Forecast New PoUcy Needed Gusty wind. todoy to diminish by ~ . ThurtdlY night', demon,trltlon It IhI illll end clear .. portly cloudy lid.. te wornln', .rmltorll' point. up IhI nMd domln... 1_0', ...... for IhI wealllCl. )wever for IIlIIrlllllng houri limitation, for Hlehs expected te climb .. IhI 70s 1II.1n erstand coed" Iccordlng to Bill NlWbrough" edl· ail ow·an with w.rmer reedi"" 1fH'MCI1", Wet' IhI torili. 5M pagl 2. st... t.nlght ond $undly. ~'s and Serving the University of and the People of Iowa City to get get a Established In 1868 10 centl a copy Asaociated Press Leased WIre and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa-Saturday, May 20, 1967 s. ign stu. the in. profes. oecially Basketball Playoff OKd thought 'S went DMZ Invasion Defended; ~pande J Class' I To Resolve Title Ties itudent; to put By RON BLISS a Big 10 AII·Star team abroad during the class. " StlH Writer summer. A recommendation that there be a Under the plan, Reed said, the confer- e qUite playoff in case of a tie for the Big 10 ence would bring an all·star team in from Jets Strike Plant In Hanoi s. f basketball title was passed Friday by the a foreign nation and sponsor games be· WASHINGTON IA'I - The Vietnamese half, this Immediately raised MIG fighters, boosting the dogfigllting toll Congressional critics promptly described student Big 10 athletic directors meeting at tbe tween it and each of the conference teams. told lhe world Friday it had to invade the question of a potential direct invasion on these Soviet-designed jets tbrougll the the DMZ invasion as an escalation o[ the e to his Union Iowa House. In return, a squad of 10 Big 10 all-stars Vietnam's demilitarized zOne because large of the North . war to 63. plus 9 probables. The UnIted war, wbile supporters defended it as a 'ans he The rule change had been recommended and two conference coaches would go Red forces had moved in there for assaults Administration sources said there are no States has acknowledged the lou of 16 necessary military maneuver_ by Big 10 basketball coaches after Michi· abroad during the summer to play exhlbi· on Sou fh Vietnam . plans for a land assault into the northern planes in such action since the ftrat In Sen . J_ W. Fulbright tn-Ark.), Foreign gan Slate and Indiana tied for the title this tion games in differenl countries. ,t P.... A State Department press officer. Rob­ hal[ of the buffer zone - North Vietna­ April 1965. Relations Committee chairman and per· he ,... year. Indiana went to the NCAA meet this mese territory - or farther north. The U.S. Command said nothing about sistent war critic, denounced what he year based on the fact that Michigan State ert J_ McCloskey, termed the allied thrust der 10 purely defensive and not an invasion of Pressure Expected any losses in the raids Friday. Radio Hanoi called "widening of the war, ond escalation was the last of the two to win the title_ declared nine American planes were sbot of the fighting." "'PIct The -new rule states that if two teams North Vietnam. But pressure for such a move -against 'rtlltd YRs Disclaim Communist attackers is deemed likely down and a number of the pilots were cap­ But Senate Democratic Leader Mike tie for the title, they will meet in a playoff He said in the official U.S. explanation: tured. Mansfield of Montana, who has been criti· game to determine who will represent the from some military quarters. U.S. planes "This is a search-and-destroy operation have been stepping up their bombings of T.k •• Prlson'r cal of some phases of Johnson policy. noted I Min [ conference In the NCAA meet. If more within the territory of South Vietnam in that "our troops have gone only to the ,t only the North, including Friday's strike for the A correspondent for Tass. the Soviet than two lie, the two furthest removed response to a significant enemy buildup in­ news agency. said a Shrike missile was doors'ep of North Vietnam" while remain­ f lift. from prior NCAA tournament competition Responsiblity first time on a power plant at Hanoi, the volving North Vietnam forces. capital. dropped "in the diplomatic distrIct" by a ing in South Vietnamese territory I West. will play in the playoff game. Soviet propaganda quickly opened up Itrd to In other action, the directors liberalized "We have no choice but to take the ne­ The U.S. Command announced the Hanoi flier who was subsequently taken prisoner. I\r, by the regulations governing recruiting. In cessary military measures to counteract larget was a power plant in a bunt-up The correspondent reported several Viet­ against tbe DMZ operation . Tas spoke of general the changes were to bring con· For Statement the buildup." area only II miles from the Communist namese citizens were killed in their shel­ this "new. grave provocation" and warned ference rules regarding off-campus ' visita­ The Young Republicans (YRl passed a While the 5,500 U.S. and South Vietna­ capital's center. Also attacked was the ters. He said southern and southwestern that Moscow will actively pursue i s polic) Is i~ter­ suburbs of Hanoi were hit. as well as the of helping defeat what it termed U.S. ag ionships tions with prospects in line with those of resolution Thursday that the club did not mese troops sent into the six-mile-wide Van Dien army barracks, five miles south the NCAA . Most important of these was a necessarily support the anti· Vietnamese strip between the NOrth and South were re­ of Hanoi. city itself. gression . ,tuden's ported confined to the three-mile South Pilots said they shot down at least three too for .. rule allowing coaches to visit the home of war statement by YR chairman Frederick benefit a prospect twice. Previously, coaches were R. McMorris, A2, Independence, at the e infor- limited to one home visit. Student Senate Day of Inquiry Thursday Approval was given to a proposal to raise Members said that the resolution was the size of Big 10 football traveling squads passed only after an hour and a half of rlty and from 40 to 44 men_ debate. e most This is the second year in a row in which At the Day of Inqury, McMorris read a U.N. force Goes; ermany. the size of the traveling squad has been statement passed by the local club'. exe­ most no increased. Last year it was increased from cutive board which said that the U.S.­ Ie cia. s. 38 to 40. Big 10 Commissioner Bill Reed supported Ky regime was not the legiti­ to leave said the change was made to compensate mate government of South Vietnam_ n s 'con­ for the extra men needed for platoon foot· The statement called for a halt of bomb­ War Fear Grows Ie said. ball, which has been in active use for the ing in North Vietnam, United Nations· lectures past three years. supervised elections for all Vietnam, and BEIRUT, Lebanon IA'I - The Mideast Canada has proposed that the dissolved WASHINGTON IA'I - President Johnson, DES MO'MES IA'I - A QIlI to allow a liyersity The Big 10 directors also revised the asked that the United States abide by such was alerted Friday ni ght to the possibility U.N. Emergency Force be moved to Is· telling the nation's farmers he bas not for­ plan much like Blue Cross to finance drug e more schedule for when freshmen football teams elections, even if Communists w ere of an overt act thal mighl blow up into an raeli territory_ got len them, said Friday his admlnistra· bills won approval 32-16 Friday in its third students could play games in the fall and tentatively elected. Arab-Israeli war. U Thant reported to the U.N. General lion is determined to see the farmer trip through lhe Iowa Senate. Senators agreed on a provision to allow international McMorris told The Daily Iowan Friday At the insistence of Egyptian President Assembly in New York Friday that, with achieves the income he deserves. But. the also passed 37-0 a bill relaxing some ref­ President said, lhe farmer has to under· erendum requirements for low rent hous­ ate stu· competition for conference basketball that he prefaced the executive board's Gamal Abdel Nasser and the no-allerna· grave misgivings, he agreed to Egypt's de­ statement with an announcement that its stand the government cannot do the job ing projects. 1. In or­ teams. tive acquiescence of U.N. Secretary-Gen­ mand to withdraw the peace.keeping force . The rule regarding freshman football views were those of the council as the eral U Thant, the LO-year-old peace-keeping alone, but "working together we can do it one has and we will do it." e. Nelte was changed to allow the teams to play YR policy-making body . United Nations Emergency Force hauled WASHINGTON IA'I - The International their two games In the IeCOnd half of their He said Terry E. Brandstad, A2, Leland, * * * I down its pale blue and white flags and Conference on Water [or Peace opens here impos· followed McMorris' appearance by quoting 'esearch practice season. According to the previous prepared to pull out. FT. DIX, N.J. IA'I - A 20-year-old pri· Tuesday with delegates and observers from rule, freshman teaRls had to play their the platform o[ the University and State Egyptian soldiers thereupon took over Schools Examine * * * in the YRs. The platform said that the United vate, claiming to be a conscientious ob­ 90 nations expected to participate in the games during the last four weeks of the the old UNEF posts in the Egyptian·ad­ jector, bas waged a hunger strike in the seuions which Iaat throaah Ka7 31. Offi· varSity season. Reed said the change was States should cooperate with its allies to ministered Gaza Strip on Israel's south­ 'ofessor­ gain victory in Vietnam, that military of· Ft. Dix stockade for the past 15 days. Pvt. clals said Friday that more than a,ooo per­ made because some freshman teams com· ern frontier. Racial Problems John Bart of Manlius . N.Y., Is awaiting sons had registered