ECEN 457 (ESS) Op-Amps Stability and Frequency Compensation Techniques Analog & Mixed-Signal Center Texas A&M University Reference: Sergio Franco, “Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits” 4th Edition , Chapter 8, 2015 Stability of Linear Systems Harold S. Black, 1927 Negative feedback concept Negative feedback provides: • Gain stabilization • Reduction of nonlinearity • Impedance transformation But also brings: • Potential stability problems • Causes accuracy errors for low dc gain Here we will discuss frequency – compensation techniques 2 Stability Problem LOAD INPUT xd xo A(s) xi xf β A(s) 1/ A(s) H (s) CL 1 1 As 1 1T (s) A(s) Feedback forces xd to become smaller It takes time to detect xo and feedback to the input xd could be overcorrected (diverge and create instability) How to find the optimal (practical) xd will be based on frequency compensation techniques 3 Gain Margin & Phase Margin |T| (dB) G is the number of dBs by T0 M which | T ( j 180 ) | can increase f x f-180º f (dec) until it becomes 0 dB GM 1 GM 20log |T j180 | <T(jω) 0 fx f-180º f (dec) Phase margin ϕm is the number T j -90º of degrees by which x ϕ can be reduced until it reaches -180º m –π (-180º) -270º m 180 T jx Conceptual Gain Margin GM or and Phase Margin ϕ m T jx m 180 * ωx is the crossover frequency 4 Gain Margin & Phase Margin At the crossover point, jm T jx 1T jx 1m 180 e The non-ideal closed loop transfer function becomes A jx A jx Aideal H CL jx 1 Ajx 1T jx 11/T jx A A ideal ideal jx 1 e 1 cosm j sinm 1 1 H CL jx AIdeal , AIdeal 2 1 cosm sin m 5 Gain Margin & Phase Margin Observe that different ϕm yield different errors. i.e. H j • In practical systems, ϕm CL x ϕm = 60º is required 90º 0.707 60º 1.00 • A worst case ϕm = 45º for a typical lower limit 45º 1.31 • For ϕ < 60º, we have 30º 1.93 m A jx Aideal 15º 3.83 indicating a peaked closed- ∞ (oscillatory 0º loop response. behavior) 6 Why a dominant pole is required for a stable amplifier? A good Op amp design implies: (i) A ( j ) 1 over as wide a band of frequencies as possible (ii) The zeroes of A ( j ) 1 0 must be all in the left-hand plane Note that A( j) 0 These two conditions often conflict with each other. These trade-offs should be carefully considered. Let’s consider a practical amplifier characterized with these poles, A A A(s) 0 0 1 2 3 1 s /1 1 s / 2 1 s /3 s 1 s 2 s 3 The characteristic equation becomes A A(s) 1 0 1 2 3 1 0 s 1 s 2 s 3 s 1 s 2 s 3 A01 23 0 7 Critical Value of βA0 3 2 s s 1 2 1 s1 2 13 23 1 23 1 A0 0 Note that βA0 is the critical parameter that determines the pole locations for a given α1, α2 and α3 (0≤ β ≤1). Furthermore, when βA0 = 0, the roots are at -α1, -α2 and -α3. Therefore, for small βA0, the roots should be in the left-hand plane (LHP). However, for βA0>>1, two of the roots might be forced to move to the right- hand plane (RHP). This can be verified by applying Routh’s stability criterion. Let us write the polynomial as 3 2 b3s b2s b1s b0 0 In order to have, in the above equation, left half plane roots, all the coefficients must be positive and satisfy b2b1 b3b0 0 8 Critical Value of βA0 The condition for imaginary-axis roots become 3 2 b3 j b2 j b1 j b0 0 2 2 b0 b2 j b1 b3 0 Now, for s=jω being a root, both real and imaginary parts must be zero. That is, 2 2 b0 b2 0, b1 b3 0 or b3b0 b1b2 Then the two roots are placed at b b j 0 j 1 p2,3 b2 b3 9 Critical Value of βA0 b2b1 b0 b3 Then 1 231 A0 C 1 2 3 1 2 13 23 Thus, the critical value of βA0 becomes 1 1 2 2 3 3 A0 C 2 2 3 1 3 1 2 Thus when βA0 becomes (βA0)C, the amplifier will oscillate at b1 OSC 1 2 13 23 b3 Also when βA0 > (βA0)C, the amplifier has RHP poles, therefore is unstable. 10 Critical Value of βA0 5 Let us consider some numerical examples. Let A0 = 10 , 7 (i) Three equal poles α1=α2=α3=10 rad/s. 7 The amplifier oscillates at OSC 1 3 10 3rad/s 5 A0 C 8, C 8/ A0 810 (ii) 2 3 , then the critical loop gains yields 1 104 104 4 2 4 210 A0 C 2 210 , thus the amplifier is stable if C 0.2 1 A0 Since R 1 / R 1 R 2 , 0 . 2 causes R 2 / R 1 4 , which means that for an inverting (non-inverting) configuration, the gain must be greater than -4 (5) to keep the amplifier stable. 