(no) FiREWoRks iOwa Played POOrly all arOund in a 38-14 lOss tO Penn state. Pages 6, 7, and 12 THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 MOnday, october 22, 2012 NEWSPAPER •DAILYIOWAN.COM • TELEVISION 50¢ Organic entrepreneurship County wants budget rules By nathaniel Otjen [email protected] Following unapproved expendi- tures totaling more than $58,000 by Johnson County Auditor Tom Slock- ett, one county supervisor believes implementing a previously proposed policy would prevent similar situa- tions from occurring. Slockett recently spent $62,580 buying 70 laptops, 70 printers, and 70 identification scanners. The Board of Supervisors only approved the purchase of five new computers, Supervisor Janelle Rettig said. More equipment arrived on Oct. 19 and has yet to be unpacked and sorted through, Rettig said. The supervisors plan to confront Slock- ett about the purchase during their Owner Kyle Sieck mixes up some greens for organic burritos at Local Burrito on Oct. 20 at the Farmers’ Market. The UI alum hopes to open a food truck in the next meeting, on Thursday. near future. (The Daily Iowan/ Callie Mitchell) Slockett’s actions stirred discus- sion of a new policy to ensure such By eriC Clark stand started out as an experiment The coalition works with the UI Of- purchases don’t happen in the fu- [email protected] but has evolved into something much fice of Sustainability and holds other ture. At their meeting last week, larger. events to help students become more when the purchase was discovered, When Kyle Sieck worked at a lo- The Farmers’ Market was recently aware of their natural environment. Rettig voiced her concerns about the cal vegetable stand at the Iowa City ranked the No. 1 farmers’ market in UI Office of Sustainability director lack of clear control. Farmers’ Market four years ago, he the state American Farmland Trust’s Liz Christiansen said organic and lo- “We don’t have control measures noticed a need for cooked food. annual “America’s Favorite Farmers’ cally grown foods not only help sup- to stop elected officials and depart- “There wasn’t really anything to eat Markets.” port the local economy, they also pro- ment heads from violating the bud- but zucchini bread,” he said. The 2008 University of Iowa gradu- mote better health. get,” Rettig said during the Oct. 18 Sieck then began the process of set- ate is no stranger to the topic of sus- “It’s a challenge for many families meeting. “Until we get some control ting up his own business, which he tainability — he is a former president dubbed Local Burrito. He said the food of the UI Environmental Coalition. sEE BurritOs, 5 sEE slOCkett, 5 2012 VOte 2012: CaMPaigns 2012 VOte 2012: ISSUES Economy on Celebs stump IC for Obama the mind By Quentin Misiag By rishaBh r. jain [email protected] [email protected] Obama for America has reached out The No. 1 issue that American primarily to young voters with a pletho- voters are worried about this elec- ra of celebrity appearances. tion season is job creation, according Obama supporters say celebrity ap- to a U.S. News/Gallup Poll, yet one pearances draw youth attention to the University of Iowa expert doesn’t be- election, but some local experts and Re- lieve either candidate has anything publicans said it shouldn’t be the only specific in mind that would have a strategy. major effect on increasing the num- Comedian Seth MacFarlane, best ber of jobs. known as the creator of “Family Guy,” “I don’t mean that critically,” said visited Iowa City on Oct. 20, wrapping Raymond Riezman, a UI economics up President Obama’s Campus Take- professor. “I don’t think employment over Week. The aggressive early voting creation is really something that the initiative by the Democratic Party has president or the Congress has much brought many high-profile names to the to do with. It happens by the growth state and Iowa City specifically, from ac- of the private sector. And it depends tor Justin Long to singer Bon Jovi. on market conditions all over the Speaking at an intimate roundtable world.” event at the International Brotherhood According to a monthly report by of Electrical Workers Local 405 office Bureau of Labor Statistics — which in downtown Iowa City, MacFarlane Actor and producer Seth McFarlane stumps for the Obama campaign above Iowa Book on Sunday. Several showed a 0.3 percent decrease in pushed the importance of getting out high-profile celebrities have visited Iowa, and Iowa City specifically, in the past few weeks to promote unemployment rate in September — early to vote for the upcoming presiden- Obama, including actor Justin Long and singer Bon Jovi. (The Daily Iowan/Juan Carlos Herrera) employment growth has averaged tial election, while delivering his famil- 146,000 jobs per month, as opposed iar comedic demeanor. standing as a swing state. The endorse- lebrity endorsements by political