inscapeWINTER 2014 News from Mother McAuley High School This is a publication of St. Xavier Academy/ Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School. our mission MOTHER McAULEY LIBERAL ARTS HIGH SCHOOL is a Catholic educational community committed to providing a quality secondary education for young women. In the tradition of the and their foundress, Catherine McAuley, we prepare students to live in a complex, dynamic society by teaching them to think critically, communicate effectively, respond compassionately to the needs of their community and assume roles of Christian leadership. In partnership with parents, we empower young women to acknowledge their giftedness and to make decisions with a well-developed moral conscience. We foster an appreciation of the diversity of the global community and a quest for knowledge and excellence as lifelong goals.

PRESIDENT Mary Acker Klingenberger ‘75

PRINCIPAL Claudia Woodruff For nearly 170 years, Mother McAuley High School, preceded by Xavier Academy has provided to young women of Chicagoland, a quality Catholic education seeped in

the Mercy tradition. This would not be possible without the generous support of the Sisters of OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Mercy, alumnae, donors, the community, and our many volunteers. This year we’ve coupled this table of contents VICE PRESIDENT OF INSTITUTIONAL annual report with Inscape, our alumnae magazine, as we believe it’s the best way to share with you examples of how your gifts have helped to prepare our students for college, careers and Letters 3-5 ADVANCEMENT Carey Temple Harrington ’86 leadership roles in our community. Funding our Future 6-9 ALUMNAE COORDINATOR Gift of Giving 10 This past year, the areas of focus for the Board of Trustees included stabilizing enrollment, Linda Balchunas Jandacek ‘84 ensuring financial stability, and welcoming our new president, Mary Acker Klingenberger ’75, Paying it Forward 11 our first alumna president. Today, I am pleased to report that our enrollment is strong, our ANNUAL FUND/DATABASE SPECIALIST balance sheet is healthy, and Mary has enjoyed a wonderful . Each of these All-Class Reunion 12-13 JoAnn Foertsch Altenbach ‘76 milestones offers a seamless transition for Mother McAuley to continue its rich tradition Hall of Fame Inductees 14-15 GRANT WRITER and diligently plan for the future. In Memory, Sister Christian Molidor 16 Sr. Liz Pardo, IHM The board is committed to building on the great strength and history of Mother McAuley. Alumnae Happenings 17 Creating a clear vision of the future is our highest priority. The board with our president, Financial Information 18-19 administration, alumnae, parents and students is crafting our long-term vision in a strategic plan. ALUMNAE BOARD OFFICERS Student Accomplishments 20 The strategic plan will guide Mother McAuley on a course to meet the future needs of families PRESIDENT who value Catholic education and academic excellence. The action plan will become the guide Celebration 2014 21 Jodi Farrell ’84 to allow future generations to experience the lifetime advantage that a Mother McAuley Donors 22-28 education provides. VICE PRESIDENT School News 29-35 Bridget McIlvain ‘88 During these past few years of economic uncertainty for so many of our families, the support of Announcements 36-39 alumnae, friends and supporters of Mother McAuley has made Catholic education possible for PUBLIC RELATIONS COORDINATOR many of our students. We are blessed beyond measure by your prayers, service and philanthropy. Tracy Duffy ‘94 As we look to the future, we continue to ask for your prayers and your gifts which are essential SECRETARY to our mission. Virginia Schumann Petrancosta ‘94 On the cover: The Valiant Woman, painted by In Mercy, McAuley faculty member, Kathy Gordon-Davis. Photos by H & R Imaging

Design and layout by Karen Culloden Hoey ‘84 Anne Edwards Cotter ‘73 Printing by Accurate Printing Chair of the Board of Trustees

3 Change. Some shirk at the mere mention of the word, while others revel in the possibilities at which it The 2012-2013 year saw many accomplishments. This Annual Report allows hints. In our nearly 170 year history, Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School has weathered much change; us to celebrate the achievements of our faculty and students that have been made possible through the from changes to our campus, to changes to our curriculum, to the changing faces of our students, and more. significant support of our benefactors. Thank you! Your partnership in our mission is crucial to our success And while change remains inevitable, one thing remains constant: our mission to ensure our rich tradition of in providing a quality Catholic education spiritually grounded in the Gospel values of our Catholic faith providing educational excellence for young women. and in harmony with the Mercy charism.

All that we do at Mother McAuley is made possible by your support and financial generosity. We are blessed Today we remain student focused. We continue to build and thrive while providing an academically with a stable enrollment, strong academic profile, and a network of nearly 25,000 alumnae. By assisting with enriching curriculum, a prosperous learning environment, and opportunities that foster community. This our school ministry, you have added to the rich and storied history of Mother McAuley. More importantly, you past year was marked by tremendous growth in these areas. We made significant capital improvements have provided opportunities for other students and families to experience and become a part of our McAuley with the opening of two new Chemistry Labs; network and wireless technology upgrades; and, curriculum community. For that, we all are extremely grateful. review and enhancement through the initiation of our Apple iPad® Integration Initiative. The introduc- tion of the iPad integrates the best aspects of a traditional education with the innovative technologies that Today, we endure difficult economic times. A faltering economy requires people to remain good stewards of our support multiple learning styles. resources. Frequently, one item we may find easy to trim from our budget is charitable giving. Paradoxically, it is in times like these that charity is most needed. During prosperous times or lean, we rely on the charity of The history of Mother McAuley is a story of leadership and service to the community. From our supporters for the continuation and development of the educational and co-curricular programs that make Warde in the year 1846 came the vision and commitment to a Catholic high school education for young Mother McAuley the stellar school it is. Tuition alone does not cover the budgeted expenses of operating this women in : a place for spiritual growth and academic learning. That vision, and the belief in what vibrant and vital campus. we were doing as a unique opportunity for women of faith was filled with hope and possibility. We are proud to foster and encourage this tradition with each and every student we serve. We are confident it has been It is often the case that a small percentage of parents, alumnae and friends carry the weight of stewardship for the recipe for the extraordinary success of so many of our students. Mother McAuley. As people find their pockets a little emptier, more of us are needed to step up and make a sacrifice to support causes we hold dear. I hope that, for you, Mother McAuley is a special place you want to Our predecessors looked to the future, and dreamed of what could be. They dreamed of opportunities, they nurture and advance. For it is in the rich soil of tradition that we cultivate new growth; we cultivate compas- built an incredible academic program, and as the future unfolded and the student body grew, our campus sion, success and leadership in each girl who enters our doors. flourished with new opportunities for our young women. We continue to dream, we will always believe, and with your commitment, we grow with each new challenge. Thank you for sharing in this remarkable As we look toward the future, we will continue to acknowledge the importance of individual gifts and efforts journey. which collectively lead to new growth and allow us to state with confidence that the best days of Mother McAuley are yet to be experienced. Please join me in growing our vision. I ask you to use the envelope in- In Mercy, cluded in this magazine to give what you can to Mother McAuley, or make a donation through our website, in recognition for whatever role it plays in your life: your alma mater, your daughter’s school, or a beacon of excel- lence in Catholic, liberal arts, college preparatory education for women. Through your pledge and prayers, we Mrs. Claudia Woodruff can ensure many more magnificent chapters in the annals of Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School. Principal

In prayer, gratitude, and mercy,

Mary Acker Klingenberger ‘75 President

Pictured: Mother McAuley legacy students for the 2013 - 2014 school year.

4 5 What is the impetus behind creating this program? values are clear, the decisions are easy.

Jenny Costello Fortner (JCF): Thinking back to my days MAS: The current financial climate has pushed more women as a high school and college student, I knew very little about into the role of primary breadwinner and chief primary the investment field, finance, or the concept of saving and stakeholders in their family’s financial future. Sixty percent investing. I was first inspired to learn more about the financial of small businesses are run by women, and women make over world through my uncle, Mark DeHertogh, a former McAuley 80% of the financial decisions in their households right now. basketball coach and mentor throughout my life. My freshman The importance of empowering women with solid financial year of college, I was studying clinical psychology, and Mark was knowledge to make smart financial decisions is critical. We want trading futures and options. He asked if I would want to intern to help as many people as we can and equip them with good with him during my summer break. It opened a whole world to financial knowledge and tools. We are on the precipice of a me that I didn’t know was out there, and I discovered I really whole new financial era, and we all are going to be responsible for enjoyed it. I ended up assisting him each summer during college providing more resources for our retirement. We need to have and earned my trading licenses. After graduation, I took a the tools and skills to get us all there. The ability to begin these as a financial analyst in the wealth management field and have conversations now with students, faculty and staff at McAuley, to been working as a financial advisor ever since. Over the years, I help prepare them, is essential. have learned that financial literacy is a skill that affects everyone, whether you decide to pursue a career in the field or not. This JCF: Part of the hidden beauty of the evolution of this program, is why it is our goal that every graduate from McAuley will is its potential to engage the larger McAuley community. have a base understanding of financial literacy by the time they One of the most eye-opening experiences for me was during graduate. I will be forever grateful for the opportunity that Mark Celebration 2013, when we announced the program. A number gave me when I first interned for him and for the confidence and of parents approached me that night and said, “I want to take strong foundation that my McAuley education provided for me that class!” It says to me that there are implications for more to help me succeed. This program is a way to “pay it forward” than just students. Families are challenged by saving for a and to hopefully help other young women reach their full McAuley education and a college education beyond that. Mary potential just as I was empowered to do. Anne and I quickly realized that this was not just about students but the McAuley family as a whole. A subsequent goal has been Mary Anne Smrz (MAS): I’m a product of single-gender to extend this offering to parents, faculty, staff, alumnae and education, having graduated from Lourdes High School. I more. Molly Bridgman Vandeveld ‘84, Mary Anne Smrz, Jennifer remember how empowered I felt in that environment, even as Costello Fortner ‘94, Laura Shallow ’75, Carol Hannon Lyons ‘73 a young girl. I’ve drawn on those feelings and that experience and Maureen Svagera pose with a few of the Catherine McAuley Honors Scholars. during different stages of my life. Through various relationships What are your thoughts on how teens today view With successful careers in the financial arena, I’ve embraced McAuley because I believe so strongly in financial responsibility? Jennifer Costello Fortner ’94 and Mary the mission and what the school provides. Jenny and I first MAS: We are becoming a cashless society, so in some respect, Anne Smrz know that a simple investment connected when creating The Jan Malloy Memorial Scholarship, the kids don’t have a firm understanding of the value of money. can reap enormous dividends. They also value and with both of us working in the financial world, we began Kids in high school and college don’t carry checkbooks or even brainstorming on an enrichment program for the students. The the importance in reinvesting dividends. As know how to balance one. Now you can take a photo of your conversation continued over time, and I’m so excited to see our check with your phone and deposit it into your bank. This funding graduates of all-women’s high schools, they take vision come to fruition. creates more of an educational challenge; the entire concept of to heart the investment their families, teachers what the value of money is needs to be taught. We need to get and mentors made in their education. Fortner What is your goal for the program? back to basics. our future and Smrz are the team behind McAuley’s new MAS: The financial world is complicated and can be JCF: Certainly, the Internet, online banking, debit cards and Financial Literacy Program, or FinLit, for overwhelming. It can be difficult for people to wrap their arms credit accounts have impacted how people access their money, as short. The staff at Inscape recently sat down – and heads – around what they should be doing. I’ve always well as spend it. It used to be that a parent would take the child felt my role is to educate my clients, but also take complicated with Fortner and Smrz to reminisce about their to a store to shop for shoes, but now you can buy those shoes things and break them down into simple elements. That’s what online without ever leaving the house. That makes money a own high school experience, the importance of we’re hoping to do for McAuley students, faculty and staff more abstract concept for teens; money may not seem as real to “paying it forward,” and their vision and hope through this program. Over the course of my 20-year career as a them. They may not witness it physically change hands, which for empowering future generations of McAuley Certified Financial Planner ™ Practitioner, I’ve witnessed how propagates the idea that it is easier to spend something you don’t women. and why people make the decisions that they do. People make see. I remember being in college and seeing promotional booths their financial choices based on what they value, and when your pop up on campus for various credit card companies. All you

6 7 needed was to complete a bit of paperwork, provide a signature start out measured and small, in terms of the size of students interest from other alums and supporters Jenny mentioned and you were set. And, you got a t-shirt, too! Before you knew initially taught, so that we can solicit real-time feedback from who wanted to get involved and have been critical to it, you could have four credit cards, a lot of free t-shirts, and the students. This year is somewhat of our year, so we’ll be the planning and formation of this program, as well as without realizing it end up in debt pretty quickly. It’s a scary working with the Catherine McAuley Honors Scholars (CMHS) teaching, so they deserve a great deal of gratitude for their thought. When you look at how much the cost of education to launch the program. Currently, there are three sessions lined efforts. has inflated over the years, it paints a challenging picture for up with the first session just completed this November. We’re graduates. The average college student will be leaving school using a curriculum designed by the National Endowment for How will the program encourage students to with a large amount of student loans. If you overlay credit card Financial Education (NEFE), which is an organization that share their time, talent and treasure with the debt on top of that, it’s setting too many graduates up for a focuses on empowering individuals and families with information difficult start to their careers. It impacts job choices and living to make sensible and well-formed financial decisions. The McAuley community and beyond? options. Our goal is to empower our students with knowledge to end goal is that we eventually touch every student, so by the JCF: Stewardship is an essential part of this program. make educated choices both now and in the future about their time a McAuley student graduates, she will have developed a I feel like I owe McAuley so much for giving me the In 2010, Jenny and her husband, along with Mary Anne Smrz, financial matters. solid financial understanding, in addition to a strong faith and confidence and the tools necessary to succeed in college established the Jan Malloy Scholarship Fund in memory of academic base. We then hope to expand the program to include and beyond. This is a great chance to share the gift I’ve Jan Malloy, former McAuley Alumnae Coordinator. Jan passed MAS: We’ve become a short-term gratification society – we enrichment opportunities for faculty, staff and parents. Everyone been given with current students, so that they also can away from ovarian cancer in 2009. want everything now. That parlays into the money side of things, can benefit from a better understanding on how to manage their be empowered to achieve their dreams and reach their Jenny Costello Fortner ‘94 is a managing director and too. People can’t think five or 10 years down the road to what financial affairs. fullest potential in life. My hope is that by incorporating private wealth advisor in the Investment Management Division they might need, or what saving they’ll require. The whole piece stewardship into this program, students will learn to give (IMD) at Goldman Sachs in Chicago. She is the co-head of of basic money management is needed. Regardless of how money back in various ways. One of the people who inspired us to How can, or how are, others joining you in your the Chicago Diversity Network and founder of the Goldman is moved or exchanged, the principles are still the same. start this program is Ted Gonder. Ted is a graduate of The mission? Sachs Chicago Women’s Network, as well as a member of University of Chicago and started the national movement, the firm-wide Women’s Network. Jenny served as a mentor What role do you think parents and families play in JCF: This is a great opportunity for alums to reconnect with MoneyThink, to connect high school kids with college for Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women, an initiative to offer a helping to teach students how to become financially McAuley and our students. We need great women in banking mentors in an effort to help them make and manage business and management education to women entrepreneurs. and finance! Again, as a high school student, I knew very responsible? money. It’s an amazing program and a great model because Jenny also serves on the boards of Special Olympics Illinois, little about the industry, so I had not initially considered it as a we want to engage alums, to welcome them back to the Big Shoulders Fund, the program committees for Arzu and JCF: Financial literacy starts at home, so it is important that career option. I suspect that’s not too far off for some of today’s mentor our students as a means to ‘give back’ to McAuley. Aspire, and the Women’s Board for the University of Chicago. parents also understand these concepts, which is why we plan students. This program could be a vehicle for students with the Jenny and her husband, P. Jay, have three children and live in to offer opportunities for parents, alums, and faculty and staff right skill set and passion to meet alums in the financial field and Another person who inspired us is the late Jan Malloy, the South Suburbs. of McAuley to participate in portions of the financial literacy to discuss and explore possible careers. Likewise for alums, it’s former McAuley Alumnae Coordinator. Jan embodied the program, as well. I believe you can never start learning these a great chance to mentor students. It’s truly a win-win. One of concept of stewardship in the way that she lived her life For her exemplarily work in furthering the ministry of basic financial lessons too early. In our home, we are trying my favorite aspects of the program, in addition to working with and gave back to the McAuley community each and every Catherine McAuley, Jenny was honored as the 2013 recipient to teach our three little ones to give, save, and spend a little current students, has been the wonderful alums and volunteers day. One possibility we have been discussing is the idea of of the Mother McAuley Distinguished Alumna Award. through various real life examples. starting a Stock Market Club with the students, to teach that I have gotten to know, who have similar mindsets and a Mary Anne Smrz, herself a product of single-gender tireless passion for this mission. We would specifically like to them how to invest in stocks, with the idea that part of the MAS: Everyone can come away with one or two examples of education, is a longtime supporter of Mother McAuley. thank Carol Hannon Lyons ‘73, Molly Bridgman Vandeveld proceeds from their stock earnings could be filtered back how money was handled in their home. Parents can be role Mary Anne is a Certified Financial Planner™ practitioner ‘84, Maureen Svagera and Laura Shallow ‘75. Another into the Jan Malloy Scholarship fund. Again, reinforcing models for their children on the appropriate way to handle and Financial Advisor with Waddell & Reed, Inc. During her favorite aspect has been meeting current faculty and staff, such the message of stewardship. money. If kids see parents being careless, that can impact the 20-year tenure, she has received many of the company’s most as our new president, Mary Acker Klingenberger ‘75, finance way their children manage money. Some of my clients have MAS: I continually come back to one of my favorite prestigious awards, including being named to the Circle of director, Terry Corcoran, and alumnae coordinator, Linda their high school and college-aged children come in to have the Catherine McAuley quotes: “No work of charity can be Champions.* She is among a limited group of advisors that Jandacek, and re-connecting with some of my former teachers offer Waddell & Reed’s Financial Wellness Program, which message reinforced. more productive of good to society or more conducive at McAuley, like Jan McAuliffe, who is leading the Catherine provides onsite financial education for companies and one-on- to the happiness of the poor than the careful instruction McAuley Honors Scholars program. Their support has been one planning for their employees. of women, since whatever station they are destined to Can you give some examples as to what topics the nothing short of extraordinary. fill, their example and their advice will always have great program will address? *The awards are presented annually by the firm and are based on an MAS: There are so many things that set McAuley apart from influence and wherever a God fearing woman presides, analysis of investments, insurance and financial planning sales generated JCF: We want to give students a baseline understanding of other schools, and this program is another differentiator. I’m not peace and good order are generally to be found.” When all by the advisor. For more information regarding the sales awards and dates received please contact the advisor. finance. That doesn’t just mean investing, but addressing things aware of any other high school that offers a financial education is said and done, that’s what it’s all about. like: how to balance a checkbook, what is a credit score, what’s program on this scale. McAuley is stepping up to a whole new Waddell and Reed is not affiliated with the individuals, companies, etc. the difference between the left and right side of a balance sheet, level to provide something that other schools don’t currently referenced herein. Mary Anne Smrz offers securities and investment what is the impact of saving vs. using credit long-term, and the advisory services through Waddell and Reed, Inc. Waddell and Reed has offer. That notion has resonated with people, and while Jenny no responsibility for the funding and future program, only for the products difference between stocks and bonds, etc. The curriculum will and I may be the catalysts, we are so thrilled by the outpouring of and services offered by Mary Anne Smrz.