11 Critical Value of βA0 (iii) Let us determine A0C under the most stringent condition β=1. Then from previous equation, 1 1 2 2 3 3 A0 2 2 3 1 3 1 2 In order to have a large A0, the poles must be widely separated. i.e. α1<<α2<<α3, then the A0 inequality can be approximated as 2 3 A0 1 1 To obtain a conservative A0, let α2=α3, which yields 2 A0 2 1 This inequality bounds the DC gain to provide a stable closed loop configuration. 12 Peaking and Ringing Peaking in the frequency domain usually implies ringing in the time domain Normalized second-order all-pole (low pass) system 2 1 H (s) 0 s j 2 s 2 0 s 2 1 0 1 2 j Q s j 0 Q 0 13 Peaking and Ringing GP: Peak gain – We have the error function, 1 1 E( j) 2 (1) 2 1 2 D 1 2 2 0 Q 0 To find out the maximum value of |E(jω)|, calculate the derivative of D(ω) and make it equal to zero 3 d 1 4 2 1 2 D() 2 2 0 1 OR 0 2 2 4 * 2Q2 0 d Q 0 0 For Q 1 / 2 , use ω* in Eq. (1) and we get the peak gain 2Q2 GP Ej0 1 (2) 4Q2 1 14 Peaking and Ringing OS: Overshoot – Inverse Laplace transform b Inverse s - domain : Laplace time - doamin : eat sinbt u t (s a)2 b2 For a 2nd order all pole error function, the impulse response is 2 2 b v (t) (t) H (s) 0 0 in s j 2 2 2 2 0 b s a b 0 s s 0 a Q 2Q 2 Inverse 1 Laplace h(t) 0 eat sin(bt)u(t) b 1 b 4Q2 0 Consider the normalized step response of this system, t 0 at 1 b y(t) h(t)dt 1 e sinbt , tan for vin (t) u(t) (t)dt (3) 0 b a 2 Use the damping factor to represent, a 0 ,b 1 0 15 Peaking and Ringing Usually, the damping factor ξ=1/2Q is used to characterize a physical 2nd order system. Thus, we rewrite the normalized time-domain equation (3) 0 at 1 0t 2 y(t) 1 e sinbt 1 e sin 1 0t b 1 2 (4) b 1 2 1 2 tan1 tan1 , for small a For under damped case ξ < 1 (Q > 0.5), the overshoot is the peak value of y(t). To find the peak value, we first calculate the derivative of y(t), and make it equal to 0. d y(t) e0t sin 1 2 t 2 0 d0t 1 0t 2 e cos 1 0t 16 Peaking and Ringing d y(t) 0 d0t 0t 2 0t 2 e sin 1 0t e cos 1 0t 1 2 2 2 1 tan 1 0t tan To satisfy the equality above, we have n 0t ,n 0,1,2,... 1 2 In other words, the normalized step response y(t) in Eq.(3) achieves extreme values at time steps of n=0, 1, 2, … 17 Peaking and Ringing n=0 n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4 n=5 n=6 Peak Q=5 Value Time t 18 Peaking and Ringing n 0, 0t 0, y(t) 0 1 1 2 1 2 n 1, 0t , y(t) 1 e sin 1 e 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 n 2, 0t , y(t) 1 e sin2 1 e 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 2 n 3, 0t , y(t) 1 e sin3 1 e 1 2 1 2 Therefore, the global peak value of y(t) is achieved when n=1. Thus, the overshoot is defined as Peak Value Final Value 2 OS(%) 100 100e 1 (5) Final Value 19 Peaking and Ringing ϕm : Phase Margin For a 2nd order all-pole error function T (s) 1 1 E(s) 1T (s) 11 T (s) s2 1 s 2 1 0 Q 0 Therefore, the loop gain is given by 1 1 The cross-over frequency thus can be obtained 1 2 2 2 T ( j ) x x 1 x 2 0 0Q 20 Peaking and Ringing Solve the equation and get the crossover frequency, 1/ 2 1 1 1/ 2 1 4 4 1 2 2 x 0 4 2 0 4Q 2Q And thus the phase margin is 1 1 180 T j cos1 1 cos1 4 4 1 2 2 m x 4 2 4Q 2Q Study the relationship between phase margin and gain peaking (Eq.2) or overshoot (Eq.5), we have GP(60) 0.3dB OS(60) 8.8% Q 0.82 GP(45) 2.4dB OS(45) 23% Q 1.18 21 Peaking and Ringing 30 30 100 90 24 24 80 70 18 18 60 50 Q Factor 12 12 40 Gain Peaking (dB) Overshoot (%) Overshoot 30 6 6 20 10 0 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 Phase Margin (degree) Phase Margin (Degrees) 22 The Rate of Closure (ROC) One effective method of assessing stability for minimum phase systems from the magnitude Bode plots is by determining the ROC.