In advance for what is an flunk p1eted practice up to two weeks before the cficers should make military decisions "Syria, Egypl and Israel have all an· 'rofessor there, that restrictions on bombing of court-martial for refusing to obey orders, expected to be lhe largest international varsity season ended. nounced they are only on the defensive," an Army spokesman said. The trainee, who conference ever held here and the first Lo Igh it is The provision on an international ex· supply targets and bases should be lifted, a Western diplomat said in Damascus, proCes- change in basketball involves sponsoring and that a naval blockade of Haiphong has lost 19 pounds from his enlistment consider all phases of water· resources Syria, "but tension is high and we are In Talk Sessions weight of 150 pounds, has told officials he problems foreign teams in this country and sending should be set up. holding our breath." PHILADELPHIA tof) - The kids say the will not eat unlil he is separated from !re were The seven-nation UNEF, on the border the service. since the Israeli-Egyptian conflict of 1956, best way to smooth Negro-white tellsions DES MOINES I.f7 *- Ralph H. *Posthu - ceased all operations. in high school is with a "speak-out." Or, ma, prominent* LeMars businessman, will Igh they put differently, 8 "·over." GENEVA* (.4'1 -- Tha.ointunaUonal* * Red be arraigned here in U.S. Dist"ricl Coll!'t lng stu· Council Approves Rreliminary Plans Egypt has-mobilized tJ oops and armor Cross Committee appealed Friday to all j on the frontier. claiming Israel threatens "Let's be practical, we can't get tough Monday on charges of filing false and t\!at the about it," is the advice of five West Phila­ participants in the Vietnamese conflict to fraudulent income tax re1urns. Posthuma. : a fad. " to attack Egypt's ally, Syria .. reduce human su£fering and stick to the [srael has countered by taking whal il delphia public and Catholic high school who operates a hardware store and owns ,ollliell For Purchase Of City Bus System student leaders. rules of war as laid down by the Geneva [arm property in northwestern Iowa , is calls appropriate steps along the border conventions of 1949. I quitl "All we ca~ do is talk." accused of understating his Income by By LOWELL FORTE a~e made available through the Housing with Egypt. Israel denies it plans any has the aggression, but said it is ready to take This area has been the scene recently $35,333 for the years 1960 through 1963. me stu· Stoff Writer and Urban Development Agency (HUD> . Actions that would enable Iowa City to Ted Aschman, representing the Gilman care of itself should Egypt try to cross or racial unrest and other teenage mis· WASHINGTON* IA'I *- Senate action* on a , do so the border. chief. Adults decided the problem in volved knowl- purchase the city's bus system were ap­ company at the meeting, said HUD re­ resolution to censure Sen . Thomas J . Dodd CAPE* TOWN, South * Africi tJI -* A re- proved by the Iowa City council in an in· quires a city to have a "comprehensive Troops Poised youths, and they should try to resolve it. fugee African nationalist leader was shot lemlne! So. Mrs. Marechal-Neil Young, superin­ was put of for three weeks Friday, and formal meeting Friday. transportation planning program" either From Damascus, cor­ the Connecticut Democrat denied In a let· dead Friday in a baltie with police in The actions Involve a legal review by the completed or well under way. Iowa City respondent David Lancashire reported tendent of public schools in West Philadel­ South-West Africa, Deputy Pollce Minister id , "that phia. and. Brother D. Jerome , vice princi­ ter to fellow senators that he had enriched council and an independent evalua' ion of has no such plan. that an estimated 40.000 Syrian troops, himself from testimonial dinners. S. L. Muller reported. The man was iden· mow the the present company's assets. The bus The Gilman Company has just completed plus reinforcements, stood alerted along pal or West Philadelphia Catholic, arranged tified as Tobias Haipale, leader of the out· I a ma ~ ­ system is now owned and operated by the a $5,000 study of Iowa City's transportation Syria's 72-mile border with Israel. a conference. lawed South·West African Peoples Organ· Mrs. Young reasoned the student lead­ 'n. They Iowa City Coach Company. system. ,Aschman said HUD might accept Lancashire said diplomatic sources In WASHINGTON* IA'I *- Janos Radvanyi,* izatlon which wants independence for that e world The legal review is the council's use of this as preliminary work on a comprehen· ers could influence "through their actions the Hungarian diplomat who defected to South African-administeNd territory. Damascus felt the mobilization by Egypt and behavior the entire student bodies at ~ ea lli fe. an attorney to answer any legal questions sive. made the present crisis the most serious the United States this week. indicated in a len they tha' may arise. The evaluation of the as­ Council Up.1t th eir respective schools." statement Friday that he broke with his since 1956. He reported a feeling in Da­ The five leaders - from West Catholic BONN,* Germ.ny IA'I* - Helmut *Schmidt. commu· j sets will be done in two parts. Councilman Richard W. Burger said that mascus thllt some stray incident, such as governmen t because of policy differences. !ason is when the council first received the study, Hil!h for Boys, and for Girls ; [rom West the Social Democratic party's leader in The first part will be an appraisal of a commando attack, could set off a It was reported that he became disillus­ the Bundestag, said Friday be expects ave oev· the real estate owned by Iowa City COach _ it was "upset and not satisfied" because war. Philadelphia Public, St. Thomas More and ioned witb his country's role in efforts to or hard- the study was not comprehensive enough. .John Bartram - agreed to try to reach further U.S. and British troop withdrawals The second will be a value assessment of Damascus radio broadcast no new dec­ settle the Vietnamese war. from West Germany. "[ do not think that the firm 's equipment. Because of this. Aschman said the com· larations, threats or actions by the Sy­ the troublemakers. pany would not charge for making the Larry Wilson, Negro president of the the subject of troops will come up again debating The real estate will be appraised by a rian government. this year, but we can certainly count on eveloped local firm . The W. C. Gilman Co., trans­ federal applications unless more informa· In Cairo, Moslem clergy, acting on or­ Wpst Philadelphia Public student body, DES *MOINES IA'I -* Gov. George* Rom- tion was required_ He said that the com­ said "hoodlums can be approached. All we ney of Michigan said Friday Interior Sec­ further withdrawals in 1968," he lold a nts and portBlion consultants from Cleveland, wm ders, called on the faithful to prepare for news conference. jition of make the assessment o[ equipment. pany had difficulty in obtaining needed a holy war - jihad - against the Jews. have to do is to get together and talk it retary Stewart L. Udall's cballenge of the I he had City Eyta Fund. information for the study. out. But we can't get tough about it. All Morman church's posltion on Negroes In Tel Aviv, authoritative sources said we can do is talk." "cannot serve any useful religious pur· Soapbox Through the Gilman company. the city Aschman listed the study's recommenda­ a number of heavily armed Egyptian di­ emotion- will apply for federal funds to buy new tions. They were : present bus rates should Denise Cetrone. president of West Cath­ pose." Both Romney, a leading contender visions, including an armored diviSion, are olic Girls . who is white. said "we can't for the 1968 Republican presidential nom· 3 Students Win busses and to finance a demonstration be ~etained; a more efficient fare collec· in the Sinai Desert. The Egyptian build­ project. tion procedure is needed; equipment prevent a recurrence of problems but we ination, and Udall are members of the big de­ up and the U.N. withdrawal were seen feel that these kids who are giving us the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day The demonstration project will be are· should ~ replaced ; and extension of routes an un· as the immediate problems. difficulty will sit and listen to us." Saints. Udall, in a letter to the unomcial $3,000 Grants a main search project in which the city can ex· and greater pick up frequency is desirable. periment with such things as varying Concerning the possible purchase of the Dlplontotl Mobilize Colmon Holmes Jr., a Negro and presi· Morman periodical "Dialogue," said it is .ers are Diplomats were mobilizing Lo avert hos­ dent-elect of Bartram, thinks a program "Inevitable that national attention would s of all routes according to times, day or season. bus company, Mayor William C. Hubbard Federal funds will be provided to pay for said, "Last September, when we started qlities. In New York, U Thant will report , of student excbanges between the schools be focused upon what critics have called From Book Club expres- Saturday to the IS'nation Security Council might improve relations. the 'anti-Negro doctrine' of the LDS any special equipment needed. paying out money to subsidize the fIrm, Three students in the Writers Workshop The federal funds will finance two-thirds we knew we would be going into the trans· on tbe Middle East situation. A Security Michael Reinking, white president of church." He said it was "sad irony" that Council meeting On the crisis is like­ the Church denies "full fellowship to the restrict· 0( the total cost of both projects. The funds portation business." West Catholic Boys. said the problem have won fellowship gronts of $3,000 each s~en as ly over the weekend