8 9 gift of giving paying it forward

Ana Witaszczyk ‘95 has truly embraced the act of stewardship she learned By Shannon Zofkie ‘13 at Mother McAuley and incorporated it into her life in a unique way. Upon graduation from high school, Ana attended Rose-Hulman Institute of I graduated from Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School on May 25, 2013. Technology, where she received degrees in chemical and environmental Throughout my four years at McAuley I was awarded many generous scholar- engineering. She then obtained an MBA from the Lake Forest Graduate ships that helped me to continue my education at such a wonderful school. School of Management and worked with Handex and Delta Environmental I am fortunate to have been able to attend Catholic grammar school and Consultants before beginning at Koppers, Inc. in 2005. In the eight years since, high school. I could not have imagined a better place to receive an education Ana has worked her through the ranks from Project Manager to Tar Plant than McAuley. The four years that I spent at Mother McAuley undoubtedly Superintendent, managing one of the two chemical plants in Koppers’ facilities changed my life forever. Coming into freshman year, being nervous and in Stickney, Illinois. excited at the same time, I would never have thought that this place would Stewardship has been a focus for Ana throughout the years. She personally mean so much to me. Ana Witaszczyk ’95 donates to Mother McAuley on a monthly basis, but in August 2009, she went Now after graduating, I realize how much of an impact the people of the a step further. That month, she married Shane Stanford and the couple had McAuley community had on me. Not being able to return to this amazing an unusual request for their wedding guests. In lieu of gifts, they asked them to building full of love makes me realize that this saying is true, “you never know donate to one of three tuition funds: the Hawaii Baptist Academy, a school her what you have until it’s gone.” McAuley has changed my life for the better. I husband and his family supports; Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, the now attend Saint Mary’s College, an all-women’s, liberal arts school, located couple’s alma mater; or Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School. across the street from the University of Notre Dame. Just as Mother McAuley When asked why they chose to support tuition funds instead of receiving gifts, was founded by Catherine McAuley and the Sisters of Mercy, Saint Mary’s they expressed their wish to simply celebrate their marriage with close family College was founded by Blessed Basil Anthony Moreau and the Sisters of the and friends. They decided to share their good fortune and give back to the Holy Cross. I now can continue my liberal arts education with the same values schools that gave them so much. McAuley instills in its students by empowering women to be confident and strong. Ana believes that Mother McAuley influenced her in both her career and personal life. Even in a male-dominated field such as engineering, she has As a scholarship recipient, I realize how important scholarships are for both excelled. Many factors contribute to her success, not least her work ethic and students and parents struggling to provide a Catholic education for their intellect, but going to an all-girls school has played a large part. children. I wanted to ‘pay it forward’ by establishing the Alfred and Irene Shannon Zofkie ’13 on the day of her McAuley graduation. Biehl Memorial Scholarship. My grandparents, who passed away in 2010, “McAuley is about teaching girls how to become independent and well- were huge proponents of Catholic education. They strongly believed that a rounded women,” she shares. “I think it’s important to support all-girls schools. Catholic education provides a foundation for life. The scholarship that will They provide a safe space for women to learn and develop.” bear their names will provide one graduating senior with tuition assistance or for senior events such as Kairos, prom, and graduation. In May of this year, Beyond her career, Ana credits the school, specifically her Art History class, I sent out a letter asking my friends and family to make a donation toward this for her interest in art and travel. Though she admits to her lack of talent in scholarship. I collected more than $1,800. I am overjoyed by the generous creating pieces of art, she has visited museums throughout the country and the donations I received and am thrilled to be able to give back to McAuley since world because of the interest that was ignited in a McAuley classroom almost I have received so much from such a wonderful place. With this special 20 years ago. To her, the ability to travel and view works of art gives her life as connection to McAuley, I know I will forever be a Mighty Mac. an engineer a nice balance.

It is through alumnae and friends such as Ana, who continue to live and act on the teachings of Catherine McAuley in their daily lives, that our school is able to maintain its mission of preparing young women to live in a complex, Ana and her husband Shane Stanford traveled to Greece in dynamic society by teaching them to think critically, communicate effectively, November 2013 on an annual Thanksgiving trip with friends. respond compassionately to the needs of their community and assume roles of Christian leadership.


The All-Class Reunion is the result of the vision and passion of many groups and individuals. reunion Special thanks to the following: The Mother McAuley & Saint Xavier Academy Alumnae Board Mother McAuley Board of Trustees Mother McAuley Administration Nearly 1,000 people attended the The All-Class Reunion Committee first-ever all Class Reunion and The Mothers and Fathers Clubs McAuley Hall Induction on November 2. JoAnn Foertsch Altenbach ‘76 The evening was the culmination of two years of planning and the Judy Smith Benson ‘73 passion of the Mother McAuley/Saint Xavier Academy Alumnae Board, the Reunion & Hall committee and countless other volun- Jennifer Ligda Busk ‘93 teers. The event marked a move toward offering a central location Kellyn Doyle Coakley ‘94 and evening to honor all alumnae, with special commemoration for Eileen Diggins Chapman ‘73 alumnae celebrating a banner year reunion. Katie Doyle ‘98 “Great thought and preparation were put into the evening,” shared Jodi Farrell ‘84 Jodi Farrell ‘84 a member of the planning committee. “This was not Erin Harris Heidemann ‘96 just an event to us, but something near and dear to our hearts. We wanted alumnae to remember what it was like to be a McAuley Chris Malone Hurley ‘82 student, and to celebrate a time in all of our lives that might have Dr. Roz Iasillo, STEM Coordinator only lasted four years, but made a huge impact on who we have Linda Balchunas Jandacek ‘84 become.” in the Dining Hall and a DJ was set up in the Tracey Duffy Jarrett ‘94 The evening began with Mass celebrated by Fr. Mark Walters of Main Gym for those who Sallie Wiechern King ‘68 Saint Linus Parish, followed by a ceremony recognizing the first- wished to relive their high Jeanmarie Lachat ‘85 ever inductees, nominees and nominators of McAuley Hall – the school dances. Banner school’s new Hall of Honor. The following group of women was year reunion classes were Mary Burke McGarry ‘75 selected from more than 100 submissions as the first-ever inductees assigned rooms in which Maureen Martin Moskal ‘67 into McAuley Hall. The inductees were spotlighted during a special to gather with classmates. Lorri Johnson Nagle ‘81 video which was shown during the ceremony. At the conclusion, Each classroom featured each inductee was presented with a special plaque and pin, to a special PowerPoint Jeannie Clarkin Olson ‘94 recognize her distinction. In addition to the inductees, all nominees presentation of photos from the respective class yearbooks. Virginia Schumann Petrancosta ‘94 and their nominators, many of whom themselves are alumnae and supporters, also were honored during the evening. Read more about “Mac Attractions” could be found throughout the school for all alumnae to Becki Pikula ‘07 these prestigious inductees on pages 14 and 15. enjoy. The A Cappella Choir and student string quartet performed, and Ellie Brett Ryan ‘82 photos and other relics from past Kairos retreats were on display. The popular Stephanie Seweryn ‘07 “We are a school with 25,000 alumnae worldwide – all making “Scooter Corner” featured Sister Vincent Schaefer’s famous scooter set in enormous contributions in their own right, to society and the front of a green screen, complemented with many McAuley background Maureen R. Smith ‘85 world,” shared Lorri Johnson Nagle ‘81, chair of the event. “This images and McAuley props. Trish Biondo Soltys ‘85 accomplished group of inductees embody what it means to receive Mr. Bob Thomas, Verizon Volunteer the lifetime advantage of a McAuley education. It’s truly our honor Visit to view additional photos from the event, Program; Uncle of Bridget Cullen ‘13 to have created a special place where their photos and stories are including the video honoring the McAuley Hall Inductees. displayed for all to see,” continued Nagle. Carrie Williams ‘03 Save the date for our second Annual All-Class Reunion and McAuley The All-Class Reunion officially began after the induction. The Hall Induction, set for October 25, 2014. If you are interested in school was open to all alumnae, allowing women to visit their old helping with the planning, please contact Linda Balchunas homerooms or, their old lockers. Food from Baracco’s was set out Jandacek’84, Alumnae Coordinator, at [email protected].

12 13 2013 hall of honor

inductees Sheila Taafe Reynolds Sister Mary Brian Sharon Chester Karen Murphy Nancy Cunningham Benacci Sylvia Reed Curran Elizabeth Doody Gorman The McAuley Eco Macs Costello, RSM

Sheila Taaffe Reynolds ‘39 about 3,000 species and took a cruise to Antarctica, where she met Sylvia Reed Curran ‘75 The girls developed an interest in learning about biodiesel since Attending Saint Xavier Academy, the precursor to Mother the head of polar programs for the National Science Foundation and A Foreign Service Officer for the State Department, Sylvia Reed one of the biggest environmental problems in Chicago is carbon McAuley, from first grade through college, Sheila Taaffe Reynolds started lecturing for the organization. “On one cruise a passenger Curran has served the U.S. for over 25 years, spending most of emissions from transportation vehicles. “We thought about building graduated high school in 1939 and college in 1943. After high asked why there wasn’t a book that talked about the Antarctic birds her career overseas to implement foreign policy through embassies, a biodiesel processor, using waste oil to make fuel that vendors and school, Mrs. Reynolds says she was inspired by her father to major and seals, so I wrote one,” recalls Ms. Chester. consulates and other diplomatic missions. Since 1987, she’s served landscapers could use in their engines,” explains Dr. Roz. “In the in French. After college, Mrs. Reynolds took a course by mail and in Mexico, Canada, Taiwan, China and Russia, Uzbekistan, meantime, we were contacted by a group of engineers in landed a job in Arlington, Virginia, as a cryptographer during World Karen Murphy, MD ‘68 Turkmenistan, Israel and Washington, D.C. who sponsored a school in Pichon, Haiti and asked if we’d consider War II, decoding Japanese shipping news. Dr. Karen Murphy was diagnosed with polio at the age of one- It’s McAuley that Ms. Curran credits with helping her achieve making a processor for a school.” So the 10 young women set out Mrs. Reynolds raised 12 children and housed countless exchange and-a-half, a few years before the vaccine was created. “It happened her dream job. “It built a foundation for the critical thinking skills to build a biodiesel processor. “We found out the village had no students through a program sponsored by her parish. Of her 12 early enough where it has always a part of me,” says Dr. Murphy. But and a logical approach to issues that I use every day,” she says. electricity,” remembers Dr. Roz, “and we ran our ideas by a team children, Mrs. Reynolds sent five daughters to McAuley, including she didn’t let the illness define her. “Our teachers always told us we could achieve any goal and our of engineers who helped us refine and develop them to run the triplets she named Regina, Sheila and Martha after the RSMs, or She always thought she’d go to public school until her parish possibilities were limitless.” processor without any electricity at all.” Sisters of Mercy. She has remained close with several members of priest arranged for a full scholarship to McAuley. “They were very Receiving a B.S. in biology and A.A.S. in chemistry from The processor, which runs on solar power, transforms the seeds of the Sisters of Mercy since her time at Saint Xavier Academy. Today, accommodating,” explains Dr. Murphy. What she loved most about University of Alaska, Ms. Curran pursued graduate studies at the the Jatropha plant into fuel. The 10 McAuley students raised funds Mrs. Reynolds volunteers at the Field Museum, currently translating high school was the liberal arts curriculum. “If you’re well read and University of Hawaii. There, a Foreign Services Officer encouraged to help the village purchase “The McAuley Jatropha Farm,” where a book from French into English. educated in a variety of subjects, it feeds your soul, mind and heart,” her class to take the Foreign Service exam. She also has an M.S. in the plants are grown so villagers can light their homes and cook their she says. “Liberal Arts enriches you.” natural resource strategy from National Defense University. food using the fuel made by the biodiesel processor. Sister Mary Brian Costello, RSM Dr. Murphy graduated from McAuley in 1968 and Saint Xavier The students saw the tremendous advantage that solar power Joining the Sisters of Mercy in 1942, Sister Mary Brian Costello College in 1972, with a degree in German. She then received Elizabeth “Liz” Doody Gorman ‘83 lighting could bring to the people of Pichon and equipped their developed the liberal arts curriculum which McAuley currently a Fulbright grant to study in Vienna, before deciding to go to Crediting her personality and successes to her foundation at school with solar panels and an LED lighting system, enabling the promotes. medical school. She graduated from Northwestern in 1989 and later McAuley, Elizabeth “Liz” Doody Gorman says she gained confidence village’s older children to continue their education by attending Sister Brian studied English and writing at Saint Xavier embarked on a successful 13-year career at Palos Immediate Care and leadership skills at McAuley. “McAuley made me comfortable,” school in the evening. College and earned a master’s degree from the University of Notre Center, before retiring in 2010. she says “to go out into the community and do the things I do.” EcoMac Mary O’Donnell ‘10 recalls, “In Haiti, there was a lot of Dame. She also completed post-graduate work at the University of After high school, Ms. Gorman earned a bachelor’s degree in deforestation because they used trees as main sources of fuel, so it was and Northwestern. First teaching elementary school Nancy Cunningham Benacci ’73 business administration from Saint Mary’s College in Winona, a good way to preserve their environment. But we didn’t realize it at Saint Xavier Academy, Sister Brian then taught English at various During her years at McAuley, Nancy Cunningham Benacci knew Minnesota, and at age 40, pursued an M.B.A at The University of would make such a big impact.” Fellow EcoMac Katherine Kezon ‘13, schools before returning to McAuley in 1963. “My McAuley years how lucky she was to receive a liberal arts education. “I was among a Notre Dame. Ms. Gorman was the youngest Cook County Board shares, “This project consumed two years of our lives but helped us were very special to me,” she says. “I believe so firmly that high group of very bright, competitive young women who encouraged me Commissioner sworn in at age 37, and since 2002 has been the only be more confident and feel like we really could make a difference in school years for young women are years that make a difference in to work hard and try my best,” she shares. Republican woman sitting on the Board. the world. We became much stronger women.” their lives…for a lifetime.” A 1977 graduate of John Carroll University, with a degree in Ms. Gorman represents over 325,000 constituents in the 17th Sister Brian later was appointed as Superintendent of business administration, Mrs. Benacci received her M.B.A from Case District, the most diverse in the county. In 2008, Ms. Gorman was Archdiocesan schools, then served as chief of staff for Cardinal Western Reserve University in 1981. After college, she became a elected chairman of the Cook County Republican Party. Today, Bernadin. “It was a privilege to be a woman in the decision- chartered financial analyst and was recognized as one ofThe Wall she serves on 16 County Board standing committees and 11 Forest making role for the ,” says Sister Brian. Street Journal’s All-Star Analysts. Today, Mrs. Benacci works for Preserve District Committees, as well as numerous other committees. KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc. as director of equity research, where Her commitment to her role reflects her involvement at McAuley. Sharon Chester ‘60 she leads the 65-person research department. Sharon Chester had not been back to McAuley in 53 years, but Mrs. Benacci reaffirms her belief in a liberal arts education and The McAuley EcoMacs says she always considered her McAuley education the core of her stresses its importance for young women today: “If I didn’t have Mary O’Donnell ’10, Kim Schmidt ’11, Ana Vasquez future learning. the ability to write, life would have been very difficult,” she says. ’11, Danielle Crispo ’12, Jenna Krukowski ’12, Christina Lopez Coming to McAuley was a surprise, as her grade school piano Mrs. Benacci also credits McAuley for imparting the importance of ’12, Eileen O’Donnell ’12, Sarah Zwickl ’12, Katherine Kezon ’13, teacher arranged for her to attend the newly established high school caring for other people. “Everybody has to give back; it’s critically Christine Schmidt ’13 and Dr. Roz Iasillo. in 1956. “The curriculum was beneficial for my future,” she says. important. I’m involved with Boys Hope Girls Hope, a national The brainchild of a freshman student (Eileen O’Donnell, Ms. Chester graduated from the University of - Catholic organization who assists bright kids who have potential but ‘12), the EcoMacs is an environmental service club moderated Madison before traveling the world as a Pan American flight a difficult family life. It’s so rewarding.” by McAuley STEM Coordinator Dr. Roz Iasillo, or “Dr. Roz,” as attendant. She later became an ardent bird watcher, and set forth students affectionately call her, who’s in her 25th year at McAuley. on a mission to see every species of bird in the world. She logged