Amplifiers: Op Amps Texas Instruments Incorporated Op amp stability and input capacitance By Ron Mancini (Email: Staff Scientist, Advanced Analog Products Introduction Figure 1. Equation 1 can be written from the op Op amp instability is compensated out with the addition of amp schematic by opening the feedback loop an external RC network to the circuit. There are thousands and calculating gain of different op amps, but all of them fall into two categories: uncompensated and internally compensated. Uncompen- sated op amps always require external compensation ZG ZF components to achieve stability; while internally compen- VIN1 sated op amps are stable, under limited conditions, with no additional external components. – ZG VOUT Internally compensated op amps can be made unstable VIN2 + in several ways: by driving capacitive loads, by adding capacitance to the inverting input lead, and by adding in ZF phase feedback with external components. Adding in phase feedback is a popular method of making an oscillator that is beyond the scope of this article. Input capacitance is hard to avoid because the op amp leads have stray capaci- tance and the printed circuit board contributes some stray Figure 2. Open-loop-gain/phase curves are capacitance, so many internally compensated op amp critical stability-analysis tools circuits require external compensation to restore stability. Output capacitance comes in the form of some kind of load—a cable, converter-input capacitance, or filter 80 240 VDD = 1.8 V & 2.7 V (dB) 70 210 capacitance—and reduces stability in buffer configurations. RL= 2 kΩ VD 60 180 CL = 10 pF 150 Stability theory review 50 TA = 25˚C 40 120 Phase The theory for the op amp circuit shown in Figure 1 is 90 β 30 taken from Reference 1, Chapter 6.
Lecture abstract EE C128 / ME C134 – Feedback Control Systems Topics covered in this presentation Lecture – Chapter 10 – Frequency Response Techniques I Advantages of FR techniques over RL I Define FR Alexandre Bayen I Define Bode & Nyquist plots I Relation between poles & zeros to Bode plots (slope, etc.) Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science st nd University of California Berkeley I Features of 1 -&2 -order system Bode plots I Define Nyquist criterion I Method of dealing with OL poles & zeros on imaginary axis I Simple method of dealing with OL stable & unstable systems I Determining gain & phase margins from Bode & Nyquist plots I Define static error constants September 10, 2013 I Determining static error constants from Bode & Nyquist plots I Determining TF from experimental FR data Bayen (EECS, UCB) Feedback Control Systems September 10, 2013 1 / 64 Bayen (EECS, UCB) Feedback Control Systems September 10, 2013 2 / 64 10 FR techniques 10.1 Intro Chapter outline 1 10 Frequency response techniques 1 10 Frequency response techniques 10.1 Introduction 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Asymptotic approximations: Bode plots 10.2 Asymptotic approximations: Bode plots 10.3 Introduction to Nyquist criterion 10.3 Introduction to Nyquist criterion 10.4 Sketching the Nyquist diagram 10.4 Sketching the Nyquist diagram 10.5 Stability via the Nyquist diagram 10.5 Stability via the Nyquist diagram 10.6 Gain margin and phase margin via the Nyquist diagram 10.6 Gain margin and phase margin via the Nyquist diagram 10.7 Stability, gain margin, and
Indirect Compensation Techniques for Three- Stage Fully-Differential Op-Amps
1 Indirect Compensation Techniques for Three- Stage Fully-Differential Op-amps Vishal Saxena, Student Member, IEEE and R. Jacob Baker, Senior Member, IEEE op-amps. A novel cascaded fully-differential, three-stage op- Abstract— As CMOS technology continues to evolve, the amp topology is presented with simulation results, which is supply voltages are decreasing while at the same time the tolerant to device mismatches and exhibits superior transistor threshold voltages are remaining relatively constant. performance. Making matters worse, the inherent gain available from the nano-CMOS transistors is dropping. Traditional techniques for achieving high-gain by cascoding become less useful in nano-scale II. INDIRECT FEEDBACK COMPENSATION CMOS processes. Horizontal cascading (multi-stage) must be Indirect Feedback Compensation is a lucrative method to used in order to realize high-gain op-amps in low supply voltage compensate op-amps for higher speed operation [1]. In this processes. This paper discusses indirect compensation