or early next week. would resolve as students grew older. Negro." from the Book of the Month Club for works ering of r submitted, The Daily Iowan learned Fri· lOyS and ' Iversity, day. owed to The three are Peter D. Moscosso, G. lrmitory Protesters Hit DormitorY Hours Policy New York City ; Steven D. Mossman, M. ling till Cedar Rapids; and Constance Yoshimura. ,nd girls G, Kamrar. Britain. IOblems, Fourteen awards were presented to stu· As 'Discriminatory On Basis ·Of Sex dents througbout the country by tbe Book . By FRANK MYERS out at any time to any destination. Women of the MOnth Club's wriUng fellowsbip pro· regula· women sat down on the curb in front of gram. an bel'e. St.ff Writ.r without privileged hours may sign out on the dormitory. About 25 residents of the women's dor­ weekends to go to places approved by After the fire trucks left, a majority of The students were each sponsored by a ninistr8- either parents or advisers. Written par­ the women filed quietly back into the dor­ Workshop faculty member - Moscosso by ~ht feel mitories demonstrated against University policy on women 's hours early Friday ental permission is required before women mitory. The approximately thirty who re­ Kurt Vonnegut Jr., lecturer in English; Na river Mossman by John T. Frederick, visiting e coed'S morning in front of ·Currier and Burge without privileged hours may sign out to mained outside with the protesters bur­ Hall domi tories_ spend a weekend in the Iowa City-Coral­ ried in about five minutes later when the professor of English; and Miss Yoshimura ley may ville area. rumor spread that they were goJng to be by W. D. Godfrey, a teaching assistant between The primary purpoSe of the demonstra· in EngUsh who left the University last The protesters gathered on the southeast locked out. tion was to inform the administration of At 12:25 a.m_the demonstrators returned year. have an general dissatisfaction ameng women stu· steps of Currier Hall at 11 :40 p.m. The plan to Currier, and at 12:30 a.m. they rued In­ dents with the present system of women'. Mossm8l(s award was for three chapters ~n ,IriS was to remain there quietly until 12:30 side. of an unpublished novel entitled "The lie in the hours, said Erica J. Schrauer, A2, Ka­ a.m. when they would enter their dormi· There was a false fire alarm at Currier Glass Porcb," and a Bhort story, "The Red Britain, tonah, N.Y., a spokesman for lhe demon· torieS, according to Miss Schrauer. A ma­ Hall at 1:40 a.m., but no lneidents were Balloon," which bas already been pub­ Its were strators. jority of the protesters were from Currier reported. lished. of grad' Present University policy requires fresh· Hall, although seven residents of Burge No disciplinary action was taken against MOICOSso won his award for a group of man and sophomore women to be in their Hall participated, she said. lhe protesters, according to Mils Scbrauer. art wor­ housing units by 12 p.m. Sunday tbrough short stories, and Miss Yoshimura's award The protest went as planned until 12: 15 She said that the demonstration was a WII for a Dovel which deals in part with engaged Thursday and by 1 a.m. on Saturday and result of general unrest among women stu· he said. Sunday. Junior and senior women who a.m . wben a false fire alarm was set off life at the University. Moscosso, Miss Yo­ in Burge Hall. dents about their rights. The present sys­ himura and their spoTlJOrs were out of Is were apply with . parental permission. and tem of hours is discriminatory on the basis bands women over 21 living in dormitories or ap­ The alarm was not planned as part of town, and the titles of lheir works could ,us of sex and deprives women of their basic not be learned. Britain. proved housing have privileged hours. This the protest, according to Miss Schrauer. rights, she said. If ",," 'means they must sign in when entering The 25 protesters joined residents of "We feel that women can take care of William M. Murray, assistant professor ,. their housing units alter 1 a.m. and are re­ Burge Hall who left tbe dormitory during tbemselves. and that there Is no need for of Englisb wbo teaches In the Workshop, quired to be in hefore 7 a.m. the alarm and tried to convince them to people to be continually cbeckJng up on said that Mossman's "The Red Balloon" hr' " WII "tile most original piece of fiction I've tudftllt Women 21 or older living in unapproved Join the protest. them," she added. I -'tIlt 4 MALL.ARD DUCI( ,with an Irrow PRtrudlnl from It. !lICk , w•• dlsco."red .wlm· housing .are not covered by University reg­ Women Chont Miss Scbrauer said abe thought that the ever bad In the Workshop." N,tte, ",I", In the Ced.r RI.,., In Ced.r R.ptli. ,-.ctntly. Hum .... IICltty ,fflel,. ClUllht ulations . They were at least partially succesaful. whole system of women's hours, particu­ Murray bas bee working with Messmm . ~ the duck .1141 took It te IICltty ...... rttr. whtrt It I. _ ,-.cuper"'"" P,rml•• i.., Required Groups of women began chanting "We larly the restrictions on aopbomorel, on the work, wblela be descrilMld u a"lyri- " -APWlro...... Women with privileged hours may siiD want freedom," and "no bours." About 40 ahould be reviewed by the admiDlItratioa. cal novel." . .a&.... ~ .. ~, ...... -- ..Q~ , I Today r .' 'Hombre' has been done on WSUI • At 8:30 this morning The Musical is (or was, you sleepyheads) "Fiddler on t.he Roof." Gr better somewhere else • Aspekte Deutscher Kulter, at 9:30 DI AND COMMEN7 a.m., will feature Middle High German ,y IV NICKOLAS MEYER Mitchel and friendl. with no real characters, only indica Lions music and poetry with Prof. Clifford HaU. 1 St_H Reviewer There are no sutlden plot twists, no dis­ that the audIence is sUPlJOsed to WI out PAGE 2 SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1961 IOWA CITY, IOWA . • The thh'd presentation from the recent "The gral What Martin Ritt had in mind when he ti nguishing features. Paul Newman plays with their previous familiarity with "Gun­ Conference on Dramatic Theory and Crili. 11 bringJ tl ------set out to make a film called "Hombre" a wh ite man who prefers to be an Indian­ smoke" personages instead of creative de­ cism will feature talks by Professors Rog. deal of ent will probably never be known . He may still another cliche, and Mr. Newman tails. The cowardly embezzler, Ihe squint­ er Hornsby and Thomas Whitaker of lite l1b1eb woul have wanted to tell Lhe story of a man plays the role with such determined wood­ ing out-law , the silenl hombrlt, and the University and Robert W. Corrigan of repar tel who had lived in Lhe white man's world eness that he is obviously fighting it every laughing Mexican bandit - they're all New York University. ence," ace Hours for women should end and in the Indian's world, and discovered inch of the way. The dif£erence between there and none of them seem very happy that Lhe latter was honest and the fOI'mer Mr. Newman's Indian and t.he one In a about t.his state of things at all. They • Richard Yates is the Writer at Work, :'~'= The time has come for a liberali­ midnight during the week and 1 a.m. corrupt and not worth his little finger­ cigar store is not great - and he looks would rather be in another film. at 1 p.m., with his story "Doctor Jacko()'. Jantern ." tIlance 18118 zation of the restrictions on hours for 011 weekends and nights before va­ and then found himself doomed to die extremely foolish , to boot. The photography by James Wong Howe • The BBC Worid Theatre presentatiOll ~nl TI women students. All other Iowa pub­ cations. for it. That may have been what he had Frederic March brings his majestic is nice to look at, but it is an insult to in mind, but that idea only appears in a presence to the part of an embezzler of at 2 p.m . is "Three Sistel's" by one Chek· ~.!'~ 1 Bce institutions of higher leaming the talents of Mr. Howe to ask him to Th is current situa tion Is definitely ahadowy outline. Indian reservation funds , and Diane Ci­ photograph such tripe. It is a wonder that and many private ones have already The rest of the film "Hombre" Is a lenlo is amiable and earthy in a totally hO;. Reviewers Choice, tonight at 7, will And .Umu better than it was only three years he didn 't fall asleep at his camera. offer a review of former University writer criddle adopted rules more liberal than those poorly organized and diluted version of incredible part of a woman who keeps ago. Then, all women had some kind "Stagecoach." Paul Newman, Frederic getting smacked in the teeth by life and The film ambles along with oceans of John Clellon Holmes' new book, "Nothing SeVenty-E now in effect here. The small dem­ of limitation on their hours, and March. Richard Boone, Diane Cilento hardly bats an eye . Richard Boone plays exposition preceeding what action lhere is , to Declare." • taJltJ now ' onstration early Friday morning out· (Molly, from "Tom Jones") are passen­ his part right out of the Palladin series and every line or deed has been done bet­ • And , at 9 p.m., Victor Power will talk ( LBJIguage 1 some had to be in the i r housing ter somewhere else. Come, come, Mr. Ritt, to New Zealand's Dr. I. Rodd Gardner ,..tst8lltl ide th women's dormitories points gers on a stagecoach that is driven by on TV. units by 11 p.m. during the week. Martin Balsam and held up by Cameron The thing travels along at a snail's pace a little moxie is necessary. about Socialized Medicine . ,emester • out the need for all immeruate change receive $2 However, . there seems to be little thirds-time before a more serious disturbance justification for maintaining any reg­ takes place. ulations. Iowa State University adopted a Grad analyzes prob\ems ;;r.; Women are not inferior to men Martba I policy several months ago that grant­ when it comes to controlling personal cu aU women students, except fresh­ conduct. If anything, they, on the melt, unlimited hours, with parental whole, are more "mora}" than are of Gentle Thursday ~~ pel·mission. Senior women there have men. They sometimes need to stay To the Editor: not make life a game in lhe new age. with the d~ hau lhis privilege for about a year. out later than 1 a.m. during the week Gentle Thursday does offer possibilities, But Lh ere should be many Gentle Thurs· Syttem All women more than 21-years-old and though it may have been a disappoin t­ days till they are the norm rather than Rober to finish research that can be done the exception. We need Merry Pranksters automatically have unlimited hours. men t to some or a fraud to others, it seems GrantsviU~ only in places other than the hous­ to me that the overall attitudinal forces to roam the earth converting people to life. in spanishl Freshmen women and those yOWlg­ ing wlits. III addition, it is easy to represented are what matter, and these J.rry Schaefer, G the Sys~e"1 cr than 21 who have not obtained are significant in spite of what might hap­ 336 S. P_rk ate aSSiStaf violate the regulations that now exist, p n. Lh e permission of their parents are if one wants to. An initial p!'