Forecast New PoUcy Needed Gusty wind. todoy to diminish by ~ . ThurtdlY night', demon,trltlon It IhI illll end clear .. portly cloudy lid.. te wornln', .rmltorll' point. up IhI nMd domln... 1_0', ......... for IhI wealllCl. )wever for IIlIIrlllllng houri limitation, for Hlehs expected te climb .. IhI 70s 1II.1n erstand coed" Iccordlng to Bill NlWbrough" edl· ail ow·an with w.rmer reedi"" 1fH'MCI1", Wet' IhI torili. 5M pagl 2. st... t.nlght ond $undly. ~'s and Serving the University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City to get get a Established In 1868 10 centl a copy Asaociated Press Leased WIre and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa-Saturday, May 20, 1967 s. ign stu. the in. profes. oecially Basketball Playoff OKd thought 'S went DMZ Invasion Defended; ~pande J Class' I To Resolve Title Ties itudent; to put By RON BLISS a Big 10 AII·Star team abroad during the class. " StlH Writer summer. A recommendation that there be a Under the plan, Reed said, the confer- e qUite playoff in case of a tie for the Big 10 ence would bring an all·star team in from Jets Strike Plant In Hanoi s. f basketball title was passed Friday by the a foreign nation and sponsor games be· WASHINGTON IA'I - The United States Vietnamese half, this Immediately raised MIG fighters, boosting the dogfigllting toll Congressional critics promptly described student Big 10 athletic directors meeting at tbe tween it and each of the conference teams. told lhe world Friday it had to invade the question of a potential direct invasion on these Soviet-designed jets tbrougll the the DMZ invasion as an escalation o[ the e to his Union Iowa House. In return, a squad of 10 Big 10 all-stars Vietnam's demilitarized zOne because large of the North . war to 63. plus 9 probables. The UnIted war, wbile supporters defended it as a 'ans he The rule change had been recommended and two conference coaches would go Red forces had moved in there for assaults Administration sources said there are no States has acknowledged the lou of 16 necessary military maneuver_ by Big 10 basketball coaches after Michi· abroad during the summer to play exhlbi· on Sou fh Vietnam . plans for a land assault into the northern planes in such action since the ftrat In Sen . J_ W. Fulbright tn-Ark.), Foreign gan Slate and Indiana tied for the title this tion games in differenl countries. ,t P.... A State Department press officer. Rob­ hal[ of the buffer zone - North Vietna­ April 1965. Relations Committee chairman and per· he ,... year. Indiana went to the NCAA meet this mese territory - or farther north. The U.S. Command said nothing about sistent war critic, denounced what he year based on the fact that Michigan State ert J_ McCloskey, termed the allied thrust der 10 purely defensive and not an invasion of Pressure Expected any losses in the raids Friday. Radio Hanoi called "widening of the war, ond escalation was the last of the two to win the title_ declared nine American planes were sbot of the fighting." "'PIct The -new rule states that if two teams North Vietnam. But pressure for such a move -against 'rtlltd YRs Disclaim Communist attackers is deemed likely down and a number of the pilots were cap­ But Senate Democratic Leader Mike tie for the title, they will meet in a playoff He said in the official U.S. explanation: tured. Mansfield of Montana, who has been criti· game to determine who will represent the from some military quarters. U.S. planes "This is a search-and-destroy operation have been stepping up their bombings of T.k •• Prlson'r cal of some phases of Johnson policy. noted I Min [ conference In the NCAA meet. If more within the territory of South Vietnam in that "our troops have gone only to the ,t only the North, including Friday's strike for the A correspondent for Tass. the Soviet than two lie, the two furthest removed response to a significant enemy buildup in­ news agency. said a Shrike missile was doors'ep of North Vietnam" while remain­ f lift. from prior NCAA tournament competition Responsiblity first time on a power plant at Hanoi, the volving North Vietnam forces. capital. dropped "in the diplomatic distrIct" by a ing in South Vietnamese territory I West. will play in the playoff game. Soviet propaganda quickly opened up Itrd to In other action, the directors liberalized "We have no choice but to take the ne­ The U.S. Command announced the Hanoi flier who was subsequently taken prisoner. I\r, by the regulations governing recruiting. In cessary military measures to counteract larget was a power plant in a bunt-up The correspondent reported several