Ik powders... 3 @ 5 Bank. 50 @ MER, or D. J. near Pownal Mass., opp. baggage Fieight to Washington and for a stait. LAWRENCE, station, vere House. PEAK’S ISLAND. amount $50 in value that Alexandria quick Borax. 12 @ 15 Shore. 45 @ 50 on the Grand Trunk. Post office West any exceeding (ami person- by steamer Lady of the Lake and Jane has not as address, N. B. The author can be consulted on unless notice is and for at the As stock raising yet depreciated Brimstone.. 4 @ 44 Porgie. 45 @ 50 Pownal, Me. mal5eod2w&w3mll the above Union House—W. T. Jones. Proprietor. al) given, paid rate oi Moeely. most all there farm interests have, it should be Cochineal.... 75 @ 85 I Linseed. @ 63 notice: named diseases, as well as all diseases requiring skill, one passenger for every $500 additional value. Freight forwarded from Norfolk to Petersburg and tbe care of the farmer to raise what fodder be 3 Boiled do.... @ 68 JOSEPH HICKSON, General Manager. Richmond, and Va. and Tenn. R. R. to all in Copperas.... 1J@ hereby given that my draft for Four Hundred PARIS HILL. places Turn in tbe Cream tartar 30 @ 42 Lard 95 @ 1 10 i'. W. J. SPICER, Superintendent, :he South, W. M. Clark, 240 can for that purpose. over spring ISdollars, on Jordan Clark & McLaughlinofBoston, FARM FOR SALE. M._auglTTh&Sl'y&w3I Hubbard H. Agent, Washington St., Ex logwood 12 @ 18 Castor. 1 40 @ 1 50 Hotel, Hubbard, Proprietor Portland. Oct 16,1876. aD29dtf Boston. ail tbe dry, poor land that you have in your rad by them accepted, and endorsed by me in blank Gum Arabic. 25 @ 65 Neatstoot.. 112 @ 125 To all points of North and South Carolina Sea- fields that will not pryduce a ton of grass to an lated March Sth, and payable thirty days alter Gorham, the well-known Mosher Farm, situa- by | Aloes cape. 15 @ 25 Elaine. CO @ 63 PHILLIPS. ward and Roanoke Railroad and Atlantic Coast Line and to fodder in late has been lost or stolen ,and all persons are IN ted about midway between Gorham Village aud THE DIFFERENCE acre, plant corn, furrows, 38 @ 40 Paints. Samuel John S. Daly, Agent, 222 Washington Boston. Camphor.. warned the purchase oi said on Saccarappa. This farms cuts seventy tons ot The ordinary Porous Plaster, on account of its Barden House, Farmer, Propri- street, three feet apart. Tbe cultivator run between @ 45 Port. Lead.. 00 against acceptance hay, pe- And to all in the West Baltimore & Ohio Myrrh.... @10 which has been aud is considered one of the best farms in this coun- culiar mechanical action, is esteemed an article of etor. points by rows a 25 payment stopped. the few times is all the cultivation Opinm.... 6 75 @ 7 00 PureGr’ddo @10 a Maine R. R., M. W. Davison, Agent, 219 Wasnington street, Also Lot new Porous Central HORATIO ty. and situ- but Benson’s Capcine Plaster is con- Shellac.... 35 40 Pure 00 00 BRIANT, buildings pleasantly merit; Boston. necessary. Cat up when sufficiently matured, @ Drydo.10 @10 West March 1877. mhl9d2w ated in the village. Price very low. of sidered an article of extraordinary merit. It Las the IORTLAND. 1 00 1 50 Am. Zinc.... 10 12 Buxton, 17th., Enquire bills of named bind in bundles and shock iu tbe field to re- Indigo. @ @ DANIEL C. LIBBY, or same mechanical action, and, in Adams St. Charles Adam Through lading given by the above Rochelle Yel. 3 3* addition, possesses House, Temple main till cared for the barn. Iodine. @ 5 00 @ DANIEL C. EMERY. medicinal of a remarkable which Agents. duly 50 1 60 3 qualities nature, Proprietor. to Ipecac.1 @ Eng.Ven.red @ 3J March 1877. mh21d&wtf cause it to act at once, relieve pain and Passage $12.50 Baltimore. As the potato