()blem is that this is some­ for"It a pel'Sis ~ required to be in their housing units thing new and therefore most people don't Student disagrees I • master' The argument tJlat some girls want know what 1.0 do , say or think. These '\ gives ex by midnight every night except Fri­ to have the regulations continued is things have to be learned ; the unnatural with Greek system , college le~ duy and Saturday. The deadline on poor. It's said that hours present • (in terms of cultural conditioning) doesn't the dilferl1 thcse two evenings is 1 a.m. come easy. thntugb CC\ good excuse to quit when an intimate To the Editor: er assis~ An immediate argument is that you can't Lately some readers have criticized the This past week at the State CoLlege situation has gone further than the ~, advice," .,~1 force niceness , gentleness, etc. True, but freedom of the Greek system to restrict The Ita of Iowa regulations identical to those girl wants. Although this may be this does not mean that you cannot provide its membership however it pleases. What the framework within which this is at sections. ~ at Iowa State were approved. They true, it is not the University's duty an absurd criticism! Everyone knowl In obtal~ least made possible. Granted, some of the that people have a perfect right to as· will take effect this summer. Grin- to provide such an excuse. beeause t~ "goings·on" on Thursday were superficial sociate with whomever they want, and to bave co (''I'll give to you If you'll give to me and 1l t!1 College has rccently adopted sim­ The drawing of an artificial boun­ avoid unnecessary contact with anyone grams in ilar rules, all is gentle") and artici£icial (no one can not sufficiently "cool," not tastefully fore, the dary, with ollly indirect relation to just "be nice" to people all of a sudden dressed, or of strange beliefs, color or er! who JIcre in Iowa City, at tlte school age and 1\0 relatioll to maturity, be­ unless he's reall y "that way" ), but then nationality. Italian an again , what is American society? Is it's LhuL was once considered lhe most tween sophomores and juniors or There are obviously people of lesser abll· want to way of living and acting "nalural" or more iUes and social flair . Far from being fields at pro grl'~~ ive in the slale, women stu­ freshmen and sophomores is hard solidly based? asked to live with such people, the more r Solutio dents, excepting juniors and seniors to justify. The abolition of hours for The real problem is that the everyday, sophisticated should be encouraged to de· Florindo velop cliques among themselves to per· wilh pureJltllJ pelmis 'ion and all women should be total. And, parental attitudinal framework and structure or ~j Italian, human life does not allow one to be human peluate and display their aloofness, and Lhose more than 21, still have restric­ peOllission for freedom should not f tion to hi (if one sees "to·be·human" as more than provide themselves with a higher place have Ita tiOJlS on the hours they must keep - be required. Bill Newbrough meaningless, average existence ). But if lhe from which to look down. In that way, larly chan traditional societal forms are bracketed the ingenious "separate-but-equal" prin­ the Unive for a day, it is possible fOI' new blood to ciple (cun'ently Lhe most popular form recruited flow, for new ideas to come forth - people of prejudice) can be applied not only to f' miss basi lit's not going to Vietnam tbat al'e serious about living can live. Ini ­ race, but to all other human diversities will be t Ski club is sorely needed tial attempts at taking life seriously are as well! Surely evcryone agrees that that's sity from that bothers me • • • it's staying there' bound to appear like a game (because or- a fil1e sys tem! courses h Since laLe December, a University What Fcir needs now is a feasibil­ dinary life is supposedly serious 1 but in the J.rry Fr_m_n, AJ he said. last analysis, maybe this appearance is Sunrls. Mobil. Ct. sludent has been pouring time, mon­ ity sludy of the proposed site. It will closer to the reality than one thinks. Why Cedar Rapldl Miss ~ ey and energy into an exhaustive ef­ (;ost $1,500. ------anL profe EEKEND ------cruits h forL Lo pl'Ovide the University t!om­ Til is study is necessary in order to graduate lllllnily with a skiing center. He is l partments assemble specific details for a form­ ~NDE .NGS University Bulletin BOCJrd in other Hank Feir, B3, Springfield 111.. pres. al proposal to a lengthy chain of exec­ By SUE RICKEL en ." said Modene. "That's why you never Unlveralty 'ull.tln 'olrd notices ",ust be .t Thl Dilly lowln offlc •. HI C_ in the klt-n L of the University Ski Club. mun,ell,on, Clnt.r. by noon ef ,he dl., 111'0'1 publlulion. fh'" ..,us, ... typed 1M utive bodies that must then voice ap­ Staff Writer have any fun . You should be running a IIgnld oy _n Idv"lr or off,ce, ., fh. o"ln,"I1Of1 be'''' ,.... l>Ilclllll. Purely seclll funClIO/II Brazilian· ar. not II,glbll for t"ll ..etlon. stitule in Fell' and Ski Club advisel' Al'I1ie proval of the measure. Without the "People like Jchtius," I told Modene, home for unwed mothers . Doesn't it ever "simply shouldn't be exposed' to fine mu­ occur to you that some people don't want TWI PH.D . FRENCH examInation wlll be denls Iwilh the exeel>tlon of ....In"r.) II ... Mrs. Eu B' nLrot:k al' proposing development feasibility study, this richly promis­ given on Thursday, May 2~ Crom 7:00 to 9:00 vised fur al1 Who wilt He 1"uIl.IIIW tur lull~ In sHia , Bra' sic. I really agree with Plato about thc ill to have people running after them clean­ p.m. In room 321A Schaeffer Hall. Candidate. bu ~l ness. or ("vprnm"nt durIn. the 01 it pri vately-owued 6O-acre tract of ing project will surely die. effects of good music un ing liP Lheir messes all the time?" should sign UP on the bulletin Board outside c"mlnll year. Stud pnta J(olnll Into ... rvlce 1m· graduate room 305 Schaocrer Hall prior to the eurn. m.~lslely art.r ,r.rluMUon wIll lind r.~I,t ..· teaches th land on tIl e Lake Macbride Field people who have debased Modene spilled the fertilizer all over Bring 1.0 . to the exam. No dictionarIes are II­ tlnn noll' especl.IIy Vllulble IftH lelvlnr III, Feil"s proposal has been widely en­ lowed. ..rvlc~ . Campus. Eight local residents own souls. like the new quar­ th e table and emptied the bottle on my • es three dorsed by faculty members and stu­ ters." head , leering at me, massaging the ferti­ M... ,N LIIR ... RY HOURS: Mondlv-Frlday. PAIlINTS COOPER ... flVI BabYllttln, LeI' a 30-acre chunk of the section. Feil' 7:30 a.m.·2 a m.; Saturday. 7:30 a.m.·mldnhcht; gue: For mem"er~lllp Inlurmatlun. c.1I Mr& dent leaders alike. In addition, the "Oh . cut it out, Sue," lizer. "Get dirty, Sue. It's good for people Sunday. 1:30 p.m.·2 I.m Rnnald Osborne. 337·»4.15 Memll ••o deslrln, t!s Limules total (;ost of this project - s aid Modene, pouring to gel dirty once in awhile." Service deAk hou,'s: Mondav-Thursday. • litters, call Mrs. Jay Dlkkers. 351-3787. 1 'HOU4 private landowners of the proposed a.m.-IO p.m.: Frldav·Saturday. 8 a.m.·5 p.m. land acquisition, installation o[ a water on her purple pe­ The stuff was really starting to smell Reserve desk al ... open FrldlY Ind SaturdlY, STUO.NTS wl'lq WlsHto hive tholr cl ... site have agreed to sell it to the U ni­ tunia. "Haven't you real­ 7·10 p.m. rank InlurmMUlln IIIrw.r~"d to thAlr ~r." ~ - lodge, ski lifts, snow-making cquiJ:>­ awful. Modene ran around the room, invok­ bll~"d sh"uld pick up request fnrm. In B Un~ versity. ly drained poor Ichtius ing the noxious fumes. verslly Hall. ["I,,"nlstilln wIll be sent unly .1 mCllt and concession al't!u - at ap­ for all he's worth? First, IDUC ... nON PIYCHOLOOY Llhra", Hnurl: the requelt of the student. , Pro~ At present, the major problem is ill,,"dav l'hllr,·'av. 8 a m. to 10 n m.: ~ ' I'''IMV proximately $150,000. you kill him off in your and Satw·dBY. 8 ' .m. to S p.m.; Sunday. 2 l'm. THI SWIMMING POOL In the Wnm_n', obtaining money for the feasibility column for a publicity " to lU p.m. G,'nlnKR\um wU\ be open lol' retlP'I\\\\n,1 .w lnllnln~ Monnay thr"uJrh ~ · rlrlMV . 