Viet­ against tbe DMZ operation . Tas spoke of general the changes were to bring con· For Statement the buildup." area only II miles from the Communist namese citizens were killed in their shel­ this "new. grave provocation" and warned ference rules regarding off-campus ' visita­ The Young Republicans (YRl passed a While the 5,500 U.S. and South Vietna­ capital's center. Also attacked was the ters. He said southern and southwestern that Moscow will actively pursue i s polic) Is i~ter­ suburbs of Hanoi were hit. as well as the of helping defeat what it termed U.S. ag ionships tions with prospects in line with those of resolution Thursday that the club did not mese troops sent into the six-mile-wide Van Dien army barracks, five miles south the NCAA . Most important of these was a necessarily support the anti· Vietnamese strip between the NOrth and South were re­ of Hanoi. city itself. gression . ,tuden's ported confined to the three-mile South Pilots said they shot down at least three too for .. rule allowing coaches to visit the home of war statement by YR chairman Frederick benefit a prospect twice. Previously, coaches were R. McMorris, A2, Independence, at the e infor- limited to one home visit. Student Senate Day of Inquiry Thursday Approval was given to a proposal to raise Members said that the resolution was the size of Big 10 football traveling squads passed only after an hour and a half of rlty and from 40 to 44 men_ debate. e most This is the second year in a row in which At the Day of Inqury, McMorris read a U.N. force Goes; ermany. the size of the traveling squad has been statement passed by the local club'. exe­ most no increased. Last year it was increased from cutive board which said that the U.S.­ Ie cia. s. 38 to 40. Big 10 Commissioner Bill Reed supported Ky regime was not the legiti­ to leave said the change was made to compensate mate government of South Vietnam_ n s 'con­ for the extra men needed for platoon foot· The statement called for a halt of bomb­ War Fear Grows Ie said. ball, which has been in active use for the ing in North Vietnam, United Nations· lectures past three years. supervised elections for all Vietnam, and BEIRUT, Lebanon IA'I - The Mideast Canada has proposed that the dissolved WASHINGTON IA'I - President Johnson, DES MO'MES IA'I - A QIlI to allow a liyersity The Big 10 directors also revised the asked that the United States abide by such was alerted Friday ni ght to the possibility U.N. Emergency Force be moved to Is· telling the nation's farmers he bas not for­ plan much like Blue Cross to finance drug e more schedule for when freshmen football teams elections, even if Communists w ere of an overt act thal mighl blow up into an raeli territory_ got len them, said Friday his admlnistra· bills won approval 32-16 Friday in its third students could play games in the fall and tentatively elected. Arab-Israeli war. U Thant reported to the U.N. General lion is determined to see the farmer trip through lhe Iowa Senate. Senators agreed on a provision to allow international McMorris told The Daily Iowan Friday At the insistence of Egyptian President Assembly in New York Friday that, with achieves the income he deserves. But. the also passed 37-0 a bill relaxing some ref­ President said, lhe farmer has to under· erendum requirements for low rent hous­ ate stu· competition for conference basketball that he prefaced the executive board's Gamal Abdel Nasser and the no-allerna· grave misgivings, he agreed to Egypt's de­ statement with an announcement that its stand the government cannot do the job ing projects. 1. In or­ teams. tive acquiescence of U.N. Secretary-Gen­ mand to withdraw the peace.keeping force . The rule regarding freshman football views were those of the council as the eral U Thant, the LO-year-old peace-keeping alone, but "working together we can do it one has and we will do it." e. Nelte was changed to allow the teams to play YR policy-making body . United Nations Emergency Force hauled WASHINGTON IA'I - The International their two games In the IeCOnd half of their He said Terry E. Brandstad, A2, Leland, * * * I down its pale blue and white flags and Conference on Water [or Peace opens here impos· followed McMorris' appearance by quoting 'esearch practice season. According to the previous prepared to pull out. FT. DIX, N.J. IA'I - A 20-year-old pri· Tuesday with delegates and observers from rule, freshman teaRls had to play their the platform o[ the University and State Egyptian soldiers thereupon took over Schools Examine * * * in the YRs.
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