techniques for op-amps using split-length devices. A reversed-nested indirect method, the compensation capacitor is connected to an internal compensated (RNIC) topology, employing double pole-zero low impedance node in the first gain stage, which allows cancellation, is illustrated for the design of three-stage op-amps. indirect feedback of the compensation current from the output The RNIC topology is then extended to the design of three-stage node to the internal high-impedance node. Further, in nano- fully-differential op-amps. Novel three-stage fully-differential CMOS processes low-voltage, high-speed op-amps can be gain-stage cascade structures are presented with efficient designed by employing a split-length composite transistor for common mode feedback (CMFB) stabilization.
Switch-Mode Power Converter Compensation Made Easy
Switch-mode power converter compensation made easy Robert Sheehan Systems Manager, Power Design Services Member Group Technical Staff Louis Diana Field Application, America Sales and Marketing Senior Member Technical Staff Texas Instruments Using this paper as a quick look-up reference can help designers compensate the most popular switch-mode power converter topologies. Engineers have been designing switch-mode power converters for some time now. If you’re new to the design field or you don’t compensate converters all the time, compensation requires some research to do correctly. This paper will break the procedure down into a step-by-step process that you can follow to compensate a power converter. We will explain the theory of compensation and why it is necessary, examine various power stages, and show how to determine where to place the poles and zeros of the compensation network to compensate a power converter. We will examine typical error amplifiers as well as transconductance amplifiers to see how each affects the control loop and work through a number of topologies/examples so that power engineers have a quick reference when they need to compensate a power converter. Introduction Many SMPS designers would appreciate a how- A switch-mode power supply (SMPS) regulates to reference paper that they can use to look up the output voltage against any changes in compensation solutions to various topologies with output loading or input line voltage. An SMPS various feedback modes. We are striving to provide accomplishes this regulation with a feedback loop, this in a single paper. which requires compensation if it has an error Control-loop and compensation amplifier with linear feedback.
ECE 380: Control Systems Course Notes: Winter 2014 Prof. Shreyas Sundaram Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Waterloo ii c Shreyas Sundaram Acknowledgments Parts of these course notes are loosely based on lecture notes by Professors Daniel Liberzon, Sean Meyn, and Mark Spong (University of Illinois), on notes by Professors Daniel Davison and Daniel Miller (University of Waterloo), and on parts of the textbook Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems (5th edition) by Franklin, Powell and Emami-Naeini. I claim credit for all typos and mistakes in the notes. The LATEX template for The Not So Short Introduction to LATEX 2" by T. Oetiker et al. was used to typeset portions of these notes. Shreyas Sundaram University of Waterloo c Shreyas Sundaram iv c Shreyas Sundaram Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Dynamical Systems . .1 1.2 What is Control Theory? . .2 1.3 Outline of the Course . .4 2 Review of Complex Numbers 5 3 Review of Laplace Transforms 9 3.1 The Laplace Transform . .9 3.2 The Inverse Laplace Transform . 13 3.2.1 Partial Fraction Expansion . 13 3.3 The Final Value Theorem . 15 4 Linear Time-Invariant Systems 17 4.1 Linearity, Time-Invariance and Causality . 17 4.2 Transfer Functions . 18 4.2.1 Obtaining the transfer function of a differential equation model . 20 4.3 Frequency Response . 21 5 Bode Plots 25 5.1 Rules for Drawing Bode Plots . 26 5.1.1 Bode Plot for Ko ....................... 27 5.1.2 Bode Plot for sq ....................... 28 s −1 s 5.1.3 Bode Plot for ( p + 1) and ( z + 1) .