takes little else from the soil 15 Rea Lead.... 10 11 Gorham, 25, immediately, 117 Federal St. J. G. Perry For to Licorice rt.. @ 20 @ TO LET cure other Porous Plasters will Perry’s Hotel, freight orpasaage Norfolk, Baltimore, Wasb- bat I consider it not so tc where not even re- potash, exhausting S Cal ex. 34 @ 40 Plaster. lieve. Proprietor. RAILROAD. ngton, or other information apply to the soil as a crop of oats or wheat. Of late Morphine.... @ 4 70 White,^ ton @ 3 00 __ City Hotel, Cor. Congress and Green St. E. SAMPSON, Agent, I have followed the corn crop, where the Oil bergamot @ 5 25 Blue. @ 2 75 To Let For BENSON'8 CAPCINE J. K. Martin, Proprietor. 53 Central Wharf, Boston, 1 bis 8 00 9 00 ™°;cr?ld!®e?60 MONDAY, OCT. 9, 1876. Searsend has been well manured, broadcast, witt Cod liver.. 1 25 @ 50 Grou’d.ln @ Preble St. Gibson E. H. ROCKWELL, Agent. I 3 75 4 00 2 75 3 00 Tenement No. 90 Clark KIRKWOOD House, Congress AGo., “v-un Calcined.bls. Upper i. early rose potatoes, twice the Lemon... @ @ rroviaence, u. realizidg profii Oiive. 1 25 1 75 St. LhS» -PLASTER- Proprietors. Trains leave Portland for Bangor, when are @ Waterville, therefrom, potatoes only fifty ! Peppt. 3 60 @ 4 50 Beef Side.... 9@ 12 mli26tf St. Julian Hotel, Cor. Middle and Plnm Belfast and Dexter at tl2.35 a. m., 12.40 p. m. cents than can be from oat: per bushel, gained Wmterg’n. @ 3 25 Veal. 8 @ 10 PROPERTY KeCCi7MEDALghCSt Sts. G. E. Ward, Proprietor. Skowhegan 12.35 p. m. and 12.40 p. m. STONINGTON LIME or with far less of soil. lUe SSia, and wheat, depreciation Potass bro- Mutton. 12 @ 13 Room to Let. recently occupied by Otis Kaler & Son, for sale. iE»ntn at Centennial. Weakness of U.S. Hotel, Junction of CongressandFed Augusta, Hallowell, Gardiner, Brunswick Sow down to grass seed at early digging time mide 65 @ Chickens.... 12}@ 14 Back,&c tl2.35 a. m., 17,00 a.m., 12.40, 5.20 p. m. Front Room, lurnished or in the mcK’_the eral Sts. Timothy Wolcott, Proprietor. FOR NEW YORK, or the with anc Chlorate... 28 15 18 unfurnished, J. B. Rockland and Lewiston via Brunswick }7.00 a. m., following spring grass seed @ Turkeys. @ W estern of the with THORNTON, iodide..,. doz. 14 16 A part city, board. Please It is now the standard remedy. It s astonishing 12.40 p.m AHEAD OF ALL OTHEUI. oats, to he cut green for fodder, as oats cut in Eggs, @ with SKOWHEGAN. Potatoes 80 @ 1 00 address, references, jafldtfOak Hill, My. pain relieving and strengthening qualities attracted Bath 17.00 a. m., 12.40,5.20 p. m. that state are said to take less from tbe soil. Quicksilver mh23dtf A. Press Onions, bbl.. 3 75 4 25 B, C., Office. the attention of the Centennial Jurors and thousands Turner House, W. G. Heselton, Piotirl- Lewiston 12.35 p. in., 5.05 p. m. This is the Inside Don’t over cattle Quinine. @ For Only Route give housing every night, Rt rhubarb.. Bermuda.. none Sale. of physicians who visited the Centennial, who pro- etor. Farmington 12.35 p. m. _ Point Judith. after pasturing time arrives, where it can bt To Let. nounced it the best ever invented for the Tho tl2.35 a. m. train for makes close con- Avoiding Rt snake.... Round hogs.. 8 @ 9 House and remedy Bangor done. Spread under them loam, swamp mad Provisions. lot at No. 81 Newbury above ailments. Sold by all Druggt ts. Price, 25 WEST NEWFIELD. nection with E. & N, A. Railway foi St. John and Saltpetre.... HOP8E No. ‘t Deeriug Mlreet. In- Steamboat Express trains leave Boston from Bos- or forest leaves, and let it down into tht Senna. 