14 15 alumnae happenings in memory Sister Christian Molidor On September 26, 2013 the Mother McAuley Law Society On October 3, the Alumnae office hostedAlumnae Volleyball hosted a happy hour at Fulton’s on the River. A big shout out Night. It was a Mercy school match-up, as our own Mighty Macs to Colleen M. Mixan’03 who had her law firm of LEVIN & took on the Rockets from Assumption High School in Kentucky. PERCONTI sponsor. Attendees included current law school After an exciting game in which McAuley prevailed in three By Cathi Carlin Hogan ‘72 students, beginning professionals and our more seasoned games and a short ceremony to honor the 1987 Championship attorneys and judges. It was a networking event that drew over volleyball team and Midge Arundel Furlong ’81, we welcomed Ask anyone, she was a special woman. 50 alumnae. The next Law Society/Advancement Office our alumnae fans for an informal gathering in the dining hall. networking event – the Progressive Luncheon – will be held Alumnae, parents and families, including several sets of grand- I first met Sister Christian Molidor as a harried freshman stumbling into Homeroom 120, late, on my first day of high school. The room was short downtown at Petterino’s on May 8, 2014. parents who had been volleyball parents a few decades ago, also Following is the obituary which Sister Christian Molidor penned joined the festivities, as well as coaches, former players and Donna herself, before her death. one chair and, being last, I had to stand. Sister Christian quickly found a chair, giving it to me with a smile, thus beginning a deep friendship that Smith, the first coach to bring home a volleyball title for McAuley, and her players from the 70’s. Sister Christian Molidor, RSM has lasted my lifetime. Usually you don’t understand the importance of September 13, 1929 – July 22, 2013 maintaining relationships with teacher/mentors when you are surviving high school, but somehow, I was fortunate enough to stay in touch with A Sister of Mercy for 53 Years: teacher, writer, photographer, reporter her. On July 22, 2013, Sister Christian Molidor, RSM, beloved Sister Christian arrived at McAuley just as we, the class of 72, did. I think member of the Sisters of Mercy for 53 years, died that was one of the reasons she had a special bond with our homeroom. peacefully at home with the Sisters at Mercy Convent in Chicago. She always had a ready smile and a camera on hand. If you ever have a chance to peek at the 1969 yearbook you would agree that it is the best. Seventy two ladies from the Class of 1963 came together Sr. Christian taught at McAuley High School, served It features Sister Christian’s artistic photojournalist imprint and an to celebrate their 50 year Reunion on September 27 for in public relations at Mercy Center in Aurora, and was director of public relations for the Sisters of Mercy of inordinate amount of the faces of homeroom 120. friendship, food and music. The alumnae were escorted to the Chicago before acting as assistant to the president of West Chapel by McAuley JV Volleyball players. During Mass, an Among her many inspiring qualities, Sister Christian was spiritual, the Catholic Near East for 27 years. In that role, Christian alumna was chosen from each parish to play a small role in the On October 18, Janet Garetto ‘90 hosted our second “Meet traveled to, photographed and reported on the work thoughtful, understanding and had a wonderful sense of humor. She always ceremony. The ladies moved on to the dining hall for cocktails Me at my Locker” Happy Hour at Beggar’s Pizza in downtown of the extensive missions of the Catholic Near East made me feel very special, but as I came to learn, she made everyone feel Chicago. Most of the girls had not been back since graduation, but Ministries. and appetizers followed by dinner and dessert. Women recon- special! She affected virtually everyone in her class, as is evidenced by the have enthusiasm about McAuley and many ideas for hosting their She will be remembered with awe and affection for the regular reunions celebrated by our freshmen homeroom. The first one was nected from as far as Arizona, Utah and New Mexico and as own events on the near north area of Chicago. creativity she showed in her writing, photography and held in June of our senior year! close as across the street in Evergreen Park. Former faculty gardening...and for the support she gave others in their members Sister Brenda Finegan, RSM, Sister Mary Sheehan, lives and creative efforts. In typical fashion, she chose to One classmate, Marguerite Falloon wrote, “I will always have the fondest Tee up! Our Golf Committee will begin meeting in February write her own “goodbye.” It follows: RSM, and Jean Mormon Unsworth were on hand to welcome memories of Sister Christian. She took an assortment of girls on our first the class of 1963 back to McAuley. The Class of 1963 raised to plan for our July 25th event at Stony Creek Gold Course! On Oct. 28, 2012, I received the shocking news that I day at McAuley and helped us develop into women during our four years. $2,285 to go toward financial aid. Please call the Alumnae office if you are interested in joining this have acute leukemia...but this news allows me to pre- You knew that she continued to look out for you even after our freshman pare my obituary...and so I begin. dynamic group of women to plan this annual summertime event! year. I remember her talking about how we were tolerant of others when Call 773-881-6565 or email [email protected]. I was born in Libertyville, IL, to my beloved parents, Otto we were going through McAuley, but so much of that tolerance came and Clara (Rosing) Molidor on Sept. 13, 1929. My four through her example.” adored brothers: Otto, Jim, Jack and Jerry challenged, supported and loved me. Sr. Christian’s freshman bulletin board read, “Dare to be Different…. And then the tribe increased. Nieces and nephews and When Different is Right” and she certainly epitomized that. She went grand nieces and nephews, as well as both in-laws and on to serve as the assistant to the president of the Catholic Near East for partners. They are my wacky and wonderful family; my 27 years. She traveled to, photographed and reported on the extensive greatest gift. And then the Lord gave me another family, Welcome Carey Temple Harrington ‘86 the equally wacky and wonderful Sisters of Mercy. I hope missions of the Catholic Near East Ministries. that over the years I have touched the lives of others as McAuley recently welcomed alumna Carey Temple Harrington ‘86 as the new Vice President of Institutional much as my family and friends have touched me. When I have read about all of her accomplishments and how she Advancement. In her role, Carey oversees the cultivation, solicitation, relationship building and volunteer man- impacted so many lives across the world, I am humbled that she I learned from my students and from my many years with agement for all fundraising, admissions and recruiting efforts of the school. Her work supports the short-and continued to stay in touch with the women who had been in her the Catholic Near East. During those years, the people long-term goals identified in the school’s Strategic Long Range Plan. Carey comes to McAuley from Nazareth of God became a reality and opened new worlds and freshman homeroom 45 years ago. cultures to me. Academy in LaGrange Park, where she recently served as Director of Major Gifts. She previously served as Capital Campaign Coordinator for the school. Prior to joining Nazareth, Carey worked for Ronald McDonald Because of my family, friends and Community, my life Sister Christian was one of the most influential people in my life. I feel House Charities and the Chicago Blackhawks/Bismarck Enterprises, respectively. Following her graduation from has been one happy adventure. And now I’ve begun the privileged that she was my first introduction to The Sisters of Mercy and happiest adventure of all... Mother McAuley and I will always treasure the ‘gifts’ that she gave me. McAuley, she attended Marquette University, earning a bachelor of arts degree in journalism. Carey resides in Clarendon Hills with her husband and three children. 16 17 financial statements

Statement of Financial Position, Revenue, and Expenses The Statement of Financial Position of Mother McAuley Liberal Arts School summarizes the school’s assets, corresponding liabilities, and net asset classification as of June 30, 2013 and June 30, 2012. The Statement of Revenues and Expenses summarizes operating revenues and expends.

2013 Operating Revenue Significant Elements of Statement of financial position Statement of Revenue and Expenses the School’s financial Fiscal years ended June 30 2012 2013 status are as follows: Fiscal years ended June 30 2012 2013 Tuition 72.3% Operating Revenue Investment Income 9.8% • Mother McAuley is committed to Current Assets Tuition $ 9,997,347 $ 10,163,918 Donations 9.5% effective and efficient cost Cash and Equivalents $ 595,534 $ 1,171,341 Fees 440,404 468,343 Fees 3.3% management. Accounts Receivables 410,287 410,894 Books and Merchandising Sales 313,309 277,233 Other Revenue 2.4% Prepaid Expense and Other 70,390 54,949 Books & Merch. Sales 2.0% • Mother McAuley continues to Commissions 62,673 100,488 Commisions 0.7% meet its commitment to the policy Investments Donations 1,143,531 1,325,911 of funding depreciation for the Unrestricted 3,411,372 3,733,553 Other Revenue 311,463 337,774 future replacement of assets Board Designated 2,973,093 2,981,441 Investment Income 170,583 1,378, 812 through the established Funded Temporarily Restricted 1,621,536 1,867,360 Total Operating Revenues $ 12,439,310 $ 14,052,479 Depreciation Account. Permanently Restricted 4,463,335 4,998,384

• Mother McAuley’s financial Property and Equipment 10,752,094 11,532,569 reports are audited annually by an independent auditing firm. Total Assets $ 24,297,641 $ 26,750,491

• Board Designated and Restricted net assets balances have been established for specific long-term 2013 Operating Expenses purposes. Liabilities and Net Assets Current Liabilities Operating Expenses Educational Services 63.9% • Mother McAuley is committed Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses $ 1,253,534 $ 1,328,328 Educational Services $ 8,171,488 $ 8,289,641 Building Operations 13% to maintaining an appropriate Deferred Revenue 633,107 714,426 Management and Administration 1,292,391 1,538,077 Mngt. and Admin. 11.9% balance of operational revenues Building Operations 1,600,401 1,682,126 Other Services 5.2% and expenses intended to insure Long-Term Liabilities Other Services 798,010 680,856 Development 4.3% the financial stability required for Line of Credit 679,661 1,892,905 Development 494,295 557, 344 Support Services 1.7% a quality education. Net Assets Support Services 203,766 220,942 • Mother McAuley strives to Plant Equipment $ 10,752,094 $ 9,639,664 Total Operating Expenses $ 12,560,351 $ 12,968,986 increase annual and major giving Unrestricted 1,921,281 3,327,983 in order to meet the the rising op- Board Designated 2,973,093 2,981,441 Operating Revenues erational costs and the increasing Temporarily Restricted 1,621,536 1,867,360 Over Operating Expenses $ (121,041) $ 1,083,493 demand for financial assistance. Permanently Restricted 4,463,335 4,998,384

Total Liabilities and Net Assets $ 24,297,641 $ 26,750,491

18 19 student accomplishments Celebration 2014 Together, we have made a difference in the lives of our students. We’ve ensured that Academic Facts they are cared for each and every day. We have touched hearts, educated young minds, nurtured and prepared these young women to assume the role of compassionate CLASS OF 2013 Christians. The result of our endeavor is evident in these many accomplishments. 317 Graduates 100% accepted to college 85% attending 4-year college 15% attending 2-year college

CLASS OF 2014 100% 280 Students Highest GPA 4.42 Please join us of graduates from the classes of 2011, CLASS OF 2013 SCHOLARS Saturday, February 8, 2014 2012 and 2013 were 18 Over 60% of this graduating class accepted to college state championships received honors or awards including: Beverly Country Club – 6:00 pm A statistic far above the from our athletic teams 4 National Merit Commended Scholars national average with 25 trips downstate 87th Street & Western Avenue 41 Illinois State Scholars 1 Advanced Placement Scholar with Distinction Cocktails | Dinner | Dancing | Live Auction | Paddle Raise

6 Advanced Placement Scholars with Honors Cocktail Attire 50%+ 10 Advanced Placement Scholars 14:1 of our students m CURRICULUM student to participate in A minimum of 24 credit hours are faculty ratio athletics or required for graduation. co-curricular mother mcauley liberal arts high school activities honors AP COURSES 15 Advanced Placement courses are available in the following areas: Sallie Wiechern King ‘68 and Ken King Art History French Studio Art Latin Catherine McAuley Leadership Award Winners Biology Spanish For more than 30 years, Sallie has been an active participant on the Chemistry English Language & Comp. Saint Xavier Academy/Mother McAuley High School Alumnae Board, Physics U.S. History MATH Calculus Government & Politics dedicating countless hours to the organization and the school, alongside ENGLISH arts fine language SOCIAL SCIENCE SCINECE 29,000,000+ Statistics World History her husband, Ken. honors courses in scholarship money COLLEGE CREDIT COURSES Mr. Francis Houlihan, Mr. Robert Kuenster, are available offered to the class of 2013 39 Saint Xavier University, Chicago, IL Sister Elizabeth Smith, RSM AP Literature and Composition Introduction to Child Psychology Our Life Trustees

St. Mary’s University, Winona, MN Advanced Physiology Honors m AP Language and Composition AP Physics, Physics Honors, Physics for more information AP U.S. History Erin Harris Heidemann ‘96, Special Events Coordinator 773.881.6551 – [email protected] 20,000+ Moraine Valley Community College, Palos Hills, IL hours of community service Mary Acker Klingenberger ‘75, President 773.881.6504 – [email protected] AP Spanish Language are completed by our College Algebra and Trigonometry Honors students every year