par- to 153,000 per month in 2011. But, “Iowa is one state who will help decide ments, when used with caution, can be ties. these numbers don’t account for the this election,” he said. “With Obama, beneficial to the campaign. “You just have more celebrities that number of jobs lost during the same you benefit. With Romney, I benefit. But “I think it’s a wonderful tool, and like tend toward the liberal side,” he said. period. I don’t need the help, you do." any tool, you have to use it appropriate- “Part of it is because Hollywood leans But both GOP presidential nom- University of Iowa Associate Profes- ly and not go overboard,” he said. “It’s a left.” inee Mitt Romney and President sor of political science Tim Hagle said good opportunity if you’e here in Iowa Hagle said celebrities have the ability Obama have stressed their plans to recent celebrity visits to Iowa City to get engaged in the political process.” to attract those who aren’t very in tune increase employment numbers. and the state are due in part by Iowa’s Hagle also pointed out the use of ce- sEE CeleBrities, 5 sEE econOMy, 5 WEATHER dAily iowan Tv insidE HIGH LOW To watch daily iowan Tv: Classifieds 11 75 61 • scan this code Crossword 6 • Go to dailyiowan.com Opinions 4 Mostly cloudy, breezy, 50% chance of • Watch UiTv sunday-Thursday rain/T-storms. night at 9:30 Sports 12 2 | The Daily Iowan • Iowa City, Iowa • Monday, October 22, 2012 News dailyiowan.com for more news MetRo The Daily Iowan Regents to mull She entered the hotel room Volume 144 Issue 84 and agreed to have sex with Hawkeye Court plan an undercover police detective BReAkINg NewS sTaff The state Board of Regents in exchange for money, the Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher will hear a report on the Uni- complaint said. She reportedly email: [email protected] William Casey 335-5788 versity of Iowa’s plan to replace admitted to having sex with Fax: 335-6297 editor-in-Chief the Hawkeye Court apartment others in exchange for money on Emily Busse 335-6030 housing. several occasions over the last CoRReCtIoNS Managing editor The Hawkeye Court structure four to five months. Call: 335-6030 Sam Lane 335-5855 contains 427 one- and two-bed- — by Quentin Misiag Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for Metro editors room apartments. accuracy and fairness in the reporting Kristen East 335-6063 The Hawkeye Court report fol- of news. If a report is wrong or Jordyn Reiland 335-6063 lows a report in 2011 stating the Man charged with misleading, a request for a correction opinions editor apartments would require a large or a clarification may be made. Benjamin Evans 335-5863 capital outlay to maintain the criminal mischief Sports editor short-term future of the apart- A local man was accused of PUBlISHINg INFo Molly Irene Olmstead 335-5848 ments. The UI explored three A Hawkeye Court resident walks down the sidewalk leading to an apart- throwing ceramic Halloween deco- The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is Arts editor options for the apartments. The ment building on April 8, 2010. (The Daily Iowan/File Photo) rations at a vehicle. published by Student Publications Alicia Kramme 335-5851 university would either finance, Damien Gilchrist, 19, 452 W. Inc., E131 Adler Journalism Building, Copy Chief construct, and operate the Officials said there was no these students at ISU would have Benton St., was charged Oct. 13 with Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004, daily Beau Elliot 335-6063 apartments using standard prac- further information available as a 2.35 percent increase. second-degree criminal mischief. except Saturdays, Sundays, legal and Photo editors tices, enter a private partnership of Sunday night. This would raise tuition at the According to an Iowa City police university holidays, and university Rachel Jessen 335-5852 with a private construction, or — by Jordyn Reiland UI by $648, ISU by $440, and UNI complaint, Gilchrist broke out the vacations. Periodicals postage paid Adam Wesley 335-5852 discontinue family housing. by $410. rear driver’s side window, dented at the Iowa City Post Office under the Design editor The university is looking to While a tuition freeze would the rear driver’s side door, and Act of Congress of March 2, 1879. Allie Wright 335-6063 enter a partnership that would Regents to discuss keep base tuition at the same dented the window frame. tV News Director allow the university to lease land tuition freeze level as the 2012-13 school year, When officers arrived on scene, SubscriptIoNS Ryan Jones 335-6063 to a private entity that would mandatory fees aren’t subject the victim explained her ex-boy- Call: Juli Krause at 335-5783 web editor plan, construct, and manage the The state Board of Regents to the freeze but won’t undergo friend was Gilchrist.
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