4:15 to The imparlance of this proposal is stunt. Then , as if that MISS RICKEL Reader says 5: 15. ThIs I. "Pen to w"men Itudeuu, sWf. study. Feir's only hope rests with weren't enough-" ITUDINrs RIGIIIIRID wit" thl a;/lIIf'I' faculty and laculty wIve •. obvious. it is a giant stride toward lIunal I'la"em~nt UfI!r. 1' ·1U3 ~; MIt1 lIalll .h,,"ld For the Board ill Control of·Alhleties. Ap­ "Look at it this way," I said. slicking re"urt ch.nlle Uf adn,·~.s "nd Mnv ar./I"nlle UNION HOURS: upgrading and expanding the Uni· my thumbnail into a petunia petal as Mo­ m fllrmaUlln np(""~Hrv to I1rlnS! lh.. lr ~Ndlln· Gene,al .ullaln, - Sundly·Thurld.y. I The ne parently, no other University organi­ tlall up · tu-d~te lur the ""lind semester. Barnett hurt a.m.-II p.m.; ~ ' rldB y·Saturday . 8 am. Olldnlqht. Low Rent vcrsity's deficient recreational pro­ zations can afford to put up the mon­ dene turned her back, "play inspiring or Information - Mnnday I'hur"'lay. I:M heroic music for Ichtius - and he de­ •.m .-l1 p.m.: ~'rlday · S.tUl'day. 7 l.m.·mldnl •• I; ~ 'nas decid gram. ODD JO.S fllr wumen are anllahle at the Sunllay. 8 a.m.· \1 p.m ey. Felr has asked the hoard for velops a virility complex! FhHllu'lai Alii! Uttt. ~ ,1. H"tI~f"\t.'·"Jtl". to"" ar_•• tton Ar.. - Mond. f · Thursd.y. , ,m.- ) jecL woul The area Feir and Buntrock bavi University image av»lI»hle II $1 lb In huut. and lIabYllllln. lubl. 11 p.m.: 'rlday.Saturday•• I.m.. mldnlght; Su .. a method be1p. Modene poured some plant fertilizer on 50 cenu an hour. da y. 2 p.m.·1L l'm. in mind is an ideal one for such a my hand. "Personally, I think the virility To the Editor: C.f.t.,I. - Dallv. 7 l .m.·7 pm. for low r For this reason the University ()()m­ THE ISR4ELI FOLKOANCINO fl'n"" will Gold FI.ther Room - Munda v Thur~lV . 7 project. It offers scenic beauty and complex is good for Ichtius. Wnen ] first In the editorial by Bill Newbrough on meet at g Il.m. every J'uelday In the Uniun l.m.·IO:45 p.m.; FrIday, 7 l.m.-lI :45 p.m.; sa~ ~ The Re munity looks forward to the board's met him he was identifying with Gertrude Wednesday the statement was made that Hawkeye Konm. urdl y.Sunday a p.m.· 1I :45 pm. chairman developmeut potential for year-round IMMIOl411 RIGII. R 4 liON at ttl. Rual· lI.t. lloom - MHn". v SAturday•• ,,:1IO •.~ . , year-end meeting next Tuesday. Stu­ Stein. It was really appalling." "the situation (of the Barnett dismissal) n.~. Mnd In

I .- ,- --Receive Experience-' 1H. "AIL. Y IOWAN-Iowa "'V, la.-Nt" May 21, 1t61-P.,. • IHughes Fills I Health Unit Grads Aid Teaching ·Regents Post Now Using 1:30 DES MOINES III - Ralph H. New Facility 'erlllan By DeBIY DONOVAN Daniel leaches them the other two of necessity, in practice the rna. Hau. Wallace, 51, a Mason City COn· The new $l77,!IUO addition to tile Staff Writer days. Miss Daniel said that it jority tesch out of desire and suiting engineer, was appointed Student Health Service's quart. recent ''The Iraduate Mslatant typical- Will a form of team teaching. intere.t," Nothnagle said. to the State Board oC Regents ers is completed in children's Crill. IY brings to hi. teachinl a great Inexperience I. DrawlNck However, Don A. Fischer, G, IFrida y by Gov. Harold Hughes. Hospital and now in use. accord· s Rog. dell of enthUlialm and devotion The graduate assistants' inex· Middletown, an assistant in Span· The appointment of Wallace. a ing to Dr. Chestu I. Miller. di· of the "blch would be hard to fiDd in a perience in teaching and in the Iah, laid that an inherent weak· I Republican. is subject to con· rector. an 01 relUlar teacher of Jonl expert. languages is the major draw· neaa of the system was that I' [irmation by two-thirds of the The two-story addition. which ence," accordin, to John Noth- back of the system, according "many graduate assistants are : I Senate. opened May 6. consists of five Work, DIlle, ...octate profeuor of ro- to Nothnagle. He also aa1d that only doing it as an aid to their He would take office July 1 for new offices, three new examln· ack-o'. JIIIC8 langua,ea. some of them are immature. financial situation." . a six·year term to succeed Wi!· allon rooms, two more nUrRs' P. G. Zehnle, G, Philadelphia, bur Molison , Gr.innell Republican Itreatment rooms and twelve ad· !!lance 1angu.,.. He said, "Our assistants ran,e Pa., an assiatant in Spanish, said . whose term is expiring. ditional beds in the inrirmary. Intation bellMini courlel offered "ery from one extreme to the other. that the graduate students who Chek. I Hughes sent Wallace's name to Miller said FrIday that Cour of Uille intellectual challenge for Some are fresh out of .chool with took assistantships just for the , ' the Senate after it reCused to the beds may be used as an iso­ ~ but tIIII • ...... a B.A. degree. They are 21 or money may learn to like teach. confirm appointment of Dr. Da v· lation s.rea for students with 7, wiU and .t!mulating experience for 22 years old and are indJsting. ing and be drawn into the field. id Palmer, Davenport Republl· conta!!ious diseases. writer pduate atudeD!l. uishable from the undergradu· He said he felt that such people othing can and a chiropractor, to the I All tbe new rooms contain new Seventy-eIght graduate asail· atel. Others are vel?' mature. are needed in teac~ing. Ipost. equipment. . L talltl now teach in the Romance They have long and rich college . Graci. Plan To Teach I ill talk Languale Departm~nt. Half-tlme backgrounds. They have been Nothnagle laid that most of ardner aaslstanla teach one clau one college teachers and re~?rned to the graduate assistants planned eemeater and two the other and work on tbelr doctorate. to teach, probably in colleges. receive $2,500 per year. Two- No education courses are ro- He said that many reputable col. thirds-time aaslatantl teach two qulred of applicants for assistant- leges were "Uling to hire teach. YOUNKERS r claasea each Mmester and earn ships in the Department of Ro- ers with masters degrees, es. "Sati5{c.ctioK Alwa)s" $3,200 per year. There are ao mance Language. However, Noth· peclally on a temporary basis. full-time aulatantl. nagle said that teaching experl· Zehnle and Allan J. Wood, G, Martha J. Gower, G, Fort ence is a factor when the Span· Morral, Ohio, assistant in first. Dodge an a ..lataat In French, ish and French committees reo year Spanish complained that the aaid :'Genuine interest In one', view the candidates for the posi· graduate students did not have stud~nts Is an important indlvid· tions. He said that academic rec- enough control over the speed usl trait which has nothing to do orda, personal recommendations, with which their classes cover with the degree which one holds." residence abroad and studies. in the material, the t~sts and the I Sy"tm 8eMf1ta AI'I"ant. related areas such as Engli~h, factors that determme the stu- Rob e rtF. McDonald, G, cOI,Ilparattve literature. and Im- dent.s' grades. Grantsville, W. Va., an assistant gUlstics were also conSidered. MISS Yvonne M. ~atheson, 9, in Spanish, Iiated ways in which Grids Attend Mtth~ CllSs Sheb~ygan Falls, WIS ., an assl.s, the system benefitted the gradu· Tbe graduate ~sslstants in tant m second·year Fren~h . said ate assistants. French and Spa~lsh attend a that she preferred teacblng sec. "ll is an excellent opportunity class that dea!s With the ~ethods ond year because she could or. for a person to 10 ahead and ,et of college techin~. The lta}lan and gani.ze her own. co';,rse. ' a master's or a Ph.D. degree. It Portu~ese sections, havmg few· MISS Gower saId, Good or b~d , ANGEL FLIGHT PLEDGE Jane West, AI, Davenport, Is escorted through an .rch formaci by AIr gives experience teaching on the er aSslstant~,. rely up~n less ~or- the system. of grad.uate teachmg Forca ROTC ud..... word. to a pledge ceremony by Kathy Berti, A2, Ptrkin, III. (In uniform). college level and exposes you to mal superVISion and mstructlon. assistants IS unaVOIdable. Where Thirty members were pledged Into the organization at a ctrmony Thursday evening at the Union. the different concepts of teaching "Although it looks as if the could the University find 40 Holding .wordl are Charle. R. Barnhart (left), A1, Staunton, III. Ind Michael Hotan, A3, Lan.I",. througb comparison witb tbe otb- graduate assistants teach only out professors to teach beginning commander of the Iowa Arnold Air Socl"y. _ Photo by J_n JacoblOn ' ~~~BC~ ~~re~n~:~?-~-k-h-a-m--T-o~P-r-e-s-e-n-t-P-a-p-e-r------:======-----~ in obtaining graduate assistants 10 TH EB RID E betause the University does not FIR e d h W k h IN THE BOX: ~::~s f~~:~:!elan~:adg~~~eTh~~~ : ou, eSlgn During Swe is or s Op fore , the sections recruit teach­ er! who are competent to teach ell By BOB ALLEN 1er questions in international reo ltaUan and Portuguese and who At Grlnn- StaH Writer lations . but they did not deal with R & M er abll· want to take courses in other LIving WI, being James W. Markham, professor communica.tions." . fields at the University. GRINNELL (11'1 _ Staff memo e more of journalism, will leave June The Institute was .established 19.95 to He· r Solution I. Foreign Tal."t bers of the Grinnell College stu· 1 to participate in a summer by the government m 1966 to to per· Florindo Cerreta, professor of dent announce~ Friday workshop of the International In· celebrate Sweden's 150 years of s. and I Italian, said that the ideal solu· they were resigning in protest to stitute for Peace and Conflict unbroken peace. r place tion to his problem would be to "censorship" of the school year. Research in Sweden. Scholars To Conve", at way, have Italian universities regu· book. The workshop will be in pro· The workshop, with the theme .. prin· larly channel talented people to Grinnell officials replied the gress from June 7 to 21. "International Conflict and Mass l' form the University. Cerreta said he yearbook was being withheld from -Markham , head of internation· Media, " will bring together 12 only to I recruited Italians on a hit·and· publication, because it contained al communication studies in the to 14 of the world's foremost in· ersities miss basis. He is never sure who libelous material - not for