20 21 2012 – 2013 2012 – 2013

Catherine Talano Marion Bleeker Butler Believer Supporter alumnae donors Geraldine Egan Uzzardo Patricia Cannon Ginger Sebek Andrews Sponsor Ann Graham Werner Anna Racky Distel Margaret Scanlan Brown Elizabeth Cronin Kathleen Sweeney Higgins Maura Madden Collins Ellen McMahon Christopher Nancy Plummer Cimoch Class of 1938 Supporter Class of 1963 Supporter Kristine Kiefer Hipp, Ph.D. Kath Conway Engelsman Jeanette Matecki Ciciora Joan Franklin Connelly Believer Homer and Margery (Wild) Anonymous Joan Murphy Kane Catherine Fitzgerald Livingston Jeanne Warmke Gill Therese Reilly Connell Circle of Mercy Elizabeth Connelly Stiles Patricia Huyer Burgy Joan McNicholas McCarthy Janine Foy Poelstra Sharon McDonnell Muscarelle Carol Deters Hannemann Marilyn Sheriff Deming Celia Konrad Arnold Aileen Durkin Collura Pat Geller O’Donoghue Nancy Tauchman Patricia Detrick Minogue Lombard Fitzgerald Carry Baechle Buck Class of 1939 Believer Carol Fiscella Condron Margaret Walsh Sisko Susan Vonderheide Ginny Duggan Murphy Maureen Wright Glass Mary Kean Coffey and Judy Rohan Hicks Joanell O’Reilly Zawaski Supporter Mary Alice Nebel Roche Nancy Fortune Stanley Angie Just Coffey Believer Maureen McDermott Jucas Patsy Smith Yorks Marilyn Walsh Wohlberg Lenore Dunworth LeVoy Mary Ann Flynn Caron Coughlan Bettenhausen Class of 1956 Bonnie Bohling Kreitler Class of 1968 Susan Sheridan Mack Cathy Coulas Hosteny Mary Glennon Doyle Believer Maureen Diggins McSherry Class of 1945 Supporter Joan Laurencell McAfee Circle of Mercy Linda M. Kniering Gerlach Patricia Cachor Supporter Marilyn Vileikis Potyen Marge Murphy Anderson Patricia Kilty Mehler Katherine Roche Napleton Mary O’Donnell Grimm Supporter Mary Beth Reinke Cronwall Ellen Lattyak Arundel Nancy Booth Ranquist Grace Ryan Slattery Pat Connors Melcher Carol Groesbeck-Sullivan Mary Ernst Jandacek Betty Riley Jackie Moerbeck Faber Mary Fran Hoyne Dite Maryann Scully Shaunnessey Barbara Schalk Symons Kathleen Coughlin Morrison Kathleen Phelan Lipinski Mary Wollenberg Foskett Zita Simutis Drillings, Ph.D. Mary Jo Donnelly Sokolowski Sponsor Janet Muzik Mulderink Diane Stapleton Najewski Class of 1946 Marianne Reinert Halm Betty Conerty Grimes Sallie Wiechern King Class of 1957 Sharon Thompson Munnecke Believer Marjorie Smith Pietkiewicz Mary Ann McCormick Helmold Sharon Halliday Barbara Nash Pozzi Circle of Mercy Clare Martin Phelan Patricia McNerney Bloom Joan Disteldorf Roche Sponsor Suzanne McKenzie Hurley Mary Cartan Hendry Ruth S. Martin Michele Campbell Roedel Gail Richards Comeau Supporter Carole Feeney Standring Judith Marks Russell Dorothy McCann Mary Denise Conway Justice Joyce Barry Ruhaak Judy A. Muraida DiFilippo Anonymous Betsy Sukowicz, Ph.D. Believer Maureen McNicholas Quinn Peggy O’Brien Larson Supporter Mary Ann Moore Schlacks Peggy Grist Hon. Gloria G. Coco Theresa Fasan Thomas Patricia Galvin Grogan Gladys Rigg Schuler Mary Mortimer Meany Trudy Clarke Miller Marcia Diaz Schultz Janet North Gustafson Rosemary Mele Coleman Laurian Grady Vaughan Maureen McSherry Seroczynski Jeanne Bleeker Palmisano Barbara Moore Pasquinelli Margaret Shevlin Slattery Mary Ann Stuber Harrison Mary Kay Durkin Doyle Donna Wegrzyn Zuidema Class of 1950 Judy Dwyer Sheehan Sharon Barrett Redmond Nancy Lynch Ryan Karen O’Reilly Solano Pat Quillinan McClelland Maureen Moran Harrigan Carole Barskis Weber Ann Wild Circle of Mercy Kathleen Lunney Smith Mary Wright Szafranski Mary Mullarkey-Neville Diana Callaghan McCoy Class of 1971 Lawrence and Elizabeth Lannan Anne Wilson Vulich Believer Barbara Kukuraitis Nowak Karen M. Murphy, M.D. Believer Class of 1961 Circle of Mercy Charitable Trust Sandy Northrup Wixted Rita McCurdy Bertz Joan Reilly Joan Small Papp Joy Hansen Kuchler Kathleen Desmond Short Supporter Carol Beigelbeck Gapsis Barbara Chesna Rys Jane F. Ryan Supporter Believer and Brian Short Anonymous Marianne Swierczek Hawkins Sharon Migitz Staszcuk Joan Cecile Sullivan Class of 1958 Dale Fahey Baer Believer Sally Ann Zemke Carpinella Kathleen McGovern Izzo Sponsor Kathy Cleary Blanchfield Catherine Daly Believer Supporter Christine Wheeler Dowling Mary Ellen Naughton Janda Class of 1966 Ann Duhig Liston Patricia Krebs Bouvat Barbara Scully DeBerge Carole Ryan Finn Alice Lenehan Brennan JoAnn Samulionis Foy Maureen Kane Carol Bliss O’Shea Jeannine Flynn Cella Circle of Mercy Kathleen Flynn Dujsik Joan Buckley Hjelm Susan Kmetty Catania Joan Caresio Grassman Elizabeth Butler Marren Georgianne Schmitt Clancy Carol Jean Coulas Betsy Stiles Supporter Peggy Moran Donahue Catherine Smith Hartney Mary A. Mitchell Negrilla Marilyn Bruch Cousins Marikay Thompson Herdman Victoria Duran Bigoness Class of 1951 Marianne McNamara Scanlon Melodie Johnson Karnezis Sister Carlotta Oberzut, RSM Mary J. Cray Anne McCarthy Sabloff Class of 1969 Monica Burmeister Carole Guinta Wisner Catherine Murray Kittridge Supporter Mary Feeley Cummings Kathy Morrin Frigo Fidelis Crot McFadden Class of 1964 Supporter Sponsor Virginia Horvath Kirwin Believer Carol Doyle Decker Roseanne Garavan-Oskielunas Mary Louise O’Grady Tobin Circle of Mercy Mary Fran Kleifgen Beno Elinor Schmid Sullivan Marietta Spalo Moore Flora Ann Carbon Carol Benigno DeLucia Kathy Sullivan Gumbel Celeste Konecny Turk Sheila Butler King/Sheila King Lauretta Blake Pauline Trilla May Rita Wieher Eisenmenger Supporter Barbara A. Koss, CTC Believer Marketing + Public Relations Diane Fitzgibbons Kathleen Kelly Stapleton Believer Kathleen Evans Follett Christine Gockman-Brown, Ph.D. Sharon Andrews Niemet Marguerite Ryan Kiely Mary Therese Wolf and Julie Rohan MacKenzie Helen Meegan Bailitz Ellen Gannon Mary Jo Murabito Burfeind Christina O’Connor, DDS Jane McCormick Nilles Ignacio Larrinua Kathleen McDermott Class of 1959 Kathleen Higgins Barthelmes Patricia Duffy Gianone Maureen Crowley Fera Maureen O’Neil Rafa Mary McGlone Cheryl Stransky Munson Beall Mary Lou Davis Gingras Maryellen Joyce Catherine Hawkins Rose Class of 1952 Circle of Mercy Supporter Joyce Clark Butts Margaret Collins Greve Maureen Fleming Believer Marianne Fritsch Lauer Lorraine Cummings Symonanis Irma Coulas Hammer Sponsor Frances Norris Casey Patricia Ann Soss Hamilton Mary Jane Radtke Klein Barbara Fryk Boyer Catherine Starmann Macellaio Mary Ruth MacKinnon Renehan Believer Joan Bransfield Maureen Shevlin Foley Julie Cheevers Jolley Margaret Maggi Olson Barbara Morrin Cook Mary Lou Morande Anita Cholewa Sponsor Melanie Moloney Hunter Janet Blaeser Keller Judith Ryan Down Shirley Trapp Mullally Supporter Believer Laura Tellers Conlisk Karen Kent LaFond Mary Ellen Dolina Kopetz Cecil Olson Keller Marilyn Falloon Griebel Kathleen A. O’Connor Marianne Gastreich Zelewsky Kathy Kilcran Becker Judy McNicholas Connelly Winnie Gardner Ligda Judith Bastian Krol Joyce Christy Kovalsky Margaret Coghlan Kimball Susan Sanders, RSM, Ph.D. Roseann DeLuca Cozzie Believer and Stephen Ligda Susan Lippert Scripp Joyce Madsen Kulek Theodora Bartosiewicz Bozych Therese Gordon Lahart Rosemary Small Caron Cronin Green Joan Wall DiLeonardi, Ph.D. Judith Flynn Neary Susanne Smith Claudia Schrei Lynn Betty Foley Cannon Maureen Neylon Meaden Believer Susan M. Lorenz Catherine W. Starmann Sister Jean McGrath, CSJ Pat Rock Fraser Cheri Scavone Moran Believer Virginia Burns Le Galles Kimberley Murphy Mathisen Class of 1954 Mary McInerney Mary Ann Gately Jensen Mari-ellyn Kehoe Morreale Letitia Piet Hachem Margaret Carney Connor Patricia Brannigan McEldowney Class of 1962 Kathleen Brankin McNicholas Kathy Burke Layo Michol Cannon Schofield Supporter Judy Fredo King-Bechdolt Margaret Coglman Pfister Denise Minkel McNeil Mary Beth Trinen Morelli Jerri J. Olson Vivian Ehrenstrom Williams Patricia Daley Martino Circle of Mercy Mary Kay Davy Mulvaney, Ph.D. Babette Davis Meiners Marianne Sarsfield Mitchell Sister Rita Moriarty, CSJ Barbara Juraska Piller Ann Katich Fletcher Janet McGarr, M.D. Anne Maiberger Sojka Believer Jane Dowd Morrissey Laurie Koller Scott Class of 1967 Class of 1960 Carol McGinnis Fleming Margaret Lomasney Kegaly Sponsor Mary O’Malley Hillary Lukaszewski Vincent Circle of Mercy Michelle O’Connor Stasko Class of 1972 Barbara Bernoudy Lowery Circle of Mercy Nancy Breen Johnson Carol Bohling O’Shea Peggy Fortune Winters Maureen Martin Moskal Patricia Trant Barnes Clare Doherty McEnery Denise E. Cavanaugh Mary Beth Mitrick Perisho Circle of Mercy Supporter Class of 1965 Patricia White Coleman Sister Frances H. Crean, RSM Suzanne Feldmann Pisano Supporter Rob and Kim (Febel) Judith Barton Class of 1955 Gloria Gaik Pollack Catherine McAuley Society Roberta Arnold Figliulo/ SPR, Inc. Sponsor Susan Stevens Bisinger Class of 1970 Michele Gilbertson Rak Anonymous Mary Kay Mulryan Balchunas, Ph.D. Diane Twickler Wendel Circle of Mercy Jo Ann Kudia Gruca, Ph.D. Leslee Blankshain Bormet Regina Rizzuto Bess-Catherine Nash McCord Circle of Mercy Marion McFarland Joanne Prusha Boyle Circle of Mercy Supporter Supporter Janeen Wall Schmaedeke Susan R. Murphy Terry Magee Jaspers Mary Ellen LaMantia Burke Suzanne Sheridan Bocchini Cheryl Coblentz Barratt Sharon Flynn Carroll Penny Witt Stamps Sharon Feeney Sodikoff Julia LaDouceur Kubik Mary Madden Carey

Catherine McAuley Society $10,000 and above | Agatha O’Brien Society $5,000-$9,999 | Circle of Mercy $1,000-$4,999 | Sponsors $500-$999 | Supporters $100-$499 | Believers up to $99 We apologize for any ommisions or errors. Please contact the Advancement Office for corrections. 22 23 2012 – 2013 2012 – 2013

