80 hOuRS ui Museum of Art ‘First Fridays’ features downtown muralist. THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 thursday, sEPtEMBEr 6, 2012 NEWSPAPER •DAILYIOWAN.COM • TELEVISION 50¢ Obama visit to close streets UI stresses assault awareness By MAtt StARNS
[email protected] Charges filed this week in an alleged sexu- al assault at Currier Residence Hall marked the third such incident in 2012, according to records obtained by The Daily Iowan. University of Iowa police records indicate three sexual assaults have been reported this year in university housing. In 2011, there were two reported incidents; police received no reports in 2010. In the wake of the rising number of sexual assaults in UI housing, officials are encourag- ing students to remain vigilant and speak up about sexual violence. Further, the incidents have prompted a dialogue recently among UI officials and local advocacy groups about sex- ual assault and assault education on campus. “Sexual assault is often something people aren’t willing to talk about,” said Susan Ju- nis, education coordinator for the Rape Vic- tim Advocacy Program. “A lot of people write it off or think, ‘This is something that’s never going to happen to me or anyone I know, so People waited from 6 a.m. Wednesday in the IMU to get tickets for President Obama’s appearance on campus Friday. Obama’s visit to Iowa City will be his first why does it matter to me?’ ” campaign stop after the Democratic Convention. (The Daily Iowan/Juan Carlos Herrera) Davenport resident Jordan Garr, 21, was By ERic clARk who have admission tickets, will feature the president and charged with assault, false imprisonment,
[email protected] his wife, along with Vice President Joe Biden and his wife.