OA-25 Stability Analysis of Current Feedback Amplifiers
OBSOLETE Application Report SNOA371C–May 1995–Revised April 2013 OA-25 Stability Analysis of Current Feedback Amplifiers ..................................................................................................................................................... ABSTRACT High frequency current-feedback amplifiers (CFA) are finding a wide acceptance in more complicated applications from dc to high bandwidths. Often the applications involve amplifying signals in simple resistive networks for which the device-specific data sheets provide adequate information to complete the task. Too often the CFA application involves amplifying signals that have a complex load or parasitic components at the external nodes that creates stability problems. Contents 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 2 2 Stability Review ............................................................................................................. 2 3 Review of Bode Analysis ................................................................................................... 2 4 A Better Model .............................................................................................................. 3 5 Mathematical Justification .................................................................................................. 3 6 Open Loop Transimpedance Plot ......................................................................................... 4 7 Including Z(s) ...............................................................................................................
EXAMPLE PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS A-5-1. In the system of Figure 5-52, x(t) is the input displacement and B(t) is the output angular displacement. Assume that the masses involved are negligibly small and that all motions are restricted to be small; therefore, the system can be considered linear. The initial conditions for x and 0 are zeros, or x(0-) = 0 and H(0-) = 0. Show that this system is a differentiating element. Then obtain the response B(t) when x(t)is a unit-step input. Solution. The equation for the system is b(X - L8) = kLB or The Laplace transform of this last equation, using zero initial conditions, gives And so Thus the system is a differentiating system. For the unit-step input X(s) = l/s,the output O(s)becomes The inverse Laplace transform of O(s)gives Figure 5-52 Mechanical system. Chapter 5 / Transient and Steady-State Response Analyses Figure 5-53 Unit-step input and the response of the mechanical s) stem shown in Figure 5-52. Note that if the value of klb is large the response O(t) approaches a pulse signal as shown in Figure 5-53. A-5-2. Consider the mechanical system shown in Figure 5-54. Suppose that the system is at rest initially [x(o) = 0, i(0) = 01, and at t = 0 it is set into motion by a unit-impulse force. Obtain a mathe- matical model for the system.Then find the motion of the system. Solution. The system is excited by a unit-impulse input.
ELECTRONICS-1. ZOLTAI CHAPTER 6 AMPLIFIERS WITH FEEDBACK Purpose of feedback: changing the parameters of the amplifier according to needs. Principle of feedback: (S is the symbol for Signal: in the reality either voltage or current.) So = AS1 S1 = Si - Sf = Si - ßSo Si S1 So = A(Si - S ) So ß o + A from where: - Sf=ßSo * So A A ß A = Si 1 A 1 H where: H = Aß Denominations: loop-gain H = Aß open-loop gain A = So/S1 * closed-loop gain A = So/Si Qualitatively different cases of feedback: oscillation with const. amplitude oscillation with narrower growing amplitude pos. f.b. H -1 0 positive feedback negative feedback Why do we use almost always negative feedback? * The total change of the A as a function of A and ß: 1(1 A) A A 2 A* = A (1 A) 2 (1 A) 2 Introducing the relative errors: A * 1 A A A * 1 A A 1 A According to this, the relative error of the open loop gain will be decreased by (1+Aß), and the error of the feedback circuit goes 1:1 into the relative error of the closed loop gain. This is the Elec1-fb.doc 52 ELECTRONICS-1. ZOLTAI reason for using almost always the negative feedback. (We can not take advantage of the negative sign, because the sign of the relative errors is random.) Speaking of negative or positive feedback is only justified if A and ß are real quantities. Generally they are complex quantities, and the type of the feedback is a function of the frequency: E.g.