Peggie Miller-Becker Susan Vidak Kelly Laura Hickey Drohan Beth Scheid Kathleen Monahan Connor Sponsor Lorri Johnson Nagle Mary Jo Lewis Noreikis Mary Daley Briatta Margaret Garrigan Kovatch Mary Doederlein Hogan Jean M. McNicholas Spiegelhalter Trish Claussen DiBennardi Cathleen Cahill Ferguson Karen L. Hunnicutt Peterson Dorie Filpovich Smith Paula Weglewski Browning Patricia Klinger LaBarge Colleen Tully Killham Mary Beth Delaplane Turek Ann Flanagan Doppes Believer Susan Riegel Buckley Cathy Heilmann Lachky Michele Rolla Lambe Ginny Eck Gallagher Supporter Class of 1984 Believer Marybeth O’Neill Carlson Carol Sheahan Burke Mary Knieps Lindenmeyer Cynthia Sullivan Levy John and Jean (Powell) Geary Sheila Bigane Bauschelt Barbara Cahill Brosnan Margaret Hayes Dunleavy Agatha O’Brien Society Louise Cainkar, Ph.D. Kathy Cooney Lingo Mary O’Malley Susan Nicholson Hayes Mary Carberry Black Beth Kelly Gershon Linda Chiapetta Gehrt Mary Ellen Carroll Clifford/ Kathleen Whelan Daly Pamela DeWolf Lipschultz Barbara Robinson Heneghan Terese Strauss Chylla Nancy Finnegan Gorman Mary McIlvain Clifford Family Louise Welch Dietzel Mary Ann O’Reilly Class of 1974 Virginia McGann Karen O’Donnell Conroy Mary Jennings Marjorie Johnson Mulvey Mary Fran Philbin Doherty Margaret Swanson Christenson Enza D’Amico Piech Ann Beigelbeck Engelmann Circle of Mercy Catheine McAuely Society Cheryl Kaberna Mary Geimer O’Neil Marguerite Falloon Carol Murphy McDonald Susan Cronin Real Sue Brett Enright Linda Balchunas Jandacek Frances L. Robinson, Esq Judy Azzarello Millerick Patricia M. Fishman, M.D. Peggy McGrath Elisabeth McNamara Reed Mary J. Foley Julie Bigane Pollard and John Donohue Kathleen M. Murphy Class of 1982 Patricia Krueger Fitzgerald Mary Walsh Mikolajewski Terese Gorman Krisch Sharon Howard Plahm Believer Supporter Sarah Mortimer Frigo Jean Fitzmaurice Morrissette Supporter Karin Lindholm, D.O. Circle of Mercy Mary Fitzgerald Romano Therese MacDonald Boyle Maureen Kearney Brennan Mary Therese McNicholas Galka Cynthia Iasielo O’Brien Mary Hayes Bertling Ellen Sterk Siegert Theresa Hanrahan Susan Waldron Sheedy Laura McGee Denlinger Lorraine Hall-Harder Cathy Laskero O’Neill-Kelley Therese Tunney Carberry Margaret Battle Burns Patricia Eck Witte Mary Power Ventura Jodi Farrell Cathi Carlin Hogan Donnamarie Coughlan Pierson Donna M. Crowley, M.D. Kathleen Phillips Carey Sponsor Mary Beth Hughes Walsh Believer Susan Chylla Lindquist Renata Hornick Maribeth Coleman Rice Lauren Wysocki Fitzgerald Eileen Waldron Cunningham Meg Bigane Catherine A. Welfare Kathryn Lombard Byars Claudine Malik Jean Higgins Jamison Jo Ann Richard Dory Connor Jarzabkowski DO. Margaret Memmesheimer Daudell Susan McNally Ruddy Debbie Ryan Duman Marguerite McIntyre Crane Elizabeth Patko McCarthy Nancy Cronin Johnson Joan Dwyer Rojek Rita Browne-Kahle Supporter Class of 1976 Patrice Doucet Miller Pat Waldron Durnell Jennifer Farrell Moody Machelle Miller Keller Judy Nawrot Sitkowski Celeste Ebers Kralovec Katie Shannon Boyle Jean Curley O’Ryan Marianne O’Keeffe Fuja Jeanne Muellner Eileen Burke Kronenberger Kathy Barry Smat Joanne Rose McEldowney Agatha O’Brien Society Debra Hunt Casper Susan Przybysz Benita Kurowski Hallahan Colleen Crean Wolfe Maureen Walsh Lee Patricia Stiles Patricia A. Mulcahy Anne Bigane Wilson Mary Kay Barron Gawne Sue Yore Shukstor Virginia Ruebe Hurst Mary Cappetta Zic Mary Uvodich Madsen Mary Beth Schatz Suma Loretta Kelly Philbin Kim Joyce Geraghty Circle of Mercy Mary McKenna Whitehead Kathleen Egan Jirasek Laurel Azzarello McGrath Valerie Pocius Thoma Kathleen Richards Ryding Maureen Ryan Healy Believer Mary Pat Schumacher Rohan Carol Weber Zydek Carol Murphy Moloney Sheila Gallagher McInerney Madonna Smith Toomey Mary Murphy Smith Valerie Cihak Kehoe Peggy Evans Rourke Joanne Murphy Sundermeier, M.D. Christine Malone Hurley Cathy Leary Micetic Denise Rowan VanBoldrik Mary Kay Mulcahy O’Connell Believer Kristen Bretz Shea Class of 1978 Kathleen Cleary Tonner Karen A. Casey-Loftus Margaret O’Connell Nykaza Marianne Walsh Nancy Burmeister Nancy Larson Lynch Ann Leitelt O’Hara Mary Judith Stump O’Malley Noreen Hickey Wendell Agatha O’Brien Society Dorothy Flynn Sponsor Class of 1980 Kate O’Malley Debra Benjamin Perkovich Linda Grzelinski Wilhelm Patti Murphy Fleming Katherine Bigane Larson and Ellie Brett Ryan Class of 1985 Mary Bridget Falsey Giermak Circle of Mercy Patricia Burns Platt Linda Witt Wyatt Steve Larson Mary Beth Sheehan Mariellen O’Donnell Kill Supporter Patricia Nielsen O’Donnell Circle of Mercy Mary McLaughlin Rudd Chris Lukasik Suddreth Kathleen Knightly Klinger Sally Andrasco Circle of Mercy Susan Suchy Laura Kosell Samuelson Class of 1973 Supporter Patricia Scannell Lynch Amy Sereda Bayer Barbara Flynn Zwickl Believer Deborah Klun Sharbak Catherine McAuley Society Rosellen Schwaller Brannigan Supporter Kathleen Walsh Mulcahy Mary E. Eichhorn Colleen Dalton Aird and Nancy Ilg Shephard Sponsor Eileen Ormsby Hynes Lisa Dadas Anne Edwards-Cotter Barbara Parlin JoAnn Foertsch Altenbach Aird Catherine Simon Silver Mari C. Heavey Michelle Rickman Johnson Theresa Kristopaitis, M.D. Jane A. Ehrenstrom Kathleen Gallagher Kurland Mary Carol Arneberg Mooney Kathleen M. Burke Patricia Memmesheimer Singler Theresa Beran Kulat Helen Keough May Jane Ralph Regalado Kathy Michon O’Connell Supporter Kathleen Cullen-Conway Mary Ann Allison Smunt Circle of Mercy Lynn Malooly Deb Doubek Meehan Karen Kubilius Washack Nadine Legac Ribordy Nancy Desmond Donatelli Robin E. Rodi Creevy Susan Doody Wade Nancy Cunningham Benacci Catherine Palumbo Lisa Goelz Messaglia Laurel Neu Wright Susan McNicholas Rowan, D.D.S. Mary Catherine Connelly Durkin Suzette Glasch Doligale Sandra Rynkar Walters Mary Kay Loughlin Brown Katie McGovern Philpott Maureen Smith Gretchen Groesbeck Yearsich Diane Peterson Sarther, Ed.D. Jacqueline McGing Filippone Jean Waters Gariti Mary Ellen Laughlin Wirtz Francie Murphy Ann Gleason Schultz Gerianne Spagnoli Tilkes Carol Miernicki Steeg Laura Roache Jakubczak Pauline Kennedy McGrath Jeanne Kowal Smith Candee Broadhurst Walsh Believer Sponsor Class of 1975 Denise Fleming Toussaint Nancy Brennan Keaty Elizabeth Nemsick Therese Sheehan Walsh Anita Bell Baltimore Eileen Diggins-Chapman Circle of Mercy Karen Alfirevic Walker Patricia Taylor-Maher Julie Elsen Turcich Believer Joan Barry Bigane Supporter Dan and Mary Anne (Hennessy) Michelle Wegrezyn Mary R. Phillips Believer Terese McKenna Cleary Denise Wittendorf Bigart Mary Goggin Wolf Anne LaVoie Sammons Class of 1983 Nancy Weckel Deckelman Cathy Leahy Bedell Capron Carol Dillon Berglind Therese McGrath Borchardt Maureen Shinners Annette Fitzgerald Maguire Judith A. Burns Laura Shallow Believer Karen Brown Circle of Mercy Lynn Neibert Bruch Patricia Stifter, D.D.S. Katie Stack Melanie Oskvarek Butenas Janice M. Mitchell Jane M. Cahill Mary Donna Finn Caffrey Alexandra Meneses and Rita Canavan Burton Jennifer Wegrzyn Usher Lisa Graber Kathleen Rodewald Sullivan Susan Veldman Finn Sponsor Janet L. Dolan John Simpson Pat O’Connor Callaghan Mary Sullivan Kopale Tom and Patricia Goldrick Jane Maiberger Doherty Meg Griffith Finn Believer Terry Leahy Crowe Karen Andrasco Lang Supporter Class of 1986 Gloria Green Monica Dunne Fudacz Kathy Gremley Leahy Rita Schaaf Burns Ellen Barry Ernst Rosemary Ready Logue Sheila McNamara Bettinardi Mary Beth Quinn Hagedon Suzanne Kurcob Metcalfe Mary Clare Brosnan O’Grady Margaret Wollenberg Delaplane Catherine McAuley Society Patricia Deiters Fiedler Margaret Schaffer Susan Broniarczyk, Ph.D. Janet Laughlin Hogan Barbara Foster Reynolds Lynn Fasan Pelletier Diana Bruck Faust Mary Carol Witry Valerie Fink Karen Mitrick Sullivan Carie Karnezis-Frigo Mary Anne Hannemann Klasen Maureen O’Brien Rauman Kathy McIntyre Susan Streit Finn Lina Terrano Adrianne Baron Gannon Circle of Mercy Dr. Joan Pape Knoll Supporter Marianne Gerhard McKeown Mary Therese Abbatemarco Kathleen McDonnell Welin Carol Haskins Hetzel Kathryn M. Morrissey Janet Sokol Lombard Nancy Padden Barrett Class of 1977 Ann Gallagher Miller Giragosian Mary Clare Sheerin Hogan Mary Plockelman Young Margaret Gutrich Mizera Eileen Leonard Carey Catherine Spencer Moran Janet Roeder Golden Circle of Mercy Class of 1981 Kimberly Kuncl, M.D. Peggy Morrissey Murphy Mary Pat Caddigan Coughlin Meg Ahern Oswald Supporter Marcy O’Reilly Greune Anonymous Michelle Engstrom McCartneyand David Maureen Murphy O’Connell Karen Philbin Doherty Jane Randolph Catherine McAuley Society Kathleen Doyle, PhD Rose Schleyer Griffin Janet Stifter McCartney Patricia McShane-Parise Mary Leahy Fey Joan Egan Halpin Eileen Neylon Rubey Carole Weis Burns Candace Colson-Mitchell Bridget Gainer Kibby Karen Randolph Nancy Cavanagh Foster Mary Starmann-Harrison Sponsor Sue Zeiler Waddell Circle of Mercy Eileen Murphy Rupprecht Joni Jach Kocol Noreen Daly Reilly Barbara A Hamel Ava McKinney Harston Honorable Maureen Feerick Mary Lu Andrasco Wasniewski Eileen Daly Margaret Smith Cathleen Keaty O’Grady Ann Schmid Mary Acker Klingenberger Pat Roebuck Herr Bennett Joan Regan Zigulich Elizabeth Thibeau Joyce Barczak Sterk Mary Signorelli-Kreisl Sponsor Believer Kathleen Hopkins Hickey Barbara Cahill and John Zigulich Joanne Waldron Truesdale Cathy Gallagher Maloney Carole Nelson Terran Doveikis D’Andrea Patricia O’Donnell Hoeksema Cecilia McIntosh Thunander Bernadette Gniadecki, D.O. Margaret M. Mann Julie Fenlon Delfinado Denise Sullivan Huguelet Kerry Diana Winters and the VanDerchove Family Class of 1979 Supporter Believer Linda Brockhaus McGinnis Margaret Mullen Naughton Lisa Duffner Gabrielle Ahern Gribble Mary Joan Evans Jedrey Believer Circle of Mercy Ann Sterk Erie Therese Cummings O’Halloran Elizabeth Brett Pufunt Jeanne Rowan-Hickey Kathryn A. Kelly Janice Sparacio Katsaounis Mary Pat Donohue Anders Dianne M. Fleming Therese Cahill Hanigan Rosemary Shea Pera Pat Pomorski Konrath Kerry Dempsey Mixan Maureen Coleman Kelly Judy Smith Benson Supporter Deborah Saunders Mason

Catherine McAuley Society $10,000 and above | Agatha O’Brien Society $5,000-$9,999 | Circle of Mercy $1,000-$4,999 | Sponsors $500-$999 | Supporters $100-$499 | Believers up to $99 We apologize for any ommisions or errors. Please contact the Advancement Office for corrections. 24 25 2012 – 2013 2012 – 2013

Kimberly Melnik Rice Sponsor Jodie McInerney Berry Believer Believer Julia Carey Erin McQuinn Veesha Howard Jennifer Joyce Smykowski Suzanne Emerson Fedea Angel Idowu Traci Gearty Breen Patricia Arvesen Margaret Linnane Believer Mary Ellen Condon Staelgraeve Tracy Pandell Van Hoy Andrea Metropulos Fisher Katie Doyle Sandra L Naegele Class of 2011 Sydney Jackson Lisa DiCola Ann Gentleman Kupczyk Julia T. Neville Jessica Kelley Supporter Sarah Fitschen Supporter Class of 1987 Kathryn Stack Lyons Class of 1999 Erin E Pufunt Kayla Knazze Sheila Hurley Jordan Kurry Katrina Lagen Bischoff Claire Konstant Maloney Tyann Knight Circle of Mercy Supporter Katherine Feltz Kruzel Virginia (Ginny) Schumann Class of 2004 Believer Bridget Kobiernicki Cynthia Weglarz Rountree Fund Judith McGovern Hynek Class of 2008 Lynette Shemanski (Justyn) Petrancosta Michelle Filippone Jenna Krukowski Nicole Poropat Supporter Sponsor Julie McInerney Racz Supporter Emily O’Keeffe Magdalena Marek Believer Erin E. O’Brien Suzanne McKeon, CMP Coleen Temple Barkmeier Molly Ward Believer Melissa Ann Joyce Colleen McGarry Believer Class of 2012 Amanda McMahon Supporter Tracy Seidel Procajlo Believer Kristin Brudzisz Believer Megan Griffin Gardner Ausra Buzenas Megan McQuinn Joan Grace Fitzgerald Clopton Patricia Aguilar Christina Arroyo Believer Class of 1991 Mary Ogarek Emily Doherty Angela Mech Kathryn Brett Coughlin Jeanne Delaney Lippert Elizabeth Chaps Lauren Allen Margaret Kelly Christina Miller Ann Thibeau Halleran Sponsor and Rick Lippert Emily Klyczek Aren Alleyne Class of 2000 Karen Kinsley Cheyenne Mitchell Erin Broderick Mahoney Kristi Flood Jennifer Hynes Nichols Bernadette Pivarunas Sabrina Alvarado Mary Miller Nicole Muffitt Sheila Lyne Mastandrea Supporter Mary Bridget Rourke Molly Arundel Danyela Navarro Sharon McIlvain Supporter Class of 1995 Katharine Rabbitt Burke Patricia Sheridan Isela Atilano Cruz Class of 2005 Annemarie Newark Maureen McIntyre Sarah Benner Erin McDermott Goldrick Brianna Barksdale Agatha O’Brien Society Katherine O’Rourke Joanne O’Malley Lauren Holland Circle of Mercy Class of 2009 Bianca Barragan Caryn Schnierle Thomas Believer Nina Ortega Leah Kean Ostry Giovanna Bottari Imbarrato Hilary Sterk Marta Basile Antoinette M. Curia Supporter Allison Parus Katherine White Radler Peggy Flanagan Murray Circle of Mercy Melissa Belsis Bridget Doherty Katelyn Pollatz Anamaria Witaszczyk Denise Mitsdarffer Pimpinella Supporter Lauren Blake Believer Sarah Garcia Nicole Ramos Believer Coleen Griffin Tara Prendergast Emily Hawrysz Nicole Brettman Meredith Madden Brianna Ringo Laura Dombro Kathleen M Soso Teresa Joyce Believer Julie Burns Sheila Lombard Drda Karen Ospalski Supporter Jillian Kempczynski Danielle Romero Nicole Filippone Michelle Campos Beth Curran Hadley Moira Nellis Quiroga Jacqueline Kwilos Class of 2001 Monica Sachnoff Believer Annie Hurley Katie Carney Wendy Szymanski Howard Katy O’Neill Stalzer Kathleen Lee Halberstadt Karyn Seddon Supporter Ann Hahn Kylie Kelly Mary Kate Carroll Jeannine Sowa Kelly Julie Fitzgibbons Leichtman Morgan Shannon Kelly M. Kolton Molly Higgins Nicolette Mech Alyssa Casanova Cristine Marik Class of 1992 Patrisha O’Neill Hannah Swenson Natalie Trynoha Michelle Dillon Beth Condron Ryan Jean Miller Ashley Walker Judith McAuliffe Supporter Believer Emily Drenovsky Kathleen Scully Carlene Waller Christine Lachat Nagelhout Danielle Collura Austry Believer Kathleen Evans Barry Susan Durkin Maura Clarke Saas Alison R. Radzun Sarah Zwickl Jennifer LaVan-Kukulka Heather Mulligan Begley Class of 2006 Class of 2010 Bridget Egan Michelle Oliver Walsh Angelica Tolentino Julie Fitzner Class of 2002 Supporter Class of 2013 Class of 1996 Believer Jennifer Flavin Class of 1988 Believer Christine Johnson Supporter Amy Jackson Caitlin Fortier Circle of Mercy Kerry Kennedy Esselman Supporter Sarah Rakauskas Sponsor Nora K. Capron Believer Maura Gilow Shannon Zofkie Lisa Guiffre Caroline K Donovan Elizabeth Smoczynski Molly Cullen House Megan F. Poelstra Jamie Heavey Bianca Gunn Mary C. Gainer, M.D. Believer Bridget McIlvain Elizabeth Izaguirre Meena Harper Class of 1993 Elizabeth Shine Hermes Believer Class of 2007 Margaret Hurley Meaghan McArdle Kelsie Hooker Sandra Miller Supporter Sponsor Kimberly J. Alvarez Supporter Jean Prendergast Rooney Meghan McGriff Hynes Jennifer A. Palomo Catherine T. Antolec Cynthia Stifter Syslo Sarah Musotto Wirtz Kaye P. Barham Friberg Supporter Karyn Kwiatkowski Trecek Believer Stephanie L. Barkauskas Jennifer Ligda Busk Bridget K. Byrne Believer Erin Harris Heidemann Kathleen Madden Maloney Jennifer Novosel Callahan Catherine Cotter Brady Courtney R Kennedy Margaret Farrell McNeela Nicole T. Casey Jennifer Epich Elizabeth C. Connelly non-alumnae donors Ann Howicz Believer Class of 1997 Joanne Wegiel Czempinski Elizabeth Deming McDermott Annemarie Jilek Guinane Sponsor Stephanie Esparza Barraco’s Pizza Nancy Hill-Davis and Dr. Robert Davis Bernadette McGuire Jean Riemersma Hayes Catherine McAuley Society Agatha O’Brien Society Claudette Soto/d’Escoto, Inc. Dusty M. Frelka Matys T.F. Boland & Sons Decorating Irish Fellowship Educational and Jennifer Munnecke Thompson Melissa Paglia Anonymous Anonymous Jammee Post Supporter Allegra D. Fries Fowler Arbella Insurance Group Bigane Paving Company/ William and Helen Brett Cultural Foundation Maura E. Gavin In honor of Rev. Victor J. Ivers/ Class of 1989 Alisia M. Eckert Bigane Family/Anne ‘76, Katie ‘78, Anne Bigane Wilson ‘76 Walter Buford Katherine M. Gleason John and Joan Brodarick Class of 1994 Kristienne Hanna Johnson Sheila ‘79, Meg ‘82, Julie ‘84 Cotter Consulting, Inc./ CCI Graphics/Kurt and Linda Supporter Eva Jeziorkowski Anne Edwards-Cotter ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Keeley Kelly O’Connell Luzzo Helen Brach Foundation (Balchunas ‘84) Jandacek Jenny Covotsos Luzzo Catherine McAuley Society Sarah K. Kelly Flynn Sister Marie Fox, RSM Donald P. and Byrd M. Kelly Foundation Elizabeth A Schroeder Fred J. Brunner Foundation Bob and Bridget Deiters Stacy Zawaski Sheerin Jennifer Costello Fortner Jandi L. Kelly Sister Sharon Kerrigan, RSM Jeanine M Solinski Charles G. Gallagher Trust The Lombard Company Ginny Eck Susan Pierucci Vogel and P. Jay Fortner Joanne Limberopoulos Anthony and Kathryn Klyczek Elizabeth Piontek Stern Francis J. and Patricia Ann Sister Margaret Lyons, RSM FGM Architects Lora Warnsby Circle of Mercy Megan McBride Houlihan Foundation McAuley National Honor Society Fifth Third Bank Joan Kozeluh Believer Julie O’Heir Class of 1982 Believer Kellyn Doyle Coakley Macs Ltd. Mercy Hospital and Medical Center Michael and Jackie (McGing ‘78) Gina Doyle Loizzo Theresa A. Philbin McAuley Fathers Club Owens Foundation/Julie Owens Filippone Ron and Fifi Levin Miriam Carroll Alfano Sponsor Renee C. Nash Melanie Rahman McAuley Mothers Club Mineman ‘82 George A. Franklin McAuley Community Cara Kean Jilek Kristen Marie Rosenthal Andrews Lynne A Wiora Ashley Kuhl Piwowarski Season Comfort Corporation Publishing Concepts, LP Jose and Kathy Garcia Mercy High School Alumnae Association Jeannine Moran Larkin Sarah Curran Sennett Megan A. Ryan Michael and Julie Sheffieck Goldman Sach Gives In honor of Mercy Sister Jubilarians Maureen Kenny Pasquinelli Supporter Kathryn T. Starnicky Sisters of Mercy West Midwest Circle of Mercy Griffin Family/James & Virginia, Dan, Mesirow Financial/James Schuster Jennifer Beil Semeraro Class of 1998 Megan M. Tole Beth Carroll Anoshenko Community Dale E. Ed, Coleen ‘95, Jim & Molly Sweeney Napleton Family Foundation Heather Madden Walsh Katie E. Walsh Rosanne Kason Ashton Supporter The Westerman Foundation Anonymous Sister Mary Hanseder, RSM James and Julia O’Brien Tanya Triche Atterberry Renata Kovacs Kusper Anonymous Bruce and Vicki Hayman Fr. Marty O’Donovan Class of 1990 Class of 2003 Jennifer Chmela Babbington Herff Jones/Jim Cranley Mary Kay Pasin