15 Mess Beef 9 to @ 9 60 St. Apply at house, R. cents. marlcod&wlin West Newfleld Honse, R.G. Holmes, Pro Halifax. go quire at No. Hi Elm Street. RUBY, ton & Providence K. R. Depot daily, except Sunday, barn cellar to tbe and sur Seed canary. 3 00 3 50 Ex Mess. .10 00 00 de27dtf tPuilman Sleeping Car attached. hogs, yon will be @ @11 J. Q. DAY. prietor. at 9.30 p. m., connecting at with tbe en- Cardamons 1 50 2 25 Plate.12 00 00 mixed. PAYSON TUCKER, t. Stonington prised to see, next fall, what an amount o @ @13 mli20 dtf THE CELEBRATED Sup tirely new and Superb Steamer Rhode Soda bi-carb. 5 @ 8 Ex Plate. .13 25 Portland, Oct. 9,1876. au31dtf Island, every mannre yon will instead of a smal @14;00 Monday, Wednesday and and witn the ele- good have, Sal. 2 m 3 Pork. FOR SALE OR TO Friday, of sun-dried LET. gant and popular steamer Storington Tues- moiety leached, yard mannre tba Sulphur. 44(a) 5i Backs ....19 50 50 To Let. 0. Chamberlain’s‘Green- every @20 C. lay, Thursday and Saturday, arriving in New York you have usually had. lead 19 25 Clear.18 50 00 sugar @ @19 274 Congress street. Also tenement corner NEW AND ELEGANT RESIDENCE. ■In ays in advance of all ether lines. Bag- A moderately wet hog or barn cellar ii White wax 60 65 Mess.17 50 00 Deer and yard @ @18 STORE Fore street, 5 rooms, Sebago water. wood’ Asthma Cure. Eastern gage checked through. best tor makiDg mannre with hogs, and when 1 Vamilla beanie 00 @20 00 Hams. 11 @ 11} Railroad, Tickets at of Enquire New Three First-Class procured depots Boston Sc Maine and can forest leaves Vitrol blue.. 10 @ 12 Bice. ma20tl 108 Story Dwelling TRADE MARK NAME. yon get enough, although the] NEWBURY ST. fourteen Eastern Railroads and at Rollins & Adams’, 22 Kx- be but Back. Rice }?Bs... 6}@ 7} THEHouse, containing pleasant rooms; St..and W. may nothing pine leaves, raked up witl brick furnace and all modem situated Patented Not. ‘A3, 1873. shange D. Little.&Co.’s,491 Exchange St. I No. 1. @ 32 Haleratns. improvements; L. W. the scurf of the ground, to soak the o on FIRKINS, D. S. BABCOCK, up liquid No. 3. @ 29 Salerat’st* lb 6 @ 7 Congress Street, between State and Dow Streets, For lhe relief of Asthma, Phthisic, and OCT. 9, 1876. tbe or never haul in next door to Hiccoughs, Gen. Passenger Ag’.t, New York. President, hogs cattle, heavy loan No. 10. @ 20 Halt, TO LET. residence of Payson Tucker, Eso. all spasmodic affections of the throat. Prepared no at office of ocl 73 dtf having vegetable matter and being of uc 8 oz.. @ 16 Turks Is. Apply and for sale by Mrs. E. E Chamberlain at 25 Cedar LORING benefit lo tbe soil besides its absorbing 0 ozs. @ 20 hhd.(8 bn.) 2 25 @ 2 50 ROLLINS, & ADAMS, Street, Portland, (widow of the late C. O. Chambsr- capaci BRICK HOUSE, with stable, in a 22 ty to the manure: it is too Djewoodi. Bonaire.... 2 25 @ 2 50 good neigh- No. Exchange Street. lain,) being sole owner of Formula. None genuine liquid besides, fceav] A borhood situated ou the highest land between Also to Let—Two New and to haul out Barwood.... @ 3 2 25 2 50 Desirable Houses on wiihout trade mark, name upon wrapper. again to apply to the soil.—-Yea Cadiz,du.pd. @ the Eastern and Western Promenade. The house Is INMAN LINE Brazilwood. 5@ 7 Cadiz in b’nd 1 1 75 Park Street, and one on Green Street. Apply of the For sale by druggists generally. jan25eod3m England Farmer. 37}@ furnished with Gas and and heated a Camwood... 6 @ 7 Liverpool. Sebago. by above. dec23dtf good furnace. Plenty of sunlight. Address, Dim»aiieti Cured. MAIL STEAMERS Fustic. 2}@ 3 I Duty paid. 2 25 @ 2 50 PRESS In bond... 1 “E,« OFFICE. New paths marked out Fried Cakes, Doughnuts and Crullers Logwood, 37j@ 175 mbl4 t0 loan on first class Real FOR AND tf 1W A 1\T E1 V Estate that of all QUEENSTOWN LIVERPOOL, Campeachy.. 