cen. School of Journalism, was in· teroational communications se hol· will be teaching at the Univer· sorshi p reasons . tlhat's vited by the Swedish govern· ars. If you're cooped up in 8 dinky sity from year to year or what Most of Friday's eight • page ment, which is undertaking reo Markham will present a form. courses he will be able to offer, edition of the Grinnell Reporter, apartment, it's high time you , .3 search on problems of interna· al paper at the workshop. The JAMES W. MARKHAM looked into a modern mobile R & M R'M I be said. formerly cail('d the Scarlet and tional conflict and cooperation paper is a prelude to a book by To Go To Sweden Ct. home. Ifs fully furnished, Living WI"I_"_ Living Fall Miss Mary L. Daniel, assist· Black. was blank. A front page through the Institute. the institute, which is to be pub· fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioo"'iiiiiiiiiiiiiijj ant professor oC Portuguese, reo editorial bordered in black told of spacious, beautifully appoint· 29.95 $35 The purpose of the workshop lished at a later date. GET INSTANT CASH HERE I ed from floor to ceiling. And eruits her Portuguese·speaking the staff resignations and criti· . t d I h t t g . f th Wt will pay cash for mol or· graduate assistants throug~ de· cized the college administration. IS 0 eve op a researc s ra e Y Markham is chaIrman 0 e cyclts. camtras, lIuns, .nythlng you can probably own one of , partments of romance languages Frightening Fact for exploring the role and ef· Profess ional Froedom and Re- cot vtlut. arlng It to us with tIM these superb new mobil e in other universities. embassies The editorial said the fact that fects of the mass media of com· sponsibility Committee of the As· tltltTO~,:~tR~STcM~BILE homes for less than you are n c_ in the Uni ted States and the Grinnell Pres. Glenn Legget munications in international ten· soeiation (or Education in Journ· HOMES SALES CO. si on either through direct influ· ali sm. In 1965 he was head and 2312 Muscati ne Ave. now paying for rent! specia I R& M wig show ltdunctillns .ft' Brazilian·American Cultural In· "cven considered censoring the ence on policy decision-makers or organizing officer of the Inter. stitute in Wa shington D.C. yearbook is rrightening. The fact through impact on public opinion. national Communication division ~;;;:p:h:on;t:3:3':"';'~"=::~ Isn't it time you Mrs. EudaJdo S. Lima, G, Bra· that he did censor it is sickening on Monday, May 22nd n) II .. To Consid'r Role oC that association. l' ,,,\\~ \R silia, Brazil, is the Portuguese . . . Censorship is an admission looked into a IIrln. ~b' Markham said, "There has tvlce 1m· graduate assistant this year. She by the administration thilt it WEEKEND MOVIE- mobile home by revl,lra' teaches the three first-year class· doesn't have the ability to deal been research done on problems • All the luster, body r.. ld beauty you wanl Is yours In a R&M • YIn, tb. of international peace and con· Gregory Peck, David Niven and es three limes a week, and MIss "Yith. vigorous. controversial pub . Living hair piece I Remarkably lightweight, it weighs only hcaLlons." flict for a long time, but so far An thony Quinn star in this week's ~\v." (ju, as I know, this is the first meet· Weekend Movie. "The Guns of -Hornette two ounces. Permanently curled, U's sunproo[, fade·prool c.1I Mr •• , Leggett was out o[ town, but a deelrlA, 1 ing of scholars that is gOing to Navarone." This film may be - and wilt·prool. 7. elng Grinnell spokesman said : seen at 4, 7 or 9 tonight and Sun· "'0 Group "The yearbook has not been consider the role of eommunica· Product of Skyline Corp. Miss Mary, well· known wig stylist, will be here to live you Hous tions and the mass media in in· day in the Union lllinois Room . "~lt .IUI t censored .. Publication was stop· TOWN CREST MOBILE a personal demonstration. Air ~I'II" ternational cooperation and reso· In B Ufti. N ped. because the yearbook can· lution of conflict." COURT and SALES CO. b d MIll .. , t unly .t ' p tained libelous material for which Open Mondey, 11 "m. ee 2311 MUSCATINI A"' •• ro es the collel(e refused to assume reo He added, "There have been IOWA CITY, IOWA - Millinery Wig S ...... Iewn4 IIlow - Wnmflll '. sponsibility . .. . There is no ques. some peace and conflict insti· /' .... l1u ...' • 4,IS 10 ti on of censorship in this thing." tutes. There was one in Nor· Iti•• WI . owen Questions Of. libel ca me up, the way. and one in the United States For L R t spokesman sa Ld , when the year· - at Ann Arbor, the University book publishers said they would " Klehlgu. They dealt with oth· The newly formed Iowa City not be responsible for any pas. Low Rent Housing Agency (LRH) sible lawsuits. The college's law. ' has decided that their first pro- yer examined the material and f jeet would be the formation oC agreed it was legally dangerous, SUMMER JOBS a method to determine the need the spokesman added. IN Dry I (or low rent housing. Details of the allegedly libel. Cleaning ",od.v. ! NURSING RESEARCH p.m.; Sat· ~ The Rev . Mr. RObe~dt L. welsh, ous material were not disclosed. chair man of LRH, sal he wou ld Editor Resigns A broad new research program will begin thl. sum· 1:110 ' .11.' m4r to study the distribution of nursing .taff activo p.m,i:1I I contact representatives of Hous- Grinnell officials said Krystyna ing and Urban Development and Ne l1 man, a junior from North. iti .. In varying physical surroundings. Students who the Public Housing Administra· fi eld, II I., had resigned earlier as have completed 01 least their junior year In nursln, i. lion to find out wh ether they cditor of the student paper. could advise the LRH on how to Although Friday's edition said are eligible to apply for professional membership on SPECIAL determine whether th~re was a l there would be no commencement the research team now being formed. need for low rent hOUSIng . issue next week, a college sPQkes. For details send your name and address to: The LRH also decided to send 1man said one would appear under Mon., May 22 Tues., May 23 Wed., May 24 letters to ciUes similar in size a different staff. No decision has Director of Personnel ~ Big sav ings on either the to Iowa City to obtain informa· been made on whether to produce Rochester Methodist Hospital ~ NEW LUDWIG DELUXE LADIES' and MEN'S lion on the types of individuals a 1967 copy of the yearb k, he Rochaster, Minnesota 55901 CLASSIC or BIG BEAT thai use low rent housing. sa id . drum outfit. with .. FREE FREE PAISTE Formula 802 cym· Through these letters. LRH The. student newspaper f a~so TOP COATS ~ nopes to lellrn such things as the contamed a statement which In· bals. These cymbal. are the Box finest cvmbals avallabla, and lccupalion s of low inc a m e eluded the names of sever~l stu· and ~ roup s. th e types of industry in cle~ls who sat ~ they h~~ Violated lie becoming the flrlt Storage choice of top drummer •. :he clUes, and whether these cit· Gr~nnell dormitory viSIting regu- Featured are the most pop· eHARGI fer • ies have conducted stUdies on the latIOns. and the school ular drum lizes with the NO STORAGI" SHORT COATS leed for low rent housing. to pU1l1s.h them. f?~ It. world-famous all·metel 400 INSURANel The Rev. Mr. Welsh said that Dor~ltory vlsltmg and hours snara drum, and new top· (HARGI fer ~ RH would receive assistance regulations have been debated at quality, heavy duty .. Atl .... MOTH :rom 8 local welfare agency. the college ~11 year. drum stand and "Big Beat" NO PROOFING "You don 't solve a person's Grinnell IS an independe~t hi·h.t. Pay Only the Regular • lroblems just by putting him in school o( some 1,200 students 1D 19 Limited time only, 80 come Cleaning Charlie I letter housi ng," he said . central Iowa . In now and pick up the latest Monday, Tueeday, $1 The Rev. Mr. Welsh also point· ,-__';:;;:::;:;;;;;;;;;:"' _-, FREE issue of the Ludwig WacI .....y Each !d out that a local architect had Drummar. Spec.. 1 prlCli ..... ~ expressed willingness to assist PINNED, CHAINED, SAVE '160.761 NEW apply Ie...,..- LRH in any way possible . ENGAGED LUDWIG DELUXE 2 Most members oC LRH are at· CLAUIC 4·drum outfit. . endin ~ the Spring Conference of PINNED tot.1 value: '699.25. '.he Iowa Housing and Develop· Elaine Richardson, Al, Man· College Plan for Graduating Seniors NOW ONLY '649.&0 FURS and SUEDES NOT INCLUDED 11enl Association today in Ced· chester, Alpha Delta Pi, to Bob complete with cymbal. I - If Rapids. LRH members are Barr, University of Colorado, Chi SAVE '149.251 NEW Iltendin g the meellng to back· Psi. Did you know you can own a new Volk.wagen Sedan LUDWIG BIG BEAT NO DBA CHARGI POI 1 HOUR SIRVICI lround themselves in areas such Barbara Jess, A2, Ames, Alpha for as little as $100.00 down, In cash or trade·ln and .·drum outfit, totll vatuI: CLEANING TO 4 P.M. 6 DAYS A WEEK lS low rent hou$in ~. land dispo· Delta Pi, to Gary Woodhouse, A2, *177.76. defer the first ,mati $58.00 payment until October, lition and urban renewal. Vinton, Phi Kappa Sigma. NOW ONLY "28,10 it was Hiso decided al Thurs· ENGAGED 19671 Yes, you can qualify under our Senior Plan, complete with cymbal. I lay's meeting to establish 8 Sharon J. Mlller, A3, Solon, to you can drive to your new position In a new Volk •• EASY TERM II imall Ubl'ary of informaUon on Robert L. Kramer, E4, Cedar , ow Income housing for USe by Rapids. wage" or new Station Wagon. Requirements are a • ~ RH members. Cal'ol Hubbard, N2, C e dar pOlltlon upon graduation. This plan .xplr.. May WEST Big "B" Falls, Delta Zeta, to Larry Sprin· 29th. FIDIRAL AID CUT- kle, A4, Logan . DES MOl N E S t.4'I - Iowa Anne Fromm, A3, Harlan, to A. MUSIC CO. ONE HOUR MARTINIZING CLEANERS I"hooll are receivlnl( lome $15.2 A. Mark Kirby, DavenPQrt. , l1Jilton in federal aid this fiscal Cheri Lee Martin, A3, Erie, nl., volkswagen iowa city, inc. 217 So. Clinton lOS. Dubuque Street " 1r t "elp educationally de· to Steve Treiber, Davenport. )Olved children in low Income Joyce Deminjj, M, Mt. P1'OI!· "It highway"'" OPI!N 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. - 6 DAYS DIAL 331·4446 pect , llI. , Alpha Phi, to Steven lewa clly, iowa pho... J37·2115 Ireas, the Slate Board of Public Gryglas, E4, Pllrk Ridlle, Ill, 1.. ______.:;. _____....; _____--' • n"rucUon was told Friday •