Catherine McAuley Society $10,000 and above | Agatha O’Brien Society $5,000-$9,999 | Circle of Mercy $1,000-$4,999 | Sponsors $500-$999 | Supporters $100-$499 | Believers up to $99 We apologize for any ommisions or errors. Please contact the Advancement Office for corrections. 26 27

2012 – 2013 2012 – 2013

Petty, Bielik & Burke Orthodontics, P.C. Target - Scholarship America Daniel Duffy/Duffy Designs Arlene H. Lawrence Cathy and Jamie Parisi Kevin and Mary Lynn Boline Sister Rosemary Kelley, RSM Rob Prokopec William Quinn & Sons Landscaping In honor of Sr. Therese Windham/ Joan Duffy David Lazarides Donald and Michelle Patton Elizabeth G. Booth Eva S. Kelly Emil and Roxolana Pyk David and Noreen Raminski Jo Ann Kudia Gruca ‘60 Law Offices of Edelstein & Lawrence and Kathleen Leibforth Precision Pump & Mechanical, Inc. Robert and Carolyn Bordner Kelly Financial Group, Inc. Mark and Janice Racinowski In memory of Virginia Zimmerman Edelstein, P.C. Tim and Amy Littleton Catherine Reidy Ragen Thomas and Ann Boyle Sister Marise Kessler, RSM Sylvia Radvila McAuley Supporters Richards ‘42 Mercy H.S./ Mary Malloy Edwards Gerald and Mary Clare Loftus In memory of Eugene Rapp/ Stanley and Emily Branauskas James and Sally Kinney Jeffrey M. Randall Accelerated Rehabilitation Centers Griffin Family Erin Emmons Sister Mary E. Loftus, RSM Margaret Rapp Raymond G. Brosius Ken and Deborah Kirchner Stephen and Kerry Rebora Air Force Association/ Aerospace Rincon Family Services Evergreen Electric Company Sister Maura Lowrey, RSM Sister Corinne Raven, RSM Joseph and Andrea Burke Maureen and Tony Krokos Peggy Rehfeld Education Programs Sister Jane Schlosser, RSM Tom and Judy Fahey Nancy Lyne Richards Building Supply Co Mary Anne Byrne Donna LaGiglia Michelle Roberts Airport Glass and Mirror Dr. Scholl Foundation Brian P. and Susan Farrell Sheila Lyne, RSM Kathy Rogers Jessica Cardoni Lew and Donna Lake Aurelia M. Robinson Terris and Helene Albano James F. Schuster Sheila Feipel Lynfred Winery, Wheeling Royalberry Waffle House/Zeek Salman Margaret Carroll, Ed.D. Linda Lane Roger and Karen Rocco Scott and Susan Allen Raymond and Mary Ellen Schwaller Sister Cora Finnane, RSM Patrick Mahoney Edward and Susan Ruff, III Albert and Marilyn Chaps Jim Langhenry Family Paul and Olive Rogers d’Escoto Inc./Claudette Soto ‘97 Anonymous Sister Brenda Finnegan, RSM Mark and Patricia DeHertogh Maureen Sauser Georgia Chrisos and Ellen Mallette Jennifer Latwis Marlene Rosandich Sisters of Mercy West Midwest Michael and Marla Arundel Tom and Bonnie Fitzgerald Martin Family SC Johnson Wax Fund, Inc. Jennifer Cintron Katie Laurencell Howard and Norine Rozell Community Athletico Sister Ann Flanagan, RSM Barbara Marks J. Schuch Trucking Co, Inc. James and Mary Irene Clarke Mary Ellen LaVoie Mary Rozewicki Mary Anne Smrz Mary Alice Augustinas Patrick and Susan Flood Martinique/Drury Lane/ Charles Schwab Corporation Foundation Jennifer Cletcher Long Beach Country Club Pete and Pam Ryan Stamps Family Charitable Foundation/ Jarry Avants Terrance Flynn Raymond Lazzara Father William Sheridan Marianne Coakley Anthony and Laura Lucafo Margaret Scheider Penny Witt Stamps ‘62 Bank of America Matching Gifts Patrick and Patti Folliard Mona Martin Frank Shirey Cadillac Tim and Kathe Sterk Program Mike and Trish Coffey Monte and Patricia Luzadder Veronica Schramm Ful Line Supply Inc. William and Mary Martin Richard and Debra Simon In memory of Edward M. Stifter/ Beggar’s Pizza Colley Elevator Company Debra Lydon Ms. Kate Schwartz Timothy and Adrianne Gabel Maywood Park Trotting Association, Inc In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Sloan/ Patricia Stifter, D.D.S. ‘75 Lisa Bernabei Sister Amadea Collins, RSM Roseanne Lynch Douglas and Tammy Scott Ganan and Shapiro, P.C. Walter and Janice McAuliffe Michael and Meg (Sloan) Jennings Target -Take Charge of Education Beverly Bank/Dennis O’Malley Jessa Cooper Nancy Lynch Sister Marita Shaughnessy, RSM Joseph and Maggie Gandurski McAuley Alumnae Mothers Club Southtown Paint & Wallpaper Co. Thompson and Kuenster Funeral In memory of Mary Lou Bigelow ‘67/ Sister Rita Corkery, RSM Delphine Lytell Catherine Sheehan Thomas and Julia Southwood Home/Robert B. Kuenster William Bigelow Tom Geraghty McAuley Law Society Betty Ann Cratty Joann and Joe Majewski Sister Mary Sheehan, RSM St. Linus Church Martin Whalen Office Solutions Cynthia Bik Linda Gervain Sister Mary Paul McCaughey, O.P. James R. Cronin, Jr. Daniel and Abby Malloy Frank and Lucy Sheridan State Farm/John McNicholas WP & HB White Foundation Michele Blando Susan Getz Jane McCarthy Michael and Kelly Cusack Bill and Gail Malone Mary Sheridan Patricia Anne Stejskal Dr. Lawrence and Mrs. Claudia Michael and Janet Boland Adolfo and Felicitas Gonzalez Sister Kathleen McClelland, RSM Tony and Julie Rhoda Dagiau Edward and Norine Maloney Mike and Diana Smrz Steuber Family - Steuber Florist Woodruff Gerald Brown Kathy Gordon Davis Mary McCormick Cindy Davidsmeyer Jean and Thomas Maroney Sister Martin DePorres Stony Creek Golf Course BP Fabric of America Fund Marilynn K. Grace Michael and Maura McDermott Debra Davis Rob and Diane Marousek Smukowski, RSM Tamond Streater McAuley Sponsors Sister Lois Bromark, SSJ/TOSF Grainger, Inc. John and Colleen McFarland Lynn Deely Michael and Mary Ann Maslanka Cornelius and Mary Louise Sullivan Michael and Maureen Stritch Abbott Fund Matching Grant Plan James and Janet Brosnahan Mary Grobarcik John and Nancy McGinty Sister Marcian Deisenroth, RSM Mr. and Mrs. James Matthews Laura Snow Gawlik Gregory and Mariann Stupka Ann Acker Liz Brown-Reeves Consulting Kelly Gudenau Law Offices of McCready, Garcia Dawn Denny Beth A. May Peggy Snyder & Leet, PC Stephen and Maureen Swanson Sister June Anselme, RSM Sister Mary Ruth Broz, RSM Margaret Harmon Mary Catherine DeVoto Ray and Mary Jo May Jeanne Sommerfield Marilou McInerney Nancy Taft Mark and Mary Ellen Burns Kelly Burke, State Representative Larry and Jennie Harris Tom and Peggy Dineen Kathleen Mazurek Josette Songco Christine M. Melone, Ed.D. Bob and Maureen Thomas Family Class of 2001 Sister Cathleen M. Cahill, RSM Charles and Carol Haynes Robert and Kelly Dombrowski Marjorie Mazzola Stacy and Guy Spagnoli David Menchetti Tin Fish Joan Claussen Sister Nancy Cahill, RSM Patricia Haynes Lance and Crystal Domke McAuley Faculty and Staff Anthony Star In honor of Mercy Sister Jubilarians Diane Tyska Robert J. Cook Chester and Janice Cain Henry Bros. Co. Nicole Donnelly McAuley Math Club Patricia Starcevich 2013/Jerry and Carol Miller Jean Morman Unsworth Patrick C. Cronin Sr. Maryellen Callahan, RSM Hilton of Oak Lawn Patrick and Mary Durkin McAuley Primary Colors Lina Steadman Jean C. Miller Valeo Group/Morgan Stanley Mary Ann Cullen Mary Ellen Caron Sister Margaret Mary Hinz, RSM Kathleen Dwyer Winifred McDonald Marianne Sullivan Jeanne Miller Smith Barney Dow Agro Sciences Mary and Patrick Carroll Frank and Annette Hodorowicz Jacqueline Eason Dan and Terri McDowell Roz Sunquist Mizuho Securities USA Inc Steven and Kathleen Wardell William and Mary Ann Droel Center for Psychological Services Ltd./ Stephanie House Richard Favoriti Kevin and Nancy McGillicuddy Ellen Thomas Sister Christian Molidor, RSM Cassie Washko Graber Engineering & Sales Co Inc Victoria Williams, Psy.D. John and Mary Ann Hurley John Finn Carolyn and Jerry McGovern John and Kristin Torpy Jean Molnar James Scully Watts Corey and Michelle Harris Century Ear Nose & Throat Head & Roz Iasillo, Ed.D. Kathryn Fitzgerald Theresa McGrail John and Sofia Troy Carol Moriarty William and Diana Webb Katherine Hayes Neck Surgery Ramon and Minerva Ibarra Kevin and Eileen Flannery Sister Kay McIntyre, RSM Jerry and Anna Trynoha Motorola Foundation Carole Williams Sister Nancy Houlihan, RSM Sister Barbara Centner, RSM Illinois Trial Lawyers Association Nancy Frederick McKeon Machinery and Supply Co. John and Sharon Tumpich Peter Muntaner Janine Williams Margaret Sloan Jennings and Richard J. Ceronie In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Jennings/ Roberta Gates Ken and Jennifer Mech University of Chicago Giving Program Heidi Murphy Windy City Basketball Club Michael Jennings, Ph.D. Chi Tung Restaurant Michael and Meg (Sloan) Jennings Sister Norena Gawronski, RSM Patrick and Sandra Meggs Jeni VerMeulen Jennifer Murzyn John Woods Sister Colette Jolie, RSM Chicago Merchantile Exchange Jenny’s Steak House Todd and Suzi Gay In honor of Mercy Sister Jubilarians Alfrieda Vlaming Museum of Science and Industry Stu and Missy Wright Donna Krieger Foundation Joyce Family GE Foundation 2013/Sister Carlotta Oberzut, RSM Joseph and Lynette Vogenthaler Sister Ruth Mutchler, RSM Thomas and Sharon Wronski Don and Karen Langner Chicago Tribune Foundation JW Camelback Inn Richard and Betty Geimer Carl and Deborah Miyashiro Peter Voss Sister Margie Keane, RSM Pat and Sara Nash Ellen Yager Levi Strauss Foundation-Gifts Simona Chivu Gerald and Patricia Gentleman Eve Moran Lovada Wade Colleen Kehoe Naughton Law Office Donatta Yates Program Ashley Clanton Patrick and Catherine Gibson Patricia Morley Marian Waldron Jack and Maureen Kelly Mark and Colleen Nawrocki Larry and Kathy Ziarko Little Company of Mary Hospital Conrad Chicago David and Loretta Golden Patricia Murdock Theresa A. Walsh Martin and Kathy Kelly Patrick and Virginia Nicholson Sister Campion Maguire, RSM Cooper’s Hawk Winery & Restaurants John and Karen Gorman Joseph and Nancy Murphy Kathleen Walsh Patrick Kennedy and Leslie Quade Mary Ellen Nudd McAuley Athletic Program Terry and Terri Corcoran McAuley Believers Kathleen Gorski Kathy and Wally Nied Janice Welzien Kennedy Oak Lawn Park District Barry and Joan McClorey Diane Costello Sheila and Howard Agranat Dorothy Wonders Caryl O’Connor Steve and Tereba Wesclitz Mary Kenny Brett Oakley Sister Kate Moriarty, RSM Sister Mary Joella Cunnane, RSM William and Jane Altmen Paul and Patricia Greenawalt Karen Opalski Jan Wilson Key Carpet Corp. Janice O’Brien Larry Doody and Connie Murphy Senator Bill Cunningham Julianne Alvarado Michael Hanak Thomas and Pina Paruta Sister Rose Wiorek, RSM Keyser Group/Bill and Marlo Keyser Brian O’Connor Sister Patricia A. Murphy, RSM Curley Funeral Home Luz Eugenia Alvarez John and Clare Haynes Beth Patko Cathy Wolf Eileen and Patrick Knightly, Erin ‘07, George O’Grady Sister Julie Neal, RSM Lan Dang Annie’s Ltd./Anne Marie Casey ‘73 Larry and Jackie Heavey Pelican Marsh - Ladies 9 Holers Mary Kate ‘10 Michael O’Grady Mary and Ed O’Connell Sharon Delawder Anonymous Michele Helffrich Bryan and JoAnne Pepper Eileen Kochanny Robin O’Keeffe PepsiCo Foundation Inc. Mary Delaney Robert and Bessie Anthony Efrain and Anne Herrera Linda Pinkham Jim and Lisa Kohler Sue Olenski Dean and Meghan Reidy Patrick and Donna Delaney AT&T Foundation William and Mary Lou Higgins Roland and Sharon Pisoni Judy and Siegfried Kratzke John and Peg O’Neill Pamela Kendall Rijos and John Rijos Tasting deVine Robert and Georgiann Baldino Susan House Thomas Pollatz Law Offices of Jeffrey J. Kroll Daniel and Kristine O’Reilly Saint Xavier University Peter and Cheryl Dignan Daniel and Betty Barry Rebecca Houston Mary Jane Porcelli Kevin Kurry Gerald and Sheila O’Sullivan Schuld Family Fund/Mary Jo Schuld James Dillon Robert Barry Daniel and Colette Hurley Linda Porter April Lara Michael and Laura Oswald Service Unlimited/Paul Rossetti Doherty Family - Anne ‘98, Emily ‘04, Sister Mary Ann Bergfeld, RSM Richard and Kimberly Jakes Karl and Christy Pound Grace ‘05 Latherow Law Office/Jerry A. Latherow Luella T. Pakieser Sister Betty Smith, RSM Margaret Byrne-Bertling Christopher and Patricia Johnson Thomas V. Powell, Jr. DDS Julie Ann Lawler Papa Joe’s Restaurant Eileen Donnelly Richard and Grace Blaszak Ronald and Kathryn Preston In memory of Officer Lawrence/ Joyce Kane