MT-033: Voltage Feedback Op Amp Gain and Bandwidth
MT-033 TUTORIAL Voltage Feedback Op Amp Gain and Bandwidth INTRODUCTION This tutorial examines the common ways to specify op amp gain and bandwidth. It should be noted that this discussion applies to voltage feedback (VFB) op amps—current feedback (CFB) op amps are discussed in a later tutorial (MT-034). OPEN-LOOP GAIN Unlike the ideal op amp, a practical op amp has a finite gain. The open-loop dc gain (usually referred to as AVOL) is the gain of the amplifier without the feedback loop being closed, hence the name “open-loop.” For a precision op amp this gain can be vary high, on the order of 160 dB (100 million) or more. This gain is flat from dc to what is referred to as the dominant pole corner frequency. From there the gain falls off at 6 dB/octave (20 dB/decade). An octave is a doubling in frequency and a decade is ×10 in frequency). If the op amp has a single pole, the open-loop gain will continue to fall at this rate as shown in Figure 1A. A practical op amp will have more than one pole as shown in Figure 1B. The second pole will double the rate at which the open- loop gain falls to 12 dB/octave (40 dB/decade). If the open-loop gain has dropped below 0 dB (unity gain) before it reaches the frequency of the second pole, the op amp will be unconditionally stable at any gain. This will be typically referred to as unity gain stable on the data sheet.
Operational Amplifiers: Part 3 Non-Ideal Behavior of Feedback
Operational Amplifiers: Part 3 Non-ideal Behavior of Feedback Amplifiers AC Errors and Stability by Tim J. Sobering Analog Design Engineer & Op Amp Addict Copyright 2014 Tim J. Sobering Finite Open-Loop Gain and Small-signal analysis Define VA as the voltage between the Op Amp input terminals Use KCL 0 V_OUT = Av x Va + + Va OUT V_OUT - Note the - Av “Loop Gain” – Avβ β V_IN Rg Rf Copyright 2014 Tim J. Sobering Liberally apply algebra… 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Copyright 2014 Tim J. Sobering Get lost in the algebra… 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Copyright 2014 Tim J. Sobering More algebra… Recall β is the Feedback Factor and define α 1 1 1 1 1 Copyright 2014 Tim J. Sobering You can apply the exact same analysis to the Non-inverting amplifier Lots of steps and algebra and hand waving yields… 1 This is very similar to the Inverting amplifier configuration 1 Note that if Av → ∞, converges to 1/β and –α /β –Rf /Rg If we can apply a little more algebra we can make this converge on a single, more informative, solution Copyright 2014 Tim J. Sobering You can apply the exact same analysis to the Non-inverting amplifier Non-inverting configuration Inverting Configuration 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Copyright 2014 Tim J. Sobering Inverting and Non-Inverting Amplifiers “seem” to act the same way Magically, we again obtain the ideal gain times an error term If Av → ∞ we obtain the ideal gain 1 1 1 Avβ is called the Loop Gain and determines stability If Avβ –1 1180° the error term goes to infinity and you have an oscillator – this is the “Nyquist Criterion” for oscillation Gain error is obtained from the loop gain 1 For < 1% gain error, 40 dB 1 (2 decades in bandwidth!) 1 Copyright 2014 Tim J.
How to Measure the Loop Transfer Function of Power Supplies (Rev. A)
Application Report SNVA364A–October 2008–Revised April 2013 AN-1889 How to Measure the Loop Transfer Function of Power Supplies ..................................................................................................................................................... ABSTRACT This application report shows how to measure the critical points of a bode plot with only an audio generator (or simple signal generator) and an oscilloscope. The method is explained in an easy to follow step-by-step manner so that a power supply designer can start performing these measurements in a short amount of time. Contents 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 2 2 Step 1: Setting up the Circuit .............................................................................................. 2 3 Step 2: The Injection Transformer ........................................................................................ 4 4 Step 3: Preparing the Signal Generator .................................................................................. 4 5 Step 4: Hooking up the Oscilloscope ..................................................................................... 4 6 Step 5: Preparing the Power Supply ..................................................................................... 4 7 Step 6: Taking the Measurement ......................................................................................... 5 8 Step 7: Analyzing a Bode Plot ...........................................................................................