• • .. Maiors'Scoreboard Stockton Takes 4-Shot Lead MSU Q I-f- 10 I Stu, NATIONAL LEAGUE AMIRICAN I.IAGUI In Colonial Invitational ,Golf W L PeL G.B. W L ual les ,owa Pct. G.B. 7 xClnclnnali 14 11 .&811 Chicago 18 8 .704 OriE "St. Louis 17 11 .60'1 S ~ DetroIt 8 10 .&43 1'At • xPlttsburgh 17 12 .586 4 Kansa. Clly 15 15 .500 5 .... FORT WORTH, Tex. IA'I - Dave Chlclgo 16 14 .533 5~ New York 13 14 .481 whose 67 Thul'sday had deadlock. « Slockton rode a fiery putter to a ed him in second place with Bob· 81-g , "

r ,

UI Prof Says • Area Schools I By PETER ARNEn r,uc co, Vietnam IA'l - The Need Change CAR WASH sored by the beauti(jcation su b- BOOK AWARDS . '" :t VietnaTT'ese soldiers, bare· The Angel Flight and Arnold Icommittee of the Ci tiz'ns For a The University Book Collectlnc • " 'ed and in ragged jungle fa· DES MOINES IA'I - Two edu­ Air Society will have a car wash Belter Iowa City will bl held [1'001 Awards wlil be presented by Prea, ,i~ l' . strode among the shattered . cators disagreeded F r id a y on from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday in 19 a.m . until noon loday al Shelter Howard R. Bowen at 4 p.m. MOIl­ \"1" , of the American infantry whether Iowa's approach to area the lot between Randall's and the House No. 7 on the lowe r level day in the English PhilosoPh, I)la 10" in the central highlands vocational-technical schools and Super Inn Motel on Highway 6 of the city park. The show is BuJidlng Lounge. 1':1 rs'.ia.y, firing bursts of bullets community colleges was the right north. lopen to the public. Mrs. W. R. al ~ -m" of the bodies lying on the • • • one Price is $1 per car and the pro- \ Ingram, S33 Lexington, author of FLOAT MEETING : '" " floor. They kicked at olh-' ceeds will be used for service a paper on "The Forest Garden el'r Kenneth B. Hoyt, professor of A mandatory meeting for repre. \ education at the Uni'lersity of projects. or the Unranked Garden ," will be sentatives of the campus organi­ " 11 ching them approach, prc. • •• present to answer questions about Cli 'ord A. ROWldtree, 20, whis­ \ Iowa told a public hearing be­ zations interested in enteriq I"el 'd fearfully to the U.S. 4th In­ fore the House that the stale PHI GAMMA NU this type of gardening. floats in the 1967 HomecomiD, fa ~' ry Divisio'l medic sprawled in should abandon its system of 15 Phi Gamma Nu 's last meeting ••• Parade will be held at 7 p.rn. lh~ open beside him. "Pray, pray. comprebensi ve colleges offering of the year, a trailride and cook- DENTAL BRUNCH Sunday in the Union Minnesota ( V On'" a miracle can save us now." both vocational·technical and col­ out, will be held Sunday. Actives Psi Omega Dental Wives will Room . Further information may II T'-e medic, sandy·haired Melvin lege transfer programs in favor and pledges are to meet at Burge hold their annual senior brunch be obtained from Pam Book at ) oC few er and more specialized in­ 338·7840. II W. Schultz. 22. who in the previ­ Hall at 7:45 a. m. where trans- at 10:30 a.m. today at the chap­ O ' ·~ thr~ hours had seen all his stitutions. portation to the cook-out will be ter house, 220 River St. Senior • • • buddies gunned down In the Cam­ Frank Malone, director of an· provided. wives, alumni and new members LAST SOAPBOX , bo (li'J n border battle when he was cillary services for the Area 10 • •• will be honored to an Hawalian Soapbox Soundoff will be IIeId urt r ble to help them. muttered community college at Cedar Rap­ GYMKHANA EVENTS theme. from noon until 2 p.m. Tuesday In b?ck "God will save us. He must ids. disagreed. He said that 10- The Iowa Region of the Sports ••• the Union Gold Feather Lounge. save us." ,wa's present law was a good Cal' Club or America will hold a WEEKEND RETREAT No topic has been chosen. This A b'lllet slammed Into Round· l one, and that the system should sports car gymkhana Sunday at Christus House and st. Paul's will be the last soapbox session lre ~'s arm. a boot crashed into be maintained. the Wardway Shopping Center Gamma Delta are jointly spon. of the s~mester. b;s rir and his bodv convulsed. House members listened atten· GI Fa"., 0 ..", parking lot. Registration will he soring a retreat tonight and Sun­ • • • tatively to both experts and held at noon with the first event day at Palisades Kepler State POETRY READING "Then I went li"'l) all over," he spent more than an hour firing planned for 12: 30 p.m. Tests of I't,nn li ed after his resctl" FTidav questions at them. drivin g skill and manuevering Park. Arrangements can still be A Union Board poetry reading mnming. neRr'" 11l hours late~ . are open to members and guests made by phoning 338·7868 or 337- will be given at 8 p.m. Tuesday Hoyt is head of lhe division of 3652 by 1 p.m. today. The cost in the Union Illinois Room by ""'''ev thOll!(ht. 1 was dead. Some Ico unselor education at the Uni- " . ~"t on m" shoulders a'ld went with 11 valid driving license, good is $2.75 a person. Cars will leave James Tate, G, Prairie Village, throngh my ·pockets. I could see versity and consultanl on guid· driving records and an automo- Kan., and Nathan Whiting, AI, ance and vocational education bile that meets club safety stan- at 6:30 to~ight ~rom Christus his boots out of the corner of my dards. There will be a small en- House and S" Paul s. Cherokee. eye as I lay with my face in the Ifor 12 states besides Iowa . mud. My wallet and papers were r Malone is a former student of try fee and no charge for specta- , ••• NOWI ENDS TUESDAYI 13ken. my watch was snatched off Hoyt's. tors. ST. THOMAS MORE m" wrist." The House has before it two • •• The public is invited to an Open to f)we- It Theatre Ro'mdtree, [r 0 mAnderson, bills, one passed by the Senate WESLEY TALK House 2 4 p.m. Sunday at the - -- - Calif.. said his heart almost I to appropriate $4 .5 million to "China: the Cultural Revolu- new St. Thomas More Church. I MICHAEL CAINE In stopped beating when. after he speed -UP state aid to the finan· tion," will be the topic of Ros s 405 N. Riverside Dr . A conducted [ailed to suppress a gulp, one of . cially troubled community col· Terrill, former lecturer in polio tour of the church will include II ALFIE" the score of North Vietnamese A MARINE CARRIES a North Vietnam ... 140mm rocket launch.r on the belCh at the mouth of leges and the other a House bill lical science at Melbourne Uni· explanations of its fea tures and IN troops around him pulled up his the 8." Hal rfYlr followl", the combined alr·"a lI,autt on the d.milit.rllld Jon •• The w.apon w., taking a different approach to versity in Australia. when he their relation to Catholic liturgy. COLOft area school problems. speaks at 7:00 p.m. Sunday in the General chairman of the Open shirt and felt at his heart to see .mont ...,er.1 t.kon In the Inltl.1 fighting at Than Nuy B.n during Operation Hlchory. AND if he was still alive. - AP N1rephoto Hoyt said Iirst priority should main lounge of Wesley House, House wlil be Dr. Fred C. Leone, Schultz, fro m Culver City, be given to establishing a sys· 120 N. Dubuque St. professor of statistics and indus. LYNN REDGRAVE I, Calir., was rolled over on his dead, had apparently outwitted "I've got only four people left. you know the alternative is tern of four to six area voca­ • •• trial engineering. Refreshments "GEORGY back, then kicked in the stomach. the .~attalion of North Vietnamese Bring the artillery in on top of death," Schultz answered when tional schools, each offering "a STUDENT DISPLAY will be served at the Catholic Stu- Someone jumped on his back, sat troops that had lured the platoon me." asked about his ordeal. set of vocational training OPPOI'· Art work by Iowa City elemen- dent Center, Hili McLean St., after GIRL" on his head and his pockets were into a trap at noon Thursday GI Kills lS The three soldiers remained ab- I tunities that is largely, although tary students , grades 1 through . the tour. emptied. about 1% miles from the Cam­ Roundtree, a point man with solutely still all night Thursday not entirely, different from those 6, will be on display to the public :-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_~ A third soldier Iyinll nearby, bodian border, southwest of Plei· the platoon, said heavy enemy and stirred only at mid-morning found in any of the olhers. " 2 to 5 p.m . Sunday and from 9 Spec. 4. Ke.nneth N. Barker, 20, ku. By most battle accounts, the fire at close range gradually wore Friday when they heard unmis- He called for establishing dol'­ a.m. to 5 p.m . week days next oC Brownstown, Ill., faked death North Vietnamese rarely take them down. One soldier, wounded takable sounds that American mitories at each of the schools, week at Kirkwood School, 409 9th ' by lying face down with his arms prisoners. six times in the battie, killed an soldiers were arriving. It was opening them to persons from St.. Coralville. Twelve schools stretcbed in front of him. The The Communist ambushers were estimated 15 of the attackers be­ then they found that some others all parts of the state. There is will be represented at the art ex­ -TONIGHT- North Vietnamese folded his arms believed part of a two regiment· fore he himself was killed. had .played dead, too. no provision in the present com· hibit. across his back and tied his wrists size force that had