Catherine McAuley Society $10,000 and above | Agatha O’Brien Society $5,000-$9,999 | Circle of Mercy $1,000-$4,999 | Sponsors $500-$999 | Supporters $100-$499 | Believers up to $99 We apologize for any ommisions or errors. Please contact the Advancement Office for corrections. 28 2929 school news school news

Faculty Member Honored with Distinguished Alumni Award school news from Saint Xavier University Mercy Day Celebration Faculty member and STEM Coordinator, Dr. Roz Iasillo received the George K. McGuire Academic Distinguished Alumni Award from the School of Education at Saint Xavier McAuley honored Athletic Director, Laurie Roache joining the staff at McAuley. University. The School of Education at Saint Xavier University celebrates the contributions Jakubczak ‘78, faculty member, Mr. Robert Rabe and Mr. Robert Rabe has taught theology at McAuley for nine years. and traits of professor of education George K. McGuire, Ph.D. by selecting an alumnus/a, seniors Therese Bueno and Elizabeth Nye as the recipients While at the school, he has served as moderator of Action-Reac- who represents the same qualities to receive this award annually. Dr. Roz was presented of the 2013 Catherine McAuley Award during this year’s Mercy tion and co-moderator of Student Ambassadors. He is originally with the award during a ceremony at Saint Xavier University on October 3. Day celebration. from Cincinnati and has three sisters. His accomplishments in- Mrs. Jakubczak has served as Athletic Director at McAuley for clude authoring many books, currently working on his doctorate the past eight years. She attended Christ the King elementary and creating the popular McAuley workout, “Jesus Aerobics.” Students Receive National Merit Recognition Dr. Roz Iasillo school and is a McAuley alumna. After graduating from McAu- Senior Therese Bueno is a member of St. Julie Billiart Parish. She Mother McAuley is proud to announce that senior Tiffany Anderson has been named a ley, Mrs. Jakubczak attended Loras College and taught at St. is a Catherine McAuley Honor Scholars, a member of National semifinalist in the 2014 National Achievement Scholarship Program, and seniorJulianna , Seton Academy, and Christ the King before Honors Society, Student Council, and Student Mentors, and Metzler has been named a Commended Student in the 2014 National Merit Scholarship A Cappella. In addition, she participates in the Liturgical Program.The National Merit Scholarship Program is a nationwide competition for recogni- Ensemble and does volunteer work both for the Sisters of Mercy tion and awards conducted by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC). and residents of a local nursing home. When she graduates in the Tiffany is a member of St. Walter Parish, where she graduated in 2010. At McAuley, she is a spring, she plans to pursue a career in the medical field. member of Catherine McAuley Honors Scholars, Spanish Honor Society, National Honor During her acceptance speech, Therese remarked on her time Society, Stage Crew for the All-School Musical, Mock Trial and Tightly Knit Community. at McAuley and its influence on her life. “It is a true honor to She plans to attend Loyola University to become a veterinarian and talk show host. receive this award and know that there are people... who see In 1965, the corporation began the National Achievement Scholarship Program to recognize the spirit of Catherine McAuley within me,” she began. “She academically promising Black American students throughout the nation and provide scholar- was a true advocate for justice, education and peace - someone ships to the most outstanding. More than 1,600 high school seniors have been designated I aspire to be like.” She continued by sharing her strong feeling Semifinalists in the 50th annual National Achievement Scholarship Program. They now Tiffany Anderson of belonging at McAuley, and explained how her three years compete for approximately 800 Achievements Scholarship awards worth about $2.5 million. have taught her compassion, understanding, perseverance, Tiffany will find out in January if she will move on as a Finalist and a potential recipient of responsibility, the value of service and the gift of giving. one of the offered scholarships.

Senior Elizabeth Nye is a member of Christ the King parish. She Julianna is a member of St. Julie Billiart parish and graduated from Cardinal Joseph Bernardin is president of Student Council, a Catherine McAuley Honors in 2010. At Mother McAuley, she is a member of Catherine McAuley Honors Scholars and Seniors Elizabeth Nye and Therese Bueno Scholars, Student Mentor Leader, Student Ambassador, and a French National Honor Society. She plans to attend the University of Southern California member of Junior Classical League, National Honor Society and when she graduates in the spring, and hopes to become a film actress and forensic scientist. National English Honor Society. She plays golf, basketball and softball and has volunteered at the Edmund Rice Camp during Approximately 34,000 teenagers throughout the nation are being recognized as Commended the summer. Students this year. Julianna and her fellow commended scholars placed in the top five per- cent of more than 1.5 million students after taking the 2012 Preliminary SAT/National Merit In Elizabeth’s speech, she shared her love of the school and Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). Her current academic achievements and explained that “the gifts McAuley has given me will most future academic promise allows her to stand out above her peers. certainly last forever... the top-notch education, a few winning Julianna Metzler seasons, a passion for service to others, opportunities of leader- ship, a deeper faith and a community of people who support me “Hello, Dolly” endlessly.” She thanked the Sisters of Mercy for their constant support of the students and for being “true models of service.” The Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School Theatre Program presented its annual all- school musical, “Hello, Dolly,” on November 21-24. The awards are presented to the recipients every year at the annual Mercy Day celebration. Recipients are nominated by “Hello, Dolly” opened on Broadway in 1964 and ran for 2,844 performances before it closed members of the McAuley community for their dedication to and in December of 1970. The musical won 10 Tony Awards in its first year. Dolly Levi, the title passion for the school, its mission, and its values. The Mercy Day character of the show, is a matchmaker who spends the show attempting to wed herself to a award assembly is full of McAuley spirit and tradition. wealthy man named Horace Vandergelder. Athletic Director Mrs. Laurie Jakubczak and faculty member Mr. Robert Rabe More than 300 McAuley students participated in the show, whether on stage or as part of the

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stage crew, tech crew, make-up crew, costume crew or orchestra. Students McAuley & Brother Rice Freshmen Mass included seniors Amanda Donohoe and Stephanie Simon, as the lead Mrs. Dolly Gallagher Levi; juniors Elizabeth Evans and Claire Cunningham as On November 6, the freshmen of Mother McAuley and Brother Rice shared a liturgy Ernestina; seniors Kaitlyn McCormick and Angela Graney as Ermengarde; together in the McAuley Auditorium. This tradition began as a way to bring together juniors Jessica Pedroza and Erin Cunnea as Minnie Fay; seniors Nell the two communities to rekindle the connection between Catherine McAuley and Vandeveld and Alix Solis, as Irene Malloy; seniors Clarice Rohan and Regina Edmund Rice. All the liturgical roles were shared by both schools. The liturgy is one Bressanell as Mrs. Rose; senior Kaitlyn Leone and junior Colleen Romano that both Michelle Hilliard and Br. Paul Ickes, Campus Ministers at McAuley and Rice, as Horse; senior Michaela Rutledge as First Cook; junior Madeleine Zuiker respectively, collaborate. as Second Cook; and senior Megan Malloy and junior Suzanne Dwyer as the Court Clerk Reporter. The cast was rounded out with a group of specialty dancers, a specialty singing chorus, additional dancers and a choral ensemble. Pat on the Back Junior year, Hannah Murphy started spending more time downtown and noticed the Many students held leadership positions that are integral to preparing for the production. Among those positions is the role of Assistant homeless population. On Easter Sunday, she began to think about what it would be like to Director, held by seniors Paige Kennedy, Kaitlyn Leone, Clarice Rohan , Kara Talbert and junior Jhyia Gafeney. be homeless for the day. She realized that what she dreaded the most was the idea of not The production staff for the show included Director, Patricia Haynes; Vocal Directors, Carrie Alifantis and Julie McKee; Choreogra- being able to keep up with the hygiene of brushing her teeth, combing her hair and using deodorant. She thought about the possibility of giving these people items so that they pher, Michael Gutrich; Conductor, Hannah Lawson; Scenic Designer, Donna Thomas and Technical Director, Kyle Dunleavy. Brother Rice and McAuley Freshman Mass could take five minutes for grooming, which might brighten their day.

She immediately sought out friends Maggie O’Connor and Anne Marie Hogan and told them about her idea. They named their project, “pat on the back” and composed a template and sent emails to approximately 60 companies, asking for 10 basic toiletry items. Mighty Macs Finish Business They encountered some rejection because they are not a 501c3 charity, and companies were reluctant to send donations. However, one day, Hannah opened her front door to 700 and Bring Home the State toothbrushes, 1,000 packs of dental floss and more. Championship Trophy Hannah Murphy ‘14 Each of the three students donated $30 each. They ordered drawstring backpacks and Maggie O’Connor ‘14 The Mother McAuley varsity volleyball went to the dollar store to pick up some missing items. Last summer, they went downtown Anne Marie Hogan ‘14 team took home a first place state champion- to deliver bags and loved seeing the people’s faces when they received the donation. ship title on Saturday, November 16 in the Redbird Arena in Normal, Illinois. This is Area schools and charities have started working with these proactive McAuley students. the 14th state championship title the vol- St. held a dress down day and donated $250 to the cause along with 25 water leyball team has taken, the most for any girls’ bottles. Queen of Martyrs is planning a dress down day, as well. Mother McAuley held volleyball team in the state of Illinois. a change war and donated $400, and the McAuley chapter of NHS will be contributing $1,000. This is the longest stretch the Mighty Macs volleyball team has gone in school history Pat on the Back will eventually be part of an all-school service project to pack the bags. without winning a first place title. The last Hannah, Maggie, and Anne Marie hope that the legacy of their efforts will continue at win was in 2004, though the team still has a McAuley for years to come. pretty impressive record, bringing home one second place and three third place titles since. One of the third place titles was won last year, when the Mighty Macs to New Trier in the first round of finals. This year, they repeated the first round versus New Trier, but reversed last year’s outcome to make it to the championship game with three sets, 32-30, 22-25, 25-15. Catherine McAuley Honors Scholars

The Mighty Macs went up against two-time defending Class 4A champion Benet Academy on Saturday night and defeated them in just Essay Writing Workshop two sets, 25-22, 25-19. Congratulations to the girls, who have worked hard for this prestigious honor. Their teamwork, leadership, hard work Help for one of the most stressful aspects of the college admission process – writing the and dedication makes the whole school proud. college essay – was offered to McAuley juniors and seniors this fall. Mrs. Michelle The volleyball team received a lot of news coverage! CBS Channel 2 featured our very own Mighty Mac varsity volleyball team during their Rogers, Admissions Representative from St. Louis University offered a comprehensive November 1 morning news. WGN Morning News came on Thursday, November 21 and featured McAuley during their “Around Town” workshop for the students from the perspective of one who reads essays each year. Mrs. segment. One of the video clips made it to their website. The girls also were voted Muscle Milk team of the week by Comcast Sports Net. Rogers explained the difference between the different kinds of essays requested by colleges, They were interviewed and the short program aired on November 23. what the admissions committee expects of writers, and helpful hints to make the essays more readable. She also shared models and handouts to aid the students in choosing A special thanks to an amazing group of dedicated coaches: Head Coach, Jen Reese DeJarld ‘87; Assistant Coach, Meg Griffin topics. To further bolster the students’ confidence, she offered to read essays for the Gardner ‘99; Assistant Coach, Erica Cahill; and, Assistant Coach: Kristyn Corley Carmody ‘01. students. The workshop was co-sponsored by the Catherine McAuley Honors Scholars Program and the Counseling Department.

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Scholarship Recipients Sports Recap Senior Stacie Webb, recipient of the Maggie Guilfoyle Memorial Scholarship. Maggie Guil- Volleyball Golf foyle was a member of the Class of 2007. She died tragically on March 11, 2006, during her The varsity volleyball team won the IHSA Class 4A State The Mighty Mac varsity golf team had a successful season with junior year at McAuley. Her parents established a $500 tuition scholarship in her memory. Championship on Saturday, November 16 after a two-game match eight wins and two losses. The JV team had five wins and two Any Mother McAuley student who also is a high school cheerleader, and demonstrates finan- against defending champs Benet Academy. This is the 14th state losses, as well. The nine-person varsity team ended their season cial need as indicated through submission of the FAST application, is eligible to apply for the volleyball title the Mighty Macs have brought home; the most any with a second place win in the G.C.A.C. conference. At regionals Maggie Guilfoyle Cheerleading Award. high school has won in the state of Illinois. At season’s end, the on October 9, the team as a whole took fourth place. While only 16-player team was ranked #7 nationally with a record of 34-2. the top three teams advanced to sectionals, four senior team Juniors Meghan Baker and Marlena Sweiss are recipients of the Len Wehrmeister Both losses of the season occurred during tournament play against members received scores high enough to allow them to move on Stacie Webb Bridget Boland Mathematics Scholarship. Mr. “W” as he was affectionately called by his students, was a teams outside of Illinois, making the Mighty Macs undefeated in in the individual competition. Captains Makalia Brown ‘14 and beloved member of the Mother McAuley community. He passed away in April 2012. His the state. Julia Geraghty ‘14, as well as Rachel Martin ‘14 and Elizabeth decade-long tenure at McAuley demonstrated a commitment to his students and a true love Nye ‘14, represented the Mighty Macs on October 14 at for the teaching of mathematics. To honor his memory, his family established the Leonard Courtney Joyce ‘14, three-year starter and captain, was named Homewood-Flossmoor for the sectional match but did not place. G.C.A.C. Conference Player of the Year, ASICS Challenge Wehrmeister Mathematics Scholarship. The first $1,000 scholarship was awarded in the fall Other accomplishments for the team include Makalia Brown All-Tournament, MVP of the Glenbard East Tournament and of 2012. ‘14, Julia Geraghty ‘14, Elizabeth Nye ‘14 and Molly the Southtown Star’s Girls Volleyball Player of the Year. She O’Malley ‘15 being named All Conference Athletes in the Senior Bridget Boland was awarded the Elizabeth Geoghegan O’Leary Memorial Scholar- also has committed to attending Western Illinois University G.C.A.C. conference. Nina Thauer ‘16 received a fifth place ship. Mr. Patrick O’Leary, along with other family members, established the scholarship in next year. Ryann DeJarld ‘15, two-year starter, was named medal at the Main South Invitational. Based off the coach’s loving memory of his late wife Elizabeth Geoghegan O’Leary ‘75, who succumbed to G.C.A.C. All-Conference and All-Tournament at the Glenbard insight, Aine McKillop ‘17 was named “Most Improved Player,” Meghan Baker and Marlena Sweiss breast cancer in 2001. The $1,000 scholarship is intended for the sole purpose of providing East Tournament. Before the season started, she committed to and captain Makalia Brown ‘14 was named “Most Valuable financial aid to a senior McAuley student with an interest in Global Health and/or Women’s the University of Notre Dame upon graduation in 2014. Kelsey Player” at the end of the season. Health Issues. Clark ‘15, two-year starter, was named G.C.A.C. All-Conference and All-Tournament at Rich East Tournament. Other college Sophomore Bridget Fahy and freshman Elizabeth Callan are the recipients of the Irish Swimming & Diving commitments include Gabby Ennis ‘14, who will attend Cornell Fellowship Educational and Cultural Foundation Scholarship. This scholarship was made University; Jenny Phelan ‘14, who will attend Lipscomb Uni- The swimming and diving team made a splash during this year’s possible by a donation from the Irish Fellowship Educational and Cultural Foundation. versity; Mallory Maxwell ‘14, who will attend Eastern Kentucky; season. Ten students swam on the team, while only one girl, $1,000 is awarded to each recipient. Students who are freshmen or sophomores in good and Kennedy Arundel ‘15, who will attend the University of Chelsea Mazies ‘15, made up the entire Mighty Mac diving standing who have at least two great-grandparents, or a closer relation, born in the Republic Connecticut. team. All 11 girls competed in sectionals on November 16 at Bridget Fahy and Elizabeth Callan of Ireland or Northern Ireland are able to complete the application and a brief essay. Lyons Township. The swimming team as a whole tied in fifth place Cross Country and unfortunately did not advance to state. Chelsea Mazies had a close loss to Fenwick in the sectionals, but all team members The cross country team competed nearly every Saturday this fall. worked hard this season and made the school proud. College Visits Ninety-one student athletes participated in the sport. The season ended with a third place finish in the G.C.A.C. conference, as well The University of Notre Dame & Saint Mary’s College Tennis as a third place finish in regionals on October 26 at Marist. On a magnificent October Day, 29 sophomores and juniors embarked on a trip to the Sydney Bonnett ‘14, Shea Koch ‘14, Alexia Leonardo ‘14 The varsity tennis team had a great season, starting off strong University of Notre Dame and St. Mary’s College. The students toured both campuses, and Emily Rappold ‘14, Ashley Canner ‘16 and Vivian and continuing the momentum throughout the fall. Five of the took part in an information session with an admissions rep at Notre Dame and ate lunch Cribbin ‘16 and Ashley Bryja ‘17 advanced to sectionals on ten players competed in sectionals on October 19 at Stagg High in one of Notre Dame’s dining halls. In addition, McAuley alums, now students on those November 2 at Hinsdale Central. Though they didn’t place at School. Grace Turcich ‘16 played in the singles competition, campuses, met the current Macs to share their impressions of college life. Jan McAuliffe, sectionals, it was a season for which the team should be proud. Maggie Daniels ‘14 and Lydia Schultz ‘15 paired up for the CMHS Program Director and Mary Pat Pearson, Coordinator of the Counseling Dept. As coach Hilary Sterk ‘05 shared, “They continue to improve doubles competition, and Kellen Dempsey ‘14 and Maddy accompanied the students. every season and there is much to look forward to in the coming Wantuck ‘14 paired up for doubles. While none of the girls years.” Accomplishments for the team include top runner, advanced, they had some impressive sets and an overall fun season. Northwestern University Field Trip sophomore Ashley Canner falling seconds short of qualifying Northwestern University’s Evanston campus was the destination for 29 juniors and seniors for state at sectionals on November 2. from Mother McAuley High School on October 3. The trip enabled the students to take part in an information session, tour the campus, and eat lunch in the Norrris Student Center. During the information session, the students learned about the various schools within the university, information about activities, admission statistics, financial aid and more. The tour included all parts of the lake-side campus. Students were accompanied by College Counselor, Kathy Farrell ‘82 and CMHS Program Director, Jan McAuliffe.