2 @ 21 Gr’nd butter 20 ■P' box LTJLvF.IN Mli JL in by plainest At the present time there seems to be do dis- Security, Portland, or vi- books— “Plain Sailing from New York ns follows: St. Domingo. 1|@ 2\ Llv.flne sack 1 75 @ 2 00 Rents Homo tinction made between fried cinity. collected, taxes paid, &-c. on Com- Talk cakes, doughnuts Peach Wood 5J Heeds. To Let. and Medical Com- City of Chester .. Mar. 31 6.30 in @ mission. Apply to F. G. PATTERSON, Dealer in Saturday, a. and cruliers. 200 PASSENGER TRAINS leave Portland .. Every concoction made of but Red Wood.. 2) Clover, lb.... 16} @ 17 Tenements in Real mon Sense,”—nearly 1,000 pages, illustrations, by City of Richmond Saturday, April 14 3.00p.m @ pleasant House No. 8 Orange Estate, 379} Congress Street. nol8.itf for Scarboro’. flour and Red Dr. E. B. of 120 N. Y. Pur- Saco, Biddeford, Ren- City of Brussels .. ter, eggs, sugar, milk, tbe same to b< Fish. Top bag 2}@ 2} TWOStreet. Six rooms each. Sebago water. Ap- Foote, Lexington Ave,, Saturday, April 21 noon. chasers of this book are at to consult its au nebunk, Welli, North Berwick, Noath of .. fried in lard, are termed crullers. Now whei Cod, per qtl.. H. Grass,bu. 2 25 @ 2 37} ply to A. C. liberty City Berlin Saturday, April 28 3.00 p.m ■ BARKER, or Elio Shore 5 00 thor in mail free. Price by mail, Berwick, Conway Junction, t, City of Chester .. X first became a many L’ge @ 5 25 Soap. a23MW&Ftf 131 Commercial Street. PROBATE NOTICES. person postage Saturdai, May 5 11.00 a. m housekeeper, years ago 4 $3.25 for the Standard or $1 50 Kittery, Portsmouth, Newburyport, in order to Mr. L’ge Bank 87 ©) 5 25 ExSt’mRTd @ 8 prepaid, edition, will find these steamers fitted please Rastic—who, by the way for the ».ar which contains all tbe Salem, Lyun, Chelsea and Bonton at Passengers tastefully Small.... 3 87 @4 25 Family. @ 7 Pop edition, and the staterooms and ventilat- had a very sweet tooth and a great hankering To all persona interested in either of the same matter and illustrations. Contents tables free. 9.00 a. in., arriving in Boston at 1.40 p. m. op, large perfectly [ Pollock. 2 25 @ 2 75 Ho. 1. @ 6} ed. Tho saloons are the entire width ot the fcWU VlUUCiO-A OUU^Ut IlUO auviuc U 1 estates Wanted MURRAY HILL PUBLISH- Saco, Biddeford, Kennebunk, Kittery, vessel, Haddock... 75 @ 2 25 Hpices. HOTEL TO LET. hereinafter named. Agent* Portland Press ind situated where there is least noise and those were ING 129 East 28th N. Y. Daily Portsmouth, motion, who in snch 1 1 CO., fel2d3m* Hamptons, Newburyport, experienced matter; Hake. 75 @ 2 25 Cassia, pure 38 @ 42 Street, the sea Salem, I*ynn* Chelsea and Boston at greatly lessening liability to sickness. Smok- (cook books not being as plenty then as now. 1 Herring, Cloves. 45 @ 59 a Court of Probate held at Portland, wiebin ing Ladies’ Piano-fortes and THE AMERICAN 3.00 p. mM arriving in Bostou at 7.30 p. m., in rooms. Boudoirs, I was told that mixtures like the above Shore,

ATIOI¥AL STEAMSHIP CO. ..10-4.. 22 @ 30 Satinets. 25 @ 50 the late Dea. Richard Bailey, Estate, pre- ulcerated, and succumb rapidly to this frightful brook, making close connection with through trains BATES A LOCKE, and in town sented by Adrian A. widower of said de- miscellaneous. Blankets. BEING beautifully located the of New Atwood, monster. A peculiar acid is generated and set at about 150 of ceased. Ilampon, dalni* and Si. John, Rigby, Denims good.. 14 @ 17 iCamp7ft.1 00 @1 20 Castle, containing tillage and wood land, liberty by this disease, which, permeating the blood, de4dtf