infiltrated At midaflernoon. Roundtree and O! the 30 men ;n the platoon, !1lunity college law for dormitor- • • • with bamboo. Then he was kicked from the Cambodian border in the Schultz cried out loudly "Is any­ 22 were killed and eight were les. BIOCHEMISTRY SEMINAR GLEN and JANE and rolled across the ground. his past 30 days. one alive?" Only one reply rdme wounded . A battalion officer com. Second priority, he said, should W. E. Cornatzer of the Univer­ watch taken, and his pockets The platoon was cut off when from the 30 men scattered down mented: "All the North Vietna- be given to establishing four sity of North Dakota will address STARTING AT 7:30 picked. it attempted to capture a Com· the hillside. A voice said: "I'm mese wanted was the platoon . combined junior colleges and a biochemistry· seminar at 10:30 Mlrlcl. Com .. munist soldier wearing a green still here, but I'm hit in the leg." They got it." technical schools in different a.m. Monday in E-405 General But the miracle that Roundtree uniform with a white paC':' on his Soon afterward, the North Viet­ Barker was elated, and not only parts of the state. Hospital. He will speak oh the BEER GARDEN had prayed for came true. All back. He now is believed to have namese soldiers rose from the at being alive . He had managed He said these should offer a topic "Drugs and Hormonal Ef­ tG6 M. LINN St. Public P.rkl", At RNr three men, who were slightly been an unusual decoy. jungle and slowly approached the to hide his wallet inside his shirt fully accredited two-year trans­ fects of Phosphatide Metabo­ wounded, survived the action In Three other U.S. platoons at­ mutilated American unit, firing and the Communists did not find fer program plus a set of techni­ lism." which 22 of their buddies from B tempted to relieve the unit, but bursts of bullets in front of them. it. cal training courses requiring • • • Company, 1st BattaliOn, 8th Regi­ were pinned ~wn by intense fire. It was then that Roundtree, "They didn't ge, the picture of some liberal arts subjects. FlOWER SHOW ment, were killed. Five others The last radioed words from Schultz and Barker played dead. Sandra, my wife," said Barker. Malone declared that separal· The t' " d and last in a series NOW ENDS WED. Crom the platoon also survived hut the besieged platoon, spoken "It's amazing how you can con­ "I would never have forgiven ing liberal arts from the tech­ of informal flower shows spon- with serious wounds. early In the afternoon by a ser· trol your body, how you can bend myself if I had lost that picture." nical program was undesirable. All the sur.vivors, by playing geant who later was killed, were: to your will, partieularly when He disagreed sharply with Hoyt on this point. PAUL I EWMAN LBJ Traced Separating the two , he said, "tends Lo train workers for only nif;{!t~l~ FREDRIC MARCH \RICHARD BOONE one job and handica ps tbem wben Senate Passes Money Bill a chance arises for promotional DIANE CILENTO To England opportunities ... NOW 'SHOWINGI WASHINGTON (of! - A bulky establish a newspaper and radiO before we're struck down by the LONDON I..., _ President John- For this reason. be said , the $2.26·billion catch·all money bill station there under auspices of disease of violence," he said. son is an English Texan. Towa program aimed at develop­ MUST END MONDAY - including $75 million extra for the OCfice of Economic Opportu- He said business leaders should President Franklin D. Roose· ing comprehensive colleges in all "HOMBRE" 15 areas now organized was the ,ONTINUOUS SHOWS President Johnson's special anti­ nl~y. hire six younsters for every 100 veil was related to FTench Pres· _. CtlIIlyDol1lJt ident Charles de Gaulle. best approach. poverty summer program - won "We already have too much regular employes - and that half De Gaulle was a kinsman of The two educators agreed thet'e were some technical trades, such GIANT ADVENTURE FEATURI AT: Senate approval Friday. government management of the of those should be needy young· George Washington. 11 •• 1:30 • Sc30 • 7:35 • f:. Passage was on a roll caU vote news," Byrd said. sters from impoverished back· And an American, Bladen Hor· as auto mechanics, that do not require stUdents La ta ke college BREAKS LOOSE! of 74-1. The lone no vote was by President Johnson is pressing grou nds. I ace Capell, 45, Y~ba City, Calir., transfer courses and only limiL· . $75 ' 11 ' would be the heIr to the earl- M·G-MlUllS AK ING BROS PROOUCTION Sen. Richard B. Russell (D·Ga.). hard for the $75-million summer Th e ex tI a ml Ion was re- dam of Essex. ed instruction in any academic NOW subjects. Included in the measure was program. quested by Johnson after the I Who says so? ENDS TUES. a ban on use of any antipoverty Johnson told a news conference House had approved the bulky I Debrett's, the 3,215-page bible funds to establish or operate gen­ Thursday that he asked for the measure with a total some $218 of the British aristocracy says UNION BOARD PRESENTS: eral coverage newspaper, maga­ program after asking the opin­ . . it in its new edition, out Friday. Tl H I k d zine, radio station or television ion of government staff workers mliiton below that ~pproved by Having cuffed the American le vy ee en Mooie station. to evaluate racial and slum prob­ th~ Senate ApproprIatIOns Com· chief executive to an English The Sen. Harry F. Byrd (V·Va.) ob­ lems in San Francisco, New mlttee. family tree, Debrett's turned to .OA GIRL FOR ALL SEASONS! De Gaulle, saying his great- Guns of Navaron. tained inclusion of this rider with York, Chicago, Baltimore, Wash­ HHH URGES FARM AID- Un no opposition. ington and {lve other cities. He grandfather, Henri Louis de Storrlng Gregory Peck, THE LADY IS RARE." WAJSHINGTON iA'!-Vice Presi. Lannoy. Is of the same family David Niven and Anthony Quinn -Howard Thompson, New York Times The money bill supplying funds did not name the five. dent Hubert Humphrey said The story of a crew of British :no as Sarah Deland , mother of Pres- soldiers who face unstll·mount· to operate federal programs and "We need preventive medicine Friday those who believe in equal ident Roosevelt. able odds as they attempt to de· 1IIGALlA' IS TOTALLY AMORAL HER A ~l agencies during the remaining opportunity cannot be satisfied stroy two gigantic; Impregnable Debrett's says the De Lannoys German gllnS. weeks of this fiscal year that hAbl1 ~ I NAI Tb t: MILK STRIKE HITS CHICAGO- with returns and services the na· came from France's Lille dis· M.y 20 .nd 21 ISfD ARE HEA tuLY uHAL. ends June 30 goes back to the CHICAGO I.fI - A strike aDd a tion is providing farmers and d'y :IS l trict, as did the ancestors of 4 7, 9 p.m. In the llllnolB Room. Mil GIIIII lI,u" ~ .. ,,/I", tot .. " "Ii I~ ~u ~Ut .,ttolillyly fllCll House for consideration of $218 lockout cut off deliveries of milk rural residents. "Better incomes, Roosevelt's mother. It adds that Tickets available at the door~.and nr co II million of Senate additions. In the Activities Center lor ...,.,. mu::h to homes and stores in the Chi­ better schools, better health facil· Gil" IIvell} lhell 1'1 ""~ liAu:afll in through an ancient, tenuous hook· MANY hou:· •. Byrd told the Senate he offered cago area Friday. It was the sec­ ities, better job opportunities for uP. De Gaulle could also be reo ~~::::~~~~~~ tn:l '1U Lit" " ." w" ..... " N. V •• I his ban because of a recent pro­ ond time this month that the dou­ rural areas are essential if justice lated to the Washingtons. Ub:itH~ t _II" Free ( posal by antipoverty leaders in ble action pinched off milk sup­ is to be done to people in our for a11·n North Caroline to use $179,000 to plies. rural areas," he asserted. CHINESE RIOT- :. An CA"I:.Y I lUI_ALL J ~IiAtiINIi the mm to Davi HONG KONG IA'I - Thousands DOORS OPEN 12:45 of screaming pro-Communist Chi· MOVIE ... MAlIt ro DELIOH II h Board d nese marched on Government NOWI WE~::S~AY r "The House again Friday in an appar­ study. " -: PLEASE NOTE -­ prograrr "{jo,£ove .. ent effort to humiliate British rul· THIS SHOW STARTS ers in this colony on Red China's Union E Special doorstep. AT 1:00 He sa • • • There is no heartbreak would bl in him yet. Direct From Its . .. Union B He is too young, Duke this "little creature, " Roadshow Engagement formed of joy . - trial WOI Here Now. SPECIAL POPULAR PRICES I§. :' periods. 100% European Hair and mirth," to understand why SPECial SCHEDULED PERfORMANCES -A.C.QLII- ~~_-r:- ' .• the res1 he cannot walk liJ(e other children, MATINEES ...... 1:00- 3:40 .....1 __·IP·=~r'~ Falls why he must EVENINGS ...... 6:25. 9:10 _ FEATURE AT: 1:40·3:35·5:30 - 7:30 - ':30 gular spend his days, =~~~~~~ ~ ,J reM NO SEATS RESERVED [ braced and strapped, liilj; ~ in a wheelchair. Now $75 He loves, Chocolate and Vanilla Ice Cream r ' a. Blake enjoined, Swirled Into A Delicioul Treat r and is 10Yed •.. and. for. the moment. Sprite . 'e that is enough. SCOTTI'S But his future is bleak unless you belp. " $2070 P.O.I. Twist Cones The Il OIIuc1eol Chester '.IUMPH ' ....A 10e-1Se Health, " TRIUMPH SPITFIRE "We OR TRY A IDOnonu MOl cases 0 .. HEALEY 3000 TWIST SUNDAE 'tie hav, of It th OPEL KADEn May," 30e Mono! (Pa&tel Shades Slightly Higher) IENAULT 1I10no a Chocliltt, Strawberry, PEUOEOT It 18 Stop in loon and see Plnea.... , lutterscotch chargee our full collection of fine hairpiecel MDCEDES IINZ Miller Pleue contribute to the JAGUAR XKE disease directly lAD MAIIST IIIUSCUUR IYSTROm sconl's H~· _-;:r~~"'~~ laminat Raul'l Salon MUSCULI. DYSTIIl,NY USOClal1lt1S "Genl Sei~rl ~ If AMERICA, IIIC. 621 S. Riversid. Dr. 1111 ....,. lint yen. u. 1.11 1024 lat A'll. N.I. MATINEE MON· SAT •• $1.00 • \ll!rlO lOS. Clinton 137·7955 CEDAR RAPIDS IVI. " SUN •• $1.25 (Neat .. H..... 1t MIttra) ~Iated Phone W·Z611 CHILD·5Oc AlthO! pla gue ea evel

, ,