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births notes

Mary Kaesberg Starzyk ‘59 and Kristine Dalgaard Cottone ‘99, husband Lauren Sharp Drake ‘02 and husband Renata E. Sellars ’87 was honored at the Chicago White Sox game this husband Lawrence welcomed Anatacia Kyle, and big sister Emily welcomed Matthew welcomed Conor Randall Drake past July as a “Hero Of the Game.” Renata has spent 25 years serving her Mbuyu Starzyk, whom they adopted from Connor Anthony Cottone on October 6, on September 18, 2013. country and has earned the rank of Master Seargent in the United States DR Congo in 2009. 2013. Air Force. She has received numerous awards for her service, including the Shannon Collins Carter ‘02, husband Air Force Achievement Medal. Debie Caminker Claessens ‘84 Jennifer Szarzynski Papoccia ‘99, Patrick Carter, and daughter Grace welcomed granddaughter Zaiden An- husband Matt, and big sisters Cecilia welcomed Gavin Michael on May 02, Marci Jenkins ‘91 recently completed her sixth season as the Head Volley- thony Claessens on January 8, 2013. and Brooklyn welcomed Oliver Grayson 2013. ball Coach at Division I Radford University in Virginia. This year her team Papoccia on September 5, 2013. finished 25-10 and Marci was named the Big South Conference Coach of Betty Christos Hovorka ‘90, husband Kristin Casper ‘03 and husband Greg the year for the second time in three years (2011 & 2013). Her team won William, and siblings Ashley and William Sarah Kane Stier ‘99 and husband Glen Burke, Jr. welcomed Gregory Eugene the regular season and tournament championships and received an auto- welcomed Daniela Elizabeth June 14, welcomed Georgia Lynn on September Burke III on August 18, 2013. matic bid to the NCAA tournament. It was the schools third appearance, Renata E. Sellers 2013. 10, 2013 with the last one coming in 2000.

Suzanne DeChatelet Witt ’93, husband Lauren Miller Chudy ‘00 and husband Katie Kopale ‘09 is currently in a long term volunteer program at Miseri- Matt, and big sister Catherine welcomed Jeff welcomed Oliver on August 27, 2011. cordia called the Heart of Mercy in Action Program where she spends her Elizabeth Sophia on August 1, 2013. days working with residents hands on at Misericordia. She also lives in a Denise Mitsdarffer Pimpinella ‘00 community house with other resident employees. Mother McAuley has Angie Bukowiecki Oliver ‘95 husband welcomed Elena Maria Josefina on July given her a first-hand connection with the values of Misericordia since its Kevin, and big sister Nora welcomed 2, 2013. founder, Sister Rosemary, is a Sister of Mercy. She states, “I am enjoying my Ryan Edward on July 13, 2013. year of service greatly and I’m learning more about myself and the people Beth Domagalski White ‘00 and I’m working with more than I ever thought possible.” Every day provides a Anne Czarnecki ‘98 and Nick Martino husband Russell White welcomed Grace new learning opportunity and ultimately will result in great memories. welcomed Michael Robert Martino on Elizabeth on July 19, 2013. marriages September 14, 2013. Kelly Ciurej ’09 graduated from St. Xavier University in May 2013 with a Molly O’Connell Hollock ‘01 and Bridget Mutter ‘95 married Matthew Marci Jenkins Katie Kopale bachelor of arts in graphic design, with an emphasis in photography. Her Aimee Nienhaus McCue ‘98 and husband Brian welcomed Brian Peterson on April 20, 2013. senior thesis series, “Erasing Identity,” exhibited at the Beverly Arts Center, husband Dave welcomed Layla Ann on on August 28, 2013. has been turned into a self-published book. Her theme deals with identity, May 23, 2013. Melissa Markacek Bedwell ‘96 married and presenting the underlying personas of women, using photography Emily Mitsdarffer Meyer ‘01 Kyle Bedwell on October 4, 2013. and and digital manipulation as her medium. In 2013, Kelly will be the first to Lynn Ryan Kasmer ’99, husband husband Joshua welcomed Mercy-Julia receive the award for Outstanding Studio Art Major from the Saint Xavier Mathew, and sister Madelyn welcomed Jennifer Shields Mika ‘00 married Eugenia on February 11, 2013. University College of Arts & Sciences. Visit for more info on Matthew Christopher Kasmer on May 23, Mitchell Mika on September 17, 2011. Kelly and her work. 2013. Amy Scudder Pelke ‘01 and husband David welcomed Pelke on April Monica Prado Gorecki ‘08 married 20, 2011. Daniel Gorecki on June 15, 2013. Renee Popovits ‘82, principal of Popovits & Robinson P.C. was featured in the May issue of Chicago Lawyer magazine. The subject of the article was “What happens to your health records when they hit the information superhighway.” She also co-chaired the ILHIE Legal Task Force’s Substance Kelly Ciurej Renee Popovits Abuse Workgroup.

Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School Mother McAuley Liberal Arts Find Us Online... (formerly St. Xavier Academy) @McAuleyAlumnae High School Alumnae

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deaths Loretta Nijakowski, mother of Catherine Mary Kean Coffey, ‘63 mother of Jane Daniel Sebek, husband of Ellen Rodger Mike Janko, former Mother McAuley Nijakowski Santori ‘65 and Cynthia Coffey Hehr ‘89, Josie Coffey Singler Sebek ‘75, father of Elizabeth Sebek’03 Father’s Club president and father of Nijakowski Schander ‘69 passed away ‘95, grandmother of Kathryn Coffey ‘16 and Bridget Sebek ‘05, sister of Donna Casey Janko ‘12 and Emma Janko ‘16 on September 30, 2011. and sister of the late Ann Kean Gardiner Sebek Wamsley ‘69 and Nancy Sebek passed away suddenly on July 18, 2013. ‘68 and aunt of Leah Kean Ostry ‘87, Kilmartin ‘ 71 and stepfather of Mary Jo Desmond, mother of Nancy Cara Kean Jilek ‘89, and Emma Kean Carolyn Houze ‘05, Lauren Houze ‘09 Alumna Lenore Cox Connors ‘58 passed Desmond Donatelli ‘78 and Patty ‘92 passed away on October 4, 2013. and Katherine Houze ‘12 passed away away on November 9, 2012. Desmond, mother-in-law of Colleen on September 8, 2013. McAuley mourned the loss of a generous supporter with the passing of Mary Shirley M. Morrissey, mother of the late Flynn Desmond ‘75 and grandmother of Susan Murphy Shannon, mother of Kerry Kean Coffey ’63 last fall. With her own McAuley education a source of Susan Morrissey ‘86 and co-founder of Meghan Desmond ‘09 passed away on Shannon Byrne ‘79 and Kate Shannon Anne Greaney, mother of faculty member immense pride, it’s no wonder that Mary, through her work and personal the Susan Morrissey Scholarship, passed October 11, 2012. Boyle ‘82, passed away on October 15, Teresa Geary and grandmother of Katie relationships, consistently contributed to the success of Catholic education. 2013. Geary ‘12 passed away on November 22, away on September 6, 2013. Tim Linnane father of Margaret Linnane 2013. Mary attended Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, and earned a master’s degree Alumna Mary Loewe O’Connor ‘03 passed away on February 8, 2013. Robert M. Pikula, husband of Janeen in education from Saint Xavier University. She began her career as a second McGrath ‘73 passed away on August 13, Feldner ‘74, father of Terese Pikula ‘05 John “Jack” Reynolds, father of Patty grade teacher before expanding her experience to include university courses in Mary Colosimo, mother of Mary Colosi- 2002. and Becki Pikula ’07 passed away in Walsh ‘65 passed away on October 22, educational theory and philosophy. mo ‘72 passed away on March 13, 2013. October 2013. 2013. Alumna Mary Ward ‘79 passed away on For twenty years Mary worked at Saint Xavier University, serving in various roles. Richard M. Greve, husband of Margaret September 2, 2013. Alumna Terri Lynn Nudelman ‘75 passed Jeanette F. Wilson, mother in law of She was honored with the School of Education McGuire Alumni Award and Collins Greve ‘62, father of Shannon away on August 24, 2013. faculty member Jan Wilson and grand- the Saint Xavier University Perrigo Staff Service Award. Additionally, she was Greve ‘94 and Courtney Greve Hack Cathleen Corkery Campbell, mother of mother of Erin Wilson ‘04 passed away involved with the Mercy “Come to the Table” Mentoring Program. Addition- ‘96 passed away on March 17, 2013. Thomas Dignan, husband of Marcy Ryan Nancy Campbell Sullivan ‘66, Barbara on October 2, 2013. ally, she served on various boards and evaluation committees within the Catholic Dignan ‘73, father of Shawn Dignan ‘97 Campbell Kwiatt ‘69, Mary Campbell school community. Alumna Lynne Trautmann Nolan, ‘67 and Laura Dignan ‘00, and brother of David McKee, father in law of faculty Carnevale ‘75 and Patricia Campbell passed away on April 28, 2013. Schuster ‘78 passed away on July 28, long time Mother McAuley employee, member Julie Wogan McKee ‘93 and The Mercy roots run deep in Mary’s family. Her own mother, Jo McGrath Kean, 2013. Marilou McInerney passed away on grandfather of Grace McKee ’16 passed was a Mercy girl. The Cahill sisters, Sister Nancy and Sister Cathleen, remained Keith Johnson, father of Lorri Johnson September 17, 2013. away on August 22, 2013. Nagle ‘81 and of Patti Johnson Byrnes Joan Padden, mother of Mary Padden good friends and mentors, and for more than 30 years Mary participated in a book club with Sister Mary Brian Costello, Sr. Terry Maltby, and other McAuley ‘83 passed away on July 22, 2013. Kathleen Downs, grandmother of Meg Sister Christian Molidor, RSM for 53 Massery ‘73 and Nancy Padden Barrett friends. Griffin Gardner ‘99 passed away on years passed away on July 22, 2013. ‘75, and grandmother of Coleen Barrett Michael J. Oldenstedt, Jr., father of Judy ‘02 and Helen Padden ‘08 passed away September 21, 2013. In 2012, McAuley was pleased to honor Mary with the Catherine McAuley Oldenstedt Huguelet ‘76, Nancy Old- Ave Maria Hayes Green, mother of Ave on August 8, 2013. Leadership Award, recognizing her compassion, leadership in the Church and enstedt Angus ‘81, Sharon Oldenstedt Dr. Donald Bush, father of Elizabeth Bush Green ‘81 passed away April 2, 2013. society, and the ability to inspire others to service and care for others; qualities Webber ‘83, and Grandfather of Mary ‘04 and uncle of Megan Bush ‘13 passed Sister Mary Jo Kenny, RSM ‘52 passed Mary exemplified and were the cornerstone of the work begun by Catherine Huguelet ‘99, Alyson Huguelet ‘11 and away on November 20, 2013. Felicia Marie Lachat mother of Michele away on September 16, 2013. Meghan Webber ‘13 passed away in Lachat Burbatt ‘81, Suzanne Lachat McAuley. August 2013. Alumna Dana Fogarty Mitchell ‘03, Vaughan ‘82, Jeanmarie Lachat – Sister Sheamus Dowd, RSM passed Mary and her husband Mike are the parents of four children, including Jane sister of Kallie Fogarty ‘13 passed away Mahoney ‘85, Christine Lachat away on August 3, 2013, Coffey Hehr ‘89 and Josie Coffey Singler ‘95. Her grand-daughter, Kathryn John S. Mondschean, father of Mary on September 7, 2013. Nagelhout ’87 and Nicole Lachat Sister Lucilla Conway, RSM passed away Coffey is a current sophomore at McAuley. Mondschean Fremarek ‘79, Caroline Mendez ’93 passed away on August on May 13, 2013. Mondschean ‘81 and Cheryl Mondsche- Michael William Friar, husband of Diane 2,2013. an Mahon ‘84 passed away on August 7, Stateman Friar ‘63, uncle of Kathleen Sister Margaret Mary Maloney, RSM In 2012, an anonymous donor and dear friend of Mary established the Mary Kean 2013. Lynch ‘06 and brother-in-law to longtime Alumna Jenny Bukovsky De Santiago passed away on August 29, 2013. Coffey Scholarship “Pay It Forward” Scholarship. The scholarship is given to an employee, Nancy Lynch, passed away ‘94 passed away on September 7, 2013. incoming freshman and the award amount is 50 percent of tuition. The scholarship Phyllis Schreffler Zuro, mother of Jeanne on May 14, 2013. Sister Mararet Lyons, RSM passed away will be renewable for up to four years, provided the recipient remains in good standing Pandolfi Bowes ‘87 and Laura Pandolfi Sister Patricia Costello, RSM, a former on July 13, 2013. both academically and behaviorally. For more information on the Mary Kean Coffey Hahn ‘86 passed away on August 8, Alumna Lynne Trautman Nolan ‘67 Science Teacher at Mother McAuley Scholarship, or to make a donation, please visit 2013. passed away April 28, 2012. passed away on August 3, 2013. Sister Mary Vernarda Lance, RSM passed away on May 10, 2013 Alumna Mary Jane Doody Logan, ‘63 Alumna Mary Murphy Arif ‘73 passed passed away on September 22, 2013. away on April 25, 2011.

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save the date Get Involved! Alumnae Association Meetings Call the Alumnae Office 773.881.6565 February 18, 7:00 pm May 7 at 7:00 pm Put these Mother McAuley Alumnae Alumnae Volleyball League Games events on your 2014 calender. Beginning in February Legacy Mass March 2 Alumnae Career Day March 14, 9:30 am - 2:00 pm The Law Society Progressive Luncheon May 8, Petterino’s Restaurant Putt & Party – Alumnae Golf Outing July 25, Stony Creek Golf Course McGinnis Pub Gathering July 26 2nd Annual All-Class Reunion and McAuley Hall Induction For more information, visit: October 25